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V - ZI 123-1-709 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 1, p. 108 (USSR) AUTHOR: Fertman,, V. S. TITLE; Tentative Introduction.of End Mills of Advanced Design (Opyt vnedrenlya, kontsevykh frez progressivnoy konstruktsii) PERIODICAL: Sbornik ratsionalln. predlozheniy,, Ministerstva Elektro-- tekhnicheskoy Promyshlennosti SSSR, 1956; Nr 1 (59) pp. 14-16.- A13STRACT: It is noted that the end mills design listed under r00,7 and 'r 3958-47 0C T 3959-47 have several shortcomings which have been eliminated in the new end mills. Me new end mills work smoother due to the wide-tooth angle (40* instead or 20*); the removal of chips has also been improved. Such mills permit additional milling to a diameter smaller by 10 to 15%. The design.of the cutting lip of the new mills is presented. Card 1A L.A.D. TUBAI, A�~Mrj (Budapest); HIMFF41., Frigy8s; (Budapgat); RARDI, Kornel (Buda st);J�~WSE Ist*n (Budapest) pe Forum of innovator.a. Ujit,lap 16 no.18:30 25 8 164 -.~ WVOIROMMIJ I .- "t, -_ '10, ` `4' --', - ~ , i mv - ~ ffill, - 0 1 !~ m I I I I ZARETSKIY, I.T.; FERTUKOVA, W.M.1 R4SHCHIKOV., V.P.j KHOKHLOVAt M.P. hemopoieoio in health,animalo following bone marrow transplantation. Probl. gemat i per.el. I;aovi 6Lno. 2:21-26 161. (MIRA 14:2) (MARROW-TRANSPIANTATION) ,.(HEMOPOIETIC SYSTFM)' ZARETSKIY~ I.I.; RESIMBIKOV; ViP.; KHOKHIDVA, WPLLFFiTUK0VA (Moskva) Dynamics of the restoration of beratopoiesis in irradiated mice following bone marrou transplantation. Pat.fiziol.-i eksp.terap. no.2:26-31 Mr-Ap, t62.' (MIM 15:8) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya Icrovi (dir. - clyestvitellmyy chlien AMN SS.13R prof. A.A.Bagdasarov)~ (RADIATION SICMSS) (BONE MIL'iOW-TRANSPLANTATION) (HEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM) FERTUKOVA, N.M. Change in hemopoiesis In health,, animals tinder the effect of bone marrow extracts. Pat. fiziol. I eksp. terap. 9 no.2150-54 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) I.,Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy-terapii bolezney sistemy krovi (zav. - prof. I.I.Zaretskiy) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologil i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev), Moskva. GA=YZVX P.A.; FERTYAKOT, G-V- Using apprcocimations in adjusting 2d class triangulation nets# Geod.i kart. no*11.7-15-Ja 163. (H37A' 16 &2) an on IIICT~ Si I NSRM~, - S MA LITEANU, E.;_Y~~RUY: New contributions to the study on the stratigraphy of the lJgnite deposit in the Jiu-Motru interfluve. Studii cerc geol 9 no.1:81-92 164 1. Institute of Geology and Geography of the Itimianian Academy. ~FERUANACOVA, Z.- Food for turtledoves (Stre2t21211A decaoctp degaogtp Friv, and Stregtg=lia t=tur turtur Lim) p. 4~36 BIOLOGRIA. (Slovenska akasemia vied) Bratislava CZECHOSLOVAKIA Vol. 10, 1b. 4. 1955 SOURM East European Accession List (EEAQ Library of Congress. Vol. 5. 110. 