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M-TOWIMp Broniolaw (Lods) lazi-4 3 Pw*t in eannection with tho iif-tieth anidirereary of the ioolation of the firot vitamin. -Wazechowiat no.:L:5-7 FILLPCWICZ. Bronieltw, prof . dr Rachitio-and ounbeamo -Problow 19 no.4:220-227 163* 1. Kierownik Natedry Chem# Oplnej i Pi:Bjologicznej., Akademia Meciyczna, Lodz. SIL]YOVICZ, B,;LIBYKO, W.-,WIWKOWSKI, W. Nucleic acids of the pancreas. Act& pbysial. polon. 3 SuPpl. 3: 261- 264 1952. (CIKL 2431) 1. Of the Institute of (Inneral and Physiological Ohemistry (Asa&-Prof* B. Filipowics, K.R.) of Lods Medical Academy. YILIPOWICZ. B.;=VOj W. Ds~mruiuatlou of adenine in tissues by polaxographic method* Act& Ph7- siol. polon. 3 NW1. 31, 264-266 1952. (CLKL 24:1) 1. Of the InstItute of General and Physiological Chemistry (Read-Prof. B. Filipowicss N.D.). of Lodz Medical Acadsmy*' T~ FII,IPO'IAIICZ, BRONIMTAW Acad., I-led. Lodz, Poland "Nucleic acids. Wiadomosci Chem. 7,*251-83 (195-3). Poland CA: 47:12467 PILIMICZ, B.; GOLEWSKI, S.; PILKK, K,; SKARZYNSKX, J. Ionophorstie determination of composition of nuolootides In ribonuolsic acid of the pancreas. Acta pbysiole polone 5 no.4:62~-633 1954. 11 2 7-okladu Chemll Ogolnej I Chemil IrIsjologicxnej Mcadeall Kedresuej w Lodsle Klerowulk: prof* dr B.Tilipowics. (NUCLRIC ACIDS, metabolism. rlbo,'In pancreas, iontophoresis of nucleolides) (NUCIMOTIISS, determination, iontophoresis In pancreatic ribounclelc aold) (PANCEZAS. metabolism, r1bomuclele acid, iontophoresis of nucleotldes In) (ION TWSM, .lontopho'resto of nualsot1des In pancreatic ribonnolelc acid) ~ l tuft;*, Ad4 .4 d ~~*.~-1-~"-..-.i~-:,~~.,~~~,:~l,-~-,,4:,I---I -,~ -%~ ~ Y.IW :0 't -FI, '.,- -~ - -,, ': I j,1.2'.Q:-jn Psw - - . . I - ~ -bm3m Z;R?j -%Vt: L.1- ",je~ a '-, ~44f. ~ 1~;. 7 L j-. , T A~ -T- -T r T F -7~ 71 T7 V VAI) LIUM,.Wanla;. FILIPOWICZ, Bronislaw Spatial -strtletm-8 Of ~=Uc 8~-aeeids. -Postepy biochem. no.l: 61-75 19560 (NUGLBIG ACIDS, spatima structure,.roview (Pol)) Organic Chemistry l- Mat-ur-adl-y-6ccu--ug substances E-3 and their synthetic analogs* Abs,-Jour Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 4, 1957, 11881 Author 11-lipowicz Bronislaw Title Struettre--of ~Nucleic Acids Or ig Pub Budowa kwasov nukleinowych. Postepy biochemi,, 1956, 2, No 1, 15-60 (Polish) Abstract A review. Bibliography 282 references. Card 1/1 Poland/ Organic Chemistry]- substances occ~~ and their synthetic analogs Abs Jour Referat Zhur Xhimiya, No 4, 1957, U882 Author Leyko Wanda, Filipovicz Bronislaw Title Spatial Structure of Nucleic-Acids Orig Pub Przes.trzenna budows,kwasow nukleinowych. Postepy biochem.., 1956, 2, No 1, 61-75 (Polish) Abstract A review. Bibliography references. Card 1/1 POZX&iEYA. H.; BRZICZINSI'LI. A.; FILIMI(ICZ, B. .......... Nuo la ic ac ids in human spleen. Acta physiol. polon. 8 nojt309-311 1957. le Z Zakladu Chemil 7isjologicanej Ae H. w lodzi Kierownik: prof, dr B. lilipowicz. (SPLUN, metabolism. nucleic acids (Pol)) (NUGLSIC AGUS, metabollemp spleen (Pol)) -Wqe~ SKOCZTIAS, B. GROSS, N.;-XLLU= Preparation of highly-polymerized desoxyribouucleic acid. from the calf tkvmus. Acts. physiol. polon. 8 no-3:523-524 1957. 1, Z 7.aklarlu Chemil Fisjologicznej A. M. w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr B. *ili0owicz. (THYMS, extractp desoxyribonucleic acid, highly-polymerized., isolation (Pol)) (IBSOXYRIBOIfUGTAIC ACID, preparation of. from calf thyWa, highly-polymerzissed prop. (Pol)) WSKI, J.; SOSZYNSKA, D.; FILIFOWIGZO B, Nucleic acid content in human lymph nodes in normal corAitions and in leukeutias Aota physiol. polon. 8 no.3:568-569 1957., 1. 2 2akladu Chemil Pizjologicznej A. H w lodzi liorownik: prof. dr B FilinowiOse (LBUDMIA, metabolism, 3Mh node nucleic aoids (Pol)) (NUCIZIG AOIU;, metabolism, lymph nodes. in normal cond. & in leukemist (Pol)) (LY"H ~ NOM, metabolism, nucleic acids, in normal cond. & in leukenia, (Pol)) !W-,i rMN FIIkP,)7"1.-Cz, B.., AND OTHERS. M6thodb of microdeterminatior, of nucleic phosphorus in Uood. P. 201. GILEAD. ANALITIUNA. (Komisja Analitycan6 Polskie Akadenii Nauk i Naczelm Organizaaja Techniczna) Warszawa. Poland. Vol. 4, no. 1, 1959. 2 Monthly list of East '-%ropean Accessions (MAI) LC, Vol. 8, 1b. 8. AuCust 1559 Uncla. FILIPOWICZ,, Bronialsw; POZNANSXA, Hanna on ent of nucleic acids In human opleen"In cases of leukemia, Polskie arch. med. wown. 29 no.40-435-438 1959- 1. Z Zakladu Chemil, Fixjologicznaj A. M. v Lodzi lierownik: prof. dr mad. 13. Filipowicz (LgUIMMIA, metab.)