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-,j kand. tekhn.nauk , ;.e _,y ~,y q~=4 * ' . 'y Testing unit for sudying stresses in columns of boring rods. Nauch.soob. IGD 22:127ZI 163. (MIRA 17:5) + yux. 'Iva Card 1/2- 2/2 L 13479-66 _ZE(d)_ IJP(C) ACC NRI N AP60000681 SOURCE CODE: RV/0021/65/010/005/0615/0620' AUTHOR: Flayoher, N. M, (Member of mechanico-mthematical faculty, Saratoy) ORG., Saratov State Univdrsity im. 11. G. Chernyshevsk~Z Mechanics-Mathematice DeparGe-at (Saratovskly gosudarstvemw univeraitot3Mekhaniko-mtematichaskiy fakulitet) TITLE: New method of solution in closed form for certain classes of sipgagar integEal equations with regular part SOURCE; Revue Rowmine de mathematiques pures et appliquees, v. 10, no. 5# 19658 615-620 TOPIC TAGS: integral equation, singular integral equation, *0UA10,F6 fVVermml ABSTRACT: The author considers several eq~tations._ U (0) + + - 7C K~ (T _':_i; T+ ,)u(,)d is treated where is a realconstant, and for 0 x oo the given function f(x) satisfies a Hblder condition for-any finite values ofx where as x-+ OD' r(x) whore o( > I arotg X, The solution Is sought of this equation in the Card 113 L-13470-66 ACC NRt Apwoou class of functions bounded as x -4 co and for x 0 becoming infinite of integrable order. There is also considered the equation otg ctg (a) do f (it), (2) 2n 2 2 where in the interval (01*N) the function f(s) satisfies a W61der condition. The author seeks its solution in the class of functions bounded for a = ?r and for a = 0 becoming infinite of integrable order. The idea of his unewlt method is as follows. He applies to both parts of a(l) u(I) + 'A (T) dr + ~"Jt (,r, 1) ud-r f (9), (3) lei 'r-t an operator whose action leads to vanishing not of the singular but of the regular integral simTond of the left part of (3). He remarks that it is even simpler to consider the given method as applied to equations with intervals of integration (--co,,oo) (for Cauchy kernels) or (0027f) (for Hilbert kernels), for example, the equation ...... . (-r) dr f (x). (4) + rn,,j 2/3 L 13479-66 ACC NRs AP6000068 0 In certain cases the above method for eliminating the regular part is aPPliQd more than once, for instance to W + I ~a(_:;ift+ 2z to (T) dT f (m), it z2 To + Orig. art.'.hast 8 formula$* SUB COLES 32/ SUBM DAM 28Au&/ SOVIREFS 008 I Card J/J ACC NR'- AP7008918 SOURCE CODE: UR/0140/66/000/004/0127/0128 AUTHOR: Smolyanskly, S. A. (Sarntov); Flaysher, N. M, (Saratov) ORG: none TITLF: Method of solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind SOURCE: IVUZ. Matematika, no. 4, 1966, 127-128 I TONC TAGS: quantum mechanics, Schrocdinger equation, Fredholm equation SUB CODE: 20 ABSTIbICT: The authors present tho mathematical aspects of the method used to investigate quantum mechaniqs problems such as the one-dimenuional equation of the Schroodinger two-body problem. Every Fredholm equation of the second kind -can be reduced to an equivalent singular integral equation, some of which can be characteristic equations, which ccm be easily solved in closed form. Since the Fredholn equation and the singular characteristic equation are equivalent, the Fredholm equation of the second kind is solved. Specifically, the authors examine the class of kernels for which the Fred- holm equations of the second kind can be reduced to equivalent# characteristic, singular integral equations. The authors thank N. F, Kuptsov, L. Ye. Borukhov, V. S. Gurlyanov, and V. M. Gurlyanoy for valuable discussions and A. S. Shekhter for support :in the worked Orige art* has: *7 formulas. LTPRS s 38,4g !Card. 1/1 MOP %17-QAA FIECEK, Jan,inz.; HANOUSEK, Josef, inz.; KAMENICKY, Vlastimil, inz. Separation of tall oil soap. Papir a celulosa 19 no. 1:1-4 Ja 164. 1. Podnikovy vyzkum Severoceskych papiren, Stesti. tMl '*R! '11 IONESCU-MTHA TI, C.; DMoVIcFAKU. AristiA; BORU, Algenia; BARTIOSCU, Elena; BARBER, 0611a; GANGEVIGI, G.; OPMSCU, C.C.; FLvcHm. I.; STXM3RG, )L ~ ~- - ~~w Chemical and antigenic properties of protein fractions isolated from filtrates of cultures of Wbercle bacilli of the human type .5 v in 'Sauton's medium. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol., Bucur. u nwlllg~-94 1957. (MYCOBACTMIUM TUBARCUU)SIS, culture haman type v bact. cultured in Sauton medium, chem. & antigenic pr~3erties of protein fractions) (ANTIGIM nntigenic properties of protein fractions of N. tuberc., type H v, cultured in Saiiton's medium) (PROnIn 37 protein fractions of ~L tuberc., type H v, culture in Sauton's medium, chem. & antigenic propVtIes) g~ -8 FF- 'I 'flVi PILCZARSKA% 41mbieta; - EVE "K A me Inq Leukergic test In the evaluation of health condition of blood donors. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.15:541-543 8 Apr 57- 1. (Z Zakladu Serologli Instytutu Hematologil; kierowniks prof. dr. L Lille-Ssysskowics I z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Institutu Yatki I Dslecka; kierovnik: prof. dr. L. Fleck) Adres: Warszawa, ul. Chocimaka 5 Instytut Hematologii. (LIIMCYTIIS leukergic test in determ. of beat* pt blood donors (Pol)) (BIDOD TRANSFUSION donors. deters. of health by leukergic test (Poi)) FLI~CXCWAP A.; OUZOWSKI, X.; DI'Allu'v"'SFI, M. "Use and construction of bored filterless wells." P. 533 (Gosnodarka Wodna) Vol. 17, no. 11, Now. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC- Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 IIILEGKU,,-.'A, A.; GUZOINISKI, K.; D-!IUJC-W3KI, M. We are building wells without filters. P-7. (BULOMUM-10 I-JIEJSKIE. Vol. 9. No. 6. June 1957. Warszawa3 Poland) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. --P C L" - C. V A KCLOKOLOV, brigRdir kirpichnogo 286voAa; YAMMKOVICII, P., gruxchik; IVASHKV, Yes, sortirovshchik; KAIMIX, I., gruXchik. 7 AN.# sortir*vshch1k; KATHWO, G., gruschik; 172)OGMIKO, t;-"iiNO-tA kirpichnogo savoda. Powerless shop committee. Sov.profsoiuzy 4 n0-11.76-77 N 156. (MLRA 10h) (Lunbering) FLEGM, J.,..Prof., Dr. Answer to dr. Grin to his review of my publication. Med. arh., Sarajovo 8 no.6:67-76 Nov-Dee 54. (SYPHILIS, prev. & control in Yugoal. :(Ser)) r FIZGER,, J. lla.Ugnant, skin tumors. Bul so Youg 7 no.1/2.-.8 F-Ap 162. 1. Dermatovenerolooka kl.inika Medicinskog fakultataf Sarajevo. YLEGXR, Josip, dr.,professor,Sarajovo. C V'r-P 4 --10-0 "tw-,Q n, Treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis. Med. glasn. 9 no.11-22: 403-409 Nov-Doc 55 (TUBIMOULOSIS, CUTAUOUS, ther. (Ser)) FLEGINSKAYA,- -Te-. -T. and LAZAREVIGH,- L.- P. - - - - -- --- - - - --- - -- - FLEGINSKATA, Ye. V. and LAZAREVICH, L. F. "Complications of foreign matter in the esophagnsfi, Sbornik nauc~. tiudov Otolaringol. kliniki (Kuben- med. in-t im Krasnoy Armii), Krasnodar, 1948, P- 213-27, - Bibliog: _14 items. SO: U-3261, 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal Inykh Statey No. 11, 1949) "GOBTOY. N. , inzh. .L- Semi-gas combination boiler and stove. Sell. stroi. 15 no.3:18-19 Mr 160. (MIRL 16:2) (B6ilers) (Stoves) FLEGMATOV, N. A. "Fetal Liquids of Cows and Their Applications in Veterinary Obstetrics." Sub 28 Feb 47, Moscow Zooveterinary Inst Dissertations prenented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO: Sum-No. 457, 18 Apr 55 ___FLEGK'iLTOVj Y. A" Prof .Dr. of vat.- sci. - - Moscow Veterinary lca~emy "Prophylaxin of diseases of the newborn calves." SO: Veterinariia 27(l), 1950p p. 19 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " i~~ _'~ Ul_ -1 ~_ - , -; . ;' . - - - - __ __ - - - __ - - - - - - - - Cattle-Diseases Retarded subinvolution of the uterus in cattle., Vaterinariia, 29, No. 2p 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 195$. Unclassified. 2 YMMATOV, N.A., professor; RUMYANTSEY, T.T., dotsent, kandidat vaterinarnykh ....... I., Retention of the placenta in domestic animals. Veterinariie. 32 ne.2:87-92 7 855. OWL 8:3) I.Moskovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya, (VEUMIURY OBSTAMICS) (PLACUU--DIBUSES) FLEGMATOV, N.A., professor; RUMWJTSZY, T.V., detsent. Diseases of the mammary glands in cows. Veterinariia 32 no.8: 77-82 Ag '55. (KWU 8: 10) (UDIBM--DISF"S) (COWS--DISF-ASES) B3NIDIKTOV, I.A.. redaktor; GRITSXNKO, A.V,, redaktor, ILIN, M.A., zamesti- tell glavnogo redaktora, IAPTEV.I.D., LISKUN, Ye.F.. LOBAROV, P.P.. glavnyy redaktor; LYS124KO, T.D. ; SKRYABIII, K, 1. -, STOLLITOV, 7.11. ; PAVLOV. G.I.. kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchavv redaktor; SOKOLOV, N.S., professor, nauchnyv redaktor; ANTIFOY-KARATATNI I.N., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchayy reclaktor; KARPINSKIT, N.P.. kandidat seliskokhozyaystvennykh aauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SHICSTAKOV, A.G., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, professor, nauch- nyy redaktor; RUBIN, B.A., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauch- nyy redaktor; KORARNITSKIY. H.A., doteent, nauchnyy redaktor; LTS1NXO, T.D., akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; POLYAKOV, I.M., professor, nauchW redaktor; SHCHAGOLIV, V.N., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, professor, nauchnyy redaktor; YAKUSHKIN, I.V.. akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; LARIN, I.V., prof essor, doktor biologicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SMIKLOY. S.P., professor, doktor biologicheskiy nauk. nauchny7 redaktor; X)ELISHTWIT, V.I., professor, doktor sell skokhozyaystvannykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SHCHMMCHIV, D.K., professor, doktor medi- tainskikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor; OGOLAVETS, G.S.. kandidat sellsko- khozyaystvennykh nauk. nauchny7 re&aktor; Y.ALOVLXV. P.N.. akademik, naychnyy redaktor; Y2CKIMOV, V.P., agronom, Lauchnyy redaktor [deceased], XYTINGX1, G.P., professor, doktor sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauch- nyy redaktor; TIMOF9M. N.H., professor, nauchnyy redaktor; TUROV, S.I., professor, doktor biologicheskikh nauk; YUDDI, Y.M.. akademik. nauchnyy redaktor; LISKUN, Ye.F., akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; VITT, V.0., Orofessor, doktor sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk, nauehnyy redak- tor; KALININ, V.I.. kandidat seliskokhozvaystveravkh nauk. nauchDyy redakvor: (Continued on next card) BJWXDIKTOV, I.A.--- (continued) Card 2. GRMNI, L.K., skademik, nauchnyy redaktor, NIKOLAYEV, A.I., professor, doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; RADIKIN, A.P.. professor, doktor sellskokhozynystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SK16TNEV, S.I., professor, daktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk. nauch- nyy redaktor; POPOV. I.S., professor, doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor; HANTRYFAL', P.A., professor nauchayy redaktor; INIKHOV, G.S., professor, doktor khimicheekikh nauk. nauchnyy radaktor; ANFIMOV, A.N., professor. nauchnyy redaktor; GUBIN, A.F., professor, doktor aellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; POLTAV, V.I., professor, doktor veterinarnykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; LINDE, V.