1 January, 19564 -197~-57-1-41/60 AUTHOR; Ferukv V. TITLE: Maiing an-Instrument Pointer. Experience Exchange (Izgotovleniye samodellnoy strelki. Obmen opytom) PIMUODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, p 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method is suggested for making a measuring-instrument- pointer from aluminum foil by rolling foil around a straight section of wire and then withdrawing the wire from the foil tubing. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 VASILIYEV, L. (go Tyumenl); CHICHKO (go Kiyev); bTARODUB, Do (go Liyev); LALUZHOKIY. Go (go Llvov).; SMIRMOV, V.; MENNIN, A.; ORWY, I.; ,MUK,, Vo JX47byshevh, BUMININ, 1. (Kuybyshev); BASIM0, V.: ~MftMlfu-. (Khartkov); ISTIUMMY, V. tleningrad); GATSANYIM, 11. (Chernigovskaya obl.); bIMMOO L.; SABYUK, No; GUBANOV, L. tKrasnodar); TISHCHEMM, Do (9t. V. Sadovaya); YBFIMOV, H.S. kLeningrad); FBDOROV, V.; SMOVO A.; TIMOSHHNKO, I. k0mskaya oblast'); KRIVTSUN, B, tKharliov); BARANTSZV, No (Ndosiya). Xxchange of experience. Radio no.1:31,32,35,39,40. Ja 159-- (MIRi 12:3) (Radio) IAGUNOV, V.; SHUREMOV, A.; TROFIROV, M.; KOSTYKOV, I., slesarl; A. In organizations of our society. Izobr.i rate. no.10: 16-17 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Prodsedatell Yakutekogo oblastnogo soveta Vaesoyusnogo obshchestva isobrotateley I ratuionalizatorov (for Logunov). 2. Starshly inzhener byuro tekhnicheakoy informataii i izobrotatell- stva, Llvov (for Shuremov)- 3- Predaedatell sovets, Vaesoyuznogo .obahchestva izabretateley i ratsionalizatorov VellgiVskoy bumashnoy fabriki, g.Borovichi (for Troflmov). 4. Zavod "Boyus," predsodatell soveta Vaesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i rataionalizatorov, Leningrad (for Kostykov). 5. Predsedatell zavodskoy organizataii Veasoyusnogo obahchestva izobretateley I ratelonalizatorov Iqslvenskogo metallurgichoskogo zavoda. g.Lyalva, Permskoy oblasti-(for Ferulev). (Efficiency, Industrial) Aw.,k Mo., WON, 110-1 M, RERULIK, Alois Naae lesy. (our Forests),Boskovice,,Okresni vlastivedne museum a vlastivedny krouzek, 1957. 7 P. Bibliograficky katalog,.GSR, Ceske knihy, No. 36. 15 Oct 57. 784. mma mus IC, S. Experiences in the application ofradio-istopes in our industry. I. Defectos- copy. (To be dontd.) p. 1293. (TEHIIIKA. Vol. 12, No. 8., 1951, Beograd,, 'Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List-of:East European Accessionfi (EM) Lc. Vol. 63 No. 10, October 1957. Unclo FERUSIC, S. RiIDOJKCVICj Milan, ing., prof. (BeoGrad); MISKOVIC, St., inj;. HRIBAR, J., ing., prof. (Zagreb)j HRUSKA-DOZICIEK, Dozene, ing, (Zagreb)j SAUN41 L., ing. (Maribor); FINSIC, Seid, ing. (Sarajevo) Welding and related techniques in maintenance and repair. Zavarivac a no. 4:13-22 '59- Glavni i'odgovorni urednik,, "Zovarivac" (for Radojkovic.) "Zoverivac" (for Ferusic.) 2. G'ar, Urednistva, -'nRRITR OR WE Modern dosimetric devices for radioactive radiation. Znvarivac no. 4:24-29 159. 1. Clan Urednistva, nZavarivacn (for Ferusic) In! o-*,~,~~,,~~! 4-FERUSIC, Seid, inz..