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SOV/111-59-10-6/25 The VIS-80 Input-Testing Rack RA-350 gaps. The meavuring circuit in the rack, for mea- suring the insulation resistance and the ohmic resistan- ce of aerial and cable circuits connected to the rack as well as the station battery voltageq is described and illustrated (Fig 3); its functions are outlined. At pre- sent the VIS-80 rack is produced without this circuit. The construction and layout of the rack is described and illustrated (Pig 4). There are 3 electrical diagrarris and I mechanical drawijii,,,. ASSOCIATION: Tsentraltnoye konst-.,-uktr'1-;koye byuro ministerstva s%,yazi 51111SR (central Design Office of the 1,1inistry of Comunica- tions of the USSR) Card 2/2 VVI t ca .1 se ,50 v sib! fill 111 P S v ;a .3 5 A i 33!- S/182/60/000/005/0()4/006 A16l/A029 AUTHOR,- Filippov,_Y.N. Vew Horizontal Hydraulic Tube Press PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No.- 5, PP. 27 31. Up to now horizontal hydraulic presses were.used for non-ferrous metals. For pressing steel, such pressea have been primitively rearranged. Ttria article gives detailed engineering inforTiation on a new 3,150-ton press, de-sign- ed for producing tubular work from steel and other materials. It IAs been de- signed by SKB-4 of Moscow oblast' savnarlchoz and built at Kolomenzkiy zavod tyazhelogo stankostroyeniya (Kolomna Reavy Machine Tool Works). 'The press has a work capacity of 40 - 50 pressings per hour; the container accmmodates billets up to 900 mm long and 200 - 280 mm in.diameter. The container is heated by in- duction to 5000c:and switches off automWtiaally when overheated. The work pres- sure of the main and the piercing cylinders adds when both cylinders are used. Remote control for all mechanisms is froin the main control board, and a setoond control'board is provided on the other side of the press for control of separate Card 1/3 New Iforizontal Hydraulic Tube Press 85127 S/182/60/000/005/004/006 A161/AO29 operations. Work feed is adjustable from 4 - 100 mm/see. The hydraulic control system for.the nine distribu-ters of the press consists of a pump st-Ation working with oil (grade 1120"), :nine eleotro-hydraulia 4r-73-13 (0-73-13) slide valves and nine servo drives. The distributers controlling the press cylindera, the container and the pressing and piercing system are fitted with selsyns switelAng off the electromagnets controlling the slide valves when the distributer camshaft turns an angle set by the operator at the main control board. This control sys- tem is used for the first time on this press and has been previously described by N.I. Zarankin and R.S. Kitain (Ref. 1). The auxiliary press mechanisms are working with air from the shop main with 4 - 6 kg/cm2 pressure driven by four pneumatic cylinders with four 11pneumopilots", a water separator, a cook, a Mal-ko- meter, an oil can and eight throttle valves for controlling the motion rate, Hydraulic strokes in pipelines are prevented by a stroke compensator. Idle run of the main piston ant of the piercing system is actuated by low-pressure water from thle filling tank. Water level in this teuik is coT&,rolled witomatically, the control system has been described by I.V. Konanov (Ref. 2). The following press- ing process operations are shown: 1) Ingot moved into pressing line; 2) Ingot being pushed into the container; 3) Presslng~ 4) Retraction of the container Card 2/3 85127 S/182/60/000/005/004/006 New Horizontal Hydraulic Tube Press A161/AO29 with the press washer and r'emaining billert end from the dlee, andapproaoh of the saw diqk,- 5) Separation of the. press washer with the billet waste end from the, pressed work, and retraotion of the saw blade; 6) Pushing the work out by the waste billet end; 7) Retraction of the container; 8) Pushing the press washer with waste billet end out of the container. The press is 41.420 m long and welghs 470 tons. The operation is described in full detail and the general view photo and the diagram of the hydraulic system are accompanied by legends. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card Y3 PP SKINDBR, I.B., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; FILIPPOt. V.P. Stands used in testing automobile shock absorbers. Art. I trakt. prom., (MM 10W i.'kauchn o-- ii-esle'do-iiatel. I vIqy_Aytq;.notornyy.institut I Noskovskiy savod malolitrashnykh aytomobilay, (Automobiles--Shock absorbers) FILIPPOV., V. P. "Wintering Bees in Trenche.Sj," pchelovodstv0p 29, No.9, 1952 BOGUSHj L.Ke; FILIPPOVP V-P- Use of the UKL-60 apparatus in lung reseotions. Trudy NIIEKHAI no.5t23-27 1,61. (KRA 15:8) 1. Iz khirurgicheakoy kliniki Instituta tuberkuleza AMN SSSR. (LUNGS--SURGERY) (SUTURES) I FILIPPOV, V. P. Broachoocop3r and branchography during anesthesia with controlled respiration. Probl. tub. no.2.,1+3-1+8 162. (MIRA 25:2) -'(ANESTHWIA) :(TUBERCULOSIS) (BRONCHOSCOPr) (BRONCHI-RADIOGRAPff) 7- ~41 1, 1, R Flor-Povi V* li- VI VASIISVS11ITO Xnimir Valentinov'91 UUTAg G.N., redaktor; V ~44RV- "-Vlll'6H;;=sdaktor [Rule casting machine] Ifateriallno-lineechnaia mashiua. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo "lakusatvo." 1955. 55 P& OMU 8:7) (Leningrad--Type and type founding) _~`Tw SOV/ 137-57-10-19375 Translation from-, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 133 (USSR) AUTHOR: Filippov, V.P. TITLE: On the Problem of Die Casting of Printing Tvpe (K voprosu o lit'ye pod davleniyem v poligr~ifii) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Mosk. zaochn. poligr. jri-t, 1957, Nr 5, pp 89-97 ABSTRACT, A classification of die-cast;ng machines is given and their individual peculiarities are described. Formulae are pre- sented which permit determintrig the cooling period of metal in the molds and the amount of lo.-~-ses in the flow of metal. Certain aspects of designing machines with hot pressure chambers are discussed. M. Z. Card 1/1 of 4he FILIPPOV,11-P-i Cnnd Tcch Sci-Olif;ji 01-pe of tyi~,csettine 1 0, Vmtchincs. ",:dxxc-,.tJ-on USSi~- L'os Poly --0 co icl: )116-55,141) ch, Sol/144-%-9-Wla AUTHORs Gikis, A. F. . Candidate at' Technical sclences'Docent TIMI Inter-University Scientific Conference an filectric Measuring Instruments &od fechnlr*l Means of Automation (Uezhvusavokeya nauchnaya konforentoiya po elaktraizaaritellays priboram I takhnichookin aredstvan avtomatiki) FORIODICALs Isrostija Vysshikh Uchabaykh Zsv*d*nly,Vlsktr*mekhanika, 1958, 11r 9, pp 130-135 (USSR) AISTRAft: The conference use, hold at the laningradekly olaktratekhaichookil institut lx~nL V. 1. Ullyanova Uanina) (Leningrad Bloc trc -to chnical. Institute imeal V. 1. Ullyanov (1,enin))on November 11-15, 1958. The representatives of eleven higher teaching establishments and three research Institutes participated and a large number of specialists of various industrial undertakings were present. Docent Ym-_3,_1[OVOasl6ta4w (Ioningrad Xlectrateeh~1egl Institute) pro"_-nEia_1Vs paper *Lvsraging differentiation, and smoothing of time functions reproducea by slectrin signals". B -a_-R7_A_bXjhkiD and V P Fillp v (Siberian Ph"ico- is-chnical Scientific tA TrUltute) presented the gaper 'SlactrozLic m4lofus corro2storli this was %'eloped at the Ifous , on'topheria Station for loulating the correlation functions In studying %be winds in the Ionosphere. DO1:9;t YAr-_-X-- lt:fRf (Kasa Aviation institute) presented or .