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STAH, M.; FIRU, P.; SAHLEANUp V.~; DAN, 0. Non-inflol-mtory parotid IV"rtropby with growth disorders. Studs cereet. endoer. 13 no.l.-3.U-3.18 162. ,(PAROTID GLAND dineases) (HrPERTROPHY AND IMERPLASIA case reports) ErPOGONADISM case reports) VFANTMSM case reports) R -r'jRU-r--P.,-.conf.; DIACONJIMU, M., dr.; CRISTEA, M., dr.; GHERGA-4!EGREA, Adinap dr.; CRISTEA, Iulia Various stomatological aspects o-' rickets in preschool children. Stomatologia ( Wcur) 12 no.2.'139-148 ~Ir-Ap'65. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Cl:hiica de stomatologie infantila Institutul medico-famaceutic, Bacuresti (seful clinicii: conf. P. Firu). LITVIN, F.L.; FIRUN, N.B. Heshing of bevel gears having epibypotrochoidal profiles. Trudy Inst.mash.Sem.po teor.mash. 22 no.85/86:92-107 '61. (MIRA 14:12) (Gearing, Bevel) GINZBURG) Yevgeniy Grigorlyevicho kano, 'eklm. nauk; SH&UiN,, Aleksandr Vasiltyevich,, inzh.~ EOLCHIU', N.1.3, doktor tekhn. nauk) prof., zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, red.; FMN N B kW. tekhn. nauks red.; SIMONOVSK37, N.Z.s, L.A.$ tekbn, red, [Standard technological processes in manufacturing gear tranwissions]Tipovye tekhnologicbeBkie protsessy izgotovle- niia zubohatykh peredach. Pod obahchei red, N.I.Kolchina. lzd,2... perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 114 p. (Bib- liotechka zuobrezap no.2) (Gear cutting) ' (MMA 15:9) PISMANIK, KelTnqn Matveyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KEDRINSKIY, Vasi:Liy Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. naukq Laureat Leninskoy premili FIRUNJO N.B., kand. tekhn. nsuis reftenzent; KOWILIN, H.I., "-~. ~syate~ll nauki i tekhniki RSFSR2 doktor tekhn. naakp prof.p red.; GINZBURG) Ye.G., kand, tekhn. nauk, red.; SP,OIIOVSKIYj N,Z.., red, izd.,va3 BARDIVAI A.A.p tekhn. red., [Calculation and examples of adjustments of wichine tools for cutting bevel gears with circular teeth]Raschet i primery na- ladok stankov dlia narezanila konicheskikh kolas s krugovymi zubliami. Pod obshchei red, N.I.Kolchina. Moskvu,, Mashgiz., 1962. 109 p. (Btblioteahka zuboreza3 no-5) (MUU 15:9) (Gear-cutting machines) TAYTS, B.A.; MARKOV, N.N.; KOLCHINI N.I., zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.., red.; KUTAT, A.L., kand. tekhn, nauk, reteenzent; ZIRUNJI-B-r-kand. tekhn. nauk.,, red.; ONISHCHENKO, R.N., red. izd-va; BARDINA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Precision standards and control of gear wheels]Norqr tochnosti kontroll zubohatykh koles. Pod obshchei red. N.I.Kolchina. Mo- skva, Mashgiz, 1962. 103 P. (Bibliotechka zuboreza, no.6) ~(MIRA 16:2) (Gearing-Standards) VITENBERG, Yuriy Ruvimovich; FIRUMN-11LIBB. red.; ALABYSMA, N.A., red.izd-va; BELOORCYVA., I.!., tekhn. red. [Grinding gear teeth with an abrasive worm) Zuboshlifo- vanie abrazivnym'cherviakom. Leningrad, 1963. 25 P. (Leningradakii.dom nauchno-takhnicheakoi propagandy. Ob- men peredovym onvtom. Seriia: Mekhanicheskaia obrabotka metallov., noaw- (MIRA 17:1) SOBOLEV, N.P.[deceased]; VITENBERG, Yu.R.; SHAVLYUGA, N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; FIRUN) N.B.,.kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; CHFAS, M.A., VAMOVETSKAYA, A.I., red. izd-va; BARDINA, A.4 tekhn. red. (Gear-cutting machines and tools used in the instrument industry] Zuboobrabatyvaiushchie stanki i instrumenty v priborostroenii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 306 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Instrument industry) (Gear-cutting machines) MARKOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; FIRUN, R.B... red. Imeasuring devices for checking gear wheels and W'Orms) lzmeritellnyo sredstva dlia kontrolia zubchatykh koles i .cherviakov. Leningrad,, 1965. 43 p. (MIRA 18:7) Imammommum. im figggm- ON FMCZ., A. "Anticorrosives Used In The Electrical-Industr7" p...199. (Pxzeg3ad-E1ektrotecbnic Vol. 29.. no. 5, may 1953.. warszawa) SO: Mont List 2f East European Vol. 3. No. 2, /IMMgm Accessions,,/Library of Congress, Zftbruary,_19~4LIpft Uncl. FIRYTOVAI V. Navigation on the Upper Mississippi River. p. 225. (Sbornik, Vol. 61, no. 3., 1956, Praha, C;echoslovakda) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. f V. ASNINq D. TIRTUXOTA. N.V. Serodlog nosle of actluorqcosiso =zr. mikroblol. spid. 1 1-. no.l: 50-60 J& 1330 (KM W) -10 In alkelogichemkogo s*ktora Ymsti'cata m4artif seditsiuskoy pamitologil L gellulnologil Kluisteretya sdravookhraneutya SSSR (dir. Prof. P.G.Serglyev) (ACTINOMYCOSIS. diagnosis, merolvJ 14' 13 dp FIRYULIN, V.V. 1., 1 Hydraulie-unit for fluffing asbeBtos. Stroi.mat. 5 no-12: 16-17 D 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Direktor Krasnoyarskogo kombinata asbostotsomentnykh izdeliy. (Aabastas) S/196/62/000/016/010/011 E191*/E155 AUTHOR: Fisak, V.I. TITLE: Calculation on a computer of the optimum parameters of a gas-turbine set PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhuinal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.16,. 1962, 38-39,-abstract 16 G 276. (!Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. energ.1 no.2 (20), 1961, 7-14). (summary in Kazakh.). TEXT: A previously published formula is given for calculating costs as functions of conditions in a gas-turbine set, and its future operating conditions. The optimum parameters of*the gas turbine involve a system of equations in partial differential coefficients which, in actual circuits, give non-linear equations of high order. In calculations on complicated gas-turbine circuits it is not possible to give a single algorithm for calculation by this method. A procedure for calculating optimum parametprs of a gas-turbine set on an electronic computer type "Sp,IJI 11 ('Urals) is proposed. Simple checking of the values of the calculated costs in a region bounded by limits of alteration Card 1/2 Calculation on a computer of S/196/62/000/016/olo/oll E194/E155 of the independent variables is easiest. The programme is such that the machine does not check the entire region but proceeds from the initial arbitrarily selected point and ceases calculation when the minimum value of the function has been reached. The computer is 200 - 500 times quicker than a slide rule-and is considerably more accurate. 