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Fa-=Vj Le N.
Fedotov, L. N. -- "Investigation of the Magnetic Saturation of Fer-ronickel
Allo'-s in the Low-Temperature Range (77.3-20.4 degrees K.)". Moscow State
U imeni M. V. Lomonosov. Moscow, 1956. (Disseration for the Degree of Can-
didate in Physicomathemical Sciences).
So: Enizhnaya Letopial, No. 11.4 19560 pp 103., 114
6 D01-0 It, I-, /Y1
'I ran~lation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mei llurgiya,
1958, Nr 2, p 225 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Kondorskiy, Ye.I., Fedotov,,,-L.N.
TITLE: In Investigation of the Magnetic Saturation of Binary.Iron-
nickel Alloys in the Region of Nitrogen-hydrogen Temper-
atures (lasledovaniye magnitnogo nasyshcheniya binarnykh
zhelezonikelevykh splavov v oblasti azotno-vodorodnykh
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Tsentr. n. -i. in-t chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Nr
15, pp 11-32
ABSTRACT: Magnetic saturation (MS) was measured on a magnetic
cryostat with a magnetizing solenoid creating a field of up to
6000 oersteds held uniform to within 0. 5% per 100 mm. The
measurements were made in the 20. 4-830K interval by the
ballistic method with "incomplete compensation", yielding
an error of :~ 0. 5%. Temperature was measured by a Pt re-
sistance thermometer accurate to 0. 1-0. 31. The investiga-
tions were conducted on ellipsoidal specimens of Ni-Fe al-
loys containing 35- 100% Ni, in which an appropriate heat
Ca rd 1/2 treatment was employed to create order or disorder. The
-1 37-58-f-J.-M53
An Investigation of the Magnetic: (cont.
relationship of MS to temperature at low temperatures is better described
by the "T3/2,, than by'the 11T211 law which is usually employed at the higher
temperatures. An increase in MS is observed when the alloys are annealed;
this may be explained by the effect of the ordering process. The change in
mean atomic magnetic moment on ordering is 3-3. 5%. The -'T3/?" law for
MS makes it possible to calculate the 191 parameter characterizing the ex-
change reaction in the alloy. Annealing causes 08 to increase by about 15 %
relative to the value for the hardened state. An analogy with the similar
Fe-Pd system leads to the conclusion that this change in exchange energy
is due to the ordering processes. The Curie point 6 of the corresponding
alloys undergo little change as this occurs. The 1910 ratio dimishes with
with diminution in the Ni content of the alloy, inasmuch as 91and 0 are
dependent to different degrees upon the value of the mean atomic magnetic
moment and consequently change differently with variation in the composi-
tion of the alloy.
P. S.
1. Iran-niakel alloys--Kapotic propertise-Thernal factors 2 * Iran-nitflcel
aUeys-4%patic properties-Heasureaut
Card 2/Z
0 L) 0""' 5504, glur. A060/A101
AUTHORS: Pedotov, L.N., Sumin, V.I.
TITMt Investigation of the dependence of satur&tion magnetization on the
load of nickel-iron alloys with invar composition
PM110DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. t4etallurglya, no. 9, 19,61, 10, abstract qZh54
("Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgii", 1959, no. 22,
121 - 133),
7=1 The dependence of the magnetic saturation on the load (AI:/ a p) in
investigated for a number of alloys of the Fe-Ni system wIth a heat-expusion,ano-
maly. The description of tbe setup for me4suring the saturation magnetization
in dependence on the loading-at low and high temperatures is cited. The high
value of the & 10R./Ap effect is concentrated in the main In the narrow region of
composition between 30 and 37% NI. and increases as one approaches towards 30% Ni.
On the basis of the data obtained for the dependence of 610-/Lp upon the oompo-
sition, temperature, and treatment, and also on the babis Q~ the available data
on the coef f ioient of thermal expansion Ck, HP the anomalies of therma"Al. expansion kV
Card 1/2
28 5 54
S/1 3 716 I/XO/009/031/087
Investigation of the depandenae ... AC160/AlOl
are discussed. A hypothesle ia propo3ed as, to thi d6tormiring Influence of the
"virtual" coefficient on the quantity OOH for alloy3 contain ing e-J" Ni. M9-
thods are worked out and compitation fox;2lae are made mrre preclaa for meawjr-
ing the dependence or saturation magnetization upon the load-'ng at 1-w (nitroge.,a)
A. Rjeakov
[Abatraoter's notes Complete translatlon]
18M SOV/48-23-3-22/34
AUTHORS; Vlasoval'Ye. M., Fedotov, L. N.
