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Yo, AUTHORSt Finkel?ahteyn.Ya. B., Filonov, V. A., Soyf er, V. N. 2o-4-39/51, _0VuTFo_va-,7-_1_.~ ' TiTLEi An Attempt to Apply Tritium as an Indicator for Studying the Dynamics of Underground Waters (Opyt primeneniya tritiya v ka-- chestve indikatora d1ya izucheniya dinamiki podzemnykh vod) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Nr 4, pp. 671-672 (USSR) A-BSTFACT: Such experiments were carried oat by the institute (see associa- tion) with tritium water of a high specific activity by intro- duction into an underground brook in 1956. As water was here $$marked" by water absorption processes were not possible. This allowed the determination of the right velocity of the water mo- vement. Small quantities of the tritium water (loo-2oo ml) with a specific activity of lo-2o mCo/ml were injtcted in the compres- sion borehole and tritium was determined at the output in the working boreholes. The taken samples were filtered for the purpo- se of cleaning, twice deatilled with potassium permanganate and hydrogen obtained of the calcium oxide formed by it by means of zinc dust at 5000. The latter was mixed with ethylene and checked in the Geiger-Mueller counter.For the experiment 4 boreholes were cho- sen: 1 hole for pumping in, and 3 working or observation holes reap. The marked water appeared quicker than it was calculated in aft 3 observation boreholes. The water was pumped into a producti- Card 1/2 ve"layer of the nolid-cemented sandstones of the Chokrak horizon. An Atte*mptto Apply Tritium as an Indicator for Studying the 2o-4-39/51 D~namics of Underground Waters. Following conclusions can be drawn: 1) the application of tri- tium as water indicator is efficiant and probably forms the only investigation medium for layer water movements. 2) Thus following problems can be solved: a) the connexions between the boreholes and layers can be determined. b) the field of the real velocity can be determined. c) determination of some physical properties of the collector d) water filtration in the engineer-hydrogeology 3) the application of tritium is especially of value for its re- lative harj~lessness in consequence of a soft P-radiation and a constant dilution under natural conditions. 4) the introduction of tritium water into the borehole can be carried out simultane- ously with ot'her investigations since the soft P-radiation does not influence the apparatus of the radioactive carottage. 5) For this parpose the working boreholes need not be stopped. There are 1 figure and 1 reference. ASSOCIATIONi Institute for Petroleum AN USSR (Institat nefti Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: May 11, 1957, by S. I. Mironov, Academician SUBMITTED; May 7, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 7_z~ >/IV 132-1-5/15 AUTHORS: Finkellahteyng Ya,B.v Filonovj V.A., Soyfer, V.I., Obukhova,M.P. - --------------------- TITLEt fterinstatim vith HMiowtive Hydropn-Tritim Isotopes as 2maers in the 9budy of Dynamics of -Oround Wator (Ob opyte primeneniya radioaktivnogo izotopa vodoroda-tritiya v kachestva indikatora dlya izueheniya dinamiki podzemnykh vod) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1958, # 1, pp 28-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The movement of subterranean water can be determined by using tritium, which has proved an ideal tracer under varying conditions, and is both inexpensive and safe to use. The method of "Marking" subterranean water is of special inter- est for the crude oil industry. When injecting water into oil-bearing strata, it is important to know the flow of water within the layer to rationally exploit the deposit. Beginning in 1955, in the Laboratory no. 1 of the Petroleum Jnstitute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the authors of this article under the supervision of G.N. Plerov, F.A. Alekseyev and G.P. Gollbek, conducted experiments with radioactive tracers. Super heavy water (where hydrogen is represented Card 1/3 by its tritium modification) was chosen as the active agent. 132-1-5/15 Experimentation vith FAMoactive HYdzqPn-?riti= Isotopes as Tzsaers in the StOy of Dyniodes of Gromd Water Concentrations of tritium in the "marked" water oocuring below the petroleum layer did not exceed the permissable dosep which was as at 0-05 millicurie / milliliter in the water, and 5 - 10- in the atmosphere. Different methods of marking water by means of tritium were examined by the authors, mainly by using gaseous samples (acetylene, hydrogen, vapor of water), which give clear indications with the Geiger-Mueller recorder. The method of measuring tritium in prepared samples consisted of three operationss electro- lytic conoentrationg decomposition of water, and measuring the gaseous samples of hydrogen inside the sensitive Geiger- Mueller device. The first experiment with tritium tracers in subterranean layers'was conducted during the summer 1956 at the second Oktyabrf deposit. Injection of tritium into the injection wells was done by means of super heavy water placed in flasks. The active water which was injected into the layer XV had an average activity of 3 curie. Tests were taken every two Card 2/3 hours during a period of 21l hours. 132-1-5/15 1xperimntation with radioactive Hydro1pn-Tritim Izotopr~ an Tracers in the_ Shdy of Dynwdcs.of,Gro=d Water A wide range of hydrogeological and hydrotechnical problems can be solved with the aid of tritium. At present, a serious handicap is the bulkiness of equipment. However, maesuring methods as well as apparatus can be simplified. There are 2 photographs and 3 figures. ASSOCIATIM Petroleum Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Institut nefti AN SSSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 z lit, Ell' i~2~ P. S-1-1 TE tJ 69-3-16/30 ATUI-T-ORS. Alekseyev, F. A. Soyfer, V. N. Filonov, V. A. ,21~2LI;-. Experimental Application of Tritium as a Detector of Oily Water (Opyt iapolizovaniya tritiya kak indikatora plaatovy'4-~h vod) PERIODICALt Atomnaya Energiya, 1,058, Vol- 4, Nr 3, pp. 298 - 301 (US:3R) ABSTRACT; 3 ampules of I C tritium each were introduced successively into the water of the borehole. Tyro hours later the oily water to be investigated was taken out. At first this water was twice distilled in order to separate the possibly exist.- ing natural radioactive salts and additions of oil. 10 - 16 ml of this water were reduced to from 0,4 to 0,6 ml in a se- parately described electrolyzing apparatus. The electrolysis brings about a tritium concentration 7 - 10 times as strong. By the two following reactions H was separated from the samples concentrated by tritium: Card 1/2 CaO+H 20 - Ca (0H)2 (at room temperature) 39- _3 - 16/130 Zxjjt~rimuntal Application of Tritium as a Detector of Oily Yfater Ca(OH),.