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-Z 4- -
AUTHORS: Fisher. IN Yaw Member of the Institute of Physics of the
Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences in Prague, Chull i~ S.,
Member of the Institute of Atomic Physics in Bucharest,
TITLE: Recurrent Construction of Angular Operators. II. Introduc-
tion of an Integer Spin andan Arbitrary Orbital Momentum
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 399 No. 501), pp. 1349-1356
TEXT: A practical method devised by the authors for constructing the
angular operators with differential operators cnly is applied to study
the changes in the form of angular operators caused by adding to the
process a new orbital momentum or an integer spin. For processes where
more than four particles are involved the calculation of the angular
operators is complicated and cuinbersome, and the authors therefore tried
to develop a method to obtain the total set of angular operators of any
complicated process, provided that the angular operators of the
Card 1/3
Recurrent Construction of Angular Operators. S/056/60/039/005/025/051
II. Introduction of an Integer Spin and an B006/BO77
Arbitrary Orbital Momentum
corresponding simplest process are known. The formulation of the problem
is as follows: (a, +a2->Z a. 4(al+a24 aj+s) or a -)2~a
0 11 jlt~( I
(a+s--), 'a!). a, ai, a! denote arbitrary particles or nuclei, s - stands
~' 1 1
for the spin-zero particle, and 4 is the angular operator of the process;
using the operator a new scalar particle is added to this process. The
problem can also be considered as a special case of the problem of
determining -C.;-achanges the quantum number of an angular momentum
appearing in this reaction from I to 11 without changing the number of
the particles involved in the process. For the operator-CLan explicit
expression is found and a number of valuable formulas are outlined which
are very useful for practical calculations; some examples show their
application. An analysis of the results shows that the suggested method
is much simpler than all customary algebraic methods. This method is also
simpler and more general than the one suggested by the authors in Pef.3.
Card 2/3
Recurrent Construction of Angular operators. SZ056j6O/O39/005/025/051
II. Introduction of an Integer Spin and an B006/BO77
Arbitrary Orbital Momentum
There are 2 figures and 8 references: 5 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 Italian.
Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint
Institute of Nuclear Research)
June 8, 1960
Card 3/3
5/0 5 6/61104 C/O 02/044/047
AUTHORS: Wane Jung, Fisher, Ya., Chulli, I., Chulli, S.
T I T L13, Photoproduction of neutrino ant-:Lneutrino pairs or. electrons
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiche3koy fiziki, v. 40,
no. 2, 1961, 676-677
TEXT: D. I. Blokhintsev
pointed out in 1956 that the weak interaction of
electromagnetic energies might become comparable at sufficiertly high ener-
gies. According to his estimation, the proces!3 y + e-,%p+V + Y has apar-
ticularly large cross section which at 250 Bev attains that of the Com-nt;n
effect. This cross section has been calculated and Blokhintsev's estimationL
has been found to b: correct. Calcula-tions are conducted by using the
ONT. (I + yfi)x
(1. TO *4 4- f (T,,T- (I TO *,) (~,T- (I + Tdw-
and considering two-graphs of lowest order (wh-ch resemble the correspondinC;
graphs of the Compton effect). After averaginlr over the initial polarizatiors
and summing over the end polarizations, and having eliminbLted the small
Card 1/3
Photop.-oduction of ... B102/B201
2 2 d3p d3p Id2p-
terms containing m and m J 8 ~=L -" 'V 64 (p, + k - P1, P" P;) X
TiiF Z;-81
(kp ) (p- k) (p~p,) (kPd (P-P,) (P-k)+
(2) x
I(P,e+klri T(P-,--
+ (p,pl,) (p;k) (p,pl,) - (Pepi,) (P;P,) (PA + (kpi.) (p;p,) (P.P,) -
- (kp,) (p;pi,) (P.P1,))
is obtained for the total cross section. This expression is integrated in
the c.m.s. in extremely relativistic approximation:
E/?, 6p - jpgjj 6p E/2; v - 2, In this approxima-i.
ee E - (j+ F-e
tion, the final expression resulting for the cross section is
2 2
e-1- .2 26)
Cf (1, 0-798), where W denotes the'photon energy in the c.m.s.
3 m
Card 2/3
Photoproduction of ... B102/B201
If the well-known expression for the cross section of the Compton effect
(are) is used in the o.m.s., the inequality
2 2/4n3)tj2 2M2/6jl~ n(62 )2r -2
(e f nr /0 A) must. bit sat-isfied 1 if aa0is to
hold. This is the case at(J>242 Bev in the c.m.s. D. I. Blokhintsev is
thanked for having formulated the problem and for his discussions.. (This is
an almost full translation.) There is I Soviot-bloc reference.
ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute
of Nuclear Research)
SUBMITTED: September 30, 1960
Card 3/3
ALlKJH,'-N0V, A.I.. akademlk; Ye.L., prof.; S1:11'4A'Kn ". [SL~Lukl, V.
drjirr~- Ch, Q
kl.ya); PERNEGFt, Ya., dok )1, (6191dinslovakAya); MARKS, G., pro'
kVangriya); SHAPIRO, I.S., doktGr ftz.--matamaL. r-auk-
C.omments by experimenters and t~soreti-,iams. Priroda 54' no.!-~
57-6r Ja 165.
Synthesis of bis-p-(phenyldichlorophenyl), bis-u-(trichlorophenyl),
bis-'p-(triphenyl)-silylbenzenes. Izv. " SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.l:
168-169 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Institut. organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Silicon organLc compounds)
areat work by a amallgroup. Mor. flot 22 no.3:4-6 Mr 162.
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Korrespmdent gazety "Tikhookenaskly xpryak" (for Gagarov).
2. Predsedatell Nauchno-tekhaicheskogo obehchestva vodnogo
transports. Vladivostokskogo ports. (for Fisher).
- (Merchant rwins) .
TISHRR-le, in7.hh..-- i-.-adivotqtokskiy port); 11O.'~.K14S.HTRAM, M., inthener
OommonTladivostoksk:Lv port).
Harbor operations In two shifts. Mor.flot 17 no.6:4-6 Je 1W.
(RLRA 10:7)
(Loading and unloading) (Shift systems)
FISHER, Ye. (Vladivostok)
C~p noii~fi-plcture section, BTO no.3:61 Nr '59.
(MIRA 12:6)
1. Predeadatell soveta pervichnoy organizataii naucbno-tekbuicbe-
skogo obshcbeetva t6.rgovogo porta.
Madivostok-Motion picturea in industry)
FISHER, Ye. g.yladivostok)
Mass work is the main condition of success. RTO no.6:54 Je 159.
(MIRA 12:T)
1.Zameatitall predoodatelya P~rimorskog'o krarevogo soveta nauc!~no-
tekhnicheskikh obghchestv.
(Vladivostok--Research, Industrial)
Activities of the Scientific-TechnicL Society of the
Vladivostok Port. Mor.flot 21 no.213*37 F 161.