3 references. LAbstractor's note: Complete translation.,' Card 2/2 a/ -63/000/002/011/012 4052/A126 MTHQR i P&A41 -.I Caloulation of optimum parameters ofa gas turbine unit-on TITLH an electronic oomputer-, PERIODICALs :,RdferativVy: zhuxnal Otdelfn.*y vypusk. 49. Turbostroyeniyep~ no* '2_~ 19153 16 abstract 249094- (lzv'. AN.KazSSR. Bar. 0), no energe 02 (20 0 1961'#7 14t summary in Kaz.). TEXTt Optimum parameters of a gas;turbine unii; are determined on the basis of fuel, costs, and the number of hours of unit operation. Mathe- i matically it ioreduoed to.the determination of the minimum of the functi on repretsenting the sum total ofoperating costs of and investments in the turbine unit., In concrete termap this necessitates a solution of a aysten of noa-linear high-power equations. This system can be solved by the nothot. of su,xessive approximations. To speed up calculations the "Ural" type elect:ronic computer was used. The calculation of optimum parameters vas oarried out in the range modification of the product of fuel cost by the number of working hours from 10 to 500t and the optimum parameters of the Card ','Am W Nii 11, No Ma' '~-'KMDA N 3/285 63/000/002pll/012 Calculation of optimum parameters- of s, A052YA126 gas turbine unit were computed in 14 Points Of the range. For computing a point the computor used 1-5 3 min inatead'of 10 - 12 hours when using a'slid.e rule. The total duration of calculations on the computor was 4-5 hours; in this time 126 function minima were determined. As a rasult of the calculations curves were obtWned dhich enabled one to determLne the dependence of optimum (with an allowance for investments) values of com- preaBion and regeneration ratio on the product of fuel cost by tho number .of working hours for a single-shaft gas turbine unit with regenerator and intermediate air cooling, 1. Barskiy [Abstraoter's notes: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 ACGESSION NR: AP4039251 S/0032/64/030/006/0675/0675 AUTHORS3 Abramov, V. N,; Fisak .TI'MEs Gas chromatography method for analyzing combustion produots of a methane .air mixture ,SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, ve 30, no. 6. 1964, 675 TAGS: methane air mixturea*combustion product, gas chromatography,, chromatograph GSTL 3., silica gel Sh%,, activated carbon AG 5., activated carbon MTH D, vacuum pump RVX 20, recording apparatus Epp 09 'ABSTRACT: The chromatograph GSTL-3 was altered (see Fig. 1 on the Enclosure) for analyzing combustion products of a 1% methane-air mixture. The alterations were introduced because of the difficulties of separating and detecting the gases with previously available apparatus. A tube 5.5 mm, in diameter, 320 cm, long, is filled ~withaillca gel ShSK (0*25-0*50 mm grain) which absorbs carbonic acid gas. AnotHer tube,, 5 mn in diameter, 80 cm. long,, and filled with activated carbon of either AG-S or SKTM-D brand (0-25-0.0 mm grain) absorbs the 4ombustible components. The ~apparatus is calibrated by analyzing gues of knom compositions, In operation Card ft tvt 00 ACCFMION NRa AP4039251 -two Buglers are filled with the mixture to be analyzed. The first step consists of conneeting one sampler and turning t;he cook so as to determine the concentration of carbonic acid gas, Next, the other sampler is connected, and the cock is turned so as to permit the determination of the combustible components. Apparatus ZPP-09 .is used to record the dateotor'signalso The entire process tak < 3 minutes and produces results accurate to 1.5-2.4, Gas amounts down to IM Fmy be deterir&ned. ,Orig. art. bast 1 diagram. ASSOCIATION: Institut Akademii nauk KazSSR- (Inatitute of Power ~Engineering., Acadeqr of Scieweep"XSSR) DAT -!SUBMTED: 00 Z AGQt 18Jun64 MCLs ox WB 0004 GC*13 SO MW BOV I M OTM i OW Card 21a .7 k q p 0 Map Xu.S.; IVANGVO N,N,; FISAKI V.K.; ZAGAYNM, Yu.V. Vaing the natuial field method in searching for and small scale mapping of pyritized zones and graphitized rocks* Uch.zaPGIGU no.303:226-233 162. ~ Offlik 15:11) .(nectric Prospecting) APre deposits) FISANOV9 I.A.0 inzh. Special features in the repair of a Kingsbery-type bearing. Energetik 13 no,1:22-23 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) F L.- A IN G, f-F.-N.2 Devlce for boring holes in r'gici couplings. Energetik 13 r :1,13 L3 2 ~, g 165. . (MA 18:9) FISANOV, V. F. Cand Tech Sci - (,diss) "Study of the problem of increasing effi- ciency of panel Z ano~ryyt7 machines." Alma-Ata, 1961. 18 pp- with diagrams; (Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR, Inst of Power5; 160 copies; price not given; (KL, '7-61 sup, 248) law ~I 17' MW M A FISANOV, V.F. Problem concerning the increase in the efficiency of Ateam .engines. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR, Sere energ, no,2:69-74 161. (MIM 11~: 12) (Steam engines) Patho-physiological and patho-morphological factors in cerebral coneussion..Sovet. mod. no* 12:12-14 Dec. 1951, lo Professor* 2, Novg orod, PPP, Vft v0 V. 1-. 10 0 00 to ;A 4 0 VA V6 0 tA 9-1 Vi 0 009, 0 cv V6 0 a 0,9 N, 0 e 0 Od 0 lp 'po 0 4p A 0 0 V v 0 9. Ise, la CD dL. 0 0 e 0 i4 _iA % C, .0 i6 0 09 id 0 0 ee. V, - e-, it 0 0 e O,A 0 0 91 C, C, 0 % 0 0 0 :Lo .4 SP vi0 V. CIC0 c~ v4 Vd 0 91 % Z, 0 0 vAb Z4 0 e. 0 j)^ 0 ~? ova VA CA e 0 o Ov4 - ld ~ p "' I V., jA� 0 0 0 0 91 id 0 0 it 0 -P ;?- d d lp 0 ?A 4~ 0;?- ;?- Y"- er 0 9~ 0 vo cl it FLSANOVICH. A.L.. professor (Novgorod) Possibility of intracranial, hypotension in the acute stage of closed cerebral trauma. Yop.astrokhir. 20 no.2:17-21 Mr-Ap 156. (BR&11# wounds and Injo (MLRA 9:7) closed. LatracranI&I hypotension in) (W(XMS AND IWMIBS brain. intracranial hypoteasion in close Inj.) -~, " ~. r ~ ~.A- 4 - . . i- . , . . I . '~. j , - . A. L. . prof ws n.~, , ~ -o, . , oi-ilova~mys 11' Qrganizational &.W el%,-~-E; in tho wor~ll- of . - l1wi- . .1 .1 z:n1r. 71.3 '1-7. (~!", 10.