+Zn - CaZn 02 (at t about 5000C) The gas samples thus obtained were filled into a coviitinz tube of 0,5 1 (pressure 100 - 200 mm), into -.tbicb etb,.rlene is added, at 10 - 15 mm mercury column partial pressure. The operational voltage of this countin.- tube is at 1500 - 1800 V and the plateau at 100 - 150 V with 3 cila' slope. After an especially careful screening tritium could be proved. Al- together in a concrete case 400 samples fron 8 boreholes could be checked. From these measurements the velocity at which the water marked by tritium distributes mder the earth could be computed. There are 4 ficures, 3 references, 0 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTIED- July 30, 1957 AVAILABUt Library of Congress 1. Water-Oil detection 2. Tritium-Applications Card 2/2 AL7MNM, F.A.; S017M. V.N.; FILONOV. V.A.; FINMISHTUN. Ta.B. Using trititm, the isotope of hydrogen, in oil field development. Gaol. nefti 2 no.12:47-52 1) 158. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Inatitut geologii I r"rabotki goryuchikh Iskopayw7kh AN SSR. (Hydrogen-Isotopes) (Oil field flooding) FEMLISHTEYII, Ya.B.; FlIONOV, V.A.; SOYYER, V.N.; OBUKHOVA, M.P. Using tritium, the radioactive hydrogen isotope, as an indicator in studying underground water dynamics. Razved. i okh.nedr 24 no.1:28-35 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Institut nefti AN SSSR. (Tritium) (Wateri Underground) F:'4 E, O'ER no". ~N' AUTHOR: Finkeil~=hte! 32-2)+-4-61/67 TITLE: A Liquid Proportioning Hopper With an Automatic&14 Operating Retarder for the First Moment Effluence (Dozator zhidkosti a avtomaticheski srabatyvayushchim zamealitelem nachallnogo momenta vytekaniya) FMODICAL: Zavoaskava Laboratoriya, 1958o Vol. 24, Nr 4, pp. 502-502 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The described dosing device has no movable segments and can be used in the laboratory as well as in practice. In principle it consists of two glass siphons arranged one above the other, which are located in a glass vessel. They operate in such a manner that in the upper siphon the liquid is able to rise up to a certain line, after which it begins to drain off into the lower part; in the lower segment this process is repeated and the liquid flows out through the lower siphon. The time between the filling of the upper siphon and the flowing of the liquid out of the lower siphon depends upon the passing-through velocity of the siphons as well as on the aimensiorm of the device; this can, however, Card 1/2 be regulateaby filling-in glass balls or Raschig rings. A Liquid Froportioning Hopper With an Automatically 32-24-4-61/67 Operating Retarder for the First Moment Effluence Particular care must be tqken that no air bubbles are formed whioh might diaturb the effiaiency of the device, and therefore the oapillariea mut be dry before being used except in the case of well-moistening liquids such as sulfuric acid. The device is used for work carried out in hermetically closel spaces, as e.9. in inert, toxic, or radioactive atmospheres or gases. A mzber of tests was carried out in the laboratory with excellent success. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: InBtitut nefti Akaaamii nauk SSSR (Institute of Petroleum,AB USSR) 1. Liquids.~-TakUn'g equipwqnt 2. Fluid flow--Control 3. Laboratoty-equipment--Tbst results Card 2/2 SIMMIT.&VA, G.A., inzh., ispolmysyushchiy obyazaunosti Btarshego Asuchnogo sotradnika. Prinimall uchautiye: KI]RITAROV, A.P.; YIMMISMIN. Ta'.B.; HOSOV, F.F.. STRIZHEVSKIT, V.L. kand.takhn.nauk, mauchzyy red.; CHOROV, I.M. , red. (Method for applyijLg cement coatings in insulating steel pipes to be used in trenchless and jacketless pipalayizg; scientific report] Takhnologiia nanesexiia tsementnoi izoliataii na stallaye truby dlia bestraisheiaol beefutliarAoi prokladki truboprovodov; xauchRoe soobahchenie. Moskva, Otdel nauchno-takhn.informateli Akadekooman. khox,q 1959, 18 p. (KLU 13:6) 1. Glavityy mekhaxik U ravlexiya po stroitel'stvu podzemnykh sooru- shaniy Glavmosstroya Tfor Kirlyanov). 2. NSChal'Aik Pr012vodstvanno- tekhnicheskogo otdola (for Fiakellahteyu). 3. Glavnyy iAzhener trabo- zagotovitallnogo zavoda treats wKospodzemstroyanab" (for Nosov). (Protective coatings) (Pipelizes) FINKEL'SHTEYN, Ya. B., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Application of tri- tium as tracer for the flow of layer water in petroleum deposits." Moscow, 1960. 12 pp; (All-Union Petroleum Gas Scientific Research Inst -- VNII, Inst of Geology and Exploitation of Flammable Minerals of the Academy of Sciences USSR); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 160) FINMIS49M, Ta.B.- The DAZO tvo-speed asynchronous motors for outdoor installation. Siul.tekh.-skon.infors. no.8:36-37 160. (KlU 13:9) (Ilectric matore, Induction) PIMMISHTM, YaoB- ,----"wwT"hveO 1-16 synchronous electric motor* Biul.tekh.-ekoti.informe no.4:32-33 160* ~ (KIRA 13t11). .(Xeotria motors, Synchronous) FIRMISHTEYX,, Ya. B. The DSZ-2209-60 electric synchronous motor. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.7:57-59 161. (MM 14:8) (Electric motors, Synchronous) BOLOTNIKOV, A.A.; FINKELISHTEYN, Ya.B. CO production for the isotopic analysis of C 1.2 /C13. Prib. i takh. eksp. 9 no.2tl72-174 Mr-Apf6l~. (MIRA 170) k N I S MEMM. FBMSHTM, Ya.D.;T7ANOVA. KURDUBAN, L.I. Ontogany of osmoregulatory reflex from the livez. Zhur. evole biokhim. i fiziol. 1 no. 6031-537 N-D 165 (MIRA 1911) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii. Novos-"Illrokogo meditsinskogo instituta. Submitted May 3,, 1965. 2 iwv., ? ;V&ZJI I . T -V TT 7~~, MANOLW, M.G.; ANDRIANOV, B.A.; KOTLIAR, L.Ye., ROZENFELID, M.31.: SAEETSKIY, A.A.; ]rIMELISHTEYN, Ya.M. [Russian Rumanian technical dictionary] Ruesko-rymynekii politekhni- cheskii slovar'. Sostavili B.A..Andriakov Ei.dr.] Mosk7a, Gos. izd- vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1953. 820 p. (MLRA 7:3) (Russian language--Dictionaries--%manian) (Technology--Dictionaries) ,-1". . I . . - .k '1~ -, NJI,~ I I If,- 7, L L - !~; fl i 1--- 1-41-. FA , AORIANOV, B.A.; K~LYAR'p L.Ye.; MANOIX, M.G.; ROMOMLID, M.N.; SADITSKIT, A.A.; FIMLISHTAYN, U.K.; LMSHINSKAYA, Te.V.. redaktor: TUMCBXnU. N.A., tekhnicFe-sFry-7,jlRMor [Rumanian-Russian polytechnical diationary] Rumynako-rwiskii poli- takhnicheakii slovarl . Boot. B.A.Andrianov i dr. Pod red. M.G. Manole. Moskva. Goo. lzd-vo tokhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1956. 