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FIRSOVP V.D. (Michurinak, Tambovskoy oblasti, Gogulevskaya ui., d.57, kv.7) Open fracture and dislocation in the knee joint area. Orto~:., travm. I protez. 25 no.7:47-48 JI 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. 1z khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya Michurinskoy zheleznodorozhnoy bollnitsy (nachallnik - V.N.Korotkov). ZALITSGZBER, 0., kandidat meditainskikh nauk; NUSBAUM, D,, nauchW aotrudnik; FIRSOV.V.; MNETSOV, A,, master proizvodstvannogo o'bucheniya. Experience in the cooperation of science and practical work. Prof.-tekh.obr. 12 no.1:5-8 J 155. (MLRL 8:3) 1. Starshi3r nauchny7 sotrudnik instituts In. F.F.Iris- (for Zalltegeber~ 2*Starshi7 master remeelennogo uch3lehcha po melda- nizateii sel'skogo khosysystva Ho,14 (Mookovekays, oblaot') (for Pirsov). (Moscow--Technical education) :FIRSOV. V.. redalctor; YAKOVLIIVA, Ye., takhnicheokiy redaktor collective farm chairman; sketche a], Predeedat all kolkhoza; ocharki. [Koskya] XoskovskLi raboahit,'1956. 309 P. (MLRA 9:11), (Collective farms) FMSOV V "Stories of anairplane designer" by, A.IAkovlav. Reviewed b7 T-7irsov. IUn-tekh- 3 no-5151 MY 159. (bURA 12117) (Airplanes Design and construction) (Ikkovlev, A.) FIRSOV, V.9inz. Conden9bg 6quipwMt of heawp-difty steam turbines. Energetilca Cz 12 no.2t83-84 F 162. 'g;! M. W.M. III.` 131,--Y' 4"." '~ IMSOVI V. Rummade resonance relay. lUn.t,&kh, 7 no.2:59 F 163. (MML 16:4) (Electric relays) FIRSGVP VO . Radio waves -*~v.. -1 1 1 . S;~~ - Andre substituting for cord, Mn.tekh,, 7 no.2:40-44 F 163p (Models and mOds1making-Radio control systM) FI!~~V ~Pop.elok Usola Mariyakoy ASSR) Comparison of the chemical activity of various metals. Kh1m, v shkole 13 no.5:53 8-0 158. ()MA 11:9) (Xetals) FIRSOVI V4F4 Conference on controLling silicosis. Gor.zhur, no.5j78 My '162. (KRA 1621) 1. Predsedatell Krasnoyarskoy kryaevoy komUsii po borlbe a silikozom, (Mineral phthiBis) ~~, 1. - SHNCMM, F.A., inzh.; FIRSOV. V.V., inth. Year-round operation of the GITV-1,25 acetylene generator. Suggested by F.A.Shevchuk, V.P.Firsov. RatsJ izobr.predl.v strqi. no.13:107-109 159. (MIRA 13.6) - 1. Magnito orskoys montazhnoye upravlsn17s. Me welding and cutting) FIRSOV, rr. - . a,;"" State of oilicosis cmtrol in the minso of Mwnoyarok Terid. tm7, Top. bart o oil. v Sib. no,1&89-92 161 (MIRL16M) II .. ~ 4. USSR/Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical B-8 Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8; 1957, 261o2 Author A.N. Nesmeyanov, B.Z. Iofa, A.A. Strellnikov, V.G. Kj:C~ Title Measurement of Pressure of Saturated Vapors of~Solid Alloys by Method of Radioactive Indicators. Orig Pub Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 3o, No 6, 1250-1257 Abstrar-t The pressure of saturated vapors of solid Zn, Cd and Sb &aid of alloys corresponding by the chemical composition to SbZn M, Sb2Zn3 (1I)1 zn'.,As (III), and Cd3As2 (IV) was measured by Knudsen methou In go~iination with the method of taiged atom (the radioactive isotopes Sb124, zn65, cdl09, cd:*-u and As 7g were used). in accordance with the activity of the deposit on the cooled surface above the evaporator) the vapor pressure was calculated by the formula p (= of mercury column) - 17-14 -.T . VT/x St KV9', where: I is the activity of the deposit in im- pulses per min., obis the specific activity of the substance in impulses per min., 8 is the area of the diaphragm in sq. cm, t is the duration of the exposition in see., T is the Card 1/2 USSR/Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical B-8 Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Ehi-miya, uo 8, 1957, 26102 absolute temperature, M is the molecular weight of the sub- stance vapor, K is Klausing's factor. Following equations of the dependence of the vapor pressure on the temperature were found'. log p Sb (mm of mercury column) - -1058.6/T -t-uA4 (618 -7030K); log p Sb (80% Sb) = -9514-3/T -r 9.720 (624 7250K); log p, Sb k65% Sb) = -947.0/T + 9.695 (616 7150K); log P Sb (51% Sb) = -9350-3/T + 9.131 (623 7290K); log p Zn = - 7039/T + 9.265 (622 - 6650K); log p Zn (8o% zn) -7287.1/T + 9.398 (526 6330K); log P Zn (30% Zn) -8057-3/T + 9.834 (556 6580K); 1 9 P Zn (9-5~ Zn) -7874.8/T + 9.205 (570 6600K); F 0 gp cd ~ -5866-5/T-t- 8.748 (416 - 5640K); log P Cd3AB2 - -8292-5/T + 11.123 (511 - 6480K). Comparing the vapor pressure above pure components with that above their alloys, the conclusion was arrived at that I and II dissociated completely before evaporation in the solid phase and that a solid pseudosolution formed on the surface. III and IV do not probably diss9ciate even in the vapors. Card 2/2 At); .10 AUTHORt FIRSDV,V.G. PA - 2268 TITLZi An Intense a% - Source with Automatic Control (Interwivn" intoohnik a aytomatioheakim upravleniyemp Ru sian). PERIODICAL: Atomnaia Energiia, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 182 - 184 (U.S.S.R.). : Receivedl 3 / 1957 Revi wed, 5 / 1957 ABSTRACTe The present work descriVes an,-easy and simple construction of a Co 60 source with an activity of 1000 ourie. The illustrations at- taohed show the total and a sectional view of this device. The source consists of a hollow,.Qylinder of metallic cobalt which is mounted in a met*llic tube.