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Obr.abatvyayemost' staley v svyazl a usloviyami AID 443 - I termicheskoy obrabotki i mikrostrukturoy PAGES of metals..Machinability of steels as a function of abrasive properties and of the temperature. Wearing of cutting tools during steel machining. Ch. IV Effect of the Mechanical Properties of Steels on the Cutting Speed of Grinding 100-113 0 Experimental data. Physical effect of mechanical properties on the cutting speed. Ch. V Maohinabilit7 of Steels in Relation to the Cleanness of Finished Surfaces 114-153 Effect of the-conditions of heat treatment and of the micro- structure of steels on the cleanness of.finished surfaces. Medium-carbon structural steels. Low-carbon structural steel 15. High-carbon tool steel U12. Effect of the structure and composition of steels on the cleanness of finished surfaces. Evaluation of the machinability of metals in relation to the cleanness of finished surfaces, based on the analysis of curves Hap a f (v). Formation of roughness on finished surfaces. Ch. VI Kabhinability of Steels in Relation to the Cutting Pressure 154-164 Effect of the conditions of heat treatment and of the micro- structure of steels on the cutting pressure. Cutting tool 4/6 Obrabatvyayemost' staley v svyazi S-uslOviYami AID termicheskoy obrabotki I mikrostrukturoy .pressure and mechanical properties of steels. Cutting preg- sure in relation to the wear of cutting tools. Ch. VII Industrial Control and Practice on the Basis of the Investigation of Machinability Expediency of high-temperature tempering for Improving the .Machinability of low-carbon steels. Chrome steel 40X. Carbon steel 40. Conditions of heat treatment and of hardness as- suring a high machinability of chrome-oteel 40X. Pinions. Some examples of machining medium- and high-carbon steels. Machinability of low-carbon steels in industrial conditions. The structure of forged structural and tool steels and pre- liminary heat treatment. Ch. VIII Machinability of Steels during High-Speed Cutting Theory. Experimental investigations and their results. Bibliography Appendix I Fundamental Data on the Properties and Machin- ability of the Steels Investigated (Tables) Appendix II Reference Data on the Relative Machinability of Structural Steels (tables) 5/6 443 - I PAGES 165-193, 194-212, 213-219 220-244 245-253 Obrabatvyayemost' staley v svyazi s usloviyami AiD 443 -1 termicheskoy obrabotki i mikrostrukturoy Purpose: This book is.intended for engineers and technicians In,machine- building plants and workers in scientific research institutes. Facilities: The Laboratory of Metal Cutting and the Machine Shope of the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant No. of Russian and Slavic References: Total 171, 153 Russian. Available: Library of Congress. 6/6 I? rz'T'3)'SHT3YIT na. 2. USISR (600) 4. Tool Steel 7. Machinability of high-npeed steel. Stan* I instr. 24# no.l. 19539 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. Fn'DSHTZYN, E.I.,-kandidat tekhniihaskikh nauk, doteent. W a,aring4if process of cuttin' 161. best. g tools during the machining of ate mash. 31'no,3:41-43 Mr '53. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Laboratoriya resaniya metalloy Gorlkovskogo Aytomobillnogo zavoda im. Molotova, (Machine tools) -T, Emm,anull Name: FEL I DSHTEYN,.--.-,-- .-Io-s ifovich Dissertation: Investigation of the Workability of Steel in Connection with the Conditions of Heat Trestment and Microstructure Degreee Doc Tech Sci Affiliation: Gortkiy Automobile Plant imeni Molotov Defense Date, Place: 17 Jan 55, Council of the Leningrad Polytechnical Inst imeni Ka'jl..'nin Certification Date: 28 Apr 56 Source: BMVO 4/57 ...... .... F44,5 MMAngineering - Mal Cutting Card VI a Pub. 12 - 6/16 Authors I ft6wevo TAO Fol 7911debteyns Be 1*1 Bol'shakovp V. X.1 and Troltakaya.. D. V. 4A*d&&WOWwMW-wftw Title I The use of V. Wesavve method in a continuaw pvftc+Aon Periodical I Avt. trakt, prm, 70, 23-269 July, 19% Abstract The article deals idth bigh-qm ad cutting* azA tuzzing of metals at increased foods on mlti-outtAr sad-automatic machines, in accordance idth metbods developed by V. Kolesov. Diaaams; tables; drawinp; J I I v trationo Institution t ago** SWxdtted FELIDSHTM, I.I., kandidat teldmichaskikh nauk. ~- ~ On structural changes In the metal of chips produced by high speed cutting. Metalloved. I obr-met- z0-1:51;53 Jl '55- Oaak 9:7) 1.Zaboraterlya rozaalys metaloy Gortkovskego "tomobillsoge save" imeni Molotova. (Metal cutting) (Notallegrapby) F~,L' SR/ u s.. %-Aseellaneous - Industriol processes Card 1/1 Pub o 103 - V20 Authors j Zholimskiy, 1, E.# and Felldshteyno L. 1. Title i Prk-vention'and correction of flaws ditring thermal treatbent of cutting tools Perlod1wil i Stan, i inBtr. -26/30 22-25,.Mar 1955 Abstraot t Ways and-menne are discussed for the prevention and correotion of- flaws originating during thermal treatment of metal cutting tools. The quality of the metal and proper thermal treatment are the two basic factors determining the strength of the given tool. Tablesi drawin,rs. 'Institution j Submitted I 121-2-11/20 AUTHOR: Nalldshteyn, E.I. and Patov, V.M. TITLE% Im rovement of the f o3:m in grinding the web of twist dNIls. (Usovershenstvovaniya formy podtochki peremychki spirallnykh sverl) PERIODICAL: "Stanki i lastrumentri (Macblne Tools and Tools), 195?, .No*21 pp. 3r- 35 (U.S.SaR.) ABSTRACT: Tests carried out by the Gorki Motor Car Plant (Gor1kov- &kiy Avtozavod) imeni Molotova to study several forms of grinding the web in twist drills are reported. A modified foxm of Brinding was proposed by Zhilov ("Stanki i Instrument" No.2, 1954). Compared with the standard fom (rOCT-2322-43), the modified form reduces the axial force and the-torque to 47 and 61% respectively. Nevertheless, the tool life is not increased but reduced to 621%. The new form is based on Oxford ("Machini t" Lomdan, March 27, 1954), According to the Gorki tests the tool life has been increased by 38% compared with the standard form. Simultaneously the axial force and torque are reduced to 65 and 89%. respectively. Pioducing the modi- fied form by hand, following the cutting edge contour is not difficult for a skilled tool grinder. Machine grinding has not been successful owing to inaccuracies of the web position. 