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DEORDrrEv, N.T.; FJUMONOV, YU.F, Investigating the rigid die multiple pass reduction process. Kuz.--shtant. proizv. 5 no.9*sl-5 S 163. (MIRA 16:11) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SW/5308 Moscow. Eks:perimentallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut lmznechno-pressovogo mashinost:royeniya. Progressivna,ja tekhnologiya J voprosy avtomatizataii kuznechno-shtempavochnogo proizvodstva (Advanced Processing and Problems of Automation of Die-Forming Op-arationi3) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 126 p. (Series: Its: Nauchnyye trudy, kn. 3) 3,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Gcbwdarstvennyy konitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR p0 aytomatizataii i mashino4itroyeniyu. Editorial C(xmcil: N*N* Vasillyev, V.P. Vyatkin, V.I. Davydov, F.Ye. Durov,, A.P. Yeremkin., P.D. Zolotarev, A.I. Zotlyev, B.A. Kozlov, M.V. Leonov, I.Z. ManBurov, B.N. Markovich, I.B. Matveyev, S.A. Podrez, L.A. Poznyak, V.A. Popov, B.S. Perevozch.'Lkov, O.V. Protopopov, G.M. Rodov, L.V. Rubnenkova, A.F. Silayev, B.I. Ukhaziovf P.N. Frolov., B.A. Chelishchev., P.D. Chudakov, and B.M. Shneyberg, Chief Ed.:: A.I. Zotlyevj Ed. of Publishing House: G.N. Sobaleve.; Tech. Ed.: G.V. Smirnova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building: S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer. Advanced Processing and Problems of Automation (Cont.) SO`7/5308 PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for personnel engaged in press- working an(I for students in mechanical-engineering schools of higher education. COVEMGE: Tho following problems in advanced processing by pr!ssworking are re- vieved: flashless drop forgircg; multipass forge rolling; cold extrusionj hole piercing instead of drilling; small-radius beading of metal sheets; straightening of thin-valled tubes; and embossing. Methods are given for selecting roller-feed parameters and hole size for rotary feed on crank presses. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany each article. There are 5'1 references: 56 Soviet and I English. TABLE OF CONTINM: Shneyberg, V.M. (Engineer]. Certain Characteristic Features of' Flashless Drop Forging 3 Nikollskiy, L.N. [Engineer], and A.V. Kuznetsov [Engineer]. Forge Rolling of Blank for Successive Forging U Advanced Processing and Problems of Autonation (coat.) SCV/5308 Filimonovj, YusFo (Engineer]. Cold Forging of Solid and Hollow- Parts 38 Chuds6kov,, P.D. (Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Investigation Into the Possibility of Piercing Holes in Sleeve-Type Machine Parts Instead of Drilling Them 54 Radyuchenko, Yu.S. (Engineer], and LoM. Tyurin [Engineer]. Investigating a Process for Straightening Tubes With Very Thin Walls 67 Sbmagno., VoGo (Engineer], and I.V. Matreninakiy, (Engineer). DetermiaLng the Force for Die-Bending of Sheet Metal With Relatively Small Radii [of Bends] 80 Shablinskiy,'re*P* [Engineer]. Selecting the Process Parameters of Roll-Type Feeds for Crank Presses 9i Tynyanov, V.N. (Engineer], and A.N. Filippov [Engineer]o Seltiction of the Pocket Diameter for a Dial-Type Feed 109 J)V, yu.F.; ~LJKHAYLEIIKO, G.P. FILIMON Bilateral reduction of stepped sImft billets, Ka-..-shtam.proIzv. 5 no.8--7-1-1 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) GVUZU-101, V ci r-3 UNOV L. YU I and laA'07, YU. L "Investigation of Nuclear Isomerism in Hf'80m," Nuclear Physics, V. 6, (1.958) pp. 561-574; (North-Hollan& Publishing Co., Amsterdam). abet: She ci8gicient of internal conversion of the 57.6 keV transition Ln the L.-shell of Rf was measured and found to bedj, = 0.33�0.10. The,~~transition is shown to be of the El type. A 50 1.2 keV,-/--transition has been detected; meaeurenents of the internal conversion coefficient yield~kk- O.OtJ5�0.014. She 501..2 keV 1,/-transition is of the E3 type. The level with an excitation energy :L 142.9 keV was found to possess a spin 9 and negative parity. The experimontal lifetimes for the 57.6 keV and 501.2 keV 6/-transition exWeed those p3' -edicted by the-single particle model by respectively 10~4 and 101 times. This large discrepancy is due to the high forbiddenness of the - "/--Transitions with respect to the quantum number K. Interne:. conversion coefficients have also been measure for /-trancitions of 93.3 ke1r, 216 KeV, 332.4 Kev and 443.6 keV energy, She tranaiti=181%re all found to be of the E2 type. The cross section for production of HJ' in the (n, 5)) reaction has been determined and found to equale-;! 0.18-t-0.07 bern Pl-*,slco-Teah. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR 210) SO-1/56-35-2-53/6o AUTHORS: Filimpn9y_,_Yu,_ I.,, Pshenichnikov, B. V. _~ r TITLE: The Lower Excited States of the Nucleus Th 231 (Nizhriye vozbuzhdonnyye sostoyaniya yadra Th 231) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958t Vol 35f Nr 2(8), pp 548-549 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the a-decay of U 235, a noticeable part of the Th231 nuclei is generated in excited states. This paper investigates the spectrum of the y-rays of Th231 by means of a scintillation .spectrometer with a NaJ(Tl) crystal. This apparatus recorded the I-quanta in coincidence with the a-particles of U235. The spectrum obtained in this way is demonstrated in a figure. The most intensive line of the spectrum corresponds to 184 keV y-quanta. The intensity of the 144 keV line amounts to 25 - 30 114 of the inbnsity of the 164 keV line. In the spectral region 110-70 keV there are some unresolved lines. There may be also lines which correspond to the y-transitions in the Th231 nucleus. The lini? 40 keV corre.3ponds Card 1/3 234 (wi ich to the y-transition in the a-decay of the i3otope U 43 Liz, -The Lower Excited States of the Nucleus Th 231 9011/5 6 - 3 5 -2 - "" 316 o occurs in the specimen). But it is also possible the,t there is a transition with a similar energy in the U235 decay. The control experiments with sources of various thickness showed that the 144 keV 7-quanta cannot be generated by the back-, ward scattered y-rays of 184-200 keV. It must be assumed that theve quanta are emitted by a Th231 nucleus in the transition from the excited level 184 keV to the excited level 40 keV which may be considered as the first excited level of the rotation band. According to the scheme by Nillsong the spin of the ground state of the Th231 nucleus is equal. to 5/2. In this case, the second excited level of the ro- tation band would have the energy ~93 keV and the spin 9/2. The intensity of the unresolved lines in the spectral region 70 - 110 keV amounts to -40 % of the intensity of the 184 keV line. The transitions with 184 and 144 MeV can be characterized only by El and El + M2. Finally an exptession for the dis- tribution function is given. The authors thank Professor L. I. Rusinov for his constant interest in this paper. There are 2 figures and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/3 The Lower Excited States of the Nucleus Th 231 SOV/56-135-2-53/60 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Physico-Technical InatituteAS USSR) SU3MITTHD: May 26, 1958 Card 3/,'~ 21 (8) 007/56-35-5-54/56 4iUT11ORS: Golenetskiy, S. V. , Rusinov, L. I., Filimono*i, Yu. I. ."ITLE: The a-Decay of Isomeric Bi 210 (a-raspad izomernogo B 210 MIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikip 1958, Vol 35, Nr 5, PP 1513-1315 (USSR) ,13STRACT: At the decay of radioactive Bi 210 , a Ion,-,-lived isomer Bi 210 which emite a-particles with the enera 4935 + 20 keV and T 1/2 ~ 2.6.1o 6 years is produced in addition to RaE (T 1/2 5 days, E P max ~ 1170 keV). The present paper investigates 210 the decay of this long-lived Bi . Me spectrum of a-particles was investigated by means of a momentum ionization chamber filled with a mixture of go,, Ar + le~.