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WV5_1 ~1. 3~1.vw __ACC NRr AP6018-058 SOURCE CODE:~t-,.LfIVOOZO/66/168/003/056cj/O!i7?. AUTHOR: Fellzcnbaum, Shapiro. N. 11, _0 ,ORG: Maritime Hydrop~, i -p.yX5cienc.estUkrSSR (Morskoy -if sica-I Ins't__ tute, Acadpi _.y tSR) idrofizic&iikiy_1n's t~t Aki~aemii nauk Ukr r1,-;..T`V-XTLE: Study of stabilized wind circulalion in a homogeneous ocean ~SOURCE: ANSSSR. D4)klady, v. 168, no. 3, 1966, 569-572 TOPIC TAGS: wind, wind velocity, atmospheric circulation, ocean current ABSTRACT: In this article the author examines the problem of studying circula- tion excited in a rectangular ocean of constant depth by a system of zonal winds. The mathematical treatment of the problem revealed that the integral circulation in the ocean arises not only in the presence of a nortuniform wind but also with a uniform wind. This is the result Pf the "finer" cont;ideration of bottom friction in the aggregate with a latitudinal change of the coriolis parameter in the equation dbrived by the authors in comparison with previously proposed equations. When i, there is a transverse irregularity of the zonal wind the integral circulation is generally intensified. An interesting feature was the weakening of western intensi- fication north and south of the equator. The maximal values of the vertical current velocity are reached at the western shore wad amount to 85 cm/sec. At the equator Ccrd 1/2 UDC: 551.465 _ACCNRs AP6018058 there is a negligible total westerly flow(up to I cm/sec) in the wind system under consideration. As a rule, the current velocities at individual levels differ both in direction and in magnitude from the average verticai current velocities. Thi5 pertains particularly to 1he ocean surface and to the equatorial region. The vertical velocity component does not change sign with depth or along the meridian. In the region ar the equator there is an intense uplift of water, whereas to the north and south there is an alternation of zones of the rise and descent of waters. Calcula- tions for a nonuniform wind demonstrated that abatement of the wind leads to a pronounced intensification of an e.asterly_Llow ~t the equator, as a result of which a powerful and more isolated (from the intertride 'counter current) deep counter current of the Cromwell and Lomonosov type cu~_r_ents is formed. It is interesting that an increase of the transverse dimension of the ocean leads, other conditions being equal, to a weakening of the western intensification of currents and to a simultaneous intensification of zonal flows. The paper was presented by Academic- ian L. I. Sedov 28 July 65. The authors thank G. I. Warchuk and L. N. Gutman for indicating the method of numerical solution of the problem and a number of irtterest~ ing comments during discussion of the results of the calculations. Orig. art. has'. 3 figures and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: Z6JuI65/ ORIG REY: 007/ OTH REF: 004 Card- 61f- ACC NRt AP6011432 SOURCE CODE: UP:/0020/66/167/004/0 t107/0810 AUTFIOR: -FeAenbaum, -A. X. ORG: Naval Hydrophysical Institute AN UkrSSR (~iorskojr gidrofizicheskiy institut AIN UkrSSR) TITLE; Oceanic circulation and the Skman problem SOURCE: AN SSM Doklady, v. 167,.no. 4, 1966, 807-810 TOPIC TAGS: ocean current, oceandyijamics, current vertical stl.