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(Fohell, 11.) We increase and lower the cost of the produbtion of precast reinforced concret:e. Sill. bud. 12 no.1l'-17-18 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) L Glavnyy inzh..Khersonskoy oblastnoy mezhkolkboznoy organizatsii. (Kherson Province-Precast concrete) FOGIL. Maria, dr. Radiological diagnosis of ratroperitoneal Inflammations. I.'-- Pancreatitis. YAgy. radiol. 6 no.4:155-i62 oat 54. 1. A III. oz. Babosseti Klinika (igaxgato; PqbamVi Pal dr. egyetemi tanar) as a IIIe szo Balklinika (igazgato: Gomori Pal dre effetemi tanar) rontgenintesetensk koilemenya, (vezetologel Maria drj (PANCRIATITIS. diog. x-ray) A pr 56 F GEL, M: and FEJPR R. Hontgenabt. III citir. Univ, -Ktin., III hied. Uni fi' - BuJapest. *RlJntgenologiBche Verlinderungen varikOsen Ursprunges am Magenfornix. Roentgenological changes of varicose ori- gin in the gastric fold FORTSC1111.11ONTGENSTH. 1955, 83/2 (204-207) Illus. 4 ")ort of 2 cases. The first base showed splenomegaly with cirrhosis and repeat- gastric haemorrhages. The oesophagus contained characteristic varicose phe- pena, and at the cardia an arcuate formation the size of a walnut was observed. .,se findings were confirmed during splenectomy. The second case concerned a )ng man who, after a fall with subsequent splenic enlargement and extirpation '.Ps organ, had shown frequent haemoptyses and melaena since his childhood. z oesophagus was roentgenologically normal. A nodular tumour, the size of a Inut was found in the gastric fundus. The smaller curvature presented a niche- :b formation which disappeared on compression. According to Melik-Arutjunoff, ~h pseudo-niches develop by elevation of the mucosa between 2 markedly pro- "jing dilated veins, which are evacuated by compression. This wa confirmed .bperation. -in spite of gastrectomy, the haemorrhages re-appeared, Oesophago- ~py then revealed venous dilatation in the oesophagus. Pape Vienna FOGEL, Maria. dr. Cortical form of osteoid outeoma. 14W. seboozet 9 no-3:151-155 June 56. 1- A Bu"P85ti 0rv08tud0m&DYt IkYetem 111. oz. Soboozeti Klinika (igazgato: Kudasz Jozoef dr. egyatmi tana,r) rontganintemetensk kozlemenye (Vezoto: Fogel Maria dr.) (OSTSOPA, OSTBOID cortical, x-ray ding. & differ. diag. (Run)) T: 56 2088. FOGEL M. and FEJER R. Rdntgenabt.. 111. Chir. Univ. -Klin., Budapest. erostosis generalisata. G e n e r a I i z e d h y p e r o a t o a i a RADIOL. CLI . (Basel) 1956. 25/2 (115-120) Illus. 6 Generalized hyperostosis in a rare disease of the skeletal system with changes in '-er bone structure and shape, obliteration of joint spaces and calcification of liga- ments. Investigations on 2 generations of patients enabled the authors to observe the various developmental phases of the disease and the course of heredity. As I far an the authors know, experiences on 2 generations have so far not been pub- it lished. ..Z -T 14 '.v ~R f FOGEL, YARIA, 2d.. Rontgenasszisztensek tankonyve. Irtak: Furth Bela (et al.) 2., atdolg. kiad. Budapest, Hungary. Medicina, 1957. 281 p. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, November 1959, Uncl. EXCMPTA 12DICA Soc.14 V61.12/5 Radiology May 1958 892. ~POSTBULBAR DUODENAL ULCERS - A postbulbaris duodenalis fekdlyek - F o g e 1 M. and R o s s m a n n B. OrVOBtud. Egyet. 111. sz. Sebdszeti X11- n1W;W_,_Tu_cTa_pest - MAG. RADIOL. 1957, 9/1 (11-16) Illus. 6 8579 of the duodenal ulcers develop In the bulb, I. e. in the first portion of the duo- denum 2 cm. l6ng. 10176 In the second part 3 cm. long and 576 at a distance more J: than 5 cm. from the duodenal base. Postbulbar ulcers are characterized by pains j:i independent of the ingestion of food. The generally small postbulbar niches are I accompanied by a long eccentric stricture uninnuenceable by spasmolytics, where- as the pylorus and the duodenal bulb are atonic. and dilated. GyargyI. - Budapest (XIV. 6*) FOGELi Haria Dr SOMOGYI, Zsuzsa, Dr, X-ray diagnosis of the ileocecal region; changes observed in the Bauhin valve. Kagy. radiol. 9 no.4:206-211 Dec 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Tgyetem 111. Sebeszeti klinika (igazgato: Rubanyi Pal, Dr. egyet tanar) rontgen laboratoriumanak (vezeto; Fogel, Maria) kozlemenye. (IIWN, radiography ileocecal valve in normal & pathol. cond. (Hun)) HMARY/Gonoral Problons of Pathology - Tunors u-4 Abe Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 79 1958, No 32723 Author Y_c_&ol Marie., Rcdnri Vorr. Inst Not-Givon' Title Carcinoma of the Duodonun. Orig Pub t Orv. hotilap, 1957, 980 No 10-11, 279-281 Abstrect : According to postmortem dvtr, rnlignnnt now fomftions of the auodenum compriso 0.03% of all tmor illnossos. A croo is doocribcd of rdonocrrcinour vt the outlot branch of tho duodonm. P--rtir.1 pnneroo-duod,3nactouy took plccep ca well as rceaction of the stor-rch, the bile duct and pnncrenticau- nostor.osol onthropo-entherooncstorose, end cholocynector-y. The p--tiont quickly died. The nuthors consider thnt in spite of the high postoperrtive fatality (--.,122%) in the cbsence L,f r-otaBtasos, it is necessary to oonduct the rndiccl operction. Card 1/1 777- . , I Ij 422 PWIL, Maria; BOMOGYI, Zsuzaa; GAGS, Janos Transposition of the pulmonary vein. Magy. radiol. 10 no.3:147-154 Sept 58. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyl IL_-vetem Ill. Balklinika (Igazgato: Gomori Pal dr. egyet. tanar) es Ill. Sebeszeti Klinika (Igazgato: Rubanyt Pal dr. egyet tanar) rontgonoaztalyanak (Vezeto: Fogel Maria dr.) kozlemenye. 03M., PULHONART, abnorm. transposition, x-ray diag., cane report (%n)) FOGEL, Maria, dr, On roentgenological aspects of portal hypertension. Magy. sebesz. 15 no.2'.93-96 My :62. (WERTENSION PORTAL radiog) (ANGIOGRAPHr) a JHUNGARY FOOL-1, Maria, Dr; Medical University of Budapest, Department of Rontgen- ology o,7~e III. Surgical and III. Medical Clinics (Budapesti Orvos- tudomanyi Egyetem III. Sebeszeti es III. Belklinikajanak Rontgenintezete). "Stricture Producing Esophagitis of Other than Alkaline Origin and its Differentiation from Infiltrative Tumors." Budapest, Magyar Radiologia, Vol XV, No 2, Apr 63, pages 65-72. Abstract: [Author's English summary] The different forms of esophagus stenoses are classified on the basis of nearly 500 examinations. Inflammations due to non-alkaline causes are described with special reference to their X-ray pictures thus facilitating their differentia- tion from tumors. The differentiation between infiltrative tumors of the abdominal tract of the esophagus and the cardiospasms as well as the recognition of cancer developed from alkaline stenosis is fully treated. The majority of the cases discussed by the author have been verified by surgery and histological examinations. All Western refer-~-- ences, FOGEL, Mariag Dr. Dr. Gaza Molnar. Magy, rad-iol. 15 no-1:61+ Ja 163. (OBITUARIES) _,19GELI, Mariyafftgel, Marial, dots.; NAD1v Zoltan(Nagy, Zoltan], SIUp Mafto [Ssiu,, Mario), doktor [translater)l .: RAVAS, Yanosh [havasz, alknoe), aots., nauchn. rect.31, ERDEI, Mikhay (Erdei, Mihhlyl, dots., nauchn. red.; BERNAT D'yerd' [Bernkt, Gy5r ], otv. izdatell; ALEKSA,M. I j (Alekaza, MI, red.; CIURGE, I~.Wrgb, I.], tekhn. red. [X-ray atlas of trailmatology] Rentgenovskii atlas po trav- matologii. Budapest, 1964. 439 p. Translated from the Hungarian. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Zaveduyushchaya otAelom rentgenologii III terapevti- cheskoy kliniki Budapeshtskogo meditsinskogo universiteta i Gosudarstvennogo Institute. Travmatologii (for Fogel'). 2. Glavnyy rentegenolog Budapeshtskoy TSentrallnoy Trav- matologicheskoy Ambulatorii (for Nadt). HE, FOGEL, Maria, dr. Roentgenologic changes in the cardia following e3ophagofundostomy. Magy sebesz. 17 no-4:210-215 Ag 164. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem III Belklinika rontgenosztalya. FOGEL, Investigations on the properties of immine sera against N and N; characteristics of human blood. Arch. 1-nin. ter. dosw. 4:35-43 1956. I.Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doswiadczalnej PAN we Wroclaviu (Dyrektor: prof. dr St. Slopek) Mial 1--inologii) Kierownik: prof. dr. H. Kowarzyk). (BIDOD GROUM N & N anti-M & anti-N sera of rabbit, possibility of isolation of heterologous ar;t~bQdia) (ANTIBODIIS heterologous antibodies, possibility of isolation from immune rabbit anti-M & anti-N sera) DU, KRzimierz; SLOPEK, Stefan; BRML&, Urezula; FOGEL, Marian Modifications of antigenic structure a result of heterotransplantation on 5:329-345 1957. (NIOPUSM, immulo 1. antigenic structure of after transpl. on mice -. - of Guerin's rat epithelioma as mice. Arch. immun. ter. dosw. Guerinis rat epithelioma. chwWoe (Pol)) --- 1POGIVI N-: RLMIONKO, I' (_.. Simple home-made apparatus for cauterization* Vrach.delo zio.5029 YT 159. (HIPA 12:12) 1. Khersonskaya, Oblastuays. bollnitea. (GAUTIRY) TM~ 9, N.D.; DOBRYKINA, M.A. Simple device for pneumoencephalography. Vrach.delo no-5:521 MY 160. (MIRA 13;11) 1. Khersonskaya oblastnaya bollnitsa. (ENCEPHALQGR#HY), FOGEL', N.D.; DOBRYKINA, M.A.,t I -- 4F Table for lumbar puncture. Vrach. delo no.8:118-1-19 160, AfZ 13:9) 1. Khersonskaya ablastnaya bollnitsa. (SPINE-PUNCTURE) (MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) ~, FOGEL?, N.D.; DOBRYKINAq M.A. Result of kymographic registration of cerebrospinal dynamics tests. Zhur, nom. i psikh. 60 no. 2tl72-174 160, (MIRA 14:/+) 1. Khersonskaya oblastnaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach A.F. Maksin). (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID) WG 'BD$ 'E C _____AFUC/A$D/IJP(Q____, P AP3005241 056/63/045/00-'/Ca-6/0048 AUDILH: Borovik, Ye. S.; Volotskaya, V. G. Fogel', N* Ya. Nam: MiS: Deviations frcm Kohlerlt; rule, in _pUre aluminura 20'1963., 46-48 iSOURCE: Zhur. eksper. i tooret. 