~Whe cobalt is oovered-with a layer of pure aluminium. The samples are irradiated in an ampule-and can be raised and lo4ered by means of a reversible-eleotromotor. The Is ource was transported by means of a special container shown here. The work of the mechanism mounted in the device is controlled from a wiring circuit by means of an electric scheme. The geometric relations of the source chosen here facilitate a maximum utilization of e quantum fluxes. The intensity of the absorption of energy in a sample with a volume of 5 milliliters (which are mounted in the central part of the cylinder), in the case of measuring by means of a ferrosulphate dosimeter, amounted to 1,28.10 21 ev/liter.min or 365 roentgen/sea. Card 1/2 The field of e -radiation in the horizontal plans is very constant, An Intense e Source with Automatic Control. PA - 2268 but it decreases quickly in a vertical direction. A regulating do- vice facilitates similar working conditions on the occasion of different experiments. The operation-of this radiation source is not dangerous. In the case of covered samples dose output was lower than 0,01 micro roentgen/sea in all points of the work space. In the case of un- covered samples, however, a narrow bundle with a dose output of about 27 micro roentgen/aeo rises to the topq which, after passing through 15 omp decreases to OP05 micro roentgen/seo. he tempera- ture in the center of the souroe6 which was measured by means of a thermo-ooupleg amounts to 160 G with daily variations of not more than 10L. The temperature of the surrounding medium is, by the way, about 5 -.60 less. 3 illustrations). ASSOCIATION# Not given PRESENTED tYs SUBMITTEDs 9-7-1956 kVAILABLEs Library of Congress. Card 2/2 FIRSOV, V. G., ERSIMER, B. V. "Radiation Processes in Solutions of Tetravalent Uranium" p.60 Tr.W Tramutions of the TIM% Conferemw an RadiowtiOn Chezdfftry,, Wilcox, I7A-vO AN GWRs 1958- 33OPP- Conftmwe -25-w3D Jft=h 1957, Nbecow AMORS: Firsov, V.G. , Ershler, B.V. TITIX- The Radiation Oxidation of the Solutions of Quadrivalent Uranium (Raai.~,tsionnoye okisleniye mstvorov chetyrekhvalentmogo urana) PERIODICAL: Atowiaya Energiya, 1958, Vol- 4, Nr 4, PP- 344-348 (IJSSR) ABSTRACT: If a n'itrio acid solut~qn of quadrivalent uranium"is irmdiated with the r-rays of Co0Q in the cue of the d1ba" of 020 the oxidation yield .of U'4 is nearly 5,0. The solution is 3L 098NH2SO4-solution, the U'1*4 concentration amounting to about -100 mg equivalen4/1. The oxidation reaction of u+4 by H +-ionz was not observeds.not even if the acid con-tent of the solution is conisiderably in- he U+4 concentr areasea or if t +Ztion is reduoed. The yield becomes smaller with a reduction of U+ concentmtiou, mainly as a con- sequence of the recombination prooesis of the radice1s H and CH. From the experimental data it me poss1ble to aeriv.a the function- a]. connection betvmen 0 (oxidacion yield) and U+*- :For the three Cara 1/2 reactions H + OH, H + H and U+4 + OH also the velocity constants The Radiation Oxidation of the Solutions of 60-4-4 -*28 quadrivalent Uranium were determined. With an increase of U+4 ooncentraticna to more than 110 mg-equivalent/l, G was observed to decrease. This might be explained by r, reaction of U14 with the radical 3% Various xechaniams are investitatedt by means of whicli the umnyl ions might slow down U+ -oxidation. Proceeding from th .J!i point of view the ratio of the reaction velocities of U02 + + H and H +.H an well as the ratios U02 +2 + OH, H + OH and H + H were computed. There a-re 4 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references, I of which is Soviet. SUBMIT=: YMY 20, 1957 At4em9w - A*&v1Kovs-Wdation 2. Uranium solutions--Effects of radiation 3. Nitric acid--Chemical reactions 4. Gama rays --Chemical effects 5. Cobalt isotopes (Radioactive)--performance Card ?,/2 a AUTTIOR S: Erahlorq B. Vol Firsovj Vd Go 62-56-5-18/27 TITLE: On the Radiochemical Oxidation of Bivalent Iron in Aqueous Solutions (0 radiatsionno-khimicheskom okialenii dvukh-%,.;Llentnogo zhelaza v vodnykh rastvorakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Ak-ademii Nauk SSSR 0tdeleniye Khirnicheskikh Nauk, 19569 Nr 59 pp. 633 - 634 (U&SR) ABSTRACT: The unexpected acceleration of the oxidation of bivalent iron under the action of y-radiation (in the presence of dissolved oxygen) was describqd in previous reports. This process took place with an intensified concentration of Fe 2+ and of the H2so 4' HC1, H3PO 4-acid. The present report gives more accurate data with respect to the dependence of the velo- city of oxidation with bivalent iron iiL the presence of dissolved oxygen on the duration of effectiveness of the solution in contact with oxygen and the intensity of radiation. It was found that with small doses ( - ftIL: > MuBr > In - an for intvrest ir. the work and to 0. A. Vej,seaberg 5. .;. Gershteyn, Cor- S -- F Member AN SSSR V. 1. Goildanskiy, and C-. B. irks discussion." Orig. article h&st 2 figiLrtv, able. `~C !A'r 01 f: T. A& :nstii,xxte of .11 Institut teereticheskay i eksper ELi ".nd ?erLmeirtal Phyeics). 0' TM 1 17R7V9 -;qa T ENCLi 00 IM CODEI up lir REF 134-17t 0(* 07MI 005 GOLIDANSKIY, V.I.j FIP.SOVt- V.G.; SHOTARGVICH, V,P, Kffect of complex formation on reactions of pooitronium with inorganic lonow-KLn.i kat. 6 no-3064-365 W-Je 165. (MIRA, 18:10) 1, Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR I Thatitut teoreticheskoy i skoperimentalinoy fisiki AN SSSR, --D-IAAP- JD/JG-- W. AP6C06954 (A) SOURCE CODEt TIR/0381/'05/000/006/0041/00/,6 .AUT116RSt ghtan', A. S"j Chernobrovoy, S, V#; FlEs tovL V. G. Sullkin, A. Go. ORG: none TITIZ: Prd.blems in.rad iatio n defectoscOP7 ~~-SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, no. 6j JL965 p la-/ ..-TOPIC TAGS% gamma rav, X, ~radtomstrx exposure motor, stereoscopic photography RK-Y p fectoo Do defectosco o 7 E:i7i)10- Go Z'Mefectoscope,+ Wkffbefectoscope, IRA-1 C pulse device, IT-120., defectoscopei RUP-2 efectoscope, RUP-150 -10 de- 5 footoscope -BOO ABSTRACT: The automation and mechanization _problems in radiation dofectoscopic techniques are discussed in some detail, Among the more important problems in this area are those pertaining.'to control of feeding parts to the radiation area, to radiation of parts with programed'controlay to deireloplng,of film, and to doooding tho recorded informationi, The development of automatic gaimna-ray and x- ray exposure motors is considered to be of great importance in the Soviet countries* Stereoscopic photography applied to radiation defectoi3copy in another new develop- ment in the SG-.iot countries; it has the advantage of three-dimensional visualiza- tion of defects in the various parts under investigation. There seems to be a great need for improving the quality of auxiliary defectoscope equipment. in LCard-1/4 UDCt 620.179. *152 L 224o-4=.U L*WP(~)/EWT(U)/T