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FILATOV, P.P. WON Iffect of antitumor sera on thp growth of Brown-Pearce rabbit carcinoma In tissue culture*' 3iul;eksp.biol. I Med. 46 noolot 76-63 0 '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1' Iz laboratorti neinfektsionnoy immunologii (zavo - doktor meditsinskikh nauk prof. I.R. Mayakiy) Institute, ektiperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof, I.R. May6kiy) AMU SSSR, Moak-ra; Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-Verezhnikovymq'1 (IMMMO.SERUM anti-tumor, eff. on Brown-PeRree rab-oit carcinoma in tissue culture (Rua)) (NEOPLASMS. exper; effe of anti-tumor sera on Brown-Pearce rablit carcinoma in tissue culture (Rus)) MAYSM, I.N,, -prof.; WMAKIN, M.S., kand. biol. nauk.; FITATOV, P.P., kand. mad. Probletin of biological principles of the metastasis of maligmut tumors, Vest. A* SSSR 14 no.2:22-33 159* (KCU 12:4) 1. Inatitut eksperimentallnoy biologii AN SSSR (dir. - prof. I. N. HayskV.). (NEOPIASM, phys iol. biol. processes in metastasis, review (Ru3)) LOM&KIN, H.S.,; FIIATOV. P.P.. Hered.ity and problems In human pathology. Vest.AKU SiSR 14 no.8:75-80 '59. 01M 12:11) (PATHOLOGY) FIL&TOV, P.P. Effect of a does of tunor tissue antigens on specific antibody fo,r,4u,.-jon. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 47 no.6:95-100 Je '59. (MIR& 12:8) 1. Iz le6boratorii noinfektsionnoy immunologii (zav, - prof. I.11.14%yaldy) Inatititta eksporimontallnoy biologii (dir. prof.I.N.llaysldy) AMN SSSH, Moskva. Predstavlena deystv~tel'- ny~n chlenom, AM11 SSSR ll-H-Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. OUOPIAbM, immunol. eff. of tumor tissue antigen on aatibody form. (Rue)) (ANTIGIM ANTIBODY REACTION, same) XLTSKIY, I.N.; SUVOROVA,G*V.; 7ILATOT, P,P, Effect of various doses of ionizing radiations on antigenic and biological properties of Brown-Pearce carcinom. Report No.2: Changes of biological properties of the tumor. Biul.ekep.biol. i zed. 47 no.89.8&90 Ag 159. (MMA 12:11) 1. Iz laboratoril noinfektsionnoy immuologli Instituta ekeparimentall- noy, biologii (dir. - prof. I.No Hayskiy) AMR SSSR, Moskva. Predstavle- na deystvitellrym chlenom AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukavym-V6rezhnIkovym. (NNOPUSKS radiation off.) M&YSKIY, I.N.; SUVOROVA, G.V.; FILATOV, P.P. Effect of various doses of ionizing radiations on the antionle properties of Brown-Pearce carcinoma in vitro. Raport No.l. Changes in antigenle properties. Biul.ekep.biol. i med. *3 no.7-.72-76 J1 159. (HERA 12: 10) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy immologii Instituta eksperimental'- noy biologli (dir. - prof.I.N."kiy) AM SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR N.H.Zhukovym-Ver-ezhnikovym. (R"IATION EMCTS) (CARCIHOHA - Immunologr) (ANTIGENS) FILATOV, PsPt---,-% Affect of late reimmunization on tumor antibody formation. Blul. okep.biol.i zed. 48 no.11:101-103 N 159. (MMA 13:5) I. Iz laboratorli nelafektuionnoy immunologii (zav. - prof. I.I. I"kiy) ANN SSSR, NO~kv&. Predstaylena daystvitolinym chlenom jM SSSR I.N. Zhukovyn-Tereshnikovym. (MIOPIrASKS Immnol.) (AMMODUS) MAYSKIY, I.N.;_EILATOVp P.P.; SUVOROVA, G.V. Effect of antisers, against irradiated malignant tiesues on the growth of experimental tumors in animals exposed to irradiation. I# Antibody-producing capacity of irradiated antidens in Various species of animals. Bful. eksp. biol. i mod. 51 no-4:92-95 Ap ,61. (KIWk 14:8) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy imunologii lnstitu-~a eksporimentalIncy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N.Mayskiy) AIMN S-SSR, Mosikva. Prodstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom. AMI SSSR II.N.Zhukovym-Tbrezhni'kovym. (OANCER) (ANTIGENS AND ARTBODILS) (114DIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EF-zTC'C) MAYSIUY, I.N.; SUVOROVA~ G.V,; FILATOV, P.P. Erfect of antisera for Irradiat6d malignant tionues on the growth of experimental tumors in irradiated Animals. Report No.2: Action of serum for irradiated ascitic ceno on the growth of subcutaneous and ascitic forms of Ehrlich's adenocarcinoma ir: mice. Biul. eks biol. i med. 52 no.8.-91-94 Ag 161. (14113A 157* 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektbionnoy imminologii Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.11.1-layskiy) AWI SSSR, 14r)skva. Predstavlena deyntvitellnym chlenom A101 SSSR N.N.ZhWcovym-Ve..,-ezhnJ.kovym; (SIMUM THERAPY) (GANGER IESURCII) (X-RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL MBGT) MAYSKIi, I.N.; STTICHGVA, G.V.j F11ATOV, P.,P. Influence of ionizJ-ng radiations on the antigenic and biological properties of the rat M-1 tumor. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.9~.91-93 S 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy immnologii Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (direktor - prof. I.N. Mayskiy) AM14 SSSRJ, Moskva. Predstavlena derjtvitellnym chlenori AIT SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-,Verezhnikovym. (TUMORS) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFEGT) ZFJ)r,ENIDZE, G.A.,; CHFMASOV, V.F-;.-F--7L-ATOV, P.P.; YFJ.ASIiOV, YU.C-., Y CHERHYACHOVSKAYA, A.K.; SAYENYOf SJO Scientific research on radiobiologyp clinit-a* 'radf.clopry and roentgenology conduated In the institutes of the Academy cf Medical Sc-'ences of the U.S.S.R. In 1964. Vect. AMN SSSP 20 no.90-1C, 165, (MIR& 1, Institut meditsinskoy radiologii AMN SSSR,1 Obninsk. L 1416o-66 E'dA(b)-2/EWA(J)/EiiT(1)/EWT(m)/T JK ACC NR.