~#;Jr rt n ape tb n Charactorlatics, ofe:synthronnue alcro-mators" ("a ft 38-44 Of this I us) in which be considers motors wi. VJUwltrlc&l windings. The mechanical and the "sod aboxacterist;Jos of much motors are In"Otigated, on the basis *f equations of a 4-pols. At the closing gessic,& the remits were moo,arjeag Card of this aonference and resolutions were passed. In 12/13 particular it vu decided to publish the tra"sc%lons V FILIPPOV, V.P..-(Mcskva) Rare cave 0 a brcnch:Lal adenoma. and acongenital pulmoma.~ poly~- cyIjtOM# Grude k1dr, 6 no,4020 J3-"-Ag 164s i FL-A, 18 4. tWiu 'a5 V.P. Two cases of atelootasis following partial resection of the lung by means of the UKL-60 apparatus. Khirargila no.10:134-136 164. (~LIRA 18:8) .1. Khirurgicheakaya klinika (zav. - prof. L.K.Bogush) Instituta tuberkuleza 14Lnisterstva zdravookhrarieniya SSSR (dir. prof. N.A. Shmalev)o Moskva, FILIPFOV. Vasiliy Rodionovich , (Miyed busineos accounting brigades in collective farms aDd state farm. -)f Buryatial KbozraschetrWe kompleksriye brigady v kolkhozakh Buriatii. Ulan-lTdo, Diriatskoe izd- voy 1961. 169 p. (MIRA 17:5) "The effect of potaesium-aluminum aluMe on increasing the titration standard of agglutinines in rabbits," Trudy 3uryat-Mongol- Zoovet. in-ta, Issue 4, 1948, p. 60-67- Bibliog: 6 Items SO: U-3850, 16 June 53, (Letopis Murnal Inkkh Statey, No. 5, 1949). -:7-2 I - I I , . ~.. Fillppov, v. n, - "On Furum,,,aoll Acidulous rilk boverage), T:-My Dlu7at-mllonr-ol. 1, 1 zoovet, in-ta, Issue 41 191"p P. 104-07. SO: U-3850, 16 June 53, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykli Statey, No. 5, 19401). USSR/General Problems of PatholoGy - Cytotoxins. U Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 4lo2 Alatl,.or : Filippov, V.44 Inst : Burynt-WnLolina Zoovotoilinary Listituto. Title : The Action of the Antituberal. Neurotoxic 8crun upon, the Proceas of Formtion of Hemolysins. OriC, Pub : Tr. Buryat-Mong. Z3,.)vet. in-ta, 1956, v". 10, 79-107 Abstract : Rabbits were iimunized with eryt-.racytes of a ran (first group), and part of then receivel a supplementary intrave- nous injection of sheep seran (second aroup). Rabbits of the third Group received a supplementary antituberal neu- rotoxic serun for cattle (A T S)y The fourth GroLT was injected intravenously with A T S specific for rabbits, and the fifth Lwoup - intraceretrally. The my1=1 Group avera[;e titer of heraolisi-.-- in rabbits of the first Card 1/2 USSR/Gencral Problems of PatholOG7 - Cytotoxiis. U Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., Wo 1, 1959, 4102 ai-A sec3nd Voups was 1:800, third - 1:5,000, fourth 1:10,000, fifth - 1:20,000. -- A.Ya. Sinay. Card 2/2 - 13 - FILIPPOV, V.R., prof. ollitu ii,.s.S.R. veterisarlia ---~~V~etarinary narvicni; In the Pnryant-Wng (1141R& 11:9) 35 no.9:11-14 3 '58- 1. Pradsadat-ell Soveta. 14inistrov B,jryat-Ujj)gol'skoy ASSR. (Buryat-Mongolia-Vaterinary madicine) FILIPPOV, VasilV Rodionovich, prof.; MAKAROV, K-Kh-, spets. red.; M.Z., tekbn. red. [Cytotoxic stimulation of iumnity]TSitotoksicheskais, stir-u- liataiis, immiteta. Ulan-Udev Buriatskoe knizbnoe izd-voy 1960. 276 p. (DWNITY) (SERU14) (KMA 15:12) GOWW, xu.; rarpm. T.B.. rodaktar; XBOTOW, X.I., takhaich*skiY rodakt or. [Programs for schools and other institutioad; topic plan for extrwar- ricular projects is ehsalstr7 is, socozdai7 achools] Progrommy vzookkell'i sykh uchreshdonli i shkol; tematika vaeklasoxykh saniatli ps Wall v aredsol shkole. Moskva, Goo. uch4bao-pedingog. isd-vo Mixisterstys, IpT~- eveshchazits, 1 1955. 59 P* (MM C,):5) I-Russia (1917- R.SoT*S.R.) Glarasysuppre;*lonlys shk;1.2.S-tarshly awachayy setradmik sektora vneklasesoy i va*shkollney rab*ty Institute not odev obachonlys. Akadenti p'*dagogicheakikh sauk RSFSR (f or Goat awlr (Chemistry-Study and teaching) , FILIPPOV V.S. -.- Y-1-11- - - - Ma~ufaeture of the principal sections of the main structures Energ. stroi. no.37:5o-56 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Ilachallnikkonstruktsionnogo tywo zavoda "Stroydetall." K~~VZHSUY, Ya.A., I)rof.,-..FIL.TPPOV, V.V.j. inzh. of Mang service in the Investigation of trarflc current. -rr,. Avt.dor. 27 no.12:4--5 D 164, (MIRA 18:2) FILIPPOVP VS. Elimination of self-excitation in UIS-II type amplifiers. Prib.,i tekh. eksp. 9 no.2%171 Mr-AP164. OGRA 17:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut AN &SSR. sovl86-59-1-26139 AUTHOR: Filippov, V.V.j, Engr Col TITLE: How Should a Pilot Counteract the Negative Thrust of Turboprop Engines? (Kak letchiku borot'sya a otritsatellnoy tyagoy TVD?) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1959., Nr 1, pp 63-69 (UJISR) ABSTRACT: The article describes the operation of turboprop engines equipped with reversible-pitch,propellers. The author states that a sudden creation of negative t1uust in flight may lead to grave consequences# if a a:,ew has not acquired the necessary knowledge and Ucal habits in operating such engtnes~and llern-dur.--Z the flight. There are three prope diagrams. Card 1/1 0051 0!0 "CV 00 .01 sa lit 6's FILIPPOV. Valentin Vasillyevich; BAYIVp Yevg.p red.; FISENKOI A., tekhn. red. [In the main direction]Na glavnom napravlenii. Simferopol' Krymizdat, 1961. 27 p. (MIRA 15:3-1i 1* Sekretarl partiynogo komiteta koWioza "Rossiya" Krasno- gvardoyakogo rayona (for kilippov). (Krasnogvardeyokoye District-dollective farms-Management) FILI )V Vasilly Vasillyevicho inzh,-po3.kovn!dc; SHEM IX09 P.S., inzh.- iiX lx)tii~7 senze &"gUZEIINSM 9 H.Vo I inzh.-podpolkcvn:Lkf red.; MUBPS, N.V.q tekbn.,red. [Fighting negative thrust oceiiring in turb"prop engines; charac- teristics of the.-bperation df an airplane vit4 a turbo-propenginel Kak letchiku borot'sia a otritsatellnoi tiagoi TVD; ob osoben- nostiakh raboty i ekspluatataii na eamolete joibovintovogo dviga- telia. Moskva, Voen. izd-v6 M-va obor, SSSR# 1961. 