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FAYEM-WI, Aron ludovich; MIKELISHT1014 S A nauchryy Yu.G.., red.; DOR;;~"" t:=-Q. red. red.;- KZ~y [Economic aspects and organization of welding practices) Eko- nomiks, i organizatsiia ovarochnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Vses. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat., 1961. 9/+ p. (MIU 15:3) (Welding-Accounting) (Industrial organization) F1NK,,F_L'SHrP_YN, Ss.~, Asomoakesissit 4M mor Pon- of Aeft A. M, Ylisirpilopl, S. fl- yinkrt, y , . V, Notbiltry, IWLid AjQ 44. 10IT-21109,19),_-A x-ray necthnil is dewritoor4l it) replace the single-crystal irchnique,; vocrally tisivil. The traits site was alstput ORJ turn. A 7,rtnau-tylm "nathmi electorate lot* with a -harp line f(%-u4 0.3 4 .3 issue. witle w.kot If". At IS its 30 kv. the luckirmund Inteseq1ty wax imill emn(mml it) the orle-trair- .teristic lineii. The Leslie ItIVfh(XI Wail HIM With All fit oryli dricul fidnes. Wire spvirterns bml :1 diam. (A 111"; to 1.0sotten. Twoqlitiii-n%iontittiffrActismCffCCt*3pi*Af,lI he a cu-23Y.", )it- allily aq or.irly as after aging low I )if. ah, Ifir.ut:V41'. Char. rtmittic extra streaks were obtaitmi it the ineWent, Iwmn direction was liarallel or minto4t lmrallcl too lite pLins: of :I Guinier-Prestoll little. III cu-11C they were never III--- seer vril in the virinity it( a (I It) spot. in the immediate, -itkinity OU 41.5,1 111 the Nine "Itiat, the imemicy of the r%tra SPOIS CM.141 IV grValif thjo Ifit, jent if low voltage WIVY IVVII send it losig-wave chairacterlstic milimion. of 1-2 In-. %,re tved in 06 rate. Much woraker "white %trvakn- wt rr alvi obtaieml if timer litne,i were it-wil at high i,olmat-ii, Two-iliturmionul i,(- five% i-re A-) fomM tit u AgJ1.5"' Cit alloy agrol fitor :t min. at ZYI', unit its K-M-Al tualiter(le allq)y,iKt,l Is) suin. at 7401", fit Al-Aig and C(s.fle alloy, wy wrak teeir-ift- Inensional liffraction rffrctv were #;1Atrvr#J fit the I-win III %IILIII. thin Orcles, or thits, shool, slanting liters coining froin extra two-dinictisimil diffraction opots, or as loug, thin lines g(sing through extra spom on cim"Iting the wuve length they either iliqAws: thormulvvi, with the extra iijuits, remain ishumt parAlk-I with their previou4 position, or ifialpiwar, diffraction r9cco. weak white trvak4, wers, olitaintA Wine Cti-ile alloy alpf I fir. at ZJIP by 12-14 11m, c%immure. Wille Chance Its wave tensile they rith.-F dIvIpj_jr,,I sharply 4-hJust"I Ifircrtitin. rhi, Idrvt A.,, "tit utnttvird with grain. greater flun ts.3-41.1 men, And Was aboserit"I best with I (Idurin grain %iir. sent! CTrtA[ artol like & trifeirso. rhymmitur. The r.,ri~ a I --,"tal effect intensity I. VIV'r, 'i'mi-mity III a Itragg, rrarclian is I.:o, X Is)". the s4rim as tile rAtio .4 Central difffaction top initiAl twain Intensity. The site of the C-ninier-Prmton time from Ibis ef. feCt istriet" With ti"t "I't-61101 letters CVntI`4I diffMC11041. The "Ursc-graincil x.r.1y mvthol is UWful at least with heavy alloys. A. G. Ouy Chemical Abstracts ' ex-ray awaysis.$1. the Initial stages- -01 a -ging- ofj~~, - **' l' b A ? L~Erktr t Fi S k h l U TT D May 25, 1954 . . a o iv n te . e s R . , n LL ' - - i General and Physical a tAR. 9F t=nciL,NII-Untou M. lfc yer, Mm 7 qjtj!Mj~~ eurch I 571 I Chemistry , ;~ + rauslat n IssuLd as U.S. Ajoinic Energy ii boF-tr-03. 5 pp. artier to obtain Super- Satd, Solid SON, the Ile bronzes with2.-1270 lie %vtrelicated at 880" and quenched In water. The x-ray photograpIli of thesesarnplis Showed noanonmh,us x-ray scatti-ring. Aller tempering at IbO' or natural aging for tiop year %,cry weak and diffuse reflection inaxiina occur; which donicide IVIIII (110) rind (W2) of the -j-jhaie. By tempering for I hr. 180" diffuse extra spots, appear in the vicinity of the Lanc. spots of the *-phw~e, The fornian(iiiiiiic.ii-,iicntt4lArigt-qt)f the anomalous Scattering are deseiibc(h Vic exitebet, of t%vt, types of regionq of the U1101n:OUIVA ~Uttvrhlg leall,4 to %he following coadmi'lliv during tile C.Arly Stagr a the itKing inaidl (26 X W.A.) -,-itructure plateletj are kwitted. After being tentlicred at 2.%' thc p1mvIcti grtqv by tli%! midn. (if newly fanned y-~truaark regioitt iiito bbwk~ which are parallel to (110) Of tile a jilt!LAC, ' 't'he Willtil Of tile 111(k-Li is 700 A,; their tki,:kne%,, ho~vever, %kovimug"I (2 A.) - 1". _MtR K"L, 10 1211 M w M KUDRYAVTSEV,, I.P.; FINKELISHTEYN, S.D. Effect of the divergence of X-ray beams on the results of determining the crystallographic texture of cold-rolled transformer steel. .Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.127.- 119-126 161. (MIRA 16:8) KnRYASHOV, Ye.V.; Fjng~!,P~7YN. Sh.D.; KUZIMUK, L.G. Kichik-Belf, a new oil field in Tajikistan. Neftegaz. geol. 0 geofiz. no.8:11-13 163. (MM 17:3) 1. S'redneaziatskiv filial Veesoy-uznogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituta prirodnogo gaza i Tadahikskoye geologicheakoye upravlaniye. US,QR/Z,Iedicin'e Roentgenology Card 1/1 Pub 132 18/22 FD-707 Author Finkel'shteyn, S. I., Candidate Medical Sciences Title X-r_~ayso ~e s TMelon taken in oblique projections Periodical Vest. Rent. i ReA. 81-82, ~%y/june 1954 Abstract When a patient has.been badly injured or is severely ill, it is often not possible to move him so that satisfactory confirmatory X-rays can be made. In this case it is recommended that at least two oblique made that are perpendicular to each other. No drawings; no references. Institution Chair of Roentgenology (Chief - Professor Yu. N. Sokolov) Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians (Director V. P. Lebedev). Submitted FIMLISHUyl a I kanc,14at mealtoluakikh nauk *44ullary @'SUB Of the astragaltw. 83-86 ja-j, 1.56. I red- 31 no.l: 1. 12tkaf44rr reatgomologll ( (nU 9:7) lusti uta UG*Yershgugivovaal,,Sa,vG-Prof- YU-N-Sokole (ASTRA &chey (dir; 'r.p.Zv) TSentre'113090 modul auat- God histol. bedeva) ULZS;;7 cavity) FINKELISHTEYN. S.I.,,nRuk Sterearoontganometry, Vest,rent# i rad. 33 no.3:60-61 )b-Je 158 WRA 11 8) 1, Is knfedry rentgenologit (zav. - prof. Yu.N. Sokolov) ?Sentrallnogo inatitutA urovorshenstvovanlys vrachey (dir. V.Po Lebedeva). (ROENTGIRIOGRAPHY stereoroontganometry# technic (Rua)) FINKRL'SHTEYN, 6- 1., dots. of the uretera in tuberculonin nf the urinnry tract; roentganokmogrnphic study Ceith summnry in-Englichl. Vest. rent. i rad. 31 no.4:44-50 ii-Ag '58 (MBIA 11:8) L Is 2-y kafeexyzentgenologli i meditsinskoy rndiologii (zav. -prof. Tu.N. Sokolov) TSentrallnogo institutA unoverahenstvoyaniya vrnehey i urologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.Ya. Abramyan) i rentgenologi- cheel-ogo otdoln (zav. - V.I. Petrov). MoBkovskogo oblnstnogo nauchno-isoledovatelle)-ogo klinichenkogo instituta imeni M.P. Vlndimir3kogo. (TUBYM0UWSIS, 1jROG-y,211TAL' physiol-9 motor fu=t. of urinary tract, roentgonoRymography (Run)) (URINARY TRACT. radiograpby. roontgenokymography in detem. of notor fuzicto in urin&27 tract tuberc. (Rim)) FIMLISIVMi. S.L. dots.; G6LU33NVA, K.A., aspirant. Clinical signif limes of tomogmphy In kidney diseases. Test. rent. I rad. 33 no.66. 