9iiq$ V, 45j ~TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, purity, magnetoresistance., Kohler's rule T IABSTRACT: The dependence of the resistance on the magnetic field was investi- gated f cr very pura aluainum. samples at 20.4%. The purpose was to check Aiether Kohler's rule is valid when R2'73/R,4.2 exceeds 2000. A noticeable deviation from Kohler's rule is noted for hiift--purity aluminum samplep and it is pointed out i ~that both the behavior of the resistance in the magnetic field and the temperature dependence of this resistance are anomalous, for reasons that are not clear as- Iyet. . Orig., art. has 1 figure@ ASS OCI 9a CU 1. 'Fiziko-tekhnicheady institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy WR :(Physicotechnica.1 Institute, Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR) iSUEMITTEDi 15Feb63 DATE ACQt o6sep63 ENCM 00 SUB COM PH NO REF SOVt 005. OTHERt 001 Card 1/1 L 5~24_66 EWT(I)/EWT(m)/EPF(t)-2/E;WA(d)/EWP(t)/EW~(z ) E lip j ~ ( "~ I R/I id) ACCESSION NR: I AIIW21105 ~VWW/JG/Ga 9100il Y104 Y V/ AUTHOR: Borovik, Ye. !.; Nev~L N. U.; LitvinnhR, -Yu. A. c"flux jumps in hard a erconductors in pulsed TITLE-. Study of Dv4pieti I , magnetic fields .SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy Miki, v. 49,, no. 2. 3965P ;436-446 TOPIC TACTS: ferromagnetic superconductivity, niobium, nibbium compound, super- "conducting all phase transition ABSTRAM, NbaSn The uthors investigated the rmgnetic-flux jumps occurring in and NbZr'~fn pulsed magnetic fields. The samples were prepared by a prd'&65i~_de- scribCd-elsewhere (V. D. Brodich et -al.., ZhETF v. 44, _U0, 1963), and the technique, of producing strong magnetic-flux pulses was one developed by one of the authors earlier (Borovikp with A. G. Limar', ZhETF v. 31, 939, 1961). The main measure- :ments were made~at 4.2K.,'but some of the measurements of Xb3Sn were made in the temperature range 14-5e;-3BK. The changer, in flux accompanying the jumps ranged from 1 x 10-?- to 4 G-cm:2, and the jump durations ranged from 2 x 10-11 to 5 x 10-4 see. Each Jump is connected with a partial penetration of the flux into the super-,f conductor. The relation between the jumps and the critical fields of the super- Card L 5354-66 ACCESSION NR- AP5021105 conductor is discussed js as are various factora governing the magnitudes and dura- tions of the jumps. It is concluded that the experimental data do not show con- 'clusively whether the obBerved flux jumps are associated with the existenceof ia-. dividual regions of superconductivity with different parameters, or whether they f are connected with some macroscopic processes which limit the rate of phase transi.' tion. "The autho,~s thank Professor M. 1. Kaganff,,I, or a discussion of the work," - R. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and I formu 'ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekbn1cheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR Qbysico- technical Institute, Academy of Sciencesp Ukrainian SSR) summm-. l5mar65 EXCL: 0.0 ZICODEI 08,,-EH NR MF SOV: oo4 onm oil tki Card 2/2 L 14500-65 h6m-~-~"W "4,048632 S/0048/64/028/010/1599/1616.. AUMOR: Soloviyev, V.G.; Fogel*, P.; TITLE: Investigation of octupolo states of strongly defom~~d even-even portj Fourteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy held in Tbilisi 14-22 Fab 1965 _47 SOURCE-. AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya fizicheskaya, V.29, no.10, 19641, 1599-1616 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear physics, nuclear model, nuclear structure, excited state ABSTRACT,-: This-,paper presents a systematic theoretical Investigation of the ener- gies and-structures of-tlho-octupole~ excited states with j% w 3 and p = 0,1,2,3 in strongly deformed even-even nuclei. The calculations are per-formed on the basis of :the.superfluid model by the method of approximate second quantization. -she #!.3rived secular equation is simplified on tho,assumption that the three octupole-oct-upole Interaction constants (for the pp, nn, and pn interactions) are equal. Calculations' performed for the even-even nuclei with mass numbers between 150 and M., and between 228 and 254, Nilsson wave functions were employed, with the deformation parameter 5 assumed to have the same value 0.3 for all the nuclei In the lighter 1/3 L 1450o-65 'ACCESSION NR- AP4048632 hos6 in the heavier gxuup. The octupole-octupole in- -group, aiul the value 0.2 fort teraction was also assumed to be constant within each of these two groups; the in- teraction constant was so chosen as to give the Wat agreerrant with the expertmon- ,tal energies of the 0- states. The first two roots of the secular equation were .calculated for the G-jl-, 2-, and 3- states, and the energy values, together with the energies of the first and second bands and the corresponding experimental data (when available) are presented graphically. The calculated values of the energies of the lowest, l-, 2-, and 3- states Agree well with the experimental values, pro- vided the effect of blocking is taken into account when it is important. 7he octu- pole-octupole interactions are usually- important for I- ani 2~ states, and are usu- ally negligible for 3- states. The structures of the octupole states are illustra- ted by tabulating the contributions of the various two-quasiparticle statc3 for a number of selectedt nuclei. In most nuclei the lowest 0- state is strongly collecti- vized, whereas the I- and 2- states may be collectivized but are usually r.ither .close to two-quasiparticle states. The 3- states may be regarded as two-quasipar- ticle states with less than 1% admixture of other than the principal state. Re- duced electromagnetic transition probabilities were calculated, and a.future paper is promised in which these will be discussed. "In conclusion, we express our grati- tude to N.N.Bogolyubov for an interesting discussion of the article, and to._K.H 2/3 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4010752 S/0020/b4/154/001/0072/0075 AUTHORS: Solov,yev, V.G.; Fogel',.P.; Korneychuk, A.M. TITLE: Energies of cotupole collective states With I K 1 0 even-even strongly deformed nuclei SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 1. 19b4., 72-75 TOPIC TAGS: energy, octiipole'collective state, deformed nucleus, superfluid model, excitation state ABSTRACT: Research based on approximate second quantization was conducted on properties of atomic nuclei. Results were realized in the area of spherical nuclei where energy states and probability of electromagnetic transitions were computed. It was found that re- search in the area of strongly deformed nuclei is limited, but basic' equations are cited and the question of excluding the heated state is studied. Based on the method of approxima-e second quantization in limits of superfluid models of the nue , energies leus were calcu- lated for octupole collective states with IJLK =1 - 0 of even-even 'Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4010752 strongly deformed nuclei in areas of 15~,g k6 186 and 2286 A::5254. The behavior of collective octupole state energy with K7r=.O is ex- plained by introducing one new constantJt ; all remaining parameters are specified earlier. Microscopic treatment of tbe-state based on the superfluid model of the nucleus differs strongly rrom the phenomenological treatment of the unified model of the nucleus. According to the treatment of the superfluld nucleus model, the octupole states in single nualei'are relatively low (lower than tP and Tof vibration state I s), and possess clearly expressed collec ive properties, but in other nuclei such states have high energy values and are inherently similar to quasi-partlele excitation states. "In,'," conclusion we are deeply grateful to academician N.N. Bogolyubov for! interesting discussions and to G. Yunklaussen for his help In con- ducting numerical calculations." has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Oblyedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh isaledovanniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Res*darch) SUBMITTED: 06,-Tu163 DATE ACZ: 1OFeb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: ~co4 OMER: 009 2/2 L 61032-65 alVl) UP(c) ACCESSIOR NR: 57 'AU11111011: P og -all P4 .-TITLE: Elea troE41~rj~l~ie transitions from collective states "SOURCE: Yadernaya f izijr,4, v. 1y no. 5. i965, 752-757 TOPIC TAGS: eleotromagnotic-transition, collective zitate, Gamma vibrational state, quadrupole state, octupole state, se-aond-quantiza- ,tion, superfluid model -PBSTRACT: The author calculates within the framework of the-s4er.- ,flui(I model , the rpduced probabilities of E3, E2, and El electroinair- netic transitions Xrom quadrupole or octupole states to the ground ste:te of deformed even-even-nualei, by using approxinate second quantization. The probabilities are calculated for H,2 transitioft~' M--from the y vibrational states and of E2 and El trans'-tlons pole states, using parameters which were determined 1),,r the author earlier (with solovIyev and Korneychek, Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 28, no. 10, 1964 and elsewhere) the application of the model to E2 and EO i Card 1/2 L 61-832-166 ACCESSION NR: AP5014314 transitions frow p vibrational states isdiscussed, and it is shown that this case is somewhat more complicated. Comparison with experi-`- MP r)t,; shows that this model gives a good explanatlor of' the 0)~Perl- I 'ja' - a, .a on transitions between one-phorion -.tate', an.! the phoncri Tr~ view of the good agreement obtalner] f-~r 1,~io ar.,i E`i electro:7.iagnetic transitions, it is suggested that calculations within the framework of the approximate second -quan tiza t ion method are generally correct. 