-q) i7.nm-j--Aca-rlow. caused '~~y nur-,oonl' 0,12)) Z/009/60/000/03/00'--1/028 E112/E253 AUTHORS-. Matrka, M., NavZLatil, F., and Fi*sar, C TITLE-, Polarograp ic Study of,Hydroxi7- r-ph nyl--methane Pye stuff s- .PERIODICAL.- Chemicky prumysll, 1960, Nr 3, pp 129-132 ABSTROT:! The autho 'rs present a detailed contribution to polaro- graphic1nvestigations of hydroxi-triphenyl-meth; dyestuffs. The literature mentions that the reduction on the dropping mercury electrode of trihydroxy-tri].-Ihenyl- methane Caurine) and ita substituonts, Pr6d'e-ecIn In two distinct mono-electronic waves. The authors offer the following electronic explanation: in mesomeric structure I, the dyestuff loses its quinone configuration ;,:.nd acquires a positive charge on the central carbon atom. Simultaneously oxygen acquires a negative charge, During reduction an electron is taken up by the central carbon atom, producing a free radical of structure II. In the second-phase an additional electron is taken up producing the unstable form III, having a lone pair of electrons with a negative charge. This is stabilised into the Card 1/4 anion of the leuco-base by acquiring a proton. The Z/009/60/000/03/,005/028 E112/E253 Polarographic Study ofEydroxi-triphenyl-utethane Dyestuffs two-step reduction is therefore explained by the existence of a free radicle. The authors have studied the polarographic behaviour under neutral, alkaline Emd acid conditions. The most characteristic two-ste- waves P ,were obtained in a neutral medium whereas acidic conditions suppressed it. Under alkaline conditions a not verv well developed one-step dielectronic mrave was obtained. The authors have established that basic dyestuffs, such as malachite green, show analogous V/ polarographic properties to aurine. Two independent mono-electronic waves were obtained under neutral. conditions. The authors have also established that the peak of the polarographic.waves depends to a high degree upon the quantity of ethanole used as a solvent. They conclude that a standard solution of aurine unde37goes a structural change, which manifest itself by decrease Card 2/4 of peak of wave, Z/009/60/000/03/005/028 E112/E253 Polaro,graphic Study of Hydroxi-triphenyl-methane Dyestuffs HO 0 OH Oc HO OcN h1t OH OH HO O~- HO,. H/0,-Oo 0-\ C +H~ ~o Oil IV v Card 3/4 Z/009/60/000/03AQ5/028 E112/E257-1 -Polarographic Study of Hydroxi-triphenyl-methane Dyestuffs There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 2 English.' 2Czech and 1 Swedish, ASSOCIATION: zkumn7 ustav organick~ch syntez, Pardubice--Rybitvl' VY (Research Institute Jbr OrKanic Sygtheses. Pardubi,,De- Rybitvi) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1959 Card 4/4 FISARMA 1-1. FISAROVA VI) *Akutni encefalaVelitisakutni rostrousena sklerosa mozkonism'.. Acute disseminated ence'phalomyelitis - acute multiple sclerosis CAS.LEK.CES. 19153, 92/33-34 (915-920) Illus. 3 Description of It cases of an acute inflammtory disease in which signs of iaeningey2 irritation occurred, with bulbar aMtoraatology and flaccid paralysis that becam spastic Liter. In one case a multiple sclerosis could be diagnosed with certainty., but in the other 3 cases mither post-mortem findings nor the clinical evolution allmied a definite differential diagnosis, The differentiation between acate multiple sclerosis and disseminated encephalomyelitis is in miiny cases impossible. Both belong totie same. group -of derwjelinating diseases. Henner - Prague SO: EXCIMEPTA MICA, Section 8, Vol. 7j, 11o.5, May 1954 MOM, M., Asit.Dr. HRDLrcrA. V.. Dr Complications of cerebral arteriograp1q. Nour.psychlat.cesk. 28 no.2:137-144 Mar'55. 1. Isekarsks, fakiAta Karlovy university - pobocka Y Plznt Neuro- logicka klinilia, prednosts, ~rof. Dr Vaclav Pit'ha. (BRAIN, blood s*ly, arteriorgisipby, compl.) (ANGIOGRAM, cerebral arteriograpby. com~l.) FISAROVA, Marie Maln tumor--a without topical findings. Gas. lak. ceek. 96 no.47:1471- 3.473 22 Nov 57-' 1. Nervova klinika Karlovy university v Plznio prodaosta prof, Dr Vaclav Pitha. -M.7., Plzen, neurolog, klinika. (13BAIN NBOPIASMS, diag. -absence of topical findings (02)) t A BGMMMOVA, R., Dr.; IPISAROVA, H., Dr.--- Subarachnoid hemorrhage.,Cesk. neur. 20 no*61373-379 Nov 57, I Neurologicka kliniks, lekarske fakult7 KU v Plzni, prednosta, prof. Mr V. Pitba. R. 19. K., Plzen-Doubravka, MohYlova 70. (SUBAPACIOID H3MOTMMGI. case reports diag. & progn. (Oz)) Jan 59 238. DIFFERENTIATION OF SCHILDER'S DISEASE AND SUBACUTE INCLUS- ION ENCEPHALITIS - DiferenciSW diagnosa mezi nemod Schilderovou a subakutnt encefalitidou a inkluserni - F' d hl. andSchwartzova 4r"v 111, Kv, -Neurol. Klin.. 21/3(202-206) The following criteria are given: (1) A quantitative difference of involvement of motor function with a preponderance of extrapyramidal symptomatology in subacute inclusion encephalitis and a preponderance of pyramidal symplomatology in Schilder's disease. (2) Massive mental disintegration at the very onset of sub- acute inclusion encephalitis and merely slight impairment of mental activity at Ine beginning of Schilder's disease. deteriorating later. (3) A pronounced left aided (colloidal) curve in the CSF in subacute encephalitis. an unspecific or even normal fluid in Schilder's disease. (4) Typical periodical pathological activity in the EEG in subacute inclusion encephalitis and diffuse non-specific dys;hythmia in Schilder's disease. (5) Findings in the fundus of the eye are not reliable criteria. POTAK, 0. MAROVA X SCHVARTZOVA, K. Abdominal eptlepoy.,Geek. pediat. .14 no.4.*293-302 5"AlIr 1.11eurologicica klinika v Plzni, prednosta prof. dr. Ve Fiths. 0.P., Plzen. Nadrazni 4/11.p. (SPILVSY, case reports, abapm. epilepsy (Gs)) (ABDONN, die, same (0s)) FISAROVA. Marie B.0-called comatose encephalitis. Acts Universitatis Gax-olinae - Medica 6:311-:350 1939. 1. Ifeurologicka klinika fakulty vaeobeoneho lekarstvi University Urlovy as sidlem v Plzni, prednosta prof. dr. Vaclav Pitha. (ENCEPITALITIS,campl.) (COM, stiol.) ~"SAROVA) Marie; NESNIDALOYA) Ruzena An, unusual course of e Phm~IOW03JUo. Cesk. pediat. 