715 p. (HTAA 10:3) (Rumanian language--Dictionaries-Rassian) (Technology-V~ctionariss) LIJDBNSXIY,N.M.; FINKSLISHTM,Ya.S. The adjustment of piercing mills with a displaced axis of piercing. Stal' 15 no-8:730-733 A9155- (MLRA 8:11) 1. Truboprokstnyy savod imeni LeninA (Pipe, Steel) (Bolling mills) v5 133-12-10/26 AUTHORS: Finkellshteyn, Ya.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Shcliegoiv , T.S. , Engineer. TITLE: An Improvement in the Durab1lity of Stationary Mandrels for Piercing Mills (Povysheniye stoykosti nevrashchayushchi- khsya opravok proshivnykh stanov) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957, No.12, pp. 1099 - 1103 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Causes of a decrease in the durability of stationary mandrels of piercing mills were investigated. It was found that the main condition for improving their durability is to producej and then to retain during their work, a wear-resistant austenitic structure of high manganese steel. Highly uear- resistant austenitic structure of mandrel's metal can be obtained by using: a) steel of the type P18; b) a rapid heating for hardening, and a) by making mandrels of an elongated form with a cylindrical end. To preserve high wear- resistant properties of mandrels, the folloT-i% conditions should be satisfied; 1) correct positioning of axis of rolls of the piercing mill; 2) optimum positioning of the mandrel and 3 good coolin- of the in the focus of deformation, ZI mandrel during intervals. As a result of the above measures, the durability of mandrels increased by a factor of 6 (from Oard 1/2 1.33 kg/ton to 0.22 kg/ton of semi-finished product). 133-12-10/26 An Improvement in the Durability of Stationary Mandrels for Piercing Mills There are 6 figures and 9 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovsk Tube-i--olling Mill- imeni Lenin (Dnepropetrovski,y truboprokatnyy zavod im. Lenina) AVAILABIB: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SOV/137-59-5-11364 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, fir 5, p 268 (usSR) AUTHOR: Finkellshteyn, Ya.S. TrME: The Estimation of the Proneness to Deformation of Metal Without Breakdown in Diagonal Rolling 1~ PERIODICAL- 8b. tr. Penzensk. a.-kh. in-ta, 1958, Nr 3, pp 128 - 133 A13STRACT: The method suggested makes it possible to take into account the state of the metal to be deformed and the conditions of de- formation. It will also, be possible to apply the experimental results to industrial conditions. This could not be done when using the methods of hot torsion tests, plane stretching and breaching tests. The method is based on the notion of the "deformation resource". In this way it is possible to determine under natural conditions the value of critical compression at which a cavity is being formed. The possible accomplishment of one or the other technological process can also be estImated. Card 1/2 The method of evaluating the proneness to deformation of metal SOV/137-59-5-11364 The Estimation of the Proneness to Deformation of Metal Without Breakdown in Diagonal Rolling breakdown bases in diagonal rolling can be used to determine experimentally the value of '- the critical oompression depending on the state of the metal )2 and the conditions of deformation. The method can also be taken as a basis for simulating the rolling process. A.D. Card 2/2 CHEXKAM, A.P., akademik; 1,11MISTPRt-U.S., band. tekhn. nauk; LUMMMIT, I.K., Vayi of Improving the piercing process by means of inclined rolling. Obr. not, davl. no.$:94-113 159. (KIRA-13:3) 1.Institut chernoy setallurgil AN USSR i Truboprokatu" savod imeni Lenin&. 2.AN USSR (for Chokmarey). (Rolling (Ketalmork)) P4 )~,t L 17--~h TEKN, C e IC -C c C 0 0 66C :-,80 '~t Oil A". c a t 20 Z Ole va n 'Do -Z .0 1 a' ~~I Pi .00 0 th gla, H. -0 iii 3o 9. ci i 0~ also A 0 old o .4 a to cc C. 1,0. .1 -08* S 4' a -,~ 5 a 'A 3 C1910 K-H-Mi. a a E c U.0 V. 12 ".- iJ. U. 3. ~ -4 -, u M~ 40 2M.- i Sc -32 %-;&C 0 cc 0231 Soo own q .0 0 u "aii 0 r I c 4 or -j 1 i'M 0- "MIM -W 0 A. -c -c" In cc 0. ..4 01 r, H A- - *-I .0.0, all uu CHMUREV, A.P., akademik; FUMIS "I I - Ya.S.. kand.tekhn.nauk,- ZXMENMY, I.M., insh. Kinematics of reeling process. Nauch,. trady MMI no-391lgl-221 16o. (MIRL 13:10) 1. AN USSR (for Chekmarev). (Rolling (Notalvork)) (pipe mills) S/.X/61/000/007/040/072 A060/A101 AUMOM, Cnekmarev, A. 'F.; Fld~ellshteyn, Ya. S.; 1~jdenskiy. !, M. TITU~- Kfnematla.~ of the oblique rolling process PERIODICAL ~ Referatl~T*7 ztmrn&_1, Met&llargiya, no. 7, 1961, 36, albs-.raot 7D2b7 (3Nauehn. tr. Dn6propett. mat&llurg. In-t.", 1960, no. 39, 191-220) I= A new meihod of taeoretiaal analyz-is of the process of oblique rolltng is giver., tezed -upon the Investig&tion of ,,~'he dLrecllionz of 'the frict-lon forces on 'the oontact Rurt~L,,-e~s and the c. ondi"., Ions for, e4ullibrIum, of forces aAIng In the ~-Irmm seat, in, the axia.1 and the tangeZt.1al dire.Ztlons. V. Pospekhov [Abstraat'erl s no.t L%, o.inplete -t -an191 C~xd 1/1: S/137/ti/000/006/042/092 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, 0.1., Finkel'shteyn, Ya.S., Gulyayev, I.N., Kolpovskly, N.M., Osinskiy,_V_.A_._,__Cfiu_2ffy_y, I.G., Bogomazov, M.M., Shkabatur, K.I. TITLE: Investigating the operation of a three-roll reduction mill PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1961, 35, abstract 6D285 ("Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr~ n.-i. trubn. In-t", 1959, no. 6 - 7, 48 - 57) TEIT: The authors studied the operation of an 18-stand three-roll reduc- tion mill for the purpose of establishing the rolling technology for both seam- less and welded water-gas pipes under conditions of the Plant imeni Lenin. It was established that the combination of the former grooving of the rolls with kinematics of a three-roll reduction mill, makes it possible to obtain the neces- sary elongation only when reducing welded pipes of 2 and diameter to 1" dia- meter. In the other cases the wall of the central pipe section is, after rol ling, thicker than required -by GOST 3262-55. The authors calculated and inve;_ tigated new calibration of the rolls, for reducing pipes Lrom 48 x 3.5 mm to Card 1/2 3/137/61/000/006/042/092 Investigating the operation ... A006/A101 21.25 x 12.75 mm. It was established that the efficiency can be raised if pipes of 2. 17 a,?d 1" diarter are manufactured only by welding on mill no. 2, and pipes 0? itr, 4 and-2I diameter on mill no. 1 with the use of reduction. Pre- liminary calcula ions have sho that the riduo*i?n of 7.5 m long pipes from a 2" diameter to 1.47 , from 2;1 tol'and frcm 1-P to f will raise the efficiency of 2 the pipe-welding shop at the Plant imeni Lenin by. 12.81%; the coefficient of metal consumption will increase by 14%. To maintain the coefficient of metal consumption or. the level of planned figures, and to obtain a further increase In the efficiency of the reduction.mill, it is necessary to increase the length of the welded pipes prior to rolling up to 9.6 - 15.5 m. Yu. Manegin [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 2/2 FINKKLISKTEYN, Ya.3,; GLADKOVSKIY, V.A.; BATIST, G.S. Heat-treatment hardening of pipe manufactured by the furnace welding method. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.3!33-35 Mr 163,, (MLIA 16:3) (Pipe., Steel-Welding) (Steel-Hardening) M ACCESSION NR: AT4014067 8/307Z/631000/000/0124/0135 AUTHOR: Rodionova, G. A.; Finkellshteyn, Ya. S.; Veyler, S. Ya.; Gurovich, Ye. I.; Novikov, V. T. ; Rozenfel Id, K.- B-.-) Brazilovs1dy, V. 1. TITLE: Investigation of tachnologidal lubricants based on salt mixtures for hot rolling of pipe SOURCE- Fiz. -khim. zakonomernosti deystviya, smazok pri obrabotke'metallov davlealyem. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 124-136 TOPIC TAGS; lubricant, salt mixture, hot rolling, steel pipe, pipe rolling ABSTRACT: In the hot rolling of pipe an continuous rolling mWa with long frames, the lubrication conditions are unusually difficult. Special lubrication Is required to provide conditions, espeqially temperatures, to obtain rolled products for the proper processing and pipe of satisfactory quality. Of the six testedt salt-lubricants containin various amounts ~g Of K. 1A, MS or Na oxides or chlorides, the best for the hot rolling of pipe in continuous 'Card: 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4014067 rolling mills proved to be a lubricant containing 40% ZnC12, 30% KCI, 30% NaCl, and 10% MgO, plus 45% water (compared to the weight of salts and oxides). The pipe rolling roc ess using MISN9T steel and high-carbon steel proved satisfactory with this lubri- p cant. The top loadings In the continuous rolling mills were increased by 4. 5% as compared ~,with the graphite-mazut lubricant. Pipe rolled with the above-mentioned lubricant showed no intercrystalline corrosion. The etching time of pipe obtained by this process was half that of pipe rolled with the use of graphite-mazut lubricant. The effect of the concentration of MgO, used as a filling component In the lubricant, on its melting point widerystallIzation was also determined, as well as the effect of the amount of solvent on the consistency of the lubricant and its ability to protect the metal surface. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIO14: none SUMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: MM Cat d 2/2 DATE ACQ: 19DecG3 NO REP SOV: 003 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 57538-65 EWT(d)/Wr(m)/Di~(0)/EWA(d)/EWP(I)/T/ 9WP(t)AWP0r)/tWP(h)/ NP(G)AUTMAWA(c) Pf -4-- JDIHW ACCFZSION URI AR50.15178 tfiV0X3T/65/0O0/0O5/DO35/b03.5 SOURCE. We zbe ?fttaUurgLys, Abs. ~Ma AWHOR I Vqj Mogilevida MMY, I Xgnatat~M A* pje DOI .10'awyakiyo No ve; Karvenkqa L. N.) Torokbin, S. A I nakol-opmn Ia. TnIEt Increasing accuracy In the production of thin v%Ued bibes JU a type Uk ;aut,omatic apparatus U SOURCM ft. ftolz,~vo ovarvi. 1. beeshmn. trub. V".. 2. H.J' Hatenursim 1964, 84-M TOPIC TAGS: wtal tube, ustal boring, aMing vischimAetalvorking viochine/ U4 automatic apparatus .TRANSIATION, The article demonstrate@ the possi~illty of manufs4turing.tubee with diameters of 76, 63, and 89 mm, with a v&U thickness of 3.25 am under existing technology. A study vae made of the influence of the form of the boring instrument on the accuracy of the w&U thiakn6ee of roUed tubes, and the expediency of using .an automatic mlU bit vith an "ovallzation" of 0,04-1.06 in pointed out. It is logtablisbed that with a redistributUs of tbe.deforsistion between the f#st and p1dromps of an automatic alU (that Ia# with a decrease In the difference L 57538-65.: AOqEWIoN XRS AR~M51- 78 ibetvaen tjo dAmeterg of t6 "uQ"&ftd- A. laouttysT. OwArels to jL "VA%W of wo tdoe is cmn:. ant so cmd iv2 MATVEYEV, TU.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; VYDRIN, V.N., doktor tekhn. nauki tL)LKEL!�MX*__Y~~fPs, kand. tekhn. nauk; KAUFW, M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; GLEYBERG, A.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk; NOVIKOV, A.G., inzh.1 SITNIKOV, L.L., inzh.; NODEV, E.O., inah.; STOLETHIY, M.F.,inzh.; STERN, V.A., inzh.; FRIDMAN, D.S., inzh. Operating conditions and wear of mandrels on the continuous billet mill of a 30-102 pipe rolling unit. Stall 25 no.10t 930-934 0 165. (MM 18,11.1) ro /000/01~/DO12/D013 AC%.. NK, AH6009958 ..SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/6r AUTHOR: KauftM, 14. 14 Gleybei: A. Z#; Finkel' gbtg=6.L1 9A Kukarskikh.-V. N.; Chemerinskay~~~ S317M 7.1,. K.; Pillnikova.-N.N.; V LI-; s-ulti-nak-i-k-hi -A. N.; Kalw-in, Ta. P. ORGI: none TITLE: Improving the quality of stainless stee 1,pipe SOURCE: Ref.1zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 12D1015, REF SOURCE: 5b. Proiz-vo svarn. i besshovn. trubo VYP- 4- Mot Metallurgiya, 19659 51-59 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steelp Pipe, metal rollizig, metal heat treatment, metal inspections steel/Khl8NlOT steel TRANSLATION: An iiiiins'ified ~r6oei3s7ii &Faoplea -f,6-F-h6ating metal. Experi- rental rolling showed that use of this process reduces scrap due to flavr, on the interior surface,of pipes to J e.,- primary insp'ection. Reducing tempera- 'ture for metall L heatin and pipe rolling and increasing feed angle of rolls fmc~-100 301) improves pipe quality. M8'4107' steel ion the piercing mill 'with a high concentration'of V-bhase (14-16%) results i4 an inc-r-e-as-e--d rate tof pipe scrap at initial inspection (up to 70%), as well as a high percentage lof rejects at final inal Dectlo~ (UP to 70%). as well as a high percentage of rejects at final inspection (up to 15,1S., Therefore this grade of steel with o( ha oncentra~toi~ o n so ~mors points.ball cannot berecommended P or pro-.- cc enovi, 1. FIXIML 131MYN, Ye. , Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Wood, Compressed 7. Pressed-wood bushings for motor-spindle bearings. Zhil.-kan. khoz. 2, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril 1953, Unclassified. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 1 of it U ti U 41 so It ]a to A i JU IJ )d a so ALA IAa3 1- FA Ov U W U 0 _0 0 cA _00 .00 00 9 The efiect of dinitropbenol. thyroxine and histolyzates -*o 00 on the development of embryos of Triton toonlatus. h .00 lot still It. Nt Shaptitt- AIM. vvivi, il'~: 00 143411937'.4wn :1. 6-111, (Aetssf~ 1*.lr~ 19111. 