'In conclusions I wish to thank V. G. Solovlyev il~,r su,-Festing the research and numerous discusslo:i~,,, a:--ii -A-.-rcT-ney- wlh 'he h M. Zheleznova and G. Yunaklauzen for assislancc w. 4 formulas, and tablEs. caTcl-lal-,!~)ns.1 Orig. art. h I Obtlyedinennyy institut yadernykh IsE,'erlovarlv (Joint Insfitut;e of Nuclear Research) S1JBMITTED* OqNov64 ENCLt 00 SIJB CODE: GP N1( REF SOV- 004 OTHE R: oo6 Card 8 09 0 33438 S/064/62/000/001/001/008 B110/B138 AUTHORSt Kotlyar, I. B.) Katveyeva, G. N., Smolyan, Z. B., Fogel', Ts. I., Gulyakov, V. M., Kudryavtsev, Ye. N. tz --------- TITLE: Continuous method of producing cyclohexanone oximes PERIODICAL; Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 1, 1962, 18 - 19 TEXT: A two-stage, continuous method of oxime production has been developed. Not only could it be automated, it also produces better quality oximes, and reduces losses of hydroxylamine hydrosulfate (A): Cyclohexanone Solution of oxime in Solution of A FS-tage IJ.4~ cyclohexanone Stage II (NH Solution of (NH 4)2 s04 Oxime 4)2S041 solution - and A Reaction I is conducted with an excess of cyclohexane, and II with an excess of A. The formation of cyclohexanone oximes follows the reaction Card 1/1 33438 S/064/62/000/001/001/008 Continuous method of producing... B110/B138 2 0~ 0 + (NH2OH) 2*H2so4--->2a NOH + H2so4+ H20, with H2so4 being neut.calized by NH 3' Thusq the acidity indicates the stage of oxime formation. Preliminary experiments were carried out to determine V, the contact period which must elapse before the acidity of the reacting mass becomes constant, and the percentage extraction of A as dependent on its concentration in the initial sulfate solution. Results: T' - 15 - 20 min; optimum A concentration 20 g/liter. B and the stage II sulfate solution containing 20 - 25 g/liter of A pass continuously into oximator 1 (Fig. 1) of stage I. The resulting mixture is passed into 2, where it is neutralized with gaseous NH 3* The bottom layer in separator 3, spent sulfate solution, is passed into an evaporator, the upper one (Oxime solution and B) into collector 4, and thence into stage II oximator 5, where it is mixed with a new A solution. NH3 is used in the stage II neutralizer 6. The upper oxime layer in separator 7 passes to the next stage, and the sulfate solution passes via collector 8 into oximator 1. A stoichiometric ratio must be preserved between the fresh amounts of B and A fed into 1 and 5. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. Card 2/p --) L i2i2o-66 EWP(s) /EWT(m) /WP(b) ACC. NR-. Mooo475 GsAm- - ~OURCZ COM UR/0000/65/000/000/0108/om AUTHOR: Fogel',, V. ORG None T!TiE: Microheterogenecus structure of glass SOURCE: Vaesoyunoye soveshchan2n vo steklodbra%mmu sostovan' Leningrad, 1964. Stekloobr%7,noye soatoyaniye (Vitreous Btate)j I soveshchaniya* Leningrad., I2d-vo Nauka, 1965,; 108-3-12 .: TOPIC TAGS: lithium glass., silicate glass, glass property /6, ABSTRACT: Glasses of the binary system lithia-silica were studied. As the L1,0 content increasesq the mean diametir-cT drop-sFa-ped vitreolxa micro- phases, determined with an electron microscopes inereaaesp goes through a maximium, drops to zero, then increases again. The drop-shaped phase is thought to'be rich in lithium ions, A study of the solubility of binary lithia-silica glasses in dilute hydrofluoric acid showed that glasses con- taining 16-27 mole % Li2O behave quite differently from the manner predicted theoretically, Card 1/2 L 1212o-66 Ace. Nr. AT6ooo475 This divergence can be explained only by profound changes occuring in the fine structure of the glasses during solution in HF. A study of the pro- cesses of dissolution and crystallization of lithia-silica glasses revealed that the formation and subsequent behavior of drop-shaped microphaaes in the glass cannot be described by purely statistical relationships3 if this were the case., then as the bulk composition of the glass changed, the com- position of the microphases would also change statistically. This does not take place, however, the bulk composition corresponds to definite chemical ecimpounds., and the transition from one compound to another takes place in discontinuous fashion. Primary and secondary phase-separation processes are discussed. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, SUB CODE: 07., n/SUBM DATE: 22M&Y65 OM MW: 008 ja Car,*~2 Um/maginoering Jau 19he Boilers Heating, Indwrtrlal "Installing Air Preheaters for %-11 Capacity Boil- Ormw V. 0. Yogell, Candidate Tech Sol, 8 pp OU M= Toplive No 1 In recent surrey by the Soviet State Institute of Fuel Conservation it vas discovered that the mkjor- ItZr of Installations were equipped vith -11 boiler =Its producing at the rate of 3 tons per how.' Of these boilers, 75% not equipped vith.any tnm of liitsr collector Or air Tr6h*&tGr~ and than ayerage 20-25% fuel vaste. Basically, these boilers us* IC MR/RagineerIng (Ccntd) Jan . 19W lov-grade coal, peat, and cordw6od. Mix fuel oon- Ulaw high xwIsture ocntent, and It vould be vla* to =0 preheated air. Describes installation of &jr Vreheatere for sma'l-capacity boilers. W 5LT14 Feb 49 Ireating,' Tndustrihl Heat Exchange Systems *&ating by HIgh-Temperat-ure Fluid. Heat- Conductors Through Natural Circulation, " V. 0. Togell, Asst Prof Moscow Inst of Fine Chem Tech, 4 pp "Ircm Energet " No 2 Gives skeleton design of heating installation baving a heat generator, outlet and return pipe from the heat exchanger, and a condensing tank. Heat conductor is a mixture of diphenyl and diphenyloxide. Gives mathematical calculations 33/49261 VSM/Engineering (Contd) Feb 49 for diameter of conducting pipes, expendititre of -conc eirculating.beat luctor and its temperature Vaile entering and leaving the heat exchanging derice. 33/49T63. 0 A a c 0 a 44 4 ' ' "' "'t 4 X t a $1 0 FU IST ..a M LITT** I.VUITIR 40.0 at"Ovolls Aill.06 Mott I*,& -- VAIISM(A 4bot. ,eel left eel ear rayAlrull oil? oar i_'ILA (A.)AMIJ 'A IMP %j!tj%Aj-j "Allsojads".61 JO "I"N 00 00 80, 00- 00 9 OrA 00- -1-11-1-Uld. ST or* T v I 0 0 0 0 t* 0 0 0l FOGEL'S V. 0. UF~R/Electricity - Thermodynamics Heaters Aul; 50 ?tSelection of Optirrvim Temperatures for High-Bniling Intermediate Heat-Carrying, a Agents in Industrial Installationsj" B. L. Uvshitss V. 0. Fogel', Candidates Tech Sci, Docents, Moscow Inpt of ine Chem Technol imeni Lomonosov "Prom Energet" Vo Bi pp 4-9 Gives table of design formulas from which optimum temperatures can be selected for subject agents usnd for heating and cooling in industrial inEtallations. Includes proof3 for these formulas which arevrorked out for both liquid and gas heat-carrying agents. PA 164T24 iiiiiii~ 41i~~--. 000-1 0 td S,jlutious of fjie--~ equaticiis arcaLlo 6vqi for Cat part:i cr3r-- A pilies of sw--L- c-iffering in coml. Other cqitati-n-j siaing c are oven Cu, cyUndricJ :Lad rcctangular blinck 5t:apl, wiii tables and C-dr,"en of sciale consts. us- Xtudersol! 9 r t- FOGIILI' Y.O. Iffect of thermal stresses ox the thernophyetcal chsraeterlstles of Wead dough, MO. I kond. ~roa. 1 mo.2:10-13 7 157. (KM 10.. 4) I. 16440YUNVY nauchne-lefledovatellakty Institut khlobopokanay prowshlennosti, (Dough) (Heat--Transmission) GENGRINOVICH, B.I.; FOGZLI, V.0. Thermophysical characteristics of Industrial rubbers. Zauch.1 res.16 no.9:27-32 3 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Nouchno-imeledovatellakly institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. (Rubber) BIRKcAN, Yu1iy.BeneaiktoVich; IPOGZL', V-0-.. spetared.; TEMKINA, I.S., vedushchiy red. ... - ., -I - LHigh-temperature beat engineering in the oils and fate industry abroad) Yysokotempersturnoo teplosnabzhenis V 2hirovoi pro- myshiennosti s& rubashom. Moskva. GW1NTIe 1959. 47 P- (MIRA 13;6) (Oil industries) (Beat engineering) VOZNOVICH, PeD,; FORM,~.,.-T.Q.,~,kand.takhn.nauk, retsensent; LUKONBKIY, Ns- S.M., ka~d. i~snmuk# red@; LANOYBUTA, M.R.. red.isd-va; ATTOPOVIGH, M.K.', takhn.'red. [Oooling of atallurgical furusosv~'Iby mans of high tenmrstum he t carriers] Okhlashdonis mtftilurgichoskikh pechal vyooko- ts;;6raturaymi toplomositeliami, Kooky&, Goa.usuchno-takhn. isd-ve lit-ry po ebernoi I, taystnot, metadluigli, 1959s 228 pe (NIB& 12:7) (Metallurgical furnaiss-Cooling) i YOGRI, V.0. liffect of thermal conditions on the heating and cooling of somtlimited bodies [with suwwu7 In Nnglish)e Inxh.-fizezhur. no.1:87-92 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) lo Inatitut tonkoy khimicheskoy takhnologii im. H.V.Lomonosove, Moskva. (Heat-Conduction) W 0,~,, T R 5W SOV/153-2-3-24/29 AUTHORS: Zanemonets, TITLE: A New Method of Determining the Thermal Effect of the Reaction of Rubber Vulcanization PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Xhimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, PP 437-442 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The new method developed by the authors is based on the determina- tion of the heat balances from the results of thermographic analyses (mothod of thermographic balances). The differential equation for the heat conduction can be written down by taking into account the inner sources of heat in the following form (Ref 6): Ot . A 62 v (2). + L a'T c7 cy t denotes the temperature in the point observed, T the duration of heating, 2 _ + 2L t . a2t + Zt t ax 2 ay2 az2 the Laplace operator, q v the thermal energy of the inner heat sources with respect to the units of volume and time, X thermal conductivity of the material and cy its thermal capacity by volume. From this the following equation is obtained for the desired development of heat (intensity of the thermal effect Card 1/4 of the reaction): SOV/153-2-3-24/29 A New Method of Determining the Thermal Effect of the Reaction of Rubber Vulcanization qv A A2t + a 7 at . q + q kcal (3) . 