(NUCIRIC ACIDS, metab.) (SPLM, metab.) LIM), Wanda; GRM, Xaria; 7ILIPOWICZ, Bronislaw 'Adenine compounds in human blood; comparison of wlentne levels in arterial and oxygenated venous..blood. Polskie arch. med. vewu. 39 no,1:13-18 1959s 1. Z Zakladu Ghemii, Ti%jologiesneO A.M. w Lodzi Kierownik*- Prof. dr 3. Mipouicz. Adrea antora: Lodz, Harutowicza 68, Ut. i Zakl. Chemii Yisjologiazuej (AIMNINS, in blood, oomparis n In arterial & oxygenated venous bLood (Pol)) -.--FILIPOkIEZ.-,BronisUw.-,~PILIM, lazimiers; WITKOWSKI, Slawom1r; GOLEWSKI, Stanislaw Nucleic acids In the blood. I. Content of nucleic acide in huUmn blood serum. Polski tygod.lak. 15 n0,15:537-538 11 Ap 16o. (NUGIRIG AGM blood) FILIPOWICZ, Brouislaw; LOUNO, Joxefa; LETKO, Wanda Comparison of adenine levels in arterial and venous blood. Polskie aroh*med,vewn, 30 noo3s37_3-377 160. 1. Z Zsk3adu Chenii risjologiesnej A,M. w LodzI.Sierownik: prof. dr B. lilipowics, (AMUIM blood) FILI:POWICZ,, Bloonislav -On the need of scientific research on the molec%aar level. Kosmos biol, 3.1 no.3001404 162. GALAMON, Tadousz; FILIPOW~S~-Qdpl4y- Some derivatives of thiamine,, Postopy biochon. 1) no,,4:487- 496 163. (THIAMINE) (OFOUSTRY) Structure of desoxyribonueloic acid and its biological significance, Kosmos biol 12 no.2: M-136 163. O.f FILIPOWIM,.Brani-slaw Profooser Boleslaw Skeirzynakip obituary* Kosmod%,biol :12 no.5:4z3-4,,\ 11 431 163- - XNAMM nLII)31I(;Zp Bronislaws, prof. dr -~-Kirst Hati,,nal, Polish Congress on Biochemistry. Problenq 19 no.3.1i.r/08-711' 1630 ~ai `,?v IV4 "N" _;~Z vll~~M Oplil Iff, -Z~7 -V~. lvv'~~p - ~DUN cz o1 13 no.2tl7l- reso of Biochemi0trY- KO'smOD bi b C4m t Pbli o Firs g 174 v64 7 1 l N Y ijr Fn,IPM(;Z' Bronislavp prof. III-_ __-.~ -- z 'The Polish Biochemical Soiet,7, Review, Pol Academy 9 no.lz52-55 ia-44r t 6/t 1e President., Polish Biochemical Socletyp Varsavp Fretta 16. FILIPOVIOZ, Bronfelaw, prof. dr Rrytheraj hidden starvation. Problemy 20 no.4.:268-275 164 1. Heads Department of General and physiological Chemistry, School of Medicines Lodz* E=OWSKI A*s FILIWdICZ, Be Tblamim wAthlamine sotern In calm& pig heart, moo2a In experimtal dipht4wrial tons" Acta blodh" Po2. 12 no.4:279-283 165. Activity of in guinea pig timms in expe- rimatal 1. Deportmut of ftolo3oglml Cladotxys Wical Scbod-1, Lodo. I' Ij-- jx,-F PALUCH, J.,; RADECKA, S.; ZDYBIEWSKA, M.; YILIPOWICZ. J. Microbiologic characteristics of river reservoir for water supply in Koslow& Gora. Act& microb. polon 5 no.1-2: 173-180 1956. 1e Z Zakladu Ba"n Wodociagowyeb I Kanalizacyjrqch i Katedry Tachnologii.Wody i'Sciekow Politechniki Slasklej w Gliwicach. (WATER SUPPLY. microbiology. (POW PALUCH, J.; RADECKA, S.; FILIPOWInt IT, Sanitar7 coiditions of the upper'course of Vistula, its tributaries, and of high vator areas in Goczalkowice. Acta microb. polon 5 no.1-2:187-1!16 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Badan Wodociagowyeb i KanalizacyjzWch i Katedry Tacbnologii Wody i'Sciskow Folitechniki Slaskiej W Gliw:Lcach. (WATM SUPPLYi sanit. aspects of Vistula (POI)) PAWCII# J.; RADMAO 50;. ILIP()WICZI,,L bacteriological state of water of the upper course of Vistula, of its tributaries$ and in Goosalkowice high water area. Anta microb. polon. 6 no.1:29-W 1957. I Iklada Badan Wodociagowych i Unalizacyjnah oraz Iratedry Technologii %W,C~i Sciekow Politechniki Slaskiej v Gliwaaach. Wplynolo, 7-Y. 1956 r. (WAM SUPPLT, microbiology, microorganisms in.Vistula (Pol)) (NIOROORGANISKl in Vistula (Pol)) GELINSKIp Zdziolavp mgr inzai FILIPOWIGZp Jerzyp mgr Inze Load measurements in residential and public utility buildings In the city of Warsaw. Energetyka Pol 14 no.5sl5l-156 My 160. (Ew. 9SIO) 1. Politechnikk Warozaweka, Zaklad Sieci Elektryoznyche Narsaw--Buildings) (Poland--Bloctric power) MEW ASV BAJARSKI, Wlodsimiers, okleveles mernok; oklevelso mernok; ROSADA, Janusz, mernok" Choice of energy carriers in city economy. Energia es atom 16 no.2:49-59 F 163. FILIPOWICZ., Jerzy., mgr i~a* Development possibilities of' electric storage beating in citibs. Przegl-elektrotechn 39 no.2:71-75 F #63. 16, I=tytut Snergetykip Wariizawp~. FILIPQWICZ._;_qrAy.