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AnalysiB of Systematic Error During Small 77330 Angle Scattering Investigationa SOV/57-30-1-9/18 where for all practical purposes the part of N(G) leaving the segment 8 kx can be taken to be S WdX OAN (0) =:= IV (0 = (4k) ~k' S(O-OA,) - The author collected data from an experiment performed in cooperatlon with N. V. Fedorenko and I. P. Flaks (ZhTF, same volume, p. 49) with'two aperture 31zes; the cross section curves for the two cases are given on Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, curves 1 and 2 are uncorrected while 3 and 4 are the corrected ones. He considered the agreement as fair, taking into account that the resolving power in thetwo casezq differed by a factor of three. (3) To investigate the Influence of the spread of the incoming beam, the author noted that even Card 6/9 at the highest obtainable vacuum in the scattering Analysis of Syptematic Error During Small 'Angle Scattering Investigations N I " -, "LO k~,~ /I I I S~ ~-. i ~a 77330 BOV/57-30-1-9/1-8 8 -8 Card 7/9 Fig. 1. Fig. 2 Analysis of Systematic Error Varing Small 77330 Angle Scattering Investigations 3011/57-30-1-9/1-8 chamber, the flow I(G) of the incoming particles through the collimator would not t)e zero for 0 > 0. In the prevlous discussions one should, therefore, replace NO) by (6) ~%..,ere IV (011) From this, the author derives an expression for 'the correspond-Ing, error in the difCcrential cros%3 section: I w) N (7) Card 8/9 Analysis of Systematic Error During Small Angle Scattering Investigations ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 9/9 77330 SOV/57-30-1-9/18 During experiments mentioned earlier, the author found 0 that these errors contri8uted a full +13% at 9 = 0.125 but only +1% at 0 = 0.25 ; the error is negligible for higher angles. There is an Appendix In the paper deal- ing with various forms of the function S(G) (Eq.4a) ,suitable for computations. Professors D. M. KamiAker and I. P. Skallska discussed the work and gave advice. There are 5 f1gures; 1 table;and 7 references, 3 Soviet, 4 U.S. The U.S. references are; ?. R. Jones, J. P. Ziemba, H. A. Moses, E. Everhart, Phys. Rev., 1.13, 182 (1959); R. J. Carbone E * N. Fuls, E. Everhart, Phys. Rev., 102,'15'24 (19561; E. Everhart, R. J. Cartone, G. Stone., Phys. Rev. 98, 1045 (1955); E. B. Jordan, R. B. Brode, Phys. Rev., 43, 112 (1933). ',- Physico-Technical Institute AS USSR, Leningrad C. (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) g. Leningrad) July 20, 1959 S10561601038103,1091033 Z'I B006/BO14 -L0 AU;HORS: Fedorenkog N. V.,, Flake, 1. P., Filippen1co, L. Go. TITLE%- Ionizationyof Inert Gases by Multiply Charged Ions'~ PERIODICAL; Zhurnal ekaporimentallnoy i teoretichookoy fizikip 1960p 'Vol- 38, NO- 3, PP. 719-725 TEXTs Shervin (Ref. 2).invest:igated the ionization of hydrogen- and helium molecules by multiply charged Iqns and found the ionization cross section to be proportional to the squar6 Of the primei~y ion charge. This is in agreement with the, theory of collision ionization atIhigh energies, but not with the latest concepts of the mechanism of ionization. With a view to clarifying-this point, the authors-of the present paper m asured the ionization roes secticr!c for single collisions of the ions No+, Ne~+ I Ne3+, Xr+V Kr2+, Krs+ I Xe+I XG 2+ y Xe3+9 and Xe4+ with the atoms of the gases No, Kr, and Xe. The experi- mental setup had already been described in previous papers (Refs, 4-6), The measuring condenser employed here is closely described, and is schematically shown in Fig. 1. Measurements were made at a gas pressure of 1.1o-4 torr, ky Card 1/3 82hll Ionization of Inert Gases by Hultiply S/056/60/038/03/'09/033 Chhrged Ions BoWw14 which in turn was measured by neans of an ionization gauge, Saturat."Lon currents, I + and I- were measured on the plates of the measuring condenser in order to determine the croso sections. Formula (1)6L - ZI-INII oil 6t = ZI +lNli0 can then be used to determine the total cross section of the liberation of electrons (61-) amd the total cross section of the fornation of secondary ions 10 is the primary current of the beami z is the 3 of multiplicity of the charge of ~primary ionst N the number of atoms per cm gas, 1 is the length of the measuring electrodes. 6~-is interpreted as being the total ionization cross section. It further holds that 0' - T -(5~ - 6-19 where 6 is the "total cross section" for capture, 6, the "total cross section" 0 for strip pingo In the energy xange under investigation,(Y 4 T q it holds 1 0 that 6' -e error obtained when measuring 6: and d' is + I. The relativ 0 + estimated as being 20%* Fig, 3 shows the dependence of the total ionization cross sections C as a function of the kinetic energy of primary ions in six diagrams. Pig;- 4 and 5 show the same functions for the capturo cross VY Card 2/3 C,24ii Ionization of Inert Gases by Multiply Charged Icns S10561601038i'03,10910 55 B006/BOI 4 sectionst Pi 4 offers a comparison between the values obtained by the poten- tial method f~+ - 07-) and by the method of recording fast atoms. Pic, 5 of- fers a comparison of the potential method with the mass-spectrcmetric method. Results obtained did not confirm the quadratic law found by Shervin; the di- verging results by Shervin are explained by the fact that Shervin did not measure the cross sections at one and the same kinetic energy of the ions. Results giVen here (voltage range 3-30 kev) indicate that the ionization cross section for equal ion energies is practically independent of the charge of the primary ion. For all ion-atom pairs a continuous growth of the cross section with increasing kinetic energy of the primary ion was observed. Moreover, it was found that results of measurement are in general well described by the formula (equations (5) and (7)) given by 0. Be "Firsov (Ref. 1). This is illustrated in Fig. 6. The authors finally thank Professor V. Me Dukellskiy for a discussion, and A. M. Shchenkov for his practical assistance. There arn 6 figures and 11 referencesq 8.of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad IneVAute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Scien-c-e-s-t-MR) SUBMITTED% Septombe-r-M-9-P39 Card 3/3 jr 35366 S/057/62/032/003/013/019 B139/B102 AUTHORi Filippenkop L. G. TITLI~,: Peculiarities in the ionization of heavy atoms and ions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki# V, 32, no. 3, 1962P 356-359 TEXT: According to 0. B. Firsov (Ref. 1s ZhETF, 36, 15171 1959), the collision cross section qi of two atoms is equal to the total ionization cross section a,. The experimental cross section (cri)exp , 7-k ko ok (a ok is the cross section of k-fold atomic ionization). 