57 p, (KULL 1419) (Airplaies__Turblw~Fropeller engines) 4KONIKOV, N.G., Inshener-podpolicovulk; NWRAYV, K.K., inzhener-polkovnIks SBWAKHTUROT. T.I., inzhoner-podpolkDvaik, Prinistali uchastiyar, inzhener-polkovalk, PANOV, N.M., Whener-podpolbyzLik Transport planes prepare for flight. V'eet.Vozd.71. no.1:60-69 Ja 161. (KIU 13112) (Transport planes) FILIPPOVJP V.V., kand.tekhn.nauks dotsent Representation of some thermal processes in a three-dimensiorAl coordinate,systeme Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.6sl32-147 163. (MIRIL 16.210) 1. Moskovskoye vy9sheye tekhnicheakeye uchilishche imeni Baunana, 0-,J TIMOKHINV D.I.P Star0hiy Aauehnyy aotrudnik;,r~~_V.V.., mladshiy nauchVy-ootrudnik Effectiveness of dust control by preliminary moistening of coal beds. Gig. i san. 28 no.1:168-no J&163. (MIM 1637) 1. Iz Moskovskogo nauchnow-issledovatAillskogo instituta. gigiyerq imeni F.F.Erismaw. (MINE MTS-PREVENTION) PER41NOV, N. I. ; IF-94-PIP-9.0,- V.V.; KHODOROVSKIY, B.I.; BIRYUKOV, A.A.; SALITSOVSKAYA, D.G'*j TATARINTSEV, P.T. Ways to improve the wearing characteristics of boots made from Rassian leather. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 6 no.11:9-14 N 164. (MIRA 18:4) FILIPPOV, V-V- of.ths:-tsan air temperature depe ing on the direction VariELbility I nd m and velo'city of the-wind ih the Barents Sea. trudy NIIAK no.20: 3-29 163. (MIRA 16:12) if ACCESSION NR: AP40o6632 S/0089/63/()15/006/0493/0498 AUTHORS: Nikolayev, M. N.; Filippovt V. V. TITLE: Measuring the parameters oF ~hetotal-cross-section resonance structure for certain elements in the neutron energy region 0.3- 2.7 Mev SOURCE: Atomnaya eneriiya, v. 15; no. 6, 1963, 493-496 TOPIC TAGS: neutron cross section, neutron scattering, reactor shielding, resonance effect, total cross section, transmission method, magnesium, cross section, resonance structure, aluminum) phosphorus, neutron, sulfur, iron, copper, nickel, shielding, reactor, zirconium., niobium., lead, bismuth ABSTRACT: The information offered on the neutron cross-sections of 11 elements (Mg, Alj 5; Fel Cu, Wi, Zr, Nb, Py Pb and Bi) was ob- tained by way of analyzing the transmission curves. It is shown that in the elements having atomic weight, up to and including Niobium, a resonance cross-section was found in the entire investi- gated enemy spectrum, but could not be found in molybdenum, thorium Card 11,#3 ACCESSION NR: AP4006632 and uranium. A weak spot in the experimental method under consid- eration was the problem of the transition cross sections from one subgroup to another. In a number of cases, the difficulty of obtaining such information can be.avoided, as in the frequen U y in the neutron situations wherein the averame loss of energ, scattering process exceeds the distance between the energy levels. In such a case, the*cross-section of the transition from one subgroup to another would be proportional to the width of the sub- group in which the transition occurs. The experimental installation used for measurin the transmission curves is described in AZ;omnaya Enegiya, 11, 445 &961) by M. N. Nikolayev, V. V. Filippov and I. I. Bonderenko, and Doklad No. 85 na iaezhdunaro(Inom simpoziume po fizike reaktorov na bystrykh i promezhutochnykh neytronakh (Vena, 1961); the expansion of the transmission curve into separate components is shown in the enclosure. The results of the graphic analysis of the transmission curves of the 11 elements are tabulated. In the case of uranium, the transmission curves are based on the use of neutrons with energies of 1-480 kev, and an average ener of 0 ke a heavy tritium-target was used near the reaction thresRold Rp, ny 4e 3 Card 21A3 FTLIPPOV VIV, 3chalmtics for,,orkanizing telegra .ph commications aceording to a si'v;sviAzi 25 no.90-8 8 165. -,&tralght.aonn9Ot"iqms,.Tq U. (MIRA 180) s,tiLrBhiy ~Uzhensr i~6?nsko~6 talegrs4.'a. -M. ~-_- 0,00411 000041 41141141 6 1 U it v U W a Is ty a Ad a A& 0 insA bit AIR ]W# up xWev No WO't-0 -A . S l a 11-a- fx a I A-L-A-1 _1 .�-,-,L h_ v-P-C. 0047 4.!~! 0 0 TnI, j _!~P-qfP!4I __ , _ I PLOO _=UI -t-n. it! ew Ao 00 .06 0 a mantsevi" of can' 4i"M is come. K. %itturukov, -*0 0 1 (A-Pt. Mill. ". Mi. 1', R. S. S. -00 : Tj i(Ift Rogil3b).-Varka" pillinn. of -00 so A !111 Intl plant% wriv anal",4 for lik" slid Iv vitamin .00 tht' OUNASt 44 vril dj%j%sul lijillijillj1% jj"~ :Ile IM it, of their fortution Is the aswim"ting test. Intlicabse1w, Of photosynthesis the hormones stared ~j the. It," art us, up by the plant in itstife prom", Theoulg $ 4 . d Go* lw of vitamin 81 from th* AMM b rSPft'hWY rapid. As t1htor"S groin I-er In cal)-divisim bormones, it v,,, it, Ivey" ain't :9 1P too fruit iAg clementp. The formed fruits (bolls) haw anxist. Of content of vitamin III. und this seems to be the ~&%e with ago 4 the fruits Of Other Plants, too. The strit. 44 bio, stored in Ives 0 the fruit drervases apprtvisidy, if ISO WIN tyl- is forived by I lit P6111. 000 0 see zoo use ties Was am. oat 11 ad a.. all so U Is AV 10 15 If 1, KW A AA A I I ad a a 0 1 W : 0 40 a 3 1 V 0 n, 9 It T "11. -a 0096 00 it* a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * e 0 0 40 0 9 0 0 e :10 0 * o o 0 : 6 0 6 o 0 to sees 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 -0 00 0 0 0 9, 90 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0.000 00 0 ~A *0 0 0 lp 0 0 00.4 'p et Ut I SU s O 0`01 KI11196 AND 1-00t-il' 1 as Cell-divisloa lammolles In blossc us of C4 tfun PLInt. K. Sukliurukov alut P A y 44W'. 111 l 'lml l 35 C f A --ill'o . l~ I t . . c . . (.'WVPfm"i hasifitlit", *L-tw awlalym.t at ~af.'11' 't'L ., "t 14 4 lailti-ir, 14tavirtub. 4 th, r ku.. I;i,*.A Akild bih Uuw tl W l i 00 -. Au' "Att(f, jmul~ la,, All I ll~ Nwxt-dcvs y u 1l c O I d It h i .00 w- i t e ivar lm Vitamilt , t A Young avok-s' 'bawuytf; oillim, I I or'"'fli"ll to wak4 I "( It'.4 fit , c mlits 144 go" . b . 1g j tlat" tit. lit (it llUlAliun -1 V it th l i 4 . lK 'illil r jvrtxv~s W it n I y laild aijimill allbry0% Wit-, acit(A. Wil,itr %* u 0 Aw 00 JS 41C K' I It u t 1 m K L `KF-f 1--l. p l6h t/ see NO via. 4*.Iolv 41&411 aw 0" it, Al 0 0 3 IF 0 lv~93 a 2 1 V MI'm Tj 000 0 0 0 0 a a fag disdi *daf -G'P~Ad: FILIPPOV, V. V. "Biotin in Higher Plants.0 Thesis fordegree of Candi. Biolop 1, Sub 14 Nov 49, _,Ical ci. Moscow State Fed&gogical Inst imeni V. 1. Lenin Summary 82, 18 Dec 52, Dissertations Presented For PpMotes in Science and 31agineering in Mo,3cow in 194f). From VecherMaya Moskva, Jan-Dec 1949. In fortmalica ad I The ml! ftle Unly., Tomvkl--rrffT-TN-,7,- M"wii im. R. A. rimvysarm 1. 2:4-41 IM).