* AP6001321 SOURCE CODE: UR/0249/65/000/009/0065/0070 AUTHOR: --rilatov, P. P.; Gaydova, Ye. S. ORG: 1jistitute of Medical Radioldgy,.AMN SSSR, Obninsk (Institut meditsinskoy radiolog-ii AM SSSR) ; ;nstitute of Labor BY I-e-n-e--a-HT-Occupat icnal Diseases, AMH___, SSSR, Moscow (Institut gigiyeny truda i proftabolevardy AKN 13SSR) TITLE- Some asRects of the i=unopathology of animals chronically exposed to radio- active zinc (Zn SOURCE: AMN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 9, 1965, 65-70 k?dff .bits for 18 months significantly altered the animals' antiger4dtr tre and protein fractions and brought about morphological changes in vii'lous tisaues. Antibodies against homologous denatured protein clearly appeared during the 9th month. At the same time there was a marked decrease in the serum albumins while the quantity of TOPIC TAGS: zinc, immunology, radiation damage, radioisotope, antigen, pathogene- sis, gainma globulin ABSTRACT: Daily peroral administration of Zn65C2 (10 Ile per, eight) to rab- UDC.- 617-001.27-07 616-018-097-092.9 Card 1/2 6. L 1416o-66 ACC NR: AP6001321 and beta globulins Increased and tile albumin-gloLulin ratio undeywent phasic changes,--all suggestive of dyaglobulinemia. Tissue changes in tile hematopoetic or- gans included hyperplasia of the reticuloendothelial elements, increase in the numb- er of foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen, lymp nodes, and lungs, and enlargement of staff and band,cells; in bone marrow. Degenerative changev were not- ed in the liver, kidneys, thyroid, and gonads. Signs of radiation lesions appeared between the 16th and 18th months. Rabbits given smaller doses of Zn6s exl4bited the same iffmunological and morphological changes as those receiving the 10 tic/;cg dose but they were less pronounced. Autoimmunological mechanisms play a major role in the pathogenesis of chronic radiation dantage. Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODE: 061 SUBK DATE: OSJun6$/ ORIG REF; 023/ OTH REF! 004 Card 2/2.'_~0 V';RLNS',:I.Y, IN. 1. and FILATOV, '. V. (,'-Ii I i taro -Vp- t~iri n,~ry Accadc-,.7.,y of the Rf---d Army). On biopsy of liver in horses. jj4L ~o: Veterinariya; 23; 1; Januaryj Lncl. v MGM -FILATOV) P V Lect Moscow Vet: Ac,,d. "Arterial and venous pressure in borses In chron,4'.c form of infectious anemia." SO: Veterinarila 28(3), 1951, P. 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 * 0 0 0 0 Is Is 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 FILATOV, P. V. Doc, Vat Sci -- (diss) 11 Clinical elecrrocardiography in agr animals." Mos,1956- 40 pp 21 cm. (Mos Vat Acad. I.Tin of Agr USSR). 140 copies. (IKL, 23-57, 115) -IQ-7- ~11/1 (C~',r~IJA5;tv, of Vet~,rzinary Scicrces,, Asrocia---~ 1')*Gf~-F,",',-i' 7-~ Dia-ostika vm~trennil~i c, s yr, of intnrnal Disras,--s of Domesti' Vetcrinariya, Vol. 3m, No. 5 1961 FILATOV, Pavel Vasil'yovicb, doktor veter. nauk; SUDAKOV, Nikolday Aleksandrovich, doktor veter. nauk; BELYAYKV, Ivan Mikhwjlovich, kand. veter. nauk; ZEUPUKYII, V.S., red. (Practical exercises in clinical diagnosis by X-raying] Prakticheskie zaniatiia po klinicheskoi diagnostike s rentgenologiei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos,n 1964. 199 P. (MIRA 17:5) t BARYSMUKOV, I.A., otv. red.; ROSHG"-!EV.SKj';, st. nauchn. sotr. red. red.; SUDAKOV, N.A., red.; FILAT0111 F V [Physiological principles of animal electrocardiography] Fiziologiclieskio oanovy elAtrokardlografil. zhivotr'Ykh. Moskva, Naukap 1965- 136 p. (1,11IIIA 18-3) 1. AkaderrAya nauk SSSR. Komi filial, Slyktyvkar. 2. Ka- fedra klirl,heskoy diagnostiki Mookovskory veterinarnoy akademil (for Sudmkov). 3. Laboratorlytt ukologli i N- ziologii zhIvotnykh InatiLuta bioloeii Komi filiala AN, SSSR, Sykty-vkar kfor Roshchevskiy). ON ':'t Pi- U-." * I 1~ N 0' FILATCJVP P.V., doktor veterin. nnuk Recent data on leukemia in cattle. Veterinariia 41 no.g.-101,-106 S 164. (MIRA 18--4) AUTHOR: SOV/121-58-6-24/29 TITLE: A Hydraulic Motor, Model PM-40Q, for Driving of Honing Machines (Gidrodvigatell Mod-& PM-400 dlya privoda khoningovallnykh stankov) PERIODICAL: Stanki I Instrument, 1958, Nr 8, pp 1+1--42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A 15-cylinder swashplate type hydraulic motor with two opposed plungers in each cylinder is described and shown in cross section, The unit has been manufactured by the "Gidroprivod" Works in Khar1kov to the design of SKB-7. The motor consumes up to bO V, weighs 210 kg, has a maximum speed of 950 rpm, a maximum oil consulption of 400 1/min and a maximum pressure of 100 kg/cm . Speed control is accomplished by variable oil flow to the motor, and permits reversal of rotation in operation. There is 1 illustration. Card 1/1 nN N FILATOV. R.A. 17. The PO-83 Piston Pump for hydraulic preeees. Blul.tekhe-ekonf .Inform. no.10:14-15 1 58. (MIRA llil2) . . (Pumping mcbinery) FILATOV, R.A., lush. ; LOSIIAK, 14.Z., inzh . 4 High-prnsoure acemntric alngle-plunger Immps. Vost.mash. 38 no.10:42-43 0 '58. (14IRA 11:11) (Pumping machinery) I 19:7) 1 Ff �R, IRMO -.-,I T n FOCIT,Fi, I .; P.; 1ILLTOV, Veutralization of exl--aust eases. Avt.tran!:P-1. 4C no.1:19-21 a 162. (;-Iii. -i,r,:i) (Automobile exhaust gas) /~ I L,4 7-4 V, -S -4. GUREVIGH, S.Te., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; FILATOV, S.A. Wdraulic corrugation of thin-valled vessels. Avt.trakt.prom. no.9:27-30 S 154. (MLHA 7:10) 1. ATZ- 2. ' (Shoot-metal work) 3.(2) 3(4) PHASIC I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1283 Kell', L.N., Dootbr of Technical Sciences; S.A. Filatov, Candidate of Technical ScienceG~ S.