11 qi - a:Lf qi . (a dexp 2 (k - ),ok k (2) The author presents the values of (ai)exp for 19 atomic pairs in' the inert gases of Ne, Kr and Xe with marked qi -values according to Ref. 1. Result: Assuming that qi - ai, the resulting di values are too high. In some of Card 1/2 v1pWri S/05 62/032/003/013/019 Peculiarities in the ionization ... B139YB102 the collisions, one or more electrons are captured exothermally by an ion. The energy Ecapt thus liberated has to be added to E0 and according to ' Firsov's calculations, the ionization cross section would have to increase in sach a case. This is, however, not so, because the capture of electrons proceeds at distances of R7?~2 - 3 A, the portion of the capture enwgy- available for ionizing the atomic torso being small. This ex-plains the fact experimentally verified, that exothermal electron capture is practically without influence an the ionization'cross section. 0. 3. Firsov is thanked for advice. There are I figure and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Institut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics of AS UkrSSR Kiye~) SUBMITTED: May 6, 1961 (initially) July 8, 1961 (after revision) Card 2/2 L 65143 --65 -:Ev4, 536*12,001 AUTHOR: Eilipt "Pifing. of a i-nedium after .m urderground explosiorl TWF TritPlofizAka vysoltikh teniE)E~.rai,ir, v. 3, tic). 4. 1965 587-594 T C T A G S, Wjdergroy~nd ~dk ground shock.. thermodynamics rhe article presents :t sollition to the problem fr- .-Pting of a do h ai 71-)r11N(,~U.1j a!A(I isotroDic in'inite inedium whi( h 71, f-,17 1 j I if P ~4 7 1 T-1 I i ,I WMI, The effects of the explosion are analyzed th:- use )If Lapiace t! --.ns- f'~,rrns, "in conclusion, the author mvishes to express his indebteciness to C~tndi- and MathctnafirqI 5-ier-es V. T. Cho-n-il C3rd 1!2 L er atlon6~, "d Al~o' W.Acad itnticlan C a lati v e '6f the Ac-ademy of S, iences, of the Ukr hil s Academ-,- of Sciences A, N, Shcher4aqyp- f6r Eiugaegtfirw the bfer- and f r H '-~S! ,!! the work. Orig. art. has: 25 fo.-mulas and I 412,~Fl ~'S.SOCJATTON: Institut teploenergetiki, AN UkrS~ (Ins'ttute -)f' 1!er-,t Enemr suBmirrED: HMar,34 ONCL: 00 SUB CODE: TD NR REFSOV- 003 OTHER- 000 C-rd 2/2 V, 5 ACC NRt AT7002153 SOURCE CODE: uR/0000/66/000 AUTHOR: Shcherban', A. N.; Filippenk,D, L. G.; Zernyak, T. S. ORG: Institute of Technical Thermophysica AN UkrSSR (Institut tekhnichegoy teplofizi .Aii UkrSSR) ,,TITLE: On chemical equilibrium in a gas mixture assuming an arbitrary relationship .between volume and pressure 'SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Termodinamika teplovykh dvigateley (Thermodynamics of heat engines). Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumka, 1966, 20-24 :TOPIC TAGS: chemical equilibrium, gas pressure, gas analysis :ABSTRACT: A system of equations is derived for determining chemical equilibrium !in a vessel with adiabatic insulation containing a mixture of gases, assuming that ;volume is an arbitrary function of pressure. It is shown thut this asSUMDti( inot introduce any serious analytical complications as compared with the cases where pressure or volume is assumed to be constant even though the enthalpy and internal energy of the system vary with an arbitrary relationship between pressure and volume. ! ;,At the same time, the numerical values of the thermodynamic parameters may differ con- isiderably. An example is given showing application of the proposed system of equationg lin determining the composition of a gas mixture after chemical equilibrium iB reached I in a thermally insulated vessel designed for a linear relationship between voltme and i 'pressure. It is shown that equilibrium parameters in actual vessels may differ con- I isiderably from those under ideal conditions even vith a fairly weak relationl3hip be- :tween volume and pressure. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas. ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l2Feb65 Cord ill BABANINA, T.I.; FILIPPENJW, 1,.I. ------------% Effect of electrostatic forces on the collection of dust with fibrous filter materials. Sbor.nauch.trud.Krl:~Oil IGD AN.URSR no.ltI23-128 162. iMk 1684) (Aist collectors) MMHKIRt P.A.; KUTSENKOp N.I.; F~~ _L.K. Synthesis of a MixtiWe of dicarbooqrlic acids vith ten carbon atoms in the chain. Plast.mausy no.709-60 162. (MRA 15:7) (Acids, Organic) i - c . ~ I . 9 11ITSENKO: N.I.; FILIPPENKO, L.K.; KFAVC , , "-j - ; il.A, ynthe3is of diethyl.ether of ethylene, g-liy,-,,~I. ~hur. Lr~,xl- S, klilm. 38 no.2;214-216 Ja 165~ 1,P--3j 1. Ila-uchno--',-ssledr-~vatel.'skiir institut plazcmass. KUKHAHSKIY, 14.(Kucharski.. M.), -ed.; LINDEMAN, Ya.. r-d.; MALICIJEVSKIY, Ya.(malczewskll J.)) red.; RAMM, T.) red - SEDOV L.N.[tranalator ; ..~- [tr;nIslatorj; DANILEVICH; T.A.9 red. [Laboratory work in the chemistry and technology of polymeric materials. Translated from the Polish] Labv--f--nve raboty po khimii i tekhnologii polimer:nykh materialo,.. Moskva~ Khimija., 1965. 393 P. (MIRA 18:7) SOY/156-58-4-361/49 AUTHORS- Reutov, Oo A., Beletakaya, I. P. , Z;~4jZZqnk2., L. TITLE: The Symmetrization of Mercury-organic Salts by Means of Di- phenyl Mercury (Simnetrizatsiya rtutnoorganicheskikh soley s pomoshchlyu difenil:rtuti) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Xhimiya i khimicheskaya t-ekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, PP 754-756 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the interaction of mercury-organic salts with meroury.di- phenyl, symmetric mercury-organic compounds are formed in great yield. The following mere-ary-organic salts were prepared: acetonyl-mercury chloride, ethyl ester of the a-bromo mercury phenyl acetic acids ethyl es 'ter of the n-bromo-a-bromo mercury phenyl acetic acid, 3-bromo-miarcury-3-benzyl camphor and trans- chloro-vinyl-mercury chloride* The mechanism of the symmetri- zation of the meroury-organic salts proceeds according to the follow�ng scheme: 2R* R R CHgX zrl- (R R R 1 2 3 1-1 . 1 2 3C)2Hg + HgX2 Hgx2 + (C 6H5)2Hg--,- 2C6H5 Hgx. Card 1/2 There a-re I table and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Y SOV/156-58-4-36/49 The Symmetrization of Mercury-organic Salts by Means of Diphenyl Mercury ASSOCIATION: Kafedra, organicheskoy khimii Moakovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova. (Chair of Organic Chemistry at the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: August 4p 1958 Card 2/2 0) MONO --- Three cases of meningoeoccemia in infants with manifestations of acute adrenal insufficiency. Vop*okh.mat, i det. 7 no.12:77-78 DI;62. (MIRA 16:7) 1- 1. Is kafedry detakikh infektsionnych bolezney (zav.-prof. VON. Golldina) Voronezhskogo instituta. (ADPWAL MAM-DISEMES) (NEISSERIA) (CIIILMW--DISFMES) Glorious traditions of the Soviet tankers; discussion with Major General N.M. Filippeako (TankGorps) of the Untemir Tank Division (guards unit, Order of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner). Voon.ZrAn, 31 no.9.-O-7 S 156. (mm 9:11) 1. Komandir Gvardiyokov ordena Lenim Krasnomamennoy Xant=irmkoy tankovoy diviBii, pardii gemeral-mayorom tankovykh voyak. (Tanks (Military science)) ZARYA K.I., o1allist; ~ILIPPENKO,.~WL,, zootekhnJ-k .Prevention of invalidity in collective farmers adfering from eye diseases. Felld. i akush. 