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I~I~ILLKOV ~B.S., inzh. Conditions Of stability in drawing loose matorials. izv. vys. uOhebe zave; gore zhur. 5 no,3:24-26 162, (MM .15:7) Rl- 1jra"Sk'y Po"tekhn'cheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova. ekomendovana kafedroy meta:Llurgii chugum Ural'skogo politekb- nicheskogo institute. (mining engineering) LYTKIN, V.I.; LYTKIN, K.I.; LITVIN, G.Ye., insh., retsenzent; LIA491 &�.p lnzh., red.; KOLOSOVA, E.L.1 inzh., ved. reT.)~'DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Conversion of machinery plant furnaces to natural gas) P.- revod pechei mashinostmitellnykh zavodov na prirodnyi gaz. MoBkva, Mashgiz, 1963. 119 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Furnaces) (Machinery industry) FIALKOVY B.S.; GRUZ1111011y V.K.; 1-11MMKOV) J.N. Automatic control of combustion zones in blast furnaces. Stall 23 nc. 7:586-588 Jl 163. (mIRA 16;9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Blast ilurnaces--Combustion)(Automatic control) ONITSVIGHt YORap Inship TIALKOV D.D.j Insh. yfichanizing the Installation of J&M stained-glass pamels, Transpostrole 14 no.12125-V D 164. (mm 1981) ,4Z RUSAKOV, K.I.p inzh.; SYCHEV, YU.I.p Jnzho; PIALKGVI. D.D.p inzh. Diamond tool for finishing and facing work* TranaDof;trOle 15 no.10:30-31. 0 165- (MIRA 18:12) FIALKOV. D.N. (Omsk). Death of fish in oalt-water lakes. Priroda 42 no.8:112-113 Ag '53. (MI-M 6:7) (Fishes) of thr) frm-~. -t !,)v or,,oorit.-e av ro I 1,),r oc I dolltorn Siborlt~. 1.,,,-v. ob-va no.":17-22 p.,) 0 j D. TT. ( ~-,,3 :1. Tech. ~;hief Geolcqical Research Expodition of Omsk) "The Qualitative Characteristic of Vertical Motions of the Earth's Crust in the Ste.ppe Region on the River IrtyshO. )( I report presented at th4clentific and Technical Conference, Novosibirsk Inst. of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography, 15-22 Feb. 58. (Geodeziya i Kartografiya, '58, 4, 79-80) t. U T1170 R S Fialkov, D.!:. Lind Platonenko, TITLE: Photogrammetric Yethod of Detailed Geological I'apping (Fotogrammetricheskiy spozob detallnogo geologicheskogo kartirovaniya) PE7,110DICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 195fl, Nr 8, pp 21 - 25 01-sslz) ABSTRACT: As aerial photography is now widely used for prospecting for mineral deposits, the authors PrODOSO the photogrammetric method of detailed geological mapping to replace the anti- quated method of geological surveying. As a rule, the to- pographic map is established with the help of aerial photo- graphy and the necessary connection of the identification mark of the aerial photography with the reference of the map. Observing definite conditions, all elements discovered by the photograph can be fixed on the map with great preci- sion. There is 1 map and 2 diagrams and 1 graph. ASSOCIATION: Omskaya kompleksnaya ekspeditsiya (The Omsk Joint Expedition) 1. Minerals--USSR 2. Minerals--Sources 3. Mappin-Applications 4. Aerial photography--App-Lications Card 1/1 TU11OV, D.N. 4 1 ffis Selecting the scale of topographic maps for use In alreral prospect- Ing. Razved. I okh. nadr 26 no.10315-17 0 060. (MIRA 13:11) lo Omskaya geoligicheakaya ekspeditsiya. (Prospecting-Kaps, topographic) FIALKOV, D.N. ---- T-fii-Cec-e-e-o'ity of substituting the scale 1:2,500 for 1:2,000 in surveying. Geod. i kart. no. 11:54-55 N 160. (MMA 13:12) (Nap scales) I~TLE- Flalvcv, D,N. ~OOIXAIOI Die appileation of geodeti-c methods to studying movements of the Eavth Is ?rust in Wes,.,qrn Siberia PERIODTCALI Referativnyy zhurnal. Astroncmiya I Geodez ,iya, no, 7, -1,961, 27, ab- --~rac- 7G193 ("Tr. Sibirzik. n.-1. in-ta geoi., geofiz, I rrlner- al'n, syr'ya", 1961, no. 7, 94 - 100) TEX_T,t The author considers the mwh~da and resultz of stlldying mvements ,of the Earthta crust .1r. Wer.~..em Siberia Ity using the data of repeat.,~d gecietie, 'Ic,p4:,graphip and cartcgr5~phia works. Eleva,_-ions along ,he Chelyatinsk-Achin5k line o.-,t.alned fr,~m ~hv lev~jlling in 1912 were nompared wl*,.h dara ct' lv;er repe- -1, ..Icna of ieveiling; l It has been conoluied that a slligh,, r_,zllng tcck place in th(- Fetrcpavlovsk ri~gi,:,n and a more consIderable one t_,ck place in *,he reg'.,~n of, Bararinsk. In ordEr ~~ study a prpv_ured hcrilzcntal j!sr-~acemeril, of loose S-,a,,a ncr,!~hwar,Az, res~.alt~ of rppev~ed ac~rr,:,nomlca` 'atlt-ude ds-erm!na~,Irns in Western Siteria were us,~d. .7'; t,ur%ej out ~.hat. .he latl*~-udes --,f all a_P*.T%OnoT1!Ca1 st-ationu io:a-Fv-, on loc~e gr,_~irj. in._-.rea!:ed during "he desadez pa_~t, Alz_h-ugh this In- Card 11;2 FIALKOV, D.N. Results of the conference Of Siberian topograpbers, Geol i geofis. nO*8:133-134 162. Wleria-Topographical surveying--Congresses) NIRA 15:10) S/270/63/000/001/020/024 AO01/A101 AUTHOR: Fialkov, D. N. TITLE: The effect of relief and peculiarities in the Earth's crust struc- ture on deflection of plumb line in the southern part of the Siberian plain PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geodeziya, no. 1, 1963, 39, abstract 1.52.258 ('Tr. Omskogo s.