*. Chi styakov,' Gandr-d-al-e-o-r-Minleal Sciences; and Ye.L. Astvateaturov,, Inainser Hetodicheskiye ukaxanlya )po nazennoy stereofotogrammetricheskoy s"Yemw karly'erov (Practical Instructions for Terrtetrial Stereophotogram- metric Surveys 9f.0pon-pit Mines) Moseow, Ugletekhizdatp 1957. 141p. 1,100 copies PrIntea. Sponsoring Agency; VaeSoyusmyy nau6hho-iteledovatellskiyma*Ehqrdlerskiy inatitut. Ed.: CmellthaA)coo A.*..j Nth. Ads.; Kor*Vonkovaj Z%A. and Aladova, Ye.I. PURPOSE: iS intehdad US a manual f3r-surveyors of *)pft-pit mines. 00MUGE: The subjeat text Ilk the r&sult of experiments and tests of the-All-Uniat Soiedtific Research Institute of Mine &Lirveying (VNIMI) durin the 1951-1955 Five Year Plan. It Is devoted &olely to the 40ard 175 Practical Instruatlohs (Cont.) SOV/1283 terrestrial stereophotogrametria technique. However, preparatory reconnaissance, field measiirements and ph6to,lab proctdures are al- so described. The follming soientisto reviewed and inade oontri- butions to the text: Professor D.N.. ftloblin, Professor F.F. Pav- lov , Professor PS. DrobysheV, Docent:M.N. Y*jtanov , Docent D.M. Kudritskiy, 04ndiddte of Technical Scibnoss M,A, PereSudov and Can- didate of-Geological and Mindralogie&ISciences Yu,G..Staritakiy ,as;well as"the Mine -ourveyorm of the Workinugol 'Trust. There are 7 SoVi.dt referiqndeis. TABLE PFICONTENTS:. Ilitroduation 3 A. FUNDAMMALS OF STMOSURVAYS OF OM-PIT MIM I. - Gen4'ral Onceptis -- Front the. Theor.* of 'terrestrial Stereo- phot~ftrametrlc Surveying 10 Basic prinallples and'faftalas 10 .2.. Accurady of terrestrial btereoburve~3 19 Card 2/5 Practical Instructions (gont.) SOV/1;283 II. Basic Situations in Terrestrial Stereosurveys of Open Pit Coal Mines 22 B. FI ELD AND OFFICE PROCEDURES III. Field Work 27 1. Reconnaissance 27 2. Ground surveys 32 3. The photogrammeter (type of photo alidadel and its adjust- ments 33 4. Photographing procedure 39 IV, P4oto-laboratory Work 1., The.negative process 42 2. The positive prooess 46 V. Office Procedures 48 1. Computation of the control network 48 2. Fundamentals of laying out and constructing photogrammetric nets 54 3. Photogrammetric work 57 Card 3/5 Practical Instructions (Cont.) SOV/1283 4. compiling the plan 66 C. GEOLOGICAL RECORDS.FRO~IiSTEREOSURVEY DATA VI. Basic Requirements 74 VII. Compiling the-Initial Basic Data 77 1. The geological interpretation of a photo 77 2. Determining the positional elements of bedded depogits 79 3. Construction of graphics for-the inclined layers of the benches 83 4. Construction.of cross-sections for coal beds go. VIII. Supplementation and Revision of Cartographic Materials 93 1. Geological maps of each horizon 93 2. Geological crops,sections 101 3. Hypsorpetric plans and other geological graphics lo6 APPENDIXES Determining the Elements of Internal Orientation of a Photocamera 109 Card 4/5 Practical Instructions (cont.) SOV/1283 Description of Photogrammeter VNT-MI (All.-Union Scientific Research Institute of Mining) FO - 300 112 Photo Processing Formulas -1.15 Computation and Construction of Stereophotogrammetric Grids 120 The Stereocomparator, Its Construction and Adjustment 124 Drafting Instrument "ChP" and Its Adjustment 130 Description of the LogarithiCte Computing Device 136 Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Mmlsfm 2-5-59 139 Card 5/5 IOU RUDAKOV ikhail Laz4revich, prof.; (JUSEV, Nikolay Andreyevich, dotsent; FILATOV, Se;~gjej,'A"epAji"!jcj~., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAZHIVIN, -Aff;~Wll Andr ai ~yevich,; RASHKOVSKIY, Yakov Zellmanovich, Inzhener; SMOLINIKOV, Pavel Alekseyevich, inzhener; ZORIN, Illya Petrovich, inzhener; LOGINOVSKIY, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich,, inzhener; BVrKNVICH, T.V.. red.; LISHUTIV, B.G., red.; LUCHKO, Yu.V., red.izdatelletva; ZIP, Ye.M., [mine surveying in strip mining] Marksheiderskie raboty na karlerakh. Pod obahchei red.B.G.Liehutine i A.V.Nenazhivina. Sverdlovsk, Gos.lauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry Do chernoi i tpvotnoi metallurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nis, 1957. 691 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Mine surveying) FILATOV, S.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk Problem of necessary and sufficient accuracy in the planning of mines in working coal depsotis. (Trudy) VTIJM no. 33:5-21 158. (MIR& 14: 0 (Coal mines and Tainin FILATOV, S.A.9 ~and.tekhnnauk; ShIlLIGO, Ye.I.,, lnzh. Analysis of accuracy in the undergrotuad running of trigonometric levslingo (Trudy] VNIMI no. 33:32-53 158. (YURA 14:5) (Iline Burveying) FILATOV, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk,; RASMOVSKIY, Ya.Z., starshiy- inzh., red.; HIKIFOROV, B.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SHULIGO, Ye.I*& inzh.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Prinimali uchastiye: MILIME, Ye,S,, inzh., red..; ZKBOIZ, I.V., inzh., red. SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., red.izd-va; LOMILINA, L.N., [Technical instructions on mine surveying] Tokhnichesksia instruktalia po proizvodstvu markshaiderskikh rabot. Leningrad, Ugletekhizdat, 1959. 371 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Nachallnik otdela metodiki morksheyderskikh rabot Vsesoyazni)go nauchno-iseledovateltakogo marksheyderskogo instituta (for Filatov). 2. Tekhnicheakoye upravleniye Goagortekhnadzors SSSR (for RseWcovskiy). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy marksheyderskiy institut (for Shullgo). 4. Glavnyy marksheyder ugollnogo karlyera No.1 tresta Korkinugoll (for Millner). 5. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdala Soyuz- markshtresta (for Zebode). (mine surveying) FILATOV, S.A., kand.tokhn.nauk New equipment for mine surveying. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.12:10-14 161. (IMIRA 14:12) (Mine surveying-Equipunt and supplies) PILATOV., S.A., kand.tekhnnauk of the decisions of the 22d Cong;xvss o: T~!~ in mins a4mying in light f,~. the CPSUO [Trudy) VNIM no.4533-9 862. (MIRA 16:4) (Mine surveying) 'Y FMTOV) S,Ao, kandle teklms nalik Mine sarvaying and codification of mining lww,, (Truciy] VNIMI no,b47&278-290 t641 (MrRA 1717) T M-Mi, ~ 2-11 N R, H IDA ii, `i~ ~W,r If, v it u it m 0 W U, Is 00 a v 1 6 9 of I I it It 14 4 Is I ftit it a It Its 41 it 4 CO 4-1. V V 1-4 1.--Z Ak N Lt W It .1 1. 6 4 A ~J .4 prispistation of ill istfirtittlitylanfilno. Y4. Va. Stakarov. 00 1-~ UtWoy And V. A VOichkin. J. A ;44 .1 C - R.) 10, (14) TotlikM; -(A) Mr,. '.06 ~4. Ry:k 'i sn" XtWdl AlIll; lI by s1folls, 11) thi. .4t). .4 PhNIMI 1-00 .44, Nm,Wi 2,W g. mild 'Asifer XO m., Olile, keeping -iff"itic. 'rhe for 3 hii. at 1141 dad (.A :1 hill at '00" 1, wins 144 A the tentp. mlwltl~ IW1(IW A's with iltmi. tw :0 all. tirtilld (in I fit. aftel All tile Afr,9(1f hall And PINNIMS 0 Nil Ism kit he I "I'll" t- twell 1101vil, sillit like Irmitil"t ..N. "m It.-Mrst with 21111 its W144 j.;VAI, It hatilli light vrlllw 1b.-flibli. ef"lah, iv. -4411%. N4011L MiNittlir tit stm r%W smthlt Ittill Iits. 14) 4,11', 06 14 fliltri) and slited om NAOII (m41,11 Alfri Ul hri., the 101.N1) and 1111tigh it'. J. Ili 1.110) 1- Ilm fit P -4 tki- lilt PW W114 (114(d. A and I wait ffdC(lOfI3tC(I- 111V VICh te as 11.11 -2, still I'M -M. trip., 1,111 the 11111111011. in. I is "Nit. 4% will flu, 1[. (7 1 ()%I. (ill 49 of the plerate obtained pfivrd that the pirrate of I ~:0 addrd lit %mall Imatiom with conit. mirring to the of lifilincts WIL't tn. 141-S'. The c,,sntent of I in the milt. fill. of PhNIIV1 111A a milli. A Npoll 9 K, in 1*.Icc. ilei.j.hy tranOrwiningit i"tnP-NOCsItaNVfXfr- nt-67%hr _,~l &. InA 11 water mebralm tok) . her tile alliln Ili 11, the 1111%t the usalal methos) Ikerptill the tvitip. N+vw V). with a j wav kept at to)" fly I lit., theft the TV311111nif mill. was Wd of 04% (Iftowy). went -fight Irfs-Irlh.V4, tfratrd with VI ce. of '-V)" NuOll and cooled. I wait A. A. IIM"nv extd. with Pilo. The yiell .11 KIM", ttllmkrs~. 10 The fishl. of 111IN111111 193 McOll MKI , is 7 3n I .,I :#,Il"l 11.14 sit'sts ill IM lit ~ "111111"m Alert Allbs. list r1.-1 1:11. 1114 tit 1711 IKV "fill 1110411r *1 OW tot V tit -I Ili 11, Ill, -"I Mf( Ill AN* th.111 1,11 diul Itts; Wk.-ii,414 lit I ritid. islilt V1.0 alkil 4111,11 mrf _10 N.4011, .1 it- ifilift: FaIXI unif P~Nlllfl 11,07%~ van he itill'silit rd to a** It. I ( I IlIvili4s, (10V ditil the fill bedfri 1114111ally frosmi IPLO fit If*. ill fill, tdw Oir Or slit well- K41N find troll. (it) IIINUKI l0l`. W011 MA atid hirl1k). 11.31, writ? m alpli al lit 101 111rat"I OW, i is it* *Alto st j"j)- u It kq 09) Ilk 11.11 tri 0 1 11 ~4 If -4 a I m 1, 41 a 1 4 V 0 its 8 if 1 8 S S It S 41 S i 11 4 9 V 0 0 0 0 & 6 q 0 0 0 0 0 It 4.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 40 0 9 is 0 100 lot 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 4 0 0 0 to 1111 FILA710V, S. F. "Synthesis of Ary1hydrazonos of SubstituteJ P:iruvic Acid and lheir Conversion Into an Ester of Indolyl-2-Carboxylle AcId.11 Sub 18 Apr 51, Moscow Order of Lenin Chemicotechnologieal Iti,;t Imeni D. 1. Plendeleyev. Dissertations pregented for science and enginenrind d6grees In 114opcow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55 FIIATOV, S.G. Role of research physicians of Transbaikalia in studying Urov disease. Ortop.travm. i protez. 18 no.4:66-67 Ji-Ag '57. (MIRA 11:1) .1. Iz Irkutskogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituts ortopedii i vosstanovitellnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. Z.V.Basilevokaya) (TRANSBAIKALIA--ARTHRITIS) -,: ~' FILATOV, S.G. Xikol'ai'lfiarovich Kashin (1825-1872), the explorer of the Urcv diseases; on the-90th anniversary of his death. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.11:78-79 N 163. (MM 17:10) 1. Iz Irkutskogo instituts. trav-matologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. Z.V. Bazilevskaya). Adres avtora-. Irkutsk, u1. Bortsov revolyutsii, dom 1, Institut travmatologii i ortopedii. -ACCESSION NR: AP4040388 S/0133/6h/bW/0O6/05L0/054 AUTHORS: Okhrimovich., Be P. (Enginear)j Tishchanko, 0. 1. (Engineer); ~ilatoirl, So L (Engineer); Kolyasnikova, He It (Engineer); Gurevicho Yu, Go (Candidate' of tecluiical sciences) TIME: Dark crust in the macrostructure of st4tinloss heat resistant- alloyed structural steels OURCE: Stall no. 6. 1964, 546-544 TOPIC TAGS: steel, stainless steel, heat resictant steel, crust formation, steel l3Kh12NV1-2A., steel 13KIaNVFRA, steel 20KUSN31~A~ steel X11171N21 steel lah9S21 steel Kh28,. steel Khl7j, steel K1125, structural steel 16KI-MA, structural steel 15KhGLNTA., structural steal 16KI-Sr. structural stool 4OKIWMA ABSTRACT: This study is a continuation of a previous investigation on the natmra of dark crusts common on stainless heat-resistant steels of the types l3Khl2h7X?Aj, 13KIWOMMA, 20Kh15N3RA, Khl7N2, Khl7, Kh25, 4M952,s K123 and on the alloyed structural steels- l8KhNVA,, 15)MGWA, 18KIW,, 400MA, The investigation consisted of metallographic, analysis of samples out from "hoaltIVII and from defective sec- tions of ingots, and the comparison of their compositions and stmetures. Mletal- Card 1/2 ,1ACcEssioN NR: APW40388 I I ,lographic study showed that defective seAions were richer in carbon.. alundnum,, -;-Id aluminum oxides. Large