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~Jl -P "YW-9- FODOR, E.i MARAZAN, N.; MERC&A, V.; OLARIIJ, A. Nitrogen influence on the reaction of isotopic exchange between hydrogen and watery vapors. Studii care fia 14 no.1:7-23 163. 1. Institutul de fizica atomica, Sectia. Cluj,. Universitatea nBabes-4yain Facultatea de fizica, Cluj. MERCFA, V.; FODOR, E.; GRECU, V. Separation in a column with steam distillation depending on the medium concentration of the mixture. Studia Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 7 no.1:137-147 162. Q UNGUMIA1111J) C.; FODOR, E. Spectral analysis of poor alloyed steels. Rev chimie I-Lin petr 14 no.8:467-469 Ag 163. 1. Institutul do fizica atomica, Sectia Cluj (for Ungureanu). 2. "Industria sirmeill- Cimpia Turzii, laboratorul central (for Fodor). Fr Dc R, -- FZR&,IC Balla Antal; elete es muszaki munkassal-a (1739-1815). Budapest. Tankonyvklado (1-953) 59 P. (Budapeati Muszaki E3,yetem Kozponti Konyvtara. Muszaki tudomanytorteneti kladvanyok, 2. szam) (Antal Balla; his life and technical actIvitles (1739-1915). English and Russian sumaries. maps) GtYy Not in DLC SOURCE: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (ESAL), W, Vol. 5. No- 3, March, 1956 (To be Cont,d)f" P. Euda a,--, r.1,L, 2_25, (FCLEfTIF*.~I."':I Budaoest, Hungary) "C: Ionthly List (If Fast Eurcnean Accessicns Y'arch 1?55, Uncl. r 4, 1954, J,C c1 FOD,,~,R, FERE-NC Balla Antal elete es muszaki murflassaga (17-39-1815). Budaf)est, Tankanyvkiado (1953) P. 59. (Budapest. Muszaki Egyetem. Kozponti Konyvtara. 11~iszaki tudomanytorteneti kiadvanyok, 2. sz.) (Antal Balla's life and technical activities 1739-1-815) Enrlish and hus-ian summaries. maps. b1bl., facsL-n. Cty IU SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E---.tL) Le, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. C, 1/0 7. Alliat Hallit, (Wagariatl Ilystraulle tugluccr Of (lie 18111 century. 1'. F is it is r. Vo I,3, 1055, 374 Autong tile Ity(tratille ellgilwers; of his time Aida[ halhi (17 wa.-i title of lite most prOtilinvat representatives tof ljf,~i profC"foll. At it Ifille wht'll tile elvillms training of was pravikally nua- ex6teut In Vurofse Anial lialla had It -icleatific, which surpa-.4std by far-thatol"It6conWill lorarles. In the elghtle!i of the (BUt Celitury 1w Nva% one o Itutigary's most excellent and best vdkicated tteluilchus with it Mile intellectual horlion who at Uic same flint: wam it lll(*t exact and IlIgIlly hkutVil CUrtograplicr ti.,t well. Several "cellent inaps am) &.sigum for a sitalt- bridq WIMMilig PtSt luld H utits WVTU 1160 fUM111 nlill,iig III$ ra IILS WOtk Oil tlawry (I( provvd Mit Al otastuntillig pily.410-it. 104 tie it IUIL Wds 111"o oil 11 high leveL Ile wrole urchitt-ology. theory of junsic Laud history, .4 CI v wark-A however concvriml hydratilks. Its, WaS the firA if) gleAgn a Callus Comlecting the Dilistil- awl'til%: 'j*iSI -dyers for wittdi rawtl with renlArkalliv title -hgjtjpi_-tt j., _.__ tCC1 'I- i_ -v it inap includitig iia-11qtdeaAtu-*--- aud bydrogralAdval explamillimi.-I V and Milo's ti;; an-d I-, in imim teat lost. BLUMT. Ferenc, dr..; YODOR, Yerenc. dr. Postoperative results in the therapy of chronic purulent infootion of the middle ear. Ful orr gegeg3rogy. no.4:112-116 Nov. 53 1. Baja Varosi Tanacs, Korhaza ful-, Orr-. Gogeosztalyanak (foorvos: Banhidy Fereno dr.) koslevenys. (OTITIS MIDIA. surgery radical. results in chronic) J:1 MDOR, Ferenc, dr. About the cleanness campaign. NOVegeezvegugY 37 no.4.#109-110 Apr 56. 1. Koslameny a Hajdii-Bihar meg7el kozegesseegugyi-jarvanyiWi allomaerol (igaigato-foorvoo: Fodor, Ferenc dr.) (PUBLIC HEALTH In Hungary, campaign for promotion of hygiene in public Institutions, schools & industry. standards (Run)) MNHDY. Yerenc. dr..; PCOOR, Foreac, dr. Tuberculosis of the tonsils in pulmnary tuberculosis. Orv. hatil. 97 no.4:100-103 22 Jan 56. 1. A Baja Varosi Tanacs Xorhaza (igesgato- Barg Ito dr. imadidatus) Ful-orr-gege Osztalyanak (foorwoo: Banhidy Ferene dr.) kozlemenyo. (TCOSUB. die. tuberc. with puln. tuberc., tonsillectoaW & pathol. (Run)) (TUMOULOSIS, PUINCKARY, compl. tubera. of tonsils, tonsillectomy & pathol. (Hhn)) " ^ ~_ IjC_ V\ "tQ_ F KOTAY, Pal, Dr.; GREPALY, Andras, Dr.; BALOGH, Brno; FODOR, Ferene Problems of renal tuberculosis in children and in puberty. Xagy, sebesset 10 no.2-3:183-188 Apr-Jane 57- 1. Tirgu-Nuros--Naroevanearholy (Rumnia) (TUBMUIDSIS, RINA4 in inf. & child in child. & in puberty (Hun)) FODOR, 7erente, [Yodor, Ferenc] (Yongerskaya Narodnava Respublika) Public health organization in Hajdvo-Bihar region. Sov.zdrave 17 no,los47-51 0 158 11311) (PMLIO HEAIM, in Hungary (Rue)) N "r N 1FODOR, Forenc, dr. Medical ethics and basic problems of medical legislation. Ory. hetil. 100 no-50:1800-1803 D '59. (WHICS, KKDICAL) (LIGISIATION, KIDICAL) GYJMYAY,Z.,Assl8t- Prof.; -FODOR F. ANTALM,A.; STROMPEL,.E. Contributions to the morphologyof the diabetes insipidue syndrome. Rumanian M. Rev. 4 no.1:3-6 Ja-* 160. (DIARIM INSIPIMUS etiol.) (PITUITARY GLWD die.) MONOKIt St., dr.; HORVATH, Eva, dr.; WIENER, 1?r,, cir.; FODOR, 1?r,,, dr. Heart diseases in collagen diseases. Yled. inter., Buc= 13 no.2: 195-199 F 161. 1. Luorare efectuata in Clinics. a II-a modicala, Catedm de anstomis patologica si Catedra de biologie, Tg. Mures. COLLAGEN DISEASES emplicationa) ART DISEASES atio3.ogy) M FODOR, Ferenc, dr.; EGMIj Laszlo, dr. Morbidity structure chamgeo observed by district physicians in a central area of Budapest. Nepegeassegugy 42 no.9:268-271 S 161. 1. Kozlemeny a Budapeeft Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Kozegeszsegtani Intezete- bol (tansselmezeto profeBszor: Melly Tozsef dr. egyetemi tanar) es a fovarosi tanace Trefort utcai rendelointezatebol) (MORBIDITr statist) ,FODOR, Ferenc,dr.; SZAKKA 1, Antal, dr. Sow epidemiological data on tuberculosis obtained during bontact .preventive exudnationao Repopossegugy'43 no.ltl2-14 Ja 162. (TMMULOSIS spidesiol) Morbidity in various regions of Budapest according to data,- on the turnover of patienta. Nepegansogugy 43 no.6;166-171 Je 162. 1. Kozlemeny a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi --gyetem Kozegeszsegtani Intezetebol (ianszekvezetos Molly Jozsof dr. egyetemi tana (MORBIDITY) 44 -on FODOR, Ferenc, dr.; MADAI, Lajos, dr. Emergency hospitalizations in Budapest, with ppecial reference to internal medicine wards. Repegeszsegugy 43 no.11:337-344 V 162. . . 1. 1 1. Kozlemenr a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Kozegeszsegtani Intezetebol es a Fovarosi Tanace VB Egeszsegugyi Osztalyarol. (HOSPITALIZATION) (EMERGRICIES) (INTERNAL MEDICINE) FO ~4,~__teren~,Jr.; SZAKKAY., Antal., dr.. Epidemiological significance of a pathological form of tuberculosis based on contact morbidity withis the family. Tuberkulozis 16 no.l: 7-12 A 163. 1. A Budapesti. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Kozegeszoogtani Intezete es a Fovarosi Kozponti Tbe-Gondoiointezet koalemenyo. (TUB M-CULOSIIS) FODOR, -FaroD,t -encl. d,)ktor; MAMI, layosh, [mada:i, L-AJOS; . -,I.-.[Fodor, Fai doktor (RTa_~e`sh__t_)_' Hospitalization of therapeutic patients for emergency causes in Budapest. Sov. zdrav. 22 no.7t68-71 163 .N~ 16:10 1, MD!~t, Ferpn.c,,dr.; HADAI, lajos, dr. Emergency admissions to surgical departments of Budapest hos- pitals. Nepegeszoegugy 1+5 no.ltll8-120 Ap'61+ 1. Kozlemeny a Wdapesti Or7ostudomanyi Egyetem Kozegeszseg~ tani Intezetebol es a Fovarosi Tanacs VB Egeszaegugyi Osz- talyarol. FODOR C1. 'Szeged) p k Equivalence of a problem of set theory to a bypotheiis concerning the powers of cardinal numbers. Acta math Szeged 24 no.1/2i152- 156 163. 1. Submitted July 15, 1962. FODDRI G. (Szegod) ` w. . application of the theory of regressive functions. Acts, math Szeged 24 no.3As255-257 163. 1. Submitted April 18, 1963. 1 Obt!t 1 ft. ng 19 Fo w! thout-, carr Io r. F~nv ch!!O e Rou!n. 9 10: 0 in ill dor-,Y, "jlc ar., C)i -trolic, Aly'li(m or the 'u AT R PE',Z-,")DTCAIS: ftRTA FPe4p 4aA Vol ")i ITO 7/- Jill, /Au,. I MAGYAR KE,11AI ;%01:10VIAT Fodor, A rodified s3~rit'hesis of scopolamine nnrl -+s Hncp,,'-P+-r. ,I-,,ntl,ilv list nf E-st FIMOT)ean Accessions (EEPAT) Lr, Vol. ITO. 5) Februarr U,nclass. FODOR GABORNE VARGA, Eva An account of my study trip to Bulgaria. Kem tud kozl MTA 20 no.1:83-88 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Sztereokemiai Kutato Csopartja, Budapest. PARASCHIV, Virginia, ing.; FODOR, Georgeta, ing. Tests on the measurement of pressures inside the road layers using electric doses. Rev transport 10 no-4:158-162 Ap 163. .1 TEODORESCU Dorina ing.; FODOR Georgeta, ing. J, .9 . ~--. A--, -1-1-...-,-,- -. Laboratory studies on the use of thermoelectric power station ash for Rumanian road construction. Rev transport 10 no. 7: 311-316 il 16.3. FODOR, Georpta, ing.; IIJRCU . Marius, ing. Studies of bearing capacity on the DIN 14 14adias- Sighisoara route* ~Rev transport 10 no. 81 359-365 Ag 163. IONF.SCU, ALI-acandr.,, -ing.; FODOR, Gaorgeta,, ing. 4 ~~ - -r i ~11.; 1~1- Study of the way In which the road systems ~n the central control station of the Institute of Transports and Tele- communications meet the requirements impoged by heavy traffic. Rev transport 11 no.lOs452-461 0 164. FODOR, Gabor Some questions relating to socialist morality. Manka 14 no.4s22 Ap 164, 1. Contributor, ONevszava", Budapest. IIIA"A 1, its ti~ei ism alwas SZ- 1,10. All a 0 .8 oo .00 10 r 00 aretylation Willi hi'll'overatric Avid. M~ 1421: 11,191MC-pip -00 etolwvyt f'siturit lF.'so hoswoprtanyhC 4CkI tCtftltd * .00 ; Atli9"l, with (he it" wninswrop4nol like IV. to. IM .00 *04 Now "lithesis of arylacirtit dwds and wilwastiew _isr fr(m, the dtUwtlYIAt%%I JlCttylantino deriv. wid 00 & dolvatos having a 6=11tk Offect. (;Al.w Pods". 1 A i Slawyl Ollm id.. in, Uvi% %flati-vi. in Ul 2% pipero. l .00 flo .11. %i, Notlat Mist, Frawriwd-Jo tspii1linao. , n-,Tl, lt,~ IAW; IW; asmarol . * 111111 001 S40- Allsiv.d. Phv.. 0. 1 20t 11W.). . nte turthi"I -. tly,talp, its 144 n,. 73 . V " . 14 slys l"% wivio,il .,Ill I)v liftwitner and KrAmu (c(. 1-st,tit, I meshvi 6 7 0*9 is ~ ** I I j ~ 30. !0*111 was applsird w ills, poodus,timi .,( 1- . (110 will. it, "11.4 Willi 1 11.0, 1", ~30,1'); boon-ITI-Tati7l, 00 -Uyl- Slist 1-1141"1-6111 A lorthyl lZill" 1-1 1;,N^, I Ift'l Halt. "! M 1. I bass". wase of which ism known Stsawnsolytica 04 phavulaoil. i ifi T 4111,Y1, lit I is,til. bahl VAli-wi,1% VIOPItAid. lit ' - e 1W) i 110 l also M c,nrc. x" he priietkal methods for produting %ryl. t.tis. w m 1 ; p p jlV)~ %%.lnllyl sV),tii. 143 1 ) .00 0 10 00, i j actow ackis 'Wanted for these "hefts were tiamd. in ; ttl- ccOMP" nyl, ill. lNi' OICI M. 110-V (4 00. 