28 no.4:27-28 Ap'63. (NIRA 16:8) 2. Kolkhoz "Pat' Leninas,, Faleshtskiy rayon,, IbldavskayiL SSR (for Filippenko), LOGV 0, T.K,; FILIPPMOIJ3,N, Mechanization of the replacement of railroad tieo* Avtom., telem. i avias' 4 no.1:25-27 Js 16o. (MIU 13:4) L Nachal'alk Zhaerin0my distantaii sigmalizatsit i avyazi Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Logvinanko). 2.1 Starshly inshener otdela, evyast Mdvnogo i*ravlsuiys signalizatelk i svya~l ministeretva putsy so-obahchaniya (for Pilippenko), (Railroade-Ties) FILIM' -':alarchly inzhener ~-~ ticeed the plan on the removal of rail supports. Avtam., telem. ,, 17 eviaz I * 4 no,5:24 w 16o. (KIRA 13:8) 1. MIA avyazi Glavnogcj upravleniya Bigaalizateli i evyazi Ministeretva putey soobehaheniyao (Rallroade-Rails) AUTHORS: Fili pea~koS and Zagurnyy S.I. (Engineers). TITLE s+uVoZmW o buitt-welding under a layer of flux.of pipes from ac 150 to 425 mm diameter. (Avtomaticheakaya evarka pod sloyem flyusa stykov trab diametrom ot 150 do 425 mm.) 3JA-T-10/14 ISRIODICAL: "EneEgomashinastroyenize" (Power Machinery Conutruction) -1957, No-7j Vol-3t PP-31-32. (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT : Automatic welding under a layer of flux has radically altered the worki4; conditions of welders and has made it poss- ible to organise flow production of welded parts. The new method has become widely used in many branches of industry includ- ing boiler making. Automatic welding under a layer of flux is widely used in the Podollsk Engineering works imeni Ordzhonikidze. For a long time particular parts including small diameter tubes were welded by hand. However, an automatic welding procedure has been developed and at the present time all annular butt joints on chambers, straight tubes and other parts from 150 to 425 nmi diameter of low carbon steel are welded automatically. Iii developing the coastruction of the welding head the feed mechanism of semi-automatic devicenui. -5 was taken as a basis. The equipment has a device for straighteniryl the electrode wire, a mechanism for moving the mouth piece with the welding wire to the rightand left of the axis of the weld, and a mechanism for controlling the feed of the electrode wire. 1/3 The equipment is controlled by a number of push-buttons. The Automatic. butt-welding under a layer of flux of pipes from 1~0 to 42~ mm diameter. (Cont.) 114-7-10/34 method of shaping-the efads of pipes for butt-welding is illustrated in Fig.l. The -butt-joints are assembled and tacked down by welding in three or four places., The assembled butt joints are carefully cleaned particularly at the places of tacking down and are then delivered to the automatic welding installation. The method of making the welded joints is described. As the weld gets wider near the top the mouthpiece and welding wire rock further across the axis of the weld. The weld,, when complete, lines up smoothly with the parent metal. The Conditions of automatic welding of annular joints, the brand of steel,pipe size and comparative data for hand and automatic welding are given in Table 1. The flux is recovered for further use. The mechanical tests applied to welded Joints made on theautomatic equipment are given in Table 2. It is concluded that it is obviously advisable to make the welding of pipes and other parts automatic. The main advantages of automatic welding over band is that the qwility of the welding is much better and the 2/3 output of the welders is increased three or fourfold. There is no need to employ very highly qualified welders. Automatic - ----- -- -- -- ---- FIIJFMKO~ V.I* Mayor modsoluzbby Isolated lesion .of eye vessels in hemorrhagic vaBculit:1s. Sbor. nau4;h.trud*KiworookruzhovoenegosPe no-4035-339 162. (KRA 160) (MM-ELOOD SUPPLY) (KrF.-.DISEASES AVD DEFECTS) -- --- PL= Ya-- ". an' BAIMARDIN, Yu. I ---- - ---- ~:I- -- - -- - J -- -, - .- 0 - U - V. - - -- --- - -- "On Eye Injuries". Voyenno Yeditsinsldy 2hurnal, No. 4, 1962 POPOVY R.I.; FILIPPENKO. Xe.S# Testing protective coatings for coke-plant equipment. Kcks i khLm. no.1605-36 161, (MIRk 15:2) 'L Dnepropetrovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod. (Coke industry~-Equirent and supplies) (Protective coatings SADOVSKIY, Ckr.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; PAKE[MV9 A.S.9 gormyy in2h.; FILIPPER07) 1-1 . AsIO, gomyy inkho Ways of reducing the work in drawing and haaling ore in the "Zapolyamyilt Mine& Gor.2hur. no.2t23-26 P 161. (HrRA 164) I& Nori3. I akiy gormo-metanurgicheakiy kambinats (Noril'sk region-Mining engineering-labor productivity) BBLIGOVA, M.A.; BOYTSOV, G.V.; WFOR, B.S.; XOROTKIN, Ta.l.; KU*ZOV721KOV, B.Ps; MAKSIMADZHI, A.I.: ITIOUDY, Y.M.: SBMOVMT. A.K.; TAUBIII. G.O.; FMIPPRO, M.V.; CHUYUOVSKIT. G.B.; SHIMANSKIY, Tu.A., alr-adem-lkvTvd-.-,-IUCHMNOV, B.T..; OSVENSKATA, A.A., red.; KONTOROVICH. A.I., (Handbook on atruatural mchanice of ships] Spravochnik po stroitellnoi makhanike korablla. Leningrad, Goa.soiuznoo izd-vo sudbutrolt.prom,vahl. Vol.3. 1960. 799 P. (MIRA 14:1) (shipbuiiaing*) FMIPPHO, M., kand. tokhn. nauk; PAVLINOVAP Yo,A,o kand. talrim. nauk Statility of oorragated bulkheads with wavy corrdgationB under the offset of axial eomprossion. Sudostroonis 28 no.12 3-1-32 Ja 162. (MIRA 160) (Dalkheads.(Naval architeature)-Tosting) VASILIYEV, Aleksey Leonidovich,- GLOZMAN, Moisey Kalmanovich; FAVLINOVA, Yevgeniya A-lekseyevnai FILITITI-M, Maksim Valentinovichl qqklBERGJ, ye.m., i;ZE., r-etj#,-rI2-o"nT tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; 41 KOETOROVICH, B.M.j nauchn. red.; KLIOR1NA, T.A., red. [Iligh-strength corrugated ship bulkheads] Prochnye su- dovye gofrirovannye pereborki. [By] A.L.Vasillev i dr. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1964. 315 P. (MIRA 18:3) L 25 Wr(4)/EWT(M)/WP(h)/F4P(l) TVA 4 IT C jf46 h- W t46000;4, UP/ &wrlng, Semen NMLd ~ichiul Pailinova. YXYxC0;hM AjekB 4jftks Wa; t Chi S ri Vladimir Stepumichp Sht=Mt~ntln Wdoh or Floating flexibl4t vessels for the, ranqxwtatLonof . petr3lem 1woductel problems darability and bydrodqnswicap and theory and methods at calculation PlaftchUne elasticbzWe yndwati d1ya. tranaptwtirovki nefteproduktov; voprasy prochnosti L gidrodinamikip teoriya I metody-reacheta) Leningrad., Mad-vo "Sudostroyeniye 1965 223 p. Allua, biblioe I# 2W, copies printed TOPIC TAM: oce;;i transportationp Inland vessel data, nwebant vessel data, cargo ship., solid stattesp bydrodynactics PURPOSE AND COVIVAGE: The-book.preoents the results of investigatkons of the i neW Mce=. 