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FIKS, A,F. Some featurei-df the occurrence of metastases of cancer of the stomach. 24 Mr 160. (MM 3-4:3) I.Iz kafodry patologicheskiy anatomii (zav. - prof. Ye.A.Uspenskiy) Odesskogo meditainskogo instituta, imeni N.I.Pirogova (dir. - prof. I.Ya. Deyzfka). (STaUCH,-CANGF-R) GRIGOROni-H, N.A.; FIKSv A.F. Functional state of the adrenal cortex in experimental hemolytio anemia produced by phony1drazinse Biul. eksp. biol. i mod, 49 no* 504-57 My 160. (MIRA l3sl2) 1, Iz kafedry L*tologicheakoy fiziologii (zav, - prof, N.N. Zayko) Odeesk6go =ditsiqskogo institute i$sni N.I. Pirogove (dir, - woluzhemw"' deyatbl' nauki prof, I.Ta, Dayneka). Predstavlena deyst.vitelinym chlencei AMY SSSR V.N. Cherni,govskim, (ADRENAL CORTFI) (AMMA) (HYDRAZIN) I FIRS ', A.F. DlaGnosia of a folioceow; tumor in the bragst. Wrav. D-I,k. 7 no.649-23 Te763. (RDIA lcl~s) I., Iz patomorgol-logicheskoy laboratorii. Cdegskogo oblastnogro onkologi#esk-ogo dispansera (Clavny-y V-ra.,.h nauchnyy tukovoditel' raboty - dotsent, K~S.Vd.ner)- (BREAST-TUMORS) FlISP A.F. Characteristics of phyl:ode tumors of the breant ("phyllode, cyatoaarcomall of' earlier authors). Trudy Inst. eksp. morf. AN Cruz. SSR 11:257-262 t63. (KEIRA 17:11.1) 1. Morfologicheskaya laboratoriya Odesskogo oblnatnogo orkolo- gicheskogo dispansera. Plhill--do c." the brefia'r, a-I Its rf---la,-!o:-, t,, and sa.-!ofna. V,~P. onk. -10 164. uvll~- 18.- 6) I. Ys Odesakogc ozik,:;!--:)g-4chp-.ikogo disparisera (g--,avr)-y vral-rl. - N.A. Nci,kova) Ta-,,~ or,~mnatomichez~:kc--7c) voyenn,~gj gospitalya. FiKSO I F. --.- FMia~eous tumors of the breast. Sov. med. 27 no.li76-81 Ja 164. (MM 17:12) ~,FIK.S., A.F., (Cidessa) Burn and sarcoma of the mammary gland. J(hirurgiia 40 no.7: 135-136 il 164. ( , 1: 1i s : 2 1) 1. Iz patomorfo'logicheskoy laboratorii Odessk,go oblastnogo orikologicheskogo dispansers. (glavnyy vrach - N.A. Novikova). Pl,~S~~-A~~.. Mi0flau) Robert Meyear, 18614-11947; ~,n tll- 27 no.7:82-84 165. (MIRA 18:801 1. Labaratoriya patomorfologii Odesskogo oblazvtrio.gc crikojo.gir,-heskogo dispansera (glairriyy vrach N.A.Novikova). PEIENKOV, B.L.;.,FIKS, A.F. Diagnosis of echinococcosis of the abdominal cavity, Klin. khi-r, no,2t6f-69 165, (MIRA 18tlO) 1. PatologoaratomicheBkoye otdeleniye (zav.- N.B. Zelenova) I-y Odeaskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy. Choice of vinding parameters for establishment of a homogeneous magnetle giold. Zlektricbestvo no.5s43-49 My 162. (KM 15;5) 1. Donetskly nauchno-..Issledovatellskiy ugolfnyy institut. (Magnetir. field$ (Electric coils) FIKSI I.G. [Fikso I.H.] (Donetak) Jaeotromagnetio conswAption motor oontaining a transducer vith a nonuniform mignetic field. Avtomatyka 8 no.6:29-41 163. (AURA 3.7z8) -FIKS, I.G., inzh. Indicator of magnetite concentration in heavy suspensions* Ugoll Ukr. 4 no-5:36-37 MY 160. (KIR& 13:8) (Coal pr-eparation-Squipment and suppliea) ZVENIGORODSlaY, E.G., in,;h.; FIKS, I.G., inzh. Electric measurement of the parameters of coal suspensions. Ugoll 37 no.9:#Z-43 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Hydraulic mining) (C(xil-Electric properties) FIKS, I.G.; ZVENIGORODSKIY, E,G. Studying the electric conductivity of coal suspensions. Sbor.- DonUGI no.22:112-120 161. (MIRA 1516) (Electric conductivity) (Hydraulic mining) I.G., inah, Hi4inetic field of sootor-shaped ooll with a constant thloknesm, Sbor, DonUOI no.3108-125 163. Effect of irregularitles of the magnetic field of a transducer on the aeourkay of an electromagnetic f1mmeter. lbid.i130-143 (MIFA 17%10) FIKS I , inzh.-, CHUBERKIS, V.P., inzh. * G. Regulating relay of the flow of coal pulp. Sbor. DonUGI no.311144-148 163. (MIRA 17slO) ILIINt N.; YELTDiUVAg Ye.; FIKSf L. I Simplify the financing of planning and surveying work. Fin. SSSR 22 no.1:73-7(5 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Nachall-t-Cc otdela, I4*vovskogo otdeleniya Teplbelektroproykt (for I21in). 2. Kdohallnik otddla, LIvovskoy oblastnoy kontory- Stroybanka (for Yelifimova), 3,* Starshiv inzhener-ekonomist Giprobuma (for Fiks). (Architecture-Denigns and plan's) (Lvoir Province-Electric power stations-Finanve) MHUMU1,4 V.I.; XISELEV, A.V,; LEBEDEV, V.P,; SAVINOV, I.M.; SKMOV,, WaYa.; FMp H.M.; SHCHERBA WA, K.D. Gas chromatograpby in glass capillary columns with a chemically modified owface. Zhur.fiz.ldiim. 35 no.6-.1386-.088 Te' 16LIo (KM& 14:7) 1, Mbskovskiy 'gosudarstve=W universitet imni 14,V,Lownosova i Dzerzhinsk:4- fWal opytno-konstruktorskogo bywo aytomatiid Goakhimkomit-ota. (Gas cbromatograpby) ZHDANOVp .3.P.; KAL?WIOVSKIY, V.I.; KISELEV, A.V.;,-FIKS, M.M.; YASHIN, Ya.l. Use of porous glasses as adsorbents in gas chromatography. .Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.51l.1.18-1120 My 162. (MIRA 15-8) L Institut khimii silikatov AN SSSR; Opytno-konstruktorskoye bywo avtomatiki Gosudarstvennogo komiteta khimicheskoy pro- jayshlennosti pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR, Dzershinskiy filial i Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, Ithimichaskiy fakulltet. (Glass) (Adsorbents) (Gas chromatography) BUBDVP A.B.; KALMhN0VSXIYp V.I.; FIKS ,--j -MA.; WSHINt Yaolo Ionization methods for determining microimpurities in gases. Trudy Kom.anal.khim. 13:247-256 163. (MIRA 16.5) (Ionization of gases) (Gas chromatography) I L_ggo ~_66 hUT(1)/EWT(m)/T AT AP5 2026 UR/0367/65/002/001/0112/0116 ACCESSION NRs 0 0 AUT11071S:V Pike, M. M. z ~ -1c! n a -.'( - " /'~ ,TITLE. On the acceleration of particles with a variable charge in electrostatic ;field SOURGE: Yade-niaya fizika, v. 2, no. 1, 1965, 112-116 TOPIC TAGS: electrostatic fieldp electrostatic acoelerationj ion beamo beam velocity, a) 1ABSTRACT: The poaalbiliLy of high-current acceleration of heav;t io R_by chang-i"a iithe ion charge was Inveortigated analytically. The nonpotential characteriatio of it-he product ZE under the integral of the energy equation is shown by The optimum potential roquired to impart the maxiTmim ener&r to the rxcelorabir45 ion.": beam with given energy VF is calculatod-and. is given by. The various inechanisms for causing intensi-ty looses in the multiple aoce:LeratiDn Card 'M L 20985-66 ,ACCESSION ITR: AP5020260 ~acheme described above are liated. For a constant AW the mean multiple ucatte:ring :angle at small anglea in given by ~The scattering croan aeobion for the large angle aperture accelerator in given 'by V z A0- 'nel 02 12 C()g OL r 2 112 OL end the beam intensity by I(,. 