-kh. in-tall, 1962, v. 47, no. 2, 59 - 64) TECT: The effect of local forms of the relief of the southern part of the Siberian plain, dischargeless troughs, causes a difference of plumb line deflec- tions at points located at opposite slopes, amounting to /vO!2. The effect of the visible topographic masses of the Altay and Urals is larger than the observed plumb line deflections, i.e., these masses are isottatically compensated. The lower part of the region is built up of crystalline rocks of - 50 km thickness. The upper part is represented by sedimentary rocks of 2.45 density and enormous thickness. Near Omsk a referenoe bore-hole detected a Paloozoic foundation of 2.75 density at. a depth of 2,938 m. If Omsk rested upon a crystalline founda- Card 1/2 S/270/63/000/001/020/024 The effect of relief and... A001/A101 tion, it would be possible to observe 3-km high mountains toward Kazakhstan, and sloping 900-m mountains were located toward Novosibirsk. To determine the effect on plumb line deflections in the meridian plane of the visible relief in the 300-km radius and of the crystalline foundation relief, the author used the "Scheme of isolines for the bottom of platform Meso-Cenozoic. sediments in the Western-Siberian plain", composed in 1958 by the Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralized Raw Materials". The observa- tions were conducted at 39 astronomical points of triangulation, located in the region of the triangle Omsk-Pavlodar-Novosibirsk. The correlation coefficient k = 41% between the calculated and astrofiomo-geodetic deflections indicates, in the autho-_rls opinion, an almost complete absence of relationship between them. The k-value is equal to 7Wa only for the points gravitating towards the Altay spurs. For the points on the plain k m 6%. The author holds that the main ef- fect on plumb line deflections in the region investigated is exerted by the abys- sal structure of the Earth's crust. The layout of the astronomical points is shovm in a schematic diagram. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] M. Kogan Card 2/2 fjll IOURCE CODEt. URT3T) A UTH 0 R Fialkor. D. if. ORG: Oaa~ Oeological Expedition (Omakay.,% geologic-haskays ekopeditaiya)l TITLE; AuthentieLty of the vertical movemento of the earth'v cruet to wertcrn fliberin N71 SOURCE: AN EatSSH. Inatitut fiziki I a _r_qqq, Mt Soyremennyya dvizheniya zemnoy kory. Recent crustal movements, no. 2, 1965. 309-31 TOPIC TAGS: geodetic epeirogeny ABSTRACTt Results of repeated leveling carried out an the Chelyabinsk- Achinsk (1903, 19i1-1944, 1945), floyonibirok-Semipalatinak (1932--4955)t Kurgan-I.rgiz (1941-1953), and Omsk-Paylodar (1921-1941) linea were used to study the Yortical movements of the earth's crust in the went Siberian lowland. The differences in relative eleyntions, measured in the forvard and backward directJons, deternined while leveling the Chelyablnak-Aohinak line (intervals up to 8 yr betwoon leveling In the different directions) were u1so used as 'Panic dato. J\ relative uplift of the order of 20 mm/yr van detected& the largest tiplift occurred in the southenotern part of the loviand, It van noted ths-t analynas of ~CV gga "ACC ji;6 A T6) 0 1115 5 the data from a third leveling of the Clielyabinak-Kurgan line (1953-1954) showed the same direction of movement but not the Same magnitudeat Orig. art. haci 2 figures and 2 tables. LIM] SUB COM 00/ SUBM DATEs none 21 No FIALKOV, L.B. Wthod for 1-mydiagnosis of spondylolysis and spondyloliBthesiss Ortop., travm.i protez. 23 no,5t78-79 My 162. (MIRA 15tll) 1. 1z kafedry rentgenologii (zave - prof# A.Te, Rxibasheva) Kiyev~ skogo inatituta ueovershenstyovaniya vrachey i sanatoriya im. 1 Maya Toeso-yumogo teentrallnogo Soveta professionallnykh 80yuZove (SPINE-DISMES) (SPINE-RADIOGRAPHY) FIALKOV L.H, (Kiyev 25, Dasyatinnaya i.5, kr.()) icatton3 or the nurlelig pl]lpr_rll!s of the Ctse of multlple calcif thoracic vertebrae. Ortopep travm. i protez. 25 no.9-.62-63 3 164. (M A 18W 1, Iz Nevrologicheskogo sanatoriyp imoni I-go Maya, Kiyev. 11AIAM. N yurid. nauk. ~:b4 ~ W. - For the right.relations between wholesale and retail OrganivatiOnB* (miRA 11:4) ffov, torg# UO;4:9-13 AP '580 (Retail trab) (Wholesale trads) ALIPOV, V.N.; MIKOV, I.N.; FIALKOV. M.A.; ISMOVA, A.K., red.; BABICWA# V.V., (Transportation and the delivery of goods; collection of regulations] Transport i perevozki v torgovle; abornik nor- mativnykh mterialov. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1959. 621 p. (KIRA 12:12) ,(Delivery of goods (Law)) ,rIALKOT, M.A.; GLAZUNOTA, Y.T.. red.; KAMONTOTA, N.N., [Agencies of state trade ndministration in the U.S.S.R. and iheir improvementJ Orsany-gosuderstvennogo upravlenila Qrgovlei v SSSR I ikh sovershonstvovanie. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo torg,lit-ry, 1960, 139 p, (MIRA 14:1) (Russia-Commerce) ~ pIALKOV. _m4. kand.yuridio.beakikh nauk Give unremitting attention to commercial weementa. SOV- torg. 33 no.2:3-6 I 16o. (141RA. 13:5) (Wholesale trade) FIALKOV) M.N. , inzh. ~ - -1. - ..-I...... I I Calculation of the dynamic riodes of operation of synchronous stepping motors, Elektroteknika 35 no.9;54-57 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) FIALKOV, 5,,B., inzh. Assembly line techniques In the manufacture of auxiliaz-/ boiller equipment in a factory. Energ. stroi. no.38;84-87 164. (MIRA 17,10) 1. Kharikovskiy kotellno-mekhanicheskiy zavod tresta "Teploenergomontash." N mjFUjNr-.VjiI.jj, G.V. (Moskva); FIALKOV, V.M. (Moskva) Effect of damping circuits on the d~rnamic characteristics of an automatically controlled electric power system. Elektrichestvo no.4:10-15 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) MIKENEV1CH, G.V. (Moskva); FIALKOV, V.M. (Moskva) Automatio control of compensating units in electric power systems. Izv. AN SSSR,Energ. i transp. no.3131-42 Yq-Je 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted March 12, 1965. ',=IEVM.fl, G.V. Syutem for the automatic control of rogulated mact(aws Eloktricheatvc no.12&66-71 D 063o (MVIA 30:12) :-- FIALKOV, Yu.; OS,TROMOUKHOV, M, Method of calculating technically, based standards for unit-operation processes. Soto. trud 5 no.6:74-78 Jb 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Dyes and d7eing-Production standards) FIALKOV, Yu., kand.khim.nauk Riddles of ultrapure substances. Znan. ta pratsia no.1:14-15 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) (Chemicals) YIA.U.OV~ 'fu*l kazid.khim.nauk Tldrd way. Znan.ta pratsia no.9t:12-14 S 162. (MA 15s11) (Wiochamistry) FIALKOV, Yu., kand.khim.nauk One hundred question marks. Znan. ta pratsia no.31l3-14 Mr 163. (MMA 16:10) -T.k4&QV,Au., kand. khimicl-est-lkll nauk Effect of purity. Znan.