-CH 4' .'. Ai enriched and chemically purified Bi 210 sample with a specific activity of 14,000 decays per minute and milligram was investigated. The a-spectrum measured in this way is shown in a diagram. Besides t~ the previously obaorved particlus with 4935 � 10 keV, new ,7roup;j of a-particles with tho energies of 4900 + 10 keV arid Card 1/3 4640 30 keV found. The relative intonsiti-es of these 210 The a-Decay of Isomeric SOV/56-35-5-54/5' three a-transitions amounted to 60-30 and 10~.. In about 1 Vp of a-decays also 7-radiation occurs. It was inve2tiGated by means of a spectrometer consisting of the photoelectric multiplier FEU -13 and of a multichannel amplitude analyzer. Also the y-spectrum of the B121O 7 which was measured, is shown in a diagram, y-transitions with the energies 260 + 10 keV and 300 + 10 keV with tile relative intensities 1 an~d_ 0.4 probably oc"cur. The line with 72 + 3 keV is caused by the characteristic X-ray radiation of t1&l-allium. An adeli- tional maximum in the range of 40 keV requires additional in- vestigation. Per the purpose of confirming the assumption that 7-rays having energies of 26gognd 300 keV correspond to the transitions of an excited T1 -nucleus, the a-y-coincidences were investigated. y-rays with energies of 300 and 260 k8V are actually in coincidence with the a- 9articles of Bi.21 . According to the results obtained, T120 actually seems to ;.iave excited states with enereies of 40 and 300 keV. decay ,3cheme for the observed a- and y-transitions is ,v,-iven. The authors thank Ye. G. Gracheva, 11. B. Obel'skaya, V. K. Makhnovskaya and L. Ya. Rudaya f-or the radioc~ienical purifica- tion of the preparation fror~ radioactive ii-apurities and for Card 2/3 roducing the samples. There are 3 fif,,Lires and 3 refe:rences, The a-Decay of Isomeric Bi 210 SOV/56-35-5-54/56 1 of which in Soviet. ASSOCIATION: LeninGradakiy fiziko-tekhniche9kiy institut Akademii nauk BSSI! (LeiiinGrad Physico-Teohnical In,,ititute of' the Academ:r of Sciences,USSR) SUBMITTED: July 31, 1950 Card 3/3 t-tt-, T~77~ ts~ 21(8) SOV/56-37-2-39/56 AUTHORS: Golenetskiy, S. V., Rusinov, L. I., Filim-nna Ya. I. V-9--4- TITLE: On the Decay Scheme of the Isomer Bi 210 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 2(8)o PP 560-561 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As an introduction reference is made to several previou.3 papers concerning this isomer. This paper gives a report on fuxther investigations of the long-lived bismuth isotope, which neces- 210 sitated a change in the decay scheme of Bi . The measure- ments were carried out by means of a pulse ionization chamber with a grid and a y-spectrometer. In two tables the results of the energy measurements and of the relative intensities of the a-particles and of the y-transitions (which accompany the decay Bi 210) are compiled. The a-y coincidences were investigated 210 for the determination of the decay scheme of Bi . A sointilla- tion counter was used as a y-radiation detector, which had been connected with the pulse ionization chamber in a coincidence Card 1/3 circuit. The spectrum of the y-radiation was measured, which T, On the Deca,r Scheme of the Ieomer Bi 210 SOY/56-37-2-39/56 coincides with a-particles of a certain energy. The reaulto of these measurements are given in two diagrams. Coincidences have been found of th& Most Intensive group of a-particles (with an energy of 4930 kev) with the y-rays with an onuTV oi 260 kev, These a-particles therefore do not correspond -to the transition to the ground state of T1 206 (as has been previously assumed), but to an excited state with the energy 260 kev. Besides the- coincidences of y-rays with an energy of 300 kev with the a-particles with an energy of 4890 kev and of 'r-rays with EY M 340 and 620 kev with a-particles with an ener,5y of 4590 kev have been found. The maxima corresponding to EY - 260 and 300 kev are caused both by cascade transitions and by coincidences with scattered a-particles with Ba = 4930 and 4890 kev. The number of y-transitions observed is approximately equal to the total number of the a-decay processes. On this basis the authors propose a new decay scheme for Bi 210, which is portrayed in a figure. The energy (L of the a-decay of RaE Card 2/3 to the ground state of Tl 2o6 can be calculated from the energy On the Decay Scheme of the Isomer Bi 210 SOV/56-37-2-39/56 balance, It is Qa a (5064 t 15) kev. The total deca y energy of 210 , the a-deoay of the long6-lived isomer of Bi ;.a q(X 0 (5286 t 15) kev, considering the recoil nucleus and the energy of the y-quanta. RaE with T1/2 5-01 days is the ground state of B121O and the state with T 1/2 2.6.106 years is metastable. The authors express their gratitude to L. A. Sliv for discussing the results of this work, and to Ye. G. Gracheva, N. B. Obellskaya, V. K. Makhnovskaya, and L. Ya. Rudaya for the chemical purification of the preparation from radioactive admixtures and for producing the samples. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTEDt April27, 1959 Card 3/3 RUSINOV, L.I. [deceased]; AINDREYEV, Yu.N.; GOLENETSKIN, S.V.; 1"ISLU, YI.I.; FILD1CNGV, Yu.I. 210m Alpha-decay of the isomer Bi Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1007-1015 AP '61. (KM 14:71) 1. Leningradski fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut 0 SSSR. TAlpha rays) (Bismuth--Decay) FILDIONT~ _Yu.I. XLectric veloergometer for creating a ccutrolled physio3l load in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Pro4. tuberk. 41 no.4t 70-71- 163 (MM 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry fizicheskogo vospitaniya ( zav. 1.A. Kolo.,aeytsp-v) Astrakhanskogo meditsinsko o instituta i Astrakhanslcogo protivo- taberkuleznogo dispansera ~ glavnyy vrach A.P*Demidova).. VINNIKY L.A., dotsent; ZLjBOOV,)(Rqj.