16 706 708 . Jl-,Ag- 16.1. I.PoUrologicka A Poychlatricka klinika Pradnosta prof. MUDr. Vaclav Pitha, prof Iekarake fakulty KU-v F2zni MUDr. Lvzen Vencovsky. (ENCEPRALOffMTIS in Inf & child) JkNEK, A. j FISAROVA M _ Pulmonary embolism with the picture of acute cerebral accident. Acta univ. carol. [Med] Suppl. 1507-83 161. .1. Klinika chorob vnitrnich (prednosta prof. dr. K. Bobek) a klinika chorob nervovych (prednosta prof. dr. V. Pitha) lekarske faJaAty University Karlovy so sidlem v Pizni. (PULMONARY EMBOLISM diag) (CEREBFOVASCULAR DISORDEMS diag) FISAROVA, M.; MACHULA, Fr.; SOLO, J. Neurological sequelas of severe diarrheas in infants, Cask, pediat, 17 no.lOt874-880 0 162. 1. Neurologiaka klikika lekarske fakulty Karlovy university v Plzni, prodnosta prof. dr. V. Pitha Detaka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy university v Plzhi, prednosta doo. dr. J. Lukes. (DIARRMA MWITILE) (PARaYSIS) (HYDROC.;:PHALUS) FIALA, Vaclavj FISAROVA, Marie -,- Social consequences of early cerebral palsy in children. Plzen. lek. sborn. 2363-70 *64 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty University KarIcery so sidlem v Plzni (prednosta t prof. KUDr. E. Vencovsky, DrSa'); neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty University Karlo jji~ "I sidlem v Plzni (prednostat doe. MUDr. E. Klimkova, CSO. - Acc mR, SOURCE CODE. CZ/0082/65/000/004/0285/0P93 AUTHOR: Se hwartzova., K.; Fluarova, H. ORG.0 NeurologicallClinicj, Medical Faculty, Charles University, Plzen (Vouralogicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU) TITLE: Electroclinical findiligs in patients after subarachnoid hemorrhage SOURCF: Ceskoslovenska neurologie, no- 4,, 19650 285-293 TOPIC TAGS:., circulatory system disease, electroencephalography, clinical. medicine# nervous system disease ABSTRACT: 65 cases of.subarachnoit'i 'hemorrhage vi re xamined I to 13.year~~after the occurrence. In 5 castis of,operated aneurysms of the carotid artery and its branches more serious findings~were made than in 10 unoperatedl cases. The EEG and-clinical findings In 50 cases of hemorrhage of an unkmown origin were the same a3 those in unoperated an-- ourisms. Focal changes in the EEG frequently persist for sevoral years after the hemorrhagepportioularl7 in older patients. The basic rhythm in the EEG is usually disturbed In cases combined with a:rteriosolerosis. E19G.-is a more sensitive indicato.r of brain &mia-g"a than clinical findings. Orig. art. has., 5 figures, [JPRS] SUB CODE: 96 SUBM DATE. 20Apr64 ORIG Rat 001 ON REF: 013 Card 7~ 011- kwa~ftq W so I IMMA FISAROVA,,M,,dr.j SCH,WARTZOVAO K,j SOLCj J. EEG findings following aette poisoning in children. Cesk. pedint. 20 no,9029-830 S 165. 1. Neurologicka a detaks. klinika Lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Plzni. Submitted February 2, 1965. CZECHOSLOVAKIA .-FISAROVAp 14~j Neuroloaical Clinic, Medical Faculty, Charles Univ- ers -t1leurologicka Klinika Lek. Fak. KU), Plzen, Chief (Pred- nosta) Docent Dr E. KLIT-MOVA - DEUTSCHOVA. "Work of Adolescents in Noisy Surroundings." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Veurolof~ie, Vol 29., No 6, 11ov 6E'~, pp 396 - 401 Abstract juthor's English summary modified 7: 163 apprentices aged 15 to 19 were examined at the Skoda works at Plzen. All worked for 1 to 3 years as blacksmiths or fitLers. The level of noise varied between 80 and 100 dB. The youths cot-nplained of fatigue, headaches, dizzineesand other neurotic symptoms. Increased perspiration, cyanosis, tremor, ataxia, vestibular signs, asymetrical reflexes, and disturbances of hearing were diagnosed. In fitters the effect of the noise was coupled with the influence of toxic substances. The patients must be examined periodically to,prevent damage to the CNS- 3 Tables.. 17 West- ern, 15 Czech, 2 Russian references. (Manuscript recei-red 17 1/1 May 66). CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616,24-003.65-057:(622):616-745~-073-97 KLIMKOVA-DEUTSCHOVA, Eliska; SY1TEK, Vladimir; FISARO r1e; KROFTA, Vaclav; JANKOVA, Jarmila; Neurological-VI-Inic ~.a~. Charles University (Neurologicka Klinika Lek. Fak. KUi, Plzen, Chief (Prednostka) Docent Dr E. KLIP1KOVA-DE7JTSC1!0VA; Department of Oocupational Diseases, State Faculty Hospital (Oddelani pro Choroby z Povolani Statni Pakultni Nemocnice), Plzen, Chief (Pred- nosta) Dr F. HUZL. "Importance of Polyelectromyographic Examination of the Respirat- ory Muscles in Patients Suffering from Miner's Silicosis and Pneu- moconioses." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 19, No 2, 1,11ar 67, PP 49 51 Abstract juthors, E~nglish sum-nary modified_7: 50 patients in var- ious SE-ages of silicosis were examined polyelectromyographically, The findings were compared to X-ray photographs and'to the vital lung.capacity. In Fhe stage of dust stiamatization and reticula- tionAthe finding of normal and increased activity of the respirat- ory muscles prevail; high rate of decreased activity of these and an increased activity of auxiliary muscles are found in simple and 1~ FISCHBEIN 1" HANGEA, N.; POPESCU, L; RADuLEscu, L.; TURGANU -ZZZ4~ P E. ; ZAMFIR , L? I Importance of models in the underetanding of electricity bit pupils. Rev Psiho-logie 9 no.3:353-385 163. FISCH~tBE~~N. , ; PAMPU J, F.; BADOI Al. , ~ ~~_! Utilization of some memorization activities in the frame of mixed tests for fatigue determination. Rev psihologie 10 no. 2: 105-114 164o FISCHBEIN, E.j LIVEZEANU, M.j RADU, V.; MNZAT, I. Research regarding ranged teaching of geometry, object stag,,. Rev psihologle 10 n0.31220,.242 164. 1. Institute of Psychology of the Rumanian Academy, Bucharest. FISCHBEINP ~E. 4Speeah and thought in B. Hermelin. Reviewed no.4s345-346 164. severe subnormality" by N. OConnor, by E. Fischbein. Rev psihologie 10 711 N SO IME it, till, ;qtd jlu~Aivl Oro, 11w Specific Ilitni'apan t Aiki'd' Ins, J, ljlaylli~ jiltol!y tilt Civil mt I $qfI 77777777 OW0.4 Country :IM41"Ll. IT catogory :Ollemioz-a (P;l.rt 4). a4c~ rop -iont of Text"le Mate- in- snd C 11~ ei 1~ ]Y,,,r r Abs, jour. I'Lef Lqnir-1-2iim, 191-"~, 'No 7, 25890 -!Ials Author Radulencu, S.; Eckardt, A.; Fischer, A.;* Institut. Titlo Production of Plush by the Electrostatic ~rocass OriG Pub, II-a Conef. telin.