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"A crave fcr-~ Of exuda~';.ve . ~Itifcrri erythema Wevens' and Johij,,n Is sy"`rc.:~~e) and its J- treaLrent by p. 232. (rA30--1,3-Lj.TA7ZU Vol. ro. 16, A,-r- In-53, Praha.) SO: Monthly List Of F~-st Diropean Acce3sions, Vol. 2, !.3.4 Libr~ry of Ccnzress 0ct0,b:-",- 19~,3, Urcl. PIRISCHHANS,,_Aoh.. Dr- Perforation of cardiac septum from left ventricle to right chamber In bacterial endocarditis. Cas. leko cesk. 94 no.5:118-121 28 Jan 55. 10' Vnitrni oddel. 01crasn. ustavu. nar. zdravi ve Slanem- primar KUDr Bobuslav Fleisehhans. (CARDIAC MOTUM, Perforation Intraventr1c., In baot. andocarditis) (INDOCARDITIS, BACTARIAL, complications cardiac septum perf., Intraventric.) slav. Dr.; NIUMANN. Miroslav, Dr.; KLIMA, Jaroslav. Dr.; BARTA, Vladimir, MUC; KYASNICXA, Vladimir, MUG; MAXA, Hiroslav. MUG Chronic bronchitis and pulmonaa7 eupb7sema, in farmers. Cas. lek. cook. 94 no.71158-163 11 Fab 55. 1. Interni oddeloni OURZ ve Slan*u; primar XUDr BolWslav Fletschb%u (OCCUPATIONAL DISEA S bronchitis & puls. empbywwa. in agriculture) (AGRICULTMM bronchitis & puln. empbysexa, in farmers) WPHYMM. PUIXONART In agricultural vorkers) (13RONCHITIS In.agricultural vorkers) MISCHIMS, Boh.. BARTA6, Tlad.; KVASNICKA, Vlad. RAU, Nir. Data on the electrocardiographic diagnosis of right ventricular hypertrophy in cor pulmonale. Gas. lek. cesk. 98 no.10:299-304 6 Nar 59. LInterni addeleni M--esniho ustava narodniho zdravi ve Slanex, primr MJW. Bohuslav Fleischbans. (FUIXONART Fm DISEAS1, diag. AGG in right ventria. hypertrophy in chronic pulm. heart ais. (Ox)) (MINCTROGMIOGRAPHY,-in various dis. right ventric. hypertropby in chronic pulm. heart dis. (Cz)) (CARDIAC INIARGUM -BOG in right ventric. hypertropby in chronic pulm. heart dis. (Gs)) CZECHOSLOVAKIA FLEISCHHANS, Bohuslav, MUI)r. CSc. Section of Internal Medicinep Regional Hospital Ceske Budejovice (Interni oadeleni krajake nemocnice, Ceske Budejovice), (Flaischhans - Head). Prague, Praktic1w lekar, No 24, 20 December 1965, pp 934 "Epidemiological Research on cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseas*s." FLEISOMON, M. 'Component parts for Fine Mechanics" by Richter, Voss and Kozer. Reviewed by M. Fleischman. Strojirenatvi 11 no.11:877 N 161. (Mechanics) (Richter) (Voss) (Kozer) FLEISCHMAN, Martin "Mechanical engineering tables" edited by (dr.] Kismarty Lorand. Reviewed by Martin Fleischman. Stroj vyr 12 no.1:73 Ja,164. U FLEISI5Wz-LI--P-t kand.fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk,, dotsent; GRACH, S.A. Axisymmetric bending of circular and annular plates with concentric extrusions. Vast. mash. 41 no. 51l9-23 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Elastic plates and shells) RNINIS, Z;SKOP, V; FLNISCHMAITH, J. Direct lumbar aortography. Gas. lek. cook. 89 no.29:809-83.1 21 July 1950. (CLKL 20:1) 1. Of the Institute of Anatomy of Charles University. 2. Of the 7ourth Internal Clinic. HERMANSKY, F.;FMISCHMAIM, J. Cytochemical investigation of polyescoharides In the blood cells and blood-forming tissue. Sborn. lek., Praha 53 no. 57:182- 194 Nov. 1951. (CIML 21:3) 1. Of the Pirst Internal Clinic (Head--Prof. M. Setousek, M. D.) of Charles University,.Prague and of the Institute of Anatomy Wad-Prof. Ladislav Borovanelqr. M. D. ). LING, R.; FLICISCMIN, J. . A now anatomical terminology: Nomina anatomica parisiensia, P.N.A. 1-955. Gas. lek. cask. 98 no.14w*419-425 3 Apr 59. 1. Anatomicke oddeleni VSP, Praha a katedra biologialc7oh ved ITT. Praha. R. L., Praha 1, tTjezd 450. (ANATOKY terminol., hist. & comparison of new Momiza arAt. parisiensia & Jana terminol. Wz)) PLEISOM(M, Laszlo, dr., orvostudomanyok dpktora. Expert once witb surgery ofotoselerosis. Orv. hatil. 95 no.45:1237-1240 TRow-5-4. 1. A 1foyarost Peter'f~r Smdor-utcai Korbas-rendelo (Ikasgato: lendvajr, Jossef Ar.) Yul-orr-gageonstalyanak (foorvom: Fleiscbmw~m,,Laoslo dr.. a% orvostudomanyok doktora. (OTOSOLIMSIS, surgery,) r" ~v SZ%fUK, Imre d,r.; BACH, Imre, dr.: DANZIGER, LaBz1o. dr.; FAME, Bala4s. dr.; FLEISCHMANN, Laszlo, &r.; JAKO, Geza, dr.; MISSURA, Tibor, dr.; VO T-,V'sVi"sanna, dr.; SZABADOS, Daley, dr. Use of radioiodine in localization of inflamed regions (foci. abscesses). Orv. hetil. 97 n0-34:949-951 19 Aug 56. 1. A Yovaromi Pe'terfy Sandor u. Korhaxrendelo (igazgato: Lendvai, Jossef. dr.) koslemenye. (BRAIN, absicems exper., localization with radioiodine in dogs (Han)) (IODINE, radioactive In localization of exper. brain abscesses in dogs (Hun)) FIMISCHMANN, Itiszlo, I)r. Circulatory disorders in the cranial cavity occurring in connection with sinus thrombosis. Orv. hetil. 99 no.6:195-198 9 Yeb 58. 1. A Yovarosi Peterfy Sandor utcai lorhaz-rendelo (mb. igazgato-foorvon: Galocsi Gvora dr.) Pal-orr-gege Oaztalyanak (foorvos: Fleischmann laizlo dr., az orvostudomanuok doktora) kozlemenye. (SINM THROMBMIS, surg. compl.. postolp. temporary hemiplegia (Hun)) (H3MIPLWU, etiol. & pathol. aurg. of aims thrombosis causing tem-norary postop. hemiplegia (Elun)) FLZISCHMM Laezlo, dr..; POSTM. Jozeef,dr.; ERALOVAKSZrY. Zoltan, dr. Investigations on beat conduction In beat irritation of the labyrinth. Pul-orr-gagegyog7. 6 no-3:97-104 S 160. 