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POZDN M V. Mark Lvovich; ELEW"DI, red.; ~DWLI, L.S., red. izd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. tid. (Using plastic and synthetic materials for repairing timber skidding tractors and logging motor vehicles]Primenenie plasticheskikh mass i sintaticheakikh materialov pri remonte trelevocbnykh traktorov i lesovoznykh avtomobilei. Moskva Coslesbumisdat, 1962. 122 p. (MIRA 16:31 (Tractors-Kaintenance and repair) (Motor vehicles-Maintendnes and repair) RAYKHLIN, alman Tanfilov!cL 'dots.[deceased];GOKBM,Shlem Moiseyevich, dots.; ZAYTSEV, Pavel Aiekse-,kevich, naucLin. raD., inzn.; FLEROV D I., red. [Basic ways of improving the maintenance and repair of lumber- ing machines] Osnovnye puti sovershenstvovaniia remonta i tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniia lesozagotovitellnykh mashin. Mo- skva, Izd-vo I'Lesnaia proinyshlennostl," 1964. 132 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Kafedra ekonomiki i organizatsii proizvodstva Urallskogo, lesotekhnicheskogo, instituta (for Raykhlin). 2. Zaveduyusbchiy kafedroy tyagovykh mashin Urallkogo lesotekhnicheskogo instituta (for Gokhman). 3. Urallskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut (for Zaytsev). VOUYNETS, O.N.; KOLOSKOV, A,V.; FI&ROV, G.B.; FRIKII-MAR, D.I.; SHILIN, N.L. Formational delineation of Tertiary plutonic and volcanic-plutonic formations in central Kamchatka. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 no.D153-155 N 165s (MIRA l8slO) 1. Institut vulkanologii Sibirskogo otdelaniya All SSSR. Submitted March 10,, 1965. VOLYNETS., O.N.; FIZROV, G.B.; FRIKH-KHAR, D.I.; SHILIN, N.L. Evolution of the Tertiary Weous activity in the central ran*e of Kamchatka. Geol. i geofiz. no.5t103-107 163. (MM 16:8) 1.. Kamchatskaya geologo-geofizicheakaya laboratoriya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Kamchatka-Geology, Structural) (Kamchatka-Rocks, Igneous) FLEROV, G.B.; KOLOSKOV, A.V. potassjim metasomatites in the ultrabasic rocks of the central range of Kamchatka. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.Geol. 30 no.4:35-41 Ap 165. (mIRA l8:4) 1. Institut vulkanologii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Petro- pavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. FLEROVt_'~.kl kand.tekhn.nauk _ -_ - d~ Investigating a plane with merging traces. Trudy GPI 14 no.7.*7-12 158. - (MIRA 14:3) (Geometry, Descriptive) L ~~W PmZ~,;?~ _7WT Nb ACCESSION NR: ALP4047420 S/CO89,'64/017/00-4/0310/0312 iMU,THORS: Flerov, G. N., 0qanesyan, Yu. Ts..- Lobanov, Yu. V., Kuz- T.7 7. A-.; T~ I-, --v. P . V ako----a, 5 -P.; Plotko, V. M. TITLE: Synthesis and physical identification of the isotope of the 104th element with masa number 260 SOURICE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 4, 1964, 310-312 TOPIC TAGS: transuranium element, half life, tipontaneous fission ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that earlier estimates yielded a wide 260 range of values for the half-life of the isi~tqpe 1-0.4 'j",whereas ex 256 have shown that the element 102 a;--periences spontaneous with a half-life of 1500 seconds, the c.ltho:s developed a procedure fur indicating the spontaneous fissicn, for use in searches Card 1/3 74, L 1~218-A,5 ACCESSION NR: AP4047420 :for the 104th elements. The experiments were made with the internal 242- am o a-- 00-cm -heavy-ibri-cyclotron The tarijet was Pu and He ions were used for bombardment, so that the investigated reaction 242 22 260 p1j. (Ne , 4n)104 . The equipment consisted esgentially of a variable-speed belt conveyor to transport the reaction productq from the target to the detectors. The frag-nent detf,ctors were silicate znpln Ei t- e ~-i i ii s s e sTb e r: i s t r i b u t i --:S i 7ne reactions. The results of the a 'half- j. Isec for -he 104 el--mrn-rir 7i,a;4 under .