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A SA L V i 0 `77- CY~IIC1106LOVAKIA Chemical Technology. Chemical Pro- H-6 ducts and Their Application--Safety and Sanitation Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 19599 8744 Author : Fiala, S. Inst : Vot given Title : Determining Benzine Vapor Concentration by Use of a Glowing Platinum Wire Orig Pub: Chem. prumysl. 1958, 8, No 5, 24o-242 Abstract: It was established experimentally that at a con- centration of 250 to 400 (in mg per liter) in air, benzine vapors (I) are catalytically burned by a glowing platinum wirei at 100 to 250 and a minimum Card 1122 121 COUNTRY CZECHOSLOVAKIA CAfEGORr Chemical Technolory. Chemical. Products and Their Amnlications. Instruments r-nd .1utomation AB3. JOUR. M[him., 23 19--)), '~'o. 8-2573 Alt S T'. -1 ~-'- -11 pialf" S. T !TL!' , Measiirment And Control of Feed ~i'uter nrl Values OR I FU 0. Au-tomatisace, 1958, No 10, 328-333 ~,':T Descri,.Aion of A scheme nnd presenietion, of struct!ire.l fiitt,i of the pil meast;rinp, and can- trollinp device used on bailer feed --ater. -- Ye. Stefanovskiy FIALA, Determinatinn of silver in water. P. 3?2. VODNI HC3POSA=I. (1-11inisterstvo energetilcy a vodniho hospodarstvi a Vedecka technicka spoleanost pro vodni ho3nodarstvi) -raha, Czechoslovakia. '10. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly List of East Eurorean Accesnions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. F , iii I J1 j FIALA, S. Possibilities of continuous measurements of some physical quantities in the food industry. P. 358. vol. 7, no. L-,, 3.956. PRUMYSL POTRAVIN. Praha, Czechoslovakia. SOURCEs EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST (EEAL) VOL 6 NO 4 APRIL 1957 IC' ~j -ont.-ily I,-~ot of iuronem Icces:3-ions !Dl.. no. 12, -tec. uncl. FIALA, Svat:)pluk Determining free alkali in soap. Prum potravin 13 no.3sl62- 165 Mr '62. 1. Vyzkumny ustav Sdruzeni tukoveho prumyslu, Usti nad Labem. F,T:*, 1 A , , - . A sand cov'~!' 5 cri. thick used on the nxperimcnt-0 ro.-id ',etween Ste:-ery and DoLnt Prim. P. 17, (Silnice) Vol. 6, no. 7/8, JulY/Aug- '10,57, F-aha, Czochoslovakia I ! 00 . To. 3 No--.7cmer 1957 SO: Mont,,I.,., Index of Last Zuropean Acessions (E-,AI) Vol. -1 ~ ,,' FT -'I UIII-V.- T C! 1 7, 01,01i` cc riodicali3 : SPii,'~WXI TEC!i"!-IKA Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 19,59 F-l*AU,V. Feedback in a!;dio 2japlifiers. n. 323. Monthly Li-st of 1:2st Luropean ILecessions ( 7,,'All) T,C, Vol. R, no. 5 Lay 1059, Unclars. Neenidalova,, R-P- FIALA, V. FamIlY environment Of children committed to Children's homes by court orders. Gesk.psychit. 56 no-2:93-99 Ap 160. 10 P97chiatricka klinik,% KU _Pobucka plzen. (CHIZD WXJAIM) (YARny) '-ACC NR,-Ar7004575 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0203/66/006/003/0597/059i AUTHOR., ORGI (Fit I chaskly Institut Ali SSSR) TITLEz Diffusion of nonhomogenettles in plasma In the presence of drift SOUICEs Geomagnatizm I aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 3s '1966p 597-599 TOPIC TAGSZ inhamogeneous plasma, tonospherej, plasma diffusion ABSTRACT: The ptx)blem of the motion and diffusion of nonhomogeneities is of considerable intorest for the physics of nonhomogonoous plasma, especially for the-kong1phere The diffusion of nonhomogenottles In plasma has been inventi- gated in a number of studies, while others have considered their motion (drift) In the magnetic field under the Influence of an electrical field and other factors. The article cited below is of an Integrating character in that the drift and diffusion are considered at the same time. The author thanks A* Ve Gureivich for directing the completion of this work and Ye. Yo. Tsedilina.for valuable discussions# Orige arts hast 3 formulas@ rinst 38993 SUB CODEt 20,04 SUBM DATEs IlAug65 ORIG REF1 003. Card 7:9 25-3-2- FIALA, Vladimir, inz. Fibrit type resin impregnated materials. Papir a celulosa 20 rio.3s85,87 Mr 165. NESNIDALOVA, Ibizena;-FIALA, Vaclaw On the problem of Kanner's autism in children. Cesk. psychiat. 57 no.2:76-84 161. 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Fizni. (BEHAVIOR MECIMNISms) FIALA, Vaolav; FISAROVA, Marie Social consequences of early cerebral palsy in children. Plzen. lek. aborn. 23t63-70 164 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty University Karlovy se sidlem v Plzni (prednosta : prof. MUDr. E. Vencovsky, DrSc); neurologicka klinika lokarske fftkulty University Karlovy se sidle-m v Plzni (prednootat doc. MUDr. E. Klimkova, CSc.). INOVAK, L; t!j.AL.A, Ya. [Fiala, J.]. SHUTKO, Sh. (Sutko, S.]; VLC.IXOYA,M. -v,"a*' ' 4. 1; SHOUREK, C Sourek, J. I - SEYKORO'A. , L (Sejkorovx, J. I lvlc~o $ 1 0 Some changes in the donor organism after bloodletting, Proble gemat. i parel. krovi 8 no-4t41-46 Ap'63 (MIRA 170) 1. 1z Instituta gematologil I perelivantya krorl (dlr. - prof. Ya. Gurzheyshi [HorejsJ.,, J.], Praga. -I'L.' 2 Z. Fiala, Z Did you prepare your machines well for operating the threshing ~q-uipmeni? p. 252. Helping our combine operators in the grain harvest. p. 253. MECHANISAGE ZEMEDEISTVI. Praha. Vol. 5, no. 13, July 1955. SOt Monthly List of the East European Accession,, (EEAL), LC. Vol. 4, no* 10, oct, 1955, Uncl. FIAL&, Z. Rem-irks on Jiri Triska's book Elektrina n% vorrioc zemedelstvi (Eaectricity Etlp-R-Lr-icjjl~ae). p.280 -- -- - ML'HANISACE AU-,,MEL'-',TVI. (1-finisterstvo zemedelstvi) Praha. Vol. 5, no. 14, July 1955 East European Accessions List Vol. 5 No. 1 Jan. 1956 SNABL, Pairel, MUDr., (Kunz Lib,3rec); FIALA Zdanek HUDr., (OUNZ Liberec); =1 U I a inatematickostatistick:r zpraFaMM primar MUDr. F. POLAK, (OUNZ) Jablonec n. ff.). Liberec, Wolkerova 15. Intraarterial treatment of arterial diseases of the lower ex':romitles. Vnitr. lek., Brno 1 no-5:377-385 May 55. (LEG. blood supply ischemic die., ther. intraarterial.) FIALA, Zdanek, inz. Importance of the intft-,t'ination of heat prc-cessing in the canning industry. Prum potravii 16 no.2.75-79 F 165. 