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4 8 - -41- -1/2 6 TITLE: The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Mono- crystals (Vyrao~chivaniye i iseledovaniye nonokristallov segnetoblektrikov) Thus BaTiO crystallization out of molten salts yielded va- ri.Que modiheations of,crystals with anomalous ferroelectric properties. By varying temperature conditionst it was possible to grow crystals with different values of the c/a ratio, including non-ferroelectric crystals. I . - It was later discovered that these crystals can be carried through the whole series of states by means of thermal treatment,, Monoorystals of SrTiO 3 were obtained by two methodst 1. Out of a molten mixture of polycrystallic SrTiO with potassium fluoride, and 3 2. Out of a molten mixture of polycrystallic SrTiO with 50 % of sodium carbonate + 50 % of potassium carbonatq~ The monocrystale obtained by these two methods differed in their dielectric properties. Monocrystals of solid solutions of the (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 type were obtained out of corresponding mixtures of barium and stron- Card 3/4 tium titanatee and molten potassium fluoride. Dielectric MI, 'F 0170, '1F VrP E 48-3-1/26 TITLE: The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Mono- crystals (Vyrashohivaniye i issledovaniye monokristallov segnetoelektrikov) parameters of these monoorystals vary considerably after thermal treatment. After 3 hours of annealing under a temperature of 10500C the crystals darkened but acquired normal ferroslectric properties. The extensive experience in cultivation of ferroelectric crystals has shown that crystallization conditions strongly affect their ferroelectric properties. Some ferroelectrics can stay in a metastable state for a long time after soli- dificati,on. The article contains 11 graphs and 2 photos. The biblio- graphy lists 39 references, of which 31 are Slavic. INSTITUTION: Scientific Research Physico-Mathematical Institute at the ROSTOV/DON State University im. Molotov PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 4/4 S UB~ECT: C USSR/Luminescence 48-3-2/26 AUTHORSt Fesenko Ye,G,, Kramarov O.P.g Khodakoy A,L,and Sholokhovioh M.L. TITM Some Peculiarities of Monoorystals of PbTiO and Monocryatals of Solid Solutions (Ba 'Pb)TiO (Nekotoryye hobennosti mono- kristallov PbTiO3 1 monokriatillov tverdykh rastvorov (Ba,Pb) TO 3). PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akedemii Nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheakays, 1957,Vol 21, #3, pp 305-310 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors obtained various monocryatels of solid solutions of the(Ba,Pb)TiO3 type containing different ratios of components. 'Nonocrystals of PbTiO were obtained out of a molten mixture of sodium silicates and lead metaborate. All crystals belonged to the perovokite structural type with totragonal cello. Spontaneous deformation increased with the increase of the lead content. The temperature course of the parameters of PbTiO and (B&,Pb)TiO 3 is evidence of the pre- sence of the phase transition of the first kind. The presence of domain structure was established for crystals Cart 1/2 48--.J-2/26 TITLEt Some Peculiarities of Monocryatals of PbTiO 3 and Monocrystals of Solid Solutions (Be 'Pb)TiO3 (Nekotoryye osobennoati mono- kristallov FbTiO 3 1 monokristallov tverdykh raatvorov (B&,Pb)TiO3). of PbTiO3 and (BaqPb)TiO 3 by meana of optical inve3tigations. The average refraction index rose with the increase in lead con- centration. All crystals showed dielectric permittivity-temperature depen- dences characteristic for ferroelectrics. Some of then had the value of dielectric permittivity at Curie point which exceeded the value at the room temperature by 20 times. Hysteresis loops and the run of reversible permittivity confirmed that the studied ferroeleatrics possess intensive internal fields. The article contains 6 graphs, I photo and 2 tables. The biblio- graphy lists 8 references, of which 7 are Slavic (Russian). INSTITUTION: Scientific Research Physico-Mathematical Institute at the ROSTOV/DON State University. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 24(2) A,.UTH-ORS:. Prokopalo.t Oi.J,&.j, Fesenka, Ye.