1~! dttxd. f1j. wethylgallyt, M. 170 (IICI "It. in. awyl, pro- goo 01, 00 a formul by treating methyliscimpud p1-1%itr(vj!e With O d ) l A d 11 l duced in such a sniall quantity that It Practically could 1=* m td l llyl th l 00 X stn . v an ry l ,M . t75% yield), tit, W The e . tlrttt~ 9a li ~ not be crystil. in plitirst ` : 00 fol"Ta'all i ~11CI self. jlj~ t,4~linirthwtyphenylgIyo1ylIc e d t l Ii b 1. 00 0 wetv tnvpd.: arvir , ill), P-M. am-urdina to lkwkw I 4 ou m c y')Iy , iwid.m.13M :1,4.1)inirthutyptlenylg y dl 4;0* It. ~ ; ' I C. A. 29. 4C5 ), M. I~p_j ,ad, llti* f ow U " l E H es in. w the hydrastuc all t~oti%ktrd of while cryst. we ' buido white k i h d o 0 Jjj# ! - A 416" r - F", . it fO . MeOll wid AcOE(; ~ su win W t . lly reacting thc aci 141 z 1 I k*wPvw*tsovt. I ptepd. fly rits-itig M after prisnix of " d Th 00 0 0 e . . were fornse itt. J12 ' atior, ptirgA. hints livAincitic salt von%imcd of yrIhm WOO 1.00 Zf-! ctv,t.Li~ tit. 1%4'. V I., J.ave jr..1 d 4J S Fi 0 ~ ir n y effects. ' -00 '00 Oil At LUNSK&L LITINaTkot ct&%jwjC&jjoM 00 00 UA4 - ' , not 49 SOJ48i -Olt Ov des Ua AT so _~STF_V_r is is 1 U a A 00 0 ~ 4111110001 11 i l I I I Ow lisiv 0 9 v 10 Sppxx xx fix xx RK 10 as K st ff x $sit aff nn 1111 Satt 00 0 o 0 0 0 " 0 11 4 U n 0 0 0 010 0 0 000 1401 0 0 0 00 00 00 011 0000 00 il a a a I ff as 0 4 a I 4 3 a 1 I 0 00 Soo 40 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 o 00 0 0 * 0 - - 0 91* 000 ** *00102004111009,69ha ts, - - 0 *i* 0 0 0 o * 0 0 0 0 0 0 S! I ties$ to litilus) $6 v Is A 11, -C a a r ,Al. A.-i-1 - A U 1 -1 IM- FA CC go IS j I I d o:10 0 00 The Illothetutton -1 the tl~ljld 0 tho iew.pillwhij. I hall$ 1 -'* V Ualm" ft -00 I t ' ' ). ( tht Chain, .4 -The 0-1111C u , p J-qsCyIAUjjUOj)fOplIll0IS MRAS iUVVSIiljAIVd IfUtItil; thill it conwilutt to 3-iticthylt"ttitaulitivi. The immutAiate jituduct showrd an tillmicilet slk-c1rum itsubt w the 1 l i I h i 00 11" 'l e e On -111 lk" t devinalliur Ivpc Wit wholiv lill owAssr lylivs lind ill I.- ~Iat'd -11 the 00 I-Im'whilf 00 takes PIALC thf,)UAII a w(filki. u1 Ill, type. S, dv P mAy 00 A --00 404 00 400 Arl age 1.00 J! to 0 us 0 Its is It##* an fid scats it it be a 14 0 ~w 14 it * * l 0 4 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 e 0 i 0 41 0 0 r 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 of FUDOR, G. 1948 t (Res. Labs. Chinoin Chem. & Pharmaceut. Works Ltd. Uipest, Hungary.) "Investigations Relating to the Synthesis of Patulin." Jour. of the Chemical 5ociety 1948 (Sept.) pp. 1295-1299 Abst: Exc. Med. 11, Vol. U. No. 10. p. 1360 00000000000*0000 o 0 'I If I Lt n as it -4 Is IF, a P is A A M V it a 4; 44 V I - I I , I - I, I ? AA G 11- L.-I At- A I L I P, f.r 4 a I I V I i't A J 4 Ak Ill Uarsi.j 00 .00 'i sik and degrebtive studies In the isaqulatilins -460 00 CIA twice. fit. V. Bruckner, 4,Y9.41, I Kcivici, and Kipis (UnIv. Sageti, HunlrAry). . to". Chrm~ Sor. .40 00 .4 70, cf. C.A. 40. 61.41 '.-Pfeiffer, es at. 00 (CA. $4, 23MI), obtained A ccunpd. from brjuilln for which they suggested the structure 1.(2-hydrazy4-meth. -04 oo (1); at. 00 V, tempted syntheds of I led to a to which they Lj- signed the struicture of the 7,FArixV1(0_ Isomer (11). 2,4. 0 0 a 1,n I - HO(MeO)CJUCO&Me (18 g.) and 13 nil. PhCH,CI it. -00 oo 100 mi. 910H contS. 2.3 g. Na, refluxed 12 hr,.. and th. product sailiond. with 0 g. KOH in 20 mi. HgO. i e if too oo 2-(bew%)sI~x 111). .. y)-4-w#tbxybex;.,ie aeid ( zoo 00 (9-4 r.) In :0) ad. PhMe. Imiatnt it :0-Ill' with fit trol If -00 OC until HC1 It ev-sived. the ~kxls rein'lveil iq me"o. S the residue iu 50 mi. hot &if%. NOW addni dropwist I,. =00 so a 21.3 ll~ 3.4-(UtO),Cjl.Cti(OII)Cil,%teNti, in SW nil so twdiuS PkMe and the ruixt. refluxed 15 miss., gives 91';I :-!;;Oo 00 a 00 -00 mi. hot phide. treated with 1.0 all. POCI, anti fvduxcl of I hr., gives 73ro 1.11-(btmj$o zoo 9 roodAyi-6jdixemOssuryit misidissr( ).us.M-4 (ifit j.11j, yClitswish tn. 2211-2'). V (15 K,) if% 3(k) mi. abs. Moll. ;=d.over Pd-C, Itivvi tM1170 1. in. 14:1-4' 111(7 s.ill, yellow. tn. :17, 1*. pic-rat e, yellow. us. 2.4 d' (,Ir - as reported by 1'.. W a/.; Me ether. us. 144'1. 9xii.), at I with alk. RhInO. gives 4,3,I,2-(AIeO),- CJI.(CWi)*. Thus. the synthetic product of 1'.. et at is I mud not Uvid the structure of the product from Ismilis Vo 0 i4mill undetd. V 1. West , ,10, ; - , 0~ * ~ . I S . - 5 L .17-1.L~PWLIL LITtNAIL011 CL.SSIVICAVICU I Z_ 1, Cto 0 so . I I - SI - . -7 ---- - - I I a w C 4 - 'I V 84 Is 10 a '3 4 117-M W-I, W TS to It It It at 143 A I to 04; 0o 0 (A 0 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 00 0 Vo 0 0 6 0 041 0 0 0 Goo 0 0 00 * 0! 1 0 0 00041 000 000 0 0 0 0 a o SIO-0 0 * a 04 0 000 00 000000 19 CA-M Phi" A,M V to HuSl6b lBff4xts "eve mmak to synibe- In a Wimb for Wapelliko "W Gyntholds was mmoll W The MIN110-11cl, W. 146*, pripl. tN)s and NOUAW, was tmrWarvmk lIsMiNlICONIts to 176. Into 8-(ft. d - ~,. 44 W. ( 1 4 r W. IkI. socardims to dark sodd d(IODMI, was Converted Into (PhcIil)*- (U). bat pMd. (67.6ro ykid) by ~- LHSCN In ea. sk. Fromm U mW CICIfi- arm M. which showed Imiatic 41)"Y' a am SIT". Isivin Finily The neemerimis of pritpettylbowe" and of sHylben Igoe d4dutivem, Arpid Kia, C!Jtkw F(xtqr. ittJ I Molnir. Adis Vale. Swgid. CAwW"R'PAji~. 2. W-111 mom (in Engiib).-fise uitmvioiet ahsorption cufveq tA allyl and Pfopeo I phenol% and their ethers sho"I thAt tile inesonlefic Xct of the submtituents wa,, in all V , larger than their inductive effect The curve, W Niv! Itentene defivs. carresixinded clowir In 111~ of tile lifirni4i :still plirnnl ribers, slight iliffirlences being Glur (,iot, it) the intioctive effect a tile atio chAin- 'riw c, Imclilln ut the Avi chain could tie eph-erved wily in ilw &~vndins PArt lit tile curves. The Wwwplion Iwclr,i fit .111 propittlyl derim, i.e., "nni, anetlu*, iWiellgellol. kohornottent-A. *M4frtk. isnottyristicin. and ioachwoet44. revealed it r1aw rewrobtince to that of PhOVC11MV rins indicates that the r-eltetrous od the prulicnirl chain play an important part in the tnesornerisatt lit pri* Penylbenune dermt 1%tvin FillAv S Naturit 164, 917-11; (lN9).-lnVr2tjgAtjUII.* tit thV AVYI klkt-4111011 IcJCtIt'I X - 0 (c(. C.A. 43, 4=4b) were rmend.-d to imucric alicyclic arnino 214:8. tit "tablijil mcm po'lumv, When 2-lientamidocyclolictianolit tit. 1911' mid 171 ' %ter, 11 treated scpAmtely with a1c. IICI at rmon twisip.. Ilie Isw IUAtctial rcartarigol mitte rapidly (by a bettor of tit or 1.) 1111141 WAS OI1IXidCFCd tit IW Cis; it X-7e 0-1--vt Ill. =,q*. at.. do.-ght t,- 1~ 174 * Inatirli.d. voll'idered tit tv ti.61t., X.Ave 4, I,villo% I 111111in.)cYclotirza"ol-licl (tram). In. 2K1'. 11--ti, lit'l salts wrre rrArratigrd to Itic migimil aittideS by alk,,11. At ltlo* the rates of rear-ratigruieut J the '21 ami,l- new III.-Fir stralir alikir, Imit the 'amv p1'.110, '1~ 1. log, "I I` I4ilithicil. The %tudi- are t-, 1~ oxtrii&4 i,- t1w mm- Wrtirols. 11. 11, %'%' The aptislask of falmooArloulkiworbalrylk it nin.. Sirg"), 1141"S ). -1.1d i"l"l 3114.. (/W#". el. PO". S, I-M. ask lilrooKin litisli,fil .-The por"."Ay""known tweluji. 111 o61 41) (.Alt* coal. figurativas; 4% v1shelfritirl wan prclul. by the Ifirlting aminis .k-. Ynth"i.. Ott irratinent with alkali. I dermthmylatnt ramly. Puttylt"', mwh a, all est. lif Suillonot-l'i Itiollsory. alut, Imctly derarboisyla(vil 1, Istin-Ing that Its lieuvitior differs Irmist that tot the rumnatm I.( the isomeric I-sruducithelfritior -fw-. 3.4 1111) ht.11, WC1110 Popf (11). ton III' 2W. won IIAttained Ivy UP, gA% bill) TJ q. in XI S, Iffif Ift""I'410 tot :15 M' And emlills; with lee tolitif llor InCfr4W In tit Wan UN it.. healing son A OCAM Will 411 min.. jonimurs"S wilb stirring into 1% g. VaOAc in 1!1111 tell. ""Itt, evols, The Oily with PtioOll air till", dry- ing the nivierrif en fused MallSO,, sitstj di*lg, jig njo#-Mpvo~ Fj *a,, toretuf fly Adding IN 9~ ether %osln, r4 IICI to Z~ S. It In It*) nil. .try ether. thers, %1.)*IY at It', I I S. 11"bly-olmd. IIUON'O too Xi "d At., cities. krepillg mernight in it teffigeratm, land -A. Ald -- ~ t ivill"Vills live .4%fill At "if,' I't V40to (IV). tit. I 1~" '-4?* 1. %4' v-1.14it"I by hystrtsit"Ut. I 11.1-ch4or"d in he iliff.111.3 K. III in IL4) 10. ah,. E'1011 1%4- umLil ols4livief I~l hrl. it) the lifl-Wil"t (11 "1 "1 4 11 X IICI III At". F011t. filterials, eval,jr. III v,".0 At 'As*. IiA%VA%iiig the midur in At". r%spg. AgAll. load thitilig Its 49 -101k` 4-affIr I" the aA. .4 IV. :! S C. IV Ar'.1, 'halsen with full nil. NAIIII m4a I for !is A visitrut .4 It. licullAblell with IICI. hAri%fA!k%vjub% A cuffrut 14 It, lirfilloorifell with it, I ll. 1417P I'll cha 4 ~ tAt-itteritt.,11I.AndfiltormL The 1144"Ith-1 wag Ia,.vivjC that dwarbovitylallm Pl4re I When 3 9 IV wan lovelt'llYfrof In 'At 111111. N II(*t tit A VIST11111 4 11 At -'01. I'll I Ill - ""Aff-I f%"'hV' An jfl,l rise .,Ici, tot III,. I.mits, t tmatell sloth the deturl-strIA- nof 11ofura-pig killney. ill the ri-e 4.1 the thrmthrri". obtairsord, fly .4poic., 111) cOv hirinalit'n win IIbWfVr'j' wbrffts thor luls- (Alil," fiblain"t fly 'Albin. 44 acittiliest coryllva" ciang"k. gv"- es,.117 dv~vrl'vlftlt tatu'llethIr mts. ill COo. The tortichtet fbMillrol Ill $)'I. A, 1.1 1'.11101ri, was 111101. 3,44110W.11.- IIV1 "ith the r,yfk,o,, mvuctarr. I,avin Hittite (4 I "t 4' - 'N" - G"-4hq LA =;","A t c V h. .1 M 'Z ' L'- ;11; st vgs~rlolnuKf bX.1 7h Istry. Ist4n MnAly 01/ C.. an of dittistmilisomeric 3 reidlitilty-11-hy- &."Y loplinsilamines C.11I.W Ki", still A,i, firis Sit reke Witiv. Itillig:3 J. thf. Christ. N 15. lMI91011; ri, C.A, 39, ~,W*V. tit the licelln. .4 3.4 li Its lWC.IIXIU( lit ~Clli Nli,),%I,- (11 hous Wt- ,ujiniot (11) tem l(CIIIN(l1CII,.%fl,I%lk- fk - 3.I-MtO- tilt(`11,01C.11,1 - I(Clfif ill ICIff MIA"Me flIll - kCll(f_lII)ClIs.Nly%Ie ilVI. A 1 (611. 111. '.5115% %1 Oll- tAitiCtI. When I t- lisq-1. fimit It i,i., 3,4-%IvO(AMI. J011WIll NIIAe)%It- (VI, " I 'lls). ol. 176" it oblailit'l. Fla aml Ili Ali- 4-11111-11 it) 14- Accoril- mg I-- Wr6h I C .1. 4 1.211QO. 11,1L.- Ifir colifigurAlioil fle,-AUSC Ill Atilt V IUVV tit, -11te t OfiflKlir.1114KI AOY 01-olite us it 111w( olTur either ill (it'. coilvvtmott of Ill into IV or ,luting thli IcAt%tVLlfiw 4-f V ]Ievailw rt-Acrtylatiolt tit IV AKAJO, fill VILMKV ill 4-011figUrAlittlt C-Arl like plArr duritic the driertylatimt, Atilt IV cowt kwe the clots- figurAlitua of V1 1"tp prove 111.11 tit the ifearetyLitim of V A W.Shir I% its Vt-f%ifNl i, 11-V 1, villfieitrif by a inrlholf luch ICA. -1, 1.1 not - -cimls %%ill, volnj.l~~ rpliflifille &TIM I'm m%vol k rA 11% 11.14 9. PACklili s, _UL with 11F. With il-t-4111% 5 IlrN. usital tile wt. h-ts own-A,rd 1.1, it., (lit oo%t luml,l I *, tit, it 7f, '. ImwlFc,t Into iml ~c. 11,0 oo(g. Ll~ C. 