-mgr inze Plenary meeting of the Committee for Power Managoment of the Central Technioal Organiuation on the problem of supplyLhg the population of citIns iuiI vil-1,1ges with eleatric power. Goap P~fiw 12 no.7t242-244 J1 164. FILIPOWICZ, Maria. Developmental disorders of the cerebral vessels. lour. & c. polska, 5 no-5:565-574 Sept4)ot 55. 1. Z Instytutu Poychoneurologinnego w Prusskowie. Wrektor; prof. dr.,Z.V.Kuligovski. (BRAIN. neotlasms, .angional (ANGIOKA, brain) EXCERPTA 14EDICA Sao 8 Vol 9/10 Neurolov Oct 1 56 .4ilB FILIPOWICZ M. and NIOSSAKOWSKI hi. Inal. Psychoneurol., Pruszkow; %led., Gdadak. *G11oblastosto diflusn. 0 1 r f cerebral glioblaslosis NEU ROL. NIEU ROCHIR. PSYCIIIAT. IVL. 1955, 5/6 (653-662) lltua,3 yhe' term glioblastonin difrusn should be nppllcd to 1he whole group of diseaself characterized by diffuse blastomatous proliferation or gliomatous tinsue. The out- i standing histological feature alluwa glioblestosis diffusa to be considered as n transitory form between diffuse lesions characterized by demyelinization and pro- per neoplastie proee.1ses. Moreover, in g1loblaslosts diffusa the cells are undif- ferentiated and cannot be Otastfied among any of thc, known and strictly defined toes. SITpled UdA (VIII, 5. 16) j FILIPOWICZ, Maria; MOSSAKOWSICI, Miroalaw Glioblastosis diffusa. Neur. &a. Polska 5 no.6-.653-662 Nov-Dee 55. 1. Z*Inetytutu Psychoneurologicmago w Pruszkowie. Dyrektor: Prof. dr. Z. Kuligowski. i I Kliniki Neurologicznej Akad. Med. w.'Odanmku. Kisrownik: prof. dr. Z. Majewska. (GLIOBLAST014A MULTIYOFNA) 14~ YILIPOWIdZ, Maria; BUKSOWICZ, Gzaelaw A ca9e of congenital amyoplasia with extroardinary muscultr Bclerosis. Neur. &a. Polska 7 no*6:945-954 Nov-Dee 57. 1. 2 lustytutu Psychoneurclegiesnego w Priuzkovie. Dyrektor: prof. dr Z. Inl4gowski. (MUSGLIIS, abuorm. aaWoplasia congenita (PoM (ABNORMALITIM same) ALAPIN, 3olealaw; MOSZFD;WICZ,Ewn; FILIPOWICZ, Maria Therapy of depressive states with tofranil..(G-2P-355 Ge:197). Polski tygod. lek, 14 no*45:2001-2005 9 Nov 59. 1. (2 Zakladu Psychiatrii Studium Doskonalenla lekarzy jr A. Me Warazamie, kierownik Zakladu: prof. A. Jun i z Pracowni Histonatologicanej Instytutu sychonsurologioznego; dyrektor Instytutu: prafe Z. We luligowski3e. (TRANQUILIZING AG:-MITS, ther.) (I)MWSSION, ther..) FILIPOVICZ, Orest Partial separation of the ig,ometrium in necrosis after ceisarean odation, Ginopolska 30 no.5:533-538 5-0 '59- 1. Z Zliniki Chorob loblecych i Poloznictwa PomorskieJ A.M. ~M. X. Swisrosewsklego w Szoseoinis Iterownik: prof, dr mod. 111. Zwolinski. (cxauuu aCTION compl) Journal of the Institute of Petroluem Vol. 40 No."362 'M. JTqIho& of lowering the vionity of 81411, M44h) 141. Feb. 1954, 111"vemul. usa, thoro am Nattist,J34 by itablf, with N4,COj or. Oilfield 9-ploration and Exploitation with 11 poet-sulphitio " alkpilis (from manufacture.of collulciso)' and (NaPO,)j.nHO.qusbracho, N%COs, andNaOlIfor"A41 circumstances. Also sodium Wts of humlo acida, auitablo for Iffight Changes of vinc. If. - -------- . ....... - - - - - - - - - - - ~Ntt L I ----- -- C3 -T r.4 "MYwards'pluezek akrobiar~ch na 1-16 , %.. - 0, 4 19%3, P~! 9$--57, 2 tabs. flull 4s, In Totary and' fj N~ i,* ~1-:- 91 . dAW ng In certiln rock formati ' Ow, a failure, sInce it dki not do t the. iv=tbm bir -wh1ch It 43 4nteaded wm Pj 6i' 6weholes =d -.Jmu~:,,djWy~ the. ,j. drilling 13uA6 c Ontatwng starch and such aMilly --z- es as It am . hydro3ddi, lime chlOekto of sodium, reveal in th~ ;NW, YN - ,, - " - e - (W` Ail C -013, dePcOlts, Water: hMIzons and jr~ drUlln a' -The three Wads qf tm drlwnx aWdj A PiI V17--j sit alkalke and -sfwch flul~;- o'1 =d itArchli b- uld rble aw staich . flit K He ais~ quoteg-th 'results ub~ritoty ~~,6V,i, th~ae. flui. out ds; ln:cesPect of Suc h pmerfes -jA Are 61ff6d or y,,work C Co"410w,-OM 2M6ifies cerbk type OfAwn%S~iultabi6l- MAJ3, In th -7, - a Prepwation of. starch,4rUling- fluur~: Tm V-, M, 17;!t ~f OA I i -4 1 p - ----------- - FILIPOWICZ, Ts 139. First experiments with starch as jLn additive for drilling muds based on Polish loams, 'r. ViIjiwjA-i;-,t. Nolits (Krakvw),~ --mett nt" Journal of the Institute of Petroleum I DA 0. $11 7,~ Aon,wim,4 I it %v % r , no, inat mut rnim anii Vol- 40 110- 3~2 Ploirrhy imi(I iii re(pilreil are litiled. Hiar(hy witil i-hould not filter through, iihould finvu HAL - 1-2, and Whibit ((a primary Feb. 1954 vtnictisral rt-Aistanco docm not exrt"l 1-5 "nhear units," Oilfield Exploration and Exploitation iinruntinry sirtirtural rcwi"in#;rv iii 11). Ito Fill Ut'" 101wix"11 $ alid 11). bill W114-11 benioni 1! 