-sila 38 no.4:22-24 Ap 163. (MIRA 16z8) FEDOMMEO, N.; POGOSTIN, S.; FIALKOV, Yu. I Ways to increase labor productivity in the chemical industry. Vop. ekon. no.D10-46 Ja 163. (KIRA 1612) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pedorenko). (Chemical industries-Labor productivity) L USSR/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur imiya, No 19, 1956, 61493 )a A-athor; Khaskin, I. G., Yagupollskiy,, ~6. M., Fialkov, Yu. A. Yakovleva, V. Ya.) Vishnevskayal G# If Institution: None Title: On Preparation of 2-amino-l-p-nitro-phenylethanol Original Periodi#lt Med. prom-st' BSSR, 1955, No 2, 30-32 2-amino-l-p4Vtrophenylethanol saponificatidn and amination of the acetate of p-nitrophenyl- chlorometh,vlcarbinol (II) with aqueous-nethanol NH3. 0.3 mol I 520 ml 24 NH3 and 500 ml CH30H are heated in an autoclave (550, 1.5 od m, 1.5 hours with stirring), boiled down in a fflask to 1/3 of initial volume, cooled (40-500) acidified with 27 g 8o% CH3COOH + 15 ml water. 7b the solution are added (after removal of tarry material) 45 mi 4o~ Nam (15-18") to an alkaline reac- tion'? I is filtered off, washed with ice water, pressed; yield Card 1/l 82.5% (on the basis of 11), MP 133-1340 (frcm alcohol). Abstract: (1) is obtatned by simultaneous I- - ----- - - - I . 1, '. j If I I . ~.74~-,,,~,,,-Z4:z-. ~m ,11 -, , Ifa~lw . M ,t;, KW m ME ---- --- -- - - ---- - R WZ~ -.1 j iL L~L,; i~~ 5(3) SOV/79-29-9_60/76 AUTHORS: Yagupol'skiy, L. M., ?ialko TITLE: 2-Trifluoromethyl Naphthalene and Its Derivatives PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 9, PP 3o82-3o 86(USSR) ABSTRACT: The trifluoromethyl derivatives of naphthalene have hitherto not been investigated. The synthesis of 1-trifluoromethyl naphthalene briefly mentioned in an American patent (Ref 1, in very insufficiently described, i.e. no constants and no exact course of synthesis, both of the final product and of 1-trichlorometh,-1 naphthalene as initial product are given. The trichloromethyl derivatives of naphthalene are difficult- ly accessible (Ref 2). In the experiment made by A. N. Nesmeyanov and co-workers (Ref 3) to obtain a-trichloromethyl naphtha- lene by thermal decomposition of the copper oxide salt of trichloroacetic aold in an excess amount of naphthalene it could not be separ..ited. For this reason the o-chlorotrichloro- methyl derivatives of naphthalene which were obtained from the corresponding oxynaphthoic acids with PC1 5 were used as initial products for the synthesis of the trifluoromethyl com- Card 1/4 pounds of the naphthalene series. From the three o-oxynaphthoic SOV/79-29-9-60/76 2-Trifluoromethyl Naphthalene and its Derivatives acids, R. Wolffenstein (Ref 4) Bucceeded in transforming only I-oxy-2-naphthoic acid into 1-chloro-2-trichloromethyl naphthalene; the yield is not specified. The remaining acids could be identified only in the form of the corresponding o-ohloromplthoic acids. The authors repeated Wclffensteinla experiments. They succeeded in synthesizing 1-chloro-2-tri- chloromethyl naphthalene from 1-oxy-2-naphthoic acid in a yield of 35,4*. The replacement of chlorine by fluorine in 1-chloro-2-trichloromethyl naphthalene with SbF in the presence of 3bC1 5 and without the latter gave no positive results. The fluorination of 1-chloro-2-trifluoromethyl naphthalene succeeded only in solvents. In chlorobenzene a yield of 90% of 1-chloro-2-trifluoromethyl naphthalene was obtained. 1-chloro-2-trifluoromethyl naphthalene was trans- formed, on heating with copper cyanide in the presence of pyridine,into the nitrile of 2-trifluoromethyl-l-nabhthoic Card 2/4 acid from which the amide was obtained. This amide yielded, SOV/79-29-9-60/76 2-Trifluoromethyl Naphthalene and Ito Derivatives according to the scheme described, I-amino-2-trifluoromethyl naphthalene via 2-trifluoromethyl-l-naphthoic acid according to Hofmann. In the Hofmann reaction, which proceeds smooth- ly, the forming I-amino-2-trifluoromethyl naphthalene hydro- lyzes on heating in alkaline medium. For this reason the amino had to be removed by distillation from the reaction zone already at the moment of the formation. Thus, the other- wise low yield could be increased to 61~o. By this method the instability of the trifluoro methyl group in 1-amino-2- trifluoromethyl naphthalene towards aqueous alkali lyes was found (Ref 7). From the amine (VI) and a-naphthylamine (Ref 6) the dyestuffs (A) were obtained by diazotization and coupling with dimethyl aniline. As may be seen from the table the introduction of the trifluoromethyl group in molecule of the dyestuff (A) shifts its absorption maximum in the direc- tion of the short waves in neutral as "ell as in acid solutions. There are I table and 9 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR Card 3/4 (Institute of organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences SOV/79-29-9-60/76 2-Trifluoromethyl Naphthalene and Its Derivatives of the Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 18, 1958 Card 4/4 S/07g6O/O3O/O4/55/080 B001 002 AUTHORSj Yagupol'skiy, L. X., Fialkovp Yu. As TITLEt I-Phonyl-2-trifluoromethzleth_vlenet Phenyltriflucromethyl- acetylene and Their Derivatives PERIODICALs Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 1291-1294 TEXTs The authors synthesized the vinylene homolog of benzotrifluoride M and the corresponding acetylene compound (II)a 0 6H 5CH - CH-OF 3 M, C6H5C a C-CF 3(11). The initial product used was 1-phenyl-2-trichloro- methylethylene (III) which was obtained by adding trichlorobromo methane to styrene, and separating hydrogen bromide (Refs. 1,2). Most successful was the substitution of chlorine by fluorine in compound (III) by means of antimony trifluoride in dioxane, by which (I) was obtained in good yields. 