1/2 The effectiveness of the new form is very sensitive to its Improvement of the form in grinding the web of twist drills (Cont.) 121-2-11/20 correct execution. A special fixture for a universal tool grinder has been made and is illustrated. The fixture contains two rotatable mirror screens so situated that the grinder can observe the drill end during grinding. A centre line on one of the mirrors makes it possible to position the web correctly in relation to the grinding wheel. The procedure for using this fixture is described in detail. There are 5 figxres, including 2 photographs, and 1 table. AS OCIATION: 2 ~2' AUTH0RS:-2B11dshteyn, E.I., Dr. of Technical Sciences, EebecUn-s2y, F.F., I* V. Trush, Kazantsev, V. S.,T_E 129-' ~kneers. TITLE: Investigation of the influence of carbide non-taifoi~mity on the grinding properties of the.Steel P18. (Issledovaniye vliyaniya karbidnoy neodnorodnosti na shlifuyemost' stali R18). PERIODICAL: "Metallovedenie i Obrabotka Metallov" (Metallurgy and Metal Treatment,'1957, N0.7, pp-39-42 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The here described investigations were prompted by inconsistencies in the grinding properties of various components of this high speed steel which were heat treated to the same hardness. A rod material of 70 mm dia. was chosen which contained: 0.73% C; 4.0% Cr; 18-56% W; 1.04% V; 0.12% Si; 0.24% Mn; 0.22% Ni; 0.012% S; 0.016% P. For obtaining specimens with various carbide non-uniformities two 50 mm dia. specimens were produced by removing the top layer on a lathe, whilst another two groups of specimens were first forged to 55 mm dia. and then machined to 50 and 45 mm dia. respectively. To obtain a coarse carbide network,cast specimens were produced by re-smelting in a Cardl/2 high frequency furnace. The results of the metallographic invastigations are entered in Table 1, whilst the results Investigation of the influence of carbide non-uniformity on the grinding properties of the Steel P18. n ~;CO7 ;9Y, ij of the grinding performance on the individua spe imens are entered in Table 2. It was established that the carbicle non-uniformity in this P18 steel influences the specific rate of removal of the metal during grinding and also the surface quality; the surface quality and the rate of removal are higher in specimens with lower degrees of carbide non-uniformity. It is, therefore, essential to ensure the smallest possible carbide non-uniformity in high speed steel tools so as to obtain better cutting properties as well as higher production in the tool manufacturing process. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, no references. ASSOCIATION: Gorky Automobile Works imeni V. M. Molotov. (Gor1kovskiy Avtomobillnyy Zavod imeni V. M. Molotova). AVATU T Card 2/2 SOV/122-58-5-16/26 AUTHOR: 'Felldshtoyn, E.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TITLE: 4Z ~ttingFor~ces i~n'the Turning of Aluminium Alloys (Sily rezaniya pri tochenii alyuminiyevykh splavov) 37 IMIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1958,,,Nr 5, PP 62 - 65 (USSR),; ABSTRACT: Tests carried out at the metal-cutting laboratory of the Gorlkovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod (Gorki Motorcar Plant) and Belorusskiy politekhnicheskiy institut ' (Beloruaikiy Polytechn- ic Institute) are reported, concerned with the tangential cutting force and the chip contraction factor in the cutting of several aluminium, alloys and a chromium steel. The force was measured with a capacity-type dynamometer, the contraction factor, by the weighing method. Carbide tools were used in the face turning of nSilumin" A14 (0-12% silicon), duralumin D1 (4-60% copper) and steel 40Kh (0.41'earbon and 1,04% chromium). Positive front clearance angles of 0, 10, and 25 were used. The cutting force is plotted against the cutting speed (up to 300 m/min), the depth of cut and the width of cut ~Figures 1, 3 and 4, respectively). In aluminium alloy, as in steel, there is a speed of maximum force, most pronounced at zero front clearance angle. The force is proportional both to the cardl/adepth and the width of the out. The force in aluminium alloy !7' _: _- - T-K Cutting Forces in the Turning of Aluminium Alloys SOV/122-58-5-16/26 is about 1/4 of that in steel. Certain variations of chemical composition of the aluminium alloy were further investigated. A nickel content reduces the cutting force and so does a zinc content. The chip contraction factor is plotted against the cutting speed (Figure 6). Once again, a speed for maximum contraction is observed. A dis- cussion of the results in relation to the deposition of the workpiece material on the cutting edge establishes the similarity of steel and aluminium and refutes the effect of temper-brittleness on the cutting force in steel. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/2 1. Aluminum alloys--Machining 2. Chromium steel--Machining 3. Cutting tools--Performance SOV/122-59-3-17/1+2 AUTHORS: XAildshtpya#_~I ~ Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Naumov, B.I Candidate of Technical Sciences, KonAelm.. V. N., and Ryazanov, A.I. TITLE: Machinability of Cold-Drawn Steels on Automatic Lathes (Obrabatyvayemost' kholodnotyanutykh staley na tokarnykh avtomatakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik 14ashinostroyeniya,,19592 Nr 3, PP 57-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Turningand drilling trials were carried out on a number of cold-drawn steels of types frequently turned on automatic lathes for making automobile components. The ends of the bars were face turned with varying rates of cross feed using a constant 5 mm width of cut. An average diameter, dc, , for which a constant speed of cutting for a given numbe of revolutions would show the same tool wear as with the variable cutting speed actually experi- enced, was calculated from formula (1). The indext k 7 in this formula is the tangent of the slope of the curve for tool life versus number of revolutions, when plotted on a logarithmic scale. Graphs of Figs 1 and 2 were constructed for tool life (minutes) versus average cutting velocity (metres/min) for different steels and Card 1/3 different rates of cross feed. Using the cutting speed SOV/122-59-3-17/)+2 Machinability of Cold-Drawn Steels on Automatic Lathes at which a tool life of 100 minutes was obtained with the A.12 steel, at any given rate of feed2 as an index equal to 12 the relative machinability of other cold-drawn steels can be compared as shown in Table 1. Formulae (3) and (1+) give an approximate relation between cutting speed2 tool life and cross feed for face turning of the A.12 or A.20 steels. Drilling tests were carried out similarly2 but in this case for 20 minute life until the drill had become blunted by 0*7 mm- again using the Ai12 steel as an index of 1 other steeis are compared as shown in Table 2. Formulae 15) and (6) relate cutting drill life, drill diameter and rate of feed. The tangential force on tools with straight, stepped, convex and concave profiles was measured when face turning at a constant speed of 30 metres/min. The results, expressed as force (kg) per mm of tool width) are tabulated for different rates of feed for various cold-drawn steels in Table 3. Force for the k.12 steel is about 25% less than for all other steels. Ball-bearing quality steel, ShKh-15, gave the best class of surface finish at rates Card 2/3 of feed from 0.04 to 0.1 mm/rev. Finish deteriorates 3 OV/122-59-3-17/42 Machinability of Cold-Drawn Steels on Automatic Lathes with increasing cutting speed from 10 to 40 metres/minuto and then begins to improve again at higher cutting speeds. There are 6 figures7 3 tables and Soviet references. Card 3/3 i GORMSKATA, Zinsida DmitriyaTm , insh.; TARIN, K.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, rat senzent; .!RLPM2ffM,4rL , doktor tokhn.nauk, red.; CHMOTA, Z.I., [Broaching with large food] Protiagivanis a bol'shimi podachami. Koskva, Goa.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 203 p. (KIU 13:9) (Broaching machines) FMM X BOOK 29WITATION SOV/4434 Felldshteyn,, E-nuil. losifovich., Boris Ivanovi~h Naumov, Viktor Vasillyevich AoAY%qMW.,--&WU_o_nU -Alekseyevich Eykoy Fbzhimy rezaniya na, tobuWkh avtomiatakh (Cutting Regimes for Operations On Automatic lathes) Hoscow., Wshgiz,, 1960. 