1. Research Institute o.1' Distillation and Canning Industry, Prague. Submitted October 23, 1964. Country : CZECIMSLOWJa:, T Cater,ory: Hunan and PhyBioloL7.' Circuj-,tion. Blood Vessolm Abs Jour: P2.hDiol., No 19, 15,58, BM70 Author Smbl, P.; Pol:dt., F.; Fiala, Z. Inst Title A Test of Socoudary Blood FillinG. Orig Pub: Vnitrni lclmrstvi, 1957, 3, No 977-982 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 SITABL, P.; MACHALEK, M.; FIArA, Zd. localization of obliterative vasen'lar disease in the lower extremities. Gas. lek. cesk. 98 no,.26:82,S-83P 26 June 59. 1. Vnitrai oddeleni P-Dliklinik7 MM Liberec, prednosta Mr. -Pavel Snabl P.S., Liberec 15# WoUcerova 15. Do redakce doslo v zari 1958." (VASCUIAR DISIASES, MMML, diag. localiza:Uon of oblitera~tive dis, in lower extremities (Cz)) Fialevszky, L. FialevsM,Qr, L. Design of an anallagmatic telescope with inner focusing. P, 317. Vol.. 13, no. 1954, Budapest, Hi4gary 0ZLE.I.-E-M Polish conv.,emor--,,tion of AcAemic-i-in Dr. JJ-0Z3t3f Jaky, Kos:3uti 1rize winner, !,rofnssor A the Technical Univorsity. 1). 3' Life of t~..e Section of Toc,inical Sciences; wor'. of' s in v.Xi.."us scipntific fiel.1s, January-April, 1954. 1). 401. SO: Montaly List of East Europum Accessions, (EEAL), L,~, Vol. 5. Vo. 3, March, 1956 FIALFA, J. Standarrilzation activities of the State Institute of Metallur7ic I I Plant Design. P. 170. Praha. V01. 3, no. 8, Aug. 1,64. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (KE-'1), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956. A05 A126 AUTHORs Fialka Jindrich T;12LEt Plaxible alootron tube grid made of metal braid PZRIODIGALi~ ReferativW zhurnalf Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, no. 3:o 1963, 20 - 210 &biltract 3AIIIN (Czech. pat.t al. 21gt l3pet; no* 101315# October 15, 1961) T-XT: Several variants of making a flexible grid for cylindrical electron tubes from metal braid are propoued. According to the first var4mt:', the lower ~paxt of the grid made in the form of braid stocking is rigidly fixed on the tube socket when mounted on the chassis. The upper part of the grid is fucytished with an annular metal flange with special (T-shape) cuts in its uppar expanding part. When mounted in the seat of the,socket the tube is insorted Into the atocking from above and the whole grid is pulled up by the f%ange until it covora the tube. In this position the grid is fixed on the tube-by means of a special-ahape steel wire spring, the middle part of which holds the tuba 11;'rom above and the ends engage the cuts-in the flange of the acreeae Accordling to another variant the stocking is put from 0 ar d :/3 7 3/27Y65~000/00 Vlazible e%eotroa tube -grid A052 2 Al above on the-tube alteady aeated in tha socket. The upper pax, of the a-took- ing has a I'lango with a diameter considerably smaller than that of the tube owing to which the grid cannot slide dowa the tube. The lower part of the stooking hits an annular flange with an internal diameter equal to the ax.. ternal diazieter of the tube. Da the external surface of this flange the:.,e Tid _!::-the -io. put -on-1he -.-tube- _fW DM abova engage- the corresponding -holes of.. flat aprings, which are fixed'in the tube socket in a vertical position at a distance of the radius of the tube bulb from the center of the socket. The number of springs and their arrangement in the socket correspond to number and arrangement of protrusions on the lower flange of the grid. Since according to the first variant the lower part of the grid and, accard- ing to the seoc-id variant, the vertical flat.springs have a direct conta,;t with the chassis, the grounding and at the same time partial heat tranafar from tube i;o chassia are secured. The proposed screen, mounted tightly on the sueacii of the tube heated during the operation, secures a good heat transfer and consequently contributes to the longer service life of the Card 2/3 Kex-,Ole aleovron. tube grid A052/AI26 tube and 4aso adequately protects the tuba bulb against mechanical dam-ages. B,Ya* [Abstractor's note#. Complete translation#] FIALKA, Kwdl) inz. --fl- A rti cla-T-lighting of class rooms and its research. Elektrotechnik 17 no.9:257-260 S 16:2. 1. Tesla - Holesovice, Itaha. SOKOLOWSKI, Janusz; FIALKIEWICZ, Zofia; SMIATACZ, Zygfr-yd; WASIEUMSKI9 Czeslaw Configuration and conformation of Y-glycoBides. Ft. 1. Rocz chemii 37 no.5:515-523 163. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry, Normal School, Gdansk* PADALKO. N.Y.; UVROT, A.M., radaktor; FIALKINA. G.A.. radaktor; KOHINA, T.N., takhnichookiy redakto'il.:-~h "~' - [Botany lessons in the learn-by-doing plot of the school] Uroki bota-miki na shkollnom ucliebno-opytnom uchastke. Pod red, A.N. Lairrova. Moskva, Izd-yo Akademii pedagogichookikh nauk RSFSR, 19.154. 95 P. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent A:PN RSFSR (for lavrov) (Botanjr--Study and teaching) (School gardens) ~=-/ q I- I A, -,2,f/ , , ~ I ~. ~11r� SAHOYLOV, I.I., redaktor; PIAMINA, G.A.redalrtor; HUKHISA, T.N., I;ekhnicheskiy [Problems of applied science In teaching geography] Voprosy politekhnichaskogo obuchenits v prepodavanii geografii; sbornik i3tatei. Koskva. Izd-vo Akademii pedagog. nauk RSFSR, 1954. 168 p. (Geography-Study and teaching) CKLRA 7:12) KORITTSKAYA, V-A.. redaktor; -FIALKELk. G.A.. redaktor; GAMOK, V.P. tnkhni.chnskiy rodaktorr" (Geography teachers on their work] Uchltella geografii o svnel rabote. Pod red. V.A.Korinskoi, 14onkva, 1955. 127 p. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Akadamits, pedagngicheskikh nalik RSFSR, Moncow, Institut matodov oburhentla. (Geography-Study and teaching) 'I PASTUIH, Yeleaa Yakoylevna; STAIrROVSKIY, Alel4andr, Yevgenlyevich; FIALKIng G.A., redaktor; GARNK, takhnicheekly redaktor. B!opio plan for extracurricular vork in biology in secondary schools] Vamatika vneklassnol raboty po biologii v arednei shkole. Koskys, Ilsd-vo Ak4demli pedagogIcheakikh nauk RSM, 1955- 135 P- (KQA 9:5) (Biology-Study and teaching) IXVASHOV, V.I., propodavatalg aradney shkoly; DRIZOVSKAYA, T.M.. redaktor; FULKINA, G.A., redaktor; GARNEK, V.P., tekhnicheokiy radaktor ,WWMff4W~W1NWRWOO [04hemical laboratory club In the school] Kruzhok khimikov-laborantov v shkole. Pod red. T.M.Drizovskoi. Moskva. Izd-vo Akadamii padagog. nauk RSFSR, 1956. 