-stUrit. a ind. usoare. 'j?extije. (Bucuresti)j ASITT, 19,571 262-267 Abstract A method was developed and -Uic equipment con- structed. for the production of plush fabrice b7 means of impregnating, the backing with an adhe- sive substance and applying the fibers, often- tated by means of an electrostatic fiold, per- pondioularly to the surface of the backi-p;. T,Lle quipment consists of a machine for cuttiiig the Chircoias, G.; Hanolescu, D.; Iknaan, V.; Hulea, 1. Card: 1/3 country :11~ Catogory= :Chemical Technology. Chemical Products (Part 4.). Dyeing and Mwmdcal Treatment of Textile Matervile. Abe Jour*, :I;jef Zhur MAm. No 7., 1959, No 258W ut'laor, k A Inst Wit Titlo ,origi, Pub. Abstruot r..fIbersp-.:,an aggrogato,for electrostatic applica- tion of - Cie fibers, of tho cloaning brush, to I the baok:Lng$ and~a vulcanization chazeber.' Tho length of,tho fibers~i.-,0.2-b-5 irm. fur,.Velours and 0.5-1 Mm. for plu;ih. The moisture of the"fibors' at which their electrical conductivity it, highest is 12-13,v". To increase tho eloctrical conduati- vity, the fibnrs are treated before cutt'Lng, du- ring the prooess of dyeing, with h7groscopic; salts, avoidine the application of fat-containing Card:, 2/3 h`4Z POLAND-IJUNGARY FISCHER, Anto n,-Second Clinic of Internal Diseases, 'Medical Academy in Budapert (Hungary) (Director; Prof* Dre P., GOMORI) [Original version not given) [Translated by "Vadeuss FARYNA, Dr. wed. (Affiliation not givell)] "Studies on the Function of the Tubules of the Normal and Pathologically Changed Kidnoy.11 Warsaw Polski ~Xgodnik Lekarski, Vol 18,,Ko 19-20, 4-13 May 63: PP 693-b97. Abstract; [Author's English summary] Author studied the function of the kidney using renal clearances. He d:is- cusses the regulation of re-absorption, the active eaccre- tion of various substances through the tubular calls of persons with chronic renal 'failure, and notes recent news' and his opinion concerning isostenuria. 7here are 1;5 re- ferences, of which seven (7) are by the author and cc- ivorkers in Hungarian and foreign periodicals, two (2) are to Hungarian, one to.a German, and five (3) are to B-iglish sources, J - - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - -) I , . ~ . , . .~14- ~ A laik~lo - .-I.L .-A 4.~ k.WN -.- i,t A.4- ~4 V%,O~ A~JL L U~ -4 V, EX ntal inve3tigations into tha toxicity of trinitrotoll-tol 0--vosi Hetllap 1948. .9,perixie 5 (74-77) Tablas 2 Rqbb4ts and rats were treated orally for two months with 0.2 Gm per kg, and dogs with 0.5 Gwt of trinitrotoluol daily during one month. As a result the excretion of urobIlinogen in the urine Increased considerably. The albLnin-blobulin ratio decreased. The Takatar raction was sometimes positive. The capacity of the re tic ulo-e ndothelial system to six I per cent congo-red solution (2 ml/kg) wis decreased. The c-oncentration of bilirubin in the sermn did not increase. In the urine no billrubin was demonstrable. No change occurred in the osmotic resistance of the erythrocytes. Histojoizical examination revealed ilegular and characteristic changes in the liver, spleian and heart. Jeney - DebN-cen SO: Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Section II, Vol. 2, No. 1,5 V Is l )9 It 11 id is j A* JV At 0 V Al m a a 10 it 4:0* 0 is it it w 1) 1, AIf 0 1 0 10 11- it" a it I.-I-A x A-L" -WAX'W V 11 1 A 00 4 -mm In Suffstdal item laftmamilwast. AUIA; lAiOm-EfIlAril fluntur. wool K'ki'dill 0,641 "1 '16, 49. tnetlu%l 4.( killpley 4 C.A. 34, 121y) Woos muclitioctl tot uAc In the Itulffich plimmueter with -4 Wsrunt 1111(cl. b-Y 41 -itfl. IM1111, (of N.ICI txIujAn"l V'Crying AnIM 0( IrYlol-11-Mll, It allimorot thal fill, fractimi I. mot unif1will 11181 .1 mixt, k4 2.1iffrivill frat-tien., UJIV.11111 -'( see All I- flacluns llpl& toy \;&Cl alld Irk' lively ilk illilmunt'llmy Ifim-aW4, -00 r4wirle %nifinc-lifilloill 1,114! 0,41 d.wev"I but 14.0 ilinbollf esmAillons w:t% (sound Iwt%irvu ~Ijmeuiatimj t.1te 09 4 J."'tefil Iliad. fly of 11'.11411 too 00 01, '1N-4- tile I,,,. lm 13, -1-1-11 too Iola. ..01.1 1 slog. I T lee Worm isill.11111milmy v.Ju" olivie film.. Ing. I 00 caws lif Umil btflaulluatitim mich as cyfiti'..lor iriji~' tile see 09 Vaiu" One and forti). 40111011111 too Al goo too too 02 Aiss-SLA .4tTALLUNGKAL LIMATtAt CLAWFKATION ION, ".0%, " 'i;- a.. 4-, Sell u a TV 1w "stock 31.v- ar to to 30 9 9 41 09 It It (fit 11111141411111 IfIll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 glo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 0 0 0 e a a P ilt D J~.989ILm- gas 100 4 04001149 Akv "CrINFICS SAIDIN Tbs role Of kidney tubules in p& 01w th Th i:1031,111st or ~Is-ru%is 11)"wol Atilluttl iluotiell Physiology of tubular somplion. jQ,tnjIjQ Itiltil, is 0.13~30_ A FWJW at" Re" -UaMP Hd~i A,,k. 2, fit WVMeCU_s 0.40-1.50 (nottittil , 005,-12). VrVA C/ 00 blvvsttgalk)nj were Illade vit vjl~aymlcr .11nIt'l Italli LN) tG;U) (ill Wvac cases 1-MM lwrukzll with thnimil kidney function; Willi detailvill an. 91"U'ri"dus filtfatn"' '-1? 11) 1-'1 LO Cv., Clicret", in 1 .00 00 Al AIYUN of (,ttx%l 'n'l Mille PailoWes, No connecliou Xiul,l -4 ptim I IV taul %kAtrt LlI 40(40 Ml)~ anti 1.4 (4 -1101)) 00 Iw ulm""M talk' Of IT10111t6sts And it". wt. t4 ft A 'Jukk clillivill rvalls,416,111 ilia plimphate hsml ~00 vitctioti index Weill to tie most alt-Aluble. values Itil"(411-11; e.g.. tlr%titw of high luol. wt. was res"bcd anT."v t'"Otc &190819ly flull Sit tw At with low UW1. wt. Ljoad alx)vr 40% shaming ~rvrre it" insufficiencies. 17 1*0 ftlvnrcs. 111, Meet of diuretics an tlk* tubular fuse- -00 %eTV r1l'Alk with water. Urva. CaCIV, and Rejj,,, Nyd,z. JbiJ. IV* 41 Nall,po'. t 1111 0.--(1) Fifty ce 40" Thr cit-ar.,inve of I fir Inve4tipteil substaurrs was in t he caAe 43011 thcvphylk~e aj of olvilial 41,14 ill a dirml projsortlon 11) ilia r llexit-Ke. (2) 10 (r, purilic tiveiv., hanges In ill n,s%,n9jIr (,sit igrot voillit 11%). ant$ (4) nov. ISIA'Stv, glollIC4111*1 1111t.4tr Mill C141TI(oll little%. 