2 2 !It is shown that for all elements high intensity ion beams can be obtainel with the i limiting enerKr TV11-=' 0 1.251toZa% jlbu,., "The authors express their gratitude to i ;correspondirg inember of the AN SSSR, G. N. Plerov, for his coTitinuous interest in 1the work and t:) Professor M. 1. Podg6r-etsE.Y for his valuable advice and evaluation !of the problem." Orig. art. hass 13 formulas. [o4] 'ASSOCIATI011i Oblyedinermyy inetiWt yadernykh iesladovanly (joint Institute or ;Nuclear Researchi SUBMITTMi 17Jan65 ENCLI 00 SUB CODE; I #P :NO REF SOVt C02 OTHERt 003 ATD PRE.SIS4Z Card 2/2 AtC NR: AP700119? SOURCE CODE: UR/0407/65/000/05-0023/0026 'AUTHOR: Fursov, S. P. (Kishinev); Lyubchik, M. Ya. (Kishinev); Fiks, M. S. (Yjshinev);~ ORG: none ITITLE: Thyristorized power source for elect ro spai k -machining purposes SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 5-6,,1965, 23-26 TOPIC TAGS: electric power source, power supply, electrospark machining 'ABSTRACT: Connected with some modern European electrospark -machining develop- 1 4 ;ments (Draht, 1963, 14, 12, 797-802), a simple pulse generator is suggested, in which i .the discharge pulses bypass semiconductor devices (see the discharge circuit in heavy lines in the figure). The generator is actually a series-type inverter formed by :capacitors C, C,,., inductor Ind, and thyristors T, T,. . The inverter is loaded with a bridge circuit consisting of storage capacitors C. Cq and diodes B, B2.. The work Isparkgap shunted by a kohm-range resistor R3 is connected diagonally to the bridge. I 7he generator converts d-c energy into homopolar pulses whose rate -as eclual to the double frequency of the master oscillator used for driving.. An experimental hookup ~_Vas tested at a rate of 800 pulses per sec with a d-c voltage of 150 v and a load Iresistance of 350 ohms. Principal characteristics (V-I, Tio-load voltage vs. rate, short-circW.t current vs. rate) are shown; highest attainable pulse rate, ZOOO. Orig. !art. has: 6 figures and 1 formula. Card I/Z ~2 -."R, i~N AICC"..~- -R. AP706-1-0-i-- TP SUB CODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 007 OTH REF: 00 1 ir I \~jlh msona-ut mernWrt mass cpectrorntitr wiei hi,,h rc;ol7mg:pvm N.'L !cLov, B.A. Mumyvili, _Qla. Zhur. -cW - - I -, Pic. 13, 21 1r= s=mmutitr iA df~sa"L-"d flag I.i Irl- at hritlvisity t.4td wL-z re-olving ji~j-wec- 4L"!L: L!n cro'l5ed cu.-m- J. M mi'5Mi, AUTHORS: Kaimakov, Ye-A., and_Fiks,-V.B. 120-6-24/36 TITLE: A Method of Measuring Transport Numbers by a Simultaneous Observation of the Motion of the Ions and the Solution (Metod izmereniya chisel perenosa o sovmestnomu nablyu- deniyu dvizheniya ionov i rastvora3 PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta 1953, No.6. Pp. 95 - 97 bSSR . ABSTRACT: A simple method of measuring transport numbers is des- cribed. The method consists in the observation of levels of solutions in a U-tube in which the anode and the cathode sections are separated by a special filter. The method is a modification of the classical experiments of Iodge (Ref.1) and Whethain (Ref.2). Results of measurevents on water solutions of NH4131 and NaCl are summarised in Figs. 3-5. There are 5 diagrams and 5 non-Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Physico-technical Institute of the Ac.Sc. USSR. (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: April l?, 195?. AVAILABLH: Library of Congress Card 1/1 J T !~f- - i V~: 9 ~~- "0 . I t~~Y 73,41 -4 T AUTHORI: 57-6-20/36 TITLEt On the Effect of Convection on Diffusion. (0 vliyanii korivektaii na. aiffuziyu, Russian) PERIODICU: Zhunial Tekhn.Fiz. 1957, Vol 27P Nr 6, pp 1282-1288 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTs The diffusion in a liquid which moves in a tube (ool=n) with a velocity v and has a cross section S in the longitudinal directions in investigated. The motion is assumed to be steady 4v 0 ) and the liquid -'0 dt as inoompressible (div v = 0). It is shown that the influence of convection flows in a liquid upon the shifting of the dissolved substance on certain con- ditions becomes a mi-,dng of diffusion along the flow axis. The change of the concentration of the dissolved substance in expressed by a differcntial equation of convection diffusion, A.ere the coefficient of the convection diffusion has the usual pbysioal significance. Oard 1/~l t ~' 57-6-20/30 on the Effoot of Conveotion on Diffusion. The limits, Athin whii3h the equation of oonvection diffusion is valid, are given. (With I Illustration). ASSOOIATIM FTI, Leningrad PRESENTED BI: SUBMITTEM 30.12.1956 AVAILABLEi Library of Oongress Card 2,/2 uvq ";"'Y'~ t-a 5", % FIKS, V.B. - - - - - " K,e:ch.anism of ion mobility in metals. Fiz.tver.telsi 1 no-l'16-30 Ja '59- (ions) (metals) (MIn 12:4) 7 700 66252 AUTHORS: Pikus, G. Ye, Pike, Vo B. SOV/181-1-7-8/21 TITLE: Electrokinatio Effects in Liquid Metals. I PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959t Vol 1, Nr 7, pp 1062-1071 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Liquid metal is assumed to be contained in a thin capillary tube. On the passage of current the wall or an immobile boundary layer receive a pulse in the direction of the electron current as a result of nonelastic electron scattering at the boundary. The inert mass of the liquid is given the same pulse in the opposite direction. In an open capillary tube this effect causes the liquid to flow, whereas an eleotroosmotic pressure, P, is produced in a closed tube. This results in the generation of convection currents- in the current direction on the walls, in the opposite direction in the center of the capillary tube - which causes the liquid particles to mix. The process is defined by substituting the so-called coefficient of convection diffusion, D k* On the basis of the active forces, the equation for the steady flow of a viscous liquid., and the current distribution J(z) over the capillary tube cross section, Q is obtained as "transport currentllp that is the Card 1/4 quantity of liquid passing through the capillary tube cross section 66252 Electrokinetic Effects in Liquid Metals. I SOV/181-1-7-8/21 par unit of time and length, for the open, round capillary tube: = 0.1SO-E)MOLE t 2 denotes viscosity, i free path qI'AP-0 IT of the electron on the Fermi surface, C. the reflection coefficient, and n the electron density. The electroosmotic pressure is obtaired from VP - 0.8(1-6) enE where a is the radius of the a capillary tube. D = 10-11- A d3 2 results as diffusion coeffioient for a k 5-124D IYL ~ ) 10-4 3 2 plane capillary tube, ('7P a~) for a cylindrical 0. 