(MIRA 14:6)
1. Predsedatelt nauchno-told5picheskogo obshchestva Vladivostok-
skogo porta.
(Loading and unloading)
Over-all mechanization in the Vladivostok harbor.
Mor. flot 22 no.9:13-15 S 162, (M1RA 15:12)
1. GlavW inzh. Vladivostokskogo ports, (for Kapustin).
2. Rachallnik planovogo otdela Vladivostokskogo porta (for
(Cargo handling-Equipment and supplies)
In the Golden Horn Bay,(Vladivostok Harbor during 40 years of
Soviet gover=ent). Mor. flot 22 no.10:3-4 0 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
1. Nachallnik planovago otdela Vladivostokskogo porta.
Gatetamding workers in the Vladivootak ha-Lrbor fleet. Nor.
flot.23 n0,886-7 Ag 163, 1 ~ 1: (KMA 16 t n)
1. Naoballnik planovogo otdola Vladivootokekogo porta.
In the frontrovsof builders of commmism. Mor. flot 23 no.10t
4-5 0 163. (MM 16:10)
1. Machallnik planovogo otdela Vladivostokskogo parka (for F4sher).
2. Nachallnik normativno-issledovatellskoy stantsii Dalinevostochnogo
parokhodstva (for Rozenshtrakh).
I--- FISHER, Ye.
Harbor-! are in need of chief economiats. PZr.flot 25 no.1:14-15
Ja 165~ (MIRA 18:2)
1. Pred,-idatell soveta obshchestvennogo byuro ekonondcheskogo
analiza inachallnik planovogo otdela Vladivostokskogo porta.
It is in the intereata of production. Mor. f'lct 25 no.5tl9-20 IT 165.
(KIRA 1815)
1. Nachallnik planovogo otdala Vladivostokskogo parta.
The workdays of the Vladivostok longshoremen can be
watched on the screen. Mor.flot 26 no.1:45 Ja 166.
(MIRA 1911)
1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo
obahchestva *odnogo transporta Vladivostokskogo porta.
E.M., tekhn. red.
(Materials on food sanitation 1*-J*blIc eating establiabments
and commerical enterprises] Sborvdk materialoy po pishchevoi
sanitarii v predpritatiiakh obahcheatvennogo pitaniia i torgovli.
Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 270 p. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)MInIsterstvo torgovli.*
(Food industry-Sanitation) (Food law and legislation)
SIDOROV, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; Ye..,".) red.
(Privii-y processing and.preservation of food pi,od-ucts]
Pervichnaia obrabotka i zagotovka prod-uktov vprok. Mo-
skva, Ekonomika) 1964. 127 p. (MIRA 18;1)
SHULITS, B.Yu.; FIMR, Ye.B. [Fisher, IE.B.]
------- --
Automatic system for feeding proportioned raw materials.
Khar.prom. no.lt89-90 Ja-Mr 162. (MIRA 15:8)
(Proportioning equipment) (Automatic control)
MEDN1K, E.Sh., inzh.; STRABYKINA, N.P., inzh.-ekonomist; FISHER, Ye.F.
A correspondence conference of long-distance telephone operators.
Vast. sviazi 24 no.2t2l,22 F 164. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Sverdlovskaya mezhdugorodnays, teleformaya stantsiya (for Ybdnik).
2. Ufimskaya mezhdugorodnaya telefonnaya. stantsiya (for Strabykina).
3. Nachallnik kommutatornogo tsekha Ufimakoy mezhdugorodnoy
telefonnoy stantail (for Fisher).
17 .-7, '17-. -1
',_) 4 37 3:UT:ER, Ye. I. Ob ostnytli Sopatitakh virusnoy cVoloL'~-'! (Bol-,~znl I-Dotkina).
Vracbeb, Delo, 1910, No. 8, 3TB. 679-94P.
0: Lctoris, lb. 32, 1.9106
LAVRIWOVA, N.B. , tekhn. red. ~-~
(Practice@ in the Vladivostok Harbor] Opyt raboty Vladivostok-
skogo ports. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1958. 55 P.
(MIFLA 12:11)
(Vladivostok--Harbors) (Cargo handling)
VISMOVSKIT, Y.M., kand.lator.neuk; QAYDASMWKO, K.F.; DUDOROV, V.M.;
KhRYMAN, T.Ye.; KMJSMOT. A.I., kand.istor.nauk; KUCMIRTAVRNKO,
BXLMII D.P..; AVFFMN, B.Z.. red.;
ZUSW, Te.I., red.; NAYOROV, V.M.j red.; KIREYEVA, T.R.,
veduahchiy r6d.; BUTOYA, L.A.,
Vladivostokg,1860-1960. Vladivostok. Primorskoe knizhnoe
izd-vo, 1960. 271 P. (MIRA 13: 11)
BELYKH, D.P., kand. ist. nauk; VALYULISp I.A.j GOTSKIY, M.V., Rapitan
dallnego plavaniya [deceased]; DIYACHK) I.L., kapitan dall-
nego plavaniya; KAIWKCYV, F.A., kapitan dnllnego plavaniya;
KREMS) A.K.t kapitan dallnego plavaniya; KOLOTOV, N.A., dots.;
otve red.; LEVITSKIY, V.L., red.; UUTIKOV, VX.; IIAIAXHOV)
.N.N., red.; POLI, P.A., red.; RASKATOV, A.S., red.; CHICIIVARKHIN,
V.S.,, red.; PLADOSTIN, V.A... red.; LAXIREBOVA, N.D., tekhn. red.
(History of Far Eastern Steamship"'Lines]Istoriia dallnevostoch-
nogo parokhodstva; ocherki. Moskva, lzd-vo "Morskoi transport,"
1962. 263 p. (MMA15:11)
(Soviet Far East-Merchant marine)
TSYPLENKOV, Nikolay Pavlovich; STANKOVICH, Georgiy Petrovich;
MITYURIN, Frol Semenovich; FISHER, Ye.A., red.; VAGANOVA,
N.A., red.; VOLKOVA,
(Service in restaurants) Obeluzhivanie Y restoranakb. Mo-
skva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 205 p. (MIRA 16t7)
(Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.)
Better study and the introduction of progressive practices. Mor.
flot 23 no.4t5-6 Ap 163. (MA 1625)
1. Nachallnik planovogo otdela Vladivostokskogo porta (for Fisher).
2. Machallnik normativno-isaledovatellslcoy stantsii Dallnevostoohnogo
Parokhodstva (for Rozenshtrakh).
(Longshoremen) (Cargo handling)
FIS-~ER, YE. 14.
Fisher, Ye. M. "On the problem of vascularizing the cornea," Oftalmol. zharnal, 1949,
No. 1, P. 17-21.
SO: U-3736Y 21 MaY 53., (Letopis 'Zhurnal Irqkh Otatey, No. 18, 1949).