111vtVAM A Willi jWr0r;jl Nll,Cl vrefe In- no* of tlwtlvl wilm lilt ir'll V Will tillort ml Ill Aj 4n,l little si Iri raw to walet 14 jlj~-Clrtl; thell blikid dl)d ulint SAmpli!S were CA ItAW. T4% wis attWin Ili eisc of huds with uIra, Cl tint a &fight dittresis. :1 and 4 I and 2 and phutillhate. where increa" extiction ~took liLce V high milk, C1 Wine through tubules with a dimin6licil truirption. Kidneys O"Ir approx. I'lenth-al ill C.111,41g vrt: is a 11 to 14 tinles liormal), Sit'sultant- 0 00 :0 w ~"111 to fltlfil their 01)'Siol. task by repLating Wth sknu. 1 cxcytlcd ' 11" . (up f-crulai filtratiass anti (otpular resorptitm. Irefercum. fit water derfraw The of oully the tulathir resurpth'a U. Pathology of tubular function. K4mHl6 Sellel anti Urm excretion little% griscrilly 'Itil'Ard a slow and4rAduAl 0% 149-M.-131cmucrulus filtrate and urtu decrease; that t4clintreawd. I .his is plaitled by a 1. i CICAMMM llixhtty diminished in domimpenslited heart dimit'llbed resorption of Cl fit Ult diurcii:s- di-raws ant) its hylwrtonkl, NoAtinorlinsfitia,muldbeoll. I i nepiro4s. Kidney 113sufrwitncy muled lly~ P~W Al %.A..,% I A OCIALLUM KAL Alle"lliat 41 Q.V OVA 614111 OK 0"1 All U a V 'A on I S I tw 0 so I U It AV 00 All' 1, it it It K Of I got 000 ****see 411 690 411 0 0 0 0 go ZjaQjj.~& A., G;,"Ro j., ROZ5iW1EGYI L and SELLE-1 C. Budapesti Pa7many Peter Tudomnayegyetem IIsz. Belklinikajanak es Weiss Manfred Acel-es Femmuvek NV. Uzemor-vosi Rendelojenek Kozlemenye. Munkaartalmak pathogenesise es megelozese. L A hamunka korelettana. Pathogene, sis and prevention of occupational diseases Orvosi Hetilap, Budapest 1949, 90/15 (452-456 Tables 5 The water and salt balance was invontignted In labourorn workitig at, high tempera- tures, whilo cleamnad values were taken into account. An increase in the protein content of the blood was observed in all cases, while the haematocrit values of the blood showed a less constant increase, resulting from the thickening of the blood. 'The chloride content of the blood had not increased. A protective high salt diet should be administered. The salt depletion can be counteracted during the heaviest work at high temperatures by the administration of 6-7 g/ pf NAC1 to 500-1,000 ml. V7.tar. Fejes - Budape3t (IV, 6) So: Medical Microbiology. and Hygiene, Section IV, Vol 3,11o 1-6 FISCM, A. GXRO, S.; ROZSAHWfI, I.; SILLM. 0. %twX#WAk"V" Pathogenesis and prevention of occupational diseases. 111. Affect of vork in conditions of extreme heat upon the locomotor apparatus$ Ombetils.91, uo'032082-985 6 Aug 50, (MXL 20:5) 1, -Second Internal Clinic (Director-Dr.Professor Is" Uyns~t), Budapest University and Katy&# Ukooi Steel and Ketal'bargicaa it-, ternational ftir P3Ant Dispensary (Ilead Pbys1ci&n-4*#1stv&h Rot- saheg7i). nSGIM Ao A of or cancer diagweig orwo hatiles *Zp* 9244 17 jum 51 po 160-5o Io Prof. Niotor, 2, Second Imtutml Clinic (Directov-Prof, Dro Due ltqml)p Bwbpwt Medical Vuivmviy,, 071-M VoL 200 If*. 20 Oct 1951 YMCM, A.;SZLINI, G.;WNISZ. R. --w Overload clearanc* toots In norml and pathological kidwry fawtion, Orv. hot1l, 93 no* 12t3"-355 23 Mar 1932. (GIAL 23:3) 1. Doctors.- 2. Stoozi Internal Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Im Haymal), Budepost Kedical University. VISGHJW. A.; WILTM, W. - The significance of colloid tests In liver diseases. Orv. botil. 93 no. 45sl286-L?89 9 Nov 1952. - (CLKL 24:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Second Internal Clink (Director -- Prof. Dr. Iwo Haynal), Budmp*at Medical University, I I Pisa Theory and.practice In usdical ecienoe. Ther. hung. no.4:3-11? 1953. md.. &;Wlloation In practios) (ODICIU practlad agplication of reamrch findings) FISOMIR, A. *MWANWARO"' Patho-physiology of the liver. Orv. hatil. 94 no.11:282-2511 15 Mar 1953. (OLML 24:4) (Director Gomori), 1. Doctor. 2..Third Internal Clinic - Prof. Dr. Pal %dapast Medioal University. PISCHER, Antal,, dr.; WIIMM, Willibald, dr. study on carbobydrate metabolim in liver injury. Orr. holdl. 95 r.o.36:982-985 5 Sept 54s is' -A Budeposti Oryostudownyi Igyetm Ill. oz. Balklinikajanak (igasgato: Gomori Pal dr. egyatemi tanar) koslemarve. (LIM, dim. carbobydrate metabs in) (CARBOHYMATISp wistab. in liver die.) YISOMM, Antal.: XCROM-BWB, Sandorne. Iformaldebydegenic steroid determination. Kiserletes orvostwl- 7 no.1:96-98 Jan 53. 1. Budapemtl OrvostudomWl Bastm I'll. as. Balklinikaja. (SMOIDS, determination formadebrdogenic, deters.) FISCHER. Antal. dr. Serum proteins in hematological disordfirs. NW. be2orvotrch. 8 no.IM-25 Teb 55- 1. A Budapesti OrvostudomaiWi 3aetem III. sz. Belklini4janak (igazgato: dr. Gomori Pal agyatemi tanar) kozLemerqa. (BLOOD PROTEINStAstermination in various blood din. (Hun) (BLOOD, diseases determ. ok blood nroteins (Hun) BARAMI, Pal..; BLUHLNU, Miklos.; VISOHIR. Antal.; JAKLE, Miha]~,r.,; LARX, Gyorg7,; ROHYN, Belane. Comparative Investigations on norum and urine proteins in nophroeis. Haff. belory. arch. 8 no.2:48-54 Apr 55, 1. A Budapesti Orvoetudomanyi Bffetem. III. oz. Belklinikajaaak (igagg-ato: dr. Gomori Pal egyetemi tanar) a H.T. Akademia i4ereatechnikai Inteset Blektronmikroeskopiai Laboratoriumarak (vezato-.dr Gabe, Feranc) as as Orazagoe Blelmezestudomanyi Intezat (i;~zgato: dr. Tarjan Robert) kozlomenye. (NUIMOSIS, metabolism in. blood & urine proteins) (BLOW PRMSINS, in various diseases. nophrosis) (IMINE, proteins, in nephrosta) (PROTEINS, in urine. in nophromis) atal, dr.,; SZAGS04y, Andor, dr.,; VIRARTI, AndrEL"s d! Neural regulation of fUnCtion Of the kidney tubules. Wa. belory. arch. 8 no-2:25-35 Apr 55. 