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; CHICRGAS, B.I., professor, doktor biologicheskikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor; NIKOLISKIY. G.V., professor, nauchnyy redaktor; AVTOKRATOV, D.M.. professor. doktor veterinarnykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; IVANOV, S.V.. professor, doktor biologichaskiidi nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; VIKTOROV, K.P.. professor. doktor veterinarnykh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor: MUM. YaJe.. professor. doktor voterinarnykh nauk, nauchnyy re- daktor: ANTIFIll. D.N., professor, doktor vaterinarfifth nauk, nauchnyy redaktpr; MARKOV, A.A., professor. doktor veterinarnykh nauk, aauchnyy reclaktor; DOKRACHIV, G.V., professor. doktor vaterinarnykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor- OLIVKOV, B.M., professor, doktor veterinarnykh nauk nauchnyy redaktor'[dec6ased]; F T . professor, doktor ve- terinarn,ykh -nauk, nauchnyy reda or;BOLTINSKIY, Y.N., professor, doktor tekhaicheakikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; VILIYAKS, Vl.P., profes- sor, doktor tekhnicheskikh aauk, nauchnyy redaktor; KRASNOV, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; Ef., BEMMOV, I.A. ---(coat iaued) Card 3. Y"INOV, M.G., akademik, nauchny7 redaktor; SAZONOV, H.A., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, nauchW redaktor; NIKANDROV, B.I., inzhenar, nauchnyy redaktor-, KOSTYAKOV, A.H., akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; CHIRKASOV. A.A., professor, doktor tokhnichoskikh nauk, nauchnyy redak- tor; DAVITAYA, F.F., doktor seltakokhozyaystvannykh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor; IVANOV, N.N., professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk, nauchn" redaktor; ORLOV, P.M., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor, LOZA, G.M.. kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktorl CHMOV, A.V., kontrollayy redaktor; ZAVARSKIT, I.I.. radaktor; ROS- SOSH&NSKAYA, V.A., redaktor; FILATOYA, W.I., redaktor;, YMMIYANOVA, N.I., redaktor; SILIN, V.S., redaktor BRANZBURG, A.Yu., radaktor; KAGNITSKIY, A.V., redaktor terminov; kUDRYAVTSIVA, A.G.. redaktor terminov; AKSXNOVA, A.P., mladahly redaktor; MALTAVSKAYA. O.A., mlad- shly redaktor; FX)OTOTA, A.F., takhnicheskiy redaktor (Continued on next card) 'IN" A ~ BANEDIXTOY. I.A.---(continued) Card 4. [Agricultural encyclopedia] Bellskokhoziaietvennala anteikolopedita. Izd.3-8. perer. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry. Vol-5. [T-IA.] 1956. 663 P. (MLPA 9:9) (Agriculture-Dictionaries and encyclopedias) FIRGYATOV, N.A., professor; bOP11A)V, V.S., handidat veterinarnykh natk. 0 W-WAWWWx"WW Prophylazis and treatment of diseases following the birth in domestic animals. Vaterinarita 33 no.2:40-47 7 156. (MLRL 9:5: 1. Moskovskays Yetertuarnsya skedemiya. (VZ=NARY OBS22MCS) YLRGMATOV, N.A. ~~ Veterinary obstetrics and gynecology. Yeterinarlis, 33 no.3: 66-69 Mr 156. (NTJIA 9:5) (VB22RINARY OBBIRMCS) XIMMM-&J-00 - professor.; KALINIji. 1C.N.. gerar. sotnialistl truds kandda vateriparnfth nauke Mw material on the history of veterinary education "Uchenyo akpiskis' of the Moan State VeterinmT Institute. Reviewed by W.A. Flegnator, 14k. Wintim)#Yeterinartia 33 nof. 1088-99 0 156, (KMA 9 d0) (KUMM-Teterinary Colleges-Ki story) FLEGMATOV.-N.A.. professor: SHIPILOV, V.S., kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk. Raising the conception rate of cows and heifers. Taterinarila 33 no.12:53-61 D 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Sterility In animals) (Stock and stockbreeding) FUGMATOV, N.A., red. [Increasing the fecundity of farm animals] Fovyshenie plodo- vitosti sellskokhoxiaistvennykh shivotnykh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 438 p. (MIRI 13:6) (Sterility in animals) (Artificial insemination) MGMATOV, N.A., prof.; SHIPILOV, V.S., dote. Physiological and economic expediency of ineeminating cove during the first mouth after calving. Zhivotnovodetvo 21 no.8:72-76 Ag 159* (NIEL 12:11) 1. Moskovskaya Yeteribarnaya almdemiya (for Flegmator). 2. Xoskovelmya eel Iskokhozymystvaunaya akademlya Imsui K.A, Timirayasm. (cows) (Artificial inseminatiot) FLEG4ATOV, N.A., prof.; SHIPILOV, V.S., dotsent Prophylaxis of placenta retention in high-yield cows. Veterinariia 38 no.306-62 Mr 161 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Moskovskays. veterinarnaya akademiya (for Flegmatov). 2. Mos- kovskaya sell skokhozyaystvermaya akademiya imeni K.A. Timiryameva (for Shipilov). ' FLEGO, M. FLEGO, M. Prototypes of some equipment usel in the food industry. p. 905. vol. 10Y no. 6, 1955 TMNIKA Beograd., Yugoslavia SO-' Eastern European Accession V o1. 