19 p. (MLRA 10:1) .(Chemistry--Study and teaching) r YAKH(RITOV, A.A.,profecoorl, radaictor;PROFMNSOVA, N.Y..redaktor; FUUINAi&J,,=dqtor; GOROKHOV. Yu. N., tekhnichaakly redaktor I [Practi#cal work in the school experimental garden plot; work i practice] Prakticheskis zpniatiia na shkollnom uchabno-opytnclm uchpatkel is opyta rabotv. Pod r6d. A.A' IA6ontova. Moskva. 1956, 78 p (KIJU 10-.4) 1, Akademlya pedagogiches~ikh nauk RSYSR, Moscow. Institut metodoy obuchaniya. is Chi6n-korrespondaht Aliadexii ped.agogicheskikh nauk RUSR. (for Yakhonto*)- (Sthool gardens) 0 ZUYSV, Vasilly Fedorovich, akademik; RAYKOV, B.Ye., reds kt or;,R redaktor; SHAPOSHNIKOVA, A.A.. redaktor; GARNEK, V.P., tekhnicheekiy redaktor C.Pedagogical works] Pedagogicheskie trudy. Red.. vatup.statlia i kommentarii B.Z.Haikova. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii pedagog. nauk, 1956. 146 p. (KLPA 9: 10) I. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akadamii podagogicheakikh nauk RSFSR "kfor'Raykov) (Nature study) 4~ -,YZ P- TROITSKIY, Alekoey Aleksandrovich; KAZAKOVA, O.V., red.; FIALKIIIA, G.A. red.; lAUT, V.G., [Stud7ing the subject "the musculoskeletal system" (the human almleton)] Isuchenie temy "Kostno-myshechnaia sistema" (akelet cheloveka). Pod red.O.V.Kasakovol. Koakva, Izd-vo Akad. pedagog. neLuk R5FSR, 1957. 23 p (MIRA 11:1) jKUSJ:~LOS'nIXTAL SYSTM) GROD1111"11% Grigoriy Pavlovich; KORSURSKAYA, V.M., red.; FIALKINA. G.A., rvd.; TARASOVA, V.T., Dloadings in biology outside class] Yneklasenoe chtenie po biologil. Pcd red. V.M.Korounskoi. Moskva, ltd-vo Akademii pedagog. nauk IUM, 1957. 49 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Biology-Study and teaching) _2 e WiSWIMYA, Y.H., red*; YIALKINA. G A red., GANIEK. V.P.,; [Developing the interest of students in nature and agriculture] Rarritie interesa uchashchikhoia k prirode i sel'skomu khoziaistiru; sbornik. Pod red. VA]Cornunskoi. Koskva, 1957. 54 p. (MIRA 11:4) 1.,-'kademiya pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR# Moscow. Institut podogogiki. Ioningrad. (Botany-Study and teaching) ZVORYKIN, Boris Sergeyevich; FULKINA G.A., red.; KOPTEKOVA, L.A.. red.- TARASOVA, V.V., takhn.-ie.d. - - - (Practical manual for electrical work in secondary schools-, practices of School NO-315 in Mosco*j Praktikum po slektrotekhnike v srednei shkole; iz opyta raboty shkoly NO.315 Mookvy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. pedagog. nauk RSYSR, 1957. 126 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Slectric engineering) T -Q ICT "-A , j( . A . GIAZYRIL4, Alakeandr Ivanoilch; ICUMV, Ivan Vaal 11 evv leh'. PARiU-,'NOV- &anstantin Y&L-ovlavich; FIALKINA, G.A., redaktor: R-Ya.. talchnichaskiy rednktor; 1AUT, V-G.-, --f-ekhnicheaklr redektor [Utudy room for natural sciqncex (physics, chemletry, arA biology) In a seven-year school] Kabinst estestvoznanila (fizlkL, k1himli, bioloeii) v soniletnei Ehkole. Pod obBbobei red. Y-1A. Parmenovs. IzA, 2-oe, perar. Hookya, lzd-vo Akad.qedagog-nauk R6Y6R. 1957. 31.2 0. 1,0:10) (1-kitural hi6tory-~tiAy arA tnaching) ROMMIOVSKIY, Vladimir Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHEIRENKOT, Vilctor Nikolayevich;.FIALKIIIA, G.A., red.; TARASOVA, V.V.y telchno red. [Socondary school production trainingof electricians; laboratory wo37k]Proizvodstvennoe obruchenie edektrikov v srednei shkole; la- boi7atorno-praktichaskie raboty. Moskva, Izd-vo AFTI RSFSR) 1962, 12d", P, (MIRA 15:12) (Electric engineering-Study and teaching) SHCHUKIN, Sergey Vasillyevich; FIALKINA, G.A., red.; NOVOSEILVA, V.V., tekhn. red. ~ - :' , -- ~ ~-- - I I- . I (Fundamentals of student experimental work with forage plants and agricultural animals] Osnovy opytnicheskoi raboty shkollnikov a komovymi kullturami i sel'skokho- ziaistvonnymi zhivotnymi. Moskva, Izd-vo AFN RUSR, 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 17:2) 0 IT If If w -A-A-A-L-J~ a AL GO .4 fit 4 UO-940(to Knj! &I as a b v a to a d a d a *me &--A- 47-A-A 1-8- , 00 .00 .00 "Iwrkal gas in dw r-Aw b. 12, IM sod"NM. -J;~ *.3*ko-,g 09-3 the -~k-vity of SA, in,n, PLIOV. ~ wi'.A~TM- avid"Cr of 41W in she ttedijig IvIded wit Ong lot "W'S t IN $A A I a 'se so 0 0 0 0 0 0 00004 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 U0 *0.'*' '0 *"1,* we No 00 '*' 11000000 0 fob e0 : 0 -0-0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 sea goo 804 see sea moo woo 'al .."i i-All Sam "t4mardcs of Rejulatiq t e C:)ncent:ation of Suffer Gas at Sulfuric Acid Plants where an Electric Gas-Analyzes is included in the Circuit." Sone of c)mpttta.ion carried our at, Ural SxI. lies. Chem. Institute in 19)J4 ZU-NiKhLy of Vie Ministery of Chemical industries C1-1KhP7of w ch t-,-,e auriior is affiliated ZIN-ote in 1)35 Utl4idLqwas mudder Ural Jsnov Ehim of Glav Kh'n Prom NKTP7 Aittimat i Tele&ekh IX,, 60 3.948. FInKO' G. if. Fialko --G. M. "The automatic regualticn of the concentration of sulfur gases at sulfur!~--`aTici plants", (Report), Soobshch. o nauch. rabotakh chlenov Vsesoyuz. khim. o-va im. Mendeleyeva, 3.949, Issue 1, p. 21-22. SO: U-4630$ 16 Sept, 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Iny1di Statey, No. 23, 1949). F I A 1, 1)" ) II f r. V .1. .g_ Finit- pr.~, L.A. Kortromitin. A Inborntory device t.) ti,,,~ c,)ncerotrption M. -ripl- 2 of sulfuric aci-'. nnd oleum. P. 1268 Urp-1 Scinnt- Ree. Inct. of Chemictry SO: Factory Laboratory, No. 10, 195-0 Mi- F -7 I .