__;_ External re"Spiration under controlled physical atress in pa-lients with pulmonary tuberculosis (velaergometric studies). Probl. tub. 42 no-3:27-34 '64- (MIRA 1811) 1. Fakulltetskaya terapevtichaskaya klinila (zav. - prof. A.M. Nogaller), kafedra fizicheskego vospitaniya (zav,, - T.Ajolcmeytsev) Astrakhanskogo meditsinf kogo instituta i Astrakluinskoy oblastnoy protivo tube rkule znyy dispanser. FILIMONOV, YU.I. Rempiratory and circulatory function in pulinonary tuberculosis during exercise therapy. Rrobl. tub. no.21l.9-23 165. (MIRA. IS: 12) 1. Kafedra fizicheskogo vospitaniya (zav. I.A.Kolomeytsev) Astr-khanskogo meditsinskogo instituta i ABtrakhanskiy oblaotnoy protivotuberkuleznyy dimpanser (glavryy vraeb A.P.Demidova). Nauchnyy rukovoditel raboty - chlen-korrerq- pondent AMN SSSR prof. F.V.Shebanov. FILIHOIT(IV. Tu.M. (Nizhniy Tagil) Stability of solutions of differential equations of the second order. Prikl. mat. i mekh.,23 no.3:596-598 My-A '59- (IGRA 12:5) (Differential equations) 26140 S/040/61./025/004,/019/021 D274/D306 ~0~10R: Filimonov, Yu.M. (N. Tagil) TITLE: On the stability of solutions of third-order dif- ferential equations PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanilta, v. 25, no. 4, 1961, 785-790 TEXT: A criterion for asymptotic stability is derived by a quali- tative method which involves evaluating contour integrals. The C, non-linear system dxi = Xi (x1, X2, X3) (i - 1,2,3) (1.1) dt is considered, where X- are functions T-rith continuous partial deriv- atives up to second orAer inclusive. It is also assumed that the only equilibrium position is the origin Xi(0,0,0) = 0. A surface is considered which consists of the integral curves of (1.1); xi X. (upt) is its parametric representation. A closed contour r is t1iten on that surface;'by Green's formula: Card 1/4 26140 S/040/61/025/004/019/021 On the stability... D274/D306 (P2X3 - P3X2) dxl + 03XI - PJX3) dX2 + (131X2 - 132XJ) dX3 ax- axi AiAk j:'_1 - aj (aik k ~'Ui T. 3 dudt i,!Cul J.1 xj A2B7,+ A3_B (7 is the interior of the contour. The double sum is a quadratic form in Ai; it is called the adratic form of system (1.1) corres- ponding to matrix Ila*.Ill 3 georem. a) If the solution -xl = x2 X3 = 0 of system UD'is a*symptotically stable With rcspect to perturbations in a neighborhood of the point xj. = X2 = X3 .= 0; b) if a constant matrix 11aijJ113 can be found which has positive eigenvalues, so that the quadratic form of (1.1), corresponding to that matrix, is non-positive; c) if outside a sphere with centcor at the ori6in the right-hand sides of (1.1) satisfy inequality X2 + X2 + X2 >,, q, (q being a positive constant), then the solution 1 2 3 is asymptotically stable for any initial perturbations. The theor- Card 2/4 . - , 26140 S/040/61/025/004/019/021 On the stability... D274/D306 em is proved: In the proof, orthogonal trajectories are constructed, and a contour integral is evaluated. Further, possible deviations along trajectories are evaluated for initial values which satisfy inequality 11 x 112 4, ro (2.1) Owing to the continuous dependence of the solutions on the initial values on the sphere 11xJ12 . r0, a point (x10, x2O, x~o) can be found through which the integral curve with maximum possible devia- tion max 11 X(t) 11 2 = R (0 4 t oo (2.2) passes. The sought-for estimate is N r0 + N I Jr c1- max X 11 2r (2.7') 17wqm a 7 ' C'2 V 2 IIA2.4r, 0) Two notes Eire given regarding the proof of the theorem and of ine- ality (2.7), and a stability criterion given by N.N. KrEisovskiy r Ref. 5: Ne:kotoryye zadachi teorii untoychivosti dvizheniya (Prob- lems in the Theory of Stability of Motion), Fiimatgiz, M., 1959). Finally, ark example is given illustrating the use of the theorem C ard 314 On the stability... 26140 S/04()./6 1/0,25/004/0 19/0,21 D274/D306 proved. There are 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet- bloc. SUBMITTED: April 7, 1961 i N Card 4/4 T, laqlt-66 ACCESSION NR. AP502h929 UR/03 76/65/001/00 i3il~kii6i~ AUTEOR: . Filimma"*A"& 111P, TITI IS aOptimal control of it mathematical pendulum SOUIXE: DiSferentsialInyye uravneniyao v. 1. no. 8, 19652 1007-1015 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, optimal control ABSIMACT.- The author, in considering the problem of fa3te3t entr-f into eqn1librilin, und er or the influence of an extcrior moment of bounded magnitude, is led ti) consid tho systen dx d!l t 7 sill x-u, Y W, 7 whoret (.0,1) is a zonstant, arA u'are pie(,w,4ise smooth, satisfying are rostrictod to' come from" th trium. 6 cldss-vihich'guarantea3 entry into equili He as,,iunies U-iatv the groatest magnitude of the exterior moment excoods that of the1 moment, of tLe force of attraction of the pendUum. He sh(Yqs existence of optimal trajectories, ard derives differential equaticns for them. Tvese latter require, nur-wrical si-Aution. Orig. art. hast 41 formulas and 2 figures, Card 1/2 : llizhne-TagillakV gosudarstvernTj pedUgOGlCllf3UAlY ASSOCIATION Pedagogical Institute) suP, CODE: tie iM JI&A, IQ L00 SU-3141MD 1. 'e!314ar65 NO RW' Sov: oo4 OTHERt 001 L 16058-66 EVIT(d) IJPW AGO, NRt AN004067 SMIGE GODSt UR/0040/65/02F/005/0828/0634 AUTHORSi Bondarenko. V. I. (Nizhniy Tagil) j Krasovsk.1y,. N. N. (Sverdlovsk) o Filimonov, 1u. M. (Sverdlovsk) ORG: none TrTLE.- The problem of putting to rest a linear system SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika. i mekhanika, v. 29, no. 5, 1965, 828-834 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, optimal control, steepest descent le, ABSTRACT: Ihe authors consider a controlled system descrIbed by the linear vecto'r differential egaat.on dx Ax + Bu whowo x is an n-dimensional vector of the phase coordiwtes of' the controlled object and u despribes the controlling influence. Py the twthod of steepest descent they-solve the roblem of choosing the (optimal) control uO(t) which in given time T takes (Z from state x0 to state Y_(T) reLniudzing Card 1/2 L 16058-66 Acc NR.- Ap6cioW67 T -C) 0 F& (v) I dvj min (0 J (u) max max, u ( They treat SOveral 11pecific examples. Orig, art* hass figures and 30 formulas, SUB GODBt :U!/ SUBM DAM 10jun65/ ORIG REFs 0)3 Card 212 S/148/6O/O0O/(Y_,;/02';/023/XX A16l/AO33 AUTHORS: Glinkov, M. A.; Filimcnov, Yu. P.; Krivandin, V. A TITLE: Thermal decomposition of gas containing methane in an oxidizing medium. PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 7, 1960, 193 - 197 TEXT: A luminous gas flame.radiates more heat than a nonluminous one and its luminosity is determined by the presence of oarbon.-black particles. The thermal decomposition reaction of methane without air access has been studied (Ref. 1: F. Fischer, Brennst. Chemie, 1928, 9.. 309; 1929, 10, 261. Ref. 2 and 3: see English-language publications), but in diffusion burning a high quantity of small volumes have a varying oxygen content, and two processes proceed at the same time - oxidation and thermal decomposition of methane. The laws of these processes have been studied at the Moscow Steel Institute. The test installation (Figure 1) consisted of heating zone (4) and cooling zone (7) for the gas-air mixture, an electrostatic precipit ation vessel (8) and filters (9). The gas com- position was: 82.6 % cH4, 0.3 % %H M; 2.2 % H2; 1.7 % CO; o.8 % C02; 0.8 % 02 Card 1/5 s/148/6o/ooq/o,j-,'/CQ3/023/XX Thermal,decomposition of gas .... A161AO33 and ii.