1. A 70varost Peterfy S. utcal korhaz-rendelo Yul-orr-gegeoestalyanak (Toorvos: Fleischman lanzlo' dr.) kozlemenys (LABYRINTH phkatol.) FLIgISCHMAN, M. Xanthous of the knee joint. Act& chir.orthop.traum.cech.27 no.4: 386-390 Igo 6o. 1. OrtopedickD-traumtologicke oddeleni Ustredni vojenske nemocnice v Praze, pradnosta plk. MDDr. Bofiumil Eiselt. (CARCINOMA BROICHOGERIC case reports) ,ill FMISCHMANN, Miggellm., . IKO-k Traumatic skin avulsion. Rozhl.chir.39 no.12:829-832 D 6o. 1. Traumatol-ortoped. odd. Ustr. voj. nemoonice v PrARe, uredn. MUDr. Bohumil Eiselt. ISKIN Wds & inj) FUISCHMANN, Miroslav; BOREK; Vladimir Contribution to the differential diagnosis of bone tumors. Acts. chir. orthop. trauma. Cech. 28 no.2:100-104 Ap 162. 1. Ortopedicko-traumatologicke odd. Ustr. voj. nem. v Praze, predn. prim. MUDr. B.Eiselt; (BONE AND BONES neopl) CIHAK, Radomir; ZISELT;r Bohumil; FLEISCH14AMM, 14iroslaw. Reconstruction of thumb opposition by intrinsic hand muscles* Acts. 'Univ. Carol. [med.] (Praha) 9 no.l-.3-26 163 1. Department of Anatomy , Faculty of General Medicines, Charles V-iversity in Prague (Director: prof. L. Borovansky, M.D., Dr.Sc) and Orthopaedic Section of the Central 11ilitary Hospital in Prague-Stresovice (Director: B. Eiselt, M.D.). FLEISCM4ANN, M. Experiences in the surgical treatment of supracandylar fractures of the humerus in children. Acts. chir. orthop.,traum. cech. 30 no.3:234-239 le 163. 1. Ortopedicka oddeleni UVN v Praze, vedouci MUDr. B. Eiselt. HUMERAL FRACTURM) (FRACTURE FIXATION) RADIOGRAPHY) (&EUROLOGIC MANIFESTATIONS) SURGERY, OPERATIVt) (ARM INJURIES) ~ (BLOOD CIRCULATION) E ISELT , Boliuld J, p.M.1-ovnik I-IJDr. ; CMAK, Radar; r , d c. ";L- ; - -, , A ,I 1 1. .- - ? FLMSIGHMAILIN, 1,11rosIrri, podpluko-fnik !I:Dr-. -- ----- Contribution tc, the te~31inlque of bl'ood cnll--~-cting frcm caCiavers. Voj. .zdrav, listy 34 n0-3:105-108 je 165- 1. Z traamatologicko-or-topedickeho oddelewl ',Jlll a Anatomickeho ustavu fakulty vseobecneho lekarst-vi T'nil"ersity. v P.E-Pze. ASOIWM# 14 Pal MaSOOKOMp t61 IGMA-p Jo 10 UA- st ",vol" ch"Jobrip tbdvo *f oftbas (Ifew an) I to Jo sqrswmw puUnsnphlo Ingutoup CXOWW44%Vk A"ftW Of SCAOMWO f"IMW Ow gwy") Psagwo cd of Emu-"Iw"AL ChLOACRA so 120 Us 1965# p-p 44w3-46 *As&"& volmoiffs'-me was*& twolvLft iamlAl* #*"rIfy belt furmaussow ACC NR; AN101914 AUTi1OR: FlVissir,, J- ORG: none -2 SOURCL"CODr: cz/0048/66/000/004'10'L G[R22 TITLE: The whole world is amazed (the power of parapsychology] SOURCE: Veda altechnika mladezi, no. 4, 1966, 120-122 TOPIC TAGS: pakapsychology, psychologic warfare ABSTRACT: The au*thor comments derisively on a recent article published in the Sunday i Mirror of Londo~, which reported on an experiment by the Czech inventor Pavlita, chief of a development workshop of an enterprise in Horice; The experiment dealt with "telekinesis." 'The inventor claimed that he was able to stop the rotation of a tiny propeller of a little motor merely by looking at it. The inventor claimed-that he was able to do so by strange biological currents which come from his brain. The Sunday Mirror referred to the experiment as the most demanding research ever undertaken by anyone. The author suggests that the experiment was a fraud, gives examples of para- psychology, spiritualism, extrasensory perception, which by their implications lead directly to naive worshipping of God and the world beyond. As a specific example the author cites the case of a couple who claimed that they were able to move a little table by the "fluid" of mental telepathy. He describes his interview with the couple ACC NRI AP C as an embarrassing comedy and a fraud. lie states that such nonsense should be dealt with more appropriately by a psychiatrist. He points out that times have changed. Today no patient:claims to be a Napoleon. Instead, people "outside of the norm" talk with the crews of flying saucers. Orig. art. has; 3 figures. SUB CODE: 05,15'/ SUBH DATE: none S11 94/62/000/01.1 /000/062 D201/D308 AUTHOR: Fleissig, Jan TITLE: A device for the addition and subtraction of numbers, particularly of numbers in the decimal system of counting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1962, 40, abutract-11-1-80n (Czech. pat., cl. 42m, 15, no. 9945~, Apr. 15, 1961) TEXT: Patent for a device for the addition and subtraction of num-, bers, designed for the uue in quality control systems and in par- ticular for the deturinination of the diutftbution dispersion of any parameters of the controlled product. The device is distingui&hed by the simplicity of manipulations required for calculation. It is designed as a keybourd calculating machine and has 100 keys car- ~ying numbers from 0 to 99. Each key is connected to a Bet of six electrical contacts (closing when the key is depressed) and to a vertical wipur, which is displaced by one step when the key is Card 1/2 8/194/62/000/011/008/062 A device for the ... D201/D308 pressed. In this way the number of depressions o' the key, i.e. of terzis, is determined. Depression of the key starts a step-by-step switch which 2ends pulses to an electromechanical adder until the latter reaches the )ositions corres,~onding to the closed contacts, at which the relays open circuits sending pulses to the separate digits of the countt~r. Thu device has a squaring circuit operating in a manner similav to that described above and a transfer unit for correct evaluation. of the uum controlled diroctly by the cor- res.onding digit rings~-of the counter. Instead of calculating the dispersion (the final determination of the magnitude of dispersion is manual, from data set on the panel and in the counter) the de- vice, as -a whole, may be used for calculating any other functions, which is made Vo8sible by appropriate mounting of the key con- tacts. 