0 and speed of f:transportation--floatUa elast',Lg veasela3utended for the -.b,&nnR2xkM1on of'petroleum proddets and other quid londs on sea and inland water- 1, 1-Y&Y80- Experience: and design of marufteture of such veasolep accumulated in Soviet and foreign shipbuilding is described* Practical metbodu for calculating the strengtH and awed of floating elastic vessels under all principW1. operating conditions are given. Recommendations on the design and construction oil such vessels are presented. The bulk of the - investigations reported were wde by the L allthWo &M are published for the first titie* The book. Is- lauded for- engineering-teebn1cal workers in design offices and in the shipbuilding Industryp a" can also be used by students of ship- building institutes and faculties.' Authors thank He P. Oytovp A. L. Kosbevoyp Be I* uDc: 629.1,2.oli. 3/2 3- 2i 6E-t~ 1 FILIPPI,, Fr. (Tg. Mares) 50 years of activity of the Brasov Meteorologic Station. Natura Geografie 15 no.5t42-43 S-0 1636 E114PPI. JIri: VEIGLER, Stanislav 'Surface smoothing of machine parts by a bal-1, Stroj vyr 11 no. 12: 6(Y7-610 163.1 Sigma, Olomouc, nope, zavod Lutine FILIPPIp P.1 BASSly A. Adenovirus anginaSs Veot. otorin. 22 no.4:58-64 Je-Ag 160. (MM 13:12) (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) Clinical varl.a'.,Irma of megaduodlenum in Ja-F 16;~ cimildron. Vest. rf--nt. rad. -'0 no.h.12-15 'IA,rRA M6) 1. Ku~,,,z dotakoy rcj-,-41-,genolcq:". (zav.-.. dctsent V.F. Dakalanova) 112entrallnoga inst.ltuta vraoh~~y na IA-za &-akoy ~I�nithoslkoy b:d"r.1'sy ~menl lr)7.erzhinsk(,[ro No,~- I%glavn.-r FILIPPKIN,j M...A. - TSYPLENKOV, V.G. . ~--- - Case of duodenal stenosis as a possJb.le result of antenatal peritonitis with multiple developmental defects. Vest. rent. i rad. 40 no.6-.61.-62 N-D 165. (KIRA 19: 1) 1, Kafedra detskoy rentgenologii (zav. - IT.F. BakLanova) TSentrall- noga instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrachey na baze Detskoy klini- cheskoy bollnitoy imeni F,E. Dzorzhinukogo, Moskva. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3527 Fil.ippkinj, A. T.,, K. V. Pichetat and B. A. Konstantinov Mekhanizatsi,,ya trudoyemkikh ruchnykh otdelochnykh operatsiy v mashinostroyenii (Mechanization of laborious Hand Finishing Operations in Machine Building) Moscowy 1959- 62 P- ls500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy-komitet, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. , Institut nauchnoy informatsii. Mel nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsti. Sektor mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti. TL-ch- Ed.: E., Al'tshuler PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel working in the field of 'machine pert finishing. COVERAGE: The authors describe briefly the techniquets involved in the use of abraiive belt, grinding and polishingjtumbling.. bydropbrasive polishing, and power brushing. These efficient methods are not widely used in the USSR because of shortage of production of good abrasive belts. No personalities are mentioned. 7here are 9 referencea~ 7 English, and 2 aerman. Card 1/3 Mechanizationlof Laborious (Cont.) SOV/3527 TkBLR OF COMMUM: Introduction Grinding and Polishing of Parts With Abrmaive Baits Methods of m%chining parts.with abrasive belt Y4*11.ning rej.3imes and sequence' of operr*tions WaUS4 Polishing Folishilag W-ts which are, mechanically fed Importance 01! lubrication, coolants, and the grain size of belts in machi~l~,, of parts D6NW'd!~b&2*-tnm grinders and polishing machines Paver I Brushing or Parts Designs of pawer-brushing m~whines Seiection of -.the type of brush Hydroa,brasive Polishing Barrel, Tumblino Card 2/3 4 5 8 10 12 14 22 31 31 37 45 48 T "r ra_.~W_N~~g Mechanization of Laborious (Cont.) SOV/3527 Role of abrasives and chemical admixtures In the tunft)ling process 49 Tumbling process technique 52 Bibliography 64 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (Tal6o.F5) VK/fal Cal,rd 313 7-8-6o M R ?m 5(l); 25(l) MSE I BOOK (,XPLOITATION SOV/2285 BleAkoval M. V. j, B. A. Chevela, and V. G, Filippochkin vlyayqMm modelyam Novyy sposob ~m~eteniya, zhidkog6 stekla, pri~litlye PO VyPla (New Way for Vsiq; Soluble Glass in Irrvestment Casting) MOOCOV,1958. 11P, (Beriest Peredavoy opyt proizvodstva. Beriya "Tekhnologlys, mashinoatroyeni"." VYPO 110! Lit.eynoye proizvodntvo) 4,000.copieo printed. n1yu politicheskikh i nanchnykh SponsoringAgencies: Obshchestro po rasprostrane znaniy* RSM, -and M6skcrv'Aiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheokoy pz%)psgavd3r in. F. E. Dzerzhinokogo. Ed.; A, V. Lakedemonskiy; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Sukhareva. PMUUMi This booklet is intended for the general reader. COVERA(M The author mentions three varieties of water glass: NDSO (dialped).. "ICS" (treated with cationite) and "acetosiliciaeu (treated with acetone). They were not satisfactory for use in industry as binders In investment casting. At Vreoentp water glass diluted with water and treated with an organic reinforeirgl agent is being used industrially, A &)tailid descriptiqn Card 1/2 YILIPPOSITAN, S.T. ", Heritable variability Incertain micro-organisms induced by anti- biotics. Zhur.cb.blol. 20 no.6481-483 N-D 159. (MM 13W 1. Chair of Genetics, Moscow State University, and Institute of Now Antibiotics, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (AMIBIOTICS) (IrM(MACTMIACUR) SHORIN, V.A.- GOLIDBERG L Y MURAMSKAU V.S.; PLYZI&Rp N.S.; Swbviilll S,Pl.;"K'U'NqM,T, I.A.; BaMA, I.F.; KRUM, V.Yj).; FILIPPOSIYAN, S.T. Study of the antibe.aterial activity.. toxicity and rmdicinal pro- perties of methanesulfonates of monomycin and colimycin. AntibiQtiki 6 no.10:897-904 0 161.. (~gflA 14:12) 1. Institut no izgkaniyu novykh antibiotikov AM SSSR. (AT-IBI ICS) (WHANESULFONIC ACID) SHORIN, V.A..; ROSSOLIMOI O.K.; STANISIAVSKAYA, M.S.; BLYUM13M, N.A.; Fjj;FEWO*Nf-O~. .; IZFESHKINAI G.N. .Antinsqplastic activity of the antibiotic olivorqcin. Antibiotiki 7 no.3-.60-64 Mr 162. (MIRA 1-5:3) 1. Institut po izYglkaniya ykh antibiotikov AMN SSSR. (AWIBI071CS ) (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS) F114PPOSITARS* T.T, Designing apparatus for processes used in extracting penicillin and other antibiotices' Ked.prom 12 no.10112-20 0 '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1, VsesoyuzW nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut antibiotikovo (ANTIBIOTIC,q) (DRua nwmTRY.-EQUIPMENT AND SUP?LIFS) FILIPPOSITARTS, T.T., PARAMCNOVA, Ye,K,p PETROV. I.Ho Processing the culture madima In the production of penicillin; Med,prom, 12 nool2t33-36 D158 (min nm) 1.* vaesorusaw nauehno-isaledovatellskiy institut antibiotikove' (MICILLM) (BAOMIOLOGY-=dUMS AND CUWW MEDIA) FILIPPOSFUNTS~ T.T.; POZDNYAKOVAp Z.Yei.; PARAMONOVA, Ye.M. Use of diatomaceous earths in the process of filtration of antibiotic culture liquids. Mad. prom. 15 no.11:/+6-50 N 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy muchno-issLedovateltakiy inatitut antibiotikov. (AMIDIOTICS) --YILIIW.TOi--W. (DFOGO'WNICTWO, VOL 8, No. 7, JU17 1953, Warsaw, Foland) "Orgemizing the~Voluntary Road Workf p.. 171. SO: MONTHLY LIST OF- EAST WFDPEANACCLFSSIONS, L.C., Vol. 3. No. -4, APRIL 1954 FILIPPOTO; We Development of the Social Road Deed in the struggle for iMrovement of the condition of local roads, (To be contd.) p. h. DROGMNICTNO. (Instytut Techniki Budowlanej) Warszawa. Vol. n. No* 12 Jae 1956* SOURCES. East E~rapkn'Aecessions'List MAL)s Library of Congreess Vol. 5, No. 7, ju3,v 1956. up-M FILIF-FOrO.. W. Development of the Public Road Deed in thb struggle for improvement of the condition of local roads. P. 35- (Instytut Techniki Budowlanej) Warszawa Vol* 11, no. 2,, Feb. 1956 DROGOViNICTWO SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congrese Vol, 5, no. 8p August 1956 FILIPPOFTOP We .Achievements of the social road dead m local roads. p. 206 MOGOMICM (Wydmmictwa Komr.Akacyjne) Warazatra,, Poland, Vol 14,, no. 9$ Sept. 1959 N*thly List of Z"t'buvpem Aci*wsions (IM) LC, Vol. 9, no. lp Jan. 1960, Uncl. FILIPPOTO, Wladyslaw, inz. Leading provinceo in the reconstruction of local road retworks. Drogbimiatwo 17 no.2:36-40 F 162. 