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YzJxIXL, Wladyalaw (Krakow) .1"M Ina- Artificial Infections of people with typhus In concentration camps. Przagl.lak., Krakow 11 no.4:97-103 155- (TYFffSJ experimental prisoners of concentration camps) kPT ._UGA 4 7 i~ A vwfl Sect 17 Val, :V5 Pub!-ic Heaith Vay 1427. FEJKIEL W. Krak6w. *Rola Arodowiska etnicznego w durze WyEypkowym. -------- 7o ethnic factors have influence on the clinical course of typhus fever? PRZEGL. LEK. 1956,12/4 (97-98) Tables I As a prisoner, charged with medical service, In the camp of Odwiqcim, the author had an opportunity to study 2 typhus epidemics between 1941 and 1944. lie noticed that prisoners from Western Europe, interned without discrimination as to nation- ality and race, showed a far more severe course of the disease and a higher letha- lity than those from Eastern Europe. An explanation may be derived from the following observation. Many W. European Jews showed a most serious type of the disease, others only very mild infections. The first group proved to descend from ancestors who had been living for many generations in W. Europe. In the group of the mild cases only one or 2 generations had passed since their families emigrated from Eastern to Western Europe. Typhus fever is still endemic in E. European countries, but has disappeared from W. Europe since the end of the 18th century. The author takes it that people from Eastern Europe as well as de- scendents of recent Immigrants to the West possessed a certain degree of re- sistance inherited from their ancestors who had been living in close connection with the disease. Neither nationality nor race have anything to do with this re- sistance. Kostrzewski - Cracow (XVII,20) 2769. FE;JKlEL W. 1. Klin. Chorwewn. A. Al. Krakdw. 'Los cnorych na etie przcprowadzonej ankiety. P r o g n o s I s a f d I a - cu rzycv w wT betics In tile light of organized questionnaires POL. ARCII.NIED.WEWNET. 1956, 26/7 (1129-1138) Tables 3 The Ist Internal Diseases Clinic of the Medical Academy in Cracow made a follow- up of diabetic patients who had been treated In the Clinic from 1945 to 1953. They contacted these patients by quest ionna ire s, In which tile patients were asked to answer a number of questions which would illustrate their real health condition. The total number of patients who had been treated at that time in the Clinic was 167. As some of them were still In tile Clinic, the questionnaires were sent to 156 patients. 116 replies were received. From the replies in the questionnaires and from tile Case histories of the patients the following conclusions may be drawn: (1) The greatest Incidence In diabetes appears between 40th and 60th year of age. (2) Out of the total number of patients 46 died. i.e. 27.6% of all patients treated at the Clinic. (3) The most frequent cause of death was lesions in the circulatory system (4316), the next in order diabetic coma (39016). Most frequently (in 33176 of the cases with fatal outcome) death occurred 5-10 yr. after the ap- pearance of diabetes. (4) Such a big percentage of cases with fatal outcome in general, and especially among patients with diabetic coma. is a consequence, among others, or faulty treatment - low-cilrbohydrate, high-fat and -protein diet. It follows from tile patients' replies that their condition %as best on a diet which consists of a small amount of fat, and - on the other hand - of a suitable amount of carbohydrates (200- 350 g.). (5) Among the complications or diseases accompanying diabetes the most frequent were cardiovascular lesions (43%): then followed lesions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue (22016); lesions in the nervous system (1916); comparatively rare were lesions in the lungs. especially active tb 0%). and lesions of bile duct and liver. (6) Among the diabetic patients 32% were capable of work, and 24% invalids. At the end of the report the conclusions are presented with a view to improving the conditions In that section of health ser- vice. Uto of patients with diabetes mellitus according to a survery. Polskie arch. mod. wowu. 26 no.7:1129-1138 1956. 1. 2 1 KlIniki Chorob Wown, A,X, w Krakowis Kisrownik: prof. dr. med.L. Tocbowics, Krakow, I Klinika Cborob Vown. A.m., u1. Topernika 17. (DIABMS XMITM, progn., statist. survey (Pol)) FWKIEL, Vladyslaw The,q6-called noigative demcgrap~y or Clauberg's experiment* Polilh tygod. lek. 12 no-8:305-~)08 18 Fab 57., 1. Adres: Krakow, ul. Sobleeklego 4. (PRISOMS, sexual sterilization corrosive substances camps (Poi)) (SMILIZATION, SIXUAL, intra~uterins admin. German concentration by Intra-uterine admin. of in German concentration of corrosive substances in camps (Pol)) FFJKIM, Wladyslaw., Complications and causes of death in diabetes mellitus. tygod. Isk. 12 no.24:933-937 10 June 57. 1. Z Zakladu Anatoaft Patologicznej A.M. w Krakowis; kierownik: prof. dr. Janina Ko.walcvykowa I s I Klialki Chorob Vownstrsrqch A.M.; klarovalk: pro ' dr. Leon Tochowics, Adres: Krakow, u1. Kopernilm 17. 1 KIInL- Chorob Wownstrsnych A.M. (DIABITIS MILLITUS, complications compl. & causes of death (Pole) 6-V61-13 'I(` 1rterwil 1-f-d. :'ow r" 4181. TYPHUS EXANTHEMATICUS IN THE O�Wl~CIM CONCENTRATION CAMP, FROM 1941 TO 1944 - Dur wyoupkowy w obozie koncentracyjnym w Ofiwifctmlu w latach 1941 -'44 - F ej k i e I W. Oddz. Zadainego Szpit. dla Wtqtnidw Obozu Koncentracyjn7e-g-o-,-OTw-TT-cl-m - ROZPR.WYI)Z.NAUK. MED. POL. AKAD. NAUK. 1958, 3/3 (5-50) Graphs 4 The author observed 3,752 patients during his stay in the SS-concentration camp at Ohwipcim. The paper relates the general epidemiological pattern of 2 epidemics in 1941 and 1942, with their characteristic and peculiar signs. route of infection (especially by the respiratory tract). the role of scabies as favouring factor of the infection. the problem of a 2nd attack of the disease. such protecting factors as famine. race. sex. age and.fLnally. the influence of other infections upon the course of typhus. and the kinds of complications known. A special chapte r concerns the artificial infection evoked by Rickettsia prowazeki