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FIJALKOWSKIp Wlodzimierz
Role of breathing in labor* Ginek. Pol. 33 no.1:2rol-30 162,
L Z II KlinUd Poloanietwa i Cborob Koblecych AM w Lodzi Kierownik:
prof. dr mad. S. K M aztoporski.
Mental conditions of the parturient. Comparative studies on women
unprepared for labor by the psychoprophylactic method. Ginek. pol.
33 no.5:601-609 162.
1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Kdbiacych i Poloznictwa AM w Lodzi Kierownik:
prof. dr med. S. Krzysztoporski i z Kliniki Chorob Psychicznych at w
Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. S. Cwynar.
Effect of the psychoprophylactic preparation in pregnancy
on the course of the Ist stage of labor. Ginek. pol. 34 no.2:
215-224 163.
1. Z II Kliniki Poloznietva i Chorob Koblecych AM v Lodzi
Kierownik: prof. dr md. S. Krzynstopors)d.
JW 19, . 400werz -
Role of paychogenic factors in labor prolongation. Ginek. pol.
34 no-3:377-380 163-
1. Z 1I Kliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Lodzi
Kierowniks prof. dr mad. S. Krzysztoporski.
ST~,MPIRI, Ryszaryl? dr. mfd.; li'AGV,, Bogimil; ~llj 1*1 T ly~.".)",::-*,--,I,.-,~.Ilodz~zi-;,-,Iz
Differential diagnosis of Infectious hcpatitis In preFgmancY.
Ginek. Pol. 36 no.7t755-762 J1165.
1, 27niniki Chorob Znkaznych Plkademll Mcdyc7nf--j w Lodzi
(p.o. Kierownika: dr. med. R. Stempien) I z It Kliniki
Poloznictwa I Chorob Kobiecych Mcademil Mf-dyc~inej w lodzi
(Kierowniki prof. dr. med. S. Krzyoztoporski).
How Vransko Lake was populated by fresh water fish. P. 54.
MORSKO Ri1BARSTV0. (Udruzenje morskog ribarstva Jugoblavije)
Rijeka. Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1956.
SOURCE: East Eurpoean Accessions List.. (EFAL)p
Library of Congress Vol@ 5# noo lit Nov., 1956.
FIJAII, Ilikols,
Hemopoietic functions of kidneys in certain species of fresh-water
fishes. Biol glas 34 noo3A:167-23.L 161.
1. Zavod 2s. anatomiju, histologiju i embriologiju; Zavod za biologiju
i patologiju, peela, svilacs. i riba; Hematoloski laboratorij Klinike za
unutra je bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
The Monitor and the English Spectators p. 71.
NUKIEONIKA. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet do Spraw Pokojowego Wykorzystania
Energii. Jadrcwej)
Warszawa. Vol* 3,9 no., 29 1958
Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), LC,, Vol. 8p no. 6, June 1959
e,4- IAT
"A plan for establishing a forest and steppe reserve in Lab.jnie near Zamosc.11
p. 314 ( ChrorrT Przyrode Ojczysta, Vol 14, no. h, Julyl Aug. 11058. Krakow, Poland.)
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (MAI) LC. Vol. E, No. 1, Jan. 519
For,1117D/Optics - Cptical Ilethods of Analysis.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 196o, 10013
Author : r-1.1)lkowski Jerzy
Inst :
Title : qi;nrAltative Spectrogriphic Analysis of Magnesiun Alloys
Orig Pub : Chem. analit, (Polska), 1959, 4, No 1-2, 455-461
Abstract : A procedure is described for determining the alloying
elemon-tv (aluminum, zinc, mang-incso) and of the impuri-
ties (copper, silicon, iron, nickel) in cagnesium alloys.
To excite the spectrum, a cundensed spark ,ms used.
Standard photoT~aphic analysis methods were used. The
el-ror in the determinaticn of the lines ranges from 4.4 to
Card 1/1
`111 _21k
1 .01-
ir, NP
-K, 3.: "LIASZ, J.
Pros ecting for petroleum ~~nd riaturil Cas in Ihe Carp.-fthinn -clantains. p.121
~,dadoinosci 11aftove. (Stowarv,--szonie Naukowo-To chnic- lie inz-1,
4echnikou Prz,-ns~sly Nafto~,epo i &-dazlIke Zavo~ovc-,,-o Gorniko,,: Na'tcvccn)
KroF,Doj PQInnd ~(ol- 5x no. 60 Jwip 1Q5)9
ilonthly li.,t of -Cast European Accec-sioriE (=Al) LC,, Vol. i 0.
F eb . .1
FIK, Czeslaw
Some results of geologic prospecting in the western Ukraine. Wiad
naft 6 no.4:73-75 Ap 060. (EW 9:7)
(Ukraine--Geology) 1,
"rut Mutton. tbawler yrMo"~'jw1k vi,f F14go
6 "
(195t)(Prig1kh sunirnary. entiritt--ing
Calais . are. jne~enttd f& In rretirkation in 2 C"llming by the
taethrxi of the Ntw T(-M!Y~ 741C C11, The (TWIC' 7.11 L-
heated to above (reri" dit'.1 ir1t1"dktCCA 111to allptox. the
1111,141t of (fi,, It, Colur-on. VC, I'l?, and Other unpurit!'-s-
und some 7a tl.-)w eut ffuin tht wbifc nvm (it the Zt,
,tnd Cd cflstil wit huzzn thc top f.-f the cofumn. T~,t m4t. of
7n and Cd 1~% trbtat~.d itud itumduc-ed ivto arproz.
mid(*,Te of the2ad cihtmn from which Cd dtstils (rit and pure
Zn flows out ffont the tmttotn. Each ~~4utnrt hu 33-0
Ptl(Pt 4-
PAW""WO + It - pj/P'111~1
babi I i - rap,)o, "kV I t - AAPI
PA) u t 11/1( Pjap,
t Pd A Pi + A) I I I P- A P4 - POI
wf~,fte 61 - the mitle fraction of the ntetal component in Pi,
b, - molt frartion of the saine 47omponerit iij P,, tg - male,
fructi~)'k '4 Owr ~~ne Cor"I.Inclit in I'm, P4 - thc =rrie Com,
p(ji-,ent in tht fEcd, Pt - it-.(- r(mipmnit mtdcn-Kel (~'l the
upV,tr pArt cf the cokmtn, P, - the cet---n;w.:irtit in tht 1kruM
residue, PA - tile C'Mumnent V-Apuritm I,-. the loiter part of
the colortin, Ps - the compoticat in varows Icaving the NKN
'Olumn, ari4t V rw,l .11 z~ c-onsts. wfikh ate caltil. from equil.
tickween "In. =1 va'por ' P4 - Pi + F's - P,: P&
11, - Ps. All valLtc. of P Lire lit lin, Th- above
(ovitittlaq are valid ft:f coatiminui rtvtifivatl4m, llow"er..
bc,-auw rr! catr-iinmc-it (if liqidd dirtilIcts lit the av-rhwA
The aint. oftnti-Aftled
Metal - appro%. C(P4 - P.X2Pj - P9)Pj, where C is Ft
const. whIch Is cal--d. ftc;Tn tl~c niattzial and heat ba!xnces.