4 f w - V AI T ~ AP501 2 11 0( 3) 009 5 AUMOM4 Fili W*Jomi_~ A- (44 e_ua or, Uqijt9 paxit --Colonel);- -Faukhov S~ (EnSinearls, dauterim t T, f MIE: on tho 00b OYU&' a~ge ff -SOURCE4. TOYenl*7. Ve Mo~v~44,'1,9 54`13 -795 ;TOPIC TAGS. rocket rockitt: tar t~. iaoket trajectory, ~~4 .101F _qf~~j fragmentat a' target surfaO, deteotilTn- t.kBSMVII; This _iheormtic4LI.ana destroyir* aerial target~a with zenithal rooketE. ettirts vrith equati on -i p ptv-IL t: Pp. where P is the probability of i derstroy-ing a single' targat:with &,-single rocket, P, is the probabiAty of s. iperforuance, of allithe -is,the probability of de.-te-ating -exit Pa t iof continuous tracking P- -is - the pro;~ability of des*oTLng iax~ .W the d WeLrh iaerial target eid. lach of: the &bare fiatars in djeacrib analysrA mathematicaltly~ Eumd corrIalated graphically Wit-II the ti-me or distance hf~ Ln v uv t Ln destro_ylng the target. The V~ocess of usM~ a grouD of rockets is ne3t -iilh speoial atL,antion given to the soatta:-imr of 1-ridiridu'li ron-cets frcm atmM M atLam r_ A-A-931*14-WRIN U A-1 77 L NRS A131501 1211: t-6, 6ec iven oup. The (test I ilie. desirol. txi%~e. it 6s& of -:th4 -TbL61 6 it a-, atarget and also th,~! i - -S na, I;ower ol" rockat, fragaents in 4rmiyzed od an exar~,D!- uf the kmer can missile Rark. C%k:V.IAe'ring velocity rif the frwpents (V is obta Uied from equation Where V is the r,:~oket velocity andV is the itrea'f In vq!-!- P fra,=ent. latter term is oalov-1sted from equation t V, -M 2 _2M H&re P is the velocity ot chea-ge Bed, M2"S" _tfia -mass of Charge and IM is the mass of thG c"Lingo- --The fterican approach to the 9,ibJect -~fa grl'uv o-' t&7g-_t_- and to the uao of nuuleax warheads is revie~ved. with a M_Kmc and Telos missiles, The artlele is concluded ~- t~: nal -3_nPCV-- b. .7 f j! P_ single airar&f" being deeltroyed sinle Y,;.aa Aj" or Hawk ills probabilita, does not exoeed 0.6-0.8, the use of agroup of' siailar roakats Is mcomnen4edi WM %0 ~i~er of rockets Ln the Xr-oup calaulaWd from fo=I.s. P I - (I - P)np where n is the number of rockets ahot at- dlap7e 31'14. azt. hast 5 equations, 3 ur-~,d, and wraph.!. A ricne ENGLt 00 NO R KF SOV 000 Mmt OW Card 2/2 -4 MZ CODE. GH L 392Z=&6 FIT(m)/T ACC NRs AP6016349 SOURCE GODE. UR/0308/136/000/001/0026/0027 ~4UTHOR: ov, (Senior engineer) ~ORG: Main Administration of Technical Operation of Merchant Fleet and Shi~ Repa Yards. (Ulainoye upravieniya takhnic5skoy ekspluatatsil flota 1. sudorei6-ntnykh zavodov W) TITIS: Boonomical oonspjtion of fuel .SOURCE: Morskoy flot, no. 1, 1966, 26-27 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, marine engineering, diesel engine, diesel fuel ICU lr4r- 00A) 2%) M P rtd AJ ABSTRACT: In connection vith a general campaign for reducing-waste and saving fuel in the Merchant Marine, the author discusses some measures taken by various yards-, ships and agencies. The xesults in economical consumption of fuel by the Estonian dry-goods shipping agency is praised and the example of diesel ship "Ka.LeV" Is cited r0r-Waful treatment of diesel oil and for an addition of a 20-pot ammonia soluti iThe research conducted by the heat-engineering laboratory of tho Blaak as gteamshiv Ageno is also praised. In this connection, the use--6r- phosphi~t_e-nitr-at-eme hod fo treating water of high-pressure marine d -1/2 UDC: 656.61:629.1-6+339.443 'ACC NRz AP6016349 I I iboiler is discussed and its additional application as a protective meas ure-against interorystalline corrosion is recommend.ea also for lovi- fpressure boilerse The proper oleaning and painting of hull surfaces is 'recommended as a measure for reducing the ship resistance and fuel con- sumption. Some data on losses in speed caused by the increase in re- sistance are cited in connection with waste in fuel. The conversion of engines from diesel oil to less expensive motor types of fuel oil is recommended especially taking into consideiation the eventual increase of diesel oil price in 1966. In conclusion, the crews of the diesel ship "Vilsandi" (Estonian agency) and of the steamer "Spartak" (Northern agency) are praised, while the crew of the steamship "Kronshtadt" (Far East agency) is criticized. S7 CODE: 91 JB ,13/ SUEM DATE: None 2/2 -Cc F'1/PPCJ /" 0e 6b-1U-11/?2 AUTHORS: Sal". nikov, V',,V., (Can&. Tecb:.Sc'. )'and Filippow, A.A., TITLE: Som6 SpecialFeatares of the Composit-lo,n and Method of Pro- cessing Benzene in the Gubakb* -. Coke Oven Works (Osobe.. nndsti s6stava,i pererabotki syrogo benzola Gubakhin kogo Ko3tsokhimicheskogo Zavoda) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya# 19579 -Nr 1 01 pp,.,4-2..46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The main results of 'investigations on the technology of processing crude benzene produced in the above works are reporteC Crude benzene produced -in these works is charac- terised by an increased content of unsaturated, sulphurous and non-sulphonating compounds which makes processing into p'ure'products more difficult. The difficulty lies inpuri- fying benzene from compounds which react wit&'-l bromine and from non-sulpbonati~g_(saturated) hydrocarbons, due to which the usual technology cannot be applied,. A now technological scheme (Fig'.3) was developed. Its chExacteristic features are as follows: -'(1) separation of head fraction is carried out on mixed benzene-toluene fractions; (2) on final recti- fication the distillation of benzene is carried out in a continuous manner and of the toluene residues intermittently. During this distillation in addition to standard products C..d 1/~Iome intermediate fractions with increased content of ad- I I I V V19 11 1 41- lo4-4-15/4o AUTHOR: Voskresenskiy, N.A*j Egorova,- L.V. and Filippov, A*Ao, Engineers. TITIZ: Corona losses on 400 kV transmission lines. (Poteri na koronu na liniyakh elektroperedachi 100 kV) PERIODICAL: "Elektricheskie Stantsii" (Power Stations), 195?, Vol. 28,.No.4, pp. 54 - 57 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTPACT:. In the present state of the theory of a.c. ecrona, becAuse of the complexity of the effect and its dependence.on numerous external factors, it is not possible to calculate corona losses on transnission line conductors. Experimental lines for the study of this effect have, therefore, been con- structed in the USSR and abroad. This article describes