5 1,10. L. April 1956 FLEGON, A. pelple's Republic Of Rumania. Tr. from the Mechanization of agriculture in the Rumanian. P-25- Bulgaria.) (MASnINIZIRANO ZEMEDELIE. vol. 8, no. 69 Juney 1957, Sofia# of East Furop*an Accessions (EEAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957 Uncl- Soi Monthly List e FL,~ OM vt), 19- AJ - USSR/Farm Animals - Cattle. Q-3 eAbs Jourr : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 2557 Author : V.H. Voronov, A.N. Flegonova, A.P. Tomilove- Inst Title Experimental Cross Breeding of East Frisian and Kostroma Cattle. Orig Pub Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 4, 62-66 Abstract East Frisian cows were bred with Kostrom bulls of good stock, good appearance and strong constitution. The off- springs bore the characteristics of the sires. The best heifers were distinguishable by a strong though not large framework, heavy live weight, and good build. They ex- celled control cows of the same age, in FL1 st all measu- rements. The average weight of 4 year old cows bred by the bull Sivash vas 595 kilograms. The weight of the East Frisian cows was 585 kilograms. The offsprings of Sivash produced during 282 days of milk secretion, about Card 1/2 USSR/Farm Animals - Cattle. q-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 2557 3755 kilograms of milk with a 3.52 fat content or 132-3 kilograms of milk fat; East Frisian cows of the same age produced respectively: 3188 kilograms, 3.43 pearcent and 109.6 kilograrn . One of the Kostroma bulls produced hy- brid heifers which gave an average milk yield of 2801 ki- lograms, with 3.5 percent of fat or 97-9 milk fat. The results of cross breeding are determined by the individual peculiarities of the Kostroma bulIs used for breeding. However, a slight increase of milk fat was observed in all cases. Card 2/2 FLEGONT, G. FLWONT, G. A review of the article "Standardization of the Sectorial Geomotrio Characteristics of Thin Profiles.* p. 22. Vol. 8. no. 11, Nov. 1956 STANDARDIZAREA, TECHNOWGT Bucuresti, Rumania So: East laropean Accession, Vol. 7, no. 3, March 1957 LEVANTIN, D.. kand.sellskokhosyaystvenrykh nauk; YOGONTOV, A., zootekhnik Only well-fed cattles Hauka I paredoop.v sellkhoz, 9 no*9: 19-20 S '59- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Sovkhom "Nommumarka" Hookovskoy oblasti (for Flegontov). (Cattle--Feeding and feeding stuffs) iZ NEU Uz t, -f7L'e-~ R R 7-7 I Is 11 It 11 4 14 11 11 11 A a it is lop 0 P, c I I N TOV, 06 Ic =&~M WAj" ck"k. .%. -00 n Rl&.UAjlf -00 of w)f.grippijlit chitek,10 Zribm it, %IIIAl tho far", by thw W,~nllrw rolk*M cv1sph'i tordwr to is rxrrt-mi vvum.mnvr.t 111 rinj it Ow vmk.-- a. jr 0v 00 00 we S L U-0, f T- V7 u Sol is It Mif nit 11K offiff ltxxwtl Is- - 4-3 0 0 00 0 0 0o# * of see Ae~-~4" ixe 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 00 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 00 : 0 010 40 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 a too Soo too FIEGONTOV, A.S. Household washing machines. Standartizatsiia 26 no.9:34-35 s 162. (IMU 15: 9) (Washing machinos--Standards) YLEGONTOV, N. , Inzhenar. 412, Controlling steam condensation in flue systems und furnace pipes. Sell.strot. 11 no.9124-25 S 156. (W-RA 9:11) (Furnace@) (Flues) KOSTROMDI, A.I.; FLEGONTOV, S.A. Coulometric titration of iron, antimonyj and tin by means of electrolytically generated permanganate ions. Zav.lab. 27 no-5:528-530 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kazanakiyg)sudarstvennyy universitet JAni V. I. U11yanova. (Iron-AnalysiB) (Antimony-Anal ysis) (Tin--4nalysis) iL 5149-66. ~ACC NR: AT5023957 SOURCE CODE: Ua/booo/65/boo/oo*435/0h45 AUTHORS.: Gritchenko. Z. G.; Gedeonov. Lo I. Flegont~ov., V.'1'h--1'.,".,--- ORG: none TITLE: Ort measurement of ~-activity of a sum of fission products_ meteorologii. Obninsk I SOURCE. Nauchnava konferentsiya-p2_1adeLnoY _jj?~4- Radioakti~~jj;--Izotopy v atmosfere i ikh ispollzovaniyo.v meteorologii (1fadioactive isotopeB in the atmosphere and their use in meteorology); doklady konferentsii. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1~65, h35-445 TOPI:Q TAGS: beta counter, radioactive fallout, fissiou product, radioactive aerosol, radioactivity, uranium, plutonium, beta radiation/ BFL 25 counter 1 ABSTRACT: To measure the amounts of bomb fission products ia the air oron various! objects (fallout results)$ it is necessary to know the conversion rule for 0 btaining-absolute quantities from a counting,rate. The conversion fador may be found by comparing, the counting rate for a given mass of.Bpecimen of a known 1 Card 1/4 ------- W L 5i49-66 - ACC NR: AT 5023957 age (time after the explosion took place) with the same mass of a radionuclide f or ~Which the decay rate is known (e.g., Gs137, Sr90)) or by taking ordinary atmospher- ic dust and "dirtying" it with fission products from neutron-irradiated U235 so as to imitate fallout. Here, the first method is used on specimens taken from atmospheric aerosols and ash deposits collected in the region of Leningrad from. 1961 to 1963. The effective age of the uLixture of fission products is given by ratios of isotopes such as BalhO/Gei~l, cel4i/cei~4., etc.. whose activities do not depend strongly on the nature of the original fissile fuel of the bomb (U235~ U23.8$ 1 pu239). Typical data are shown An Fig. 1, The numerical results are limited in .application of 0 -activity measurements made with the counter BFL-25 under ;conditions closely resembling the experiments described here, iCard 2/4 L .5149-66. ACG NR AT5023957 f 0 a Fig. Chanee in conversion factor With age of the MiXture of fissio n Products for sPecimens 40 of Var. i 6~0 'Ous weights: 0 1 9; 2- 0.6 0 0 3 1 3 g; 2.0 g; 9 0 0 'Illy- to too J00 4C0 d Orig. art. has 3 formulasj, 2 tables -P and 7 graphs. Card 3A,. -------- -- -- - L 5149-66 AGO NR AT5023957 SUB CODEI NP/ SUBM DATS 2BApr651 ORIG RLT 002/ OTIf W: 00 Card INA FLEGONTOVAp A.A.,; MALAFEYEVA, L.S. Role of the human flea Pu-1ex Irritans L. in the transmission of plague; an experimental study. Trudy Nauch.