Frank Ifcndtl
oma~ P, c An; ~ 1,
EJZL~c 57
~q yg
Distri 4E20
Ltdtjlu,~." Zkhdy Cyko-e "Wel--
nowiec" (by A. Krupkorski. 11. Fik. and K. LZzympn).
j . 1958
RPohr4'h'rIo C&-GM.997, un y an- be
_0U ne m ru -Cd al oys. Part of
elted Cd sponge or Zn EV
the alloy Is vaporized and freed from higher itu
rnts in the distn. app. provided with atil-11filiter.
Quantity of the circulating metal In the d6tg. &pp. 6 at
ill aast.4 times that of the furnace charge. K. BoJanowska--
AKERMAN, Karol; BRAFMAN, Marek; FIK, Ifenryk; KITAIA, Jan; NOWAK, Maciej;
Isotopic studies on the separation course of impurities
during the zinc redistillation process. Archiv hutn 8
no. 2: 103-118 163.
1. Instytut Badan Jadrowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Zak-lad
XVI, Warszawa (for Akerman, Brafman, Nowak).
2. Biuro Projaktowp Zjednoczenia Gorniczo-Hutnicze Matali
Biezelaznych, Gliwice, (for Fik)
3. Zaklady Cynkowe Silesia, Huts, Walnowiec (for Kitala).
FIK, Henryk, dr inz.
~ ~ hc~'
Req~fication of metals by the full equilibirum method, i
Ri.4 i'metale 9 no. 8t402-412 Ag 164. 1
TELFSZYNSKI, Zdzislaw, dr. med. I_FIK, Marian
A case of dislocation of the elbow with simultaneous epi-
physiololysis of the u1na. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. Pol. 30 no.2t
143-146 165.
1. Z Oddzialu Urazowego Woj. Stacji Pogotowia Ratunkosego w
Rzeszowie (Ordynatort dr. med. Z. Toleszynski).
.it S,41. "l-ritition And %"k And 14 d"'O"I as Otte 0 INC ff~oq
t(.nqtrr.tvr,uv 0 thr CrinhoOm4k n1r1i`vT,-),Vi-A -4,r%tcr. Ilitt ikrtrA,t it
prewnitif. 2.Cooperthroobor-irtirs 3.If*(mvi%tr,Fr&otRek
4. CirecItoolovakis-6 7.
Determination of the preserving effect of tetramethylthiuram disulfide in cos-
metics. T. 26
PRUY,YSL I-OTRAVIN. (Ministerstvo yotratinarskyho yrumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia
Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1959
Monthly List of East Euroyean Accessions (EFAI), LV, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959
"Polyeeran. -ab. Application of logical members in automatic control."
kutomatioace. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 2, no- 3, Hur. 1959
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LCI Vol. 8, No. 6, Jua 59, Unclas
ACC NR, SOMCE CODE: CZ/0042/65/300/010/0604/06179
AWHOR. Pokorny, Jiri-PokoriVy, Yu. (Engineer; Camdidate of sciences); Mart
Josof-.Fil=t, I.; Javorslq, Stanislav-YAvorsidy, So
ORG: Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronios, CSAV, Prague (Ustav radiotodh-
niky a eloictroniky CSAV)
TITIM: Measuremnt of the properties of a tandel in a parametric fraquencymultiplAer
SOURGE,,: Uektrotechnicl(y casopis, no. 10, 1965, 604-619
TOPIC TAGS: electronic equipmnt, frequency mLItiplication, electrortic circuit,
electric capacitor, resistor, electric capacitance, electric condubtsnoo
ABSTRACT: The paper prosonLs the derivation of a method
&or determination of the properties of tandels (temperature auto-'~
stabilized nonlinear dielectric element) in a parametric frequency'
multiplier, and experimental results are given. The tandal pro-
pertins are expressed by means of an equivalent circuit formed by
a parallel combination of a nonlinear lossless capacitor and a
nonlinear resistor. The dependence of t!'kvi cqpacltanc.e. aw.1 the
conductance.of the equivalent circuit on the- Voltage is expressed
by the first torms of a power series. The expansion coefficients
of tho-nonlinoar capacitance and conductance into the power series
L 3-1,50-66
A~C NR: AP602010
are calculated frow the measured values in the parametric fre-
quency triplor with a tandol and are plotted on diagrams as a
function of the available power of the sourco and the ambiont
tomperaturo. All measured and estimated values depond solely
on the temp *erature and supplied power. The power dissipat-od,in..-I
-the tandel is of great magnit ,ude. This article was prosonb)d bY T. Petrik.
Orig. art. has: 12 figures and 20 formulas.6 LB-ased on authors' Eng.
fi-his: A69J1
SO CODE: 09 SUM DATE I 21Jan63 CRIG REF: 002 OTfj REF: 003
KOZLIKP 14iroslav., dr.; KADLEC, Josef, Inz.;- FIK.ISLT, I-111loslav
Problem of gain and radiation in aw-u:ina. systems. ..
Slaboproudy obzor 25 no.10:589-600 0 IE4-
1. Tesla Illoubetin NatLoz,al Enterprise, Prague.
FROK3, Ctirad; FlKEJZ, Josef
Scleroma neonatorum. Cesk. pediat. 16 no.11:981."S89 if '61.
1. Patologickanatomicke oddoloni, prim. MUDr. C.Proks, a detske
oddeleni, prim. MUDr. J Fikejzl OUNZ, v Pisku.
(SES10,1A MONAM-01,I)
ZE c if
Kvptj qb" farw dMika CC multivilent 6 67
t Is, d Yeats caraut of $erg. phegolic
cr-M s. the system benzene 9, and water 10
cfferled good dbtrKmt-!oa. By means o( am=rdxc;a
sofa. of AgNO., Paules renent, Lad M sdt:. of phwo-
tuainal (1) (a 'It M&Off and o( ducrt5cc=c fa a!CrcTWct,
of h
er cus,
Ea. pper chrOWAEOMMS o
tvine were obtaked shoviog penAdvity of 250'r. Normal
criae c=tained S Mg. of pyrowtChd (H) /1. Urke Q(
10" coaWned up to 100 Mg.
v=kcm expos-td to bc=crt r
ltiftd Metabolifeli
.. all
t. 6 wC.
of be"eac characterhed by ir Suias. Bcarcne ES GOC cz-
-crefed (a the tacus of reamriaol, pmgtfla. ct 1.
Determination of water on skin surface. Cask. derm. 31 no.,r;:
241-248 Oct 56.
1. Ustav hygleny v Fraze, reditel doe. Dr. K, Symon.
(SKIN, metabolism,
water, determ. (C2))
(WATER, determination,
in skin (Cx))
Determination of ollin4so of the skin. Cook. derm- 31 no.6:
315-320 Doe 56.
1. Ustav bygiony, v Praze, (reditel doc. MUDr. K. Symon).
oiliness, determ. (Cs))
(FATS, determination
on skin surface No)
Dermal cleansing agents for workers in industry. J. Hyg. Npidem.,
PraM 1 no.2:172-178 1937.
1. Institute of Hygiene, Dermatological Clinic of the Medioal Faculty
of Hygiene and the Uperimental Division of the Prague Oosmetic
Factories, Prague.
dermal cleansing agents for workers in indast.)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemical Technology. - Safety First Technique. H-6
Sinitation Technique. Chemical Products and Their
Application* Part 14
Abs Jour : Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 4, 1958, 11811.
