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FORFIRtUVAO ff.ff.0--71NAGIMNj B A Analysis of the error in measuring the relative intensity of X-ray speotrum lines by a photographic method, Trudy LKI no~31:151r;160 160& OEMA 15:2) 1. Kafedra fiziki Leningradskogo korablestroitellnogo insti*ta. (X. rays) PCRFIROUTA, U.Ne;_K1 -=.- PG Maximum permissible extent of distortion of the characteristic - spectrum of Zt-ray structure tubes In the structural analysis of po;ycrystals. Trud.y LU no.31:173-177 1 (,,~ 25j2) I 1. K.afedra fiziki Leningradskogo korablestroitellnogo instituta. . , (Yrray erptallography) 28962 8/146/61/004/003/012/013 (/0 t 3/ D217/D301 AUTHORS: Nesterukp V.P.v Porfirlyeva, N.N., and_.j~naAjA___"- TITLE: The principie of instrument construction for genera- ting the random shape of electrical signalsp based on the application of radio active decay as a starting point PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Friboro- stroyeniye, v. 4, no. 1.1, 19619 135 - 140 TEXT! The standard signals are sinueotdal oscillations, step func- tions, uniting pulse, or pulse sequences. Standard signals may be of a statistical character. A classical exam 1e of standard random signals is the generalized telegraph signal MS) or signals of limited speech. It may track only two values +U 0 and -Uo but the times of sign change are at random and follow Poisson's law. The use of radioactive decay for random signals has the foilowing ad- Card 114_' ;Aq('2 S/14 6/61/U04/003/012/013 The principle of Inetrument D217,D301 vantages: 1) It J 'a a purely statistical process with binomial dis- tribution. 2) Any statist-Joal law may be fulfilled as the process is not affected by exTernaj. phenomena such as electrical and mag- netic fields, temperature, pressure or vibration etc. 3) The ele- mentary process of denay is accompanied by sufficient energy for recording. 4.) Many processes are known with a half life T, from ji sees. to millions of years. Hence they may be used either for stationary random proceases or for an ensemble of random signals with any statistical diatribution. The correlation function of GTS is R(T) = H 2e-_2VA,r ~ where H - amplitudeg ji = in-9 k--- 1 ratio of the 6 number of pulses from the counter to the average number decays For a process of ohanging amplitudes, one has a signal of the se- quential system (SSS) and the correlation fanction R(T) H e Both processes are Markov's. Any generator GTS must have elements controlling H and p. For H - attenuator, U - absorber# different thickness d, V, = -r.06-ad~ The information was obtained Card 2/&/ 1`1~5~ 28962 8/14 61/004/003/012/013 The principle of instrument D217%301 from the work of V. Elmor and M. Sends (Ref. 5% Elektronika v ya- dernoy fizike (Electron in Nuclear Physics)f I.L. 1953). The block diagram (Fig. 1) is presented as the following elements in series: I - radioactive source, II - intensity regulator, III- energy con- vertor, IV - pulse amplifier, to ascertain triggers work, V - re- lease system with triggers shaping GTS, VI - energy amplifier with attenuator. Between IV and V is inserted VII - frequency meter mea- suring Ii and after VI is VIII - Amplitude H meter. To start the ge- neration of random amplitude signals it is necessary 1) to put III in condition of work by anode voltage, 2) to exclude the trigger- ing cell, fixing amplitude.,There are 1 figure and 5 Soviet-bloc references, SUBMITTED: December 10, 1960 Card 3/_' 263.97 .6,/046/61/007/003/003/004- B104/B201 AUTHOR: Finagin, B. A. (Leningrad) TITLEs Degenerate vibrations and doublet splitting of natural frequencies of piezoelectric resonators PERIODICALi Akustioheskiy zhurn'al, Y. 7, no. 3, 1~61, 358465 TEXTt A study has been made of the doublet splitting of the-natural frequenc- ies of vibrations in piezoelectric plates. The perturbation theory is use'd;~ to show that the doublet-splitting of natural frequefic'fes and the roiation of vibrational figures of piezoelectric plates are to be regarded as the, result of a degeneracy of certain model of vibration. The study proceeds from the membrane equation 22U/.-t2 - a -..,U 0, and solutions are found in-- n sinntf n the form A sin(.,, t)i (k r) where J (k r) are Bessel-fun'a- mn mn . mn n M cosn2 n M tions. For circular plates the author thus obtains two classes of solutions a3.dependent ou angle i.e., the vibrations with frequencies tomn qre doubly degbnerate.' The mode of vibration of a circular plate has a SYs.tem Card 1/3 26397 S/046/61/007/003/003/004 Degenerate vibration .sand... B104/B201 of radial and-circular nodal lines; the natural frequencies are expressed 11 n by (v a/R,, where m. denotes the number of 6oncentrio nodal lines# and, mn m M n the'number of radial nodal lines;.R ~s the radius of the m-th concentAc~ M nodal line. D~Seneracies may arise due to inhomogeneities of piezoelectric plates or due to deviations from the'ir ideal shape. It is shown by a- detailed analysis that where thereis such a deviation,- r rd -A), a. natural frequency,,) is split into two frequencies: mn et.a Ma (Olmn R. 11 +b (P1)1 a 0):.n W. it T b(PS)l - lit R. ft'+ 6 (,p) dn' (,p PI) dT f(m'nl(o)) is found therefrom. The author concludes from a ptudyof. mn Card 2/3 Flo 2o397 8/0 4 616110 0 7/00 3/00 3/0 04 Degenerate vibrations and B104/B201 this relation that .