-IS fissLc,n. ne correctnes-9 -he :or-ni of the e x c i r a ti co r~ 1 F'. -a' ~-'-!,3 max.`inum, and the lack of an eff --- r)ar--jcles and other tarqe~s F. e v, A, N. Filipson, 1. A. Shelaye,~,, and the cyciotron crew for reliable oparation of the cyclotron, S. M. Polikanov and Ye. D. Card 2/3 L 13218-65 ACCESSION UR: AP4047420 aonetv for a discussion tor Professor D. I. BI o--F -At-onic Enerqv in the-USSR ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 29AuqG4 SUB CODE: NPPJZ-* of the experimental results, and_OyYal direc- cbintsev and the State Committee on the Use for support of tl-i~~ work.' 'Driq. art. ENCL: 00 HR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 005 Card 3/3 _ T Stone hieroglyphics of the history of the world. IUn.tek-h. 5 no.?:/+6,--48 JI 161. (MMA 15,1) (Paleonthology--Juvenile literature) ORLOV, Yu.A., otv. red.; GABUNIYA, L.K., red.; 7ROFHOV, B.A., red.; jq~,E ~011, ~.K., red.; YAIJOVSKAYA, E.M., red. (Tertiary maimnals] Tretichnye mlekopitaiushchie. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 57 p. (Its Doklady sovetskikh pa- leontologov. Problema 8) (MIRA 17:6) 1. International Geological Congress, 22d, 1964. 00 goo 04 00000* oe t go o* 60 000* o 1 10 11 U is m ks U If to a NO a A x IS -W r 6 0 IL L 11 it R N a 0 LLI JJ I me 0 a 0 A o - 4 , #- 041S - -L -1 ~ .#0 -00 : ~.. . 1. 1.--.----- - - 1- FL r= I? - :0 Is ;4' ~o A ~ 4~ 7 s slaw m [a Cd and 11g, G. FN oute . 3787. Aboartic A , of r4p. and Mar. PAYSic's. U.S.S.R. 0. S. PP. 143-150. lost. I J. L ' hi hd i l Li i f h th t ta i With tb f t b 1 00 ec o v% e cons oa coun c ruc am- a m a spec p o Q and de"topmat are described, the absorption of tbc-mial neutrons corm. : lxmding to 2W K. sod OW K. in D. 0' anti lig was investipled. The 00 1 7 energy deltendence o(thm abootIttlim cross-mrtkm was found to correspond 06 .0 0 best to a lavadth of the resonance tn"V level in Cd ofV1 times theettergy 0 0 t of the level, In H; the results require at It-&A twit rotonance capture ' ' so alt s calculation of the lmition of the lowlst and the authoc finds that Ilethe o kW I&M Im Incorrect r , . s r o '300 00 goo goo goo 00 '00 At% it IT-1LW*S1C.L W14.109 CLISWICATION - 1.jd&j .4. 0.V jai O.W M Wi;ii 6W - - ' ge RON " 6 1 W 40 9 A 4 4 "A M. 34 10 0000*0000000000000 Jill$ ?1 91111111114""1111 egg Hi goo : Wt FIFEWE"IF 0 41 0 Q, 0 0 0 . . T.- - lopmas"If Ira us pill audit $1 4243 1--!~ ILk 4"ll OW X-A- d. A., 41111bli On CbMber . . . . . . . . . illmdli of :so zoo zoo roe Ices LITIRMSE CLASWKATICO A.% a. I L A ..Oil ILURSKAL SOVO&J wt. Gv d4a all 'r I p 1 14 V us o ;6*60 14 90e00 @)&&#I CK a- Sit "-- -- All L 1 4 PW 0 0 9IP I a 611 14 00009*00000000*0000 0090*0000000000*000 oft ow so eon 00- 11 CA SV 0 TS wAsCOWSMALMIR opens 1w vsI L7 - '. - d , ', I * . - 0- t -1-.L 14WLRIT#a lop &I. Malls 141 Afto tftfro -8.2 P"a A pavve s, nL 4so p v- 'Y-1.19 :A'--S lm op I "N OMVMWN vam""m Amq- 3m " 10 norm- 'PI p""I'09" Iq V-14- room* Wa 41"B" Ott VOMI '041W '4PS *'S'SVa'PS IPWF Wag? ,-"# N Im"m p IMS AO"MW '1 41 "T-r 8 a- on it *no all woe an T11-1-mr-cil IM 0o of so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 F11 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a a 0 03 no Lp -, a a cc iso n j. A 00 111 A%p Imp gouges 1. '*pool 04 00 00 00 00 SVmtaa*ma GWM al UMMUM. K. A. PrIly shak and L ~00 1013, iT I IN01 *. C4. C.A. 34. (MM'. 