3072 D 4Z capillary 'tube, where D denotes the ordinary diffusion coefficient. The phenomenon plays an important part in the separation of alloy components or isotopes. The above formulas hold for free electrons. Card 2/ 4 f'M Electrokinetic Eff-Betain Liquid Metalso I 66252 SOV/101-1-7-8/21 If they ought to hold for bound electrons, m (~~)2 is to be substituted for n. eff 411' 37 ~ ? kx It f0 denotes the Fermi function, t the electron energy. The folloning relations result for the "transport flow and potential" when using the principle of symmetry of Onsager's kinetic coefficients: et, Neff eN efft2 Lp T17v.o -0.10-E~_ VP I AV J=o A table shows the ratio of the electroosmotic pressure AP to (1-E) W9 of W to (1-6) AP, and the ratio of the convection 2 2 dLffuEion coefficient D k to (I-E) E for sodium, potassium, lithium, and mercury. AV denotes the potential-difference at the Card 3/4 ~r Electrokinetio Effect9in Liquid Metals.,I ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 66252 SOV/181-1-7-8/21 ends of the capillary tube, AP the pressure difference, E the field strength In the liquid. These values hold only for laminar flows. The-ory and the values hold only if t greatly exceeds the interatomic distance. All these data are also applicable to semiconductors. An exact solution for a cylindrical capillary tube is given in an appendix. There arc I table and 10 referenceag 4 of which areoSoviet. Institut poluprovodnikov Ail SSSR,Leningrad (Institute of Senilconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) IK May 5t 1958 Card 4/4 -1. - IP -24 (6) Altz, 2~0 66264 AUTHORS: Fiks, V. B., Must G. Ye SOV/1 81 -1 -7-20/21 TITLE: Electrokinetio Effects and Electronic Viscosity in Liquid Metals.Il PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 7, pp 1147 - 1158 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When liquid metal contained in a thin capillary tube is caused to flow t',arough it, "transport current" is produced on the wall as a result of noaelastic electron scattering. It is shown here that the 11transpo-.--t current", which is produced in the volume by nonuniform velocity distribution over the capillary tube cross section, leads to what is called electronic viscosity of the liquie, metal. An additional expression for the "transport current" d.ensity is obtained by solving the kinetic equation. ."Transport current I" itself is then defined by the relation I = _O.1(1-E)enl 2d Mp-. When the "transport current" is assumed 7 to consist of two -parts, i.e. the current in the volume and the surface current, it holds: I - -O.1s(1-E)enl 2d 2P . The 11trans- '7 Card 1/3 port potential" at the ends of the openvconductor is given by 66264 Electrokinetic Effects and Electronic Viscosity :'.n SOV/181-1-7-20/21 Liquid Metals.II the relation AVI -0.1 (1 -F-) 21L1! 6P (for denotation see Iwo J.yl Paper 4). These formxilas apply to free electrons. For bound electrons, n is to be transformed into m 2 a f o -.,# z (2f -) -5-6 dIr, where 6 denotes the electron eff 74n 9kx k energy,'~ its quasi-momentum. By transforming wave vector ik~ in the transition from the moving to the immobile coordinate system it is shown that the transformation of n into N eff is correct. The "transport current" influences the flow of the liquid, which is termed secondary electrokinetic effect. The velocity distri- bution along, the cross section does not,change, while the vis- cosity of the liquid changes. -I is the ~~ontribution 7e 5 made by electrons to the viscosity. This is called electronic viscosity. :t is shown by R. Cambers' method that the formula set up for -,he volume current holds also for the general case and, accordingly, also the expression for electronic viscosity. Card 2/3 Its special measurement is difficult; according to the table, LK 66264 Ele~;'.r-okinetic Effects and Electronic Viscosity in SOV/181-1-7-20/21 Liquid Metals.II its contribution to the total viscosity amounts to 10-20%. Sepa. ration of the contribution of electronic viscosity may be pos- sible by measuring the variation of viscosity in the magnetic field. Contrary to the "volume transport current", the surface current disturbs the. velocity distribution, i.e. according to Poiseuille'B law. The secondary electrokinetic effects can be described by electronic viscosity only if the forces acting upon the liquid vary but little over a distance of the order of 1. An appendix presents the exact solution for a cylindrical capil- lary tube. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut Poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of 5emiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUB.MITTED: May 5, 1958 Card 3/3 700 AUTHOR: - Yiksp V.B,. SOV/181-1-8-32/32 TITLE: Entrainment of Ions by Electrons Iin Semiconductors PERIODICAL: Fiziks, tverdogo telap 1959# Vol 1l Nr 8? pp 1321-1323 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author analyzed the entraining effects in semiconductors by means of the expression mentioned in reference 1. This expression had be-on derived in the free electron approximation for the Xorce exerted by electrons. The experimentally observable ion mobilities are the actual mobilities (U eff) which are related with the true mobility by the relation ueff " U0 (1 - niji). Here, n denotes the concentrationt 1 the free path of electrons in the semiconductor, and -~i the mean scattering cross section. The entraining effects become essential if the product nlj is of the order of unity. With nlFj> 1, the actual mobility of the positive ions changes its, sign. In this case the force exerted by the electrons on the ions is larger than the force of the outer field. The author then estimates the concentration of electrons in which the Card 1/3 entrainLng effects in the semiconductors acquire an essential/ Eatrainment of Ions by Electrons in Semicanilue'ors SOV/181-1-8-321 ~i2 silicon as observed by Boltaks and others is perhaps related to the antrainment of ions by electrons. In negative ions the entrainment by electrons superposes with the notion in an electric field and increases the actual mobility. The actual mobility of neutral atoms in semicond-octors is entirely depen- dent on the entrainment of such atoms by electrons, and the negative! atoms travel like negatively-charged ions. The investigation of entraining effacts on the basis of the actual neutron and neutron atom mobility may offer an expedient method for the investigation of the mechanism of electron scattering at impurity centers. The present report does not deal with the entraining effects caused by the holes. They were not taken into account in the estimation of the inversion temperature either. The author thanks M.I. Klinger, G.Ye. Pikus and L.S. Stillbans for their discussion. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Ali SSSRLeningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR Leningrad) SUBMITTED: Iday 4, 1959 Card 3/3 S/161/60/002/01/15/035 BOO8/BO11 AUTHORS: Me, V. B., Pikus, G. Ye. TITiB: Blectrokinetic Effect in Liquid Semiconductors PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telat 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 65 66 TEXT: ~The authors investigated the phenomena brought about by the for- mation of a volume charge layer on the semiconductor surface. They re- semble the electrokinetio phenomena to be seen in electrolytes and can be determined in a similar -anner. Since, howeverp the conductivity of a semiconductor is considerably lower, appreciably stronger fields can be generated thereing and the phenomena themselves can be stronger as compared with metals. The measurement of electrokinetio phenomena allow3 a direct determination of the potential difference fo between the sur- face of the semiconductor and the volume. If the capillary walls are metaliied from within, and there are no additional charges on the semi- conductor surfacep f0 then equates the potential difference of the con- tact between metal and semiconductor. If the capillary walls are di- eleatriep To is only determined by the charge on the surface levels. Card 1/2 :.V, - R1, ~5 !!A; ~ 2 Electrokinetio Effects in Liquid Semiconduotore 8/18 60/002/01/15/035 BOOBYB01 1 If the capillary is metalized from outsidep the charge can be changed in the layer near the interface by the generation of a transverse eleo- trio field between metal and semiconductor. Much like in experiments with the field effect (Ref. 2)v the charge on the surface traps and the volume charge produced by the carriers ban be determined by measur- ing the dependence of TO on the induced charge. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR9 Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED; may 14, 1959 Card 2/2 3118116 001/04/29/034 0% B002/BO63 AUTHORS: Piks, V._B Pikus, G. Ye. TITLE: Analysis of Microimpurities by Means of a Magnetic Resonance Maas SpeotrometeE ~\ PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol, 29 No. 4, PP. 716-727 TEXT: When high-purity materials are subjected to a mass-spectrometric analysis, their sensitivity is considerably reduced by the background formed by molecules and atoms of the residual gas. This drawback could be largely avoided by two or three spectrometers connected in aeries. However, such a setup is very complicated. In the paper under review, the authors suggest a so-called resonance mass spectrometer which is based on the prin- ciple of a synchrocyclotron. The particles are electrically accelerated and then forced to enter almost circular paths by means of a magnetic field. With the aid of electric pulses, the particles are accelerated in packets. The rest comes out of phase (Figs. 1 and 2). The authors calculated the resolution of the instrument and the sensitivity in the analysis of micro- impurities. The measurable minimum concentration is, theoretically, about Card 1/2 ly Analysis of Mioroimpurities by Means of a 8/181/60~0'O'2'/04/29/034 Magnetic Resonance Maas Spectrometer B002/BO63 10-?. This requires the highest number of pulsea possible, i.e., the highest number of ion packets possible per unit of time; a low resolution; and a small number of revolutions in the magnetic field. There are 3 figures and 10 references: 6 Soviet and 4 British. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluproyodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad -(Tnaiiitute gf gemi0onductors of the AS USSR, LeningEad) 1A SUBMITTED: July 22, 1959 Card 2/2 17" ~43 0 0 ( AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: /14 3, Pikus, G. Ye. and Llks, V_ 11- S/181/60/002/012/018/018 B006/Bo63 Microimpurity Analysis by Means of a Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometer. II. Calculation of the Background Current Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 3120-3128 TEXT- The accuracy of mass-spectrometric microimpurity analysis is limited chiefly by the background current which is due to ions of the main beam components inciding upon the receiver after scattering in the residual gas. The most effective method of eliminating the scattered-ion background is to use several spectrometers in stage operation. Part I of the present paper has shown that a magnetic resonance mass spectrometer can be used as a multistage separator, in which each revolution of the ions constitutes a stage of the separating cascade. The present paper presents a calculation of the background current in such a device which is schematically represented in Fig. 1; q is the source of the ion beam which is bent in the magnetic field and hits a three-grid modulator M, A positive retarding voltage V3, which is higher than the accelerating Card 1/4 Microimpurity Analysis by Means Of a Magnetic S/181/60/002/012/018/0!8 Resonance Mass Spectrometer. II. Calculation B006/BO63 of the Background Current voltage (Vq ) in the source, is applied to the central grid of the mc-iulator. Accelerating pulses (amplitude: V mi interval: T m; duration: -L) reach grid C of the modulator. As V m > (V3_Vq ), an accelerating field is produced in the modulator after some time, in which the energy of the penetrating Ions is increased by LE i, The period of revolution T i is given as T i~kTm k=,, 2,3... Denoting the ion mass by Mi gives Ti=652-10" 6(M,/H) sec. The total current hitting the collector is proportional to k. A retardinE,- field reflecting the scattered ions is produced in front of the collector. The two accelera- ting fields (in the modulator and in front of the collector) eliminate those components of the background current which are due to scattering of non-resonance ions by the collector and to multiple revolution of non- resonance ions. The authors have studied that background current which is due to ion-beam 3huttering. This effect cannot be eliminated by retarding fields. The portion of ions scattered by the residual gas is called the shuttering coefficient w; the background current is given by 1 0W, whnr'~ Card 2/4 Microimpurity Ana~lysis by Means of P- Magnetic S/181/60/002/012/018/016 Resonance Mass Spectrometer. II. Calculation B006/BO63 of the Background Current I is the current of the main component. The authors consider only the case 0 where beams of ions of similar masses overlap, since ions with largely differing masses usually do not reach the slit of the modulator. For ions reaching the slit of width L, the conditions bM/M~=L/R must be satisfied, where 6M is the difference in mass of resonance and scattered ions. For this case 4. he authors investigate the effect of operation paray meters and derive explicit formulas for w. These expressions are then a lied to some special cases: 1) scattering by induced dipoles; 2~pscattering by molecules with rigid dipoles. In the first case one obtains w ~-,64. 