among the prisoners at I Oiwircim by the SS-physicians Entress and Vetter. The purpose of those experi- ments was to ascertain the period of the disease In which the blood of the patient would be most contagious (Dr. Entress), and to define how long danger of infection would exist after the temperature had again returned to normal (Dr. Vetter). In this paper are also described the considerations allowing an early and precise dia- gnosis, the causes of an atypical course of the disease and the influence of vac- cination upon the clinical picture of the disease and the heart muscle damage. which up to now has been insufficiently appreciated. Discussing the matter of pro- gnosis, the auther gathers together the factors helping to predict termination of the disease. including the epidemic genus of the infection, environmental canditLonit, nutritional components. body structure, age and sex, the value or vaccines, the Important role of circulation, the type of eruption, and complications of the dim - ease. The author relates the helplessness of the medical staff in treating prisoners under concentration -camp condillong and the trials of experimental treatment by fellow -prisoners with various non-specific drugs, aimed at obtaining the best results. The author's opinion is that vaccination under the reported camp conditions at Ogwifcim did not protect the prisoners against the infection, but had a great softening influence on the course of the disease. According to the author. this was particularly true of the vaccine prepared by Welgl's method. (XVII, 8) IPOLAND MACH, Bronislaw; STRZELECY-kp Barbara and CA,nAX, Jerzy; Clinic of infectious Diseasies (K1.0Ln1ka Cborob Zalra"n'VOW o A141 jilademia Imadvom V __ Medical schooV in xra- kow, Director: Yrof Dr Iled W. FWRIM "Tracheotomy in Severe Cases of Tetanus" Warsaw, Folekl Tvio&Wk Lokarski, Vol XVITI, No 7, 11 Peb 15&3s PD 2411-244 Abs-traottlAuthors-1 Erwlislh summary Modirled7 The raeults of troatwei~t of patients with tetanus achieved In the Clinic of Infectious Diseases in 1960 and 1,061 are reported. Among 62 patients 47 recovered# 15 died. Traobeotomy was performed In the 12 most severe cases. In all patients signs usua117 prediating exitus appeared. 7 were saved. Tracheotomy perAfor- med early, proper doses of chlorpromasine and thiopental in- fu&icn and goNd "tGtant-18 MIrgin" are ihe best way of InE covere canon of tgtatua. 3 tablea; 15 references, half of them Weatern. Ml A FEJKIEL; , ................ lavl;~ MOH, Brordelaw Clinical obserfttions on mushrom poiooning. Pbl. tygoleke 18 no./+5tl689-1691 4 1163. 1,2 Miniki Chorob takannych AM v Krakowle. Kierownikiprofe dr. Wladyslaw Fejkial. -*0 - - - -- - - --, I:.- 11-1-M,-, -T ~- .7- 1-; ~- ., , ".- . ` ~ .1 - . . I I., I . . I I - . I I I 'T - ! :1 1 11, W,JLr,,K, M.: -i=mp. TECWOLOar PERIODICALS: PR(WSLA POTRAVIN Vol. 9, no 12., Dec. 1958 KRALOVA., E.s FEJKEKS M. Mites in food and their control. p. 654 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EZAI) LC Vol. B. no. 5 May 1959, Unclase. ACCESSION NR: AP4039355 P/0047/64/015/00210117/0131 AUMORs Fejnborg, E. Lo TITLE: "Special role" of electromagnetic potentials in quantum mechanics SOUME: Postepy fizy1d 1, v. 15, no. 2 & 1964, 3.17-131 TOPIC TAGS: quantum mechanics, electrompetio field potential. nonrelativistia quantum mechanics, wave funotidn, solenoid field, electron wave, vector potential, scalar potential, quantum elsotrodynamics ABSTRACT: The author discusses tbrao physical examples which show the effect qf a potential, constant In space and time, on a charged particle in non- .plativistic: quantum moohanics. In all the cases, the basis of the treatment is the classical enor=r of interaction bet~men a particle wid a source. The energy is different from zero, even though the fie3A intensity at the location of the particle is zero (load at points where the -electrical potential is constant; electrical current surrou~ a solenoid, etc.). It has been accumulated In the process of sottlM up the experimento In the Qrd 113 ACCESSION NRs AP4039333 quantum case. the special features of the particle's behavior under the influ- once of such a potentitil are manifested only becaube the energy of the particle is directly related to the frequency of the wave function, and if - the change in the frequency of different parts of the wave packet varies. intere- ference may arise. No now "nonlocal" properties of the electromagnetic potential itself appear,whioh would be absent in classical electrodyna; -dos, The only feature which can be interpreted as an indication of now "nonlooalitym is a smearing-out of the wave function of the particle. loading to a calculation of the effect of the external field in which the electron itself is considered to be smeared out and located at all points of space simaltaneously, the probabilLtr density being proportional to the square of the absolute value of the wave function. This is duo, however, to the fwAamontal indetermimay' of the position of the electron, and has no direct bearing on the properties of the electromagnetic potential. Orig. art. hast 5 figures and 24 formlaa ASSOCIA,pTrw: Instytut imeni Lobiediewa AN ZSRR (Lobodev Institut AN SS'JR) Card 213 . ACCESSION NR: Ap4o39355 SUEMITTEDs 00 SUB CODE i G? DATE Acq: =un64 NO REF SM 002 41 j; ENCLt. 00 OTRERs 014 i i 4 -. Card 3/3 FEJSZRS' 11 NEWH 3. Magyar Textiltechnika - Ao. 3, Mar. 1955. Trend in the value of waste material from cutting articles of clothing. p. U4. SO: Monthly list of East European AccesBions. (EEAL). LC. Vol, 4, No. 9, Sept. 1935 Uncl, V Z- --- L,:- ,I . FFJ3ZES, I. - Use of nylon fabrics In the clothing Industrv. P. 311. No. 8, AW-Unt, 1956 MAGYAR TEiTILTIECHNIKA. (Textilipari Yuszaki es Tudor,.-inyos Er-resulet) Budapest. SOURCE; East Eurppean Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4.--April 1957 - I- . . i -. TTWR I i 4 . .. 7_ J~ pru(,Iysl, no. 10, u.