7 11-V nn'tIWO -00 1,11tv ~iasilivr ill im%iiali~n% t,( Ihe pitubm, ,f fi-wit. .00 of 8j. .. I-mlsd 11hat, the nionimli Imelcia, 60-m vv"n ill ill, &I-t- ..I lirlill.m.. Illr ..f 11411 Pnot 1411, -,,? Ill.- Ill.- 1.00 :0 a!'- vrm~ hw 1*1~. AN- ill t,,mpf. rend. antd- P. V. 00.3, 2A..*A0 11111,1M F.11 It coo 004 roe *3 ree 040 W 1019 2see 00 ~0081r, 009 00 ~ -, , t A, 3 glee too glee ue 00 l 110 -mr, i- _--i U a AV 10 is of a 11 of It n it a POW a to"ooooo;ooooooo*o,ooooooooooooooo000 ~c o 0, 009 0000 o 41 0 0 0 ojo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0,* 0 0 4 0 0 FLEROV G.-N. S S S "On the Spontaneous Separation of Uranium," Dok.. AN, 28, 4a. 6, 194o(Inst. for Research in Radium of the USSR Acad. of Scholars,, member ~f) -ro 0 - J-0 1. FLEROV G. X. "Absorption of Slow Neutrono by Cadmium and Mercury," Uspekhi Fiz. I Nauk, 1941. f -tf "I T- 110 mile A ;-IL-, -,jL --L, r u x . I L -1k: I-A Y--L- AA A -W,tt, 04 it' 00 of 410 AI o: -1 lee Iev & lee NSA A" $611. U. se c"mbm Wft Orctrocks of Call. Ile I** pq Im Itudle of i dette- jWbO*UWdTbd moth baMb%rd t atid without. alS 0 09 =00 it Is that this, hal-li of "Magnus A is -9 x 1016 00 Ws so* Wes age too Uz- 11 LA SITALLUFGKAL 11.13EIIIATU" I CLASSWICATION us a., too 73'. --3- U $11 AV "JI is An I S N 0 0, ry It 'v a old IIII Ktuln is of 4 t14 ~40 0 O;i 0 0 40 s, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLEROV, G. N. 1- - a--' -- - - 1. - -: ", f .,Spontaneous Fission of UraniUM)" Zhur. Fiz. 6, No. 1-2, 1942. 41 a 11 32 a u IT a$ AT JL-b- A-" rb. It ITr110 Al" C41011ts lot AND M Lillis 1INDUItt 34, n *011 30"Awas"I 113~11vtow visI ,or emp L,'(UL +-U pWftTUaq-AOZSOX 'OT 'ON 'IIX TOA 'ZI 000 ow III P- ft6l) CLswW n P m mp m pakuxw On a" ri (q mi p- n) ppm L-q p A- -M al Wap MWRX%A-T" *9 lyrrn Mvd *t *N-*D"Adq p aw mew"O p Omm so p I w1iff a It A Of I Of 0 n it so 11091L jac,83M xnw UT OST 0* v oo aw"ama 1"Wou 0 sh O 1 p R v *0 It-[ No RMI 0& Wgo 96 U Y ' 7g go it W 1 0 0 0 so 0 0 * 0 9 0 0 0 It 0 0 111 0 610,44 4 ~vv .6 a IV 1 6 t t I U li 11 11 4 11 16 it is lomilla amb All. R bi it U u it A m v a it iii o Q U I -f- -A-A--&- 6 A A F 9 A S1- -9- 1--l-M U (x 0 U4-2 0 "'t"5 64i''1 V, too so 07 U Xj.S 194S gl ag, cf. A_ 194). 1. 2 S dIiZ;;;; 6i;_a be ptcl,a of Ira$, W"ky fission and by Induced fiWork is OL 0 N, M. B. *%Ig&mtjM Vap-d. all 0 Poem. zoo 00 coo 00 00 00. :00 0 gee 009 4-i-4 44 Alib~%L,4 SEVALLU'ROICAL U7911411,111 CLAWMATION 00 bo U is AT 0 0 a fir go -3 M TO IT Lv to It 00 OC It a x F! K cg A 11 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 10 0 to 49 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 oooooo,oooooooo*Ooooo--oo:oooooooooooooolo 0 t-,Work of the Kc7idernyof Science of the MS.S.Iz- on re~ actors with uranium-235 and Plutonium-2,39 with ll,"ll"wou L Flemv - - tl~ S ..E. P. On. inaderatOrS. CLN - a~4,f- Arad Sci Vjrjrjfj4j Ujj *Vr-.7T$-O,, J, gy. S"'5z" ,Div. P~ v~. Ilj!h, Sci. 1955, 133-40(Fnb. 19-16)(FlIgI. tran5lation)-see C.'i. 50-3008f. ------- - --- .1 "Possibilibies for Extendineg the Use of Radioactive Radiations in Oil Prosieclu-In', and Oil-Field Develolment". Report appearing in 1st Volume of "Session of The Acide!:q of O'ciences US3R an the Peaceful Use of Atomic EnerU., 1-5 JulY 1955", Publishin-, Fouse of Academy of Sciences U33R, 1955. ',-3 --F SO: Sum 728, 28 Nov 1955. V. Podcur*aYa- V- (,f D. Vomb-LT, and G. N. Fig. 26. 