1-phenyl-2-trifluoromethylethylene (I) easily forms addition compounds with chlorine and bromium, and develops two diastereoisomers which cannot be dissolved by vacuum distillation. Compound (1) does not enter into the dienesynthesis, and according to Prilezhayev it does not develop an oxide Card 1/3 I-Pher.,vl-2-trifluoromethylethylene, Phenyltri- 8/079/60/030/04/55/080 fluoromethylacetylene and Their Derivatives B001/B002 if benzene hydroperc-xide is added. Compound (II) was synthesized according to the following schemes C6H5CH - GHCF 3 N(C2H5)3, 0 H CH-mCBrCF KOH (II) 1 1 6 5 3 Ir Br (IV) (V) (Refs. 4,5) In phenvltrifluoromethylacetylene the trifluoromethyl group is stable against alkali liquor, since good ielde of compound (II) are obtained from4K/ M by action of malted KOH at 230t. Phenyltrifluoromethylacetylene easily forms addition compounds with 2 bromium. atoms; further additions do not take place. Four atoms of chlorine form an addition compound with (II). Unlike bia-(trifluoromethyl)-aoetylene (Ref. 6),(II).does not form addition compounds with acetic acid. All liquid compounds obtained are described in the table. The absorption maxima and extinctions of (I) and (II) in alcohol were determined. A similar shift of the absorption maximum towards shorter waves was found in the comparison between ultraviolet spectra of styrene and phenylaoetylene (Ref. 9). There are 1 table and 9 references, I of which is Soviet. Card 2/3 I-Phen.vl-2-trifluoromethylethylene, Phenyltri- S/079/60/030/04/55/080 fluoromethylacetylene and Their Derivativeo B001/B002 ll~ ASSOCIATION: Institut organioheskoy khimii Akadomii. nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciencea, Ukrainskaya SS ) SUBMITTEDs March 17, 1959 Card 3/3 -----VISMiEVSKAYA, G.O.; GORBUNOVA, A.$.; ZHELOBENKO, V.A.; FIALKOV9 Yu.A.; SHEVCHENK019 0.1.; YAGUPOLISKIY, L.M. Synthesio of the preparation bilignoot. Mod. prom. 14 no.g*.25-30 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kiyevskiy khimiko-farmatsevtichoskiy zavod im. M.V. Lomonosova. (ADIPIC AGID) YAGUFOLISKIY, L.M.;_ -FIALEOV, Yu.A. Derivatives of a vinylene homolog of benzotrifluoride. Mur. ob. khim. 31 no. 11:3586-3593 N 161,, (mmu i4ill) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (Toluene) FIALKOV. Yu.. kand.khim.nauk Prominent chemist. Znan. ta pratsia no.8:15 A "I. fa 14: 8) (Butlerov,, Aleksandr Mikhailovich, 1828-1886) YADUPOLISKIY9 FIALKOVp Yu.A.; MA, P.A. 2-Trifluoromethy1naphthalone and its derivatives, Zhur,ob. khim. 31 no.120962-3970 D 161. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Institut organichookoy kh'ali AN Ukrainskoy $SR. I (Naphthasne) TAGUFOLISKIY, L. M.;-r SApordfication of nitric eBters,, derivatives of p-nitrophanyl- mothylcarbinol, Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no-1:309-33,4 163. (MIRA 16:1) Is Institut organichsakay khimii AN UkrSSR. (Nitric acid) (Metbanol) (Saponification) STEPANYANTS, A.U.; FIALKOV,, YU.A. BYSTROV, V.F.; YAGUPOLISKIY, L.M.j 6 -Constants of substituents with a trifluoromethyl group@ Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.6:1321-1324 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR- Predstavleno akademi- kom V.N. Kondratlyevym. YAGUIIOLISKIY, L.M.; BYSTROV., V.F.; STEPANYANTS, A.U.; FIALKOV, T%% Effect of the substituents with a trifluoromethyl group on the reactivity of aromatic compounds. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no-112 3682-3690 N t64 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN MrSSR i Institut khimi- cheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. F Tj I A b" PF, - Y*pi',(-)F,,OV Yu.!,.~ PANITIEVNIONOlf A.G.; FULKOV, YU.A.; YAGUPOI,'.'3K!Yl 1 7. .) y I. ~ I-I~ Electronic Interaction and Infrared spectra of para-derivatives of Innzane X - C6H4 - y - CF3 . Teoret. I eksper. khim. 1 no.2:171-178 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut khimli vysokorr.,ol.ekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN UkrSSR, Yiyov i Inititut Milmit AN UkrF)SR, Kiyov. LODOV, V.P.; YAGUFOLISKIZ.. L.%i.; Fungicidal propt!rtiw;s of tli,~, o-AstiLut;n~ berizilidene chlorlde . .";r] kl . b,i k,-: !j It 1. ~55-357 My-je 165. 1. Institut organiclieskoy khimil AN ACC NR: a6029834 r h)- SOURCE CODN'; UR/0073/606/032/008/0849/0852 "'UTHOR1 Yagupol'skiy, L. M.; Favlonko, N. G.; Solodushonkov, S. 11.; FI&Lkov, Yu. A. 01G: Institute of Organic Chemistry, AN UkrSSR (Institut organicherkoy khLdi AN bkrSSR) TITLE: Nitro derivatives of benzotrichlorido SOURCE: Mrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v- 32, no- 89 19661.849-852 TOPIC TAGS3 organic nitro compound, halogenated organic compound, mixed halogenated Organic compound ABSTfV%CT: An attempt was made to find no-er methods of preparing nitro derivatives of bonzotrichlorido. Nitration of bonzotrichlorido war, carried out by using pure nitri?o acid and nitrating mixtures of various compositions. With MID3 alone, taken in anoizab~. of 10-30 nolespor mole of banzotrichloride, even at -200C a considerable hydrolysis of'~ Ithe trichloromothyl group takes place, and the yield of the products, a mixture of isomeric nitrobenzotrichloridos, dcos not exceed 30%. The optimun. nitrating mixture d t Consists Of 25jO 1MO3 and 75% H2sO4 (by weight), 3 moles of HIN03 being taken for 1 nolo;_ of benzotrichlorido. The yield of isomoric nitrobenzotrichloridos then exceeds 90%, and the isoniers consist of 16.81% ortho-, 20.7% para- and 62.5% metanitro derivatives. Fluorination of p-nitro-a,cx,a-dichlorobromotoluene with antimony trifluoride and an*ny-:- drous BF produced p-nitrobenzotrifluoride in good yield. The substitution of fluorinei 1/2 UDC: 547-539.232.3 ACC NR: A P6029834 ifor chlorine and brorrino in p-nitro-a,a,adichlorobromotoluono by means of 1 C-- procrrd 1-rith much moro difficulty than in benzotrichloride; this is because the presence of the eloctronegative substituent in the benzotrichloride molocula hinders the halogen exchange. SUB CODE& 07/ SUM DATEI O4Feb55/ OTH REF: 013 I MIN 1~ U MIX YOUTO'.'