'NAf)AC, %t,1 Willi "ll"t; tl"Ill "i flit"It"If fl%lllilc Kivl' 17 V; 3,41-%tt(V 0101C414COFt (Vill. I.. 7~'. " (it 4% ,,tI 1119 261. VIIln 1:)#Ve. 10,11. Willi ~.l Sit '_W IICI Ili Cities ujsll 111.7 si. Mr,CIICII,Ntk a f,-lv he.. it Is' give, S4'~ C.11,C4 16 :At Ill ~ 11, tVIII). lit. 141* pe,tot, I it. Vitt Willi "s,% .141CI" r~ 111K V-AodIw livid, M. I'. I'le.ktoll I a Vill .1~~ S(KA, With tre,,,.,1mg i .... I et,pj. tile .,I I.,. ~%j , ill,, 94.5e; vwiillic avi,l, tit, x '. Vill (:j I..,. V. , in JA) cc. VtOll :111,1 1;9 cc. li N 111.1 ill .114. Eltill 1, h I 'tirliAlrd fl hl,l. ill Ilw ptrwwr of 1-1 it. Pd.el"I'ad N it Is ), tile 110 llentralilevi t 1111 NA ill. tile 111141, 1f.f'J. ASIA tile filtrair to oil, v.. Ill.). Wish 17'is c. )Ili 41111 hYtifl-AvIlAtell -19-1111 -- lit', Wish IX. Kilillf , J islet ho% .11vilrox V -1 -L .110l'-plic, It I [w 4 10. I-i'V (X'?, Ytihllti-ll ITYOA14', Its, 1W 7W1. SI, illyl.amol -4 X wt Is C I If N, givro I Iw I -Nfe vilot, tit 1:111 W ; -If A, detiv. Mi. Isrclut, with Ac 0 C,If N it "f". its it ', farMitist Xf W fin. with 4 k Ito i"i m. -11:1011 it isisdulipti. Tivatina WN15 If. X "fill WRt -v~ Ar,I) movs-, 1.7.1A g. N-Ac dirivill. (XII). on, 142' 3% which, tolu%M 1) 111%. Its 2ice. Anhyd. E1011 with II'15cr. 1111CII'Milld its. Ftlt I C. 111 0- I's EfOll Ov'stv'Iff.5 lit. %fill Ittoth.-r--of IX Ill life trulitm ptikkict kirld vkith Av,il-C.l N hi~ ..% i~ IFIA'doli-of 11.2 g. V, Ill. IlLf". vid-fillit will) IM Ill FI(III Ilir II-Aedryiv- 110 moll. iw IIQ', %loch -file fill) IV 13-methiony-I -1. fogirl"ttv -ill, U10', *tIhAf-,I)Kv- 111, 1.. I:lx'. K~p iligi).113II.V %ithO.Wtv, N 11cl~.4111t, at LW.tfld till; the Invit, I lit. fill it Strain Will xi-r .4 itme, 4 li- 1whitts, lit. ISI 7 " vt hich emitfol 1. m 1. 1. bv cryou. Tovastitilt OAK5 It. X-IICl :1 hr%, ulth f# d v- N Iftliks at*. FtOll sivros*21111 fit&, NIIA'I. f-SmA Ili, -t Ilvdi'llilille drAvaltr. RefIrs,finjt littIL! X X.II%*I lit som willill.1"Siv. 4 SHOW Illm. 1-. 1`1011 sm, a mist, l4 IM4 .14'. It PAwtive of kirta siddliblifils, Gkux~ Was" florisr. 41;41 tioluji Klivilic!i itniv. fi/rxrd, I. 1149)-if Xim. Faly-4ral $6. .11 Ily. e*14- %,a,- s-olmhu-1,.1 tit 16rifir I he jumlwalains (d ills, -4 afth ulkyl. ~tniinroo. Ths, hi~ulfite t-,,nq.l,. a 11' 13 lirl., All1rhydr% Vital, Mtilat4tll tOACid,41111 Ali-41h, Now nst'. g.luclivo: 'twoo- dctnoati,mi wtills Alwyl.aminv- Thy litillialy tortallics, of m-h 1`13ndell1`4110"I. "try 14ILY1.41111mo Ulftuliv .1cid" shing (saw 1-yolfullrowily,oi% 'ilkv defiv,. Aryl- xlyo%.du Cents. lit, oil x1mil, 'Indif unt Ile colitirt"'I %*till mnitux kritan" wonder lbe ~iunr mductitm conditiamb. The 6, cimwlpl�~ %tro. tart 1-1 : P-11OG11.V(:O)CI1sX11.l1r t I a. In. IfAl', oa, ObtAntil sit yicltl bymts. with I I a ~u.lwn~iam 11 15 x, imki,t Rmiry Ni ill is) IuL 6% Ptoll. "Iduls J.7 jl~ Nl,:Sll! in v$ till. I'Mil, .11101 -falsely adding :.N." ant. tit A ~411, of 17,7, g. J-110CAII.CM110 ill FtOil. file relu4:ti%r w.i, inAdr its a in-rLd app. lit 45, with a rutAtilis Slifil't i:l .'ON) 1 (241.1) 1.) with :12 fall, 2KC, 11c1 in "I.. YkIded 15.3 g. 110 mit, In. zis.. M), no. IM-20". wa, musilArly obs;Ainett in 16.:4. yirlal toy ticAting 8.76 S. RUN11'. .4%, Aitave. adding 15A2 ff. cryst. 11,CSO., filtering, di-olting the lips. in 140 till. 2.5 N K011, anti uitS. with Cfj~; the HO utk, lit. 6% Will, cobtaincd by d6wAvis, 11 in 1.1) N UCL P.110C.11.0:0)CUSS1111k UM in. 158 va~. tablaincil ill . J).N. Yield by ;adding the utoll tiall. of W9 f. p-ll(K:Jf.Cl:0WllOJIO land K. (frohly-&t& Ph.NlIj law a snqwss~im of 7.0 j. Rmicy Ni in lUU nit. 90% J-4011. slils,%; silt l:lt lit I'm Ill# its[.. trwrAting as (art. filtering 4 the rutAlysat, rvAl-K. the fillfste to -no-third its vail., Ading 9.5 g. cryst. 11,CO,, filtering, dimalving the pill. in 43 all. 21.0 N KOII, atut satg. with COp; [be Ila Idt, sit. 21W, c4 III wal, obtAined by arryalm. from 2D X IICJ- #x-110cJ1.c(:O)C11,S/f.Vf (IV). In. I:N,, WQA Obuilled in 1,5-1. Fivid lov tirliting's Su'lovilbitail all 11) A. H"*t RAnCy Ni ill Pit, old, PO" F1011 " ith It. 'Ading l,X5 1, INICNII, in Ila RoL 00111 AIM Ill) nil. 11.05 JI m-fI(K:,ll,C(-OPCIIO its F(Oll. hydinsicuAling it. I'll 1, &aid trvAtilig (anther As flows III; the I/C/ jail, tit, Z'94', cal IV mas tibld4l"I by Ittratiod IV with 36". 110 ill all%. N1011 and riymg. flown walct. V. in. -444 m'. %.m ()btAiurf in A-34-S. yield by tmiting 1.9 g. Et.Xil, ,,, fW IV; the HO 144, was ubtatintol by rept.4ticst c Inilfrom 2m X )ICI and awatcr. ,.,v me.- J C:T /M V1. ill. 241 ", W;i~ ubt wined its OA-S. Yield by wims. -till It ;i %ulaparnsion owl 1.5 g. Jtlivr C fulag. 14% load ill W) in). E1011. addiog Lmi g. Nf,,Sll, in to) nfl. 1;1011 laid .30 nil. M 3A-(llOhCsll.Cl)CIlO in 1,4011, hydroilrumisse A- all,'vor. lit-uIrsliling 'Aiti. `tJo N IICI ill rtoll. fill"ll. rt.,Pg. 1114. filmlle lmluw 30* in A Current 44 11, dit,"Ving the ivintlue lit :14) wail, v,.itrr, vitrifying, emoluts %till it-, S49. With Sll~afl~ 110, Waiting, J1411 UAlibillf %ilb FtOll. EtAlioulas4ittioitliFfOll. JJ-U10hC,11w(t:0)C1h.V1I- C11.l1eJ1,,Va, Vu. lit. :~13,. WASuhuiurd in 7.1-K. Yield by treating 1.1i g. i-PrMIS ;1, file VI, filtering aid the CJIA- lv,t. nentrAlijing the filluaN -ith ',.a) N fftWX. in Etolt. OAPS. Ill S%Ulafo. retain' ills the imalturc by tv4ps. 3 tiartar, oith 30 nil. all,. EtOll. Awaiting the t"iduc to StAnd ever- night with 2o till. alt.. RiOll in i tefriso-r4mr, 4mf uj-hing with cold ab,. EtOll SinuLr treAtsucist uf.'J.4-(PhCIIt~- C#IFsCOC1I0;JuXA%vVU- 1o-I1OG11.C(:OjC11O.KIIN~. (VIII), w&,, obtain"I in yiclaf by smiting 17.7 S. P-II0CJI.C(:0)CIlC#XllSA. --'Is sail. mairf. And "".:, g. KqSOA %ith lict it pit 5, anti Autawing tit 't'And :414 tirs. Vill wa% "1'0 0.14bled in =11A.S. yleld by lefluxing 24.15 S. crym. p-If0CJl,CII(0II)CCI, and .20 Bit. water with 15 X. (~klr%v cacOll' allowing to -14nd a day, Owing, adding 2-J.2 g. KzSrOt. and allow- ills to t.nd 24 It". A 30 wt,tholl "nist. of Clarify. olic uith iwtivr C air aq. v4tt. tot p-II0C#II,C(:0)CII0 1.1 C.A, 4J, 42414). ath ril, .11.1 S. KjASO" then courd. IICI M tilt "' allowing to .1allil '-,I ht,.. and rry,tg. fruits water in the pir4cuct -it Kj$().. :-(j-11yl1rexypkcr#yI)- Y01111=4211JU (M. In. !M% %%A~ obtAilittl in 3.4-C. yield by I.ading 6.4 g. Vill in 65 mi. bot witivir with 2.38 S. P-CG.l$- 'Of')l I." loill.. ;l1k)'Allig 1.1 'IL11111 .1 day. liftefilix. anti , from '111. N144111, IX na, 1ri'l.lot it) Smilt-fal anti 'Wor Arld.. alk.1114" arld aild I :01CHOARA0. (Xj (.".6 , .4 VW,--t Iftly A4. ubtaillill I'Y CYAPS. the aq. ulu. of 01-110c'If. , :0]iCII0 hooduced front m-ll(-K:JI.AC by axillizinx with Sc0i (4v. cil.)Vto X. nd., adding 22,2 S. Kv&f)& in 74) ml. hot water, adding conal. IICI to liff it. allowing tit %land, anti crysts. firm -Ali-r. (XD. was oh- lAucd in 75% YiTkf by tIL"olvint -*-, J(. Vill in W MI. 18.6% v MeNlis mAn.. willing 194 Oil. 84% EtOlf.atInwing to stand 1)"rTnight, Altering, anti washing with 241 mi. MeNlic in EMIL P-110CJ1&C(.0)C11GV111'k).W.K (M), m. 239- 41' wa3 ubtaintif in SM71p yiehl It rt-Auxanx 27, j. Vill, IIIJ S. Ir"hly-tikid. PhNift.jud 171111. Water .0 Suitt.. all-ins 1. mmill VvIllight. c6rifying with 1% -.4clise U. 111irring. I-Vilpe. Int ;llolhrr 1111tiur. 111irring, Anti tvinhinilig both I)Ilt*. P-11ocJ11,c(:0?01,N11Mf (11111. In. 1411", WW% Obtained in I 11.7, -1:. YiChl by Vitt. 4 4 Wig. Raney Xi in:1lN)juj.h4!; fitOll, uith fl.disolving ~-N 4 g. X1 in 1411 ml. watri. ditc. to 215 its[. vLith 84% R101f. tre4luLing a~ siv~6NAANIVO, 047fing Off tIW ClArAtrit. 11VAling the filtrate with 11.5 S. 97% Ifil4h. alkiwing ill ilt.11111 uverilight, tilli-1411. diViOltilig Ilk' 11111. in 121 in). water. clarifying with ~,~ act.%r C. fillirtunt. und utding -28% N11,011 to pit w.'., (lav), in. 100". wj% ubtained lit tLK-j. yietil by atg. with If a suspention of 25 pt. Ranry Ni in :1101 ml. A)% PtOll. .16- lailvi is :14.3 g. XII in I-10 Ull. lukVitarin "Atrr' 1111C. with K0%1 M011 to 215 od.. rtilucing a~ allove. filtcring off the VAtAI"t. J:VAPS. (11C jjj(f.t(V 14 flIL1.0 111I..;4.11fillij 3d.!t X. cry.t. ttc4o.. allowing to Wtd %4-vi,rAl '14y'.. fill * and safg. the sobi. of the crytiah in .110 mi. ",11 N00i with C(h. The F"Iuctivc "imirnsaticin of ilil without %epu. ill the hittintr6tir ptojutt gave 1. lit. 147' (tbii -.Ulllplc vv.ts shuwn to Ile "identicAl- "nixed in.p.) with the previously larcpd. sample of 1, m. 166") in 11.7-C. yield by satil. with It a suspension of 17 g. moist Raney Ni in 310 ml. 84% EtOll. dinolvin parately 27 c. VW in 110 mi. water with cooling. aildisneg 7.75 C. McNill sla a 40% aq. soin., di'16. vich 94% Et0II to 215 mi., ailding to the catalyst until I tool. It isaboicixii. tiftering off the cats. IV't' 'id.1ilix.,ili X. S-""r Ijjn' t'. th'. filit.ov, chilli,ill 21 br,. in ilk' ruffiscralaw, filtttilic. ill-Sking tilt 1-blitt its ~.'10 OIL Acyl MWM*a 0 - N im 00 Ambremillimliffilt 24=b"?- basumisitse- CAbor Fodor and J. Xim (Univ.. Hung.). ;. Ag-.C4Fm-. S;pc. 72. 34W7(IqaO).- cm-2-Benzaimidocyclohexanol (1) (2.5 S.) in 8.7 cc. abs. at 100. KIM and 5 cc. 6 N dba. 1,11011-110. heated 2 b". 1 4111%, unchang"I I And 441% CIP:'d ' WW71 It, :=*. Tbe ardmi-imm"W"OMM of 1 sinillasly lives 43% tecivered Ell &W 49% Of the isomer 0 ) of 11. tn. 774'. U (Q~M g.) in SD cc. HeO, ttested with 0.65 cc. N NaOH, Siva an imil which. m 4cratebing and &Mn. of exerm alkali. yW& 0.173 t. 1; Mix) It. IV with 0.9 cc. SjOll save an oil which did ntx crystallize until the further addn. of 0.6 cc. alkali. W14M it yielded 0.120t. M. Ilie intermediate oil froto 11 sminmyclobesyl bitimlle, which can he isolated by im- mediate tosyLstion in 40,16toth, (V).m. Iw*. m 6101 lit tilvv. llpmO 0.14 lit I m. AAII.. titi-t with vuv,ti allut give 0.7M C. W the X4oj I J"rv, (VI), tit. 1&0-4 '; with DzCJ in C,II.N it yiekis V. I'mmilarly 1.12.5 c. IV yields 0.9 1. of the Irani-tiomirr (VII) of V, m. 1684W. The fram-momw of VI. in. M% gives; VU with MCI iyt C#H.N. A mechLnism of the 0 - N acyl migration i~ presented. C. J. Wtst caleftweliftel awsladeft of thlaramphas" with IM, I i-elpbodrim. CAbor Fed(ir, wt Kits, anti I%tvin Sil- ly. ~ - - jr4cfMal Soe. 19S1, I$V"T !tVZ"cen==r a"Ltiml drriv%. of rhlfwam- ArnitVI IP-04%'CSH.Clttolt)CII(NIICOcttcl,icltoitI be" proved by Comparative *CA Mtrwiors elpt's. to tw a klenticul with nor+epWritw lPbCll(t)l I VIC N310-WIM. M 131-2'. ""its Inim the Its tforiv. and AcO (2 bri. it ZNI). Ph- CII(OlOCII(XIIAOC160AC (1-A a.) with 15.3% IICI In Meoff (Owtrwot) gives 17m IM. PbCIf(OIf)CII('%Ifllx)CffsOAc 2 )14m 0 cc, dioune anti 2 cc. ON IICI In dititane IW 111W I giv" -A a a. I.J.di4twory- I -(P -d"islop4eaw )props a.0la ). delig f I froth, thrmigh the'lLizo rr'.Ction in if. tl~ 1, 1,51. ViAlt 0, Ilk! 0. of the I-Ph dowtoc, M. I I (* s. CIf(OH)CII(N'IIDs)CIfsOII (70 x.) a 711, Cl In IN) ec. C.11.,%,, heated V min. on the Olftris Wit t!nd'l. it 12 fire. at 2M, givv MA a, I -k Ucis-:- (V). lo. 70 S. T sinif 18,6 cc. Ac.0 Its 274 cc. CM&N. heAtnt 30 min, on the ateam lath, kept 12 hn. at 24'. clibl. with,. &V cc. Cgi. and estd, nKvmivcly with If,(). X IICI. and If'o. ent". to 223 cc., and dild. with WN) re. peir. et her, b~1-AcdMP.