( ) easontially depends on the mode of vibration. In other'words, an anisotropy of the plate properties or of boundary conditions in the plate gives-rise to different splittings for different modes of vibratiom. If the plate displays a weak elliptic form with eccentricity -'2/4 will be valid, as is shown by the author. This resultv hor.- evert contradicts experimental results. The splitting of frequencies of a circular plate deviating by OoOVjj from the exact circular chapo Was greater bY 4-5 orders of magnitude. Basing on a brief discussion of experimental results obtained on tourmaline plates the author concludes that all real plates display low anisotropies of properties or boundary conditions, which give rise to a splitting of froquencios. The effect of this frequency splitting in radioteohnioal or electronic equipments using piezoelectric resonators islinally discussed* The present work was the subject of a lecture delivered at an All-Union scientific meeting on the occasion of A. S. Popov's birthdayl Moacowp June 10, 1959o As Lyav and D# V. Reley are mentioned. There are 1 table and 9 referenaeas 6 Soviet-bloc and 2 non- Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: Tul:t i t 196o Card 3/3 FIMIN, B.A. I Gase of oscillations of a piezoelectric resonator at-an even harmonic of resonance oscillations along the thickness* Akust.zhur. 8 no.3.-358-362 162. -(MM 15:11) 1, Leningradskiy korablestroitelluly institut. (Osoilla ors, Crystal) 43205 S/046/62/008/004/009/017 B1.08/B186 AUTHOR: Finagin, B. A. TITLE: Static deformation of piezoelectric plates during vibration on their natural frequencies PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 8, no. 4, 1962, 454-459 TEXT: The surface vibrations of piezoelectric plates excited on their natural frequencies vere studied with the aid of interference of light. The polished and metal-plated surfaces of the specimens were used as one of the mirrors in a MUchelson interferometer. oher. the plates were excited at their natural frequencies, certain changes in the-whole vibration chart w,ere observed which are attributed to statip d4formation. Proof of this assumption is that not only the number of interference bands but also their position, shape and configuration undergo changes at certain definite patural frequencies. These chanees are reversible. Destruction of the plates under such conditions of resonance is due also to static deformation, since it occurs at much weaker alternating fields than destruction in cases where such changes in the whole vibration chart are not observed. These Card 1/2 S/04 6/62/008/00 4/CO9/017 Static deformation of... B108/B186 changes in the vibration chart can, therefore, be used to indicate the dangerous frequencies of a piezoelectric plate. There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: LeninEradakiy korablestroitelInyy institut (Lenincrad Shipbuilding Institute) SUBMITTED: April 10, 1961 Card 2/2 MOLV~W-AFM/ASV L loohkW ACCMION HH: ARJOW391 0/0058/63/000/000041/,H041 SCURM: Mis FizikaAbs. 4Zh248 AUTHOR: ReStera, V. F.; porfirlyeva, N. Finagin, B. A. ---------- TITLE: Method foi'generatins -random pulses, using the discreteness of optical- radiation in the master, process CIM SCURCH: Tre Leningr* korablestroit. in.-ta, vyp. 36, 1962, lo7.lo9 TOPIC TAGS:-- random pulse -generation,- optical- source,- modulation TFARSIATIONO A Mlethod is deacribed for. generating random pulses,, using the - discrete nature of Mgcal radistion.'~The mater device is a low-power incandescent lamp rated about,one watt. The light from the radiation source Is incident on a gas-discharge photonmenergy converter or a photomultiplier. The pulses obtained are amplifled~20 - 30 db end are fed to shaping.stages. The main methods of utilizing such a generator are tndicateed: 1) generation of a generalized telegraph signal: 2) generation of a "random sequence" of pulses Card 1/2 L 10074-64 Bb 5 S/00-98/63/0W/004/A03-1/031 ACCEMON NR: AR3000343 SOURM: 13Zhe- Mika, Abs. M270 AUTHOR: Fi nagin,, B. A. TITLE: Interference modulator of light.,operating at several frequencies CITED somm. Tr. Taningr. korablestroit. in-ta, vyp. 36, 1962, 111-120 TOPIC TAGS-. Interference lisht modtaatorp .*iezo-mirror TRANSIATIONt- A6suits are,pwesented of an investigation of the possibility of producing an interference light modulator (using the principle of A. A. T-ebedev) vih a single piezo mirror operating successively at several frequencies. The author proposes that the construction of such a modulator vaald make it possible to resolve the problem of uniqueness of measurement of the diubances by means of a phase-type light range finder equipped with one modulator. It is shown that a modulator vith a single plezo miri~=,, operating succesalvely at several frequencies, can be realized only in the resonator mode. It is established ccird 1/2 In"O" thG vibratio.,, of a light interfeig-eant!:~Odulatcr- Trud'Y'fLPJillnzoo,e3le6c.-2t5r3i-o26m5irro'6r2Bo .1. KafedrIa fi2iki Leningradskogo korablestroitellno OMIA 16:7) o in~tituta, (Piezoelectricity) (Interference (Lightf) NESTERUK, V.F.; FORFMIYEVA, N.N.; ZEE~~ Some remarka and additionB-to IU,M. Bykov's article wFluctuation noise generators for studyIzg-I:Td'ra_law frequency control- objects, "' Avtom.i telem. 