~KIY9 Tu.A Vinylene hcmob,~ of tw3nZotriflunride. Part '~ PoItIr' zation of a double bond jLn the derivatives of 1-phpnyl-2. trifluoro- mel.hylethylene. Zhur. ob. khLm. 35 no.6;IC38-.ICql Je '65. (M721,k 18.-6) 1. Institut organicheskoy khim--4-1 AN bkrSSR. -- -- I - 3 175TI" ~ 7-7 ~~--77~ - ,-, q, fflw~ il-, ,z FIALKOV, Yu.M.; FOGOSTIN, S.Z., kand.ekonom.nauk Rate of incrikase of labor productivity in the chemical industry and factors which determine it. Zhur.VKHO 9 no.1:34-41 164. (MIR& 17:3) FIILKOV Yu.N. -- r---- ~ Entabliskiment . ,of wage scales for labor in chemLcal industries. Khim. prom. no.5:390-393 My 164. (MI FU 17: 9) A Lv , /,4- USSWInorganic Chemistry. CoM.)lex Compounds. C Abs Jour : Refei-it. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18874 Author : V.L. Pavlov, Yu-Ya. Fial-kQy- Inst I - Title Study of Interchange FLactions of Iodine in Systems Containing Iodine Chloride Using the Method of Marked Atoms. Orig Rib Zh. Obshch. Khiinii, 1956, 26, No 6, 1531-1534. Abstract Using 1131 as -i radioactive indicator, the inter- ch--uige rcaction of IC1 with 12'I0_ -and 104 in 0.4 of n. HC1 it 18r' was studied. When ;tic intorchange re- :~ction betw~,an IC1 and 12 was studied, 12 was ra-arked and the components ware separated by the extraction Of 12 with chloroform; and when the interchunge re- action betwein I(J. and KIO or Nal0i, was studied, E;_irlhed ICI w,.,Ls usod aad 2 was extr,*icted by ether. It was shown thi-tt In the BYStuln 12 - JC1 the complete interch2n6c took plaice lecs than. in 5 min. (sQpara- Card 1/2 ;61 . -36- e~_ 0 M, "E190-1 w p", USSR/ Inorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds C. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1.957, 11436 Author : Pavlov V.L., Fialkov Yu. Y&. Title : On Hypotriiod_f1T,E_1ff1U- Orig Pub : Zh. obahch. khimii, 1956, 26, No 6, 1534-1540 Abstract : Half-exchange period of 0.0012 M HIO 3 and 0.0006 M solution of iodin!~ in 5N H"SO is of 460 hours at 180; the process is not catalyzed bQ( Ma2+ ions. Uer the same donditions exchange between iodine and.klectropc- sitive iodine of a solution of hypotriioditic acid I' OR (1) (Scrabal A., Buchta F.J. Chem. ztg., 1907, 33, 1193) is completed 117ithin 4-5 mir-uts'5. This confirms that the solution under study contains L-sic_7 /, I )- t FiALAUVf Yu,YA*.* Ataster Chem Sci-(d:Lse) "The vincocity of dual syp-ta3s containizZ oilicon totracliLorido or garmanium." Kiovj 1957, 16 pp, (fiWi uLd-nor Ecluo U,,rSSR. Kiev Polyteclzdcal Inst. Dept of Gen'.L Chmistry)., LVU COPiLSs kF,6., No i~)j 1,)511, 9u) Ko V, USSR/Phy Chemistry - TherzodywxLics, Thermochemistry, 13-8 Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 414 Author V.V. Udovenko, Yu.Ya. Fialkov. Inst T-- '' Title Viscosity of System Gerwanium Tetrachloride - Ethers and Eaters. Orig Pub Zh. neorgan. khimii, 1957, 2, No 2, 434-438 Abstract The viscosity and density of binary systems composed by cermanium tetrachloride (1) with ethyl acetate (II); ani- sole (III), dioxane (IV), diethyl ether (V) and dimeme- thylsulfide (VI) were measured. The systems I - II and I - III were studied at 20, 30 and 40o, the system I -IV was studied at 25 and 400, and the systems I - V and I - VI were studied at 200. _U1 the operations of preparinC the solutions and carryin-- out the measurements were do- ne under airtidy'u conditions. Viscosity was measured Card 1/2 12 USSR/Phy.-ical. Chemistry - Thermod~TLamics, ThernochemI.Sttry, B-8 Equilibria, Physical-Memical Analysis; Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 414 in a closed viscosimeter for volatile liquids described earlier (Toropov A.P., Zh. prilcl. khimii-, 1939, 12, 1744). The viscosity isother= of the studied systems are convex with reference to the composition axis, which Indicates the absence of a chemical interaction between. the compo- nents. The authors connect the absence of hiteract-ion with an increase of the screcain.- of the central atom in Card 2/2 -Uw ~ 7-1 1 1 AUl tl ul 14 ARi2~ UDOVEIqKO, V.V.; PIALKOY_,JgJe.,- Dielectric constants of systems with silicon tetrachloride and germanium tetrachloride. Zhur.noorg.khim. 2 no.9:2126-2128 S 157. (MMA 10: 12 l.Kiyevokly politekhnichookiy institut. (Silicon chlorides) (Germanium chlorides) (Dielectric constants) PAVLOV. V.L.; 1rjALMV, yu.y4l. [Flalkov, IU.IA.] 1041inO OXChange reaotions betveen compoun" of .,i ..... oxidation le're'B- mauk,ZAP-KYlTeun. 16 no 1 :7-1-78 '57. WRA 3.1:U) (Iodine compounLI /I - ~ -, . 1-r2co.~ - - I J AUTHORS% TITLE& PERIODICAL: Udovenko, V, V., Fialkov, Yu. Ya. 79-28 3-54/61 The Viscosity of Binary Systems With a Substitution Reaction (Vyazkost' dvoynykh sistem s obmennym vza4-modeystviyem) Zhurnal Obsbch6y Khim'-i,. 1958. Vo'. 