silicate inclusions of complex corkposition with multi*-1 ple aluminate inclusions were 'found to be distributed regularly in the direction of deformation. Corundum represented the basic part of the precipitate and .occurred in the form of transparent colorless grains (N, - 1.767). Spinel and .titanium were less common. The precipitate also contained colored ardsotropic inclusions with N 1.775. The experiments revealed that the darl,-. crust orig- ':'inated in the deadhead zone and penetrated the body of casts during the crystal.. Ilization period. Defects caused by crust, formation were eliminated by preventing ithe chipping of the crust and its subsequent sin1~ing into the metal. This was :achieved by decreasing,the heat of flux by sprinkling lunkerite 23., vermicu3ite poiider, or chamotte over the ingots (2 kg per ton of metal). Orig. art.. has: 1 'table 6 figures., and 1 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Zlatoustovakiy metallurgicheskiy z,oLvod i Chelyabinskiy politeklinicheskiy institut (Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant and Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTIM s 00 DATE ACQ3 24juA MCLj 00 :SUB CODE: M NO RW SOV Oa$ OTHM t 000 Card 2/2 OURI'MOVIGH, H.P., inzh.; TP')HGi1Fj'TKO, 0A., 1'1!,AT(*;11, inzh.; KOUA3111KOVA, 1,1., Invii.; GIMEVICH, Y11.G., Dark crust In the macrostructure o- I!itainleas, he;it-rqs1st!int structurnl steel alloys. Stall 24 no.()tU.0-541, Je 1%11.-(1i jr7.,')) 1. Ziatoiistovskiy metallurgicheskiv z,,ivc.,,i i Chelyabinskiy poll tekhnichesIdy institut. T's7OV I F T. IAMY 1- 1 NA, V . A StIratirraphy and flora of 1.7,;er CT-et.~,cec;u-, M the ,ychan-Sugcy Trcugh. FcRl. All SSf'R 166 no.1,18"-13.9 Ja Balyir c - 166. (mm?,~t ].,?!I) 1. Severo-Vostochnoye tirmvIerilye Inst! tilt im. V.I,.Kc)narova AN SSSR. Sutri'Itto,'i Augu,,t ICHASIN9 G.A.; MENUSHENKOV, P.P.; PEITOV, A.K.; OKHRIMOVICH9 B.P.) DAVIDYUK, V.N.; F11ATOV, S.K.; VASILIYEV, P.V.; 10KTICUOV, 14.V.; GUREVICH, Yu.G. New method of mold coating with petrolatum. Metallurg 5 no-5:21-24 My 160. WRA 14:3) 1. Zlatoustovskiy'motallurgicheakiy -,,,avod i Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskly institut. (Ingot molds) (Petrolatum) ZHALYBINY V.I.; FILATOV, S.K.; VOLOVICH, V.A. . . . ................. ...... -. Mastering the production of OKh231U5 steel. Metallurg 9 no.12:17-19 D 164- (MIRA 18:2) 1. UkrNlIspetEstall i Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. TRAKRIMOVICH, V.I., inzh.; CHISTYAKOV, S.L., in?,h.; MOKHJR, Ye.D., inzfl.; FILATOV inzh.; YAKOBSON, V.Z., inzh. . - - I Improving the technology of the producticn. of OKh23Nl8 and Kh23NI8 steels. Stall 25 no.12tlO92-1094 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. TSentralln-yy nalichno-is sled ovate]. I skiy institut chernoy metallurgii imeni I,P. Bardina, i Zlfiitoustovsk-iy metallurgicheskiy zavod. -_ - - -- .--- 10 0 0 / 0 1 __/ 1_0 ' - 11 G" -Ii ACC NR. AP6035655 SOURCE CODE: UP%/0133/66 A. -i L -f AUTHOR: Chistyakov, S. L.; Mokhir, Ye. D.; Filatov, S. K. ORC: Zlatoustov metallurgical plant (Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) TITLE: Effect of cerium on the structure and ?roperties of OKh23Nl$ steel I SOURCE: Stal', no. 11, 1966,lo4l-44 CP,Q I () f) I TOPIC TAGS: oxidatioa resistant steel, stainleas steel, chromium nicke; nteel, ceritim containing steel, steel structure, steel property/ 6Kh23H10 uLoirklnoa n Ltsal ABSTRACT: Several heats of OKh23Nl8 stainless steel were melted in a .10-ton basic arc furnace, with ferrocerium added as the finishing perio4 a~d cast into 2.7-ton ingots. It was found that the presence of cerium in the solid solution affects the diffusional processes taking place in steel during its cryotallization and thus helps to reduce dendritic nonuniformity. This in turn results in a more uniform structure which makes it possible to expand the hot-working temperature range without danger of cracking, Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: ll/ Card 1/1 SUBM DATE: none/ ACC NRs A06035655 SOURCO -COD-ES U-R AUTHOR: Chistyakovo 8, L,; Mokhirp Ye& D*1 Filatovp Se ORG: Zlatoustov metallurgical plant (Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) TITLES Ef f ect 'of cerium on the structure and properties of OKh23Nl8 steel 2-7 A SOURCES Stall, no. 11, 1966,lo4l-44 resistant steel, otainleas steel, chromium nickel TorIC TAGS: Oxidatio nteel, cerium containing steel, steel structure, steel property/ rh2.11110 ataLnIonts tstitlesl ABSTRACT: Several heats of OKh23Nl8 stainless steel were melted in a 10-ton basic arc furnace, with ferrocerium added as the finishing perid, U.0 aAd cast into 2.7-ton ingots. It was found that the presence of ceri a i~ the solid solution affects the diffusional processes taking place in steel during its crystallization and thus helos to reduce dendritic nonuniformity. This in turn results in a moke uniform structure which makes it possible to expand the hot-working/lemperaturs range withou't danger of_.iracking.-Orig. art. has: 6 figures. I$UB CODES 1l/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG I(EFt 005 R 4~N ;F, KOZONA, A.A., inzhener; FILATOV, S.M., !Lnzhener. Increasing the operating dependability of HKP-35 ciranit breakers. Blek. sta. 24 no.11:29-32 N 153. (MLRA 6:11) (Electric cirmit breakers) FILAT07, S.R., in-zhener. "Technical control in shlpbulldlr~,-" by T.L. ViLsilley. Ad. Gol"n-;~ berg. P%latow. Sudostrostle 23 no-7:57-58 JI 157. (ftipbuildirg) (MM 10-8) (Ismilley, Vj:, - 4- 1 - --, ml~=.-I, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Zizyukin, Mikhail Il'in Preduprezhdeniye i analiz brake Analysis of Waste in Machine 221 p. 6,000 copies printed. 