TITLE: An Investigation of the-Structure of Iron-Aluminum Alloys
With Anomalous Electrical Conductivity (Izucheniy%struktury
qplavoy zhelezo-alyuminiy a anomaliyey elektropro dnosti)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya finicheakaya, 1959s
vol 23, Nr 3, pp 403-404 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In iron alloys with an Al content of 3-IOwt% tbeformation of
the K-state is observed. This is a stato which occurs in
tempering hardened and deforped alloys, and in which con-
currently an anomalous increase in the electrical conductivIty
takes place. The structure of these alloys is that of a one-
phase solid solution with a cubic-body-c-entered lattice. In
the case of more than 10%Al ft ordered structure of Fe3Al is
observed. Since the-methods of metallog-zophy and normal radio-
graphy offer no results oscillation X-ray spectrograms and
radiographs of diffuse scattering were carried out with mono-
brystalline samples by using the monochromatic '1-'o K. emiesioll.
The alloys had the following composition: 1) One containing
Card 113 10% Al which was close to the boundary between the ordered
An Investigation of the Structuig of Iron-Aluminum.Alloye With Anomalcus
Electrical Conductivity
ha:3Al) andihe disordered solid solution. In temper-ing J.t
a maximum increase of electrical conductivity. 2) A dit-
ordered one-phase alloy with 8% Al. 3) An ordered alloy viih
12% Al was investigated for the~purpose of comparison. On .
figures I and 2 radiographs of alloys with 10 and 12% Al are
shown, and it is pointed to the changes which take place due
to tempering. This is explained by a change in the Fe 5A1 por-
tion. Figures 3 and 4 show Laue diagrams of samples of the
alloy with 8% Al. Also in this case the changes due to tom-
poring are visible. From the comparison of the results
those obtained in the papers (Rofs 1, 2) it may be concluded
that an anomalous change in the electric re8istance in found
if the alloy with 10% Al is tampered al; 300 C (for 20-30 hours
An ordered domain structure is formed (domain dimensions -100
The increase in the electric resistanco is explained by the
increase in the electron scattering at the domain boundaries
provided the domain dimensions and the electron wavelengths
are of the same order of magnitude. In the case of the alloy
with 8% Al the change of the electric resistance is connected
Card 2/3 with the attainment of the short-range order in the arram.gement
An Investigation of the Structure of Iron-Aluminum A.1loys With Anomalous.
Electrical Conductivity
of the atome. Cold casting destroys the short-range order,
thus reduces the electric resistance. There are 4 figures
and 2 references.
Card 3/3
S1 137/16 1/000/009/1030/007
AUTHMSt Fedotov, L.N., Zaytpeva, O.A.
TIMs. The saturation magnetization of farromagnatio alloys in the low tim-
perature region
PMUODICALI Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurglya, no..9, 1961, 9, abstract qZh5:2
("Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgiin, 1960, no. 23,
121 - 128),
TEXTs To clarify the dependence of saturation magnetizability 1. on tempe-
rature T in the sub-hydrogen temperature region, three specimens of FO-Ni allqys
were studied, containing 34.6, 68.8 and 7508% Ni, and one apecimen of a Fe-AL al-
loy with 24.9% Al content. It, was measured by the compensation (zero, null) bal-
listic meLthod, ensuring a prooision of relative measurements of 0.1-0.2%. The
data obtained do not give a basis for defin!te conclusions*as to a functional de-
pendence, besides the linear one, in 'Lie indicated reglon of accuracV. The data
of 1. measurements at T w 140K are of interest, since they support the result on
the bide of low temperatures for the measurements at T m 200K. The results of Is
measurement In a field of 1,800 oersteds are given. From these data follows that
Card 1/9
The saturation magnetization A060/A101
between room Vaporature (2870K) and the temperature of liquid nitrogen (780K) I
oharges by 9%,"between tho temperature, of llq7.ild N2 and the temperature of l1quIa
H2 (20.40K) by 1,6%, and between the temperature of l"quid to the tempsrature of
solid HO (140X) by 0.1%. The sW1 observed 4hanges In 7. in the region between
20 and 140K aooord with tho P~eliminary estimated results, In the entire Inter-
val of temperatures (290-140K) the exper4mental points &re situated better in the
curve Is (W2) than in the curve 18(~2) . From a comparlson'of the graphs ob-
tained the conclusion Is drawn that as the temparature goes down, the quadratic
dependence of 1. on T varies acoording to a weaker temperature dependence, but
the linear depanden" does not niatch either. It is concluded that the power n In
the law Is Tn** should-lie between the limits 1,r~ n 4 2.