1-1 twil It lany lit) nIlOWL41 to rise fit 11, Severis) 11(ilkh Innivift ure w6tablo for w1diijon ofutorch. -M.44,H1.4 of 1)rvilaratim) of Khterh wO l)( Ri urchy drilline intidis suitable alkaline conflitionsi, cnii-td-mirati.n~with lime, anti contamination wilh brinen am given, an well m results of neveral temt a nv% vnrinui iniolip an propare 1. lit. S. FILITIC.IWICZ, WAIMA FIETC."ICZ, WAbUk ~-d. Ziemia Sandmierakal Freca zbicrowa. Tzksty., opraco~iali Jan Femdur, Tadausz Prz,,Fk0wSki, Winceity Kawaljc:,- ok2ad~e projektovala Mnric Orlowska. (Wyd. 1.) Warazawa, Sycrt i W~-yvyla, 1954. 151 p. (Sandcrderz territcry; a collective werk. lst ed. Vlus.) GMGR&Phl & GEOLOGY Poland So.- East Europecn Accessions, Vol. 5, 1~~y 1956 POLAIM FILIPOIVICZ, Wanda; KWATKOWSKI, Antoni ComDuter.Instituto of the P olish AcadAray of Zciornca3 (Instytut blaszyn Matematyomych PAN /Polish Academy of Scionces2) Alroclaw, Prze,-la elektroniki, No 9, Sept 63, pp 525- 28. -IfElectroconducti ng Ink of K-IV Group% mapowi% zo GEO(RWHY & GEOLOOT Perlodicals RUCH TURYSTICUT. No. I., -Tuly/Sept. 1957. FILIPOWICZ.. Z. Thatourist, trade as a social need and a branoh of the national economy. p. 30. Monthly List df East.Suropean Ammions (EM) LO~ Vol. 8j No. 5t May 1959, Unclass. FILIPOWICZ., Zbigniew Spontaneous traumatic pneumiocephalus in fractures of' the .anterior cranial fossa. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop.pcl. 28 no.6: 569-573 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Ort edychiiej S1. AM v Bytomiu,(kierow- .19. nik.0 prof. dr. G. IW6jsf3ng i OcIdzialu urazowego SzFltala Hiejskiego w' Gliwicach.(Ordynatort dr. A, Szczaparklewic?), OMNI mpliglERat* .0 Mx WK FILIPOWICZ-BANACHOWAO Alina aw-ROW-WOMW~ Effect of large dosem of retrobulbar hyAluronidase oit ocular tissue in the rabbit. Klin, oczna 33 no.2:133-139 1153. 1. Z - Iftiniki Chorob OczU 'AN. v Warszavie Kierownik: prrof. dr mad. S. Altenberger. (HrALURONIDASIC) (PHAMCOLOGY) (M) FILIPOWICZ-IWANOWSKA, Teresa .Mastocytosis a systemic disease. Pol. tyg. lek. :17 no.36:.1433-LI,35 3 S '62. 1. Ze:szpitala Dzieciecego v Warazawie Saska Kepa; dyrektor: dr raed. Stanislaw Bielobradek. (MST CELLS) WITKOWSKI., Slavomir; WITKOWSKA, ZofJa; FILIPOWICZOWA, Janina A micromethod for the detersInation of blood pyruvic acid. Folski tygod, lek. 16 no,22t828-830 29 My 161. Z Katedr7 Chemii Fizjologiasnej A.M. v Lodsi; kiercrwnik: profs dr B. Filipowics i z Natedry Chemii Ogolnej A.M. v Lodzi; kierownik; z-ca prof. mgr J. Skirsynaki. (PrRUVATES, blood) FILIPOWSKA, L; ONSTARMOVICZ, A. Ilitrogramlogsu in treatment of 112flvAmatory diseases of the re- productive system. Prsegl. lek., Krakow 8 no, 3:73-76 1952. (CLML 22:.5) 1. Of the Third Department of bhe State Clinical Hospital in Krakow. T; rill TIM -71120CUA, Ilzal, BMAROWSXI. Herbert. Observations on darspr1m and su.1fonsmide therap7 of latent tozoplagoosis In womeno Wiadomosei parasyt., Warszo 4 no*3:1193-196 1958 1. 111 Odds. Poloxn. -Ginekol. Sup. Klin. A.M. i Zakladm. Mikrobiol, Lekerskiej AN v Krakovieg' (TOXOPLASKOSIS, In prognRucyl ' ther., daraprim & sulfonamides in latent cases (Pol)) (SUMONAKIINS, ther.- use. toxoplaamosis in pregn. with daraprim (Pol)) (ANTIMALARIALS, bher, use. daraprim in toxoplasmosis in pregn., mith sulfanamides (Pol)) (PREGNANCY, comple' toxoplnsmos:is. darapr1m & toxoplnsmoal.e ther. of lptent cases (Pol)) FILIPOWSKIp J. FILIPOISKIs J. Reading technical draftse p. 124 Co2lective farms of Olsztyn Voivodeship build. p. 14. Vol. Bj no. 5. May 1956 EUDOWNICTWO WIEJSKIE AGRICULTU Poland So: East European Accession., Vol. 6,, No- 5s May 1957 YOMT, B.; TILIPP, B.; VEGH. L.; SZENTrVANTI, A. Nffect of cleternal administration of dye on experimental anaphylaxis. Aeta med. hung. Suppl. 6 no.1:115-119 1.954. l8 I. Klinik fur innere Redizin der Medizinischen Universitat, Debrecen. (DTIS, admin. cisternal. off. on anapbylactio shook in rabbits) (ALLIRGY, expor. off. of cisternal dye admin. on anaphylactic shock in rabbits) GREBE, A., doktor nauk; REYNISH, G., doktor nauk; TSIMMEIRMAN, G., doktor nauk; GREBE., F.J. doktor nauk; ULIBRIKHT, I., doktor nauk; SHIFFNER, R., doktor nauk; FILIPP B. doktor nauk; RUSHER., Kh., doktor nauk; ..i~ GASPERSON G.,-175Mor- nauk; KIARE, G., doktor nauk; YAKOPYAN, V. Search and solutions; important research of the German Democratic Republic chemists. Priroda 54 no.6:83-88 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut izilcheniya volokna Germanskoy Akademii nauk v Berlins, g. Tel'tov, Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika. FILIPP FLipp. G. 1940 (Delbrecen Tud Belklinikajanak es Kor bonetani.Intezetenek Kozlemen~e) "Bone Marrow and Anaphylaxis. Mag. Belor. Arch* Budapest. 