an experimental installation consisting of a section of line (analagous with the 400 kV KAybishev-Moscow line) high voltage transformers and supply equipm=t. Voltage is supplied by three tra-nq ormers each with a rated voltage of 750 kV and an output of 750 kVA installed ou*,-of-doors. The tran omers may be connectet in series to produce a voltage of abaat 2 000, kV to. earth and three-phase cornection can be arranged with line voltages of the order of 1 100 kV. The transformers 1/3 are supplied from a .3 KVA alternator driven by a synch-vonous motor, The experimental section of three phase lines consists Corona losses on 400 kV transmission lines. iCorl-'15~40.. of three spans each of 300 m. The min:lmm clearance o arth at mid span is 10 m, two earth wires are used. Equipment has been provided for heating the wires in order to measure c'orarLa losses in conditions of fog and ice formation. A meteorolog- ical station has been provided to record atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidityq rainfall intensity and wind strength. The procedure for measuring corona loss is described. In view of the need for high sensitivity a bridge circuit was chosen using sensitive electro-static watt meters. -Special measuring cabins are installed on insulated supports with an insulation level to earth of 750-800 IN. Test results are given for corona losses uEfng different; wires under different meteorological conditions. Measured and calculated values of capacitance and maximum potential gradients in the three phase condition are tabulated for all the cases of measurement, and average values of corona. loss are given as functions of volt- age for various meteorological conditions in the form of graphs and a table. It is considered that the classification of weather conditions requires fuither attention. The period Of the tests has extended over two years with one kind of 2/3 conductor and 9 months with another. There is considerable dispersion of experimental results in good weather, both because Corona losses on 400 kV transmi ssion lines. (Cont i4-4-Wo of changes in the surface of the conduators and of change in the meteorological ownditions from one fest to another. The I scatter of experimental points in bad weather riasults from variations in actual weather conditions. With both kinds of 3/3 conductor for a 400 kV line losses at rated voltage in good weather do not exceed 1 kW/kn. There are 3 figires and two tables. AVAILLBLE: Fl L VA, mum I ma WWIUTIOG 60) ub& t verassomp tow M--3- t) wow, and JaUVAUUNG Va' -Plaa TA's-a- Itat Issatus, at- 10"41 04airla, an Aesdow V*fmwtskm%- Q&W% futaor' 11.0.1 TO 1170001. VA.. COMMPO"b4 To il, A-9-. ZWLW"l at g potter Of ?It (chi.t 1A.11 0arta 'lp 0,Aj4L%G Of %-a- professor at kilotl*, a ki.5"91 Ft"Ool, Y~i ftimsells OL.Aldstv at Tickl%, of Imew of r"Gle" a" ritblest- A.K.. BIDS Outer kwes~$ ftl4smal X.G. I C"""ts C.U"to of Tack* ..r, aeat.. wil.. "41s"n so Itfia selmuces. P"to at vat"O" 84109"s. at libetrterOW .MI. ". ,tat of &rttgut' Loma vy *.*so malor at raidk far scleattato, Osgia"re aA deals-re to tatanded UsamISGIOM U-*' card vatbot at O.J."Atw Coroma Is IVOONLIGIsm a" . VIM DOMAIN Opts VMAU ew*.WAXO elvl&i- tb. -mues- at ,UUuu um dmwa tw tftats at Cafe" wA 4NOCKINO SM me flailw Vero as ..A 62914plas is amperb-taw Or 1,Axw at 080610*6 tsg.wmm- ffl~ 4 7 IT locemsytm w --., --- .!~ S/112/59/000,/016/012/054 A05VA002 TrAnslation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal, El ektrotekhnJ.ka, 1959, No. 16, p, 60, No. 33934 AUTHOR: -Filippov, A. A. TITLE; On the Calculation of Charges for a Three-Phase Line with aandle Conductors and a Wide Spacing of Bundles PERIODICALi. Izv.-n.-i. in-ta postoyan. toka, 1958, No. 3, pp. 324-3355 TEKT- An increase of the spacing of bundles is an effective ineassure to raise 'the throughput of a-e transmission linest However, corona losses increase at the same time. Methods of calculating corona losses with bundle conductors of a large radius of bundling are given. A solution of a problem for a bundled conductor in form of a regular polygon is given. The effect of cables is disregarded. A. V. K. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 VOSKRESEVSKIT, N.A., inzh.; TXGOROVA, L.V., inzli.; TIKKODEM, M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; ?ILIPPOV, A.A.0 inzh. Method for calcu, ating average annual corona losses. Zlek.sta. 29 no.1:53-56 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Corona (Electricity)) S/149/60/C)OO/006/004/018 A006/AO01 AUTTIORSi -FillpRov A.A., Smirnov, V.I. IN TITLE: On Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Chlorination Reactions of Selenides and Tellurides of Copper and Precious Metals PERIODICALt Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeni3r, Tsvetnaya metallurglya, 1960, No. 6. PP. 55-64 TEXT? Chlorination is one of the means of separating selenium and telluri- um from non-ferrops and precious metals. It can be used as a technological basis for processing anode slimes and other semiproduct~s of the metallurgical industry. Due to the low boiling temperatures of selenium and telluz!ium, their extraction in- to chloride sublimate will depend on the stability in chlor ine atmosphere and the. chlorination rate of those compounds in the form of which selenium and tellurium are present in the Initial materials. The probable form of Se and Te in anode slimes can be determined from their composition and the magnitude of energy of the crystalline lattice of the compounds. B.S. Sarkisov's method was used to calculate the energy of crystalline lattices of selenides and tellurides of copper, silver, platinum and palladium. A comparison of their values shows that In platinoid Card 1/ 7 8/149/60/000/006/004/018 A006/A()Ol On Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Chlorination Reactions of Selenides and Tellurides .,of Copper and Precious M6tals slimes selenium and tellurium are partially present in the form of selenides and tellurides of platinum and palladium. When studying the thermodynamics of chlorina- tion reactions of selenides and tellurides of copper, silver, platinum and pal- ladium, the possibility and intensity of the reactions is determined from the mag- nitude and sign of the isobaric-isothermal potential. The authors carried out thermodynamical calculations of changes in the isobaric-isothermal potential of chlorination reactions of selenides and tellurides In a temperature range of 100_ 0 0 5000C, using the equation of first approximation A z; H298 - T & So and 298., data given by A.F. Kapustinskly (Ref. 13). Venner, Latimer (Ref. 14), and K.B. Yatsimirskiy (Ref. 10). A comparison of values of chlorination reactions, A Z' shows that under similar conditions telluride chlorination will prevail, and among the selenides, platinum andpalladium will chlorinate leasto In the presence of sodium chloride, chlorination reactions of platinum selenide and telluride proceed with the formation of a complex compound N Ptcl The chlorination