Author : K. Fiser, J. Binovec, S. Fiker, M. Zahradnik.
Inst Not given
Title Detergents for Industrial Workers.
Orig Pub Pracovni lekar., 1957, 9, No 3, 211 - 213.
Abstract New detergents (D) containing viseline oil, glycerin,
diethylphthalate, colloid kaolin, condensation products of
ethyleneoxide or alcohol., water etc. were studied during
production and in a laboratory. The D-s were tried how they
wash off lubricating oils, dyes, tar, carbon black for rub-
bers etc. It was found that the D-s possess a good wcshing
Card 1/2
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. - Safety First Technique. B-6
Sanitation Technique. Chemical Products and
Their Application. Part 1.
Abs Jour : Referat.. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 4, 1958, 11811.
Abstract : capacity and irritate the skin less the water with soap.
Me state of the skin of the workers improved already after
3 months of regular D use.
Card 2/2
,CULI~Itry Czechoslovakia
M C,.t Oq
Analytioal Chomalatry. A4nlynim ot Orgamio
I AbG, Jour. SuboUnoes. 19181
Rot. Zhur.-KhimiyvL No. 6, 1959
J"tut'fl:pr Fiker, B.; Bajek, V.
TItlc Paper Chromatography of Higher Saturated Fatty
priG. Pub. :Chem, listy, 19589 52, No 3, 549-551
Abstract :A modification of the chromatographic method of
Spiteri (RZhKbJ-mBkhj 19557 6537) has made it possible to
secure reproducible values of Rf of saturated fatty acids
from G12 to C3,; values of Rf depend on quality of paraffin
oil used to treat the paper. Whatman paper No 3 is treated
with a solution of 5 g paraffin (MP 42-460) and 5 & paraffin
oi.1 (Sp. Gr. 0.900) in 100 ml CHC1 C6H6 mixture (4--l), and
the chromatogram is developed by k; ascending method, at
5510, with glacial CH3COOR saturated with paraffin and with
paraffin oil at the same temperaturel in this manner are
separated the acids from C12 to C24. On development at 850
C~:ird: 1/3
'Country Czechoslovakia L-3
G, _- t 0; r, 0 1, 11,
Abe. jour. 19181
Orig Flab.
Abstract with CH3"Olf saturated with the same substances
at E-50, separation is effected of the acids from C2W to C
It is recommended to utilize two-dimensional chromatoff a
U ~,r p y
and to develop in one direction at 850, and then in t1he
perpendicular direction at 550. The mixture of acids Oan be
first extracted with alcohol, thereby separating acids of
-less than C20, and then carry out chromatography by the two-
dimensional procedure, of the alcohol-insoluble mIxture of
higher acids. Individual acids are detected on the dried
chromatograms by the action for 45 minutes, of a 5A) AgN03
solution at a temperaturb ol 800, followed by washing with
water, After drying of the processed chromatogram at 1500
0-'rd.: 2/3
-Countrl.,, Czechoslovakia E-3
- T, O.S 0
IItbc;p Juur,. 19181
~'k lit ',- ,:; r
Orls. I-lub.
Abstrap,11i : brown spots appear at the places corresponding
to the distribution of the acids CRZhKhim, 1956, 56490).
-- J, Vaneeek.
Card: 3/3
YAts made cf insulating materials. p. 139
Ceskoolcrvenaka vedecka, technika spoleenost pro zdavotni techniku. a
vzduchotechniku, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 4, 1999.
Monthly List of East European Accesslons, (EEAI) LO, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959.
"Effect of radial clearance and prestressing on durability and loading
capacity of antifriction bearings." p. 191.
SM-PORRENSTV1. (Yinisterstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Ministerstvo
presneho strojirenstvi a Hinisterstvo automohiloveho pruMalu a
zemedelskych stroju). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 3, 'Ltr. 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EE&I), LC, Vol. 8# No* 62
August 1959.
Moments of inertia in machines* p* 663*
STROJIRMSTVI. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Hinisterstvo presneho.
strojirenstvi a Ministerstvo automobiloveho prumyslu a zemedelskych stroju)
Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9. no. 9, Sept. 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (= ), LC,, Vol, 9, no, 1,
Jan. 1960
VOCILKA) M.., inz. I LI~~qTAI_qt_
Determining the pulp content in paper b7-brominatiom. Sbor
eel pap no.7t299-268 162.
II I I", I ~.? L.
New photoelectric miiltipliers with secondary emission.
P. 478. (S-f RC,T?IIOEU,~KTRI,-.TECH,-,I!CkY CASCPIS. ) (Bratislava, Czechoslovakia)
Vol. 8, No. 1, 1957
")*C-: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EhAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, 1956
CZE CHOSLOVAIM/Chemi Cal Teelmology. Cherdcal Products =d Their H-13
Application. Ceranics. Glass. Binding Dhtcrials
Abs Juur: Ref Wur-Khin., No 2, 19591 5517-
,'.ut!:or Zikea, Ladislav.
Title Sipple Henxtic Packing of Glass for Moctric Wiring.
Orig Pub: StrojmDolektrot(.6m. caa(jp. 9, No 3, 3.39-143-
,'~bstrnct: The description of Glass packing of electric viring
in a vacuum-drying appliance for dryinc, frozon biolo-
gical tissues is prosc-nted. In the pruparation of this
packing, the inside surface of the stool flai-Se is
c~.-Linolled, on which occaoion fine-grained pulverized
glass, particle vize 5 g, ) is used for the proparntion
of the enamel. i2ter that the flange is placed on an gm-
Card 1/3
CZECHOSLOVAKIh/Cherdeal Techi-iology. CherAcal Products and Their 11-3.3
Application. Cerardes. Glass. BindinG bLttorials-
Abs Jcur: Ref Zhur-Miin-, No 2, 1959j 5517.
phite base, i1i which tht e~actrodos are fixed, caid
the space between the fJ=ge and the electrodes is
filled with glass powderj grain size 0.3 rau. After
the inside space has been filled with glass, the
flange is put into a nuffle furnace at 6500 for 6
haurB~ after which it is gradually ccoled and taken
out fron the furnace. The packing prepared in this
way is a fused joint of metal and glass, characterized
by a sufficiently high strength. The rxtal, the co-
efficient of therm.1 expansion of which is greater than
that of glass, coppresses the latter, but glass with-
stands great coppressive stresses. Paelting prepared
Card 2/3
FD7S, L.
A few remarks on vacirm valves providing controlled lepks. p. 379.
(Strojnoelekti-otechnicky Casopis, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1957, Bratislava,
SO: Monthly List of East European Accession3 (ETAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8. Aug 1957- Unc2.
Periodicals SDEWVACI TECHNIKA. Vol. 6., no. 8, Aug. 1958.
FIKES. L, Connecting electric leads to germanium and silicon. p. 307*
Monthly List of East European Accession (EW) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3
March 1959 Unclass.
Design, calculation, and construction of a special direct-heating diode.
p. 297.
ELEKTROTECHNICKY CASOPIS. (Slovenska akademia vied) Bleatislava,
Czechoslovakia. Vol. 10, no. 5, 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960.
Notes on -the hygienic aspects of working with mercury. p. 306.