407 v mashinostroyenii (Prevention and Building) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. Reviewers: Bozhukov, B.P. and Filatov, S.R Engineers; Ed.: Rabinovich, P.M., Docent; Ed-.-o-f Publishing House: Temkin, A-V.; Tech. Ed.: Uvarova, A.F.; Managing Ed. of literatur6 on on the economics and! organization of production: Saksaganskiy,T.D. PURPOSE: This book is intended for industrial engineers, technical Dersonnel and economists. COVERAGE: The book deals with the analysis of production rejects and methods of current production control. Special emphasis is pla-ced on 'statistical methods of production quality control and the analysis of manufacturing processes used in Soviet and foreign plants. Various methods of production inspection and non- destructive testing, such as ultrasonic and radiographic methoos, Card 1/5 Prevention and Analysis of Waste in Machine Building 407 are discussed., and definitions of industrial terms used in quality control are given. Chapter III was written by Docent P.M. Rabinovich. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. The Finished Product and Its Quality 5 I. Concept of the finished product 5 2. Analysis of quality of finished products 5 Ch. II. Production Rejects, Their Riegistration azot Analysis 11 1. Concept of the reject 11 2. Kinds of rejects, their causes and personnel responsible 13 3. Classification of rejects 13 Card 2/5 Prevention and Analysis of Waste in Machine Building 407 4. Inspection of production and registration of rejects 17 Removal and storage of rejects 18 Losses due to rejects 20 7 Analysis of rejects on the basis of production records 21 Ch. III. Elements of Mathematical Statistics and the Theory of Probability as Applied to Analysis 'Of Rejects and Production Control 28 1. Elements of mathematical statistics and the theory of probability 28 2. Sampling method of control 40 3. Correlational analysis 57 4. Distribution curves 63 5. Use of mathematical statistics in production quality control 65 Card 3/5 Prevention and Analysis of Waste in Machine Building 407 Ch. IV. Analysis of Rejects by'the Statistical Method 85 1. General trends in analysis of rejects 85 2. Use of frequency curves in analysis of causes of rejects 86 3. Determination of probability of rejects according to statistical distribution laws 88 Ch. V. Current Production Control 115 I- Quali-ty control of dupplier's materials, semi-finished and finisliedpr9ducts 116 2. Production quality control in foundries 116 3. Statistical quality control in foundries 129 4. Basic measures for prevention ot rejects In foundries 141 5. Quality dontrol by means of mechanical devices in mechanical manufacturing shops 146 6. Quality control of finished products in assembly shops 157 Card 4/5 Prevention and Analysis of Waste in Machine Building 407 7. Organizational and technological measures for revention of low-quality production 174 g o .Socialist competition 177 9. Organization;and control of technological processes in foreign plants 179 Appendixes 186 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 00/lksv 8-1-58 Card 5/5 004 00 009 004 *04 *of off 0 ood 0* 0 00.) Wil all idis Ull AnAD al Q06646 a- -11- A-41 R. AA4- -1 . t-- ~ -1 .0 A) -** lee Activating clays. Filagov. U.S.&R. Aug. 3t. W13, 6 (.it "'I Ulllt% " "111~1 W 4 mixes, A willisig gull. all't -4 v~'Ilcvkw (of (tic olisf,. The VIAY dIld tbt GetiValfils liquid now c%xkwutivriy to sh, ullit, ewntfATUMIJOY, jms4ng rach invulicr 44 rich ultit M, It -V.,rh . It.Al, -1,.111114,11- ISIONO lost O-V cat 111 1411 11 1,110 a 0 All Q a 0 0 AT is 9 fe a it tr 0 111 at K It 4 1UO 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 4 0 0 4,01,; 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 o 0 * 0 0 If 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 fool zoo roo goo too goo lee 400 goo ato* Ko* vo 9 at* 41 No* 1. FILATGV, S. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Aluminum - Tkvibuli Region 7, Stuc~r of the processes of obtaiAing aluminum oxide from the ash of the Tkvibuli carbonaceous shales. Sbstrac2i/ Izv.Glav.upr.geol.fon. No. 3, 1947. 9. Monthly Ust of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. FILATOVY S. 5, (Prof .) Co-author with A. Tvalchrelidze, "Bentonite Clay Pl9nts" source N: Zarya Vostoka, #182 Published in Tbilisi, 4 Aug 53- Extract of article filed J.n Tvalchrelidze's case --# 4005630 TI 148574) RN, :L;4~ntonfte a of S arfgyukb depod~.- to, Armenia NG-Ai ~Ivfli a. S. Filatov. and N. P. Tuzushi (III eral Akad. NC-UT-6j7r,-r:,S. detaii'M study of ther-'bentonitts (1) has shown that they can be used not -inly In drdi;*ng but mW in =ny other fields. Su- pensions oil I, are stable, have hich structural and thixotrople properties aM a sp. &r. of 1.03-IA5, The wt, dttd. by the 1~ruersion method, were -y' I.M4, a' 1.490, and thuml analysis data indicate that I are composed mo%Uy of clays of the mnatmorillonite group. - 41y sedimentAtIon analysis in a 9% Eu-Spew-ion. Yields 846% of mate:ial with par- ikle -4J;O- -b qQ-- t. 1041% with partkit size - 1.5-W &a& an~75'?Ci wit p-Irtide size :5. 1.5 P. 71143 cmt. of the tatter tuatetial might be L+*rrwed to 9070 by using P. =11 etnt. of NA py-mPtictiphate P~Vtfz'cr 11. 13.311,Abaf-~L, ;~l 0i KOCH137, K.V.; FILATOV, SS. Aerodynamics of flow in open-ciit mining. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAN SSSR no.31:245-250 ~58. (MIRA 12:9) (Strip mining) (Mine ventialtion) HJUMISUILI, K.S., glevnyy red.; AVALIANI, G.A., red.; BAKHADZZ. I.T.. rod.; DCLAMMID21, L.D., red.; XAKABADZI. N.A,,, red.; KOPISTIANI, G.A., red.; TVALCHRELIDZE, G.A., red.; TX=1IJ=, G.I.. red.; FOKni, A.M., red.; FILATOV. 