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161 HERE JOT 0 I 4 ~E6 L .0~ /5() tro I Nb FRMSUZOV, B.L., kand,med.nauk, POLTAK, L.A., n','IGIN, N.P., (kiyev) Antibiotic therApy in chronic highmoritia. Vest,oto.-rin, 20 no'14 104-105 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:7) (ANTIBIOTICS) (SINUSITIS) FE 'f G I NN Morphological characteristics of palatire tonsils in dogi~ ultrasonic irradiation. Zhur.ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 24 no.5: S-0 164. (~IIRA 1. Iz patomorfologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - doktor med. nzwi-k N.Yo.Botsman) Nauchao-issledovatellsko o instituta otolaringoicai; Min.-isterstva zdravookhraneniya IJkrSSR tffir. zasluzhtnr*,.y dayot,11 nauld prof. A.I.Kolomlyclionko). Rai RZMXR~~-, ~PEMN V.1.1t Heft. Th=. tOll I", liqzcmi). 68~ [PIC MIMI _NRI PXYGIN, S.A.; TYU]rYAKIN, S.P. Tech4cal and economic indexes of the production of heating gas from oil-shale fines. Gas. prom. no-3:9-11 Mr '57. (MIRA 12:3) (Oil shale@) (Gam muufacturo and vorks) lot, all a all Jill Jill off I I I vun all AN A 'A IV s fir I N -1 fir IVISA 11-al r r. afji-v- FEIGIN, S.A. I Technical and economic indices of the gas-chemical processing of unsorted oil shales. Trudy IGI 16t478-482 161. (KMA 16:7) (Oil shale) S/065/62/000/006/003/007 E075/E136 AUTI-1011S.- r-eygin, S.A., and Straumo, M.K. TITLE: On the method of estimating costs for petrochemical plants I PERIODICAL; 1(himiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.6, 1962, 35-41 TEXT: A inethod of distribution of expenditure between tb,~ products and intermediates of petrocbentical industries is described. For products derived from catalytic cracking, stabilized gasoline and its overhead fraction are included among the principal products. Hoavy catalytic gas oil- is costod in the same way as the feed.for the process. Th(.- value of dry gas is estimated to be 20'io' higher than that of liquid boiler fuel or crude oil. For high temperature catalytic cracking the unsaturated hydrocarbons present in the dry gas are also considered as the principal product of the process. The vallic of saturated hydrocarbons is estimated to be 20% higher than that of crude oil. Light catalytic gas oil is considered as the Card 1/3 On the method of' estimating costs ... s/o65/62/ooo/oo6/OO3/O07 E075/E136 principal product only if it is utilized for the production of carbon black. Hydrogen sulphide in the dry gas and overhead fraction is valued separately as source of sulphuric acid. It is proposed that the principal products of the separation of dry gases are hydrogen and ethylene. Propane-propylene fraction is valued according to the cost of the products of separation of the overhead fractions. The value of propane-propylene fraction is estimated to be the same as that of butane-butylene fraction and the value of pontane-amylene fraction the same as that of thermal cracking benzine. For the products resulting from catalytic reforming tho authors consider that the valued product should be the total hydrogen-containing gas and not hydrogen only. The authors accept the estimate of Giproneftezavoci in which the aromatic hydrocarbons are the principal products of the reforming process. The byproducts are valued as follows: motor gasoline as the feed oil; raffinates as the straight-run benzines; polymers as the crude oil. It is recommended that for the production of solid paraffinS the principal products should be dewaxed oil and slack-wax. The recommentation of Card 2/3 On the method of estimating costs ... s/o65/62/Ooo/oo6/OO3/OO7 E075/E136 Giproneftezavod to consider the soft waxes as principal products is accepted. For the production of fatty acid-s by the oxidation of paraffin waxes, the accepted principal products are C5-- C20 acids. In the production of detergents all the propylene polymers are considered as the principal products, including the dimers. The 80-220 OC fraction of alkyl-benzenes is valued as benzine front catalytic cracking arid the fraction boiling above 360 OC valued as boiler fuel* ASSOCIATION: VNII NP Card 3/3 4,0624 s/o65/62/00o/olo/oovoo4 E194/Ei84 AuTHORS: Feyginj S.A., and Buchina, L.I. TITLEt -making and using gas turbine fuels PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i-masel, no.10, 1962, 42-46 TEXT; It is desired to use residual or heavy distillate fuels for gas turbines because diesel fuel, th-ough suitable, is in short supply. The following maximum requirements apply to gas turbine fuel: vanadium 0.0005-0-0011i; ash 0.03%; sulphur 3%; pour point +5 OC. Materials of suitable vanadium conten 't include stra-ightrun distillates, and distillates obta.ined from therma-1 and ca .talyt. ic cracking and from coke production. The ec6nomics of making gas turbine fuels from these materials are discussed a:nd it is concluded that when making electrode carbon by slow coking of low sulphur crudes it is more economic to make gas turbine fuel than diesel fuel, partly.because the motor gasoline yield is higher.' With high sulphur crudes the advantages are greater because'the diesel fuel requires hydrofining and the gas turbine fuel does not. Coking in a fluidised bed of heat transfer medium is also to be Card 1/2 Prospects of making and using gas ... s/o65/6-2/000/010/001/004 E194/L-1.84 applied and in this case the gas turbine fuel will have a higher residual content and the motor gasoline yield is higher. Gas turbine fuel has not yet been made on a large scale from distillates of coke production, but available data point to the following conclusions. Gas turbines are still of lower efficiency than internal combustion engines but in making gas turbine fuel from low and high sulphur crudes the running and capital costs are only about half those of hydrofined diesel fuel and, therefore, considerable economy results from the use of gas turbines. This conclusion is supported by perfoi,mance figurets for ships' engines and locomotives. There are 6 tables. A550CIATION: VNIX NP Card 2/2 FEYGINP-SIA.; BASOVP A.N.; SHOLPO, I.N.; ZILIBERMAN, F.Ya. Economic prospect for the use of high-sulfur mazut by electric power plants. Xhim.i tekh.topl.i masel 8 no.11:43-49 N 163* (MDU 16:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo, topliva. FEYGIN,.1,~.A..;_ SHOLPOv I.N. Petroleum crude as a source of amnonia. Nefteper. i mftekhAm. no.8:31-33 163. (~Mu :L7..8) 1. Voesoyuzrqy nauchtio-lasledovatellskil Listitut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i poluchaniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. FEYGIN, S.A.; BURjUZVA, A.I. Expediency of the production of qmjrWj ig petToleum,prompsing plants. Khim.prom. no.1,2Q-21 Ja 164. - r ,, OIRA 17s2) BASOT, A.N.; SHALPO, I.N.; BRANDOBOVSKAYA, L.A. Economics of the refining of sour crude oilt a topic for discussion. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.5Z44-48 5 MY"64 (KIM 17:7) 1. Vsesoyuzn-yy naucbno-issladovateltakiy institut, po pere- rabotke nefti, i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. . . . . . . . . . ij ~!b Cain! lit: ra". stouk f Ol- UIC production aCL acr,*vo ca rbon 1) 'Lac kby .;Ytr,7.,cLion vith the selective solverL.,; of the jr~.v, OJIS of catal.ytic e L Wkh. L i;;nsel 9 J 1 Voesoy-umyy nauchno-iLioledmal,r.,' --Prabotke 11 4 : i graza i poluchen-Qai islrusstvennogo zhidlkogo topliva. FEY(" IN S, A VSUV, A. N', ; E0,;':A!j"Okr3K;,.YA I KOGAN' ) YLI Economic- eva-lualion of the efficlcncy cf alternatives lor rem,"de,ing existing catalytic cracking antt~i. Illefteper. I. rip leid: m. nc).10: 11-14 '- 6 4,, .1. Vse5!..)YL' Zrlyy uistituT. po peravaLcAke jl(,f*L', i wal"I i pa"hichoillpi Lold lVa. ;-Toap,~c,t3 J'cr thn introdurtinn of nea r..: for of N,nzcno. Nat't-eper. i fipCt,;khim-. no.3%,P-40 1-9:5) polucl:anlyu isk-us.-Avenn-go AUTHOR; reygin S A. K ~~ichavt V. M.; TIT Lr;. i'Prospects' for the- "industrial -introduction of a high temperature ther=_ c-on4-.act crackingprocass,~ .SOURCE: Khimiya L tekhno,l,o&Lya toplit i.masell no. 3 t 196S I.; 42-4S :-TOPIC T&GS-: fluidized bed,.- refining pro' Z_4e(t lied dev6lopeir '-.ABSTRAPT: --the thei~~conl~~ cracki cess~on:a fluldi b VNIINPIP is high.l_*:promisift~ ~- The :tec,hnolo of:this processpermits creation-of gy a mighty, enterpr4ie - (overeat 3. 0 million tons per year of mazut or 1.8-2.0 million `~asphalt -plar tons per year of-gietroleuii - )i ~: Technical s:havebeen completed for the._~; combined instal1a#on of "at-aospheric -distillation and thermocontact, cracking on a fluidized bed" designed to process 3.0 million tons of petroleum annually. Thfi. thermocontact cracking process is flexible and, depending on the raw material. and the processing conditions (principally the temperature', will pe,.-mit production of a wide assortment of products (gasoline, diesel fuel, gas turbine fuel., raw materia: for catalytic crackingg, boiler-fuel and coke). The high teotierature (600-5150C) a Ccird 1/2, ;ACCESSION NR: AP50066W Va-riation of the- themoccInthet-- cracking:proiiesa t4eveloped at V1111HP, appeara promising evea for iner,easing the reserves of petrochemical rav( materiais. tills variation of the.process. no~ ,only permits! elfective removal of the main mass of asphalt anid tar si&;tai1cei6 in the fom--of coke from the healty residues, and cre- ation of a ifidd-variety 6f products, but aLso significantly increases the S,i^.Id of unsaturated hydrocarb ~ - -A - - - - i--- de of the -two processes fro- crack- ons. V dcmpar, son was ma ing ma4ut: . the -yields- ol, the various I fractionc were given. The economic f ~;ttums '--Gf the Mo-proces ed.- The. author's consider the high temperatu s _~sas were compax feasible for industrz4' opei- 4on _of_~a-t cnaL-4 flwoion --and ori- has..,S tablei 7 MUM Wimp SEMMITTM '00 ENCL-.'.00 SUB CODEt 110- PEP -SOV:-000 OTHERt 000 C r- Card 2/2! 'FIN I RIM 010 BY ~ 2w Q _1 R -5--a~F-f jEfcj/. r AGGESSION tat 'AP5009899 LTR/(Y,)65/65/000/004/ ---- ------ rw F iasel na -SOUECEt ---Kblmiyn,~ Ukhhaogiyt.-~ i 4l964,39-43 j.~---~A [TOPIC TAGSt petrolem industm oil. distillAtiong lutricantj-jg!Lr cating o~l - ------ - ---- I, filtrationt q,,~sorption dehydration moleovIor acWorptlonr h4~~ogeration/ MS'en 1ABSTRACT t Now processes.for primary-and secondary puzificatior. of crude oils. -ar Idiscussed. The two-atage de-asphaltizing of patrolea-asphalt by propane) ccmbindd with qther purificevion -methods., -is reoommend4 for the production of reaidlmi oilq. Thia. prqaessresulta in qn inc e& -matput-,of Uie prod-ots and- a,-grF-atM- diversificiftoA of high3,v viscous oils* Because all the procesr3a diacuased~ -#o- -dirk byr pro uca- il-ar deditur required ani by the available reagents, The duosol procens is reccmended for the production, *4 residuel oils of MS-20 tyDe.kkFurfurol waa widoly- used w a solvent in -the prodwetion -of M=T-511 fraotions from exildes low in tar and 3uuur. The -011toliv. of reMol-blla .-with Turfurol, pw1gication uxceodo& by 5-0. thi :1. 52569-65 ACMSION-M AP.5009899 I output af the phenol method, -wA. cons=od lesa energy, Because-other procesaes 1- dilfared -littla economie&Uy-and techni-call,,yr from the J`urfur6l- process,, thei!rl ------ choice was also determined by the reqWxements of dist:Lllate oils. The adso:~ption purif icatior inothod produced oils of tile best color ary', coking capacity, and in- creased theAr output by 15%, The authors roconmend tivtt this process be funher d1civeloped, that,ti-_~to, production of syntliet-10 adsorbent,3 be iacroasod aad that tho not-hod of aecondary coLtact purification be dio-continuod. The epp3dcation ar the deep hydrogenation at 50-70 atm, pressure iff also recoitffierided for eecondary p-ta-iffication of distillate and residual oils, Gspecial:-y &t those plants vita ac-ce5g t_1 large quantities of hydrogen,. Tho latter mcr;hod Is ertor~cm~l.-&!, imDrvves ~jl quAlity, and can be applied to any type of cr%,de Gjtd to the second-alry pr3ducts. ,omparar.iv~e produotiou figures of oils p=itied by the various mewiods are tabulatedo Orig, art* haa: 3 tables, USSOGIATION C. none SUBMIUMt 00 -EWLt 00 SUB CCDNt FF NO REF SOVt,- 000 OTHM, .000 C pu n. -15 LOVITSKATA, I.Y., nauchnyy sotrudnik; FEYGIN, S.L., nauchnyy sotrudnik If yon. want to be healthy. Nauka i zhizn' 27 no.8:28-30 49 16o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. LeningradekLy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut fizkulltury. (Physical education and tralaing) MGIN, S.L. Familial alopecia. areata. Vest.derm.i ven. 35 no.lZ84 Ja 161. (MIRA 114) 1. Iz Yurgins~ogo kozbno-venerologicheskogo dispansera Kemerov-- skoy oblasti %glavnyy vrach S.L. Feygin),, (BALM=S) FEYQM!P, 5-Ye., inzh. Effectiveness of Increatilng the ooorating period between general overhauls of t1iler and turbine equipment of electric power plRnts. Elek. sta. 36 no.10:27-N 0 165. (MLU 18: 10) IFIYGINS T.S. Sanitary conditions of the Olm River at Ryasan. Gig. i san. no-10:46 0 '55. (HLBA 9:1) (OKA RIVFR--POLLUTION) (IffAZAIIA-VATBR--POLUTION) FEY31NO T. hS. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) *Dysentery bacteria and bacteriophalge, which destroys dysentery stimulants, in the open reservoirs of the city of kazan," Fqazan,, 1959j, 24 ppp 2.50 cop. (Fyasan Medical Institute im Acad. I. P. Pavlov) (KL, 45-60, 129) FEYGIN, T.S. Sanitary indications in tho detection of bacteriophage lysing dyeentery Pathogens in the water of open reservoirs. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i i=un. 40 no.lltl32-137 N 163. (MIRA 17112) 1, Iz Villnyusskogo instit-ata epidemilogii i gigiyeny. F--FYGIN-, V. FEIGIN, V. Kustamo--remeslemaia promyshlennost' SSSR. Moskva, Moskovskii rabochii, 1927. 127 P. HD2346.R8F4 NN DLC: SO: LC, Soviet Geography,, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. FZTGIN, V., inzhenar. Giant controlled by electrons. Tekh.mol.23 [1.~241 no-7:22-13 JI 156. (Automatic control) (Rolling mills) (KIU 9 . 9) FlUGIS, V.A. , inzh. Work of the Scientific-Technological Societ7 of the White Russian Machiner7 Industr7 should contribute to the sollition of vast problems. Mashinostroitell no.9:47 B 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1.Zamwititell predsedatelya Pravlaniya nauchno-takhnichaskogo obshchastva mashinootroitellno7 promyshlennosti Belorusaii. (White Russia-Research, Industrial) FLYOTIN, V.."l, s. i ~ nzh Mechanization of auxllicu.-y operations in forge shops. Mekly. i avtoma proizir. 16 no.6:28-29 Je 162. OMIRA :15-.6*1' (Forge vhops.-Technological Annovations) FKYG IN I V. A. Conference of cutting-tool industry workors in White kwaia. Stan,,.'L instr. 34 no.2.*,45 F 163o (MRA .16:5) (White hassiar-Machine-tool, industry) FEYGIII, V. 1. "Single Armature Cascade Booster with the "Rototrol' Exciter," Elektrichestvo, M No. 2, 1948. Engr. Cen. lab of Automatics, Ministry of Ferrous Metall USSR. 4'~ Set) 48 ~'.1 Regulators, Autoratic Furnaces, Electric Arc *AUtomatic Regulators for Are Stee2 Melting Furnaces,, Xquipped With 'Regalex' Electromechanical Boosters," Yu. 1. Yefroymovich, Cand Tech Sci, V. I. Feygin, Cen lab of Automatice, Min of Terrous Metals., 3-Pv 'P24= Energet" No 9 z"awnt tren& in &ezignimg regulators for sulject fumcee is to replace relay-contact circuits by *Uctromachine automatic circuits. Research is being Carried out in VZI (All-Union Electrotech Inst) and 30/49%8 UW/kn,gjn6#rjng (Contd) sop .48 ISTA (Cen,IALb of katc=tics). Existing regm3A- tars are of rototrol or regalex type. FMwr described in Previous aTticls (see 3M5)- Zn*Qr gi*013 detailed account of construction and POT- form=ce of regulex type, vith one circulIt dia- rwn, and three graphp. 30/49T68 may 49 Slectrothermal Bquipment Aatomntic Control "Reriev of 'Electrothermics,'" V. I. Faygin, Rngr, I p "Blektrichestro" No 5 Book is symposium of technical and informative material oa research, design and manufacture of electrothermal equipment. Points out absence of material on induction smelting furnaces for ferrous metals and on ferroalloy arc furnaces. in AAAitinn, problems of automatic control 55/49T51 USSR/Englaeoring (Contd) May. 49 and regulation of electrothermal units are insuffi- ciently covered. Over half of the articles are theoretical; general level of articles differs videly. Periever recommends establishment of nev electrothermal journal. 55AM1 r r T PHASE I TMISURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REPORT BOOK Call No.; 7116F6.T54 Authorst EFROP-10VICH Yu.V., Cand. of Tech. sciences KR1CP7,VSK1YjGdA , Enginecr LEVITANSKIY, B.A., FlIgineer MAIMA, R.Yu., Cand. of Toeb. Sciences, deceased NEIFAKH, Cand. of Tech. Sciences POPOV, M-D., Engineer S7!OROI)INSKIYP I* M., Cand. of Tech. Sciences SOSUNOV, V.N., Nginear STASYUK, V.N., Engineer TAITS, A.A., Engineer FEDOSIM, L.71., Engineer Engineer CIMUSTKIN, A.B., Engineer SHMENTSIS, A.N., Engineer Full Title: A HIINDBOOK FOR ELECTROTECHNICAL PFRSOME1 III FMROUS 'TITALLURGICAL INDUSTRIES. Transliterated Title: Spravochnik elektrika pxedpriyatii chernoi metallurgii Publishing Data Originating Agency: None. Publishing House: State Publishing House of Scientific-Technical I,iterature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metalltirgy ('Ietallurgizdat). r..Toscow. Date: 19r2 No. pp.: 1167 No. coPles: 14,GCO 1/2 r-ric;T~" .! I. OCCCCC58 2/2 Call No.: TN686.T54 Full Title: A HAITDBOOK FOR TMECTROTECHNIUAL PERSONN EL IN FERROUS ,MTALLURCICAL INDUSTRIES Editorial Staff Compiler: Tikhomirov, I.G., Engineer Tech. Ed.: None. Editors: Shalyapin, M.G. Appraiser: None. Levitanskiy, B.A. Text Dnta Coverage; A detailed handbook containing technicalAata on specifications, standards, design and operation of var-!.ous types of electrical equipment in ferrous metallurgical industries: electric power supply plants and their distributing systems, transforming stations and transmission lines (high and low tension), blast furnace works, rolling mill plants, open-hearth plants, mines, electrical steel smelting and ferroalloy furnaces, sintering plants, coke plants, and electrical transport, Tables nnd diaGrams. Subjcict index. Purpose: A handbook for electrotechnicnI personnel, engineering tochniciana, machine operators, and planning personnel of metallurgical industries. Facilities: None. No. of Russian references: References listed at end of each chapter. Available: Library of Congress. , r- ~j vz 4 v ~ I - FEYGIN , ' , OMYUSTKIII. A.B., redaktor-, SDXROV, - Ye.B., tekbmicheakiy redaktor V.11., reclaktor; (Bleatric-machine power booster in rolling millO Maktromashi rove usilitel-I v prakatrqkh teekhakh. Mo9kv&, Goa* nauchno-tekhn, izd-,Yo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1954. 83 p.' (KIRA 8:4) (Electric generators) (Boosters, Slactric) ZHIRYAKOV, N.I.; LMSYUK, B,Z.; R"INOVICH, B,T,j SOZAYEV, S.Hs: FAYGIN. V.1. Automatic control in the production of xino. TSvet. met. 27 no.1: 30-41 Ja-F 154. (NIMA lOt9) (Automatic control) (Zinc-Netallurary) CHMYUSTKIN, A.B.; Fd)ZED[AN, Ye.A.; FRYGIN, V.I., radaktor; NZPOMNYASHCHIT, N.Y., redaktor,- ATTOPOVIcH, M.T7'n?M eskir redaktor. [Automatic control of rolling-mill machinery] Avtomaticheakoe upra.vlenie prokatnymi stanast. Izd.2-oo, perer. i dop. Hooky&, Goa'--.nauchno-tekhnJsd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii. 1955. 614 p. (KLRA 8:12) (Rolling-IdU machinery) YZYGIN, Vilctor Iqsifoy~A- DOOKINA, T*.V., redaktor; SUSHM, I.N.. radii Ur JIVUSON, I M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. Ys. ~C, Lltrnamoelectrle amplifiers used in rolling millsJ Blektromachia- aye usiliteli v prokatnyth teekhakh. Izd.2-ce, dope Moskva, Go$. nauchno-tekha. izd-vo lit-ry pe chernoi i taystmol metallurgil, 1957o 101 P. (MIU 1o:6) (Ilectric controllers) (Zlectric drivirg) (Rolllag mills) 13 7- 58 - 5 - 88 513 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 16 (USSR) AUTHORS: Feygin, _ .1 Zhiryakov, N.I. _Y. L _ TITLE: A Computer-relay Circuit System for the Automation of Certain Technological Processes (Schetnaya releynaya skhema dlya ;xvtornatizatsii nekotorykh tekhnologicheskikli protsessov) PERIODICAL: Sb- statey po erLergetike. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957, pp 302-309 . ABSTRACT: Computer-relay circuit systems may be successfully employed in the design of certain automatic systems ime..ded. to perform control functions relative to production machinery. A computer-relay system is described which is capable of adding and subtracting electrical impulses. The circuit com- prises an input circuit unit and a computer circuit unit. The input circuit unit reacts to the sign of the impulse and segre- gates odd and even impulses - The computing circuit unit contains n computing relays, where h is the maximum Card 1/2 value of an algebraic'sum of impulses for which the system is 137- 58- 5-8858 A Compute r- relay Circuit System for the Automation (cont. ) designed. The paper describes the employment of the computing ci-:cuits in the automatic regulation of a rolling mill and in various temperature-control slistems - I V.K. 1. Mathematical computers--Circuits 2, Industrial I)rod~ict,,*(,n--E(ju~r..,tiEPt. Card 2/2 ALIMOV, I.S., inzhener; BOGUSLAVSKIY, I.M., inzhener; MIRYAKOV, N.I., inzherar; YBYGIN, V.I., inahener. Equipnent for preventing overheating. Priborostroania no-7:28-30 Jl '57. (KIRA 10: (Thermostat) 4UTHORS: Zubkov, G.A. and Feygin, V.I. 127-11-10/12 TITLE: Automation and Dispatching in the Ore-Mining Enterprises (Avto- matizatsiya i dispetcherizatsiya na gornorudnykh predpriyatiyakh) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1957, # 11, pp 64-72 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the work performed by the Designing Bureau of the "Tevetmetavtom*atikall Trust ( HE UMA ) on the automation and dispatcher control of processee in the ore-mining enter- prises. Designs and schemes of the developed equipment are brAefly described. A set of signalization, centralization and blocking equipment for the control of underground transport, CUf3, has been contructed. The set inclUdes;': a dispatcher panel, relay-cases, inlett-diatx4buting boards, devices for communication with portable and'stEltionary oQectaj switch drives, traffic lights, relay and cable cases, pulse indicat- or13, etc. Thelaxge-scale manufacture of this equipment has beigun in the "Tavetmetpribor" Plant in Nallchik. Automatic ventilation doors for tlie mines of non-ferrous metallurgy have beign designed to operate concurrently with the C4E - and dis- paboher systems. The door is moved by a 180-w electric motor. Ne'N communications means have been constructed for dispataher Card 1/3 control: loudspeaking communication apparatus of *the nron Automation and Dispatching in the Ore-Mining Enterprises 127-11..10/12 3-1.20 type for underground operation which contains only semi- conductor elements; high-frequency installations for loud.- speaking communication of the BL13-lu type high-frequency in- stallation for information, search and communication of the BCC -124 type, etc. High-frequency equipment with semiconductor elements for communication with a moving shaft cage has been constructel and put into operation in one mine in Degtyai-kh. At the present time, a oystem of automatic and remote control of shaft mechanisms is being designed; only one worker, the cager, will be needed to operate mechanisms in all horizons of a mine. As soon as telovision sets are installed in all the horizons, the operation of shaft mechanisms and the mine car- exchange will be carried out automatically,,even without a cager. In 1955, Tsvetmetavtomatika and Gintsvetmet desigmed ste:nd,rd installations for the automation of mining pumping. Since 1956 these installations have been manufactured by the Tairetmetpribor Plant. Tsvetmetavtomatika has designed ATB-229 apparatus for temperature protecting of electric motor windings an4t bearings by means oJ! thermistors connected with relays. The relays can be fixed for various critical temperatures from 800 to 1100 C with intervals of 100. Experimental consignments of Card 2/3 these devices with TP -33 thermistors acre being manufactured ,Automation and Dispatching in the Ore-Mining Enterprises 127-11-10/12 by the Tavetmetavtomatika, and beginning from 1958 their production is planned in the Llvov plant "Termopribor". Tsvet- metavtomatika together with the Degtyarkk Mining Administration are developing a system of electric locomotives remote control from a switchboard located at a loading (or unloading) point. Tsvetmetavtomatika carries out desigAing, manufacturing and introducing dispatcher control systems into operational mines. Standard devices manufactured by industry are used for this dispatcher controls Hoireverp some special indicators have been designed and are being designed for the control of some parameters. In particular, a special gamma-relay has been de- veloped for the control of the pre level in hoppers. The re- lay operates on semiconductor dlements and cobalt radioisotopes. The article contains 10 photos, 1 figure and 10 Slavic refer- ences. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SOV/136-58-6-8/2:1 AUTHORS: F_pj-gin, __V,1.__&nd Zhiryakov, zi. I., Boguslavskiy, I. M. TSTLE: Automation of Rolling Mills in Von-ferrous Metallurgy (AN,tomatizatsiya prokatnykh stanov v tsvetnoy metallurgii) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958 11ir 6, pp 42 - '2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article deals mainly with work done by the ICB Tsvetmetavtomatike. on the automation of the three-high: hot-rolling mill at the imeni S. Ordzhonikidze Works and of the reversing cold strip mill at the Kirovskiy zavod (K:Lrov Works). The viork on the first was carried out with the participation of B.S. Fradkin, V.S. korozov and A.A. Vasillyeva. This mi.",J rolls mainly billets of t e L-62 (115 x 800 x 600 mm) and L-90 (100 x 800 x 350 X brass izrto coiled strip (4.0 - 6.0 mm thick) or sheet (15 mm, thick), generally in nine passes. The first stage of automation embraces all the operations, previousIq carried out by the operator, all the roller tables, the t-ilting lifts, the middle-roll moving mechanism and the screw-down to a programme, synchronization of the roller speeds wlth ihat of the rolled strip to avoid surface damage. The openator now merely selects the appropriate programme an-a' Cardl/4 looks after the mechanisms; the arrangement (Fig-are 