- i-i I USSR/Procesoes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - K-2 Control and Measuring Devices. Automtic Regulation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, Wo 2, 1957, 7003 Author : Apakhov, A.I., Baleyeir, A.V., Perevezentsev, I.G., Fialko Inst Title : Automatic Regulation of Preparation of Nitrogen Oxides for Absorption in the Production of Sulfuric Acid by the Tower Process. Orig Pub : Khim. prom-st', 1955, No 8, 475-477 Abstract : It is pointed out that automatic regulation of prepara- tion of nitrogen oxides for absorption can be effected on the basis Of N02 content of the gas after the last absorption tower. The N02 content is controlled by a photoelectric gas analyzer of continuous operation. In so doing the NO content in the gas is set at such a concentration ~�ai only minimum losses of N2 oxides with Card 1/2 AUTHOR: Fialko, G. M., Candidate of TechniCL11 W/j4-5E3-4-12/2Q Sciences I TITLE: The Automatic Stabilization of the Conccntr,~tion of Sulfur Dioxide in Pyrite---Dust Ovens (Avtomaticheskaya stabiliz4tsiya kDntsentral3ii sernistogo gaza v pechakh pylevidnoGo obzhija kolchedana) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskayu promyshlennost', 1958, -'r 4, PP. 244-246 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The variability of the concentration of sulfur d1oxicie in the production of sulfurio acid leads to an increase in the consumption of nitric acid or to a decrease of the intensity of contact and of absorption, resiectively. The main cause for this change is the non-uniformily of the pyrite addition,, this latter a-ain being caused by the con3tant change in the humidity of the pyrite. It ,%ras observed that the heat of the waste ~;ase3 in the burnia'g of pyrite ~with the szme air supply) is a fun,_tion of the amount of burnel sulfur and thus of the concentration of Card 1/3 sulfur dioxide. Based on this fact the UITIkhia collaborating The Automatic Stabilization of the Concentration of SOVtD4-58-4-12/20 Sulfur Dioxide in Pyrite-Dust Ovens with D. I, Millmo.n, V. Z. Mellnikov and V. M. Bronnikov, constructed a reiNlator which oper-,tes according. to the principle that in the case of a drop of temperature or the waste gases the pyrite addition is automatically increased, and vice versa. A chromium-alui-Anum thermocouple is used as measuring elemont of thu regulator; this thermocouple is locuted in the waste gas channel. A diagram of th~,, Lrraneement is enclosed as well as the corresponding figures. The automatic regulator ;,ias adjusted to a normal temperature of the waste gases of 9300 (corresponding to 1 2~_a SO 2 )/ the zone of insensibility was +10 at an isodrome of 2 minutes. The 3imple character of the apparatus, the safety of the regulator effect, as -tell as the possibility of a maos producLion are mentioned as recommendation for a wider use in industry. There arQ 6 figures, 2 table3, and 4 references which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatelskiy khimichoskiy institut (Ural 3cientific Research Inatitute of Chomistry) Card 2/3 I The Automatic Stabilizution of the Concentration SOV/64-58-4-12/20 of Sulfur Dioxide in Pyrite-Dust Ovens 1. Sulfur dioxide--Stabilization 2. Sulfuric acid--Production 3. Iron sulfides --Moisture factors 4 1 Card 3/3 sov/81-59-16-57379 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, p 253 (USSR) AUMORS: ,E~ilko, G.M., Bronnikov, VX TITLE: A Concentration Meter for Sulfuric Acid and Oleum With an Equilibrium Bridge of KSO-3 Type PERIODICAL% Tr. Ural'skogo n.-i. kh1m. in-ta, 1958, 11r 7, PP 261-20~; ABSTRACT: The concentration meter can.;Istr, of 3 parts. the transducer - being a cast iron (for acid) or iron (for oleum) flow-through case with a socket inserted in It, the lower side of which is open, and in the bottom of which 2 platinized (measuring) electrodes and a sealed comparison cell. are fastened; the a-c electron bridge (EMD-12 or EMD-232) in which the input bridge circuit is modified; and_the duplicating indicating milli- vcltmeter. The total error of the concentration meter on the margins of the scale does not exceed: for drying acid t 0.3% H2S04; monohydrate t- 0.2% H2S04; oleum t 0.60% S03-free* N. Surkov. Card 1/1 8/112/59/000/016/033/05 4 A052/AO02 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, N,,. 16, p~ 167, 34696 AUTFOR.- T ITLE; Automatic Control of the Oxidation Space In Suifjr!~ A~.Ild Tower Syztems by the Ratio of Nitric Oxides at the Exhaust PERIODICAL- Tr. Urallskogo n.-i. khim. in-ta, 1958, No. 7, pp~ 279-289 TEXT: Calriulations and a description of a regulator of tqe rat-lo o f a I oxidea are given, 'The regulator was tested at a superphosphate plant in 15V_--5 The regulator ;~onsqists of a photocolorime"ric AOK-2 (AFX-2) oxide pi-i-lp, 9. meas,-,ring device, an electronic control millivoltmeter, an ele--trothermal Iso- drome and a servomechanism. The latter rotates the baffle plate2 of the oxidatioza space and of the tvoer,changing thus the amount of gas passlrg through ths oxidation space of the system. A considerable acceleration of the nitric oxld,~ oxidation in the pickup of the regulator is achieved by an additic:i of oycvacri to the exhaust gas entering the pickup. There are 8 illustrat Ions ard 6 reft~11-er_:;&~, N, M, F. Translator's Poteg This is the full. translation of the origi-nal, Russian ab--.--act, .1 Vard 1/1 S/103/60/021/006/024/027/XX B019/Bo63 AUTHOR: Pialko, G. M. (Sverdlovsk) . . ... . . ............. TITLE: Use of Electrothermal Isodromic Syste s for the Coupled Control of Manufacturing Processes PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No, 6, pp, 812-820 TEXT: The present paper deals with methods of autonomous isodromic control of complicated technological processes with electrothermal devices which require no complication of the measuring instruments of the control- ler. The design of the circuits of the electrothermal devices is similar to that of electrothermal isodromic systems. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of a control system for the control of three parameters of an object. 1) denotes the control object, 2) the measuring instruments, 3) the amplifiers, 4) the isodrories, 5) the final control elements, and 6) the cross-coupling devices. The cross-coupling elements are calculated by matrix calculus. An experimental verification of the mode of cross- coupling suggested by the author with the help of a simulator indicated Card 1/3 Use of Electrothermal Isodromic Systems for S/103/60/021/006/024/027/XX the Coupled Control of Manufacturing Pro- B019/Bo63 cesses that the accuracy of dynamic control can be improvee Particular ad- vantages of the control systems described here are the simple design of an automatic and coupled control, the simple design of the measuring instru- ments of the controller, adjustment of large time constants, and the simple design of the system and its reliability in operation. VTI (All-Union Heat Engineering Institute) is mentioned, ThHre are 2 figures, 2. tables, and 7 Soviet references. Card 2/3 Use Electrothermal Isodromic Syster,3 for 0~ 'the Cd~pled Control of Manufacturing Pvo-- cesses Card 3 S1 103/60/02 10r Boig/BO63 . FIALKO _ GT-A&q-rU-.Mirqnovich; SUIMANOV, Ye.L.j, kand. tekhn. nauk, reteezi.