12 N-0 158. (NIU 12:1) 1. Iz 2-y kafedry rentgenologii I meditsinskoy radiologil TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey (zav. - Drof. Yu. N. Sokolov) urologicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A. Ta. Abramyan) I rentgenovskogo otdela (zav. - kand. med. nauk V.I. Petrov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo klinicheakogo instituta. (KIDNIT DISSASM, diag. . tomography (Ras)) FINKELISHTAMN. S.I., dots. Interpretation of axial images in roentgenodiagnosis. sov,med~ 23 no-3: 108-111 Mr 159. (mia 12:4) 1, Iz 2-y kafedry rentgenologil I meditsinskoy radiologii (sav. - prof. NV" Yu. N. Sokolov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey I rentganologicheakogo otdela (zav. - kand. mod. nauk. V.I. Petrov) Moskov- skogo oblastnogo-nauchno-isoledovatel'Bkogo klinicheskogo instituta imeni M.7. Vladimirskogo. (RO3NTGBMGWU. interpretation of axial Images (1&a)) YIMLISHTEW, S.I., dots. Invisible calculi in the sooond isthxua of the ureter. Drologila 24 no. 106-57 Ja-1F 159. (MM 12*1) L Is 2-y kafedry rentgenologii i. meditsinskoy radiologii (Zav. - prof. i;. N. Sokolov) TSentrallnogo instituts, usovershenstvayanlya vraohey i urologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A. Ya. AbranVan) Moskovskogo oblast- nogo nauchno-iseledovateliekDgo klinichaskogo in6tituta. (URBTIRS, calculi second isthmas, invisible on x-ray (Ras)) PINKELISHTATN, S.I., dots. - ----------- Axial roentgen projeotions in urology. Urologila 24 no.4:50-53 ji-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Is 2-y imfedry rentgenologil i meditsinalmy radiologii (sav. - prof. Th.W.' Sokolov) TS~ntrallnogo inatituta. usovershenstyovaniya vracbey i is urologiehaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.Ta. Abraiwan) i rentgenovsko- go otdela (say. - V.I. Petrov) Maskovskogo ablastnogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo kliniebeekogo imetituta. (URINART TRACT radiography) FEVZNMp R.L.; ZVYAGILISKIYo A.A.;J~INKELISHTLMI, S*I* Efficient technology in makin pressed electric insulators. Stek. i ker. 18 no~2:19-24 F 161* (MIRA 14:3) (Electric insulators and insulation) FIMMl9HZMj,-",Aotsent Urokumography* Urologiia no*5234,-38 162. (MIRk 15:12) 1* Tz 2-y-kafedry rentgenologii i meditsinakoy radiologii (zav. - prof, Yu.N. Sokolov) Tgentrallnogo inatituta woversbenstvavaskya vraohey i urologicheakoy kliniki (za'r. - zaaluzbennyy deyatell naLuki prof. A.Ya. Abramyan) Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauabno- iseledovateltakogo I klinicbeskogo inatituta imeni M..#. Vla4l.,~irskogo. (KMGRAPHY) (URINARY ORGANS-RADIOGRAPHY) F I ISHTEYN~ Solo, doti-ent . ........ Method of urography., Sovemed. 26 no.12:97-99 D '62. (MIRA 3.6s2) 1. 1z 2.7 kafedry rentgenologii i meditainakoy radiologii Gav. - prof. Yu.N. Sokolov)_TSentrallnogo instituta usavershenstvoraniya vrachey (dir. M.D. lovrigina)a (URINARY ORGANS-RADIOGRAPHY) FINKZLISHMN, S.I. Urokymograpby in calculi of the ureters and kidney pelvis. Vestn. rent. i rad. 38 no-3146-49 W-Je 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1, 1% urologichaskoy kliniki (direktor - ZdSlU7,hennyy doyatell nauki prof. A.Ya. Abranyan) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchna.- isaleduvatellskogo klinichaskogo inatituta imeni M.F. VlacUmirskogo. "AMMy", 16-.GOLUBEVA, T.M., red.; TELYASHOV, I.A., (Semiautomatic line in the production of wood chips] Polu- aytomatich-,oskala. linlia po, proizvodstyu drevesnoi struzhki. Leningrad, 1963. 12 p. (TAningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia; Derevoobrabatyvaiushchaia promyshlennost's, no.2) (MIRA 16:9) (Woodworking machiner7) -6 -T '00 - ~,Tq z".. ~;j- 1~,f f S/142/63/006/001/007 0 5_~ 8,192/082 Finkel sht on 2 S.M. AUTHOR: TITLE: 'The problem of -cal-culating the -transfer coefficient. of a cascade of three~-waveguide directional couplers PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshj.ldl uchebnylth zavedeniy,- Radiotekhnika, V. 6, no. 1,-1963, 64 71 T M: A three-wavegu~ide, directional coupler is a system whereby the energy from'the.main waveguide to the auxiliary is transniitted intermediate vraveZuide. This coupler is in tile form of twq'directionAl:eouplers a and t- , as shown in T,'igo 1. The coupler a* oonnects tho main waveguide with the intermediate one -and tile coupler connects the intermediate wave- Suide With.the auxiliary. The problem considered Is the dater- mination -of the transfer fUnction.of, a* system of n three-wavcguide- directional.codpl-ers connected in cascade,- the transfer coefficbnts, of individual couplers being' jp ., The moduli of the electric- field the output of the n-th. coupler in the main wavesuido El in the auxiliary waveguide E, at the output Rn Card.l/ I - I ""'i ra I a RIVINIMIRE "M 111 - " V1. i L 10376-63 ACCESSION AP S/Olh2/63/006/002/0166/oi72 AUTHOR: Chashnik, M. Z.-.Finkellshteyn S. M. TIM: Calculating the transmission coefficient of a cascade of directional- couplers SOURCE: izir. vuz- ftdioteiou-iika., v. 6, no. 2, i963J 166-172 TOPIC TAGS; diree.tio,nal,cojplera,(vavegui.des) ABSTRACT: Although the matrix.method of calculating the cascade of directioiial couplers is rigorous and yields, reliable results,, it is extremely cumbersome By using the method of cophasal-and-counterphasal generators, simple fozmmlae are develcped for calculating the overall trems-ission.coafficient of the cascade;, the formulae hold true with any value Pf.the transmission coefficients of corqponent ouplers. The overall coefficient is independent of the sequence OT- c components or of the distance between them. No experimental data'reported,, b-dt it is claimed that the formulae have been verified experimentally. Orig. art. has: 12 e'quations and 5 f igurfes,. Cam 1/2 GUBRIA, A.A.; ZAKGEYM, Ye.TN.; ZU94ANOVICH, V.M.; IVWTOV) K.N.; LISITSYN, S.N ; MOZGOV., A.Ya.,- PAVLOV, A.S.; PISKORSKIY, B.N.fdeceasedi; USHOMIRSKAYA, A.I.; FIRKELISHT-EYN S *M CHISTOVSKIY, V.B.; SHER, S.Yu.; AD~90-V, -O.V.,~~.-n-u Frdd.; BULZERMAN, A.N., nauchn. red.; ZHIVOV, M.S., nauchn. rixI.; POGORELYY, P.P., nauchn. red.; STAROVEROV, I.G., nauchn. red.; STESHENKO, A.L., nauchn. red.; TSEYTLIN, M.Mop nauchn, redo; KOKIIANENKOf N.A., inzh,, redo; VOINYANSKIr, A.K., glav. red. [Assembling interidr sanitary equipment) Montazh vnutron- nikh sanitarno-tokhnicheskikh ustroistv. Moskva, Stroi:lzdat, 1964. 725 P. (14IRA 17:8) T nv:: on o~' 'a ?rci ~urr;,~--tc,jjj tin-, 'I c. Finkellshteyn, Sergey Maksimovich N15 729.45 A Ukhod za. rezhushchind instrumentami v lesopileni:L L7andling Putting tools in sawinO Mosk7a, Goslesbwaizdat,, 1955. 2-16 p. Mus.,, Diagrs... Tables. K E: I I13,111,I PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 869 Avtomatizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov (Automation of Production Processes) No. 2. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSF[j 1958. 177 p. 6,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. Resp. Ed.: Losstyevskiy, V.L.., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: Klimov, V.A.; Tech. Ed.: Rylina, Yu. V. PURPOSE: This volume is Intended for specialists engaged In research work and planning of automation process in various branches of industry. COVERAGE: The volume contains articles summarizing the results of investigations carried out in laboratories for the automation of production process6s of the Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki, Card 1/7 Automation of Production Processes 869 AN SSSR (Institute for Automatics and Telemechanics of the USSR Academy of Sclences). The articles discuss the following topics: 1) basic objectives-of automation 2) classification of industrial processes and formulation of typical automation solutions 3) experimental methods employed in studying Industrial processes subject to regulation 4) considerations in determining the rational sequence and the extent of automation, and 5) results of studies on the automation of some industrial proces'ses and,establishments. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 GENERAL PROBISMS OF AUTOMATION Losslyevokly, V.L. Objectives of Automating Industrial .Processes Card 2/7 Automation of Production Processes 869 The study attempts to characterize the status of automation of production processes and to chart the more important directions-for further development. There are no references. Finkel'shteyn, S.M. Classification of Production Processes 19 subject-Vo-luto-m-aTlon and Typical Solutions of the Latter The author reviews the classification of automated production proceasos with emphasis bn continuous flows production which in terms of present instrumentation and outlook is most suitable for automation. There are 10 Soviet references. Motulevich, D.Yu. and Tagayevskaya, A.A. Types of Controller Actions During Experimental Studies of Controlled Processes 43 Types of controller actions-employed in studying industrial'processes are reviewed, optimum conditions for the use of this or that controller action are indicated, shapes of curves for transition process and characteristics of stable conditions for single capacity plants are shown, Card 3/7 Automation of Production Processes 869 and spectra for a number of nonperiodic actions are presented. There are 2 appendixes and 6 Soviet references. Rushchinskiy, V.M. Experimental Determination of Amplitude- phase Characteristics of Controlled Plants Based on a Transient Process With a Disturbance in a Form of a Rectangular Wave Impulse 65 Description of the method is presented. There are 10 Soviet references. R4shchinskiy, V.M. Determining the Approximate Expression for Transfer Functions of the Controlled Plant Based on Its Experimental Grequency Characteristics 74 The author presents several solutions to the problem of lag detection. There are 4 Soviet references. Lossiyevskiy, V.L. Determination of Rational Sequence and the Extent of Automation of Industrial Processes 83 This i's an attempt to develop an analytical method which would;permit the determination of production sectors most suitable for automation. The method consists basically of Card 4/7 Automation of Production Processes 869 a review of production costs, analysis of material and labor expenditures, and subsequent introduction of automation on sectors where automation appearsto be economically more effective than conventional methods of production. There are 1 Soviet, 1 Czech, and 1 American references. AUTOMATION OF INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Popovskiy, A.M., Gritakov, V.I.,,and (tovorov, A.A. Automation of the DesiccAtIM- and Absorbihg Departments of Plants Using the Contact Method of Producing Sillphuric Acid 97 The study describes fully the automation of the desiccating and absorbing department of the Shchelkovskiy khimicheskly zavod (Shchelkovskiy Chemical Plant). The principal product of this department is monohydrate and the automation embraces the processes within the desiccating tower, and oleum and monohydrate absorbing columns. There are 19 Soviet references. Card 5/7 Automation of Production Processes 869 Gritskov, V.I. Investigation of a Cement Mill as an ObJect for Automation 133 Automation of a mill located in the vicinity of Novorosslysk coniBists largely of instrumentation and other means to assure the maintenance of acceptable quality of grist and liquid raw material mixture at a maximum productivity level. Description of instrumentation is included. There are 2 Soviet references. Mezin, I.S. and Malyy, A.L. Automation of Drying Drums 139 The study presents basic concepts for the selection of a rational automation plan for a drying drum and describes its performance under normal production conditions. Reference is made to IN. Vay8er, Candidate of Technical Sciences, who participated in the work of the Institute for Automatics and Telemechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. There are 4 Soviet references. Card 6/ 7 Automation of Production Processes 869 Shumilovskly, N.N. and Pliskim, L.O. Some Problems Encountered in the Development of an Automatic Control System for the Gasification Process in a Boiling Laver 153 The authors briefly described the technological process taking place in the boiling layer, the principal plan for automatic control, and characteristic features of the boiling layer. There are 1 Soviet, 2 German and 4 English references. Pliskin, L.G. A System of Automatic Control of the Gasification Process in a Boiling Layer . 164 The article describes the 1plati for a complex automatic control. worked out In the Institute for Automatics and Telemechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences with the participation of GIAP (State Institute of the Nitrogen Industry) and the Chirchik khimelektrokombinat MKKP SSSR (Chirchik Chemical-Electrical Combine of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, USSR). There are 4 Soviet and 1 English references. AVAILART : Library of Congress Card 7/7 JG/imr 11-25-58 71 ISHTErN, a.m. Classification of processes for automation and standa d solutions in automation* Avtomeproizvo protse no,2cl9-42 158. (MM 13:8) (Automation) ADAMOT, O.V. ; FIMLISHTMN, S.M. work practices in pipe bending. Tod.i san.tekh. no-9:31--32 S 159. (MIRL 12:12) (Pipe bending) PHASE.1 BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/4612 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut avtcmatiki i telei4ekhaniki Avtcmatizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov, vYP- 3 (Autanatioa of Production Processes, No- 3) Moscow, 1960. 134 p. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: V.L. Lossiyevskiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye. N. Grigorlyev; Tech. Ed.: O.M. GusIkova. PW.F0SE: This collection 6f articles is intended for scientific and engineering personne1in industry. COVERAGE: The pxvseat (third) volume of the collection of articles 'Automation of Production Processes,- contains data on general problems of autcmation of specific industries. Prdblems of classification an sis as applied to the automation of-discrete engineering processes and typical solutions in the au- tcmaticia of machines are developed; some averaged indices of capital and oper- ational e.Venditures for industrial automation are considered. The effect of extended im Ys pulEe pipelines on the stability of autanati c- control a, tems con- taining regulators of pneumatic and hydraulic type is discussed. The selection Card 113 Autcmation of Production Proceasen, No. 3 SGV/4612 and analysis of a generalized scheme of automatic airconditioning for pro- duction purposes, appl-led to textile industry, are described. Finally, prob- lems in the rational training of,engineering personnel in the field of auto- matilcm of production processes are considered. No personalities are mentioned. Ther-e- are 49 r--ferenceo: 39 Soviet, 4 English, 4 German, 1 French., and 1 Polish. TABLE OF VXNTEW-rS- 