(V1).m.l41-2*. V(2.71g.) rns"Aoalf'.N, treated dropw1w at -tO* with 4.6 S. MeSDO la 28 cc. C.1-41q. krpt 16 bra- dild. with 21M) cc j ether, mA waslierl wftb IfO and dil. Itives f:k ~-4. tn. 113-14' VI ( 1, 1 0 In 2.14) iv. .1"Isvil. FlOfI anti 4.15 re Jr. .1 N I ICI, treated (70 min.) with tj 1. Pd4C &n4l nentrali&eff Will] A comewation of dissitior"awl"k anot a a soled slitchasshan for acyl trifigrafim M-0. Chhur, I'M* -410 1. ki- I Viiiv. Stravil. Aisne.). A 1% I.-hotam.4 In 4*, i%.1% 4-11jainosi its 19-1. virl-1 bt- torminji . mr.l.-smi Ili X .-AvNIIk*.Ilt1II it 44k) sill Utt'll -till :KI is ~rt It v Ni it, An ki W rusu. .4th 11 under to ?VI log. .1. vIll. pte-wire at INP with cull linucvt1s shaking, alhm ing to st;tn,l :.1 lows at this terrop. and 1ho,filtrate II t%itu.. it 3.1-40% Hold I.,41ing the re.j.11W 'Ailb 114) till. WX04 It% 111111. wl"Airwa.4 1111. In ISO', wastlidainvil fil 17 It Vu-I.I low Itillmns; Is is 1 .1111 1141 till. lm-'j, lICI I., Ill- 1%,illil.throillill .41110, So fill 14.4lit 1413(41 1111, and lWosairl", Ing lov the timlittil, a-efd'-wh4evand till, 1.~I, i'MAIlle'l bv AtilnuilIA"It, 4hIl-ttWV%l41hr%Aljl%l. 19111-tal Joy A %-hill It'll. I t,111filarn I*tjoniviathm rJ floor ausim, dIc. ut"Int'"I (4 1. Aftst-Cou-jan't, a I) . 1' 1. 43, zi - I A. Ife,11VAI Wish 2 9144JC IIVI. 11% dl~t#-06hr~- its. ZW, wasoblaimcd. 11 the unit of IICI added wissiviffrAssed to Ill tir M incolvot. the yirlqiv %%ere .12 and W%. remp. Similar - "4% trotAtnt I., Ill,- njA jul-a 144 2 to,. J- I It'l w A- 'utlivirut It. ri to. It a vis-11 to, to ,III- At. InI,,f I'll-trol lov O.willuld 111.1t dw IATI -1111t N -I 1 -111, 1.1 orpi. Fll.t till lill'table A I, .4'sly in iminloollAr '14 C.11, Ilit. alciintspl. or t"iratigmi in jo,Jjr ~,olvortscv tic lov hrating. bt AIC. the equil. betvicell uIllitle 41141 Aluitle ~111 I% Shift"I I-, Ard lise anlidr, .,1,l ;us ru-, J JICI it tit. ailli'le %;dt. I'llo. lou'l so1q. A hr A' %I 'Itilt 1, ., mrill I., all Is-, Ah. oil, 1,11, ..1 .1.1. It 1~ J, 1.1 1,% lilt .16,Lsm'. llmt,mlik"K kll.~lj- 111.1aill., ItirtKII-11 lilt 4111MI11111till Illav A%) r%plmll ill, not, till I'loct. ill an im 111111111-tv .14 it IllidtAl 14"1 r trot fin lin,ki, likills, I he imiki'l 41111'.14 11".. 1., 1 a ... I Illo, I it., 4 ",,vl toliar.ti-I 0 file 11,1141nolso .41 Itot I to mp 1~ 0"" Otn'ttil, Cozifigurational correlation of pharnlaco ti, logi alcohols. 1. CouversIcin Of X-MOtI1Yl-DL-Cph.Vab into- UL~tj)hedrint zad 4,-ephedrine. GAbor Fodor K&t)ly Kocrka. and UuJ6 Szeke-res (UniP`M~- -~WM Acad. Sci. Hung. I, X77-84(1951y.-Phartnacolog lea DLetivL- Dt'N-methylepiltdrine (1) was convened t!3,wio-06-bejizoyl-DL-ephL-drizie (11) into im-ept f, L tedrine, (1a)_ anti f-epliedrial: (IV) providing prod uf the r"pective figuraticlual mrrulatian. ISzC1 (15 g.) was added. to 1 lw~ C&14. und r a-ulled, to give 0-13% duiv. (V), m. 751 afW 5~, P11 crystri. jv-cy"oderiA-.O(V(VI),fn.78-0*.%-asobtaittedfroft, p gave 111 (.1 r.), m,72-5'Jrtxrx petr. ether. I Z , with p-N0..b7.Cl gave I-11CI (2AYg,). "3.. 204-8% and I- ill. 78.-Hl*. EvulliA. fif H in vacuo followed' klYclx4jilgin pctr.t:thcrguvc 0-(p-_N0,r4z)ldcriv. off, T81% Thermul dtgy,,,&tioja of I Wlow~tl fly adiln. it of NuG NfUr'N'll ui proved by a zmli~d m.p. detu. of its p-Cll,C, U.SOL, (4:6v. U w.,%~, retluxed. uith 110 and tzeated -with c, I (VU Work e Ill. t, 235' frota %EvCL IV, io~ 117~* was prepd. by. b..)ilillgVlLii,iLlil.77c,~N;LOII. III. Conversion of bt..obr- eptictirlat Into 4-hytiroxy- And 4-miltboxy-DL-norep hedrine. Isi, tvu Fcbtir. und Dczsd 136nfi, p:tper (!,A, with flit c-orrelation of the* cuilflgljratii ,m of (1) Nvith that of. 'A'Ith tl=t TA 1JL-CPhcli- rine, 11 Tli'mit~'iln.6 K.) kidded with mirring to cold 11 %0~41ZSO, to give nitrate (1.65 m. 247' (from fr,e bwc (III), at. MI)'. D Alt fiv. of 111, ris. 1050,wai vr~-llwd %-ith dil. j6(l ~lrjd 1120mid mduN,4 N~itb Pd~C ID /1' 3111 ill 0- N-1 WA 1!0~1-1) L-1101`~'JAIVIjr ~K y - -uL,11 t_jiy(jr,)x~ A'~Ilcuzfjyl QrNdicdr~ixe ill. 176'. vut, lirclid. front IV witi., MNO, alld inin, Aviiii UzC1. VaTia thu M,~ ethcr (VI), ill. 101-50, (,frxmu gaveflte i'n. ltrkl' (trign FiCill-EltC) thul trot" 11j.p. %Vlltll I)IIxed 'With ILL- IMmIllit rlu;ll UW~ b-llZ9Y1,1fl0n Oi 01 OUS altration Of .lio LIE kin z is -uroimi-~ &MWg, PIZZIApt (1) to 5M X., ddn. too 111 HNOs . 1.6) below V, stirring 15 min'.. antl jxxtring on: ice ga an on which crystd. togive 75 X.-crude 0 S-dirsilra-' allisok (11), in, about 60'. 1 recrystri. frorn M;611 gild I from Cafti Lrave 20-4 g. yellow apedles, m. 95-7*. - 11 with Na3CrA and HtS04 gave J,"inilrophemd, oil. ~ I t4-16*.' It hydrogenated over Pd-C In MtOll coutg. IlCi absorbed '102% U (Wed. for reduction 9(2 tiltio groups). If(S.8j.) JW2.lml but AcOH udded to2O.8 g. Sit d6iolvrd byheating. ill 108 W called. 1(cl and 24 mi. MO, (lie mixt. hemed I b.9 at 100", cooled, made alk., extd. 6 thues with Csils, and the exts. evapd., gave 5.3 gi_ black oil. whicla crystd.. front McOH to 1.2 it. 2-atnino-4-ni&oanisale (M). Mullitei crystals, m.- l1ri-17.4; acetyl4ted by AczO at mom temp- to Ithe N-Ac deriv., m. 178* 11 (20 X.) In 100 ml. EMU ~'trwtcd dicipwise at 100* Will 1i mi. wfol'o and a Mi. MOIL in 60 tai. IttOff und heatLA 30 min. more. gave 19.2 K" q.1-(OiNhCV1sN11iV1h, m. 10"9 (front CJI,), '2,4-' ~1Z6,N)iCllANllN:Ch1Lt. nt. 126-8*. Nitration of I as'' t if Cacont i ; !aboveat -5*6veahurrs cut' eV3.4-0~N(WO) :(IV). T mechanisin of conversion of ItoH Is belie-ved to; .1,44w Involve nitration (A I to IV, Oxid devarboxylatioll to a-hf.eOC4lf4NOj, U"Ll nitra-~: Richard 1. Ak;twie I tion to It. Synthesio 40 tibia m~dnnd1%* sad a relatod tmln* alco- hafg. with a ~ Odmay, Alut" Uwe. , ckbw Podori Odon Af4d; _&ii 11sixt. I. 39&-Mt"l k Eflefsh)i-A new N-Submitutto atnlno~ it". Statthit with hydromyell" Total% Waii tmended to itomdroaftna'andst X7js-HOCJf4COCfftNH- ,CH$Ph -m. 131-20, wix by reducing #~_-HOCA. COCHRydraw or Its X11194a.4dut. product with Ramy NI in, the pm!*nceo( PhCH%N1ts.' TILeProductiwerektril- tical 82 and 79%, n-jo,'_ Rvibirtimmot jusmil M Cavi -PhC!FsNHC1fvC1I(C,1f,0JI-Px?lj Jll excellent yfelif's by rettacing (Pdec) the fict silts I't I Rtiticy Wit) XWelt 7;1 NIIC.FPh,m, (ton of It over jldmc PVC normitenalilte'(9,21% yivltl),- lit, 1&9-9*~ A' mixi. --of 3"4-Mr(XIIO'C.IIXOCIIO-KIISOj 'aild P11011mils toil,, 3,.1. rettuccif (Rnuty NQ In give ,IeO(llO)CJ14CI)Cl[iNHCIItP)s.)ICI, (IV), ill. 221,21'. Reflurlivil (Pit-C) ot IV Ruve, jIj'N '~Vh'tn. -120'. Was -firefitf; by: rdluxiali 13.4-M! N11:0)- i3fiCONfe with Wh; - 2-(.*I-lfidrovs--i-itictltox)i-.~I icityl)- i Tsinoxillitie, mi 143-31. (front (tit. hWfl), was lirciA. from und o-CJf4(Nffjh in hot aq. solo. RjAuctlim (Rittivy NO of Twith PlicifiNits ave 3,4-II0(MeOWICOCit,- NIICIT,Ph (VU, m. 236 ((rot,, Htdii). , Lower yit:kfs weire obtabied with thtt Slyolial In stock sofn. HjNCtliCII- 170-1* (from McOll. Et,O) wus lirml. It - reflucing (Pd-C) VI in MR. - A MiXt- 01 P-IIOCI"490CIIO.Kfii%~aad'FtzNlt ulyimiled I osole of It (Rxiney M), but only A hydroxy lixtem, pm lwnlably 1~110C,114COCH,01(, was obtained. W. T, 8, ~201W' -lava 71 a. Gemb. I. KWMb. Va. Kollouicb. Va. % rein, ovach (Srefted $tot* Unly.. lung,)- ZAAF. Ohshtliel KNO. Gen. Cbea.)21. IM7- I WM 1951).-Tbe pytiouldine synthesis frolen estm of wols has been 4111lendett to eW ethm, To 23 a. No w1r, In AM ml CJI. %a* added 83 g. NtOCIIA3foCN and Wig, IICO#Ht 41 M-110; after a brot, the ppt", of the No "Oble was com. *It: this was allowed to Mond :1 days at 160 the tallit, treated with 125 E. JkIrK%, kept 3 his. at 63'. 16tered, sold lbe filtratr disid., yielding 12-3 a. s,-ndjmwyxWAykxjp- dbexypr*PsrU6k (1), bi 9,.-S*, b, 64--71 ". It, 71142" (the Axn'r an the of the 3 tradi(xvi, all of which gave analylkes clormponding to the abm old orte appamtly composed of the 2 jeaux-trical Isomeric structum possible for the product). The above Na soft sepol. by clentrifullitig aud treated with IIC(OEth in the pmecrAt at PbSOtH in #Wr HtrO readily fortned the -alkaxymAykne nad" ( ).AD Oil which was IM purified further. The No loolt witb P-()oNCJ14r-OCI gave 60% a-p-naralot m. 1M-10" (from CJ17"IM(d2hi kind 1-15 a. AMtAmidille ift HIM let stand 24 hn. give a VW I-PlethvW-dwoo ejk"YMfjkYj)#Y'j"'jjiaO' kxftttd as the ned from I and at4tatuidine-110 treAt"I with aurotalulol. tai knit, o( MoNa fit abo. F1011; the twooluct may be iWint"I &% the 110 mit, in. !M' (fruto BuOll). The &After pr- cedure with HtOCIfjC(-CfIUAc)C.% and actlauddint- IICI In CJ14 ove aceftnoidine "404M, In. 1&J-60, and a goutl yieki of 4ijof. Himumertat (21 at kro 12 after okublintatkin too vurvoo. In" bfv. at room temp. with 4.1 1. N4CN III 4q. 111011 In the presence of Nat appurrutly dw not react'. houtind IXVUWI~- acetal with KC'V anti \at in 14. Rtoll to 75' pvv only tram of N-conts. product-L; no ither did bromoucetal react with CuC.V (at besting, I)ictromite oxidation of (1310- C11twiloll gave h,, 93'ItIV., this (j4 a.) shaken with irmh Xall.94 Soin. and rild. with RW care on oil describcd as tht: cyarlohydria(?), which treated In the rstO soln. witfout purification with ArvO gave bs 10"*. No satisfactory method 0(ckavagV Of UM AC group was found. even beating with PA and FOCIo in p It" gave only -toc"t OIIC.Ncwm polymeric Ildimts so that pun! IF Z now. be prr4 G. M. Kosokpoff TU qnth"W *I tftshydraimoquimWise slitakil4a moder cmdidmc 616n Kovics And Gfibnr Pxl-w Isex"I. 1 Unx ), C"~ fier, 54, klecaume%doofine, 1) AlWAY4 tx-cwv in I he plant as a racrtnAte and is thrmfur, V bout the action of en- XyTor%. an attemlit is made to Synthrske I from 1.4-lio- 4 mro)(ViScUrCHIN111 M under phokil. ettwmfitiml,~ Adding 40 a PhClf,Ntf, to 45 X, 3.4-%ic(XII(1CJI.C0~ CHO.Klis" in IP40 cc. 11A). making uptbe~,111, WNW rt- ~th Ki~' . Etoll, AddinS this %oln..drkvwiv anti with vig.w. Oil- Muting, Z =- 4 ~ VWt JhAt I m-A. If is misnimed, ttv 75 g, RAncy Ni in.isl vc~ K3% Ettiii livizmoly ~ttl. with If At 45% Acidifying Or filtered sttlsi~ a1c. itCl. "me&. the vAn in rut as at W* to 0,A) cc., anti keeping it 24 Itts give "N"". 110 (Ul~. in. '-'W. flydrWnating 15.4 jg~ W in -300 cv. 97.5% Acoll in the pir-ence of 5 S. 10.5% I'd-climrstal until 2 mot*, If we alisawbed (19 firs.). addins :9 cc. 7(or' JICIO~ in 30 cc. ALOII. and coutinning The hydolestAtim at 85' cAu-e the Abonition 4a 3rd mol, If in f% inin. KOAr in AcOif equiv. to the aurt. of IICIOs tneil I, added to the Im* fillered %an., which is filuzird Again. acidified with :'* cc, evned. IICI. and CV-Apd. im mcme. 911rins N1 14-Mcok- (IV). . 