1. IOU, - I ~99 0 Ali At tenipt wotinmic to dim tsvrr I lwnAt its rA thr twicam. ir 1"fors which hilln'T the lic%-Vj,)Plllrljt ,I the &%hd 0.4jalls.4 the amphibian withryo. In order to clarify the relation .00 lwtw"ti the inctraw in oxylliontk, pract--t-teft anti the mdne- 000 film, the a. Jilin 44 thrill Inplictivil. thyrinille and 111vtoidits, waslov"tilitivd. wa. ;fffi..Ilt Indfirtive 4.11 (lie d.-Yrf"11111. lot .t th, wic,4114 .4(nd on Ifiv oill'i 114114, 'N.-1 Lao 0 definitc itillist-tiou. M-TV zoo :o so 00 f .0 0 0 It Roe no 0 A I X 11 L A -Alf I ALL L UXGK it L 1114 A I Or Cl. AWFK MON too., wee lit"Ovi -0 141,341.) .0 (pv J.c lsill#% 40 li, U 5 0 so it, so .41 ; .1C 9 p a p flu', to two K a it a it a It it 10 0 0 000 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1*0 : : : : : ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 +00-.940. lee, @1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 'Se, FINK,,I-j'rPU,q' S. 'j. "J. .3. Huxley an-- G. de Beer, thu elements of exi,erimental embryoloMr.11 (1;- 570) by Finkelstein, E. A,__ SO: Advanced in Cont6worary Biolop'v (Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologie) Vol. VI, No. 3 10,37 0 A 10 1 so A so a 0: 99 00 3 If ti to TV p The 1~11twoo of cuscong an the embryook develop. mtnt*fTfit"140nktus. KA,FInk,j'shtvinxndI-.*,N1. -Shalgro, Bell. bid. mem'-f1pa-Ir X-S-Ve OWN; cum. zomair. 1%0. 1. 3z".--carn * * * oftlar 4'4"'o -onen. (ttimameawd In 3% a -&0f with 0.2% %,act I . pialled to the gautruke of I "I E, ton la"Wal. Nit which the I-W a= ism and stswed. ustologicW"i.",mip. 1 of 192 oftfloas In levesad cam showed an induced 'ffwt of tW cau'rallsifte On the fcnmtion of the Charda and the "rabrYtIek medullary tube. so that the substance must be fqpfmd " a noramilecilic factor In the deveI7,nent of the embryonic adial organs. G % oore &$*.ILA METALLURGICAL LITINAILVE CLAStIFICATPOW -- -" - L- - - telltale- SWk 4 L I Q.,u i I Ia., I o-V &is zoo -40 too Moe "0 0 199 -99 too 314141 ISO goo Goo go 0 w4i '200 bee bee it a a 3 IZA b I A IS AV 10 As IV g at A It It a it a '.~ 0 0 0 0'.9A A-A 0 Alt a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 W, 4 W it Ij I it 1 .1 it Il J% It W L) M D Is V 10 Joe u u at a E A I I 'Fin IL WI-,I Ii, 7~0 4 a I a u it t& Ask0 -t-L- j 06 0 :0 .40 00 a to 0: to The Influcum of exceu of ozygen an the vorious o1 bia;t clotwelloposent, fi.~~ 1. U. 'i . a.. R. S. S. 00 -Tbr qjp of A PnNyslama mrxitam ism and Ran.j et, ukivia ZOO a 00 showan increase in drvvioputeut in (Ir-Aald- 11,0 "VrF the so COMM% 0111Y After tile lk-KIIIIIiII19 Of 9J%tFIllAIi4IH k2l, ;it; zoo firs. oil ticyrJujunt-ni). Aftcr a Oval licrioct if mine 90 v rapid h the devchn)snent in Ov-%atd. 11,10, slows do n and intilar it) that of the conings. S. A. K. v& 0 AID 0 A S x - I L.A SITALL ItGKAL LIVIIIATtAl CLASSAFKATSCS$ "C., 7 %*logo .60 41- 4-C cl. "I PAL 14M040 - -- - 4 it T - bi -.1 -v--r I- 1 11 An a NW A I go W'D 0 0 * OT'*S so 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 00 o 0 0 o -6 0- 41 0 -9 0 0 0 0 0 0 sales IA 0 1 96 A The" 9 4415164ph'"Of ia the d4"140,401 .00 Adrillecirs Modors Ou Ot t1he stimutat e (1) On Ot ftVit'StIOU a' a the 190 00 of do- production of byptanim in lluuc- Tbr -0 u Wsb-,, awfas the mce cl growth of fAalip-t t by I Is tshus vejydWVWdt W. Gordon Rose 00 09 Cl Z69 r4 ,0 090 9-2- li: zoo too Lit atutLURGICU L17111011121 CLAt$V`KAlOW A Ail L S All 'W 0 U SS OT 10 M crepir erst K4 Wig ptcrif ItK QO f, I 0 0 0 0 0 900 161A 0_6 9- W_ 0 0-0--o-IP-6 0 0 0 0000 - - Z -~ ;s : I~i~ 7 1 ~ - . -. . - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - --- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - --- - -- - --- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- --- -- 'ITLw.-,or Grovith in Inwrtebrato3 and Lo~acx- (P. 3-20) *,-,,,, :~, 'I. (Kbarkov). SO: Advances in Contemporilp;,- Dio!oL:%r (U-- -IL -r-c:- ni, 'o pek i Sov ,~. toi Biolo~ii) Vol. 17, 19-4, 1, - 3 FINKELISHTEM, Ye. A. Prof. and RUKHOVJ, G. IN. "The Effect of the Introduction of Blastomagenous Substances on the Soft Tissue of Cavdate Amphibians," Arkhiv Patol.., 10, No.2, 1948 Hd., Chair Gen. Biol., Kharlkov Med. Inst, IPIMLISHTBYII, Ye9A,j prof., RUKHOV, G.N. Response of hibernating mammals to the action of a carcinogen as related. to the animal's physical condition. Medych.zhur. 21 n0-3: 27-36 '51. (MIRA ilil) 1. Iz Ukrainalkogo rentgeno-radiologichnogo ta onkologichnogo institutu (direktor - dots. Ye.A.Baslov) i Kharkivalkogo zoologi- cheekogo parku (direktor - A.A.Shardin) (HIBFWATION) (CAIICNR) (UNZAN2HRAC31M) 19F.1 '--I YSA& ; RUKHOV, H.N. Combined effect of 1,2,4-dinitrophenol and of monoido-acetic acid upon growth of tumors. Nedyoh.shur. 22 no.6:62-68 '52. (xLRA 6:10 1. Ukrayinelkyy rentgen-radiologichnyy t& onkologichnyy inetytut. Mimors FITiKELISHTEYN, YE. A. Biologists 'utstanding Russian biologist, physiologist and protistologist; on the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. Ya. Danilevskiy. Usp. sovr. biol. 34 No. 1 (4), 1952. Yjonthl- List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. FIMMISHTSYN, Ys-A-; IIAVROTSKIY, V.K., redaktor; SHIlLIVIG, N.V., redaktor; - takhnicheskiy redaktor [Vasilii Iakovievich Danielvakii. outstfndlng Russian biologist, physiologist and protistologist] Tasilli lAkovlevich Danilevokii vydalushchiisia rusekii biolog, fiziolog i protistolog (1852-1939). Moskva. Izd-vo Akademli nauk SSSR, 1955. 290 p. (KIRA 8:6) (DANILEVSKII, VASILII rAZOVIRVICH., 1859-1939) -AGUNOMWAAA? "Hibernation of aniulsO by N.I.Xolabukhoy. Reviewed by I.A. Y.iukellshtsium Usposovr*biole 43 no-3:352-356 My-Je 157. (HLBIRMTION) (KIRA 10:7) (LITA UKHOV, N.I.), FINKELISHTEYNI. Tumors in fish. ArM.pat. 22 no-9:56-61 160. (MM 33:12) (FISHES-DISEASES AND PESTS) (TUMORS) FINKELISHTE)Gl- Ye.A. -(Semipalatinsk) Some characteristics of the distribution of tumors in fishea. Usp. sovr. biol. 53 no.2s2O8~236 Mr-.AP t62. (MIM 15*-5) (FISIES--DISEASES AND PESTS) (TUMORS) -PISMISMYN, Ye,A* Eight Thternational Cancer Research Congress and some theoretical problems of oncology. Usposovr.biol. 55 no.1&144-149 Ta-P 163. (CFCOWGI.-MOFOSIS) (KM 160) Effect of hLbernation on the grcw'.t .7f sarcoma hete-rorrana- plants in a-,mliks. Vup. onk. 8 no.qlw,)2-~76 162. 1. 1z kafedry b1clogil (zav, prof. Ye. ,;er.ipa1Rt1nakogo nteditsinakego InatitiOla K. Oh. Chuvakav). (MIRA 171~6) A. Flnkeltahteym~ doLsen'. FlNKFVSHT]rfV., Y,--.A. (K], ar 2 ko v) Amphlbia and wrperimantal oncology. Arkh. pat. 2ei 364 (MIRA 18SO ?TNFFL NourinmA In a Forc'n. (M'RA 18210) Kafedra zVoluslit N~ZVOZvOn.!.hny*kh (zav. dr,tsent, V.N.':jet,r 'Jaenj ~.M.(.Orlvcgo. ~'Jv) on, GOLUBKOVAI V.P.; KORONKEVICH., V.P.; PREYSMO., O.R.;Zl-kl~~~ Device for checking lever-mechmAcal beads and microindicatorse Trudy instoKomootandomer i i=.prib no.47t159-166 161. (HLBA 15-.12) 1e Novoaibirskiy gooudar6tvannyy inotitu~ mer i iameritelinykh priborove (Measuring insturments-Testing) HOVIKOV, A.I.; F111MLISHIUNI Ye. 1. .1 " -`!