1. Artobolevskiy, S.I. On the Principles of Automation of Diserds Engineer- ing Pree-esses 2. PUsIdnir I.G... and N.A. Sagiydak. On the Classification of Schemes of :Jelf- I Reg,ulaticra. of Processes in a Boiling Layer 44 3- Finkel'shte . S.M. Characteristics of an IMP118e Pipeline as an Element of -a-h-WWc-matic Control System 57 4Ninkellshteyn, S.M. On the Stability of an Automatic Control System With an Extended Impulse Pipeline 69 5. Sagaydak, N.A. Determination of the Time Constants of a Second-Order El,ezent With a Lag 87 Card 2/3 Automation of Production Processes, No. 3 SOV/46L2 6. stmkhava., L.P. On Capital and Operational Expenditures for Control and Measuring Instrments ana Automation in Automated Production 90 7. Lossiyevskiy, V.L. On the Training or an Engineering Staff in the Field of Automation of Production Processes 97 8. Khasanov, M.M. Automation of the Process of Preparing the Air in Industrial Year-Round Air-Conditioning Installations 102 9. Krassov, I.M., and B.G. Turbin. Discharge Coefficients of a.43r- draulic Back-Pressure Type Throttle 130 AVAUABLE: Librax7 of Congress AC/rn/&mp Card 3/3 1246-6o FINOLISEMN, S.M. Improved machine for setting the tooth of frame sawso Dere prom. 9 no-5:26 Yq 160. (KIRA 13-7) 1. laningradskly losopillno-derevoobrabatyvavushchiy kombinat imeni Kalinin&. (saw finig) Finn' Wi'I-EYN, S. M. Characteristics of a pulse pipeline considered as an slexerit of automatic controls Aytom, proizv. prots. noo3:57-68 160. (MIRA 13tlO) (Automatic control) FINMMISHUYN, S.M. ww"t Stability of an automatic control system with a long pulge pipelljw. Avtom- proizv. protee no.3:69-86 160., (KIRA 13:10) (Automatic control) SMOVEROV, I.G., otv. red.; YASTREBOV, Mji., zam. otv. red.; VEPLKHODAI-IOV, M.Kh., red.; GULI.-2WIM',OV, F.I., red.; OSIFOVj V.S., red.; UL194-1SHTEYN,,S.M., red.; [Album of equipment; condensate outlets] Allbom oborudovaniia; kondensatootvodchiki. Moskva.. 1963. 33 p. (MIRA- 16:12) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut Santekhproyekt. 2. Glavnyy inzhener Gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo instituta Gosudarstvannogo tresta sanitarno-telchnichoskogo proyektirova- niya (for Staroverov). (Water heaters) , :, :, ": - I . - T~ V .. . ~ I-. I .- t- tli..~,.,:- . ., , . . . -, . ~, k' 1. '11 . ll~ ;! 1. ~ rla"~ - f. " . . . w -J, -,:, ~ , : "', , ;, , .. ; . ~ f~ q-,,1 . I I I..,.--, , ~, : ~ nn:j,c (~:iyfiv)' Peply f -- co-mradle Ilys . v f,, h e b . za'., . *, ra j -I i, T:r, . i no .4 : -4(i T' _ "I -i, . - I " ) -Ar-I I C -'s 7: - STAROVEROV, I.G., otv. red.; YASTREBOV, M.M... zam. otv. red.; VERKHODANOV, M.Kh., red.; GULISHA14BAROV, F.M.. OSTPOVp I.G., red.; FINKELISHTEN, S.M., red. (Equipment album; air heaters and heating units] Allbom oborudovaniia; kalorifery i agregaty. Moskva, 1964. 96 Pe (Equipment album; unit air conditioners] Allbom oborudovanija; mestrWe konditsionery. Moskva, 1964. 105 p. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut santekhproyekt. --:" '' ~' '' '' -7 4~ A V-1i ~'l wg~'R N '01011 J"BIR FINKEL'"'HTEYN2 S'lf. Automatic proportioning equinnent ,-,r liquiis. crolav, no.4c68-105 164. (MMA 18,,3' 4.1i 9 F~~ T-4-1, L 31903-66 EWT(d)/FSS-2 ACC NR: AP6010723 SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/66/009/001/0659/0062 AUTHOR:,- Finkel'shtcyn, S.-M.; Chashnik, M. Z. ORG: none TITLE: Use of directional couplers in some SHF systems V SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, Y. 9, no. 1, 1966, 59-6z TOPIC TAGS: Airectional coupler, SHF communication,, ;~-sew&a rleA)l e0H.C.Cevr 45 1 61"n L % ABSTRACT: The possibility is substantiated of using directional couplers as devices that combine powers of coherent SHF oscillations and as nonabsorbing ad ustable attenuators. To combine the powers of coherent oscillations (having equal or different amplitudes), a 900 phase shift between the oscillations at Inputs I and III (see Figure 1) of the directional couple, must be achieved. This method is applicable for combining any number of coherent oscillations; a sketch for five- Card 1/2 UDC: 621.37Z.832 L 31903-66 ACC NR: AP6010723 0 IV tM component addition is ohow'n. A directional coupler tv (see Figure 2) consisting of two serien -connected flelementary" couplers I and 3 having equal transfer factors and phase shifter 2 between them can be used as a nonabsorbing adjustable attenuator. By varying Figure I (P, between 0 and 180 the resulting transfer factor 2 can be controlled within from ZcV11---c"~' to zero; err here, c is the transfer-factor modulus of the Ofelementary" coupler. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 17 formulas. Figure 2 SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 25Dec64 ORIG REF: OOZ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 EYDMAN, I. Ye.; FINKELIS]ITEYN, S.N. Determining the properties of carbonate reservoir geophysical methods. Prikl. geoffz.- no.28,145-154 (Volga Valley-Oil well logging, Electric) (Rocksp Carb3nate) rocks by 160. (MIRA 24:3) KORYASHOVO.Yeave; F L!Sgm~!, Sh,D, ~,re.PeAt status"of of the Tajik . ecto for its &401i t.: Qaz. dslo,no.1:2:1~'36~'- i63. PrOsp .~*.qn . ...`,. . ',-'~'."QbA 16:8) 1; Sredneazi _i tskiy Vaesoyu7.nogo nauchno' spledovate skogo Igodny inotituta, pr kh giskiv Satural) FINKELISHTEYN, Sh.D.; PASHKOVSKIY, V.N. . Diagram of the hydrogeological zoning of southwestern Tajikistan. Neftegaz. gaol. i geofiz. no. 12:37-39 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1 -Sredneziatskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute. prirodnogo gaza. FINKFLISHTEYN, Sh.P.; VA51LICHIROV) M~vc Density of the sedImentary rocks of the iurkhF,.,dMa depresaion. Neftegaz. geol. i geofIz. no.4s4.2-45 164. (MRA 17.6/1 11 S-redneas-latakly filial Voesnyumogo, nauchno-isslodovatidskogo instituta prlrodnogo gam, FINKEL SRMYN, T-. -baktial"In.-V. vargill, a"d Z. Rogtovin. 10, No. 14, 9-11 1 testing hydr.lest CtIlulume filw" in a hWh vacuum for 2 bro. at =)* tilit not affect the kgt- of pollynwilutift mod str"Ith of fiber. At Wither le de" - '" and bmdpluom of the nucromcg. occur;M; W=11'by kwertd nwl. wt. and power mcch, properties. Pamlkl Studies of viscose sact triscetate fiben have shown ,bat the de--muse in devee of polymerization U=,!7! 10 WRO is the Saint as that fur cellulose. A, ,harp 41rop in inech. prolmlies was experienced In all caws. N14foliall Sittig FINKELISHTAT~, T,A.; RIKOLATZVA, U.S.; KONOVAWVA, Te.M.; KONKIN, A.A. ` I KOTA$- T.P. Cellulose grinding on a vibra-tory mill. Takot. prom 18 no.2:16-19 F '58. "I (LIRA 13:3) (Cellulose) MAYBORODA, V.I.; RYACHKO, L.P. Effect of the derivatives of dithlocarbamic acid on the formation process and properties of viscose cord fibers. Khim. volok. no.2t49-51 164. (MIU 1'1:5) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauahno-issledo~atellskiy inatitut iskusstveimogo volokna. I SlUi,!,ASIIOV, V.A ; FINY-11"SHTEYN T B.,#,.starshiy nauchnyv sotrudnik; VOLk-Ov: Self-lubricating rings of spinning machines made from mqtalli,~.! ceranlLcs. Tekst. prom. 25 rio.7:63-67 Jl 165. :L8:8) 1. Direktor Vsesoyuznogo muchnc-Issledova"Vellskogo irs-,ituta legkogo i tekstillnogo mas hi nos troyeniya., Moslom (~'or SlIalashov). 2. Vsasoyu7myy nauchno-Issledovatellsk-Ly Instuitut leEkcgo i tekstillnogo imshinostroyouiya, Moolva (for Fl.-Lcellshteyn). 