5" 4tte a Th by tL'Wg & 13146771) U00, cb=ber (C~ cot" d with dola publMtd RaF 15-57-7-9952 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, PP 176-177 (USSR) AUTHORS: F1 Alekseyev, F. A. TITLE: Use of Radioactive Radiation in Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum Deposits in the USSR (Ispollzovaniye radioaktivnykh izlucheniy pri razvedke i razrabotke neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v S88R) PERIODICAL: 4-Y Mezhdunar. neft. kongress. Vol 2, Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1956, pp 24-36 ABSTRACT: The advantages of radioactive electrical logging are examined by the authors. The use of radiometry for determining the position of the water-petroleum contact in strata intersected by a cased well is described. The problem is solved by methods of neutron gamma electrical logging and of induced activity. In Card 113 both cases the water-bearing stratum is distinguished Use of Radioactive Radiation (Cont.) 15-57-7-9952 from the petroleum-bearing stratum by the different NaCl content of the strata. The contacts can therefore be distinguished only where the formation waters are sufficiently mineralized. The water- bearing parts of the strata are marked by higher values on the curves of neutronf-logging. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the Cl readily traps the fast 2geutrons and gives off a stable Y-radiation in the process. Na , which had a half-life of 15, is the index element for the method of induced activity. The activation of the Al of rock and cement and of the Mn contained in the casing pipes* make the utilization of the Cl activation imu possible. The use of radioactive isotopes for study of the state of wells (quality of cementing, inflows of liquids and movement of the liquid outside the case) and ~or showing permeable zones in the wells is considered. The radiometric instrument used in this work is described. The instrument, which has discharge indicators, is to be replaced by a more perfect one with luminescent indicators. The results of the first tests in the use of radiometric survey for Card 2/3 15-57-7-9952 Use of Radioactive Radiation (Cont.) petroleum prospecting are set forth. A minimum of intensity of Y-radiation, surrounded by an aureola of increased values of in- tensity, was obtained on the petroleum field of the investigated deposit. Card 3/3 M. V. Zaporozhets with M-al.'AUKHOV, V. A., "Interaction of ~cceleratod !,'Itrogerl Ions with Bismuth Nuclei," with Pi'diF.'.1r-VICH, D. M. and SM.'CHINC-11A, A. 1M. , "Interaction of Accelerated Nitrogen Ions with Bismuth Nuclei," with BARABOSHKIN, S. A., DRUIN, V. A., KIRAMAN, A. S., and POLIKAIJOV, S. M. "Interaction between Nitrogen Nuclei and Heavy Elements Nuclei," with 13asrak, A. S., and Volkov, V. V., "Stripping Reaction Produced by the Accelerated Nitrogen Ions on Some Nuclei," with FILIPPOVA, K. V., GM-LIT. Yu. B., GUSiWA, L. I., 62(ASOYEDOV, B. F., and TARANTIN, N. I., 111-lass Distribution of Fission Fragments Formated. by I "itrogen Ions on Gold and Uranium Nuclei," papers submitted at the A-U Conf. on i~uclear Reactions in "edium and Low Energy Physics, Moscow, 19-27 Nov 57. V- FLEROV, G. V., KLOGFIOV- D. S., SKOB-"-,-Li:, V. (Acad. Sci. USSR) "on the Stability of Proton," paper submitted at the All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Reactions in I-jedium and Low Energy Physics, Moscow, 19-27 Nov 57 L L 1--c! V, ,A~FPIIIOR BARABOSMINI