1 figure. /-44%,bstracter-s note: Complete tranBlation._7 Card 2/2 FUME., 0. Kubias, J.; Fleissig, 0. "A Quick and Precise Method of Determining the .Hardness of Water." p. 91'(Uhli A Rudy, Vol. 1, no. /+, Apr. 1951, Praha) East Eur Vol. 3, No. 3 1954 SO. Month List of *NwMbMROAP=enaion9,/Library of Congress, - March 31W, Uncl. Fm~Snv, H. Printing textile fabrics with dyes containing hitrosamine, Biuletyn Wlok. p. 20. (PRZEMYSL WLOKIENI~ , Lodz,, Vol- 7., no. 9110j Sept./Oct. 1953-) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), TC, Vol. L-, No. 6r, Jw- 1955, Uncl. counlu - ; POLAINTD- r CATEGORY : Chemical Technology. Chemical 'Products and Their Applications. Carbohydrates and Their Processing. ABS. JOUR. : RZhM".j So 17.. 1Z9., No. 62442 AUTHOR t F1*j1FzM*nV 1'. E. Increase of Productivity of Sugar Refineries by Yeans of Reducing Removal of the Diffusion Juice. ORIG. PUB. Gax. oukrown., 1958, 80, No 11, 346-347 ABSTPACT For -the translation see Ref.Zhur.-Khiniya, 1958, NO 3. 9918. Cut: H - 105 CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC -616.152(,546.( SEDIVF,C, VaclaV; n3titute of Hygiene of Work and of I occupational Diseases a Hygieny Prace a Chorob z Povolani) Prague, Director (Reditel) Prof Dr J. TEISINGER. I "Some Causon of Possible ErrQrs in the Polarographic Determina tion of Lead in Blood*" ?ragues Pracovni ILelcarstvi, Vol 18, NO 2, I-larch 66, pp 74 - 78 Abstract juthors' English sumMarY modified_7: The effect Of the parameters of the Hg droplet on the height of the polarographic, curves of lead solutions in HC1 and in deproteinized blood filtrat was investigated. For correct results the Hg flow rate should be 1-4 mg/sec, and a droplet formed each 3-6 seconds; when the Hg flow is too high the results are distorted because of the fact that too large quantities of depolarizator are transported to the; electrode. 3 1`1.guros, 1 Table,, 6 Western, 7 Czecht 4 Russian ref-~ erenceso (Manuscript received 16 Aug 65). 1/1 - 61 -00000000000006*00 of 0 tot 0 0 0 0*00*0000000 00 0 0 0 1 10 Oj j# ,14 r,q it is ?I lf 2% 11 A A - V Aa L a J , 6 " it j 6 a k 11 U a II V 1 1 ~1 44 It, #f 00 00 0 r 00 0 00 the history 61 shim 10011, Is I- so 00 li, 7, 6 X,117 9. M ~', 1 -11 '4 i I 1~~U174701 the .14 I'll, 0o 1! -4 XAhSA)d0Alf) wasn-4 twon 'm fill- rally lm,ldl,~ -00 0o opl, mifurwheir in Asia Miluir. 1111! HIA110. Of C6111111 it) moo 11"himm (fifoll flow "Intrilah. fu Ifir vartmaliferrous sy- .00 j Inn) k1mutimml Ili 14tri, Thetaw ~:O o Aluns 4atcq which W,-rt Ivarls"t wilhi WmAt AIM Ibril 11val"d ~00 00 a wills,,ld mitirc pps4, Muln, %CIA. 00 j, aN, ptqkI. at I Orm ati'l 00 ;;0 0 00 00 '00 0 & S! 0 x z:06 Poo ~00 _-Oo RW Z:O 0 t00 Wo 0,0004000040090000 IiI~*000*80*0000040000 'a 0 00000*0000*0000,0* 0140 00 000000000000 00, Fi-F-K Alual &bW*s of 1110mud". JiW. I b. Vitt" .sw. Geol. UlAsint efskoilar. Rep , 4WRItith-lil "19W).-Thedepubits whkh;Wl6uWI;uAm'i for Old manuf. of okum are dneribed. Xbm shake contain finely divkled pyrite which wealmers to FeSO. and then to VeASO.)p. Spm-tmMphic aualyi& of the Wmks revealed tracal of Zu. Cu, Un. Pb. Si. Co. As, Ti, Ca. Mg. Mo. GA. I ti, and As but not In sufficient quantity to allow ex. ploitAtiou. The comim. of the water in the lAkeand in the Adit was dctd. fl. N'cwcofnbt JAA CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and J-9 Their Application. Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor and rocket fuels. Lubricants Abs Jour t Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1958, 5965 Author : Sedives Vaclav, nek Jan Inst : Not given ~js7,, AC194 vZ7 V Ay?. P'e4c' , Title : Determination of Benzene in Technical Gasoline Orig Pub : Pracovni lekar., 1957, 93 No 3,, 190-195 Abstract : Two methods are proposed for deternination of benzene in technical and motor gasoline, which are based on nitration of the entire amount of aromatic hydrocarbons, selective oxidation of the nitration products of toluene and xylene, and extraction of unchanges dinitro benzene, with pyridine from a strongly alk6line medium or with butanone from a Card 1/2 NIOL A~N HUNGARY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their J-9 Application - Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor and rocket fuels. Lubricants' Abs Jour i Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1958o 5953 Abutract i with an dectrophotometer on the basis of intensity of current passing through the photocell. Between the logarithm of ConradBonts number and the logarithm of current intensity there is a linear correlation (an example of calibration vurve is given), Chromatograms of spent oild containing precipitates give an idea concerning dispersity of pre- cipitate, the content of water, etc. The content of Fe in the oils is determined colorimetrically from the coloration of Fe-thiocyanate formed on dissolving calcined ash in HM acid. Card 2/2 CZDCIIOSLOV,,'Yl-',/C:,icriic.-iI Merdi-al AI)D-licoct.on. Cl,.ol.,Acal Proc-~isi-il~ f~Xal Gasc~, aacl PCt-.L-::Jenj. Idot-01. aud , 1!cL~, Df.)rica-its i.ibc Jour Title Ori:~ IV,) Ref ZM-La' - Mii:f-yn, IV~ 10; 2-1359, 7507 o1c, J. -)f Tetra, -.t7 1-c,7tO. *-: 7,cnzines. 1953, 10, IT:) 3, 270-2'j.-.-. Abstract There is aescribecl tic D.:)rtr,:)--Lcvii polaaro-L;raj~liic iaethod for the determination of TEL in 'jenzines; modified sone- what whea ej.-mloyed i,,:!der smiitary hyC~icnic In the authors' opinion, the rictaod is iaDro sensitive and I)ermits to cloternine with nccLiracy the )rosence of TEL ir, benzines in very snall quantities. The presence of other iiiL;redients does not :.,indor t1--c azaalysis, and a preliri:iim- ry reTk)val of theri is not necessary. The nothod's error is :� 2-3~; the duration of Vie mialysis iz; 1 hour. Card 1/1 ~1- I -j: CZECIIOSLOVAKIA/Phydcal Chemistry, Thermodynamics. Ihomo- B chemistryo-jhaso Transitions. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical Analysis, Abe Jour: Ref,. Zh-ar. KhimiYR3 No. 4x 1959; 1102-1 Authorst Sedivec V- Flo-k-J&- 7- inst Not given -~- le&r4-o- P4.0:,t.'e, a. Titlo Solubility of Metallic Dietbyldithiocarbamates in-OrganiC Solvents Orig Pubt Chem "'istys 1958., 52p No. 3,9 545-547 Abstract: There was investigated the solubility of diethy- ldith:1ocarbam&tes-(Hg(2+),, Ag(+)s Pb(2+), Bi(3+)s Cu(2+), Ccl(2+), (As(3+), Sb(3+), Sn(4+), Fe(3+) Ni(2+),-CO(3+), Zn(2+)-in ten organic solvents ?95% ethanol, acetone, pyridine, ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate CHCI 32 isoaWl alcohol,, OC1 2 benzd, and ether). The solubility was date; n-ed by weighing the residue after evaporating 5 mg of the saturated* solution of the compound in a corresponding solvent. Card 1/2 The remats indicate that the most suitable solvents PJXK, J. "History of ultramarine." CHE-TICKY PRUMM, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 1959. 14onthl,.., List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LG, Vol. 8, No. 2, September 195~- Unclassified. - - - -- -VI SEDIVEC, V.; FLEK, J. Volumetric determination of carbon disulfide as diethyldithiocarbate. In German. Goll.Cx.Chem. 24 no.11:3643-3648 X '59. (X"I 9:5) 1. Inatitut fur Arbeitshygievie und 3ormfskrankheiten, P~ag. (Oarbou disulfide) (Diethyldithlocarbamate) 4PIV~C, V.; FMj, Ja Detarmining -the styrols by caversim into po3Ynitrosite. 003.1 cz Chem .2~ no.5sl293-1301 My 160. la Inatitut, fur Arbeitshygiene und Berufskranl&.eiteni, Prac. SEDIVEG, V.; YLEK, T. Determiration of styrene in the air. Pracovnj lek.12 no.8:418-422 w6o. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani, Praha. (BEMNE rel do) (AIR POL,WTIONI SEDIVEC, Vaclav; FLEK, Jan N Distillation test in the determination of benzene in co=ercial toluene. Pracorni lek. 13 no-5:232-237 A 161. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani, Praha. (TOLUENE chem) (BENZENE chem) I . FLEK, -Tindrich Oh sulphur and vitriol, Chem prum 12 no.1:26-29 ja 162. - It I -, - FIEK, Jin& - v#,M~Av-- - r, 1 -. - The beginningo of analytic chemintry. Chem prum 22 nc,.4:lga,-201 Ap 162, FJRK, Jindrich I-- Development of the tar dye production; from the mauvain to indigo. Chem prum 12 no.7:262-265 Jl 162. FIEK, Jindrioh Discovery of selenium and its occurence in Czechoslovakia. Chem prum 13 no.1:28-30 Ja 163, FLEK, Jindrich - . 11 His~iory of sulfuric acid development. Chem prum. 14 no. 3: 159-162 Mr 164. I-- FLEK, Jindrloh Tho history of sulfuric acid. Pt.2. Chem prum,14 no.5.*267-269 . My 164. FLEK., Jindrich The history of sulfuric acid. Fte3o Je 1649 Chem prum 14 no.6:325-327 CISID1 VEC 9 V . - FU.K , J . Extraction or heavy metal diethy1dithiocarbamates with organic solvents. Coll Gz Chem 29 no.51l.310,-1313 MY 164- 1. Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Dis-,ases, Prague. , i Ili.EK j~- q%~' 'rich ojA f urle aotd in the courae of hiatory. i'~.4- Cilem prula 14 no.7s 382-385 J.L 161+0 2RO N F IWEIM-n i It-A `i1 AM 'M za -J~ .4, FLEK, Jindrich . - -. 3 -.- se of Ustory. pt. 6. Chem urum 14 no.1-1: ulphuric acid in the cour 609-612 N 164. FLZK 4 no,1:91 162. Ludwik Fls*j, in memoriam. Mod. doov, mikrob. I ------- (OBITUARIES) "Measuring Davice for Longitudinal Grinding." p. 260, Praha, Vol. 2, no. 6. June 1934. "An Automatic Idling Cdt-Off In Welding ApWatus.11 p. 261, Praha, Vol. 2, no. 6, June 1934. SO: East 1kropean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress FIEKELI 9 1. 1.1. P3,ekelt,, I. M. - "Wartime ulcer disease in Ioeningrad," Vrachebo delo, 19499 No* 2j columns 113-20 SO: U-3566j 15 March 53p (Ioetopis tZhurral IrWkh Stateyp No. 14,, 1949), USSR/Optics Physiotogical Optics K-9 -,Abe Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13164 Author Flekkel', A.B* Inst Title Concerning the Differential Diagnosis of Color Vision. Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 1955, 100, No 1, 57-6o Abstract The author considers the problem of the degree of permissi- ble deViatione in color vision from the statistical an norm for various occupations in connection with the need for distinguishing color sigaals. Comparative investiga- tions of color vision were nade (consisting of distingui- shing color signals under fialgI conditions and with the aid of the Rabkin table and the Rautian anomaloscope). On the basis of results obtained for 124 observers with color vision defects (which were selected with the aid of the Rabkin tables), the author reaches the conclusion that the quality of himn color vision is determined not Card 1/2 USSR/Optics 11hysiotogical Optics K-9 kbs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13164 'So much by the difference'in the composition of the Ray-.~ leigh equation, as by the level of sharpness of the color difference,'and that correct recognition of color sigmls is insured independently of the degree of anomly, provi- ded the sharpness of the color separation is not reduced below one half of the norm. Card 2/2 .17LEEMI, A.B. I-- Use of IUstova's tables in color sense research. Blofisits. 1 no.8: 708-712 156. (KWA 9:12) (CMM MM) (IUSTOTA, M.N.) FLEKM', A.B., Polkovmik med.sluzhby, Significance of absolute-color vision thresholds in military medical expert examination. Toen.