3.S., red.; EDIUSHVILI, V.Ya., red.; BE=OVSEATA-,-L-.T-., -red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., [Yearbook of the Caucasus Institute of Raw Minerals for 19571 Xzhegodnik Kavkazskogo institute minerallnogo syrlia za 1957 god. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr, 1959. 54 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Tiflis. Xavkavskiy institut minerallnogo syr1ya. (Caucasus--Kines and mineral resources) .0 --v in 23 S 0"00-A I IT MU.: 11; .0 1.11 1. c 0 41 A-- 1 .4 i HIS t 39 o H N;,S -1 ; 0 zA . ; O'd t S 9, 'A'9 ,.- 5 - p c to :f; A." V.19 co 96 IU4 1. d L WE E so I' d to .,j E O.Ig --- ;~ j -0 21".1 A so M 00 i I 10. V ~, - , , M i -. ., -. - - . -~ 43 0 SO & a a , ; .0"o c1 . . . . . . . .40 d t 1 5- ; .0 Sjo A~ I v h .,*o S 4 S " * boo 40 A 41 -04" 3I;jJ ".. N tim a 11.11 ohnM I . FIIATOVq B.S.; KOCHNEV9 K.V.; VASILIYEVq M.V. Searching for practical metbods of controlling -exhaust gases from truck haulage in strip minese Gor,zhur, no#5:65-68 My 160. (14IRA 14.: 3) 1. Urallskiy filial. AN SSSF19 Sverdlovsk. (Mine sanitation) (Automobile exhaust gas) KOCHNEVP K.V.9 4 prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; FlUTOV, S.S.9 mladshiy nauclMyy Potru" Improvement of atmospheric conditions in deep qtarries. Sbor. rab. po, sllik. no.2*.3-.:L4 160. U.' 3) 1. Gorno-geologioheskii inutitut Urallskogo filials, AN SSSR. (MINE VENTIIATION) (MINE MIS) FILATOV, S.S. YAthods of neutral-izing exhaust gases of strip mine automotive transportation. Trudy Gor.--geol. inst. UFANI SISR no-55s85-94 ,6o. OURA 15:6) (Mine haulage) (Air-Pollutkon) LATOV, S. S., Cand Tech Scl -- "Methods of Improving atmos- pheric conditions in deep open-pit mines." Sverdlovsk, 1961. (Min of Higher and See Spec Ed UkSSR. Dnepropel',rovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Min Inst im Artem) (KL, 8-61, 250) - 323 - FILATOV, S.S. .Using spectrum analysis for the division and correlation of Lower Paleozoic sediments in the southern slope of the Anabar .Massif. Trudy VNIGRI no.186:406-531 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Anabar Shield--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Spectrum analysis) KOUNLY0K.V., prof., doktor tokhn.nauk; REZNINUV, N.A., gornyy insh.; FILATOVI gornyy insh. Controlling dust formation in the Korkino open-pit mine. Sbor. rab. po silik. no,3.*79-85 161, (MM 15:10) 1. Gorno-goologicheskiy institut Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR,, treat Korkinugi.11. (Chelyabinsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) (Mina dusts) FIL&TOV, gornyy ino. Study of natural air movement in deep pits. Sbor. rab. pa silik., na-31 91-107 161* (14IRA 15:10) 1. Corno-geologicbOBkiy.1institut Urallakogo filiala AN SSSR. (Ural untains.-Mine ventilation) FILATOV. S.S. Catalytic afterburning as a method of neutralizing the exhaust gases from dump trucks in open pits. Trudy Inst.gor.dela UFAN SSSR no.40.49-154 162,,'. (MIRIL 160) (Crushing machinery) (Conveying machinery) FIUTOVO B.S. Catalytio afterburning as a method of neutralizing the exhaust gases from dump truoks In open pits, Trudy inotegor.dela UFAN BSSR noo4i 155-163 162, (MIRA 160) (Automobile exhaust gas-Purification) FILATOV, s.V., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Comparative study of r=Q*j,*j implantations of preserwoMwe tissues introduced by means of a syringe) and thnough A;a**t, It Odessa, 1956, 16 pp. (Odessa State !,ed Inst im N.I. Pirogov) 200 copies M, 39-58, 112) - 75 - ME MATIV, S.V., mladshiY nauchWy sotradnik Therapeutic and biological activity of tissue extracts administered in a pulverized form. Uch. zap. UBIGB 4:215-228 158. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Ukrainakly eksperimentallryy institut, glazrqkh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii imeni akademi)m V.P. 7ilatova. (TISSUR IXTACTS) FILATOV, S.V., mlsdehiy nauchnyy ostrudnik Compnrative rating of the effac of different concentrations of 13ilocarnine an intraoculnr pressure in glnucoma. Oft.zhur. 13 no.2:99-103 158. (mrRA n:4) 1. Iz Ukrninakogo nnuchno-issledovntels'skogo eksperimentnllnogo inntitutn glaznvkh bolezney i tkAnevoy ternuit im. nknd. V.P. Filatovn (direktor-prof. R.A.Puchkovskayn). (PILOCARPIRE) (GLAUCOMA) PUCHKOVSKAYA, N.A., prof.; DANCIMA, L..D-,; FILATOVP SOV40 kandamedonauk First Congress of the European Ophthalmological Society in Athens. Oft.zhur. 15 no.4:2413-255 160. (PIRA 130.1) (OPHTEALMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES) VICE, L.A.; HOKLUSKIT. 0.B.; USMOT, P-T-j - FILATOV, S. Z. At the 7irst International Oceanographic Congress In the United! States. Z001. 2hur. 39 no-5:797--800 Ny 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Oceanograpby-Congresses) FILATOV V Improving operations of X-24, X-25, and K-25A carburetors.,Av-t. transp. 