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S01130-58-6-16/45 Investigations on the, Zodiacal Light. Provisional Results Obtained by the Observations of the Soviet Expedition in Egypt of the diurnal firmament can attain up to 70 %. After termina- tion of the expeditionary works, the Soviet Delegation has arranged with the Observatory of Kheluan (2o kilometers from Cairo) that their astronomers continue these observations. For this purpose they left them the electrophotometer which will be set up in the village Fayunv 7o kilometers from Cairo. The Soviet scientistsdelivered lectures in the Kheluan, Observatory. The staff of the observatory consists of 8 astronomers and 5 seismologists, meteorologists and others. A course of lectures on the work of the Soviet De- legation in Egypt was delivered at the Cairo University. 1. Zodiacal light--Anaiy~is 2. AstronoNrj 3. Photometers --Applications qp,rd 3/3 Evolution of stars and the origia of the solar system [with vammaz7 in 3nglish]. Izv. Astrofiz. inst. AN X%zakh. SSR 7:3-10 158. (MIRA 11:7) FESINKOV, Y.G. Star chains and daetc filaments in regions of galactic nebulae [with summor,r in English]. Izv. Astrofiz. inst. AN Kazakh. SSR 7:11-18 (MIRA '11:7) (Nebulae) (Stars--Distribution) yESE-any, V. G. Observation Iof Mars on the 80 refractor of the 4strophysical institute during the favorable opposition of 1956 (with simmarY in English] Izv. Astrof iz. inst. AN Kazakh. SO 7:19-27 158. (MIRA 11-7) (mars(Planet))--Opposition, 1956) ;-~YESMOV, V.G. Obser7ation of the northern zodiacal light during the first part of TU1Y 1957 [with su=ary in English]. Izv. Astrofiz. inst. AN Kazakh, SSR 7:28-38 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Zodiacal light) FESENhOV V.G.-_ akademik 'The nature of zodiacal light. Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 14 no.8: 1-9 Ag 158. 041RA 11:10) -'(Zodiacal light) M 1h, OPIUM MI 30) AUTHOR: Fesenk2lL.~-- SOV/33-35-2-14/21 TITVE: .The Scientific.Work of the Helwan Observatory CO deyatellnosti kheluanskoy observatorii) PERIODICAL: Astronomicheakiy. Izhurng 1t 1958, Vol 35, Nr 2, pp 283-288 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper contains a report on the history, the instruments, and the scientific work of the Helwan Observatory dying at the right bank of the River Ni-le near Cairo. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTEDt January 25, 191i8 Card 1/1 24(4) AUTHOR: Fesenkov, V.G.' SOV/33-35-2-20/21 TITLE: Thg ExpeffITIMrb-f-Soviet Ast-ronomers to Assuan (Egypt) for Observations of.Zodiacal Light and the optical Properties of the Atmosphere (Ekspeditsiya A N SSSR v Asuan (Yegipet) dlya nablyudeniya zodiakallnogo sveta i opticheskikh svoystv atmosfery) PERIODICAL:. Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,'-1958, Vol 35, Nr 29 PP 305-313 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The Soviet astronom ers VX.Fesenkov, Ye.V.Pyaskovskaya- Fesenkova, N.B.~Divari, V.M.Kazachevskiy, P.N.Boyko, and two Egyptian scientists took part in an expedition to Assuan, where they observed the zodiacal light (including photometric, colorimetric, and photographic measurements with the polaroid sreens and interference filters). Furthermore the distribution of brightness and polarization of the sky was measured systematically-Solar halo phenomena were also studied; Ye.V. Fesenkova determined the coefficient of transparency by direct and indirect methods. About 30000 determinations were madei The theoretical evaluation of the data on the zodiacal light shall be published lat,e+n. There is 1 figure. SUBMITTED: January 15, 1958 Card 1/1 AUTHOR i Fesenkovq V.G~ 33-35--3-2/27 TITLEI On the Quest-io-nRo-noeirning the Reduction of the Observations of the Zodiacal Light (K voprosu o reduktaii nablyudeniy na& zo- diakallnym ov PERIODICALs _Astronomichestloy"'~hurnal, 1958, Vol 35,Nr .39pp 323---32G (USSR) ABSTRACTs The observations of the zod iacal light demand several reductions as is well-known. Aocdrding to Blackirell Ref 1] there exists no definite relation between the extin- --- ~or a punctiform source according to Bouguer and the extinction for an object so extended as the zodiaoal light. The author investigates this question and obtains the following results. The ecliptic and the axis of the.zodiacal light are assumed to be oriented nor- mally to the horizon. A punctiform. source of light with the solid angle d 6' causes thq brightness LdW f (z9 '5)sec Z in an arbitrary poi nt P . where f(-91) is -the indicatrix of dispersion94'the angular distance between P and the aourceig 5 and z the z Ienith distances of the source and of P, Card 1/ 4 Oh the Question Concerning-the Reduction of the 33-35-3-2/27 Observations of the Zodiacal Light see z- secl~ (z, 13 - D, I sec5 - sea z and f 4') tho ratio of the light scattered the di- rection N light scattered inl~,,-_all directions. In the to the point (zqA) the total additional' ,brightness caused by the