3) SOV/136-c8-6-8/21 Automation of Rolling Mills in voa-ferrous Metallurgy does:provide for immediate manual-take-over. The authors describe the system in detail and state that experience has shown that the automation had led to some process advantages and a 296 increase in rolling rate; the power of the motor preventing further improvements; a."Umost all occasions of manual take-over were due to outside factors; the scatter in the thickness of the product was 35% less than with manual control. The automation of cold-rolling mills was started at the end of 1956. With the partici- pation of B.M. Avdeyev and S.I. Alimov, the 250 four-high mill for cold-rolling brass from I to 0.4 mm at rolling speeds up to 3.5 m1sec has been automated, some original (Ref 4) proposals as well as some made by the TsKB "Elektroprivod" (Ref 5) and TsvIITMash (Ref 6) being, used. For the continuous meaE;urement of metal pressure on the rolls, a strip strain gauge (Figure 4) is used, provision beimg, made for calibration directly in the mill, according to a proposal by Ye.S. Rokotyan and I.M. Meyerovich of TsKBIUA of TsvIITMash. When the pointer on the indicating instrument reaches the maximal desired value of the pressure, Card2/4 it operates a photo-re'Lay to produce the appropriate change SOV/136-58-6-8/21 Automation of Rolling Mills in moa-ferrous Metallurgy at the stand. For the continuous thickness control of the strip, the system adopted (Figure 5) is based on two radioactive isotope devicec*, one before and the other after the mill. An integrating device ~Figure 6) is included in the system to ensure that only sufficiently important changes in thickness operate the control system. For stopping the rolls Just before the end of the strip reaches them, a system (Figure 7) based on counters of the number of turns of strip on the coilers is used; for thicker strip (0.7 mm end over) the metal is allowed to leave the coilers but rot the rolls, the control being effected with the aid of a small, type FR-236 photo-relay (Figure 8). In 1957, the KB TsMA studied the indirect measurement of roll temperature from that of a small volu of air in contac8 with the rolls. Model tests have sh8wn an error of + 3 0 for an ambient tempcrature of 20 + 5 0- Card 3/4 SOV/136-58-6-8/21 Automation of Rolling Mille in Non-ferrous Metallurgy There are 8 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: KB Tsvetmetavtomatika Card 4/4 9(6); -18(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S011/2851 Feygin, Viktor 1= fqvich Elek'v-ronnyye pribory v metallurgii (Electronic Instruments in Metallurgy) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 221 p. Errata slip inserted. 6,100 copies printed. Ed.; B. V. Rabinovich; Ed. of Publishing House: T. 1. Kiseleva, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: P. G. Islentlyeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for foremen and skilled workers of laboratories and industrial control rooms. COVERAGE: The author presents brief Information on the electron and the electric field and discusses the principle of operation and construction of electron tubes and photocells. He describes electronic devices, including devices for automatic 2ontrol of industrial processes in metallurgical plants, and presents a brief discussion of automatic measuring instruments using radioactive isotopes. The author thanks B. A. Letitanskiy, Card l/ 4 Electron~.c Instruments (Cont.) SOV/2851 Engineer, for reviewing the text and S. Z. Grinberg, Engineer, for his help in preparing the manuscript for printing. There are 10 references., all Sovle`t;. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Electron Tubes 5 1. Electron and its properties 5 2. Diode 11 3. Triode J6 4. Multielectrode and multiple-unit tubes 25 5. Gas tubes. Barretters 28 6. Photocells 35 7. Specifications of most common tubes 39 Ch. II. Electron-tube Rectifiers, Amplifiers and Relays 118 1. Diode rectifiers 118 2. Vacuum-tube amplifiers 52 3. Photoelectric relays 67 Card 2/4 Electronic Instruments (Cont.) SOV/2851 4. Electronic time relays 81 5. Displaccz-~ent relays 92 Ch. I II. Electronic Measuring Instruments 97 1. Electric: transducers 98 2. Automatic electronic compensators 105 3. FEP-3 photoelectric pyrometer 137 4. IT-235 X-ray thickness gage 144 Ch. I V. Electronic Controllers 155 1. Position control and position controllers 156 2. Proportional control and an IP-130 proportional-plus- integral controller 163 3. ERK-77 quantity controller and ERS-66 ratio controller 175 4. Electronic servo systems 186 Ch. V. Instruments Using Radioactive Isotopes 192 1. What are radioactive radiation and isotopes? 192 2. Methods of measuring intensity of radioactive radiation 200 Card 3/4 Electronic Instruments (Cont.) sov/2851 3. Use of radioactive isotopes for controlling industrial processes 2011 4. Gamma-ray relay 208 5. ITU-1195 type radioactive thickness gage 214 Bibliography 221 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/Jmr Card 4/4 1-2o-6o 14(5) SOV/127-59-3-11/22 AUTHORS: Feygin, V.I. and Fromberg, A.B., Engineers TITLE: Devices,for the Protection of Bushings and Electric Motors From Overheating. (Apparatura dlya zashchity podshipnikov i elektrodvigateley ot peregreva PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 3, pp 41-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the bas.'Ls of research conducted by the institut elektrotekhniki AN UkrSSR (The Electro-Technical Institute of the AS UkrSSR) and the Institut Ener- getiki AN BSSR (1,Mhe Power' * . Institute of the AS BSSIR)'.,the Deq'ign Office of Tsvetmetavtomatika de- veloped a universal device for protecting bushings and windings of electric motors from overheating. The de"vice (ATV-229) was built-in to motors of ven- tilato*rs for local ventilation in the Degtyarka Copper Aline. Its working is based on the property . of some thermoresistances to instantly reduce their Card 1/3 resistance when a certain temperature is reached. (a SOV/127-59-3-11/22 Devices for the Protection of Bushings and Electric Motors From Overheating. The Tsvetmetpribor Plant is producing this equip- ment. In 1958, a new device, called temperature signalizer ST-12, was developed. This device guards against the simultaneous overheating of 12 points of the motor, thus replacing twelve ATV-229 devices. There are 2 varieties of this device, the ST-12c-234 (figure 3) for automatic control of circuits, and the ST-12r-224 for manual control. The feelers of the device are semiconductor thermoresistances with relay characteristics. Thermo-resistances fixed on