3. Nachallnik laboratorij tokhnolcgii ma3ninostroyeniya Vsesoyuz- nogo nauchno-issledavatellikogo instituta legkogo i tekztiltnogo mashinostroyeniya, Moskva (fqr Volkov). KOPELEVIC11, L.Kh., inzh.j BLMIDIAN, inzh.; OVCHAHOVj V.I.9 kand. kand. tekhn. nauk; VAKUSSSOV, inzh., red. I.Ye., inzh.; MASENKO, I.D.) tekhn. nauk; DEKHTYAR, D.E., V.G., inzh.; FINKINSHTEYN, V.A.p 6- ..... ... [Technology of manufacturing large prestressed concrete elements for industrial. construction] Tekhnologiia izgotov- leniia krupnorazmernykh predvaritellno napriazhennykh zhe- lezobetonnykh konstruktsii dlia promyshlennogo stroitel'stva. Moskva., Gosstrolizdat, 1963. 99 p. (MIRA 17:7) l..Moscow. liauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organizatsiip mekhanizatsii i tekhaicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. FIMLISHTNm VjO, kandidat maditsinskikh nauk. Harm of tobacco& Hauka J zhiznI 22 no.2:47-48 F 155- Oau 8:3) (Tobacco-Physiological effect) SHT9YN_7._Ye_.____ Dissertation: "An Investigation of the Electron-Optic System of an Electrostatic High-Voltage Measuring Instrument." Cand Phys-Math Sci, Kharlkov State U, Khar1kov, 1953, (Referativnyy Zhurnal-Fisika-Moscow., Apr 54) SO: SUM 243# 19 Oct 1954 Y/V USSR/Electronics Electron Optics H-3 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, 12300 Author : Val'ter, A.K. llitnk Inst Title : Use of the Similarity Method iffor the Investigation of the Motion of Large Beams of Charged Particles in High-Voltage Electrostatic Fields. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Kharlkovsk. un-ta, 1955, 64, 95-100 Abstract : A theoretica~l examination has been made of similitude con- ditions in electron optics, with allowance for the space charge and for the initial distribution by velocities for the case of ion beams that consist of one or several com- ponents (with different values of e/m). A similarity cri- terion is derived and the limits of the validity of the theory are examined. The authors indicate, that they hwre carried out experiments on simulation of high-voltage ion- optical systems, but do not mention the results of the ex- periments. Card 1/1 USSR/Electricity General Problesm, G-1 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34982 Author: Vallter., A. K., Finkellahteyn, V. Ye. Institution: None Title: On the Use of Electrostatic Analyzers as Absolute Voltmeters Original 'AMd~caAL .3&. zap.-IMn"Wovsk. unAbW--i--1955P &, 101-f5 Abstract: It is proposed to use as high-voltage voltmeters electroBtatic aba- lyzers in which the voltage is measured by the energy of the particles, accelerated in an accelerating tube. Such voltmeters, ccMpared with the qcmplex and expensive attraction voltmeters, which measure d-c voltages up to 500-600 kv with an accuracy..-to 0.1%, have the follow- ing advantages: (1) it is easy to eatinlate the error, which depends on the error of the parts that operate at low voltage; (~) the scale is linear (the unknown voltage is proportional to the measured dif- ference of potential); (3) it is possible to measure not only d-c, but also a-c voltages -- their amplitude values -- from the maximum Card 1/1 energy of the particles. -,FINKELISHTLYN, V.Ye. Calibrating optical pVrometers at high temperatures. Izm.tekh. no.4: 31-34 Jl-Ag '56. (MLak 9.11) (Pyrometers) (Calibration) KLMOR, P. B. ; SHPIGFL'H&N, Te.5. - v Steam thermostats for controlling surface thermocouples. Izm.tekh. no.4:76-77 Jl-Ag '56. (W.XA 9: 11) (Thermostat) (Thermocouplea) t. xe, USSR/Processes and E4~ipment for Chemical Industries - K-2 Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Khimiya, I-To 91 1957, 33334 Author : FinkeL'shteyn, V.Ye., Shpigellman, Ye.S., Kandyba, V.V. Inst Title : EOP-51M and OP-48M Pyrometers for Measuring Temperatures up to 6oooO. - Orig Pub : Izmerit- tekhnika, 1956, No 5~ 52-54 Abstract : 11he apparatus described have been developed at the Khar'kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments, on the basis'of the OP-48 and EOP-51 pyrometers. The glass absorbers of both pyrometers, which are required to make possible an expansion of the scale up to 60000, were made, of a larger diameter, from PS-2 glass 4.71 mm thick and were mounted on the objective of the apparatus in lieu of being set in front of the pyrometric b b; their pyrome- tric attenuation is of about 430 - 10-gidegree-1. Card 1/2 USSR~Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - K-2 Control and Measurin,-:1 Devices. Automatic Regulation. Abs Jour - Ref Zhur - Khimiyaj No 9, 1957, 33334 Calibration of the EOP-5114 pyrometer, in the temperature range of 900-25000, was done by comparison with the stan- dard pyrometer of VNIIM. At higher temperatures the sca- le of the apparatus was graduated an the basis of calcu- lations. The procedure is considered for determining the magnitude of pyrometric attenuation of a glass absor- ber. Card 2/2 24(0); 5(4); 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPL401TATION SOV/2215 V.ooo7u=yy iooltut motrologii 'manI D.I. Mandeloyeva . Reforary nauchno-lasledovatells"'ch robot; abornik No.2 (Scientific Research Abstracts; Collection of Articles. Nr 2) Koacow, StandartSiz, 1958. 139 p. 1,000 copies printed. Additional sponsoring Agencys USSR. Xomitat standartove mar I izmeritellnykh priborov, Ed. s S. V. Reshotine; Tech. Yd.s M. A. Kondratly*va. PURPOSE; These reports are Intended for scientists, researchera, and engineers engagoct In developing standardm~ measures, and gages for the various Industries. COVERWE: The volume contains IM reports on standards of measure. ment and control. The reports were prepared by scientists of institutes of the Xtuattet standartov, nor I 1zmQrIt&I'nykh priborlov prI 3ovete Mlnlotrov SSSR (Commission on Standards, d X&ABUrabs an Me uring instruments under the USSR council or Xtalste . Theaparticip4ting lnxtltul-*x arej VNIIX re) VA*SDYu=yy nauchno-infiledovat*11skly z*trologli limeni D.I. Mandeleyeva ChIl-Unlon Scientific Rczearh Institute of Mtt- rQIOEY Imeni D.I._M6nde1e)ev) In L~nlngrsd; Sverdlovsk branch or this Institute; VNIIK - Voesoyuznyy nauchno-looledovatol~xkjr institut Komitets stand&rtov. mar I I=eritellnykh prij)orov (All-Onlon Scientific Research Institute or the commission on standards, Measures# and Measuring Instruxtenta), created from MGIMIP - Moskovskly gosudarstvannyy 1nfitltut mar I 12maritelInykim priborov (Moscow state institute or Measures and Measuring Instruments) October lo 1955, VVIIFTRI - Tsesoruznyy nauchno-looledovatel'okly inatitut fixiko-takhni- cheakikh I radiatekhnichooki" i=ervn.4y (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio-engineering Measurements) In Moscow; KhOMP - Xharlkovokly gasudaracvennyy Institut mar I i=m-rlZal'nrkh priborov (Khar-kov State Institute, or Measures and Measuring Instruments); and NOIMIP - Novosl- bi.rokly gosudarstveny7 In, titut mar I I=eritel-nykh priborov (Novosibirsk State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instru- ma2tq), No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. -Xwd __T, Chakirda, And-I A- xba. V.v. V.Tf-_ Finkel'ahto , A Jk~~__ ~ ( P). Measur-InfWa of Basic Industrial ftela S6 and V 1,-_VQI!xaX (Sverdlovsk Branch of VNILM). St6dying Characteristic K;voz uf Thermal Inertia in Thermal Sensing Devices a-, 0meI,skjy_.X.Z. (Sverdlovsk Branch or VNIIM). Determining Thirmal7dapactty of solids at HIgh Temperatures 87 anI ~F_X_ MalkovAL, (Sverdlovsk Branch or vnim). Studying Methods 6-r-DiterminIng Thermal Charactcrlotie!