zodiacal light is to be determined (the point (zqA) Itself can lie in the domain of the zodiacal light). In general it holds I Boo z L5,,,t sin5djdAf(,9-)1P(zv~) :where sf . cost-' -. Cos z Cos 5 + sin z sin,5 cos(A-A 0) For the visual,'art of the spectrum (A p I 1; 546 mAY).according to E.V. -11.,raskovskaya-Fesenkova Ref 2 holds f I + 5 (e-3 A5~ 0, 009) + 0 55 Cos and Card 214 &4 AW On the Question Concerning the Reduction of the 33-35-3-2/27 Observations of the Zodiacal Light k 2 le f sin kd "c' 1794 On the basis o'f:the'observations which were made by the expe- dition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR In the Libyan De- sert in October - November 1957P the author assumes in the cal- culations that the form of-the isophots of the zodiacallight is somewhat compressed. Furthermore it is assumed that the coef- ficient of traijaparenoy amounts to OP83, Under these supposi- tions for the relative brightness LAI' z ~(( Lz,A a 1n'Pj de:j dA fIr (z, k L-10,A0Pseo z which is generated by the zodiacal light along the alumkanta- rates with z = 750 there result the values Card 3/4 04 the Question Concerning the Red-",tion of the 33-35-3-2/27 'Observations of the Zodiacal Lig*ht A 0 10 20 30 40 Y- 504 7r83 11962 15995 3M From the investigation of the author it follows that, on the one hand, the large extension of the zodiacal light must be considered andq on the other hand, the additional illumination of the troposphere generated by it must be determined. There ara 5 tables, an& 3 referencesp 2 of which are Sovietp and I English. ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut astrofiziki Akademii nauk Kaz SSR (Institute for Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the KazjSSR) SUBMITTEDs March 21y 1958 Card 4/4 AUTHORs -Fesenkov, V.G. 33-35-3-3/27 TITLEs i-o-aiacail -Ligh-f-d-a-the-Result of Desintegration of Asteroids (Zodiakalinyy svet kak produkt drobleniya a8teroidov) PERIODICALs Astronomioheskiy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 3,PP 327-333(USBR) ABSTRACTs There are three circumstances speaking for the fact that the zodiacal light is caused by the dust arising under the desin- tegration of theasteroidso le The density of the dust arising in the desintegration men- tioned above is sufficient in order to explain the observed brightness of the zodiacal light. 2. The polarization phenomena according to tha:results of Pyaskovskaya " Fesenkov4 and others which are not pletely worked through (expedition of the Academy of Sciences, Egypt, September,- Decembei 1957) speak 'also for the theory. 3. The observed form of the zodiacal light coincides well with the theoretical isophots which were calculated on the basis of the distribution of the asteroid paths with respect to the angles of inclination. Card 1/2 Zodiacal Light as the Result of Desintegration 33-35-3-3/27 of Asteroids There are 2 iablest 2 figureso and 8 referenoes, 3 of which are Sovistq 2 German, 2 American, and 1 Irish. ASSOCIATIONt Instit ~88R(Ius ut astrofiziki Akademii naukKaZakh titute for Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kaz,:,'~SSR) SUBMITTED& March 24, 1956 Card 2/2 30) SOV/33-35-4-1/25 AUTHORs Fesenkov, V.G, TITLEs On the Polarization of.Zodiaoal Light (K voprosu o polyari- zataii.zodi.akallnogo sveta) PERIODICALs Astronomicheski Iy zhurnal, 1958,vol 35, Nr 4, pp 513-519(USSR) ABSTRACTs The author comes to the result that the hypothesis of the presence of free electrons in the zodiacal light is not necessary in order to explain its polarization. He shows that .the polarization caused by free electrons is equal to at most 43%9 6C~o or 67%, depending on the electron concentration as a function of the distance from the sun. The observed polari- zation of zodiacal light is at most 20-25%. This value can be well explained by the polarization caused by dust particles which is a very sensible one according to theoretical con- clusions based on the theory of Mie. This fact has been con- firmed by obser-ations of.a tmospherical aerosoles, dust tails of comets eto.Ye.V.Pyaskovskaya-Fecenkova CRef 12,13tL57has carried out detailed observations in the dry Egyptian desert which permit to calculate the fraction caused by atmospheric aerosoles, From these caloulatiorsit oan be deduced that the Card 1/2 polarization of zodiacal light composod of dust particles is On the Polarization of Zodiacal Light SOV/33-35-4-1/25 approximately equal to 27%. Observations carried out by A.V. Kharitonov and P.N.Boyko ZR-ef Y at the Mountain Observatory of the Astrophysical Institute, Academy of Science, Kazakh SSR showed that the atidospherical polarization caused by a comet takes values up to 24%! There are 3 tables, and 15 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 4 American, 2 German, 2 English, and 1 Egyptian. ASSOCIATIONsInstitut astrofiziki AN Kaz SSR (Institute for Astrophysics AS Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTED: 'December 