ACC 0: Ap6oo679i SOURCE CODE: UiVO06/"/OO3/Ool/0003/oo04 AUTHOR: Dabayev, A, I*-, Balats-a Me Wasis V., G. 0. ; Obl*LYL -V Roganavo V. S. Firan V. 0. ORG: :Lnst~itute* 'o'-f'_Deqreti*sa mid bmeiriskental_n kay _9s (Institut teoratiches Mgi I eksperimantallnoy fisiki) TITLE; Objervution of atomic nuonivn In crystalline qqaftzk SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy I teoretichookoy Tiziki. Pis Ima Y redaktsiyu. Prilozheniyo, T- 3, no- 1, 1966j. 3-4 TOPIC TAGSt quartzj muon, positron, angular distributionp' spin, magnetic moment, relaxation process ABSTRACT., The asymmetry coefficient (cl) In the angular distribution of the posi- trons from the decay of mesons stopped in crystalline quartz at room temperature was measured in the meson bean of the O1T&I synchrocyclotron with the aid of,ap- paratus used to observe pt-sieson spin precession in a msgneti~ field. Four cycles of the sinusoidal precession ewrop with a frequency corresponding to the magnetic moment and spin of the t& sksoong wa-e trAced at t magnetic field Intensity 50.0 0-3 oe for ft6 psea after +#be stopping of the p moon in the target. The kayak- Card 1/2 L 2204-66 ACC Iffl: AF6006T91 ;metry coefficient corrected for the energy spectrum of the emitted positronap for the counter gecmtrys and for the beam polarization was equal t6 el - 0.065 1 0-00*6 (the total number of ~& mesons stopped in the target was 4 :k 101, and the product of the solid angle by the counter efficiency was -1/30). At a q'iegnetic field-in. -tensity 2.70 and 1.35 oe the obtained precession corresponded to the frequenc3r ;f revolution of atomic muonium with'exponentlaDy damped amplitude and with relaxa,- tion time 0-3--0-4 psec,. The experimental asymmetr7 coefficientp extrapolated to. zero tiraep was qa - 0.09--0#.13 without correction for the beam! polarization. A more detailes in*sstlgation of the precession of atomic muoniwa was hindered bV the presence of intensity modulationj, connected with the fine structure of the ac- celerator pulses Work on the iv"atigation of the phenomenon is being coutimed. MM CODS 1 20/ WJM MUs 03*wAS Card 2/2 41t) L 363L]_~L6 tT WV ACC -NR, Ap6o14026 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/ 05o/oo4/ AUTHOR: Babayev, A. I.; Balats, M. Ya.-. Wasishcheva, G.- G,., Obukhoy, Ku, V11 Firsov, V. G.; Roganov, V. S. ORG: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentailnoy fiziki) TITLE: Experimental investigation of chemical reactions of muonium H SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. ~, 1966, 877-889 TOPIC TAGGS: muonium, positron, angular distribution, magnetic field, chemical re- action, atomic muonium, positron distribution ABSTRACT: The asymmetry coefficients in the angular dis-~ribution of positrons, emitted in p-e-decays were measured for a number of compounds and their binary mix- tures. The rate constant for interaction between the atomic injonitun and matter were computed on the basis of the results obtained. The method of competing azceptors for parallel reactions was employed with the aim of raising the accursLcy of measure- ments and elucidating the mechanism of the processes. The dependences of the asymmetry coefficients on the magnetic field strength were measured for a number of compounds. The data were discussed within the framework of the chemical reactions with muonium. The authors express their thanks to Academicians A. I. A."ikhanov and ACC -NR: AP6014026 V. A. Lvnbimov for their support'and Interest in this wor*,,,, V. I. Volkoy for assistance with measurements, and A. M. Brodsko A., 0. VMsenberg, V,, I. Gol-dunsk, and L. N. Kondratlyev fo valuable comments and useful discussions. Orig. art.. has: 11 figures, 2 formulas, and 4 tables. [Based on authors' abstract.] (N SUB CODE: 20, 1l/ SUBM DATE. 01NOV65/ ORIG REF, 008/ OTH REF: .013 Card 2-5(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITkTION SOV/1592 Leningrad, Inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut Organizatsiya i planirovaniye revnomernoy raboty mashinostroitellnykh predpriyatly; Mezhvuzovskoye soveshchaniye. Doklady (Organization and Planning ofUniforn '. * Work i Machine-building Enterprises; Conference of Wzqz. Beya#*') ft0eqWJ'P*4bgft 10BAf (Series: Its: TnW79 vn-22) 41000 copies printed. P* Edo.: CA. Volkov and &G. Tatewsov,; Tech. Ed.: t.V. SokplaM,; Managing Ed. for Literature on chine-building Technology' (Mashgiz): Ye.P. Naumov,, Enidn er. PURPM: This collection of articles is intended for engineering and technical personnel in machine-building establishments, and for scientific workers and studentsof institutes and departments of engineering and economics. COVERAGE: This collection of articles contains reports by vorkers from vuzes'p scientific research institutes.. and industrial establishments presented at the conference of vuzes on the subject: "Organization and Planning of Uniform Operations in Machine-building Establishments." Threse reports discuss Seneral problems encountered in organization., anakysis,, and theory of uniform production, as well as problems in schedule planning, technical preparation.. and production specialization. Card l/ ~ 3 Organization and Planning of tbfform (Cont.) SOV/1392 TANZ OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Batell, E*A*y Professor, Doctor of Tbchnicpl Sciences (Moskovskiy inzhenero- ekonomicheskiy institat imeni Ordzhonikidze [ Moscov Institute of Engineering and Economics imeni Ordzhonikidze]). P3-ning of Technical Progress in Machine. 