` i"'I" Coprecipitation of Iodate and periodaUj ions with ferric hydroxide. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no-5:541-51.1+ 164. (~914 17: 8) 1. Tadzhikskiy gos-,Auratvonnyy universitet imeni Lenina, rushanbe. AUTHOR: Finkellshteynt Ye 'SOV-115-58-4-12/45 TITLE: The PKG-1 Auto-Cqllimator (Avtokollimator PKG-1) PERIODICAL: Izmeritelinaya tekbnika, 1958, Ur 4, pp 23-25 *(USSR) ABSTRACT: Por accurate angular measurement (checking ODG, ODS, etc) goniometers are being used in conjection with automatic collimators. The recently issued PKG-l auto-collimator has an angular measurement accuracy of the order of I", compared to the accuracy of 4-5" of previous models. The optical scheme of the PXG-l is illustrated and described. The main distinguishing feature of the new instrument is the use of an optical instead of a screw micrometer. The author describes the functioning of the optical microme- ter and gives its characteristicat magnification 32x, input opening 40 mm, focal distance of the lens 400 mmi Card 112 graduation of the scale in the field of vision 11, gradu- The PKG-1 Auto-Collimator SOV-115-58-4-12/45 ation of fine scale in field of vision 111~ measurement range 101, sensitivity (at double magification) 64. By using a special detachable mirror fitted onto the lens assembly, auto-collimation can be achieved from any suit- able surface, orientated at will in space. There are diagrams. 1. Collimators--Design Card 2/2 SOV115-58-5-7/36 AUTHOR: Finkel' ia~t ey n, Ye. I. TITLE: Checking the Readings of IT and BMI Microscopes and BP Projectors by End Gauges (0 poverke pokazaniy _ mikroskopov IT i EMI i proyektorov BP kontsevymi merami) PERIODICAL: lzmeritelfnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 5, pp 15-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The,paper-states-that the method - suggested by Ye.Ye. -Rusyatinskiy And,L.I.Demeher-ko -: for checking micro- scopes-via-surface-parallel longitudinal end length gauges cannot be recommended. In accordance with the technical cbnditions for microscopes, the measuring tolerance with end gauges'with a length of up to 25 mm is � O.OC2 mm. .-When using -end -gauges, longer than 25 =~'the permissible-error increases and reaches f 0.005-mm--with a length,of 125 mm. The error arises from--inevitable production deviations from the linear- ity of the guidE: lines and from-errors in the mutual Card 1/3 distribution of support surfaces of the table, which 4.. SOV/llr--58-5-,7/36 Checking the Readings of IT and BMI Microscopes and BP Projectors by End Gauges determines-the position of th-e-end measures when measuring,is-being-carried.out. If the surface is not perpendicular first degree-measuring errors arise. Non- parallel movement of the- table at the axis of the end measures causes.second-deg-ree errors. There is another more significant.,.source of-errors.which arise from variations of the.form-and deviations from perpendicular of the end,measures. Using the.end measure on.a micro- scopeY where the. .location of the.-end measure :Ls,deter- mined by its nop,-;~,Yforking.. surface,. such deviations can cause serious errors.-.-The-error. of an end gauge depending on the'geometric form of the gauge, may exceed 0.01 mm and consequently, it iq not practical to use the gauge in this.manner.for checking.instrument microscopes with.'a permissible error of less than 0.003 mm. When checking,-all end-masses.being used must thus be set in exactly. similar positions.. - In thiq ~ case, the Card 2/3 error in measurement which arises from skewing of the SOV/-U5-58-5-7/,36 hecking the Readings of IT and B41 Microscopes and BP Projectors by End Gauges end gauge, is reduced to a second order magnitude. There are 4 diagrams. Card 3/3 28(2) SOV/115-59-3-5/29 AUTHOR: Fink-ellshteyn, Ye.I. TITLE: A New Optical Dividing Head (Novaya opticheskaya delitel1naya golovka) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, pp 8-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The accuracy of optical dividing heads with one- sided reading may be increased by introducing a more sensitive reading device using some optical micrometers with a simultaneous accuracy increase of the circular dial and its centering in regard to the axis of rotation. A two-sided reading of the graduation, analogously to the reading of an optical theodolite, reduces the centering requirements to a considerable degree, but the creation of such a head requires the design of a new device according to a new optical system. The author then describes the ODG-1 optical dividing head for which the error of measurements was reduced by two times, maintaining the original design of the device and only changing Card 1/2 the optical system. Figure 1 shows this dividing A New Optical Dividing Head SOV/115-59-3-5/29 head. Experimental models of the ODG-1 showed an adequate level of metrological properties. The reading errors remained within the limits of 12". Because of the optical micrometerg the sensitivity of the device increased by 12 times as compared to the ODG dividing head. The ODG has a sensitivity of 60, while the ODG--l has one of 720. The grad-u.a- tion value of the ODG was 1,11 while that of the ODG- 1 is 10". The author presents a comparison of the data of the two dividing heads in a table. There are 2 diagrams and 1 table. Card 2/2 !:!~'5 t~~!r N 4-4n V2 .11" H'E' 05841, 5W BOV/76-33-10-39/45 AUTHORSi' Selivanova, N. M.,* Zubova, G. A.,.Finkellshteyn, Ye. I. TITLEs Thermodynamic Properties of Silver 3'elenate PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 10, pp 2365 - 2369 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thermodynamic investigations of silver selenate, including those by Metzner- (Ref 1), Meyer and Hinke (Ref 5) as well as Gelbach and King (Ref 6) have not yet yielded compatible results. These investigations were therefore checked in this article with the appli,cation of two different methods, namely determination of the solubility of A92SeO 4 in water at 250 and calorimetric determina- tion of the heat of precipitation of A92SeO 4 from aqueous solutions under standard conditions with subsequent thermodynamic interpre- tation of the resultant experimental data. The solubility of Ag2SeO 4 (Table 1) which was turbidimetrically determined, is closer to.the data of reference 6 than to those of reference 5. It Card 1/2 amounts to 1.-26.1o-3 mol/l. The heat of formation of A92$eO 4-cryst WN K~ Ti'- 1'. 