329 p. Errata slip inserted. 13,000-copiiis printed. Managing Rd. for Literature on the 2conomics ad Organization of Machine Building (MuhgLz)s To D, Sa]waganskiy., Engineer; Id.: 1. 1. Pinegin; Tech. Id.t T. P. Sokolova. PUFIPOW: This book is Intended for the technicians,, desiviers, machine-operstion time standard setters and fo2vmen of mechanical shops$ and also for the setup- men of automatic lathes. COVER40i The book include.p methods fcr calwUUng cutting regimes of single-and m,Utiple-spindle-automitic-lAthes. fleferanoe data am given on recommended feeds and cutting speeds and on the kinematics and dynamics of the most popular models of automatic I a. Standards for cam (of the multiple-spindle automatic lathes) and instructions for design ( of single-spindle automatic lathes) am Card-1/3- Cattiiig Fegimes for Operations (Cont.) WI/4434 provided. The technique for calculations is Illustrated with detailed ex- amples. Tbese data and standards are based on eVerimental studies conducted and put through ractical tests at the GorIkovskiy avtozavod ( Gorlkiy Automobile =I. No personaUties are mentioned. There are- 22 references, a,11 Soviet. TAMH OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Initial DiLts 5 Basic prinolp1po of reemanded metWAs for caloulatiq_Sutti~gxegimeis 5 11ecommended, cutting-speeds' 10 Cutting forces in the operation of auUmatic; 1 8 21 %commended feeds 25 Ch. II. Cutting 11egimes of Wltiple-Spindle AutomLtic lathes 40 Main-prerequisites for the mtional use of mvitiple- spindle automatic lathes 40 Yethods for calculating cutting regimes 55 Pleference darta on cutting regimes 70 ExuTles for planning machining process and calculating cutting regUms 101 L-1902 j/226/62/OW/004/014/012 'AUT;.OR: ~'el'duhtoyii, k4i., aul'kevich, B.A., aLd Dechko,Z.1'11. TlTlx;: Some prublOLS of "cliiain6 .9intered iron-graphdte powder materials PLdUDICAL: Foroahkovaya iu--taIluxf;iya,. r,0.4, 1962, 105-114 TM: The aim is to deter-Ina the optiLum bonditiona for tha turiinC of iron- j;i,ajjatc powaor maturials. The iuvtotigations were carried out on busings of t.ho abovc materihl sintered at -050-1106oC ~.n an atzosphere of hydrogen. The highest ,Uu:rjjijj,; specd was attained u-ith cutt-cra c,)ataining a aLall' azount of cobalt. Lateriala witit a llfe~.Tite + perlite" structure ara =ch L~ore eazily wachined than materiala with a perlite structure. '2hu u-iiapt;3 of tix cutting *Cge and the depth of turninG arq also discuused. Tho must suitable alloy for the caLufacture of cutters for turring the above matt:rials are T3OA4 and VX31i. The VX4 and VX6 alloys are. con-3iderc-I to be ' he gecond btst I'or tIr-s purpose. Thtr~; are 10 figures ard 1 table. Card 1/2 Q011e.- 26/6 2/CW/004 /01..;,/O1 2 100,)Ado Some problems Of L4C;11111i,16~' U111tO. CU. Aj6WIATI0ii-. Belorauskii politai~,idchcskii institut, g. 1.;inzk (The Belorussia Polytoclulic 1IL'It-itute, -.IWc) slu-1,2Ta Dccerber 25, 196i Card 2/2 S/276j63/000/004/004/007 A052/A126 AUTHORSt Felldahtemj_gj., Moloohkov, A.V., Izrailevich, Ya-St, TITLEs Now method of tool cooling on gear-outters PERIODICAL&,:,Reterativnyy,zhurnal, Tekhnologiya mauhinostroveniya, noe 4P 1963, 183 - 184, abstract 4BI021.(Prom-att Belorusaii, no- 7 (50), 1962F 35 - 39) TEXT: The atomizing of liquids in the form of a spray by means of com- pressed air has found its application in turning and milling operations. It prolongs considerably the service life of the tool whereas the liquid con- sumption decreases and makes UP 100 - 700 g/hour for emulsion and 0-5 - 2 g/hour for oil. The results are reported of the introduction of tool cool- ling with atomized liquids on gear-milling and gear-shaping machines at the Minsk spare part plant. The investigation has established that the intro- duction of this method prolongs the service life of the tool and cuts the sulfofraesoel consumption. This secureE a yearly saving of 300 roubles per gear-milling machine and 150 roubles per gear-shaping machine.. A compara- dard 1/2 3/276 63/000/004/004/007 New method of tool cooling on gear-outters A052YA126 tive testing of three inatallations was carried out. The design of the Ivanovo was approved as the beat installation securing a B-table and easily controlled air mixture "torch". Seven sorts of lubricat- ing-cooling-liquid were tested in gaar-mxlling. The best reaults'with re- opect to the service life of the tool (an 1-5 increase) gives atomized anti- corrosion water (O.Y1. sodium nitrite, 0*3~ calcined sodag the balance water) at 2 kg/CM2 air pressure and 600 - 700 6/hour liquid consumption. In gear- -shaping the application of atomize& anticorrosion water also prolongs the service life of the tool by a factor of 1-5 compared with sulfofraesoel cooling (dropping jet). The installation for atomizing cooling liquids and the mixture design are deisoribed.. There are 5 figures and 2 tables, [Abstracter's notes Complete tranz;lation.] Card 2/2 gnu ISLIDSMY14y Em-null losifovicb# doktor te)xhn. nook, prof. -aeodh KUZINICMKO. ~e o-9 , G.A. p red. (Methodological establisbment of the most favorable cut- ting conditions) Metodika.Dammwheniia naivygodneishikh rezhimov rezwAia. MinakpTyashaia shko2a, 1963. 72 p. (MIRA MIO) FELIDSHMIN E I ,,doktor takhn. nauk, prof. Conference of mitting-tool industry vorkers of White Russia. Haahinostroitell no.50 My 163, (MIRA 16:7) (White Russia-Metal-cutting tools) 5 SHAGUNP V.I.;,FELIDSHTEYN E.I. Device-foi measuring internal threads. Ism. takh. no.7s 7-10 Jl 163. (MM 16s8) (calipers) FELIDSHTKYN Z 1,,, doktor tekhn. nauk; M1SHIN,, P.A.; SOKOLOVA., Te.I.; ,gEhn.z. P Sulfo-cyaniding of metal-cutting tools. Avt. prom. 29 no-O 37-39 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Minskiy avtozavod., (Case hardening) (Metal-cutting tools) 3/lZ/63/0W/C02,/00T/0JL0 DW/0112' AUTHORAI' ;D~I' "Ya.s. aid. re] Id 1 .1. Molochkov, A.V rsmilevi Koeshenevskiy, L TITLts- Cooling gear cutting tools by sprqed fluid PMODI=: Stanki i1rkatrw"nt no 2 1963p 31-33 -tA6-j TMI 11xperiments, con6cted joln4y the 19~loi~ivkiy chs-ki ~Belorussi~an- Polytechnic Instiiute) and the b4zOv&Y4-.%uboiexfiW 1aborqtorJW' Basic C16aricutting tabordto'7) Of the SM BM at -the- Hfinkik'"Vod of.. chastey (WniK Spare Parts Plant) have show-that: a. vaiei ipraj.~Ith 0.3%: 4 sodium nitrite and 0.3% of soda. ash was the best; cuttiM fluid. 2h* life. of cut- ters cooled by this. spray was'. L5 tiatesJonger thin.those cooled by.4euIfof:4zoI#.' which in turn gives a. considerably loskir tool 3-ife"'.'than on eprar'oi 4101310"t -This effect is wtpliined by.the'intezi Ive cobling of the. worn surfaces of tbw - tooll And by the peculiar, dissociatio': affect f th4L &jUeous 0leQ*jy":s*3j*- n 0 A tions, Use of the water spray also eliTdhates'. geir'wmhiag,aftet-.6fttins ft tates vachine. cleaning, -and generally imprOves'working conditions for the torso.. The now method being used on dozem.of gear generators At the Gaid 1/2 f -A, ~ ~.- -e ; , t , ~ ~~. ~- ~~, - , P, ~-, 1 ~- ~ ~J-~ --Z~ :!~ 1-,~ I - - ~ ~, ~ww i . ".. ;,~~ ~~4 "g -.-- :;, - - i-ii ,.~ , --i -,-:, el' ~! ~__, 1 4.