S.A., KIILI~ YA1 IftTLE im Interaction Between 11itrover a Voott 56-6-4/56 (Vzaimodeystviye yadei az ota -3 yadrazJ zzolota -Ru-- ~ ian) ~LRIODICAL Zhurnal FI,-sperim.i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,vol 32,Nr 6,.pp 1294-1297 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT By using the scarce of mL~lti-ply charEed ions developed by Morozov (Atomnaia ene--giia,Vol 3,p 272(1957)) the authors obtained by means of the 150 cm cyclotron of the Academy of Science an intense bundle of monoenergetic ions of five-fold charged N14 Tith the energy of 115 KeV.Thie bundle was used for the following purposes; 1) Inve- stigations of the dependences of the cross sections of the reactions Au(14,4n), Au(N,5n) and Au('11.6n) on the energy of the nitrogen ions. Determination of the absolute cross sections of these reactions. 3 Determination of the principal mechanism of the interaction of fl heavy ions with gold naclei.On the occasion of these experiments stacks of from 10 to 15 nickel foils with a thin coating of gold were irradiated.After irradiation the a-activity of the foil was determined by means of a photom7altiplier with ZnS crystal and by me- ana of an amplitude discriminator.The reactions were determined ac- cording tothe half-value periods of the a-active isotopes concer- ned. The thus obtained aependences of the cross sections of the above mentioned reactions on the energies of the nitrogen ions are illu- strated by a diagram.The characteristic course taken by the curves Card 1/2 with the maxima is due to the presence of competing reaftions (with 56.6-4/56- Interaction Between Nitrogen and Gold .-i'uclei. emission of a different n=ber of neutrons) and also to the fission of the composed nuelcus.The sharp decrease of the cross section of the reaction (11,40 at energies of more than go 1.:eV is explained by the fact that within this ener_qj dotain the reactions with an erqi- ssion of 5 neutrons predominate.Ir, a similar manner also the de- crease of the cross section of the reaction (N,3n) and (N,6n) at e- ner-ies of more than loo and 11o 1-eV reppectively bay be explained. The curve for the dependence of the sum of the cross sections of all reactions (with emission of neutrons) upon the energy of the ni- tro6en ions hau also a characteristic maxinum. (3 illustrations) ~'LS2CCTATICjr PR_~,1SENTLD -BY 51131,'ITTED AVAIIABLE Card 2/2 1,0t t~iven. 21-1-1957 Library of Congr03S. F~_ t~ /Ul/ .AUTHOR DRUIN4 V.A.,POLIYAIIOV) S.~!-,_ILLZ TITLE Ruclear Fission Induced by Accelerated D-itrozen Ions. 5&6 5/56 (Beleniye yader pod deystvi~-em uakorenn~*kti ionov azota -11assian), PERIODICU Zhurnal Eksperiia.i Teorut-Fiziki,1957,1101 32,11r 6,pp 1298-1304 ABSTIACT The introduction contains a short report on the stage to which the problem has hitherto developed.The present paper deals with the determination of the fission cross section of -U235,U23f3,Bi,ALx,Re and Yb under the influence of accelerated nitrogen ions In dependen- ce on the energy of the nitrogen nuclei. Uperimental technology: The nitrogen ions were accelerated by means of a cyclotron with a pole diameter of 150 cm.The fission fragments were observed by means of an ionization chamber.Also the recording of nitrogen ions and the experiments on the exterior bundle are dis- cussed.The targets consisted of aluminum disks of 14,,ttthickness u- pon which the layers of the substance tobe investigated are applied. ExRerimental resultsiThe here obtained data concerning the fission cross sections of Ur351U238,Bi,Au,Re