28, Nr 3,. pp. B-14-818 (USSR) ABSTRLCTs The viscosity diagrams of binary systems are to a great extent systemaiized at present and are often used for the explanation of the occu37ring processes. When systems with chemical reactions are considered the present classifica- tion (Ref. 1) provides diagram types for such systems in which chemical reactions take place with a decrease of the molecular number,, e, g. in the system water-chloral, or for systems in which the molecular number does not change, e. g. in the system acetic anhydride-water, Such systems have been little investigated. Therefore N. A. Trifonov suggested such model systems as, among other, .3 UE3 zatiOn Of tlu- diethyl vater, systems -,PQUducille t, Visi a Card 1/5 typeof the diagram cf viscosity when only The Viscosity of -Binary System4~1 Vii-th a Substl4tution -3 - 54/6 Reaction one chemical compound without a decrease of the molew cular number is formed. It must be noted that in the system acetic anhydride-water the number of molecules remains the same after the chemi!.,al reaction had taken place as two molecules of acetic acid are formed from the molecules of this anhydride and water. The reaction leading to the formation of a chemical compound is not the only possibl'~Wroz- reactions where the molec~ular num- ber remains unchanged. Not less frequenr is the substitu- tion reaction where the fInal products are two chemical compounds, Systems of this kind are of great interest for the theory of physical and chemical analysis*t they have,, however, not been investigated. by any chemical scientiot wi-,h respect to the viscosity method. Below, data on the viscosity of systems are mentioned in which one component is silicontetrachloride and the other one of the following compounds.- methylal. (dimethoxymethane), acetal (1,1-diethoxyethane) and acetic' anhydride. Accor. ding to the methods of viscosity and density the binary systems silicontntrarhloride.-methylal at 2o and 3o 0 C, silicon', at 2o, 3o and 400C and Card 2/3 silicontetrachloride-acetic acid anhydride in benzene The Vincosity of Binary Systems With a Re"ac t i on as indifferent medium at 2o0C were investigated. The authors found that in the reaction of silicontetrachlo- ride with methylal the final products ar6t dichlorodime= thoxysilane and chlorodimethylether, and with aceial; dichloroethoxysilane and chlorodiethylether. This reacu tion represents a new method of the synthesis of dichlo- rodialkoxysilane which differs from the existing ones by its good yield and by the purity of the products. There are 1 figure, 3 tables and 5 referencesj 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev Folytech. nical Institute) SUBMITTEDi March 3, 1957- Card 3/3 5(2) SOY/79-29-5-7/75 AUTHOR: Fialkov, Yu. Ya. TITLE: On Experimental Errors in Some Papers Dealing With the Investiga- tion of Tetrachlorides of Elements of the 4th Group (Ob eks- parimentaltnykh oshibl'-.akh Y nekotorykh rabotakh po izucheniyu, tetrakhloridov elementov 4 gruppy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnftl obshchey khimii, 1959s Vol 29, Nr 5, PP W42 - 1446 (USSR) ABSTEACT: The present paper is a criticism of some papers dealing with the investigation of tetrachlorides of the elements of the 4th group. The most characteristic property of tetrachlorides of elements of the 4th group is their extremely pronounced tendency towards hydrolysis. Por this reason very careful consideration must be given to the fact that all substances used in this work are thorougbly dried. In addition to this such conditions must be provided for Vhat a penetration of moisture into the reagent containers is )-,iado impossible. The occurrence of minute quantities of hydroxidov of the elements under rovie-a and of hydrochlorido are apt to deform physical arid physico-chemical properties of Card 112 the solutions and the compounds fc~rmed in such a vay that in- On Experimental Errors in Some Papers Dealing 1.11ith the SOll/7fi-29-5-7/75 Investigation of Tetrachlorides of Elements of the 4th Group accurate or entirely wrong results are obtained. This applies to the papers by Yu. 14. Vollnov (Ref 1), Yu. 11. Vollnov, F. M1. Glezer and 1. Ya. Rivkina (Ref 4), W. R. Trost (Ref 5) and F. Wertiporoch and B. Altman (Ref 7). There the inexact and wrong results are mainly due to the penetration of moisture into the solutions investigated. There are 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnic In3titute) SUMMITTED: May 4, 1958 Card 2/2 FIALKOV, Yu.Ya., kand.khim.nauk In the light of radioutivity, Nauka i zhyttia 10 no. 10:13-16 0 160. (MIRA 11+: 4) (Radioactivity) UDOVF,MD. V.V.:;-.FIILIKOV, Yu.Ta. Hezacblorogermamtes of alkali metals* Zburaneorg.khim, 5 no.7:1502-1,504 Ji 160. (MIRL 13:7) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicbeskiy institut. (Alkali metal Car-naten) FIAJAOV, Yu.Ya. Reactions of iodine exchange in systems containing iodine trichloridee Zhur.noorgakhim. 5 no*7:1567-1571 Jl 160. (MIRA 1337) ;o Kiyevokiy politekhnicheakiy inutitut, laboratoriya radiokhimit. (Iodine) (Iodine chloride) S/ 07 Cj 60100511007/03 6/04, 3/XX BOOA/DO60 AUTHOR: Fialkov, Yu.'Ya. TITLE: Study of the Reactions of Iodine Exchange in Systems Con- taining Iodine Trichloride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorGanicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol- 5, No. 7, pp. 1567-.1571 TEXT: A short literature survey of i9dineexchange reactions shows that amone'all binary systems ihose with V+ and the iodide - periodate system' are the only ones left unconsidered so. far. The anuthor attempted to fill thiS rfLp and to P.Qqwire a better knowledge of rate and mode of iodine ex- L changb in homogeneous binary systems., The article under conoideri~tion deals with a: study'of the iodine exchange in the systems IC1 - Icl; IC! - IO_ 131 3 3 32 and ICI - 10- by means of taGging IC1 with 1 1) ICl_-- IC1 system. 3 4 3. 