reaction of corresponding compounda of palladium is mols, pro Lbly accompanied by the formation cf PdC12. Kinetics of chlorination reactions was studied with synthetic selenides Card 2/ 7 s/149/60/000/'006/004/018 A006/AOO 1 On Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Chlorination Reactions of Selenides and Tel- lurides of Copper and Precious Metals and tellurides of copper, silver, platinum and palladium. Values of apparent so- tivation energy of the chlorination reaction of these compounds were determined. The rate of chlorination reactions was investigated on an installation shown in Figure 1. A batch of 100 mg'zi~lenide or telluride is mixed with sodium chloride and crashed charcoal In a 1:1:1 proportion and put into a quartz boat which was placed in a reaction -tube. After evacuating the air from the tube by argon, the electric furnace was switched on. During heating, argon was passed through the tube at a rate of 2 liters/hr. The temperature in the reaction space was measured~ over the middle of the boat. At a steady temperature, a T-pipe was turned to receive the chlorine which was passed into the rea-a-tion tube from & gasmeter at a constant rate of 4.5 li-ters/hr. Chlorination of selenides lasted from 2 minutes to 4 hoursl tellurides were chlorinated for up to 2 hours. Constant values of chlorination reaction rates of selenides and tellurides are calculated by an equa- tion for the reaction of the first order K In qn q where qn and qk are the amovintso selenide (telluride) after 2 and 15 minutes Card 317 S/14g/60/000/006/004/018 Aoo6/Aool On Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Chlorination Reactions of Selenides and Tel- lurides of Copper and Precious Metals chlorination respectively; Alc Is a period of 13 minutes during which a change In weight of the substance from qn to qk takes place, Figure 3 shows the logarithm of the experimental constant of the chlorination reaction rate of selenides end tellurides as a function of the inverse value of,absolute temperature. The ex- perimental points for each reaction are well located 6n the straight line whose formula corresponds to the Arrenius equation 1n K A '+ B T whore A is the-Ingen t of the inclination angle of -the straight line to the abacissa axis T connected with the activation energy by the equation E - AR. The experiments show thatallurides of copper platinum and palladium and copper se-1 'enides are unstable -compounds and are affected by chlorine already at 80-1000C. At 200-2500C the chlorination reaction is practically completed within 30 to 60 minutes, Chlorination reaction of selenide and tolluride of silver begins at 2DOOC and is completed at 3000C. Platinum and palladium selenides are most stable in chlorine atmosphere and their interaction begins at 250 and 3000C respectively, card 4/7 S/149/60/0x/006/004/0 A006/A001 On Kinctics and The t-maodynamics of Chlorination Reactions of Selenides and Tel- lurides of Cooper and Pz-eciouz 4- chlo-ina'ion is attninf~d a ~0_5000c. For a series of selenides, such as :Y, AZI.-Se, IISe, C1,123c -nd a nUmber of tellurides, such as Ag2Te, PtTe, Cu2Te, a ck-Int-,ndence was dotc.niiin(~,i oV the %pparctit activation energy and the thermal ef- 'cc', of --,action chlcl_-~-i~!._Tor: A H. A connection was established be- ~iccn the values of crystalline lattice energy zuid activation energy of chlorina- tion rcaction of selenide and telluride of the s,%me metal. A higher value of ac- tivation enorgy of the chlorination reaction cor,:Tcsponds to a higher value of the crystalline lattice energy. rd 5/'t* O'n Kinetics and Thermodynt--.:= CLio:-Ination Reactions S/149/60/000/0,06/004/02 of Selen."des and Tellurides of Copp,2r and Precious Meta]sAO06/AO01 Figure 1: Schematic diagram Ne of an installation for study- ing the chlorination reac- tion rates of selenides and tellurides. 1-cylinder with 2-3,4,5,6,7-taps; -A8- 220~ 4'5'-0-2304 argon; 8-overflow contain er; 9-20,1 cylinder with NaCl solution; 10-vials with concentrated H2SO4; 11-rheometer de- signed by Leybovskiy (Ref . 19); 12-electric furnace; 1 _3-platinum platinum-rhodium thermocouple; 14-quartz boat; 15-heat resistant glass tube; 16-containers w'Ltb HC1 solution. Card 6/7 sl 1 4q/6o/0oo/oo6t-,oV/o,,. C A006/AO0I On Xinetics and Ther;nodynamics of Chlorination Reactions of Selenides and Tel- furides of Copper and Prccious T-*etals A A.r. , Figure 3: Dependence of the logarithm 46, 24 of the constant of chlorination reac- tion rate of selenides and tellurides of copper, silver, platinum and pal- ladium on the inverse value of ab- solute temperature. W There are 6 totle~, and %nd 21 references: 17 Soviet and 4 English. ASSOC -A.AT politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytec-hunic Institate); Xalledra metallurgii tyazhelykh tsvetnykh metallov (Department of ,,.,~,ti'.Iurzy of 17cavy Nor-Ferrojs Metals) ':ay 9, 1960 ,_AtA.; FAYNGOLID, S.G.; AYZSBZIG, L.G., Industrial mastering of the procoss of the production of polya- crylamide at the Yasinovka By-Product Coking Plant. loke i khim. no.10:7-9 060. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Yasinovskiy kokookhImicheekly zavod. , (Tasinovka-Acrylamide) FFOV#---". - Some features of the accuzhulation of hoarfrost on electric power trA113AMISSI 40n liness IzV. RIIFT no-5;228-235 160. ()=A 14:1) - (;Mectric lines--Overhead) --FILIPPOV.A..A,L- FAYNGOLID, S.G.; Prinitai 1 ucqastiye. POPOVA, A.S.; ZZNIKOVBKAUO S.I. Production of ammonium sulfate of impoved quality. Koks. i khim. no. 3:42-" 161. (MIRA 1414) 1. Yasinovokiy koksokhimicheskiy 7-avodo (Ammonium-sulfate) FILIPPOV. A.A. Methods for OWning voltage waves with an amp3itude up to-2 X7. corresponding in shape to the internal overvoltage of a.a. and d.c. power transmission lines. Izy. NIIPT no.8:367-390 161. (?URA 1517) (Blectrio power distribution) (Electrio insulators and insulation--Teoting) MPINAI, N.I.; FUJPMv A.A. Some problomo concerning -the methodology for studying the electrical strength of long air gaps subject to the action of a.a. voltages. Two Kln'zo.9s241-250 t62. (MIRA 1~0.2) (Meotric powerlUstribution) (Eleatric discharges) GU"WJ YU.4.; STEMA, N.I.I-Zn=-VA.A. Discharge voltages of air and line innIation subject to the astlon- of switching surges with x1#1est form* Isve NrM no*92251--273 162& (HIM 15tl2) (Mectrio power distribution) (Transients (Blectrioity)) (Electric inoulatoro and insulation) T, 17P4.3-4-e Fab-- mw/RM ACCESS ION NR; AP5000416 S10104/641000/008/0053/0057 AUTHOR' Stepinai N. L (Engineer); Pilippovi Ai A. (Candidate rf techn-c-al 0 TITLE: Switching- surge breakdown voltages of air- i-,isula tior SOURCE- Elektricheskiye stantaii, no, 8, 1964, 53-57 TOP7C, TAGS: air insulation, air insulation electric strength sm.-tching surge voltage ARST.RA C-T! The results of an exparivienta-1. inves tigation of the Oectric strengtli of -a rio,is airgaps at 40-260 cps switching surgeE are reportea. The airgapE inve:,t~~'.nted were: rod-piane, rod-rod, ring-plane, ring-rin, w-,re-suppor-., and wire-,)Iane. The test voltage was obtamed from two cascade. commected trans - f~~rrr-q that could deveiop an overall amplitude of ip 2. 