- G. SOV/46-22-12-?P/33 TITLE: Investigation of ~he Properties of Solid Solutions of Titanate and Ferrat.e.of Barium and-,Lea-d;(Issledovaniye svoysty:~verdykh rast.7orov titanata i-ferrata bariya i svintsa) PERIODICALt Izvestiya,Akademii nauk SSSR~ Seriya. fizicheskaya, 1958y- Vol' 22-,~ Nr 12, PP '1488-1491 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In the present paper a few investigation results concerning.'the solid Ba(Ti-, Fe)O - 'and Pb(T'l*, Fe)9--solutions are gfvijn,~,,It,., 3 has been -ProVed:., tfia~- tEe sitbstitution 'of -about 1*0~~: ions by. Fe-ions in BaTiO -leads-to,a modif -on of the-struptur typep ~cati 3- i!hereas a subs ti tution- of about by.-Fea-ionsjn PbTio only causes.a modification in the parameterv TTie presence ' - 3 of different modifications of BaFeQ and BaTiO 3 3. employ different 14itial-component pairs for thb,-prepara-tion of solid solutions: cubical BaTiQ and oubioal'BaPeO v,:pul4cal. 3 3 BaT:W and hexagonal BaFeO 3, tetragonal'BaTiO-I, and-hexagonal Card 1/3 BaPeO3 'samples were prepared according to a method ------------ - -- - ------ - __ __ __ _ - ___ Investigation of the Propertieq of Solid Solutions SOV/48-22-12-20/33 oi-Titsnate ai)d Ferrate of Bariqm and-Lead already, Barlier de.89riDed -.(Ref, 6)* Invea~igations.. shmd-that so)Jd,,solu~ioi4s-,arg formed, by BaTiO3 .4~nd BaFeO5,. The,_,mos~,* im~or'tant' di~f eirbin'oe -between them and those formerly. known is that,zwith the BaFeO -content, even by small ..3 ampurdt, the,modificqLtion.of~the-tetragonal phase, usually m'onotonaus- in solid solutions, and the displacement of the Curie (Kyuri) temperature abruptly goes over to the hexagonal phase, The percentage content of BaFeO 3 at which the passage to the hexagonal modification takes place, essentially depends on the method used for preparing the solid solutions. In the preparation of solid Pb(Tiq Fe)O 3- solutions, PbFeO3 prepared according to the method described in reference 3, as well as PbTiO were used as initial components. Solid Pb(Ti, Fe)O- 3 s,Dlutions were obtained by annealing in a free atmosphere at about 10000. The X-ray structural investigation showed (Fig 6) that a number of solid solutions is formed by PbTiO 3 and PbYeO 3, Card 2/3 and that the tetragonal modification goes back with an increase Investigation of the Properties of Solid Solutions SOV/48-22-12-20/33 of Titanate and Ferrate of Barium and Lead of the BaFeO 3-content. The measurements of electric parameters of solid solutions showed that with an increase of the PbFeO 3- content E and tgS become smaller and the activation energy shows a tendency towards saturation. There are 6 figures and references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateltakiy fiziko-matematicheskiy instit ut pri Rostovskom-na-Danu gos. universitete (scientific Research Institute of Physics and Mathematics at the Rostov-na-Donu State University) .1 -70V/70-4-1-10/26 AUTHORS: Fesenko Yle G Kolesova,, R.V. TITLE-. Optical Investigation of Single Crystals of Lead Titanate (Opticheskoye issledovaniye monokristallov titanata svintsa) PERIODICAL: Kristallogra-fiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 62-64 +-2 plates (USSR) ABSTRACT: PbTiO 3: undergoes phase transitions at 490 and-100 0C.-I Crystals were obtained by slow cooling from solution in lead metaborate and showed the forms J1001, ~16~ and J1111. Their sizes were 0.03 to 0.7 mm. The twiii planes. were (011.) and (101) but the squa-re net domain . pattern characteristic of BaTiO was not found. FbTi0 3 3 is optically negative and the R.I.s varies slightly'from crystal to crystal. The birefringence rises from 0.01 at room temperature to 2.02 at 400 and then falls steeply ~o zero at 470 C. The transition point is 482 -F 3 C. Attempts were made to ob8ain single-domain crystals by annealing at up to 1 000 C for 2 days. Out, Cardl/3 of more than 300 crystals only one became a "c"-domain 'jV gg 1g" M 4 T ISM IM M, I SOV/70-4-1-10/26 optical Investigation of Single Crystals of Lead Titanate and one or two "a-ell domains. For fixing the 482 0C transition a einecamera-f6tted to a microscope was used. At a heating rate of 2-4 0 per minute the transition took 0.1 - 0.4 see; in all cases it was faster than for BbLTiO 3* In an electric field PbTiO3 behaves similarly to BaT_iO3but for changing the direction of the c-axi8 higher fieldsiare needed. T 8begin to change the c- directions of the domains 90 a field of 14-17 kV/em is needed and for completion of the changes fields so strong that they destroy the crystal are required. Increasing the temperature simplifies the domain structure but s�6-le-domain c tals,could still not be obtained. A field of 10.5 kV cm aplied to a single-domain crystal produced wedges at 45 to the field cutting through the crystal. The domain boundaries could be moved but two domains were the least that could be obtained. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 15 references, 3 of which are Soviet,, 8 English 1 2 Swiss, 1 Japanese and Card2/3 1 international. SOV/70-4-1-10/26 Optical Investigation of Single Crystals of Lead Titanate ASSOCIATION: Rostovskijr-:na-Donu gos. universitet (Rostov-ne-Dwi State University) SUBMITTED: December 7, 1958 Card 3/3 - I SOV/70-4-1-18/26 AUTHORS: Novosilltsev,, N.S. (Deceased), Khodakov, A.K., Sholokhovich, M.L., Fesenko, Ye.G. and Kramarov, O.P. TITLE: Experl!~'A'Tgr'63~k'~6 6~owing Single Crystals of Ferro- electrics (Opyt raboty po vyrashchivaniyu monokristallov segnetoelektrikov) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 101 - 108 (USSR) ferro- ABSTRACT. General review of work on (Ba, Pb)(Ti, Zr)O 3 electrics. There is a considerable difference between the.observed and calculated densities of perovskite ceramics indicating disordered regions between domains. Colour and electrical conductivity are also variable. Attempts were.made to.grow SrTiO by the Verneuil process 3 but complications due to the formation of the hexagonal phase occurred and lowered permittivity. Growth from the melt has also been tried using an arc furnace but difficulties with oxygen deficiency and the metastable 'hexagonal phase again arose. Remejka (Ref 46) reported that the presence of iron oxide hindered the formation Cardl/3 of oxygen defects but only 1.5% ferrate in BaTiO 3 gave SOV/70-4-1-18/26- Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferroelectries a hexagonal stracture. In 1956, zone refin-;- ...-ig was tried very successfully, crystals greater than 1 em being. obtained but attention has turned to the use of crystals with artificially introduced disordering. It was found in 1951-2 that appropriate thermal treatment could restore BaTiO 3with poor permittivity curves to the proper state and the composition to the equilibrium value. In 1953,.it was found that foreign atoms could alter the' temperature variation of physical properties and solid solutions of BaTiO -BaSnO 3-BaZrO3were studied. Because of applications to memory devices, the interest in single crystals and their electrical properties increased. Melts of XF were u Ised for obtaining crystals of (Ba,Pb)TiO 3 and (Sr,Ba)Ti.0 3' Dielectric properties have been measured at from 50 to 10 6 cls, including recording of the hysteresis loop under various conditions. Linear expansion, Card2/3 SOV/70-4-1-18/,26 Experimental Work on Growing Single crystals of Ferroelectrics coefficients have been measured as has the dependence of Curie point mcomposition. A volume jump at the Curie point can be shown dilatometrically. X-ray measurements for (Ba -Pb )TiO single crystals gave 0.5 3 a = 3.965, c =..4-03071' and c/n = 1.018 at 20 OC. Twinning has been studied optically and supercooling at the transition through the Curie point has been shown. Cinematogrgphic records of jump-like transitions (at about ~00 C) taking 0.1 to 0.4 see at a rate of heating of 2-4 /min have been made. The changes in.domain structure in electric fields have been followed. There are 3 figures and 48 references, 44 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 Dutch and 1 international. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gos. universitet (Rostov-ki4_-Dcnu.