- - - --- -- -- -- - --- -- --
ar, , z;-.--l-1. -
260P) Ambliopiyri r(3f"rnkt9iy.'t i ttklomolfttslY-R- Vpstnik oftalmnloeii, 1949, "[o. 4
s. 30-33
SO: LETLIPIS' 110. 35, 1949
11-AUmYIhmI~-- v-
Transplantation of oculonotor mocles. Vest. oft.. Moskva 31 no.2:19-
25 War-Apr 1952. (GLKL 22--1)
1. Doctor Medical Sciences. z. of the fte Divisign of Odessa Oblast
clinical Hospital.
2. USSR (600)
4. Strabismus
"Concomitant strabismus and hererotropia" (Preventioj, diagnosis and non-
onerative treatment.) Prof. L. 1. gergiyevskiy Reviewed by Profl.
Ys. M. Fisher. Vest. ofj4o 6: N-D 152.
9. Monthl _Ijjd 2_f Rusgila Accessiolls, Library of Congress, Feb. lgeA. Unclassified.
FISHSR, Tevgeniy Koksimilionovich
[Concomitant strabismus and its treatment] Sodruzhostvannoo
koeoglazis i ego lechenis. Noskys, Kedgiz, 1958. 219 p.
(KIRA 13:7)
FISIU,Mj, y8.
Zea!T~L-. mai tnr~;. flot 24. no.8:3-./+ Ag - 164. (MIRA 18:9)
1, Na*ballnik planovogo otdola Vladivostoltzkogo porta.
Nin Higher Education USSR. 'Moscow Engineering-Economics Inst Imeni Sergo
Ordzhonikidze. Moscow, 1956.
FISHER, Yu,- "The organization of conatruction of medium-hoight residence buildings under
the conditions of the Hungarian People's Republic@" Min Hftgher Education USSR. Moscow
Engine ering-Econovdca Inst imeni Sergo Ctrdzhonik-idze. Moscow, 1956.
(Dissertation fob the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences.)
SO: KnOzYmaya Letopial No. Up 1956.
r-, - ;j '- _"-i, ,, ;' f - ,- - -
t-, -
, i __~ ( 1 4~~ 11~ '. - ~ '- - ,
FIS - ju =,#,aspirant
Precast structural components used in industrial and civil
engineering in Hungary. Trudy M13I no-8:109-117 157. (MIRA 10:12)
(Hungary--Precast c6nerste)
11~vlce for automatic registerLag of spectra* Z.avelfb,23 &9,2:246-
248 '57. (MI" 10: 3)
1. Institut "Pranik*1119'
(Electric imstruments) (Spectrum a;alysis)
Measurement of the differential capacity of electrodes and of
the resistance of-jelectrochemical reactions by means of
alternating current. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.7:1550-1556
J1 162. (KM 15:8)
1. Gosudar5tvennyy institut po proyektJ.rovaniyu predpriyatiy
(Electrodes) (Electrochemistry)
Relation of the vascular system of the spins to pathological
spinal process*@. Roshle ohir, 34 no.2:75-80 7 160.
1. ChirurglakR klinilm Falackeho, university v Olomouci,_prednosta
Prof. Mr. Vl. Rapants
(SPINE blood supply)
FISHER, Z., inzh.
Let's put apartment houses on the conveyor bolt. Zhil. strol.
no.12-4-5 161. (MIRA 15:2)
(Moscow--Construction industry) (Apartment houses)
FETISOV, Vj_L F~ISHER,_.~.----.
Creative brigades of construction workers in Moscow. NTO 5 no.10:
28-29 0 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Predsedatell komiteta postroyek Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
tresta. No.1 Upravelniya otdelochnykh rabot Glavnogo upravleniya po
zhil.ishchnoma i grazhdanskomu stroitellstva Moskovskogo gorodskogo
ispollnitellnogo komiteta (for Fetisov).
PADMO Karel. Built.
Is armenolawite a uln4r'al existing am a, second varte~ty of
arsojilt? kin.abor.' no.iO:160-164 (NIM - 9:12)
1. Isf" mineralogit, gookhtmil, 1. Irriatiallograrit UrlaTa
(in pa); Given Names
Co,intry: yugosl&via
Academic D--greea: Dr,
Affiliation: not given
Source: Zagreb, Farmaceutski Glasnik, No 4-5. April.4(ay 1961, p. 131,
Data: Book Reviews $Review of Jean Wle Courtols
and Roland Perles.
I-leans for reducing the expendi-ituree 4f the Lupp1y of tll--- na-tionall
econoLr,r with petroletm Ixoducts. Tra~sj.. i ]dwan. nefti pt. c no.
2:31-34- 163. (i.aru 17-,10)
1. BaslOdrskoye upravleniye Glavnogo upravleniya po trimsportu i
,snabzheniy,a noftlyu i nefteproduktard iWSR.
Determining iron, zinc, nickel and iron, zinc and manganese
when.present together. Prom. khim.'reak. i osobo chist. veshch,
no.1:24-25 163. (MIRA 17:2)
[Kockov&-Kratochvilovas A.]; TQjZRgYA.-IL [FIserova, M.1; STUKHLIK,
V. (Stuchlik, V.1
Organic acid production in the course of glucose by various species
of Candida. Mikrobiologiia 33 no.62959-907 N--D 464. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Khimicheskiy institut Slovatskoy Akademli nauk, Bratislava.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 77 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fisherovich
TITLE: On the Problem of Determining the Demand Factor of Residential Electric
Loads (K voprosu opredeleniya velichiny koeffitai-enta sprosa elektricheskikh
nagruzok zhilykh domov)
PERIODICAL: Novaya tekhnika. Moselektromontazh (New Technology.
Moselektromontazh), 1956, Nr 2, pp 36-40
ABSTRACT: Presented are conclusions drawn from a survey of electric loads in
two identical, recently built-up districts of Moscow with 6-8 story houses and
floor areas of 3480 and 3280 m2. Installed capacity of illumination is 41 kw in
each district; of domestic appliances, 20 and 30 lov, respectively. Daily load
curves were determined. The survey revealed a considerable overestimation
of loads as checked against actual loads. For apartments, the actual demand
factor, independent of the number of domestic appliances, is 0.4-0.52; per-
unit energy consumption for residential illumination supply mains is
Card 112
On the Problem of Determining the Demand Factor of Residential Electric . . . .
8.4-8.65 w/m2; for the entire houses (including stores, a restaurant, and a
movie theater), consumption is 14 w/mZ of floor area. Substations in the first
district are loaded by only 25%, because many consumers have not built their
loads as yet. The above facts show that in desigrang electrical supply for resi-
dential areas, the schedule of building substations and underground cable net-
work should envisage several time steps. A correct determination of per-unit
power and demand factor Would help save 3-4 Mw in transformer capacity and
dozens of kilometers of cable in the southwest. district of. Moscow alone.
A. I. B
Card 2/2
J A-- A-
USSR/Hum and Animal Physiology The Effect of Physiceu V-12
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 1.8766
Author S.M. Gorodinskiy and E.A. Fi5hevskaye
Title Incorrect 'lotions Regarding the Possibility of fliiellirig
the Eyes and Bodies of ',,'orkers from Grzrjam- Radiation by
Mpans of Individual Shields.