- Vr t , - -.! " $~Ml 11 Y, FE L I U-SH I EIT' , E. 1. , do"tor tekhn. nauk, prof. ; , V. 1. . -:~ i- Interrelationship between the difference in dimen3ions of the tap and internal thread and the precision of this thread. Nauka - proizv. no.1:34-40 163, 108:3) iV SHAGUN, V.I.., :Lnz4'; FELIDSHTEYN, E.I., doktor takhn. nauk, prof. [deceased] Analysis of the precision of internal screw threads. Izv.vys.uobeb. zav,,;-maahinostr. no,4tl47-159 t6A, (MIRA 18a1) lo Belorueskiy takhniobaskiy inetitut. SRAGUN, V.I.; F~kl M~~ E.I. [deceased) Effect of geometrical parameters of mechanical taps on the dimensions of screw threads cut in cast Iron. Avt. rom, 30 no.507-40 My 164. MRA 17:9) 1. Belorueskiy politekhnicheakiy institut, ACCESSION N99 AN4027673 8/0276/64/000 SOMCEs 'Rzho Tekhnaloglya mashincitroyonlyat Abe. )PW IMORs 'Polldshtqno IN Lt Ballke~icht B."As Tur A .-C TITIzi ning of me materials :SOURCE& Tr. N.A.433,-%& tekk#l. &vtom*v.'Pr=-stL,,vy*P 10v 1963P 45-",~ uccerazdal netanocerado material Topic TAos metanoceramia material meta. -Mach tang lloosrafilo meta. material turnim TIZANSTATUNt The anth6s siadied ih* processiM of matalloceramdo materials bar q,ii!: turning. The IfIrst stage of the statj oonsixted In the colleation of data an the roUtii* machinability of the most widespread oompositiom of metalloosrAMIG materials. ~ The authwo give dats, ow the gscmetria parameters of the cattim 4 portion of the vatting tools asmu-Ug the greatest or least meabined surfooe 7-1. roughness. 'IWIU&l dats. were obtained for the setting of speeds* foroesp &* out". temperstavat is -won as the iffeat of "Ity and satuation ft the process-of .JI Card 1/~ 77=w =ItM v_84MZ2 MOGIL'NrYs D.Gq Ja.; YEPIFANOV, V.S. j ~ ~M I ~Ns I~ Device for determining the mmter of collector plates in electric machine collectors. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform, Gcs.nauch,-iseloinst.n&uch.i tekh.inform. no*9:46-47 IQ,, (MM 15:9) (Electric generators-Design and construction) ..00. Ya stroic .,Ib,y of hc~._ y eqi- ,-,~-arr,i inTl t:-osta Vastolmeftezavodrontazli. -Erectinr, work) 1FELIDSHTEYN, L. Assembly of a heavyweight Column. Npv.neft.tokh.: Stroi.i mont. no.4:3 '48. (XIBA 9:5) (Petroleum--Refining) (Building, Iron and steel) -,YZL.JISHTEYN. L.H. (Chernikovok) Unit assembly of the metal elements of refinery Installations. Stroi.pred.neft.prom.1 no.4%21-23 Je 156. (HLRA 9:9) (Petroleum-Refining) (Bailding, Iron and steel) FMIDSHTEYN, L.M., inzhoner (Chernikovsk) Rapt& assembly of cracking Installation. Strol.pred.neft.pron. 1 no.7ol9-24 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Building) (Cracking process) - I , YZLIVSHT TH. Lomet inshe (Ufa) -, - %, ;:,I Organization of vork in the shop prolming pipeline units. Stroi. prod. neft, prom. 3 no.2t2l-25 7 158s (Min 11: 4) vetrolsu~~ipslinss) MIDSHT2219t L,X., inxh, % " -- Unit pro-assembly methods In aeoembling heavy oil refinery equipment. Stroi. prod, neft, prom, 3 no.4:21-25 Ap 158. (MML 1125) (Oil refineries-3quipment and supplies) MIDMUM, L.M., inzh. Organizational planning of amsembling operations at the enterprises of petroleum and petrochemical Industries. Nov.tekb.mont. I spots ray. v stroi. 21 uo,lOtl4-16 0 159o (KIR& i2:11) 1. Treat Vostoknottesayodmontash, (Petroleum iudustry-Nquipment and supplies) FALIDSOWN, L.M. q insh.; MAGID, B.G., inzh.; TXNIKNM, R.1h., L"b. Selecting the most efficient sises of tower hoists. Mont.l. spets.rab.v stroi, 22 no-9:5-8 S 160. (MIRA 13t8) 1, Treat Tostokawfesayodmoutash i B"bkirskiy nAuchno- inaledovatellakly institat mtroitelletys. (Holatirg mchinery) FELIDSHTEYNP LAP inzh. 'S A*ia-I problems in assembling petrochemical plants. mont. i - %~ spots* rab. v atroi. 23 no, 2sl2-13 F 161, (MIRA 14:1) I.Trest Vostokneftelavodsontash. (Petroleum refinaries) r-BLIDSHTLYN, L,14,,*inzhe Assembling heavy columno at a synthetic rubber plant in Sterlita- Mont.i spets.rab.v stroi. 23 no.6:17-19 Jo 161. (KMA 14M 1. Trest Vootokneftesavodwntuh. (Sterlitamak-Columns) -T FEL!P AT~YX, inzh.; YENIKEYEV, R.Kh., inzh.; inzh.; MAGID, B.M., DYUKAREV, P.Z., lnzh. Selecting effective means for mechanizing the assembly of equipment and structural elements of petroleum refining enterprises. Trudy BashNIIStroi no.ls5-108 162. (MIRA l7t3) LYUBGH&NSKAU, L.I.1 FELIDSHTUN, L.S.; 14JZMINSYJY, A.S. I Aging of rubbers under str4s. Kauch.i rez. .21 no.lt23-29 Ja 162. (KERA 3.5:1) 1. Nauchno-iseledavateliskiT institut rezi4ovoy promyshlemobti. (Rubber-Testing) (Straine and stresses) AUTHORS: Hejtlinger, S. A., Xuzlminakiy, A. 3,16 3 Felldshteyn, L. S. TITLE: ~n the N~a a e C tur ~~.Indingu and the Gas Penetrability of Sp c-- Structured Polybutudiene (0 pr1rode svyazey i gazoprr,-nitsayemosti pro 3 t ran s tvenno-st ruk tu ri rovannoj;o pollbutadiyun.t) PER101CAL: Doklady Akademil nauk SSSR, 1958P Vol. 120, IT." d'.'t pp. 3413 - 345 (USSR) ABSTdACT: First the authors discuss various previous paper., and give a survey of the resulte obtained. Thor.- Interest of the authors was directed towards the clarificatfor. of the separale influence of the brildgo-like covalent bindings and of the Intermollpeular bindings upon gas penetrability. Space-structurvd polybutadicne-n differing as to the chemical nature of the traniverse bonds /1;.,rq investigated. The space lattice in polybutaflene wa~x made vinlble by th;j following means., Heating in a press at ~200, irradiation by radiation from Co6o, heating vrith sulfur and diuh-~nyl guan:dine, herating with sulfur and thiourar.. The density r,,~ tht- lattic~-P, Card 1/3 was varied by several methods. The results of the On the Nature of the BIndings and the Gan Penetrability of 5puce-Structured Fulybutudlune are illustrated in a diagram. The dissolved sulfur exerclaes a-A-Motst no influence uDun the penetrability of rubber to nitrofen. Z'len if sulfur Is tound intramolf4cuifirly, on.,v a .3ma'.". of the penetrab.'11ty is found. The -ijIfLur bindinCr, between the chain-like of the u,.,!Yrvr ex,.-rcni-.e. ;, ervator influence upon th~ reducticn of the th,in the t~,,,mt &,nount of sulfur-containing E:roups -e.hich urt: bo-.-nd A diagram illustrates as an example th,~ typical dependence of tht. equilibrium modulua and of the nitruEen penetrability upca the du--ation of heriting (2200). The reduction of gas pi-tnetrabilltty shich ic found at a space structuring is accGmp-.ried ty an inv-.roi.