1 The hydrochloric acid solutions of IC1 3 were prepared in accordance with 7 F. Ye. Kagan (Ref. 11) by interaction of Y! and KIO_ in 0.8 N HC1. !Cl- Card 1/5 Study,of the Reactions of Iodine Exchange in S/07a/60/005/007/036/043/XX Systems Containing Iodine Tl,ichloride 7,004/Bo6o was tagged with 1131 by adding -~rtdic--O-~'Ave i11'a to IK. The solution I of*!Cl ,:~rino - -~ --ethod (Ref. 12). in-HC1*vas prepared by A. I. Gerr- vi ch I ~Abstraactverls Note: This method is not described hereJ. IC! was separated from IC1 out of the mixture of 11-heir hydrochlorIc acid solutions by mean 1 3 of an exce zo of concentrated !TaCT,-'- (reactions: 3ICI + 6ri-,OH = t7aI + FaIO 3 0 and 31C1- + 121i'aOH = FaI + 2111aIO + 91TaCl + 6H 0) . ITaI was + 'TaCl + 3H2 3 2 separated from FaIO- by me,",ns of a method described by K. B.,Zaborenko, 3 1-1. B., 11eyman, and V. I. Samsonova (Ref. 13) -makino use of A,-VTO The pre- 3* cipitates *-,tere checked for their activity 'by a Geiger-1.1,Uller counter.' The result is shown in Table 1. n min/vita. Ar;J. 110:ipietiiiuro 11-j: Ict 1910 1876 481:1 1779 1494 1501 Card' 2/5 Stud, 'of '-he, Reactlons o.' Todine Exchan~e in S/07c 60/005/C077/0W043/X7- Systems Cont-a-iningr Iodine Trichloride 0 0 0 6 0 2) IC1- - 10 system. The author examincel aqueotio soluticHs of --M h i 3 3 U v was tiiGtod with 1131, intermixed with KIO 3 and st.orcd 4n a 'hermo--Iat A 200C :for differently*long periods. The 10 - ~"'Ls Precipitated by means of 3 Ba(NO 3)V the precipitate.d Ba(IO 3)~ was roduced to Ba 12 by mmepans of acidi- fied Na2SO.., and precipitated by means of ACNO Afterr sepav~tion of I. 1 3* Ba. the IC1 was extracted with ether, mixed with aqueous Na SO (103)2' 3 2 3 sQlufion, added to the aqueous NaNO 2 layer, the resultinG 1 2 being ex- tracted by means of chloroform and, for soparating from 6-hlorine, again ureated with Na 2so3 solution, while the iodine was precipitated from the aqueo,us layer by means of AgNO Table 2 shows the reDult. -3* Card ;3/5, Study of thi Reactions of Iodine Exchange in 3/078/60/005/007/0~;6/043/XX Systems Containing Iodine Trichloride. 13004/3o6c) 1 0:75 -94.2 2 1 2 5 788 3 72,0 1375 4 22,0 t206 to 3) The ICI NaIO system, was studied in a similzir mar'jner. ~17aj - Naro 3. 4 4 syst4m.'In this system,.Nal was tagged, the reaction taking place in 0.1 It NaOll. The components were sep2rated by the method described in Ref.1-13 by allowing AgIO to dissolve in concentrated N-w The.following 4 3* resu2,ts were obtained: I)- In the IC1 - IC1 system, a complete exchange 3 took ple.ce over a period shorter than the tine of treatment of the mixture U - U -1 - V - (3 m" ). T~is-is explained by tautomerism between I3'~'I"Cl` and I (C1 3-! 2)C1 2) No iodine exchange was observed in t1he three other oystems. Results Car~ !4/5 Study of the Reactions of Iodine Exchanf,,e in S/078/60/005/007/036/043/XX S Systems Containing Iodine Trichloride B004/BO60 confirm the conclusions drawn by the authors of Ref. 9 to the effect that an exchange takes place only with reversible chemical interaction. The author mentions V. L. Pavlov and a study conducted jointly with V. P. Tolstikov. There are 4 tables and-16 references: 10 Soviet, 2 US, 3 Prench, and I German. ASSOCIATIONs Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut, Laboratoriya radio- khimii (Kiyev Polytechnic Institute, Laboratory of Radio- chemistry) SUBMITTED: March 20, 1959 Legend to Table 1i Exchange in the ICI 3- IC1 system a) No. of experiment, b) activity in imp/min of AgI, obtained fromt Legend to Table 2: Exchange in the ICI 3- KIO3 system a) No. of experiment, b) duration of exchange, hours, 0 activity in imp/min of AgCl, obtained from-. Card 5/5 S/079/60/030/012/001/027 B001/B064 AUTHOR: Fialkov, Yu. Ya. TITLE. The Diagram "Composition - Property" as a Function of the Chemical Interaction in Binary, Liquid Systems. I.Diagrams of Viscosity PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 3860-3665 TEXT: This study is based on the theory that the diagram "composition property" in binary liquid systems is due to cheuical interaction. The problem is vi8cosimetrically studied. The author assumed that in the case of the viscosity diagrams of binary liquid systems, the degree of chemical interaction must reach the maximum, at least qualitatively, with respect to the viscosity value. One of the methods of studying the effect of the degree of chemical interaction upon the kind of the viscosity diagram, is based on a comparison of several systems in which one and the same COMDO- nent reacts with a number of other components whose activity with respect Card 1/3 The Diagram "Composition - Property" as a 3/079/60/030/012/001/027 Function of the Chemical Interaction in Bool/B064 Binary, Liquid Systems. I. Diagrams of Viscosity to the former was determined by independent methods, Some olf these com- ponents along with data from publications are listed. As far as the system "acetic acid and acids at 250V is concerned, it in shown that a visible relation of the maximum value of viscosity to the degree of chemical in- teraction cannot be established in the binary system. Thin was ascribed to the effect of viscosity of the second component upon the maximum viscosity. Data on the viscosities of the systems "perchloric acid - acids at 500CII are presented. The second components are arranged in accordance with the reduction of their acidity. Since perchloric acid is a particularly strong acid, all second components in the above system are bases according to M. I. Usanovich (Refs. 16-19). The form of the isothermal lines of vis- cosity changes with the degree of interaction. The viscosity of the systems "nicotine - acids at 750V is given. The acids are arranged such that in this series the degree of che:nical interaction is bound to de- crease from formic to stearic acid. Thus, it was shown that the relative viscosity maximum in binary systems having one component in common de- pends directly on tho degree of chemical interaction. The qualitative Card 2/3 The Dia,-,raw "Componition - Property" as a S/079/60/030/012/001/027 u Function of the Chemical Interaction in B001/B064 Binary, Liquid Systems. I. Diagrams of Viscosity change of the degree of interaction is revealed by the change of the relative viscosity maximum. N. S. Kurnnkov, N. N. Stepanov, and Ye. Ye. Cherkashin are mentioned. There are 5 tables and 26 referencos-. 