25t 1957 Card 2/2 M I HIM 1101 4 6 ~ g, iffi QM BAR [01 24(4),30) ,AUTHOR: Fesenkov,V.G. SOV/33-35-5-1/20 TITLE: On the Composite Polarization of Light (0 summarnoy polyarizatsii sveta) PERIODICAL: Aotronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 5, pp 681-686 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tito sources of light differently polarized, the first of which has the generalized brightness I, the degree of polarization p and the corresponding orientation, and the second one having the corresponding data 11, pl, are observed simultaneously. If Im and pm denote the analogous magnitudes for the composite light, if OLI is the angle between the orientation of polarization of the given sources, and 0& is the angle between the orientation of composite po larization and that of the first source then the author obtains (1) P )2 =.(,P)2 + (I JpJ) 2. + 21pI Cos 2 m M 1pi 1-11, 11p, sin 2"1 tg 2or. IM I+I 0 1 P, Cos 2o&,+Ip Card 1/2 NNU On the Composite Polarization of Light SOV/33-35-5-1/20 and (2),, P )2 2 Imp m)2 (Ip) 21 p Ip cos 2ac M m 0 g 2c6, Impm sin 2oG 0 I P cos 2ce -Ip m m 0 M ~There is 1:table, and1figure. ASSOCIATION:Astro fizicheskiy ,instit-at Akademii nauk Kaz SSR (Astrophysical 'Insti tute of the AS Kazakh,SSR) SUBMITTED: July 20, 1956 Card.2/2 M7, c Y. V , 5, T7 0u Z -j lit I Oil I i sul, .2 f 1 in a 1111.3 J? jj t', K 0 V V MM I BOOK MIPWITMON 3"1369T 807/37-M-17 Akademiye, nauk MO. Kandtot p0 mateoritam Hateoritiks; sbo=lk slateyp vyP. 17; (Nateor1lics; COllefticin Of Artieies,, No. IT) Mosew, M9. 15T P. Nrrata slip inserted. 4300 copies printed. Ed.: V. 0. Fesenkovj, Academician;, Deputy Reap. Ed,: Ye. L. Xr1nor; Ed* cf P031shing Noose: I. Ye. Rakhlin; 5.11ach., Nd.: A. P. Guava. PURPOM This p031cation In intended for geophysicists., neteorologistap and cyther scientists vorking In meteoritics. COVERAW: This Is a co3lection of 20 articles on the orlgino ecoWosition, and structure of noteoritess, and the phenomena associated with their flight and fall. The origin of chondrules is examined In support of the theory that meteorites are fragments ftom collisions betveen asteroids. A description is given of the pbysiographic characteristics of achondriteaj, which are shown to have the same variety and type of charges in their chemical composition as those found in basic and ultrabasic terrestrial rocks. Results of an experimental study Card 1/ 5 Nateoritics; coilectIon of Articlesp So. 1T SOV138W conducted by A. S. PredrodItelev.. CorreisPowling Me*er Of the AcaftAy of Sciences USON on creep fusion J1a solids subjected to hot high-density ultrasonic streams are presented,, and spectro- grapbic analyses of indcchinitesp moldavitesp and rizalitea to de- termJ,ne their cosmic or terrestrial origin are evaluated. Then is ari investigation of the relationship of zodiacal light and counl;erglow to meteoritic matter in interp~Lanetary space.. and a description of a centrifugal method used In separating maskelinite from. meteoritic samples. The Tunguska,, Zvonkovoye., Manych., Norton Cow.typ and Zonlovo (Bu.1garia) meteorites am discussed in detail, and,& 31st of the meteorites Imm to h"i fallen in China is givqw, References accompany most of the articles. TOW OF CONOWS: Fesenkovp V. 0. Air Wave Produced by the Ttmgtxska Meteorite In 1908 3 Tavne.-LI,p A. As Meteoritic Matter in the Arsa of the PWIlen Tunguska Matearite Xsrbiov.. M. G.p and V. S. Matyagin. BrW Bolide of Decenber 2% 195T Card 2P Wtaoritics; Collection of ArtiO-esj No. 17 SOV/369T Knahs.9 L. G. Achondrites; A Vector Diagram, of Their chemical Composition 23 Rodionov,, S. P. Mineralogical and Petrographic Study of the Zvonkovoye stone meteorite 4T Levin,, P. Yu. On the Origin of NOrteorites 35 Voroblyer., G. G. Analysis of the Composition of Tektites. 1. xUdochinites 64 anilovskly" V. G. Nev Sawple of the Ikaych Stone Meteorite T3 KrInov, Ya. L, Stone Meteorite Showr in Nort(m County., UBA 80 iotikov, 1. A. Experimental Study of Fusion of Bodies by an Ultrasortic Beami 85 Nlkolovj. 1. S. (Mggaria) The Uninvestigated Wilgarian Nonlovo Neteorfte 93 Card 3/5 Oaqpw 96 of wamlswn~ ser~"-4 102 *"Oft" to Of ceorsp6al w & OA Oft lay tbP (Bass .1000 dil"s crite) 316 0* vit W" $too voge IfOO 4-1 veilcowals" . t1le 0t IT ...