-6 % N2. . Gas and air were~ dried in vessels, (1) with calcium :!hlorlde prior ',b mixing (3). The quantities of sooty-carbon, the relative quantities of .,ooty carbon and hydrocarbon compounds were det(urmined, as well as the volumes of noncondensed light fractions. The.temperatures in the reaction zone were 1,000; 1,100; 1,200; 1,300 and 1,4oo0c. At 1,000c)C the gas In the reaction zone end 0011- tained no oxygen, which proved that oxidation was over at 1,0000C. The CO content In the gas Increased with tbp r1so in te-~-Ature, and the C02 content dropped which is due to the C02 reduction reaction with CO formation and witr contirualy Increasing quantities of sooty carbon. More C02 and less CO formed when the air feed was increased. The reaction products in the precipitation vessel were a cloud varying in color from yellowish-white to black, and the precipitated flakes having a strong naphtaline smell were a mixture of soot and hydrocarbon compounds. Benzene,, naphtalene, anthracene and other compounds were extracted with petroleum ether, and asphaltenes with benzene. Figure 3 presents the calculation results showing that the content of methane decreases with a rise in temperature, and the hydrogen content increases with an increase in air feed. Conclusions: 1) Sooty carbon forms in combined oxidation and thermal decomposition of methane due to thermal decomposition of nonoxidized part of methane, with the formation of com- Card 2/5 S/148/60/000/007/023/023/xx. Thermal decomposition of gas.... A161AO33 Plex hydrocarbon molecules as transient compounds. 2) No strong effect of oxi- dation on the composition of the forming products was-*tated. A reduction of C02 t, CO on account of carbon forming during the decomposition was observed, but no effect of this process on the quantity of the forming products was re- vealed. 3) The dilution of gas with the formed oxidation products results in some shift of the methane decomposition reaction temperatUre into higher tempera- ture ranges. There are 4 figures and 3 non-Soviet-bloo references; The referer=5 to Englis h language publications read as follows: 'P. V. Wheelera, W. L. Wood, Puel. 1,028, 7, 535; 1930, 9, 567; K. Koboyaschi, K. Jamamoto, Journ. Chem. Ind. Japan, 19.95, .38, 550; 1934, 37, 785. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inbtitut Aali (Moscow St!eel Institute) SUBMITTED: Nov. 30, 1959 Card 3/5 GLIROV, N.A,; IFILIMONOV, YU.P. V.A. Flame emanation during the heating of methane containing gas. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,- chern. met. no. 11:149-155 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. (Methane--Combustion) KRIVANDIN, Vladimtr A.Ickseyevich, dots.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; MOLCHANOV,, N!Lkolay Grigor t7evich, dots.; SOLCHMM, Seran Leonidovichp iikzh.,- Pi. -inirali uchastiye: MARKOV, B.L.,, kand. tekbn. nauk; FUMONOV, Yu.P., inzh.; TEEEN~IKOV$ B.F., kand. tekbn. nauk, r-qK-seiz-Tn-f;-VASIL'YEVA, R.A.j, inzh., retsenzent; LAN(YVSFAYA, M,,R., red. izd-va; MIKRULOVA, V.V.., tekhn. red. [Metallurgical furnaces] Metallurgicheskie pechi. Pod oto- dhchei red. V.A.Krivandina. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd- va lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1962. 600 (MIRA 1520 (Metallurgical furnaces) LOSEV) David Platonovich; POLISIR, Grigoriy Ley zarovi c 0.'V-,- - --- Yuriy PoUlc !qh;-.AFOSHIN, A.N., kand. takhn.nLuk, retson- L.T.., inzh., retsonzant; SHIRNOV, A.S., kand. tckhn. nauk., nauchnyy red.; LESKOVA, L.R.) red.; YuRYAKOVA,D.M., teikhn. red. [Mements and networks of contactless remote control devices] Elementy i uzl-y beskontalctnykh teler;.ekhanicheskik-h ustroistv. Eleimnty i uzly beskontaktnykh tolemokhanichoskikh u9troistv. Leningrad, Sudp--omgiz, 1962. 246 p. (MIJI-A 15: 12) (Remote control) Mlse techniques (Electronics)) FILII4QNOV,.,YU.F.; KRIVANDIN, V.A. Investigating the radiation characteristics of the flame during preliminary thermal decomposition of methane. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav,; chern. met. 6 no.11:216-222 163. ()URA 170) 1., Moskovskiy institut stali. i splavov. YEMMO, G.M., inzh.; STEPAbOV, Ye.1-1.0 kand. trkl,,n. va-ck; FILINIONOV, Yu.P.,, kand. tekhri. navk; 11',UA, OV, M.A., tekhn. naukq ret8enzent,- G.M., inzh., rad. [Industrial furnaces] Promyshlem-qe pochi. Vo:71rva, Ma- shinostroonie) 1964. 359 P. POLOTOV, GJ, karid. tel:hn. riauk.-, ONTAKIA" Ya.".., irizh.; "'i, Y SURA11OV, D.P., iriv-,, retsenz,~ntj kar.d. tekhn. ria-ak, [rlSoign and ~,qicttlatwn of industrial furmzos and driers foundry nrnacesl Konutruktsila 4 raschel" zavodskikh pechei s-ushil. pechi liteinykh tsel-hov. Moskva, "ashina--trreni-- 19 165. 238 I'M." BUDYLINh, V.V.; IQUOILINOVSKIY, L.I.; BEL'CIIBIIKO, G.V.; ZIIICHEITKO, I.A.; FIL-IHUIIOTJL, A.A.; CILM41UIOV, H.A. Studies on the reactive properties of antidiphtherial sera treated by aluminum hydroxide; author's abstract. Zhur. mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 30 no.5:89-90 My '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz Stavropol'skogo institute. vak-tain i syvorotok, Hineralovodsko7 bollnitay, Gherkesskoy. oblastnoy bollnitsy, Stavropollakoy infekt- sionnoy bollnitsy i Pyatigorskoy infektoionnoy bollnitsy. (ANTACIDS, off. aluminum hydroxide on anti-diphtherial immune sera (Rus)) (DIPHTMMIA, immunol. antiserum, off. of aluninum krdroxide (Rua)) j I:, T.N. tioktor 1'.~ uk* ri:;tIcs f 1,71 11. F,~ t ok htin i fir 140.,:k,;;,, F~ndogenetic ?rAcgennykh rud. r97 1). DUBROVA, I.V.; FILIMONOVA, A.A. Lead thioantimonites from the Severnyy Kantau deposit (Central Asia). Geol.rud.meotorozh. no.3:106-114 My-Je 162. (YJRA 15:6) .1. Institut geologii, rudny1ch mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, 0 aineralogii i geokhimii All SSSR, Moskva. (Kara-Mazar Mountains-Lead thioantimonites) FILIMCKOVA, A.A. Chmage in the form of chalcopyrite-sphalerite int-ergrowth =der the influence of heating. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.3s34-38 My-,Te 164 (MIRA 181l-) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniyg petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. T USSR/Geophysics ~ Pyritea Kay/Jun 52 'Txperiments in Heating Bornitiferous Pyritic Gres," A.A. Filijaonova "1z Ak Nauk, Ser Geolog" No 3, PP 76-88 Heating of samples of bornite-contg, pyrites remilted in formation of chalcopyrite at a temp of 240-250')C. Because, after heating of pure bornite, i.,haleopyrite dces not appear, it was assumed that its formation -in a result of exchange reaction between bornite and pyrite. It was established that dissoen of solid soln of bornite and chaleopyrite occurs at a temp of about 2700C. 2ooT62 USSR/kinerals Jan/Feb 49 Ore Deposits Pyrite Oren "The Coalescence of Bornite and Chalcopyrite in the Pyr1te Ores of the Raban I Deposit (Central Ural)," A. A. Fillmonova, 12 pp "Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No I Along with various rare types of bornite-chalcopy--ite ,noaleacences, author discovered lattice& coalescences from the dominant cl"lcopyrite and the inferior born-- Ito. This disparity in structure, which emerges as a result decompoaition of solid solutiona, Is un- of the V known in natural formations, but bas been obtained artificially. Inffiaa-tes two possible methods of form- ing coalescences described. ID rt4 29 A- g.,,r- I-I T I", 1 1 T- N U v r1 I 'i -!