-idnophore, light characteristic, nt article doscrIb4as a devi, a 1 L 0 tni t7 Jul, j -0:) AP4047667 9() T~ and rf.dioactivs Sr 3 e r 13 ZZ-iJia TECIDIOLOGY PERIODICAL: EPULSTGEPESZET. Vol. h, no~ 6, 1955 Fek., M. Problems of installing industrial prefabricated parts for apartment houses; also, remarks by A Macskassy and others. p. 72. Monthly list of Flatt European Accessions (ZERAI) W, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1559., Unclass. FUI Mikes, Structures and domestic engineering Installations. Epuletgepeazet 9 no, 5:169-174 160. 1. "Epuletgapeezat' szorkeszto bizottaagi tagja. Workingmen's hotel on Coalogany Street. Epulstgepeszet nosO150-152 8 162, Ii "Spulstgepeazat" asorkeexto bixotteagi tagja. FEK,, 4ikisa; SUJAN, Belal DOMOTCR, Zoltan; BRINNER,, Robert Hungarian experiments with bathrooms oonstructed on-the basin of space elementivo Epulotgopesset 12 no.1/2ta-29 Mr 163. 1. Spuletgepeazet",ozerkesAo bizottsagi tagja (for Fek)o FSKs Miksa. ,MO=-w--m=MMMM- Remark about Arpad Hogyils article xVentilation of dwelling- houm kitche *P Spulotgepoeset 12 no*3/4981 Je 163. 1. "SpulstgeyeezatO szorkmesto bisottsagi tagJa, x .1 - ---- -- -- HUNWI L., ANGYAR A. and FEKECS B. ftsiol. Inst., mod. Univ., Picso *Motorische Chronaxisinderungen im R~ckenmarkschock. Motor chronaxie changes In spinal shock ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1954, 5/suppl. (84-85) EXCERPTA HEDICA - Section II, Vol. 7, No. 10 - - . i2 , ~M'L~T WIRTH, Ferenc, dr.; FEKEGS, Be2a, dr. Data on the internal treatment of acute pancreatitis. Orv. hetil. 106 no.45t2l27-2130 7 N 165. 1, Somogy megyei Tanaco Kaposvarl Korhaza, I, Belgyogyaszati 00staly. -- F4-MGa#, I . Determination of the stability gurvea of swimming bodies on the ground of plane Bootioze Intersected on the longitudinal sy=etry plane* Jarmu, mazo gep 8 no.1:32-36 Ja 161. 1e Danal, Hajogyar fokonstruktoroo FEUM . Dabor -The first Hu,ngarian-madej. completely welded aluminum barge* Jarmu mezo gep 9 no-5:179-183 MY 162- 1. Fokonstruktor, Dunal Hajogyar. 60/000/o,,6/0111/002 P/021/ 0A pao0l() Cy Fetec Bov!~~~ or Ilie,,t1--401tage porcelain ,,y Tes"s 6 0 PP 231 ,,,,pO,it10T% an& 7ecMO zn'Y1 1960, No' la-ing, poro",- improienront of insu ,be Z8X- seot.jon) Of ,I 96d F-leIttrOtacbnle ision Of prZer for 'VO-1 t E%r6e b Div of tests Besearc pBRIODICAL% scription V,VjeC orCel&'n , (14st,r1al to find a P pN 56/F- A. 'brief de SX-jad \4001tic otechnilt . was ard - A-Le 7. 4. Elle'Ktr The Purp", polish stand rne inflIvrre TEZ for d In t Lnstitu'u given. quired In T 2 lain per me WStWa I titute) is tan re -ablA I - - showl, in r listed in bussed anCL ' Y- ),,d jAateVialO7'na I I P.Ope ties Ise .2 fr. 'line- t, hnica is d arest anCL ~ tro 4o685 (1951 ties Gilc e Of the 11anic !lc-~ ter Mee tsndsrd DIN its proper IC Av% e osition Oft d C).y 13. J - The infjuel di5- bodY v"th , In German, comp 4) introduce ctivell, -Ile 5trengtll 15 bod' re spe 'Len enical Properties 46301 a' lain- I an r 13)- its &n un- f t.. porce -les (Figs. (Be . body on . 3). 14ech oduced in 0 tri-ans ViedMsnn r-elain 2 anCL - b.In6 Pr f jVres, relation 1) and bY the po 13 -a (vigs. r e are felter (Bef- aule a in P bodies, wb'ch a 'Tbere CLUV6rtZ Sr cropylotogra 5 and Table size s1lown in 2 ma reels"n of '~ d No. 5 Po FiVre .us",ed ~o. 32 are Siven of 11o ' 31~ Y lIsn P1 s9ecifie , O'j.81 (;ard 1/2 P/021/60/000/OC6/N)1/002 Alf-15/026 Composition and Technology Tests of.High-Voltage Porcelain Y 2 tables and 18 referencess 1 US, 4 Polish and 13 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut Elektrotechniki (Electratechnlcal Institute) Card 2/2 Fwcz) 'Tarzy'v ma ins, The 6th Somina i Ceramic Inmaatore for High Volt4ge; Warsaw, Institute of 3200trio Engineering,, June 5-6,, 1962e Przegl eloktr6tooh 38 nolOs441-4.42 0 i62. KHLNGAN) Me (Hangant Me],. prof*,, doktor tekhn.nau4-UjXOARUL 1.[Facaoaru, I.), inzh., kand,takhn.neuk The coefficient of homogeniety of concrete in calculations according to limiting states. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.8078-m-383 Ag 162. (KM 15:9) 1. Nauchno-insledovatel'skiy institut, po atroitellstvup Rumynskaya Narodnays, Res bliks, (for Feboaru). rconorete-Tooting) KOREF, Oazkar, dr.; FMMO Tiborp dr.; HOLLO, Istvan, dr. Excretion of some neutral 17-ketosteroid fractions in cerebral obesity. Orv. hetil. 105 no.17: 26 Ap'64 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, 1. Belklinika. FMS,__Pals 114); GZAW, Lasz:LO [Mrs] . _0r. (Budapest XIVj Hungaria korut '-(Budapest XIV,, Hungaria korut 114) Investigation..6n gas.-diffusionAltrin flow in -tubes, empty or filled with-n-n-ad5orbing aubitaness;-about-tha correlation between Taylor- Golay effect and eddy diffusion. Acta ebiltica Hung 29 no.22171-187 161. 1. Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian A04w of Sciences. (Diffusion) (Chromatography) (Gases) (Taylor,, 0.) (Go3Ay,, M. J. 3. FEKETE, 4. FEKETE, A.-Ifater-supply econony of Albania. p. 100. Voi. 6, no. 3, Mar. 1956, YMZEPITESTUDOMAIY,I SZDW. (Kozlekedsi Kiado) Budapest. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, 'No. 4-April 1957 'l-TANAGE"ENT OF -H~ WATER SUPPLY TN UZP-vKT3T.jN. p 158 (MYEPTIESTUMIAN'Yl SZ104LE) DUDAP&~T, -HU7,ARY VOL. 7 tic.) 4 APR 1957 SO: ~-TCIN7HLY IIZ)FX Cr EAST EUROPIAN ACESSIMIS (AV2.1) VOL. 6 NO 11 NGT-E.~112 1957 FEKETE, Andrael LIPTAK, Forenc Laboratory testing of mantle-type water distributions. Hidrologiai kozlony 41 noat4~16 F 161, 1. Epitolpari es Kodekedesi Muezaki Egyetem 1,82. Vizepitestani Tanozeks, Budapest, 42 - - ~ I I I I I t S~ t 2~ t 1 a, -- , & n if m % s a ~ ~ 0 a 6 t a 6 4 4 4 4 6 ; I -1--t -AI it 11 11 wft4 Y-111-H It-, --it--u-u - ~L:m7s-x aIV P Q u-s in It -0a A -M , . w a if 4 1 1 0e J 0 -NDZLRKMDO=Unl BZR= SCIMTVIC RPUN Of CONMICATIDN TOLs 1-4951 no. 40 arch )',Arte: 4 111,rding IlP fAll%Pv u.1 -01 0 goo 00 F9 0 POFTI o ti 9 v .6e- a Alt In a, O'S, 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 a 400 see too w0 0 ; 0 0 APP-lYing liusar progz=ming no-5:5U-522 * 159. tramportation. FURTZ. Andraa ~!:-O Role of the railroad in the output and investment plans of transportationo Vasut 12 noelt4-3 30 A 162* SZEKELY, Janos,, dr.; FFMS, Andras, okleveles mernok Determination of the grade of exploiting freight cars by means of correlation calculation. Koal tud oz 12 no.3-1:510-514 N 162. 