bushihgs or windings of motors are connected in series with electro-magnetic relays. The feeding .of feeler circuits is made through a regulated Card 2/3 transformer, four rectifiers assembled on germanium SOV/127-59-3-11/22 Devices for the Protection of Bushings and Electric Motors From Overheating. d5odes and a voltage divider. When overheating occurs in one of the 12 controlled points, a corres- ponding relay plugs in a general warning and a lamp is lighted which indicates the overheated point. There are 2 schemes and 1 photo. ASSOCIATION; Tsvetmetavtomatika, Moscow Card 3/3 SOV/137-59-12-26587 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mcitallurgiya, 1959, Nr 12, p 119 (USSR) AUTHORS: Alimov, S.I., Zhiryakov, N.I,, Feygin, V.I. TITLE: An Automatic Programming Controller of the Heat Treating Proce s for Tungsten and Molybdenum Rods A IV, PERIODICAL: Sb. materialov po avtomat z. proiz. protsessov i dispetcherizatsii, Nr 3. Moscow, 1958, pp 84 - S3 ABSTRACT: The regulator is intended for automatic current control according to the given program in welding W and Mo rods. A "D-33" type ampdre-meter of the ferrodynamic system serves as a unit to measure the irtensity of the welding current through the transformer. The program is set-up by shaped cams rotated by a synchronous motor. The basic part of the con- trolling device consists of the "MRShch-PIR" (or ERM-47) electronic unit of the regulator; the inductive coils are fastened on the master device (zadatchik) and the foil flag-indicators which can enter into the gaps Card 1/2 between the coils are fastened to the pointer. Relay coils are switched V/ ,90'V/137-59-12-26587 An Automatic Programming Controller of the Heat Treating Prooevs for Tungsten and Molybdenum Rods into the electron unit outlet; they control the reversible contactors of the potential- controller motor. The controller makes it possible for one operator to attend 8 - 12 welding machines, raising efficiency by a factor of two and ensuring the strict main- tenance of the set-up conditions for heating-up the rods. A.3. Card 2/2 43 A al RA j:: 4_V N gill IT va g.1 .1L Pall BOGULAVSKrf, I.M.; ZHIRYAKOV, N.I.; FHYGINV V.I. Autmation of a reversing mill for a,)ld rolling of nonferrous metals. Sbor.mat.po avtom.proiz-r.prots.i disp. no.5:72-93 160. (NIRA 14:4) 1. Konstruktorskoye byuro "I'Svetmetavtonatika." (Rolling ~i.:,-X-3) (Automation) S/56 61/006/000/005/008 D201YD303 AUTHOR: Feygin, V. I. (USSR)- TITLE: Automation of the reversible non-ferrous metal cold- rolling mill SOURCE: International Federation of Automatic Control. let Con- gress, Moscow, 1960. Trudy, v. 6. Avtomatizatsiya prois- vodstvennykh protsessov; khimiya, nefteperarabotka, teplocnergetika, yadernaya energetika, metallurgiya. Moscow, 1961, 421-450 TEXT: The author describes three automatic controls as developed by the design office of "Tsvetmetavtomatikall for control of four- high-250 non-ferrous metal rolling mills. The complete units are now in product-ion and proved to be a success. A reversible four-- high-250 non-ferrous metal rolling mill consists of a cage with two reels and is used for brass rolling. The rolling reduction program is 1.0 - 0.75 - 0.6 - O.Si - 0.4 mm. The working rollers are 250 mm in diameter, end rollers of 750 mm diameter and the Card 1/ 3 S/56 61/006/000/005/008 Automation of the reversible D201YI)303 body leng-t-1h of 800 mm. Rolling speed = 3.5 m/sec, cooling of rol- lers with emulsion. The electric! drive consists of a generator- motor system, the feed d.c. motor power is 300 kWq 450/900 r.pom.g 440 V. Gear reduction ratio = 3~37. The three automatic controls were applied, ;_wi.s follows: 1) The system of automatic control of the atriD ttLicknees makes the thickness more uniform and uses the maximum p'osaible rolling speed. The sensing elements of the system are the isotope thickness gaugea type MPY-495 (IGU-495) placed on both sides of the cage and determine the thickness from the amount of absorbed 3-rediation. 2) The automatic mill stop system (AMSS)-. Thin tapes are u-3ually rolled without their ends leaving the reels. The AMSS stops the mili at the required instant, by starting the braking at the optimum instant, from the courit of number of tape turns remaining in the reel. The turns.-,counting arrangement is electromeohaninally coupled either with the reel or motor shaft of the program controller and automatically stops the rolling mill in accordance with the given length of the unrolled tape remaining on the reel, 3) Automatic control system of metal against rollers pressure3 Tho sensing elements are tenBion-gauge resistances, Card 2/3 S/56 61/006/000/005/008 Automation of tile reversible ... D201YD303 glued to the internal surface of a glass cylinder under pressure. The tenslon-gauges Can be calibrated directly on tile mill. The des- cribed system of automatic control. of re,,rerpible rolling mills has reduced considerably the dis,,;repancies in the rolled tape thickness and avide it possible to operate the mills at pressures within 5~4 of nominal, thus reduci:,.ig the wear of the rollers and finally increased the overall. efficiency by reducing losses due to the rejects al.11d waste due to the non-procesoed end9 of tile tape. A. B. Chelyustkin (USSR) and B. N. Dralank (USSR) took part in the discussion. There are 5 figures, Card 3/3 ZUBKOV, G.A., inzh.; jj~YGIN' V.I., inzh. Over-all mechanization and automation is the decisive factor in the future growth-of labor produtivity in mines. Gor. zhur, no.6:3-6 Je 162. (MIRA 15:11) It Konstruktorskoye byuro IrSvetmetavtomatika, Moskva, (Mining enginewring-Equipment and supplies) (Automation) (Iabar productivity) FEYGIN, V*I, Automation of production pr ' oses in nonferrou3 metallurgy. Melch.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.11.00-33 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Gla:vnyy konstruktor konsIxukt4skogo byuro "TSvotmetavtomatikam. (Nonferrous metaii-Metallurgy) (Automation) FEYGIN, Viktor Josifovich [Electronic and semiconductor inntruments in metal-luray] ElektronzWe i poluprovodn:U:ovye priboi-f v metallurgii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Yetal-lurgiia," 1964. 386 p. (MIRA 17:7) L 1653-66 gdT(m)/&[P(t)/MP~k)/WP(b)/EWA(c) JD1HW ACCUSION 62-0 ---.--'-UR/0206/65/000/013/0i-OllOiOlI 62i.qw.984.002.54 ff- . W, 49 AUTHOR: Bbgnw.. Gedrain. yu, TV., llosbkav V -&A Starikav. V. 8.1 K Chkov. WOO&- r. aff'Wi Akbmtebikl MME17, KvItaliAly. A. 1. 