-med.zhur. ao.10t5l-53 0 158. (MIRA 12:12) (COLOR VISION* absolute threshodi In military med. exam. (Rus)) A.B.,, polkovnik meditsinskoy FIlnzhbY Effect of thin atmosphere on color sensitivity in various states of color visione no.5:32-35 MY '59. (HIRA 12:8) (COLOR VISICH. physiol. eff. of high altitude on color sensitivity (Rus)) (ALTITM, eff. on color sensitivity (Rue)) :-j"- lie I 7L2KnW,-A*3s,,uaik, polkovulk maditsinsimy alushby; HUMANW, NoV,# kmnd.=d.n&uk# podpolkovnik meditainskoy slushby Iffect of prolonged radial acceleration on certain visual functions In van. Voen.-mod.zhur. 'no.804-58 Ac 059. (MMA 12:12) (AGGZMTION, effects) (VISION pbrolol.) ACCESSION NR: AT4042718 62 6/0000/63/000/000/0460/04 AUTHOR: Flekkel', A. Bo TITLE: Rotation and visual functions SOURCE: Konferentsiya, po aviatsionnoy i koemicheskoy meditaine, 1963. Aviataionnaya i ka6micheakaya meditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy6 konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 46o-462 TOPIC TAGS: rotation experiment, visual function, visual acuity, flicker, fusion threshold, vision field, angular rotation ABSTRACT: Speed of rotation in free fall and consequent internal accelerations at the level of the head may reach high values. In the present inveatigation of this problem, several visual functions (visual acuity, flicker fusion threshold, and field of vision) were evaluated under conditiona of rotation at various speeds about various axes@ Subjects were rotated at various speeds while sitting in an armchair thted at various angles from the vertical or lying supine, Visual func- tions were tested preceding, duriagg end following rotation and on the day after rotation., Combinations of duration and speed of rotation causing & pronounced Card 1/4 Acassiom NR:. AT4o42718 (15% to 20%) impairment of visual function were considered suffWat; no attempt was made to establish limits of tolerance, lest physical trauma or functional dis- orders of the eyes result. In the sitting tests, a 1% to 20% reduction in flicker fusion frequency was induced by rotation at 1.75 revolutions per second (rpa) when the trunk was vertical. The speed of rotation required to produce a similar effect decreased (to 0.5 rps) as inclination of the trunk from the vertical in- , creased (to 900). Analogous changes in visual acuity and field of vision occurredi. In individual cases, when these combined limits were exceeded Q rps with truak vertical or 1.75 rps with the trunk at 20P and 300), impairment of visual functions reached a value of 25% to 30%. In some individuals, rotation even at very slow speeds with the trunk 450 or more from the vertical caused hyperemia of the mucosa; of the eyelids and vessels of the eyeball and noticeable dilatation of the vessels,, of the fundus. In supine tests, location of the axis of rotation relative to the trunk of the subject was a determiner of effect on visual function. Rotation had a greater effect with the axis of rotation in the vicinity of the feet or head: than when it was located near the heart* A 15% to 20% impairment occurred with axis of rotation near the heart at a rotation speed of 1.0 rpol near the head, at 0-5 rps; and near the feett at 0*25 to 0-5 rpse As a rulet visual function "Rair. ment depended on the duration oi rotation. Uximus-'impairmobt was reacho.d i.n' the 5th 'to Gth miniito, of, 'rotation aftei which rest6fation'gradually *a- Card 2/4 ACCUSSION NR: AW42718 curred. Full restoration was attained 4 to 5 minutes after cessation of rotation* The observed stabilization of impairment and restoration of visual functions is probably the result of vascular compensation triggered by circulatory disturbances* Analysis of results indicates that the degree of effect on visual functions or rotation around various axes passing through the body in different directions is significantly correlated with the amount of acceleration thereby created in the most distant part of the body. Visual impairment began with an acceleration at the head of the subject of 0.5 to 1.0 g. A 15% to 20% impairment was observed at an acceleration of 1.5 to 4 g, and a 30% impairment at an acceleration of 2.0 to .5.5 g. Severe ocular disturbances, sucH as hemorrhage into the ocular membranes, displacement of visual axes, pain, unusual colors in the field of vision, or loss of consciousness, which are often observed during exposure to radial pelvis-to- head accelerations, did not occur. In two cases a state bordering on swooning occurred during rotation around the head at 1.0 rpas The changes in visual function during exposure to rotation about an axis passing through the body correspond to a great degree with changes in motor coordination and other physiological functions observed under the same circumstances, ASSOCIATION: 'none card 3A ACCESSION NR: AT4042718 ZNCL: 00 SUB CODE: La SUBMITTED: 27sep63 OrHERI 000 No Par Sov., 000 Card 4/4 T, -T T E 11 FIZ=L'O-A.B.,, imnd. med. nauk, polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; MEYIERp LeNet kande tekbn. nauk Determination of standards of color vision in examination by means of ancmaloscope, AM-56 and AN-57 for the practice of medical flying expertise. Voen,-med. zhur. no-3:66-68 165. (MIRA 18:11) Illich; IIIKIT121KO, PLAKSU.1, Yakov Grigorlyevich;-LUFd4l.Arkadi Vasiliy Rodionovich; POVIKOV, Grigoriy PorFfirlyevich; SHTODA, Ivan ivanovich; MARKOVICH,M.P.,kand.tekbpitmuk,dots., reti3e'n-.c-~A) (rIGOR) V.I. dots. retsenzent; H1TROKHIN,S.G4, ro- tSOUUAtj~4AVIN-,; CHMNMVA E,N. red. izd-val KAN83MOV "V.V., - (Principles of building and mining-engineering structures) Osmovy stroitellnogo dela i gornoinzhenernys sooruzheniia. Izd.2., dop. i perer. (By] IA.G.Plaksin i dr. Moskva, Gos ortekhizdat, 1963. 