24 no.10.16-117 A 163. (KcRA 16a) (Oscillators, Electric) (Automatic control) ACCESSrOff UR: AP5007305 S/0057/65/035i~303/0542/0516 AUMOR - 1~1~-qnikov, L. L. RA in B.A. ygoroctakly, L.D. ;,_Fiyiag TITLE, Investigation oll' the re:flection of p-:3ktassium, rmbidi _pLnd cegium-atomic beams from a quartz plate Lhurnal teklinicheskoy fizlkl, v.35, no.3, 1245, 542-54b TAGS: atom, potassium rubldiwa, cesium, ref lecti cn, fi,~ f f ract ~, on. quartZ cr)M- ultrasonic vibration AM;TRACT: The authors have lnvestiCated/the reflection of K. Rb and Cs atc-,ms from the polished surface of an X-cut quallz - tom-li -,eins w,~!- f-rm-d in a ~~rystal. The T!~.,ITI* temperature oven containing the alkal- metal i.-1 'Ile q'l~d ind pro- lr~ a collimating channel (dizensions af-t g-~~ori) -~n,j by surface ionization 3n a Vmgsten st ~--. p. r relative to the quartz ref le-Ing aaauce could be changed without .14tr in=u US. -edu d bi heated , vooled or excited tr-_ me- chanleml vibration at the resonant f-requoncy of 980 ~.c/g ec - --h, - --5 f f --~n t reflqction (reflection coeVicierit frooi 15 ~i) 2(l) wii~i ACCESSION MR: AP5007305 ng, aagl~ , 3rj. When the quartz reflector was heat-d f r %tr 4ft -h- r--f';-tnd beam became cansidera"ily more f f -G -19 I ng , f'i -1F 'I DP.-A MA 7,0 X beam becamf- slight!,, n, r (I ona r-a t r-,t: 4g r-em ~n, --u that di ~f !,i, )r g- i -ase intermiod al- I':,- ~ v i~ r;i - ; ag f-. 7- t g- -i -, :.~ - -k 3S(-c LA! 1,:Vi: Leningrads ki y korablestroitel 'nyy ins t I tut Kafed rn f 11 k(nt Ts i cs D-partment Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute) B-M I 7J un6 4 ENCL: 00 B ~fp - - ~, :, (TMR: 002 cc-d2/2 FITIAGIN~ L.K. (Finahin, L.K.] Hffectof altraviolet irradiation on cholesterol metabolism. Visr,qk Kylv. Sar.biol. no.1s:L26-129 262. (MIRA 1635) ( CIFOLESTIzHOL IWABOLM) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS--MSIOLOGIPAL MM) FIIFAGIN$ L.K. [Finahint L.K.] W-~ Effect of Infrared radiatim on cholesterol metabolism* Vimyyk 141ilr* no&5, Sertbiolo no*2t3,35-138 t62, (MM 1635) (11WRM RAYS.MSIOWGICAL UJUT) (CHWSTEROL METABOLISM) FINAGIN, L.K. [Finahin, L.K.] Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and atropine on choleserol, metabolism. Ukr.biokhim.shur. 34 no.6:902-909 162., (MIRA 164) 1. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics of tA -Shevehenko State University of Kiev. (uLTRAVIOIET RAYS-PMIOIDGICAL EFFECT) (ATROPM) (CHOLESTEROL METABOLISM) KOSEM, A.F.; FINAGIN, L.K. Changes in the cholesterol content of the blood in electric stimulation of the hypothalamus. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.4:34-37 Ap 164. (mIF-A 18:3) 1. Otdol fiziologii pishchevareniya i krovoobrashcheniya (zav. - prof. P.G. Bogach) Institute. fiziologii Kiyevskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Shavchenko. Submitted March 18, 1963. ACC NR, 029011 SOURCE CODE: Un/0413/66/ooo/ol4/0009/0002 INVEMR: Vyalov, N. X.; FInaging, P. M.; Sorokinj A. N.;' Tartakovskiy, I. K.1 Belyakov,'L. S. ORG: None- TM: Pipe rolling mill. 'Class 'T, No. l8j693 (announced by the Elektrostall Heavi chine Builiing Plant*(Elektrostallskiy sayod tyazhelogo machinostroyeniya)] URCZ: * Izobret prom obraz toy zn, no. 14, 1966, 9 IPIC TAGS: pipe,,rolling mill STRACT:' This Authok's Certificate intr6duces: 1. A PiDe rolling mill consisting of housing and input and output equipment. The housing is equipped with Iger mill roller and autmatic will roller aesemblies. 2. A modification of this de- ce for producing tubea by the piiger method., The unit has a fced mechanism, a chanism for controlling mandrel co6l:ing and transfer, and a lifting trough an the put siae. The output aide of the mill: is equipped with & lift table. 3. A modifi- tion of this unit for axitcm4tic pipe rolling using-master rollera on the input-side the xill't6 re~laee the hoisting trough. The unit also has a fixer: trough, while 6ingle assembly consisting of virii4, crosspiece and brake-centering mounted ..the output -side of the aUl. CODE: 131 SUBM DATE:.,.lOJan64 ,111 POLUKHIN, P.I., doktor tekhn.naukp prof'.; POTAPOV, I.N., inzh.; FINAGIN, P.M., inzh. I ~ I ~~-~t Adjustment of drives for pipe-rolling mills securing a steady rotation of rolls. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.9:18-21 S 163* (MIRA 16:10) USSR/Physic-s- --l-a-d-Rography- FU--32o6 J .Cird 1/1 ~Ub--' 153-15A8 Author Finagina I, L., Kartuzhanskiy A. L. and Soltitzkiy B. P. Title quantitative radiography of plant species Periodical : Zhur. Tekh..Fiz., 25, No 7, 1276-1279, 1955 Abstract : A simple method was devised for observing the amount of radioactive materials in plants, in particular the absorption of the isotope P32 by wheat and beans. Plotted curves of blackening density versus radiation intensity facilitated the measurement of absolute values of radiation intensity in an arbitrary point of thq radiograph and thence the activity and mass of the radioactive material. Three USSR and one British references. Institution : Submitted : November 8, 1954 137-58-3-5847 .,Translation from: Refer ativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 197 (USSR) AUTHORS: Salli, I. V. , Finagina. Ye. V. TITLE: The Rate of Growth of Ferrite Grains (Skorost' rosta ferritnogo ze'rna) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t, 1956, Vol 45, pp 51-53 ABSTRACT: The rate of growth of ferrite grains was experimentally determined for steels containing 0.15 percent C, Q 