-ly proportioncil increase of the eqteibrlum madulus. There t1re 3 figures und 12 references, 6 of wnich are S,.viet. AS.I;OCIATION:Na,achno-i-sl.edovatplfok-A'y institut rezllno,.,;~y promyshlel,nnEti (Scientific Research institute of Rubber Inklustry) PRES-,NT~.'D: January 13, 1958, by P.A.Rc-bindcr, Member, Academy cf Scir-'ric.13t U~3 FIR Card 2/5 on tli(., ";~,fure cf ti:-, bin iji,co, Venetrz4b- 'I t f 31JBh;l Joiliary 1 1 1e, MMienes-Theory 4pplicatices 4, Molecular Card 3/3 2s Gese's-Psietration 3-- Heat association-Theory FL / I '), 83295 S/138/59/000/010/007/-Ilt) A051/AO29 AUTHORSj Kuz'minskiy, A.S.j Frenkel', R.Sh., Khanin, S.Ye., Felldghteyn. TME: The Effect of Certain Organic Acid Salts on Rubber Vulcanization PERIODCIALt Kauchuk I Rezinas 1959, No. 10, PP. 32 - 35 TEM The problem of Increasing the rate of vulcanization of rubber with- out decreasing the initial plasticity of the mixtures and without causing any de- triment to the scorching resistance and the physico-mechanic&l. properties of the vulcanizates was studied. The use of inorganic bases as activators did not al- ways render favorable results due to the poor distribution of the base in the mixture and the tendency of the mixtures to scorching. Organic substances with an alkaline nature, such as aliphatic amines, were also applied with the result that the vulcanizates had better physico-mechanical properties and a higher rate of vulcanization, but the mixtures containing triethanolamine acquired an elevat- ed hardness, had a tendency to scorching and too wide a range of their physico- mechanical properties. The accelerating effect of potassium, sodium and ammonium salts of weak acids, such as orthophosphoric acid, acetic acid and benzoic acid Card 1/3 83295 3/138/59/C,00/010/007/010 A051/AO29 The Effect of Certain Organic Acid Salts on Rubber Vulcanization were investigated. In the case of the salts of ortho-phosphoric acid, there was some accelerating action, but the same shortcomings were observed as in the case of sodium hydroxide or sodium. The salts of acetic a9d benzoic acids proved to be very good activators of the organic accelerators.13 The strongest activator was shown to be ammonium benzoate, obtained from the reaction between an aqueous so- lution of ammonia and benzoic acid. The physical and chemical properties of this salt are listed and Tables 1 - 3 show the compositions and the physico-mechanica-1 Indices of the rubbers investigated. Figures 1 and 2 show the vulcanization lev- el of the mixtures with ammonium benzoate. The latter actually serves as an ac- tivator of other organic accelerators, since it has only a slight accelerating action itself. The activating effect of this salt is present in mixtures not containing sulfur. The accelerating action of ammonium benzoate is explained by the alkaline properties of ammonia which forms during the vulcanization process. In addition to this, the benzoic acid which forms upon the decomposition of the ammonium benzoate also has been found to have some activating effect in the last stages of the vulcanization process. It Increases the hardness of the vultani- zates and slows up the vulcanization at the processing temperature of the naxture. Card 2/3 S/138/59/000/010/007/010 A051/AO29 The Effect of Certain Organic Acid Salts on Rubber Vulcanization The following.conclusions are drawnj It is possible to accelerate the Vulcaniza- tion of rubber using ammonium benzoate; by using this salt the r-ige of activa- tors can be increased and a eaving on expensive organic accelerators is gained; the time needed to reach the optimum of the rubber mixture vulcanization can be decreased by 2 to 3 times; the scorching resistance and the physico-mechanical properties of the vulcanizates are not jeopardized from the use of the ammonium benzoate salt. There are 3 tables, 2 graphs and 11 references: 10 Soviet and I English. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti (Sci- entific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) Card 3/3 EJZ' MINSKIY. A.B., doktor khimicheakikh nauk; lPnlDSHT3Mv---Lv-Sq-;---- RMLINGER, S.A., iand.tekhn.nauk Surface crystallisation of the ingredients of rubber mixtures. Trudy NIIIRP no. 6:84-91 160. (MMA 13:12) (Rubber) YLL I DS IUL'j R.Sh.; KUZOMIIISKIY, ~ -,; KHANIIII S.Ya.; F141 A.S. Vulcanization of rubber vith mercaptan in the presence of carbon blacks. Kauoh. irez. 20 no.13:28-32 Ag 161. (MIRAU: 8) 1. Ilauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovoy promyshlen- nosti. (Vulcanization) 8/020/61/136/004/015/026 B016/BO75 IUTHORSi Felldshtsyng L. S., Reytlinger, S. I.p and Kustainskiy, A. S. TITLEt The Problem of Crystallizing Low-molsoular Substances From Solutions Into High Polymers PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 843 - 845 TEXTo The authors attempted to find the reasons for an undesirable phenomenon, the so-called "efflorescence" (Ref..1), i.e., the formation of oversaturated solutions of.low-molsoular.substances in high-polymer solvents. The former mostly crystallize on the interface polymer - gas. The system sulfur (2g),; p~ybutadiens (100 g) (CKE-30 (SKB-30)) served as test object. By usi S (Ref.2), the relative quantity of sulfur crystallized on the polybutadiene surface was determined. Platelets, 2 am thick and 26 mm in diameter, wergCobtained by pressing a mixture of the two components for 60 min at 1 00 in a cellophane foil. Before measuring the activity by means of an end-window counter, the cellophane foil was removed from one side. Already 24 hours after removing the cellophane Card 1/3 The Problem of Crystallizing Low-solsoular 8/020/61/136/004/015/026 Substances From Solutions Into High Polymers B016/BO75 foil, a considerable increase in activity was observed (Fig.1). The authors explain this phenomenon by sulfur crystallization on the surface, since a concentration gradient had formed. The side covered by cellophane showed no increase in activity even after additional pressing. When storing the specimens wrapped in cellophane for a longer period efflorescence decreased until it completely vanished. On the strength of these data, the authors conclude that equilibrium van established due to crystallization Inside the specimen. Crystallization note in immediately after removing the cellophane foil. The time necessary for establishing equilibrium is determined by the diffusion rat* of the sulfur from inside the specimen. Then the cellophane was removed from none of the two surfaces even after 60 days equilibrium was not established. Therefrom the authors concluded that crystallization proceeds considerably slower inside the specimen than on its surface. The quick establishment of equilibrium in the case of strong oversaturation indicates that the formation of need crystal is inhibited. By admixing pulverized metallic selenium, the authors succeeded in initiating the crystallization inside the specimen. Selenium is insoluble in rubber, but since it is isomorphous with sulfur it easily forms mixed crystals with the latter. The authors Card 2/3 The Problem of Crystallizing Low-molecular 8/020/61/136/004/015/026 Substances Pros Solutions Into High Polymers B016/BO75 refer to the processes during crystal formation (Ref-4) and state that the difference between the diffusion coefficient of the dissolved substance and the self-diffusion coefficient of the polymer solvent inhibits the formation of crystallization centers inside the specimen. Plasticizers increase the mobility of polymer molecules and the probability of crystallization inside the specisen. Thus, sulfur does not effloresce in facticts (R*f.2). There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 6 referencess 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATIOlt Nauohno-inaledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti PRESENTEDt (scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) July 8, 1960, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician omw SUBMITTEDt June 30# 1960 Card 3/3 UM DOCAM111, D. A., and TAPASMA, Z. If., Kscow Institute Of Fine Chemical Technolord ivnl 13 H. V. Lamonooov C1961 pcaltion7- "Influerce of vulcanisation structures on physical and mechnnicra ropertlea of vuleatUsatca" (senrion M MIMIGMY, A. S., LYUBMIANSMA, L. I., FMILGI "El, L. S., Scientific Research Institute Ycnccv C1960 lcestlcm-J- "Influence of mechanical streance on the aCeing of vulcanised rubbers" (Session VIII) I;DVIXDV, A. S., GILT113UYA, If. G., IDYMAYEVA, T. N., GRIBACHEVA, A. V., ~LMIW, Z. U., and GALIL-OGLY, F. A., Scientific Research Institute of Rubber IndustrY, V40caw Cl-61 locations-7- "Invtotigation of amine vuleanisation of BKF-26 nuoroco-polymer" (&--scion 11) =rIMVSXIY, H. X., and BWMKXY, 0. 