24 Soviet and 2 German. ASSOCILTION: Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev ilolytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: January 11, 1960 Card 3/3 FIAMOV, Yu.Ya. Conditions of exehnge.reactions hetween iodine compounds of different degrees of oxidation in aqueous solutions, Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. 4:noo 2:314-315 161s (MIRA 14:5) 1, Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Laboratoriya radiokhimii. (Iodine compounds) (Oxidation) FMZOV, Yu.Ya.; ZHIKHAREV, V.S. Physicochemical analysis of the system phenol-adetic anhydride. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.3t 699-706 Mr 161. (MIRA 14;3)- (Phenol) (Acetic anhydride) FIALKCV, Yu.Ya~. Nature of S-shaped viscosity diagrams of binary systems. Dokl. AN SSSR 138 no.1:133-135 Ptr-Je 161. (KERA 14:4) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom I.V.Tananayevym. (Viscosity (Systems (Chemistry)) FIAIXOV, Yu.Ya.; TARASENKO, Yu.A. Exchange of iodine in the sYstOm 12 - 1205- Zhur.noorg.khim. 7 no.5:1132-1136 Fq 162. OffRA 15:7) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, laboratoriya radiokhimii. (Iodine) (Iodine oxide) FIAMPI., Yu. Ya. Classification of viscosity isotherms of binary system. with chemical interaction. Ukr. khim. zhur. 28 no.5t543-550 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kiyevski7 po3-itakhnicheskiy institut. (Systems(Chemistry)) (Viscosity) FIATICOV ZHIKHAM V. S. Pbyffiochemical analysis oi thi myot4ft py,~rosulfuric acid acetic acid. Zhur. Ob. kbim,,, 33 uo.1:3~4 163. (MIRA 36 3.) 1. Kiyevskiy politakhnicheskiy, institut. (Pyrosulfuric acid) (Acetic aoid) FIAMOT, Yu. Ya.; ZHIKHAREV, V. S. Fbyaleochemical analysis of the system Pyrosulfuric acid - monochloroacetio acid, Zhur. ob, khim. 33 nool:9-15 163* (MIRA 16:3.) 1. Fdyevskiy politekhnicheakly institut. (Pyrosulfuric acid) (Acetic acid) KUDHAp O.K.; FIALROV, Yu.ra.; 7,11110MIRSMY, AA. Padiotsotopic method for determining the transfer numbers in so.%co-ndary aystew and individual elactrolytes. Zhur. noorg. khim. 8 no,,T",173"11,174.1 JI 163. (MIRA 16:7) K-11-yevskly p--)IItekbn'ch8skiy Institut I Institut khimii AN L Tadzhlkskoy SSR. (Radlcls~,topes) (Icns.-Migration and velocity) KUDRA, O.K.; FIALKOVO Yu.Ya.; ZHIT014IRSKIY, A.N. Transfer numbers in the systism sulfuric acid - acetic acid. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.7tl7l,2-1748 Jl 163. (KIRA 16: 7) 1. Kiyevskiy politekbnicheskiy institut i Institut kbi-ii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Sulfuric aeld) (Acetic acid) (Iona-Migration and velocity) FIALKOV, Yu.Ya.-, FENERLI, G.N. Physicochemical. analysis of binary systems with exchange interaction. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.9:2168-2177 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Kiyevskiy poLitekhnicheakiy institut. FIALKOV, Yu.Ya. Volumetric properties of binary liquid systems with noninteractin components. Ukr.khim.zhur. 29 no.6-.576-582 163. (MIRA ILZ 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Liquids) FIALKOV Yu.Ya.; ZIIIKILMV, V.S. - - . .t -. , ''. Physicochemical analysis of some binary systems containing tri- fluoroacetic acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.12:3789-3795 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnichoskiy institute 'L 115320-63 'RH' Accmsmll NR: AF3oo49T2 S/OOT6/63/03T/008/.1745/1749 AUTHOR: Fialkov, Yu.-ya-, 57, TIMs Calculation of viscosity isotherms o)e binary systems with non,-!LnteractIng components. I. SOURCE: Zhurnal fir.. khimil, v. .117, no. 8, 1963, 1745-174.9 TOPIC TAGS: binary system,, real e;ystem, viscosity isotherm, ii3otherm, non-interaciting component ABSTRACT-:_ --Frets ent -equations _f or--the-ca-loulation-of -viscoaity o&4*- - bJ.nai,,,y systems with non-interacting components are based on the assumption that the viscosity of the system is a function of the viscosities of the components aftd concentration of one of the ccmponents. Sl.ncet actual binary systems do not follow the conce-pt of idality, the derived equations cover either small groups, of systems or a limited range of concentrations in one system. A large rnamber of real systems was examined by the author in. order to firid a general ekpression for the viscosity of a Cord 1/3 1~ 3,8320-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3004972 IDinary system. In order to determine the deviation of a real system from the ideal, the following equation' was used: 'nadd X1 (T11, - q2 T111 is concentration of one component in mole fraction. ohere x, w Since the curvature of the viscosity isotherms increases itfi an increase of the difference between the viscosities of the M.Omponents, this factor was used in finding the general expression ayetems. It was found tha t for viscosity in binary . . . L expresses a better system than q, T12 and t1-it 'neal 'nature of the isotherm curves depends upon j,/113 S, atdo further, that the value of L deareases.regularly with an increase in S. Thererore, these criteria were used in fcamulation of thet method of calculation of the viscosity in a b1nary system. "Author expresses his thanks to G. I Ya n c hu k Card 9./3 31 r D -10 1 &;STON NR t APN04972 to M-. M P for, help in the calculatiom and - okhil for help in approximation or the curves." OrIg. art. has: figure, equations and -3 tables. ASSOCIATI 0141 Kiyasvskiy politekhnl,cheskiy instit~t (Kiev polytechnical.instit;aLej SUBMITTED i O2JAnQ DATE ACQ: 06SeP63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH,, IIH NO REF SOV: 006* OTHER: 002 card- wzx~'~ I NOR, ENV