3 percent C, and 0.45 percent C. Specimens in the form of a half-moon with a 6 mm radius were cut from plates 3 mm thick. The specimens were heated in Pb baths. A specimen was initially maintained for a period of 20 minutes in a bath of approximately 900OC'and was then transfered into a 7300 bath where the growth of ferrite crystallization centers took place. After quenching in water, cleansing, and etching, the average size of the laiBest grains was measured in a direction perpendicular to the boundary of austenite grains. By means of comparing the rate of grain growth, cal- culated theoretically by Salli (RzhKhim, 1956, Nr 14, abstract 4Z512) and also determined experimentally, it is shown that the Card 1/2 theory of decomposition of supersaturated solid solutions is 137-58-5847 . The Rate of Growth of Ferrite Grains applicable to the lFe-,P-O(Fe transformation only in cases of small degrees of supercooling and.relatively large concentrations of C. V. R. Card Z/2 FINAKOV. V.K. WANOW*W"OMWACI~ Influence of meteorological factors on the Colorado beetle and data for forecasting its multiplication. Nauk. sap, L'vir,xauk,pryrodemz, AN MM 3:43-51 '54. (HIU 815) (Europe, lasterx-Potato beetle) Biological prinalplas underlying measuros used to eliminate nidi of the potato beetla. Fratal Inot. agrobiol. AN INSR 5:3-6 154. (Potato beetle) (MIRA 11:7) FINAKOVIJOK. r- Biological method of controlling the potato beetla(Leptinotarsa decamlinents Say). Fratai Inst. agrobiol. All URSR 5:7-16 154. (MIRA 11:7) (Potato beatle--Biological control) FINAKOV, V. K. FINAKOV, V. K.: "The Colorado beetle (leptinotarsa 4ecemlin- eata Say) an4 measures to combat it". LIvov, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Belaya TserkovI Agricultural Inst. (Dissertations for be D3gree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Xnizhnaya letoALB 1, No. 9, 24 December, 1955. Moscow. VICH N15 633.6 A Xo1oredsk zhuk I mery bor'by a nim (The Colorado potato beetle and methods of combating ilt Kiyev, Akademkniga Ukrainskoy SSR, 1956. 120, (1) p. illus., diagrp J. map, tables. "Literatura": p. 111- (121i At head of-titlet Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut Agrobiologii. H-A FINAKOV, V.K. Causes of mass migration of the potato beetle from Hungary into Soviet Transcarpathia in in May 1958. Nauk. zap. UzhGU 40:247-248 159. (MIRA 3,4:4) l..Inatitut zemledeliya i 2hivotnovodstva, LIVOV. (Transcarpathia-Potato beetlX Chem"al Pr mt of tartild mterials Cont"nin Hung. U&bffg "Wal's aa baml WIS"Me. AX " ST ric is IxAk%i IU,W. JUlY 1. IM. 300 kS. linCU off I PAbm ro cAmialuer with 31M 1. timemilk. for about 3 hn. in sin 0 which contains 2L) kg. CAU, washed mit with ivatcr. Ai -1 thr multhil Cm amp deanupd. with dil. IICL The fati.v acids an tmadonned to sol. alkali simps by boiling with dd. alluHu. and the products bkached by ticalment witb kuhum hytKxhlorite or HM. Istvin FinAly FINALY , I. t'Great chomistsff by Eduard Farber. Reviewed by 1. Finaly. Acta chimica Hung 38 no.2:175 163. BECK, Mihaly; BITE, Pal; BRUCOER, Gyozo; CSENTES, Jozsef; CSUPOS, Zoltan~ DEAI,~,* Gyula; ERLEY-GRUZ, Tibor; ERLEY, laszlo; FABLU1, Pal; FINALY. Tstvan; FUDOR.. Gabor; FUDORNE CSANYI, Piroaka; -Z1GR-`BI-RO-,-Y-,ar`oTy; INZELT, Istvan; KUCS14AN Arpad; VDIZUNN) Brno; PUNGOR., Brno; SCHIMIER, Anna; SCHKEK, Elem'er; SZABOVARY, Ferene Rules for the Hungarian chemical nom6nelature and orthography. Yam tud koz1 NTA 17 no.IA:1-292 162. 1. "'A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyeill- szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Bruckner., Csuros, laszlo Eraey, G*Fodor, and Schulek). 2. nA Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Komiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei" szorkesztoje (for Erdey-Gruz). 3. "A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei", technikai szerkesztoje (for Finely). 4. Muvelodesugyi Miniszterium (for Gsentes 5. Magyar Tudom-anyos.,Akaftmia, Helyesitasi Bizottsage (for Fabian). 6, Nehezipari Miniaterium (for Neumann). FINALY~ I. "Searohing the chwdcal literature"p edited by R.F. Gould. Reviewed by I. Finaly. Acta chimica Hung 38 no.2tl74-175 163. :q-, I A&I -I FINALT, Janos Our surface waters as seen from general hygienic viewpoint. Nepegesseegusy 35 no.?-.191-193 july 54. (WAM SUPPLT pullution, RwWary, needL of prev. measures) (PUBLIC HIA R HungaxT, water supply purification requirements) FIFAI-Y, L. "Sewage Tobler., of Cur Toml in t1le 11 300 (II]DRCICGIAI Vol. 33, 170. 7/8, Ju2y/luj:. 1953, Budapest, llur"Eary~ SC-: Yorthly List of East European Accessiors (EIIAL), LC, Vcl. 4, l'o. 3, I M~ch 1955, Und. FILI;UY, L. L Lr !'CovjLJtior3 for Purity of Surface 'wilaters or, th(~, --Tir-iples -,'037cw,:-d (IIIII)RCICCIAl KCZICIN, 'V !I . 33, T'o the '7oviet Unic%ill,, P C /10 - 321, Clept./Cct. 1953, Budapest, Hungary) SC: 1~;onthly Ust of East Furopean Accessiens (EFAL), LG, Vo2. ?',o. 3, March 1955, Uncl. pi'l L'11273 L. Correlation between Lhe external canalizIltiOn Of settler:ents and P. 191 Vol. 4, -No. 5, 1955 Budapest, KlunCary EPULETUPESZET SO: 11onthly Idst of East European Accessions, (EEAL) , LG, Vol. 5 lio- 3. March, 1956 FINALY, L. Remarks on the fundamentals of sewa-~e purification. p. 185. ~ I HID.WWGIAI KCZWNY. MROWGICAL JOUMUL. (Magyar Hidrologial Tarsasag) Budapest. V01. 