- 2entj DUGINAI, red, [Automation of equipment for the mnufacture of oulfuric acid) Airtomatizataiia oborudovaniia dlia proizvodstva sernoi kisloty. Moskvap Gos. nauchno-teldin. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 2c,14 p. (Sulfuric acid) (Automation) (MIRA 14:10) JIALKO, _q,.jj ; YE-MIYANOv, A.i., inzh. irIzh., red. , retselizent; FV1D, L.I., [Auto1r,atiol, of the production of sulfuric acid] Av-torati- zatsiia proizvodstva sernoi kisloty. !-IO3-kva, Mashinostroenie, 1961,- 407 p. Izd.2., perer. i dop. 4111RA 17:9) FIALKOP II.M.; DIMES, A.I. Study of inorganic salts Iiith the purpose of using them as high-temperatmv lubricants. Khim. i tekh. topl. i miasel 8 no,10:22-26 0 163, (MIRA 16:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut po pere- rabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. pal IE T, pr PTI-10/1511-11 TX I A-,x-L:s,,uoH tut:- kp4al7574 S/0065/b4/,%-Q/QQ3/005%/0058 AUMOR: rjulkdi M., MDintseL_I LOI. topl4v i wtasel, no. 3, 1964, 54-58 KWAdya i te ToPla TA06 st-ructural steell nickel alloy, lubrlaont, high, C h1riemt molten meta 1, thallim. .end. bimnuth, ead-mimn tin-p - Elm _01-rosivenei-s, oxidation., stainleS3 steel, corr)sicyn, cerqzrLic/ F154-7 rtainlesE steel, FqUO StainleSS steel, TuYB-1084R nickel alloy, i alloy, Inccztel,. Monel metal AWPMAOT! lubri=da- v-as-9ttzdie4-133; in-1- it Q~, qq,. Pl?.,_Zn, ard autectic mixtures Di-M-11b vestigating the oxidation of 13 and Bi-'Plb-Sn mid their corrosiveness tomrd strict,nwal alloys -- ctainless nt"Is T V"M RIKIO aWnick,--l al-loyc- rgXB-I('-B2R k-lac-' rpe -1 the molten metalg ORdLze st 5WI';j'hence iri-rt atmoolfie-re Al vactiLm op;rraiticns are reqttred. Thn data obtained ax-e Ln ura-eement wJtb Lilterzatiwe, nearly all liquid ap-tals react rith the basic ef.),zi-ponents of the Card J./2 M_ IF- ~Ogq _pgg 4: "'J~M -7 j i 719-65 ACCr-SSIC77 M!- AP4017574 e,11-3yo, farming interawtaii,je nriy FM- -Ind cU wd I COUL4 be Wed. Themf ore, r n i)rw ,,tr, c 01~W~Stcd- If tt6,,- utnic~,uInl F~',Lw, %rr~ -n',irr-A 1 4 9 A P,SSOCIATION: 00 Mr 00 R (YAC: I-R N N 31K Al 51 ACC NR- AP7002728M,/4) SOURCE CODE : UR/0065/67/000/001/0045/0048 AUTHOR: Fialko, M. M.; Nikonotov, Ye. M. ORG: VNII NP TITLE: Effect of additives on therm al- oxidative stability of dibutylphenyl- phosphate SOURCE: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no. 1, 1967, 45-48 1 TOPIC TAGS: antioxidant additive., corrosion inhibitor, ==ouioru amine, alkylphenol, hydraulic fluid, dibut3flphenyl phosphate , phenyl compound, phosphntet thermal oxidation, aircraft engine ABSTRACT: The effect of certain antioxidant and other additives on the thermall oxidative stability and corrosiveneSS of dibutyl phenyl phosphate had been investigated with regard to the latter's use as a base for fireproof aircraft hydraulic fluid. The sample investigated contained about 1576 tributylpbosphate; the acid number of the liquid was 0. 1. Aromatic amines and alkylphenoles were used as oxidation inhibitors.- The former reduced the acidity of dibutylphenyl phosphate four to five times. In the presence of copper, however, the inhibitive properties of these antioxidants were completely reversed and the corrosiveness, Card 1/2 TJDC:- 665. 521. 5:546. 185 ACC NR,- AJ:17002728 Of dibut- .Ylp;henyl Phosphate increased. Xanthogehates Without disulfide gro on the Other hand were shown t by the formation of a protectiv 0 r(lduce corrosiveness. This effect is explaifnaed le sulfide filrn on the copper surface. In turn this f"rr' Precludes the use Of xanthogenatec in li~dra Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. ulic BY8terns Of aircraft. SUD COI)E: ,/SUB' [KPI ~4 DATE: nOn(?/0R.IG REp: 001/OTHREF: 007/ 2/2 ?IALKO V.A- .JEverdl Ovsk) Cont'nuitY it the vork of a first aid station physicians. Zdrav. ROB-redor wd district - 7 no.81 35-39 Ag'63. (SMDI'OVSK - FIRST AID Ij,, 16;lo) IWIWS AVD(n~ll;JRUARY) KUSIELKISKI~, B.P., prof., KHEYNOWN, I.M., kand. med. nauk; FIALKO, V.A. Study on the effectiveness of the use of fibrinolysin In myo- cardlal infarcts. Sav. med. 28 no-5:55-58 My 165. (MIRA IS'. 5) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy terapii Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo InstItLlLa I Sverdlovskaya gorodskaya stantsiya skoroy pomoshchl (glp-v-nyy vrach V.F.Kapino.3, nauchnyy rukovoditell spetsializirc- vannoy kardiologicheskoy -31xizhby - prof. B.P.Kiishelevskiy). ANISMCHMO LA, felldsher (Shakhty Rostovskoy oblasti); rIA1KO,' Tq~., I ' ('t ' -- __I._ _ _ felldiiher Tulkaneshty Koldavakey SSR); STARIK07, L.K., folldsher; SUSLOTA, V.A., akusherka (poselok Stakhanovskiy Kirovskoy oblasti) Improved method for preaerring chlorethyl remnants in bottles used for penicillin, streptomycin, and Insulin. Yelld. I akush. 25 no -3:-49-50 Hr 160. (MIRA 13 -.6) (' 7 1 CHLORIDE) ROGOVSKAYA, II.V.; FIAI,KOj"Tq!9-- H~rdrogcologlcal basis for land improvement work in the Kura-Aras Lwland. Sov. gaol. 7 no.11s121-123 N 164. (HIM 180) L Vaeaoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy inatitut gidrogeologii I Anzhenernoy geologil. 