ELEKTROTECHNICKY CASOPIS. (Slovenska akademia vied.) Bratislava,
Czechoslovakia. Vol. 10, no. 5, 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) LCp vol. 9p no. 1, JAn. 1960.
AUTHORS: Borcshnyi, Vojtech, Fikes, Ladislav
TITLE: A method of introducing small aLnd accurately-proportioned quantities
of mercury in a vacuum device
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 11, 1962, 28, abstract 11-3-55n.P
(Czechosl. pat., cl. 21f, 82-/02; 219, 1P_/Ol, no. 99735, May 15,
TFQ(T: According to the proposed method, the mercury is introduced in tile
vacuum device not in its pure form but In the form of alloy with metal. This
permits to decrease the partial pressure of the mercury vapors down to the level
which is harmless from a physiological point of view (-, 1o-5 mm mercury column),
Lead, indium and other metals possessing a low vapor pressure at 8000C may be
used for alloying. One of the potential alloys consists of 30 weight % of mer-
cury and 70 weight % of lead; another alloy of 37 weight % of mercury and 63
weight % of indium. The decomposition of the alloy takes place during the heat-
ing. N. S.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Ca rd 1/1
PIKE, B.H., kand.istor.nauk; ARZA YEVA, L.V.; BARSIGYAN, H.V.. kand.
--t-51-or.nauk; GOLUB, I.P.; GRIGORIYEVA, Z.G., kand.intor.nank;
MAILISH, Ta.N., kand.istor.nauk; KARKOVSKIY, D.S., kand.
istor.nauk; PSSTRa, F.S.; GCLUBTSOVA. P.. red.; MAVYANIN, I.,
[Grodno; historical study] Grodno; istoricheakii ocherk. Minsk,
Gos.1zd-vo B3SR, Red.sotsial'no-ekon.lit-ry, 1960. 150 P.
04iRA 14:3)
(Grodno--History) (Grodno--leonomic conditions)
- !.
--f j . .., - -9
3331d,-. TEitrusovFye Kull tury V 1,11oldavii. Vinodeliye I V! no,--radmrs tvo 11101davii,,
1949, ITo - 5, c - 45-)16.
SO: Io--topist Zhurnallnykh Stat-cy Vol. 45, Noskva, 1910
Light Locating Rangefinders
Tr. Mo c. in-ta inzh. re2d., UrqK2 Rs'Xemki i kUjogr., No 19, 1954, pp 59-68
operation and schematic construction of two types of electro-optical rangefindera
are described. The first type emits pulses of light, which come back after having
been reflected at the other end, allowing distance determination within Z 3 m error.
The phaise range-finder emits light sinusoidally modulated which after reflection
strikes a photomultiplier. The phase shift indicates the distance. (RZhAstr, No
5, 1955)
SO: Sma. No. 639, 2 Sep 55
312). 3(4)
TITLE: R 11 is. of the Cnnp.tislam for the 3-.'
3=4%1*a ( ka.k- a. lo.k-..hsy.
FMODICAL: G..d..Lya L k4X%o4;r.*fly.. 1559, X~ T. yp 17-Z1 0331)
ANVTRACT: In May 1953. %b- or4tn"7 for the beat iwpr~_
Led ="..Stan I. the field of -DA
ea , .1 .,may* ;xod..Sic. . am .4.1 at %be G. -;r.,
l.nly. &.D4..ii I karl-Srfil XVP 1331 (K.-In AJ~ 10
an hy of %be mii.try of in .-I Aff.1ra
of 44odemy 4 C~jogrzr
of the USSR). T am"e-04-tic .~lc. i %*.
,:p4rcers-graph . tastitu
-W WEXCh %0.* P~t- A %0"l of 50 ';b1 . _V=tic; ",
31 a-eg-tion . 'are .-b.itt.d. -he is% prize q
of, 000 mbl.6 ." ..6X4.4 4. T. A. Mora$- --A V- Y- r"go.
for he y_t.,Ig of A%lam 31acks
Th. 2.d prize of 750 _bl.. are .."1.4 to.
Var~.6i., Yu. X. GIlitakly.
(n=b) for -T..hology of the U.- of Bt-ZA--d
__ '_ !- T&Czugl~t_!
card 116 Has ~A).. 2) 1. V. G-vich. ~Y-
!).-3141"r.- L_L~ '4 ... kax~ for
CCowbirad 21-p-itl
(11Dsk kay. JLGP (~oo.cce AG?
-3 d.cilon a or in X,.luating She A.c.r-y of My-.Srl.
0.=tle Set. P.-.4 by Fig--- of ugul.r *he " *14) 4 -v- I
2~Mb- ( In. bLr,kDy. AC? (S".sibirk A 3?')J*fr lf~l;hi
Ca a 1:0 :f -I far PrompeollW. - The 3rd prize&
of 1. 2 A.ard.d to - 1) 1. T. I
(Taketsk.y. A:? uTakt.k AGP)) far -Z. bllsX-.t of 71.*d
point. by the Me thd - Lag by Me-. of 2)
.k tak 0Ahc~r kc'?)) fcD, .-C ... %_ lion
.kty ;f
.4, T,olley for Ti.b.r T~smzpar%'. 3) ,, A, I
(Kc.k-.kv~p A C? (9"~" XGP)) far 'Vsri.%L~ to a. 'my.;!;_
of ft.sgraph. an %%. STD-2 . 4) V. Y. Z~blz (Loako-koys
AOF (Mo..- AZA) far 'A.I.i4 b--CFrTffTTff--.rh. by 5-7
Xet~.-. 5) C-Lch. Z Al kNllFt,
T. 1. -4 f A"
far -T..bal.C7 of the C-2lotic. -4 ItAill.. of T.p.r-phle
Up. by she pho I~*IL.f U.1hd'. 61 W. F. Cl..h..i.
k.v%oS-fL.b.."Y- fbrlk- (Mi..k Csx%ogr.;_L.
C-d far 711 Jag Machine far B-ch-w. 7) .___Y~kjz kr%QCr-fi.h-.k-y. C' U-A C.r%c -
graybLa IiialLtul4) for '98ch~nlsm far the Loaing of Truc; a
With Paper Rai I.. !) A.. X. 7~~ ( ACP
(Ukr.Lnl-AW)) fa~ of thjlAl - Ljp far~%h: E 1-
Cr.phlc-prl.%L.C Machine XP-l by I -I .% cz D. 14 wl",
Lampe PS-40-. -riT,(.lhrdl-kay.
AGP (3- rdl ... k Ac?)) rcr~ -m-- tr.. Pr.;.r..
ILon of r-P C .;' and Firml 10) L. 0.
_Term i2ev,(Severo-Za;~Sm Dye ACP (lorth-sest Alp)) for -I.-
pr ..... , %
.. be Cons-t Y.-h-l.. Ll-cetar b~
To4ar-. 11) *-. V. Jnt~jev (Z0SkCv3kCy AC;P (:a.dow AG?
far L.r. UIL-..l Cc=;-%.ti n of
?,.. She Tri'll:l'lr!c L-l 'n4'. M ;-q-
AGF (.,. M 1 .0) f" '1;.. 11-b.r.