463 p. (MIRA 16:12) ~Building) (Mine buildings) /W, It-11149.- FMOVA No KUDr Lambissis in children. Cost. pediat. 10 no.1:44-47 Fab 55. 1. Thomyerova nemoodee ONT v Prase-Kral, detBko into odd.,, primar XUDr I.Kratkova. (GIMUSIS, In Infant and child diagm, & ther.) EXCERPTA MIWICA See* 7 Vol. 9/9 Sept. 5j 1943. PLEK WA N1. 1, 1.1 Iva fit- flit ic it.ON V. 111-alm-K6.i. A.amlibasis v 4 OvISM, In v(,kti. I'a In I) I ias im III 4-11i I (I I-1-11 ITDIAT, LISTY 19")5, In (44-47) Good testiliq were obtained with alabrint. III children With indefillitt. gastro Intest. Zee inal disorders. dosage was 0.03 - 0.115 g. I kgA times ;I day m children under I a t Ivs of 5 thi-e duration year., or age anti o. I g.)!kg. III oldvr childreti. Threv cy ta '~ are recominviided encli after -.III interval of 10 12 days. PavlAk Ili-tit) (XN;,7) c-4. 'A -;i ~-N -t v ni NELERTIM, B.N.; FLEKSER, G.I. Analysis of rare earth titanium niobates by means of cupferron. Trudy Inst. met. no.8:22T-233 161. (MM 14:10) (Rare earth titanium niobates-Analysis) FLEKSER AG I 10 Slag ana3,VBIB with the uBe of tri2on B. Trudy InBt. met6 no.12.* 264-267 163- (MMA 16%6) (Slag-~km3y,qlq) ,L 3416-66-- EWTW/EWN0~W(b) -IJP(c) JD/G5 ACCESSION NR: AT5023108 00/65/000/060/0324/0325 UR/00 /3 !,AUTHOR:,-, Flekser, Go 1. TITLE: Complexometric method of the determination of cqjShm by means of hydron II in the presence-of large amounts of maggesilM 7 SOURCE: Problemy bol'shoy metallurgii i fizicheskoy khimii novykh splavov (Pro- blems of large-scale metallurgy and physical chemistry of new alloys); k 100- letiyu so dnYa rozhdeniya akademika,H. A. Pavlovs. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 19650 324-325 TOPIC TAGS: calcium, colorimetric analysis, alkali, complexometry/hydron Ii, EDTA ABSTRACT: I. S. Mustafin and Ye. S. Kruchkova (ZIAM, 15, 1, 20, 1960) proposed a'new indicator -- hydron il (a mixture of I volume of 0.5% aqueous solution of !.acid chrome dark-green and 2 volumes of 0.25% aqueous solution of naphthol yellow] for the determiration of Ca in the presence of a 100-fold (molar) amount of Mg. On;; verifying this, the author experimented with using KOH instead of NaOH. KOH is Card 1/2 J i -g :L 3416-66- ACdSSION NR: AT5023108 added twice: prior to the precipitation of Mg(OH) and following the addition of 2-3 drops of hydron H, prior 'to the transition oi the solution's color from green to rose. Titration is performed with a 0.02 N solution of EDTA prior to the trans- ition of the solution's color to green. The findings show that the use of KOH in- stead of NaOH makes it possible to determine Ca with a high accuracy in the pre- sence of much larger amounts of Mg than specified by Mustafin and,*R~~ko"i;- !namely, in the presence of.a-1000-fold molar ratio of Mg to Ca. This is of prac- itical value to determining insignificant amounts of Ca (0.2-1%) in Mg metal as iwell as in certain Mg alloys. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. !ASSOCIATION: none iSUBMITTED: .00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC, IC OTHER: 000 .hu REF SOV: 001 2/2 Card R'M 441. R'Ex I SHCHEDROVITSKIYI S.S. Prinimali Uchastiyet FURIER, G.L., inzh.;_FIZK=l inzh.j RYMARI, N.F.I dotsent, naucluVy red.; ZELKIN, I., red.izd-va; MATVEYEVA, A4 tekbn, red, (mass measuring equipment) Tekbnika izmereniia massy. Moskvap Goa. izd-vo standartov,, 1961. 353 p. (MIRA 24:32) 1. Glavnyy konstruktor zavods. vesovykh avtomntov im. Dzerzhitskogo (for Furor). (Weiighing machines) (Weights and measures) ~-- L L ~" 'S " - A i , J- , A , - - - ---- SUCHEDROVITSKIY. S.S.; YLNKSIM, L.A. - - . - - Inveetigating torsion balswes. Ism, tekh, no.3-26-31 W-Je 157. (Torsion balwiea) NLRA 10.-8) FLEKSER, L.A., inzh.; RADOVITSKIY, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Now apparatus for preparing roving and sliver sample cuts. Tekst. prom. 20 no. 11:55-56 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Textile industry--Testing) (Textile industry-Equipment and supplies) IVANOV, Sergey Savellyevich, kand. tekhn.nauk; LEBEDEVA,Nina Nikolayevna, NILOVA, Varvara Ivanovna; TSISHEVSKIY, Ivan Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; Prinimali uchastiye- EYGES, Ye.G.;,FLEYSER, L.A.1 SOLOVIYEV,A.N... dokt.tekhn.nauk,prof.,retsenzent- ABRAMCHUKN.,N., lnzh.,retsenzent; CffUGRErlVA,V.N.,red,; TRISHINA~ L.A.9 tekhn, red.; VINOGRADOVA, G.A., tekhn. red. [Metbods of determining the properties of cotton fibers]Metody op- redelenila svoistv khlopka-volokna. Pod red. S.S.Ivanova. Moskva, Rostekhizdat, 1962. 234 p. (Cotton-Testing) (MIRA 16:2) FLEKSER, L.A.; DANILOVA, L.I. C(0410, Effect of the)~tween the number of cotton fibers in groups and their transparency. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.1:16-18 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. FLEK-q2-!L L.A., kwid. Loklui. riauk 4LucimTy :a1Ldshjy nauchayy sotrudnik. Dependence between the indices of the nwaerical and weight distribution of cotton by Its length. Takst. prom. 24 no.3:67-72 1-1r 164. O.irpa 17: 9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovaiel'skiy institut killopchatobu- mazhnoy pronvahlonnosti (for Flekser). 