1xilding as a Prerequisite for Correct Organization of "Rhythmic" [Balsinced] Production 18 TiLtevosov., K.G., Docents Candidate of %tchnical Sciences (Leningradskly Inv n- erno-ekonomichaskiy institut lIeningrad Institute of Engineering and Econ- omics]). Studiea Under the hmMices of the Department of Organization and Plann"g at the Ieningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics in the Field of the Ukdformity of Production in Machine -building Plants 42 Ganshtak, V.I., Docent, Candidate of Economic Sciences, and I.A. HDzenberg, Docent, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Urallskiy Politekhnicheskiy Institut imeni 1(irova [Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni Kirov]). Some Problems in the Practice of Organizing Rhythmic Operations in the Machine-building Plants of the Urals 51 Card 2/ ~ 3 Organization and Planning of Uniform (cont. ) SOV/1392 Firsov, V-0. , Engineer (leningradskiy Kirovskly zavod) [Kirov Plant in Ienin- ctices in Planning Fftytbmic Production &t the KLrov Plant 59 X34 v, A.N., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and S.A. Sokolitsyn, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Leningrodskiy politakhnicheskiy institut imeni. Kalinina, [Inningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni. Y5011minD. Indices: of Rhythmic Work and Uaiformity in Product Output in Iot Machine Buildin 69 Datov., N.N., Engineer Gor'kovskiy Politakhnicheakiy institat [Gorlkiy Pbly- technical. Iustitute]~- Introduction of a Now Method of Calculating and ftgulating Lot Production in Establishments in Gorlkiy 78 fielidov, I.Ye., Docent, Candi4ate of TL-chnical Sciences (Moskovskiy enerset- ichaskiy institut [Moscow Power Engineering Institute]). Production MWthm and Utilization of Productive Capacity in Vachine-building Pl=ts Specializing in Individual and Small Lot Production (based on the Exuqae of Power Machinery-manufacturing Plants) 94 TAPkinjo LA. . Docent, Candidate of Economic Sciences, and V.A. Petrov, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ieningrad Institute of Ingineertng Card 3/ DOLITSKIY, N.I.; FIRSOV, V.G., inzh.p retsenzent [Technical and economic indices of the manufacture of stationary steam turbines] Tekhniko-ekonomicbeskie poka- zatell. proizvodstva statsionarrykh. parovykh turbin. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 303 p. (MIRAL 17:8) Category USSR/Sol~id State Physics - Structural crystallography E-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Irizika, No 1., 195T, No 1* Autho* r Gogoberifts.....D.B., niady'., VA., Yavorskiy, I.V. Title -11 Orig Pub Sb,- statey Leningr. in-ta tochnoy. mekkan. ioptiki, 1955, vyp. 18, P-4-39 Abstract Description of an x-ray gonibifiet6r representing an improvement over the pr6vious model RG-17. The,4&:%eteu~ of the cylindrical cassette is 80 m, the film dimensions are 160 x 200 m, the distance from the film.plane to the crystal is 50.4 m, and the size of the flat -film is 160 x 160 m. Card 1/1 FIRSOVY V.I.; INYUSHIN, V.M. DNA contcn-. in thenuclaus of the wheat oosphere. TSitologiia,5 no.5t574-.577 s-o 162. - (MIRA 1815) 1, Kafedra darvinizma i genetiki Kazakbskogo gosudarstvennogo universitetat Alma-Ata. FIRSOV Arladimir Kirillovich; ALEKSAIIDROV, L,A., red.; GAIAKTIONOVA., Ye.N.J. teOW-.--r-eT.- (Fixed assets and working capital of an automotive transporta- tion enterprise] 0snovnye i oborotiVe foncly avtotransportnogo predpriiatila. Moskvaj, Hauehno-tekbn, izd-vo M-va avtomobill- nogo transp. i shosseirifth dorog RSFSR, 1962. 31 P4 (MMA 15:3) (Transportation, Automotive-Finanee) L 13964-65 K'WP(G)/bA(s)-2/EWT(M)/FPF(n)-2/WP(t)/EUT(b) PI -4/Pt-if)/pj-jj 7S 7T 77 -ri jrVw/jr'A4 ACCESLION R- 4PA-046372 Sj0070/fi4/jSR/0(AInJR7/nS8'i AUTHOR: K'taygorodskiy. 1. 1 ; Sil'yestrovich, T F LiLa--o Y-A - J.-H~ TITLE- St engthening of glass by hardening in mclter-metal-11, SOURCE: Al SSSR. Doklady . V. 158, no. 3, 1964, 5AI-595 TOPIC TAGS glass heat treatment, glass hardeniig, molten metal t re a t v~en t ,glass strengthening, sheet glaos, Pyrax glass A-3STRACT: A nev, more efficient method of strenzth,!r.iniz stlasses having var ed thermal expansion c3efficients has be.!E developed and i:2vestigat- d. The method consists in heat: treating thardenIng) glass tit law-ael Inp molten metals such as wood alloy or n and then vi--h hvdrofli~ortr arid, Da t a r,: n-e t s 7 1 c ae d t c r 1, o 4 c o c 7 w i as s an ri 3C-~& n r r7 r- Ar MP 1, it Achieved 'n thin (I 3-mm"- s~~ ~e iasadp . as compared to tne heac Card em Ram L 13964-65 ACCESSION SIR& AP4046372 efficient liquid polyorganoaLloxane. Data on comparative degrees of ~--ionfr,q f-iir Pyrex glatis Indicated a much I higher hp t rearmonr wirh wrnd a! 1- i 3 e i a n&;o use a i e rma 1c )nda r t Ivttya a v eyv n mat e Po a &I e a ti I g I I -t eM -, f?r4 I lifMitdEiOn Of ther (, -moe I as t i cs t r a i nI r,,aic. d u 7be L?csaibi city of achieving even higher strength ir- glasses having important practical applications (Pyrex, common thin glass) is men- tioned. Orig. art. hast 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Koakovskiy.khtniko-tekhaologicheskiy institut La. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical-Technical InstittLte) SUBHLTTED-. 24Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: KT NO REF SOVt 012 OTHE R 1 000 Cam 2/2 /;UP i /7,,%T Q /7, WP (b Pc Po F.M "',F o~ ',36 zli. Khimi a. Sv. t. , Abs. MO y 'd ~'x L v I I . 9II'vPvtrovich, S. I.; Fj rqCV F K h -tFkhr)ol ir-lii i,,. D, 1964, L45-153 TACS - gla s atrength, gla3s quenching, glass hardening, qu~-iiching fluid, ;-;:.-E ~,e, polyethy1hydrosilexane, laboratorv L71ass, -le7-rovacu= zla-gs A N Tl- is article presents the results of the first stage o a s t ud y o;6. I tndustr~~I chemical Aaboratory glaEses (KS-34'and T5-32)4nd g isses (ED-I~and ZS-5K,)/~he composition- ci ~A~ r ri polyorga silcxane (liquids No. 2, 4 ind 5) anc .5 -whi:!h iIF4:,-r in their n-q-,-. r t(,verties and e'4 .The aegree of hardening of the gla3s --~: Me e -ts the , on) was deti:rmined by mr.~ars -f R ;nect,il t- H. I I ' " C, Cord 1 2 Kin -1T'r 'IZZ~V z. aM Aw!:- L 1-49006-65 &CCESSION 1JR: AIL5007236 resuits shou~!d that it is pogsibLe to strengthen various glasses, differing t I dproperties, quite appreciably by queiichiag in 1i uid a, T, o so xi e r, the effe-to of the theruml con8itions of ~he quenching laritimst nf the chemical comoriti:m of 'ip 21agE on the f: R11 k~ T1 I I ZR 7 Pt d I.,I, si ova 104al. 00 DF M T C.,d 2 12 SILIVES"ITOVICHI S.Iq_~IRSOI~ I.H.; GLADKOV, A.V. Change in the structural and physical state of glass hardened in molten metal. DokI, AN SSSR 162 no.3%552-555 VT 165. (MIRA 18s5) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D.I.Mardele'reva. Submitted December 11., 1964. -RW -,n /EyiT( /E71P( ACC NR. AT6022,496 SOURCE, CODE; UR/2539/64/000/043/0145/0153 - l ."UTHO vestrovichl S. .; Firsovy V. M. i: Ataygorodskiyy 1. 