AZP)) far 1.. -4 Table for
Z,tr.l Ut-. the Fr.. ?.r.. f P,1- and
Ba.. C-ILI.. C.:;.%.4 .. a plan. " on . - 3-14.4,
the fall- 'I"; are .,;ro,.S by it,. :-1: 1) j_L_
Tr7lcov (Zvordlovako,4 A4 (3-rdlowak AGN), -::cdarfr"* for
Card Ob..-ell.- Y~rL,~ %~~T.l .... Via
Results of the Competition f.r the Beat Iprcl%.z Dez"tiam
(,dnoy. AGP (11-th-t
Correction. of Cont.rlj and Reducing lith - _uxiliry Uma.
for Determining the Carr.Q%i-a Of the C-wrs Of the long.
of ths C1.04.1t. Lt.. OJ of the Sphri. T
i- I- *
Maan=x (1:0.k-sk.y. ACP Adk)) of
Com.truallm of the N'IiOlrop.". 4) C. '-. Zhl-foudorf (IS.,-
kc~akcya AV (U- ow AGP)). -Z.rO Cr.
"Z' _Zaa- (to.ka..koy.
-tars of She U-typ.-. 5)_E- a
(Kc.cav AA:P)). for C.Stin, 6) A. 1. Pikh-
"4 2. 1. Crib..C (UO X.. kc7s AZF (rs.-
.44 X-&
b;."Y. fbru. t Rin. kCarto-
sach D.,ic. for '.3aing Offset
JuOtj%ute)). -Device for Grind-
lad %be Edges of Pl' Laos".
A. A.
kazt.graflobask.ya f
& (Tashkent Cartog-phle
a) -Us.hamism for laaLixtug the rrLndLng Case". b)-Uoch&Alm
far Lifting the Trn.4p With the 10)T, 1. T%n9b_tq1La
(Taehk- taky. fbrik.
card 4/ 6 _
(To ,h 1. Institute)). -AUS.-II. 3.1"h_ff of
A" Iswpd'_.ft) -I. T. Tasil-7.1&
skeya f.brIka (T-a-STS-m-f-ceriograpble ln-nt), 'In.r....
emillve Rubber Solull" (Adh
of LI
K. Sher (Kiremkeya, Urlografleboakaye, fmbxIkA (Zlyev
12) -XL
Carl -C.rfe.poud."c. of the 3%rok.-le-
on Topographic Maps With the LsItarm On the Machine
in lag Forws~- 13) T. T. 3-11-_J~~(RLshoksjv
k.rt ca Rig. Plant),
*Cb% the ImSroa.-I in the C-t-*%I= or Mechanisms faf~
Pressim-an the Inking Roller. &Ad PrIcIl" nrums on, the Off.
set Mealtime 14) A. T~9. 3i="Ovmkiy
Urtograftch..".y. f.brik. (RI&,%
.A Reticual Method of Making Positive. of Print-
Ing Forus 4f Relief Printing On Tr4c1z, Pa;or for Printing
w__U-X=skij- WxhskAya
book. 1510L.
&r rich ya tabrika (11 Cartocr.;bl. r1sat),
tI*n Of the 2.1t.hing 0. -4
.5" 11:111.11-4 and Au%oaatt.
off at Are Laap. and Of the Buction Pon, IA IU COPZing Do-
(AllhoXxya kartoerafichs.kays,
Is 'ArIk. a. t.;,. hic F1=t), . -Variation in the
C!!~-__516_ T* logy of Makin. 3ets of 0.411.. Maio;.rIf%h Class-
sica cotbg~ar_xr-ri-t). -Preparation f
.0 Corresponding ro.11i'.. by the X.1bod of the W..h.d-.Ul
&.1 I-f on so) 1. M. % hk_t~h (nil 1. Mersa.
febrik. (Thil Plant),
r Y,
t.r of the CO.;,r .... r .. the CopyL.& P,-.
.S.Llcbl. off th
by V ... a of SheC. L.,.r for LLfti.9 the Class "I by
Me". at the V. -14. - 19) Z-1-NASIA" ks'".
S"fjoh..kay. f.brik. (TUX1.1 C.rt.&-!hi~ rl-t z4vto.
" 20) Jr
. _Y.
f- Leyte& on $be
(Tibillook". k_1 cr ,b-.k.y. f.brike, (nill-I C-toer-phin
.hlm .".
rjj.t), -N.1.4 for.DrIlAic P.P- on 0ff:;
X_ 'af-i"ll.ov. (T1111-ky. karloc, be key
21) a
(Tb Ilia -Procr..ol- U.1h.1 "A
Procedure, tor tha Pr.parstorl fork in Cal~!jlla%lme and Platting
tho 040graphic letsgrk an Maps to Re Cm;tl.4w. 22) 4. 1. Utronov
(NRKCb) -A Workbench for Repairing She Guide. of the CFffi~%
ff..hiuo.. 232 r.. P. Tsxa.w~yx=h) In..I** I ~ c.
the 24) -1,
a" A,.Y-_X_qljsr=&_(ffRrCh) "Larroving the Method Of ProcApIlat -
CST4 Ing "a Rill- Nltr~t- I- need
investigation of the process of using oxygen for liquid
waste mixtures-having active slime. Toda I @an, takh, nos
8:22-26 Ag 156. (MLRk 9tlO)
Living culture media in bacteriological investigatioa of patho--
logical material for tuberculosis bacilli. Prob.tuberk., Moskva
No.1:42-44 Jan-Feb 51. (CLML 20:6)
1. Of the Department of Microbiology of GhernIov~tsy Medical In--
stitute (Head of Department Prof,G.P.Kali0'-
II F 1 Y2 X,~"
USSR/Wdicine - Crystal Phase of Sep/Oct 52
"Crystal Formation in Bacterial Cultures," G1. P.
Kalina, B. A. Fikhman, Chernovtsy Med.Inst
"Mikrobiologiya" Vol 21, 110 5, PP 528-539
Authors re-jlewl M. Bosh I yan a book "Nature of
Viruses and Microbes, " published in 1950, and aive
an account of some exptlvarll tLey did on patho-
renic bacteria. Kalina an:! think tlhat-,
G.M. Bosla I yan in general tcr=, that his theories
have little forundation, and that he offers no evi-
dence which would aid in verification of hia
statemen,6. .uney srace *c~nat Ljj-..~ j,,~y theories
which may be ascribed to Boshlyan are that microbes
turn into crystals, that the crystals are extreme
stable in that condition, and that they may regener-
ate inversely into bacterial forms. They note that
formation of crystals seems to be a property of the
nutrient madium. rather than of bacteria. All other
theories claimed by Bosh'yan have been either known
before or have been subjected to lively discussion
f or a number of yrs, the authors state.
-Stable turbidity scale for nephelometric quantitative analysis., lob.
delo 4 no.2;53-55 Mr-Ap 158, (MIRA 11:4)
1. Is Goeudaretvannogo kontrollnogo inatituta syvorotok i vaktoin
imeni Tarasevichm.. (dir. - kandidat meditainakikh nauk S.I.
The problem of preparation of'htable turbidity for the Optic standardt-
zatiOn of vaccine. Zhur. mikrob.i6l. epid. ii"IM0. 29 no.12:46-50 D 138.
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo kontroll niogo Institute, meditsinsJcikh biologi-
cheakikh preparatov imeni Thrasev'Icha.
standard. with stable turbidity scales (Rug))
Method of preparing a stable glass turbidity stRndard for the evalu-
ation of the thymol test. Lab.delo 5 no.4:15-17 J1-Ag '59.