(Saraje,,to) Welding of bifurcated parts for reactive and similar motors. Zavarivac, 5 no-4:14 160: 1. Clan Urednistva, tlZa,varivaclf. 7 V0011621000100610011001 D409/D301 ion. AUTI. Ferus'i6, Seid, Engineer, Docent (Sarajevo) TITLE: Gamma radiography PERIODICAL: Tehnikla,~Ab. 6,~ 1962, 1044-1048 TZXT: The art icle deals briefly with the principles and advantages-of industrial gamma radiography a-ad with its increasing application by Yugosla-V industry. With the help of the.Sav'ezna 1comisija za nuItlearnu. energiju (Federal Commission for Nuclear Energy), five industrial gamma defectoscopy centers have been founded in Yugoslavia and about 30 enterprises use radiographic quality:control methods, including gamma defectoscopy. The latest Yugoslav IIJU-DE 511 defectoscope for iridium-192 and caesium-137 radioisotopes weighs about 10 L-g and has an activity of up to 1,500 m-curie. The quality of welds and application of radiographic test- ing methods to structures exposed to high pressures a-ad temperatures is governedby a law ~issued in 1957 and 1959, while the technical- Card 1/2 Y/001/62/000/006/001/001., Gamma radiography D409/D301 ities of non-destructive testing of materials m-Ld welds are cove-ged by Yugoslav standard specifications. Considerable research is being carried out~by the Laboratory of Welding and Defectoscopy of the "Energoinvest" lstra~iveclco-razvojni centar (Research a-Lid Development-Center) on the greater application of densitometric r,'.ieasure-ments in flaw-detecting radiographs. The article will bell cowtinued. There are 2 tables, 8 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and I non- Soviet -bloc. AS12CCIATION: Grad4evinski faltultet (Construction Division), Sarajevo SUM14ITTED; November 15, 1961 -Pard 2/2 't W, MIM, A4. Shoulder diolocation in oyringorvelia. Ortop.trava. i protess 20 .uo.1:74-75 -Ta 159. (HMA 120 1. Iz. tramatologichaskogo otdalenJya (sav. - zaaluzhaMV7 vrach USSR B.I. Lmoded) Kelitopollskoy gorbollnitay (glavWy vrpgh - Y.I* 0% a r- lWkh) i niiiahim-opornogo pu-ukta Ukrainakogo nauchno-isslodovatellikop institute. ortopedii i travmatologii im"ni m.r. Sitwft (dir. chlisn- korreopondent AMR HSSR prof, IT.P. Novachenko).- Rue)) .(SrRIIIGOKYELrA,- compl. shoulder disloc. (Rus)) gg~ LIKEODED, S,I.1 zaaluzhenrq-, vrach UkrSSR, kand. med. nauk (Nalitopoll, prosp. Bogdana-Khmellnitskogo, d.46ao kw. 20); FERUZ, A.S. Retroperitoneal interstitial hemorTbage in pelvic bone fractures and complex-central hip dislocations Ortop travm. i protes. 24 no6g:19-22 Ag 163.. (NIR& 17:i~ 1. 1z nauchno-opornogo prunkta, 11krainskago instituta ortopedii A travmatologii imeni M.I. Sitenko (dir. - chlen-korreBp'ondent AMN SSSR prof. N.P. Novachenko) i Melitopollskoy gorodskoy bolluitsy, Malitopollskoy. 0 too 00100,0000 0 40900*0601'.~- O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 - III I u NAI U11,31 011% 11fit Off (w if it At it a too At It 1% I C 0 of JS J. . " a ft a I- I I A ftet 40JI113141111111) 111111TION11 IVNnI11111vil. I I t T A Am seg. 9 . Oz f 29t 00 jo 00 :C' P90 09, '06 k4 3RI P, SALIJU pult GIVWI; jurkupal-PIM low 'primi-II.Ne un -Sulap 00 AIIW3!uq-, I- vpuqpm 09) )0 AtmIs )o %,Awp 06 P-PPP V- M#r 101 91`7 -..q -D"p so 401,16) ~mr all it. It IF 4 0 1 --v Ir It I IF "I. ~ 08. 