14 Sil ORG: none TITLE: study of the annealed in polyorganosiloxane liquids SOURCE-P .6 'Mosco-,,r. Khizaiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy~ no. 459 1964. Issle- . oblasti khir-li i tekhnologii silikatov (Studies in the field of Silicate dovaniya v chemistry and t3chnology)s 145-153 TOPIC TAGS: glass, polysiloxane, annealing., 67'j-,9S.5 AQOPek7-~Ij ouje,961zlr~-, UBSTRAgl': Studies,,on tEe toughening of industrial glass used in chemical laboratories (0-3L~fand TS-32);&nd irt vacuum tubes (BD-1 and 3S-5k) were carried out by annealing ~EFZ--g-l-asses in -jolyothylsilox no liquids No. 2, 4 and 5, and polyethyll-,ydrosiloxane li- ' " the study nertained only to the influence of the thermal conditions on quid GKZh- L4, ~. !the degree of annealing (aetermined polarimetrically), and hence on the toughness of t 1 ho glasses. It- was found that by annealing glass of the same che-nical co=osition in v t6 rate of Idifferant li 0 an ar orature conditions on c uids or u der different te . n = , q Y Fcooling of tho ,-~lass2 t1he nature of its ~tre3s state) and hence) the degree of toughen- ;in-,. Tho best thermouk/sical conditions for annealing woro found in liquid No. 4, and Q 'the greatest te:,dency to*,rard toughening in this liquid was displayed by Ts-32 glass, j4jhich differs from 'the other investigated glasses both in its linear expansion coeff: Card 11?_ 1 I i 1 j l 71 -~t"41X- t I I KA - ACC NR'- A11602&96 1ciont (go x jo-7) and glass transition (softening) tompsrature, 6750. The results of ithe study not only demonstrated that glasses of various compositions and properties can Ibo substantially toughoned by annealing in polyorganosiloxane liquids, but also re- voaled the influenco of the thermal conditions of such annealing and chemical nature of the glasses on the character and effect of their toughening. Orig. art. has: 6 fig- iures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: . 11/ SUIR4 DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 012 FMT7,4. 9F77 mom PUZANKGVj V.XLIILS~~ KEYLIN2 G.S. Mechanization and automatization of productive processeo at the ,"Krasnagyardeets' Plant. Mod. prom. 13 no.8:6-8 Ag '59. (MM 33:8) (DRUG INDUSTRY) KONOVALOV, V.P.; FIRSOV, V..P .a KDVRIZHIN, A.K. Reliable powered supports and equi-gent cornploxev for Kuznetsk Basin mines. Ugoll 38 no.3:46-48 Mr. 163. (MIRA 18-3) 1. Shakhta "Abashevskaya 3-4" Kuznetskogo ugollnogo basseyna (for Ronovalov). 2. Kuznetskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugolinyy institut (for Firsov, Kovrizhin). Z-V ! ;~ vi'l, 0 [, Lohnn, nauk; F -M Mif I V*P A rzV,, . -, - L . R:~,-u-,?.-u of tha Industrial tests of an experimental specimen of ilia A-3 unit. Sbor. KuAlUl no.10:4-.18 164, (MMA 18:9) v,~~,q i1PSKU, N.S., Ir?,h.;,.FDISCJV, V.P., inzh,. .;, y E.,:,,eriaental iperation of the 01%VT and IKMI-81 cutter-loaders in .. .I f~uzrl,.~Ox Basin mines. Sbors KuzNIUI no.10:19-32 164. (MIRA 18:9) Owl ;74H IF ;-I- AUTHOR: Firsov 4" wwogp~ SOV/138--8-11-9/14 us TITIE: rVenelierated Vulcanisation of Inner Tubes by Steam Heating From Both Sides of the Tube (Uskorenneya vulkanizatsiya yezdovykh kamer dvukhstoronnim, obogrevom parom) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1958, Nr 11, PP 30 - 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiments were made first to find shortest vulcanising time and maximum steam pressure which would give satis- factory tubes with standard vulcanising with external heating only. Steam pressure in the vulcanisQr at 6.4 atm enabled "Giant"-sized tubes (9.00 - 16, 8.25 - 16) to be vulcanised in 9 minutes and nAuton tubes (4.00 - 161 6.00 - 16 and 5-50 - 16) in ?-minutes. With lightweight motor-cycle tubes.(3.25 - 19$ 2.50 - 19 and 3.75 - 19), higher pressures and steam temperatures in the vulcanising moulds gave a large number of rejects with the tubes which contain 50% natural rubber. Experiments were made with these lightweight motor-c7cle tubes using steam inside the tube as well as externally. With steam at 6.4 atm (94 psi) inside and outside the tube vulcanisIng time was only 6 1/2 minutes. However, in order to ensure adequate moulding pressure on the Cardl/3 reinforcing ribbon and at the valve, it was found best to M SOV/138-58-11-9/14 Accelerated Vulcanisation of Inner Tubes by Steam Heating from Both Sides of the Tube apply 5 atm (73.5 psi) pressure in the mould and 6.4 atm (94 psi) pressure inside the tube. The steam conditions above were then applied to "Giant"- and to "Auto"-sized'tubes, enabling vulcanisation to be completed in 6-5 and 5-5 minutes, respectively. With the larger-sized tubes, vacuum is applied after vulcanisation in order to exhaust steam and vapour from the inside of the tube. The layout of the vulcanising plant with vacuum Plain and steam supply to the inside of the tube is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows a jig for injecting steam into the tube through the valve which protrudes through the opening in the 'Jig which forms part of the vulcanising mould. The system of double-sided heatinS was put into operation at the Leningrad Tyre Factory in May, 1956, and enabled vulcaniBing times to be reduced 26% to 54%, according to the size of the tubes and gives improved quality and very few rejects through lack of moulding pressure during vulcanisation. It is expected that further Card 2/3 SOV/138-58-11-9/14 Accelerated Vulcanisation of Inner Tubes by Stem Heating from Both Sides of the Tube reduction in vulcanising time by these methods will be obtained with tubes made from mixes based on divinyl- styrol rubbers. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy shinnyy zavod (Leningrad Tyre Factory) Card 3/3 FIRSOV Yo ~ F,; CIIEMOV, N, N-) SHLYAROV, -3~ E, (Kursk) - Clinical aspects and diagnosis of apical Pancoast's tumor of the 11 lung. Klin. med. ,,,-9--9C'-94 -I, OIIRA 15s6) 1. Iz kurskogo oblastno o onkologicheskogo dispansem (glavnyy vrach T. S. Kondrashava5 i kurskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach L. A. Chunikhin) (LUNGS-TUMORS) FIRSOV, Ye. F. ---Fuse of ~pneumoperltonew in the diagnosis of tmors of the abdoninal organs, Vop, onk,"7 no,6:62-67 l61. (MIM 14:32) 1. Iz Kurskogo oblastnogo onkologicheskogo dispansera. (glavn. vrach - T. S. Kondrambeva). ABWMEN-TUMORS) M OPERITONEUM, ARTIFICIAL) ASTAFIYRY, V.I.; FIRSOV,,_~-F.,- SHKLYAROV, S.Z. (Kursk) Hypertbrophia osteoarthropathy in pulmonary ne6plasms (Marie- Bamberger syndrome). 40 no.6:90-95 Je 162. (MIRA 15:9 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgil (zav. - Prof. A.V. Kholodi Hurskogo meditsimskogo institute. krektor - prof. A.V. Savellyev) i Xurskogo oblastnogo onkologicheakogo dispansera (gl&vMy vrach T.S. Kondrasheva). (LUNGS-TUIORS) (BONES-DISEASES) (JOINTS-DISEASES) FMOVI YO.F. (Nurakv -41. Krasnoarme7skayao 71-e., kv. 3) Diagnostic posqibilities of ptmwperitoneum in the recognition of some diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Vest.rente i rad. 38 nools47-51 Ta-F'63. (MIRA 16:10) 1e Iz kafedry rentgenologii i maditsinskoy radiologii (zav. Prof. B.G.Mikhaylovskiy) Kurskogo maditaimakogo instituta i Kurskogo oblastnogo onkologicheskogo, dispamsera (glavoyy vrach T.S.Kondrasheva). KHOLOD, A.V.; ASTAFIYEVt V.I, Xe,F.; SHUKLRI, B.G. (Kursk) Diagnosis and treatment of diaphragmatic relaxation. Klin. mod. 41 no.4:25-32 AP 163. (MIRA 17Q) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. A.V* Kholod) Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainakogo instituta,, Oblastnoy kliniobeekoy bollnitsy No,l (glavnyy vrach L.A. Chunikhin) i Oblastnogo onkologicheskogo dispansera, j (glavnyy vrach T.S. Kondrasheva),, Kursk. a , 10. L. to "Use of Luminescent Indicators in Medicine, report presented at the Hygiene Section of the All-Union Conf. of Medical Radiology, Moscow, 30 Jan - 5 Feb 56. , ~7_ 48-12-12/15 AUTHORS: Firsov, Ye. I. , Bashilov, A. A. TITLE: Investigation of the Decay of Prl44_ Rh 1o6_ C8134 by ftna of a Lumiziesconoe-Spectrometer (Izucheniye raspad; Pr'441 Rh Ce134 pri pomoshohi lyuminesteentnogo spektrometra) PERIODICALs Izvestiya AN SSSR,Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 12, pp. 1633 - 1640 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors constrided a one-channel-spectrometer with NaJ(Tl)- and CsJ(Tl)-crystals, and with photo-multipliers !P5 Y-Iq M and CDB,Y-12 The following were also used in the investigation: a 50-channel-amplitude-analyzer on the potentialoscope of the con- struction of 0. V. Vyazemskiy (LETI) and a 56-channel-analyzer with mechanical recording devices constructed in the laboratDry of the authors. Filters of different thickness and sources of different activity were used in the investigation of the different intervals of Y--ray-energies. The preparations were carefully chemically purified. 1.) The spectrum of the Pd144_Y--rays in the range 0,7-30- -* "2,2 MeV was investigated in the 50-cHannel-analyzer with a po- tentialoscope. Peaks wi th energies of 2,18, 1,49, 1,1 and 0,7 MeV with the relative intensities 100, 30, 2 ard 150 were observed. Card 114 Weak Y--lines with 1,7 and 2,8 MeV with the relative intensities 4B-12-12/15 106 144 134 Investigation - _ of the Decay of Pr Rh CS by Means of a Luminescence- -Sppctrometer of 2 and 2,5 (1,18 MeV 100) were also determired in the investi- gation of the spectrum of 2 to 3 MeV in the one-channel and in the 56-channel analyzer. Here the line 1,7 MeY was very badly resolved, as it lies on the decline of the Compton distribution from the 2,18 MeV-line. X-rays with 1,1 v 1,7 and 2,8 MeV had earlier not been observed. The value of the ener5y of the peak 1,1 MeV lies near the difference 2,18 MeV - 2 mc . 1Y16 MeV, i.e. the energy of the pair formed by the r-rays with 2,18 MeV in the crystal. The control investia-ation showed that the peak at 1,1 MeV is to be considered a summary peak of the line 1,1 MeV and the absorption- -maximum of electron-positron pairs of the Y--rays of 2,18 MeV. e- r-coincidences 0,7 - 1,49 MeV and 1,1 - 1,7 MeV were determin- ed on the two-channel-apectrometer of the rapid and slow coinci- dences. The oontrol-measurements confirm the results. The tesults obtained here do not contradict the decay-schemes obtained in the references 2, 4, and 5t but at the same time permit essentially to supplement the latter. Thusq in order to place the transitions with 2,8 MeV in the scheme, a level with an appropriate energy which can be excited by the B-transition with the limiting energy of about 200 keV is to be introduced. The r-transition 1,1 MeV can be ranged Card 2/4 between the levels 2,8 and 1,7 MeV. 2.) The investigation of the 'Zo ~ 48-12-12/15 Investigation y of Prl44_ 106_ 134 of the ])sea , Rh , Ca by Means of a Luminescence- -Spectrometer 1o6 _ radiation-spectrum was performed by means of the one-channel- Rh -spectrometer and the 50-channel-analyzer with a potentialoscope. The t-spectrum was investigated up to about 4,5 mev 16 Y--lines with the following energies were observeds 0,513, 0,64, 1,045, 19139 19559 1977s 1,85, 1,96, 2,09, 2,28, 2,42, 2,66, 2,93, 3,05, and 3,42 MeV. The approximate value of the relative intensi- ties in this connection weret 100, 509 89 lt 1, 11 00, 001 00Y 0,07, 0,3, 0,1, 0,01, 0,008, and 0,005. In order to range the Y--transitions with 3,05 and 3,42 MeV in the decay-schemet levels with corresponding energies must be introduced. It is shown that the presence of excited levels 1,76 and 1,85 MeV is not absolutely necessary, but also not out of the question. 3.) Two energy-inter- vals of the r-radiation of Cs134, namely 0 --* 1,4 MeV and 1,3--02,1 MeV were investigated. In the former peaks corresponding to a r -radiation with 1,37, 1,17, 1,039, 0,8, 016, 0,32, 0,21, and 0,1 MeV were observed. The interpretation of the peaks of 0,32, 0$21 and 0,1 MeY is difficult, as a reverse scattering (back-scattering) and an X-radiation occurs in this range of the peaks. The results ofthe investigation confirm the existence of a number of assumed Card 3/4 levels. The ?'