~.scture ABSTRACT: This paper presents3a theory of oceanic circulation motivated by the desire to combine the advantages of the classical Fkman ocean dynamics with the recent appro- aches of 11. Stommel (Trans. Am. Geoph. Un. 29, no. 2, 1948) and W. Munk (J.Meteor.,7, no.2, 1950) yielding the westward current int(nifical;ion effect. The author presents a system of equations permitting to gain the basic features of the Storanel-Munk approaph with the added insight into the classical effects related to thevertical structur f P 0 the currents, plus such new effects as those of currents behaviour at the equator. With arbitrary boundaries, the solution requires a numerical approach with the aid of a computer. However, certain special cases (e.g.rectangular boundaries with a constant depth and a special wind function) admit analytical solutions. Orig. art. has I figure and 16 formulas. SUB CODE: 08 SUBM DATE: 26JU165/ ORIG PLEF: 004/ OTH REF: 004 Card UDC: 551.465 Y SHZYIMLYU]q, I.I.: FMIZENBAUM. V.G.: RABINOT, I.L., kandidat tekbuicheskikh nauk; RABIXfflW7T.Pr.7VAMtor; LYUIIKOVI-IUYA, N.L. tekhaicheskiy redaktor. Rollowing the example of leadiug factories; the work practice of 110- --vorosidink slatel Po primeru peredovykh zavodov; iz opyta raboty novorossitakikh shifernikov. Moskva, GOB. 12d-vo lit-ry po stroit, materialam. 1954. 16 p. OILRA 8:8) 1. Nauchrqye a,3trudnikt Tsesariznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo 1notitnta asb4stotsemeatty1chAzIelly OVErasbattotsement" IIPSM SSSR. (for fteynb1plia.'TelIzenbaum) (Asbestos cement) Production of asbestos couenl:producto In foreign factories. Stroi.mat., isdelA konstr. 2 ~6. LTa 956. -(NLR& 9:5) 1. Starehly asuchnyy a tradnik VVILAmbisetteementa. (luroZ lastern-Ambestos cement) variouz types of sheet-foridug machinoo and the capacity of now asbestoo slate plants.- Strol. mat. 4 no.12:8-10 D '58. (MIU 11:12) l.Nacb&Vnik otdola tekhniko-okonomidhaskikh lssledwmniy Nauchno- issiedova+4119kogo Instituta Az'besttsements, (Asbentoo) -ALIZINUO.-T.O.; TWINDTA, B-P. Urgent objectives in the expansion of the soft roofing materials inluxtry. Strot.mat* 6 rto.40-6 AP l6o. (MIU 13: 6) (Roofinc) MIMMAW. Vadim Grigqx!XoY-inh; SOKOLOV, Pj., prof., nauchnyy red.; Tyul;- INN, M.S., red. izd-va; A 'KIRA, N.M.,, [Asbestos cement industry "road] Asbestoteementnaia promyshlon- nostl za rubezhom. Moskvs,,Gosizd-vb lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1960. 142 p. (MIRA 14.-2) (Asbestos cement) FELIZFNRBA&[~~-kanl. ekonom. nauk~ DAV'fbGVA,, F.I., inzh., LFYT'jz-)H, Inzli.; ZAIJELFV, V.G.., ln7~,i. Promote billy the produv.,ion and use of nonmetal pipes, Stroi. mat. 10 no.5.-10-11 My 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Nauchno-lssledovatellskiy insilitulk, astesta, sl)udy, asbestot.samentnykh J~zdeliy J. st~roltpl'--tva predpriyalkiy slyudyanoy promysh1pnno.9ti (for Leytiislh, 7avelov). L AGEYEV, V.M., kand. ekon. nauk; REKITAR, Ya.A.; USTD-1114KO, V.';., ekonomist; MELINIKOV, A.A.p kand. ekon. nail-k; LUKASHEVICH, V.A., ekonomist; FELIZENBAUM V G , kand. ekon. nauk-, SERGGEYEVA, K.A., inzR.