-issl. proti- vochum. inst. Kav. i Zakav. no.5;19-27 161. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudarstvermyy nauchno-issledovateltskiY institut mikro- biologii i spidemiologii Yugo-Vostoka SSM. GINZBURG~ V.I.j ~ISGONTOVAI L.M. Amperometric determination of the total c ~ onter,t of phenol groups in epoxide resins. Zave labs 27 no. 4:392-394 161. (MIRA 14t4) (Phenols) (Epoxy resins) w ..T~, FLEGONTOVA, L.M.; GIN2~URG, V.N. Amperometric determination of the total phenol group content of ppoxide resins* lakokras*mat.1 ikh prim. no-5:70-73 160o (MIU 13:U) (Zpo3y resins) NAVYAMSXA,YA, N.A.; YL.IQQWA L.H. ,JL1, Use of a polarographic method In the analysis of pigments. Lakokrase matel ikh prim. no&5:75-78 160* (MIRA 13:11) is GosudaistvemW nauchno-lasledovatellskly I proyektW institut H0.4. (pigments) .--FIEGONTOVA, I., insh.-tekhnolog - Kitchen facilities for home cooking. Obahchostv.pit. no-5:10-11 M7 16o. (MIR& 13:10) (Kitchens) ! I JD, G ACC NR: AP6002003 SOURCE CODE! UR/0170/65/009/006/0799/0801 AUTHOR: Surtim, 13. D.; rlegontova, N. L, Goryunov, Yu. V, 'ORG- State University Im. M. V. Lomollosoya, Moscow (Gosudarstvennyy universitet) Sio 6 i rITLE- Method of determining the diffu ti coefficients and solubility of adsorptton-active ! - i metallic mclts~~n polycrystalline inetals SOURCE: InzHenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, -v, 0, no. 6, 1965, 799-801 TOPIC TAGS: zinc, mercury, solubility, metil diffusiort ABSTRACT- Plates of polycrystalline zinc were kept in contact with merettry at room temperature and were,'pubjected to exteinsi-on at a rate of 24 mni/min.- N714~~i~rcmcnts of tile: instantaneous streiie~Rils a funetton of time of preliminary contact with niercut-Y gave the maxinium soURM"y' of mercury in zinc. They also showed that during tile. initial period of Contact between mercury and zinc the instant-wieous strength 1) of zinc graduaLly decreases because niercury diffaaes alongir tile Intergranular boundaries; longer contact caaficS the Instanttneous atrength to Increase gradually as a result of diffusion of tile, melt into the Card 1/2 UDC: 632.72 ACC NR: AP6002003 volume of the grain. When all of the mercury has dif fused into the zinc, the effect of ad- i sorptive decrease in strength Is no longer observed. Calculation of the coefficient of i diffusion of mercury into zinc grains gave D-z 10-12 cnrl /see at room temperature, and from this, the activation energy of diffusion was found to be 8000 + Goo cal/g-atom. Orig. art. has, 2 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 11, SUBM DATE.- 01Mar65 0111G RE, F: 007 OTH REF: 002 bvik FLEGO'N'TOVA) A. A. and VOLMRTS, A. A. -.............. ..........., "Epizoology of Tularemia. I. Role of Ectoparasites," Vest. Mikrobiol., Epidemiol & Parasitol.- 13:103-16. 1934. State Inst. Microbiol. & Epidemiol. of South East, Saratov XLVaW S.; AKATOV, K.; ARUTYUNYAN; BAGDASAROV; FEREPELYUK; ORLIK; RGIERETS; IWO; VLASOV; TSIRKEW; SYROYEZHKO. Obligations in honor of the 22d Congress of the CPSU have been I~afilled. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no.11:1-3 N 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika ekonomicheskogo otdela Upravleniya meditsinakoy i parfy=ernoy prmyshlonnosti 14osgorsovnarkhcza (for Floeontova). 2. Dir6ktor Loningradskogo mylovaremogo zavoda imani Karpova (for S.Akatov~. 3. Direktor N,evskogo mylovarennogo zavoda (for K.Akatov). 4. Glavnyy inz4. Zapbrozhskogo maslozhiro- vogo kombimta (for Arutyunyan). 5. Direktor Yerevanskogo mas- lozhirovogo kombinata (for Bagdasarov). 6. Direktor Ferganskogo maslozhirovogo kombinata (for Perepelyuk). 7. Glavnyy inzh. Chimkontakogo maslozhirovogo kombinata (for Orlik). 8. Direktor Kazanskogo zhirovogo kombinata (for Romenets). 9. Glavnyy inzh. Gomellskogo zhirovogo kombXnata (for Ikhno). 10. Direktor Novbsibirdkogo zhiravogo kombinata (for Vlasov). U. Direktor Odeaskogo, masloekstraktsionnogo zavoda (for TSirkelt). '12. Direktor Vitebskogo masloekstraktsionnogo zav6da (for Syroyezhko). (Oil industries) Pf -ncova N. 1. Sum, B. i Go Eylln(ly V ell 71 T7-F Fffect of prior contact betWen I iqui d nn,4 ~101 1,4 7- P SOURCE: FizLka metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 18, no. 5, 196,4', '124-129 TA.G~, polycrystalline zinc, zinc strength, adsorptive we.Ak-eTi~!,P, active i' gall :n-, L n I ox i le L adsorption, imel -cury ABSTRAM An expertmental study was made of the decrease in ;trength of P~ Y _tl:~*_ailine zinc strips from the moment an active adsorptive_Li nr a L vie r - iT~n w;is ripplied to the vurfac-. A-4 _ha~ thp fi~_- )-I- 4L L7J7.1 L S Ln aroF i orm c riat in! 5 S ~lu LIne AdsorpLiVe metal. I t I v~ '7W '- 'I 'he w-~akened cr-sc "y restored. The effect ig reLar-ed to the loss ot entag~ i r, a ~o~id & ni-45- kw L 25160-65 ACCESSION NR: AF5GO1242 surface w1itch comes into contact with the liquid metal, jryj ucf, factorg structure and state of tile solid, tensi 1e q"r- i amll -he format ion. The presence of sirface r i .,- K ttlo IL-qtl~d ano --q n curzigonid ra,hLr 11r rate of internal diffusion dependzi greatly on 2rai i 4olid metal, as well a~, on the Tf-d "Tbe authors ~hayJ, '4, e Orig. art. has: -5 f I ASSOCIATION: Hoskovskiy gosuniversitet im. M, V. Lomonoacva Ql-fo.scov state 2LJan64 ENCL - 02 OTHER: 00 '-W 4~ L 2516~/-,55 ACCESSION NR: AP5001242 pure Zn 16 70 11,5 77 V6 50 1, De-f-e-ndence of the strength (S) Of Polycrystalline zinc on the duration of ~.,~Tifact with fig at various va !tiers of H%4: f~,-Irqmrter r, - O-OOZ, 4 - 0.003, 5 - 0.007, Card 3/4 251 1160-65 ACCESSION MR: AP50OL242 S, kg/mn,- ------------- -or-tll-esire- of pojVCrVqtajjjne 7 n- ngth fit va-ii"!c; f.