112-1-3.844 Translation from: Referativnyv Zhurnal) Blektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 1, p 6 275 (USSR) AIJTHOR: Fiallkq., Ye - I TITLE: Problem of the.Amplitude and Frequency Response Cliaracter- isU3 of a Resonance Amplifier (K voprosu ob amplitudno- ohas-botnoy kharakteristike rezonansno.So usilitelya) PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo ~Rlitekhn. in-ta,, 1956, 82p pp. 134-145 AWMACT: In ord6x~ to explain the influence of asymmetry of the cirolait resonance characteristic on the properties of a multistage amplifier, the following problems were investi- gated: 1) resonance characteristic of the oscillatory ciroiait for a one-and a multistage amplifier; 2) depend- ence of the degree of asymmetry of the amplifier pas3-band from the number of stages; 3) limiting shape of the amplitude-and-frequenoy response characteristic of a mult:Lstage,amplifier with a large number of stages. An experimental amplitude-and-frequency response 6haracter- Card 1/2 i.stin. was taken down from a wideband c*scade of a resonance INC.& FIALKO, Tel..I, Radar observations of meteors on a 10m.. wavelength. Astron. tairk. no-5:21-24 D 157. (MIRA 10:5) 1. Tomekly politakhnichookiy institut im. S. M. Kirova. (Radio astronomy) (Meteors) AUTHOR: :Fialko, Ye, 1. 508 TITLE: The distribution of meteor radio echoes according to 'their duration. (K voprosu o raspredelenii meteornykh :radioekho po dlitellnosti). PERIODICAL: "Astronomicheskiy Zhurnallt, (Journal of Astronomy), '17-57- No 2 pp.NIL6 (USSR). Vol 34 . . , , , ABSTRACT: Following the work of Kaiser (1, 2) and Greenhow it is shown that in the first approximation Tmin N = N1, where N is the number of meteors giving reflections of duration T~) Ir lain" and N z the total number of observed meteor echoes. In deriving this expression it was assumed that T is proportional to the mass of the meteoric body (before vaporisation) and the differential law of distribution of meteoric bodies according to mass is given by Pm(m) = bm-S where b and S are constants. Table I gives the meteor reflections with T > 0.5 see. as observed by the author. Column headings in this table are as follows:- Plate number, Number of meteors, NNW AUTINR: Fialko, Ye.I. 33-3-13/32 TITLE; Me distribution of meteoric bodies according to mass. (K voprosu ob isuchenii taspredeleniya meteornykh tel po masse) PE-BIODICAL: "Astronoalchesk~;j Zhurnal" (Journal of Astronomy), 1957, Vol. 34, 11o.3, pp. 419-423 (1~.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: A simple method is discussed for a more precise deter- mination of the law of distribution of meteoric bodies accord- ing to their mass, based on radio-echo observations on meteor- ites. As is known, the distribution of meteors accoiding to mass is gi-ven by the approximate law: b fM(m) - I where m. is the mass of a meteor and b and S are constants. Kaiser (2) has shown that, approximately: =t -1)/2 .P1 3 N , X1 82 csxd 1/6 .2X N2 wg Nig ;g "4t RD W ~ 9N. 7 33-3-13/32 The distribution of meteoric bodies according to mass. (Cont.) where N is the mean number of meteors recorded by the radio.- locator per hour, P the peak power radiated by the trans- mitte:c, X the wavelength, 6 the threshold power. Indices 1 and 2 refer to the two radio-location stations. If only one radio.-locator is available (with two receivers having different sensitivities): X1 Tle 2I(S--L)/2 N2 FS, I and hence: N _T__ S 1 + 2 2 Ig 2 Card 2/6 In formulae (2) to (4) N (and correspondingly N 2 ) is the number of meteors which can give reflections exceeding the threshold signal. 33-3-1~/~g The distribution of meteoric bodies according to mass. ( ont.) K. Bullough has shown that: N' = 4 if where N is the mean nunber of meteorites (per hour) which can give an amplitude echo, Nt the number of meteorites actually discovered per hour, and 4 and P are given by; Pl-S + - 1 Cl - P 1-S [i + (S - 1) 1n P112 ln P(S-1) Ax P = Ti/Ts X2 Ts.= 161~D where Ti is the length of transmitted impulses, T is the Gard 3/6 duration of reflection and D is the coefficient of Aiffusion at a height at which the reflecting part of the meteor is sit- uated,, In the first approximation does not depend on the th' A NO R 33-3-13/v' The distribution of meteoric bodies according to mass. (Co'j~t'-.) magnitude of the threshold signal, i.e: N, N2 NI 2 and N' 1 gs S ':~ 1 + 2 2 1 In order to establish the law of distribution of masses of meteoric bodies it is necessary to establish in which region of masses does the above eqization for S apply. It,is shovm that card 4/6 the mirtiTmim mass is given by: W /2 C- 2 2 e 1 1 A 16W P Mmin e Cf - EiG" max 'Qma, ~S'+Mco-s~~)L T s:Ln H (h), The difitribution of meteoric bodi-es according to mass, (Cont.) 33-3-13/12 where h is the height of the normally reflecting part of the meteoric trace. The coefficient 0 which characterises the probability of ionisation, depends on the velocity of meteors: P -. -V4 n is not yet accurately known. Thus the minimum mass of observable meteors is determined frcm the locator arameters LX, r" Pi, % S, (0)] and'meteor parameters (v, p3- Thus, in the case of small masses, it is necessary to use a comparatively large W , a very directional antenna? and a high power transmitter. There are 1 figure and 9 references, 1 of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Tomsk Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirova (Tomskiy Politekhnicheskiy Institut imeni S.M. Kirova) S U BMITTE D December 1, 1956 AVAJILABIE: Library of Congress Card 6/6 I VA S.L HOLIMM60_ 'I? I'll- Results of radar observations of the Perseid meteor shower in 1956. Astron.tsir, no.185:22-23 0 157. (MIRA 11:4) l.Tomski.r politekhnicheakiy inetitut im. S.M. Kirova. (Meteors--August) (Radio astronomy) SOV/58-59-8-18734 Translated from: Reiferativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 244 (USSR) ATJTHORP)- __Fialko Ye I Peregudov, F.I., Nemirova, E.K. TITLE: Preliminary Results of Hadar observations of Meteors at A -10 Meters PEMIODICAL: Byul, Komis. po kometam i meteoram Astron. Soveta AN SSSR, 1958, Nr 2, pp 39-43 KBSTRACT. The article describes the results of radar observations of meteors, carried out in September 1956 with the aid of a meteor radiolocator of the "TPI-l" type. The apparatus had the following parameters: wave-length 10 m; pulse power of the transmitter -1100 kw;pulse duration 5/A sec; frequency of pulse repetition 300 and 600 pps; sensitivity of th3 receiver ^-'lo-13 10-14w; transmitting and receiving antennas were horizontal half-wave osci'-lators, situated at a height of A /3 above the ground. The article prov.Ldes graphs