- State University) SUBMITTED: December 7, 1958 Card 313 ZHMOYITMIT# A.A., otv,red.; TAGIN, Te.Y., red.; GOLIBM, K.A., red.; 'DATMMVICR. A.A., red*; TURMITA11B, Some@ red.LFZSENKOj-jt&"_ red.; YANOVSKIT, K.1.0 red.; VrASOT, L.G., red.izd-va; ASTAPITNA, A.G., Efte chromatography,, transactions of the Pirst All-U~io-u Conferenoe, on Gas Chromatography] Gazovala khromatogreflis; trudy Perv'oi 7sesoyusnoi konferentaii po gazovoi khromatogrefii. Moskva, Ud-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 326 p. (MIRA 14:3)' I. Voesoyrznaya konferentoiya po gazovoy khromatografii. lot, Moscow, 1959. (Gas chromatography) 85008 B/048/60/024/010/017/03!i BO13/Bo63 AUTHORS: Sholokhovich, M. L. and Fesenko TITLE: Preparation and Structureof Crystals'?of Some Lea&-con- i'aiii~pg.Veirooleotric.Substances and Their Solid Solutions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya-Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizioheakayal 19609 Vol.. 24, No~.* 10, pp. 1242 - 1246 TEXT: The.authors degoribe their attempt to obtain monocrystals;of s6lid soliitions,,o)~Pb~iO`;4b -V 'PbNb.Oel rystals, and of solid*so- ZrO $ 3'~f lutions'*df'PbTiO -Pbl4b'0' -* from their solutions in PbO-B 0 melts. The 3 2 3 authors applied the method de scribed in Refs. 1-4. Fig.1 shows the a.rystallization surface,of the section [5OPbO + 50 B -Pb ...%0 203]-PbT'03 Zr03 which was studied up t61000 Ge From some melts of the section examined the authors obtained monoorystals of solid solutions of Pb(TijZr)O 3 with a PbZrO 3 content of UP to 13.9%. The shape of the gold-yellowg Card 1/4 a a Mv v W MIN rQW5-,0Nv--,d- A, - 01111 NOW 85008 Preparation and structure of Crystals of Some S/048J60/024/010/017/033 Lead-containing Ferroelectric Substances and B013/Bo63 Their Solid Solutions transparent crystals~differed according to the conditions of crystalli- zation, and exhibited, above all, hexahedral plates and cubes. X-ray structural analyses showed that they belong to the perovskite type with a tetragonal cell. Type of structure, symmetry, and parameters were dle- termined by means of powder patterns. The dependence of the paramete3'8 on the concentration is illustrated in Fig.2. These data agree with those obtained for 'the corresponding polycrystalline solid solutions (Ref-5). The refractive index determined by immersion amounts to 2.7'2 for all crystals examined. The Curie points were found with the help ofa polarization microscope. It was found that monocrystals of lead metaniobate may be obtained from its solutions in PbO-B 0 melts. Fie,.3 2 3 shows the surface.of the primary crystallization of the system PbO-B203-Nb2057 which was.s,tudied up to 11000C. When the melts final *ly solidify, only lead metaniobate and lead borate glasses crystallize. The crystals obtained showed piezoelectric properties only after a heat treatment of three and a half hours at 13000C. Their dielectric proper- ties ere studied by A. L. Khodakov (Fig-4). Fig-5 shows the fusibility .YN Card 2A 85008 Preparation and Structure of Crystals of Some S/048/60/024/010/017/0!53 Lead-containing Ferroelectric Substances and B013/BO63 Their Solid Solutions diagram,of the system f5QA PbO + 54 B O~ -PbNb 0 -PbTiO 2 2 6 3' which was studied up to 1000 0. The X-ray structural analysis of the crystals that were subjecited-tq a heat treatment at 1300 C has shown that within a wide concentratio;'-n'range (from PbNb20 6 to 90% PbTiO 3 and above) thexe is a continuous series of solid solutions which do not belong to the perovskite type. He6t treatment changes the structure of the crystals. Itis assumed that there is.a transition from rhombohedral PbNb 206to the modification scribed in Refs. 8 and 9, namely, rhombic PbNV206* The measurement oflarystals that did not undergo a heat treatment showed a:monotonic change. of.the parameters of rhombohedral PbNb 206 with an increase-o'f'oo.noentration of PbTiO The authors thank 3' A. L. Khodakov for his interest in the work._The present paper was read at the Third Conference on Piezoelectricity, which took place in Moscow frcmJanuary 25 to 30,-1960. There are-5 ~igures-and 9 references: 4 Soviet. Card 3/4 85008 Preparation and Structure of Crystals of Some S/048/60/024/010/017/033 Lead-oontaining Ferroeleotric Substances and BO13/11o63 Their Solid Solutions ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-matematicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pri-Rostovskom-na-Donu gos.