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FILIP. Zdanek Economic arbitration and the leather industry. Kozarstvi 13 no.5:166 My 63. 1 FILTF,, Zduricik ChromnatDgraphic clataminati.:~n clr-,oreoins. Cherl pruLl 13 0 no.5:311'.Dl)leinent:i-'ak.t-or~iolekula.-ni- latky. 13 1--).5:21,P- 163. X FILIP, Z,,,dr, Standards of industriel safety. Strojirens6vi 13 no.6:471-472 Je 163. FILIP, Z. 9 dr. New Czechoslovak Standards. Itrojirenstvi 13 no.10:794 0 163. FILIP 0. Z.,) dr, Industrial safety in vertical conveying. Strojirenstvi 13 no. 12: 964 D 163. FILIP, Idenek, .1=. Protection of the ruality of food products. Prum potravin 14 no.2:73-75 F 1 3" FI1JP, Zdenek .............. Industrial safety and the use of unloading cranes. Listy cukrovar 79 no*5.-120-121 My 163o M FILIP, Zdanek Safety in handling materials, Listy cukrovar 79 no,9t236- 237 S'63. P! I FILIP'l-denek New Czechoslovak otardards. Listy cukrovar 70 no.10: 267-268 0 163 2FILIP,Zdenek Technical standards on switches. Listy cukrovar 79 no.11.1 298-299 N'63. I ~.Ii i .- r FILIF, Zdanek.-. .- . .......... . ...... . ... OStandardization of material cfg-ptionf by Vladimir Libal, Reviewed by Zdenek Filipo Chez~-prum 13 noo6:320 Je 163. 1. Ceskoelovenska akademie ved. FILIP, Z., dr,; CIIARUZA, J., inz. New Czechoslovak 4WAsid$. Strojirenstvi 13 no.8:633-634 Ag 163. FILIP, Zdenek, dr. Economic arbitration and food production. Prum potravin l/+ no.1la591-592 V163. FILIP, Zdenek, dr. protection against dangerous effects of static electricity. Drevo 18 no. 7: 3 of cover J1 '63. FILIP, Zdone,k I ~ -...- Connection of electric apparatus and appliances. Listy cukrovar 79 no. fo 145-146 Je 163. FILIP, Menek, dr. Operation and maintename of steam b--ilers. Sklar e keramik IJ, no. 6;169 Je 164. 'Jev~k r*',! , . . - P- ; i . ~ ." ~; 7 -.f :' - ~.- -~ - IS ':) 11 n - "' ~- '-t F 164 .-Iec~rf.- h-.-IJigo -i. . FILIP, Z. Control devices for cranes and other equipment. Listy cukrovar 80 no.5sl3l-.132 My 164. FILIPY Zdenek Operation and maintenanc,3 of sltewii cukrover EO no. 6:1.66--167 Je 164. 4_.fT i _I Irl Z, . . - . , d~ I'-- Ll.e nr-.-4 1-aw on Teahnical '"'t-andardization. , W- I,'. nD.'-,'J%'i43 0 16A,+ 0 FILI?y ~~. Pkilnts~ria,lvi and operation of 3"Aam boilmm Ft.3. 'JstjV cudrovar 80 no.9.-254-2-55 3 164. VTT *r:- : ' , -L. , ~ . RE:n,L,iri,:z (,n Ur,~ 7 ( n '7f -lm I r,,~ I '~ ;r" t-' - n. TJ -ty .-:ir ~:.O G 16)" F1 f T '.! ~ I ~1. -I . Mobiln conveyers a-id the industrial saicty, ~y ?,L no,2:;40-41 F 165. Cable channels and gilleries and tadustrial safa'.y. lb'-i.. 41-42 F 165. FILIPP Z. Saftty of electric equipment operation under special ccnditions accoraing to Czechoslovak Standard 34 1070. Listy cukrovar 81 no-4:87-88 Ap 165. Placement of boilers. Ibid.:88-89 Operation of stable pressure vessels and its nafety. Ibid.: 89-90 Industrial safety and conveyers. Ibid.:90-91 FILIP,, Zdenek The nev crimirml law and industrial production. Chem pr= 12 no-4:198- 199 Ap 162. 1, Urad pro normalizaci. FILIP, Zdenek Importanoe of indutrial safety and health protoction. Chem prum 12 no.5:255-256 My 162. 1. Urad pro normalizaci. FILIP, Zdene% Spatial arrangement of crane runways in chemical plants. Chem pram 13 no.3:141-W Mr 163. FILIP, Zdenek --------- New Czechoslovak standards. Chem prum 13 no.3, W-143 Mr 163. FILIP, Zdenek- The Czechoslovak standard on technical Formalin. Chem prum 13 no.4: 196 Ap '63. FILIP, Zdanek, dr. r e now Law on TechnicRl Standardization. Fl tech obzorr 5) nr).10: Th 578-579 0 164. FILIP, jl!r;,:, Pemarks on 1~ha :.-aw 'jnw rn , -' . -.. potravin 15 no~12.-6i~1-6-1.2 D 164. F11,11 , ~): . .-,l 1, L -i (~J`rw , ml',nd ~6 'Tra-; - L - .1 .)TI S - -, T .;a I Sklar -,-, ~eram'k 14 li-e~ Ilzil ""::' L 31076-66 i-i't j) ACC NR, .) _I 9 SOURCE COM C Ai J Z 110 R: Fil_ip, W(inck Z~ _G: none :Z: Wmbor'~rncnarch aryl dovolopin!-, countrieD SGUACE: CoskosLovi)nnka alarvio-ml.ej vod. Vostnik, no. 3, 1965. 10~2._JM TOPIC TAGS: forestry, forest product A3MINCT: Tho (113velopTnent of Proper forestry methods in under- developed countrios requires the study of: climatic conditions that influenco cultivation of selected timber species; study of the iocally developed forent growths; creation of a -suitable supervisory tu-id advisory service in the developing country; study of the local requii-oments for the protection of woods a,gainst insecus and vreeds; iteady afforestation of denuded areas; develop- ment of a suitablo law to protect tl~ber stands; securing the ~requiroe~ financial rono-arcos for the realization of the plans* Industries that will be based on the lumber supply when it becomes avAilable must be devoloped. Industrial and technological bases -for tho.utilization of the wastea of the lumber industry must be developed. Suitablo labor laws for the industry !~mst be passed.Lhuf SUB COD~;: 02 / SUM,,, DAT,7.: none Card 1/1 0 f.1 MOMMOPMn Mem V t';W2 igO FILIP, Menek, dr. ~~ t, - -,;. Some problqm of tropical i vition - brnvc 2k'j -,' iti, Flf.lj,, Zdanek once more on the proWata3 of c-LimaLrt8vrmo,'-.,l9y, VestriLk CSAV 72 no.5:631-635 163 FILIP, Zdenek., dr. Symposium on comple'x research In underdeveloned countries. Drevo 19 no.7:266-267 J1 164. 1. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencoo, Prague. FILIP, Monek Operation and maintenance of steam boilers. Usty culcrovar 8-~D no. 7t195-196 Jl '64- T--31!25l-6A EWW (c) /E-,e1P(k)/E7-!P (h)ftl '.-I r'(f /ET ACC NRt AP6026652 SOURCE CODE: RU/ool7A6/O00/O01/O029/OQ30 AUTHORs Stanomir) I. (Engineer); Filipan,' I. (Engineer) ORG: Motor Repair Shopsj, Brasov (Atelierele de reparat automotoare) TITIE: Installation for granulating, transporting and siloing cupola slag SOURCE: Metalurgia, no. 1. 1966j, 29-30 TOPIC TAGS: slag, granule formation,, motallurgic machinery, working condition, production engineering ABSTRACT: The authors describe an installation which improved the working conditions of the cupola furnace operators, resulting in a 100-percent increase of the labor -productivit the slag removal operations. The device increases the mechanization of these op ions. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [Based on authorst Eng. abst.] 1JPRS: 36,Y4~6 SUB CODE: 1l,, 13,, 05 SUBM DATE: none UDC: 621. FILIPAN, Tugomir; inz.; BRAVAR, Daaaa, dipl. farm.; VEBLE, Drago, in%. Paper chromatography as a mftcd in the quantitative determination of free amino acids in the production of oxytetraUcline. Kem ind 12 no.61440-"6 Je 163. 1. InititUt za stocarstvo i mljekarstvo, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Zagreb (for Filipan). 2. *Plivaw, tvornica fw-maceutskih i kamijakih proizvoda, Zagreb (for Bravar and Veble). ,T6olll62 SOURCE CODE: UR/3197/65/000/002/0366/03T5 AUTHOR: Filipas, So F* ORG: Far Eastern Geological InstitutR"f;--.-$SSP- (Dallnevostochnyy geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Some patterns ir. the seism c activity in the northwestern Pacific Pcean ~V SOURCE: AN EstSSR. Institut fiziki I astronomil. Sovremennyye dvizhaniya zemnoy kory. Recent crustal movements, no. 2, 1965, 366-3T5 TOPIC TAGSs seismicity, earthquake prediction, solar tide, lunar tide# earthquake survey/K\3e1\e- S(NNOACLkwi, VavAO~&W-,a- % ABSTRACTs The article attempts to explain the pattern and cyclic charT acter of the 2345 seismic events which have occurred in area bounded by th~e Kurile Islands, Hokkaido, the Komandorskiy Islands, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka in the northwest Pacific. Data uned in the study were obtained between 1911 and 1963. The study 'revealed that the majority of the quakes took place in fall and winter, a fact which is attribute to changes in atmospheric pressure and in the sea level, and the effecl of the moon and sun on tides. These data, together with meteorologicaX Ccrd 112 ACC NRj AT6oiii62 and astronomical information are described as beifig useful in pre- dicting earthquakes in any seismically active zone. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas, and 2 tables. (SIII- SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REFt OlO/ OTH REP: 003 2 MJ5 ACC NRI AR6035270 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/d6/000/009/G010/G010 AUTHOR: Filipas, S. F. ---------- TITLE: Some regularities of seismic activity in the northwestern part of the mobile belt of the Pacific Ocean SOURCE: Ref. zh. Gbofizika, Abs. 9G59 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. geornorfol. i morfotekton. yuzhn. chasti Dalln Vost. Vladivostok, 1965, 136-143 TOPIC TAGS: seismicity, earthquake, ground shock, sun, moon ABSTRACT: An attempt to made to evaluate the influence of a series of outside factors on the seismicity of the region covering the southern Primorlye area, the Hokkaido, Commandor and Kuril islands, and the Kamchatka Peninsula. The mechanism itself of the earthquakes is not examined. Data on earthquakes in the 1911-1963 period are used. An investigation is made of 2345 shocks differing in magnitude and depth (1047 of these shocks are destructive). The mean yearly number of destructive shocks to used as a criterfurn of the seismicity oi ihe region. Card 1/2 UDC: 550.341 NR' AR6035270' Eleven such shocks occurred in the 1911-1950 period, and 23 in the 1951-1963 period. A regular periodicity Is observed In the change In seismicity during the period investigated. Each cycle begins with a low seismicity period, followed by a yearly increase in the number of shocks, then by a drop in the shocks, and by a new three year increase of activity. Two cycles (1952 and 1954 and 1957-1959) are an exception, not being preceded by a yearly maximum activity. Distribution of shocks according to the months of the year reaches a maximum in the fall-wint rronths. This may be correlated to an increased number of cyclones in the region and to a greater amplitude of sea tides in this period of the year. An investigation is made of the part plgyed by cosmic factors (magnitudes of the total tide-forming 'forces of the moon and the sun) in the development of seismic processes in the - region. It 'I's shown that all shocks in the ryzygy zone may exceed by 164 percent the number of shocks In the quadrature zone, their predominance varying with the depth of the focus and the intensity of the shocks. 