1., Scientific Research Institute of Tire Industry, Moscow - Bpeclal features of the mechanism of abrasion of high-elastic materials" (Session V) report to be submitted for the 4th Pubbor Technology Conference, Londono England) 22-25 may 1962. 33728 S/138/62/000/001/006/009 KA ~00 A051/A1,26 /Z .2-2// AUTHORS: Lyubehanskaya, L.I.1 Fel'dahteyn, L.S.; Kuzlmlnskiy, A.S. TITILE: Rubber aging in the strained state FERIODICALz Ka-ichuk I rez1na, no. 1, 1962# 23 - 29 TW_: The authors investigated the major law sequences in the process of chemical relaxation of tension and studied the effect of various compssition factors. The accumulation kinetics of residual deformation and changes of the equilibrium standard (proportional to the number of transverse chemical bonds), were further examined. Natural and sodium-butadiene rubber were chosen as the experimental material. An axial compression relaxometer was used to test-tbe chemical relaxation of tension. It was found that the rate of the miative drop In tension does not depend on the compression degree within the _20 to 5% defor- mation range. The tension drop is the result of the break in the bonds under tension; the accumulation of the residual deformation Is determined primarily by structurating. Acoording to the rate Increase of tension relaxaticn, the vulcantzates are arranged In the following sequence: thiuram SKV >SKS- and with respect to that of residual deformation, 3BK> NK> SKN-26> SKS-30. Structurization and destruction outputs _gre compared. Presence of aPti-radiation substances (N-phenyl-Nl- Card 112 3/844/62/000/000/098/129 Radiation ageing of D234/11307 cyclohexyl-p-phenylenediuffii;ie and N,Nt-diph~nyl-R-phenylenediamine) in the quantity of 5~,D by %~etght did not affect the chemical relaxa- tion rate but slightly affected the rate of-accumulation of resi- dual deformation and deer4abed considerably,the rate of structuri- zation. The rate of residual deformation was aecreased by anti-ra- diation substances only in the case of irradiation in air but not in vacuum. There are 4 figures and 1 table.~ ASSOCIATION: NII rezinovoy promyehlennosti (NII of the Rubber In-. dustry) Card 2/2 FZL'DSH7EYNj L.Ye,,, inzh.j MAGID, B.M., inah. Self-propelled cranes assemble technical equipment, Mekh, stroi.' 19 no.10:10-12 o 162. (MIRA 15;*) (Cranes, derricks, sta.) TEWHIS, L. prof.; JTL'DSHT3rM._ dotsent, 16LRTITAMOV, 9., doteent Losses in the weight of liventock and meat. Mias.ind.SSSR 31 no.2:37-38 160. (MIU 13:8) 1. Moskovskly tekhnologichookiy institut wyasnoy i molocbnoy proqrshleanosti. (Cattle--Transportation) MIDSHTEIN, M, 'Thousand details.8 Sov. torg. 36 no.3,47-52 Mr 163. (mim,'160j 1. -Naohallnik otde~a organizataii torgavli Mookovskoy torgovoy organ12at8ii po optavoy i r,02nichnoy torlovle tavetami i rassadoy. (Hardware stores USSR/General Biology Individual Development B-4 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.., No 31 1958., No 9522 Author : KaplAm.4 L.E..9 Felldshteynj M.A.__.- Inst :Not Given Title :Effect of Parenteral Protein Introduction on Healing of Wounds Orig Pub :Dokl. VASKhNIL,, 1956.,Iuo 9., 14-2o Abstract A study was conducted on the effect of N.G. Belenlky medicinal serum (MS) on the healing of aldn-muscular wounds. Wounds of aa area 25 cm2 were localized within the region of 9-11th ribs of 48 rabbits. The wounds fully healed on the 35-40th day in animals to vhor. were administered MS intravenouslY 3 times (1-5 days after being wounded) in doses of 5 ml/kg. When the MS dose was decreased to 0.5 ml/k9 the healing oc- cured on the 50-60th day. The healing of wounds in animals to whom 3 intravenous blood transfusions of isogenous blood in doses of 5 ml/kg were also administered occurred in 55-60 Card 1/2 USSR/General Biology - Individual Development B-4 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 31 1958., No 9522 days. Control animals died in 75% of the cases. Microbio- logical examination of wound exudations has shatin that the microflom of the group under experimentation were less virulent than those of the control. Histologically it was found that in the group uader experimentation granulated tissues aged earlier by comparison with the control. Aside from rabbits, the action of Mg was verified on 8 horsea. The wdmals were wounded in the region of the 10-12 ribs on an area of 81 CM2. MS van administered to animals under exper- imentation 1-5 days after having been wounded, in doses of 5 ml/kg weight. The differences in wound healing were ob- served in the second phase of the regenerative process (at the 16-18th day). Complete healing of wounds in animals under experimentation was noted after 70-76 days; in the control after 95 days. Viscosity index and speed of blood coagulation in animals under experiment were restored to normal on the 5-10th day, in the control on the 20-30th day. The author recommends administration of MS for treatment of wound defects in animals. Card 2/2 I%LIDSBTBn, M.A., dotsent A device for measuring wounds. Xhirurgiia 32 no-7:84-86 JI 156. OCLU 9:11) 1. Ix kafedry khirurgil veterinarnogo fakullteta Moskovskogo tekhnologlobeskogo instituta miasnoy I molochnoy promynblennosti (WW= AND MMIAS wound measurawnt device) (APPARAWO AND -MTX=NfS mane) Ry GASANOVp Hole; FELlDMjg4O-*A. going biological film in treaA' " Dokl. AN Aserb. SSR 19 no.1s 5.5-58 163. (MIRA 1614) lo Kirovabadmkiy "llskokhospq tvanW inotitut,, Predstavlent Wtadwdkon AN AMSqH YeAalblikoTM (BUB& 'AND SUM) (TWSPLOTATION Of OWANS.. TISSUES, EM) TIKHONIN, I.Ya.: 12L'DSlffBTN M.A,; KAJIT'TANOV, S.R.; 23LOWOV, I.S,.: R mm I im' . --v S -.-* Injuries In cattle raised for meat. lzv.vys.ucheb zav.,-pishoh. tokh. no.5-.79-83 158. iNIBA 11:3~) 1. Nookovskiy tokhnologicheakiy institut w7annoy I molochnoy prom,yahlennosti, kafedra. khirur i I akusherstva. I, , T I 7.1. A., nrl 111%,ans for Ophoniing -.alves anA cattle." Veterinarlym, Vol. 36 No. 5 1961 Fe.MFhteyn, 111. A. 4snistant Proiezsor A*oscow Technolo,ft,ical Institute of 1-Teat and M'ilk IMust:7 W I USSU / Diseases of Farm Animals. General Problems. R Abe Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol., 116 22., 1958., No 101313 Author :Felldshteyn, M. A. Inst :Moscuw Technological Institute of Neat and Dairy Industry. Title :Using Regulated Enercisca for Some Open Traumas in Cdttle. O-rig Pub :Tr. Mosh. tekhnol. in-t myasn. i molochn. prom-sti, 1958, vyP 7, 83-37. Abstract :When animals (bull calves, heifers, and cows), after impact wounds were in2licted upon them within the areas of their triceps, brachii, and biceps femori, were subjected to ac- tive exercises beginning with the 3rd day of the test, 'Cheir general state of vell-being improved. Also, granulation development was terminated and wounds healed 2-4 days ear- lier than in animals kept at rest. An apparatus is sug&es- ted to be used for active regulation ol exercises in aa-11 s-i_ J horned cattle. I. I. Magda. L Card 1/1 GASANOV, M.I,; FELIDSHTErN, M.A.; MARTIYANOV, S.N. First aid and prevention of dewelaw diseases in farm Ani-Is on ani-l farms. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no-3:71-73 163, (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut vaterinarii AN AzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR F.A. Melikovym. p- T~ TIKHONIN, I.Ta,, prof.; MoAps dotoant; ~VMITAIJO, S.N., doteent; ZILIMAMV, I-S,, voter nar ch; ROMAIMINA, V.P., vatarinarDY7 vr&ch; 11oasee 1nthe'meat indu*strv from hidden injuries in cattle. Voterinariia 36 no.9:49-51 S 159- (min 12:12) 1.Moskovskiy takhnologichookiy institut myasno7 i molochnoy prom7ohlonnosti. (Meat induntr7 and trade) GORBACH.'Y.L.1 MIDSMTV#~ MaNst insh., red.1 MOROZOVAO P.B.# isdored,; d, (Kinematics of working parts of grinding and polishing uachines for optical parts] Kineuatika rabochikh organov optichaskikh shlifoyalino-polirovalinykh stankov. Noskya, Goa. Isd-vo obor. promyshl., 1958, 107 P. i (MIRA 12:2) (fthinery, Kinematics of) (Grinding and polishing) (Lenses) YELIDSHINYN.-M.- 14. paqw-11- 3824. Viktorov, S. V. t Yelldshtsyn, M. H. OrganizatAys torgovlI v slaonakh. (iz opyta mook. goo. univers. maguina glavunivernign a.) Gostorgizdat, 1954, 11, sloxh. v 8o., a Ill 21 sm. 20.000 ekz. 30 k Avt. ukazarW v kontse teksta (55-1071) 638.871 (47.311) SO:: Knizhnaya, latopint Vol. 1, 1935 t WHIT M N ,M .sr-1 I 4766. Fu,DsHTEYNp m. m. Novogodnyaya torgovIya elochnymi igrushkami i ukrashaniyami. pod red. n. a. kirsanova. m.p do8torgisdat, 1954. 23a. vklyuch. obl. 22m. 209000 eks. lr. -- ayt. ukasW v kontse taksta. -- (55-56)P. 658.8:688.72 30; Latopis' Zhrunall nykh Statey, Volt 79 1949 F!-,L'DS!iTF'V, !'. V. 5826. Zaochr-pfo korifPrentnIl pnbipiteloy. (F.) riontorIvi,!"i-It, 1954. il, v 8s. 22nn. ~0.00n dl-z. 251,.-kvt. uknzany v kontse ~,56.871 (47-37) SO: Kri--.,nnava, Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 ~3" . : Y:j hiz,jr *,, V Ur. a zany v nt s e t!ks IW~ ) 65?k - r-' 7 1 Ar S SIC ; Knizi.n3ya , Leto.-)Ic; Vol I , 1955 Crj~anl L~-.t a iys ;)roda4U t!jv a rov h,~z ponosh,.1.1 -rc-Jeo.~;,! . (V. J I 0zh. v !", a. S 21vm. .00") oc"'- A! uk~'." v 0:-"'Se t'2kFta. SC: Knizhnaya, Leto-ds, Vol. 0 0 0 a a a i-4 6 * 0 a w w . - 0 1 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 4_900 0 *_O_S_* 0 * V-0 _41_9 0 C -0 - ! 1. 6 L 2 ' ' a so it 0 M a '4' 'a l V" fl 0 T 1 a V a is 0 o a 4-48-4to o0 - , -_ _ 1 .A_AA I A a a t-,"Otas Vult"Indoo of s"um butaill a rabbet and the ac- 9108 ad Mers. H. A. Ikocadkin MI M. N. VC1,461itcla. 0Wat4AftC and ROMOV (IJ. S. 4. R.1 1939, M9712.71249. ' -A tabular and traphiral comparimon Is made of the **YW- " i bb ( N s of caniiation cne ra ee conts. thavact"istici a o bulail various proportions of C black, chalk, kaolin and active lk bd b i b ithi h id d tt d of a si w om an er rate n t e temp. a e * ar ng , i l 70-20W U l L t f filk d 09 a n rva o . n cause arge perrea " o .00 b0ited ewediagal the unvulcanited rubber. 7Wareaction 00 w,%% arnetal and was too( limited to active filters. It is thought that the limited #*vllin4 is Jur litimatily lo the -00 mitwtuiv of the, systrin. The cul4vt comptiort thr b- 4100 00 13 continuous disperse phax- atid the fitirr lornit the run- iinuous ph-aw produdas a singular art-like structure with the rubber sealed inside the cells. Heating o( the mint. 00 j reduced the proportions of filim necessary to product i 00 U limited swelling and also caused limited swril v( th ruttwi ltwlf. liut in the latter case kmvr prikx2heAtinte too Of were Pirecoury. fleating at 13)- 140* tmxluerd the (al. see lowing changes whicit stv characteristic of vulcattitation: limited swelling, det-trased soly. and uftlrr toughness. c Th d i l b l l h ( d i 5 c-4u con w t e syri irt i er m us. were vu re out , too W. Unkler id"I" comblious by twalifis at IVO-2 .1milied shert mi%ts. could not he vulcanized. It to be. 8141O g lityrd that the "vulcanization" proceeds as a result of the no* J 11) interaction betwecu the rubber and the ozygen ad. wxbrd an the rubber and the fillen, and (2) thermal con- woo derivation of the rubber hydrocisibon. D. Z_ KAmirb A ago woo woo 'D U a -Ii l; i i i A I a be 0 0 a I w a a a 41 3 1 1 so 0 *10 0 0 see*** go '1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000009 0 *10 0 0 000000 so : : "Investigation of the Action of Molecular C~rypgan In the Procese of Vulcanizatinn of Natural and Sodium-Butadlene Itubber." TaesiR for degree of Cand. Chemical Scl. Sub. 28 Noy 49, Moscow Inst of Fine Chemical Technolop_v Iment M.V. Lomonomov. Summary 82, 18 Dec 52, Diesertations Presented For Deprens In Science and Upinepring In Moscow In 1249 From Vacharnyaya Moskva, Jan-Dec 1949. fq T_ f 4 In A _ ' "N an unov Lamonos . v P, u n o ov Fine ns 7r,,!Mry 71113 oll , ~ 3. 293up 34, 43018; Khimiya i . c Asiks KauckuU 1947(C-4. 43, 5mb).-In the complex e the formation of vulcanized rubber th t i f f 41 . a s orm compr o 1 the principal ones are those existing as true chern. bond . . - 1 L formed through the agency of the vulcanizing aqents. along h d i ti d b - enomena in uce za 'bit true polymer on p with poad y free radical fornistion and resulting In C-C bond formatioit between the rubber chains. Wheo a rubber mist. is- bested to 143* with either bentothistolyl dkulfide (1) or "%L-& OAS VY r beazothistolesulfcoodlethyLamide (11). vulcanization takes risce; the effect Is least pronounced with natural rubber; vulcanites most effectively Na-butaditne rubber (111), 13 is most effective with butaditne-ityrene rubber. The rate of the reaction of such a mixt. of III conts. lampblack Is much greater than the rate with S. Since no free S Is evolved. the reaction must proceed by radical formation. which Is confirmed by the detd. content of chemically- bound S and N In the float product. With H. approy. 45% of the N enters the rubber structure. Carefully purified 11 was heated in N In scaled vesuli In toluene In thr b, d With SIA In the disulAde bridge. ' I' took place. The radioactivity of On- ~ _ i_1 p rY c!c !F corresponded to the expected ar ,u dt , 1t, t 1 level If the reaction 6 assumed to proceed by formatiou of which then free radicals of F.H.SC(S-) atlack lib, ~h.i. Y uns&tA. points In the rubber chain, causing a p~ mertiation effect. Ifercaptobenzothiazole, the expected by-product, was detected. G. M. Kciolapoff Cli WIIIL,21 U;~ UWI~t-c. ,L TE"? N LL DOOADMIN, V. sumicavi" 64140V COU41ift J, it, 1WRIO. tn&4 wandAU0,1, vlo6oflitalcm-ot ruh. bar by dibontsNamIki disaphitte (Othout Oull,hur) Is & mdical-type reaction. ginotfL- curvem woo obtained for Lila ConVenion of di- , julphildo Into PiO tho nddition to the rubber molectifes. Ctuwges in nwftLu1nr weight woo fullumvi cluring vubw-Li4ation. &I rublcr golutio" vulcludsation trabled 11W molaular Weight. vukanisatas were found tis coutaki trallm. vorso C.C. ban& between the rmlik-ular chai(o of tubber and the prewivee o( in 038 vwCanifiata etructum IVAA 111N,ve'l. Tho 61 the yulcanimtjon of rublxr by oulphur in tLe remmo of ditmizt1siamlyl disillphide wa-[ tittlibelf. p Subject USSR/Chemistry AID P - 3427 Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 12/18 Authors : Dogadkin, B., M. Felldshteyn, and D. Pevzner Title ; Vulcanization of butadiene-styrene rubber in the presence of sulfenamide accelerators Periodical : Zhur, prikl. khim., 28, 5, 533-542, 1955 Abstract : Experiments with benzothiazolesulphenodiethylamide showed that this accelerator exerts a higher vulcan- izing action than sulfur. The effect of benzothiazolesulphenamide and of sulfur mixtures is discussed. Eleven diagrams, 5, references, 2 Russian (1947-1953). Institution : Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry. Submitted : Ag 10, 1953 --peU, M_ x, - - - - - - - - - - AUTHORS% Dogadicin, B. it: Fe!2dshteyn- ZytirlLun, Pevzner, D. bl. TITIZ,, Action of Some HateTocy.