-Rxpts. Whit key" of IAPPO walfiw at 11flidINIANI ..mamm dm katued productim of biatta upou npomm tu Uktt. akbmk "dark" "utbeals occurs as weU; the latter at the expense of Interawdistow stored during G. X KowkPoff FILIPPOVI V.V.p red.; RYABOVA, Ye.A.j, red. 14~- [Methodology of planning labor productivity In industry] Metodika planirovaniia prolzvoditellnosti truda v pro- iWahlemosti. Moskva, Ekonomikap 1964. 79 P. (MIRA 17:10) VASILIYEVA) Yelena VladirrArovim; 111~.AHOV, Vasiliy Yeflir.ovich; red. [Labor crinditions, and the improvemen:t in U.-i- national welfare; Uslovila tnida i ront narodnogo blagosostolaniia. Maskva, Ekonamika, 1964. 181 p. (MIRA 17:10) In viiiii ma a stit , W hist.. Akdd. Mauh S.S.S.R. Ot I2%70V9&11j;~-Blotln WBA detd. In Various Plants I exto. IN th 0t In he it, &I "tn. PrM= ence of varyWg amtj. of 1 504. The usp tndicateomythe free blotla. Antodaying the PLint. matter with dil. HtS04 led to alpiost comPlete extn-; the rewm- mended method Is cxtn. fix 3 hn. at 116* wlth N HISO4. Presentative high-blotin At detd. by this method. the re its I Ito M.F/j., *oylvans 750. black 041), wheat 10, peas 244. Garlic, tout 19, brtad (wheat) 91, cucumber G.. kl..,C?"POL- T' YILIPPOV,V.V. Biotin in higher plants. Fislolorast.2 no,2;105-112 Mr-Ap'55. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Gosudaretvewiyy pedagogicheakiy isstitut, Khabarovsk (Biotin) (Pleats--Chemical analysis) r!"I"alp"- ; MILICH. R.N.; TARASIK, G.S. Distribution of blotin in the vegetative organs of plant8 Biul. Glay, bot. sad& no.24:31-42 156. (;ff.MA 9:11) 1. GlayMy botanicheskiy sad Akadsmii nauk SSSR, i Khabarovskiy pedagogich I'skly institut. Oliotin) (Plant s-Xheadcal analysis) FIZ- Ppo 20-5-"/4.8 1UTHORS, Filippovp V. V. and Andreyev, L. H. TITLE: Dynamics of the Vitamin Content in the Leaves of Wheat, as Affected With Rust (Dinamika soderzhaniya vitaminov v lietlyakh pshenitsy porazhennykh rzhavchinoy) PERIODICALs Doklady AN SSSR, 1957v Vol- 116, Nr 5, PP. 679 - 881 (1";,R) ABSTRACTs The need of phytopatogenic fungi of vitamins can r(- li,ot the do- greeto which these vitamins of the host plants aiaj -.otainable for the parasite. This depends on the need of the paraaite of exogenous absorption of only such vitamins it finds in the host plant.'For this reason the investigation of the dynamics of the -vitamins of the affected plants is ve:ry ioportant for the knovledge of their r8le in the interactions 'between plant and parasite. 2he authors have observed the content of thiamine, pantotheuic acid, and bio- tine in the wheat leaves. The material to be observed was col1c.,ted in the region of Przhevalsk, a station of the Kirghiz Institute for AgricultureA the material was in the flower- and ear ot~tge. It was fixed at 75 . The summary of the investigations of the authors is the following: The thiamine-, pantothehic acid-, and biotirie Card 1/2 content increases in the wheat leaves aifected by rust. -.11tere is 20-5-44/48 Dynamics of the Vitamin Content in the Leaves of Wheat, as Affected dith Rust a constant dependence of the degree of affectedness on the biotine content. The spores of the yellow rust (Puccinia alumarum) contain the highest biotine- and pantothenic acid content observed for the vegetable- and animal kingdom. The thiamine- and pantothenic acid content is by 1,5 - 2 timea lower in the ca8e of resi8tant (ob.. tained by means of selection) wheat SPeCiQ3 than in oic- case of contagious hybrids. The yellow rust with spores rich in vitamins devel6ped on a substratum rich in vitamins (young plants). The gray-brown rust (Puc. triticina) which spores are poorer in vitu- mins attacks plants in higher stages of development, i.e. it pre- fers a substratum poorer in vitamins. There are 4 tables, 7 re- ferences, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Main Botanic Garden (Glavnyy botanicheskiy r3ad Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: May 10, 1957, by N. V. Taitsin, Academician SUBMITTED: may 9, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 FILIPPOV, M. Antagonistic effect of vegetable extracts on vitamins [with summary in English]. BlokhInUa 23 no.').-463,470 My-Je 158 (MIRA 1118) 1, Glavnyy botanicheskiy sail AN SSSR, Moskvae (PANTOTHENIC AGID, metabolism. SaachRromyces carevisiae, antag. off. of various plAnte extrFicts (Rus)) (PLANTS, extracts, off. on Saccharomyces cerevisine pantothenic acid (Rus)) (SAGGMOKTCES CMVISIAM, metabolism, pantothenic acid, off. of various plants extracts (Rms)) FILIPPOV, V.V, mommuftOw"". Distrilnutkon of blotin AM T*ntothento itaid in roproduotive ormns nf planta, BiuloGlavebot.mada no,33,94-3.01 159. (IMMA 12110) 1. OlavWy botoniobaskiy end hkademli naulc SBOR I Khabarovskly padagogichnnIdy inittitut. Motin) Pantothania acid) (Plants-wChaT4oal conposition) - FILIPPOV. V.V. ~, ~ boom ~ Dymmics of biotin and pantothenic acid in plants in relation to growth and respiration. Vitamirty no.4:193-198 '59. (HIRA 12:9) 1. Pedagogicheekiy institut, IDiabarovsk. (BIOTIII) (PiMOTMMC ACID) (PLMS, FMCT OF VITA14INS 011) V.- IT.- --- ---- ---- - - -- - Operation and repair of single-shoveled exacairators Moskva, Gos. Transp-4 zhel-dor izd-vo, 1952. 350 P. (53-16773) TA735.F53 r i.Lirrv v.- Vt Vs MIU UJnVLJ.LIIVT j I . J.' "Hard Soldering of Stamped 6teel Products," Avt. trakt. prom., No.8, 1952 GAIAVIN. K.P.; FILIPPQX- j,V_ I inzbener. redaktor: VIMDlk. G.P., takhaichs- skly radaktof" (Stone-cutting machine for underground quarrying of atone blocke] ramnereznaia mashina dlia pcdzemaoi dobychi shtuchnvkh kamnsi. . Moskva, Goo. transp.zhal-dor. izd-vo, 1954- 78 P- (MLBA 10:1) (Stonecutting) FILIPPOV, V. V. 7646. FILUPOV, V. V. -- Kholodnaya shtwpovka v mashinostroyenii. pod rad. V. D., Golovleva. M., mashgis, 1954. 281) a. a ill. 27 am. 8.000 ekz. 13 R. .150K. v per. -- pared zagl. avt: G. 11. Rovinskiy, S. V. Alabin, V. V. Filippov, K. A. Kalachev I V. G. Zybin. - Bibliogr; s. 278(30 nazv.) -- (55-3908)P 621,96 & (016,3) SO: Ynizhn Letopsist, Vol. 7,1955 TROII.OSKIY, Vladl-Ir Visillyeviefi; IVANOVA. M.N., Inthener, redaktor; *V*, inshener, redaktor; TUDZON, D.M.. takhnicheakiy PI-IM [Designs operation and repair of olngle-shovel excavators (3-505, OM-201, 11-1004)] Vstrolstyog' ekepluatatells, t remont odnokovshovykh ekskavatorovi (1-505, ON-201 3-1004). Kookwa, Goo. transp. shel- &or. izd-vo 1-954..436 p. tXiorofilm3 (KM 8:3) (ft;;va~ing machineTO FILIPPOV, V. V. and YM-NKO, V. I. "Processes-of Intake and Exhaust in Steam Engines.," State-Scientific-Technical Publishing House for Literature on Machine 5uilding, Ibscow,, 1955 This book contains equations establishing the relation I I i between pressure and volume in steam engine cylinders during ifitake mid exhaust of steam. Examples of desijTdng intake and exhaust lines are given. D 492027 lftom.'Georgijr Petrovich, insh.; RRSH, Fridrikh Frantsevichp Insh.; -JILIPPOT V.V., inzb,, retsenzent; HURTSY, A.S., inzh., red.; VATVL7VA, Ye,N.,, [Cranes on rubber-tired wheels and railroad cranes] Pnevmokoleanye %heleznodoroshnya kramr. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-r3r, 1958. 326 p. (MIRA 11:7) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) JMYNW, Vladimir Adamovich;-Jpj]~ROVI V.V.. insh., retsensent; NIXITIN,, A.G., insh,v red.; UVAM)VA, A.F., [wbeel-typerexcavators] Rotorays ekskavatory. Mookva, Gos.nauchno- tokhn.lsd-vo mashinostroit.lit~ry, 1959. 156 p. (MIRA 12:5) (fteavating machinery) 25(-,) 12 ( 2) SOVII 3 --59-6-2/21 AUTHORS: Filippo-.,,, V.V., Glt-abkin. P.M. TITLE: Selecting the Optimum Variants for the. Mechanizat ion a n *a' Autcmatj on of i0old Pressing PERIODICAL: Alrtomobillnaya promyshlenn,-:,~V, 1959, Nr 6. pp 2-5 .USSR) ABSTRACT: The ar',-icle ctontains formalae f.,-:v calc~uiati.-ag the ec.onomi,.- effe-~+:--'-,reness of mechan.-Lzilng and a1-,1-, ing, ~clcl-pressing of autcmobile parl's. In the USSR ~.;cjid-pr~?ssed par-;,-s constIt-ate 65% of the weight of ser.laxis and '4.0% ---~f -W-xuck~i, but at many plantS the prpsses are only, ueer% 4;!-,, 35'lo' of their --apacity. The f Drmuln.e mentioned. are a,,z f ollows: -A K H TI +Y T2i VFJ.ern Card 1/4 annual z~ r.,-, i e I s SOV/113-59-6-2/21 Selecting the Optimum Variants fov the Mechanization and Automation... of Cold Pressing Kn = the number of batches of articles pressed annually =the number of articles in each bat;--h Ho = the difference in the labor neededL to pro- duce the article before and after intro- duction of the slaggested measures (in hours) Tl, T2 m the hourly tariff rate of pay for pressing and adjustment work of the corresponding category, increased by 13.5% (eXtra pay and sor,,.4al insurance) in rubels YO n the difference in the labor needed to mount L and adjust the press (including social in- surA-n,:-.t;) in rubels Anp, =savicgs on the depre.;-Lation deductions from the ~%ost of the press from the pressing of Card 2/4 one batch in rubels SOV/11.3-59-6-2/21 Selecting the Optimum Yariaxits .:`or the f4e:.:hanization aiLd Aut-rimation of Cold Pressing 0 8 Anp r. --~- S ,(H., YI) TO where Onp " the prime cost of the press in rubels 8,? = the annua.1 depreciation norm in % of the prime 00st 14 the ac~--ual operation time of the press in hours H I the difference in the mao-hine time taken to press one part before and after introduction of the suggested measures in hours Ui the difference in the machine time taken for ins4-aliat~on and adjustment of the press L before and after the introduction of the Card 3/4 suggestea measures in hours. SOV/113--59-6-2/21 Selecting the Optimum Variants for the Meshanization. and Automation of Cold Pressing Formulae are also given for calsulating the expenditure on automation and mechanization, and the period needed to recoup expenditure. Examples of the application of these formulae are given. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: NIITA*vtoprom Card 4/4 FILIPPOY, Vladimir Vladimirovichl kand,tekhn.nauk; PULIKANOY, N.V., Te-khnnsuko--retesnzent; BASMSYAN, A.A., red.izd-,ra; SORMIRA, G.Ys,f, [Intake and outlet processes in piston .compressors; calculating valve motion and intakeend outlet processes] Protsessy vyuska i vypuska v porshnevykh kompressorakh; rasebety dvizhaniia klepanov i protsessov nuska i vypus1m. Mosk7e, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit,lit-ry, l:96o. i4o p. (compressors) (MIRA 13:11) PHAS I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV1393T Filippov, Viktor Vasil 1.1rev:Lch,, Viktor Yakovlevich Shekhter, and Vladimir 'Ti-a-53MEE ulenev Nekhanizatsiya i avtomwbizatelya listovoy shtampovki (Mechanization and Auto- mation of Cold Stamping) Moscovs Mashgiz, 1960. 184 p. Errita slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: Yu. V. Beyer, Engineer; Tach. Ed.: Z. 1. Chernova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine BuilAing (Mashgiz): S. Yk. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOW: 2he book is Intended for technical personnel and may also be used by . students of tekhnikums and schools of higher technical education. COVERAGE: The book deals with experience acquired in the mechanization and auto- mation of cold-stamping processes. The problems of automtion and men-b-nizLtIon in the stomping of tath sms,11 and large pieces axe discussed in detail. A special section deals with the determination of the technical and economic ef- fectiveness of mechanization and automation. Data was pro-d,cled by the Clor1kovskiy avtozavod. (Gorskiy Jaxtomobile Plant),the Moskovskiy avtozavad ineni Likhacheva Card 113 Mechanization and Antoontion (Cont.) SOV/3937 (Mocv,w Automobile Mant imeni Likbachev)., tbA-. ftuchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut tekhnologii avtomobillnoy proeWshlennosti (Scientific research Institurte of Tech- nology for the Antoewbile Industry)., and non-Sov4et publications. No personal- ities are mentioned. ftere are 100 references*. 76 Soviet, 20 EngUsh.. and 4 German. NFAW OF CON 9: iutro~action 3 Ch. r. General Problems of Macbmwization and Automation of Cold-Stanping Processes 7 Ch. 31. Mechanization and Automtion of Stsmping of Anall Parts 14 1. Automation of pLrts stanping from band 14 2. Automation of parts stamping , strip 28 3- 4. Yeeb-4 ton and automation of feed and removal of blan1w Cwbimtion stapping 37 63 Ch. M. Neebaniz4ion. of -Stamping of Large- and Vbdiun-Stze Parts 1. Wcbanizatio4 of feed 2. Machanlzation~of removal 83 84 87 Card 2/3 Mechanization. and Automation (Cont.) BDV/3937 Cho IV. StaVing OVI Matl3tAtion Prefises 1. Multistation presses 2. Stamping of jarts on multistation presses 3- Auteimatic rotary miltistation Presses 4- Automtie bending presses Ch- V- -*ch&niz&ti0u and AutoMtim of Preparatory and AuxWary Oper- stio" vt, 1. Automation of, sheet-sietal-cutting operations 2. Ibehanization of the removal and scrapping of waste materials 3. Mec)-n4zation and automation of transfer of puts between operations 4. Nbehaulzation of the setting Cho VI. StOWW on Tnnsfer Cho VII. Determination of the Technical and Econosde Efficiency of the NechanizatIon. and Automation of Cold-Stamping Processes Bibliography AVAnANX: Library of Congress Vr4pw/fal Card 3/3 8-33.