0. Kedrov. (Translation of abstract) IGCJ SUBCODE: 03, OB/ Cmd 2/2 a C4 4 TIE; lag ~ o %:3 3: 1~1 -nr. 05 ;.IRE Y. ..Po Ur an Q,-,j-4 1. n VO of: W 5T W~ DIN T'~f 1h. :qD:;, Rr to r.~ d a ?Ak~~ lt.tll d- -.sr7; PP 257-261 - 2. studr or t-,- Y-thods uf In Toxlcolt.;'-J'" F-f N. ;L)A~.Jz P'.- L- Gh ' ! rht-_~ 2 . S AN I L 7 R3 , .,a Or I . T PA , n, - L . AR!L*,5;.':= ~- rV rrcrr~ A 1I -fT% 1 1^0 07 D7 - (!A teZ~~ :,- 'rul dr Fa-Al-: Xtellcriep) of t4til. Fa..nclf,) , BucharA3t; pp 262-266. .r 3. StAvA7 .o S. 1~vor Oil Ur-1 In n~-ctablm 0'-!,- SolUtlorl Not. . pmr 9. 'i-AM 4. P" M17 it ni I A AC - , - ~. Yis. rk p4i~~t thm' -,A-;~rvaArZ f,r ratorul dj Ciis ualenlok) Oz zra 0 PhL c? (Al Pa-ult-.tIl d,3 Parnaois Cluj; 'Th^ ld4ntlficstion, Dotarninstlon and Ruractlo= or Allwitt.'n from Foh~,xn vul~are L4 flant a," Conf S. _ - T7_!Z mr'L- bora".U u1 d. Fecultatt'! de Far-%--W Nnl~~Pot; Znglish St:rj-Ary; pp 277-ZBZ. "D-t r-.Inatlon in Foitun of ouid ;-ron Cont-nt in 14 F~ Vern Z=.T! _n Lnd Aarn at t-hy 7ni-tTtut" for th- StRAIJ-05U~l Or and tt==_tT=__tutM-_ -P~ntru ~ariTralulj s1 Cepeet%ri. Far:-.2ciu.;4c#); ZnZ1Ivh Lrr; p, 2.33-23- 6. *co-st:-JIution to ti-.& rae or T%tnns in ttj,~ Drug ving Pher-mc.- in th~ rl!rd--z or Cluj,"?'- V. r4,0?.11-S1i 4-14 "_M SZi:r-R?U~3; Fngl!sh 112 HATFANU, Dan, Crnithsloglc~ oljsorvat~(.%3 i-.t A,Ialla 278 162-163 (publ. '6.1,L i Rama n i -IPASC U lexandr WaxwIngs in Cluj ani I t.,3 -,,r, - i M, ty, Aqu-' a 69/7t-; 3 (publ. 164). SiS bird in 'the Paramaros qmi T;.:i,,Inp- .Lbid. 2(15-2f)7 1~1&xwings in 4k.he Radna Yo~irmal.,I&. Data on tho avif auna cf ^h1j. I -c.! FILIPAVIG4LIS, V. V. "Investigation of a Hydraulic All System Regulator." Cand Tech Sci, Lithuanian Agricultural Academy, Min Higher Educaticn USSR, Kaunas, 1955. (KL, No 14, Apr 55) SO: Sum- No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). FILIPCE19KOTA E. C.Sc., zaslouzila lekrr~-, Organization of the "Center for the Control of Thromboembolic Diseaese" In Leningrad. Cesk.zdravot. 8 no.10:561-566 0160. 1. Hlavni internietka loningradeksho mestskeho zdravotnickeho odborn. (MMOEMBOLISM prev & control) Galvanomagnetic properties of indiurn antinonide doped with elements r .ron the first and second groups, in the temperature interval 4.2 to 303*K. K. 1. Vinogradova, D. N. Nasledov, Yu. G. Popov, Yu. S. .~U Smetannikova. Electrical properties of doped crystals of indium antimoni~e in a wide range of temperatures and Impurity concentration. V. V. Galavanov, D. N. Nasledov, A. S. FilipAq-0~9. (presented by V. V:-d-af`aZanov--l5 minutes).. I Renort n-1-esented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, Kis*--4nev, 16-21 Sept 1963 -0iKIR.K. M.R.", ACCESSION XR! AP4041355 S/0048/64/028/00ro,/0963/0963 AMOR: Galavanov, V.V. Filipchen1co, A.B.; Nasledov, D.N.(Doctor of physico- mathematical aciences) TITIX: 'Electric propertire 19 of doped n-type InSb crystals in a wide range of tem- perature and impurity concentration ZR-eport, Third Conference an Semiconductor:, Compounds held in Kishinev 16 to 21 Sep 19G37 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichaskayn, v.28, ~o.6, 1064,9G3-966 TOPIC TAGS: somiconductor,,electric conductivity, Hall effect, temperaturc depen- dence, indium antimonide ABSTRAM The electric conductivities and Hall constants of ii-t"yj-.2 InSb crystals doped with So were measured in vacuo or in argon at temperaturea fron 78 to 7700K in an effort to elucidate the mechanism of conduction electron :3cattering. The cry-' stal.6 were pulled from the malt by the Czochrals),zi muthcKl. Cry,,itaIE; c-urrent carrier concentration3 at 78 0K from 4 x 1015 to 7 x 1018 cia- 3' %..Or~j ~)btahncd. Cliinp_ ed tungsten electrodes were employed, and the Hall constantii mea.-ured in a 4 MG Oe field. The conductivities and Hal-I constants of al"t tht, werc nearly indopowdent of temperature,bolow about 20001C, At higher conducti- ACCESS 10M NR: AP4041355 ;vities of the crystals wl" low Impurity concentration increqsed and their Hall :constants decreased exponentially with incrensIng temperature. For the specimens with impurity concentration greater than 1018 cm-3 the conductivity decreased and the Hall conatant incrprksed with increasing temperature in the high temperature re--! gion. The low temperature 11all mobility decreased with increaping impurity concen- 2 teatiin from 2 x 105 cm IV sec for the materiai with a carrier concentration of 4 x x 1015 cm-1 to 8 x 103 cm~/V sec for that with,a carrier concentration of 7 x 1018 cm-3 tem All the Hall mobilities decreased with increasing temperature in the high perature region. The mobility of the conduction electrons is calculated with scat-'. tering by impurity ions and optical lattice vibrations taken into account and good.' agreement with the measured values is found. Xrguments are presented which indicate that the scattering parameter (ratio of Hall- to drift mobility) should be near Wli-, - ty over the entire temperature range investigated, but the authors do not find thes3 entirely.convincing and suggest that scattering from acoustic phonons may also con-, tribute to the decrease of the mobility-at high temperatures. The increase with in- i creasing temperature of the Hall constant of the highly doped crystals is discussed* but no convincing explanation is found. The authora conclude that these questions i require further inVestigation, Orig;art.has3 7 formulas, 4 figures and -1 tables .Card _7 7~ 2.