Orig Pub Med. radiologi-ye-, 1957, 2, No 83-84
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
ACCESSION NRe AT4016909 8/3057/63/000/000/0105/0116
AUTHOR: Fishavskays, Z. A.; Kesterava, L. S.
TtTLE&. Study of the percent ratio of radioactive elements remaining on
masticated rubber of formula 57-40 after deactivation
SOURCEt Zashchitny*)~e pokryftiya v atomnoy telthniko (Shielding In nuclear
Moscow, Gesatonizdat, 1963, 105-116
engineering); sbornik statey.
TOPIC TAGS,- radioactive element, masticated rubber, 57-40 masticated rubber,
radioactivity,.residual radioactivity, deactivation, sorption desorption
ABSTRACT: The authors discussed the various miathods presently in use to
1 estimate the sorption-desorption properties of materials, noting that, in
Most cases,
in estimating the value of the residual. activity in test samples,
actually only the sum residual radioactivity of tho material has been c9n-
sidered, with no attention given to its quantitatii,e and qualitative component
composition or structure. In the present article, the authors have
atudied.the Isotopic composition which basically dateruLnes the residual
radioactivity on samples of formula 57-40 mesticated rubber contaminated
I W~jh an isotopic mixture# after deactivation of those ample@, It is tM
I authors' contention that an analysis of the isotope. composition makes it
possible to express the observed picture (configuration) of residual activity.
in absolute units of activity and permits a more accurate appraisal ofltbe
test materials from the poknt of view of their demarption properties. Aftef
describing the method of analysis they employed in their tests, the authors
stated their conclusions, which my be summarized as follows: 1) the most
leffective methods of processing have been determined; In terms of their
ieffectiveness, the processing methods are located in the same sequence for
both selected values of specif& activity (0.3 and 1.5 millicurLes/liter) oi
.the contaminating solution; 2) the work carried out has permitted the
~determination of the contribution of specific isotopes to residual radio-
activity without the need to ut~jixe complex spectiveatrical equipment.
.3rig. art. has: 6 tables.
SUBM3:TrED- 00 UTE A10Q: 21OFeb64' ENCL., 00
ND REF 1OV.. 004 OTHER: 003
2/2 ---
ACCESSION Na.: AT4017000 S/3057/63/000/000/0117/0125
AUMOR: Cherednichenk-op V. A.; Fish.evokaya, E. A.
TITLE: The of Lzathematical statistics in the processing of data concerning the
deactivation of materials for personnel protect-ion and shielding
SOURCE: Zashchitny*yo pokryftiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding in nuclear engineer
zdat, 1.963, 117-125
abornik statey. Hoscow, Gosatomi
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear engineering, atomic energy, atomic radiation, reactor shield-
ing, activation, deactivation, statistics
ABSTRACT: The authors note that in studying the deactii~ation capability of mater-
ials after repeated contamination by mixtures of radioactive substances, methods
involving the statistical processing of the tent results may be successfully em-
ployed. The authors suggest that material deactivation tests be conducted in the
following order. samples of the material under consideration are contaminated by
a mixture of radioactive isotopes,,vith the sanples deactivated after a computa-
duced, after
tion has been made of the magnitude of the degree of activation intro
which yet another calculation is made this tine, of the value or degree of activa-
tion remaining after deactivation. In the preisent article, the authors discuss a
unified system for the statistical processing of experimental data on the sorption-
desorption properties of various materials. Tests were conducted with materials
to be used for purposes of individual (personnel) protection, with a total number
of sample contaminations-washings not exceedingten. The authors made their sta-
tistical analysis (using the method of least sq:uares) through a verification of
certain a priori advanced hypotheses and throu& a quantitative estimation of the
contribution made to the aggregate process by the action and interaction oi indi-
vidual factors. PVndamental to the methodology employed by the authors in this
analysis is the assumption of a linear dependence of the value of residual acti-
vation on the repetitiveness of the contaaninations. The suitability of the "Weth-
od of least squareeff to a statistical analysis of this type is discussed, certain
difficulties associated with its use are pointed out and, finally, the method
itself-is described in some detail. The authors found that the priwary advantage
to be gained from the use of the method of leant squares in the statistical pro-
cessingr of the results of tests on materials for individual protection purposes
and for shielding of equipment consists in the possibility this method affords of
completely characterizing the aviterial in question in the most compact form. 'Ori.-O
art. ban: 2 tables, I graph, several fornulas.
ION: none
Card NP GTHM: 000
/21-- BUD -CODB:-- -_____-NO1W_S0V:_-__O03.
ACCESSION NR: AT4017008 S/30!i7/63/0001000/0173/0182
AUTHOR, Gorodinskiy, S. M.;-Panfilova, Z. Yo.; Golldebteyn, D. S.; Nosova,
L. M.; Fishevskaya, S. A.
TITLE: A laboratory method for the comparative estimation of the deactivation
of materials contaminated by fission product isotopes
SOURCE: -Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy teklinike (Shielding id nuclear
engineering); aborqik statey. Moscow, Gooatomi�rdat, 1963, 173-182
TOPIC TAGS: radioactive element, nuclear shielding,' decontamination, deactiva-
tion, fission product, radioactivity, radioactive isotope, radioactive
ABSTRACT: The possibility of removing radxoact-Lve contaminants from shieldings
and other anti-radiation materials is one of the most important requirements of
these shieldings. The deactivation solution consists of a 27. hydrochloric acid
solution containing 0.3% of either OP= 7 or OP_=10'soap and 0.4% sodium meta-
phosphate. The 8"O'dium solution reacts with th6 cations of many radioactive
isotopes and forms water-soluble compounds. In addition, the sodium meta-
phosphate softand'the waterp LiprdVing the. washing' action of the solution.
Card 1/3
94~mples during 'the testd were first deactivated by the adlution and were then
washed with water. The solution wa.9 then usedagain,- and the samples were
bashed and dried."When. this me't'hod was insuff cisn't a solution of 5 grams of
~aOU and I gram oIf'MO4.per liter was used with t6 same procedure. A
counter was used to determine t a r~dioactivitj bakore and after testing."
~~ee Fig. 1 of t "Enclosurei,) Orig. art. hanij 2 figures and 1 table.