1 yv, r)r. ozinskly. A. A 1. V-*q "b"S L. 1M-1 TermsMAK. K. z Rodionov. A. UWA TITIXt Witbod for -(,Class 0. NO- 172601 'SOURCS: DyuU~tejal Isobratenly I tovaraykh snakow, no. 13, 2965, 202 TOPIC TAGS: metal, metal tube, metal extrusion, tube extrusion AWMCT: This AtAbor Cortiflesto Introduess a Bru" for tdo odnWice from solid Ingots. In this method the metal Is first divided into several strips whieb are subsequently velded In the next die. In order to 76&we the extrusion pres- sure. the diameter of the Ingot should be emallar them that or the extruded tube. JAZI ASSOC*2101W no". - 3DJ~mQ MCLt 00 90 CM. WL A so Mr SMI Iwo OMMI 000 AND ~14/01 L 1655-M 34T(d)/KdT(m)/DIF(Y)/IUP(t)/WP(k)/EWP(h)/EWP(b)/FdP(1)/r-MA(c) ;ACCEGSIOW Will AP5021621 IJR102661651000101YI010210102 621.979.984.002.5h SS qq" 5 AUTI(ORt StjfWM L. C; Gotdy"in,, Yu.' Yu. tFQ_TMQV T. 14. -, ar kov. V. 8.1 4 d v I (Vitnit A. W. 1 4,4,, K!Zuchkov M V- It bar L. Kh. I TeRm-ok, 9 YM.Loy 1. V. . Z. Fodionov. A. S. qw, iTITLE: Toot for extruding of tubes.- Class 490 No. 172602 SOURCE: 9yulleten' Isobretenly I toyarnykh tnakov. no. 13, 1965, io2 TOPIC TAGS: tube, metal tube, J&e 4Mtrusl q extrusion tool, extrusion press ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces a tool for the extrusion of tubes from solid Ingots, i.e., container, mandrel, welding chamber, and die. In order to in- crease the rigidity of Individual toole. and ensure their precise position in relation :to one another, thereby Improving the uccuracy of the extruded tube@, the mandrel is rigidly mounted in relation to the container; It carries an internal die and is pro;. Yided vith a central compartment forthe IWt. Radial canals connect this cost- partment with the welding chamber, vhl,zh to formed between cont4LLn*r wall and the randrel surface. JAZJ' L 1655-66 ACCENION XRt AP5021621 ASSOCIATIONt none StMTTED: 31J=62 INCLI 00 SUB Cots: M No REF sovi, 000 MtR: 000 ATD PF=tq4fw! cord 2/2~ hp -1 M- M, um-mm, R/0413/66/000/022/0098/0099 ACC NRt AP7000238 3OURCE CODEZ u Blinov, D. F.; Ovcharenko, Ye. Ya.; Sazhayev, V. G.; Feygin, V. I.; !Shleyfman, Kh. M. ORG: none .-TITLE: Device for automatic detection of flaws on a moving surface. Class 42, N66'-188685 [announced by the Design Bureau of Automation in the Nonferrous Industry .(K6n'struktorskoya byuro "Tvetmetavtomatika!')] .sOPRCE: Izobret6niya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 98-99 -TOkIC TAGS: metal surface, flaw detection, metal inspection, optic method, optic -3. nstrument ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces an automated flaw detector for the inspection of a moving surface of an article such as a metal strip. The detector con- tains a source of light and an optical system for the concentration of luminous flux, ~Iiich is placed in front of a panel with light guides and x4ith light-sensitive elementi -connected to the electronic inspection device. To increase the sensitivity to small flaws and to facilitate the inspection of wide strips, the instrument has branched ight guides which ensure an'optical connection between the source of light, the inspected surface, and the light sensitive elements. In a variant, the adverse effect of vibration of the inspected surface on the instrument performance is reduced by Cwd 1/2 - - UDC: 620.179 r AP7000338 V-form light guides which ensure a perpendicular directiol fof the light flux toward the inspected surface. In a second variant, the inspection of any shaped surface is. done by light guides assembled in a bundle whose shape corresponds to that of the inspected surface. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE; 22May64/ Card. I.- 5'1376-A-5 -E-VP Oc-~~E - Ac-Y/EE-Wr(dN-A-V4T( t~~-WP C~LPbMILk' f d I W, ACCESSIOU RR: AP50109'16 UR/0286/65/00VOOT/016510165 AUTHOR. Zakheroy, 14, T. -Fe --Rcytbarg, L. Kh.: Shneyerov, 1. S. MgOrn'. TITLE: An extrusion.&Ltachmentia Class 491~, No. 169985 CE, Ulletpn!--Izot-eteniy--t-tovarnyl-,Itznakav,--no.~7,--1965-, 165 __ By _SOU2 -rusirm - - Tianel- p AR-STRAM This A~uthor -C'ertificate intr oduces_ aa eltachrient. for the extrusion of Panels fn-m hollou billets. The device consists of a mandrel (c-ee Fig. 1 of tl-lc, Enclosure) fitted into a hollow stem and evatered. In the die which, dutring exi-ru- t'o--:-= the inner wall of the containev. rn order to lcfwer the extrut:,fou furLE:f sion , and to ift-crease the quality of extruded ax-11eleg, the stem is designed as a cy c, I ~ i der in which. the mandrel slides freely and the die has the 5hape of an opf-n ring Orig. -art. -has 1-.'figure. - NW1 ASSOCIATIOU: none Sard li- 11-- i - L 2481-6-6 EWT_(4) 1ACCESSION r1R, AP502h36'1' UR/o286/65/000/015/0035/0035 621.165-567.5 621-1136-567.5 ~AUTHOR- Gokhman, D. B.; Feygin, V. L. ,TITLE: A device for compensating for axial stresses in turbomachines. Clasn 114 1110. . .... .. SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarn'ykh znakov, no. 15, 1965, 35 I TOPIC TAGS: axial stress compensation, gav turbine, compressor, labyrinth packing IABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for a device for compensating for laxial stresses in turboniachines, e.g., gas turbinev and compressors. The device con'- tains a balancing piston and end packing w1dch, with the casing, formG an interitediate !cavity filled with the working medium whicli is drained off into a lower-pressure aren. To increase reliability and to simplify the design, the piston is sectionalized in the Iform of several disks serving as the comporents of the radial labyrinth packing mounted Ion the shaft end. Withf.n the basing, a shtped fitting is rigidly mounted over the inlet to the labyrinth packing, thus forming a cavity within the piston,for feeding the working medium (seo Ivig.'l of the Bnclcsure). Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (LB1 ASSOCIATIO~:' - Ts'entra 113'Y ~Ptloturbifinyy'ihstitut ini. 1'. 1. Polzunova (Central Boile-r' .,and Turbine Institute F Lard I J.-C tB Mi'vi i#l0tRsq TWI !v L 2h81-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5024:367 tp~ Mom J L 12481-4W ACCESSION IIH .-'AP50214361 ENCLOSURE.' 01 Pig. 14 Sl~r ess compensator A I Balancin g piiston; 2 - turbine shaft s h4ed fitting. \If- E --;,y C, T F~ 'ir - I-- j PALIZAK) 1. q.p V. F. VZ'IIUTI'T qnd IA.G. fjM, ods. Ekonomichenknin geogrrnfiin SSSR. Dopushcheno VTWSh pri STIK SSSR v knehentva uchobnikn dlin ekonomichesk1kh vu2ov. v. I (1,W p.); v. 2 (89? p.) v. 1 by IA.G. Faigin, P.I. Kudlonok, B.L. Markus and others; v. P by IA.G. Feigin, L.V. Oplql;skii, M.M. Galitskii and others. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 19/,O. .2 v. (JOT SSSR. Institut ekonomikio SO: IC, Soviet Geogrnphy, Part 1, 1951; Uncl. K,:Y,-',IN', YA. G. FEIGIN, IA. G. Razmeslichenie proizvoditellriylfh sit SS:;R. Moskva, Politizdat, 1-941. 