011 1 1.-., A ctual 5011~ 1'. n, o 1, a 11, e a nd rms deviat,on %a Itie r, f,), ;t!l tn Card 1/2 law ie L 17843-65 ACCESSION NR: AP50004116~ 1.5--5-rn separations, are'tabulAted. rhese conclusions are reported: (7) TLe 50--io switc fting -surge breakdown voltages are close to those oc,-urring .vith a gradual rise of commercial-frequency (50 cps) voltage; (2) Rins deviation in he probabilit.-i distribution is 3-5 times higher in the surg-e-volt-aQe Hiar- in t ~e ial-voltage case; (3) The 500% breakdown volLage ;nc, ea;;es a~!i zhe lref~ ency ciecreases from 260 to 40 cps. (4) At 75 cps, the pr'sitive-pollarity breakdown voltage is higher if it was preceded by a negative -polarity half -wavE at 2-60 cps, no negative -polarity effect is noticeable; (5) The negative-polaritf brea kdovin voltage is much higher than the positive -polarity voltage in rhe ca5't of ,_ins,~mrnetrical airgaps. Orig. art. hae: 5 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTE7.'.G: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB GODE: EE NO REF SOV: 005 OTRER: 000 Card 212 WT M Mq V_ WE R_ I FIR _0105715ress VOKALEK, Ya., [Vokalek, J.], inzh,.; KTICHERA, Ya. [Kucera, J.), kand. tf3klm. nauk; GUTMAN, Yu.M., Inzh.; 'rIKHODEYF31, N.N., kand. tekhn. y1laijk; FILIPPOVI A.A., kand. telihn. nauk Discharge voltages of line insulati .during s,4-ftching sur es Elek. sta 36 no.4:55-63 165. Ap 7 1. Nauchno-issledovatellaRiy inotitu~'energetiki Chekhoslovatskay Sotsialistichaskoy Respubliki (for Vokalek, Kuchera). 2. Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut postoyannogo toka (for Gutman, Tikhodeyev, Filippov). ~.` 1Y ;6 ACC NRt Ap -~ SOU S C6E: XR/0057/6G/036/012/2203/22,66 _:~001319 RC AUTTJOJ: Filippov, A. A. lox: none ITLE: Applicition of the type IAB-451 schlioroi~ camora to,tho.invostigation of pro- :dischargo phonomona in long Air gap's ;S OURCS: Zhurnal tokhniclieslcoy f izik:L, v.' 3G., no.. 12, 1966-, 2203-2206 'TOPIC TAGS: spark gap,,spark discharge, air, sohlioren photography*, ~~BSTX!=: The author has o6seirve.d prodis'ahar 6 (Trichol pulses streamers , I . , go phenom na and leaders) in 0.5~ to 1.0 m. air gaps at atmospheric pressure lietwocn a plane and hyperbolic olectrode with the aid of a Soviat type IAB-451 s6hlieren - camorn. I The Isch1icron were photographed directly and wd:ro* also 6biorved with the-aid of an eloctr on- optical- image convertor w4 recorded with a.photemultiplier. Xt was-possiblo to ob- servo Trichel pqlses, streamers and leaders,, and verj clear, ph9tographs-of streamer ;~;chlioron were obtained.. From the variation ol the tkhotomultiplier anode current with Position of the Foucault knife edge In the local plane of the siohlieroh. c=~ra it was possible to determine the radius of the streamer channel shadow, the a Iir r4ensity withini: the channel, and the thi6'kness , of the r region of the-channel witfiin which the air density varies. The fftrea~Ler channels were found 'to eipand iind 000i muc'4'-__j-0- a. slowly Card ACC NRs AZ 7p01319 than was','6alculated on the basis of hydrod)%,Rmics qna heat conduct$vlty.. From thii. it I is,co;wluded that only a small fraction 'of*-the eneigy~ developed streamer ap:pear as:trans'lational and rotatioxial,eribrgy Of tiie .'molecules.' . The 'ixperiment~l results are r.e arded as preliminary; the principal conclusion of this paper is that valuable into mation concerning predischarge phenomena can be, obtained with 'the aid of the* schliaren tach.nique. Orig, art. has: 3 fijures. Stm CODE: DATE: '27Wo65 OR16. 0 '0d1, 20 7~4 SUIW.. CIS SALTAMM T,; FILIPPOV, A. Araotice in establishing itork norm oA the 9kiskiix State Farm. Biul. na&VW inforwis trud i sar. Plata 5 no 9s19-21 162. (1.4IRA 15;10) (1alintupad Dintriot (MqWW Province)-State farms- Prgauction standards) nLIPPOV, A,$ inzhenor-podpolkovnikp kand.takhn.nauk r~ead of an antl"r%ft guided missile and its action on get* Voene vest* 42 nb.10!80-U 0 f62. (MIRA 15:10) (Guided missiles) FILIMV, A.,mayor ------- - Conference of efficiency experts* F '53. (Odessa-Military engineers) Voene-inzh.zhur. 97 no.2:37 (UM 12:4) LUCHIS, A.,jJ~LIPPOV, A.; POPOV, N. How ve prepared for work with the new wage ,schedules. Sots. trud no.12:76-79 D 156. (MLRA lOt2) 1. Nachallnik b7uro organizateli truda i zarabotnoy platy, stalelitaynogo teekha Nevskago mashinostroitallnogo zavoda iment Lenina. (for Luch1n). (Wave) FILIPPOV, A. (& Stalingrad) Improve working conditions of the deaf-mute@. Prom.koop. 12 n0.11:24 1 158. (JaRA, It: 11) I* Predeedatell presidiums oblastnogo otdola Vseroseiyskngo obshg*he- etva'glukhons4kh. (Stalingrad Province-Deaf--3oployment) Speed up conotruction of-buillings serving cultural needs in villages. Sell. stroi. 15 no-W-9 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Zameatitell minintra kulltiLry RSFSR* (Clubhouses) (Librariest Rural) FIL Economize fuel! Mor.flot 26 no.lt26-Z7 Ja 166. (mm 19si) 1. Starshiy inzhener Glavnc)go upravleniya takhnicheakoy ekspluatatsii flota i sudoremontnykh zavodov Ministerstva morskogo flota SSSR. FILIPPOW A. inzhener WAW Marine boiler damage. Nor. flot 15 n0-7:28-29 Jl 155. (Boilers, Marine) MRA 8:9) FILIPPOV. A., inzhoner. Using a vibrating m"rator 23 no.2:12-14 F 157- (Grain-hwdling for grading grain. hik.-elev.prome (HLRA 10:5) machinery) I-ILIPPOV. A..; PBVZM8- 1. 1 ~ Basic taske in designing stardard garages. Avt.transp. 33 no.12: .13-14 D '55. (VLRA 9.3) 1. Giproavtotrans. (Garages) FIL %WWWA" Now standard plans. Ayt.trautep. 34 no.1:31 Ja '56. (MU 9:5) 1. Glavnyy inzhoner Giproavtotransa. (Garages) (Automobiles-Repairing) FILI= A ,..W~ 0"" State Institute for the Design and Planning of Motor Vehicle Repair and Automotive Tranoportation'catablishmentes Avt.tranBp 37. n0-1: 54 Ta '59. (iIRA 12-.2) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Gi rowtotrausa. Nransportation, Automotive) FILIPPOV, A., obtukatur Using clay mortars in plastering walls, Sell,stroi. 14 no.6:5 is '50. (MIM 12:9) 1. Kerost'skly lonspunkt Novgorodskogo looprookbors. (Clay) (Plastering) GICLIPOND, Be (g.Odessa); SHIGAW, A.. (g.Chernigov); SHMNINA, Z., pryadil shchitea, udarnik kommunisticheakogo truda; DILIDIN, M., rabochir; SKRIPKIN. P. (g.Ulau-Ude);,FJ:LrPFO!, -~tropavlovsk); CMRffM, Vl. (g.xursk) Prom letters to the editors. Sov. profsoiuzy 16 no.21:54-57 N 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. 7abrika imehi WAshovag j;&Ivanovo (for Smetauina). 2.LSovkhoz "Teplichny7*, Moskovskaya ob:L. (for Dilldin). (Trade unions) -x FILIPPOV A. (TashkWlt) Synthetic dye,3, iqauka i zazal 27 no. 4:77478 Ap 160 (])yes and dyeing) ~ - - r /, ~w 1KR(IVNYY,I.G., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-; FILIPPOV,A.A., doteent, kandidat tekhnichesklkh uxuk Problems of standard norms for locomotive fuel consumption. Trudy TASHIIT no.31112-126 151. (MLRA 8:10) .(Locomotives--Fuel consumption)