1. A Budapestl Orvostudomanyi 11gyatem III. as. BalklinikaJIL (i8Rx&tO: Gonori ftl dr. egyatemi tanar) as 111. oz. Sebeezati X11nikaja (igazgatot RubWi Pe.1 dr. egVetemi tanar) kotlemanye. (KIMYS, regulation by nervous system in dogs) (MVOUS SYSTM, PITS-iology, regulation of kidney funct. in dogs) FISCM, Antal; JAKAB, KihAly; ROHN, Belane Tkamination of proteins In serous effusions. Xagy. belorv. areb. 9 no.5:165-172 Oct 56, 1. A Budapeett Orwontudomanyt 31gyetom III. as. Balklinikajansk (Igasgato: Gosort. Pal, dr. effetemi tan4 kosiamenre. (I M ATIS AND TH M UDATIS serous effusions. protein deters. (Hun)) (PROTNINS. deters. In serous effusions (Hun)) 0 lid. wawo S'aw 57 '(*AIdaA:"tc 04 rd -~O'deteminatjcus of Icu"ttitiOTOW thO ,Xqc lqds'tlz~cau Kp: I ti ladcoe~dehtlk of t Ad he increase ftltciti'~n %W Of the: bud" imullatiow -ub-'11-2kr Vpuon. ard miud -lit llba.jaa OKI, Tlllbuia~j (ha ~'Xr ml k Wavy (without lt~hcvczis id: the d&qervated ~ it Was much leza. bis M'~ M'dM56t d1W tho proj-wml b, A,!C .0- tu f'$ -- rernams unc .mz hanged6d sidothe ryawd kf4-_,47' i x OA4 PO' 12LIL :I heAr';ic go bf" pq~t. tait'ary xxmd ill the; IM morjr~at I~jde..bjjt a dca~m~ted sided: The fria iary cowicquence or Idi"Int Moll, in: Ra rcibwt~xioa, Thm reductj~;Q in tir" are tecolldaly. It assumcd thit th $ad Of the kiditcys-reguhtes u,Li val. of the orglaisma X FISCHER, Antal, dr., Irta: ~-1~;.'%"--"*.; Serum proteins and protein tests. Orr. hatil. 97 no.lOt25',1-259 4 Mareb 56. 1. A Budaposti Oriostudomanyl, laotemi III. oz. Balklinikajanak (igasgato: Gomori. Pal dr. egyet. tanar) koslemanye. (BWOD PR6TUNS. deters. tests, diag. value (Hun)) FISCHMR, Antal, dr.; FORMS, Lilla., dr. Physiological significance of the portal circulation. Orv. hatil. 98 no.5-6:87-91 10 Fab 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomaryi Rgyetem III. as. Belklinikajanak (Igasgato: Gamort. Pal, dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemanye. (BLOOD CIRCULATION portal, role in detoxication activities of liver, exper. studies (Hun)) (VEINS, POBTAL SYSTM circ., role in detoxication activities of liver, exper. studies (Hun)) (LIVIR, Physiol. datoxication activities, role of portal circ., exper. studies.(Hun)) 7 EMR, bta6w~mws r&sz1o.,.ROHffY.,13elane-. Examination of various esterases In hepatitis. Yka. belory. arch. 10 ~o.1:24-29 7eb 157. 1. A budapeett OrvostudowarWi Iffetem 111. 9z. Belklialkajanak (ieAzgato: Gomori Pal dr. egyatemi tana ) as a budapesti Koz- egeasse,-,Wi es JarvanyWi Allomas (Igazgato: Xmpos Vilmos dr) Hepatitit Korhazi Osztalyanak (foorvos: Kurthy Inazlo dr.) Kozlemenye. (MTWMM, In blood In hepatitis (Run)) (HEPATITIS, blood in enteraee aotivity (Hun)) FISOMM, A,; JAW.; AOHNTO 4., Frau Pathological protein permeability. 1. Protein bodies of serous effusions. Acts. mad. hung, 11 no-3:373-379 1958. 1. 111. Hadizinisahe Klinik der Madizinischen Univeroitat, Budapest. (IXMTIIS AWTVANSUDONS protein content (Ger)) (PROTAIIAS, determ. . in wmdates & transudates (Ger)) 33MNUI, P.; ILOWN, M.; FISOHER, A.; JAKAB, M.; L&MM, G.; ROHNT, S. Q-4-~ ~-~ Pathological protein permeability. H. Urinary proteins in nephrosis. Acts wd. hung. 11 no-3:381-391 1958. 1. 111, Medizinische Ilinik der Medzinischen Universitat, 21ektronmikros- kopisches Iaboratorium der Uhgarischen Akademie der Wiesenschaften, und Institut fur Mr~ ~swiseensohaftp Budapest. (NAMOSIS, urine in .protein content (Ger)) (PRMIM, in urine in nephrosis (Ger)) Z" EXCERPTA YMPICA TOO Vol__149- Physiology Sept 59 3969, SUBSTRATE-SI'MrICITY AND ORIGIN OF SERUM ESTERASES - Sub- stratspez1fitAt und Uraprung der Serumesterasen - Fischer A. . Perdn- yi L. and Rohny S. fit. Med. Klin., Med. Univ., Budapest'- ACTA 'MED. ACAD. SCI. HUNG. 1958, 12/3-4(229-237)Tablea5 Determinations of activities of cholinesterase, procaine esterase, phenyl benzoate esterase and alkaline phosphatase of serum In the presence of 10 different inhibi tore showed differences In degree of inhibition, pleading against the Identity of these enzymes. The ratio of activities of liver and serum enzymes in the rat varied from 2-1 to 12-1 for the esterases in question, but the activity of a given enzyme in liver homogenate was always higher than its activity in serum. After poisoning with carbon tetrachloride the activity of alk. phosphatase rose in both liver and serum. whereas the other eaterases showed decrease of activity In varying degrees. The glutathione content of the liver remains unchanged even in severe CC14poison- ing. so that the decrease of eaterase of esterase activities cannot be ascribed to glutathione deficiency. Only alk. phosphatase and phenyl benzoate esterase are found inbile; the other esterases are not excreted in the bile. It is concluded that the esterases of serum are probably substrate -specific and originate from the liver. ~' L7,. ve 1. k FISGMM, A.; TAKAGS. L.; HOMAR, G. Parallel determination of arterial and portal circulation of the liver by the bromaulphalein method and with a rotameter. Acts, med. hung. 12 no.3-4:255-270 1958-. 1, 111. Nedisinteche Klinik der Nedisinischen Uhiversitat, Budapest. (LIM. blood supply circ., arterial & portal, daterm. with bromsulphalein & rotameter (Ger)) Y13UMBlis A*, FURUAUNt 4 ------ ft -------- The nhysiological significance of the portal circulation. Acta. physiole hung.. 13 no.4-,329-340 1958. 1. 111. Medizinische Klinik der Medizinischen Uhiversitat, Badapest, MINS, PORMLSYSTIM, phyaiologr funct. & significance of portal circ. (Gar)) FISCHBR, A.; )GVMUTOVA, J.; JOACHMSTRAMR, F.; SUKOP, T. Studies on muscular coordination and on its changes following exercise and fatigue in work andeathletic performance. Cask. fysiol. 8 no.3:187 Apr 59. 1. Vyzkmnny ustav telovychovny, Praha. Prednesene na III. fyziologickych dnoch v ]Brne dna 14. 1. 1959. (PHYSICAL MICTINCY, eff. of fatigue & work & athletic performance on musc. coordination (00) (ZMC ISA, off. on muse. coordination (0s)) 0. 16) Ex76ERPTA YEDICA See 5 Vol 12/7 General Path. Jilly 59 1924. PHYSIOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY OF THE LIVER - Physiologle und experimentelle Pathologie der Leber -.E.Ls c h e r A 111. Med. llniv.-Klin., Budapest - AKAD. KIAD6 (Budapest) 409-(T87 -pages) Graphs 14 Tables 5 Illus. 32 U. 