-uhiversitete (Scientific Researoh~Inetitute of Physics and-Mathematice-of Rostov-na-Donu State University.. Card 4 /4, S/048/60/024/011/023/03~6 B006/BO60 /,7300~ q3 AUTHORS; Komarov, V. D. and Fesenko, Ye. G. TITLE: Study of the Effect of an Isomorphic Substitution of Ti Ions Upon the Phase Transformation in jaTiO PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol.'24, No.. 11, pp. 1391-1393 TEXT:. This is the reproduction of.a lecture delivered at the Third donference.on Ferroelectricity-which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. Several authors have already studied the effect of iron upon the structure of BaT'03, In this connection, mention is made of 1). M. Vul and I. M. Golldman as well as the Fiziko-matematicheskiy iiauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pri RGU (Scientific Research Institutf? of Physics and Mathematics of RostovjState University), where BaT'03 was crystallized in iron crucibles and--w-here a seigneltoeiectric modification vras always found besides the noneeignettoelectric one, and the hexagonal phase was imagined to be stabilized by iron ions. This was confirmed by Card 1/3 5,11.11--, Wl-="' UNEm -M~- 8588T Study of the Effect of an Isomorphic S/04 60/024/011/023/0315 Substitution of Ti Ions Upon the Phase, B006YBOG'O Transformation in BaTiO3 later studies made on BaTiO BaFeO systems, and the transition 3 3. temperature from the hexagonal into the perovskite-type modification was established at 14600C. The a-athors examined the effects of other elementiz of the iron group (Co,Ni) and other trivalent ions upon the BaTi03 q structure. Polycrystalline s?ecimens were prepared fbr this purpose and w1are submitted to X-ray and dielectric analyses. The BaT103 specimens were p:repared at 12800C from an oxide mixture, sintered at 1430'DC, and submitted to heat treatment at 138000.1he following results were obtained: 1) Ni2+ content >2mo.:!e0/1-and Co2+> 8=14 stabilized the hexagonal phase after the heat treatment at 13800C. With increasing Ni- and Cc content there occurred first a,drop of the Curie temperature and of the F, maximum, and next, the seignettoelectric properties vanished (transition to the hexagonal modification). 2) Cr3+ and mn4+ ions had a similar effect, but no drop was observed as to the Curie point. A stabilization of the hexagonal modification was observed at concentrations of over 2ALol_e%.. 3) The effect of the radius of ions replacing Ti isomorphically was studied Card 2/3 85887 Study of the Effect of Isomorphic an S/048/60/024/011/023/036~ Substituti B006/BO60 on of Ti Ions Uponthe Phase Transformation in BaTiO 3~ by introducing lanthanides :(of La Lu). The elements in the series Laj Ce .*.. Gd Lu on the lef t 'of Gd (ionic radius > 0--94) were-found not to lead to the formation of,t.he, hexagonaj phasep while the elements on the right were found to do so. 4) Ions Mo +, W6+, Nb5+, Sb5+, and V5-~~ introduced in amounts up to, 10 molb% did not cause th 'e formation of the hexagonal phase despite heat treatment at 15000C. It is inferred from results that such a only possible with valences e,4. The authors thank L.K. Belyayev and 0. I..Prokopalo for their discussions. There are 6,zreferences: 4,Sovietp 1,USI and I 'Japanese. ASSOCIATION, Fiziko-'matematicheskiynauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pri Rostovskom-na-Donu gos. universit-ete (Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Mathejuatics of RoTtov --D-o-n-u--STa-Te-- University) Card 3/3 5/196/63/000/'001/004/035 E193 E383 AUTHORS: Kramarov, O.P.. Khodakov, A.L., Sholokhovich, M&L. and Fesen1co, Ye.G. TITLE., Single crystals -of solid solutions of strontium and lead titanates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektroteldmika 1 energetika, no. 1, 1'963, 15, abstract 1 B51. (In collection: Segnetoelektriki (Ferroeleciries), Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 5-11) T BD W Single.crystals of (Pb, Sr)TiO solid solutions, crystallized out of PbTiO 3-SrTiO--KP melt; cooled slowly (5-10 0C/h) in a platinumlerucible,were studied. Specimens cont- aining 101, 25, 4o and 50 mole.5'o PbTiO were obtained in the 1275- 1103- K range (i.e. at 1000-830 0C), Lose containing 60 0and .75 PbTiO, being crystallized out of melts cooled from 1373 K (1100"'C)., It was astabli shed that with increasing quantity of Sr.! ions, isomorphically displaced in SrTiO by-Pb ions, the lattice 3 parameter increased owing to the