1.)4agyar Allamvaeutak fotanacoosas a Kozlekedes- as Pootaugyi Miniazterium I. Vasuti foosstalyanak fosloadoja (for Szekely). 2. Kozlekedes- as PostaugA Hininsterium I. Vasuti Foooztalyanak esopowtvezetoje (for Fekete). FMTE, Andrash [Fekete, Andras]; LUKACHKO, Shandor [Lukacako, Sandor) Information system of the flow of loaded cars using calculating machines. Zhel.dor.tranBp. 44 no.903-36 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) le Rukovoditell gruppy kibernetiki pri Generallnoy direktaii vengerskikh gosudaretvennykh zhelaznykh dorog (for Fakete). 2. Sotrudnik gruppy kibernetiki pri Generallnoy direkts:Li vangerskikh gosudarstvennykh zheleanykh dorog (for Lukachko). (Hungary-Railroads-Ccmminication systems) (Hungary-Railroads-Management) FLUTE, Andras Electronic computero for accelerating railroad transportation. V94t 13 no.2t24,-26 F 163. FEEM !, Andras 4ff"A~ The state and taoks of the meohanization of the operation and management of railroads, Vaout 13 no.9:23-25.8 163, I i FURIT, Andrash (Budapesht) lRegulation of the 12ow of empty care by means of linear pro- gramming and use or eleetr6nic, computers. Zbel. dor. traftep. 45 no.4s88-89 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Hakovoditell iosledovatellskoy gruppy kibernotlki pri Generalluoy direktOU Tengerskikh zbelesnykh dorog. (Hungary-Railroade-Management) FEYETE,.Andras Automatic registration of railway cars. Vaaut 14 no. 2: 13-15 F 164., _~T7,,TE, Andras Application of electronic calculating machinen at the member railroAds of the International Railway Union. Vasut 14 n0.6: 30-31 Je 164. I My AT:[ I I-i'tt.lvn v to'~' - FEKETE.. ~njrus Development of passenger transporting cableways. Vasut 14 no.10:27-28 0 164, - Andras An account of no.12:20'-28 ji v a w w T v v w W.-O-WO -1 -F w tv ff- T ii M A IF V- A -P- -1i ALA-. -H- ti rk - a a r 4 -11~1 -m::w . -V It M A 0 1A I*A 4 j 1 4 t A11 -" a V '. 004 it, -- ". .. - - I 00 The *Ned of m~tkyj"wacil an horawmal tbwm- -00 regulation is told eaviloam"I. I, 'rakix-%Aik1A.Frkr4e- Itual. Ada Phyrsol. 1, ZW of'MM at, so 6 rablvio exposed to cold augmented Me 0 consumption .00 go by rat muscle. the 4v. lwfcA%e ICw 11 pefical fit 2 his. was *so 21%. After 4 wreks of awthylthWuracil treatment of I the rabbits practically no effwts ctmki be oberfvvd; "00 06 thus this trfttmcnt Inhibited the furviatlim of the -brat. -Ing-bormow." In rabbits treated for a fortnight with so 00 tnethylthiouracIL then injected with 1.0 mg. ttlyrozim .00 0,01 the jerunis Incrmsed the 0 ctmsutnp6m of rat pstfac- nemius muerics during a 2-hr. period by on sy. of Ti%.,. see 111111 the wre4m, of the pituitary *as Inhibitest riclusively by the lack c4 thytolOw. and methylthiouracil has no direct effect on the hWphysis. 0 00 -3 9 Tvieffnees. Istv" Finkly age 09 see go v go* too* slow S11141i.. W33. WIN-Ow wo* am a $A SI is Ow0 onto 0 up It a 9 1 W of 9 2-0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 6 6 a 0 * o 0 0 0 :10 0 0 o o o o a o o 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : FEKETE, A. 1948 (Physiole Inst. U. Budapeat) "Horwonal Body Temperature Regulation in PaBolve and Active Hyperthemia." Experientia, 1948, b/11(446) Abst: Exe. Med. 111s Vol* 111) Not 4. P* 166 Pkysipi At" f ~4 ;~or f mbUts, given QAJ to 0.20 q./kg. WMIR of t tabadon. owt-I alter 4 to 9 ha. a H= dw metabolic rate of rxis. No r0ft-t was sm after isjoeft amm from quinint-treated rabbits wbkb ha4 bm thyroldectomind. a lifectomized aM ffiTm thyroline or naAft In Which K'n.,wo"sovipalbetic nrivits to the thymW h4d bow stwered. Conclumim: Qui- little acting titiough the twftd nervous sWem via pull- sympsibefle merm to tbe thyroW XL&nd #11cits tbe rekaw of a metalmilim"ttarding bortmome (thermothyrin A$. Itichard F. RIkT -FHKffE A*$ TATAGS L, ftetativ UWpwidnzer szorepe a thinin aiwageserebatwaban, ,C" of the vaptativ6 rorvow qatem in tho metabolia effeat df quinin2s Kiserlet6s orvoistude, 30 1951 ps 172-3o I* Biological I ALtutas Badapsat 14sUcal Uldmall7a MML 209 log Oct. 51 of the thyroid -4- L. TAA. M Iltulapmo. Z.&IMMOis.. marl"Oll. A. 2:17, 47'(19411(in ('*ntun): Cf. maltarll. ('.1. 7, .1612 Admittlitratioa of wthylthiontAcil to t&&414 tl~v 4.11rutive effect of livw pm"I's. Cm mtkmln-n4lArg,4.snrmi i i.i the valfir *;Svs% I hy",k. eArfirr ripm Psich llimhlwix ~ik L 3=9 Bel TAUCSt Let FZ6-iMq A* Ileat tolorance in allw.= diabates* Zschr. VitarAn &e Forech., 4 no.3 1248-& Aug 31 (MM 22t3) 1. Of fte Institute of ftqsioloa (I%sd-.Prof.Q.VAmfejd.r..D.) of Budapext University. F'e~]-' Ballntp P.j Laszlo, K. "Cortical Factors in the Development of the Post traumatic Renal Change." P. 43. (Acta Physiologlcao Supplemefit to v. 4o 1953, Budapest) 30t MonthlX List of East European Accessions# Vol 3 No 6 Library of Congressp Jun 54 Unal ) not N!Ro]A of- Innervatiou- -thipL Famtioa- c&- the schemia of the Kidneys." UL -- - P& 44 (Acta PhYaiologk.L...-Supple=t to v. 4o 1953 B dapest.) Vol. 30 NO 6 SO: Monthly List of East Empean Accessions,/,Library of Congress., _june 1934, Uncl. RALINT, P -TMT3 A -LASZLOO 1. U - 0 *9 A"MEW Role of neural factors in the appearance of auurias associated vith poethemorrhagic bypotensions. Kiserletes orvostud. 5 no.2:122-131 Ker 1953. (GIML 24;4) 1. Institute of Physiology. Budapest Medical University. BALINT. P.-FEM"39 A*-OLLSZW, X.;PUMR, G. %GrM Now data on the mechanism of poethemorthagic anuria. Orv. hatil. 94 no. 26:713 28 June 1953. (GLKL 25:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Institute of Physioloff, Budapest Ksdicb~ University. .00 FErFTE' A. , 9ALINT P. , HADJU A., LAMO K. MD PINTER G. Physiol. Inst., med. Univ., Budapest. *Angaben-'U'ber die Auswertbarkeit der Clearance- Methoden. Interpretability of clearance methods ACTI~ FHY310L. ACAD. SCIENT. HURG. (Budapest) 1954, 5/suppl. (67) SO: VEXCEFPTA 'MICA - Section II, Vol. 7, No. 10 all U.M11AF, Irl J1. P. Physiol. InEit., red. T-TrAv., Pudanost. *~ber die Imilinnnelchr!runF drr ITirre. Inulin r 1 11 .,(, Ru fires 1, 5 SUTM.I. n torrv-,e by th,~ kidney ACTA PNYWIt. ACAD. d t) 054, S-): 7;7C717~1TA !:',.DTCA - S,!