-6o 103 103 in 119 119 124 .124 126 133 137 141 169 182 BCNDARENKO, N.A., insh.; RAM. I.M., insh.; SOK(=p LA., Who; (KWMT& N.P., in2h.; SORIN, N.M.. inzh.; TARAMOV, G.P., inzh.; ITANOT, S.M., lnzh.; NIRK, inzh.; ROVKAKH~ S.Ye., kgnd.tekhn.nauk; FILMOV, T.T., insh.; KRAMS, L.B., kand.tekhn.nauk: LIBIM, T.1*6 '~-~-F IMKINE. Te.A., inzh., red.; KHITROV, P.A., [Handbook for machinery operators of construction areas] Spravochnik makhanika stroitellnogo uchastka. Moskva, VassAzdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobehahaniia, 1960. 619 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Building machinery-Kaintenance and repair) DOBROKLONSKff, S.V~.- FILIMV, V.T. Absolute calibration of large hydrophones In the subsonic frequency region by the pistonphone method. Trudy KGI 20;3_19 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Underwater acoustics-Apparatus) (Calibration) FILIPPOVI VIS, Conference of cress -mamdacturm. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 3 no,, 2:48 F 163.. (MIRA 14: 1) (Machinery industry--Congreoijes) FILIPPG7, V. V., 90"'IDARENK01 I. I., NUCLIC"7717, IM. 'T. "MeaE.urement of Resonance Parameters of Cross-Sections affecting Fast-neutron propagation in Various media. report submitte6 for the IAFA Seminar on the Physics of Fast and Inter-Mediate Reactors, Vienna, 3-11 Aug 1961. Acad. 'Sci. USSR, Moscoii Jill i -AIM nffl~ 'Nall, V. g NJ KIN, 04 to Automation of Cold [Metall Stamping Production SOV/5580 Preys,, V,Y. Use of Rotary Feeds as One Method of Expanding the Manufacturing Versatility of Mechanical Presses and Increasing Their Productivity 105 Filippoy,L_Y.J. Engineering and Econorde Indexes of the Use of Standard Means of Mechanizing and Automating Manual Operations in Stamplng 126 Medvid1p M.V. Automation of Bushing Production for Roller Chains 139 Povidaylo., V.A. Designing and Conutructing Vibratory Hopper Loaders 150 Preysp T.F. Engineering Methods of Designing Mechanical Automatic Locating Hopper Loaders 162 Trofimov,, I.D. On Ways of Increasing the Productivity and Expanding the Mam-facturing Versatility of Automatic Col6L Upsetting Machines 179 Deordiye-r,, N.T. Increasing the Operational Efficiency of Existing Automatic Production Lines for Bolts and Nuts 191 Cad,;kX- 4 V-7 rININR iN BELYAR011, Vladimir Trofimovic.h; PANOV, Nikolay 1.1likolayevich; FILIPPOVj Vasiliy VasIllyevich; DRIJZHUSKIYj M.V., inzb.-podpolkovxik, e j- RUS-AVINAO *,,14*1 takhas red., r 'a;- (Maintenance of helicopters] Tekbnichookaia ekspluatatsua ver- toletov. Moskva$ Voen. izd-vo M-ya obororg SMI 1961. 311 p. (Helicopters--Maintenance and repair) (MIRA 15:2) a-UPPOV,-Madimlir Va I evi~ch- SUKHORUKOV, K.T., doktor biol. nauk, otv. red.; MIKHLIN, E.D., red.:Lzd-va; KASHINA., P.S., tekhn. red. (Biotin in plants and animals] Biotin v rastitellnom i zhivot- nom organi-jakh. Moskwa,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 231 p. (K" 15:2) (Plants-Biotin content) (Aniruils--Biotin content) FILIPPOV Vasiljy-YAsilLyeyieh-, ROVYJM, S.7e., kand. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; SOKOIDV, K.A., inzh., rotsenzent; VBUCHM, Ye.A.) inzh., red.j KHITROVA, N.A.j tekbn. red, (Operation and repair of a bucket excavator] Ekspluatatsiia i remont odnokovshovykh ekskavatorov. 2., perer. izd. Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie N-va putei soobshcheniial 1962. 383 P. (Excavating machinery) . WRA 15:3) ~ I - UIUFJM#,~~~~ch- S)HEMITER, ViktDr Yakovlevich; OIZZIEV, Vladimir Ivanavich;ROWOVSKI7j i.Pe. kande tekhn, nauks red,; LISITSYn, V.D.p-kandio tekbno naukq redej KUREPINA, G.N... red. izd-va; MDINA, A.A.0 tekbn. red. [Fully and semiautomated sheet metal working lines]Avtomatiche- skie i avtomatizirovarzqe kholodnoshtempovochr7e linii. Pod ob- shchei red. V.P.Romanovskogo. Moskvas Mashgizo 1962. 81 p. (Bibliotecbka shtampovahehika, no.1) (KTLRA 150) (Automation) (Assembly line methods) (Sheet-metal work) ACCESSION NR: AT4003122 S/2667/63/000/0.20/0003/0029 AUTH9R.-,..Fi11ppoV~cY. V. TITLE: Variability of mean air temperature with wind direction and velocity on the Barents:' Sea SOURCE: Moscow. Nauchno-isoledovatellaidyinstitataoroldiniatologff, Trudy*, no. 20, 1963, 3-99 TOPIC TAGS: climatology, meteorology, air temperature, mean air temperature, wind, wind direction, wind velocity, Barents Sea climatology, air temperature variability, tem perature wind relationship, temperature dispersion, beat radiation, heat transfer, advection, evaporation, condensation, evaporation heat transfer, condensation heat transfer, transpiration, advective heat transfer, temperature rose ABSTRACT: The process of radiation transfer depends mainly on the quantity and forms of clouds which are in turn determined by the direction and intensi4t of the wind. The heat transfer becomes stronger when the wind, independent of the direction of heat transfer, begins the formation of foam. This foam increases the reflectivity of the sea surface, caus- ing the albedo to reach 40-50% and increasing the heat radiation from the sea surface. Local temperature variability can be considered afunction of two variables: the "generalized wind factor" which Includes all processes depending on the wind velocity and direction, and Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4003122 *the "non-wind factor", which Includes all other processes considered as sources of accidental air temperature variability. Tests have been made with 8 wind directions and 3Z velocities and, by the method of dispersion analysis, some conclusions were reached: The yearly air temperature variations were recorded according to wind directions for the regions located -at different distances from the shore: the open sea, the shore waters, and the coast. In the yearly cycle the heat advection on the Barents Sea was influenced by S.W. winds, the cold advection by N. E. winds. In the coastal zone the influence of wind on the air temperature depended chiefly on the thermal contrast between the sea and the continent. In the open sea region, northern winds had the greatest influence. In general, it Is emphasized that the in- fluence of the wind on the air temperature to determined by the wdstence of seasonal and constant thermal contrasts and their intensity. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 7 tables, and 24 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledavatel'Bldy institut aeroklimatologil (Mentific Research Institute of Aeroclimato SUBMITTED:. 00 DATE ACQ: 14Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REP SOV: 010 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 ~,q Ng S11821631000100110111012 AOOVA126 AUTHOR: i TITLE: All-Union scientific and technical conference on remote control and' program control in forging and stampIng.production p L PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye-proizvodstvo, r io. 1, 1.963, 47 -.48 TEXT: A scientLfic and technical conference on the above subject was con-- vened in June,.1962, ~y the Metal Pressure-Working Section of the.Central Admin- -~istration NTO Mashprom, Gosudarstvenny komitet So ta Ministrov SSSR po avtoma- ve tizatsil.i mashinostroyeniyu (State Committee on Automation and'Machine Building, at the Council of Mini'sters USSR),and Moskovskiy.