& CA 0. "A lotae Mt,004-do CC tbg +-LCZL of Ire coal or q. leselg~ n 1000 Of a 1005 tber3339' 04axtlcu 1U& ves Of Red!! -.Odom MoteorAllp~s; CoUsetion of Articles# No. 17 SOV/3897 Xrlnovg '.re. L. Reylev of *noIns Meteox-Itenlmadew by Fj?itz Heide 140 massal'slowav K. P, CUnnification Schem for Literature on Meteoritics 143 AVAMUMI: Mbrary of Cowess JA/c"/ec Card 5/5 8-19-60 PIXIMINER, Solomon Bori9ovioh,--FV�4NWL-,V-G., akedemiks; SU~~A, YEFUMOV, Tu.I., red.i2d-va; L.A., [Ph,jaice of interstellar matter] Fizika MSZh2Vezdnoi aredy. Moexva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 215 P. (MIRA 12:11) (cosmogony) Aj 3(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/2464 A-kademiya na:ak SSSR. Komitet po meteoritam Sikhote-Alinskiy zheleznyy meteoritnyy dozhdl, tom 1 (Sikhote- Alin' Iron Meteorite Shower, Vol 1) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959, 363 P. 1,200 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: V. q. Fesenkov; Deputy Resp. Ed.: Ye. L. Krinov; Ed. of Fubli6hing House: I. Ye. Rakhlin.; Tech. Ed.: G. N. Shevchenko. PURPOSE: This book is intended for earth soientistB, and astronomers interested in meteorite phenomena. COVERAGE: The collection of articles is the first of three volumes devoted to a study of the Sikhote-Alin' iron meteorite shower which fell on February 12, 19~1. Individual articles discuss the location of,,.the Sall, the types of craters.formed by the impact, and the mineral composition of the meteorite fragmentB. -Information presented in this series, including eydwitness reports, was obtained by members of the AN SSSR Card 1/3 Sikhote-Alin' Iron Meteorite S~iower, Vol I SOV/2464 Committee on Meteorites during its four expeditions made be- tween 1947-50. Photographs accompany the text. No perso- nalities are mentioned. No references are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Fesenkov, V. G., and Ye. L. Krinov. The Fall and Study of the 8-11ffi_ofe--_A__Ti_nskiy Iron Meteorite Shower 5 Shipulin, F. K., and L. N. Khetchikov. Geographic and Geologic Characteristics of the Location of the Meteorite Shower Fall 19 Divari, N. B. Phenomena Accompanying the Fall of a Meteorite Shower, and Its Trajectory in the Atmospheru~ 26 Krinov, Ye. L. Circumstances Surrounding the Fall of the Meteorite Shower 99 Card 2/3 WW~-WC~P~Amq5- gzi ';- f~' 10 Sikhote-Alin Iron Meteorite Showers Vol 1 sov/2464 Krinovo Ye. L., and S. S. Fonton. Description of Meteorite Craters, Pitting Places, Locations of the Fall of Small Individual Pieces of Surface Dispersipn 157 Sarybatyrov, S. 0. The Form and Characteristic Peculiarities of Meteorite Shower Craters Based on Aerial Photography J04 Fontov, S. 3. Use of the,Nagnetic Method to Locate Meteorites and Their Fragments 312 krinoV, Ye. L. Catalog of the Parts of a Meteorite Shower 322 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MM/jb 10-21-59 Card 3/3 OU 'V 3(l) 10,01, FMW I BOOK EXPWMVON SOV/3238 Almdemiya nauk Kazakhakoy SM. :AstrofizicheBkiy institut Izvestiya, tom. VIII (Neve of the Astrophysics Ustitate, Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, vDl. 8) Alma-Ata, T2d-vo AN Kazakhskoy 98R, 1959. 850 copies printed. Eds.: F. Ya. Osadchiyjand Yu. N. Kuznetsov; Tech. Ed.: Z. P. Rorokina; Editorial Board: G. M. Idlisp M. G. Khrimov, Z. V. Karyagina (Secretary), D. A. Rozhkovskiy, V. G. Fesenkov (Resp. Ed.). PURPOM: This collection of articles is intended for geophysicists and astronomers. COMMM: This collection of articles in astronomy contains studies on the distri- bution of asteroids as revealed by zodiacal light characteristics, the distortion of the luminosity curve of a variable star, the integrals of motion of an in- dividual slar, the electromagnetic mechanism in solar prominences, sky polariza- tion in the! Libyan desert, projector researc4 etc. English abstracts accompany each article. References follow individual articles. Card 1/3 News of, the Astrophysics (Cont SOV/3238 MUM OF COYMM: Trsen~kov Condit-ions ~Ia&r Which Asteroids Disintegmte as Revealed by Maracteristics of the,.Zodiacal Light 3~ V. G., Zodiacal Twilights 13 R0zhIwvskiy,~_V.- k.ian&R.':Ah._,G94uullina.~ Distortion of the Inninosity Curve, Disclosed ia Photogmpha.ofLong BWaure 19 Idlis~ G..~ Ke 'Connection of Cozatwq Properties of the Gravitational Potential of Stellar Systems With a General Pbrm of the Tutegzals of Motion of an Indi- VidVAI StaX' . 24 I&tyagin, V. El. Tftneparency Coefficieats of the Atwephere in the Ultra- violet by, Cbserving- Several, Stars Khrimovj, M. G.- The Yellow.Coronal Line 5694A From Observations Outside Eclipse 59 Card 2/ 3 3(l) SOV/26-59-2-2/53 .AUTHOR: Fesenkovq V*Geq Academician (Alma-Ata) TITLE: New Trends in the Study of Interstellar and Inter- planetary space (Nov6ye v 4-zuchenii nezhzvezdnoy i , mezhplanetnoy eredy) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959t Nr 2, pp 4-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT The author describes the correlation between the form- ation of stars in interstellar space and the nebulo- sities. Interstellar space is filled with gas and dust mixed together, forming clouds and divided by spaces almo Bt void. Interstellar space is subject to the action of gravitational forces and of the magnetic field, along the lines of force of which move electrons and ions. Hydrogen and other gases in space are in a state of ionization under the ac- tion of the radiation of a "hot" star within 100 parseas of this st4r. As the ray-emission of such stars is variable,'so is the volume of the ionizel region. These changes are connected with a sharp Card 1/3 change of temperature