A. Ruaakov
(Abstracter's notest
Complete translation.
0 Apparent misprinti
Apparent misprints
corrected from I(T2).
corrected from le-jr.]
Card 2/2
8/04 1/025/012/021/022
BI 2 5YB'I 12
AUTHORS: Fedotovp Lo N.9 Popovat V. P., and Molotilov, B. V.
TITLE: Influence of mechanical action on the magnetic structure and
on the properties of alloys
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25,
no. 12, 1961 , 1518-1523
TEXT: The influence of a sahanical stresses and the conditions of
stabilization of the magnetic properties are studied. According to Ye. I.
Kondorskiy (Zh. eksperim. i teor.. fit., Up 1110 (1959)) the degree of the
stability of magnetization of a ferromagnetic, placed in a field of elastic
stresses, can be changed by choosing an adequate magnetizing procedure.
The influence of compressing stresses directed perpendicular to the
magnstio flux on the permeability in different fields in case of magnetiza-
tion on the principal curve and on the ideal curve of thq alloys 7914MA
(79M) and 76NKA(76NKhD) (magnstostriction, X,/-0.2*10-0) was studied.
The boundaries of the principal domains are less displaced under the actich;
of external stresses than the boundaries of subdomaine and of additional
Card 1/3
--I! y
Influonce.of mechanical action ... B125/B112
domains. Simplifying the magnetic structure Sby adequate processing)
an alloy by converting it completely into 160 -domains, increases the
stability of the magnetic properties, impair, however, the quality.
Simplifying the magnetic structure can~most easily be achieved by
diminishing the thickness of the material. Since the internal field acting
on the 160 -boundaries is equal to zero, the 1800-boundaries are much less
displaced by elastic stresses than the 900-boundaries. In searching
magnetically stable materials, special attention should be paid to such
materials as have a suitable optimum amount of defects. The alloys
tending to brittleness (such as iron with high silicon content, iron
containing 16% Al and iron alloyed with Si and Ni) are magnetically m,3r6
stable. Magnetic stability may bo diminished by inclusions acting as
stress concentrators. Due to considerable irreversibility, the fixation
of the 1800-boundaries of the domains by inclusions must be avoided in
plastic alloys and is applicable only in case of brittle alloys. Tho
dependence of the a-c resistance on alloys 68H (68N), 79NNA, subjected to
thermal pre-treatment in vacuumt and on an alloy containing 79% Ii, 5~ Re,
16% Fe has also been determined by the method assumed by the authors,
Institute to be the optimum method. The resistivity of alloyed specimens
Card 2/3
Influence of mechanical action B125/B112
containing rheniua and th:,tlloy 681 were most dependent on stresses.
14'R/R ft15%, for 6 - 7 k 2. The rhenium-containi alloy has ihe
following advIntages: fl) Its higher resistivity, (21 in the interval
1 to 8 kg mm- its active resistivity is a linear funotion of load. In
rhenium-containing alloys, the galvanoslastic effect is stronger than in
molybdenum-containing alloys (79NUA). The sensitivity of the strain gage
constructed from rhanium-containing alloys is expected to exceed that of
strain gages made from Constantan alloys by two orders of magnitude. There
are 8 figures and 3 Soviet references.