~Do;m 'nauchno-tekhnicheskoy pro- pagandy im. F. E. Dzerzhinskogo (Moscow House of Scientific and Technical Pro- paganda im. F. E. Dzers hinskly). Some 400 persons from 69 Soviet Union t6wns and 5 countries of People's Republics participate-d.*16 papers were read and 7 reports presented. The Director of EMIKMASh,' 'N. T. Deordiyev, read a paper "Using remote- and program control in forging and stamping"pgoduction"; a representative of ENIKMASh, Yu. K. Puzyrevskiy, read the paper "Progi-am control of steam-ai r drop-forging hammers based on,the impact energy"; -the representative of ENDQ4ASh,'-: Card 1/2 N S/182/63/000/001/011/012 All-Union scientific and teahnl8ai conference on... AOOVA126 11. S. Kotellnikov read a paper w1th the title Progr controlled turret-type ?:0126 piercing press for sheet material". The represekatives of the Moskovskiy. stankoinstrumentaltnYY institut'6 Moscow InstItute of Machine Tools and Instru- rrients), A. E. Artes, M. V. Polons~ly and Z. Myuller rt~ported on the application of radioactive isotopes In forgtn' The representative of NIITraktor~ S practice. osollkhozmmh~ N. S. Derev,yanko,-read a paper with the"title "Program-controlled Installation for laying out rolled metal". V. N. Shubin read a paper '*ogram_ --oontrolled tube bendfng tNuLpment". V. S. Vikhman reported on "Cutting bars Into forging blanks according to givin weight or metal volume". L. D.Colldman' (VNITMM,NASh) read a paper with the title "Some problems concerning the remote- and program.control of forging and horizontal hydraulic presses". The author enu, morates the recommendations made"and the resolutions passed by the conferOnce. C&rd 2/a A: KAS114OVSKIY, Ye.V.; BRAGIVSKIY, B.I.; BUKHANEVICH, B.A.; FW-47EVICH, Ye.L.; SHKWDY S.L:; KAF1JSTBJ,.Ye.I.; MAYYER, V.F.; MILIIIER, G.V.; GOTLO13ERP V.M.; CHUFAROVA, G.P.; RIMASHEVSKAYA,~N.M..;T~LMA-RKOVy VJ.,- MIRKIN, V.D.; FILIPPOV, red. .[Problems of labor ec~!on'omicqj Problery ekommiki truda. Ito- s1nra, Ekon6mika, 1965. 309 p. (MIRA 18:8)' Ri DJ A.Lc; HKs AP5026563 SOURCE COM UR/0286/65/ 101910 /0 A AA 14 INVENTOR: Andrusenko, P. -]~j polfi!M~ K. To.; Kislory, V. a., Kbahman, E. 1-. Filippor, V. V.; Shukshin, X. P. 45 ORG: none TITLE: All-speed hydraulic governor. Class 60, No. 175396 SOURCE: Byulleten' izabretenly I tovarnykh znakov, no. i9,'1965, i26 TOPIC TAGSi hydraulic rpm goyernor,.internal combustion engine co-lionent, slide valve ABSTRACT, An Author Certificate has beon issued for an all-speed hydraulic rpm goy-4. ernor (see Fi6. 1) for the internal-combustion engine covered in Author Certificate 11, If,-. No. 14Th53. , To prevent sticking of the actuator piston and the veighted slide valve, radial channels have bein Incorporated in the sensor housing and rotor, vfi1-cW-p=erodi- cal.1y connect'the internal cavity of the housin& to a 1*4-pressurs cavity, thus pro- 1/2 UDCt 621.43-512.8 5, '101-M ~'Mly ACC im A~~626563 Fig. 1. All-speed-AWdr&Ulic governor .1 - Actuator pistonj 2 - weighted slift valyt; 3 - bousing; rotorl 5 viding for oscillating motion of the piston and weighted slid* "a". Orig. art. ban: I figure. (Lei SUB CODE: PRI IN/ GON DMs ChNariAl ATI) PFM.t -I~rgrel ic~;;d 9/2 W L 1164&-66 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobre.teniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 124-3-25 TOPIC TAOS: fuel pump, internal combustion engine ABSTRAM: - -The proposed. pump for internal combustion engines contains. a -pressure valve, a measuring device, and a rotor-distributor with pressure pistons positioneil' .opposite one another which am driven-lbr.-tfixed cam plate (see figure). To improved theenginele operation by impro4ing the cut-off at the, end of the injection, the measuring device is made in the form of a sliding sleeve with an internal annular -groove - radially- located in the'.rotor. The piston also-has an annular, groove whose position,'relative-to the sleeve groove, detarmines the piston's stroke. i:ard 1/2 Ivw- 621.43.031 L U646-66 ACC NR:_ AP6002953 .- 4 9 2 . 1 186 ' -Fig. 1. Fuel pump 1 P*i. housing, 2 cam plate; 3 bearing- ' 1 r4 5 - sleeve; rotor, chamber; 6,7,8 - fuel feed ch4knnels; 9 - sliding sleeve; 10 - annulav groove;A1 - openings; 12 - smooth piston; 13 - piston with annular groove; 14 - piston 20 J A port; 15 roller tappet; 16 - central rotor channel.; 17 pressure valve;.18 - distribution channel; 19 fuel outlet channel; 20 - outlet to fuel Injector; 21 - double-arm lever; 22 spring,, 23 -'corrector; 24 - pressure arm; clutch; 26 control lever. I a v t n ariation of his pumps a doub16-am lever is mounted in the rotor groove-, one arm is connected to the sliding sleeve and the,other, to the regulator spring, Orig. art. has: 1 figure., ITNI SUB E;UBM DATE:_'L 0 ul64/ CODE W ATD PrMs: L~ard 1 k FILIPPOV, V.V, Experience in multifactor dispersion analysis of air temperature according to ship observations. Trudy NIIAK no.33tl33-166 165. Experience in using sorting machines for random selection from a set of meteorological observations. Ibid.:167-172 (KRA 18:12) 013766 SOURCE CODE: UR/2067/65/000/033/0133~flii AUTHOR: g~l ORGz none, Al WME: Experimental use of analysis of variance of air temperature based on ship obBervatlonm SOURCE: 'Moscow. Nauchno4seledovateliskly institut aeroklimatologil. Trudy, no. 33. 1965. Voprosy klimatologU (Problems. in climatology), 133-166 TOPIC TAGS: climatology, atmospheric temperature, wind direction, wind velocity, cloud cover, computer application, research ship ABSTRACTi The method of analysis of variance Is used to estimate the levels of essentiality of the Influence of three factoks on air temperature in the near-wEter layer: direction and velocity of wind and lower cloud cover, with consideration of the contrast of temperatures with the water surface. The influence to "-Yestigated for each factor separately and for their natural combinations. The essentiality of the effect of individual gradations of each factor and their natural combinations Is elicited by a detailed analysis. The Investigation was carried out by using the puuohed cards of ship observations in one of the open regions of the Sea of Japan. A schematic description of the technology of calculations on computers is gLven. Card 1/2 L 04521-67 MRMI The average values of the essential anomalies are used for