1948, 1/6(331-345) Abett Exc, Med. V. Vol. 11, No. 5. p. 360 CP Component" 40 do opmawk Olled of "dake Atrepipv. Istvin Cwft6,;r#J&%.f Rdit Glas. apal. an Onog f1dikp P:16 tj ring to to ot M-12 mg. L anilstine' (Cibe) -resufted in wvm and usually lethal spasms. %Iwn tlw rabbits were Wevioudy Injected in- travenously with 215-2.6 mg./kg. atfo*e, the spums wen Completely ineve led arA no harmful effects from antlitine were observed. Istvin FhAly F;LtI PP_G an&MLMMYI Jf~__ -b~~r~-c-e-ni-T-u-d-o-manyegyatem Belg.Vogyaszati es Sebeszeti %bir , '!_1 -Shwartzman X Kajanak kozlemenye. RF.13 blockirozan em antistin hatasa a Sanarelli jeleni3egre, Reticuloondothellal block and the influence of antistin on the Sanar-e-di- Shwartzman phenomenon Orvosi HetiJ.ap, Budapest 1949, 90/21 (666-66-9), The develoEanent of the typical haemorrhagic reaction'of Sanarelli-Shwartzman phenomenon could be prevented by reticulo-endothelial block with corpuscu-Lar dye or by achTtinistration of antistin. The authors suppose that allergic factors and histamine are concerned in the Sanarelli-Shwartzman phenomenon. ho1nar -Buda oest GO: Medical Ricrobiqlo[W and Hygiene, Section IV, Vol 3, No 1-6 Thi 0040'e( CGIWW an bl$W-coqpktlm facturs. (114SA IWIstvin Codk6. Usalb CmUy, and Edit (*.it& ., , Kiikl,, C.;t Hun, 1. fulion of note and fenuic at. W ftird Their hisigmine wnghbrity. Thr thwatbin-inactirs. tW cum wag AnAlar tothat olAAhwil on admitilstratim of atfirrealine or stmobw. The dfwbwvn kvel and the pm. thtomshin time stuminctl unchangrd, offirnsing that only thrmillin blaxtivation Can Mur"Ce hkkxf Coagulation. This effect Is pmbaW canard by an intensiTr. abundant and lwasul?l admnaHw Am. in couxqumcc o( which hcp-- tin L% motAlimed. Istvin pinily _LIL .; ZZLENREGTIO H.; JONA, Go ~Iffj_ G Organ-shock in liver. Act& med.hung. 2 no.lil7l-180 1951. (01XL 26:7) 1. Of the Internal (Director-Prof, Fornet) smd Surgiod (Director-Prof. J. Loesel) Clinics of Debrecen Univartaity (Research on experimental animals). FILIPP, G.; KIM=, T. Titnitary gland and anaphylaxim. Kiserletes orvostud- 3 no*2:124-127 1951. (CLML 21:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Internal Glinic of Debrecen University wad Institute of Pathology of Budapest University. PILMO Pituitary, gland and anaphYlaxia. Acts mod. hung, 2 no.3-4:421-423 1951. (CLML 23:2) 1. Of the Department of Medicine of Debrecen University and of the Department of Pathological Pb7siology_of BudApost University. T-2"R KNEW, T.; FILIPP, G.; OSALAY, L.; EMIMBRI, H. Gongs, thyms and anapbTlaxls. Ximarletes orvostu.d,, 3 no.2:145- 147 1951. (C'm 21 a) 1. Doctors, 2, Institute of Pathology of Budapest University and the Internal and Surgical Clinicq of Debrecen University. SZENITIVANYI, A.; 7ILIPP, G.; INGIZA, 1. 91-1~:~:V~-'r-sk-:~- --P Tobacco allergy investigation; tobacco allergy as an industrial disease. Orv. hatil., Budap. 5r,.' no. 44:1414-1419 4 Nov. 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Doctors. 2. 7irst Internal Clinic (Director -- Prof.-Dr. Bola 7ornet), Debrecen Medical University., I FILIPP, G.;SZENTIVANYI, A.;MZSS, B. a Anaphylaxis and the nervousfayetem. Acta mod. hW- 3 no.2:163-173 1952. (CLML 23:4) 1. Of the First Department of Ifedicine of Debrecen University and of the Department of Auatovq of Pece University. SZNNTIVANYI, A.:FILIPP, G.;IMIU. G. AWN Investigations on tobacco sensitivity; tobacco sensitivity as occupa- tional disease. Acts, med. hung. 3 no.2:175-184 1952. (CLKL 23:4) 1. Of the First Department of Medicine of Debrecen University. 77MM 77227T FIL3a,.j:;3ZZNT.IVATrI, A. no looalisatiou of sit@ In allergic reaction, Orve Hotile 93 not 11034-338 16 Kar 1952, (OLILL 23S3) 1 Doctors. 2. ]first Intorml 03.1mic (Director - Frof. Bola Fornet), i;brecon Kolical University. FILI&g,O,,,,q.;SZINTIVANYI, A.;HISS, B. Anaphylaxis and th4i nervous system. Ory. hetil. 93 us). 