05841 Thermodynamic Properties of Silver Selenate SOV/76-~3-10-39/45 was determined by means of an isothermal calorimeter (described in reference 4) produced from silver nitrate solution and selenic acid solution (Table 2: heat of dilution'of a -'T-07m H2SeO4so- lution). Radiation losses were corrected accordt%tp the Regnault-Naund- 1%-VOW#ormula. The values obtained for the heats of precipitation (heats of formation in aqueous solutions) of A92SeO 4 are listed in table 4, data of the radiographs of the resultant pre cipitates are given in table 3. The values bH029,.16 a -105?05 kcal/mol and,& FO 29,.W-8078 kcal/mol are given for the.reaction 2 Ag oryst +Se cryst+202 gas' Ag2SeO 4 cryst as well as the calculated entropy of the ion SeO 4 sq.1 S 029,.16-5-50 units of entropy. In conclusion, the authors thank A. F. Kapustinskiy, Correpsonding Member of the AS USSR for Wis critique. There are 4 tables and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Khimiko-tekhnologiaheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva,,Moskva (Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 4, 1958 Card 2/2 FINKELISHTEYN; Ye,I, Modernized horizontal comparators Izm. tekh. no. 1:12-14 Ja 161, (MIRA 1411) (Optical instruments) FINKELISHTEYN, Ye.j. Measuring the reottlineIarity of long guides tV means of self- collimators. Izm. tewi., no*12t9-12 D t0o (MBA 16:12) FINKEL'STITEYN, Ye.I, Ocular micrometers for measuring instruments. Izm. tekh. no.l: 11-13 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:1-1) TINULISHTE-M. -YO.I. The AKH-1000 autocollimation tube, Biul. takh.-ekons Inform@ Goa. nauch.-isal. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no-3t49 164. (MRA 17s9) GOLUBKOVA, V.P.-, KORONIKIEXIGH, V.P.; pjp~~-. New interferometer for meauuring gaugee blockn. lzm.tek-h. no.8:14-16 Ag 164- (MIRA 17:12) ~L 53904-65 FWd(j)/EWT(m)/iPF(c)/9PF(n) 2/F%.?(J)/T/E7 VP(l) Pc..b/pr-,4/ AQ !N~,Sl lw(109 (i 0/65 AUTHORS: Fi~kel I bhteyn;; Ye.., L Min Low -tem;orature r~diati=~ .at -T:ETLD ,01 of acrolein SOURCE. AN SSSR,, Dok3.ady,: V.* 161i~ no* 5v 1965"' &8-1101 TOPIC TAGSs acrolein, polymerizationi lo tur 11ation v tempera e phanomenono ra. polymorization The authors-M44--pr6sdnted-resulit --o the study s n of low-.te=-G2mtuie 17 to vacuum disti]Ution;~. the, dis'illidd monomer:-vas f iltered through gliss at- -780,,~ and wan.thenAridd-in.a, vaic u'=: ovor 1, ca cium hydride for several dayo:at room temperature, Folymorization-was carried out in mass and in viLri:--!us solutions-- 60 at -78 and -196C. Radiation source vas Co and dosage was about 200 r/sec, Irradiation at -78C of acrolein ahd its solutions in methanol, ethanol., ethy'l chloride, and acatone yielded polymers soluble in the nonomors or 1~he initial solution at low -temperatureso BuV_~within 10-30 minutes (depending on the nature- of the solvent,),,after -warmink to~room. temperature, the transparent salution- teL AUTHORS: Koslyanenko, V.A., Finkel'shteyn, Ye.N. 119-2-12113 TIME: TheProjector 9rJ_I (Proyektorq 11 -1). PFMODICAL: Priborostroyetliye, 1958, Nr 2, PP- 32-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This projector serves the purpose of measuring small details by enlargement and by the simultaneous use of the co-enlargement of a scale. The interchangeable objectives permit 10 - 200-fold enlarge- ment. With an additional device it is possible to determine the dia- meters of small holes and the distances between the axis of the holes. There is I figure. AVAIIABLE- Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Projectors-USSR 2. Opaque proi-ictors-Applications NAMETKIN, N.S.; VDOVIN, V.M.; FINKELISHTEYN, Ye.Sh.; ARKHIFOVA, T.N.; OPPENGEYM, V.D. Synthesis of-3,4-bonsoni-licacyclopent&nee. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.21383~-386 Ja'64. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Institut hoftekhimichoskogo sinteza AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nametkin). VDOVIN, V.M.; HANETKIN, A.S.; FINKELISHTEYN, Ye.Sh.; OPPENGEYM, V.D. Conversion of vinylbenzyl derivatives of silicon in the presence of alkylation catalysts. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.3:458-464 mr 64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza im. A.V.Topchiyeva AN SSSR. ACC NR, AR60161,92 SOURCE CODE: UP/0058/65/000/03-1/D025/DC)25 AUTHOR: Oppengeym, V. D.; Finkelshteyn, Ye. Sh. p TITLE: Some features of infrared and ultraviolet absorption spectra of 34-benzo-l- silicocycloa ~tanq and its derivatives SOURCE: Ref. 7-h. FiziYA, Abe. 1ZX% REF SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektrookopil. AN SSSRP t- 3) VYP- lp 1964j- 99-107 TOPIC TAGS: uy absorytionj, absorption spectrum,, organic silicate AB87RACT: The authors investigate the Ir and uy absorption spectra of 3-4-benzo-1- -sylicocyclopentane and its derivatives. They observed a charp increase in the inten- sity of the absorption band in the region-l%9 - 1580 =4,, which is credited'to the benzene ring. Both the position of the maxlzmam band and its intensity, vaa7 with the character of the substitute at the &I atom. The presence of the bathochromic shift of the absorption band 2200- 2700 A of the spectrum of 3-4-benzo-1-silicocyclo- pentane and its derivative by -25 1, is observed. A hypothesis is advanced that the obtained similarities of the spectra are connected with disturbance of the electron cloud of the benzene ring as the latter interacts with the silicon atomso [Transla, tion of abstract) SUB CODE: 20, 07 3/1 LEYTES, L.A.s FINKELISHTEYN Ya .4h,j VDOVIN, V.M.; NAMETIKIN, N.S. ij~=14 Raman spectra of some artho-substituted benzene derivatives containing silicon. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.7s1305-1308 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Inatitut, organicheakoy khImii im. N,D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 63022-65, FUT(A)JEW -W/t o P04#r 7h jAiALM 'ACCESSION 14R.* UR/0020/65/J62/003/0365/0588- AP$014854 J ADTHOqS. Malitatkin., If. 9i (Cor, esPonding member AN S.SSR); YjqvinjL._V M. I ;1 Finkel I shtev!, Ye. S 0 'o ais.'M kiyt X* S. D. YM, v TITLE: Folymerizatip of -3$4-bonzarlol-dimethylsilyleyelopentan~ SOURCE. All, SM-R. vo 162p no,3,A9652L-)85-58$ 5 TOPIC TAdSi -or ant. Polymeri -,;po 3roonde-wationj- silicon -plastLc, -6 Qn a polyZer resinj URS_'60 x- ray ap-p4~, UR- 10 11pectrono-tometer - ABSTRACT: The invegtigation is -a-. continuation of the work by V. M'.. Movin, fie So Nametkin et. al. prakt.