2 aT A ak M3 time I (qX --X-& t .... amount of heat flowing thru the thermal con- duction during unit time from the unit volume; q - -1 at ak a -r ... amount of heat which accumulates during the unit period in the unit volume). On the basis of the investigations carried out by the authors the temperature distribution in thin symmetrical heated plates of the rubber sample corresponds to the follow- ing formula; x 2 t - ta +(tc + tW) (6) (5) (to 000 temperature of the center of the plate, tw **6 tempera- ture of the surface, x .... distance of the point observed from the center of the platev 6 .. half thickness of the plate). The amount of heat q emitted due to the conduction of heat is the following for suh a plate: qX a2t 2A(tc-tw) ' 2XAt koa1 The mean 72 2 2 [m3 ti Card 2/4 x 6 6 mej SOV/153-2-3-24/29 A ffew Method of Determining the Thermal Effect of the Reaction of Rubber Vulcanization temperature of the plate may be computed from the following 21 +t 0 w at equation; tM td. . _ to -3 (7)- (At - tc-tw.... 6 3 0 temperature drop in the plate). From this the intensity of the heat accumulation qak n the plate may be computed: at M kcal q OY - (8), and the thermal energy of the A ' O'T M3.time beat sources a the m ant concerned, which in this case is charaoterized by the intensity of the thermal effect in the vuloanization, may be determined from equation (3). The authors tested this method in the investigation of the thermal effect of the vulcanization reaction of ebonites from butadiene styrene rubbers. Satisfactory results were obtained. The apparatus used for the determination of the thermal effects is schematically represented and exactly described. Figure 4 shows one of the thermograme obtained. The method elaborated is suited for in- vestigating the kinetics of the heat formation and for deter- mining the initial 8atalbr the computation of the thermal effecT Card 3/4 of the vulcanization process of rubber. There are 5 figures SOV/153-2-3-24/29 A New Method of Determining the Thermal Effect of the Reaction of Rubber Vulcanization and 8 referenceal 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moakovekiy institut tonkoy khimicheekoy tekhnologii imeni M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology imeni, M. V. Lomonosov). Kafedra toplotakhnika (Chair of Thermal Engineering) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1958 Card 4/4 SOV/138-59-4-4/26- AUTHORS: Sandomirskiy , D.M.2 FQ52~~W.., and Mayzelis, B.A. TITLE: The Thermo-Physical Characteristics of Latex Foams, Gels, and Sponges ( Teplofizicheskiye kharakteristiki lateksnoy peny, gelya i gubki) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, Nr 4, pp, 13-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to design plant for 'processing latex through foams and gels into latex lpongel it is necessary to know the the=1 diUusiYity.0C(m /hour), the thermal conductivity , ) an4 the si3ecific heat at constant (kcal.m7'hour_'der,_7 volume cy (kcal.m I deg-'L) of the material at these different stages,_ A rapid method for measuring CC and 7, is necessary since the material properties change during a fairly short time. The specific heat cy can then be calculated from cy = W/tt, A "universal calorimeter" was devised as shown in Figure 1, and consists of two co-axial, open-ended cylinders between which the latex foam is gelld and vulcan- ised into a sponge. Heat is supplied by the spiral element (3) at the axis of the cylinders which is fed from a battery. One thermocouple (4) is mounted at mid-length on the thin walled inner cylinder an,i the other thermocouple Card 1/5 (5) is inserted into the sample material at the same level SOV/138-59-4-4/2~5 The Thermo-Physical Chaxacteristics of Iatex Foams, Gelsj and Sponges and at radius r from the axis. The couples are connected to a galvonometer through a change-over switch. The heating element is fed with a definite current so that the speRific aiourLt of heat k supplied to the specimen (kcal,m hour- ) can be dete ined while the temperatures at the two thermocouples t and t are logged against time of heating-re The maximum~time of heating at which one can neglect heat losses from the external surface of the specimen (when the external rqdius R is 5 times the in- ternal radius R.,) can be calculated irom Fourier criteria, and under these conditions the temperature rise of the inner cylinder wall t to the temperature rise of the specimen t is a functfon cLf r/R 9 and the Fourier number as.shown in Eq (1). The thermal condu--tivity_-can then be deduced from Eq (2) by using the Biot number e * The actual apparatus was constructed with R 10Z mm, r--lamm and L = 200 mm. Table 1.5ives the relaiionships required for the solution of Eq ( under these conditions. F is found fromeNt/At anj the coefficient of thermal difAs- ivitym from a= 1_1~-/ye Thermal conductivity X follows Card 2/5 from Eq (2). Expdr ments were made on "Revertex" foams, SOV/138-59-~-4/26 The Thermo-Physical Characteristics of Iiatex Foams, Gels, and Sponges foamed or extended to three times the liquid volume by propeller stirring, The formulation contained thickening and geliLting agents as for material intended for auto- mobile seats. The coefficients-OL, X and Gv of the foam were determined immediately afte~-foaming an the mixer. The whole apparatus containing the foam was then placgd in a heating chamber and the temperature raised to 60 0 to gel the foaml after which the same coefficients were again determined. The temperature of the heating chamber was then raised to 1430C, and the gel vulcanised into a I'sponge'19 and the thermal characteristics determined again in this state. Considerable scatter was experienced in the measurements on the foam or the gel because of the rapid change in their characteristics while the measure- ments were being made. The more stable vulcanised Ysponge" gave consistent results. Kinetic curves of c,,, X, andC~ Card 3/5against time rare given for latex foams as mixed, and for SOV/138-59-4-4/26 .The Thermo-Phypical Characteristics of Iatex Foam59 Gels, and Sponges the gelating foams during syneresis, in Figures 2 and 3 respectively; the former curves were obtained using material which.did not contain gelating agents. The course of these curye?-is explained from the structural changes in tbt6 materia which takes place during the processes and ,il demonstrate that constant characteristics are not th a ,ted during tho gelating and vulcanising stages. c use of this, determination of the thermal coefficients a made with foams five minutes after they were mixed and w e ended, and with gels thirty minutes frqm commenceEient of e:Te gelation without syneresisl which periods are similar to production conditions. Table 2 gives the values ofGt, X and c%- for foam (extendeg to three times original liquid volume), of"the gal at 60 0, and of the dry "sponge" from the same extension of foam at room temperature. Experim- entally determined values a:re given in the table and also values calculated by an addition. method working from the corresponding characteristics of latex, water and air. The difference between the experimentally cLetermined values Card 4/5 and ;. the calculated values indicates that it is not SOV/138-59-4-4/26 Tl~e Thermo-Physical Characteristics of Latex Foams, Gels, and Sponges possible to deduce values for other degrees of extension or at different temperature from one set of dedta, and that separate determinations should be made. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet and 1 CzArman, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy -khimicheskoy tekhnologLi im. M.V. Lomonosova ( The M.V.Lomonosov Institute of Fine ehemical Technology, Moscow) Card 5/5 LIVSHITS, BA., kand. tekhn. nauk; FIDGELI, V.O.. kand. tekhn. nauk Intensification of the process In heat exchange:-s heated bjr means of high-temperature heat-transfer agents* Proms energe 14 no.1:34-36 A 159. (MIRA 12:1) 1.Moskovskiy Institut tonkoy khimichookoy takhnologil Imeni Lomonosova. (Heat exchangers) AUTHORS: Zanemonets, N. A. and Fogel~ V 0 SC"W138-59-2-7/24 TITLE: The Thermo-Physical Characueristi,s arA Thermal Effects of V-Lt'canization of 11ar,d Rubber Mixtures Pre ared from Butadiene-Styrene Ru"Ibors (Teplofizicheskiye kharak-teristiki i terilo-v7ye effe'Ll-ty reakt.9ii ifulkanizats-ii ebonitovyldi smesey -Lz butarliyen- stircl~nykh kauchulkov) 11 PERIODICAL-. i ,zina. l9c;9,,,1Tr 2 pp 2a-2,' (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiments were carried out on -the thermal conductivity of SKS ha:rd rubber mixtures ur-O the -thermal effec~ts of mixtures containing 6 to 53% weight of sulphur to 100% weight rubber dete-r-mined. Tha samples were prepared in the Laboratoriya ebon4ta fLaborul-~).ry for Hard Rubber) of the NIIRP and the pe-_?."entage of. free sulDhuiL, determined in the samples after vuleaniza-tica. The thermo-physical characteristics of, the samplas ware defined before and 0 after vul--anizgtion in the temperature Itetween 20 and 100 -to 1530 0 '-'*.n the apparatus shown in Fig 1. The samples consisted cf twn foils (thickness 4 mm, width and Card 1/4 length 40 mia) with a flat heater between them. SOV/138-59-2-?