16:465-470 20 Apr 1952. (OLKL 23:3) 1. Doctorsi 2. lirst Internal Clinic (Director ~- Prof. Dr. Bola Fornet) of Debrecen Medical University and the I46ti-tute of AuatovW (Director frof. Dr. Janos Szenta&thai) of Petbis Ksdical University. SZENTIVANYI, A.; 1ILIPP, G.; MS, B. Anapbylaxis and the nervous system. Dry. hetil. 93 w. 42:1193- 1197 19 Oct 1952. (OIKL '!3:5) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinio (Director - Prof, Dr, Aela, Yornet), Debrecen Medical University an4i Institimts, of Anatomy (Di- rector - Prof. Dr. Janos Szentagothal), Pecs Medical University. -,~F A SZ111TIVW4 Audori dre; r1WFP, Q69SO dr. An*p1*1&xio and the nervous system. Orv. hatil. 95 no.22: 599-600. 30 May 34. 1. A Debrooent Orrostudomnyi I. oz. Biolklint):aJanak (Igazgato; Tornat Bela dr. ogyatext tanar) koglaways, (MVOUS SrSTXK, in various dim,,,, allorgy & anaphyl&x1s) (ALLOGY, experimental nervous system In anaphylaxill) -M"W"KaNVA Wm.,, 7arenc, dr.; SZENTIVA"I, Andor, dr.; FILM. Gaza, dr. .Recant experiences with histaminazoprotain in therapy of internal diseasas..Orv hatil 95 n0#"19:522-526 Nr '54. (nAL 3:8) 1. A Debraceni Or7ostudomanyi Ig7atem Id Belklinikajanak (igazgato: Fornat Bela dr. suat, tanarl koslemanye. (HISTAMINI *histaminaxoprotein, ther. of internal d-is.) FILIPPS Gaza, dr.; SUMITA"I, Andor,dr. Anaphylaxis and the norrous system. Orr hetil 93 no.21.*570-573 W 154. (ZUL 3 t 8) 1. Debrocani'0xvostuhanwri 2"aten I. asi. Balklivikajarm (igasgatos Yornot Bela dr. eastemi tanw-) koslememys. "*Aour;l losio" in an~phyloxiu.' localisation & off.) (MYOUS STMAK-'- I 1 1. , 0 pathol" *au*phyI&ctic` lesions, loeallsaltion & physiol, offj I-. - 2253. FIIJTP G. *The role of the central nervous system in allergy HUNG. NED. UIEFM 1954.., 95 (25) The author attempted the desensitization of a procain-serisitive physicien with novoeain- azo-proteJxi compounds Several hours following the first injection in the right am there developed a. new erythematous patch on the symmetric region of the left am. The areas of the fore-going Intracutaneous tests flared up too, At the same time further inflamma- tory symmetric patches appeared on both extremities. In the author's opinion the symme- trio appearance of allergic symptoms can only be explained by the influence of the cen- tral nervous system. Foldvari - Budapest SO: EXCERPTA MEDICAs Section XIII, Vol. so No. 10 FILIPP G ;YZMWAIO 3, Case of penicillin sensitivity in asthma, Orv. hetil. 94 no.28:780-781 12 July 1953. (GIXL 25:1) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic, Debrecen Medical University. KISZ4MTI, Hibaly, dr.; DIMINrl Peter, dr.; FILIPP Geza dr. Uperimental studies with the anti-astbeatic drug AM-49. Orr. betil. 98 no-7-8:i6l-i63 24 Yeb 57. 1. A Debreced Orvostudomrqt Iffatevil I. w. Belklinikajanak (Igasgato: Fornat. Bela, dre GaGte tILnar) koxlemerkyee (ALL]IRGT, exper. eff, of arsinic acid - gold salt - potassium iodide prop. in pin*& pigs (Hun)) (ARSMCALS, iDff. arsinic acid - Idd salt - potasaiwa iodide prop. on exper. allergy flolu'n)) (GOLD, off. gold salt - arsinic acid - potassimi iodide prop. on "xper. allorgr (Hun)) (IODIDIRS, off. potassium iodide - arsinic acid - gold salt prep. on exper. astbma (Hun)) FILIFF, Gas&; KICSZTHELTI, Mihaly 4, Allergic aspects of the diseases of the hasopolatic system, Orv. hatil, 98 no-29.*783-787 21 July 57. 1. A Debrecent Orvostudowxq~i %yetex I. as. Bolklinikajanak (Igo% to: Fornat, Bela. dr. egyat. tanar) looslemorqe. rB;Nl KAMOV, die. allergic, classif. (Hun)) (ALtIRGY, manifest. bone narrow die., classif. (Hun)) EYCERPTA MEDICA Sec 6 Vol 13T3 Mar 59 1338. PROBLEMS OF THE CO-CALLED 'NEPHRITIS El'IDENHC* (FREQUENT OCCURRENCE Olt ACUTE G LOMERU LON EPHRITIS IN A SMALL COM- MUNITY) - Zur Problemalik der sogenannten 'Nephritis-Epidemlel. (Dag geh.lufte Vorkommen der akuten Glomerulonephritis in einer kleinen Ge- meinaChaft) - FilLPp G_ Keszthelyi M. , De m6ny P. and VA - r a I j a y L. T._'WeB_._RTRn. u,d Bakteriol. Inst., Univ. Debrecen - WIEN. KLIN. WSCIIH. 1068, 70/22 (412-413) Four cases of glomerulonephritis occurring in a closed group of 48 persons are described. Nearly all members of the group had had tonsillitis or bronchitis a short time before. Of 48 samples of tonsillar secretion, 18 produced a pure cul- ture of Streptococcus 0-hacmolyticus, and 7 a culture of Streplococcus a- and 13- haemolyticus. Serological studies were made. Hinrichs - foraz (L, 6.7) D- " ~, ~ L', -- - -. , - ~ ~,- ~! v 1. ~:, , .. ~ I - I ~ . - i - : i Z S, , - fi . -", ir LILIL8=66 EWT(m)/T/EWF(t)/i?I IJPW JD/W ACC MU 7AT6016940MSOMM CM& M/0000/65/000/000/0087,ft% AMOM fil#N G. 1.9 Burtaevs, V. T.;-Folyak 05 Samarinp A* go.