conditions in space and cause BOV/26-59-2-2/53 New Trends-in the Study of Interetellarand Inte.rplanetary-Space the motion-of the-substance and change its.density. The~--c.orpuijcular.:.emanatio,n.of:.certain stars also fills, space and- dvwge-a its. properties. V.A. - Ambart- :sumyan-and D.A.:,Rozhkovski.,y theorize~that stars are continually~being formed.from certain parts of ne- bulositiespo-and-especially from their dark-parts. The author comes-to~the conclusions that conditions in interplanetary space are-quite different from ~those.izvlthe-ihterstellar space. The large planets Jupiter and:Baturniare composed mainly of light gases hydrogen and helium, and such an accumulation in interstellar space would be impossible. These planets represent'the remains of primary planetary :condensations.- The:whole Solar system was in the very remote pa'st,"formed.mider interstellar con- ditions, but these conditions (nebulas and gas) evolved and disappeared long ago. The property of interplanetary spacet which diffuses the light, is clearly expressed in the occurrence of the zodiacal Card 2/3 light. The expedition of -the AS of the USSR which 67176 q000 SOV/31-5~-6-5/18 AUTHOR: ... ;Fesenkovq VG-G.9,AcademiciaA., TITLEt Some Research Results According to,the Program.of the International Geophysical Year PERIODICAL. Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 1959, Nr 6, PP 36-46 ABSTRACT: The article deal-s with the' Soviet ishare in-international research carried out according to the pr'biOam of the Third Geophysical Year. Special attention is focused on the research work of the Astrofizicheskiy institut AN KazSSR -(Institute of Astrophysics of the AS-KazSSR) with its Koronalvnaya stantsiya kCorona Station) as well as its two affiliateal the Sektor astrobotaniki (Astrobotanical Sector) and Sektor geografii (Geographical'-Sector). The Kazakhskiy gidrometeorologicheskiy institut (Kazakh Hydrometeorological Ins .titute) is also conducting research work in this direction. More than 40 scientific problems were subject to study during the period 1957-1958, With some 100 Soviet research organizations participating. Oard 1/--q The working.out.of only one theme, "Research on Solar 67176 SOV/31-59.6-5/18 Research Results Aocording to the Program of the International Geophysical Year Activity"p requires the,cooperation of 14 observatoriesl including the Institute of Astrophysice of. the AS KazS.SR. The total numberof scientific stations conducting re- searoh on Soviet territo1v is 572. To this number, 70 observation points for artificial yatelliteshust be added. Five special-stations are registerin ologicail"data. 7 '~'earth magnetis "86'fsmological-reatiings,"-'C'osmlc rays, XV- ZEurora -ausf=ra JA etc. in EETT.Ftaratic, and 12 speclal Tulc.tii~W research on oeeanicl)L~ ships are con currents, relief 9f theses. bottom, etc. The GeOgTELphical Sector is mostly engaged:in the exploration of the 11aloalmatinskiye glaciers of the',Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains, the glaciers of the Bask an-and Sarkand *mountains'and-those of the Dzhungarskiy .Alatau mountains. Up to the present time'i extensive data on the temperatures of the basemen-b rock surface, air humidity, cloudiness, wind velocity and their direction as Card 2/ 9 well as on gradient phenomena within the two-meter high 67176 SOV/31-59-6-5/18 Some Research Reauits According:tO the Program of the International Gleophysical. Yijar layer..of air above the-glacier surface with regard to temperature, humidity, and wind velocity was obtained. Extensive data was also obtained on direct, dispersed, reflected, and summary solar radiation as well as that penetrating the ice. Subject to study were the struc- Of snow, firn,, and'icet their thermophysical pro- Perties, strength at,various temperatuiis and solidity degrees, viscosity coefficient, anisotropy, and other mechanical characteristics. In addition to.this, temperature conditions of the ice C:overing,.ln particular its, heat,conductivity, and density in accumulation and thawing areas.were registered and samples for a detailed textural and s~tructural investigation taken. The samples proved that the crystal axis direction can be put. into a close connection to the direction in which a glacier moves, with basis planes serving as sliding Card 3/ 9 planes. The thermophynicists of the Geographical Sector 67176 SOV/31-59-6-5/18 Some Research Results According to the Program of the International Geophysical Year 'have been-determining temperature conditions within the, n glaciers. For this purpose, holes of up to 25 m i depth (a hole was even as.deep as rZ m) were drilled which.showed that sub-ilacial thawing not only occurs in summer, butin winter as well. Very interesting were seismicsoundingB to measure ice thickness. They showed that at a dis .tance of 2.5 lai from~ the glacier's end the ice was i114.m thick, whereas at a distance of ,190 m, it was only 40 m