& Of 6- .ACCESSION NR: AP4041355 ASSOCZATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicho6kiy institut im.A.F.16ffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physic'o- .technical Institute, Academy-ol Sciences, SSSR)' StMMITrEDt 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS'IC MR REF SOV: 005 CMIER: 006 .SW 9&)/ 7,N !'R AP4044939 cS //0 18 1 /6 40 0 6 ,0 0 92 6 8 3/2 6 8 ATHIORS-lz Galavanov, V. V9'j Nasledov, D. U.; Filipchenkol A'. .90* Tnve stigation of the machaniam of electron ecattering purG and doped ZnSb cryst-ala Sou'R-CE: Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 6, no. 9, 1964, 26,83-2689 TOPIC TAGS: indium antimonicle, electron scattering, Hall coe f ficientl electrical conductivity, single crystal, conduction band, carrier ridbility ABSTRACTr Measurements of the electrical conductiviLty a and the Hal I i c---eft icient- R of n-type ZnSbL single arystals containing 4 x LOIS .. 1, x 1019 crr3 i4urities were.made in the temperature range 77--773"K., llne properties of the samples, the met-hod, and the :cesults are givext an earlier paper of the authors (Izv. AN SSSR, s-E~r. fiz., v. 2G, The results were in a'qreemen~'- with Kol:)dzie~czak'q Card 113 41 1.077-JIL-657 1ACCESSIOU HR: AP4044939 Itheory (Bull. Acad. Polone ScL., ser. mathes astr., phys. v. 91 2.93, !1961,- Acta Physica Polonica v. 20, 379, 11361) which allows for the nonparabolicity of the conduction band. The mobility was calculated for electron scattering by impurity ions, optical and acoustical .Modes of the lattice vibrations, and holes. The mobility calcu- I P-te-d ignoring scattering on the acoustical modes aqrt~ed with the ex-' 7:) C- 4 intental data. For the acoustical mode sca-Iterina to be im--ori:-axit the deformation potential had to Le between 10 and 1-0 V. ThM in-- Sufficient accuracy of the mobility calculations and some anomalies th, is' e Hall coefficient at high temperatures in sairiples with n > IC rn rnn-in- it impossible to'draw final zonclusions about th. acauati- scattering. "The authors thank Poliah aclentialls Prof. L. Docant I. Kolodziejczak,, and Dr. R. Kowalczyk for FuD,)Iy- 3 figure-s, I-able, a id -e-- of integrala." Orig. art. has: ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A,. F. loffe Ali SSSFI, M DF& W Cord 3/3 VIA" ggp GALAVANOV, V.V.; NASUDOV, D.N.; FILiPCHENKO, A.S. ........ Mechanism of electron scattering in pure and allcyed InS)b crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.9:2683-2688 S 164. (MIIRA 17:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. L 1-1,838-65 wrW/EVIF(t)/BWIJ(Ip,) FAEJ17I(a')/FM)(gS I/BSD(t) JD ,p-,CCF,sGjON bT.R: AP4048433 S/0181,~64/006/011/3471/1473 NUTHORS: Galavanov, V. V.,- Masledov, D. N., Filipchenka, A. S. TITILE: Nobility of electrons in InSb under a mixed scattering mechanism SOURCE: Vizika tverdogo tela. v. 6, no. 11, 1964, 3471-3472. TOPIC TAGS: indium antimonide, electron mobility, Hall mobl.lity, electron scattering IVI ABSTRACT: Supplementing earlier work (Izv. All SSSR, ser. fiz. V. j-r- 1964 and Frr v. 6, 2683 1954) on the mobility of alectcons crystals, the authors show that in --he case when che elec- ,~:ror-6 are scattered in the crystal by a mixed mechanism (scattering 'mnourity ions and by the optical lattice vibrations) ag-rees withia 10%with the simple formula Card 1/2 L 14838-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048433 + u u U. i+0 0 (u mobility, i -- ion, 0 optical), whidh in turn a greas weI I both aualitatively and quantitatively with experimental r-sults on the Hall mobility. -Orig. art. has: 10 formulas and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut in. A. r. loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute AN SSSR) L 54735-65 Sr. T (m)/T/E'?IP (t)/E'gP. I') I T I) A TERM Galavaucy, V. V.; Nasledovo D. F.; FIIipqj4,qn. A. S. -7 Temperature dependenae of the tff"~Ave c-f tlectronrz. in iltdium arti- monide 1965, 109GA-13906 1- T qSf-indimm-antimonidet- -effeati"-=sr,-f- eleatl?on -mobi-lityl- temj~mtura-dp- POP penden-ce AWTRAZTt Continuing earlie?~work on the temperature dependence of the electron mo~,ility in &-noyed cryste-IS116f T-n-l'b (Itv. AN SSSR, al!r, fiz. r. 28, 953, 1904 6, 268-5- i564-TtF-tw-- dalculated the te-,--Pera-;~we depend-enee- of Lie effective wass of the electrors in cry~tala with ilffexentt i.