- transitions with 1964, 1,75, 1,85, and 2903 MeV 144- 106_ 134 48-12-12/15 Investigation of the Decay of Pr Rh Ce by Means of a Luminescence- -Spectrometer found here are to be considered direct transitions of the levels with corresponding energy. The existence of the levels Oo6, 10, and 1,96 MeV is indisputable. The level 1,367 MeV is to be intro- duced and the r-line 1,367 MeV is to be considered ~L direct tran- sition from this level to the ground state of the Bal-14-nucieus. There are 8 figures, and 43 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Central Scientific Radiological Research Institute (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologicheskiy institut) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 4/4 FIRSOVp Ye. I.,Cand Phys-Math Sci-- (diss) I'Study Of gamma - spectra of certain radioactive isotopes. .-O~MpIWV of a luminescent gamma-spectrome ter." Len,1958. 8 pp. (Len State Ped Inst im. A.I. Gertsen.) 100 copies. (KL, 12-58, 96) SOV/120-53-5-10/32 AUTHORS:V,yazemokiy, V.. 0., Drapchinskiy, L. V., Pisarevskiy, A. N., Trifonov, V. V. and. ~Firsov, Ye. I. TITLE: A Non-Overloading A fler ~wi ~ide-Channel Discriminator mpli (Nepere-ruzhayushchiysya usilitell 9 shirokokanallnym 0 diskriminatorom) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekbLnika eksperimental 1953, Nr 5, pp 40-44 (USSR) ABSTR&CT: The device described consists of the following principal parts: 1) a non-overloading linear amplifier comprising a pre-amplifierl a phase inverter, pulse-forming networks,, an output amplifier and a power amplifier; 2) an integrating wide channel pulse discriminator consisting of a lower and upper gate, a charging diode, a resetting triode, an anti- coincidence circuit, the output univibrators of the integrat- in- and differentiating channels followed by power amplifying stages; 3) supply sources. The non-loadinal amplifier is based on the circuit described by Fairstein (Ref.3) and its circuit diacram is shorem in Fig.l. The pre-amplifier of ,.Y-ard 1/3 M- -'M "RRMMU V .30V/120-58-5-10/32 Pon-Overloadin- Amplifier with a Wide-Channel Discriminator tUs unit is based on a cathode coupled circuit, while the Dhase inverter consists of one tube with anode and cathode resistances. The pulses are formed after the inverter by means of RC networks or by a short circuited delay line (.5 11 sec duration). The final amplifier consists of 5 tubes; the first 3 form a "triple" and are provided with a negative feedback; the 4th tube operates as a cathode follower. The output signal of t~e amplifier is applied to an external pul3e analyser and to the discriminator of the d,3vice. The di.3crimination level can be varied from 5 to 105 V in steps of 1 V; the voltage divider circuit is shown in Fig.2. The instrument isdesigned for the operation with a saintil ation counter. The maximum gain of the amplifier is 2 x 10 and the effective noise amplitude at the output of-the amplifier is less than .04 V. The pulse rise time is .15 11 s and the pulse duration is: a) 2, 5, 10 or 20 IL s if RC networks are used, and b) 1 ~L s if a delay line is used. The overloadint, coefficient of the amplifier is over 100. The amplifier is asymmetrical in that it does not amplify negative pulses. The amplitude characteristic of the Card 2/3 SOV/120-58-5-10/32 -~on I -Overloading Amplifier with a Wide-Channel Discriminator A amplifier is shown in Fig 3, from which it is seen that its out7)ut is linear from 2 t~ 120 V. The instrument is suDDlied vlitL +300 V at 130 mA and wituh -250 V at 20 PA. The pa-p-er conb:_-,ins 3 fi~-ures axid 3 English references. 0 AO'SVa'IAT10'ii: Radiyovyy institut AN SSSR (Radium Institute of the USSR Acade:7iy of Sciences) SUBIMIL'TED: 167 1957. Card 31-9 P-M SOV/120-58-6-15/32 AUTHORS:Vyazemskiy, V. 0., Drapchinskiy, L. V., Pisarevskiy, A. N., Trifonov, V. V. ands rsov Ye. I. q1:QS1Ov1 TITLE: A Counting Instrument Emp1_o_y-1nB--Dektb ons (Pereschetnyy pribor a ispolIzovaniyem dekatronov) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 69 PP 78-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since a dekatron is a comparatively new device and since its parameters depend to a large extent on the trigger cir- euit employed to effect the transfer from one cathode to the next, a detailed investigation of the triggering methods was carried out. The authors tried a number of triggering circuits and found that the most successful one was that em- ploying a double triode in which one of the anodes was pro- vided with a delay capacitance; the circuit is shown in Fig.lz. The dekatron employed was of the type 10/SGlS and had 2 systems of guide electrodes. The actual counter (see the diagram of Fig.5) consisted of the following elements: 1) a binary counting decade based on vacuum tubes, 2) 4 count- ing decades based on dekatrons, 3) a timer 4) a circuit for controllin the timer and the input gate circuit, 5) a gating circuit, 65 an intensitymeter, 7) a quartz crystal calibra- Card 1/3 tor, 8) a power supply source, and 9) a mechanical register. SOV/120-58-6-15/32 A Counting Instrument Employing Dekatrons The operation of the equipment is as follows. An input pulse is applied to the gating circuit which is in the form of a univibrator; the circuit can be blocked by the bi-stable device which also controls the timer. The pulses from the anode of the gating univibrator are applied to the binary decade. The output from the decade is used to trigger the first dekatron', which in turn drives the following dekatrons. The counting can be stopped automatically after a pre-set time interval which is determined by the timer. The basic time intervals are 3, 6 and 15 see; by employing 2 deka- trons it is also possible to obtain counting intervals of 601 150, 300,~ 600 and 1500 sec. The average counting rate is recorded by the intensity meter which is capable of measuring the rates ranging from 200 to 5 x 10'* pulses per_ minute. The instrument can be checked by employing the quartz Card 2/3 SOV/120-58-6-15/32 A Counting Instrument Employing Dekatrons crystal oscillator which operates at 75 kc/s. The device has a resolving time of 12 ps. The authors express their gratitude to Yu. A. Nemilov for making this work possible and for his interest in it. The paper contains 8 figures and 4 references; 2 of the references are English and 2 are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy Soviet Academy SUBMITTED: November 18, institut AN SSSR (Radium Institute of the of Sciences) 1957. Card 3/3 FIRSOVp YO.I. Studying the gamma spectra of certain radioisotopes with the aid of a luminescent spectrometer, Uch zap. Ped inst Gerts. 