-I ' 3(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1773 Betekhtin, Anatoliy aec:-giyevich, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Genkin, Anna Alekisandrovna Filimonova, and Tatlyana Nikolayevna Shadlun Tekstury i struktury rud (Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals) Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1958. 434 p. 12,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh mostorozhileniy) petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Ed.: A.G. Betekhtin, Academician; Ed. of Publieshing House: N.G. Derzhavina; Tech. Ed.: O.A. Gurova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for petrographers, exploration and mining geologists, and scientists concerned with the physico- chemical processes in ore deposition. COVERAGE: This monograph describes the structural-textural conditions in ore deposition leading to the formation of minerals, and Card 1/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 discusses the theory of ore deposition based on the results Of many years studies by such leading Soviet geologists as P.F. Andrushohenko,, A.D. Genkin, A.T. Suslov,, A.A. Filimonova, G. I. Bushinskiy, O.A. Voroblyeva, A.A. Godovikov, I.V. Dubrova, V.N. Lebedev, V.P. Loginov, B.P. Krotov, D.V. Matorin, V.S. MyaSnikov, D.O. Ontoyev, N.V. Pavlov, M.M. Povilaytis, O.P. Polyakova, N.M. Prokopenko., Ye. A. Radkevich, I.A. Ruka- vishnikovet, G.A. Sokolov, A.I. Tishkin, A.L. Yanitskiy. The book is likewise based on the more direct contributions of scientisto associated with the various branches of the AN SSSR, the Mineralogical Museum imeni A.Ye. Fersman, the Moscow State University imeni Lomonosov, the Department of Mineral Resources of the MI9'sMZ (Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold imeni Kalinin, the research and industrial organizations belonging to the Ministry of Geology and the Conservation of Mineral Resources, the academies of the various union republics, and other geological and geological survey organizations.* These include: G.A. Avaliani, S.T. Badalov, G.P. Barsanov, Ya. N. Belevtsev, Yu.S. Borodayev, V.A. Vakhrushev, A.S. Golikov, G.I.Gorbunov, D.P. Dolidze, D.A. Zenkov, N.S. Zontov, T.V. Ivan.Ltskiy, S.A. Kashin, A.F. Korehinskiy, V.N. Kotlyar, Card 2/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 P.I. Kutyukhin, I.K. Latyah, A.A. Luyk, V.T. Matveyenko, V.D. Nikitin, L.N. Ovehinnikov, A.P, Perelyayev, N.V. Petrovskaya, V.E. Poyaiskov,, D.V. Rundkvist, I.Z. Samsonov., V.I. Smirnov, L.N. Khetchikov, I.N. Chirkov, A.D. Shcheglov, K.F. Shcherbakova, Yu.Yu. Yui,ok. The authors likewise express their thanks to the following members of the IGEM AN SSSR: A.Ya. Kraynyukova, P.M. Orlova, N.F. Boreykina (thin sections laboratory) and V.A. Kuzimin, V.N. Zaytsev (photographic laboratory). Chapters II, III, IV, V, XV, XVI, XVIII, XIX were written by A.G. Betekhtein, chapters 1. VII, XIII, XIV, XVII by T.N. Shadlun, chapters VIII, IX, XI by A.D. Genkin, and chapter XII by A.A. Filimonova. Chapter V1. was written by A.G. Betekhtin and T.N. Shadlun, and chapter X by Betekhtin and A.D. Genkin. There are 392 photographs and diagrams, 3 tables and 191 references of which 118 are Soviet, 36 English, and 35 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Card 3/9 Texture and 1'1'~tructure of Ore Minerals Introduction SOV/1773 Ch. I. Hist6ry of the Study of Ore Structure Ch. II. Definition of the Terms "Structure" and "Texture" Concept of the structure of mineral rocks (21) Ch. III. The Terms "Structure" and "Texture" as Applied to Ores Ore structures (34). Ore textures (48) Ch. IV. Crystallization of Melts and Solutions Crystallization process in a homogeneous liquid medium (64) Effect of temperature, pressure and the concentration of chemical components on the crystallization of solutions (72) Card 4/9 5 9 20 33 63 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. V. Colloidal Solutions and Gels 77 Properties of colloidal solutions (77). Struc- tiire of the dispersed phase of suspensoids (79) Coagulation in dispersed phases and the syneresis of gels (81). Conditions for the formation of colloidal solutions (82) Conditions for the formation of coagulants (85) Processes in the precipitation of coagulants ~91) Ch. VI. Indications of the participation of colloidal solutions in the formation of ores 99 Colloformic aggregates (100 Oolites (115). Emulsified suspensions (1211.. Reccuringly-banded precipitates (126). Cry8talline-sols (129). Card 5/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. VII. Recrystallization of gels 137 Formation of granular ag re ates in the re- arystallization of gels Mg). Formation of contraction fissures in the recrystallization of gels (146) Ch. VILL Manifestations of mineral replacement in ores 155 Pitting In minerals (156) Substitution and the formation of new chemical compounds or solid solutions (169) Diffused replacement (181) Ch. IX. Notes On Metacrystals, 193 Characteristics of metacrystals occuring in ore deposits (193) Criteria for metacrystal (216) Ch. X. Solubility of minerals and the subsequent filling (out] of the developed voids with new minerals 222 Single-mineral pBeudomorphoses in substitution W) Multimineral pseudomorphoses in substitution (235) Card 6/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. XI. Decomposition Phenomena in Ore Minerals 242 Decomposition of minerals under the influence of oxidation processes (242) Decomposition of minerals in reducing conditions (254) Ch. XII. Disintegration Phenomena in Solid Solution 259 Solid solutions (260) Decomposition of solid solutions (264) Identification criteria in the istudy of disintegration of structures of solid solutions (275) Ch. XM. Cataclasis and plastic deformation in ore.-forming minerals 278 Characteristics of brittle deformation in ore (278). Phenomena of plastic deformation in ores (285) Card 7/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. XIV. Ore Reorystallization in Metamorphic Processes 295 Ore recrystallization related to post-ore tectonic dislocations (296) Ore recr stallization related to regional metamorphism (304~ Recrystalli- zation connected with thermal metamorphism (323). Ch. XV. Mineralization Stages in Endogenic Ore Deposits 329 Mineralization phases (330) Mineralization stages (334). Mineralization ages (345). Ch. XVI. Paragenetic Relationships and Sequences in Mineral Formation 350 A concrete example of the analysis of the para- genetic relationship of minerals (352) Para- genetic relationships of sulphides, iron oxides and copper in ore deposits (362) Ch. XVIL Techniques in the Study of Ore Textures and Structures 369 Field observations (370) laborator studies (375) Interpretation of observations (382~ card 8/9 Texture and Structure of Ore Minerals SOV/1773 Ch. XVIII. Structural Etching of Polished Sections 391 Distinctive traits of structural etching (392) Conditions necessary for a successful completion of structural etching (395). Methods of struc- tural etching (396) Deceptive effects of structural etching ~404). The value of struc- tional etchin in the study of polished ore sections (4055 Ch. XIX. Practical Value of Studying the Structural-Tectural -'.'Pharacteristica of Ores 412 Examples illustrating the value of detailed mineragraphic studies in application to ore dressing enrichment (413). Significance of regularity in mineral associations and the para- genetic relationships of minerals in exploration surveys (422) Bibliography 428 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 9/9 MM/ad 6-12-59 -. 