thick. The! Geographical Sector was the first organization to use electrometrical re- search in the USSR. Thus, measurements of specific electric resistance were made along with the sounding of the glac ierst thickness. The movement of ice within the,glaoier's mass was also determined. The latter measurement said'that tho ice moves 13-15:cm slower at a depth of 25 m than at its surface. The glaciologists of the above sector have prepared Et schematic drawing Card 4/9 of the permafrost region:, which makes possible a 66176 BOV/31-59-6r5/18 Some Research.Results According to the Program of the International Geophysical Yoar determination of.moraine areas susaeptible to rushing spring waters* At last, hydrological conditions in the glaciers and the latterts role in supplying the rivers .with water were illuminated. Recently, V.V. Vitkevich proved-that the solar corona-stretches for up to 15 , solar radii and even more. This eviftuce was possible b~ radio"W by haviog the corona sounded eiissions emanated from thq "Crablike" n ebula (Ta rusT-.The Nablyudate,11~. naya stantsiya.(bbservation Stati,n) of the Antrnphynin-al Institute of the AS KazSSR is located on.the Kamenskoye _-MaTe-au and listed under Nr 67t thus constituting one of the s*outhern-most stations,of the.USSR. It is equipped with,ptandard-type instruments, i.e., with a NAFA 30A5~ 8'Ytype camera with a typing chronograph and,othe.r.units able torecord coordinates with a precision degree of about 6" of the,aro. Since this i3amera is comparatively small-sized, it can only record satellite passages Card V 9 during periods of their relative brightness. Thus, the 67176 SOV/31i-59-6-5/18 Some Research Results According to the Program of the International Geophysical Year above camera makes no recordings of the Soviet satellite Nr 3 which is the most dista n amang the artificial satellites. A high-capacit.1eniscus teleBOOP located at the,above institutets observatory has a much higher precision degree. It is e,quipped with ingenious devices developed by D.A. RozhkovskiZ at the observatory's work- shop and can make recordings correct' 'to a maximum of 0.001 see and 111 of the arc-of coordinate which is the highest precision standard to,make recordings of"satel- lite passages in the USSR and probably the world over. A*V. Kharitonov and V.Se Matyaginy coworkers of the above institute, have participated in the development-of this unit and also made the most photos. Every day, a ,special coroinagraph of the Corona Station, able to mark out the inner corona, goes around the entire solar diec and registers the lines of coronal emission at the height of 40" from the dise edge. This process is car- Card 6,19 ried out under the supervision of M.G. Karimov. The 67176 SOV/31-5976-5/18 Some Research. Results According to the Program of the International Geophysical Year 'emissi n lines with the wave length of 5303 (green), 6374 (red) _6702 (red), and.5694 (yellow) are caused by the emi;sione-of ionized atoms of Fe and Ca and their equivalent width. In other words, the intensity expres- sed in.millionths of the brightnens of the solar disc's center, is characterized by the tomperature, electronic densityp and concentration of corresponding atoms on the ,sun, i.e., by the physical'oondition of the solar disc at the moXent,givens During-the International Geophysical Year, some,20*000 values of equivalent widths of coronal ,lines and.more than 40,000 ph.9tos of the chromosphere .,Nithin the red line.of hydrogen were made. In addition to thisi.the Coronal-Station Analyzed the most interest- ing photos, with conclusions drawn on both movement and concentration of coronal "nodules" and their connection JI/ with the protuberances. Systematic observation of the nocturnal sky is carried out by standard-type spectro- Card V9 gFa'ps distributed among the scientific stations in the 67176 SOYN-59-6-5/18 Some Research Results According to the Program of the International Geophysical Year USSR, Until February 1959, the above institute's observa- to.ry made 217 long-exposed spectra of the nocturnal sky. The luminiscence,of the long-wave Pection of the nocturnal sky was subject to regular recording from as early as, December 1957- Apart from the ordinary emission lines caused by undue ohangeovers,of atomic oxygen 5577t 63001 and 6364, and the yellow line 5893 (so-dium)l a multitude ofoscillatory strips of the molecule of hydroxyl Off was also identified. The rotary structure of these strips can be easily recognized by an SP-48-type speotrograph used for..this purpose. The observatory also investigated the earth's capacity to reflect.sunlight - the earth's albedo. During a period of 9 m Ionths, 38 series.of albedo ob'serva- tions were carried out by Dzhasybekova and Kharitonov, which showed.that the earth reflects about 40% of the sun- ligliLt received. The Astrophysical Institute of the KazSSR Card 8/9 developed into aninstitutionspecializing in the 