(t(IRA 12:12)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo koutrolluogo instituta meditsinskikh biolo-
gicheskikh preparatov imed Tarasevicha (dir. L.S. Ogloblina).
ln2V f; 11-ii~l P~,
.rDMMN, B.A.
Hicrorefractiometric method of directcbtarmination of live and dead
bacterial cello. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i iTamn. 30 no.8:100_104 Ae o5g.
(MIRA 12 ill)
1. Iz Gosudaretvennogo kontrollnogo inatituta meditainskikh i bio-
logicheakikh preparatov iment Tarasevicha.
1 'r (2)
AUTHOR: Fikhman, B. A. SOV/20-124-5-51/62
TITLE; The Principle of Immersion Ificrorefractometry for Directly
Determining Living and Dead Bacteria'- Cells (Printaip immersi-
onnoy mikrorefraktometrii dlya pryamogo opredeleniya zhivykh
i mertvykh kletok bakteriy)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR.. 1959, Vol 1,24, N:r 5, PP 1141-1143
ABSTRACT: The determination of the number of living and dead cells and
their numerical interrelations in microbial populations or
suspensions is of great importance for various fields of
practical and experimental microbiology. In spite of a great
number of suggested methods there has hitherto been no
sufficiently precise. objective and simple method of a direct,
differentiated determination of the number of living and dead
bacterial cells. The reason is that without additional
actions the death of these cells cannot be dire.-tly observed.
For this reason the phenomenon of irreversible change of the
optical properties due to the death of the cells is remarkable
(increasing optical density and refraction index). Only the
Card 0 introduction of the method of phase contrast into microscopy
The Principle of Immersion Microrefractometry for SOV/20-124-5-5i/62
Directly Determining Living and Dead Bacterial Celle
made it possible to evalaate and explain the phenomenon
mentioned. Special immersion media proved to be very useful
'Refs 1
-3,5)-~he use of albumin solutions in precisely determined
concentrations (Ref 1) made it Possible to elaborate the
microrefractometric method of determining the concentration
of the dry substance and water in living cells. It was found
in the course of special experiments that maximium optical
differentiation between living and dead cells is obtained by
using immersion media havinj~ the same or a somewhat higher
index of optical refraction than the Protoplasm of living
cells. Gelatine gels proved to b~ the most appropriate. The
selection of gel _concentration depends on the kind of micro-
organism. For this purpose anoptral m-4cioscopy has to be
applied. On a light-blue background of the preparation the
following cells are visible: a)dazzling cells (dead~ and
b) "empty" cells surrounded by a thin shining seam ~14.ving)
(Fig 1). The intermediate forms which sometimes oan be
observed probably represent different degrees of cell
Card 2/3 degeneration. At the end, the author tries tc axplain
The Principle of Immersion ',Ticrorefractometry for /20-124--)--51/62
Directly Determining Living and Dead Bacterial Celia
the phenomenon described. There are 1 fi~rjre and r~ referen-
ces, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy kontrol'rLyy institut neditainskilch biologi-
cheskikh preparatov im. L. A. Tarasevicha (State Checking
Institute for Medicinal Biological Preparation:-, i-ieni
L. A. Tarasevich) -
PRESENTED: October 16, 1958, by V, N. Shaposhnikov, AcademisiF.n
SUBMITTED: October 6) 1958
Card 3 /3
FIKHMAN, Be Ae Cand Mad Sol -- (dies) "Optioal standardization of baoterial
preparations." `7,1 -- Mos, 1959. 14 pp (Acad Med Sol USSR. Inst of Epidemiology
end Microbioloty im Gamalex) List of author's works at end of text (10 titles)
(KL. 52-59, 127)
Numerical turbidity equivalent for the test organism spore suspensions
used for the determination of the activity of antibiotics. Antibiotiki
5 no.4:105-107~1-Ag 160. (MRA 13:9)
1. Gosudarstvenn~i kontrollnyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
preparatov imeni L.A. Tarasevicha.
Changes in the optical density of bacterial suspensions folloving
prolonged eservation. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid i i=ln. 31 no.6:
13.1-112 Je,%O. (MIR& 13-38)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo, kontrollnogo instituta meditainakikh biologiche-
skikh preparatov imeni Tarasevicha.
---FIEHMAN- -B--A, . -
Turbidity standards made of plastic materials for ihe tioal
standardization of bacterial suipensions. Lab. delo [703 no-4:
52-54 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3)~
1e Gosudarotvennyy kontrollnyy institut meditsinskikh biologioheskikh
preparatov imeni, L.A.Tarasevicha (dir. - L.S.Oglovlina), Mobkvas
Units of turbidity for optic standardization of bacterial preparations.
lab. delo 7 no.6e.52-54 Je 161. WIRA 14:7)
1. Gosudarstvennyy kontrolInyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
preparatov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha (dir. L.S.Ogloblina).
Test vessels for photoelectric colorimeters-nophelometers. 'Lab.
de-lo 7 no.7t6l-62 J1 161. (MI RA 14: 6)
1. Gosudarstvennyy kontrolInyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
preparatov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha (dir. L.S.Ogloblina).
Use of the immersion microregrautWatric method in the direct
determination of the ratioof d"d and live cells in live plague
vaceinen. Zhur.mikrobioj,.epid.1 imtmn. 32 no-3160-64 YX 161.
.I MR& 14:6)
1. Iz Gosudaretvenndgo kon'trollnogo instituta meditsinskikh
biologgehaskikh preparatov imeni Tarasevicha.
FWM14) jj. A.
New medium for the microscopic counting of bacteria in a chamber.
Lab. delo 8 no.2:55-56 F 162. (141AA 15:2)
1. Gosudarstvennyy'- Alnyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
preparatov imeni, L.A.Tarasevicha, Moskva.
Sillconization of meta-Uic qylinders used for deter."alming
the activity of antibiotics. Med. prom. 15 no.6:50-52 is
161o (MIRA 15:3)
1. Gosudarstvennyy kontrolinyy institut meditainskikh
biologichaskikh preparatov,, imeni Tarasevicha.
Photoelectric device for the optic atandardization of bacterial
preparations. Med. prom. 16 no.3:35-38 VLr 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Gosudarstvemyy'kontrollnyy inatitut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
preparatov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha.
7- "M
M mill
Optical effect of physical and chemical actions on bacterial
suspensions. Zhur. mikrobiol.., epid. i immun. 32 no.823.16-122
Ag 163.. (KIRA 15:7)
1. Is Gosudarstvannogo kontrollnogo instituta meditainakikh
biologicheskikh preparatov imni Tarasevicha.
Numerical equivalent of turbidity for suspensions of cells of yeast
test cultures used for determining the activity of antibiotics.
Antibiotiki 7 no.8:742-744 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-9)
1. Gosudarstvennyy kontrollnyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
preparatov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha.