~ nC Materials on the Basis of the Theory of Regular Thermal Condi- tions 89 logallsagj Q.L.. and J3.4_~Eqtgln_ (XhOlMIP). Developing and C1*at:r,jg jK-Automatic Triermgotat for checking standard Thermometers L, 1-. With Values of Division 0.1 C Gr Loca 90 *Card 1812T SOV/58-59-8-18962 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, ur 8, p 271 (USSR) AUTHOR: el'shteyn, V.Ye. TITLE.- On the Graduation of a Scale for the Optical Pyrcmeter in the Region of High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol., 1958, Nr 35 (95), PP 36-43 ABSTRACT- Me article refines the concepts of pyrometric attenuation and of the effective wave-length of the light filter. A method is given for com- puting the pyrometer's high-temperature range (T > 30000K). At the same time it is recommended that Wien's formula be used with a sub- sequent correction of the obtained temperature values. The correction values are cited for temperaturesof 3,000 - 11,0000K in the case of an effective wave-length of A To = 0.665/~. A.G,S. Card 1/1 SOV/58-59-8-18963 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 271 (USSR) AUTHOR. Finkellshteyn, V.Ye. TITLE: A Method of Measuring the Pyrometric Attenuation of an Absorber Serving to Extend the Range of the Optical Pyrometer to the Region of Very High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol., 1958, Nr 35 (95), pp 44-59 ABSTRACT: The author proposes a method of determining the pyrometric attenuation of an absorber (FAA) adapted to the purpose of graduating the pyrometer up to temperatures higher than that up to which the standard pyrometer and source of comparison have been graduated. To this end an ocular cap with colored glass Is mounted on the eyepiece of a pyrometer, The trans- mission coefficient of this glass for light of wave-length X satisfies the condition T7,_ O.H. = const - exp (C2c&/& ). The apparent bright- ness temperature T 01 of the standard source Is measured by means of the pyrometer with the cap, while its true temperature T, is determined by means of a standard optical pyrometer. The magnitude of the pyrometric Card 1/2 attenuation of the absorber with the ocular cap is computed to the SOV/58-599-8-18963 A Method of Measuring the Pyrometric Attenuation of,an Absorber Serving to Extend the Range of the Optical Pyrometer to the Region of Very High Temperatures formula A = (l/TO1 - l/Tl). The value of A thus obtained is equal to the PAA of the pyrometer for the apparent brightness temperature T02, which is associated with To by means of the equation; 1/T02 = l/TOl - OL The estimated error of the method is discussed, as well as some of its applicat*ions. A.G. Sviridov Card 2/2 BOV/58-59-8-18W2 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 2172 (USSR) AUTHORS: -FALikel'shteyn, V.Ye., Shpigel'man, Ye.S., Kandyba, V.V, TITLE; Extending the Range of the "EOP-51M" Pyrometer up to 6,0000 and 10,000'C PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol., 1958, Nr 35 (95), pp 6o-69 ABSTRACT: The range of the "EOP-51M" pyrometer, originally calibrated up to 4,OOOOC, was extended un to 6,0000 and 10,OOOOC by using two absorbers made of "PS-2" purple glass. The magnitudesof the pyrometric attenuation of the absorbers were determined, as well as their variations with a variation in the apparent brightness temperature. Strictly speaking, the calibration of the scale was made according to the formula I/To - 1/TW = A, where To is the apparent brightness temperature, corresponding to some intensity of the current of the pyrometric tube, and A is the pyrometric attenuation of the absorber. The value TW thus obtained, which is the approximate value of the measured temperature, is adjusted by the correction T - %,, computed on the basis of allowance Card 1/2 for the inaccuracy of Wien's formula, The error in calibrating the scale sov/58-59-8-18972 Extending the Range of the "EOP-51m" Pyrometer up to 6,0000 and 10,OOOOC is compounded of the errors involved in calibrating the pyrometer's basic scale, measuring the pyrometric attenuation and determining the correction T - Tw. The root-mean-square error Is equal to 500C at a temperature of 6,OOOOC and to 16ooc at a temperature of 10,OOOOC. The obtained estimates are apparently very over- stated. Ye.Antropov Card 2/2 65968 sov/58-59-4-9248 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 4, p 263 (USSR) AUTHORS: Finkellahteyn, V.Ye., Kandyba, V.V. TITLE: -New Met od for Calibrating Pyro meters and New Accurate Optical Pyro- PERIODICAL. Tr. Vaes. n.-i. In-ta metrol.,, 1958, Nr 36 (96), pp 16 - 22 ABSTRACT: Using neutral absorbers to calibrate high-temperature pyrometers greatly reduces measurement.accuracy owing to the difficulty of accurately measuring the absorber's transmission factor. Special calibration methods, including supplementary measurements with the aid of a color attachment, allows one to dispense with a special measurement of the transmission factor. Accuracy depends on a rational choice of spectral characteristics for the ocular attachment. The developed method was used in calibrating a new accurate pyrometer with a vanishing filament Card 1/2 of the EOP51M type. The objective has an aperture ratio of 1 : 3. It Is IS 65968 SOV/58-59-4-9248 New Method for Calibrating Pyrometers and New Accurate Optical Pyrometer possible to effect a rapid replacement of pyrometric tubes with planar filaments. Four (4) glass, absorbent light-filters extend the instrument Is range up to- 10, OOOOC. The mean square error amounts to 0.1 - 1.5% in the 1,4000 - 10,000'C region, re- spectively. Ye. Antropov Card 2/2 SOV/115-60-1-14/28 AUTHOR: Finkellshteyn, V. Ye, and Starunov. N. G. TITLE: A Standard Infrared S IpectroDyrometerf\ PERIODICAL.: Izmeritel"naya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Design and operational information is giveA on the new electronic optical pyrometer "LKP-57",71(Photo, Figure 1) developed by the KhGIMIP, i.e. Khar1kovs- kiy institut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov (Khar1kov The pyrometer is designed for use as a reference in- strument and for laboratory purposes. Detailed des- cription of the optical system is illustrated by a schematic diagram (Figure 2) and that of the elec- tronic system by a circuit diagram (Figure 3). The apparatus includes an infrared monochromator like that in the IKS-11 spectrometer. The objective con- sists of four lenses, the inside being made of glass Card 112 and the outside of fluorite. Similar objectives SOV/115-60-1-14/28 A Standard Infrared Spectropyrometer were designed by the Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy in- stitut im. S. I. Vavilova (State 04ical Institute imeni S. I. Vavilov). A table is given T-o--s Fow mean quadratic errors in temperature measurement made with an IKP757 whose radiation receiver was an Fs-Al photoresistor. The circuit includes 6Zh8 and 6P6 valves. There are 1 photograph, 2 diagrams, 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 FINKELISHTEYN, V.Ye.,* STARUNOV, N.G. r~- Spectropyromater for measuring temperature by the monochromatic infrared radiation. Prib. i tekh. eksp. no.3:122-125 14y".Te s6o. (MIRA 14,10) 1. Kh~xlkovskiy gosudarstvannyy institut wr i izmeritelInykh priborov. (Pyrometers) s/196/61/000/009/019/052 E194/E155 AUTHORS: Koahkin, M.L. Finkel'sh"IM, V.Ye., and Dudchenkoj I.Io TITLE: Reflection of ultraviolet radiation from screens with coloured limewash PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.9, 1961, 21, abstract 9V 192. (Sb. nauchn. rabot Khartkovsk, med. in-ta i N.