24 pievak. anar-yeflow MNIA14. in. 197 K*). Adding I(M jl~ 3.4- -U(KmrO)C*II,CO3-IC [P7 1. in 361" yield amigding to a slightly nu.tifird funn the vnvtb~d of Schneider and Kraft (C.A. 17, Mol to;-,rj x. SrO,, d6solved in:U%s cc. diax- aneand 11jer, 11031 W" frauxing the "3i%%. CVIM. ibe filtemImAn. im rormo. stirring the residue W Jim with '491 cc. H.0 im The water bath. And conell. the mAn. xivv a ,irup cetnig. CA) 57jv 3.4-II0(MK))CJI,COCJIO (Y). Ienmm- yellow nrv-Jk.-,i. in. 120. Adding 1 2 x. a-CJf.(N*Ift)2 in 111,Lv, him 11,0 t', 1.9 a. V in Ill ec. IIiO Xivr-21.19 x, :43- in. 1421 3'. Reduc- live vot-OlensAlim of it, it. III)CII'MI, Anti IK S. V in.,01CC. EtOll in the pFt-Wnt-r.,f 2:, X. kArity Ni 45 min. as 45' as dewedicil above giv" -,47. C11,P4.110, in. 2W. which 1P.4 g.), on further hydrt~ 'erl"I i"I.- 9,217, Kcnat ion, il v~ffl% ~Iulcl. in. llo*,-7* (pirrek, ) JjIlCI,jV.n.4-4MeO~- C1.116CIIIC111%IIIACI (VI). 4-IRXJI.CIWIIj-NIIt.I1CI (VUI. JIM .1.44110)tc4lljclflclll.\Ill.llcI (VM) are Coo- th:nved with AcIf untler conditions used by Scbug &M HaMle (CA. 20. 14:)),). A -A31a. of O.OM mol. amime in -'it c,- 11,I) wi-I X, iv N Acil i, awd, Utv t1b ~A? CV-. kept -,-' lits. At:211' is ith the Aell vititent deW. every 24 he,.. evaW t4 V%A Sd~ 4t iidi'. A90 it lkill V%M%VttM itltil the tiit-fAtC anti, .SAIVAinc 1XI 3' - viCTAtv, m. ;.,V" 5 .15, 6, vi'vIlk"I'm W.9 1-0.4 ill',, IV, WAS7.1 ~4'1 xi%.r twmiuct, F I., IttAutt, GABOR,-Fodor - Decomposition of Chemical Abet. vol. 48 No. 4 .Feb. 259 1954 organic Chemistry c 4 M. a eld by beating 4,6 AcYH NHNH th 8 mi y p id ne and I X. freshly didd. M I in seal flask I hr. on the steam bath, pouring the liquid Into 150 ml. water addUW with a few ud. H*90t, and recrystj. the goduct repeatedly from 80% MeeCO, and drying t at I '. It seems that It un ridine disproportionation Into 1, thus widA1Vlt1n1,py_ .the reaction with McCOMM. This appears to be con- Armed by the facts that (a) YJ yields I hi the same eipt. at room temp., (b) 1-a"tonylpridinlum chloride Is foo- lated frons the reaction mixt., c) U affords I hipyTidine solu. (slowly at room temp., readily on heating 24 hn. to 401). No N evolution was observed when the latter ex t.' P, was conducted in a scaled veisel In a stream of Ms. it was surprising that H, a deriv. of NHjCSMHNIIs. should almost spontaneously undergo cu tatramol. aKidatlun- reduction process. It appearn that bath the NHNH and the C811 groups confer instability upon the NII*CSNH-' NHs mol. and the decompn. it probably very complex. Istvin Finkly io I r , f. '-A 11 l -1 ith H CO 0 n C O M Q Abst - . l - tt r. .!. . L, A.A , , % , H C . I . a, also r~crimtg the proInct (mut 2~( mL abs. EtOlf, Vol. 49 -NO- 6 `,7ii 0-:41 (5.2 q ) by shiking 6 hm 12 4. M,-tC: - hT t 5N TICT i- C110 l 72 l 2 l 1954 z5 F i a ~ . . . m m j, nu atm MOIL On- Pr ~!i .:t fr2in, 100 ml diaxaae aq4 r~vrI~t : AT o Chemistry G d . . , L To prove the sit-vctm-.- )f I v-ar ni~ -%ptt; -m ont. c rcar The mcrcaptozri "It, azol, ' siavc 11- ~,v iih O.."DICS11.0 evidence. of the lwe.~mlcr Ofati. E;-f grotp in 1. 1"r deriv. de~criix-.A in the literit re has propcrtwi dfi~O-IMz from af 1. 1 'ith Phe Clio f h -11, With it high N ,ontelt, tht mpumclil forlinvi y but the ctimpti. %%-a-s not iif~wi, it -th a of U dc~crib-,I-l ia th~ fiterati~. A tml. ~t. aixomltng to R.,~t 'yielded the v:due 171. Tit- c-d tmc: of this Campd. proy~d th;tt 2 N atoins ctitt be rcadily libt!ratrid frain the origin!dl comrd.. corroborating tfms tht hyd-azrmothiazole mrm-turc as ag. the theorcticalIF ~~We 3-aniino-N- 4- j tncthyM-thLazoline. An I w;" also examd. whem 11h03CHO reacts *3 NAT. -7 In FitO Istv. .1y MOR, G.; KOVACH, E. Now synthesis of salsoline. Doklady Akad. lauk S.S.S.R. 82, 71-4 '52. (CA 47 no.14:6958 153) (MLRA 5:2) 1. Szeged Univ., Hum. Salsoline produces a very high tension on smooth muscle tissue. It has therefore been adopted as a medicinal and included in the Soviet pharmacopeia. The synthesis consists of oxidizing acetoisovanillone into 4-mothov-3-oxyphenylglyoxal with SeO . This in turn is trangformed into alpha-benzylariinoacetoisovanin one by reductivg condensation with benzylamine and then by hydrogonation; the benzyl radiaal is remved and the keto group exchanged for a methyl group. This product is treated ,irith acetaldehyde and yields dl-salso linephydro chloride. fl. detailed description of the lab method of prepn is given in the exptl part. Presented by Acad V.M.1%di:onov 24 oct 51. 252T2 -F0)1aTtj-GAB0R-- $I The. sitertsocheralstry of the tEM ne allralp-Mv. 1. The coafturation of -trophies 'and psedMI, J- Chem. Soc: 1053, 721-3.-Corn pane'.. ffl-h"' rg tes of N 0 acyl m;- grations has shown that the relative pamitions of the nitrogen bridge and the C-3 110 group in norti-opine and in norpseudo- tropine are traws and cis resp. The itereochtmical notation Chemical Abst. for these beitijf1athioned after tbe:aeroids and triterpenes, therefore nortropine and norpseudAropine are nortropan- Vol. 48 No. 4 3a-ol and 10-ol respectively. N-Acetyltiortropan-30-ol (1) Feb. 25, 1954 Organic Chemistry and 5.16M HC1 in dioxane yield I.HCI, in. 155*. N- Benisoyinortropam-3fl-W (11). m. 16W, h obtained by Sr-hot- ten-Batimann bLnzoylation of the nortropan-3;3-ol carbani- ate (111). 0-13enzoylnortropon-30-o~-HCI (IV), in. 212% is obtained from 111, N 110. and BzC heated on a steam bath for 5 firs. O-Acelylxortrapati-304-110 (V), in. 213-14*, is prepd,.by "WICI with AcCl for I oflux'" uo"ro~ hr. (VI), in. 214-16% is prepd. by WICI with excm BzC1 for 5 firs. (VII), in. 160-3% is prepd. front N-acetyinortropan-3a-ol and 5N HC1 in dioxane. 0-Ace4ylrsor1ropan-3o,-ol-J!C1 (VIII), in. 192-4*, Is obtained from tropan-3a-yl cub iniaw with W HCI and AcCl. 11 an standing for 24 hrs. at 25* with 5N IICI.I!l dio-aile Yields IV. IV rcarraqkci to 11 on treatment witn 2N N"L N-Benzayinortro ij-ja-ol is recovered uu- 'Changed by treatment with 1181. V1. when treated with N NaOll, apparently does not react. I oil heating to 190'! ruelts and then solidifies, yielding V. V. when neutralized withD.IA1.Na0H,kivcsI.HCI. Moll heating to 160' for 10min. gives VIII. 11. The configuration of the waints. GAbor Fodor and Mn Kovbcs. Ibid. 724-7.-The con- figuratiuns of the epinters, ecgortine and pseudoccgonine and cocnine and pseuclococaine, have been established by acyl migrations and other stercospecik reactions. The C-3 HO group proved to be in the a-position in eclionine. IN'. Acetylaor-30-cegunine E t ester. m. 112*, gives 0-acttyl-3,1- ccgonine Et estrr-RCI on treatment with HC1 on the steam bath for 4 hrs. The reverse reaction is observed by treat- inent of the O-Ac 110 salt with NaORt. N-acetyl-3a- Ccgonine Et ester, m. 150% [a) 'a -19.4* (c P, EtOH) does not rearra JXCI In dioxane. 2~a-Benzamidotropan- 13-.-o1-HCI 2^280, jajV -40.6% Is obtained by Curt- ius degradation of (-)-bcnzoyM1a-ec%orIne and treatment withf[Cl. Irefluxed with MeOH contg. 3ANalthyd. HCl gave 24-amino-3et-benzoyloxytropELne-2HCI, m. 214-15", lal'o, 21.0* (c 2, 11.0). Reverse reaction occurs In N NaOH. As in the prepa. of 1, 2-a-amino- tropan-3ir-ol-2f[Cl lvas obinined. CUrtifts degnidation of (-)-0-bellzDYl-3j3-CC9QllillP Yieiflq 2a-bc1l7al1lidntrolmn-41* of. M. -'W*, fal'S W (C 2. U-0). Which does not mrrange oil heating with 110 in Afej:)ll. CocailteourLductionwith LiAlff, gives, after treatm,nit with IICI, (_j_*~ia.MguijjOI (11) IICI salt, m. 270-'-,*, -37Z'; N%hilc Lj~~Jllredllc%, tion of (+)43-Cesonilic NJ(! es,ter gives (+)~j;3_CCgojlilloI In. 131-30, 58.3* (t 3, 1-1,0) jljCl &-At Ul. 1101111 is trrated with PhC110, 46 3*)). nd pilsol I is obtained n, WV -9.43. NO bellZI'lidefte detiv. is obtaitiM front tile 3A-compd. U dehydrates -Fhen created will, cilloral IIS-Llraie and coned. 111SO, at 20", flowcvt-r the! 3ji-compd. does not react. K. C. -&-hreiber RM~ I Nd 7 ft-~" Una. &A-kerp-4 atid hemi, uttiv~'- 11171.4 hot &b n. of 4.5 s, I i.'2ZS 'Ll. ~N'K301d cave with 16 -R' R .3. tril, coned. HC1 1.3 r1tow ppt., decotap. 250 yielding X109, '. 1002.-Reilull"02g.14Z c CHBrCHO w Me; 4 2,5-dijx#-S-PAea* tion after p In 250 nil. hfe~CO and 8 s. C1O(M?jj* 91 min., followed by c .1 Cancel. and dUd.-*Ith lfapv~-Sls. rit"I ine, ecotrip. 201, wh h, M%ed 2 hr#. in AW, 114-1 1 t n dilA .,gave th 64c -4* (from du. Me'CO)'! hC Q nil to 1 U dil. HCI and P Ili (2 .) in jity xylent an 1,6 g. pzwd. 11 boiled 8 14.611 hr% d Glid Vrartn NAOII; Purifi byaddrs,-ofNH,0IItoIt,sjn,jn .,an tiles ' fil(ered.andw ed with C~1,14, and extd. 14cl, it fit. 208-100. MPTI- with 207o HCI cave the H67 with hoillrig HtO yie:dcd I g. crude (0.3 X. pure) :,5-djerc-6. PhenY!I~Yfifflidixe (11:), while the mother liquor gave UAS c, jail, M. 108-2m. (from MOH), while refluxing I hr. with Ac,O gave the N-Ac deyir. (11). m. The Tatttr mrgentyl ether, m. 196-2-30% insol. in HCI, sot. In alkalies, treated with hot'ale. KOH gave on cooling a ppt. of the K thus Indicating reatir enalitaum e the 010 Eccup. The enotate, which with dil. HC1 gave thn origirtal Ia. Hydta, ether refl=ed 5 h". ivith AeOR-HBr C&ve the arillituil U1. teuation of I C-Pd La MOH Sve a carkpd. C,jIj,NgO, lit In - MOH W-ated with concd. a4. KOH, and The 'M'14GI-S' (from MOAc), also formed on similar hydrorerla- soln. dild. with tnucli 1W and acidified with coned. HCI,. th"i of BsWC1j'jVHC0jVffAe (1b), and unchanged after yielded after several lirs, 1b, deemp.2300- (frota MeOH), prolonged boiling with 220cy.; HCl or 200% KOH; itwAstither with d-CiTUNHOt it favv a or P4Cffi)jNf1CQ1V1f9. I juittoraline, m. 268-71, . 1b with U104 In aq. cl:oxane CAVe IF dissolved !a warta 571, NaOH, then cooled, gave the yelkw A*ntoi-s. to. 218-21' , and BxOU Cf. -C.A. 48, Mal -- G-. M-. x0ho "R, B~ (361 R, OL p -The Fodor and Ow- sray (U 1 Htwst~. Soc. IM, 234t-4; d. C .48, MWA.-~E= (1) Waa mead auu. ~d 25 - .9299 lyi, W-Y."i0froxy grapdws (11). M. llv.w (Ha Olt. M;! arA( 11930; Ust saft. tn. W7, itcem -)-travk &-d TUls hydrdysis lmffkd oy%rdnong 15 luv. *fth 109o1 HBr or 10% TH3 or 2 h". BaJOH)c. The dibea=te of 11. tn. 268",! coulA net be re"ved by use of +mmv416UM-7.44:1-hidnixy. SIN PA4I~ for plalyull- 1101OUSSHAV (11), ISM WMIR-Cille (11t). iv%jj. Pte. vItatity reportmi MACUOIB urv cmplcoycd III "ffiviux tit them! struclurtic It itatt Ill tire kuowii to Ix iv-rvN&uwcrs wtd hitemal ether witen irtnaM with IllSot or soell mi.1 subse- quently-A-itil klk., it 6:v4'UDIc-(l Olat the two (31tgroupstare, clA to euch fitlivr anWand to N. A mechauldin " for the etheriflavlon macdon mi vi-t-11 as I& tromibl. t' to rigarous proof of the propwd itructurcs. D. It 0 '19 MUM& V,; 'ID ~-Evwcnce is Prvacntcd to show. ~thnt,TV6,fxmctIOOal JMUPS'at C-2 and Ma of Me 2-=dao-- ther In A0.14M-CORT32 1 (Cjf4N),.are ocsir each 6 space-. This requires that these groups be bound to equa- p~itions in &2-C-1 conformation. The evidence for lut" of I dzanges on standing,la Iles in the fact that r, wto -80.6, the rate d-401 !s a misration Of an Ac group Irom viiih pli, :.This tudicati Acetyl. C4 OH to C-2 Nil , yitldft Me 2-amloo-2,4,6-tri 0. p'. ~Itxcv~yrauoc ZU), . ..j. Imn. to be intramol. and Ki", C.A. 44. 