35, no. 5/6 4ay/June 1955. SOURCE: East Eurppean Accessions List (E--'AL), Vol. 5, No. 2, February 1956 FINALY, L. Investigating the efficacity of one-story settling basins with horizontal flow. P.364. (Hidrologiai Kozlony) Vol. 36) No- 5, Oct- 1,056, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. lF57. Uncl. FIVALY., lajos i The Tihany Biological Research Institute is 30 years old. Hidrologiai Koz1ony 37 no-4035 157 FIVALY -.-- ~j_jqjjoA "Tex-tile industry waste waters and their inglyence on the construction and operation of city sewage treatment plants"- by Dk-.R. Rohde. Reviewed by Iajos Finaly. Hidrologiai kozlony 38 no.42261 Ag'58. FINALY, L. "last ten years in designing aevage-purification installations." P. 461 HIDROIDGIAI. KOZLONY. HYDROIDGIGAL JOURNAL. (Magyar Hidrologiai Tarsasag) Budapest, Hungary,, Vol. 38,, No. 6. Dec. 1958. Monthly List East European Accessions (MI) LC., Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959. uncl. FI NA LY) L. "Sterilization of seware on send filters; a reansrl, on A Dobcs and J. Peter's article "InvestiCition of the Bacteria-Retpininf7 Capacity of Sand Filters. 11 p. 151. HIDROWGIAI KOZLOIIY. HYDROLOGICAL JOURNAL. (Xat:yDr llidrologiai Tel'SI)SaF). Budapest., 1101. 39., No. ?,, Apr. 1959. M 1 onthly list of East European Accessions LC, Vol. F., INTo. 8, Aurust 195,9. Uncla. YIFALY, IaJos "The St. Iawrence Seaway" by Thomas Iowell. Reviewed by lajos Finaly. Hidrologiai kozlony 39 no.62482-483 D159. 1. "Hidrologiai Kozlony'~ szerkesz-Lo, bizotteagi tagja. FINALY, Lajos "Activated sludge treatment at Edmonton* by N.G.McDonald. Reviewed by Lajos Fina,3,y. Hidrologiai KozlonY 40 no.2tl54 Ap 16o. 1. *Hidrologiai Kozlonv* szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. I--------- MIHALIK, Bela; nmll-jaaz-b~KATONL, ..Tibor The glued rug. Magy textil, 13 no.8:346-350 Ag '61. FINALY,, Lajoa uSewage sludge treati.6nt in the city of blew York.u Reviewed by Lajoa Fin&ly. Hidtologiai koz1onY 40 no.3:245 A 160. I* "Hidrologiai Kozloft)~' szerkento bizottsagi tagja, "L. FINALYI Lajos "Current questions of sewage purification* by J.R.daillard. Reviewed by Lajos Finaly. Hidrologiai kozlony -40 no-4:275 Ag l6o. 1. "Midrologlai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. t i~lal':LYI iajos I "The Maple Lodge Works" by M.A. Kershaw. Reviewed bi Lajoi Finaly. 111drologiai kozlony 41 no.2&144 Ap 161, 1. "Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. , FINALY, lajos Some queations relating to the development and improvement of biological sewage purification* Hidrologiai kozlony 41 no-4: 326-32 9 AS 061 1. "Ridrologiai Koz1ony" szerkeazto bizotteagi tagja. FINALY, Iajos ~_ _ ._ -WAVOM-W Remark about the study by Ildiko Tookos entitled IITXfect of variable loads on the operation of tower-shaped trickling filters.";Hidrologiai kazlony 41 no.5t407 Of6l 1.*Hidrologiai KozIony* szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja, BELCHER, R.; ?I ~ALY,_jjnju=jtrftns.Iator1 Selective and sensitive organic reagents. Kem tud kozl MTA 16 no-4: 365-373 '61. 1. Department of Analyti6al Cbemistr7o The University of Birmingham, Birminghax, (Chemical tests and reagents) (Chemistry, Orgm ic) FINALY, lajos Precipitation volume and the dilution of storm water flowing over the system of sewers, Ifidrelogiai Kazlony 42 no.1:74-75 F 162. 1. "Ifidrologia Kozlony" szerkeszte bizettsagi tagja. luNALY Iajos 0.7 ol one--s'ory, sedimentation basits Improving thP e~ftlclit-Yn J 1 '0 with horizt)nt,-jl infiltratiOn, HiclrologiaLl- koziony 36 no.5: 384-385 0156 CSAJAGHY., Gabor; BOZSONY, Denes; PICHLERO Janos; KASSAI, Ferene; GYORGY, Istvan; SZABO, Pal Zoltan; DEVENY, Istvar (Szeged); KIRALY, Lajos (Miskolc); ZIEGLER, Karoly; PAPP, Ailard; SCHMIDT, Eligius Robert; GALLIv Laszlo,- VAJDA, Jozsef; RONAI, Andras; ILLES, Gyorgu; OLWS, Geza; )~TNAIJ.. 4jpe; MOSONYIF Emil; PAPP, Fereno Minutes of the December 19, 1958 general meeting arranged by the Hunparian Hydrological Society, Hidrologiai kozlony 49 no.5t394\401-404 0 '59. 1."Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkesato bizotteagi tagja (for CL&Jajhy, Gyorgy, Szilard eapp, Fereno Papp, Schmidt and Galli). 2. Orazagos Vizugyi Foigazgatosag (for Ziegler). PAPP, Ferene, dr.; B07SONY, Denes; VAGAS, Istvan; OROSZLANY, Istvan; SCHULHOF, Odon, dr.1 SZIGYARTO, Zoltan; HETENYI, Endre; HOLENYI, Laszlo; GABRI, Mihaly; HOLLO, Istvan; KESSLER, Hubert, dr.; WISNOVSZKY, Ivan; FINALY Lajos; RATKY,-'Istvan; SZALAY, Miklos; 1--- --4 IHRIG, Denes; KIRALY, Lajosj-XE7rAI, Ede Report on the 1959 general meeting arranged by the Hungarian Hydrological Society. Hidrologiai kozlony 40 no.4-345-348 Ag t6o. 1. Magyar Hidrologiai Tarsasag elnoke (for Papp). 2. Magyar Hidrologiai Tarsas4# fotitkara (for Bozsony). 3. "Hidrologiai kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vagas, Oroszlany, Schulhof, Szigyarto and Hollo). HMIGARY/Human and i%nimal Physiology - (Normal and Pathological). T-12 Nervous System, Higher Nervous Activity. Behavior. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biole, No 11, 1958, 51328 Author : jbigyan, A.J., Finaly, P., Roheim. p. Inst : Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Title : Some Characteristic Changes of Higher Nervous Activity in Dogs Following TmVorary Iochemisation of the Head. Orig Pub : Acta physiole Acad* scis hung., 1957) 11, No 2, 225-231o Abstract : Following brain ischemisation according to the method of Kabat and Dennis (Proco Soc, Exptl. Diol. and Med., 1938, 38, 864), salivary and defensive conditioned reflexes (CR) disappeared on the first day, Und6nditioned reflexes were preserved. During the next 3-4 days, considerable excitat- tion was observed, as well as disinhibition of CR; diffe- rentiation became considerably worse, and it was not Card 1/2 133 'IM 4~ M IR r W IN K R R F 5 HMGMY/Human and Animal Physiology (Norral and Pathological)* T-l~ Ner3tous System. Higher Nervous Activity,, Behavior. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol-) No 11) 1956, 53-328 possible to succeed ih extinguishing positive CRk These singularities were observed in dogs of various HIM f-hir tivity 7 types. The time it took HWL gher nervous ac to become restored) depended upon nervous systeri types, as well as upon the degree of animtion. -- R.N. Lurlye. Card 2/2 SUSHCHENYA, L.M.; FLN Study of primary production in the tropical part of the Atlantic Ocean. Okeanologiia 5 no.6:1015-1027 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut biologii yuzhnykh morey AN UkrSSR. Submitted August 2. 1964. VOROZHBIT,, A.L.jFINANSOV, V.N. Development of the Kama-Kinell Depression In Orenburg Prowims. Geol. nefti i ga'za 7 no.12:12-14 D '63. . (MIRA 17:8) 1. TSentralInaya nauchno-isaledovatelfskaya laboratoriya tresta Orenburgneftegazrazvedka. . FINLMSjuir, i. (Leningrad) __Nwauw ..Nanufacturing cutglass chandeliers. Prom.koop. no.4:19-20 Ap 156. NLRA 9:8) 1. Glavnyy inzhener artell. Ollaktroarmaturaw. (Chandeliers) (Cutglass) AMESSIUR HR-* AR-5009354 S10270/65two/m/amloozo 7'-. 1;eodeziya. Otd. vyp., Abs. 3.52.1,')(, 7 T ~-.heckinz and evaluation of the accuracy of readings of a and 7 Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta Sorn. geomekhan. I jt-';i, 52, TOPIC TAGS: geodesy, aerial survey, statoscope, radiogeocetfc system, photo- photographic base 14, It is recommended that spatial networks be ons',---icted. '7,ir reduct ion, for evaluation of the accu-,a--- i -j t 5 ys t emq J(j ~or 1 ns t r-iment q .A compar i 3o~l of 1 f nbrninf-d J~v ~1i,tnqrq-t q'10 CO" 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR5009354 comparison of the difference of horizontal coordinates of two adjacent projection !I Posgible to check god evel-,Lqte the acr,iricv M. K. SUB CODE: ES ENCL: 00 Card 2/2i , L jh586-M EWT(1)/T IJP(c) GW ACC NR: AT50~8158 7 7 sbuRcE conn W3172/64/000/053/0336/0351 AUTHOR: Finarevskiv.-L"I. ORG: All-Un.ion Scientific Research Institute of Mining Geomegba _andAime_SMrM___ Leningrad (Vsesoyiiznyy-nii%ichnb-.issied6vatel'shiy .institut -gornoy geomekhaniki i.- marksheyderskogo dela) TITEX: Compensation of radiogeodesic measurements made during topographic mapping by aerial photography V11e SOURCE: Leningrad. Vs soyuznyy nauchno-losledovatellskiy institut gorney geomekhan-1 i marksheyderskogo dela. Trudy, no. 53, 1964. Gornoye davleniye, sdvizheniye gornykh porad i metodika marksheyderskikh rabot (Rock pressure, rock displacement# and methods.of mine surveying), 336-351 .TOPIC TAGS: geodetic survey,.topography, antenna theory, aerial photography 'ABSTRACT; 'she author proposes more e'xact methods for compensation of radiogeodesic -,measurements made during by agRjal_,p4otqgraphy.-- t6lculation. of the x and y coordin*ates of photographic points for any type of radiogeodesic .Card 1/2 NEW P--r "M R Q K gg prm g. g PAM VNMMOTA w L 14586-66 ;ACC NR: ATS028158 !system is divided into two stages: in the first stage, the radiogeodesic measure- Ments are used for calcula*g tvo linear quantitie's for each photographed point. Mese two calculated quantities determine the plan position of each point with.res- 'peat to the antennas of und stations. In the second stage, the x and y coordi- gro nates of ground station' antennas are used together with the calculated linear quan- ~tities to compute the x and y coordinates of the photographic points. Formulas are !g,Lven for calculating the linear quantities. The compensation process should give ,~balanced linear quantities and antenna coordinates, therefore, it is preferable to ;use indirect measurement., . ErTor correction formulas are derived for measurements on' ,the first and second channels of various types of radiogeodesic and gromd-based A_ I istations with.r`eSpeCtLto nodes.andreference points. The list of equations lirived covers every possible situation In topographic mapping by aerial photograpk Rec- iommendations are made for setting of equations for error compensation ~,under various conditions. Orige art* has: 3 figures, 84 formulas. 'iSUB CODE: 08,09,14/ SUM DATE 00/ ORIG REP: .008/ OTH FXF: 000 1-Gird __2 2 A i" f Y USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siceatives. Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya., No 9.. 