A830CIATION: Institut pretsisionafth splavov ToNlIChermet (Institute of
Precision Alloys of the ToNIICherme,t)
Card 3/3
S 11 776/uZj'000/OZ.i/00'j/0Z.;
A U'A" -I ORS, ZziyUjcva, G.A., F-eclatov, L.N.
TiTLE: The Hall efLct, electrical resistance, ind saturation ma-rieti.tation of
alloys with anomalous thermal expan~3ion.
SOURCE: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-istilecio~.,.itc!"'sk-,*y institut c he r -4oy.,
metalluraii. Sbornik trudo,,. n,.,. 25. Votc,~v~,
SPL-IVI.Yl. PP. 33-40.
L. X, 1" This experimexital investi, -ation %vas dcvoted to a ztudy of the elec:trical
conLictivity, the Hall offf-Ict, and the magnetic saturaticn of alloys of the systern
that lie alon- the line Fe.jNi-Ni Mn in the pha,~t, and %rhich li~!
0 - 3 1
ier".on 01
I C the y soli(i ~3olution. T'-c z~zudy ernp'oys the Turna' ov-Tranov phase
C.numical compositions of the alloys in wel,olt anc, arc tabulatec".
Iho tirjf,,cimcn3 mcre tested in 2 stntt;6: 6~1) ~*I~itcx vac,junn inneal, comprising 4-hr
1, 100'3C, cooting to 5000 at 50' /hr, then step%vLae cooling -,with Z-hr holds
a 0 -100, 350, 300, and Z500 (2) after cold xorki Igo (30';'c, defoi.-nation ior wires
;'.n6 Measurements of tlie Hall cffect xere p~~!rforrned bj t"-X VO-k-en!ihtcyn-
FedlorL~,v rnethod which is de~,cribcd hero in, dc'U-431. The error in the determination
of th-, r il, constant R is estimated to be appx. 1.511'o of the computed value. The
The Hall effect, electrical resistance, and .... S/77G'/6Z1000/OZ5iOOl/OZ5
magnetization was measured by the ballistic method on ellipsoidal specimens. The
el c~rical. resist, I z
ance was mci,sured on 0.2-mi-n-diarn ~ipecirnens appx.50 crri long.
0 M C a5 11 V e I'l 10 i'l t. appx. accuracv 'A p".1" ade or,
ro r-I T an,11 at
mica.6urcrrient!i of and re---i~tanc(! (ER) Werc
Ac at Ts, the F: T (ZGC)K). Tho jraph:~ of tht
sa',,,iration rna;,,n(-i,-Iiricn
up to a uomposition corre~jponding to appx. 105 -'Vn, at
vv"'.~C A b~-eak occu rs, beyond Y;hich t'lne changcti in magIL~tIza"lun differ sub-
betwevn anniial - I and
ned--~p-ecimens-. Tbe Hall comsta-rit R also
atta; -n r-.ia----A;murn at 101o Mn, witla the value of that tnayiirnurn varyina aith T. The
R oi it.-Z.;n-hardened alloys is higher than that of annealed alloys for all cornposi-
tlon~) ex~:L!Dt "oi, the Mr-free alloy. It is noted that increased values c' -he IER in
of alluy.4 corresr~ond to a i-cduc tion in ti,e o~ the thc!rrnal
it is M'~, lies in a
a a:, e i n a tom ic and u i o c , ro n :-.~c c: o ra' rrn a ti on
o~ nd. in -,he conservaziun o; i.,.::~rn-y Da-ameter
-1 i,igi~ T. it is noted that the Ilall constant is the most structurc-ctiange-sensitive
T.hc ll'all effect el--ctrical resistance, and S~776/62/000/025/oq
pirameter. Should th'.F, rcltr.tive maximum in LR and t-al-4--ornignot-Ic ff ct h~c
g ~~ C 0 S
con,fi rrriedl by ;busequent expc rirrients, thea its oii s hou I d open nc%k.