of the daily measurement of meteoric activity, of distributions according to distance and duration and of the relation between the hourly number of meteors and the power of the transmitter. V.A. Naslednik Card 1/1 AUTHOR- Pialko, Ye.I. sOi/33-35-6-7/18 TITLE. The Yean Characteristic Height of Meteors Detected by Radio Observations PERIODICALi Astronomioheskiy zhurnal,1958,vol 35,Nr 6,pp 881 - 887 (USSR) ABSTRAM The mean characteristic height of detected meteors depends on the parameters of the radio-echo apparatus; the dependence is slight, e.g. i An increase of the sensitivity of the apparatus which enlarges the number of the fixable -meteors by 1-2 orders, alters the mean characteristic height by 5 - 10 km only. A variation of the "sounding height" of the atmosphere is main- ly attained by observations of meteors of different velocity. In order to detect higher atmospheric layers, one has to apply quick meteors, an efficient transmitter and highly sensitive receiver. For lower layers of the meteor zone weak apparata and slow meteors are sufficient. The author thanks Professor V.V. Fedynskiy and B.Yu. Levin for revising the manuscript. 3. FIALKO, Ye.l. Calculation of screen brightness of an electron-beam tube with circular scanning. Izv.TPI 86:3-7 158. (MIRA 13:5) (Televisiork--Ficturo tubes) I Ip FIAIKO, YS.I. Qptimun band-pass of a pulse receiver. Izv.TPI 86:8-16 158o (MIU 13:5) (Radio) 3/112/160/000/05/20/023 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal. Blektrotekhnika, 1960, No, 5, pp. 422-423, # 6.3507 AIYIHOR: Flalko, Ye. I. ~ =-~N IN \-Y" 0--~ TITLE. The Problem of Investigating Meteors by the Radar Method ;A PERIODICAL. I:z-,r. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1958, Vol. 86, PP. 17-21 UOU. !,,'he author discusses the KAyzer method of determining the S coefficient, characterizing the mass diatribution of meteors. The method is based on the 3omparison of the hourly meteor numbers, obtained with two radar installa-;~ions with different transmitter capacities and somewhat different wave ler%ths. Kayzer found,that S,:Z~2 for sporadic meteors, and S z 17 for the (padrantid stream. The author suggests a determination of the S-coefficient with the aid Df one radar unit and two receivers (of different real sensitivity) or one raceiver with an adjustable threshold signal. In order to determine S in .he range of sirall masses, it is necessary to operate with comparatively great using a pencil-beam antenna. It is desirable to use a transmitter with a high radiation power. Two methods of receiving signals reflected by meteors are Card 1/2 L s/112/60/000/05/20/023 The Problem of Investigating Meteors by the Radar Method analyzed: a) multi-channel reception (several receivers with different threshold signals are used) iuid b) single-channel reception (one receiver with periodic variation of the threshold signal is used), It is preferable to use the modified single-channel reception with periodic commutation of the noise generator. T. S..R. V/P., Card 2/2 from: -,,,P!'Erat1vnyy zhurnal, k'.-,31-ron triY,-- I G, Q p tn-, T! l) 1 ex-ni'l-Ined of tile 'r cf -metiors an the waveler4,t.1" Of th-ca r.adl~,,-iocl--7`,.~n clalabllzlir-~,J that ! ) I n t h E- c a s 0 .0 f I e 1: 1 v I T -1 e, ~hreohold 1i .- e,~ tc%-l wL, ~~r t I ~)n - 1t o hoUl wl-e~e S ic- t,1(, c,,Onzta-,., dis tr toil of ric~cor Yn cl-,'-',--~~---tllri~e' r~"c siFnal on the P-Aenl ~ai-'Iy dotacted inctcO-':~3 1:3 PYu-ZO, i:1 1z, a ..... .2--vr f 'A "-d teor-i cte,,,E!mL3 on the ratio of C, d.1 n na 13 ?j~d a t vt-t-., f o'. I '7t I vn t3 2/2 - - ---------------------- o]. h a -:1 i r.-, t i co U'l "t f I e r 47.n, t, type,- e -,n . ..... envoli-wej of" ri(I cio nnri f-k! 2/2 BOV/35-59-8-6350 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 8, p 36 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT*. Card 1/2 Fialko, Ye.I., Isamutdinov, Sh. On Comprehensive Radar Observations of Meteors ;J~v - - Astron. tsirkulyar, 1958, July 3, Nr 193, pp 26 29 h h on August 12, 1957, 10 to 13 of local time, an increase in the number, almost twice, of radar reflections from the meteoric trails In comparison with the sporadic background was recorded in Tomsk at a wavelength of 10 m. Almost simultaneous- ly, an increase of the average hourly number was recorded in Stalinabad at a wavelength of 4 m. Analyzing the possible ex- planations of this phenomenon, the authors draw the conclusion that it was caused by the passage through the lobes of the On Comprehensive Radar Observations of Meteors SOV/35-59-8-6350 antenna of a meteoric stream with the radiant at 0( = 1880 and S = 600. The law of mass distribution of meteoric bodies in the given stream Is characterized by the coefficient 311119 1.6. However, this stream was not identified. G.A.M. Card 2/2 811;62 ~.2 0 SOV/35-59-8-6351 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 8, p 36 AUTHOR: Pialko, Ye.I. TITLE: Some Results of Investigation of Meteor Body Mass Distribution PERIODICAi,: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1.958, September 18, Nr 195, pp 22 - 23 -ABSTRACT- Radar observations of meteors at 10 m were carried out in Tomsk from August 1957 to May 1958, and 174,380 meteors were recorded. The index S, characterizing the mass distribution of meteor bodies, was calculated from the distribution of meteor radio echoes (of the stable type) over durations (within the range I e--' 7' < 10) . N, S F", 1 + 4 lg : 1g 3 ( N2 T 2 where N, and N 2 are the numbers of reflections with durations Card 1/2 ;;;!, T I and T2.The S value varied within the limits from FIALU), Te.I- statistical characteristics of radio echoes from meteor trails. Biul.Kom.po kometqj meteor- AN SSSR no.4:9-17 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Tomskiy politakhnichaskiy institut- (Meteors) (Radar in astronomy) 89756 70 0 S116916116001602/bO91039 2,7 ooo (/,j ql~ //O~/ 11ST) AOO5/AOOl Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1961, No. 2, -p. 10, # 2G44 AUTHOR: Fialko, Ye. I. TITLE: The Problem of the Diurnal Variation of the Average Hourly Number of the Meteors of a Stream Which are Detected by Radar PERIODICAL: "Byul. In-ta astrofiz. AN TadzhSSR", 1959, No. 27, pp. 25-30 TEXT: Formulae were derived for the determination of the-quantity of meteors of a particular stream, which were recorded by radar, dependently on the diurnal m(ption of the radiant, the direction of the antenna, and parameter s, which characterizes the distribution of meteor bodies in stream according to their masses. Assuming that the points of reflection from the meteor trails lie in the region of the characteristical altitude hm, and that one can neglect the curvature of the Earth, the author o9tains: N /-~-G S-1 Cos -1 s in -0. 