the climatological conclusions. By using analysis of variance, data are obtained which give a new concept on the variability of climatological characteristics on the basis of only essential variations with consideration of the meteorological conditions which generate them. It was possible to elicit by this method certain local characteristics of the climatic varlabillty of air temperature near the water surface and, in particular, to establish characteristic changes relative to local development of a monsoon climate; ~o show the exceptional Influence of the subjacent surface owing to in- tense radiation into the atmosphere, against a background of which It is difficult to detect radiation changes of temperature from the oloud cover; and to reveal that essential variations of temperature depend primarily on circulation conditions, which are manifested in the pre- dominating influence of the factors of wind velocity and direction and their combinations. The results of this work can serve as grounds for the further development of the principles of analysis of varipnue in climatology by using computers, particularly for investigating the significance of climatological characteristics. If there Is a sufficient volume of Wormation the factors should be taken Into account by types of circulation. Orig. art. has: 12 tables, 3 figures, and 18 forinulu. SUB CODE 1Z 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 006 2/2 Card fly.! 90 'A IN. .11'.. mom L 05247-67 EWTW OW AUTHOR: FIlIppov, V. V. ORG: nonej~, TITLE-. Use of sorting machines for random sampling of the population of meteorological observations SOURCE:4fdoscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institat aeroklimatolo Trudy, no. 33, 1965. Voprosy klimatologii (Problems In. climatology), 167-172 TOPIC TAGS: data sampling, meteorologic observation, punched card ABSTRACT: This article discusses the criteria of random sampling from a population of meteorological observations stored in the form of pwiched cards. Two methods of sampling are proposed. mixing of the punched cards with respect to a sign which does not depend upon the studied element, such as the last figure of an observational data or the average of three figures of an observational period, with an arbitrary sampling of a prescribed volume of data and, by dividing the punched cards into two parts made up of alternating cards with an arbi- trary selection of a prescribed volume of sampling. An example of random sampling of a prescribed volume from the population of ship-board meteorological observations Is examine& Card L 05247-67 ACC NRt T6013756 The author states that on the basis of the data presented In this article it Is difficult to make generalizing conclusions, however It Is stated that if the frequency of a sign in the starting population Is close to 1%, the'sampling with respect to this sign from a population comprising 1. 5-3. 0 of the volume of the sample itself can be nonrepresentative with a sufficiently high probabWty. It Is pointed out in conclusion that a further improvement of the mechanized method of random data sampling is desirable in order to eliminate manual operations and to develop special randomizing devices adapted to operations with punch cards. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas,and 1 table. SUB CODE: 04,09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REIP: 003/ OTH REF: 001 Cqrd 2/2 L gg2gM4 ,6 A= MR& AEW5461 sow= dMIS AIMORS Terentl'Y",, D*,.#*`(A*Uv* nember)i Shtmn B.; B& ("Uve, =*or) I F-1-UPWO _V0_V,,.(Activ% menber) l'ZWft U: Do (Active Maber5 ORGr Soientiific-TechrAliidi 36010V or Radio Technalow am Ao So Popov (11auchno-U so obehohaefto r&dW:a TITU-4 Suppression Of harmanias In radio transmittern idth WootrIcal tMWfWMr5 SOUItCS, pAdjoteldvidlaq yo 21. no 4 1966 40AS TOPIC TAGSt alsatric traiwforwr, radio transidttars harmonic AnS37siso electric :capacitance, electronic Gospownt ADMICTs An anaIysis of. the possibility of weakening singXe-cyd2e harnordes or 1 7T transmitter by 6onneition of symmetrical transformir between the oouplii4 i6ndens and tho antenna Nodor* The asion for the tramdesion oooffiaient of the traw. for=r is analyzed. Mcporimental. material is presentAdo Proper desip of the trans_ former used can not on3,y mqWeas the hi&ar harmonica, but &1so reduce the influence of paracitio capacitance between windings* The parawiters of the transformer su&- gesteA (cozpare schematics -below with mA without) avi such that normal loading of ng of transformer is retained in the operating frequency ranga# A7,~'P* NosoY9 0-s Vo* Boboyt Yu-% B. Shaiair, V; V.* P~ *.'Jind It.: Alekseyev t4ok part i~ the carryiM out of Lit ;;;erimeasl measurenentso O'rig. a3!~4 hass 15 figmis and 16 forw4me &RSt 36,08 SUB CODE 0 WM1 jjAA?- 2AD*o%7 mmup, 003 V yj_ card 1/1 v -'C T ~1' 99-7-12/14 SUWZCT i USAt ENGLAND9 AUSTRILIA/Plastic Pipes AUTHOR: Filippoy.Ta.0.9 Zaginser. TITLEt "Plastic Pipes used by the Farming Industry Abroad" (Gibkiye p3astmassoVye truby v sel'skon khosymystye za ruboshom) PERIODICALt "Gidrotekhaike i Nelioratsiya", 1957, # 7t pp 58-600 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Plastic pipes are being widely used in the USA, England and Australia for water supply and melioration. Two types of plastic tubes are in uses soft (flexible) made of polyethylene, and a*mi-rigid, made of butirate. The semi-rigid tubes are used for piping of crude oil, valine water and natural gas, and for sewage and drainage purposes. The flexible pipes are mainly used for general water oupply and irrigation. Innova- tions are the double pipe "Twiri-du-it" and the steel cable reinforced pipe "Sub-du-it". Lately, plastic pipes are being used in the USA for subsurface drainage. The article contains 3 photographs, and 4 references. CauftZ62- FILIFFOV, Ya. K., F.-WAIAnw, 0. P., ZTTHKOVI,f Z. Ye. "Identification of salmonella in Chkalov Gblextl and their pathogenicity in the young of farm animals" Veterinariva, Vol 28, no 1. 19 50. RN R~ Ta. l. FILIPPOV, author--of Whur sej1skokhqz_YaYetvennYkh xhivotn~~ (OHOof. and Mouth Disease In Farm Animalax 'Chkalor, Chkal. izd., 1951. 7 pages. (Chkal. obl. Administration of Agriculture. Administration of Agricultural Propaganda. Veterinary Division). Unbound. 1,500 copies. BO% $",Report U-4502; 28 AugtLst 1953- :N~W OOKS- ON YBURINARY MJQ121U Veterinariya, No. 11, pp. 63,64, Nov. 1951, FTOM: IOU 'Moscow. Russian~'aio per.) I OWN 11~ F, W 41 FILIPPOV, To., kapitan ------ ------ Evaluation of physical training., Toen. vast. 39 no.6:80 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Physical education and training, Military)