difference*in-the ionic radii. X-ray spectrum analysis showed that the composition of specimens ejreoarad in this manner was practically identical with the ir s/196/63/000/OC'1/004/035 Single crystals E193/F,383 Composition of the charge. The.temperature dependence of c and.' 0 0 tart 66in 11;he 73-673 A range (i.e. at -200 to +400 C) was studied at 10 C.p.s. (see the figure; the numbers by each curve indicate- percentage concentration of PbTiO in the PbTiO solid' -SrT'03 frequency _f c.p.s. The alues 0 solution and at a ~O 3v f 0 oi single crystals were found to be near the Imown values for poly- crystalline specimens. The magnitude of tan 6 increased slightly. ....with increasigg Pb content andi at its minimum, was equal to (40-70) x 10-'z'. The values of 9 of specimens with high specific conductivity were determined with the aid of a specially designed dilatome-Eer, capable of measuring exi3ansion on specimens 1-r2 mm ...long. With the aid of this method it was possible to establish that the temperature of phase-transformation of PbTiO was 785 0K (512 OC). The hysteresis loops studied at room tempoLture at f = 50 c.p.s. in fields of up to 12 kV/cm had *Iio saturation. it was established that the refractive index of PbTiO -SrTiO_ solid solutions varied non-monotonically from 2o35 for tae latV6r to 240 for the former compound. There are 4 figures and 10references. Card 2/3 s/196/63/000/001/009/03.5 E193/E383 ALTHORS: Fesenko, Ye.C r O.P., Komar.ov, V*De and KaramaroN, ~-SH -p -o-I-y an ~61 c i y ,Ya.A. 3. A study of the effect of isomorphic displacement of T VLE. Ti ions by Cr, Mn, Co or Ni ions on the phase- transformation in.BaTiO 3 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, 1.j. ~no* 1. 1963, .18, abstractl B58. (In collection: So-gnet-oelektriki (Ferroelectrics), Rostov-ria-Donu, Rostovsk. un-t,.-1961, 96-100) T EXT; BaTiO- specimens, - pure. and with Cr., Mn , Co orNi 0-1 specimens were synthesize additions, were st6died- . The pure B aT.i d 0.. and TiO (with - 1 1401 e 0% excesg- 'of the-latt-er-constituent), from BaC 2. 0 at a sin'tZ-ring temperature -of 15;3 K (1280 OC)-. For the'' prdparation'of alloyed specimens, BaTiO powder with Cr 0 , Mno 2 Coco NiO or Ni 0,iadditions was ball-Ailled for'4 h, coapacteall 2 and sintered in a lit'furnace.., It"was established that.replacing the Ti ions xn BaTiO by Cr, Mn, Co or, Ni'increased the rate of. recrystallization ana reduced the sinter'ing temperature and the Card 1/2 r s/196/63/000/001/009/035 A'study of. .... E193/E383 'temperature at which the e. modif ication changed to hexagonal. Comparison of the results of X-ray an-.lysis, study of the tempexature-dpendence' of. e in the 293-413 OK (20-140 0 C) range .(at 5.x,10 c.p.s.) and measurements or the piezomodulus' of~ varicus specimens led to the conclusion that,- depqndin on the 0 temperaturo of the final-sintering (1653 K, 1--e- 1380 Ct ~ or 0 1703 K, i-ee 1430 00 - specimens with a low concentration of Ni~~ and Co (and, probably,.Cr*and Mn) additions.could-ha:ve either perovskite or hexagonal structure with correspondingly high or low of S.. The state and properties of specimens after repeated annealing depended on the temperature of the last treatment, which indicated that the transformation'from perovskite to hexagonal ~:modification was reversible. There.are 2 figures and 3 references.: [Abstracteris note: Complete-translation-I Card 2/2 4~1 s/196/63/ooo/ool/olo/m r.193/E383 AUTHOR: Prokopalo, 0.1. and Fesenko, Ye.G. TITLE: The egfect of structure of starting,materials and sinterIng temperature on the d1electrIc- propertles of BaTIO _BaFe0 mixtures 3 3 PBRIODICAL; Refei~ativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika I energet1ka no.~. 1,1.1963, 18 19, abstract 1 B59- (In collectiow, Sesneto'elektriki- (Ferroelectrie's), Rostov-na-ljonu- Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 101-104) TEXT: A study was conducted*of the.dependence of the properties of isomorphic BaTIO -BaFeO mixtures on the crystal structure of the starting consLtuent; and the temporaturi6 of the final sintering. The experimental specimens were prepared-from cubic (K) and tetrag6nal (T) modifications of BaTiO obtained-by- sIntering Ba(OH) 2811 20 and TiO2at, respectively, 10b *K (800 "C) 0 and 1573 K (1300 00, and cubic W, tetragonal.