-i in-ta vaktain i syvorotok (formerly Tr. Khar1kovsk med.,in-ta), no.53, ig6o, 183-187) TEXT: The use of ultraviolet irradiation of premises to disinfect the air and contents in becoming more extensively used as a prophylactic measure. For indirect ultraviolet irradiation of rooms, which is the usual methodl the lamp is installed lo8 - 2.0 metres above the floor. An aluminium reflector directs the ultraviolet radiation upwards so that the upper part of the room is irradiated directly and the lower part only receives radiation reflected from the walls and ceilings. With this method irradiation can be carried out with people present because the Card 1/2 Reflection of ultraviolet radiation... S/196/61/000/009/019/052 E194/E155 dispersed flux of radiation reflected from the walls and ceilings is much less than the direct radiation and causes no pathological effects, even after many hours' irradiation per days To attain a better bactericidal effect it is desirable to irradiate the upper zones by the most intensive possible flux of ultraviolet irradiation. According to instructions of the Sektsiya po ulltravioletovomuizlucheniyu (Ultraviolet Irradiation Section) of the Institut biofiziki AN SSSR (Biophysics Institute AS USSR) the radiation level in zones where people are present should not exceed 0.5 microwatts/cm2 and the daily dose should not be more than 240 microwatta.min/cm2. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 S/115/61/000/oul/993/007 B129/B201 AUTHORS: Gordovo A. H.,, Izrailov, K. S.,, Kandyba, V. V., Kirenkov., J1 L., Kovalevskiy V. A. Lapina, E. A... Finkel'shteyn, V Ye. and Ergard-., : TITLE: Comprehensive metrological studies for developing methods and apparatus for exact measurements of high temperatures PERIODICAL: lzmeritelinaya tekhnikao no. 1., 1961., 22-25 TEXT: The ever-increasing demands made by industry on the accuracy and range of measurements of high temperatures make it necessary to reorganize the entire metrological system in the field of measurements of high tempera- tures and the development of new standard and model devices on the basis of the latest achievements in the construction of vrecision instruments., Jn this connection, the MIN imeni D. 1. Mendeleyeva and KHGIMIP developed a program for the performance of comprehensive metrological studies for the establishment of new standards and high-precision master instruments for tem- peratures ofup to 10.0000C. This metrological research work was completed in 1960. T he studies were made in four fundamental directions: thermometry Card 1/2 S11151611000100110031007 Comprehensive metrological B129/B201 of gasess thermoelectric pyrometr7., optical visual pyrometry) objective pyrometry (photoelectric and radiation pyrometry '1. w temperature scales in the field of high temperatures were established on the basis of new methods of objective apectropyrometry. The optical pyrometers used for measuring high temperatures are not sufficiently accurate. Thus, the admis- sible error in measurement of the optical pyrometersCMIP(OPPIR) is up to + 150C at 1.,0000C., and up to 3000 at 2,0000C. It is evident that this is Tnsufficient for many purposes and for scientific research work. In con- nection with the above problem, 1.3., direct temperature measurement of high accuracy, the optical precision pyrometers301 251 JEOP-51) and Orl -48 (0P-48) spectropyrometers of the typesftq-57 (IKP-57) andOlk (SPKs and new optical devices of the type/?~(URP) were developed and introduced. The interna- tional temperatures scale was used with maximum accuracy for the new instru- ments at the Vsesoyuzrqy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metrologii im. 0. 1. Mendeleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of ~O%rology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) and at the institutes of the Komitet 6t;andartov2 mer i izmeritellnykh riborov (Corwdttee on Standards, ~Ieasures, and Measuring Instr-LtmontsK The new lryrometers are widely used for scientific research work. There are 59 references; 49 Soviet -bloc and 6 non-Soviet- bloc. Card R/2 FINKELISHTEYN, V.Ye.; ROMADANOV, I.S. Using an infrared spectropyrometer in experimental measurement of the constant C2. lzm-tekh. no.907-39 S 162. (NTRA 15111) (Pyrowters) (Thermometry) FINKELISHTEYN, V.Ye. Precise determination of the effective wave length of a spectropyrometer. lzm. tekh. no.1:29-30 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:11) ACCESSION NR: AP4014639' S/0115/64/000/001/OOZ9/0030 AUTHOR: Finkel'ahteyn, V. Ye. TITLE: -Preciae determination of the effective wavelength of a spectropyrometer SOURCE, Izmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 1, 1964, 29 -30 TOPIC TAGS: spectropyrometer, pyrometer, apectropyrometer effective wavelength ABSTRACT: The higher accuracy required of modern spectropyrometric measurements and the necessity of using wider spectral slits have prompted the �~velopment of a method for direct measurement of the difference between the .,~e#ective wavelength and the initial wavelength. A constant P can be found by rneasuring the effective wavelengths with two alit widths 1, and 411". 42-121 wliere, A~ The method is based on the fact that if any two ACCESSION NR: AP4014639 yrometers oriented toward an absolute blackbody, with an interposed neutral p gray absorber, show the same brightness Immperature, their effective wave- lengths are equal. Practical hints are supplied. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas. IASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOY: 000 OTHER: 000 2/2 T ME -TT-~' Ell 1, 1 FBIh-MtSIITEYN, V. Ye- Fistimation of errors Jn determining blackness in periodic radiative heating of opecimens, Nov. nauch.-iosl. rab. p0 metr. VVIDI nos306-39 164 (MIRA 180) FINKELISETEYN, V.Ye. ;: Effect of surface cooling on the accuracy of meaBuring the blackness coefficient in radiative heating of specimens. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 3 no.lil34-138 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18s4) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut mar i izmaritell--Wkh priborov. F I NKFI-1 5HTFYN9 'V, Ye , ~ K I SE L 1 2 P ~ N~ Using tht R211 semlatitomatic potentloirp3ter for accurate automdt.1c recording of electrical magnitudes. I =. tekh. n0.'3246-47 Mr 165. (MIRA 1815) Z YXT f 1) - +CI-NR AP600 0056- P ' 0033 SOURGEC06 5 001V 0 :AUTHOR: Gotubi L. M..; Finket'shteyn, V. Ye.; Sh J ORG: None TITLE: A method for expanding the range of a radiation pyrometer in the high- -temperature region ,SOURCE: lzmeritel0vaya tekhnika, no. 16, 1965, 50-51 OPIC TAGS: meteorcitogic instr'ment, radiiition2yro ~T u __MOM telescope, optic, ~black body IABSTRACT- From the meteorologic viewpoint, one of the practical disadvantages of telescopes of radiation pyrometers is that they are calibrated directly by "black body" emitters, as a result of which the.upper temperature limit is ~restricted by the maximum, working temperature of this emitter. It is desirable to have.;a method of range expansion which would make it possible to construct the range by means of calculations, but which would. be free of any assumptions regarding the optic pro- perties of the telescope itself. The authors propose the application of a,method widely known in optical pyrometry, but neverused in radiation pyrometry. The method is based on the following. In.measuring high temperatures the tight flux is attenuated by aglass selective absorber, the transmission of which, in the Card I A VDC: 536.5ZI.Z f ------- ------ L10304-66 ACC NRt AP6000033 entire longwave range admitted by the radiation pyrotneter is related to the long wave ?