'This monograph deals with the physiology and pathaphysiology of the liver, and gives a good review of the modern conceptions as regards its structure. anabolic and catabolic functions in the separate phases of intermediary metabolism, and of its circulatory dynamics. The enzymatic processes. and the metabolism of vitamins, hormones and foreign substances are each discussed In a separate chapter. Regeneration, nutritional pathology, experimental cirrhosis. and the problem of ascitem are gone into in detail. Personal experiments are not men- tioned, but the book in a valuable review and gives a synthesis of present-day knowledge. Mere are many references, nearly all to post-war articles up to the beginning of 19,58... -z N NXT gv IRDILYI4 ftbor~' FISCHIR, Antal; TAKAOSY-NAGY, Lorand; VARGA, Istvan Toxicity of organ extracts.and their thrombokinase activity. Kiserletes Orvostud. 11 no.5:511-522 0 159. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyl, Bastem III. as. Balklinikaja. (TISM MMUCTS toxicol) (XIHLSNS) HRMLY1. G.; FISCHHR, A- - M04LVN, Vilma, Oz.; TAXkCST-XLGT, L.; VARGht 1. vwr,%Wo4aam~~ Bxperimental studies on the pathogenesis of shock kidney. Is Tubular changes by the Injection of foreign proteins. Acta med.hung. 14. no-3:247-261 159. 1. 111. Medizinische XlInIk und Biochomiacbee Inatitut der Universitat, Biidapest. (XDUY DISMSES exper.) (ALLUGY exper.) YMNLYI, G.; FISCHER. A.; TAXACSY-NAGY, L.; VARG&, 1. fterlmental.mtudles on the pathogenesis of shock kidney,. U. Tubular changes after the Injectlon of kidne7 homogenatee and atreptococci. Acta med,1mugo 14 'AO-3:263-269 159. 1. 111. Hedizinische X11nik der Universitat Budapeat. 1XIMT DISFASES exper.) (ALLERGY exper.) XANG,X.; SZMLY,,J. w-~ Tubular function in chroniolrenal insufficiency. Acts, med. hun. 14 no.4:379-396 059. 1. 111, M.iizinische Ilinik der Mediiinischen Universitat,Budapast. (KIDMff DISAASIS physiol.-) YISCMIR, A.;KANTORIK, P. Acceleration of metabolic restoratid'A after physical work by means of cold stioulue applied daring work. II. Values of 002 and respiratory quotient. Geek. fyolol. 9 no.1:11-12 j& 6o. 1. Vyzka=y ustav telovychovny, Praha. (ZMTION) (RISPIR&TION physiol.) (COLD) FISCH=, A. Measurement of maximm oxygen requirements in human subjects by means of flow registration. Ceek.fysiol, 9 no.3:226 my 160. 1. Vyzkumny ustay telovychovnyl Praha. (RESPIRATION physiol) tl~ FISCMI As Dispersion of the critical flicker frequency as an independent functional characteristic of the optic analyzer, Caskofyotol. 9 no.3:227 My 160. .1. Vyzkiwiv ustav telovychovuy, Praha. (VISION TISTS) TAXACS,L.; MOLMR,G. Hepatic circulation in arterial hypoxia. Aota med.hung. 16 no.l: 61-74 16o. 1. 3rd Departmen t of Medicine (Director::P.Gomori), Medical University. Budapest. (ANQU exper) (LIVIR blood supply) EMLYI, G.; 7ISCHER, A.; SZ.RMWNN, V.; TAKAGSI-NAGY, L.; VARGA, I. Experimental data on the pathogenesis of shock kidneys. I. Ronal changes after the administration of beterogenous proteins. Magy. belorylari;hj13 no.5*.147-3-54,0 t6o. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Ill. oz. Belklinikajanak (igalgato: dr. Gomorl Pal egyetemi tanar) es Biochemiai Inteze- tenek (igazgato: dr. Sx.Hermaun V. egyetemi tanar) koalemenye. (ALLERGY exper) (KIDRETS pathol) TAKAOSI-NAGY, L.; VARGA, I. EIMLYI Experimental data on the pathogenesis of shook kidneys. II. Glo- merular changes under the influenae of renal hemogenates and streptococei. Magy. belorv.arch.13 ud-5:154-157 0160. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Egyetem III. oz. Belklinikajanak (igasgato: dr. Gomorl Pal egyetemi tanar) koslemenyo. (KIDNEYS pathol) (ALLERGY exper) (STREPTOCOCCAL IMGTIONS exper) . FISCM. Antal- Certain problems related to laboratory diagnosis. Orv.hetil. 101 no-50:1765-1769 11 B160. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Fogyatem, II. as. Belklinika. (DIAGNOSIS. MBORATORT) 1. -,.-?ISCHER Antal dr.- TER S, Erno, dr.; BONA, Atdras, dr. Considerations on humoral factors in liver degeneration. Orr, hatilq 102 no.2:66 8 Ja'61. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, II. as III. Belklinika. (LIVER DOWN etiol) FISCHER, Antal; LANGO E&t; SZENW, Tudit Canaljou3,ar function In chronic renal insufficiency. Hagy belorr. arch. 34 no.2;64-71 MY '61. 1. Budapesti Omotudomaqj Egygtem III Belklinikaia Ugazgato: dr. GaKori Pal egyetemi +Anar) (RIDNU DISUSE) FISCHER, A.; MOLNAR,, G.; TAKACSp L. Blood circulation and oxygen consumption bj the liver in experi- mental:cirrhosis in dgEa.- Acta med.himg. 17 no.1:3343 1. Il. medizinisIcho-Wini (Direktor: r.?of. Dr. P.Gomori) und III mediiinlbW* 11inik (loiter: doz. dr. S..Gero) der medizinischen verskeelt, Budapest. - (LIVBR CIRRHOSIS exper.) (OXYGEN metab.) FISCHER, A.; EGEDY, S.; SKOUlIK, J. Contribution to the pathmechanisms of hyposthenuria. Acts. mod. Hung. 18 no.2:197-212 162. 1. 11. Medizinische K3-inik (Vorstand: Prof. Dr. P. Gcmori) der MeclJzinischen Universitat, Budapest. (UR1213) FISCHER, Antal, oklevelea.mezogazdaBagi mernok The now House for Bisons in the Zoological Garden. Elovilag 8 no.3:49-50 MY-38 163. 1. Fovarosi Allat- es Novenykert Muszaki Dsztalyanak vezetoje, Budapest. HUNGARY FISCHER,_Antal, TAXACS, Lajos, VARGA, Istvan; Medical University of Budapest, --ITTM-edical Clinic (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, IL sz. Belklinika). "Investigation of the Intermediary Metabolism of Drugs by Means of Partial Hepatectomy.1' Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XV, No 5, Oct 63, pages 555-560. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian smwmry modified] Parallel toxicity tests have been conducted on rats with intact and partially extirpated livers, in order to determine the extent of the role the liver plays in the degra-' dation and excretion of various drugs. No difference has been found with some of the drugs investigated. On the other hand, doses of phenobarbital, urethane, chloralose, penthotal, pentobarbital, chlorpromazine, insulin, coffeine and theophylline were be much more toxic in the rats which were partially hepatectomized than in the control animals. This indicates the great importance of the liver in the intermediary metabolism of these drugs. No references. 1/1