ACCESSIO-117 b1t: AP3001478 S/0217/63/006/003/038o/0384
AIMAOR: Fikhman., B. A. q~r
TITLE: Ligat diffusion of bacterial suspensions in the visible spectrum area
SCURCE: Biofizika, v. 8, no. 3, "0963, 360-384
TOPIC TPLS: Light diffusion, bacterial suspensions, turbidity, FEX~7.t!
colorimeter-nephelowter, steph aureusl- staph albus
AB,:')IUCT: Optical wthods of cle-termining dispersity of bacterial suspensions by
light diffusion make it possible to study processes taking place In the system
without interfering with its Movem-e-at, and this is important for microbiological
re!3earch. Suspensions of rod-shaped and spherical bacteria. of different
di~ipersity were used in 0.15 M solution of Nacl in d-istilled water. Susj--nsions
vere prepared from washed cells of day old cultures of B. coli, S. tyThl, B, tr3.
Fl., B. pertassis., Staph, aureus, Staph. albu3s and Saraina. lutea. Suspensons
used had concentaations from I to 2 mlrd of microbe bodies in 1 T11. Light
diffusion was conducted by the light transm-issi,~,n method because the bacterial
Card J/P
-----------------'--------*----------------------------- -----------
T, ini-1Q.63
f(,'djfMOJ MR: Ap3oo 1478 0
suspensions had relatively high turbidity values of the orier 10 5up -2 cm. sup
-1. Optical densities of the
suspensions at different wave lengths were
cl!termined by a photoelectric FEK-N colorimeter-nephelometer. Exp-erimantal data
e.~.3tablished that light diffusion (tur-bidity) of ba--terial susmensions confo=s
to the empirical equation D sub lambda equals k lambda sup _n (D represents
optical density and the power of n is functionally connected with the mean size
of the cells). Application of this function makes it possible to st-ady mean cell
s.-.'Lze and concentration, which are the basic chaza--teristics of the dispersion
hase of bacterial suspensions, by optical methods. Orig. art. has: 2 tables,
2 figurea, 1 equation.
X)SOCIATIMT: Gosudarstvenr47. kontrollky*y institut r-nditst-iskikii biologicheskikh
preparatov im. L. A. Tarasevicha, Moscow.(State Control Institute of Biological
SURUMD: 22D--c6i DATE ACQ: 12Jun63 MiCL: 00
SJB CODE: 00 NR REF SOV: 007 amm: w4
e~'r;, ~2
Rmi,~rieal turbidity equivalent for suspeneions of brucellosis
bacteria. Zhur. mikrobiol., apid. i im-1m. 40 no.lt120-123163.
(MIRA 16910)
1. IwGosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo instituta imeni Tarass-
viclia :1 Moskovskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii.
Photometric analysis of bacterial suspensions. Re Noel.
Zh. mikrobiol. 40 no.7alO2-106 J1163 . WRA 17:1)
1. Iz Goaudarstvennogo kontroltnogo instituta meditsinskikh
biologicheskikh preparatov Imeni Thrasevicha.
Immersion microrefractometry of bacterial cells. Zhur. mikrobiol.;
epid. i immin. 40 no.Ilt6O-65 N 163. (MIRA 17t12)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo kontrollnoRO instituta meditsinukLkh biolo-
gichaskikh preparatov imeni Tarasevicha.
INA, N, V, FIK1114,1N b 'A.
Methodology of the quantitutive cletermlnation of protoplasts
in the culturu of' Staphylococcus aurous, Lab, delo rc). 8s
491-494 164. NrMIF.A 17-12)
1. Gosudarntvennyy kontrollnyy instittit moditnlnski.Mi Un--
logi,--laeskikh preparatov im. Tarasevichn (dlraktor L.1-11.0globlina)?
Photometric analysis of bacterial euspwwions. Report No. 2: Deter-
mination of the dispersity of bacterial suspensions by transillumina-
tion, Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. I immun. Aa no.3:41-46 Yx 164.
(MIFA 17tI.I)
1. GosudartAvennyy institut maditainskikh biologicheakikh preparatov
irmni Tarasevicha.
i? - 11
Refractometric analysis of ~Bolated .bacterial cells. Lab. delo.
nc).1:45-49 165. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Kontrollnyy institut meditBinskikh biologicheskikh preparatov
im. L.A. Tarasevicha, Moskva.
Photometri.-i analysis cal' baotcrl-il Re-ort
Study of some in Zllhi,~r.
mi.krobiol., epid. i im"mui. 1,0
1. Gosudars' ennN
Gv .7 kcntr,.,;-.-
ACC NR, AT50;27533 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0000/63/000/000/0228/0229.~~
AUT11OR: Fildugan B A
ORG:: State Control Institute im. Tarasevich (Gosudarstvennyy kontrolt-.,
nyy institul;)
TITLE: Turbidity standard for optical standardization of bruoelld(of 4 d.\
SOURCE: Moscow. Nau _ 9-:L
.a,jlad.Q.vgtg'sk~y institut vaktsin i,syvorotokd
Vakt,siny i syvorotki; materialy po pro
TOPIC TAGS: brucollosis turbidimeters optic method# vaccilneg
preventive medicine, C716AVC,11- DITPEASION
ABSTRACT: The difficulties involved in applying general turbidity
standards established primarily ~for intestinal groups of bacteria to
Brucella suspensions or vaccinesipprompted the author to develop a
turbidity standard specifically for Brucella. Light passage studies of
different Brucella. fractions in the visible band of the spectrum
showed that light passage of fractions containing 1 to 2 micron
particles is the same for Brucella. suspensions and vaccines and their
curves are parellele Thu numerical equivalent of a turbidity standard
unit for Brucella, vaccine strains (19-BA, 19P 104-M) is approximately
L 00830-66
ACC ~-R:AT36-2~~j3
200:nillion bacteria./ml. Opticallyt the Brucella turbidity standards
do not differ from the Brucella suspensions In passing or reflected
light, In their physical properties and stability,, Brucella turbidity
standards do not differ from the standards established by the State
Control Institute, On the basis of tests conducted at the Institute
of Epidemiology and Microbiology At-IN SSSR,, the described Bru--c-ella-
Tt&~R-dfff`y--s~EiMarils are recommended ror'ractical application. Orig.
art, has: None,,
SUB 13ODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 31AU963/ ORIG FW: 000/ OTH REF: 000
FIEBUN, B.Ya., inzhener.