2511d). The prmnce of 11 In -'jthiAei6ru1At6ry soln. (M) is shown by treating the t -Th, eldin iThh NCO; C the 3-A? phtnytcarbamate of 11, m. (AtetCO).- The acyl migration Is readily 4"'b, -a"d,dial HC1 In M~CO to M, LHCJ. m. 233' Aigure i$.WbWed M.Weu as physical Zell- 'for ia~ following compols.: [c=pd.,--p.,aadjajV vtol. EtUmino-3.4.6-triacetyl-0-0 lu Mu joavekit 134* S' (MeOH), IVJVBr. 27 * y r7l Stew); &I ( at. A. -S?f; Ol'-flir, 7.8. IA's 'It.; AID F - 267 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Author : Fodor., G. (Seged, Hungary) Title : Stereochemistry of the tropane alkaloids. Periodical : Usp. khim. 23, No. 2, 264-272, 1954 Abstract The structure of some tropane alkaloids is reviewed. 22 references (6 Russian): 1906-1952. Institution : None Submitted : No date WON Aplihitwilit wid XL Sljt,~la propitation I, I 1,4 11 V, 410--diiji;1 3-ocla, ecanedio ;f. 1, an, ""1l. RI-911MMMI-f Kill 611111310-1111SO4~lrivlt (3 firs 1 fit 512.45 g, m. o4! vmtwd with ml 1'. 01. wixt. k,-Pt 11 'fal" oovi r'k,411 t,*I,lp, *,It lilsioltl), thin ~~,lrtlltlt Llovly ist r..:.o to 75-8u*1 (5 alld a rAn. Of tll.! r"I'lu. fit UIR) in). pvtr. ttlitr lit -IS' ivaskd with three ILD-tid. liewtioni W ice 11,0. Atterri~tul dbati- (it 0,01 mitt,) of 7 ,fill gia, dtiot VURSO.) and C trcdtt(l, crti,f,! C141111CHAr- COUT (11) c-tu6cd deenitipit. It (515.2 g.) wait addW (3.6-4 firs.) to W-17 Fr. N,C]ICO.-Ilt (111) ttod the riflyl Uept over- 4-5 brit.), friviog CIA g; crude Ct4fljoCl!I!rCOC(;Nj)ME;t IV). lit. -M-152', crystd. from 14011, m. A8-9' 'rude IV In WO MI. ale. trvlkted with 36.6 (sk) till, 8.0'si X, t1a 1 (0.0 inoles) wlE3 hydrogenated with 40 g. 11.1% Pd-C pre- reduced ia 5W mi. ale,. coned. '/a. and chilled, giving 77.5 W. t furthrx concu. gave an addid. 32.3 g. Tro crystits. = EtOAc to /do Ent.) rave ot,-CuHjtCOCH~NHj)- MEt (V) IA salt, in. 114-100 (from Me.); V Hjjr. m. 111-12.6*. IV' Its,hexane with Pd-C was hydrogenated to Et 2,"IpentadvcyIdihyJru,4j,& iiynsNedksrbox*te (VU~ V.HHr(W`i4S.)&udO.10ji.NaOAc In 16 "0. 140 treated to ml I ' 04 A 0 gave Vt. C, till A mixt, of 27 mi. ActO. 35 g, W. VAICI, and (M nil. Me0IIJtAci% 5 hti,. In the (kirk, buffed &r10 Mill.. filtered hot, it ... 1 0- qltrftte 6illed, pye 02.2 It. ciEude DL- ~,-Pt (VII), ftk., CrMA. from tts ml. hexana *.Idcd 83 g., m. 71-3*. 11 M crudc 0 -THCl pvc 7.4.5% cr"e W. in. 69-7 1 Ii ",'-5nltrc- hcnylhyclr*=e m 105IS-7' (from hlo-111". '14' 3 9. T311, I,, old NIcO' It cont;r. 6 drojn;!W~~, KOH was I added (W20') 7.54 a. IVAICI Iti 21k) mi. utti. Mcolf, and the mixt. ttcatod after 12 tits, ut 20'. wiCh -110 mt. 1-110 und extd. with rjvc! 5r)-:nl. por6ins of 1:W; ttn "lez-O.-acied ext. gave (atli-101) with dry 11C1 4.76 g, crude (m. 110-11') threo. and rrythro-ract:%ri-tto of C')~Rt (Vill) lJC1 :Wt, in. 11-4-20' (from '::tOAc), Stint- -turfy. V11 witli NaIW4 yivided r)t% A%At duj~. (11X) if V111, rn. F~9-901 m.n MoAc). '011-111-1 ~vlth Ac~()- AgOAc gave IX. YX heated with Ac,0.1, IOAc nve t~m 0,N-di-Ac deriv. of Vill, Fit. 93-5-0-5* 1(rota A suspenslono! 1.9g. V111.11C) N30 nil, PtIO wa-~Ixlmken 10 Fula, with a Soln, of 50 mi. 6% NviOilc and 5 nil. N NuOll; tho M,O salm, of Vill wvi w-t3he,l with 10 ml. 11,0, dricil (Mg50j). nsid Vic Vill In GO mL llt,O treated Nvith 0,55 g. LUM, in 2.3 111L Ft'O and, ata 13 lim, i~ith 5 Ird. 17toke and 10 oil, Uto, giving t.2i) 1;. wixy ImMuct, which, H M,O. yicl&!) vdth (try HQ) 1:ie rarematc-i of (X) lfc~ Salt (0.75 g.), FIT. 2,1jQ-4 (from fi.'WAO~ X.IICI ivith diclo-AgOAc gave Otriv. 'Al) M X, n 1IS-21' (from UtOAc). IX mitfit 1,001, (,,jui~imhr ?At and N-TABIL) yielded 97.570 ertole X1, i0lick iv:,-, cryl :d. from NIECN. 1SOBrj (2-3.54 g.) wj1q;1'Mcj (2.5 ljr~.) to.5-2 z, I at 75', the q,~) 1, mixt. heated 4 livi. at . trt-mul witti 20 nll. drN, C.U.. al"I the C4114 reffloveo in vlzcuc Ivith -;Ile mcess'solir, IMF WMMWM~ I I A '-T 11 ~7- added (10-16') to 45,11 g~ III in 40 nil. pett' tihef, ind the f nilit. kcpt I day at 0' ;%nil 2 day3 at 216. tht" tmktcd with 10.7 V. pyritfint in- 5q M. PCO, Other; the I-cArbctf.'c3Y.Y- metbylpyridijahtni brcmildc (41.3 g.) which pptd. in. 1t2- 15' (from ClIC11). The filtrate, wa5bcd with Uwe 30-m1. or H30 II 111'~t 30-m1. portkffs of 10% 11cl, and We 3a1. port1cmis of N KOH, dried (MgSOJ, coucd. in p Mew). and the residue (65.5 g.) crystd. atO'and drk-d on a cold clad plate gave 44.S~&CtAsCOCIf&COi8t (KM), M. I 35-8, from ritoll).." -hydrogenated In HBr-EtOll gave V.1111r, Georce L. Sutherland-4 ~LJ - r V S IV. 5 11 1 " 171 IM 1 '- - t W & ( 7 e is ft r. on 1, t .1 . . K OD 6 1 1 Whm J-- (11niv, &exed, Hung.). - cltlw===j7v inn 114376~'rhd I A 48 C . . , t comilue Is definitOy doW. U 30-twmayloxytropade. ' I,* fuldA dur ! imllt -47.301 Ing 15 a v urmf min to Swr YkIding n" W& fig up The :d4 . 1 M =2 ( 8 " 0*4 c 2.11, HJO) llne buse (1), ni. 76~8% maldif ins 24012 t 50 0* 24* T -67 i d 8 0 d 2 ) - . -0 ecompiri. . 2 n in. an 1 sp ( (4 2.101, MOM: G&-AcO arialog-&riv, Rd, M. m A' * 1 t 7 11 1 d eft no " 2.00 Mmimpri.). Ickiv -59 (c . %. th Mtl at roctu Wisp. I acEtnt(-H d4votwit in CjH# wi d was heated on a stwm tiath 1cw 4 hm, yfttdfng uUm4de :,-Z' -cf- the (aftwal..Jda or Staft fig fill (U), M.-M a * ' 0 "-) . is Pf Z4C-7 (d&vntr (c I.BW. f1f) jelcrate, m. or beg rh ti 2 his tl th t b f C " t . it mn k e$ don a S v . as s I ki the abswce of moisture to IMI ot ftfluxill I c1 RtOll wnflic. XaJICO# for 10 lits. It is not teted Ran NI&tFM atrimi.atO01 for 5hn,, buton tmatrawtvii i .9 HO In a "ltd tube at 12P LHCI Is obtabied to" 47% Iteld. A Ooln. of MOM in WCH and U was ritatiled (c 2.107, Rt 011), prob4blya mixt. tit 2 immucrs of the nwoo. Pt ethers of 4 ef'onfilol. Reaction of It with Naoll give a. rubtt.olC~ -t,inicr%of2-hydmxy-3-tropattol. t.HC[Inl MeOH was treated with NaMle. hydrogenated with Pd-C: at 15", yielding (98%), m. 20"1 (dectimpti.), a]-j? -30.5- (c 2.787. 114) (ftee base, m. W". (*116' -6814 (c 2A64, R(OH). .30-AcO analog dttiv., oil; 30-AcO annIog-1111r, m. M3-4'4' -39' (c ZM8. EtOtl); N-methindide, tn. 300 ttlecompa.). 2.5" ~c 2.002, U01. To a soln. of rtdistd. UrCK in CgH% is added 2$-methYt_V-acetoxytro- rile at 60" and kept at that temp. for a hrs., coned. yield-: and an oilb which ng C it d with NoOH at 100' and working up gave-' s er y rolysis (IV). m. 10"", (aIV -57,0. 2.002. MOH) (H deriv., m. 2W-6* Id,!- n m1V -43.50 (C 2.182. H30), - N-Hz dtdv., . 192" (c 2.14, dlax"e)]. IV id PhCl, satd. with M fxted With "IttubmitMehyde. buted In oil bith to; 420 PhCldigtd dried with bfgWo and put back Into re"- tion 9W, heatedl; 3 ha. at 100% PbCl distd., and the red- I due etystd. ykldtul of IV, m..77-90, (a 3Z6 (c 24M. CJ16), which on (mt- ment with tIC1 In ELOR gave back FV. Ox!Lti~~ a iii *ith (M-MW and C I fit anotie gave 20-mx!hy1-3- Tic, n trovaliGne, tj* 125-W, (a V (c 2AII, abs. EtOll) gait, in. 200-1*. [a) V - 12-V (-: 2.0W, Hift (mime H (C 2,W5, abl- RtOMl- V n HO broutht was heated on a st-um bath and then treated- witha solo.' of Vittle ack! itt 06% RtOH, yielding Do conch, zd-MWAy"4rQPaXV" Pkrak, iii~. 213- W, from which the parent coinfid., tn. 1WV, [Ulu obtalned. T=tment of 2a- was hydrox ethyl-3"opnol-HCJ with SOCII for 15 min. at V, rlj~ - - I I, - - -1 .~ .; i Iding 2ar-ck1arvmdAy"=P4%4-HC3, in. 263-41 (d!nm ii.), fall? 56.51 l(ree 954*, IRIV 7 ec -9. M011); metbM)cnn. 2,,. 67.7* 2.074, al: de- compn.), [a]u 4 - V e 2,W2, IfO)J. wW on rciluction for 5 Aut 90 atm. premra and 90 with Rancy Nj in M, tirs. gave la-mclkyWO-7ard-110, m. 281-2' (decoottin.). lfrea base, V M51 (e 2- -bs-.,RtOH)-, - methiodide, in. 294'. 1,awlif TP (c 2.004, Rf u.0); acetntc-lint, tn. 10240. tall.0 49.3* (c 1.943, aW. M0101. Vlon refluxing tn C.Hs for 4 firs. k11JVL 1111thlingCd V1. When was treated with HrCN., iV-cy4notor-Im-toethyi,lp-a4regovylropan,-, in. 79 -81'. 1. 600 As. MOM was r4)(idn' A. which on Ify- Y,31; wit I rI. Nik6l( at 1(W for 121 lip'. ~,416P gff4tv- d ftribi'la-IrONO-1 (VU). M 12-14% 2013. tmpf 1.1 with CtOl in gl;lvill 110AC pv(~ I f4inme JIM deriv, ill. 191-21, I"Hy (C 0.430, )1,, 011me, in , MIA* foli! -38 " (C LOW, alm. Itle The N-Bz derivs. 4 IV nad V11 ~ch und"wmt I mic tkni when tfrated svith 2Ar 1ICI In dimine to gi~;Ct~ 0 IM :ester salt, tit. 2700 (dem"nt"t.), [OM -47V (t 0. Ifto), and m. W, ~dmomvn-). I&IV 53.4* (c 1. Iflo 1, ft also gave acyl Migration 11, H dimmic W yidd O-lxnroj,hn-ecrnIne-I1C4 m. 1.23- 420 (11.0). N-Cyananarewafist in glacial UC was tmted with coned. HES04 far 4 J:n., at romn Ft.0 added and the soVA U-c-Ated vOth aq. 2N K41A yield m. 179-60'. faIV --27 (M*OH), which was reacted with NaOSfc In MPOH - 15* for 94 'in. to yield theAfeciW, m. 212% [*IV -.93 707 qhfeOH), and thetydi4 fireide M. 198'. I(XIV -1. diumthutlan the omfiltirstd= of the fiapd. dMolulds CCU omirk ftmetlatts atftche4 to rolifte ft. - "Godor, ~ ~Wlh~. and 1. Vinere MI-13.-A new rmethrA W es 'shO Me cantimitat! (if mlrjno KICS. with a teftLlry N atu. 11 91tileg I loid h. .1 - Ij -kad dt-1,114, YAMYtz-an 14- t i i M~' ftliMed by reactim *111, llmcogt t1le salts of the currorpDridiag tactanev of the N-carboxymetlayl deriv., in- Thesyn(O)F osItirm of these r tha f d 11 d1 C R 1 4 r qso l oups ore provt . vv m g * 4 Sind "died with TV Came the 144,qe of N-c0rkxYq1114Y1. 01ciatum Wih US*, whict. on shaking with aq. of rh*xyPndA*sdxe. m. 2661 d Pa.), reconverted to the lattone with Ill. Scopol. i( jam(ne-FIBrAlItO In RIO tteated %ith KaHC(IiI, extd. "ith MIC161 and dried ever MSSO4. y(eitted amacphoin scopol- amiae. which on tmbnent with IV pve Ae4rNx"dky1- Ice , Mimiksm iodAk. M. 1551. which on touxfng with 10% I cave V. M with IV save the 441e Of &Y-ca&xy. M.9m, (decon1pri.), Which ' t 21th A t t i A N W na m ( men -tartoxy- a n& N Vvn a ll (decmpn.). I to with IV ova JV-"f64&xr%e; Ado Asia" Wi4. m. 2041. sad a f t mctlm In 2"6 which on ticatment with Aj,0 ' 252" h tl b hi e e m. gave e, ch on treatment with HE . w oxWltcd wito the tactonq did C. ftrc4m~ w S m3st rphiringollpides, .101, Cuirclation of X Mr Corgiwis), ci-C-4 . 49, (1), ill Fol fill. ull,~ clic)" %va-4, 11 UN Stilit 1111V 11A) 'Aai Alcemst,4, Vic hLA Mv-ict~atttr with: V;4Q:) rtsilble (3. 1 K.), vrv~td. fillill $A-tr. Obvir. X;lvc 0.42 X. lll~r6ticp(!W (11). Ill. `,1 3", Tht por.uther :,0111. gi%V( a miidtm yid-liur, 0.7 it~ mys 2.