%:~7 ORGg None TITLEs Degaasing of iron carbide malts in vacuum Vb SOURM. -AN SSSR, Inatitut, meta3lurgii. -Ptotsessy voextanolr3Aniya i plavlenlya, zheleze (Processes or recluction an r-m-ating of iron). Mcscav' Izd-v* Nauka, 1965v~"87-96 TOPIC TM, Vacuum degass iron bass alloy.9 gas kinetics, carbide /M43-02 maser spectrophotowter 03 am 8 qaantAty and-oomposition of gases evolved d ng evac ti of irm c"bide mmlts and subsequent decocidatica with ai3icLP-..M.%nd'a1umLnmf' have beeninvestigated, The amount of the evoi~vwgases viiiei'grvined'at e stant pressure by means of -a rheometers, and the gaseous sainpleB were analyzed on a mum spectrophotometer M-13-02, The diagram of the experimental set- up and vacuum induction furnace are ahownp-and the compoziticm of the meta4 specific gas evolutions, and composition of the extracted gas are tabulated., 3:/3 L 36n8_66 ACC NR: AT6016940 Specific gas evolution from iron carbide as function of' the carbon content 0 and method of reduction are illustrated In Fig* 1, The! kinetics of.the re- moval of various gases under variots- conditions is also illustrated. Specific gas evolution from Fe-C-0 melt at 1873K and 0.01--0.2 irm .r4 -r4 4;1 a :1f I to 1-4 P4 0101 6 Fig* 1. Specific gas evolution of iron carbide melt at 1873C and 0&01~0.02mm., an function of carbon content and reduction: .L. no reduction; 2 - reduction with 0.4% Mnj 3 reduction with 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si- 4 - reduction with 0.4% Ma 0.2% Si 4 0,1% Al~ (Time of gas samplings I - at melting; II - In 5 min; III - in 10 min after melting.) J, 2/3 L 36a:" ZMA MIs AT6M6940 changes in It-he interval of0cmtomt 0-005-a-D% fr= 90'70 to 12.51 C23Aoogg decteasing proportimally with- an increased..C ccotent. Spocific gas evolutim of imach melts decccidized by Sig Mnq or Al is dadreased 3.,!; times, The rate of degassing of the metal melted in crucibles is lo5 to 2 tizies higher than when it is melted in a suspension. Orig, art, has 6 figures and 2 tableso SUB CODE2 20/ SUBM DATEs 27 SeP 651 MIG REF-. 008/ OFTH REFs 002 3/3 ql.Appp~.;~ DOBROVOLISKI, M. (Dobrowolski, M.1; PALIK, F., inzh. Manufacture of electric locomotives in our sietA)r countries. Sbor. nauch. trud. ElRI 3:218-229 163. (K= 17SO 1. Direktor elektrovozostroitellnogo ZavoOft imeld Gansa Baymlera, Khennigadorv pod Berlinom, Germanskaya Demokratioheskaya Respublika. (for Filipp). 2. Glavny;y konstruktor otdeleniyet -Blektricheskoy tyagi TSentrallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro zheleanodoroahnogo podvi:zhnogo sostdva, Poznan', Polldkaya Narodnaya Respublika (for Doborvol'ski). 3. Elektrovozostroitollnyy. zavoei Imeni V.I.Lenina PlIzen, Chekhoslovatskaja Sotsialisticheskaya Res-publika (for Palik, F.). DOKHW. S.A.; MAKAROV, N.A.; KULIKOVA, T.K.: ROTGAUZ, I.I.; FILIPP, K.I.- Now formation method for selenium calls, Prom.energ. 14 no-3:39-40 Mr. '59. (MIRL 12:4) (Selenium calls) 24935 9. ?514- S/18 61/000/004/001/003 2111YB209 AUTHORS., Semenovt A. A.f Karpeyev, G. A., Kubasov, P. Yeop Filippt N.D. TITLE: Investig ation of the spatial correlation properties of the amplitude fluctuations in a USW field PERIODICAL; MoskomldyUniversitet. Vestaik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 4P 1961f 14-21 TEXT: The authors present the results of experimental measurements; they estimate the radii of the spatial coordinates and compare the spatial correlations of the field amplitude fluctuations with the temporal ones. The experimental setup was as follows: At one end of a 37-km long terrace two pulse emitters were mounted, the one displaying a power of 80 kw at a frequency of 3,000 Me, operating with a repetition rate of 400 cps and a pulse length of 1 p, secl the data of the second emitter are 65 kw, 9370 Mc, 577 cps, and I ~L sec. The antennas were accomplished as parabolic rotary aerials having a diameter of 1.8 m and 0-7 m, respectively. The receivers were placed at the other end of the terrace and had two similar channels for each of the two frequencies. Each of the channels was a superheterodyne Card 1/5 24935 S/18 61/000/004/001/003 Investigation of the spatial ... B111YB209 receiver with a band width of 3 Me and a sensitivity of 3 db per 1 mw for f - 1000 