/24 The Thermo--Physical Characterlstics and Thermal Effects c~f Vulcanization of Hard Rubber Mix"Gures Prepared from Butadiene- Styrene Rubbers where they -were They were placed in an ultra-thermosta~' kept at a constant tem 'Derati.,Z-e (+ 0.05 C). A formula is given for calculating tl-t-. cceffi-_,ient of heat conductivity of the samples. The composition cf six tested samples is given in Table 1. 1-7he graph In Fig 2 in&icates that the heat conduct-ivity of the samples SKS-10 and SKS-30 decreases with iri:_-re~-sing temperature, remains practically constant in 2.ase -;f the sample SKIQ-=O, and increases with -cempir-at-are in the 'JCj4tiO--j Of bhe a::celerator sam-nies SKS-60 and SXS--90, A, diphenyl guanidine owases a decr-ase 'n the coefficient Of heat condr-etivity of the m-.c with incr'-,%asing" C~ temDerature. Aft__ vul-p n`zation `7he he-it conductivity '2r6 ~was C, to !&/~ h" in mast samples, at 153 1 gher than it was in the raw Plix at the same temDe--at',ire. The temperature coraduct-j:yity of the sari samples was found Uo be decreasing with the rise of te-jjreTa4-jj_:-e (Fig 3) An ana-10gOUS decrease of the t;-.rzi-oerat1arc- --onductivit3r Card 2/4 was also fo',;.nd wher, Li-.-Iii SUV/138-59-2-7/24 The Thermo-Pir/sical Chara,;ter-'._,Ai~-..s and Theriijal Effects .)f Vulcanization of Hard Rubber MIxturez Prepared from But-adiene.- Styrene Rubbers characteristics of tyre mixt-ures. The '511emr1al effects cf the v,,ilctanizati-n process of hard butadiemc-styrene rubber i:,Lxtura~3 were determir_,ed by a mE;thad )ropCsed b-,,,, the authors is based on thE! thecr-7 of heat 0 -ii o 41 I- -ivity of therir.C.gramE ,,,btained -he Ar. e, ,ation f~:,r c?. ~;,alating the t,~,ta"_,. thsrmai effei-,t is Fi..g .'r': :) --hermogram of an SKS-30 sample; lable 2: the thermo-physice.-L samp.,~s at. a temperature ~f 1.50 C. TI_-e Jmtemsit-y cf the therrfal effect of these s 1~ in a-nip , s vias a-ad is shown - th~a of -a '-7h:, maxim-~,,m thema-I ef"e-tt o c: r, ,aes,~ mLy-tux-ec. 4 't.~_% 5 hc,---,-,-s after the ~-.,uuaencement- of heat_-'*_-_ts and vas for th.-~!-,.e which had an 4r.c:cea_!:-od numbex-r- of droub'_-s b~-,nds. The. theimal effe-~t was t,) N%~,ien an a-.celeraT,or zo the Re8i~jts Df caloulations cf Card 3/4 the therm-al --f at.i. ~~n a2?e. ;s--*,.-ver,. --'Ln Table 3 SOV/138-59-2-7/24 The Thermo-Physical Characteristics and Therfaal Effects of Vulcanization bf Hard Rubber Mixtures Prepared from Butadiene- Styrene Rubbers and Fig 6. At an equal percentage content of bound sulphur the thermal effects of the vulcanization of hard butadiene-styrene rubbers are much lower than for natural rubber (about 3 times lower than data given by J. T. Blake - Ref 3, and 25% lower than values quoted by R. S. Jessup and A. D. Cummings - Ref 4). There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 4 references. 2 of which are Soviet, 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimirheskoy im. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute for Fine Technology imeni Lomonosov) tekhnologii Chemical Card 4/4 ZANXMONNTS. N.A.; FOGILI. Y.0. New method of determining the thermal effects produced b), the vulcanization reaction of rubbers. Izv.vye.uchob.zav.;khim. i kbim.tekh. 2 no.3:437-442 159. (MMA 13:8) 1. Moskovskty institut tookay kbimichaskoy tekhnologii imeni X.T. Lomonosava. kaf^Ara toplotekhniki. (-4ubber--Thersal properties) (Vulcanization) 89062 IT. 91 Po S/138/60/000/010/004/008 IT i S" A051/AO29 AUTHORt Fogel', V.0. TITLEt Investigating the Thermal Conditions of Vulcanization of Heavy Rub- ber Articles by the Method of Electrical Modeling Iq PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I rezina, 1960,~No. 10, pp. 23 - 29 TEXI!t The author recommends the method of electrical modeling for investi- gating the vulcanization conditions of compact rubber articles, which does not require thermal measurements. Thermal measurements are labor- and time consunbg and do not give accurate results due to distorted temperature showings of the hot junctions in the thermocouples used. According to the authors, electrical models are conveniently used for studying the processes of heat exchange in various in- dustries and in the rubber industry in particular. It is stated that the physi- cal processes of the actual body can be modeled if the mathematical description of these processes in both the actual body and the model are the same. This is the case for thermal conductivity and current distribution in a circuit withdls- tributed resistances and capacitances. It is shown that the heat conductivity processes can be modelled by the electrical analog method, i.e., the change in Card 1/9 89062 3/138/60/000/010/004/008 A051/AO29 Investigating the Thermal Conditions of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles by the Method of Electrical Mcdeling time and space of the teraperature in the actual body can be evaluated from the change in the voltagesU relative to time and space of the model (Refs. 1, 2). An example Is givent for a uniform heat flow, the specific heat flow is determined according to Fourier's law: q - -Adt (1), where % is the heat-conduating co- efficient In kcallm - h - OCI dt 9% nt in OC/m. For a OT%- is the temperature gradie circuit with distributed resistanoes and capacitances the current intensity Is according to Ohm' 5 law i - -1- " (2), where R - Rsum/1 is the resistance of R O-x 1 m of the circuit in ohm/m, and dU/d% is the voltage gradient In y/m. The dif- ferential equation of the heat-conduoting process (Fourier's equation) for a uni- form flow of heat in a body with constant heat-physical characteristics ist 07 t d2U 8~- = a (3), where a is the coefficient of temperature-conductivity inm%- The differential equation of a long line (telegraph equation) for a circuit with distributed resistances and capacit IT ces in the absence of leakage in the oapac- itors can be expressed: du I (P U (4), where C Csum/l is the capacity of W T TU =OX Card 2/9 i~~, ~,P '9*138/60/000/010/004/008 A051/AO29 Investigating the Thermal Conditions of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles by the Method of Electrical Modeling of I m of the circuit, in farad m; RC - RsumCsuff/12 is the product of the capao- ity by the resistance of 1 m of the circuit, in see/m2. It is pointed out that Equations 1 and 2 and also 3 and 4 are only different in nomenclature of the physical values, but are the saw from the mathematical point of view. In order to make this type of comparisons 1) the initial temperature and voltage distri- bution must be the same, 2) the change of the temperatures and voltages at the boundary lines of the bodies must comply to the same law (Fig. 1), 3) the ratio of the experiment duration on the model T2 to the duration of heating and cooling of the actual body,%j, must not be selected arbitrarily, but based on the equal- ity of the similarity criteria, which characterize the processes of thermal con- ductivity and electricity distribution in the circuit, having distributed resist- at ai., ~ and capacitances (i.e., Fourier's criterion). FOthermal - a (5), where Tj the heating or cooling time of the actual body in hours, is obtained from the analysis of equation 3, for a plate with a thickness of 26. For a uniform elec- trical circuit with distributed resistances and capacitances Fourier's criterion based on an analysis of equation and assuming that 1 = 26 is equal to: Card 3/9 89062 S/138/60/000/010/004/008 A051/AO29 Investigating the Thermal Conditions of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles by the Method of Electrical Modeling FOelectr. ' 3,600 T2 W 14,400 Tp (6), where T2 is the duration time of the ex- TC-6 2- Raum Osum periment on the model in hours. The time range PIC must comply with the criteri- S2 . R C a on equality of similarity Fothermal - FOolectr., thus, Mr -It, A==_ (7), 14,4008T where Rsum and CSUM are the general resistance and capacitance of the model, a is the temperature-conductivity coefficient of the plate (m2/h), and 6 is half its thickness in m. The model is prepared in the form of a lattice with the re- sistances and capacitances located on the points. If the number of joints in the grid is equal to n, the resistance of one point is R1 and its capacitance Cl an expression for the time raAge is obtained, considering that Rsum - nRj, and neRiCia csum = nCj, viz., MT= i2 . (7a). The YCM-1 (USM-1) universal lattice Ti 14,40047 . machine, intended for the approximate solution of hydrodynamic marginal problems and that of the resistance of materials Is being prepared for production. Its shortcomings are Its complexity, high cost and the relatively high discrepancies in the results. It is suggested that simplified electrointegrators fed by d-c and not a-c be introduced. The YVAU-1 (UMEI-1) unit is presented (Fig. 2) to be Card 4/9 89062 ,9/138/60/000/010/004/008 A051/AO29 Investigating the Thermal Conditions of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles by the Method of Electrical Modeling used for modeling thermal effects of vulcanization. There are no auxilliary at- tachments, its area is 2 M2, the cost about 5,000 rubles. It is suggested that the BC (rOCT 2825-55) - VS (GOST 2825-55) type wireless carbon resistances be connected to each grid, produced with 100 to 910 kohm for an operating voltage of 350 v and hermetically sealed thermo-resistant paper capacitors of the BrT (BGT) type with a rated maximum capacitance of 10 Pf for a workinS voltage of 200 v d-a be used az the ~;apacitanoes. In assembling the grid, special attention should be given to th-e distribution uniformity of the resistances and capacitwxms along the. joints. As source of direct current the