-Williff"101% llyl, -loltarom-, tn. 106-V (fwln L'toll). Oamlll.y,i~ 411 () g.l. (cmitg. fat-%ol- nuittirbl) rt%c a pirolluct WlIkAt itritted ili U) mL ak. with 4A lid, 2N NaOll ami -3.7 g. SActixA6o, thilirl4littill (411016le lit '4-l lilt. ak. WhiCil r~avv 2.5 tf, of (!it! -Wi. of If. fit. 1384 (froit, molo. 'rile, orotlAY41 . pliml(Ici w;ts titcukmized with C and evaixt. in j%jetop to Civil a thisia Brill. dioxancillixed With8lill. Vtsl ; it ;M 6 nil. G,%1 HO lit olioxanc. and sitalmit A-5 days lit a 1ximli tulbr, gave '21.3iij g. crode prodtict, which iii titrn gave 0.14:1 1,11,t* ~T,2* (i 0-5541, IjkO),_ 1;%-Apg. the C ,It Cl ti IfOrt A -9. laxo1thed I 9jvL- an oil Which vrt-i lifl;f~lmd N) alibi. at FO-1111" Ovthl x0th 5f) till, :Wk HA. livalm. A life Aq. sMIS. save 1.5 g. oil; 04- on Sliflifillic I Wevia: ia :!5 fill, 110, votteg., aidding Me. allst c*J11t. cyl%pi., ult;i ~ttystg. the reAktue trot" 10 lul. 111C. pvc OAM it. Ill. lim-pil. all the fill(cate and I exAns. of the m0ite (QA4 t.) with nk. gave srdue. 111 (0.28 g.) ill 15 fail. H,0 was. thAUn !I davit with It aud 0.4 C. Pd-C (12% R10), thie, mmhincd wi4shlop evatlait. in r4ecto, aml lite mHuc tucatol' witll IIAO-N-all. toqt m NOR Swat EtOll-CGO to cive 0-A2 St. 10 (IV). in. D)7-8' (dtmmpn.), IoIV 22.5* (C 0.4, 1W). IV (0.11 g.) ill 16 nit. at tj hy,4roCeSa;.ttd 4 weeks with 0.5 g. Pd-C, the ftjtm~i, rijij witshing-i ev3lxi. ix mcna, and th4j zciidue. Laipitil, fremi MeOlf-960, c3ve 0.03S g. hycroteop;c itmim-l 1,4-tauumtriol-l(Cl (V), 202.4", 1,7"Is (e O-V-4. 11,0). IV could also be by-druxenzated with A Pot, I mxv., t cluct utill I lye L~ f ~un -Ilyl NY- -1 t%-( Cto P-11 I (VII 01 m live 1=11HA (A Mittel at ablicr 4 A (C A 3 by-T"1%I -t putRilyt 'I- uk t cquc c fleft"m 104 -IV' c .3. IM Ali uq, %;m1wi 1 4.1 OrIttril ith IQ oll, tv N3011 pvt: 0.7 twimic (VI m IF'!$-f6a (Irmn UI INCIII-Imtr. eilmr), Heating (1co-V) 2-plienyl- lirmn-11CI alto pvc till"mm nptically isiactive and cotthl not Im- hydrG. Oftateti st 101) tom. with Raney M. VI (2:5 g.) (11. Hall 1l.,1#c,e0.)I% 160ml-11,0with ISS. Hativy 12 It". at 90' an't 120,.Itni.. 0.1 g, h1g W'der adtived, hydro. grmfkm CmAtinutcl 4 firs. at 100-4, illid V~l atm. (When, tht, Vchling test ims net.). the comblutit filtrate and wailt., i" cd. im r4cue and erdixi. With a1c. CJf., and tile ~1)714-, fron, Affoll-Eto gave (Inaluing), jaj~" , 1.67' (c 3, 11~0). IX is thu nnti . c of V. SimEr mdoctkm of 2-5 x. of tile z)-L~onw of V (11. and P., Itc. Cit.) gave 11A g. V, jai! -I J93, (c 0.8. 11,0), m-1 MV (ticcempn.), whic-li did not dcrwe." Me M.P. of V fr("Ti L That sphiogwim is 44r4fts-octaderene. 11. "NuthcrUnd i~j V W'ciltit (Uiliv- Sj 011 o( ill,: Coll. -file fo 1!o'k ill; (11, Oc(r.-I o-mi, Ile'v tilo fold tj!.:: to Me ,,.at fill, In, till I vl !t T i~ ll'i Tv;_ --hcolf-M)IM.- 0 ter Pul-C at atm pressure gave MJ.5 hesis of chloramphenicol._ G. FwMc 1. TMh- F. gyn t,, rp- H 4 14 , WIIOCII-Jil biLlU ' ' * i,ovacs,,,tndj.-KTrmniw.-bzL,get. ting.). i9mij.A.d. 1-3 40 (ftnut EtOil), which yieldcd tile frec base, lit. 8- . -51; BUILe S.S.S.R., Oldel. Kkini. Nank 1955, 441 Electrolytic tt,du(tion cf I iti 100 tell. AcOlf and 200 nil. ,Icad. 3cj. U.S.S.R. Div. Chem. Sci. 1955, 391-9(Engl. 96% Etoff witfh.l~ Hig-pool tle-cti-mle ami 2050 EM !rari~Ilitinn)-, cf. Fedor, eta[., C.A. 44.7273g.-PhC11:CII- lyte In it pt!mus clip Lit 0.07 Rinp./-q. cai. anti 4-1-5', tile CIf7OAe (01) g.) in 450 ml. PhMe added to 400 g. NaNO, catholyte Milk, lit 'lified with ITO, V-,tV,! ill :1 fift%, froill 14 irt --0 fill. 11.0 in a dark vessel, the %tirred trAtit. trzated g. 1. 2.4 g, W * I 7 I;r,*. at 0' with IA 1. 20% IllSO, with occasional bubbling 169--70' (ftuni AcOlf). 11 5iruilarty treated in a1c. I Lit 16 ,F C0,to break the Itiam, and tlie MePh layer fillered gave 35-7' gave 28~`, 'Wrte product. M. 1W. PIICII(010~, Ole crudc product. which, a-wilied witli.EtOli and EtOII- CII(NH,)C1I,a1T 66.7 if.) in 100 ml. ITIO and '-W mi. ]"t%O, - ykid"i So - g, - t)l:~erythio-phcl-l(,VO)CII(Nos)CH, MOAc treated With airlilig in .10 min. witILOO nil. -40%, .0lic, Lit. 124*,- "liscoloring after several weeks' storage. NaOll at 30", with the pH kept at 6-8, the aq. phase cxtd, This (r,115 g.) treated with stirring in 224 lid. AcO at 25-0' with MOAc. tb~ -!Drubitied org. saltis. evapd.. arld tile Mi. over -10 inin. under CO, with 24 g. coned. 11,504 and 72 nil. duc_treated irRh Etoji-TICI gave 50-5% DL-Ihrc~ Ac_O, stirred 50 min. longer, dild. with 1 1. ice water, and Phcll(oll)cll("Vlii3)(YWAC:JIC-', M. :17-4', which with k,~pt :3-4 cl-,-.ys in a refrigerator gave 69% jDL-threo-PhCH- K2COl gave theft!e L-ar% ni. 126-8*, identified as ix-threo- (0Jl;)C-11(NO2)CJ1,OAc (1), ni. 72' (from EtOli). Ml" PhC11(OH)C1f(NiYAc)C11.-011- Cl!CIlCO=Nfe iwstiad (4 ClJMj) ill lb-z above re-action sinfibrly Irave, after treat- EtOAL: lit the above gave 64.M` T)L-4hrf0-PhCR((hCCf[- of dic proetict with Na-COs anti N44OAc, 0~)C11(JVJ1i)(-'1j:0-FLH(7, nt. 'llie latter(M.715 DL-tPfeO-PIICII(O-CCPCI:)Cli(iVGI)CII&OAc (11). ru. -M/~ g.) treated With 1.5 ML H;O alla 139) 1,~-ll lit ml. EtOAc, tl (c,,Llde), m. S2* (fm- EtOtl). 1 (54 ff.) in 960 all. 255* with 3.45 g. X,M, stirred 5 min.. and eNtd. with Ml%CO trcatckl oycr 10 miti. with 1.150 1. N MCI, Olen re- Ht.OAe gave 7-8O!, I)L-)h-o-PhC74(OH)CMNIIC-IjrlrCl,) :L5 hr,., micd.. treated with 130 g. NallcOl. C11,011 (111A ki ,'t4-5' (frout 50c,1,) M011), which stintil exid. w1d, r-i-0, and the ext. shaken with KIIS04 giive i0th pyridine-Ac,,I) 0.5 hr. at 100% yirld"l ~~a PL-threrl- OS.511,' 121. ~&1.5* IIACII(Olc)Ctz(jt7tcOCIICI~)CE~oic (11111), Lit. 113-6, (frr.mT-'.t.0-pctr.ctIicr). llydrogetiatian of I in AcOll over (framGO'7cXtOIIj-, 131A kept 15 nlin. at 70' with Ac~O gave P(i-cat "Ontra. gave 4017, tiL-Ihreo-PhCll(i)li)Clf(jVll,lc)- 72% i)whycc-Pli,.'11(01[)CH(NIIL'GCIIC'I,)CIIO.4c (IV), Cj:~.O,c (111). tri. !6.9-9* (cf. U.& 2,4,1rj,KS5, C.A. 45, m. IW-l~ (Irani GtCFAc-pctr. ether), which with abs. Btc1- which (I g.), 1,ept 2.4 firs. with 5 nil, quitioline and - LtOIT-110 at 0' ji4d,!d in 24 hm. 7-11/0 xlL-t1lrczi-PnCjj- .4c)- .1.6 7. Ac-.0, gave 1.1 g. rjL4hreo-lhcll(o,4c)cli(911 (IVA). m. Ils-7' (from, rt'!;OH, in. 70v-811*. Ill refluxed 2 hr's, with 5% IICI gave E10II-Vt-0). IV (3.2 g.) in 10 lial, dioxiiiiie tiLutud with 5 fit. 192 nil. dioicaur. cuniti; OAJ4 x. JINOj atO'aud krji(:LcvvraI days (cf. U-S. 2.51%,116. C~1. 4S, 17W). 1 hydrogenated in Lit 0* gave 7.-,.5LL HNO, audej (LYB) of IVA, \/syntherjs of 6-tropeu4w-ol' a Euggested Intermediate for , JFIK 101r* j VIM. I Kocztjr. and I ~ Viiicze Scoplamine. ~, Chemistryt C (lust. of Org. Z -7., eii'llulig') V .195s, 121W- I,Tbc tjtle wv's prrpd.- via the w4r. tions: w~ii oitivi,ried it) lv~ t%\ phenylurethazi, m. 127--Q',- which mut hydrugeral ~ I to I was aect ylated and dLqttl. in nu tic, result ing in the revemd T" nf urethan fonwiliom, yielding (zh),la-acetiy -63.11 ydr(%7 trollatle (H), In. Innics) was tr-- 11117le wiyl chl'Wide to give the clt;tYtd by o4lidine nt IAO' ist c. N utut. in a scaled lube itito G-trolven,t-yi nertate (111), 1~ M*. Wrrnprn-.%.-A lpicrute. m. 278* (decompn.)j ivas prcpd. by the Kittiz hydrolysis of WO 17"p, IL stadlis In the jyfijqj,~~e W.1g), suspended in 11. C.5N NaOI I, extd 3 times with I I *A'4m #zaa' Olyal at naturat hincisda jCf,;, ether, the solid residue flout the evilm. of the combined G". Fodor. find D Bin v da 106jig. ether exts, dbsolvcd in UO ml. dry C.116N. heated at 0*~ W N94; k&IC-A - 49. Mie- with 120 mi. At-30, and 6ited 15 ruin. yie'aled. afler s1A(W-_ To collect a 11trMtUT, ? nk attd Diebold. a 1119 at clay [it the cold, 29,,; C. tri-Ac dtfiv, (11) cf 1. 1 Afr._~ 23 4278' N1 n t4 :d C 4% .11? -9.7* (c LI, CIICI,). Alk, hydrolysis it o! vhi (1) and its pye crude 1. m. W78', irhich (1.1 g.) was reacrilyInteil to bivestis ted ~e afate of I C ykId 1.1 g. U. identical v,ith the preceding .mmp;e. Thus. Irtl is th Re hy~ no Walden Inversion had occurred doring the. pirim, of U 5!1 C~ C~ a fit to CAtirr. C '-from Upides by their acid hydrolysis, foltjATd by the alk~' _ri hydrolysis of U (cf. je:lny and Grob, C.A. A 851'6'y~ Partial alk. hydrolysis c-.1 6.4 C. It in 200 ml. McOll by letting it st4nd 12 hts. at 13* with 40 mi. N KOII fit MeOU.-: evapg. the mixt. to 100-211 mi. nt M)*, adding 200 ml. Ill0i ancl extg. with ether yi6led from the ether ext. 3 g. N-Ac deriv. (111) of 1. in. 60.5', [r]'V -5.5*. (c 2. CIICla); mixed m.p. with the dih idto dtriv. of 111. 62-111*. The mother liquor front the Irt-lin. of pure 11 fre-A frout the -solvent ilt picun and tht "sidue di--snived in CHO, and neutralized gave an oil, li)~mj 170-%.' (bath temp.) [all? -0' (c 2. CIICIA wobably C,&TfvClI.CIICH~0R )- CH(MIR)CILOW(R - R* -, Ar, R' - Me). 111.3 9.) Imn tht alk. hydrolysis 0 2 j. 11 in 10 mi. dr~. C&TI&IN tMated with 4 g. p-ONl:&II4C0CJ, heated 15 unit. oil a steam bath, allowed to witud I day at room temp.. 20 Mi. HsO added. and the mixt. extd. with ClIC4 yielded 1.1-1 g. triq-(k-nItrobeazoyI) di-riv. (IV) of 1, in. 136-0 Morn -907o McCO.IfsO). SinAir tr!atnient of 2 g. d1hydro.- sidlingmint (V) pvc 25 g. tris4p-nitrobcnzny!) deriv. (VI) of V, T. 14"' (frim ab3, ELOH); mixed m.p. with IV, I3&A2 . Alk. hydmlysls of VI give the N-p-0~1;- 11) of It, in. 124-8' (from dil. EtOH). Cj14CO deriv. (Va The stability and crystu. properties of IV, VI, and VII (rvfr R were not it and on It 141Y10101.8c OR d f5jrrb'al it . -use 1.5 brs.. at room PP' 5 =g tNr=dUe 56 Wuridigalod 1.- in vocgio elici C. ZZ by heating 8 hrs. at 120,.30* in a qW,4i tube With t , -11t0, and ~ooffngAn ke ylelded-4 g.1_HxO4u&tl- 0 -0 10 031. If.0 iPvt a tri-Ac deriv of an 2.nino tctraol. but MWk iilditt:.. failed pWi;j~, becatse of the migration sepd, by petr. ether into (1) 0.0 S. Pelf. ether-sol. nil acid, in. and mixed m p. 51-12' fS-bensyliwthbironiuld salt * 1 d (2 , of aa Ac group to that no vkinal Oll groups remained. X. OPM of t4trard) -Chila fifirbatle ketones 1 2), an (cf. Donleavy, C.A. 30, 510 ) in. 1318 t which reduced FtIlling h d id (M) . . M T. 1W. 5W-A(ln rrm~mKllittlish ounmary).- e e Acolf-sol. myristit , y 11-dinitrophenythydruotte (X) 2 soln and yielded 0 7 g iAS a ttep toward Complete syn:fiesis of sphinrosine. the . . . , 'X . m. 104-5' (from HtOlf). Th a b er sepd. from of y a: of the eva z alie l key .. ft-culinclIXUAC 11), was Pt -ifter l1rc- UM, e - pt-,I. on model con pot,, R-CiA Ir (484.8 c.). X r n., a p Vill d6o reduced Fthling 5o solvent. the residual (2.28 g.) sirup was z-tytatedtoll.52 c. warmed 7 hirs. on a stcam hath will, 306.7 g. pOC4 accord. 1 I to PI! d D AcQCll,CH(NllAr,)Cjf(OAc)CHO, noncrYSC but Chl"' MnCr an ft utch (C.,-~. Z3. 417). gave 646 Z. -de CaH.OPOsHs (11) 734:2' (sam m std lc recr o f acte-,ized by its compd- with 2 4-(O,,%%CtHsNHNHt, Entylblv tile omzone of AcOCflScii(N11AL-)COCHO. in. . . r m , p y CHOO. WSW. and redWa. af:!Yj e. 11 in tucuo gave the f p 175~-S' (deCOMPtI., softeuing at 160*).