~ctilon TI, Vol. 7, No. 10 I I LASZLO K., PIKER G., BALINT P., and FWMTE A. Phyniol. Inst., med. Univot Budapest. *Wirkung von poethimorrhagincher Hypotonis auf the Nierentitigkeit von Bandon nach Durchachnoidung don Rickemarkes. Effect of posthaemorrhagic IWpotension on renal function in the dog after section of the spinal cord ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG, (Badapost) 1954, 5/suppl. (68-69) SOi EXCERPTA MEDICA - Section 11, Vol. 7p No. 10 L A j r, "~'7 -1 G . a n -' P -'~ 7 T "T :"hysiol. In-A. rv~d. Univ. Pudr-cst. *EIn intrr,)zentiver '~krfl,~x In df-..- Re.-57ulif-rinp d(Ir Ninrent.~tl&cit. An Intnr,)(,P,tfve rTflc-x In th- rer-Ailation of, renal -f,,lnrti,)n I ACTLA -ZY-)ICL. W.,'-D. ~#C!7714T. -71MIG. (Budannst) 1?54, 5/51'r-1. (60-0) S SO: FLWE",UK'A WMIGA - Section 11, Vol. 7, 710. 10 BALINT. P.; LWID. Ks; MOM. A.; ROMHANTI, G.; GTCRGYPALY, J. The protective effect of general ansethsaia on poethemorrhagic renal changes. Acts, pbVeiol. hung. 6 no.1:57-67 1954- I* rhatituta of PbVelology of the Medical University, Budapest, and betituts of Pathological AnatomW of the Radical University, Pecs. (KIDNITS, pathol, poethemorrbagic In dogs, protective eff. of general aneeth.) (INCROBIS, expere kidneys, poethemorrhagic, protective off. of general anosth.) (KIDUYS. die. necrosis, posthemorrhagic in dogeg protective off. of general anesths) (ANISMSIA, off. protective off. on poethenorrhagic renal changes in dogs) FMT3, A.; LASZLO, X.; FINNR, G. Nervous factors In the genesis of posthemorrhagic az&r1a. Acta pl7siole bung, 6 no,1:69-79 1954. 1. Institute of PbVsiology of the Medical University, Budapest. (AMMIAg expere Induced 17 hemorrhMia 17yotenslons nervous regulation In dogs) (HYPOTRITSION, exper. hemorrbagic, causing anuria in dogso nervous factors) 03MORRUMe expere causing anurtat nervous regulation In dogs) Im. Ttaw" h1440911 10 Poxthm, 1 ht& WCarts and KOW4 P. Mint, A Fajeff& A. llajdti, K W06, and G. Mntdr Ar, pAysiol. A&4 ScVkmxj~. 1954, 8. 81--W.-RenaJ blood flow, vVnout blood com tiou. and glormerular filtration rate Wera deteradned in UmM, kkiney (veno-js shunted into tlie-extermal Jugular vein) btfore, during, Anil after ponthernewrliagle h ention (6G---80 rnm. Hg) in nownial and ransected =op. Contrary to presomt concept thn pout- """a' I h...,,hA91C OHAUC11A Or SUMHA Wall fU%Ind to be (IUd to CXCtsalve tubular reAsorptiou and not to the constriction of ttnAl blood vessels. This is In hasmony with the clinical ob"rvation that no morphologic:41 changes are brought about by ruil" anuria of several days starnfing. A. B. L. BNAILK. . ........... ............... W 7 BALINT, Peter,; FlUMTE, Agnes,; SZALAT, Zeuzoanna. Nervous regulation of the adaptation system of kidney function, Kiserletes orvostud. 7 no.6:624-635 Noy 55. 1. Radapeatt Orvostudomanyi lastem Ilettani Intezate. (KIMWS, physiol. nery. regulation of blood circ. & urine flow, eff. of exper. hTpotension in innervated & transplanted kidneys in dogs Uun)) (HYPOTERSICK, exper. off. on very. regulation of blood circ. & urine flow in innervated & transplanted kidneys in dogs (Hun)) 1-'LKETE A. G~yr_Ik. Abt. stadt. Krankenh. Hud.ipe~i,. L)~#2 der Dysmenorrhoe und der 1"eu ro - endoc rine re lations of dvs meno r-hou;i an"' to K a e ni I a o f 1) r,,- g n a n c y Z, G E BU RTS It, G, Y NA K, 19 5 ~), 14 3 11 (3 1) C' - J'2 -gan. 'Fl-e r- .~,2 function of genital oi i is controlled by the cereb. al cortex. affect the tone ,-)f tne autonomic nervous system. In sotne wotneri t1i;c in- parasympathetic irritability produces syrrptoms of dy.;menorrhoea. D..,-- jlr~~tnenstrual tension the autonontic norvoua syswni ii At, ,no ~;ar-.-.e ,:Ise ow ;nhibiting effect of the cortex -is deervaseJ, for the sloxlv ~:-rione level is unable to produce its effect. In livriereries,.i the _'Vtabol~c sub- r'C..'s of the product of conception also act on the h-.-poth,-.Ian-,n-*--.--,-op;,,ys(~.-~I so that, besides the increased gonadotrophin effect, One activity of the ;"ircnals is decreased. In pre-eclampsia the spasni of the arteriolei and 0-c In- .:d swelling ability of the connective tissues are the preparin,~; factors o increased swelling ability is explained by the action o" 1111-meralo-ccirti- causing an increase in mu copolysac char ides. The swelling of the t;ssues -.,i the spasm in the arterioles disturb the enzymes in the nerve cells, ard mis :,,uses a disposition to spasm; eclamptic convulsions are caused by uterine can- ractions or by other procedures producing irritation of the cerebral cortex. Salacz - Budapest SALIPi, Mar; YNKM, Apse; RAJDU, Andras; KIM, Na. I -the Interoceptive reflex In regulation of kidney function. Kisirlstes oryostud. 8 no.1:61-74 1956. 1. Buds* set , Orvostudovanyi lastem Blettant Intesets. interoceptive reflex in regulation of funct., deters. by extracorporeal hemodialysis in dogs (Run)) aad .' Nuctioi7. Juur: Rof Mitir-Diol., i'o W, 1958, 93335. ,,_uthor Dalint, P., rc!,L;tu, :.., ':a~du, I , " s ;.S 47MIC'U7. Titlr_ Exaluatioii of Tests in Oli[-,uri,..- Oric; Pub: *,cta physiol. .c,-td. z;c.~. htuir-,., .1956, 10, i"O 2-4, 239-246. ',b s " r,,,. c t :L'I 3 scri ", of or 500 direct U perinants on doC;s nore tlim,. detunitnations wero conductod cri the cvioun' z of blood planam passed throu(I-h V,.Q ltidnQyz and oxcrotion fron- it of W.I! and iiiulii-i (1), and acterul-lations of Vic pl~sna flow UP) aftur clez,.xrnce of P,,'ji and ~;loncrular filtration (GF) after clocranco of I ucre done at the s=c tiue. Li the lst aeries studies vore condtated Ccxd 1/3 Ij.II/J,.,ui-_r_r, Yiya"Xlopy. E%cm-tion. :Jus joui-: M-f 22Lur-I)i,)I., !!--- 20, 1958, 93335. Card tni dw, s with 'c:;r -,j3cd by =_Iro cr! Section Viilc: t-'.%.! rLnn'. voin va3 joiivd jui-,iLL=; iii Uic 2iid surija _:U,-.=la vi s,~I=iLcd xd&ncys, til rL-d j.-, the 3rd i;lic of Vic IMS ujAtci.1 vith the carot:i.d arLerj ru,.d Vic ju~,vlz.,.r vci;~ of t1io dor-doi-.or, -zd co.-aiection w,.r, with th.'Q CIIS. In diurcs~..s (D) of nore thn~i 2 -il 1),.;r r.L.Inute the values of PF nnd Gr, dc!tcx-zii_-cd by z;.U.T.1c iiothodr, -id co; - .Tputed frou d*-"cct cktcmiritionz of PY, corrc- lcated well. 