1 1. "1 - FILIIIOMVA, A.A- urea due to unmixing of solid solutions in ores during metamorphism. Geol. rud. mestorozh. no.3:81-88 Yq-Je 159. Oan 12:10) 1.1natitut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdeniy, petrografii, mirieralogii i gaokhimit AN SSSR, Moskva. (Solutions, Solid) FILIMNOVA., A.A. Abstract of T. LoverIng's article "Temperatures and depth of fornration of sulfide or@ deposits at Gilman, Colorado" (n3conomic Geology," no.6, 1956). Gaol. rud. mestorozh. no,3:115-119 My-Ja '59. (KRA 12:10) (Gilman, Colorado-.Bulfidas) ART-EMOVt N.M.; TARASOVAr L.P.; FILDIONOVAt A.A. Stimulation of the pituitary-adrenal system by bee venom. Nauch. dokI. vys. ohkoly; biol, naukI no. 2:86-89 162, (MMA W2) 1. Rokomendovana kafedroy fiziologii cheloveka i zhivotnykb Gotlkovakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im, N.I. Labachevskogoo (BEE VENOM-PHYSIOWGICAL EFFECT) (PITUITARY BODY) (ARDENAL CCRTEX) IVANOV, I.P,s FILIMONOVAt A.A, Sevqnth Conference on Experimental and Technological Mineralogy and Petrography. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.6sl,/2-144 N-D 164- (MIRA 1814) AUTHOR: --Filimonova, A. B. 20-119-5-46/59 TITLEs Spore Complexes Found in Boundary Layers of the Middle and Upper Devonian of the Volga-Ural Region (Kompleksy spor pogranichnykh sloyei sreanego i verkhnego devona Volgo-Urallskoy oblasti) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 5, pp. 106-1008 (USSR) ABSTRACTt G. P. Batanova (reference 1) emphasized the necessity of revising the boundary between the F-rasnian and Givetian stage of the eastern parts of the Russkaya platform. In Bashkiriya L. A. Rozhdestvenskaya (reference 2) shifted the boundary of the Givetian stage up into the roof of the argillite-aleurite parcel which separates the sand layers D Il and D . In Tatariya the Givetian- -Frasnian boundary was esiablished by A. N. Petrovskaya and L. N.'Yegorova. M. F. Filippova came to a similar conclusion (as in reference 2) for a much larger region. According to lithological material the author performed Card 1/3 the spore analysis of more them 30 cross sections of the Spore Complexes Found in Boundary Layers of the 20-119-5-46/59 Middle and Upper Devonian of the Volga-ijral Region regions: Volga-Ural' , East-Tatariya, 'West-bashkiriya, the north of the Kuybyshev, region and the south of the Molotov region. The spores of these argillite-aleurite parcel show its nonuniform age. Its lower part which lies between the sand layer DII and the "black lime-, contains an Upper-Givetian spore complex which is similar to the complex of the sand parcel D II that lies deeper; its upper partp from the -black lime,, up to and including the sand parcel DI, contains a different spore complex which resembles the PashJyskiy spore-pollen complex of S. n. Naumova. The presence of a typical Upper Givetian fauna of oBtracodes and Stringocephalus burtini ex gr.bef3r. (reforence 5) in.the rocks of the"blaci'llime" determines the spore complex of the "black lime" as Givetian. Because of the similarity of the latter complex with the Pashiyakiy it will possibly be necessary to revise the Lower irasnian age of the Pashiyskiy complex and of the Card 2/3 layers characterized by it in favor of their Givetian age. Spore Complexes Found in Boundary Layers of the 20-119-5-46/59 Middle and Upper Devonian of the Volga-Ural Region ASSOCIATIONj PRESE3TEDs SUBMITTED: So No Naumoval M. Yo Filippova, A. I- Lyashenko and 6. N. '-bgorova participated in the w;rk. There are 5 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy inetitut (All-Union Scientific Geological- -Prospecting Research Institute for Petroleum) October 4, 1957, by D. V. Nalivkin, iiember, Academy of Sciences, USSR October 19 1957 Card 313 FIIVONOVA, A.B. Stratigraphic significance of spores from terrigenous deposits of the Staryy Oskol and Mullinakiy horizons of the middle DoVonlan in areas of the Volga-Ural region. Dokl. AII'SSSR 342 no-42909-912 F 162. (YIRA 25:2) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-laBledovatellskiy geologorazv-edochnyy neftyanoy institut. Prestavleno akademikom D.V,Kalivkinym. (Volga-Ural region-Geology., Stratigraphic.) F I LINONOVAj _A._ B._j_'.ARKHANGE 1, IS KAY A, A.D. Spore complex in the 'Ica- ob f -y,-,,,rkft horizon of the Middle Devonian in t.he Rui3sian PlatCnnn. Tridy VNT(XI no.37-31-36 163. (YIRA 16-.8) SHUTSKAYA, Takaterina KonEktantinovna; ZHUZHCHERKO, B.P., red.; FILIKOHOTA, A.G,., vedushchiy red.; FIDOTOTA, I.G., (Loiter Paleopne Btratigraphy and facies of Ciscaucasia] Strati- grafiia i fataii nishnego paleogena Predkavkazlia. Moskva, Goa. nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 102 p. (MIRA 1-3:7) (Caucasus, Nortbern-Geology, Stratigraphic) DCMANEV~XVI , N I koviy A -If,, kmoye-V !~ h ~ , J~ , t ~. 9 It; ; .9 r 0 t a erzee, - 5 ?, C", I ~ 51F , ff , N4 ~',' 11 , sivii0vo I.M. , i) . I .. I . F, 9 rei, 7 F11,11.110140'lpls A.1.9 red. I I I.., ~ . '. [Dr-edging] Dnouglublunle-. Kickvia, Transpovl$ 1!465. 3-'39 p. (.m i R _~ I p z I ~ 112 ) NIKOLAYEVP N.I.; FILIWNOVA,,A.M- Electric conductivity of a strongly basic anion exchanger. Zhu--. fiz. khim. 37 no.11:2451-2454 N'63. (MIRA 17;2) 1. Fiziko-khImicheskiy institut imeni Karpova, Moskva. PtudyinC- the fli-.orf,sconco Of OiIB aTMlIC2:!,)Ie to the V-4-nnt- ',),iovn -rd Slikup 15n ,ovo soctors. Trudy Ml I no.141:15~,-16,, Nllui 12: (Its' liki r Is,--Pe tro leum) (Tatar A.S.S.R.--Fetroje7jr;) (Fluorosc~.)nco) ZAPLATIIU -S I IONOVAt A.S, Method for the differential diagnosis of Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis and of the geographical varieties of Pasteurella pestis. Sbor, nauch,, rab. Blist. protivochum. sta. no. 1,173-175 159. (MIRA 13:10) (PA'STEUREUA PESTIS) (PASTEURELLA PSEDUOTUBMULOSIS) -T-77 RUDKOVA, S.I.; R0ZHNOVA# R*T,; F7LIMONOVAt A,Ya. Food poisoning. Zhur. mikrobiol, spids i J=min. 31 no, 50.19 H 160, (MIRA 13: IOT 1. Iz Kuyb shevskogo maditainakogo inatituta. (MOD POISONING) IWINt F.S.; FILIMONGVA,-A,Xa. Some data on the observation of convalescent patients after acute dytientery. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i Immin. 32 no.2:121-122 F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Vladi!vostokskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (DYSENTERY) RAZINj P,S., doteent;.yrLIMMOVA, A.Ya.; VOTBOVA) Ye.P.; mna=c 0, S.I. 01~~vc;Wt~k) Socte proVLems in the pathogenesis of pneumonia in the Maritime TelTitory. no./+:43-45 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz Vladivostokskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. dotsent V.M. Zhivoderov). (MARITIME TERRITORY-PNEUMONIA) illbmy Faddey Illich; SKACIIKOV, Petr Ivanovich; I~ILIIIGIIOVAY D.S. red.; IRELMUVA, L.S., tokhn. red. [Maintenance and repair of machines and mechanisms in feuing areas)Tokhnicheskoe obsluzhivanie i remont ma.9hin i mekhani=ov na leso.