-, T 1 c- t) a b c a ag ps t r, p 77;7,,7~- t g RR RAZGON, L..L.; YLEW Moscow oil and fat Industry In 1959-1965. Nael,-xhireprom, 25 no.1:1-2 '59. (Wk 12:1) (Moscow--Oil industries) SkPRHOKIM, M.I., KARVANOVA, I.G., KLY0007, S.M., RrfMZR, R.M. SAVVIN, N.G., FIZODNMVA, N.P. *On the role of sympathetic rwi-vous system and caribellum in re"tion of musoles activity." Repwt subadtted, bAt not presentsd at the 22nd International Congress of Physiological Solonae~. lament the Notber2ands 20-17 Sep 2962 j S Yu. RABINOVICH., I.L.; 1~~qITQYA --_, Readers' conference at a factory. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 18 no.1:54-55 A 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Starshiy bibliograf Gosudarstvennoy publichnoy nauchno- tekhnicheskoy biblioteki SSSR (for Rabinovich). 2. Zaveduyushchiy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy bibliotekoy Klektrozavoda imeni Kuybysheva (for Flegontova). ftb 1%8 "C=At&cb a the &a4tOftDc%lw ;~7&tm alwial larlummu &M-3 Inrlumusl ftemmifis"m F. Tr*rL". L. ID. "Italtam'O 0. li. eleg-cm-omt trellml=ry Uera~*Utla Clin-foo L&Uingmi Baste 4044r"CtO04 Aad InAt 8 P., pec6q,~-;r e 'Ula A-ats' .'Sf*col XXVI, k, 2 Idscua&ett -~eterlr~.! r-r.1 venal presawvzo, rtsWA2 of am;-Anation, and electroc-ardlogru-pUe changeg obaerwv4 La cavez *f inflmazu an!"in-cluarml ;net=cWA. ;;eputy c~ ~rtllmlm.-7 lberapauUc C31rdex k"f 6. A. Neftan. F&MG3 TATCHFMOV, S.M.; YLIGONTOVA, Ye. 1. Determining the elements of sedimentary rocks of the Kesozole period In northeastern Caucasus.*om spectral analysis data. Geol.sbor. no.3:90-98 155. MBA 8:6) (Caucasus, Northern--Rocks, Sedimentary) KLTOMPKOV,S.H.; Yix6iokcvA,Ye.i. Minor elements in Devonian deposits of the VolgA-Ural region according to spectrum analysis data. Trudy VNIGRI no.83:466- 505 '55. (KIRL 8:10) (Second B&ka--Pet roleum--Analy sin) (Second Be3m-Petroleum. geology) WSW Geology Geo,chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 3V6o Authors l' Katchenkov, S. M., and Flegontova. Ye-I. Title i Small elements in Devonian period rocks in the Volga-Ural region Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 100/4, 749-752. Feb 1. 1955 Abstract t An investigation was conducted to,determine the distribution of small elements of Fe and.Cu groups among Devonian period deposits of the Volga-Ural region of the USSR. The finding of small am-u-nts of Ma. V, Cr. Ni and Cu is announced. Eight references (1936-1952). Table. Institution t All Union Petroleum Scientific Research Geological Exploration Institute Frr)sented byi Academician N. M.,Strakhov. November 4, 1954 U I.- 15-57-7-9787 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, PP 153-154 (USSR) AUTHORS: Katchenkov, S. M., Flegontova, Ye. IJ, TITLE: Spectral Analysis Determination of the Distribution of Chemical Elements in the Petroliferous Sedimentary Rock, Waters,-and in Petroleum Resfd~11'6 *of the Groznyy- Dagestan Region (Raspredeleniye khimicheskikh elementov v osadochnykh porodakh, vodakh i zolakh neftey Groznensko-Dagestanskoy oblasti po dannym spektrallnogo analiza) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1956, Nr 95, PP.481-496 ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the distribution of lesser elements in the rock, waters, and petroleums of the chokrak and jaragan in the Groznyy-Dagestan region. The presence of Al, Si, Na, Card 1" Spectral Analysis Det'ermination (Cont.) 15-57-7-9787 Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Fe, Ti, V, Ni, Cr, Cu, and Zr was established in the sedimentary rock. The maximum amount of the Fe, V, Cr, Ni, and Ti group was associated with the clays; the content of these elements was lower in the siltstones, sandstones, and marls. Sr and Mn show a maximum concentration in the marls. The difference in content of chemical elements in the deposits of the Chokrak and Yaragarg. horizons is explained by the somewhat different geochemical and facies condiiions. Many elements are present in the petroleum waters. These include Na,gK, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, B, Si, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, and sometimes V 'and . Microelements may find their way to the waters as a result of interaction of water with the rock. The presence of the following was established in the petroleums: Si, Al, V, Ni, Cu, Cr, Ti, Mn, Co, Pb, Zn, Sn, Ag, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and B. The main portion of the petroleums ash is FeO, but considerable amounts of "ii, Al, Ca, and Mg are also present. The ratio of V to Ni is less that one; in rock this ratio is greater than one. The accumulation of V and Ni in