Controlling the lubrication feed in lathes. Prom. energ. 12 no.4:8-9
AP '57. (NLRA 10:5)
(Electric relays) (Isthes)
AUTHOR: Fikhman., B, Ya,
TITLE: '~~ Economy O-r-Bla-C_t~rc- Power In Slectric Driveo of 'Hydraulic
Presses (Ekonomiya elektroenergii v elektro.privodakh
gidravlicheskikh pressov)
PERIMICAL: Fromyshlennaya Energetika, 1958,.,"\Nr 8., PP 15-19 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article considers control systems for electro-
hydraulic driveB of presses with the object of econoniisin~S
electric power, The commonest control circuit is that
shown in FiS.lA which employs a pressure relief valve
that is in operation for a consiaerable part of the time
that the press is closed. This naturally wastes po,,,.,er,
The power consumption diagram for this case is that shovm
in FiE;.2A. Expressions are given for the time of an
operating cycle and for the power consumed, Analysis of
the power consumption diagram leads to the conclusions
that: power consumption could be reduced by usin,- electro-
hydraulic pressure control; the motor idlin6 ti-..,e could
be reduced by operating the press automatically,, These
two questions are then considered in more det'-IiI, The
hydraulic circuit for the case of pressure control is
C given in Fig.lB and the corresipondin~; electrical(;ontrol
.,ard 1/3
Economy oi, Electric Power in Electric Drives of _HlzidrLul I c Preef;es
circuit in FJ_S~3,, This hydraulic cArcuit diff-evs, from the
previous one in that it includes a pressure rr,,-.1aty ~.i,,Dich
switches the motor off when the nress is closed, If the
pressure in the press drops becau~~e of leaks ill tile
hydraulic system, the inotor starts up a.Sain, Howe.%rer. 14
presses operating at pressiLres of the order of 200 kg/cm'
it is quite practical to reduce, leakage t(., such an extent
that the pressure can be held for up to half an hour so
that -the motor is only operatiniS whilst the platens are
moving, The functions of all the relays and contacts in
the circuit are described., This circuit h~as a number of
faults; it is difficult to adjust the pressure rolay which
does not in any case aD-,;ays operate at -the sa-me T)ressure;
the pressure relay contacts operate under unfavourable
conditions and the relay is inaccessible for maintenance,
A better circuit is one employing electro.-contact
manolAeters types E-111-1 and EB11-12-1 uiranufactured by the
Moscow blanoneter' Vloi.~ks whicli covt_-r the sane -nressur-
ran-eo as ordinary mano2icters- The hydrauli3 circuit
u3ed when the pressure is controlled by mearts of one of
Card 2/3 these relays in giver. in Fig,lC and the correspondin:,S
iy of Electric Povier in Electric Drivas of Hydr~-!u'Jc FreSL-es
electric circuit in Fig,.4, The el,?(,tro-c;ortact
manometer fulfils two functions,~ that of vislial control
instrument and that of a two position control Tei~ulator,,
This device stops the motor iihen the Pressure .-reaches
the top setting and restarts it v.,her the bottom, settixiG
is reached. The operation of the circui-Ij is desoribed
in detail,, Other possible circuits exist including the
use of a IliE-,h- and a low-pressure piLlq) combined Bath a
pressure relay to disconnect Ubo hitji.-speed low-prer)sure
pump when a certain pressure is reached, 'J"he, circ,,,,.its
described in the article are partl-iculRrly suitable vhen
the pressing-, time is two minutes or more a.nd have
operated reliably with !aiotor outputs u-p to 20 I:W, The
electro-hydraulic pressure control r.,.etl~,.od is used in
hydraulic presses manufactured by the Odessa Press Works
and is recommeaded -..,;hen existiuE installations are being
modernised, There are 4 figures and 2 Sovict references.
1,SSOCIATION,- Odesokiy zavod pres,.*.ov (Odessa Pre-C's .Iloi-kL~)
2'ard 3/3
The P-803 and PA-803 )Vdraulic presses with 40-ton capacity,
Biul.tokh.-ekon.inform. no.3:9-12 '60.
(MIU 13:6)
(Hydraulic presses)
AUTHORS: _11ikhman, B. Ya., Tobak, L.. Z.
The Hydraulic Program-Controlled Press,~ Models 9969 .(Pc,169), fl952
(P952), and ff982 (P982)
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, 1960, No.12, pp.12-15.:
TEXT: The Odesskiy zavod pressov (Odessa Press Plant) has developed and
manufactured in 1959 the program-controlled hydraulic P969 and P952 presses for
the mechanization of assembly work in the production of armature and commutators
of traction electromotors, and the P982 press for the stamping of bearing end
.~ihields in the casings of traction eleotromotors. The models P952 and P982 are
made oh the basis of the model P969, which is a four-column low-pressure press, on
which the part being pressed is fixed on a traveling table whose upper and lower
:surface are machined. 'Fixtures can be clamped on two T-shaped grooves on top of
.he table diagonal. The hydraulic drivi of the press is composed of the pumping
installation and tank, on whose cover the control and distributing appliances for
-the press control are located. The H401 (N401) and W-70 (Sh-70) high-pressure
and low-pressure pumps are mounted on one plate, both of them driven by one a-c
Card 1/4
The Hydraulic Program:-Controlled Press Models U969 (P969), rl952,(P952), and fl982
electromotor. For feeding the control circuit a separate pump is used. The
control Instrumentation is without tubes and mounted on a connecting panel. The
press is equipped with an electro-hydraulio system of program control in order
to cut down the readjuatment-times'of operating parameters. This system makes it
possible to select the operating parameters immediately on the central control
panel. Figure 2 shows the layout of the system of program control. Initial
data I and operating program 2 are prepared in advance In the technological sect1m:
By the outer memory 3 in Figure 2:
the-form of punched cards
these data are introduced amas coAz
,,, pamxa,
into the system by input
device 4, from where the
signal is transmitted to
inner memory 5. After
transmission of the
control signal 6, con-
troller 7 is put in
card 2/4
tgy._~ x
The Hydraulic Program-Controlled Press Models ff969 (P969), R952 (P952), and 4982
operation, actuating mechanisms 8, from which the operation termination signal and
the attainment of the given parameters is supplied to controller 7 by ;~ay of the
feedback line. The control units are mounted on low-voltage devices, therefore a
unit of actuating devices has been fitted to switch on the control electromagnets
by hydraulic slide valves. The actuating devices receive the instructions from
the control system units and, by their contacts, transmit the voltage to the coil
of the corresponding electromagnets. The hydraulic and electric circuits of the
press ensure the following operations: setting, program input, operation accord-
ing to given program, return, repetition of cycle. The authors present the
following technical data of the P969 press: Rated capacity - 315 tons; number
of capacities being programmed - 5; press stroke - 500 mm; open height 2pOOO
mm; table area - 1,200 x 1,200 mm; speed of operating and idle strokes 1.88
and 7.15 mm/sec respectively; number of loading tables - 2; stroke of loading
table - 1,600 mm; speed of loading table - 150 mm/sec; operating pressure - 200
kg/cm2; number of time lags being programmed - 2; rated power of electromotor -
11 kw; overall dimensions (length x width x height) - 6,150 x 3,700 x 3,000 mm;
Card 3/4
The Hydraulic Program-Controlled Press Models ff969 (P969), 9952 (P952),.and 4982
weight - 23.9 tons. The use of these program-controlled presses increases the
labor productivity five times, while the introduction of one press results in
savings of 108,000 rubles per year. There are 2 figure5.
Card 4/4
FIKM-IAN Boris YakovIevich; KUVALDIN, A,B., red.
[Ignitron contactors and heating regulators] Ignitronnye,
kontaktory i reguliatory nagreva. Moskvaj Energiial 1964.
79 p. (Biblioteka elektrotermistas no.19)
(1,',IRA 18:4)
Role of emergency examination in industrial accidents. Sovet.
zdravookhr. 5t21-2Z163 (MIRA 17:2)
T~ibern,ilosis nf the 4~hvro.ld gl.r4nd.
I. Khlrurgichoskoye
(glavnyy vrach A.M.
AUTHORS: Zelenteovp Io Got Zubovy L9 No, ?i~hman, V. Do
TITLE: Properties of polyvinyl chloride fibers
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskiye volokna, no. 6, 1961, 9-1o
TEXT: A detailed report on the properties of polyvinyl chloride fibers
manufactured in western countries is given on the basis of western publica-
tion data. In the USSRt a pilot plant will produce such fibers in the near
future. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 12 non-Soviet references.
Card 1/1