'Ath cc. kcrensu La D this coafon.,dilty wa3 soricirlint altemd, a:.,(l udit1i less D, PF a,-,C1 GF, LIcternined by sitiple iaQthod3, woru several tiu~os lower the ori- ginals obtainud by diruct cletanaination. Dy doternininij Iddixy clornrcuice by t%c "infusion" r)ct!,.od, w!,crcin the concentration of Vic substance introduced into the plasm h 68 T T BALIM. P.; FEKM, A.; SZALAT, Ze. The nervous regulation of renal adaptation. Act pbysiol. hung. 10 no.2-4:263-276 1956. 1. Institute of Pbysiology, University Medical Scbool. Budapest. (iID = S, pbysiol. adaptation to exper. bypotension in dogs. nervous regulation) (InWOUS SYSTM, pbysiol. replation of renal -adaptation to exper. bypotenston In *. dogs.) M,(C&91yrA *XEDICA Sec.6 Vol.11/2. Interlial Vied. Feb.57 Te A. 1136.- BAINT P., FEKETEX. and MALAY S. Physiol. Inst., UnIv. of Buda~~ peat. *TubM-r--T-&-c-rd-rs In the renal response to arterial h y p o t e n a I o n EXPERtENTIA (Basel) 1956, 12/5 (228-229) Tables I The authors have shown by animal experiment that the renal response to haemo- rrhage (oliguria) is partly due to a reduction in the glomerular filtration rate from vasoconstriction induced by hMtenslon in the upper halt of the body and partly to an increase In tubular reabsorption induced by hypotension in the lower half of the body. They state that details are to be published in Acts, Physiologica Hungarl- CAs Turner - x;dInburgh BALINT, Peter; 7ZUTIC, Agnes Blood circulation and renal function in dehydration. Kiserletes Orvostudomany 11 no.6:659-667 December 1959. le Budapesti OrTostudomanyt Agystem Ilettani Litesets.' (DIUMBATION, exper.) (KIDNITS, physiol.) (BIA)OD GIRGUIATIOS, physiol.) DALINT, Peter;. J7jWjAUMULL.STWZ , Jossef; SUIAT, Zeuseanna, toohnikid segedletevel Blood circulation an& renal function in post-hemorrhagic b"otonis, Kisorletese Oryostadomany 12 U091:20-26 7 '60. 1. Dadaposti OrvostadouWi Baotou Xottani Intesetee (HYP02MI01i exper) (XIM75 physiol) BALINT,P. -, YXITZ, Agnes ------- Circulation and renal function In the dehydrated dog, Acta.pbysiole hung* 17 noo3:277-286 160. 1. Institute of ftystology, Medical University, Budapest. (DEHYDRATION exper) (KIDNEYS, pbysiol) (BLOOD CIRCUL&TIOff pbysiol) BAL3T,P.;-FW=c-Ap*s; STURGZ,Jo; with the technical assistance of Sonsalay. The influence of haesorrhage on circulation and renal function in the dogo Acts, pbqsIoI* byng. 17 no*3:287-293 160. 1. Institute of ftysiology, Medical University, Budapest (H=Onwlo exper) (BLOOD CIRCULATION physiol) (XIDNIYS,0b*sLol) DOBOS,, Alajos; FUME. Andras Designing portable sprinklers. Hidrologiai koslony 1+2 no.2; 81-93 AP 162, 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem I. sz. Vizepitestani Tanazeks. 2. *Hidrologiai KozlonyR szerkeazto b1zottsagi tagja (for Dobos). Andrm Joint proposal of the International Railway Union and the Organization for Collaboration of Socialist Railways for the uniform mrking of railway vws. Vasut 13 noo8925-26 Ag 163, RMETE. mul SZMIJ, Janoo., dr.,. zus2aki fotanacooo .-40-d Urrelation between national income and achievements of transportAtion. Stat.szemle 42 no.7:712-723 J:L 163. 1. Kozlekedeo- as Pootaugyi Miniazteri= I, Vasuti Fdoaztalyanak cooprotvezetoje (for Fekste). 2. Kozlekedes- as Postapi Miniazterium I* Vasuti Fooszta2ya (for Szekely). FEKETE, Agnes; TARABA, Istvan; VISY, Maria Effect of ap:LancbnicotcW on the prevention of acute renal. damage In dogs. kiserl. orvostud. 15 no.6:664-668 D 163* L BudapeBti Orvostudomany'! Egyetem Blettani Intezetenek koolemenye. NEH1RECTCHr) (ACUTE RENAL FAILURE) iSPLANCHNIC NERVES) (NEUROSURGERY) FEM # Agnesj TARM, Ist-nm Cbangeo in,the kidney ifunction following procaine infiltration in acute kidney damageo Xota morphs acad. sois Hung. 12 no.4s 26r7-,271 164 1e Badapeoti Orvostudomanyi IMtem KL*ttani Intesete. I T ACC NRs AP6001961 SOURCE CODE: JIU/()018/65/017/001/0093/0097 AUTHOR: Fekete, Agnes; Tarabat Istvan lj~~ / VWM10" 6L~ ORG: Inatitute of Physiology,, Medical University of Budapest, Budapest (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete) TITLE: Oxygen consumption and PAH accumulation by kidney slices in the postischemic atate SOURCE,.- Kiserletes Orvostudomany, v, 17, no. 1,-1965, 93-97 q TOPIC TAGS: urology, biochemistry, blood, pathology, experiment animal, animal physiology, internal medicine. I/ In a total of 12~ experimental. ABSTRACT: kidneys periods, the in vitro 02 consumption of cortical slices of normal has been determined in dogs. It was shown that the 02 uptake decreases in the direction toward the medulla. 2/ In dogs traumatized by clamping the renal artery for two hours, followed by treatment with a occktaii for three A. this, the 02 days, acute kidney insufficiency did not develop, in spite o" uptake of the renal cortex. measured in vitro on the 14th day of survival, ihas decreased in comparison to the controls. The decrease was most pronounced in the outer zone of the cortex. 3/ The PAH accmulation by the kidney slices was expressed by the S/m ratio. The accumulating ability decreased signift- cantly in an three layers, in the postia.chemic kidneys. 4/ As an explana- ACC- ME - Ar-6001961- tion of the phenomena it is asanmed that the outer ~.-ortical zone is primarily affected by the circulatory disturbance related to the trauma. Olga Kliment ave valuable assistance during the research work. Orig, art, has: 2 tables# ave UB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 29Jun64 OTH REF: 032 FEUTE, Agneal TARABAp I.; VISYp Maria Splanchnicotomy affords protection against acute renal failure in dogs. Acts, physiol. acad. sci. Hung. 26 no.3t245-249 165 1. Institute of Physiologyj University Medical School, Buda- pest. Agrimsil TARABAp 1. ~ Changes in renal function after pmcalne tx%-,ritmr~r.,A In amate renal fallure. Acta phyaiol. acad. scl. Rung. 126 ro.3.,257-262 165, 1. Tnstitute of T'hysiology, University Medical Schocl, Bu , tpest. 