(t) and hexa gonal (g) modifications of BaFeO . The following- BaTiO -BaFeO vestigated: cubic-cubic (KkP combinations were in cubi~-tetragonal Card 1/4 VI RM I~Af-=rW%a k~~]WvM s/196/63/000/001/010/035 The ef feet ,of structure- E193/E383 (Kt); cubic-hexagonal (Kg); tetragona.1-cubic (Tk); tetragonal- t,etrdgonal (Tt); tetragonal-hexagonal (TS). The BaFeO content of these mixtures, sinteredat .1653 'K (1380**C) and '17b ok (1500 OC) did 8xceed- 10' The temporature-~epondenCO.Of c in -the 293-403' K (20-130 *C) range at f = 5 x 10 c.p.s. Iwas studied and X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out. It was sho-;m. that specimens prepared from tetragonal and cubic BaTiO_ modifications had substantially different properties. In the .) case of Tk, Tt and TS specimens, sintered, at about 1653 ':) K (1380 9'_), decre;ised rerith increasing concentration of BaFeO 3, 'this effect bc-InG particularly pronounced at'13. which remiain.ed practically cottstant, but decreased in specimens sintered -at 17;73 0K ~1500 0c) 1ri the case of Kk, Kt and Kg 'specimens, sintered at J653 K (358C OC), not only E: but also E) decreased with increasing B;i,'-eC concentration; the decrease in 9 was more pronounced in of t sr-ecillens his type, sintered at 1773 OKA1500 OC'). Although' c..ffuslon of both Ti. into BaFeO and Fe into: BaTIO takes place .3 3 sinteringv it is sufficient to consider the diffusion of Fe ..)ns to sites occupied by Ti ions. In this case, each BaFeO 1; ird 2A 3 MWES"fOgm, . RIVER', MOORE ME-flP7 S/196/63/000/001/010/035 1 Th e effect of struct~ro E193/E383 Icrystal c~n be rogardad as being aurr uiided by BaTiO crystallitese At temperatures not higher than 1653 K (138o OC) thi r-e ions .migrat afrom the BaFeO crystals to the immediately adjabent BaTiO crystallites only, as R result of which BaFeO is transformed to 3 its hexagonal modification. Thus, at a sintehng temperature of' 0 tkl)out 1653 K (1380-, C), side-by-sido with the pure perovskite modification of BaTi.O-, the hexagonal modifications of BaFeO 3- an d' Ba(Ti Fe )0 are pr-bsent. This, according to the present I-X X 3 aut.hors, explains why 0 is not affected by the variation in the BaFeO content, whereas e decreases as the BaFeO,. concentraition increases. The d:Lffusing Fe ions cross tI .ie grainrCoundaries at a 0 sinitering temperature of 1773 K (1500 OC) and,this brings about. a' more uniform distribution of Fe in the'specimen. At low Ha ,FeO- concentrations and at temperatures lower than the temperature ~i- the transformation from perovskite to hexagonal modification, a Ba(Ti Fe )0 solid solution is formed with a spontaneous 1-X x 3 deformation lower than t"t of BaTiO-, this bringing about a decrease in' The temp'e'rature of3the perovskite-to-hexagonal-- modification transformation decreases at higher BaFeO concentrittioxs -Card 3/4 3 S/196/63/0Q0/001/010/035 Th eeffect of structure E,193/E383 and the speciii tails consist of two phases: -the perovskite-modifi- cationwith decreased 'spoiltan6ous deformation and the-hexagonal phas e. It was establishod that the relative proportion of these. two phas es at a given temperature depended - on.the' sintering time.., It.wa's-also asserted that the thermodynaLmic stability and the degree of dispersion,of the starting~materials played an important. role in the processes studied.. There are 4 figures and 3 .references. [Abs'tracter' s'note:- Complete translation Card 4/4. U654 S/196/63/000/001/012/035 E193/E383 18oo !AUTHORS: Prolcopalo,'O.I..and Fesenko, Ye.G. TITLE: Variati6n in-the dielectric properiie~ of polycrystalline barium titanato accompanying the displacement of tit anium ions by-hafnium orthorium PERIODICAL: Refei~ativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i enprgetikaj no. 1, 1063, 19, 'abstract 1 B61. '(In collection: Segnetoelektriki (Ferroelect~rics), Rostov-na-Donu, Rostoysko un-t,.19,61, 1231-127) TEXT: Th'e temperature-dependence of c of polyarystalline BaTiO_, containing vario Ius proportions of Zr, Hf and Th, was studied 0 ,in thi 293-443 *K (20-150 C) range. The'measurements were carr'ied' out in weak electric fields-at f.= 2 Mels on specimens macle frozIL--. BaTiO_ and BaCO,_,.,,-mixed with ZrO., HfO or ThO and. sintered--at-- a .