2. Matematicbeskiy institut AN SSSR imeni V.A. Steklova (for Ayvazyan). M.G., provizor (Koskva) Prescriptions. dosage, and preparations of mixtures and drops; unification of their volumes and dosages. Gyogyszerazs 9 no.5: 81-84 My 154. IMSCRIPTIONS) (]MUGS, dos.) (PHARMACY *mixtures & drops, prop.) OSADCHENKO, P.I.; FLEKSER, ",V- Practice of obtaining plastic miaterial for the preparation of pills in pharmacy no. 84 in Moscow. Apt.delo 5 no.6:27-28 N-.p 156. (PILLS) (MIRA 10:1) Sh rRotation and Zffect of the Inertis 01 Rod of tion of the Transverse Vibrations of a Sbordk., flon the Calcula I kov , jnzhenerUff-0""-- Intersecting Forces On the Finite Lengt ) 11 by 14- Sh. Fley-ser) Khar Vol 23, 195 , Vp 138-139 a.alogies of classical boUndAry Ons vhich are ds The analogy 'B The author derives eque-tt and free en - SIUOU supported, rom the imPO Dns for rods with fixed, the rod results f'The article vas sub- conditil hat the Motion of based On the fact t 3t periodic vibration$ ,f Inite number Of 9-1M0' 1954- of in i for publication in june mitred sum 1219 Fi- ek s e R let. s- SUBJECT USSR/MATHMEMATICS/Functional analysis CARD 1/2 PG 625 SER Me AUTHOR FLEK TITLE dn--fFe--s-p9-cYr-al function of the operator 3 1 u 7) [ai,("l 1x2'x Tx- + c(x x )u. x- 3 1 1 29X3 i k PERIODICAL MateSbornikp n, Sere 40. 3-22 (1956) reviewed 2/1957 The author tranfers the results of Povener (Mat. Sbornik, n. Ser. J2 109-156 (1955)) on the spectral function of the operator - Au + ou j. to the operator of elliptic type )X2 i 3 Bu [a u + c(x,PX x )u ik('l"2"3 -v-x 21 3 irk-1 k I which is considered in the whole apace Be At first general properties of the elliptic equation Mat.Sbornik, n. Ser. 40, 3-22 (1956) CARD 2/2 PG 625 3 4 u 0 7x7('ik -1 -Xk i are considerede Then it is proved that the resolvent R of an arbitrary selfadjoint extension of the operator B is an integral operator with the kernel H(p,qj'~,), where the kernel satisfies the condition (p,q, -A) dq,4oo (p,qCZ). Finally the fundamental properties of the spectral function of an arbitrary selfadjoint extension of the operator B are treated. 20-3-12/59 - AUTHORs Plekser, M.Sh. TITLE: The Asymptotic Behavior of the Spectral Matrii of the Operator of the Theory of Elasticity (Asimptoticheakoye povedeniye spektrallsoy matritsy operators. teorii liprugosti) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 3~ PP- 470-472 (USSR) ABSTRACTs B.M. 4evitan, Matem. aborn., 1954, Vol. 35(77), p.2 and V.A. Marchenko, Izv. Akad. nauk SSSR, ser matem-, 1955, Vol- 19, Nr 6 developed new methods for the investigation of the spectral properties of the differential operators. The present report uses these operators for the investigation of the asymptotic behavior of the elements of the spectral matrix of the theory of elasticity operator which is assumed in a finite domain. The formulae found here precisely define a result obtained by A. Plejel Ark.f.Mat., Astr. och.Pys.(?), 1940, Vol. 27 A, Nr 13, P-74Aay signifiy here a finit d mai of the three-dimen- . k , n f sional, Euclidean space E . f(p) f, (p ), f2(p), f3(p~j (p signifies a point on S? ~ signifies ere a vector whose com- Card 1/2 ponents have continuous differentials up to and including the 20-3r4/59 t The Asymptotio Behavior of the Spectral Matrix of the Operator of the Theory of Elasticity second order. The author investigates the Cauchy (Koshi) prob- jV, + 2v/ ~ t2) . 0 1 2 3 v "E, v , v i.-The solution of this equation under the initial con tione v(p,O) - 0, )v(p, 0)/ Dt - f(p) may be found. In this connection applies. A* = b 26+ (a2 - b2); a > b > 0 are constants and d is the Laylace(Laplas operator* Then the author examines an operator dv pro uoed by the differential operation -,A,* in the Ao- Main 1~ j and the eigenvalue problem ocu _1A2u_ 0 1 U 2 3) 0 u , u for this operator. The author defines th o ncevtion of the spectral matrix of the operator Z and gives a rather comprehensive formula for the asymptotic behavior of this ma- trix. There are 5 referenoest 4 of which are Slavic. PRESENTEDt February 28, 1957, by M.V. Keldysh, Academician SUBMITTEDt February 26, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 -7IMMM. M.Sh. (Zhar'kDv) 2 no.3:696-697 Lateral vibrations of rods, Prikl,Kat* I makhe 2 (Km U: 11) 5-0 158, (x&otlc rods md wires) if.~11 MuL S/020/60/135/003/009/039 Iff 3 2, e~i~ole .31103) B019/BO77 AUTHORS: _Livshits, M. S. and Flekser, M. Sh~ TITLE. Reduction of a Reactive Four-pole Into a Series of Simple Four-poles PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, voi. 135, No. 3, pp. 542 - 544 TEXT: The authors start their investigation with the following relations between the four-pole terminal voltage and the current E'= Uexp(-iL)t) and i Iexp(-icjt) and define the vectors L0 Tj U and 1 12 ~ (,12) and their components are the input and output-,, oltage and current amplitudes. A linear relation exists between x , and X2 which is written as a matrix S(cj) whose elements are a function of cj: Card 1/4 86051 Reduction of a Reactive Four-pole Into a S/020/60/135/00.;;/'009/039 Series of Simple Four-poles B019/BO77 -.0 11 (&J) s12((0) x . S(w)x' where S (Ed) - 2 1 ~s 2 1 M 822((-))) S(w) is called a four-pole transmission matrix; a chain type connection of four-poles corresponds to an expansion of the matrix S(W) in factorsi S (w) - Sn(w)sn-1 (Cj)_..Sj(cj), where the Si(w) are the transmission matrices of each term. In the following, the authors limit their work to passive four-poles with reactive elements only. In this case the elements of S(6j) have the following forms: s 11(w) - fil(CO2)9 s12((') ' "f11((j')1' 511(") 2 2 - i43 f21 (CO )1 822(w) -f22 (ca ), where fik are the rational functions with real coefficients. The matrix S(cj) is called a reactive matrix when the assumption is satisfied that there is no negative