-,_CFUDNGVSKIY, D.M., nauchn. red. (Method of calculating the economic efficiency of technologi- cal progress in the building materials and structural ele- ments industry; using the example of several branches and types of production] Metody rascheita ekonomicheskoi effektiv- nosti tekhnicheakogo progressa, v promyshlennosti stroitell- nykh materialov i konstruktsii (na primers nekoforykh ot- raslei i vidclv proizvodstv),* Moslcva, Stroiizdatt 1965. 157 p. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-is8ledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki stroitellstva. FELIZENBAINO ka.nd. ekonom. nauk ELectronic computers in economic planning* Stroi. mat. 11 no.5: -6 it 165, 4 OTRA 18:9) 4 1. Z-amestitell direktora TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo, instituta Jnformatsii I tekhniko-ekonomicbeskikh issledovaniy 1,romyuhlennosti stroltelInyk-h materialov. FELIZER, Yu. S. Obshchestvennyye i obsliizhivayushchiye.u6hrezhdenlya v vinogoetazhnylch zhilykh domaldi (Common and service facilities in many storied dwellings, by) D. B. Khazanov, R. M. Smolenskayaj Yu. S. FelIzer (i dr.) Moskva, Gos. Izd-vo Literatury po Stroitel'stvu i Arkhitekture, 1953- V, (v.-P.) illus., diaps., tables. At head of title: Akademiya Arkhitaktury,SSSR, Moscow. Lib. hass v. 1 FELER, YTJ. S. a BAZAILN-OV, V. M. Arkh. i D014BROVSKIY) A. A., Kano. ',?,konom. Nauk., SN1101VISKAYA, R. M. Arkh., FELZER, YU. S. Inzh. N--~uchno-issledovatellskiy imstitut arkhitektury i promyshlennykh -*,,oruzheniy a~,'Ademi:i arlddtektury SSSR Razmeshcheniye Vmnogoetazlinykh zhilykhdoriakh'moskvy obshchestvennyld~ uchrezhdehiy I obsluzhivayushchikh pomeshcheniy Page 74 SO: Collgations gf A=ta&;,L-on8 Qf Scient U& Re6eaXch Work on Construgtioll. comnlIted in 1950, Moscow. 1951 FELIZER, YU. SW Inzh. i KHAZAINTOVj D. 13. Kand. Arkh. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut arklittaktury obshchestvermyldi i prollyshlennyldi sooruzherdy Akademii arkhitekhtury SSSR Osnovrkyye polozlieniya po proektirovaniyu garazhnykh stoyanok, Vsbroyennylch v mnogoetazhnyye hilyye moskvy Page 76 SO: 20luti-oz At AMR== Ar -SAUA= pa F=k Im onjutmtIons, am- v3at--d ir? 1M, &scow, 1951 FX%MNI C B Dr.; SALAJ. B., Dr. Observations on the equilibrium and acoustic apparatus In patients treated with streptomycin. Red Jugoal. eked. 2nan., odjel med. 3: 189-196 1953. 1. Iz Otorinolaringol oake klinike Medicinskog fakulteta Svecucilista a Zagrebu. Predstojulk: akademik prof. dr. B. Gusic. (STREPTOMYCIN, inj. aff. cochleovestibular system (Bar)) (VESTIBULAR APPARATUS, diseases, coebleovestibular streptomycin lesions (Bar)) (COCTUM, diseases. same) icti RO ]raw stereamiciiancops, for otological surgery. RadovIL Ked, fak, Vol. -3:289-2-942 19~30 1. Otorinolarlngo~qskm idiniki Madiclaskog fakulteta, n,Zagr6bu- (pred t6jimifc AmAsulk B.Ousic. ?riuljeno- 29.1.1953) Ostietedmiciroso,ope't, In ear surg-) MOMIC, Branko, doc.dr. Indications and results of fenestration in otoncleromis. Madi- ciaski glam-mik 9 no.2-3:77-79 Feb-gar '55. 