~by the relationship: Where C.003t. After absolute black body emission passes through such an absorber, the tempera- tures T are made identical (i.e., equal at all wavelengths) to the emission of the absolute blackbody at a tower temperature Toi related with T by the relationship: :L A const, As Furthermore 7F. F., where cZ is the second constaut,in.the Planck formula, equal to 1. .43 8 cm x deg. Hence, irrespective of the properties of the radiation pyrometer, the signak origin&- ting from the black body of temperature T through the absorber wil.1 be equal to the signal originating without the absorber of the black body temperature To. Several examples of application of the method are presented. It is concluded that the utillza- tion of an absorber which satisfies the condition of formula (1) in the region, of O.-B-2. 7 microns makes it possible to extend the range of measurement of indus- trially produced telescopes of radiation pyrometers up to very high temperatures. Orig. art. has:' 3 figures and 3 formulas. SUP CODE: 17,04 SUBM DATE:, None ORIG iEF.- 003 I Card /2 eo GOLUBP L.M.- FINKELISHTSYN V.Ye.; SHPIGELIMAN, U.S. Method for expanding the scale of a radiation Fyrometer into the high temperature range. Izm.takh. no,10:51~-51 0 165, (MIRA 18:12) , --*- W --Vi.; -, I - ;-;r. f,~, " ~, ~. , .,, , .- - L W- 77 + V*04 0 SOURCE CODE-:; 65/ooofidli/oo66/0067 AUTHOR: Golub, L. M.; Finkellshtgn, V. Ye.; Shpigellman, Ye. S. ORG: None TITLE: A new "black body" radiator for the 1500-3KO00C temperature range SOURCE: Izmeritel1naya tekhnika, no. 11, 1965, 66-67 TOPIC TAGS: black body radiation, radiation measurement, pyrometer ABSTRACT: The authors describe a "black body" radiator developed at the Khatkov State Institute of Measures and MeaijtLrLn& Instrum-ents for graduating the telescopes of radiation pyrometers with a sighting index of 1/40 (and less) in the 1500-30000C tem- perature range. The radiator (see figure) is an electric resistance furnace in which the heating element is graphite~)tube 1 IsOO mm long with an inside diameter of 25 Imn and a wall thickness of 3 mm.--K-screw thread is cut inside the tube for holding gra- phite partition 2 and diaphragms to increase the blackness of the radiating cavity. The heater is placed in a cylindrical metal housing 3 with double -w-alls for passage of running water. Inside the housing is a graphite screen 4 in the form of a tube with fireclay rings 5. The screen and rings separate the furnace housing frcm. the heater tube. The space between the housing and screen is filled with a heat insulation ma- terialAcarbon black) 6. The furnace is covered on both sides by me-tal lids with double ~V Ap6ol4526 'walls cooled by running water. The heater (graphite tube) is threaded.into movable ? and stationary 8 metal flanges which simul- taneously serve as current conductors. The movable flange Is necessary for expansion of the heated tube. Both flanges are equipped with glass windows 0 with metal T. -through of the gra- . . . . . . . baffles to avoid burn phite heater. Argon is fed through pipe branches in the movable flange for the same purpose. The nwimum working tem- perature of 30001C is reached in one hour at a power of 20 kw. Radiation blackess is 0-980M015- Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: None Card =v, NAH"Mp N.S.s FINXEWHTMI, N,, V.N. *Me alkykierung aronatiseber v%rbin&mgen mit siUco-olefinen.111 "The alky:Lation of aromatic compounds vith silicoolefins.0 Repoz+, submitted to the 2nd Dresden Symp. on Organic and Non-Silicate Silicon~ Chemistry* Dresden., East GsrwW 26-30 March 1963 Institute for petrochemical syntheses of the Academy of Science of the USSRj, Moscow. ACC,E8S1ON NR: AP4012090 S/0020/64/*154/002/0383/03P,6 AUTHORS: Nametkin, N.S. (corresponding member); Vdovino V.K Finkel'shteyna Ye. Sh.; Arkhipovas* T.N.; Oppengeyn# V.D. TITLE: Synthesis of 3,4-benzosilicocyolopentanes SOURCE: AN SSBR. Doklady*j, v. 154, no. 2, 1964, 383-386 TOPIC TAGS: 3,4-banzosilicoeyclopentaheo infra-red spectrum,lultrft-~~!"'.' violet spectrum, chloromethylbenzyldichlorailane cyclization, 3.4~ !benzosilicocyclopentane synthesis, silicon containing In0ane ABSTRACT: The sillcon-containing analog of indane, 3,4-benzosili- coeyclopentane and some of its derivatives were synthesized and characterized by their IR and u.v. spectra and physical proportion. Chloromethylbenzy1dichlorsilane was oyoUzed with AlCl In benzene 1/3 Card ACOESSION NRI AP4012090 to the 3,,4-benzo-1 jl-dichlorosilicoeyclopentane: AICIS MIS 'CIS + HC1. ~C, HH~ The latter was reduced with L1A1H4 to 3p4-benzo-1j,1-d1hydros12ico- cyclopentane, alkylated with MgBt to the oorrosponding 1.1- and 1,1-dibutyl-derivatives* and reao~ed with acetic dimethyl anhydride to form the 3,4-benzo-1,1-diaceton:Uicocyclopentane.;-. (/-)/CH VICHI MIS + RA'IgBt IRS 4 - CUM ICU icle+(C"jcOhO- OCOCH11, Y, Card 2/3 Al KALIKOVSKIZ, D.P., Inzhener; FIMMIMIMMIN, U.B., Inzhaner. Ifficiancy suggestions at the Moscow Undergr;zrconstruct ion Trust. Gor.khos.Kosk. 28 no.6:34-38 Ja 134. NLRA 7:7) (Pipelines) J) J- 41-1- J A.- AUTHOR: Mallkovskiy, D.P., Finkel'shteyn, Ya.B. 123 - 1 - 13. TITLE: Innovators in the Underground Constructions (Rataionali- zatory v atroitellstve podzemnykh aooruzheniy). PERIODICAL: Gor. kh-vo Moskvy, 1956, NO-1, 30-33. (USSR) ABSTRACT: Descriptions are given of the following innovations incorporated into the practice of underground engineer- ing works of the Glavmosstrby (Main Division for Housing *hno Civilian Construction in the city of Moscow): attachment for rolling out the edges of smaller-in- diameter pipe in the welding 'operation; an equipment for cutting and removing ohamfer from steel pipes during welding; machine tool for lapping the Ludlow gate valves which are installed in gas pipe lines; device for addition new feeders to the operating heat-conveying network without disruption of the heating system; pneumatically controlled machine tool for sheathing radiators; mechanisms for laying blocks in tunnels; Card 1/2 electric car to move blocks and rocks in tunnels; full 123 - 1 - 13. swinging cranes of 750 and 1,000-kilogram capacity for lifting rocks from shafts and lowering blocks into collectors; a vibratory pile driver to sink into the ground any metal bars, etc. P.Ye.A. Ref.Zh., Maohinostroyeniye, Nr.1, 1957, Item 13. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BY: SUMaTTED: AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 7 1W .- jj4jjjjW"4:MITsnr, x.v. WANNOMP"" - YT-1 liquid static drills. [Suggested br IA.B. Yinkellshtsin, N.V. TroitskiiI.RateJ isobr.predl.v stroi. no.148:11-14 '56. WaA 10:5) (Boring machinery-Cold weather operations)