19572 32609 Author : Finarevskiy 1. Title : Chemical Coloring of Metal Articles Orig Pub: Promyol. kooperatsiya, 1956, No 5, 15-17 Abstract: There has been worked out and put in effect in manufacturing practice of the production of table lamps and other articles, an electro- chemical method of coloring in a mild galvanic bath, at about 20", which permits to produce 11 colors. The color can be produced directly on a steel (or cast iron) surface as well as C ard 1A USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccatives. Abs jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiyat No 9j 1957, 32609 on nickel-plated and copper-plated steel, and also on copper and its alloys. The coloring is carried out in an ordinary galvanic bath of 150-500 liter capacity. The process requires very low current densities, at constant current intensity. The bath can be made of ceramic material, porcelain, or metal coated on the inside with vinyl plastic or enameled. Tem- perature of the coloring process is of 18-250. The articles that have been colored are washed with cold and hot water, dried, and are then coated, by dipping, with a transparent, color- less nitro-lacquer with an addition of 1-3% amyl acetate. The coloration film withstands C ard 2A USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siceatives. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32609 the action of ultraviolet and infrared light, alcohols, gasoline, water, amyl- and butyl acetate, caustic alkali, temperatures from below 0" to + 125*, but it is dissolved in mineral acids. Card 3/3 L 28312-66 EVYT(l) 01 . . ..... ACCNR: AR6004307 SOURCE CODE: UR/0270/65/000/010/0009/0009 AUTHOR: Finarevskiy, 1. 1. TITLE: -Equalization of the radlogeodetic measurements made during aerophototopogiraphicA surveying SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geodezlya, Abs. 10. 52. 86 RE F SOURCE: 53, 336-351 TOPIC TAGS: Tr. Vses. ri. -I. In-ta gorn. geomekhan. I marksheyd. d Is, -1964, sb. geodetic survey, aerial photography, topography ABSTRACT: Radlogeodetic measurements by means of range finding or difference-range finding systems are carried out along surveying (all or some) routes and framework routes perpendicular -to them. As a result, a network of Intersecting strips is formed. The network contains nodal reference points, and may also contain pointp- at which the routes intersect the directivitles of base radiostation antennas. Recorder readings are the directly measured quantities in the network. As a result of ilie equalization of the measured quantities, the averaged values of linear quantities and the coordinates of the base radio- station antennas should be obtained. It Is asserted that the application of the method of -528.516 ard 1 UDC: 528.7, ACC NR: AP6004307 direct measurements is most expedient. Equations of error are composed in a general form, and all the possible particular equations of errors are also presented. The latter may be used to construct equation systems for any radlogeodetic network. The problem I solved from a general viewpoint and the results may be utilized both for range finding as well as difference-range finding systems. The way to calculate the total number of error equations, the total number of unknown quantities, and the unit weight error is shown and the minimum number of the reference points Is indicated. B. Serapinas. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE. 08 SUBM DATE: none Card SM"Po' M AN nl 33 'i 101 MA"R4 X FINARIN, L Apparatus res!ctivates the heart. Izobr.j rate. no.12:26 D 160. (NEU 13:8) (Heart) (Slactrotherapeutice) -T~UNIN, A.P.; FINAREVSKIY, I.J.; CHISTYAKOV, S-V-; PETUKHOVA, V.X , tekhn.--i-ed. [Practical handbook on large scale phototbeodolite surveying] Fototeodolitnaia s"emka v krupnykh masshtabakh; prakticheskoe rukovodstvo. Leningrad, 1960. 240 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Leningrad. Voesoyuznyy nauclmo-issledovatellskly markshey- derskiy institut. (Photographic surveying) (Theodolites) FINAROVp D.P. Structure of the Yenisey Valley and.recent tectonic movements within the boundaries of the intermontane Minusinsk trough. Izv.Vses.- geog.ob-va 95 no.3t245-252 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) .(Minusinsk Ba6in-Goology, Structural) FIM--Ovy D.P. Basic changes in the formatirn of the fenisey 'Valley in the boundary of the Rinusinsk -Intermontane trough and Eastern Sayan Mountains. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Garts. 244:127-139 163. (MIRA 18:3) - FINAROV,D,.~ Brief geomorphological characteristics and the regionalization of the Yenisey Valley in the boundarieo of the Mimsinsk in- termontane trough and the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 267:33-60 164. Regionalization of the Krasnorarak Reservoir Basin. ibid.:61-74 (.%IIRA 18:9) FINAROV. P. P. "Self-Criticism," Est. v Shkole, No.3, 1952 Biology study and teaching Now machine for lovellng and packing sand. Ila stroi.*sk. 2 no.2*-13 P '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Proizvoditell rabot istroitellnogo uchaetka-35 treata Gordorstroy NO.2o, (Road machinery) FINASHIN). V.N.; RUDENSKAYA, I.M,, kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent, rukovoditell I - , 1 -1, -iaboty Effect of properties of asphalthenes and malthenes on thermal characteristics of compounded bitumens. Neftepeper. i neftekhim. no.l.-27-30 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Moskovskiy av-tomobillno-dorozhnyy institut. "W" FINASHINA,__"; NWMEYANOVO A.N., akademik, glav. red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V... akadealk, Sax.glav. red.; ISAKOVA, O.V.,, otv. red.; LIKHTENSHTEYN,..Xe.S., otv. red.; SHUNKOV, V.I., otv. red.; DRAGGUNOV, E.S., red.; SUSHKOVA, L.A., tekhn. red. Vladimiroviah Deriagi~. Vstup. statlia M.P.Volarovicha. Moskva, 1962.- 84 p..(Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR. Seriia khimicheekiM nauk, no.31) (miRk 16:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (fdr Shunkov). (Deriagin, Boris Vladimirovich, 1902-) ISAKOVA, O.V., otv. red.,- LIKHTENSHTEYN, U.S., otv. red.; SHUNKOV.S.I., otv. red.; NESMEYMV., A.N.,akad. glav. red.; TOPCHITEV, A.V., akad., glav.-,red,ideceased) Illia Nestorovich Vakua. Vstup. statlia-l-I.Daniliuka. Bibliografila oostavlen G.N.Finashinois Moskvap 1963. 45 P .(Matarialy k biobiblio'grafii uchenykh ~~A.Aeriia matematiki, no.^9) (MIRA 16:11) 1. Akademiya, nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shunkov). (Vekua, Illia Neatorovich, 1907-) FINASHINA,G.N.; NESMEYANOV A.N.F *44X 91 akademik,,glav. red-; TOPGHIYEV, itkademik,, zam. glav. red.[deceased); ISAKOVA, O.V., otv.~ red.; LIKHTENSHTEYN, Ye.S., 0tv., red.;.SHUNKOV, V.I., otv. red.; DRAGUNOV, E.S., red.; SUSHKOVA, L.A., tekhn. red. Aleksandr Abramovic-h' Grinberg. Vstup. stattia L.M.Volshtsina. Bibliografila apstavlana G.N.Finashinoi. Moak", 1963. 58 p. (Materialy k bibbliografii uchenykh SSSR. Serila khimiche- skikh nauk, no,32) (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. (Grinberg, Aleksandr Abramovich, 1898-) FINASHIXA.j,,GJ--; NESMEYANOV9 A.N., akademikj glav. red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., akademik, zam. glav. red.; ISAKOVA-,-O.V., otv. red.; LIKHTENSHTEYNY Ye.S., otv. red.; SHUNKOV, V.I., Nikolai Nikolaevich Andreev. Vstup. statlia G.A.Ostroumova. Bibliografiia soot.-G.N.Finashinoi. Moskva, 1963. 58 P. (Materialy biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR. Seriia fiziki no.14) (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shunkov). (Andreev, Nikolai Nikolaevich,-1880-) FIN&SHIN, -I.A., i~jjzh. liectric-arc welding, of gray iron. Kuhinostraitell no.121 9-10 D 159. (MIRA 13:3) LIZTK iment Stalim. (Electric welding) AID P - 514q Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 8/18 Author Finashin, I. S. Title Increasing the speed rates of surface grinding machines Periodical ; Stan. i instr.) 5, 30-32, MY 1956 Abstract : The author states that surface grinding machines are built for 11 to 33 m/sec speed of grinding wheels while the abrasive industry.manufactures ceramic, bakelite and vulcanite wheels .to meet higher speeds (up to 50 m/sec). To promulgate faster machining and to improve the grinding wheels the author proposes and describes a Bpeoinl. arrangement for iisinst wheels composed of abrasive segments-. Nine drawings, 2 graphs; GOST standards. Institution : None Submitted : No date FINASHIN, I.S., inzhener; KARABANOV, S.A., inzhaner. Device for pack-loading grain into railroad cars. transp. 38 no.8:75 Ag-'56. Zhel. dor. (MLRL 9:10) (Loading and unloading) (Grain--Transportation) MTMI, V., Icand. tekhn.. nauk;TlfYUTSEU, I., inzh.; Constructing prestressed concrete paTements. 23-Z5 MY '59. (PaTemental Concrete) FIMHINI V-1 inzh. Na stroi. Kosk.~'Z no-5: (XIU 13:1) rINASHIN, V, , inzh. Oonstruoting roads within the block in winter. Ila stroi. Hook. 2 no.gi5-6 8 159. (WRA 13t2) (RoadL construation-Cold weather corditions) FINASHIN, V. K. Cand Geol-Min Soi -- (diss) " Ores and'~djacent rocks of certain tin and tungsten deposit~of-Allli~Mm northern Sikhote-Alinle" Lon, 1959. 25 pp (Min of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR. Lon Order of IAnin and Order of IAbor Red Banner Mining Imt), 200 copies Printed by duplicating machine (KL, 52-59, 118) TETYUTSKIY, I.I., inzh.; FINASHIN. V-N- inzh.: MATDBLI, V.G., kand. tekbn.neuk Construction of wire-concrete pavements. Avt.dor.22 no.4*.739 AP '59. (Pavements, Concr'sti) (KIRA 12:6 TEMITSKIT, X.I.g lash.; VDPMAKOT, T.T.. Insh.t NATMI. V.0-. ~mndo, tekhn.naukl KMRUO V*J~O Insh.1 11WHINt TvIfts Innhe Prestressed oonarsto road Moments@ Oor,khoooKook. 33 no.4127-32 Ap 1.59. (MIRA 12W Opassents, 0owrats) FINASHIN, V.N., inzh. Using rubber in making aopbalt-concrate pavements. Gor. kboz. Moak. 34 no.11:24-25 N 060* WU 33 ill) (Aspbalt concrete) (Rubber) HUDENSKAYA, I.M., kand. tekhn, nauk, dotsAnt; FINASHIN" MT-, Resist! A I . - ......, Compound road bitume6. Sbor. trud. Khab. avt.-do.-. inst. no.2.- 13-28 162. . P IWIZA 18:4) 1. Moskovskiy dvtomobtl'no-dorozhnvy inotitat. FINASHIN. V*N. Improving the adhesion of road asphalts. Nefteper. i nefto-Lkhim. no.?:.17-21 $63 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Moskovskiy av-Lomobillno-dorabnyy institut. luirlm"/Chonica.1 TocluioloCy. Cha'dcc~l Products and Their 11-27 iplaicatima, LAUstry. 1,bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Miin-) No 2, 190) 6262. Author : Slave, T; last : CLucrarilo List. corcutari aliriont--7 ........ Title : Methods of Proservation of tho Quality of Bottled Mineral Water. Orig Pub: Lucrarilolnst.,corcotari alimait.., 1958) 2) 135-148. j',bst3n, et: The effect of saturation of mineral waters with C02, stabilization of colloids and olirdnation of excess Pe was studied. L, the case of bottlAnC; at,.~.os- pheric pressure; the saturation with C02 tuider the pressuro of 2-3 c-."-;"-' (Gac~o) is not offectivc irithout prclil-d,nary In order to avcid the intrtoduc- C--r(1 1/2 FMT'YW, Ye. P. and EDSWMV,, Y. A. IlYdrodYnamica and Heat Transfer of a Turbulent Gas Flow Between Concentric Rotating'Cylinders at Longitudinal Motion of a Gas." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961.