10 -6 for ions with 6M/M =10'-2 and'w -3.10-4 for ions with 8m/M=jo-3. In the second case one finds w = 1.4-10-6 (6M/M = 10-2) and v, = 5.10-4 (611/M - 2. 10-3). Since the total shuttering coefficient in a resonance mass spectrometer after N revolutions equals 'elli, it is 3uf- ficient to choose N - 3 - 4 for eliminating the background due to scattering. There are 4 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 US. Card 3/4 Microimpurity Analysis'by Means of a Magnetic S/181/60/002/012/018/018 Resonance Mass Spectrometer. 11. Calculation B006/3063 of the Background Current ASSOCIATION: Inatitut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (In3titute OJL7 Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBLUTTED: May 16, 196o v q q3 t Carcl 'i/ A' . t, P --- FIKS, V.B. MeChanism of thermal diffusion in fluids. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no.3:994- 997 Mr 161. (Thermodynamics) (Diffusion) (MIRA -14:5) 28101 S/'81/64/003/009/035/039 '76 IN8/B! 38 AUTHOR: TL--LF,i Effe~,,t of a magnetic field on ion migration in I-,'qu-,d metals PERIODICAL% F; Z 4ka tverdogo tela, -V. 3, no. 9, 1961, 2868,287C TEXT3 1,, has not been possible so far to calculate the electron-ion 5~,;attiz-ing -.ross 3e3t4on with sufficient accuracy, to determire the charge of ions, Migration experiments in llquld metals are suitable for t~:.s purpose, since the J.on mobility and consequently, Hall effect, are not t~)~~ .3mall to be observed. The for:,q acting upon an fmpurity -Jon ir. ar -nqu-4libr-`,-Lm- liquid meta' under the effects of electri,:! field "n. -'he X direr"on and magnetic field in the z-direotion --a Pi.-Vpv,+Z E +Fk'( j, Hall ei (Y) .-r 7.his equation, v, denotes the -Lon volume, Z, - its charge, Fei - 'he ~Po-ce du,: to electrox:-ior. scattering and causing 4on transport by the (V. B, Fiks. FTT, 1, 1, '16, 1959). This force is proportional to t-e ~;urrent flowing in t~-e Y-dire:,,tion. In f--*--st approximation the Card 113 2 3.1. 0 1 S/191/61/003/009/035/039 Effe_~ of a magnetic field on ion B4108/Bl.39 gas _fs totally degenerate and F(Y) The pressure gradient ai V.0 HI the nternal Hall f:.eld E HI, and the currert 0 J. Hall C dens-ty 4 = env. v denotes the velocity of electrons wilth Fermf energy. W-;.Ih the3e subst.'~.tlitions the forze F, -'s gi,~en by the fol-lowing expression; F; E V is the volume of an impurity ion, This force Hal- - i to -a change --n impurity-ion con-,entration, in the y-d4rectiori,and to a~ 3n ~-xrrent _4n this dire-citor. The relative ohange _Jr concentration is F,-~T, where 1 denoteu the y-dimension of 'Ihq aamp.9. The charge in ~.-on7entratior_ is est'_mated for an exper4ment in h 4. c hEW -a- x 7 F~r alka..-, mretal= R:~-2 C. J/C n1 I! Qmt ; -.,-en -_ f r"".4 4 .j -,/cm' and H=,! Q, d ~!,w relativo change -,*rL lon corcentration for a sample Of 3 ~: Z; -.1 19 about 1001o at T - 3000K. The 'on charge may then be determ_,ned from _il,l ~ixzre 3 2~. on z, env. when th~i i on -I o I in t4e metal. salven,. I's Card V31 .1 U 21101 S1161 61/003/009/035/039 Effect of a magnetic field on ion B108 B138 known. The only thing one has to do is to measure the ion concentration ir. the y-direction. In semiconductors, where the Hall field is stronger than in metals, migration and ion transport by electrons is more effective and may thereforIe not always be neglected. There are.4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Semiconductor Institute of the AS USSR Ldningrad) SUBLITTEDi May 9, 1961 Card 3/3 KAYMAXaV, Ye.A.; FIIW,, V.B. ---Z- Measurement of' the tramsfer munbere of H+ ions in hydrochloric acid solutions by a concurrent observation of'the motion of ions and of the solution. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.8:1777-1783 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. (Ions-Migration and velocity) (Electrolyte solutions) (Hydrochloric acid) FIKS) V4B. Effeo~ of a magnetic field On the ionic conductivity'620f. senitconductors. Fizetver.tela 4 no.7:1863-1873 J1 (MIRA 1626) 1. Institut, poluprowdnJIrov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Semicp - nd .r*~~Electrl " - . udo ~ a properties~., (*049Czxau0) I 19:L6i-63 - EWr(l)/BDS, AFFTC/ASD/E$D-3/S5D/1JP(C) , ACCEEMON UR: AP3005328 '-/0183./63/005/006/2213/2218 0 AUTHOR: Fiks, Vo Be TITLE. Transmission of an imparity-center pulse in a lattice by electron scattering SOURLE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 8, 1963, 2213-2218 TOPIC TAGSs impurity center, lattice, electron scattering~ conduction electron, pulse, quasimomentum, free electron ABSTRACT: The tranamission of it pulse from scattered electrons to an impurity center determines the mechanism of ion drag by conduction electrons. It is shown that in a periodic lattice the pulse transmitted to an impurity center is determined by the change in quasimomentum of the scattered electrons and not to the change in its average pulse as takes place for free electrons. The expression! for the value of this pulse is ~(k-kl-), where the terms represent standard values., "The author expresses his deep thanks to-M, 1. Kaganov, I. Me Lifshibs, and V. M. - Tsukernik f or their discussions of the work. It Orig. art. has; 35 f ormulass ASSN: Instituto of SemiconductorE, Academy of Sciences, SSSR Card 1/2/ Acassim Nits AP4004652 s/b181/63/bo5/012/3473/3479 AUTHOR: Fi1Css,-Y,.B..! TITLEs Ion dragging by e100trOnfis Alld thGrPW% diffusion in metals ,SOUROEt Fimika tverdogo telap ve 5s no. 120 19631, 3473-3479 TOPIC TAGSt thermal diffusions thermodiffusion, ion dragging, ion dragging affect, thermal diffusion transfer, diffusions diffusion coefficients metal thermal diffusion) metal themodiffusion, metal ABSTRACTt The author has shown that ion dragging by electronsp conditioned by the transmission of an impulse from electrons to impurity centers, produces a supple- mentar7 contribution to the thermal-dSfusion utream of impurity ions. This effect for multicharged impurity ions in good, metallio conductors my be very substantial. The author bemins with a considerationof thermal diffusion of impurity ions in a molten metal and applies the results to a solid metal. In the solids theforce acting on an impurity ion by virtue of lattice strain cannot be said to be equal to the pressure-volume gradient vactorp however, as in a liquid, But, since tho deciding contribution is the ion dragging by, electrons, this circumstance is not Card 1/2 Acassia NR: Ap4oo4852 essentialin. evaluating the effect. Uben an impurity is diffused through inter- aticesp the heat of transfer# for the solvent,, is zero, The activation energy for diffusion in solids is on the order of an electron. volt, and the contribution of electrons will therefore become marked. at high -temperatures for impurities with low activation enex-gies. It is noted that thermal-gliffusion transfer must take place sinca an activated ion is actually a ;in a homogeneous metal free of impurities, lattice def eot. The contribution of electrons in thermal diffusion takes place in semiconductors as well as in metals, Orig, arto has' 39 formulas. 