SUBMITTEZY: 00 DATE ACQ: 201!eb64 ENCL: 01
SUB CODE: NP, 0C. NO REP SM, 001 OTHER:' 004
Card 2/3
ACCebSIOq ~A-. AT4011008 ENCLOSURE: 01
Number of washing contamination cyelpa
Fig. Accumulation of residual radioactiVity'of polyvinyl chloride
film.during.washing, of the oamples
I in cans while shaking; 2 washing from eprayer
Card 3/3 Z
ACC ITR: AT012692 SCURCi CODE: UR/3136/65/000/991/c,001/0044
AUTHOR: PYaiantscv) Yea P, t
146 lov P
Novikov I Ye
Fishevski ZakJiar Knigj?yj B naevp~
N. A.; Goncharov.--L. A.*~-
ORG: -State Committee on the Use of Atomic E~Iggy.�g!ER,2 Inntitute of Atomic EnergY,
im. I. V. Kurchatov Moscow (Goasudarrtvennyy koteAct;pollzovaniyu atohmoy
energii SSSRI Institut atomnoy-energii)
TITLE: Dcperience in operation of the 14R reacto) and 'tests of fuel elements and
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut. atomnoy energii. Dokladyt no. 991p 1965. 'OPYt eks-
plautatsii reahtora 14B i provedeniye ispytaniy TVEL i materialov.. 1-44 33
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear revearch reactor, reactor t"vel element) nuclear reactor
material, nuclear reactor characteristic
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the loop research reactor MR constructed at the
-Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and Intended for the test of'fuel elements
_and materials in now atomic installations. It is described In -Ijaper P/323 of the
Third Geneva Conference in 1964. The present article describes in detail its con-
Card 1/2
-- _ --7
ACC 1M., Aaoa2692
struction and ~he various test loops in it. The ~Inction bca~lnGz are: I - Intro-
duction. II. Operation of reactor. 1. Certain physical chazacteristics of the
reactor. a) Fuel burnup. b) Efficiency of control valves, scriun rods,' and movable
fuel assemblies. c) Fluxes of thermal and fast neutrons. 2. Control and protcc-
tion system of the reactor- 3. Technological ryste= of the reactor. a) Coolin(.;
loop for fuel element assembly. b) Cooling loop for the reactor assembly blocks.
c~ intermediate (second) coolinC loop of reactor. d) 71drd cc-oling loop of reactor.
c Water purification oysteia. h. l,'ucl assembly operating *conditions an(Cconditions
for the graphite stacking blocks. 5. Reloading operations. III. Operation of
loop installa1l; ions. Organization and performance Of tests OTL fuel elements and
materials. M Dosimetric control. Radiat 'Ion sh'eldina of r,:!actor. The reactor
has operation since 24 july 1964, and its power fins been gradually in-
creased from the initial 20 M to 30 MW. ~ Ilic usun.1 operation is at 25 ~Pl- The
reactor has 3 loop c~hannels with 7 associated experimental ciiannals. Various char-
acteristics of the reactor at different power ratings are tablilated. Major con-
tributions to the adjustme'ntof the MR reactor were made by A. Ye. Alekseyev, B. A.
Alekseyev, So No Begichev) A. B. BuGayenko, ~u. v lev %. X. Lebedey,-K. M.
TbUa=ov, ve Do Rusov) N. V. Sarychev, Ye. 5..~L i2Latav, and Yu. A. Shikoy. las: 3,3 figurer, End-F-6-tables.
SUB CODE., SUM DATE: 00/ ORIC; MW: ~001.
TiSAGOLOV, N.A., prof., doktor ekon.naukq BLYUMIM, IqG., prof., doktor
ekon.nauk (dece ,ased]; RUNTARTM, A.K., prof.; KOMIUMMO, A.A.,
dotsent, kand.ekon.nank; SMYML%N. Aj., prof., doktor ekon.nauk;
LIF, Sh.B., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; SHMKOVA, G.M., kand.skon.
nauk; 'Fl 1,.-Tu.X-,--DVORKIN, I.N., doktor ekon.nauk; SIDOROV,
I.F.; KgRIZOV, R.Kh., kand.okon.nauk; NIKOLAM, A.B., kand.okon.
nauk; ATRAMCHUK, F.P., kand.ekon.nauk; ALITER, L.B.. doktor skon.
nauk; BOTARSKIT, A.Ta., prof., doktor fikon.nauk; BREGSLI, N.Ya.,
prof., doktor skon.nauk; ARZUKANYAN, A.A.; VCLODIN, V.S., dotsent,
kand.ekon.nauk; KIKSHA, L.S., knnd.ekon.nauk; BUNKINA, M.K.,
dotsent, karxd.ekon.nauk; 13VUEY p A,V,o kand.skon#nsuk: FADEUVA,
T*A*j kandeekononauk; KOLGANOV, M.T., prof., doktor ekon.nauk;
KHROKUSHIN. G.B.. kand.ekon.nauk; MOSHINSKIT, X.G., kand.ekon.nauk;
IVANOV, K.N., kand.okon.nauk; (RJTTSAYT, M.Gog dotsent, kand.okon.
nauk; ABOLTIN, V.Ta., prof., doktor skon.nwak; KCLLONTAT, V.M.,
kand.okon.nauk; GLUKHAREV, L.I., kand.ekon.nauk; POKROVSKIT, A.I.,
kand.ekon.nauk; DADASHEY, G.A., doteente kand.ekon.nauk; ALESHINA,
I.V.. kand.ekon.nauk; Zamill, V.A., dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk-,
on naxt card)
TSAGOLOV, N.A., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; BLYUMDT, I.G., prof., doktor
ekon,nauk [deceased]: RUWAIrES1H. I.M.., prof.; KORWT~O, A.A.,
dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk; SMYELSON, A.I., prof., doktor ekou.nauk;
LIN. Sh.B., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; SlffMXOTA, G.M., kand.ekou.
nauk; FISHEVSKIY, Tu.K.; DVORKIN, I.N., doktor ekon.nauk; SIWROV,
I.P.; KWIZOV, R.Kh., kand.ekon.nauk; NIKOLATEV, A.B., kand.akon.
nauk-, AVRAMCHUK, 1F.P., kand.ekon.nauk; ALITER, L.B., doktor ekon.
nauk-, BOTARSKIT, A.Ta., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; BREGALIO B.Ta.0
prof., doktor ekon.nauk: ARZUKAKYAN, A.A.; VOLODIN, V.S., doteent,
kand.ekon.nauk: MIKSHA. L.S.0 knnd.ekou.nauk; BUNKINA, M.K.,
doteent,; U7MSKOV, A.V., kand.skon.nauk; FADMVA,
T.A., kand.ekon.nauk; KOLGANOV, M.V., prof., doktor ekon.nauk;
KHRONUMIN. G.B.. kand.ekon.nauk; MOSKEWSKIT, M.G., )Mnd.ekon.nauk;
IVANOT, N.H., kand.ekon.nauk; GUTTSAYT, M.G., dotsent, kand.ekon.
nauk; ABOLTIN, V.Ta., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; ULLONTAT, V.M.0
kand.okon.nauk; GLUKHAREV, L.I., kand.ekon.nauk; POKROVSKIY, A.I.,
kand.ekon.nauk; DADASHEV, G.A., doteent, kand.ekon.nauk; ALESKINA,
I.V., kand.ekon.nauk; MIAMIN, V.A., dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk;
lContinued on next card)
FISMSKn y Konstantinovich; AFANASIYEV, V.S., red.