=urity concertra- th -t-Ict a-11m.-ar-le for the- non-r-a-raholicity z)f the conduction band; the ~,,avpd on calcul-ationn of J. 23., Ybe effD~ctive mass vus ca~cuI36t~~d E! IC =d v-'-th electron density 2.5 x rfl5ulta vith exveri-mc-utr, based on the meaum-mert of -~P~! ~La7,-u-a~y Aff'ect. Good I Card ~J, p. L 547a5-65 t Ap5o14612 S ;-'CESSION HR le with the intrinsiC conductiVitT and for the a observed for the 9=P I , of the banti Copsirming the cOrrec6"ne:' ron densItY, thus -7 '1 ,~ e j~h the ju-,pr elect Rre '4 se& by E. 0. Kane (J. pbys. Chtm. SOi- or the pro-j* the M)erlm,-Inta-l !~n,17 theortitical resul-~I-s f VV 11-tr ,, T, 1j'"iAnOT djapority bet een L, - prc,,poced for th "The autbars h -n. figure th the higher electron COnctntTl~'Ii mase." vt V , the effacti '021 wild Yu. V. alttsev for memaming and 3 -formulas. EA e h. F. lcff 1j,, FJ-ziko-tekbnjchevkiT ine-itut im A.SSOCIATIO, .nL tcehn-4ca T -titute) 00 20,jan65 Sur-,; AmITM t AT7. P~I, CC 4031) REP EGVI 003 C02 i7-- Card M--~MM L 21398-66 Elarw/r-Y.,P(t) ijp(c) iD ACC NR: AP6003798 SOURCE CODE: UR/018i/66/003/001/0244/02247 AUTHORS: Galavano v, V. V.;. Nasledov, D. N.; Filipchenko, A. S.-61 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR, D~ningrad (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN 411 TITLE: Hall effect in singly doped n-type indium, antimonide crystals with mixed scattering mechanism SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo, tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 244-247 TOPIC TAGS: Hall effect, indium alloy, antimonide, crystal impurity, impurity scattering, crystal lattice structure ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (FTT v. 6, 2683, 1964 and others) where it was shown that electrons in indium antimonide are scattered by impurity ions as well as by the optical vibrations of the lattice and by holes. In view of the observed anomalous growth of the Hall constant of strongly doped 18 -3 n-InSb crystals (11 > 10 am at high temperature (T 5000 K), the Card 1/2 -Z- L 21398-66 ACC NR: AP6003798 ,authors show that one of the most probable causes of such a behavior 7of the Hall constant may be the incorrect value of the parameter A, tused in the formula for it. They therefore recalculate the paraueter; 18 -3 18 jor two crystals, with electron density 2.5 x 10 cm and 6 x 1.0 -3 .cm They show that In the crystal with the lower density the valued ~of the parameter decreases rapidly with increasing temperature, up ito about 400K, whereas in the sample with the higher density the ,variation is oscillatory. In no case is the parameter equal to unity, as is customarily assumed. The reason for this behavior of A in mixed scattering is attributed to the inapplicability of the Kane band model to crystals with such high electron densities, and to .general deviations from the properties of the crystal lattice when ,the impurity concentration Is greatly Increased. Further research is :necessary to clarify this question. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15 Jul65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: OOr- Card 2/2 L 29958-66 ACC NR. A SOURCE CODE: Uii/oi8:L/'0'6/ooB/ooli/1176/1181 AUTHORS: Kesamanly,_E,_F_.; Malltsev, Yu. V.; Nasledov, D. N.; Ukhanov, Tu-. I.; Filipcbenko, A. S. ORG: Phys1cotechnical Institute im. A. F.-Ioffe,AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Magnetooptical investigations of the conduction band of InSb SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1176-1181 TOPIC TAGS: indium compound, antimonide, magnetooptic effect, conduc- tion band, Faraday effect, light reflection, dielectric constant ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the optical reflection, transparency, and location of the plane of polarization (Faraday effect) in the wave- length interval from 2 to 25 p at temperatures from 130 to 550K and electron densities from intrinsic to 1.2 x 10 19 cm-3, with an aim at checkinco.- the validit of the theory proposed by E. 0. Kane (Phys. Chem. Sol. v. 1, 2119, 1957~- The apparatus used for the measurements was described by the authors earlier (Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 28, 989, 1964 and earlier papers). InSb single crystals doped with Se were drawn from the melt by the Czoohralski method. The reflection coefficient Card l/P L 29958-66 ACC NRi AP6012481 jexhibited a slow decrease with increasing wavelength, a sharp rainimum in the range between 10 and 17 ~L (depending on the electron density), and a steep increase. The value obtained for the lattice dielectric constant 'is 16.0 + 0.1, which is in good agreement with published Cata. The ef- fective mass of the electrons was found to be 0.071, 0.053, and 0.033 times the free electron mass (mo) at electron concentrations 12, 6, and 2.6 x 10 18 cm-3 when calculated from the pla3ma reflection and 0.018, ,.021, 0.027, 0.038, and 0.0511 in0for electron densities 2.5, 4, 7.5, 26o, and 6oo X 10 16 cm-3 by using the Faraday effect. The experimental dependence of the energy on the wave number agreed with Kane's calcula- 19 -3 tions up to electron densities 1.2 x 10 cm Some deviations from Kane's theory are observed at densities greater than 5 x 1018 cm-3, and call for a special analysis. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 13Sep65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: Oll 2/2 (1,, C/ -02182- 67 -- 9&( -A- t 11orl -ACC--WR-s-- AP6012113 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/0.14/002/KI.95/iagg AUTHOR: -'Filipche0o, A. S.,; H2j!?q1an,, Zo P. Hasledov. Do No; Sidorovs Ve GO; Emelyanapkay.0. ORG-. Joffe Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Scien~es:,SSSRI, TITLE: On the.second conduction band In Indium antimonide SOURCE: Physica status solidL, Y. 14, fto* 2, 1966, K125-K199 TOPIC TAGS: indium compound, antimonide, conduction band, Hall affect, Fermi level, electron transition ABSTRACT: Data We presented to show the existence of a conduction band in InSb locap- ed about 0.5 ev above the bottom of the main conduction band (000). The rise in the Hall coefficiept with temperature was measured in 14 indium antimonide samples doped with seleniumAr tellurium. The hypothesis that this rise is due to electron transt- tions to a second conduction was tested and the value of the gap determined. Orig. arto has: 1 table q 4 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 09Hsr66-/ - Cam vmb ORIG REF: 004/ ACC NRt AP7003901 SOURCE COD10: CE/0030/67/019/00110435/0439 AUTHOR: Filipch!nko, A. S. ; Nasledov, D. N. ORG: A. F. Ioffe Physico- Technical Institute, Ac ademy of Sciences of theLLSSR, Leningrad TITLE: The mixed mechanism of electron scattering in indium anttmonide crystals SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 19, no. 1, 1967, 435-439 cf;~ -~ 1 10 &rA, , , Hall mobility/Wj TOPIC TAGS: electron scattering, indium'antimonide,~r t, ABSTRACT: The purpose of the Investigation was to compa e the experimental data for indium antimonide on the Hall mobility of electrons and on the thermal emf in a weak magnetic field with theoretical data, consideration of the non- parabolicity of the conduction band. Equations are derived for the thermal famf and the electron mobility for the case of a mixec: mechanism of electron scattering The experimental data indicate that the electron scattering in doped indium antimonide crystals is due to the following mixed mechanism: of electron scatter- 2 ACC NR' AP7003901 ing which involves impurity ions and both optical and acoustical phonons. The authors shank Dr. F. P. Klesamanly for processing the experimental data on the concentration dependence of the thermal electromotive force. Orig. art. han: 3 figures and 9 formulas. [Authors' abstract] INT] SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 170ct66/ORIG REF: 002/OTH REF: 008/ 212 FILIPCEMIKO, I.B., inzh. Analysis of cutting forces in turninF malleable zast iron. 4.1 no.8:(4-67 Ag '61. (,MIRA 14:8) (Turning) I&ra FILIPCHENKO, I*B# Surface smoothness in tiuming malleable cast iron. Stan.i instr. 33 no.105-36 Ja 162. (MIU 15:2) (NmUng) E~-ri 'Ef IT! ( z-a 7-/EWrP,` '-'-(b' 7 !j ..' ~ , -' r-At" ~; , t~_. f -P AR4036008 SOVIRCEt Ref. th. Takhnol. maahinoutr. Sv* t., Abs. 3B531 '76 AU-IHORi Ro TITL?a Study or tho process at outting mtil_7ilL% tht~ ujo of notien pi,,~tum CITED SOTT11CF: Itv. Tcnuskogo pl)lite!~ftn. in-ta, v. 107, 1963, Mi-42 -MOPIC TAGS: metalworkinz, m*tiitl autbinG, Iatha maohin&r_;;, plriritic dnfomationj ei--place-l-nt, chip formation, photag7trhy, v-lotion L; 9 1A T I rj'-l f 1,10 t 10 n P 16 tm v e 5 1 wA o' th or mD o r t. r i -4, 1 tt TR a ron~ .10 u oy, on C latha. U-SAL high-spod mo .6 caxnore~'irmfs uutid, whIch ill,-.d ptatorrmphy nt a m"md or tp war, mada; with three E; pol 1 i r-h rn for -10 r7, a Mra typ a Di I wi ill a J'l In Erpopkil of 5 , 0,00-E , 3D tylU ,ui:no Of 0.00004-0.000C'38 vj(~"elo. HiCh-~peci or. 1 o Y of frou Car,,' 1/2 'E4 R vir.; IM ACCRISSION NR: AR1039008 plua '30 to minus 11 degrees waro used In thl~: oxparimente. nia %ddth of I;ho out v-rir-,d frvm 01.1 to I =,. The motion piol,-llrL% photography cf the of cutting elloy made it poc-aible to &a.Lermin-73, m outcroppinG un cuttler, vdiialt Chad .,~k pnaullar Pom. , mad lcmared ths Y maEle of thq vitter, atg E- rellult Of v-111011, tho Porce or nitting in,3reaaed. llit;h-speed motion picture -hctorr--~h-:- ~as u-. -J, to of outcr)ppin, r i. Tlv-~ P; 47 9 -,c~ ~etarnLne that the Droces i of ohip-fomcl-i ~,n n !;~P-l ~ni r,- '~7-: 7-;lt,~! V :;Ul~ CODE! M W.-I ME, - Strawbe--rles Degeneration of thm strawberry vine. Agrobiologlia No. 3. 1952. Zherebkorskaya nRitchno-Isaledovatellskava atantelya polemodstva, Ananlyevslkiy rayon, Odesskoy oblanti SO: Monthly List of RuBsian Accessions Library of Congress, 5"tember 2 195),, Uncl. SMIRNOV, Ye.L., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; BLINNIKOV, Mo.; FILIPCHENKO, V.G., aspirant . - , ~, Taking into account gyrocompass errors in navigation. Sudovozhdenie no.2:87-93 t62. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra sudovozhdeniya loningradskogo vysshego inzhoriernogo morskogo uohilishcha im. admirals Makarova. FILIPCHENKO, V.G., aspirant Electronic navigation.apparatuses. Reviewed by V.G.Filipchenko. Sudavozhdenie no.2cl/+O t62. (YJRA 17:4) 11 A SMIRNOV, Ye.L., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauJc; BLINNIKOV, M.Ye., inzh.; FILIPC1ENXO,_,.Y,q., aspirant Influence of a ship's reNated maneuvers on the gyrocompass. Sudovozhdenie no.303-64 163. (WRA 1725) 1. Kafedra sudovozhdeniya Leningradskogo vysshego Inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishche imeni admirala Makarova. I t,,,; (j VYt-vg(xiy Lcon-1161--vict.,; Aridrly 1 '.7 i3lJl,lNly,0,v', l,(Ikh*Jl Y("fj,-..Ovlch;VILIPGIIII-iY~Oi- Grigorlyovich; X-ESHIKOV, 0-1-~ red, [Estimating arocompass errors in navigation] Uchet For,- reshnostel girokoul)t -a v sudovozWenii. [By] E.L.Sxmirnov i dr. Mosk-va "Transport," 196-1~. 66 p. (I-IJUA 17.7) .9 1 OLIKHOVOY, A.I., otanih-ly naucluiyy sotruclilik; V.P. Sy.9tem for au-,.,j:!,jttic accountinf, of the paosw--!e Of trains at jtmetion.stations. Av-to:l., tuclem. i xriaz' J' A , r', 4 (~:[RA 17:10) 1. Urallskoye otdelerdye Vsesoyuziogo niitizlino-is-,ledo-ra-k-.ellskogo to institlata zbeleznoderozhnogo trwisporta ?Iinisterstva -,utle.y socb- SjjCj-jQjjjy,-L 1. ()Jlk~..()Vt)y). 2. 'dral":0-0 otalele,~dya Vou-soy-u-miogo i,,iji.ituta i-l-':.1'Od L'T'0 11 C, nogo trttno-porta Ilinisterstva -j,,i7,-.y sool-l-sholicidya FILIPCHENKO, V.P., inzh. Selecting the system for the protection of information agaInat transmission errors. Vest. TSNII ITS 24 no.4:60-63 165. (IMULk !~':7) 1. Urallskoye otdeleniya Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatells~oko initituta transportnogo rLroitellstva Ministarstva putey soob- shcheniya, Sverdlovsk. OLIKHOVOY,I A.I., starshl.y nauchnyy sctrudn-'.k; Automation in obtaining operational information. Zhel. dor. transp. 47 no.1:90-92 Ja 1055. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Urallskoye otdoleniye V,;esoy-,1znogo nauchno-issledovatelfskogo instltuta zheIeznador-.zhnogo transporta. EDELISFITEYII, Illya Vladimirovich; FILIPCH700. Vladimi-r Vasil'---evinh- SIMIPIIIK P. S. red. 'GU. I TO 01.7. I P.S. LSkz7pnyk, (Hulonko, O.I.J, tekhn. red. (Establishing narms and planning the working capital of a collective farms] Normuvannia i planuvrnnia oborotnykh ko- ydav URS11, 1962. Se p. alitiv kolhospu. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospv- 0 (MIRA 16:12) (Collective farms-Finance) BAZHENOVA, K.M.,; GARVIN, L.I., dotsent; KAT-ASHNIKOV, B.P., prof.; KARASIK, Y.M., prof.; KIYANI)SKIY, A.A.$ prof.; KRISHOVA, N.A., prof.; LOPOTKO, I.A., prof.; KA-MA OVA, F.Y., vrach; MESSELI, M.A..; PUNIN, B.V., prof.; ROZ0ZSTVEUSXIY. V.I., doktor mad. nauk; ROKANOVSKAYA, Y.K., vrach; SOSHYAKOV, N.G., prof.; TUR. A.F., prof.; TUSHINSCIY. M.D.. prof., KHROMOV, B.M., prof.; TSURINOVA, lb.G., doktor med.nauk; SUATUR, M.G., prof.; PaLIKARPOV. S.N., dotsent; UISRMAN, Sh.l., dotsent, red.; SHUCIDWO, F.Ta., [Physician's handbook on first aid and emergency care] Spravochnik vracha skoroi I neotlozhnoi pomoshchi. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo mad. lit-ry Medgiz, Loningr.otd-nie, 1960. 230 P. (MIRA 13:8) (MEDICINE--HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.) FILIPCHENKOP Ye. M., _4~tnd. med. nauk Work-of the "Center for control Of thromboambolic diseases" in Leningrad. Terap. arkh. 33 nc.5:112-115 My 261 ?mirm v,:12) 1. Iz Leningradakoy otantaii skoroy pomoshchi (glavnyy vrach V. N. Golyakov) (MBOLISM) ORM ; 11TWUSTEV,, T.K.; IONIZE,, L.G.; LYIJDMlRSKIYt V.I..; IN I I' Luma.~- Calculation of frequency conversion in higli-apeed nerrodym microwave phase muters with delay lines. Radiotekh. I elektron. 10 no.]D2010-47.020 N 165. (MIRA 18-11) A-7 J- I AUTHOY.: Savchuk, A., Chief Engineer SCIIA7/58/2/2/16 .,Fdl-i -ne,.hll -M qlrl J, C~idate of Technical Sciences Pon Peo-Mes epuMe TITLE: The Supersonic Impulse method of Controllin,-O the Quality of Concreie (Ul'trazvukovoy impul'snyy metod kontrolya kachestva betona) (A description of Polish investigations carried out on concrete subjected to dynamic loading). PERIODICAL:Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958 Nr 2, pp 45-52 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Investigation of the conductivity of concrete subjected to dynamic loading by high supersonic frequency showed that concrete could be regarded as an elastic viscous material. Under the inf luen 3e of the supersonic impulse creat small deformations during high frequency of the dynamic impulse, the concrete behaves as an elastic body and the elasticity of supersonic waves does nob depend on the magnitude of stresses appearing in the concrete due to the loading if they do not exceed 50-701/5' of the crushing strength. Figure 1 shows the relationship Card 1/4 scv/)7/58/2/2/16 The Supersonic Impulse Method of Controlling the Quality