output at the terminals of a four-pole; this leads to a transformation from a reactive four-pole to chain type connections of simple four-poles which can be represented by reactive factors of the S-matrix. In the following, the authors base their work on that of V. P. Potapov and Yu. P. Ginzburg and prove the theorem Card 2/4 T Redudtion of a Reactive Four-pole Into a S/020/60/135/003/009/039 Serieb of Simple Four-poles B019/BO77 that 4ny reactive four-pole can be replaced by an equivalent-chain'of simple non-red4cable four-poles shown in Fig. 2 where the last element has to be~ an ideal transformer. There are 2figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet: and 11 German. ASSOCIIATION: Xharlkovskiy gornyy institut (Xharlkov Mining Institute) PRESENTED: June 6, 1960, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 20, 196o Card~3/4 8603 B/02o/6o/135/003/009/039 B019/BO77 WE RM CHURAYEV$ N.V.j YAKOVLEV, A.I.; VOLOROVICII, M.P.; FLEKSER, N.Ya.; VARTAZAROV, S. Ya. Use of isotopes and radiation sources in hydr:~logy and h7drogeology. Atom. energ. 18 no-3:264-268 Mr 165- (MIRA 18:3) FLEKSER, N.Ya., inzh. Controled by isotopes. Nauka i zhiznl 27 no-10:50 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Radioisotopes--Industrial application) -vg~ g e, Z~A S/169 /62/000/012/034/095 , D228/D307 20THORS: Flelser, N.Ya. and Shipenko, O.N. TITLEE.: 4:1quip"inent for controlling ground flo~-is by the radio- active tracer technique PERIODICiLL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Gcofizika, no.12, 1962, 49, abstract 122094 (Razvedlca i okchrana nedr, no. 67 1961, 42-45) TEX.C: The authors describe a set of equipment, which in- cludes a co ntrivance for introducing a tracer into the filtration .flow (mechanical or c.-,plosive), a sampling-dovice, and a recording apparatus - a radioactivity filtration'meter. The outfit is intend- ed for woelc in wells with,a diameter of more than 50 mm ancl 'in open strems. The radioactivity filtration meter is designed to work in wells. It allows the time to be fixed..and the recoi-der to Lt switched on automatically when the tracer appears at the observa- tion point. The outfit contains a metcring unit., a recording unit, and submers ible probes. Each submersile probe has a diameter of Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/012/034/095 Equipment for controlling ground ... D223/D307 0 36 mm and is provided with an CTC -6 (STS-6) counter; the probe's circuit is assembled on transistors. The commutation system ensures that the rcadings of each probe arc recorded at a 5-minute interval. This type of equipmcnIt: was used for controlling filtration in the alluvial dan of the Gorlhovskaya GES (GorIkiy Hydroelectric Station) and wis found to work reliably. f-Ilbstracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 2/2 % 1~7f 711MODIX FLEKSER, N. JA - isotopes as tracers in the control of filtration streams. Atom.energ. 10 no-5:546-50 MY 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Filters and filtration) (Radioactive tracers) FISIOMI S. Ya. (Children's.Hospital im. Rusakov) "Two Cases of Pol-yarthritis Not Resulting From Rheumatism," Pediatriya, xQ. 4, 1948. FLEKSM, YA. -all OUP "Diphtbar.itic Croup (Literature PO-view for 1945 s PP 1947 '"Pediatriye so 5 of UM an& f.cre.iga work on. sldbject~. General aux"Vey 1. YUKS.VR, S. 2. USSR Wo) 4. Infants - Care and Hygiene 7. Ho,,4 to train an infant. Sov.zhen. No. 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. USSR/Medicine - New Drugs; Dimedrol Jul/Aug 53 "Treatment of Serum Disease With Dimedrol,"-S.Ya. Flekser, Cand Aed Sci,`~Childrenls Clinical Hospi- tal No 1, Moscow Sci-Res Inst of Pediatrics, Min of Health IrSFSR Pediat, No 4, PP 58-6o Dimedrol is s synthetic antihistamine drug recently released by th6~,All-Union Sci-Res Chem-Pharmaceut Inst. Oral admn* of 0.01-0.039 of this drug, 2-3 times a day, to 62 children between the ages of 8 mos and 13 yrs resulted in their rapid recovery from serum disease. No secondary symptoms were noted. Observations showed that dimedrol 273T52 alleviated the course of serum disease, decreased its duration, and in many cases abruptly inter- cepted the sickness during its initial stages. The drug appeared to be effective in the treatment of a number of allergic diseases like bronchial_ asthma hay fever, and angioneurotic edema. Dimedrol i white crystalline powder, easily soluble in wat:ra. This drug can also be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Clinical aspects of Nilatoy's disease in children (gland"Is fever, infectious mononucleosis. Pediatriia, Moskva no.5:53-38 SePt-Oct 1953- (CLKL 25:5) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Children's Clinical Hospital No. I (Head Physician - Honored Physician PaM To. V. Prokhorovich) and the Infectious Clinic of the Pediatric Institute RSFSR tDirector -- rrof. S. F. Borisov; scientific bupervisor -- rrof. S. M. Roxanov)S' SUKHARUA. M.Ye., Professor; FLzKSjR, S-Ya-9 kandidet me4itsinskikh nauir; TSIRLINA, F.G. ; TRATi-YA-K6W,-j,-.~y-.-- - Diphtheria index for 1955. VOP-okh-mat. i dot. 1 no.4:3-7 JI-Ag 156. (DIPBTHMIA) (KLRA 9:9) IFLIKSXRI- S.Ya., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; NAUMOVA. M.A. Infectious hepatitis (Botkin's disease) in children. Yop.okh.mat. I det. I no-4:38-44. JI-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Is Detokoy gorodskoy klinichaskoy bolinitay No.2 imeni Rusakova (glavuyy vrach - sasluzhenVy vrach RSFSR doteent Y.A.Krushkov) Moskva. (HIPATITIS, IWACTIOUS) (CHIURM-DISBASIS)