[Monopolies of the Federal German RepublLe es a bulwark of the
imperialistic reaction] Monopo-Iii FRG - opUt imperiaiisticheskoi
reaktaii. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i A014 pri tot KP3Sj 1961. 182 p.
(MIM 3J,:.10)
(Germemy, West-Trustap Industrial)
(GermazW, West--44ilitarism)
INVENTOR: Fishgal, 1. Sh.
ORG: none
TITLE: A method of regulating a marine steam-turbine unit. Class 65, No. 185721
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pronVahleanyye abraztsy, tovar;-%yye znaki, no. 17, 1966, 151
TOPIC TAGS: steam turbine, marine engine, engine cowrol system , ncl-romogne.
sq,F 6! 1, 4 o9 ~r/,o ,,-)
AB$TRACT:This Author Certificate introduces a method of regulating a marine steam-
turbine unit. The steam turbine is equipped with a ship speed transducer, the
inpulse from which autozatknEq qdjusts the speed to a given value. For more accurate
regulation and greater dependability, the difference letween the actual and assigned
ship speed is measured and the result is applied'to the adjuater as an addad
corrective impulse- proportional to -the amount of disagTeement.
SUB CODE: 10, 13/ SUBM DM: 2lMav65/
Card 1/1 jags~_54r
UDQ 62
ACC NRs Ap6o17972 SOLMCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/010/0071.~(~O-7Y--~
INVENTOR: Fishgal, S. 1.
ORG: node
TITLE: Device for continuous degassing of liquid metal.~ Class 31, No. 181784
SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyehlonnyye obrazteyo tovarnyye znaki, no. lo, 1966, 71.
TOPIC TAGS: metal, metal degassing, vacuum degassing, continuous degassing
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a unit for continuous degassing of
liquid metal according to the previously issued Author Certificate. No. 115T32.~
Fig. 1. Degassing unit
l'- Vacuum chamber; 2 - metal inlet pipe;
3 - metal outlet pipe; 4 ladle; 5
electromagnet pumps.
Sard-- lZ2 uDc: 669.o46.517.002.54
Intensification of metal degassing is achieved by feeding the metal into the vacuum
chamber through a variable cross section pipe (see Fig. 1) which produces a cavita-
tion in the treated metal. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (MS)
ACC NR- /q, Al~)
AP7002606 SOURCE CODE: IJI!104-,31661rr,!,"I'-,231011
INTMOI: Fishgal S
ORG: none
TITLE:, A rotary distributor. Class 47, No. 189264
SOUMCE. Izzobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 113
TOPIC TAGS: steady flow, discontinuous flow, turbine, turbine blade, t=,bine rotor
ILBSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a rotary distributor for chanfring a steadyl
flow into a pulsed one. The distributor contains a turbine with a casing, a rotor,
d blades (See, Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. 1 turbine casing;
2 rotor; 3 blade
ACC NR. AP7002606
The turbine is turned by the distributedflow. To cimplify the construction and to
combine the functions of the driving mechanism and of the distributor, the turbine
rotor is of a floating type and automatically positions itself in the cylindrical
chamber of the casing. The blades are hinpdto the periphery of the rotor. Orig.
art. has: 1 figure.
SUB CODE,: 13, 21/ ~UBM DATEt
Polarized curves of the aluminum sheeti,4; of a comminications
cable in solonchak media. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz
8 no.3:50 165- (MIRA 18:5)
1. AserbaydzhanBkiy institut nefti i khiaii im. M. Azizbekova.
T, 39986-66 L-fflT(M)/EWP(Q/ETI LJP(C) JD/WB/J11
ACC NRs Ap6018896 SOURCE CODM: UR/0152/66/000/001/0022/0022
..MMOR:- Fishgangs F. Z.
ORG: Azerbavdzhan Petroleum, and Chwistrr Institute im. A. Azizbokov
TITIZ: Effect of hydrogen.lon concentration on the corrosion of underground alumimm
petroleum and gas o'during cathodic proteation
SOURCES IVUZ. Neft' I gas, no. 19 1966, 22
TOPIC TAGSS hydrogen long cathode
,polarizationg corrosion rate, aluminm
ABSTRACTS Experiments on cathodic polarization of alumimm in saline soil were per-
formed, and the dependence or the cathodic potential (and hence, corrosion rate) of
alumimm on pH was determined. The natural malt content of the saline soils was 0.62
and 2o2% (respectively, curves I mid 2 in Fig. 1). 1h* curves show that won a 0.06
V shift in cathodic potential :4r= the stes4y-state value to the negative side causes
an intense corrosion of alunimm, A reinforcement of corrosion occurs at cathodic
potentials close to SO - -0.7 V. 7hung it was found that the corrosion of aluminm
in saline soil Is practically IrAlspendont of its salt content; an intense corrosion
of alumin= In sallm soil In the pneew of cathodia polarization of the metal
L 39986-66
-ACC NR. AP601M96 0
obegim at pl> 9 In the olgetrode law** *fig. &As has$ 1 flgwe,
;., 1 *6 . It It $0.1
SUB Cams 07/ SM MUS' 30AW05 fil. I -
FISHGOLID, a., Aspirant
"An Investigation of the Grip Conditions it, Rolling." Cl-nd Tech Sci,
Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Steel Inst imenj 1. V. Stalin, 18 Nov YP.
(VI-1, 9 Nov 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (11)
SO: Sum. 1-10 - 521, 2- Jun 55
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 82 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Pavlov, I.M., Fishgol'd, R.
TITLE: Investigation of the Conditions of Seizure and of the Stationary
Rolling Process (Issledovaniye usloviy zakhvata i
ustanovivshegosya protsessa prokatki)
PERIODICAL: Sb- Mosk. in-t stali, 1957, Nr 36, pp 277-311
ABSTRACT: The greatest possible angle of seizure when the rolling process
is in stationary operation, C~ y , is larger than the angle of seizure
at the inception of the rolling process. K = q y / i'-~ z > I. K is
dependent on the method of feeding the metal into the rollers (freely
or under constraint), the distribution of the pressure over the
contact surface, the amount of transverse spreading, and the shape
of the contact surface. The composition of the metal does not
influence K substantially. As the transition is made from cold
rolling to hot rolling, the decrease of K is approximately linear.
K attains a value of 2 in cold rolling; this is accounted for by the
cold hardening of the metal as it passes between the rolls, which
Card 1/2 causes an additional displacement of the equivalent force toward
Investigation of the Conditions of Seizure and of t'.1le Stationary Rolling Process
the exit. When strips are rolled in smooth rolls, K = 1.35 - 2.25;
when a round section is rolled in smooth rolls, K attains a value
of 2.75. At a given temperature K depends on the ratio of the
drop in the coefficient of friction PYIP. As the transition is
made from the incipient seizure to the stationary rolling process,
the coefficient of friction remains practically constant in cold
rolling; in hot rolling it decreases by no more than 40 percent.