of Concrete. between the elasticity of the supersonic waves in a concrete test cube 200x2OOxl,OOOmm and the magnitude of stredses during oompression. The advantage of this method is that it can be applied to test the quality of concrete in the ereoted concrete construction instead of according to test cubes in laboratories. Tests showed that super- sonic impulses travel in com rete with a velocity which changes with the quality of the concrete. The better the concrete the higher the velocity of supersonic waves. A change in amplitude and the form of supersonic impulse after a certain length of passage in concrete could be detected as being caused by the quality of the concrete It was possible to establish the existing relationship between the velocity of the supersonic waves and the strength of the concrete. Figure 2 illustrates the apparatus which registers the speed of a supersonic wave and Figure 3 the way in which the appiratus works. For the transfoxmation of electrical frequencies and .-upersonic frequencies back into electrical frequencies, the apparatus illustrated in Figure 4 is used. Table 1 gives the approximate evaluation of the quality of concrete Card 2/4 SOV/97 /58/2/2/16 The Supersonic Impulse Method of Controlling the Quality of Concrete. based on the velocity of the longitudinal waves. Charac- teristic relataonship between the strength of con- crete, velocity of longitudinal waves and the increase in the strength of the concrete is shown in the &Taph in Figure 5. Figure 6 is a Fap1h showing the relation- ship of the coefficient 'PI indicator of the degree of velocity of the wave) and composition of the con- crete, its hardening and conditions of initial set- ting, also the quality of the aggregate. The Graph iii Figure 7 illustrates the relationship of the strength of the concrete subjected to compression and the velocity of the wave. Figure 8 shows a graph of the relationship of the velocity of the wave and the strength of the concrete. Values of the velocity of longitudinal waves passing through non-unifo:rm concrete are given in Table 2. Table 3 gips values for the strength of the concrete in kg/cm found by the super- sonic method. Graph in Figure 9 shows the relationship of the strength of the concrete and degree of consoli- dation of the coneretG mix. An impulse which travelled through properly consolidated concrete is illustrated in the photograph in Figure 10 and an impulse which Card 3/4 SUV/97/58/2/2/16 The Supersonic Impulse Method Of Controlling the Quality of Concrete. travelled through badly consolidated concrete is indicated in Figure 11. Figure 12 is a graph il- lustrating the quality OIL concrete in various parts of a bridge pier. There are 12 illustrations and 3 tables. 1. Concrete--.'Quality, control 2, ~Concrete--Prqperties Card 4/4 FILIPCHIK, `V7. I. "Treatment of Cutaneous Lineal !.)d --isis with Camphor Salve and Ethyl Chloride," Vest. ven. i derm., No.2, 1952 1.- 1 1-1 i -T - , ; I T. 1 -1-. - 1 - Warts Pointed condyloma of the mammillary areola In the mnle. Vest. ven. I derm. No. 3 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress October 1952 UNCEASSIFIED 2. Ua.26 (600) 4. Lice 7. Camphor-4ust ointment therapy of pediculosis pubis. Vest. von. i dorm. no. 1 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. June 1953. Unclassified. INN IR ItS." FILIPCHIK, V. I. Penicillin and echmolin therany of diffused erythems, exudativum. Vest.ven.i dorm. no.4:62 Jl-Ag 153. (MLRA 6:9) (Skin--Diseases) (Penicillin) FILIPCHIK, V.I.,(Minak) Phannl-fuchaln in dermatolog3r. Test. von. A dorm. no.3:52 14y-je 155. (MLEA 8:10) (PHMLS) YUCHSIN) (SKIN-DISMASIS) FILIFGHIX, V.I., gyardil kapitan meditainekoy WP~- 1101~-- I ~' - ~ Rating the results of compound treatment of sycosis vulgaris. Voene- ined.shur. no.10:72 0 056. (KRA 10: 3 ) (5111-DISMASES) FILIPCHIK, V.I., gvardii kapitan med. sluzhby; BOT7INNIK, L.H., kapitan med. .......... , 0.1-W. Evaluation of the propbylactic properties of 11ovikovIe solution in treating minor injuriies. Voen.-med. shur no.519l Yq 157 OUA 12:7) (WOURS-TRUBMT) (SOLUTIONS (PHARMACY)) PILIPCHAI-V.1. ~Piaak) Timating opidereophytosia. Yrach.delo no.2:205 7 '57. (XLRA 10:6) (DO&TOKYGOS IS) FILIPCHIK, V.L. SHEKHTMAN. N.M. (Minsk) - Successful vitamin B12 therapy In Darter's erythema annulAre contrifugm Vest.dern. I ven. 32 no.3:82-83 NY-Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) (BRYTHEKA) (CYANOCOBALAMEN) YILIPCHIK, V.I., BoTvmiK, LoM. (MINSK) Congenital atrophy of the skin. Vestedem. i ven- 32 n0.4:77-78 J149 158 (MIRA 11:10) (SKIN-DISEASES) ri~ 71 Treating chronic ulcers of the leg with applications of wet grated potato* Vest.derm. i ven. 32 no-5:72-73 S-0 156 (MIRA 11: 11) (LNG-ULCER) (POTATCM-IMMAPEUTIC USX) 0 BOTVINNIK, L.M. (Minsk). 71 FILIPCHIK, V.L. SEMMM, A.Sh. . ~Zz T~- Use of ultraviolet Irradiation in the over-all treatment of exudative eczema in children. Pediatriia 36 no.11-.76 N '58 (MCZEMA) (LULTRAVIOUT RAYS-TIMUPBUTIC_;k~A1 (KIRL 12:8)