and Yb at different energies of the nitrogen nuclei are illustrated in form of diagrame.Also the statisticalmeasuring errors are shoin in these diagrams. Discussion of resultes When analyzing their experimental resultst the authors based upon the fact that before the process of fiesio- ning a highly exaited nucleus with known values of the excitition Card 1/2 energy and of the parameter Z2/A are formed.Experimental investi- ASSOCIATION FRESEMED BY SUBMITTU AVAILABLE Card 2/2 Nuclear Pission.Induced by Accelerated Nitrogen Ions -.92921M gations of the interaction between the accelerated nit-46- and U235 and U238 nuclei showed that the products of tho-se reactions at which there is no fission are created with a probability that is considerably lower (by about loo times) than fisaion.The data obtained here make it possible to estimate the upper limit of the fission cross section of the uranium nuclei in consideration of their Coulomb excitation on the ocoasion of interaction with the accelerated nitrogen ions.Several special results are then deeLt with. (5 illustrations) Not Given. 12-1-1957 Library of Congress. 56-2-4/47 AUTHra GERLIT,, Yu.B., GTJSV,7A L.T., MYABOYEVV~B.F.s TARAr,,TIII$ N.I., ,, K.'V. 71MM" 0 M. _1 ~ 0 FILIPFOVA $ -TITLE _ Yield of Californium isoropt~s rroauced in the interaction between Carbon Isotopes and Uranium Nuclei ERIODICAL (Vy)diody isotopov kaliforniya v reaktsjyakh vssimodeystviyabnov ugleroda a yadrami urana. Russian) Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, liol 33, Ur 2 (8), pi, 339 - - 342 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT In a 67 cm cyclotron four-fold 'charged carbon ions are acaierated up to go MeV. With this energy they inpinge upon a thick uranium target and cause the reaction U(Cs n)Cf. The absolute yields per impinging carbon ion and the following reactions are: U239 (C12, 4n) Cf 246 1,5 - 10-9 239 245 -9 U (C-14, 5n) Cf 3,0 . 10 U239 (Cia , 6n) Cf L44 4 9 . 10711 ard 1/2 The fissioning of uranium bombarded with carbon was found to be ~,8 . 10 3 times more probable than the 2Waporation process of neu- trons from the intermediary nucleus Cf -'70 . 5&,~4/47 Yield of Californium Isotopes Produced in the Interaction betvieen Carbon Isotopes and Uranium Nuclei (With 1 table and 4 illustrations). ASSOCIATION Academy of Sciempsof tht- USSR ( Akademiya nauk WM) 'PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 5.)-1957 1.1,VAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: PARFANOVICHD.M., SEKCHIKOVAA.M. j FLEROVA.N. 56-2-5/4T TITLE; Determination of the Range-Energy Relatro-n for Nitrogen and Oxygen Ions in Photographic Emulsions. (Opredeleniye- ~zwoiiimoOA probeg-energiya Alya ionov azota i kisloroaa v fotoemulsii~, Russian) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimi Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 33, Nr 2, PP 343-345 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In a 150 om cyclotron ions are first accelerated as doubly-ohargea ions, and they leave the cyclotron as six-fold charged ions. For monochromatization and after traversing an Al-filter of 5t4'thiok- ness, they pass through a magnetic analyzer in the focus of which the photoplates are located. By means of this arrangement the range energy curve for nitrogen and oxygen was recorded within the energy range of from 3 to 120 MeV on Ilford E-i plates. The aocur- acy with which each point on the curwe was determined for ions with an energy exceeding 30 MeV amounts to 5%, and for ions with a