Experimental data confirm the existence of a large excess of
friction forces in the stationary rolling process, Practical
methods for utilization of this excess must be worked out, because
the metals will safely stand greater reduction.
Ya. G.
1. Rolling mMe-Processes-Analysis
Card 2 /2
RMINIA/Chamical Technology. Chemical Products and H
Their Uses. Part IV. Cellulose and Its
Derivatives. Papor.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 15, 1958, 52317
Author :Fishgold, S.
Title : Neutral Sulfito Digestion of Reeds.
Orig Pub :Colluloza si hirtio, 1957, 61 No 7,
1~bstract :Pactors affecting the neutral sulfite dige-
stion of reeds viere studied: lignin olimina-
tion as a function of thc~ initial and final
concentrations of the digasting alkali and
tomparaturos, and SO consumption as a fun-
ction of lignin difHsion, Varying digestion
Card 1/3
PM,.N1t,/Chamica1 TachnologY. Chernical Products Lowd H
Their Uses. Part IV, Cellulose and Its
Derivatives. Paper.
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur-Khimiya~ No 15s 19589 52317
conditions, semi-collulose (SC) of similar
physical and chemical proporties but in
different yields may be cbtained. The upper
limit of Sojiconsumption in the digestion
process is rectly proportional to the S02
present. The amount of oxtractod reed lignin
is Inversely proportional to 'ho 802 absorp-
tion (the function is alnost linear whon 40-
70 g or 80 are used per 1 kg of reeds). Be-
cause iho 90 consumption dopends on tempe-
raturo, lignin extraction is possiblo only
within fixed temporaturc; lim-its. In the pro-
duction of the highest quality (physical and
Card 2/3
RUMILNIL/Chwical TochliologY. Chomical Products and H
Their Uses. Ptart IV. Cellulose and Its
Derivatives. Paper.
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 15, 1958, 52317
chemical properties) SC grinding and defi-
borization nothuds and ?he type of equipment
used arc important. -- Froln. the authorls re-
Card 3/3
~Vbat helps to achieve the rated capacity; practices in produaiz6v
keramit gravel at the Lianosovo Housing Construction Combine.
fitrolaiLt. 6 noo2:10-12 1 160. (JM 13:6)
le Direktor Lianozovskogo domoptrolt9l'sogo koxibizwLts, (for
Fighgoyt). Z. GlavW Insbaner LianozoTokogo domostroitelinogo
kombinate (for Varpmv)a
(Liano sovo--Aggrqpt as (Building vaterials))
MYAGXOV, A.Ye,, inzh.1 GUSEV, Yu.Ye.9 inzh.; inzh.;
TRUTNZVv V.A., inzh.
Intensifying the system of burning keramzit wgravel" and increasing
the economy of operating rotary kilno. Stroi. mat. 9 no-4117-19
lip 163. (MIRA 16:5)
(Keramait) (Kilns, Rotary)
Hanagement without divisional shops proved its value. Prom. koor. 12
no.W5 F 158. (NM lia)
(Moscow-- Industrial tanagemnt)
Increasing the stibility of foams used for dust suppression in
coal mines. Zhur. prikl. khim. 37 no. 4*9C6-911 Ap 164.
(MIRA 17:5)
M-0 -IPA.F . . . . . . .
TURIANSKIY, M.A., inzh., red.; FISHKEELLER.,Yu.Yu.. inzh., red.;
AKAYEMOVA, L.Ya., inzi?:7
[Price list no.2 of the machine-shift of construction
machinery and equipment] TSennik No.2 mashino-smen stroitell-
nykh mashin i oborudovaniia. Moskva) Stroiizdat, 1965. 80 P.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam
stroitel'stva. 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki
stroitellstva Gosstroya SSSR (for all except Turianskiy).
Improve work planning indexes of technical shops of cold storage plants.
KhoLtekh. .13 no.305-59 Jl-S '53. (KLU 6:11 )
- (Gold siforage). *
"Create Dependable Power Base for Lumberin--f," Pravda,, 10 M-0-Y 55, p. 2
SO: Current Digest of the Soviet.Press, Vol VII, No. 19, 22 Jun 55, Unclassified.
FISHKIII, A9I,, inshener.
Disconnecting one of two 110 ky parallel lines with a cut-out switch. Blake
sta. 24 no.5.,55-56 Ny 153. (HLRk 6:7)
(Bleatrio lines)
za vypusk; FEDOROV, V.P., red.; LAVRENOVA, H.B..
(Ground and water transportation In thm Antarctic] Nazemyi I
reldovyi transport v Antarktike. Moalma, Izd-vo 94orskoi
transport.0 (Inostrannsis literatura ob Antarktike, no.5).
Pt.l., 1958. 79 P. (KIRA 12:11)
1. Komplekenaya antarktichookays ekspeditsiya. Koskovskays
operativnays grappa.
,(Antarctic regions-Transportation)
Case of TalTular pusumthorax. Zdrav.Belor. 6 no.2:61-62 Y 160.
(Km 13t6)
1. Is NolodechnounkoV protiTotubarkulesnogo dispansera (gl&TW
Trach N.A. SilTestroy) i tubtanstorlya 19virl' (glaTW Trach
A.Ta. SagaloTlah).
(PIKED 30=)
------ -",
Result of tiamm therapy application In gynecology. Akush.
gin. n0-3:8-9 Kmr-Juse 1951. (OLML 21:1)
1. Candidate Medical Sciences, 2e Of the Obstetrics and
Gymecologicia Union Obad -.A..I; Kokmherovt), Bogorodsk.
Treatment of vaginal trichomonlasis with onarsol with white clay.
Sovet. and. 16 no. 7:36 July 1952. (OLML 2.2:4)
1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Obstetric-Oynecological
Union of Bogorodak (Head - A. A. Xoksharova).
FISHKIN, M.B., inzh.; YIMWIN, L,G,, inzh,
Automatic line for machi4ng crankcase-bl-ock surfaces of the SM
diesal engine on broaching z4aciiined's Mash* Bel, no.2:64,-68 160o
(MMA 16:7)
(Broachi chines) (Automatio
USSR/Radio Oct,Nov 1946
Wave Guides
Standing Waves
"Influence of Slit Screens in a Cylindrical Wave Guide on the Standing Wave Ratio," Prof
S. Ya. Braude, Candidate of Mechanical Sciences, M. 1. F-Ishkin, Engr, 8 pp
"Hadiotekhnikall Vol I, No 7/8
Discussion of the possibility of decreasing the-standinj; wavu ratio of waves in
cylindrical wave guides by means of screens with apertures. Measurements carried
out with five types of screens show that a screen with a rectangular aperture,
when properly disposed, enables traveling waves to rise in wave guides.
EXCERPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12110 Neurology Oct 59
man M. N. Moscow - ZH.NEVROPAT. I PSIKHIAT. 1958. 4/56-~
In this work a general account is given of the results of research into the inter-
action of analysors in patients In whom involvement of the hypothalamic region
(diencephalic syndrome) has been diagnosed. The author selected the interaction
of the olfactory and visual analysors, namely, . the Influence of a graduated ol-
factory stimulus (thymol vapour) on optic chronaxy, which characterizes the
-condition of the neural link of the visual analysor. In addition, the influence an
optic chronaxy of verbal Instruction addressed to the cortical end of the ol-
factory analysorwas determined. The author investigated 26 cases (7 men and
19 women from 18 to 50 yr. old) with involvement of the hypothalamic region
In patients with diencephalle pathology a disturbance of the interaction between
olfactory and visual analysors most frequently showed itself in the shape of
weakening of the interaction on immediate stimulation of the olfactory analyaor
by means of an adequate stimulus; in the case of verbal instruction addressed
to the olfactory analysor. the usual picture of Interaction does not alter. In 3
out of 26 cases reversal of the interaction was observed: after olfactory stimu-
lation and a-fter verbal instruction shortening of optic chronaxy occurred. Epi-
leptiform attacks were general In the clinical picture of all these cases of di-
encephalle syndrome. The findings as to the disturbance of the interaction
between olfactory and visual analysora in involvement of the hypothalamic
region drew the author's attention to the possibility that in any given case there
I may be disturbances of interaction also between other analysors. bi fact, the
1 author did find in these patients disturbances of the Interaction between auditory
1 and visual analysore (in 13 out of 15 cases). The test sound did not alter the
optic chronaxy. After the corresponding verbal instruction, optic chronaxy
shortened as In the healthy Individuils. The author emphasizes that there is
nothing nosailogically specific about the changes which were found. The inter-
action of the analysors is characteristic of the total dynamics of the basic
nervous processes. The disturbances of the neurodynamics may have the ame
i significance for different pathological processes. However, in the clinico-
i__physiologlcal analysis of the diencephalle syndrome this method allows -one. t0_,
* ---. U~ 0 -4n~
Ll The auuivr
of the oLfacto and 1y, the influence of a graduated ol-
factory stimul a (th3 ironaxy, which characterizes the
condition of the neural link of the visual analysor. In addition, the influence on
optic chronaxy of verbal instruction addressed to the rortical end of the oi-
factory analysor was determined, The author investigated 26 unoes (7 men and
19 women from 18 to 50 yr. old) with involvement of the hypothalamic region.
In patients with diencephalle pathology a disturbance of the Interaction between
olfactory and visual analysors most frequently showed itnelf in the shape of
weakening of the interaction on immediate stimulation of the olfactory analyoor
by means of an adequate stimulus, In the case of verbal instruction addressed
to the olfactory analysor, the usual picture of interaction does not alter. In 3
out of 26 cases reversal of the Interaction was observed: after olfactory stimu-
lation and after verbal instruction shortening of optic chronaxy occurred. Epi-
leptiform attacks were general in the clinical picture of all these cases of di-
encephalle syndrome. The findings as to the disturbance of the interaction
between olfactory and visual analysors in Involvement of !he hypothalamic
region drew the author's attention to the possibility that in any given case there
may be disturbances of Interaction also between other analysors. In fact, the
author did find in these patients disturbances of the interaction between auditory
and visual analysors (in 13 out of 15 cases). The test sound did not alter the
optic chronaxy. After the corresponding verbal instruction, optic chronaxy
shortened as In the healthy individuals. The author emphasizes that there to
nothing nosologically specific about the changes which were found. The inter-
action of the analynors is characteristic of the total dynamics of the basic
nervous processes. The disturbances of the neurodynamics may have the same
significance for different pathological processes. However, in the clinico-
physiological analysis of the diencephalic syndrome this method allows one to
follow up the dynamics of the process and to appralsethe results of therapy.
The results obtained are of interest also in studying the question of the me-
chantsm and level of the interaction of analysors. The data obtained show that
the hypothalamic region takes part. in the interaction of the analysors. This
participation becomes very clearwhen the analysors are subjected to adequate
stimulation, whereas the interaction of the analysors when a stimulus such as
verbal instruction is applied apparently depends to a lesser degree on the func-
tional state of the hypothalamic formations
Darbinyan - Mopcow
I-- ---
Liparite domeg in the Beregovo region of Transcerpathian Pra7ince.
Biul.Vulk.sta. no-23:54-62 '54. (mw 8:11)
(Beregovo region-Rhyolite)
FIBUXIN ' _u, -
Mineralogy of sedimentary rocks of the Beregova Upland in Trans-
carpathia. Vop.sin.osad.obr. 2:189-193 '55. (XLRA 9:11)
(Beregovo Upland--Rocks, Sedimentary)
USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 3o424
Author : Slivko,
Inst : Lvov Geological Society at the University
Title : Mineralogy of Carbonate Concretions from Jurassic
Depositions of Karadag.
Orig Pub : Mineralog. sb. L'vovsk. geol. o-va pri un-te, 1956,
No 10, 235-244
Abst : Study of carbonate concretions (CC) occuring in schistic
clay. By mineralogical and chemical composition they are
divided in two groups: calcitic and sideritic. Extensi-
ve fissuration of CC is noted; the fissures are filled
with calcite. quartz) marca51te. analcime, kaoline and
Fe hydr droxides. Spectral analysis showed the presence,
in the calcerous concretions, of the same elements that
are found in clay (Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn,
Fe, Ni, Cu, As, Sr, Ba), but in CC the content of Sr,
Card 1/2
USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. J~ydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 3o424-
Ba and Sb is considerably higher, while that of Si, Al
and alkalies is coAsiderably lower than in clay. In
sideritic concretions V, Cr, Ni, As, Sb and Sr not
been found, and the Ba content is lower.
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5,
p 77 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fishkin, M. Yu.
TITLE: Tridymite From a Leucocratic Andesite in the Chop Basin
(Tridimit iz leykokratovogo andezita Chopskoy vpadiny)
PERIODICAL: Mneralog. sb. Llvovsk. geol. o-va pri un-te, 1956,
Nr 10J. pp 329-331.
ABSTRACT: The paper reports the discovery of tridymite in leuco-
cratic andesites of Zakarpattye as microscopic grains
of rounded, six-sided, and other forms. Several six-
sided basal twinned plates were found in thin sections.
The coordinates of the twinning axis BL (110) are
Ng 90D, Nm 320J. and Np 5BO. Other optical properties
are (+)2V = 860, Ng' 1.486, NpI 1.482. The sign of
Card 1/1 elongation is negative. no initials
Mineralogical facies, and formation of secondary quartzites
in the Beregovo hill in Transcarpathia. 14in.abor. no.12:
148-158 '58, (MIRIL 13:2)
1. CoeudarstvewWy universitat Imeni Iv.Franko. LIvov.
",-*,--* ------------
Accesory minerals in granitoids of Usti-Narek District in saotern
Trausbaikalia. Geol, i geofis. n0.7:60-79 l6o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Institut geologii i geofisiki Sibirelcogo otdeleniya All SSSR i
Llvovski.r gosudaretvennvy univervitet.