7~o s s ilwl, tie !; in src ho sfj~ alloys with rzelativeiy sni~,Ill vaiiues of the TEO. ,There
Ll-l! J fi'zurcs, I tab'c, and 8 refcrericQs (6 Soviet ancl 2 Eriglis)'-
Smith, 1. Physic,%, no.17, 1951, 612 ower, E., ya-es' E., Sully,
Roy. Soc., Proc., -ao.49, IIQ'37, 6 11.
Card 3/3
Mgnatio and d1glocation structure of alloys. Sbor. trud.
TSHIMIM no,,250-23 162. (MIRA 15t6)
(Alloys-Motallography) (Domain structure)
j 4- "',; -, -.~j ~ ~~: - - ~ -I . -1-7~~
AUTAIHORS: Popova, V.P., Fedotov, L.N.
TITLE: The dcpendence of the electrical re-sistanco oi Iron-Nickell ailloys, the
I.Magnotic field at.-d r.-cchanical 6treSSC$.
SOURCE: Moscow, r
y institat che nc~,
matalltirgii. Sbornik trudov. no.25. N-loscow, 196Z. Prctsizionayye
splavy. pp.41-5Z,
TEXT: The a
purpose of the. present experimental inliestigation is a-deter tion
of the change In electrical reuistanc- (ER)
e , as determined both on direct andn
alternatina current, as a, function of the magnetic field and the stre."s imposel on
51 irnens of Fe-Ni alloys with 79'io Ni alloyed with Nl.o, Fte, and Mn. The uimate
obicctive ol this investigation is the development of magnetic-field and stress trans-
ducers -,v,'th t~ie use of binary Fe-Ni alloys. The galvanomagnetic and galvanoelastic
effects under DC (ohmic resistance) were measured by tl,c potentiornetric method
vvith an accuracy of The acLive resistance under AC was rneasured on a
C.'rCult (illustrated). Accuracy: 0.1"i'o. The cens.:c specimens, wires (;.Z-mm
tc-sted in the same quartz tubes in x%`iicti Iney ', uncergone heat -.rc!at-
r-n-nt ior un-i-iorrnity. A tensile load was applied to each :ipccirnen, and t~he measure-
Card IiZ
The dependence of the electrical resistance ... 3/776/62/000/025/002/025
ment \.vas repeated with intermediate demagnetizations of tile specimens. The
chernical composition of the 11 specimens tested is tabulated. 3 alternative heat-
treatment rnethods --v,-rc employed; details are specl--'ied. The galvanornagnt-tic
and galvanoelastic effects of the various specin-icris are !ahown qraphically a:i func-
of :!-'o zl".-ignenc 'i-Id and the 3tn-ss. Both I )ng'.t,_-i--! a
and. th(-- galvanoclastic effects c'"kange ir, zae Garnc ~L;nze~ f1he eftccts are increased
With an increase of the field strength H and the stress 0, respectiveiy. With in-
creasing tensile stress, the mc.gnetic effect (vs. H) decrtases. Graphs of the
chan-es of the respective effec,:s, a!, functions of the cortent of an, alloying element,
show that alloying ol the alloy with Re, Mo, and IkIn (up i.o 35o), decreases Che mag-
nitude o~ the galvanomagnetie effect. The effecz of the anneal is discussed separ-
ately for the 3 alloying elements. The dependence of the properties of the various
alloys on the :-... at treatment permits thc finding of ar op?:imal heat-creatment
~cgirnre to obtain a prescribed value of galvanornagnetic effect. The investigation
o:Itho dependence of the active resistance under AC on t'- 'e magnetic field is not yet
!t can only be stat,.-d that zilloys %vi,
contem have a satisfactory
betvicen the ER and the field in thr~ )f 0.1 To 0.7 There
I and 6 referc:-.LI2S ~3 German.