petroleums occurs not only at the time Card 2/3 Spectral Analysis Determination (Cont.) 15-57-7-9787 of the petroleum origin, but also in the further development of the petroleum in the traps. A differentiation of ash elements occurs during the period of the existence of the petroleum in the matrix and in the traps. Some of the ash elements migrate into the waters, while others become concentrated in the petroleum. Card 313 N. A. Yeremenko KATCHENKOV, S.M.; BARAITOVA, T.E.; FLNGONTOVA, Te.I. Q_~~~ Distribution of minor elements and bitumens in Phleozoic clays of Vol a-Ural region. VNIGRI no.105:261-269 157. (KIRA 11'.9) fSecond Baku--Bitumen) (Second Baku-Trace elements) XATCHEIIKOV, S,M#; IrIMONTOYA, Ye,I9 I - Z -;,- ... ~ -- - ~ - -,~, Minor , - ohIa,m i,a-&I :- el-9M onIt,g. .in basement rocks of the eastern part of the Russian Platform [with summary in English]. Gookhimita no,,2: 172-176 158. (MIRA 12:4) 1. All-Union Petroleum Institute for Scientific Research and Geological Prospecting# Leningrad. (Russian Platform-Metals. Rare and minor) KATICHMOV~ S*.11.; F"v 0111TOVA, Ye.l. Elements in the watex-ooluble part of clays. Trudy ill-IGRI Ao.17i,,;166-',1.73 1610 (IMA 14 ~2' (clay) 11~ �6 RF NINNI;. Aul":-,~--t,~7,;O.-, FIMONTOVA, Ye.I. Determination of potaosiums, lithium, and rubidium in rocks by spectrum analysis. Trudy VNIGRI no.174.g221-228 161. (KMA 14:121 Rocks-4mlysis) Alksll metals. -Spectra) ~ KATCHENKOVY S.M.; FIEGONTOVA.,Y*.I. Trace elements in Pre-Cambrian sediments of the western part of the Lake Baikal region. Trudy VNIGPJ no,212. Geokhim.sbor. no.8:202-212 ,63. (NIM 16:12) -T, NN, KATGHENKOV, S.M. : FLZGONT07A. Ye. I. Minor elements in the sedimentary rocks and petroleums of Western Siberia, Trudy VNIGRI noo227 Geokhim.abor. no.9?'17,". 190 164- Minor chemical ciaments in the oozes of the IndiAn Ocean. Ibid.3202-231 (~nRA 18P.1) f.-MR2 A. De ,~=.Jrtation g:f *' tt&>-3 rs,-.l.,3,5--,th'adiazlne 4.- -, 5--' -1-1 (rrrtylcon). Coll Gz Cham 29 -j 164. 1. Spoli= Nattanal Er~terixiia, NamLcvl-~~;~. CZEOH/34-59-4-2/18 AUTHORS: Jiskra, Z., Ing. and Fleischer Biwa A e, n TIME: High-temperature X-ray~ Chghb"e"r""~~-V~gokoteplotn-'i rentgenovA komArka) PERIODICAL: Hutnicke' Listy, l959,ANr-*4-!q)b"28Oj- 287 (Czechoslovakia) ABSTRACT; For studying the microstructure of various substances at elevated temperatures, a high temperature X-ray chamber was designed and builtowhich permits investigation of temperatures of 1 400 C and even higher. The temperature. of the specimens is measured by means of a thermocouple. ~- The applied method of correcting the,,thermocouple readings by using calibration curves, which were determined by the micro X-ray methods from the dilation of the lattice of chemically pure platinum, is described. ExposureS were obtained of chemica;ly pure platinum up to 1 200 C, of a silver up to 800 0 aiad of various steels in the tempera- ture range 20 to 1 100 C with exposure times of 60 to 100 min. The chamber was specifically designed to enable easy mounting of current-type Czech-produced "Mikromete Cardl/3 X-raj apparatus. The chamber is designed to take specimens V", CZECH/34-59-4-2/18 High-temperature X-ray Chamber in the form of eithe.-,? a thin rotating wire, a small block or a strip without rotation or with rotation. The specimens are heated in a.system coiwisting of two coaxial cylin- d-rical resistance furnaces with a 3.5 mm high diffraction slot between them; an explicit cross.-sectional drawing of the furnace is reproduced in Figure 1. The furnaces are replaceable; they are fitted with Blatinum-rhodium heating wirealfo-- -temperatures up to 1 400 0 and for higher temperatures -they can be fitted with tantalum heating wires. The entire furnace assembly fits into the film-holder which is capable of taking films of 57.3 or 64 mm dia. (see Figures 3-6). The specimen can be centred by me of a servomotor even when it is in the hot state in vacuum. The electric circuit diagram is shown in Figure 8. The 57.3 mm film is used for rapid determination of the struc- ture. For a~.,,curate exposures an assembly with a 190 mm dia. film is used; in this case the film is on the outside of the chamber and any number of exposures can be taken Card2/3 without it being necessary to open the chamber. The Ll~ High-temperature X-ray Chamber CZECH/34-59-4-2/18 vacuum in the chamber can be maintained within the limits of 10_L~ to 10-5 mm Rg. .There are 13 figures, 32 references, 6 of which are German., 18 English, 2 Soviet and 6 Czech. ASSOCIATION: VY'Zkumn~ U'stav hutnictvi Z*'eleza MHD, Praha (Ferrous metallurgy Research Institute of the Ministry of Mining and Metallurgy, Prague) SUBMITTED: November 17, 1958 Card 3/3 ACC NRI AP7004044 SOURCE CODE: HU/0031/67/000/001/0007/0010 AUTHOR-7 Fleischer,_.B_qr!A~gt);._ Peter, Istvan; Szuiyovszky, Andor ORG: none TITLE: Development of an oil diffusion pump with delivery rate of 125 1 /see (Awarded 1st prize at the 1966 "Design and structural Solutions"- qornpeti- tion, sponsored by Finommechanika) SOURCE: Finommechanika, no. 1, 1967, 7-10 TOPIC TAGS: diffusion pump, pump, oil backflow ABSTRACT: The paper described the first of a series of diffusion pumps develope( jointly by the Central Research Institute for Physics and the United Incandescent Company and ass eimbled by Elekthermax. The design and dimensional data are given and measurement values concerning ultimate pressure and suction speed of the prototype are presented. A method is also suggested for computing the quantity of oil back-flow. Orig. art. has: 7 figuresi. [Authors' abstract] (KS] SUB CODE: 13/BUBM DATE: none/SOV RFF; 001/OTH REP: 008/ Card ROLL., E., dr.1 PLISCIIER, H., ing. .fibers existing in fabrics, 0~:Lng of polyacrylonitrile' 4 *bol and half-wooleja ragej in a percentage under 25 'J'O Ind text Rua 13 noi,12:511-515 D 162& 3~ Fabrics, do postav "Partizanul rosu",p Brasov* COTTA, fl., &,~Jvtenf, J'ng.i GRIMIN, ~;.; TErUjS-'TU, !