45. At it If 1011 a 1 9 11 A A to It to 9 04 1111 It $1 At 19 N It If Writ NO III W, a I I as&#** oil 0 0000 0000 0 Ff see *a***#: - J -4 *Sol ~v "I' "'I., Aar RJ: A. sod t, 2.3 tj- die. fe OW too 09 vq by roe., [ 7 too AIPALA - t ---- it -- 41 "I C4 O.T A A * k u A &L u 0 ju ~ 'm X4 'A L ego goov 004-40 00. 46 9 t.00:00100:0 0 ~ 4 04 4 600666046000 Q00-*00000000000 : : : foil Z AL aL go . ilia [lase 644b8W.Oik W -, use ~ ii-mim-in 466 t see O wee +k(4, aW* use use 4JAIII 04 0" sit ft.j pa. I fm a 0 1 it & I a a 31 T i f a 41 o0 q 0 0 a A 0-f 0 9:0 0 q~~ 0 0 94 0 0 w x a a a a 44s L" PRO -04 .04 to SO WON", so t a bmAw sma. tam" ftft do MMM DY A Awt ck". =4 03 =940 604 Ali. Al else &ITALLUNOXAL toldc) wig OKV 430 ,. I W-T U a it o SLO 0 S 0 'a 0. S .0G Sj* 0 *LS 00 09 6 OSLO 6~60,,Jb 0.0 jb log 91 tell Il I I is 0 11 TWIN lrff-"Ox 11 k) m 0 v 10 a C 4 4, -If -IL AA W .4 !l - ." 0 to 0 1*00 00 *00 A=00 z6vvid, IUA JOS7 9; -k dWm b6 efrm uiling 0 =6 in at' (0-3 ad. 'If equiv. to 400 :r 9nc, Aj In 00 age a' R. T. ;044 MTAL LU*4KAL MURATIAllf CL ASIVICATKIIIII lid 2109 1"111V $.Sow It 4". Got 414m " , , 41tw am, 1- A-. --V o LI it At I- #AL -4) 0 0 it kV of N.9 111 9 It a "IT KAO A I 'Plit L-II. o- 9 o* 9.0 0 41 00 00 Goo** 00 0 * 0 * 0 41 i: i :1* 41 0 00 0*41 0 0 0 0o0 *-A, 6 0 -9-06666 a 0 oes 0 o * : 411,1 NA IOU I'VE 00 C -lp.'7A-. . 99 00 . 0 Sow 0 Tm'd r4. T. Ff~ if fto sole boo t. A wliALO"KAL klilo"L*4 C"SWICi'looil Pj. I 4*4 p 'a a j CIP I 1 It IS 41 00 It 0 a n~~w a K SIX a Q 0 0 a ff"Oki 40 oil *-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 so - -AftW UAIIM 1441 0 11:111410A.VIS1:0 'Wo 0 0 6 .010. a a 440.00000 0.000.00 qLj - a a 4 it a a a a n Pa N it K 1- a E-D j a a a L-L. i 04 1~n_ -00 Pt"i$fA$ Aid VIOPIOtil IN01 I , , " he- t I h t l W hw ( me a e quar s aw M t 0t f a Dw.,loation of small quAtititlits Of me in A& "A) and heat the mist. fill near the kyez 4 0( 0 A M. A d bich and he ~14"; a igrisdinatly over the vilick WeA unfit at a dull p 5 *WM943).-Thc ' J 1 .00 i ttd best. Remove the screen and beat the whrAr mixt. ~3740 = Malur (C.A. 30 k W-d on thutic of C C . Saukov acid X. K. Aldin*yvin (F-4. 33, DMO). (clctVt the Zito JAY") to a slight redneft. The Cot A A a . . 0 %fix a %ample cuntit. tram 0.03 Ito 1.0 mg. of CTWAwd fr~n the -rtx-te fWces t6l rejWUA HX V;lpW, i rA)% of reduced Fe and tOTruds the Cu gauxe (the moisture roadensirs Wore w th i l Zif f In" l I (K .14.1 ground to 1 111M in th.:,,akd end of a Ovis. reaching the sactize), where it condert". Cod the tutw. fit ~2:,C o(CU powdrr . , , the Cu gauxe, art,) cut tb! glim jubc in two. 121 min.. length UP MUM-) 1-2 C- Of zinkerile re"Urre ttIIW w4ru . (InUIVIC01C. doloadit) ground to 40-100 mesh. a 111Ycr Of Rinse with 3D in]. of hot JISO. 0: 10) the rionion of the tube "is had