'ASSOCIATION: Ir;stitut po3mprovodrdkov AN SSSRs Leningrad (Institute of Semiconduc- :tors AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 28Jun63 DATE ACQs 03,Tan64 ENGLt 00 SUB CODE: PH NO RJW SOVs 0.02 OTHERs 006 Card 2/2 IL'INSKIY, O.B.; FIKS, V.B. Mechanism of the genesis of stimulation in solitary mechanoreceptors. Dokl. AN tOSR 152 no,,l-.218-220 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Cherniqovskim. (RECEPTORS-(KEbROU)GY)l '0'81/6V0j6N06/150A6M-; AUTHORt Fik" BG TITLEt Electron drag on ions in a crystal lattice SOURGEi Fizika tverdogo telap v. 6j. no. 6. 1964s, 1589-1601. TOPIC TAGS% electron dragg cryetal.lattice, impulas trawferp ion scattering factor, wave vectors wave functions distr;Umt:Lon functions Hamilton equations Fermi surfaces scattering cross section,, imoonergetic surface,, colligion integral# relaxation time, vacattays Haxwell distribution ABSTPACT i The author atudied the phenomenon of electivn drag on ions in crystal latticesp considering the forces acting along the direction of the electrons on the fixed extrinsic centers of a riwaal ion lattice* The process.of impulse-: transfer was considered for an ideal cryst &I In the absence of external field and the following general expression was ddrived for it W! A"ESSION NRt --AP4039639 where kf is the reduced wave vector in the final state, in its quantum mechanical average,, ank the wave fanctions GRI-1- the probability describing th** f scattering process, b 9 Is the bass -vector. in the space of the lattice and j., gjIbj:*-gjb2-4-93b3I' where gi in an integer (Including sisro)a The following expression was derived for the resultant foroo A (k, k., - 2-b,.) WSI/Oc) X _ffT4WF .1 X (I - I(k.,)] dskd3k,. where N, is the number of extrinsic centers per unit volumes WL f the a priori probability per unit volume of transition Ircmi an occi;pied state to an unoccupied state,, and f ~k) is the distribution runction for electrons, These general lexpressions cou3A be simplified if the mesh in k space were chosen so that the i Fernd surface would lie wholly insidA) the mesh. The% neglecting the transfer :~.Proceasj (transfer of electrones, aftew scatterings to the neighboring mosh)j the ard C '2/5 . . . ...... 177 7101; ju,W32639 follvwing oxproamions were obtafined Ak, =0 up" ff./-O, Ira Pjfdsk: where the collision Integral has the form 0 (f (1cl) [I -.f(k)] W,,j* -.f(k) (I 1(k,)) Wei,,) cou The col3ision iniijral was anal3nted lmder the following 4proxicationes 1) Aasuming that the Iscenergetio durfaces are apharea,, a linear approximation is made using a relaxation tim for ecatterlNo Then ~he folUving expressions iF , -- are obtained iff A # . . - "" A Its Uwe Is tba relantion ',tbw- fcr aleatrcns, inpluding all types of scattwings f Card MS. AGG=ION Ms AP4039639 Tj the relaxation time for electron-ion scatteringi n the electron density,, the total mean free path., vf the velocity., Ii the mean free path for scattering by ionss and 161 the scattering crous section. 2) The other approximation made wu! when the number of unoccupied statos in the conduction zone was much less than the number of states occupied by electronse Then the dependence of the electron energy on the quasi-impulee showed that the transport of vacancy states corres- L sponded to the motion of positively charged quasi-particles or holes, For thin case an expression is derived for Fei under the quasi-classical assumption M# F.1 ~~ T'w'-J I where m* is the effective mass f the electron and J the currenb density. For the', case in which fo is a Maxwellians P and the ratio FIF# which represented the 131 'drag',' are computed, The author expresses his deep appreciation of the discussions of this work with It M. Lifshitsj, Vo No Oribovj and Ho X% Kagane Orige art@ bass 85 equations &rA I figuree LSSOCIATIONt Institut poluproyodnWov AN SSSR,* Lendmaad (Institute of Semicon- orss AN SM) Card 1~ SUBMMZDt 180&.63 SUB CODEs SS - ard_15AS 7 - 7 % FIKS, V. B. Entrainment of ions by elecLrons in tho crystal lattice. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.6:1589.-1601 Je 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. a rl a r) 1'.L f ; 3h -I L a F On the scattering_ o-f 3-n electron'by an impuri---y center -izika tverdcKTo t(tla, v. 6, no. 19'i4 ')72 1-2728 4,)4 7r TAGS 1 electron scattering, imptrity Center, momienturn. transfer, relation, electron collision spersion AB Q-""RACT: The manner whereby the momentum transfer to an impurity a scattered elecl.ran is governed by the concrete scat- '7 Meclianism is describ(~d for several limi-tiric? cas.~'q. 1. rnotion of an ele-tron with arb--trary ~jisper ;L~ in law in t o r - t h e, m r,) I-rr. ~i- ri c, ii-s c) aj-, th~' Dart 4 4 5 M, K 3A t Ell! ~ 1,,i, , I "I .!