-oke. Arkbangellsky Arkhangellskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 65 p. (MMA 15:12) (Lumbering-Machinery) YESIFOV Pairel Petrovich, kand. tokhn. nauk; red.; 1,0117KHOU, L.S., tekhn. red. (Studying the shaping of the teeth of circular saws for trans- vertiel sawing of pine lumber] Issledovanie profilirovki zublev kruglykh pil dlia poperechnogo pileniia soanovoi drevesiny. Arkhangel'sk, Arkhangel'skoe knizlinoe izd-vo, 1961. 78 p:1) (MIM 15- (Circular saws) KOFFMIN, Fedor Ivanovichl, prof.; FILIMONOVA, D.6; MELEMOVA, L.S., U,khn. red. [Prevention of decay in wood] Zashchita drevesiry ot gnieniia. Arkhaugellsk; Arkhangellskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 190 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Wood-Preservation) KARZIN, Georg!Ly Areentlyevich; FILIMONOVA, D.S., red.; MARTIYANOVA, L.I., tekhn. red. [Good fortune)Schantle. Arkhangel'sk, Arkha gel'skoe knizhnt)e izd-vo, 1962. 22 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Archangel Province-Lumbermen) PAROVSHCHIKOV, Viktor Yakovlevich; MARTIYANOVA, L.I., tekhn. red. (In northern regional notes of a naturaliat]Na severnykh pro- storakh; zapiski. naturalisia. Arkhangellsk, Arkhangellskoe knizhnn,e izd-vo, 1962. 69 p, (MIRA 16;2) (Russia, Northern-Natural history) DAVIDENKO, Ivan Ivanovich; FILIMONOVA, D.S.p red. (Organization of work at a landing] Organizatsiia rabot na nizhnem sklade. Arkhangellsk, Arkhangellskoe knizhnoe izd- vo, 1963. 35 P. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Tekhnoruk Khozlminskogo lesopunkta Vel'skogo lesoprowlsh- lennogo kho2;yaystva Arkbangellskoy oblasti (for Davidenko). KOPERIII, Fedcr Ivanovich prof.; FILIMOIIOVA D 5 .bred.; 0 -=~~U_ BUNOVSKAYA, N.B.0 tekbno red. (Fireproofing of wood and wood materials] Ognezashchita, drevesiry i drevesnykh materialov. Arkhangellsk, Arkhangel'skoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 117 p. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.V. Kuyt7sheva (for Koperin). SELEZNL'V, Stepan Alekseyevich; FILTMOVO D.S., red. (The first Russian expeditinn to the North Polel Per- vaia rusokaia ekspeditsiia k Severnoma poliusu. Arkhangellsk, Severo-Zapadnoo knizhnoe izd-vop 1964. 134P. (M:ERA 17:11) ~lkNlD.','(A'SKIY, Ivan GrigGrlyovich; k0BYL11', 5,F.y T1111A.SREV, F.I., r---I.; Fi-rl!,.,*N(,ll!, E, , P.N., ri;d. (Huw we maintahi menhanisms] Kak iq obslu~,hivaem mekhh- nizmy. Arkliangellsk, Sovero-Zapticnoe kidAnae izd-vc., 1964. 30 P. (MIM 18.1) i. Brigadir-=ekhanik lesopunkta Tarza :;halaku!3h3kogo loso- promyshlenriogo khozyaystva (for Sanetrovskiy). NOVIKOV, Petr Ignatlyevichp kand. biol. nauk,dot13.,' F11111.10NOVA, red. [Fishes in -the bodies of water of Archangel Province and thei:p commercial slmificancel Ryby vodoemov Arkhangellskol oblasti i iF promyslovoe znachenie. Arkhangel ,sk, Severo- Zapadnoe knizhnoe iza-vo, 1964. 141 p. (MIRA 18:7) STRAKHOV, Viltor Yevgenlyevich; FILIMONOVA, D.S.,, red. (On it forest river] Na lesnoi reke. 2. izd. Arkhangellsk, Severo-Zapadnoe knizhnoe izd-vo, .1964. 158 P. (MIRA 18:3) MININ, Yuriy Vladimirovicbf ' --riot; YEKIMOVp D.G." red.; KARZIN, G.A., red,j TANASHEV,R.I., red.; 1~~PT~OV. red. [For an economic use of fuel and lubrication materialsl Za ekonomiiu goriucbego i smazoehnykh materialove Arkhangeltakp Arkhangellskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1963. 24 p. (MIRA 17%5) i, 1 ~"J q FILDIONOVA, F., mAjitor-povar Hono.vary title has been obtaimd. obshchestv. pit. no.6:7 je 161. (MIRA 14-9) 1. :Zaveduyuohchaya proizvodstvom stolovoy No.6,' Leningrad. (Leningrad--Restaurants, lunc~xocms~) etc,) 4. YETISOV, G.G.; FILIMONOVA, G.A. Zffectiveness of artificial pollination of fruit trees in relation to various methods of bud castration. Agrobiologila no. 3:463 My-Je 160. (HIR& 13:12) l.'N.09kovskiy gosudarstvennyy univereltet Imoni. H,V.- Lomanosova. kafedra, genetiki I selektsli. (Fruit trees) '(Fertilization of plants) FILIMNOVA, G.A. Embryologic characteristics of flower buds of some cherry varieties. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.2:115-117 162. (MRA 15-5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy genetiki i selektsii Moskovskogo, gosudarstvenriogo universiteta. im. M.V.Lomonosova. (GHERRY) (PIANTS, FLOWERTIG CF) FETISOV, G.G.; FILIMONOVA, G.A. Nature and the degree of lower bud damages by low temperatures in stone'fruits. Agrobiologiia. no.3:377-382 My-Je 162.. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moskovd4y gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, kafedra ge~*tiki i selektsii. (STONE FRUIT) (PIANTS--FROST FESISTNANCE) FILIMON07A, G.A. ILLstochemical analysis of cherry flower buds in relation to their winter hardiness. Biul.MDIP.Otd.biol. 67 no.3il42 VV-Je 162. (NIRA 15:11) (Cherry) (Plants-Frost resistance) (Buds) S -"ia:ZE2 &ALI, FETISOvf G.G.; FILIMONOVA, G.A. Application of the method of artificial freezing of the cherry flower buds in the study of their frost resistance. Vest. Mosk un. Ser. Biol., pochv. 19 no.2:64-72 Mr-AP 164. OURA 17:9) 1. Botanicheskiy sad Moskovskogo universitata. FILDRONOVA, G.V., Cand lech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the process of electroplating of lead from alkalize electrol:Aes." Mos 1958, 14 pp (min of Higher Education USSR. Mos Order of Lenin Uhem Tech Inst im D.I. Mendeleyev) 150 cooies M, 39-58, 110) EL11-10110VA, G.V. mladohiy nauohnyy i3otrudnikj KUDRYAVTSE70 19.1'. doktor I BELYAYEVp P.P., kand.khimicheakM nauk. Erfect of organic additives on the oolubility of lead In alkaline 19ad eletrolytes and their stability, Trudy 1111KH3MIASH no.28:55-60 159* l5t6) (Lead plating) KIMONOVA G. It. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KTJDRLIVTSFV I N, T. , doktor 2 iwIchoskikh nauk, prof.; BELYAYEV, P.P., kand.khinichoskikh nauk. Cathodic process in lead electroplating from alIkaline electrolytes. Trudy NIIKHDMSH ro&N:61-77 T59. (141RA 15:6) (Lead plating) V 13 if fix via .4 I a nli ill all V;" Pull 11j, Al 39 C;1 -H jai )Oil all at SARICISOV, flemen Alskoundrovich; YILIMOIK)VA, I.N., redaktor; KONOHOVA, To.P., I -f '7~ re6aktor; PRMOBRAZILIIISiAiA, 6&Afor; KUMNA, L.A., redaktor; ZM[BRZHITSKIT, I.A., redaktor; GABERLAIM, M.I., tekhnicheski), radAktor. ~Atlas of the cyto-architectonice of the human cerebral corttx] Atlas taitoarkhitaktoniki kory bolishogo mozga chalovska. Pod red. S.A.Sarkisova, i dr. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo maditainakol lit-ry, 19!;5. 276 p.