Mitainall the C I a d di h " h uze. an ss ve t e u g e nil to 40 uK$h. a WILL Of t quarts (knisth 1-3 CM .) grou T h b I I S i A t. o It ut n e gauze (h v n., add 5 mi. a( cold, - hl ) 1 d f see 4, n. r res , y prep (di*W samplee with Ft and cu and a laycir of ignited Zito (knath vr of the nit in 411 nil I of warns w te d filt l t h ) . a Pf. r an et e t e . Tapping liAhtly, make a bottitrintal canal over * 1-2 cm.). d In a war t t l til i h j 0 x . s an am un m p t e ript., S)I. jgjCr(CN the whole Jength of the inixt, Park flit narrowed neck of m ' coagulates (M-M inin.)4filter through a dense (Nifs),ji 400 so 41 , , i ! tulic with C" puz. Obo)-= mesh) suglidy the glasti filter, wash carl-fullY with IICI W'IM) and, finally, with oxi4loged in the air and reduced of W-700" In a Cuffent h age 0o kk e wuhril plit. it- a Ittrorlain crudble, &,Ili 1, 2 hot water, dry t of I(,, With file lube In a hodufflfal rwilim, Pk 9#0 At a low forlill" Iu-& Vie rt-4-lur In IIA- Crucible with 0-14- i so It VA S. 4 Nat(h for J-3 ot n. willusuf firitifiltig the tticif its red , cool, add 0.& 1.11 ml. of wiluer, evap. to near dry. X. so am. distsolve the "clue in 2-3 mi. of water. a4d coned. JICI l h il Cog t ropir se unt neutiali". "I an excesi of 1-2 zfrnp% 1 ot IICI and it. of Ki anti titrate after 1-2 in n. from a nakroburct with omf N fmhly ptefid. SA-- ' I -E I I adding starch inward Ifir end of the t(tristion. i;w nit ago of o.01 M N0,0,,i-, OXII I Ing. ol' Jig. Inarcuratr tv. suits are Atalued 1w content of Its is " than IUYI- 0 113 W. R. Iffint . . !CTACLu!G L LITIN&TUNI ICL"WKATON Cleo JONI vinalkso too a" Olt 0 Jr U it is ;t V 1A A I I Md M0 A I 'A 0* 9o I$ o 0 goo 0 . - so W pids Ito on* Is 10 It t 00 00 t ha Om to vit (in Item). mum "A MIV 11#47, P. 66 nut," based an the reduction of Plopose~ a raw tic god thlacyanic scids by 0 0. tmplox of WTI t results indicate SIPPIca* stant titaniUm. In 9M cunt&lnlnt up tl -5"Y' t. 0.54% MO; UP to bility to OAN't a 10% Aft up to To The P-' 0.3% cr; and a to O.R or Cu and T; one of - tru" Pt F Ti, P, Cb, At t Thenjum) does not Inter- rgdous rustals -Vrx m IL A sit is in) lilt O-V to 91 0 It Oth 00 zlectrolytic Orificatim W mercwy for me "Ping Wedmills. P. A. F li;bich. Pudy Kowilsti A-081. z Kki. O&W ~-Kk,`ivin ds, itkdd. V.;k R. 2. 4 A t. ' Ojq).:~W! tV, coMprim-p it wAtch SU" rrthig ins MT-q(j ' -owl, 11W lix a 1100 #u oilm a plan "4njulAr we to he through priprr, posited I hrDugh W. - hkh k, mitid then plwd In the watch a to w INOt. %Ourft ill u1 A-2 V i I b + t l . crut from t e ought a Pt IM IU freta"cular glaw want is filled with A:i:ii IN'(h and thratigh It to brought a 14 lead (ruirs Ow lerminAl. :*nsk wirr runs alms the outliklo lxvtttx" ill 'It. colk-040 al the bottimit lif I Its' watchIgLasit. Tb,, puriflArd If wAtch 116m while III&Q40. . ewlects tm toll isild .1sill, f, over it* edgw. - The purified [IS Is siphoned off with r4pet and fresh Jig I'l Atwed Us l"lemd, M, Mitch t m SOV/ 137-58-9-20,248 Tr.anslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 304 (U'SSR) AUTHOR: Ferlyanchich, F.A. TITLE: Chemical Microanalysis of Tantalo-niobiates (Khimicheskilf mikroanaliz tantalo-niobatov) PERIODICAL- Tr. N.