~. ~-I~ ".] ACCESSION NR! AP4043346 9/0191/64/006/008/2307,"*2313 AUTHORs Fiks, V. B. TITLE: Dynamic-(effective) charge of the ions of a metal SOURCE: 'Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8, 1964, 2307-2313 TOPIC-TAGSt ion charge change, ion conductivity, atomic ion, atomic;, energy level, conduction band, crystal lattice, metal ABSTRACT: The dynamic charge of the atoms of a single-component metal is defined here as the coefficient of proportionality between the force acting on the atom and the intensity of the external elec- tric field. It is determined from the condition of mechanical equilibrium of the external field forces acting on the metal atoms, and the resultant force exerted on the lattice by the conduction electrons. It is calculated in the present article assuming the eleL- trons to be completely free# and with allowance for the transfer of. .b (:ard 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043346 momentum from the scattered electrons to the lattice defects. Cal- culations are presented for two types of closed Fermi surfaces, elec- tron and hole, with umklapp processes neglected. In the case of open Fermi surfaces, umklapp cannot be excluded even in neighboring cells: and the resultant expression shows that the dynamic charge can de- pend in such a case not only on the geometry of the surface but also, on the scattering mechanism. It is pointed out in conclusion that the results do not apply to activated (diffusing) atoms in a metal, or to alloys where redistribution of electrons among the components "The author is grateful to M. 1. Kaganov and 1. M. i. can take place. Lifshits for very useful discussions," Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 31 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR# Leningrad (Institute! of Semiconductors, AN SSSR) SUBMITTEDs 12Feb64 ENCLI 00 SU13 CODEj SS NR REP SM 004 OTHERt 000 ,NP Card 2/2 KAGANOV, M.I.; LIFSHITS, I.M.P, FIKS, V.B. Electron scattering by impurity centers. Fiz. tver. t9la 6 no.9: 2723-2728 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) 2. Institut polupravodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. FIKS V. B. Ionic and mas transfor in magnetic fields, Fiz., met. i metallaved. 18 no.3s44&.450 8 164. (MIRA 17all) 1, Institut poluprovodniko-f AN SSSR. 'M t aei.aration ljl-., thr. icnic netl.~A. no.' :161,7-1651 ( .'T P,,.I ~) Je 164. -l,,'j--,iko-t(-,klinicheskj-,r institiA lof',Ce AN SSSR. t A." FIKS, V.B. Separation of potassium and rubidium isotopes bases on their mobilities in KC1 and RbCl solutions. Zhur. fiz. khim, 38 no.9:2257-2259 S 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheskly institut, imeni Ioffe AN SSSR~ KONSTANTINOV9 B.P.; FIKqp V.D. Spearation of isotopes by the .ion mobility method. Part 3. Zhur. fis. khim. 38 no.9t2255-2257 S 164. (MMU 17:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut imeni Ioffe, AN SSSR. "'IFF, V-B, 51-5,Flbw Yle.V, F,r,e !~ir ttments of valent di f llu3lor .--oef separs-,ion of isotpes by the Ion mobill'.y Zh--r. fiz. khIm. 38 no.9,22~0-2262 S 164. 0141 RA 17., 12 1. FIzj.ko-tekhnIcheqk-iy institut imen:. ie)ffe IN BAKULIN, Yo.A., THOSHIN, V.P.; FIKS, V.B. Temperature dependence of the relative difference in mobilities of isotopic lIVAum ions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.942262-2263 s 64. (MIRA 171l-2) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni Ioffe AS SSSR. F 1 FZ, V. 13. L - .&Ienctrophoresis of dielectrid perticles In liquid meta's and semiconductors* Kz.mot. I motalloved. IS n.-5.-788-790 N 164. (MIRA 18 4 i 2. InstJ-h-,t pc'.luprovcdnikov AN SSSR. 77 P, ,~ow 4CO, m5i- M",M-AZIRMENZ (~7-1 P I - I P ILI:EIJSKIY, O.B.; FIYZ, V.B.; hifRAPKOVA, S.I. Effect of temperature on the bioelectric activity of Pacinian bodiea. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.1:227-229 S 165. (MM 18.9) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. Submitted July 23, 1964. FIKS) V. 1. PA 17IT50 USSR/Electricity Relays Nov 50 Contacts "Studying the Burning of Relay Contacts," V. L. Fiks, Engr, Moscow Power Eng Inst imeni Molotov "Elektrichestvo" No 11, pp 71-74 Describes studies using high-speed filin by means of so-called "time loop" devIce. High-speed filming permitted establishing principles of contact burning and tracing process of contact opening and closing of 0-073 sec duration, and separate stages of this process lasting 0.005 sec. Submitted 8 Apr 50. *M 171T50 I7MR/Riectricity '- Machines, Electric Jul 51 'Windings "Displacement of Current in Slots of Trapezoidal Form," V. L. Piks, Engrj Moscov "Elektrichestvo" No 7, pp 58-61 Gives an analytical method for calcg losses' in a Winding due to displaci~ment of current for a trap- ezoidal slot. A Bessel function used in the soln permits accurate consideration for the character- Istics of the SlOt form. Submitted 23 Dec 50. Boll Sr 09 I HIP ku ~8 ~W" RICH .51 "6 OL its q All i UiO4 4 A 0 a vu. q * I - 11 :3 . I I H, ,, al a h2v 5 f r I fit ;1"121A w, 11, a J~j I 110 -a 3 i 't, jIF "'' "-I 'j - '- - ., . j I i 2 oL % r . 11 FIKS, Y~J.A. Signal distortions stipulated bf the multibeam nature of the scatter mechanism in the ionosphere. Elektrosviazi 18 no.l017-16 0 164. (MIRA 171"L2) FIKS-MARGOLIN, G B.,.inzh. Increasing the production output by alternating the order of machining. Mashinostroitell no.9:24-25 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Machine-shop practice) A Sgria' distortion due to multipath scatter in, the ionot;:)h-e-re RCE: EIeI:.trosvyaz', no. 10, 1964, 7-16 T-AGS: _LOn06phezic scatter, signal distortion, scatter -r-,7.a7a- on spectral an d time distornoris o,' a s a -,a a of s-gnill dl-Ftort,.on. Forr'IL113." 14 3 ATION: iorie r) 7-p, a g7qp::~7 'MR L PIKS-MATIGUIN, G.B. Device for determining the deformation of lathes. Izv.vys.ucheb.z&v.; prib. 3 no.4;53-58 160. NEU 13-9) 1. Sredneaziateki7 politekhnichaskiy Institut. Rekom. kafedroy tekhnologii mehinoetroyeniya. (lathes-Testing) FILMI, G.K.. inzh.; WROCHKA, A.L., lnzh.; BARIN, A.S., inzh. Some practical aspects of operating VL23 series electric loco- motives. Zlek. i tepl. tiaga 3 no.2:33-37 F '59. (MIRA 12:4) (Blectric locomotives) a2l-b-10/22- AUTHOR FIKSH14 M.M. TITLE Elea -rT--S1a_g'Welding by means of Magnetic Step-by-;Jtep Apparatuses. (Blektroahlakovaya svarka magnitno-shagayushchimi apparata- mi.- Russian) PERIODICAL Stanki i Instrument 1957, Vol 28, Nr 8, pp 29-32(USSR) ABSTRACT This process which is especially suitable for the welding of heavy plates was worked out by the Institute for Electric Welding of the Academy of Science of the 'USSR and was introduced to the moot important works of the country. The essential part of this process consists in the fact that welding is carried out by means of two magnetic step- by-atop apparatus mod.'A-501 which move on both'sides of the part of construction to be welded at the same time. The usual apparatus A-501 is illustrated and explained. The operation speed (welding speed)is regulated within the limits of from 1-9 m/hr. The supply of the electrode wire is agranged by a special mechanism like that of a pipe. During the Welding process the electrode apparatus wust be regulated by means of a mechanism. Welding generators serve as current supply. Welding is carried CARD 1/2 out by means of d.o. current of reverse polarity. An 9-031 ~K 121-8-10/22 Electric Slag Welding by means of MaL-netic Step-by-Step Apparatuses. illustration shows a general view of the apparatus. Your different kinds of welding of T-shaped and