136 n. (Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Inst.itut ekoriomiki.) SO: LC;,Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. FFYG IN, YA. G. Economic geography of the USSR. Edited by S.S. Balzak, V.F. Vas.,rutin, and Ya. G. Felgin. New York, Macmillan, 1949. xiv, 620 p. charts, maps, tables. (American Council of Learned Societies. Russian Translation Proiect.) Translated from the original Russiar.: Ekonomicheskaya geografiya SSSR. Bibliography; p. 557-566. G,.FZYGIN Ya Problems in technological progress and the distribution of industry in ths U.S.S.R. Vop.ekon. sio.4:63-79 AP '56. (KWA 9:8) (Ruallie'-1conomic policy) (Industries, Location of) ROZISMID0 The economy of the Latvian 8.8.R. ("The Latvian S.S.R. Outline of economic geography." Reviewed by X.Rozenfelld. IA.Felgin). Vop.ekon. no-7:11:6-149 J1 056. (KW 9: 9) (Latviso-Sconomic conditions) f /' , - / A,f,~ /~ ) ALAKPATAV, P.; VASYUTIN, V.; DZIRVI, F.; KOLOTIYEVSKIT, A.; POIN, T.; ROSTOInUT. N,; FZYGIN, Ta. P.M. I*glav; obituary. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:178 N-D 157. (Daglav. Fritsis WrIevich. 1898-1957) (XIM Iltl) /C,/. FIYGIN, Ta. r-----Dis'trIbution of productive forces in the U.S.S.R. Vop.ekon. no.10: 70-85 0 '57. (KIRK 10:12) (Russia-Ageonomic policy) LIVSHITSO Raisa Solomonovich.;,YBYGIN, Ya. G., prof., oty. rod.; FIROGOV, "A.I., red. Izd-va.; GU 0 1-.P-.-;-tokhn. red. [Distribution of the iron and steel industry of the U.S.S.R.] Razmeshchanit chernot metallurgii SSSR. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1958. 374 p. (MIRA 11:11) 1. rlhlen-korre8pondent AN USSR (for Feygin). (Ir6n iimiustry) (Steel industry) OPATSKIT, L.V.; WTGIII,-,Ta G. prof.. red.; LISOV, V.Te.. red.; GRlL&S1MDM-," -ta.,," rDiatribution of food induRtries in the U.S.S.R.] Razmashchania I plahchovoi promyablannosti SSSR. Moskva. Gosplanizdat, 1958. 353 P. NIBA 11-12) 1. ChlAn-korr"spondent AM Ukrainskoy SSR (for Feygin). (Food Industry,) AIAM!PIYNV, Petr Martynovich- FXTGIN Ta G ..otvetstvennyy red.; SHRUKKAH. L-Zx-x--& B.I., red-.izd-va; Ag-iwm. G.A., [Elimination of economic inoqualities among people of the Soviet 11ast and the socialist distribution of inductry; historical account of Kazakhstan] Likvidateiia ekonomicheakogo neravenstva narodov Sovetokogo Tostoka 1. sotsialisticheakoe razmeshchenie proqrshlennosti; istorichesicii opyt Kazakhskoi SSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958- 450 1)- (MIRA 11:3) (Kasaidwtan-Industries) ,-FEYGIN, Yakov Grigorlyevich,; RABINOVICH, H.,red.; DANILINAO A.,. tekhn. red. tZoeation of production centers in capitalism and in socialleml Rasmashobenie proizvodetva p).,i kapitaiizme i Sotsialtzme. Isdo 2.# parer. t dop, Moskva. Goo. btd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958. 686 p. I (MIRA 11:12) (Industries. Location of) AUTHORs cFeygin, Ya.G. 30V-10-58-4-18/20 TITLEs Modern Trends in the Economic Geography of Wcscarn European Countries and the USA (0 novykh techeniyakh v ekonomiches- koy geograf ii stran zapadnoy Evropy i SShk ) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR - Seriya geograficlieskayr-, 1956, Nr 4,, pp 120-1.50 (USSR) ABSTRACTt This is a discussion of various West European e.-' American books and articles on economic geography, develc-iing, in particular the theory of space economy. On tha whole, it condemn's the capitalist economic system and praises the advantagea of the Swriet aociallot economy. There are 10 referencesp 3 of which are Soviet and 7 American. 1. Social sciences 2. Literature Card 1/1 2 f~~-7 SOV/130-58-10-1/53 AUTHOR: Feygin, Ya. G., Corresponding Member of' the AS UkrSSR TITLEi Scientific Treatment of the Accomodation Problems of Socialist Industrial Production (Nauchnaya razrabotka problem razmeshcheniya sotsialisticheskogo proizvodstva) Fundamental Directions of Hesearcli ((,)snovnyye napravleniya iss dovaniy) Ph;RIODICAL: Vest.nik Akademii nauk 8SIL~;R, 1958, Nr 10, pp 3-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The elaboration of a prospective plan for a series of Five-Year Plarts, in which these problems must be considered, is impending. In this respect, too little assistance is as yet 1-ing'rendered to planning organs by scientific institutes. In 1956-58 econom- ic-geographical monographs concerning the Union Republics and some economic areas were published. In the field of agriculture, these problems are being dealt with by VA-,,KhNIL. The Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditellnykh sil Akademii nauk SSSR (Council for the Investigation of' the Productive Resources of the AS USSR) deals with thede problems in the regions of East Siberia and Far .East. The Institut ekononiiki Akademii nauk (Institute of Economics of the AS USSR) has elaborated a series of monographs Card 1/5 (L. V. Opatskiy, H. S. Livshits, A. M. Korneyev, P. M. Scientific Treatment of the Accomodation Problems of Socialist Industrial Production. Fundamental. Directions of Research Aiampiyev, V. G. Udovenko, and others). Conditions of aocomoda- tion have changed with the development of science and tech- nology. In order to save time and capital in the construction of electric power plants, N. S. Khrushchov suggested that tile construction of electric power plants with cheap Siberian and Kazakhstan coal or natural gas as basic energy source be in- tensified %ithin the next 7 or 8 years. The Economic Institute and the Council for the Investigation of tM PrOdUCt1".-,R4~OW"fi of the AS USSR have, under the supervision of V. S. Nemc)Anov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, drafted a plan of research for the accomodation of industries, which has,however, given rise to numerous difficulties. The experience of the economic councils and the fact that experienced specialists on this sub- ject are available must be considered an asset. Geographers, geologists, energy experts, technologists, transport experts, and others must be empioyed for this task. The coordination of the work of the Economic Institute with that of others and, primarily, with the Institut ekonomiki i organizatsii promyshlennogo proizvodstva (institute of Economics and the Card 215 Organization of Industrial Production), which is being formed ."0v/ ~0-18_ 1(-"- 1. / "14 ,cipntific Treatment or the ,-,ccomrda,:;ion Problems of llociaiisL lndu~3triai Production. Fundamentai Dirfrctionn of Resparch in the !"iberian Department of the .1,; tj,~,A. is described as im- portant. Card 5,15