-i.,gorno-razved. in-ta "Nigrizoloto", 1957, Nr 2.3, p 125-138 p ABSTRACT: The following constituents are determined in the full micro- chemical analysis of tantalo-niobiates: SiO?, TiOZ, Nb?Oc~ TaZ05, CaO, MgO, MnO, Al?03, Fe 203 , FeO, ThOZ, CeZ03, U.4+, U02, CUO, PbO, rare earths, BiZ03, HZO, ZrOZ, (+HfO2), SnO2, and the losses on roasting (LOR). The analysis is performed on 3-4 test samples. In the first sample most of the components are determined; in the second, the LOR and the MnO; in the third and the fourth the FeO. The first two weighed samples.of the material are fused with KZSZ07, the last two are decomposed with HF and H?S04. At high SiO? contents the Card 1/2 weighed sample is fused with Na2,C03, and the course of SOV/ 137-58-9-20248 Chernical Microanalysis of Tantalo-niobiates analysis is similar to that of. the usual analysis of silicates. SiOZ; NbZO 5, and Ta205 are'separa ted by dissolving the p rosulfate melt in a solution of y pyrogallol. Pyrogallol, H?C cupferron, phenylarsonic acid, oxine, and ?0 4 K103 are used in the microanalysis for the precipitation and separation of the (NH4)..S-group metals. Maximum attention should be given to the quality of the reagents. A control test is co nducted for each series of similar deter- minations, especially for the, determination of Si, Al, Ca, Na, Fe, 14201 ~Pz' S, and As,. The precision of the microanalysis is characterized-by, the mean difference between two parallel determinations which should not ekceed 1.00-abs.lo'. when the contents of the component is 100-3016 and 0.50 abs.056 at 30-107o. Drawings of the King - apparatus, of a simple air bath, and of the hydrogen- sulfide apparatus are given. 1. Minerals--Determination 2. Niobium-tantalum compound s-Microanalys'*h Sh, 3. Niobium-tantalum compounds--Chemical analysis C:;trd 2/2 MUDLIN L.Kh - SHARF, V.Z.; ABIDOV M.A.; GLUKHOVSTEV, V.G. Dehydration of methyleyclopropVIcarbinol in the presence of acid j*ralysts. Izv#~AN SSSR.Otd.khimnauk no.10:1843-1849 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1, Instit"t org 'chdokoy khi-ii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Methanol) ...(Dehydration (Chemistry)) (Catalysts), W" RM ISO HEIRh 0 �R I W-71 FERIM-VA, V. (Petropavlovak-Kamchatskiy) Demands of working people are growing. Grazhd.av. 18 no.7: 12 JI-161. (MIRA 14:8) (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy--Airports-4[amgement) I' ; - 1~5 ~ 1, -,~2: - --- . - , "I - -, - "-111 0 " :., - il - - - I -, I -~, W ~'-, - -* ;,,- -1 - - ; - - R , ~ 2MMA-~,, , i ~,`:P~ I I f; % , ME PnNOV, K.; IWIHOVSKI, St.; STONVA, Z.; DASKALOVA, L.; N PETROV Xg.; TANEVA, Ir.; BOIADZHIEVA, ly.1 N1 SHKOVAP R, On clinical f orms of w1tip2e sclerosis.* Su7r. zed. 12 no.3-1: 93-99 161. 