lower energy it amounts to 10%. (With I Illustration). ASSOCIATION: AcadenW of Soienceal-of the U.S.S.R. (Akademila, nax*SSSR) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: 8.3-1957 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 F L LIV cr AUTHORSt Volkov, V.V.j Pasyuk, A.S., Flerov, G.N. 56-3-7/59 TITLEt Evaporation Reaction in the intbraction-of Accelerated Nitrogen Ions N14 with the Nuclei of Some Slements (Reaktsiya "aryva" pri j vzaimodeystvii uskorennykh ionov azota NI yadrami nekotorykh elementov) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperim. I.Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 3, PP. 595-6o1 (USSR) ABSTRACTs N14- ions are accelerated in the cyclotron up to~--Ioo MeV, after which they penetrate through Al., NIA., Gu, Ag, Cd, Sn- foils, on which occasion radioactive N13 was found. Measuring of angular distribution showed that N13 emerges only with- in a very narrow angular ranoe. For Al 230 + 80 was measured as the - nted to 67 MeY. most probable angle, where N14_ energy amou The cross sootion for the evaporation reaction in the case of a N14 -energy of " 85 MeV amounted to 3o mb for Ni and 12 mb for Al. There are 5 figures and 2 Slavic references. ASSOCIATIONi AN USSR (Akademiya nauk SSSR) SUBMITTEDe March 19p 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress. Card 1/1 FLEROV-G.--N.-and-POLIKHANOVI-S*--Mo- - --- --=A=NM *==Nw-- "Nuclear Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl.' Conf. on the p w eful uses of Atomic Energy,, Geneva,, I - 13 Sept 58. Al, AUTHORS: Tarantin, ff. I., Gerlit, Yu. B., Guseval L. I.p 56-2-7/51 Myaaoyedov, B. F., Filippova, K. V., Flerov, G. 11. TITLE: The Mass Distribution of Fission Products Produced by the Irradiation of Gold and Uranium by Nitro.en Ions (Raspredeleniye po mamsam produktov deleniya, obrazuyushchikhsya pri obluchenii zolota i urana ionami azota) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretioheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol 341 Nr 21 PP 316-321 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present rork investigates the mass spectrum of the fission fragi-.1ents of radon and einsteihium which are formed in the irradiation of gold and uranium with nitrogen ions. Pirst the exnerimental method is discussed. Gold- and uranium plates of a thickness of 30 g were irradiated with five-times charged nitrogen ions from a slit source at the inner ray of an 150 cm cyclotron. The energy of the nitrogen ions was 115 MeV. After the dissolution of the irradiated target the different radioactive elements on the Card 1/3 corresponding carriers were dissolved. The radioactive The Mass Distribution of Fission Products Produced by the 56-2-7/51 Irradiation of Gold and Uranium by Nitrogen Ions isotopes were identified according to their half life. The relative yields of the nuclei identified this way are listed in a table. A dia-ram shows the yields of the nuclei given in this table as a function of the mass number A. The main part of the yield of fission products is concentrated within a comparatively narrow interval of mass numbers. The yield of fission fra6ments increases rather Greatly with an increase of the mass number froa 70 to loo, and with still greater mass numbers it decreases to the same extent. From the experimental values of the yields of single nuclei the total yields of the correspondinC mass series (massovaya tsepochka) were computed. The additional taking into account of the yields of nuclei not identified in these