*. Chemo, 281,,,1964) oil a polymer of the t7pe (ns, obta*Jzed by catalytic rupture of the Si-C bond in hetero--yCl4C Co,-apoUnda 3,4)e The polymerization o" 3,1,-benzo dimethylsily1cyclopontane (A) ih the presence of Ami yielded an oily-sofft P01-- 3 ymer (B) a A hard polymer was obtained by polymerization in the vresonce of Metallic potassim at (G)o The molecular structures of B and G, were Card j/2 7- 'tL 63022--65 ACCESSION NR: AP5034854 err_Lned b:r comparing their M spectra w1th A ard Z C- nf~z It is concluded that '.he poljrer,' 7a, scheme CH Ja EFR spectra of tetrahydrof"=ane In contact writh a potassium mirror at -100C uars-, I daterm-ined. From the appearance of the gpectra and other literattn7a data, it is concluded that the low temperature polymerization of A in presence of potassium pr:)ceeds via ion-radical initiation. X-ray photograph of C is preserited. The it- ri . art. has, x-ray photographs were taken by 1. A. L g4nov. 0 47 3 f graphs, and I photograph. AS -0 CJ" LA TTION: lngtittxt neftokhlrAcheakorgo sintoza im. A. V. Torchi,-,nrs, Ak-r-demil S~'SS;! (Instituto for Petrochemical Synthesis, Acad~:;T~, ScLc-!~C~-s. SSiR) 7-1 711 No REF S V.0 007 OTHERt 003 Card 2/2 TV^ ll~ "T - I- .F 7 : ZKT, YL-. la.- :.Ynd- -- . Te. "Use of Buffer Substances in Bleaching of Cellulosep " 7hur. prik. khim.., 25, No-7. 1952 ACC NR- AR6035210 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/008/AO17/AO17 AUTHOR.-- Finkel I sht Oyn, -YX,,,Z,,; Grebennikov, V. R. TITLE: Passage of white noise through a linear parametric system of the first i order SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 8A105* REF SOURCE: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi, vyp. 2, 1965, 121-129 TOPIC TAGS: white noise, radio noise, parameter, parametric system ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the passage of white. noise through a linear system of the first order with a variable parameter. It is assumed that changes in the parameter occurs according to the harmonic law. The correlation function and the variance of the process at the output of the system are found. It is shown that the approach to the solution of the given problem can be used in a number of other cases. The authors' summary. [Translation of abstract] [NTJ SUB CODE: 17 Card UD C: 6 21. 3 91. 17 UP- V - RR TURETSKITE, ToA. (Tureckyte, T]; FINIMISHTEYN, Yu.A. (Vilinyus) Epileptio syndrome in aaute cerebrovasoular disorders. Klin. med. 41 no.9&77-81 $263 (MDU 1?33) 1. Iz 1-7 sovetskoy klinicheqkoy bollilitsy (gla-vnyy vraoh V.B. Bernatskas [V,. Bernaokat.].. Viltnyus. ri Visceral leishmaniasis in the Mamangan Province. Med.paraz. I paras. bol. 25 no.2:158-159 Ap-Je 156. (KIMA 9:8) 1. It Mamanganskoy rayonnoy protivomalyariyaoy staataii (LBISHM"LASIS visceral, In Russia) FINKELISHTEM, YU. YU. and LYAFUNOVp A.A. "On-the Formu2Ation.of the Behavior of a Group of Automatic Devices." Report submitted for the Symposiun on PrinciPl-'s in the Design of Self-Learning Systems, Kiev Ukr SSR,, 5-9 May 1961 FII!IT,Lf-QIITI,-,Yll, Yu.v. ,.u,,;-- Large cinnabar crystals. Zap. 163. Vses. min. ob-va 92 no.6:726-727 WIRA 18: 3) FINKELISHTM- lu-Till. (Moskva) Concerning a certain problem of dynamic programing Probl. kib. no.8s55-74 162. ?MIRk 16t4) (Programming (Mathematics)) F.INKEL.,I,SHTEYN V Y~..Yu..-. (Moskva) tion problem'sil .;a4d ~.i tr a Iteraiive method for solving the axW' t anal . L linear limitationp and-an eatimate of tfib nu;~6r of iterations.. vych. mat i mat fiz, 3 no.6:1103-1111 N-D (MIRA 1731) 1,E?,?Al,rjV, N.N., otv. red.; MINT,", L.Ye., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; Fll.KFL'SIITETl ) Yu.yu., red.; red. (Use of mathematics in tho distributic)n (X p.-oductive forcoo] PrImenenie matematiki prl razilmshchenii pi-oizvo- ditelliVkh sil. Vloskva, lzd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 134 p. 0 - 1!-Lt', 17: 8) 1. Ru~lala (1923- "Jovat Yo imollorilyu proiz- voditellnykh sil. Laboratoriya matematicheskikh metodov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN 8SSP (for klek-rasov). 3. Labo- ratorl,-a matematicheskikh i.etodov Soveta po iLucheniyu proizvoditeltrykh sil pri Gosplane '!"~Slll (for 11-ants). ABSTRACT: The iwerest in integer-variable lineal- programing was greatly stimu- lated by !-he app-arance of the R. E. Gomory paper (Bull. Asner. Math. Soc., 64, 1~ Q I q . 7 1 r - 17 R .However, in ipite of the optimiqtic appraisals of G. B. I t (Econom rice 28, 1, 1959, 30-44) concerviing the future prru.~pecLs of he Gk,rx-rv algorithm, the existing nimlerical experience concernin tile solution of problems in linezx integral pr0g7atiming seems to emphasize the need for further vli~~ies in the d,rection of estalAishment and p-rfection of new algorithms, P-erti-ularly for :he solutton of pioblems with s,:PecifIc strucLure8. Cansequentlyl -,!e ~,retien:: paper outlines a local algorithm pernittLng a re,:uc-ion in the amount durin.; the solution o; 'inear integral programming probi~_~ms, The 112 7 L 63329-65 ACCESSIO~ NR44 AP5017616-1-' definition and basic propertiea of local algorithms are those given by Yu. 1. 7h u r a I vlEv (DAN S~;SR, 151, 5, 1963). The new algorithm Is especialtv suitable solution of the so-callel juasi-block pioblems. Orig. art. has: 14 f 0 r--Tj la a. SUB CODE: DP Card 2/ 2 MURAVILNO Yu*l. OlovWbirok); JFIIiKEL#WfmMYff* Yu*Yt.. flbok%,a) Imal aXorithma for lntoLvr 2imar proeramainG problera, Problo kibo no.341269-295 1650 (,'MV. 19: 1) I* Submitted C-et,, 130 1()64. ATrAsov, N.i.; mwssa, Yea.; umov. v.r. Our achievements In prevention of agricultural accidents. 7ellde I akush. no*3:46-48 Nr 155& (KM 8:5) 1. Student'V kures, Gor'kavskogo meditsinskogo institute. (for Finkellson, Ulanov). (WOTMS AIM INAMM in agriculture. prev.) FINKELISON Ye I. Ligation of the esophagreal reins in hemorrhage caused b7 portal hypertension in a child. Khirurgiia no.6tl2l-123 Je 162. (MBU 15:7) 1. Iz kafedz7 detskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S. Ya. Doletskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vracbey i Detskoy bolinito ime i Humakova (glavnyy vrach - dotsent V. A. KruzhkovT . n (HEMOMIAGE) (PORTAL HrPERT~WSION) (330MGUS--BLOOD SUPPLY) KLMOVICHI 1. G., Imnd. mad. nauk; FASHERSI?IIK, L. A.; FINIKELISON, Ye. I. Splanoportography in surgery on children, Kh1rurgiia no.6: 100-103 Jo '62. (MIRA 15-.7) 1. Iz kafedry- detskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S. Ya. Doletakiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey i DatokcT klinicheskoy bollnitay imeni I. V. Rasakova (glavnyy vrach - zaeluzhennyy vrach RSFSR doteent V. A. Kruzhkov) (SPLEW-RADIOGRUHr) (PORTAL VEIN-RADIOGRAPHr) FIT~UTAJN, Lj,~~la; CONIC, Zivojin Electronyograpby and its use, Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no.12: 12/+1-1247 D 160. 1. Institut za fizikalnu medioinu i rehabilitaciju Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Alekaandar Rotovic. (MMTROffOGRAPHr) HINCU, S.; FINKEISTEIN A. Some problems of the hydroaerodynamio analogy in modeling bed processeap. Studii hidrau.1 5t283-299 163&