1. IZ,Katedrata p oneryni bolesti.pri VMI Mesh meditsinski institut] Sofiia (Rukov. na k'atedrata Prof. S. Bozhinov). (MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS) - ------- ----- KIRSANOV, Azo dyes based on-dimethyl eaters of aminophenylaulfonylamidophosphoric acidoo Zhur.obok~Jmo 30 rxo#10:338c~-3392 0 161. (MMA 34 1. Irwtitut organicheskoy khim4i Akademii nauk Ulcrainskoy SSR. (Phosphoramidic acid) (Azo dyes) N.-G --KIRSANOV--: --FESHCHENKO A-i Phenyl - and diphopylphoophorus iodldes.. Zhur. ob. kbim. 31 no-4:1399-1400-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii lkademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (Phosphorus compounds) ll WE 26 Y60/000/011/002.009 L-1 I D204 D302 AUTHORS: Savinp H&Mot Academician UkrSSR, and Feshchenko, S.F. TITLE: on the dynamic forces in an elasti*-L,,-,,O,*&us thread of variable length PERIODICALs.Akademiya nauk Ukrayinelkoyi RBR. Dol;~-Vidit no* lit 1960t 1469 1475 TEXT: The present article proposes an asymptotic method of eolu- tion for an ascent of three stages 1) uniformly accelerated motion 2) uniform motion 3) uniformly retarded motion. A system of linear, differential equations of the form A a-q + X (C. Lq B (t. 11) qP 0, a) dt' dt d is considered, with the initial conditions (q) q t=o 0 dt t=O Tko [Abstractor's note: 40 is incorrectly written as q0I where Card 1/5 -26754 S/021/60/000/011/002/009 On the dynamic forces in an D204/D302 q and P(,r, P-) are n-dime*nsional vectorst and A(T9 9 C (,r, and B(,rg --,jare square matrices of the n-th order of the'form Qc.g)-)]z~Q.(c), B (v, a) PB, where -r ;_tq and is a small positive.parameter. Is is assumed that the matrices A ('r), C (T)p B W and the vector's P (,r) (s s a a 09 19 29 a*~) have derivatives of all orders with respect to T, Oil the segment 0 r--, L. The. matrices A 0W and 3 0(T) are- symmetric-. A system of linear equationslis considered, where is the v-th root of the equation Det/B (,r) A (-r)/ 0 (4) 0 (assuming the all different). The corresponding functions pl~3(,TY (Vp 1p 2p oat# n) are satisfy Card 2/5 26754 S/o221 '60/000/011/002/009 On the dynamic forces,in an ... D204YD302 (A (T) u P (i9k lp 2p ..e. n)e 5) 0 i('V)t Uk(r) k 0 1 k It follows that the functions ~vo(,r) 9ji,j(,r) also possess derivati- ves of all orders with respect to T9 on the segment 0 T =!~ Le Theorem 1: If the matric .es Ae(,r), Cs(-r), B,(T) and the vectors P11 (T)v (s = Op 1p ... have derivatives of all orders with respect to the segment 0 T L and Ao (T) and Bo (T) are symmetric then the asymptotic partial solution of (1) may be written q + e TT (-r9 s + H(-rv E) .(6) where is a scalar function which is determined from (7) dt + iL Card 3/5 N 01, 26754- S10211601000101110021009 On the dynamic forces in an D204/D3U2 where D g)'= eD, (,v), e) - a%). (v), goo (8) Ca H 0. e.1 ..(v) -[Abstractor's note: "of the vector P6(,r)"ie incorrectly written for "the.vectore P (,r) " in the text). Theorem 2: If A B (-0 (-r) andthe vectors P (-r) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 19 P EI a . then for arbitrary L 0 there, can lie found some s- (0 E-