1- - -33791-66~ ACC NA, AT602593 SOURCS CODE: ge-/2-505AY628/001 W16*3 AUTHORs Faketel Agnes Lftlapest) s T~MM,. Istran, (Balapest) ORIL Mrstitute of Medical MAversity of P2!!!est (&Oapesa Orwos~-&-- raletsup =41%tam TMZI OMM sonsaWtIon and PM aocuidUtIon In y sUces after renal IsobeeM SOURM Ackdesda-sclantiarum hur4XIms, Acts, pVslologica, v, 28p no* 1# 1965o 096" TOM TAOS$ dogo blood cirw&Utjsw4 adsol, ftsioliff AMUMs 1) IM lawltro n3go enmorUes of reftl cortical sUess of to 4" me ~ w found to decrease In suco"Aws layers bvm cortex to nedulls.* 2) In the soam st the wiperizents . the renal artery was claqed for two hours SbUowed by treatment at the animals with a 2ytia cocktail for thres dopt wbift prevented the developmerit, of acute renal failure, The Up-witro wV consuoption of the real cortex was an the 14th postAschemic day and found to be about 50 p9rom U~ than In 'the controls* The decrease was aioat siarked In the outer cortied sme- 3) roe SocaulIM" a or PAH by the kidney slicis was Ymsured by determining'the S/K ratio. The PAH accumulation in the postischemic kidney was sienificanUy diminialwd in all the investigated layers. 4) The results are discussed In-terms of the assumption that postischenic circulatory disturbances involve ASUAY the outer cortical.Aope of thos k4or~py,. Mw autbors thaak Mae Or shlued toobnical assistaws, OrI9* art* best I table* jadg. art. MWZ frMs So C=I SUBM DAM 08ftp& / MM WWj on=& So cmd -171 A~ T ACC NR: AP6028466 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018/66/OC)0/003/0307/0312 AUTHOR: Benedek, Erik Fekete Ag!ea- Molnar Laszlo; Taraba Istvan I tt~ ---- ORG: Me University of HudaDeBt ~4 ~AItijtn nr N,#%iA1n&v MAA 4 TITLE: Changes in the alkali phosphatase activity of the renal tubules of rate with experimental, post-ischemic -.rj9A4LdamajZe__VV SOURCE: Kiserletes orvoatudomany,, no- 3. 1966j 307-312 70PIC TAGS: rat# gland,, cardiovascular system, enzymet genitourinary systemp tissue physiology After clamping the jenal artery for ABSTRACT: ,2 hours,'acute renal damag&l' clinically similar to that of man, developed.;- :Previous to the development of the oliguric-azotemic symptoms, there was ~already a decreased phosphatase enzyme activity in the renal tubuli; it was 'followed by a complete suspension of activity in the state of renal insuffi- ~ciency. The development of the po3t-ischomic state can be lessened or in- thibited by -- nembutal anaesthesia. Following the trauma, the alkali phos- ~phatAse activity decreased and later-became normal againo With one intact kidney, regeneration of the severely damaged tubular cells, which showed no activity after the 2 hours of iachemia. required about 4 iceeks. At this time, the activity appeared in spots and served as an indication of the returning tubularL function. 7he change in phosphataae enzyme activity is ,an indicator of tubular funotionj decrease in activity is indicative of an increase inadficiencY and the return of activity points to a re- eneiration 'of 'tlfd,tubular function. *Orig. art. hast 3 figures and j'iable. fjpl?-S: 36j,8Z91 SUB COF: sm DATE: 22Nov65 / cFtiG REF: oo4 / om RU: 026 1_ -". / Card I 1.t, SMCE CODE: AUTHOM -Epketso Aspeal Taraba, Istvan; Viayj Maria-Viahis Mo ORG: Institute.of Physiolo Medical Uni raity of Budayed-(Budapeati OrVostWEa-nYi Egyetemp Elett-ani Intezet) TITIEt Protection afforded by splanchnicotomy against acute renal failure in dogs SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologicap v. 26, no. 3, 19659 2145-249 TPPIC TAGS: dog, pathologyp animal physiology A~STRAM A syndrome analogous to acute renal failure in man has been induced in dcige by unilateral naphreotomy and the temporary clamping of the artery of the F- repaining kidney. The same intervention was not followed by renal failure and all p0hological changes disappeared after 14 days when the Animals were splanchnicatomizt 61 the left aide at the time of right nephrectomy. The differences between the length of ma-vival in the two groups were statistically significant. Neurogenic factors are suggested as playing an important role in the development of acute renal failure, Origs art, has: 1 fiVre and 1 table. [Orig. art. in Eng. I [JPRSI SUB CODEt 06 SU13X UTE i 22Dec63 oTH rw t 017 j MLP L 43018-66 -i'-C C-N R-s- - -AT ow is 28 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/003/0257/026~ AUTHORI Fakete, Agness TarAba. Istvan 46 0RGt Institute of Physiology, Medical UniversitX of Budapgot. Budapest (Buidapesti Orvoatudomanyi Egystem, Elettani Intezet) TITLE: Changes in renal function following procaine treatment in acute renal failure SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta phyaiologica, v. 26, no* 3o 19659 257-262 TOPIC TAGS: dog, blood circulationo animal physiology, pharmacology ABSTRACT: A condition similar to acute renal failure in man has been induced in dogs by temporary compression of the renal artery under superficial morphine-ether anesthesia. The results were oliguria and azotemia with death within a few days. Mo6t, of the animals subjected to perirenal procaine infiltration after the release of the renal artery survived, The anuria was relieved, renal blood flow increased and the extraction of P&H was also improved by this treatment. Because of the *known vasodilator properties of procaine it was concluded that anuria and azotemia following renal ischemia are due to constriction of the renal vesselso Origo art@ has: 1 figure and 2 tables. (Orig. art. in Eng.] (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUEM DATE: 22Dec63 / ORM HEF: 003 / OTH REM 017 MLP HUNGARY M ilrEEMSK, Erika, 4== )_49r*&4 YOLNAR, Laszlo, and TARABA, Istvan, Institute of Physiology, University Medical School (Orvostudomanyi Intezet, 214ttani, Intezet), Budapest. "Alkaline Phosphatase Activity of the Renal Tubules in Experimental Post- Ischemic Renal Failure of Rats" Budapest, Acta PhysiologicaAcadomiao Sciontiarum Hunraricao, Vol 30, No 2, 1966; PP 175-lbZ* Abstract [Article in English-, authors' En~lish summary, nodified): By means of a two-hour ligation of the renal artery of rats, a condition resembling acute human renal failure was brouvht about. The phosphatase activity in renal tubules decreased prior to the