author recommends using eitlier the 70-AMqr-5 rOCT 7534-55 (70-AMTsG-5 GOST 7534-55) type "Druzhba" battery or the alkaline cadmium-nickel battery of the 64-AP-2,25 (64-AKN-2.25) type or the BCA-III (VSA-III) type selenium rectifier with a filter made of a choke and two capacitors for smoothing down the pulsations of the rectified voltage. All recommended sources yield a voltage Of 6"0 - 80 v. D-c from the source is f, e: 7to two voltage dividers in the form of sliding wire rheostats with a resistance of 5,000 ohms. Portable multi-limit magneto-electrical d-c volt-meters are suggest- ed for measuring the voltages at the dividers, viz., the M-106/1 (M-106/1) type Card 5/9 89062 S/138/60/000/010/004/008 A051/AO29 Investigating the Tbermal Conditions of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles by the Method of Electrical Modeling of 0.2 class, where for 75 v the value of one division of the mirror scale is 0.5 v. The C-95 (rOCT 1845-502) - S-95 (oosr 1845-52) type electrostatic voltme- ter is suggested for meaturing the voltages in the points of the lattice. The voltage range is selected depending on the voltage of the energy source and the magnitude of the scale of electro-measuring Instruments expressed by the formu- la: Mu - (U - Uo)/Ikt - to), and never exceeding: 75 = 0.47, where 75 v is the 160 scale of the electrostatic voltmeter and 1600C is the maximum temperature in the vulcanization of casings. The initial condition of the heating process of the compact rubber articles is usually t1he uniform distribution of temperature, to const, which correBponds to the initial voltage of the model, Uo = 0. Thus, the temperature field In the actual body can be determined according to the distri- bution of the voltages in the model, i.e., t = to + -U (8). Calibrating ex- I WU_ periments on a simplified electrointegrator YM30-1 (UMEI 1) conducted with known exact analytical solutions of the temperature field equation in the plate showed that the discrepancy in determining the temperatures using the electrical model Card 6/9 P A051/AO29 Investigatin~g the Thermal Conditi ons of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles by the Method of Electrical Modeling method did'not exceed 1.5 + 2~. An-*eiample of 'this experiment is presented 4n determining the thermal ,conditions for.the vulcanization of casings.of.the 260-20 size in an individual vulcanizer; Temperatures in the clown, sides.and rim of the casing.were determined. Summarizing the'resultd of his expe?itents, the au-~ thor points out that the electrical model method is less laborious and is more accurate than measuing temperatures directly with thermocouples. Using the eleo- tro-models one can also determine the effect of a change in the parameters of the heat carriers, size of the boiling chambers, composition and temperature conductivity of the component parts of the casing on the vulcanization process. There are 2 diagrams, I photograph, 2 graphs and 3 Soviet references.. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M.V. Lomo- nosova (Moscow Institute of FineChemical Technology imeni M.V. Lomonosov) R 4L IJ9062 S/138/6o/ooo/o1o/oo4./oO8 A05-11029 Investigating the Thermal Conditions.of Vulcanization of Heavy Rubber Articles- by the Method of Electrical Modeling Figure 1: Diagram of a uniform plane surface P dv Xl heat flow (a) and diagram of its displacement.(b) q41XI 414 'd dx Y Ix -TT 7-T -T T Tj' --r Card 8/9 a Maw M"mmmy F 'T"'UN, S/138/60/000/010/004/1-308- A051/AO29 Investic,ating the Thermal Conditions of Vul'canization of Heavy Pubber ArtIcles by the Method of Electrical Modeling Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of a.* simplified model of an'. electrointegrator (UIL~7-,T-l), for investigating thermal conditions of vulcaniza- tion!. -4T J- + + T T1 T T a) -ener,-,y qource b) voltage dividers (sliding rheostats) ..c) electromagnetic volt- metersj.d) constant carbon recistance, e) capacitbro f) switch, g) electrostatic voltmeter. F T Card 9/9- 20665 S/138/61/000/003/005/006 A051/A129 AUTHORS: Sandomirskiy, D. M.; Itogell, 1. 0.; Khazen, L. Z., and Khu Yu-Mu TITLE: The effect of the gelatinization process of latex on the change of its heat- and electro-conductivity PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no, 3, 1961, 26-30 TEXT; The authors have investigated some simple systems consisting of latex and a small quantity of gelatinizing agents, in order to determine the kinetics of the processes taking place during gelatinization, e. g., changes in the heat- and electro-conductivity and the drying of the gel formed. A spherical bicalorimeter (Fig. 1) was used for investigating the heat-conduc- tivity. This is a metal.aphere surrounded by a thin spherical layer of the investigated liquid. Under regular conditions the difference of the temper- atures of the thermostat medium and the center of the bicalorimeter is ex- pressed by the formula: tf - t - (tf.-to)e-mz or ln(tf-t) ln(tf-to) ml: (1), Card 1/7 20865 S113 61/000/003/005/006 The effect of the gelatinization process of... A051YA129 where tf is the thermostat temperature, to - the initial temperature of the bicalorimeter. t -- temperature of the central part of the bicalorimeter cor- responding to the duration 'C of its heating up, m - rate of heating. Figure 2 shows the relationship of ln(tf-t) to the duration of the heating. The coefficient of the heat-conductivity of the liquid ;4 is determined from the formula: 12 1 where 1 = Di/D2 is the rELtiO of the internal and external diameters of the bicalorimeter; Cjrj - the thermal capacity of the metal sphere; Cr - the volumetric thermal capacity of the investigated liquid. In the experiments the method of regular heating of the bicalorimeter was supplemented by the method of stationary internal heating of the sphere, inside of which a heater was placed. For the case of stationary heating of the double-layer sphere, the heat conductivity coefficient is expressed by aver.*4 (3a)- Faver.-At The quantity of heat transmitted through the layer (Q tatio ar ) was deter- mined from the expenditure of electric energy by the Rea eK ~he method of Card 2/7 20865 B113 6,1/000/003/005/006 The effect of the gelatinization process of ... A051 YA129 regular conditions was used to determine-the relationship-~ of the latexes and the gelatinizing mixtures to the temperature,and the scationary condi- tions method was used for determining the kinetics of the "change during the gelatinization process and that of syneresie. In order to determine the effect of gelatinization on the heat-conductivity, the kinetics of the tem- perature change relationship to the heat-conductivity was investigated both for revertex and latex L-7 (Figs- 3t 4)- It was noted that immediately after gelatinizing agents are introduced into the latex mixture, processes occur causing a decrease in the heat-conductivity of the system. Th~R results ob- tained showed that after.the system has reached a certain degree of stabili- t;~ even before the formation of a solid gel.,. structures are formed in it gradually, which sharply limit its mobility in certain sections, hampering convection, diffusion and heat-exohange and thus.decreasing the heat-conduc- tivity. The change of,the latter and.that of the electro-conductivity does not.stop after'.the formation of the solid gel: both the electric resistance VYN and the heat-conductivity intrease. The heat-conductivity was measured when the discharging liquid was removed from the system, in order to determine the effect of the syneresis on the thermal-conductivity (Fig. 6). it is pointed out that the change both in the heat-conductivity,as well as that of Card 3/7 20865 S/138/61/000/003/00VO06 The effect of the gelatinization process of.... A051/A129 the electric-:iZes-Istance due,to syneresis,begine b*efore-the removal of the liquid phase be~,ames apparent. A study on the change in the electric con- ductivity of the latex gels, when these dry out showed that this process dif- fers.from. the.drying put of the latex in the usual film-formation. The ab- sence of a.change inj the concentration at the moment of gelatinization bring3 about the condition,,whereby the fact of gel formation proper does not af- fect the relationship of the electric resistance to the moisture content in the system. There are ~ gra'phs, 2 diagrams and 6 references: 5 Soviet, T :Engl i oh z ASSOCIATION:-Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology im. M. V. Lomonosov) Card 4/7 LIVSHITS, B.L.; I~OGEL', V.-O. Relation between the mixers and the beat exchange in a reactor Ath welded semitubes. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no-5:70-74 '61. (MIRA 15-23) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova. (Beat exchangers) (Paint machinery) 23424 S/094/61/000/008/002/003 & 0 0 E194/E484 AUTHORS: Livshits, B.