-- Supplement, 203 Plates. NLRA 9:1) 1. Akademiya meditainskikh nauk SSSR. Institut mozga. (CMMaL CORTIX) AUTHORS: Krotikov, V. A., Filimonova, I. it. SOIT/54- 5/3-3-17/19 TITLE: An Essay on the Peda,"ogica Activity of D. I. Mendeleyev at the Petersburg University (1867-1881) (Ocherk pedaf,o,-,:i- cheskoy deyatellnosti D. I. Mendeleyeva v Peterburgskom universitete (1867-1881)) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1958, Nr 3, pp 14o-148 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the pedagogical activity of D. I. Mendeleyev in the years from 1856 to 1667 a report was given already in Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1956, Vr lo, p 126. In 1867, a new section in D. I. Mendeleyev's life and activity began. He became head of the chair of chemistry at the physical-mathemati- cal faculty. fie gave courses on general, organic (until 1668), and inorganic chemistry. Mendeleyev's scientific activity was very intensive in the 160 -'70-ies- In this time he made his discoveries and wrote papers that made him famous all over the world. Hio paper "Fundamentals Cf Chemistry" ("Oanovy khimii") was the first manual of chemis- Card '1/3 try that was based on the periodic law discovered by lien- 1"d SOV/54-53-3-17/19 An Essay on the Pedagogical Activity of D. I. Mendeleyev at the Petersburg University (1067-1881) deleyev. The problem on indefinite compounds had a special place in this textbook. Mendeleyev's conceptions on in- definite compoundsespecially about liquid solutions wa;3 new in science. His pedagogical experience and position as head of the chair of chemistry enabled him to complel.-e the teaching schedule at the physical-mathematical faculty and to promote the university to the position of a scienti- fic research institution. Thanks to his endeavors the p~- sition of university teachers became firmly established and one of the greatest Russian chemists, A. M. Butlerov (1360), was invited to the university. Mendeleyev gave a great .-,or- tribution to the enlargement of the chemical laboratory and of the library. He always made efforts to help poor stialente. After 25 years of activity,in 1880, according to the codex of the university he was to resign his office. But because of his extraordinary merits he unanimously was voted as to remain at the university. There are 26 references, 26 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 I - AUTHORS: Krotikov, V.A., 54-1o--;-14/16 TITLE: A Report Concerning the Pedagogical Activities of D.I.Menaeleyev at Petersburg University (1856-1867) (Ocherk pedagogicheskoy deyatellnosti D.I.Mendeleyeva v Peterburgskom universitete (1856-1867 99.) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta,Seriya fiziki i khimii i ? -, 1958, Vol.1 0 , Nr 2 , pp. 126-132 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For a period of 33 years (1856-1890) D.I.Menaeleyev vm-- closely connected with Petersburg University. This period, which ms the most productive of his life and of his activities, can be subdi- vided into 3 periods: 1.) 1856-1867. During this time Mendeleyev taught various chemical subjects (organic, theoretical, tecbnical, and analytical chemistry) , defended his Master's' and Doctcw's dissertations and wrote and edited a number of monographs dealing i w ith various fields of chemistry. It was during this ea-rly stage of his career that he developed to be an independent research scientist. 2.) 1867-1881. In 1867 Menaeleyev obtained the chair of ahemisti-j. He concentrated his activities mainly on teacEing Card 1/2 anorganic chemistry. Until the end of the seventies he main3y A Report Concerning the Pedagogical Activities of 51.-10-2- 14/;L6 D.I.Mendeleyev at Petersburg University (1856-1867) worked in connection with the creation of the "Bases of Cheinistry", the periodic system of chemical elements, and the study of -the elasticity of gases. 3-) The early eighties marked another turn- ing point in his career. His pedagogia).l activities during 'this period were characterized by the fact that he displayed corwider- ably more interest in problems of general instruction: and for the organization of scientific YA)rk at the universities. Also his re- search %York rms directed towards other problems. The problem that occupied Mendeleyev's greatest attention were solutions. As a ped- agogue he continued teaching as the holder of the chair for chem- i3try, and he lectured on anorganic chemistry. In 1890 Mendeleyev handed in his resignation and left the university. There are 14 reef erences, all of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 23, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Instructors-Chexistry-USM Card 2/2 5(0) SOV/54-59-1-!6!/215 AUTHORS: Krotikov, V, A., Filimonova, I. N, TITLE: An Es,say on the Pedagogical Activity of D. 1. Mandeleyev al; the Peterburg University (in the Years 1881--1890) (Ocherk pedagogicheskoy deyatellnosti D, I-. Mendeleyeva v Peterburgskom universitete (1881-189ogg.)) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fi--iki i khimij., 1959, Nr 1, pp 112-119 (USSR) ABSTIUCT: In the yearp from 1861-1890 Mendeleyev carried on his activity at the Chair for Chemistry of the Peterburg University, In November 1884 he was awarded the title of a Honored Full Professor and in August 1665 after thirty years of educational acTivity he retired. Afterwards, fie held mcir6 lecture on general chemistry, A shorthand manuacript of his lec- tures on general chemistry held in the last years before 1690 is preserved in the archives of the Lenirigraddkiy univeraitet (Leningrad State University) A ahort outlin-~ of his lectures is given here on the basic of these manus,,ripts. In the beginning he lectured on the limits and forma of chemical ~,.on- Card 113 versions, on elements and simple bodies and on the effect of SOV/54-59-1 - ' 6/25 An Eauay on the Pedagogical Activity of D, 1. Mqndeleye7 at th,~ Pet,~rburg Univer.9ity (In the Years 18811-1890) various forms of energy. His introductory subject to pure chemis- try was hydrogen, Thereupon he investigated the 'Iorganoenit~" g elements hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon In the remaining part of his lecture he dealt with the elements and their com- pounds of the individual groups of the periodic system D, I. Mendeleyev very actively participated in laying down the new higher education rules established in 1884. He was specially concerned with the course of education of the students, He emphasized his view that this shculd bear a scientific character rather than a scholastic one. Also examinations should be con- sidered under this point of view Several passages from his "Zamech'aniya' . (Remarks) are quoted, In this connection also a letter written by Mendeleye-T to S. Yu. Vitte on October 1-, 1895 on secondary and higher education is mentioned, Mendeleyev's activity at the Peterburg University marked the beginning of a great promotion of educational and scientific activity in the field of chemistry. A number of well-known chemists are to be found among Mendeleyev's successors and among the scientists of Card 2/3 that University: G, G. Gustavson, A. L. Potylitsyn, V_ Ye. S011/54-59-1-16/21~ An Essay on the Pedagogical Activity of D. I. Mendeleyev at the Peterburg, University (in the Years 1881-1890) Tishchenko, D. P, Konovalov, and others. There are 19 Sovict .references. SUBMITTED: June 10, 1956 Card 3/3