1. Otorizolaringoloska. kliniks, Me&iciaakog fakulteta Sve uclista u Zagrebu (predstojRik prof. dr B. Gusic) (FEIRSTRATION. indic., & results) PJKWIC Branko Doc. d-r Parther experiences with the treatment of bvdropo of the labyrinth by drainage of endolyMhatic into perilymphatic systemse Voj*san* .pregl., Beogre.12 nos3-4:149-451 Nar-Apr 155. 1. Otorinolaringdoska-k1inike, Heclicinskog falmlteta u Zagrebu. (LABYRIIITH, disean~4 (MMI'S DIMSH, Aherapy. dratwe) Y34MG, Branko, Dr. Our contribution to the Surgery of the ]Abirinth. Lijec.vjes. 77 no.1-2:62-68 -Jan-Feb.155. 1. Iz Otorillolaringoloake klinike Hadicinskog fakalteta u Zagrebu. CSTRATIOM. modified tachnic(Ser)) GUSIC. Branimir. Prof. dr.; YMMIC, Branko, doc., dr. Personal expeir.isuce In tmpanoplasty. Toj, san. pregl., Beogr. 13 no.,~-41134-137.Kar-Apr 56 1-0torinolaringoloska. klinika Mediciuskog fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu. (WO MUMS, tmanoplaeutrygiSer)) GUSIC,Branimir; LBranko; KRAJIIIA,,Zvonimir Recent views olm patho-physiology of the riepiratory aracoaa. Rad,ovi med. f<.,Zmc~ebu ? no-1:17-33 159. (REPIRWORY SYSTSK dis.) Branimir, 'prof., dr; MCMIC, Brarko, prof., dr Rehabilitation in conduction deafness br surgical means. Mad. glas, -15 no.32/12a:426-427 ..D 161. 1.0torinolaringoloska , k3lzlka Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (F~red- stojuik: grof. dr B. Clusic) (DIAFM surg) I.dr.-, YXMVA:kl, 3.,dr.,; SZABO. Ldr. Intermittent IRR therapy. Ory. hatil. 96 no.8t213-214 20 Feb 55- 1. As Koranyi Tudobeteggyogyintestat on sx.0razagoe The. Kutato Inteset DiWosztikai laboratoriusanak kozlemerqe. (TuMcULOSIS; PUIMMU, therapy, Isoniaigid.,internittent technic) (NICOTINIC ADID ISOMS. tlier4outic use, loonlazid In pula. tuberc., intermittent technic) FEKINA, A.V. R016 of the vegatativa nervous oystem in regulation of milk secretion. Fiziol.zh.SSSR 37 no.2:209-216 Mar-Apr 51. (CLML 21:1) 1. Depa:-tment of Anatomy and Pbysiology, of Agricultural Animals, Kharnon Agricu Itural Institute,, th tv idil~i "W mxr&~ai4 SEV&-L&Iir it 04614k~ Ckaramata:, POL-Ttist.Alath, 2. 13 these Lal Orfalso 00 - l -7~7 znv i 2 'b 6 inwhe. of 0(t). and (1(X) 'llres.'The author t q Q6 tic :i an, c in y if eitiier cave an (6-ttill 4---A t Mill V. lim ttft~ 6k it j~' ~v- FEMPL. S. Yugoslavia Science Concerning the area of the truncatoUablique cone with a circular base. p. 21M, GLASNIK MTMTIGKO FIZICKI I ASTRONOMSKI, Vol. 5, no.,,4-5, 1950. East Euro-Dean Ac6easions List, Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 15, Ue-o-. 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. -16 7 WN !Cal mary) sum, 0-4 CR - 41 ~~ fl- WPM HFWWAM~~ *'PintApale elliIiHqut SrpAil Ak d, N k l 'Rid' 55 Tt~ Zb- ge~bo-~Croa- ti rencl !t- --Ills revi 0144 plperlsaj~e Zb, 0 (19561.`61~A 16,; MR-19 J,1 7;~91,,t 6 44t6j, 4a inte m'l-- -H tic' 1, WN th~Qrd ~hisi6iy -ul ~A- th p, p to.715 auZ..~q Volp Aia,with- S~me -RA In, u on- -e k fid" Leg''endre*s, MV -`4 PIRL" j" M Imummommwo ~- amm m2ovelml AUTHOR: Pen. 1. 