~:.c. Lz-igiish-lannguage, of which 1 15 in Ru:,tiail
Card 2/2
" , A -'; ". "-L
NTo'/1:r -1-1 J-
ACC NRt AP6024389~ SOURCE CODEi UR/0020/66/169/002/0
AUTHOR: Andrinnov, V. Vs; Zenkevich, V. B.; Sokolov, V. 1,; Sychey-O
V. VI; Tovma, V. A. Fedotov-9 Lo He
ORGt Scientific Research Institute for High.Temperatures (Nauchno-
iasle~O'Y-a~ii*IiVii institut vysokikh temperatur); Central Scientific
...Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy im. 1. P. Bardin (Tsentralvft
TITbE: A superconducting solenoid from a three-compondnt alloy
generating fields of over 75,000 Oe
SOURCEt AN SSSR# Vokledy,,Y. 169* no. 2. 1966, 316-319
TOPIC TAGSi superconductivity, strong mngnetic field, n1oblum alloro
titanium alloy, zirconium containing alloy I
ABSTRACTt A superconducting magneq has been construrted which ge.n-
erates magnotlc-ff-elds of more tkpn 75,000 oe'using wire made from in
alloy of nioblumA(65%)s titaniuniftlW, and zirconlLf(about 9%)t the
remainder being Wther components selected for their metallurgical
properties. The critical temperature of the material is 9.8-10K,
Because of its relatively low brittlenesel the Oo25-mm oodo copper-
plated wire could be drawn by standard methods into four-kg coils
cord I / 2 UM 53T.312.62
ACC NRs AP6024389
representing a total lenRth-of 12 km, After cold working In vacuum or
in a helium atmosphere# both types of-vire were coated with a polyester
varnish to add a 0.03-mm layer to the diameter, The magnet, with a
16-mm inner ditimeterl consisted of 3 concentric sections wound onto
aluminum-alloyed formers The inner section alo ne, using 1TIT62 turns
of vacuum cold-vorked vi;~ generated 659000 oel the two other sections
made of 15,210 and 10.9 0 turns of wire cold-vorked in a helium
atmoophereq and wound on a common former, generated 43,500 oe, The
maximum magnetic-field Intensity of the magnet was T60300 oes Even
though the solenoid has been repeatedly diiven normals no damage ha,
been obserreds Origo art. hast 4 figures, (ZLI
ACC NRj'--iP-60-3--3-1-5'-5'- SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/66/000/010/0082/0083,7
AUTHORt Gorina He Bel Qruznov. Yu. A.t Kolobanov. V, V.; Hatgrig.
V. let P=Nft A. F.1 R4d'kov. A. I.; Sokolov, V. 1l,; TrgtVX&kov.
- .-D# Nl Fedotov, L# Nol Khromov, Ss He; Kul!!hoi~l, V. F, f
ORCS Central Scientific Research Institute of Fertrous Metellurev
- -Lm. I# P. Bardin (Tsentralinyy nauchno-imeledovatallskiy institut
chernoy MetalruIrALL)
SOURCES Elektrichostvo, noo lOg 19660 82-83
TOPIC TAOS$ superconducting alloys superconductivity
ABSTRAM '4 news relatively low costJUL--=
ased alloys designated
65BTl whL61 meets all the major requirements for superconductors
has been'developeds Because of its properties it can be used in
1) magnetizing devices$ superconducting solenoids, for field
strengths varying frdm~ 20 to 80 koe,~ and 2) wires Oal-0,3 us in diameter -
and up to 12pO00 a long and tapes 5 p thick@ The alloy, which contains
65% niobiuu# 25% titauiuu& and several other'composentat is produced in
I Card 1/2 VOCS 337412*62 1
1, 02991-6T
ACCRC 6 0 3 3 13 3:
sn*arc furnace andl after thermal processingp to cold drawne Iforess
in superconducting solenoids@ the alloy requires a 0,02-0.03-so
copper coatings Ovile avto hast I tables
ACC NRi AP7001546 SOURCE CODE: UR/C020/66/171/003/056610569
AUTHOR: Aleksayevskiy, N. Ye. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Dubrovin, A. V.;
Mikhaylov, N. N.; Sokolov, V. I.; redotovs Le N.