- - .4 .1 .-I- __ 2 2- 1655 Y, (1380-00 0r,1698 OK ( 1-42 5OC). The maximum content of the alloying additions.was 21 mole.% Zr, 5 mole.% Hf and 6 mole.% Th. .It was established that the Zr-bearing specimens constituted solid .Solutions and that the temgerature-depoiadence of' c for specimens 0 sinterad at 1653 K (1380 C) was*that of materials Card 1/3 S/196/63/000/001/012/035 .Variation in .... E193/E.383 sintered at 1698 OK (1425 OC). Analysis of the c/temperature Curves (see the figure) led to the conclusion that isomorphic. displacement of the Ti ions by Hf ions took pl cimens with ace in spe very small Hf additions sintered at 1653 OK (1380 'C), an increqs e in e and decrease in taking place in specimens with higher 111A contents. A more uniform distribution of ions in the specimen volume was Attained at a higher sintering temperature and isomorphic displacement of the Ti ions by Hf ions took place! Similar consid-: erations appl ied to the Th-bearing materials; in contrast with Hf, however, raising the sintering temperature of specimens with a high Th content brought about the appearance of an additional mazNimum on the E/temperature curve at 343-353. 0K (70-8o oc)-. It was concluded .:that by exercising strict-control of the pertinent technological factors (introducing Hf in the form of BaHfO-, ensuz -ing a more niform distribution of the lif ions,reducing the particle size of that'starting materials and increasing the sinteving t ewj~reratur e) it should be possible-to.obtain-Hf- And Th-bearing, BaTiO m-base solid solutions with properties similar to'those of solid3 solutions of Zr in BaTiO There are 3 figures and 2'referen6es. Y Card 2/3 200ZJ :S/67o/61/006/001/009/011 E,0.32/E314 AUTHORS:, Rumanow, E.N. and Fe enko TITLE: Exchange Model of a Ferro-electric PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1961,- voi. 6, No. 1, pp. 139 - 140, TEXT: In studying the'mechanism responsible for the ferro- electric properties of 'barium titanate and other ferro- electrics having a perovskite-type structure it is usually assumed that these materials can be.looked upon as ionic arystals. On the other hand, X-ray,and infra-red studies have shown that these ferro-electrics, in fact, occupy an intermediate position between valence and ionic crystals. The present authors have investigated the exchangta inter- action as a possible cause of ferro-electric behaviour. Following Megan (Ref. 8) they considered an atomic plane made up of positive ions A and negative ions B . The A ions form a square net and the B ions are located at mid-points of the squares in the net (this corresponds to the 200 plane in perovskites). It is assumed that the outer electrons in Card 1/5 inn= 20029 S/070/61/oo6/001/009/011 E032/E314 Exchange Model the A ions are in s-states.while in the case of,the B ions they are in the p-statds. The energy of the exchange inter- action between a B ion and two neighbouring A ions is a minimum if the A-B points are at TV12 (J. Van Vleck, A. SberdA, Ref. 11). When the A atom is displaced from the plane the exchange interaction energy is reduced. For .9mall displacements (X)' the exchange energy per A-i on can be approximately represented by: U Kav"X where a"*= I/AA is the reciprocal lattice parameter and K(> 0) is a constant. If of*number of ~A ions nearest to the A ion ions are displaced in the sa tinder consideration, n me + direction as the given ion while n are displaced in the Card 2/5 ROM ~-~ 20029 F7 S/07o/61/006/ool/oog/oll E032/E314 iodel L changt~ 11 Thus, although only exchangb interactions between, neighbouring atoms are taken into.account, thc- exchange energy _o17 each ion depends on ,the state of the system as a whole. The sum on the right of Eq. (3) ciin be replaced by an average displacement e. Ka. n th kT In addition to the expression g;Lven-by Eq. (2) the.expression fo.r the energy should contain the kinetic term and terms proportional to,squares.of the displacements of wh:Leh only the term 2 u Cx is important in the present context. Using this scheme, Card 4 /5 20029 S/07o/61/006/001/oog/oll E032/E314 Exchange Model ..... one can obtain all the results of the thermodynamic theory near the Curie point, where, t h y y y3 /3 (y Ka"'