dovelopment of oliguria and azotenia and dis- appeared when renal failure was complete. Pentobarbital anesthesia mitigated or even prevented the post-ischemic condition. In most anesthetized animals tho alkaline phasphatase activity returned to normal after a decrease following ligation. PAgenoration of tubular cells after the ligation took about four weeks if the contralateral kidney was intact. Changes in alkaline phosphatase activity paralleled 'hose in tubular activity: decrease in the former indicated increasing renal fa:PLure, and its return to normal indicated tubular regeneratio 42 References, of which 9 by Hunaarian authors (5 in Hungarian journals), rest Western. (manuscript received 27 Sep 65). L LM F ACC NRj AP6028467 SWWE CODE: HU/0018/66/000/003/0313/c92-l--3 AUTHOR: Balint. Peter; Feketg, Arneso Tar bal IatvLn~ Vigy. Maria ORG: Institi-ite of Physio ogyp t OrVastudomanyi Eaetem, F Pea (Budapesti ,lettani Intezet) TITLE: Effect Of W1121UMda on the survival and renal function of dogs after lose of b1pod. SOUR CE: a--serletes OrvOstUdomany# no- 3, 1966, 313-321 Z TOPIC TAGS: dogp blood circulation, anesthesiology., dneyp bloc ABSTRACT: ki )d tissue physiologyl 01196mia shook was induced -in .dogs by removal of blood; the arterial pressure was decreased to 5o mm Hg .for go minutes, followed by re-infusion of the blood. The following ob- 86rvations were made, 1) When carried out under chloralose anaesthesia, more of the dogs aurvived the immediate consequences of the trauma'( 2 days, survival) than in the alert group. 2) Of the 16 dogs which Sur ived for 2 :days after the bleeding, 6 died Of acute renal insufficiency w v days; the 10 which-were alive after 13 days ithin 2-8 -can be considered Sur_ vivors. 3) In one group of-.dogs, an acute experiment was carried out between ~30 hours and 14 days after the blood removal. According to the observation'$, in the period immediately following the trauma, renal blood flow decreased. renal resistance increased, glomerular filtration and PAH extraction' considerably decreased, When the tests were carried out 14 days after the iblood removal no disturbance in renal function was observed. 4) The rela- tionship between renal -0 consumption and renal blood flow or tubular Na re-absOr 2 .ption was identical in the normal and experimental animals. U4 4 ACC NRi AP6028467 The authors thank Bacpalmaqy fallne,, KXIMIVL Olga_and Szalay Elemerne for assistance with the experiments. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table. (JFRS: 36,5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 02Dec65 / CRIG REFi 006 OTH REF: 019 ACC NR, AF6026690 SOURCE CODES AUTHOR: Sc6tup V. (Engineer); Bulzan, Doina Engineer)l Fekete, Ae Engineer) ORG: Siderurgical Combinet Resita (Combinatul siderurgic) J~ TITIEt Manufacture of ref actory goods at the Resita Siderurgical Combine and their behavior under operating conditions SOURCE: Metalurgia, no. 19 1966,, 24-27 TOPIC TAGS: quality control, refractory product ABSTRACT: The authors wmmuirize the principal quality-improvement measures taken at the Resita Siderurgical Combine during the lape three years,, and report on the behavior under operating conditions ct the prod~6te of the plant at their principal places of utilization, i.e., in ladles, foundry jaatforms and plug bars. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. [Based on authorts Eng. abat.] [JPRS. 36V6461 SUB CODE: llp 13 / SUBM DATE: none F-ERE712, F. Yarruring maize. P. 388. Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1956 AGRAMMIDWiNY ACIRICULTUPE Budapest, Hunfary So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 ca.:;!~vcizll. Abs Jour : ljz.-L" 71_~tix - ILAol., 11o 10~6, !4256 Author : 71 RIct--i D-11a Cyori., Da;,iul Inst of Imtitir~c of I i u 1,.~ of a F,.;r'cilizcr Yi Id, cw, r,, P-ab ITov,.;ny.'-=z.,Ics., 1957, 0", llo 1, 27-32. Abs,-.rar.-t Tj-.i!; ar-Aclc d,~scrib,.;o *'~- of :~i,~Id cxp,,`_*-.;a"'r! cmicluc'~*,:cl by thc. Sci,ai*'Lil'ic 1L.-c-Lirch Institixi;,.: of %;~.:C:.~IILY mid 'hy VaQ all -clic stllvt_~r 0., of th,; 'lard I Im AW~ jo,.Ir Ub .0 U011C. caret 2/2 127 Country-----: Category SoU Science. Fertilizers. Organic Ferti- liZers. j Abs Jour RWiol., No 6, 1959, No 24652 Atithor t Feketeq B.; Hargitais I.; Mayerne-Kiss, T. Now Inst t - Title Somd Data on the A raisal of the Most Im- portant Organic FeNilizers. Orig Pub i Agrakem. ea talaj, 1957, 6, No. 4, 337-344 Abstract Comparative laboratory and field investiga- tions of the more important kinds of organic fertilizers showed that the best praqed to be: granulated bio-compost (an organic substance mixed with excrements enriched with NPK) Mnong the commercial fertilizers; indorcompost among the comwsts- and among the earth-manure mlx- tures, a mi;Lre in relation of I s 4 from Card 2043P Country HUNGARY Category i Soil Science. Fertilizers, Organic Ferti- lizers. Abs Jour Mmiols, No 61 1959, No 24652 Author Inst I Title I Orig Pub Abstract different kinds of manure - a manureq the storage of %hich was accomplished under con- crete shields, according to the method of Kal- baya The properties of humus extraction from various fertilizers were studied by the inten- sity of absorbed light, On the basis of these investigations, the stability number of htutus fertilizers and of composts, and the stability Card 2/3 51 RV3 T., fl. -77 SIDUS, L.;YXKETZ, B.;6OLYMOSS, B.;ZWIBN, B. OVA-"---w Thyroostatic effect of thiosenicarbasones. Orv. hetil. 93 no- 7: 222-224 17 Feb 1952. (CIML 23:3) 1 Doctors. 2. Biological laboratory (Read -- Prof. Dr. Bola Zemplen) I.Alchtor Pharmaceutical Plant and Central laboratory (Read Physician 0 Prof, Dr, Gyorgy,RovhWI)* Szombathely General Hospitals ZEMPIBN, B.; SOLYMOGS, B.; B.; ZIDUS, L. 33cparimental data on the goiter-inducing effect of 5-monootbyl- thlobarbiturio acid and 5, 5-diethylthiobarbituric acid. Ory, hetil, 93 no. 38:105-1096 21 Sept 1952. (CIML 23:5) 1. Doctors. 2. Biological Iaboratory (Read -- Prof, Dr. Bela Zemplan), Richter Ph&rmaooloj7.IPlant and Central laboratory (Head Pbysician Prof. Dr. 07orgy Roahanyi)q Szombathely General Hospital.