36 no.1:31 A 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Autonobiles--Xnginse-Carburetors) FIIATOV, V., inzhener. Automatic mill. Takhomol~24 noel/2-.44-45 Ja-F '56. WRA 9:7) (Windmills) SOV/1 12-57-9-18513 T---ir,.ilation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9, p 58 (USSR) Al.]THOR: Filatov,..,V.,,..,. '6-12. Windmill (Vetrodvigatel' D-12) TITLE: The PERIODICAL: Sovkhoznoye proiz-vo, 1956, Nr 9, pp 73-75 ABSTRACT: A short description of (1) "Fermer #2" windmill outfit and (2) a shaft well or a borehole with a piston-type NP-95 pump driven by the 14-hp D-12 wi!.Amill. The flour mill is driven by a belt -via an automatic -clutch drum. A ,ype "VL" winch with a type NP-95 piston pump is used for lifting water; they are supplied by the manufacturer along with the windmill. The winch also has ,7j belt drive operating from a pulley of the loNver reducing gear of the windmill. With an average annual wind velocity of 5 m/eiec, the outfit can mill up to 2- 000 t of fodder grain and lift'up to 2, 000 m2, water per year from 60 in depth. One man 'is needed to operate the outfit. Two schemes of the outfit are presented. B. A. P. Card 1/1 SHARAVOYEV, I.; FILATOV, V. Labor protection in mines. Hast.ugl.5 n9.9:6 8 '56. (MMA 9:10) l.Prodsodatell Kimerav ekego obkoma profS*YU2a rabechikh ugollney Rromyshlonnosti (for Sharavlov).24aveduyushchiy otdelem okhrany truda xemorovskogt obkoma profsoyuzov (for Filatov). (Coal minors--Diseases and hygiene) FILATOV, V. Initiative born in Kuznetsk Basin. Okh.truda i acte.strakh. no.1:36 J& 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Zaveduyushchi7 otdelom okhrany triA& Knmerovskogo ob1sovprofa. (Coal mines and adning-Safety measures) FIIATOV, V. !~fice days ja the fields* Prof.-takhoobr, 17 no~6:~2-24 Je ,6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. ZameatitelInachallnike, Stavropollokogo krayevogo upravlaniva, professional' ao-tekhnioheskogo obmsovaniyao (Agriculture--Study and teaching) FILATOV, V.; BISNOVATYY, L. We are helping the villages. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 4 no.11: 15 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Glavnyy tekhnicheskiy inspektor Kemerovskogo oblsovprofa (for Filatov). 2. Tekhnicheskiy inspektor Kemerovskogo, oblsovprofa (for Bisnovatyy). (Agriculture--Safety measures) KONSTANTINOV, G.N.; FILATOVt V.A. Estimating the proopects for magnetic anomalies. Geol. I geofiz. no.6tll6-119 163. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Sibirskiy naucbno-insledovatellskiy institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo eyrIyal NovosibirBk. Submitted June 16, 1962. ZAGRANOVSKIY; B.N.2 inzh.; FILATOVI V.Ply 111Z11. Device for the adjustment of remote control systems. Elek. i tepl, tiaga 7 no.lOs2O 0 163. (MIRA 16-0-1) 1. Chelyabinskiy uchastok energosnabzheniya Yuzhno-tfrallskoy dorogi. clo."'.; 1`11,f~,TCJV, V.F. c' ghs an the Sup-tar buried ~~,o ~X the Kempendyay and YgyaUa trouf horot. Geol. i geofiz. no.7:6n-67 '65. (MIRA 18:0~) I. Yakutskaya tsentrallnaya giologco"yomochn-aya ekspe(litsiya. FILAM, V. G., KOTELINIKOVA, A. G. and VOYNOV, I. It. "The Species Composition and Zonal Distribution of Ixodid Ticks in the Southern Urals." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural ,Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Chelyabinsk Oblast Sanitation and Epidemiology Station FILATOV, V.G. Work of the medical parasitology section at the First Congress of Physicians in the Sanitary and Rpidemic Control Service of Melva- binsk Province. Medeparaze i parazobolezu. 23 no.1:125-126 Ja-F 159* (MMA 120) (PARASITOLMY-CONGnSSES) nv,n7, V. VIThq --eo~~raphical distribution of hunan dis,rm;ei with nal.111-al foci "n, epidemiological landscipe zoning of th7 90'at"Ie,'13tern Urn1s., 24 Deayitoye Soveshchaniye p0 parazitologicheskim I prirodnoochar.ovym boleznyr-m. 22-29 Oktyabryn. 1959 c. (Tenth Conference on PDra-sitolopical Problems and Diseases with Natural -foci 22-29 October 1959), Moscow-Leningrad, 1959, AcaderV of Iledic-cl Sciences US311 and Academy of Sciences USSR, No. 1 254-)o. "The com-,~ilation of an epidemiological atlas of the southeastern Ural." -.). 52 Dezy%toye Soveslichaniye po parazitolo- cheelcim probleman i "i nrirodnoochal-ovym bolezny-,m. 22-29 Oktl;ml)r.,ra 1950 ~-. (T,Snth Conference cn Varositolo,,,Acal Problems and Diseaspe with "inturpl ToA 22-29 October 1959), Mloscow-Leningrad, 1950, Acadeniq of iMedicaL Science T 1 1 2541m). SCJCI,CeS US37j, 110. ,j-aS--,, -.nd Academy of F-- FILATOV9 V,G,; VOYNOVp I.N. Combined expeditions to natural fooi of tick-berne, encephalitis .in Chelyabinsk Province. Med.parazoi parazobol, 29 no,2*.215- 216 160. (MIRA 13912) (CHELYABINSK PROVINCE-ENCEPHALITIS) VOINOV, ;iN,;,FIIATOV, V.G. Formations observed in the blood similar to Spirochaetae bovis daffris. Lab. delo 7 no.6:45-46 Je 161. (NIHA 14:7) 1. Parazitologiohookiy otdol Chelpbinskoy oblastnoy sanitarno- epidemiologicheskoy stantaii. (MICRO-ORGANISM) E i (8 /E IT m I /1'Edlkt--, pv ,~~7p( t A (7='S ! Mr UR: AP50114900 'M o 13 5 61/ 0 0 3 L' 0 0 3 5 A 6?1-791-')3!532.72 Tjo-~- ~P~ikson. Ye. 1. (Candidate of technical scian-s'r; 7. 1. zF a Engineer) TITIL unit for diffusioft.bonding in a vacuum SOURCE: S-,rktrochnGye proizvodstvo, no. 6, 1965, 34-35 TO-PIC TAGS: diffusion bondirg, me~al:diffusiorr.bondi:ag, vacuum. diffusion bonding unit. Uf:S--1 diffusion banding, unit 1, t IL f i c R e F, e ar ci a rDL,-, i g nr, t ie fc, r T 0 0_rlkl L A hi, i na rjr- vr- 1 n nq M AY I IT, IM~ r- led r n ~z emr- raT -1 -t~ 7 Card -,1--pT,-'r Q~ Zzk. K LVM.1 t~ i 17LATOV, V.I. Gunshot wounds of the abdomen In the Xorean and the Vietnamese wars. Vest.khir. 76 no-7:145-150 Ag '55. I:MIaA 8:10) 1. Iz kefedry voyanno-polevoy khirtirgit (nach. G.F. Nikolayev) Voyenno-maditsinskoy ordens, Lenins, akademii im. S.14.Xirovs. (WOUNDS AND I&TURIXS. gunshot of abdomen & thorax prev. & thar. In war of Korea & Vietnam) (ABDOMEN, wounds and inj. gunshot wds, prev.& ther. in war of Korea Nietnam) (THORAX, wounds and injuries same) FIIATOV te!v"Rginuad) m- , . Gamrse of cancer of the small intestifte in generalized penetrating irraMAtion of the body* Skeps khl~6 3 no6616o-61 11-1) 158. (KIRA 12:1) (rWMTWW-CAWIM) OADIATION SIODESS)