angular con- nections can be carried At by means of magnetic step-by- step apparatusesq as is shown by illustrations and is also described and explained later. In order to avoid a tilting of the apparatus on the occasion of its disconnection it is hung up as is shown an illustration. The adjustment of the apparatus is desoribed in detail and illustrated. The electric slag process flows steadily with a voltage of from 28-36 V1 the operation voltage desired is 32-34 V. With such apparatuses plates of a thickness of from 40-100 mm can be welded together. The advantages of this welding method are: high quality of welding seam, density of metal, the lack of slag inclusions and a welding capacity which is from 2-2,5 times greater than that of handwork. The light weight of the apparatus (25 kg) and its small size (250 x 300 x 420 mm) makes if easy to handle and renders welding at places which are not easily accessable possible. (9 references) ASSOCIATION: not given. PRESENTED BY; - SUBMITTED: - AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 ~gV Ak R4 WO AUTHOR; Fiksen, N. V., Engineer. 129-11-7/7 TITLE: Experience Gained in Improving the Technological Processes of Heat Treatment of Large Forgings. (Opyt soversiAenstvov- aniya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov termicheskoy obrabotki krupnykh pokovok). PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1957, No.11, pp. 77-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews the experience of the Novo-Kramatorsk Engineering Works imeni 1. V. Stalin (Novo-Kramatorskiy Mashinostroitellnyy Zavod imeni I. V. Stalina)in the field of heat treatment of large forgings, for rolling stands for very large presses, hydraulic turbines etc. High speed methods of deep and surface heat treatment are being used for components of cross sectional dimensions of up to 1000 mm. The following are described: the heat treatment of hot rolling rolls made of steel 55X, 60XJ' and 501", the heat treatment by recharging from one furnace into another (')y means of which the duration of the heat treat- ment cycies can be reduced by 20 to 40%); the heat treat- ment of components by means of 50 c.p.s. and higli frequency currents (by means of which the cycle duration can be reduced up to 25 fold and the hardening depth can be Card 1/2 Experience Gained in Ijaproviii- b~ic TecLinoloLical if Hez~t Treatment of LarGe rNru-ill'"S. U increased by uver 50.5-) r. 1~~ isot,"Ier::,z-! on.-Lc1-1_JnE. of ciiioy steel forginGs. Moderriivtion is sclic-d-ole.-.1 Cf the. I.,-i-,e heat trectment furn,,,ccls ..:,dea will be u,.-bL)-aE,,Lc apparatus and instrumeats cl..d it is anticipotcd 'U-A,-~U ~aevety an increase in output by ;_)~`f' -,--id an decre~~se iri fuel consumption by lCf/1' -,.rill be ~.,cllieved. Tiic shows a new heat trentfiien~ re--ime developed in co-operation j with Professor M. PO Braun 'or rolls up io ic"U MM c-i which lasts for 160 liours and combines the normalization and subsequent "aiL;,i tejaperatu.L~e There aide 7 figurest' ASSuCIATION: Novo-Kramator:~?.. En_-inocriri,,1 'ior~-s. (1Tovo-'XrZ,;wtorSkiy 14ashinostroitellnyy'Z,77.,~,~--i i::ieni I. V. Slv-z~lina). AVAILABLE: Library of Congxl.)ss Card 2/2 KON, Me; MAKSIMENK00- -.GOA*-; MVIKOV, POGO; FIKSER, N.V.; FROIDVA, M.Y. Investigating the cast metal of steel anvil blocks. Lit. proizv. no.1:44-46 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) (Steel castings) .18(5,7) 5 9- 9-3/ `5 AUTHOR: Vasilevskiy, P.F., and Novik.)v, P.G., Candidates of Technical Sciences, and liliksen IT,V,, Engineer TITLE: Fundamental Trends of Development in the Technology of Heavy Castings Moulding IIERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 99 pp 5-13 (USSR) AISTRACT: Over the last 25 yeaxs, 3oviet industry attained a comparatively high level in the manufacturing of heavy castings, that is of those weihiiLc- over 5 tons. The main works making them are-. Novo-Krama- torskiy, "-,, Ural' skiy, Yuzhnc--Ji-alI skiy, _Flektros- tallskiy, Sibirskly and TIevsk.Ay Machine-Building :Plants. However, the volume of heavy castinc-s pro- duced at present does not satisfy the actual needs presented by the continuous development of Soviet industry; hence the importance oIL stepping-Yip their production by introducing, first of all, modezm methods in the preparing of large-size mouldings. Ouch large-size parts of different mac,,hine,:>, and in- stallations, as water turbine stators, high-pressure cylinders for ste= turbines,arohitraves for hydrau- UELrd 1/2 lie pre5ses, water turbine working wheels, trames SOV.11 ~Ai Fundamental Trends of Develupment in the 'L'ec~aiol_~gy of Ileavy Castings Moulding for train blooms, elue., are at present piecemeal cast; their components aTe then joined togethex by bolting, welding, or by other means, i'he author of this article maintains t1lat development of Iarc-e- CJ size moulds manufacture should come to the forefront. As further means of development of foundry produc- tion, the following measut'reo are recommended,.; i) Wi.. dening of application of cast-welded constructions: 2) application of universal assembling caissons. application of large universal asserabling casting moulds and mode"s; 4) control oirer coolin.- processes L of moulds at diffeient stages of casting; 51 widening of application of machine-moulding methods lor heavy castings. The use of compulsory cooling of .,-asting moulds was for the first time realized in '1955, in the Minsk :Plant imGn! Voroshilov, applying a mt~thod proposed by Mitichev. There are 1 graph. I table, 13 diagrams, 15 photographs and 8 references, 6 of Card 2/2 whicli are Soviet, I English and 1 1,1erman. BIDULYA, P.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; ITOVIKOV, P.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; Frolova, M.V., inzh.; MANAKIN, A.M., :~~L-I.tekh.n.wiuk; FIK5171, N.V., inzh. Investigating the metal quality of large steel castings. (Trud7l TSNIITMASH 97:74-104 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Steel castings--Testing) (You.ndries--Quality control) BRAU149 Mikhail Petrovich; VINOKURf Bertolld Bentsionovich; MIROVSYMp Eduard Ippoli*tich; QIMj Aleksandr LIvoviob; FMIYUSHKINt Lev Grigorlyevich;'FIKMI-N 7 zh.t retsezzent; FURER, P.Ya.p :~=-V~- red.; GORHOSTAYPOVSKIMt H.S4# tekhn. red. (Plastic deformation and );eat treatment of large steel alloy parts] Plastichesk~da'defbrmatsiia i teplovaia,4onbotka krup- rqkh izde3.ii iz legitovaipykh stal~i. Moskvap- Too. naucbnow tekbn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1961. 216 p. (MM 3-4:7) (Steel forgings) (Deformations (Mechanics))