197:160-- 175 '58. (Radioisotopes-Spectra) (MIRA 16:9) (Gamma rays) GORGDII.SKIY, G.M.; FOMOVSKIYj V.N.; FIRSOV, Yo.I. Ilautron-deficient Gd and Eu isotopes with mass numbers 145 and 147. Uch zap. Pod inst Gerts, 197:176-179 158. (141RA 16:9) (Gadolinium isotopes-Spoctra) (Europium isotopes-Spectra) FISAREVSKIY, A.*N.,- SOSHIN, L.D.; FIRSOV,-Ye.l. Using the P-N junctions in recording nuclear radiations (survey). Prib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no.6:3.440 N-D 1610 (MIRA 3 4:3-1) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSSR. (Nuclear counters) ... ..................... jp~ ACCESSION NR: AP4041011 S/0120/64/000/003/0035/0039 AUTHOR: Bogdanove As Pe . Firsov, Ye. I* A TITLE: Multichannel coincidence spectrometer based on AI-100-1 SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1964, 35-39 iTOPIC TAGS: spectrometer, coincidence spectrometer, multichannel ectrometer, multichannel coincidence spectrometer, gamma spectrometer a P ABSTRACT: A multichannel multipurpose gamma-spectrometer is. described which permits measuring the gamma -radiation and gamma -gamma -coincidence spectra and determining the lifetime of excited states within 1-100 microsee (possibly longer). The spectrometer has a "fast -slow" -coincidence scheme and. is designed with standard Soviet equipment. NaI(TI). i0x30-m.M crystals combined with.FEU-Z9 photomultipliers serve as radiation detectors. Pulse - height analyses is performed by a single-cbannel AADO-1 and a multicha-el. (in' :7 77 ACCESSION NR: AP4041011 another branch) AI-100-1 analyzer. Schemes of the output-data unit of AI-100-11 feeding the EPP-09 recorder and the time-measuring attachment are given. A fast coincidence circuit intended for slow (resolution, 5x 10-'r sec) scintillators is C 60 described. A single 0 spectrum and a Co coincidence spectrum illustrate the spectrometer operation, Orig. art. has: 8 figurea ASSOCIATION: Institut fiaiki AN BSSR (Institute of Physics, AN BeISSR) ,,SUBMlTTED: nju163 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: XP NO REF SOV., 003 OTHERV 000 Card 2/2 '8/0259/64/008/006/0376/0379' ACCESSION NR: AP4042726 AUTHOR.- Bogdanov, A. P., FirsoV,'Ye.. 14. TITLE: Ile feasibility of using a luminescence spectrometer to stady the gamma-rays from thp.(n, Gamma) reaction SOURCE: ANBSSR. Doklady*s V. 8, no, 6~ 1964, 376-378 'TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer, luminescence spectrometer, Gamma ray, gamma spectro- motor, (n, Gamma) reaction, thermal neutron, neutron radiation capture, spectrometer resolution, background attenuation ABSTRACT: A luminescence spectrometer with a Nal(TI) crystal was added to the system' used in a channel, tangential to the reactor 6ore, to study the gamma-rays emitted in therrnal-neutron radiation caphtie. The luminescence spectrometer was used to supple- ment the magnetic spectrometer and improved the performance of the system by increasing the resolution and attenuating thegamma-ray backqgrd. The instrument cambines the 7 0 x 7 0 cm cryctal with a pbotomultiplier, has a Cs -line resolution of 13%, and allows the isotope sample to be red4ced to 30-40g. Pulses from the multipUer are mat Into 4 AI-100-1 multichannel amplitude analyzer. The analyzer is provided with an E1113-09 -A 4/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042726 automatic-spectrum, tape reporder. Ile gamma-ray beam from the Isotope ssunple being studied Is shaped by collimators set In the channel, passes through the vacuum chamber of the inagnetto spectrometer and yaches the crystal. Theinnovationwasfoundtobean effective moaas of studying.,~he (a, )reaction. ~flguro. ASSOCIA77ON: Institut fIz:dc'LAN.BSSR (Physics Institutet BSSR) SUBMITTED: 09DecG3 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV4 001', OTHER:,,000 L-~~2/2 .Card TITLE: Determination of the(spIn fn the 00416 May energy level of the Fw-55 nucleus frcom the (d, p) and n, Gomma) reactions SOURCE: AN BSSR* Ooklady*, ve 8, no* 8, 1964, 514-515 TOPIC-TAGS: electron spin, Fe-55 nucleus, Ariin atom, deuteron bombardment, neutron bombardment, (dop) reaction, (n.Gamma) reaction ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the possibility of a single-valued determination of the spin In the 0.416 Mev energy-lovel of the Fe55 nucleus-by Juxtaposing the Intensity of the protons from the 54,(d. p) Fe55 reaction and the Intiansity.of th 4 I-rays from the Fe54 (nly) Fe reaction which correspond to transitions fo-- ld:ntical levels of the product nucleus. Referring to the work of Sockelmant a4;' Lanw and Wilkinson# they Indicate the validity of the exprisslon b determine '(d, p) and (n~y) react Ions for the neutron bands and d from Ydp Yn Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: -AP4045692 provided that the wave functions of the lnltlal-an 00 ~ final state of both reactl i can be represented In the form of the product of.a wave function of.the target nucleus and a wave function of a neutron revolving abqVt the target nucleus.. diagram Is presented whlch shows nuclear decay for Fe-7-11rom a captured state, the 0.416 Mev excitation level and then the basic state during an Fe54 (n F655 reaction. Orig, art, -host I f I qu re. flzlkl AN nstitut ASSOCIATION: I BSSR (Institute o AN BSSR)'.* f Physicit SUBMITTED: 2OJan64- ENCLS 00 'SUB CODE: NP. 01 NO REF SOVI 0 HERI.- 004 2/2