- AW (CM the CIOM- -_ um Of the Preced'U'F ozon"Y"is Prod- N10thet li ed a bi ractions (C., b.p,. r,W): 120-5, 1,, 147-70- hu __ 146-53*. 1.4424, 76. Ni IM-79, 1.4431 fftl)- 20,-LN 155- ' n q. q evapd. to drynen, ard the residue estd. with ticti. acidified, 7 . 1.4445, (honolysis of Ill ticcordlig tr, Asinger and Pdwtdt (C 571 A 38 ot abq. EtOll. was obtained 0-3 g. 8-414il-12-1A &~ buly'Clatt"t 11C7 ;alt. m. 218-220* 0. tests i . . , ) yielded 8.11 g. mixed acids, sepd. by vvOurn ditto. into 0.6 1j. laurle, a 9)- Ms.*. and 5.1 C. b Myristic acid, in. 34-0', characlerlwd by tbeir S-bcnzyl-- n jl,()l, whicl, fails to give ninhydr t X Similar 02:0noly,49 of I rave no bolatalk PWUcu 11-P oti l h o th d tsothfurouluns salts, in. 140-l' &:d 139% mp. A zhift of the doubt_- boad hul obviously otimried during the therinAl s r a g The splitting Pit the double bond was attempte tile epoxide' 6.1 t. 11 [it 12 ml. CHC4 trmted with 0.25 9- in 51 01. 11CII, allowed to stand 2 dais at 0'. and evapd. ils r"NO gave a yellow oil, whose ethcrfnsol. pot-Jon ~oxlde (n) of j3. tn. 134-601fam MeM), -Mg-el J; K 7, a. of U.. Tile- -ilmd ~dre I-et'Itd (IV) w" VMPO,~ t % d 4 I-WiF 8 in a Vaitermau, . fMrT1 ceartling to 411"O'cCiAl M V urWer N 4 hro from Z4 he atiti R;O g l n3) b (CA M Myers (CA. 44. 14mcii, I-nd Itli Acid Oloride (M) * . . . . , y c ' * . with SOCI, it, the I.mal way. Treatment If" , &Ing 551 g. distillaiv (.W g. C,sffte bi. ljo to 1),w 360 male X1 with 0.1 stole VU as above yielded W170 crude and COAH ai residue). Tile oily diltitlatt In 11. petr. ether (b. 59% pure 1. b, 150--40*, a)? 1.411M (stinicarbawne" m, vraished with 3% NaOlf and then HtOH. dried. ed 5 f Altered neutmUted t d ith M fl r i t I W-12'. ruixtil in.p. witit ):, I M-20'). takEn J3 cvidence- rea e w L w ux s., re, re i . , fractinvialty dIstd. und dried apin g-tive 448 g. crude IV for a traxs-tthylcuie configur ition h I tef. Fodoi and KL~*, , 2:l6 g. pure IV. bit, 153-7'. %1.0 1.4416. ia yjcM C.A. 4,9, '=:!e), Ov,~,Iyxj:, of 1. rollowe,i by IfA QyMa- and reduction of I by P'd-C tion aye FA)% inyristle acid _ , Ozortulysis of 30 g. IV yk-lded tile ;_'XilteW C1416010 , , g O g t: IX both results being confirritatimm of the strw -v tvic i (25 g. crude), Ili. 113~5' (from EtOtf): 2,4-dinitritiphenyt- - . he attenipti:4 condmudion of I Ivith EtCO. In tile JAnda, C.,4. 20.-302). IV pre-miat (if Naff (cf. Sohntay atiff Li Forge C.44. 4Z (22A g,) ill 50 ml. CSI tintl 14.4 int. AcCl in 20 tul. CS2 at . , 121M) rive tinexpectedly 3-C,?lf,~, with pcrIjapS a SnLAII treatt-d (biring 30 mill %vitil rapid Itirring %00, . :,,Ill. ,f :,,, ,,Cf,: C:jCOCj IICO,F:t; tills rv"tion will be AlCh)i,1&AAh'Y III" ft,tihi ilivvitigated- X111 Preparation of tit.-Arro-2-, 7.*2.-- g: i-ily crt.Av C,MXIl:CIf3c (M. I. Stllay and F. [,.Idy 7-95ro) intre VI. b-, DiaL-I P',id. J110-6:gin Eugli_ili); cf. C.A. 40 R624c.- 1". W "frAnt HIM)[. Tilk Ow nwdi;id foli untdogs of VU . Ill, lit, i i,iusly reported .I I itlivsk (C.A. 49, ~ifg)W (if If. i (VII, will, jjj-wf-AJ. m4ff chtfirklZItl preyhrasly 11t~ 101 C,;l1"Cll(Oll1CIl(NI(Ac)C 1.011 (1) iii twAil mt hy the l , , :i~;ed for Ili, of laid, Looms (Gilman und Neliun, wA: t-f tile lapp-KIingvint im micti-i I.Inn. 247, 21A 1913S)l 'Iii I"t Fu~;,-d Clslf;i- ' CA. 30. IM)511). As preliminary illodel exPts., 0.1 11101C t.'0,11 d %Vill) SOVII alli,rdill; to 11-1ktoll al-d &.1by Irvate VII. po-Ild. according to Cason (C.A. 411s 397g), in dry i trvmcd with ice c(PAilig during 10 Iffilli with 0.1 11 C , C.A. 33. WWI), yielded X~,; pure C,,Il,,,COCI (111). bq-4 ' i , ww , alit] the IllitiL ' ,COCI (Vill) In 1-10 Inj try Coll. llwli: CJI 65.2--S.0 . Adding 5rj.2 g, AcCIj,lCU,Et in 4W rul. ether - ' 1 , . W inf. 10" ured onto ' C-ICAl to W and itu tIIV1cd I l1r l -Irripwiv to 9., 41 g. litn"I. Nit in 4 W ad. etht: , stinitig, ti:, . V ., , 10 _, ; frojin tile C41fa laycr was cAltaitted 75% ict-oild 11 S0 flux;jig 2addid. las., Ading ilropwiw P7.7r g. III I,) tli~~ ice- . 2 4 COI.Ac, Ill. P-4, ..Sialilarl- cold Inixt.. nflujilir I lir.. mid jr,urilig it Ito 150 IIIL 10% -___1 - - Irlafrawilt of Ctil,ICOCI in place of Vul Yielded 707g. se"Itcarb-Mme tn. 121-2*. 1 4, hc!x 2 g,oxi ~idtli enemn-Agetl theutie of 11 itt the Ocepri. tic', y cped frovit C6 ether lay" JI Al. (201, 175 iscontlid and Mercklitig A 41 V a d. (C.A. 43. M7. Xv. Structwo ' - - 1 . . .- , - C#lf4NjCI Ormn 2.07 9. P-OiNW1441174-Itt 10 mi.'. t 1. X ss aod L Lagaglyco4ldto. ~ . Ibid. 477-M jurcsik --A I Th (7P. Eu Ii in h) Ii i j C;oled H.Oaddt4to,7.34 a, U In 12 mi. MOH and 0.46 t= s . nn. m ary. cominun cat pre g e 43 utlwtvvd s1ructural probt-cm (6, the 3 g3hingoglyeielts ( J X.-Na In 15 mL EtOll an! the resulting emullf(M stirred 30'a _ Is Me Qutqtian of cz- or 041Ai;ge i4 the. gAictrw., Cerc- at roorn tcinp, yiddcd from the tthtr cxt. LO C.., - 10 91~D (IV) broil, kergs-In. and immu weiltser-arately hydruiyxW auid . , in, I ( 101v valuct d'Ad. for the HI'M!,rawl. Sugirs, tagother- with 74-4' (from MOR). Ort hydrozotaiian (r.*r Pd-C In 2S __ Ehoic Ict, Ft "I.111. C L-a I --in -MM'"rififatft Alrit"~ FU ether, 0.9,15 g, IV ab,"bed 220 ini, H (theoreticAl. V24 mi.) ~- .41nkage is therefore probAlt for all- This~_cotxluloa ila- to yiel~j Inactive CuI1,,COCJ1(CO.1Et)N11&C1 M. M. and -ttiercaptoly sm, 'at' I confirmed L-1 the slow (" hrl.) rite of ndxcd m.p. 114-10* (from AcORW (yield not -given). . .t rwm temp. of, I (cf,_Leinieux, CA. 48,'1346) and bren-' Previously relmrted lincedurts (loc. col.) changed V by ' zymIc tests. Exptl. details w4 to he reported later. nivans of Ac,O anti AcOAg to lq%o Inactive Ct&I1#,QOCH- ' 171. S. Frfach (COXONHAc, m. 71-3 (2,44mitropheny1hydrazofe, in. ' 105-7*), and thence by intans oCU13% (Kolloultschi et al.,- e X fo- and efyara-vzcernatm CA, 49~ 22954) t . %76 mixed ' (if 1, in. 00--107*. 600d. by tiastlonal cr sta. of the tri-Ac y The inixed raccinates (1.815 t.2 1. 00 ml, clerlvs, (VI). dry C If.N and U mi., AcO lript,48 lirs. at 20 , evapd. in ftCU-7 at 40% and the residue,taken up in ether yielJed 2.05 'g. (01%) crude V1, in. 5G-70'. rractional rectystu.-from Petr. ether 1b. 25-40*) acpd. 2 ccnnpds.. m. 80-2* and 65- 'res p -raceniate of 1. m. 07-8* anif W lcf. for the Arm 8: a by Grob, d al. (C-4. 46, Mai, and Carter, u~d : v M:1' tt.-wl N', l6agmatka c msmws to N-meno- asiJ M,V-di; iubxtftuted famml=. G. Ftxkw (Uuiv. Strgcd):- 4 Ack CUlm. Acad. Sd. Molf. V.-T[7:K=Xiu Huglish).- Ilydroge"ting 1.54 C.- N-cyaw-20-th-r-buoykv, btumyawtrjWr4 In W ml. anhyd, ULM ont I C. of Pd-C 9% PdO. addhis 3 tul. 3AN IICI W mhyd. EtOll. filtenus, And evapg. OM fittratt to df vnm in mcks pv 1 O.IM S. M40MIMMoytUamocalts'--lict (1), cvtmlc" newles, m. -114* ((rum HtOH-Vdr. ether). SimiLdy "em pccpd,:, NI-plawyl-N-mtthyllannainkline (H) pkmte, m. 1-0'. an-I Pkaawlate, m. 198'. N-pt" Urmamwine Pkratt, u1. 191% N4)tftyWacm=ldl*e (Iff) pkvatc. m. 172% im-1 pkronolate, m. 2100, N*:dd4Dnjiyj)ninrphi)liae, tr. -bL 1,,:n. t74', ftw~ph R.,P..ApdEm~hi . ~ ~ -~ . I t7i ! Is ~ -, : -,- , ~'. I , - , - - . ~ ~ , ;4 POT)CR9 0. Situation of organic chemiatry in Europe. P. 193. MAGII.R, KEKMSOK LAPJA. (Magyar Kemikusok Egyesulete) Budapest. Vol. 10, No. 7j July 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. t, June 1956 FODOR G.0 TOTHO J.0 KOCZORj L., VIKCZSs Iren. Rtmgary 2..;: Annual meting of the Chemical Socierty In the Germen, Dwacratic JWpublic from 19-22 October 1955. "Synthese von 6-Tropen-3-01,, ein veradArtes gesminsames Zvischanprodukt seentlicber Tropswallvaoide" 80a. Cbmisebe TscbnUo Feb 1956.9 Una' sified. Cid, lli:'k mtL-r i t--e 7 '-rjlSLM!Y 44LL-va Uc-.4vc-~s i r x" cpt'~:Av -3 Iii i t1`4 ' ~'l Will wIltarul vd-uh k~43ftfilQl III 'c'-ptically active "I'Levi'mus by lall' in a ' ~ alillyd. MiON rattw tham "~y m.p. d Qtfo. and try~ :"kl phnt-~;rraphy- I -HCI (41;5 mAvxc4 r0th 12'a rrL - , resOve 2a tu 5 ofl in t a 91 i m i X r n , r i w c , . f g. , o cx y %ratted vArjl 200:ad. H20 and KA"Ot and cmd.,with Etto. Uistn'. of the extrgave 49.1 g. 198' lIff ~3231' g. ICILCIChEt k fukt, f 12.Z and 3Z hWed ja a sAled ta!~e- at 70' fer AR hrs,, tht prWact d aud recrystIl. from E;011- v~ed with CHC 18.9 #.- 95-iuetax t to gm A mispertsna of 9"'Rrm AP-f; Oc 1 l 3.4 ML H-0 w5a sh-,Uq willi sAR ITA 11141; fillmd -v~i- WRA 4: tim-with I'M tal filtritc:w id i C aud evaod: 1-~tmstu~ of the 2.32 j., Ya*~-ar!,d~dhy& cAlOoidA M"m. 210' kirlir with ad from 'AgAO in H14 tmtloa'- evu rn. WA C41fa- iii &Wed ~ifrapviisa -in J_ ir; 3 3~ 3 13rCN w af, Z: t ctzl i6 hm . mate:. M~4, to give a5.63 vz.,Miw c. y~: tly VnAhing =d emtg. T:t~O is ~-r I'I y_-it; faiV --2-A' (12,015), toattliq Y;i,L JS g, 111, Ti ~a, _N' .~Wml, If ~(J f. I S hm., MJ VW~ UCI L-1 00 V-Il. lin,~, midve lq%-is txfd, with 8 puticlas ~4 tiie. -,t~ tz- 64jmL nf Na0l.1c. Pvapu_ cx*n, %vith 261-1 111!. ~Il~,,._ -f-, tii. m EtCH I. Ul I - Vrl tal. zT-.L-yd. Hu!"! L t cvap.~i. i~-T ra-uc imli; tak~:fk LIv ;i Ernj~ ClIal. Tho.. WW1 litco, dIc 71 !tit ~qp were exld. with CTICL ~_-l ili,,- - ~ --ivfr 1~ 1 1 , wu- drici:l fgS!j4l m6mfificd W~Th dv-j Ai~. IR I wi,l -warwi, civs(n. d the rr~~, . ~tl'Uc inini oft; F"rep. Ii: -L~Sk (C nj. ((IC,~COi: :1 ~l hr-.. i.4 S _(2.z! r-I Iq 2V 1;4L Ij__' Z, min. wita 3.4 g, I wqld, Ag-D. C and; C~eapu. im 0.0-12". V111 (2.7~33. g.o 4,;A .j III. C. , I I tLe b1d), k,pl arld Clrlul, iu I vllic 2 lit '~.Co vtod-Lz-13 id. 'A' A in L ccrttrifuged; at Wlco-frce pfit. rvws' 5' with 5 Ent. plimit arid -I'lul. Met NrA gitri ety6t. telidue wl~ W'=hed With ifetco and ff(IIJI led;~k 1-wome (I)Q, i:z. 2W' : A mict. III ~Uj utl. 50% tkq. UvOll and (133 g. AgO i!k 10 in!. TIzO , 4 AL was dfareA e kis With 20 nA. c6ml. I fcfT&:' 2 hes. f, f kc~-Iml -d wl i C and evapd. i.-; mugo to gm Oa20 g. Ma-cafteryiFfe"hy!- ceiri", ?X), lit, - ' ~M m! j~ d 6 - em upiti). ja ~0- ). ( " -i7c, n red -ix' Phife mother hqu6r fr~in LK g, -Amp wlik wazi tit-ited With A9tQ (f-min 1.7 C. AgNa,) arA a) nil, fl.~O and fiftertd. 'I'lic jrcsidu~ o6 twapr- rf tillmo wit,; rc- fluxed - 3 ha. with-~omcd. 110 and tiapd, Cry4tu. il, tilt i (esiilue from McOlf-8trO ykldnd O.-Mg, X. coti, vv rtc-d hy ' sbaking with Aa), woxking upond rocryAQ, !rvill f 23 h M i E o cc jik-e (KA). In - tt e Impii.) W ~ to, t O f ), Thc~ 11il Me f i d 3 tp: t t Wca s w st- jig fornr~ i~t racatio-ttA QwLtanizatina ca I pmluccs in rof-Airii whcrcas therevusu 1 rives cotoilds. i" w2WO" ihe oewinal lcvu rututl4j" is mdll~ tahiel, or iticrcmwd. It craidv4d t4at tb~~ 1--touc IX ii (jerived From III,: thylti-op"u-'iIIIII ' , th d i Vit 1 r i V111 N ft., ~e 1~ ts at e atom ou uv t u~ sa t t 4, VIUC, mul X. Me vpf'44ite configuratioa o~wmrig in thr quatemwy s3tts IV and V~ Thius, tho JY-Mc ~x-,-(ws in I =1111'sud the crutip in Ifit. fi~--o b-vc rtLw