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences and _EogeLl, V.0., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Liquid ditolylmethane, a new high-temperature heat transfer medium PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya energetika, 1961, No.8, pp.23-27 TEXT: High-temperature heat transfer media of current industrial application include mineral oils, glycerine, silicones, diphenyl mixture, molten salts and'liquid metals; new types of heat transfer media are being introduced,-namely aromatic oils and ditolylmethane. For industrial processes in the temperature range 250 to 3000C, normal mineral oils and glycerine are of inadequate thermal stability, whereas molten salts are only suitable for temperatures above 3850C. None of the existing heat transfer media adequately covers the range 250 to 3000C. New types of fluid being developed for this application in the USSR and abroad include hydrocarbons of the diphenylmethane series which are synthesized in the USSR and aromatic oils such as mobiltherm 6oo. The hydrocarbon of the diphenylmethane series of the greatest thermal stability is ditolylmethane, the principal Card 1A 23424 S/094/61/000/008/002/003 Liquid ditolylmethane E194/F.484 physical characteristics of which are given in Table 2. In order to investigate the problems associated with the application of liquid ditolylmethane, the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology imeni Lomonosov (Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova) made a pilot heat transfer rig. The coil, heated by town gas, has a thermal rating of 10000 kcal/hour. In the tests, cotton seed and castor oil were heated in the kettle to a temperature of 2600C by liquid ditolylmethane at a maximum temperature of 3200C. Design details of the plant used are given. The tests on this equipment lasted 18 months with many starts and stops. The number of hours during which the ditolylmethane reached temperatures up to 3200C was 700 hours. The most important property of high temperature organic heat transfer media is the thermal stability. During the 18 months operation the viscosity of the ditolylmethane rose by 5 -10% which should correspond to a resin content of 3 -6%. According to existing rules, a heat transfer medium need be changed only when the resin content is greater than 10%. To check this point the resin content of the ditolylmethane was specially determined and it was found to have Card 2/4 23424 S/094/61/ooo/008/002/003 Liquid ditolylmethane ... E194/E484 risen to just less than 5%'whilst the coke number rose from o to o.67%. Thus the thermal stability of ditolylmethane at temperatures up to 3200C was completely satisfactory. The heat transfer rate was adequate with a flow speed of 0.48 m/sec in the coils. The heat transfer coefficient results are in good agreement with data calculated by the usual procedure using the tabulated data given. Ditoly1methane is better than the usual diphenyl mixture in flash point and similar properties. It is accordingly recommended that liquid ditolylmethane should be used for heating and cooling of-high temperature industrial heat exchange equipment. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. Table 2. Thermal and physical properties of liquid ditolylmethane Legend: 1 - temperature OC; 2 - saturation pressure, atm; 3 - specific gravity of liquid kg/m3; 4 - true specific heat of~ liquid, kcal/kgOC; 5 - liquid enthalpy kcal/kg; 6 - thermal conductivity of liquid kcal/ h OC-9 7 - dynamic viscosity of the liquid x 10 M2; 8 - kinematic viscosity of the liquid x 10P.sec/ M2/sec. 9 Pra dtl's criterion. Ca;d 39 trN 0 01%. CIQ 0 0 *11 CC) 0 10 0 C%J C> -P S." ~f co %D 41 %-~ W ir *,, a% _:r 001. N, q to W o VOT tvz;*o E'Ll oGO,O 9,80Z jv'o 969 Gr z OST WG 6K;'0 6'L I ZSO'O VOOZ O&R'0 SOL tr'Z Olt 9'G SSVO 9'9 1 fSVO VC61 LOWO GIL 96' 1 OCP P9'6 1 9VO, V61 M'O 0,91 CGL'O 2CL Z9'l 06C V9,6 Gqz,0 I V M'O C,gzl ORL'o ITL ~V I Dip DV6 LLZ'O O'IZ; 090:0 9-991 99L-0 tI,L 01-1 OW. IVG 9rVO, CIZ Z90 0 1'191 ZgL'O tRL OWO 066 IC 6 SWO OU VA'O WES I GEL'O t9L - M 6T 6 LOVO, ?;'kZ 990'0 C'9~ 1 SFW0 ELL - 0L6 EV6 61C'0 R'9Z R9O'O CR I ZWO KIL - OM PG'6 9M'0 I 'LZ OLO'O O'Z-C I P69'O 7,6L - M n'6 I SE'D t.*SZ Z;LO'O VSZI t99'0 108 - OVZ 5L'6 OLVO 9'0C tLO'O VIR I I I L9'0 018 - 0'0 1 EWO 9'M 9LO'O L'I I I L99'0 619 - OZZ t'0 1 61 t'O VC-C LLO'O VS0 I tWO 8Z9 - 019 L'O I Lff"O I W 6L0'0 S'SG OC9'O M - 006 I'l I 6Lt'O VI t I SO'O 9'M 919'0 RR - 061 9,11 819'o I 'Gl- CRO'O 9,99 C09,0 !;Sg - 091 VZI Z9S'O 9'6t M'O S'09 689'0 f98 - OLI L'Z I Vi9'O WK LSO'O L'tL 9L9'O US - 091 slet CL9'O V09 6S0'0 0'69 Z99'0 089 - 091 Vill ZWO VL9 160'0 WC9 09'0 689 - 01`1 C'91 9Z9'0 9'SL C6O'O 0'99 M'O 968 - OC 1 9'91 LWO 9'99 9GO'O 9'Z;g I ~-9'0 906 - 0Z1 0'81 90'1 L'LG 160,0 9'Lv 809,0 VIG - Oil 1'61 61'1 MI G6O'O 9'ZV VGVO ZZ6 - 001 9,1Z 9VI 6ZI 101'0 L'LC OSVO M6 - OG VtZ 69'1 Z*.Si COI'0 O'CE Z9VO SE6 - 09 WLZ 99'l 6L[ tOl'O V'S-Z CSVO M - OL GIOC Ll,z liz 901'0 6'a OWO C96 - 09 6*GC 69'Z SSZ SOVO 9'61 9W0 096 - 09 VIV OVE 91C 01 VO G'S I ZWO 996 - OV I '6t WE 16C Zll:O C: 11 66VO 9L6 - 'OP 8'/-g Wt SSI, t1 1 0 J, L SWO C86 - M =I CX14 I-. X= 11 10 RZ 7E 2 X . Zo k - L, a --. r9 = 0 7 I C) LIMITS, - Intensifying the heating of'reactors when liquid high temperature heat carriers are used. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.1:74-78 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. N.V.Lomonosova. (Chemical reactors) (Liquid fuels) FOGFLI, V.O.; ALEKSEYEV, P.G. ~ - ' __ New compound method for determining the thermophysical characteristics of polymers and their relation to the parameters of the external medium, i.e., temperature and pressure. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 5 no.2: 35-41 F '62. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy-tekhnologii imeni M.V.Lomonosova, Moskva. (Polymers--Thermal properties) S/138/62/000/005/007/010 A051/A126 AUTHORS: Fogel', V.O.; Lepetov, V.A.; Agayants, I.M. TITIE. Thermophysical characteristics of raw rubber mixes and their rela- tion to temperature PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 5, 1962, 26 - 29 TEXT: The thermal and temperature-conductivity, as well as the thermal capacity of raw rubber mixes were determined experimentally at various tempera- tures. Four raw tire mixes, based on CM -30 APM (SKS-30ARM) and NR were used as investigating materials in addition to one vulcanized mix (casing), based on SKS-30ARM for reference. The method used to investigate ebonite mixes was used.J A new calorimeter (Fig. 1) was developed for determining the thermal capacity.- Ethyl glycol served as the calorimetric fluid. A comparison of the thermal co- efficients of tire mixes based on SKS-30ARM and ITR showed that these, as a rule, are higher than those for mixes based on SKS-30ABI~. The authors con6lude that the thermal conductivity of the raw tire mix, with a temperature range of 30 1000C, changes very slightly. This leads to the possibility of calculating the Card 1/3 3/138/62/000/005/007/010 Thermophysical characteristics of raw rubber .... A051/A126- temperatures in the vulcanized art'cles, using the Furje differential equation. The temperature conductance of the raw tire mixes drops and the thermal capacity increases with the rising temperature. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii im. M.V. Lomo- nosova(Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology im. M.V. Ioomo- nosov) Card 2/3 Thermophysical characteristics of raw- rubber Figure 1: Diagram of the set-up for determin-i ing the thermal capacity of tire mixtures. 1 - calorimeter; 2 - battery; 3 rheostat; 4 - ampereirfeter; 5 - thermostat;, 6 - thermo couple; 7 mirror galvanometer; 8 - heater; J_ 9 sample. S/138/6P-/000/005/007/010 A051/A126 2 Card 3/3 11UT11011j: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 33470 .S/170/62/005/002/002/009 B104/B138 Fogel', V.' 0., Alekseyev, P. C. A now method permitting simultuneous determination of the thermoph,ygloal dhavaetaristian of p6lymora and their dopon- dence on thE temperature and pressure of the external medium Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, V. 5, no. 2, 19629 35 - 41 TEXT: A new method permitting the simultaneous determination of the coefficients of heat conduction and tbermal diffusivity of high polymers has been developed at the Kafe dra promyshlennoy teplotekhniki Moskovskogo' instituta tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M. V. Lomonosova (Department of Industrial Beat Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology im. M. V. Lomonosov). Measurements can be made above and below 00C and at different external pressures. Two plates 3 - 8 mm thick (2) (Fig. 1) are pressed into metallic mold (3) by means of plate (1). A quick-response heater (5) is insert6d between the two plates. The tempera- ture is measured wiii- thermocouples (4). At the b4ginning of the ex'peri- ment, the temperature of the samples is equal to that of the liquid in the Card 1/0 33470 S/170/62/005/002/002/009 'A new method permitting B104/B138 thermostat. The heater imparts a ednetant specific heat current q~ const to the internal surfaces of the two-plates. By separating the variables one obtains q 1 yk sin [(2n- I),. 7C X (2n 2-8 -Xex -(2n- I P P for the case under consideration, where tis the plate temperature at a point at a distance x,from the external surface, t is the temperature of the liquid in the-t4ermostat, q. - ql,(fis the place thickness in m, A is w the heat conduction coefficient, a is the coefficient of thermal diffusivi- ty, and.,r is heating. time in hrs. With the. notations (t-to)4/C)"b'/tk n' (2n-l)rr/2, and ai/~2 _'Fo, this equa tion acquires the form ..CarU2 M 4 - --- !~ 1 ~ -,- ~ -: E 33470 S11 70/~2/005/002/00Z/009 A new method permitting ... 6 -2 31n POW exp 10. FO). P2 .;,The heated surface of-an unbounded plate- is then given by exp to) x 10. FO) qW 1 - ex p 2,4674 Fo) + xp 22,2066 Fo) + + exp(- 118,6904 Fo) + 25 -.7- -. I - 2 Results obtained b4tween -60 and +TOO C and at pressures up to 60 kg/cm are in goods agreement. The Komitet po delam izobreteniy i otkrytiy pri SM SSSR (Committee for Inventions and Discoveries at the Council of Minis- ters USSR) certified the authors's certificate no. 693453/26 for the appa- ratus described abovq. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I non-Soviet. Card 33470 5/170/62/005/002/002/009 A new method permitting ... B104/B138 ASSOCIATION: Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M. V. Lomonos- ova, 9. Moskva (Institute of Fine Chemical Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDt July 28, 1961 Card 4 X FOGELI) VOO. Heat exchange in the vulcanization of tire castings in an expandor- vulcanizer. Kauch i. rez. 21 no.7:30-34 JI 162. (MIR& 15:7) 1. MoskovsUy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Imonosova. (Tireep Rubber) (Vulcanization) S/032/62/028/012/022/023 B104/B1606 AUTHORS: Fogel' V 0., and Alekseyev, P. G. T1TLE: A device for simultaneously detercining the coefficients of hent conductivity and of thermal diffusivity of polymers PERIODICAL: tlavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 12, 1962, 152e-1529 TEXT: Two plates 11) of the material to be-tested are c1amiped together'in the device (Fig.). Between them*is a flat electrical heater which supplies a constant quantity of heat per unit time to the plates. TI,- e thermostat (7) keeps the outer surface of the plates at a constant temperature. The temperature drop across the plates is determined with thermocouples. The Fourier number and t;anrA - AF0Wr are determ.ined, and the relation Fo's f(-r) is plotted from the temperature arop using a method developed in a previous paper (V. 0. Fogel', P. G. Alekseyev. Inzhenerno,-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, mo. 2 (1962)). The thermal diffusivity a - 62tana and the heat conductivity ~ - qwb/Atsteady can be calculated if the thickness 6 of the specimen is known. The device can be used' at temperatures between -60 and +2000C and at Card 1/2 A device for-simulltaneot;sly... 2. pressures of from 1 to 100 kFI/cm 3/07, 62/0~6/01 2/0221021d BlG4X186 Thvre is 1 fij;ure. ASSOCIATION: Mloskovskiy institut torikoy khimichesko) tekhnoloiii im. i'. V. Lomonosova '(Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical '2eennoioe imeni 1M. V. Lomonosov) Fie. Device for simultaneously determining the ther-al diffusivity and heat conductivity of pal3~mers. !j i" Card 2/'2 S/153/62/Oo5/oo6/o1o/ol5 B075/,9336 AUTHORS: Fogel', V.O. and Alekseyev, P.G. TITLE; Investigation of the dependence of thermophysical characteristics of polymeric materials on temperature and pressure PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnylch zavedeniy, khimiya L Ichimicheskaya tekhnologiyai v- 5, no. 6, 1962, 965 - 970 TEXT: A new method and apparatus were developed to investigate th)e dependence of heat conductivity and heat capacity! of polymer sheets, 6 mm t~lck, on temperature (-60 to 200 00! a'nd pressure (up to 150 Isg1cm In the apparatus the sheets ar 8 inserted in a metal press im;narsed in a thermostatic bath at t j(;9 0 A thiA electric heater of low thermal inertia is placed between the sheets. Heat is generated by the element for various time intervals, which produces a temperature difference across the sheets of ZNt = t' measured by a differential thermocouple, w 0 oefficients of heat and temperature conductivity of an The c Card 2 N S/153/62/005/Oo6/010/015 Investigation of .... E0751r,,336 organic glass and protective rubber elastomer based on CKC-~O FAM (SKS-30 AN) increase slightly with pressure a~ a constbLnt temperature. Initial pressures of 2 to 10 kg/cm are necesbary to obtain good thermal contact between the polymer , sampl6s, the heater and the compressing surfaces. The temPeratur conductivity decreases with increasing temperature (from 50 - 10A whichiis explained by the increasing heat capacity of the polymers. The heat conductivity increases with temperature initially but decreases slightly at the higher temperatures. An increase in pressure is followed by a slight.increase of the heat conductivity and heat capacity of the tested polymers. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra promyshlennoy toplotelchniki, Mosl-.ovslciy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy telchnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova (Department of Industrial Heat Engineering, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology im. M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: November 9, 1961 Card.2/2 -FOGEL', t. ~q,; ALMEMp P. G. Device for wiwal+mmeous determination of the coefficients of heat and teMerature conductivity of polymeric materials. Zav. lab. 28 no.1211528-1529 162. (MIRA 36:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicbeakoy tekhnologii im. H. V. Lomonosova. (Polymers-Thermal properties) GRAIIOVSKAYA2 I.R. I inzh.; 1POGEL't V.O., dot sent Devic6b for heating high-temperature liqaid heat carriers. Prom. enerd. 18 no.llt22-26 N 163. (MIRA 161l2) i i .1 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/T L 15701-'5 Pr-4 A,SD--i/AFP-TC./Al~rrC/AEDC(a)/SSP./!3-')/ AS(MD)-2/JW;D(P)-3 MID-TAJE ACCESSION NR: AP4047529 S/0094/64/01)0/010/0033/003T i_5 AUTHOR: Fogel, V. 0. (Candidate of technical sciences); Granovskaya, I. R. (Engineer) TITLE, Using aromatized petroleum oils as a high -te rripe ratu re heat carrier SOURCE: Promy*shlennaya energetika, no. 10, 1964, 33-37 f TOPIG TAGS: heat carrier, heat tranafer, petroleum oil AMT-300 petroleum oil ABSTRACT: The experimentally determined thermophysical characteristics of Soviet AMT-300 petroleum oil and American M600 ("Mobiltherm") oil are tabulated. the characteristics of both oils are very close except ior the vapor pressure (lower with AMT-300) and the congelartion point (-30C for AMT-300 and -7C for M600). The thermal stability of both oils was tasted by residual-gas pressure in a flask with heated oil. at temperatures under 3ZOC, the stability of AMTL -300 oil was found to be somewhat higher than that of M600. Further experiments involved circulating the oil through a closed tubing circuit for 750 hrs ~Card 1/2 L 15701-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047529 at 300, 315, and 330C. It was found that during the first 100 hrs, the heat- tranafer factors considerably decreased due to formation of a carbon-film depoz!,# on the inside of the tubing. The coking value, resin content, and viscosity were measured at various stages of the experiment: the deposit thickness was 0.04 and': 0. 05 mrn for AMT- 300 and M600 oils, respectively. The authors' conclusions are: (1) AMT-300 la equivalent to or has an advantage over M600; (2) AMT-300 rnay be used as a heat-transfer agen at Z00-315C in industrial installations. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. 9 formulak, and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatuionny*y i.-stitut (Moscow Aviation Institute); IAL)skovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhilologii (i~,'oscow Institute of Fine Chemical Engineering). SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: FPj TD NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 Am- N91 _-AM03067 SOURC CO E~_W6 AUTHORI Fogoll, V. 0. (Docoaaod); Ovchinnikovq V. A. ORG.' Daparttment of Industrial Heat Engineering, lbscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology Lra. M. V. Lomonosov (Kafedra promyshlonno7 toplotakhnikip Moskovskiy insti- tut tonkoy kh W chaskoy takhnologii) TITLE: Now method for determining the thermal stability of high-temperature liquid heat carriers SOURCE: IM Xhimiya i khimicheskaya takhnologiya, v. 9, no. 4, 1966, 673-673 TOPIC TAGS: heat carrier# activation energy, thermal stability, surface scaling ABSTRACT: A new method has be n developed for dotormining the thermal stability of hi3h-temperature liquid heat carriers (HLH). It is based on the following assumptions:' (1 7he BIH circulates in a closed testing unit; (2) A definite and constant amount of heat is supplied to the unit in the experimental part; (3) The decomposition of the HM is continuously chocked by determining the efficiency of the heating surface, do- fined as the ratio of the experimental valuo*of the heat transfer coefficient to the value of this coefficient for a clean surface. It is shown that even a small thick- ness of scale, of the order of 10 microns, causes a considerable decrease (11-30%) in the efficiency of the heating surfacep so that this quantity can be used for determin- ing the thermal stability of the HLH. The rate of decomposition of the HLH is db-.~*. I'CoM 1/2 -A-CC NRt A-P603-4207 tained from the. rate of change of the scale thickness. The proposed method also per- mits the determination of the activation energy of decomposition of the HLH.- Orig. art. has& 4 figures and 8 formulas. SUB CODE O~ SUBK DATE& 23J&n65/ ORIG REFs' 007/ OTH RUI '001 rd' 2/2 S/147/60/000/02/012/020 E031/E413 AUTHORt Zoiell, Ya.Lj (Deceased) (Moscow) TITLEa On the Turbulent Flow of a Fluid PERIODICAL31zvestiya vysshikh uchetnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 2, PP 105-109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method is based on an empirical relation between the forces of apparent viscosity caused by the turbulent mixing and the time mean of the velocities. Flow in a circular cylindrical pipe is considered in order to determine the viscosity coefficient of the mean flow. First, the velocity distribution is determined by consideration of the equilibrium of an elementary volume of fluid. The analysis is carried out for two simple laws relating the viscosity to the mean velocity. The results are compared with experimental data. For the fix-st law good agreement is achieved at large Reynolds numbers but for the second law agreement throughout the turbulent domain is achieved; there is divergence in the laminar domain. The second law can be used to solve the problems of turbulent flow between plane Card 1/2 parallel walls and between co-axial cylinders. There