Me, and of 70 db for f - 5370 Me. The distance of the receiver aerials was varied between 10 and 550 cm. for A - 10 cm and between 4 and 200 cm. for A = 3.2 cm. The fluctuations were divided into 1) slow and loyt fading, 2) relatively slow fading, and 3) quick fluctuations. Fig. 2 essentially shows the d4pendence of the fluctuation spectrum of a USW amplitude on the wind ve6locity on the terrace. The transverse correlations of the amplitude fluctuations in a.horizontal plane were also studied. The records were taken at two points on a line perpendicular to the wave propagation. The results as shown in Fig. 3 correspond to an enhanced re- fraction and to a wind velocity of v o~-ol m/sec. It can be concluded from the results that the character of the spatial amplitude correlations de- pends not only on the conditions in the medium but also on the frequency.. Moreover, the authors found that the radius of the transverse correlations of quick fluetuations on earth terraces after some tens of kilometers does not exceed the length of 50-60A in the case of normal refraction. In fluctuation studies in L-. turbulent medium, the following turbulence model is usually employed: 0 + 11 where v0 denotes the mean flow velocity, Card 2/5 24935 -1/00 /004/001/00' S/18 6 0 Investigation 'of the 'Spatial B 111' Y-2 20 9 v the turb ulent velocity (Ref. 10: Chernov, L. A., Rasprostrazieniye voln . 1 v srede so sluchaynymi. neodnorodnostyami Wave propagi!-.tion in amedilm with incidental heterogeneities, Izd-vo AS SSSR, M.,. 1958). , For 'a consid-," , -erable number of experiments, the temporal cQrrelation Q(T) may be written as Q exp (-T/a) , where a has to be determified by expariment. An anaia'-. 1) * The'authors point gous expression holds for the spatial correlations Q( . out the fact that, in the case of slow wind velocities v 4 1m/sec and enhanced refractions, the experimental curves are near those expected. When turbulence is great,- not only the effect of re&ular drift but also that of chaotic motion in,.the atmosphere hps,to bq taken into account in the formation of fluctuations. Investigations at the horizon showed"that 1 , for which Q(1 ) -.0-5, always has the same order of magnitude.' There 0 0 are 6 figures and 10 references: -8 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc., ASSOCIATION: kafedra ras rostraneniya radiovoln~ (Department of Radiowave . Propagation~ SUBMITTEV: blay 26, 1960 initially) 31ay 25, 1961 rafter revision) Card 3/5 Irivestigatior. of the spatial ... ~Pig. 2: - Tempoi,al fluctuation correlations of the field amplitudep A 3.2 cm. 1eg end: 1 -r s ec, I:. v~. 1 m/seb, II:~v.L 2m/sec, III: vL 4m/sec. Card 4/5 3~ Investigation of the spatial Fig. 3: Spatial fluctuation correlations of the field amplitude, X ; 10 cm. Lefend:. x experimental data (July, 1959). 24935 S/18 151/000/004/001/0031,., Bill "?O9 971 ;S Ij 2?j ja 315 A 4 24936 S/18a 61/000/004/002/003 BIIIIB209 Oemenov, A. A.,_jarpeyev, G. A., Filippo R. D. TITLE: Some peculiarities of USW-signal fluctuations in the con- ditionsof propagation on a low-altitude terrace in the raznge of direct vision PMUODICAL: MoskcvskiyUniversitet. Vestnik. Serilys. 111: F12ika, astronomiya, no. 4, 1961, 22-29 TEXT: The results of experimental investigations of the statistical characteristics of the USW-field amplitude fluctuations under the condi- tions of multi-beam emission are presented. Moreover, the authors show the dependence of the spatial correlations of the amplitude fluctuations on the patel-shaped structure of the field at the point of reception. It was the aim of this paper to demonstrate the effect of a non-regular interface upon the quantity and the spatial propagation of the characteristics of fluctuation. A simple estimate of the fluctuations of multi-beam USW waves iS given in the approximation of geometrical optics. In this connec- tion it is stated that the mean Square amplitude and its mean square flue- Card 1/4 Some peculiarities of TJSW-signal ... 24936 S/18 61/000/004/002/003 B111YB209 tuations depend on the difference in the paths of i1ireet and reflected beams. In section 2 of the paper, an expression for the spatial correla- tion of the amplitude fluctuations is derived exactly and is then simpli- fied on the following assumptions: 1) Both receiver aerials are in the vicinity of the interference maxima or minima of the field, 2) AE,/Ei -C it &Tj