5`,5-64-4-5/1 TITLE: Valence.8fimiqqn,ductore -Germanium and Silicon (Ifalentnyye germaniy i kremniy) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizicheskikh.,XiLuk) 1958* Vol., 64, -,Pp. _M, 4 * Tt9 (000). ABSTRACT: This,is a_:translation from English frozh " State Physical'- -Advancss-ih ROpearch'and'Applications; the oxact reference is not giveli. It deals with the f irst part of this work con- sisting'of three chapters (the elements of stmiconductor theory, of crystala, the electroconductivity). The second and last part was ,published in UspekhJ, Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol. 659 Nr 1, p 112; there can also be! found a list of references. The translator is not mentioned. There are 12, figures and 5 tables. Card1/1 L 02525-67, En(d)/EWT(M)/EWP(w)/EWP(k) IJP(C) EM Ai:C NR' AT6020971 SOURCE GODE. UR/3207/65/01)0/'602/0075/0~083, UTHOR: 0 Y'u At (Doctor of.toobnical sciencesp Professor Shevlyakov ri G 0 A. iL ORG;:: Dnepropetrovsk University (Dnep*rc nivereiti .,petrovskiy u etY rITLE: Tbermoelastio stresses in multileyer plates and 'bases SOTJRCE*. Gidrojeeromekhenike, no,,2, 1965, 75-83 TOTIO TAGS: tbermo'ela'sticity#' stress analysis ABSTRACT: he article considers the rOjAem of the stato of strePs of 'a UIMQOlate which is under-con~Jiona of.plane deformation, and which consists of m1eyers which have different mechanicel 6nd tbermopbysical properties not dependent on the temperature. On the free surfaces of the first and last layer the temperature is Viven as a function of the coordinate x (steady state process) or as &,~Lunction of the coordinate and the time tunst~a.dy stated process). The state of stress of a. multilayer bundle'on an elastic or rigid base can be obtained by -infinitely increasing the thickness of the lost layer, b 00 After settingtbe Initial conditions, the authors solve matEematically the problem of finding the tbermoelastic stresses due to steady state C,,d 1/2 53-65-1.-4/10 AUTHOR: ~Fen, G. 1. e TITLE: Val.ends Semiconductors Germanium and Silicon (Valentnyy poluprovodniki geimanly i kremniy) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fiziaheskikhnaukv 1958, Vol. 651 Nr 1, Pp.111 132 (USSR) ABSTUCT: This is the second_part of a'translation from the English language; thefirst par t was published in Uspekhi fizioheskikh naukq,19589 Vole 659.1gr 4, F-733. This seconcl and last part contains neither L.-_.Anformation. concerning the reference to the initial publication nor any information concerning the translator- The a',ithcr was probably H. Y. Pan. There are 4 f igures, * I tablle,, and 205 ref erences 9 ~none of Yhich are Soviet. 1.'Semiconductors-Properties Card 1 1 ~.. HAT-1,'LL, Jiri, inz.; FENCL, Frantisek, inz. point method, or lighting calcuiatIon. El teah obzor 54 no',11 SuppliPrakticka prilohn 5,4 no.I;TI-T7 165. Czech Higher School of Teohnology, Prague. FEeNCL, F. ----------- FENCLI F. Thet quality of products of'the briek industry should be improved as fant as -povsible p-177. (Stavivo: Vol. 35, No- 5, May 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) W: Morthly List of East Eu~opean Accessions. (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept . 1957. Uncle FENIM, F. Further development and economical production of biiilding materials and ceremics, P. 3. (STAVIVO.) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 36, No. 1, Jan. 1956 nNCL, Frantisek, As., MUDr., KAVKA, Jiri Local-application of antibiotics in ophthalmology. Cas. lak. cesk. 95 no-3:59-64 20 Jan 56. 