experiments changes only little the character of the distribution of experimental points. The curve of the distribution of fission fragments in relation to the mass with the values A - 85 to 115 has the shape of a narrow peal: with a half width of about 2o mass units. The yields of Ga72,73, Se123, Sb122 and the yields of tho aeries of decays corresponding to these nuclei do not coincide with the monotonous course Card 2/3 of the curve and are a little greater as normal. About 2o the Mass Distribut:i(M of Fission Products Produced by the 56-2-7/51 Irradiation of Gold and Uranium by Nitrogen Iona different isotopes were identified amon6 the fission products forming in the irradiation of uranium with nitrogen ions. The yields of the accumulated nuclei are collected in a table. The fission of nuclei under the action of heavy particles can be represented by the following scheme: Formation of a compound mucleus, emission of neutrons and fission. The half width of the curve of the distribution of fission fragments on the mass is considerably smaller in the fission of radon than in the fission of einsteinium. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and lo references, 4 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: August 2o, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Gold-Irradiation 2. Uranlwa-Irrrdiation 3. Nitrogen ions- Applications 4. Isotopes-Determination Card 3/3 JTHORS: ing Member AN USSR, 20-1-19/58 Jbxzxt__G_.__Kt', Correspond Klochkov, D. S., Skobkin, V. S., Terentlyev, V. V. "ITLE: 232 The Spontaneous Fission of Th the Stability of Nucleons (Spontannoye deleniye Th i stabillnost' nuklonov) ARIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSRo 1958, Vol- 118, Hr 1, pp. 69-71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First the authors shortly report on respective earlier works. Many a thibg spoke in favor of the determinacy 2n of the half- life period of the spontaneous fission of Th by means of an essential increase of the sensitiveness of the method. Such an increase of the sensitiveness can be reached by an increase of the total quantity of experimental material as well as by a decrease of the background. The advantages of proportional counters are mentioned. The counters used here were produced of thin aluminum tubes. Thorium was deposited in form of ThO wi th bakelite lacquer on inner surface of the semi-cylingrical grooves-in the cathode of the counter. As anode served Nichronium wires with a diameter of 50 The counters were filled with methane and had a wide proportionality range. For the increase of the total quantity of the experimental material some counters of the same type Card 1/2 were used. Special attention was paid to the decrease of the The Spontaneous Fission of Th 232 and the Stability of Nucleons 20-1-19/58 background. Possible reasons for errors e. g. neutrons, are pointed out. From the measurements discussed D3je the following results: the half-life period of Th is (if 21 thorium suffers a spontaneous fission at all) more than lo years. If we accept the condition that thorium nuclei, because of the decay of a nucleon, are divided into ligh~lr particles the life of the compound nucleon is more than lo years. By means of the here discussed method for the registration of rare fission acts the authors also searched for transuranium elements in monazite minerals. For this purp se monazites from different deposits of an age of more than lo9 years w9re in- vestigated. For the plutonium content a value of