67176 SOV/31-59-6-5/18 Some.Research.Results According to the Program of the International Gleophysical Year In addition:to this investigation of zodiacal light. it disoovered.a similar phenomenon, the so-called mock zodiacal light, through its expedition sent to the Balkhash Lake and the mountainous regions of the Kazakhstan. An additional expedition has been dispatched to Egypt into the southern part of the Liby -an-desert. Its task_ was aleg the study of zodiacal light and that of the optical 2roperties of the earth atmosphere. In this con- nection, Ye.V. Pyaskovskaya-Fesenkova was the first to point out that cosmic aero_s_oI_s7_s_e7FW_ee by the earth atmosphere can cause considerable polarization a phenomenon which could not be yet explained. Card 9. 9 FESEMO !.G. Conditions of the desintegratiou of asteroidu revealed by. ob:3erved characteristica of the zodiacal light. Izv. Astrofiz. Inat. AN Kazakh SSR 80-12 159. (MIRA 13:3) (&Detu?'HInQr) (Zodiacal light) 04,a. A YESMOV, V.G, -- Zoiliacal twilight. Izv. Astrafiz. inst. AN Ka7akh. SSR 8:13-18 '59. WIRA 1313) f--'-:V, IV' ~ A In, 07, P.Ya.; AYTUIy~;y, Zh. A.; MINT, MIX.; AXHMYDSAFTil, ujt.; BATISHCHU- TABASOY, S-D-; BAZANOVA, N-U-; BAISHY, S;B.; BAY-KOOROV, A.3.; B-PX7UROV, A.Bq; BOGATYWIV, A.S,; BOX, I.!.; BORTMIYEV, R.A.; BOTUCT-Z-N, N.L.; BY.KOVAI, U.S.; -ZHILVT%.IY, ZYKOF, D.A,; immim, P.,2,.; KA74AITLI, D.N.; KAYUPOV, A.R.; MPOMON . S.K.; KOLOTILIN', KMIAYEV, D.&.; KUSHFIT, G.L.; L-.Yz ~', i.'1.; KkEUNOY, O.Zh.; m-1 T;,i, G.TS.; MOITICH. V.K.; 11MUTOV, S.; MUSRIAIMV, a.; WjMfNDZHAlTOV' S.M.; PAP,~H]31, A.Vi,- P6YROVSKIY' S.11.; POIDSmINIP A.P.; RUSAKOV, Y.P.; sma-mv, ir.r..; siremaii, S.Sh.; TAZH13AYEV. P.T.;-FA'S-TlJKOV. 7.G.; SIMYGIN, Ye.p.1 SHCHFIRBA, G.N.: CHOKIN. Sh.Ch.: CH6M' S~~tiath birthday of Academician Kxnysh Imantaevich Satnaev. Vest. All Kazakh. SSR 15 . n0-4:558-61 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) Ontpaev, Kanyah Imantaevich, 1899-) nit ~p~ t ra ? 30) AUTHORt Fesenkov, V,G, SOV33-36-2-1/27 TITLE- On tKe-_0p_i'1T`ca the Earth Atmosphere Under Twilight Illumination PERIODICALt Astronomicheskiy zhurnal)1959,vol 36,14r 2,pp 201-207 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author.presents a.method for the determination of the tra- jectories of solar rays which pass through the atmosphere in different heights and of their refraction and extinction. The numerical tables given in the paper were calculated according to this method, partly by L.11. Tulenkova. These tables can-be applied e.g. in the theory of twilight phenomena. There are 5 tables and 2 non-Soviet references, I of which is English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institut Astrofiziki AN Kaz SSR (Institute for Astrophysics , . AS Kaz SSR) SUBMITTED: February 2, 1959 Card 1/1 WERNEV" , i . ., ; ~ --~ ~ zl' i I- I . . . . . - ., - ; , - - -, .71 -.w :, -~ : -11, 1. i [ FESMIKOY-,,,,Taoiliy.,,I;rigor-~yovich,, 'TR3LK 1, - ---Ii Akademik; ARSMTIYXV, V.V., red.; 11 OVA, oA., red. zd-va; 'jAYCHNNKO, Yej., (What the results of observations on the origin of the solar cystem tell us] Chto govoriat,dannye rabliudenii o pro.iakhosh- denii solnechnol sistemy. Koakva, 12d-vo "Znunie," 1960. 47 p. (Vsesoiuznoe obahchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politichaskikh i rauchnykh znanii. Ser.9, Fizika i khindia, no.1) (MIRA 13:1) (solar system) (Cosmogony) FE S F-- K P%-1 0 V, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5424 Tsiolkovskly, Konstantin.Eduardovich Put' k zvezda3n;. sbornik nauchno-fantasticheskikh proizvedeniy (Journey to the.Stars; Science Fictiarx'Collection) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, .1960. 351 1p. 50, 000 copies printed. Ed.~-Comp.: 'B. N..Vorobl yev; Ed. of Publishing House: V. A. Boyarskiy; Tech. Ed..-! T. P. Polenova. PURPOSE: This science fiction collection Is intended for the general reader.. .COVERAGE: ..The book is a complete collection of the science fiction writings of K. E. Tsiolkovskly. In these accounts many problems connected with the investigation and conquest of space are presented. Cosmic rocket travel and original apparatus to guarantee the survival of men, animals, and plants inside such rockets are desRribed. 'Tsiolkovskiy speculates Card 114 &,tm-n --m~ Journey to the Stars (Cont.) SOV/5424 on the effect of the gravity of celestial bodies on the size of any possible inhabitants, etc. He sketches the vastness of space and trips to the planets of the solar system.' In the preface of the book Academician V. G. Fesenkov provides a critique of Tsiolkovskiyl s science fiction writingspreviewing his ideas and pointing out some errors. A still more detailed appreciation and history of Tsiolkovskiyl fiction is given in the summary by B. N. V6robl yev. The book is concluded by three appendixes and a number of reproductions of Tsiolkovskiyl s sketches. No personalities are men- tioned. There are no. references. TABLE OF: CONTENTS: Fesenkov V. G. On This Collection of K. E. Tsiolkovskiyls Science 'Piction Wri-Migis 3 On the Moon 7 Card.2/4 Journey to the Stars (Cont. Dreams About Ear'Ui and Sky On Vesta Beyond the Earth Goals of Astronautics Variation of Relative Gravity on Earth (Mercury, MarB, the Asteroids Ceres. Pallas, and Vesta) Living Matter in the Cosmos Biology of Dwarfs and Giants, Island Universes Card 3/4 SOV/5424 Journey to the Stars (Cont. Beyond the Earth's Atmosphere Vorobtyev, B. N. Science Fiction in the Works of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy APPENDIXES 1. To the Inventors of Reaction Machines 11. Is It Only Fantasy? 