1. Z I. ocni klinik7 Karlovy university v Praze-prednosta prof. Dr. Z. Dienstbler. (ITI. diseases, ther., antibiotics, local application.) (ANIBIOTICS, therapeutic use, eye die., local application) C 3~1; N"My C OVA.1.1"Ll Chenica'--- Toclinolocy, M-i-W-dwal Prodllct3 rln,d :OAT3`01,Y -j 911hoi r Usos j? it v 1; (2 Geminion . Gir, Dind I 'I jC)UF R7MJM.; NO, 196o, l4o. 2004 Pencl, P. T I IT 'vlAys for Tntensif7ing BulldinC Entomirinon of tlie Comont and Indu,,3ti~j y 37, Yo .5, lli-6-147 PJB. Stavlvo, 19,59 1AP,571RACT '~Ijo abstmet I-laterialo. C"oncroto. Birdirg Flaterials. Concrotes, etc. Amex: GWWAPHY & GEOLWY PerLodicala: CASOPYS FRO MMMOGII A GEOLOGII Vol. 3,, no. 2, 1958. FEN(M3, Jq HRMDA,, K Geologic conditions of 'the marshes in the env.Lrons of Plesna. ps 192. Moni;hly List of last ftropealli Accessions NEW LC, Vol* 89 NO* 5v Moor 1959, Uncl2ss. BROD, J.; jMMMM vi TheraVy of hypertsimlon with drugs made of Rauvolfia, oarpentina. Cas. ',Lek. cook. 44 no,10:240-244 4 Mar 559 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevnibo v Praze-Krai, reditel prof. KUDr 120obere (RAINOLIrIA MMMNTIfrA, ther. use -lVpertension) (HnIMTMION. therapy Rauvolfla sorpentina) J.; FML, V. The phylogenesis of the regulatory mechanism of.tbo internal envIromner.t. Ofiekh. fisiol. 4 no.4:451-461 1955. 1. Institute1or cardiovascular diseases, Praha. (BODi' FLUIDS, 1~bylogenesis of~regulatory mechanisms of internal anvironzent.). BRODP LT.; -Pbylogw2esis of regulatlon mechanisms of the internal enviroalnent. Ceek. fysiol. 4 no.4:490-500 22 Oct 55. 1, Ustair pro choroby obahu krevniho, Praha. .(B)DY FLUIDS. metabolism$, ?Wlogenesis of reg" tion mechanisms of internal j i ew environment, rev CORT. J. H. ITIM, V. Importitnes of calclilm In clinical medicine. Gae. lek. cesk. 95 no. 31:8133--836 10 Aug 56. 1.,Ustikv pro choroby obehu krevniho, Praha-Krc, red. prof. MUDr. We~)er. C3ALGIUM, deters. importance In clin. wed. (On)) FMCL, Vladiml:r Patbopl,qsiology.-of anuria and Its treatment, Cats, leko cooks 95 no. A: 847-852 10 Aug 56. 1. Ustav pro choroby obeho krevulho, Praha-Krc. red. prof. MUDr. 111. Weber. WMIA. 'pathophysiol, & ther. (Cs)) -q~' T ANTONIN, Uelar: BROD, Jan; MCL., Yladimir Treatment of necrone$rosis due to corrosive sublimate. Roahl. chir. 15 no.8:503-507 Aug 56. 1. Ustiky pro cboroby obebu kreyntho Y Fraze (prednosta prof. MDr. )Element Weber) a Ustaw pro klinickou a experinentalni chirar,gi Y Prase (predn, dot:..RUDr.-Bohuail Spacek).i (OW.URT, polo, renal tubular necrosis caused by corroigiva mercurte chloride polo., ther. (c$)) (SIDW DISEASIELf etiol. & pathogen. tubular necrosis caused by corrosive misrcuric chloride polo., ther.'(Cs)) BROD, Jan; IVICI'J, Vladimir Machanitim of general & reaal hemodynamic diurnal changes. Gas. lek. cesk. 91' no.2:33-44 Jan 58,, 1. Ustav pro.choroby obehn krevniho, Praha-Irc, prednosta prof. Dr K3, Weber. 6",:B., Pr&ha-Irrc,.,,4adejovick& 00. (XIMM, blood svpPly circ., mechanism of diuj~al hemodynamic changes (CZ)) (BLOOD CIRCUIATION, pbyaiol. diurnal hemodynamic changes- meDhqLiBM (Gz)) BROD, J.;~7FMOLI-V..; HILTL, Z.; in", H. Haemodymmic changes underlying pressor reactions in man. Rev. GzscI6 K. 4 no..1:170-179 1958. 