-.1jo Disulphidas a3 lul3anisation ACents, and ko2eleratcra (0 dqyst7li nellcotjry'~'a get-erots- iklicheakikh disul'fido-r, kak arentov 4A. us-voriteley vulkanizatsil) PERIODICAl: Kauchuk I Rezina, 1956, Nr 9, p1) 7 (V63R) ABSTRACT:- Experiments were carried out on the a-,~;'Ulion of heterc- cyclin disulphides containinC, In the molecule >N-3-S_N< bonds, espeoially N,W-dithlodimorpholine (D'111). ThI3 compciind was obtained by reactinz~ morpholin with sulphur dichloride in a dichlorethane solution at C - 400 in the presenoe of alkali. Pare DTM vras obtained after distil- lation and subsequent orystallisation. A peroentage analysis of the product Is given. The viAlcan1sation a3tivity of DTM was investigated in I-vtadlana-stvrene rubber SKS-30A, w It h or without the add I Von of fillers, but which did not contain S. 7.4p of DTLIJ ais added to the rubber. The vul-canisation kinatios of a mixture containinE sulphur was defined at the same tIme. Data on the kinatIcs of sulphur addltion to the Card 1/3 rubber at a vulcanisation temperature of 14'5C.) is Z-1-ion --7- - -7- SOV/138--58-9-3~11 Action of Some Heterooyclic Disulphides as Vulcanisation ACe.-,ts and Accelerators ~n a graph (Pi-.1). FIC-2: kineti,:-..3 of -,han ;w4 xes In the rate of swelling of mixtures containing N.IP-11thiodi- morpholine (1) DT14. N,11"-dithiodipiper'-din's (2) DTIP an.-I sulphur (3). When suiphur is used as vulcanisation aZent for 120 minutes, no nomal vulcanigates are formed. Mien DTM Is used as vulcanlsin~: af,ent "Ood resiilts are obt,.Ined after 45 minutes (Fiz.3). The efufect of D'I"'; on mixturo!; containin,rr sulphur is graphically shown in Fi,r,.4A. vulcanisli-C aotivity oJ' DM1 increasea sharply wher, amall- quantli-A.!is of mercapt-oben-lothiazole 'LjBT or c4.' sulpho.n- amId6 B'D are added. Vul.~;anlsatlon systems containina DTM and dibenzothiazole disulphide (DBTD). buc without sulpleAr '. can be vul3anised in 40 - 50 minit'Les at 13310; these optimum conditions are the same as for vulcartinates prepared b7 usiTC sulphonatude and Gonsiderable quarl:i- ties of sulphur 251,S.3: Var!:.iuiunt,4 ii, U10 pla-z- Licity (accordi% te A~.Icionev) in mixtures conta-Inine, DTv and sulphonamide BT. Values on swellirZ, in xvlene anf! sclubility in chloro-form, after heatir~; for ELI -'rinutes Card 2/3 at 100, 110, lio ard"-,-xOOC'a're giver, Mable 1). T 11, 01 xetion of Some Heteroc7u'lirj DISulphides as Ifulcanisation ACents and Accelerators addition of DTYI influenc-n the resljL-ance of the vuloani- aatcs (7Tr1na repeated deformationa These ex- periments show conclusively th:_-,'~- D711 C;c;n3iderably the properties of the vulcanloates., The kinetios of the addition of 8 and N, when usii~_- iY2L' and DTP are dia- cusse(l and shown In -'-" graphs (FiCs. "I and S1. There are 8 Figures.. 1 Table and 8 Referencest 2 ErZlish, 5 Savif.,t and 1 German. nosti (Scientific- Rersearch Institute of the Tyre lindustry) Card 3/ 3 7e 69-20-3-5/24 AUTHORS: Fel'dshLgX.n_,_ M.a.,j Eytingon, I.I.; Pevzner, D-IM.; Dogadkin, B.A. TITLE: The Vulcanization Action of Some Heterocyclic Disulfides (Vulkanizuyushcheye deystviye nekotorykh geterotaiklicheskikh disullfidov) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 19513, vol,XX, Nr 3, pp 288-292 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The organic di- and polysulfides are very important for the intensification of technological processes, because they act at the same time as accelerator and as independent vulcaniza- tion agents. In the article, heterocyclic disulfides which contain in the molecule 'N-S-S-N," bonds are investigated. To these compounda belongs N,NI-dithiodimorpholine. Rubber vulcanized by this substance is resistant to the formation of cracks at frequent deformations with an increase of the corresponding index from 117.5 to 225 cycles, and is also re- aistant to aging due to the presence of resistant vulcaniza- tion bonds. The vulcanization by N,Ni-dithiodimorpholine is accompanied by th6 joining of sulfur and nitrogen. The content of the bound,sulfurconsiderably surpasses the con- Card 1/2 tent of bound nitrogen. The vulcanizing action of the sub- 610-20-3-5/24 The Vulcanization Action of Some Heterocyclic Disulfides stance is regarded as a consequence of the asymmetrical de- composition of the compound into free radicals. There are 5 graphs and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti, Moskva (Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry, Moscow) SUBMITTED: January 23, 1958 Card 2/2 1. Diovlfides-laterecyc3-io.Y~icanization DOGADKIN, B.A.; FILIDSHWN, H.S.; BILTATIVA, M.N. *fact of Anuble systems of vulcanizatIon accelerators. Tysokon soed. I no.2:254-P64 1 '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut nhinnoy prooyahlonnosti. Moskva. (Vuleanisation) DDGADKIN, B.A.1 IMLTATSKATA. 0.H.1 DOBROMYSIOVA, A.Y.jQnLfDSHTZYN, M.S. Vulcanization of rubber In the presence of N,F-diethyl-2-benzothiazy1sul- fenamide as accelerator. Tysokom. soed. I no.6:878-888 Jo '59. (MIRA 12110) 1.Moskovskly institut, tonkoy khimichaskoy tekhnologii im. lomonosovao (Vulcanization) N 15(g) soY163-4-1-4132 AUTHORS: Felldshteyn, M.S., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Orlovskiy, -P.N. -Ua-n-TrFa-t-e__o_? Technical sciences TITLEt Yodern Chemical Materials for the Rubber Industry (Sovremennyye khimichaskiye materialy d1ya rezinovoy promyshlennosti) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya. nauka i promyshlennost', 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 26-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Sulfur is the universal vulcanization accelerator. For poly- chloroprene and carboxylate rub~',ers metal oxides are employed as accelerators, Amonj; organic compounds the thiazoles are ex- tensively applied in vulcanization. Yercaptobenzothiazole de- rivatives are used as accelerators for butadiene-styrene rubbers. Organic di- and polysulfides are vulcanization agents and accelerators at the same time. For butyl-rubber the special agent and accelerator of vulcanization n-quinonedioxime has been developed. Retarders pievent the premature vulcanization. The most important of them is phthalic anhydride. The age re- sistors belong to the primary and secondary aromatic amines, the aromatic diamines, the condensation products of aromatic Card 1/3 amines with aldehydes, and the phenols. Phenyl-P -naphthyl-