1H. Pages Frora a Youth's -Diary AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 414 PHABB I BOOK EXPLOID&ON SOV/42W sov/37-a-38 Akademiya rtauk S88R..'Komitet po, meteoritam Meteoritika,; abornik statey, vypo 18'(Meteoriti6; 0ollection of Articles, NO. .1 8), Moscow, AN SSSRP 1960. 1,200 copies .printed. Ed.: V.G. FiBeakov, Academi cian;,Deputy Reap. Ed.: Ye.L. Krinov; Ed. of Publishing~~ House: I.Ye. Rakhlin; Tech. Ed.: A.P. Guseva. PURPOSE: This publication is intended for astrophysicists, astronomers)and geolo- gists, particularly those interested in the study of meteorites. COVERAGE: 9%is collection of '26 articles on problems in meteoritics includes the Transactions of the Eighth meteoritic Conference which took place in Moscow, June 3 - 5-9 1958- An introductory article reviews recent progress in the field, particulaxly in the matter of deteinining the ege of meteorites. Individual articles discuss the fall, physical and chemical properties, and age of meteor- ites. . 'the danger presented by meteors to artificial earth satellites is dis- cussed. V.G. Fesenkov describes the theory and adduces computations for Card 1/5 Meteoritics; Collection of Articles,, NO.' 18 SOV/4290 determining the distributi dn of ozone in the atmosphere during lunar eclipses. Referenees accompany individual articles. TABLE OF Camim: TRANSAMONS OF THE FIGHM M=ORITIC C=MWCE ~esenkov., *GO., Academician. Major Recent Achievements in Metioritics .Krinov, Ye.L. Results of.the Study of Tungusskiy-Meteorite Fall (Synopsis cf the Report), 17 Stanyukovich., KOPO Effects.'of the Fall of Large 14,eteorites (Synopsis crf the. Report). 19 Levin, B.Ytt. Artificial Earth Satellites and Meteoric Bodies 20 Aaloe, A. 3:31metsa Craters in the Estonian SSR 26 Bonev., N. (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Origin of Asteroids and Meteorites 32 Card 2/5 Meteokticol Collection of Articles, No. 18, SOV/4290 Voroblyev, G.G. Study of.the Composition of Tectites. 2. Moldarites 35 Pokrzywnicld., Jerzy (Warsaw., Poland). T~e Specific Weight of Meteorites 41 D'yakonova., M.I.,and V.Ya. Kharitonova. Results of the Chemical Analysis of Stone Mebeorites and Iron Met6orites From the Collection of the Acade- my of Sciences USSR 48 Alekseyeva, K.N. New Data on the Physical Properties of Stone Meteorites 6B, Yavnel',A.A., I.B. Borovskiyj N.P. Illin,_ ard I.D..Marchukova. Determi-- nation of the Composition of the Phases of Meteorite Iron by Lodal X-ray Spectral Amalysii, (Synopsis of . t,~e Report) 77 Vdovykin, G.P. Preliminary Results of the Luminescence-Bituminologic Ana3,ysis ol' Four Carbonaceous,Chondrites 78 Starik, I.Ye., and M.M. Shats. New Data on the Dotermination of the Coqt'ent of Uranium in,Meteoritee' 83 Card 3/5 N M Mm" Meteoritics,; Collection of Articles, ITO. 18 SOV/4290 Starik., I.Ye. it EX. - Sobotovich, and M.M. Obats. Deterstination of the Ageof Meteorites by the Lead-Isotopic Method 88 Vinogradov, A.P., Academician, I.K. Zadorozhnyy, and K.G. Kdorre. On Argon jn,M6teorites-.,.;; 92 GerUng, EX.,, and L.K. Levskiy. Products of Cosmic Radiation in the Sikhote-Alinskiy Meteorite 100 A Fokrzywnicki., Jerzy (Warsaw,, Poland). Meteorite Zab)ritsa lo6 Bgatov, V..I., and Yu-A. Chernyayev. The Meteoric Dust in Schlich S~mples 13.1 Yudin I.A, Finds of Meteoric Dust in the Area of the Kunashak Stone I Y Meteorite 13hoirer U3 Ovchinnikova, T.N. Educational Exposition on Meteoritics in the Museum of Earth Sciences at Moscow State UniVersity U9 C ard 4/5 Meteoritics; Collection of Articles, No. 18, SOV/4290 ARTICLES Fesenkov, V.G., Academiciaw. On the Theory of Lunar Ecliyses 125 Krinov Ye.L. Some Considerations on the Collection of Meteoric Substance in Polar Reftioas 136 ?AdorozhW, I~K#' Mus-Spectral Determination of Inert Gases in Iron 141 Pencher, N.P., Pimcheva, Ye.N.,-and Bonchev, P.R.- (Sofia, Bulgaria) On the Che=Lcal Ccmpositioii of the Gunoshnik Metet.-wite (Bulgaiia) 144 Yudin, I.A. Minevloarapjil:c~. Inve stigation of the Nikollskoye~ Stone Meteorte 147 Kolomeaskiy,V.D. Results of the Roentgenanetric Investigation of the Nikollskoye-Stone.Met:eorite 155 AVAILABLE- Library of Caqpvss 7JA/ d4n/gmp Card-5/5 85927 S116916010001010110121013. AOO5/A001 Translation framt Referativnyy zhurnal, Cleofizika, 1%0, No, 10, pp. 210-211, 13212 AUTHOR: Fesenkov,-V-.G,