1. Instilmte for Cardiovascular Research. Prague Director: Prof. L Weber. (BIM PRUSURE, physiology hemodymmic changes underlyign pressor reactions) BROD, J.; FENCA, V. Mechanism. of general & renal hemodynamic diurnal changes. U. Behavior of hypertensive subjects. Cas-. lck. cesk. 97 no-XI:1025-1039 15 Aug 58- 1, Ustav pro choroby obeh-a krevniho, Praha-Kra, prednosta prof. dr K1, Weber. (RyP3vdwM1ON' Phys iol* hemodynamics general & renal, diunial changes (02)) (BIOOD CIRMTATION: in.various dis. bypertens Ion, greneral & renal diurnal. chEtages (Gz)) BROD, J. HNJL, %.; JIM, J.; MADIAYOUSEK, J. Changes of =sale and skin blood supply in the forearm during emotional stress. Cask. fYsIoI- 7 no.5:4)7-438 Sept 58. 1. Ustay pro choroby obehu krevniho. Praha. (MLOOD GMVIATION, hemodyn amic changes in forearm in emotional stress (Oz)j. (MMOTIOM. effecto, onhomodynamics of forearm (Cz)) -EXCMTA-MEDI^vA.-See-18-Vor3/6-COdi-6-va-sc-ula-z~-Jiii~e-59 1273. , Metabolic results of renal functional changes in caidiac failure lletibolicW nasledky !edvinovych funkcnich zmen pri srdecnf nedostatecliosti. I:P..vci. 1'. Ust. proChor, Obeltu Krevniho, Praha-KrcCas. Lek. ces. l9o8,97j37(Il65-tl7O) Illus.5 Ali incroased'tubular reabsorption of Na' and water in caTdiaC failure is the haiis of the c)llection of oedema fluid. At the same time an increased Na' reabsorption leads automatically to an increased K' exaction. *riie increased K* excretion is still further: ncreased by some associated effects. Collection of oedama fluid changes tile intracellular structure in that the organism loses intrucellular electrolytes. Results of it arc secondarv intracellular structural changes, functional. chang& and at tile same time a disorder of the metabolism of proteins and of enzyme activity, which has its iource of energy in the cells. Mestan, - Prague (XVI H. 60) FML, T.;HM, Z,;JMUO J,;UGD# Js Regloaml vascuUr reactlons In progress Ive musamlar effort in porml humm subjects, Cook, Osigi, .8 no.3-000-401 S 139 1. Ustav pro chordIV obipba, krevulho, Praba. AMT101 off.) MOD CROUTION pbratol. JIRKA, J.;MGL, V.;HWL, Z.;BROD, Fferenta !Df the skin of the forearm during =ocle offort in normal human subjeots. Gesk. fysiol. 8 no-5t413-414 S '59 1. Ustav pro chordby ubelm krevniho, Praha. (ZEIRTION off.) (XMCIaS, blood supply) (VASOMMM SYSTSK pbrolol. Saw, J.'-'YjF jv~t "-WL. Z.: JIM, J. Changes in blood pressure during progressive muscular effort in normal human subjectseGae.lek.cesk. 98 rLo-49/50:1521-1525 4 D 159* 1. Ustav pro aboroby Obehu. krevuiho* Praha-Kra, reditel p:rof. MUDr. 11. Weber'. .-(BLOW PIMSSME physiol. WERTICK Off.) 13ROD, ~V; HEJL,: Z.; JIFIA, J.; BARTOMCEK. M.; KOTANOVA, E.; 9 technicou spolupraci.GHRPOVE, V.; KRAUSOVE, E.; VANICKOVE, M. Average arterial pressure and the magnitude of pressure amplitude and pulse rate, Caclelroook. n0,,13:389-394 160. (BLOOD PRESSURE) (PUI FMCL, Vladimir Pathophysiology of uxter and electrolytes in acute renal insufficiency. Casolek.cesk. 99 no.26:810-813 24 Je 160. 1. Ustay pro choroby obehu krevniho v Prase, prednosta prof, dr, Weber. (ACUTS UWA FAILMM betab) (WAM KJOTROLYT2 IRAIM CE)