~'.; H. - A nav t-ype of pni-ishing -L-l siJint, le%naling machime. Md lemnului A no.3:86-89 Rr 163a FLEISCHER., Jozsef Automatic machines for manufacturing high-power electric motor-compartments. Gep 16 no.5:161-168 My'64. 1. Osepel. Machine Tool Factory. HUNGARY/Chcmical TechnolocW - Chemical Products and Their H-35 Applications Leathcr6 Mechanical Gelatins. Tanning Materials. Technical Albumins. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, Ito 17, 1958, 59696 Autbor Fleischer, K., Eckart., R. Inst Title Contemporary Statu of Fur Dyeing. Orig Pub Bor-es cipotechn., 1957, 7, No 5-6, ni-114. Abstract Various factors are discussed which influence the dyeing of furs: types and conditions of the applica- tion of various mrdants (biochromate, iron); concen- tration of mordanty pH madiums2 structure of hairs, ac- tion of so-called "intermediate membranes". Now dyes sic nn -fast" I for furs are described: "r-elindon' Kacid ~ sic-7(vat dyes); 11ainnially florav:)l 2sslicj dyes); "calliton" and "celliton-fast" (dyes for acetate silk). The method of their application, and an Card 1/2 - 114 - I HUNGhRY/Chomical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 11-35 Application. Leather. Mechanical Gelatins. Tanning, Materials. Technical Albumins, Abs Jour : Hof Zhur - Khimiya, No 17, 1958, 59696 emluation of their advantaC;es and disavantages and color fastness are given. Card 2/2 DAMIMR., Dorel, conf. ing. (Bucuresti); ~WISGMR., ReIrdiardt, ing. (Ducuresti); WEINRICH., Gunther,, ing, (Buouresti)-" Calculation of reversible drives with direct current motor aud automatic.control. Electrotehnic 4 no.5:165-171 my 161e 1. Sef do labqqtor la Institutul de Cercetari Blectrotehnice (for Damsker). -2. Inginer proiectant principal la Inatitutul de Cercetari ElectrRtehnice (for Fleischer). 3* Inginer proiectant principal la Intreprinderea Industriala de Stat "Automatieau (for Weinrich). FLEISCHER, Roland, inz. Automation of the handmade board production. Papir a celulosa 19 no.8:228-233 Ag 164. 1. k*,B Papir Maebine Factory, Freiberg, Germ&n Democratic Republic. v_Fkk4hacker. Aj j7 37-60 VR (I9WXffngVsh i=.= I pr effects, chlefly dermatomb. an =ts ;;:ken exposed to cow-tat tch and other chemical . Aggwation due to sunliSlrt t ascribed to pbotomtsitizittlon by anthracene, fVWIne. fete. Health precautions ae described including- Yes conig. ultraviolet absorbm such as ZOO, =q'! :iV etc. Dan Trivich -bid* disovids, ca"us, xf~~ u ed by 'y mot i sh All""Iny alit' Aulkniny mcuto wherd the body wav ex tuceth itb tion, vm observrA in 4 fact wocken who In ntut with phenotblazine. [a two a ch=utc&ttc reAl clokwing of the nalls. aud In ode 4rWy tutfrcoWmg, sv~r- The toticeW d pUnothinhir with wg-Avl i,, Ain dii. eas" Is dw mviewed. 21 refertneo. I'1 LvW FLF.ISCHHACKERS H. "Iesions suffered by 'medical personnel from X-rays mid radiumo" P- 319 (ARM ZA HIGNEW RAU, VOL 3,9 no- 3.P 1952,, Zagreb,, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, W8, Library of Congress August, 1953, Uncl. YIMSCHHACKER2 M. "The poisoning of two orchard workers by the insecticide parathione" P& 349 (ARHIV ZA HIGIJENU nMt Vol- 3s no- 3. 19520 Zagreb, Yugoslavia) SO: Fonthly List of East European Accesionsp 1101. 2, #8, Library of Congress AuFust, 1953, Uncl. FUISCIMCKER,v M.3 KMDVACv A. "Protective skin cream for industrial workera#19 pe 476 (MHIV ZA HIGIMU RAMs, V039 3,9 no* 4# 1952t Zagreb# Yugoslavia) SO: Montilly List 3f F;Ast European Accessions, Vol. 2, 98, Libr-ary of CDngress August, 1953, Uncl. BERITIC, Tibomil, Dr.., FLESCHRACKICR, Hiroalav, dr. Diagnosis of lead poisoning. Lijec. vJes- 77 no.8-9: 367-378 Aug-sept 55. 1. Is Instituta sa nedicinska Istrasivanja Jugoslavenske akademije snanoett I unjetnoett u Zagrebu. (LEAD POISONING, diagnosis,) DJURIC, Ihiean Effect of vitamin B12 on coproporphyrin in lead poisoning. Pracovni lek. 10 no.10-7 Mar 58. 1. Hygienicky ustav Narodniho mesta Zagreb Ustav 'ro lekarsky v7zkum, Zagreb Predneseno na V. celostatnim sjezdu pracovniho lekaretyi I Gottwaldove. Pro tisk upravil Dr. V. Holeeek, Ustav bygieny prace a chorob z porolani. Praha II, Xarlovo nam. 33, (LFAD POISONING, ther. vitamin B12, off. on coproporphyrin excretion (Cz)) (VITAMIN B12, ther. use, lead pois., eff. on coproporphyrin excretion (Cz)) (PORPHYRM, metabolism, - coproporphyrin exaretion in lead pois., off. of vitamin B12 ther. (0s)) 5anato"ium M"Q LMO YD.JLLrHmI a ---vLEISUHANS-R. v-0- (-- --4-8)- - --- r- --- Nervove v Dobrisi Digitalis Prakticky Lekar 1949, 29/3 h5 0 The in'ications an-contra-indications of digitalis are discussed with regard to the ,iosap,e of pire Aigitoxin and the occurrence and dangers of toxic effects. Zadina - Prague SO: Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Section II, Vol. 2, No. 9. ~05 VA f