5 (7 - 3S) (1) where G is the directivity coefficient of the antenna in the radioecho plane; x is the zenith distance of the radiant. With allowance for the curvature of Card 1/2 89756 S/169/61/000/002/009/039 A005/AO01 The Problem of the Diurnal Variation of the Average Hourly Number of the Meteors of a Stream Which are Detected by Radar the Earth, Eq, (1) remains valid for not too small values of x I but for is 4 N-j ('m/RO) 3/4 (1-S)0S-1 (2) where Ro is the radius of the Earth. The comparison of the quantity of meteors of the Perseid stream in 1957 with the calculations shows-a good agreement for hmA~I 100 lop and S = 1. 7. V. Lebedinets Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 , , I ~_ 88931 3,17,~-o POW, //26/flo) S/035/61/000/001/007/'019 ,~, ? 1~0 0 AOO1/AOO1 Translation froms Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Oeodeziya, 1961, No. 1, p. 48, # 1A352 AUTHOR: "Fialko, Ye.I. TITLE: On the Relation Between the Intensity of Meteoric Ionization and Meteor Velocity PERIODICAL: "Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te", 1959, No. 37, pp. 219 - 228 TECT: The author proposes a method of experimental observation of the re- lation between the intensity of meteoric ionization and meteor velocity. The author assumes that linear electronic density in the trail Ob is proportional to a certain power of meteor velocity V on the one hand, and to the duration of radio echo C on the locator on 'the other hand, i.e., OU - Avx-l--dZ; he proposes to calculate unknown parameters A and x by determining electronic concentrations at two points of the trail by using -the main and the auxiliary meteor radio locators. There are 14 references. V. Naslednik Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 88932 S/035/61/oc)O/001/008/019 14141700 AOO1/AOO1 Translation froml Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Oeodeziya, 1961, No. 1, p. 48, f IA353 AUTHOR: Pialko, Ye.I. TITLE: On the Influence of Wavelength on the Effuctiveness of Radio Looa- tional Method of Studying Meteors PERIODICALi "Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-takhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te", 1959, No. 37, pp. 229 - 246 TEXT: The author investigated the effect of wavelength and pulse frequency of a radio looator on the number of detected meteors. He proveB the existence of an optimum wavelength with which, at a given frequency of pulse repetition, the maximum number of meteors is detected. He points out that it is expedient to em- ploy the band X= 8 - 10 m in the case of systems with a low effectiveness (Tmin!~-- 0.1 see). Reaomendations are given for selecting some parameters of radio location stations for meteor studios. There are 26 references. V. Naslednik Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Fialko, Ye.I. sov/log-4-7-20/25 TITLE: The PrdbaXlity of Meteoric Ionisatiou PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 71, pp 12o6 - 120 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the dependence of the probability of ionisation P(v) on the velocity of a meteoric object is of particular intere;t;) The Rrobability is usually expressed in the form = av where a and v are constants (T.R. Kaiser Ref 1). Another parameter of importance is the power or the amplitude of the echo- signals received from the meteors. These parameters were inves'tigated analytically and the results are shown in four figures. Figure 1 illustrates the change of the amplitude of the echo as a function of the velocity of the meteors for the wavelength of X = 8 m for five values of n (n = 0; 0,5;~I; 1.5; 2) . Figure 1 shows that for each value of. n, (except for n (0-5) there exists an optimum velocity for which the signal amplitude is a inaximum. The dependence of the optimum velocity on n is Ca,dJ/2 illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 3 gives a curve SOV/109-4-7-20/25 The Probability of Meteoric Ionisation representing the selectivity of radar observations of the -meteors, as compared with the visual observations; N p .represents the number of meteors registered by a radar, while N B is -the number of meteors registered by visual observation. Figure 4 shows-,thAt the largest number of meteors (other conditions being equal) Rill be registered at the velocity of 55 1cm/sec; the value of n at this Velocity is 1.5. There arb 4 figures and 12 references, of which 10 are English and 2 Soviet. ASSOCIATION:. Tomskiy polltekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1959 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Fialko, Ye.l. SOV/109-4-7-21/25 ........... TITLE: A Method of Estimating the Diffusion Coefficient in the Meteor Zone PERIODICAL: Radiotokhnika i olektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7, pp 1208 - 1210 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The measurement of the diffusion coefficient D on the basis of the duration of a meteoric trace was proposed by J.S. Greenhow and E.L. Nenfeld (Ref 1). The measurement requires a fairly complicated equipment. It appears, however, that D can be determined in a simpler manner. The coefficient S , which characterises the mass distri- butionlof moteoric objectq can be found from the differen- tial distribution of the durations of echoes of the unstable type. The coefficient is expressed by Eq (2), where X is the wavelength of the measuring radar and N1 is the number of reflections in a time interval having a duration: '4 -A z: 2 2 Cardl/3