ORG: Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy im. 1. P. Bardin
(Tsentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii)
TITLE: Basic properties of 65BT-type superconducting alloy wire in specimens and
.SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 171, no. 3, 1966, 566-569
TOPIC TAGS: superconducting alloy Iniobium titanium alloy, zirconium containing
alloy, niobium titavium alloy wire, alloy wire superconducting property
A method of protecting superconduciors from damage during the transition from
superconducting to normal state has been developed. The 65BT superconducting
niobium-ritanium alloy wire (65Z niobium and some zirconium) was developed by
the Institute of Precision Alloys at the Central Scientific Research Inatituti`
of Ferrous Metallurgy.. At 293, 77 and 20K the wire has a tensile stren th
of 81, 140 and 192 kg/mm2, a notch touthness of 18.5.. 5.8 and 4.4 ka :nmi,
and a resistivity of 70, 59 and 56.10 ohm-cm, respectively. The critical
temperature of the wire is 9.7K and the critical magnetic field at 4.2K is
90. kilo it was found that a thin copper coating_effectively
ACC NRs AP7001546
pKevenis duiing'the' transit!6n* Erom-:the superconducting to the
normal state. Wire'0.25 mm, in diameter wasi
ated with a layer.of coppar,
IQ-20 'p thick, and used for solenoids with, f Id int4neitiea of 19 and
54 kilo-oersteds, The solenoids withstood long periods of operation and
pioved to be stable and reliable. They were used in studying galvanoma;uetic-
properties of pure metals in semiconductors,' in investigating the critical
parameters of superconducting ma~srlals,, ate, .;Or,' S art" hii: ~ 4. figuris band
a Ii.
SUB CODE: 11, 09, 20/ SMM DATE: 30Jul66/ ORIC REY: 001/ OTH REP: 003
ATD PRESS:. 5111-
Carct 2/2.
t .;.
Calculating the natural vibration frequency of tubular sprinp
and spring manometers, Izm, tekh, no.8tl3-15 Ag 165.
(min 1819)
I ---- --- --- ---
71C - inzh. (9mg1k),
% . mii~
Axperience in uBing rail defectoseopee. Zhol. dor. transp. .17
.no.8:68-69 Ag 155. (MIRA 1?:8)
.(Railroads-Raile-Testing) ..
FXDOTOVq L.T. (Otmic).
On guard for safety, Pat' put. khos, no,lrl8-20 Ja 158. (MIRA liti)
1, Starshly inshoner po defelctookopii Omokoy dorogi.
(Railroads-Mintenance and repair)
Xectricity for homes of railroad vorkers, Put' I, put.kbozo 4
nc-.6:38-39 Xe !60. (MIRA.13:7)
1. Starehiy Inshener slushby puti Omskor dorogi, Omsk.
(Railroads-Baildinge,and structures-Ughting)
FFDOTOV, L*Ve, inzh,
Use of radio techniques In frequency and power regulating
systems. Energ. I elektrotekh. prom. no.1:45-47 Ja-Mr'64.
(MIRA 170)
SEIKOV, V.M.j, kand. tekhn. nauk;_,FEDOTOV, L.Y., inzh.; 'Y"111-K, A.F., inzh.
First results of the industrial tests of a system for de-
termining the efficiency of boilers fired by,pulvvi-ILzed coal. Energ.
i qlektrotekh. prom. no-3:12-17 JI-S 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
f) o
.. ; ~., f.. 7-. , !
~ z~l , 1 ~L-_,-,
SINIKOVY V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; FEDOIP)~,J,~,, inah.; TSIPTSYURA, R.D., inzh.
Control systems of automated thermal electric power plants*
Energ. i elektrotekhe promo noo2:3-6 Ap--Te 10'5*
(MIRA 18:8)
SINIKOVt V.M.j kand. tekhns nauki FEDOTOV, L*V*, kand. tekhn. nauk;
YANIKO A.F.j, inzh.
Principles of the construction of a system for calculating
load distribution efficienoy between boiler units. Energ.
i elektrotekhe prom, no.4t8-10 O-D 165. (KM 1911)
.0 0 00 0 0 0 0
-1k0- a I a L
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M 44
; ; ; ;
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ad wour aim. I.,
Ife"ov. A!!i~f4rDrIMO!
No. 9. 110m); 1n;W"'
PW- MI.-Wallf Slaw. toed In %%Uixt,
tontain IwA amn than DA%-* N&ON, tho mm.
aim [J-1.6% sth. Ntcx"
*;;*** ;141
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big- see
we 0
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It 10 111
0*4 1~~- !!ILI Met- 0
09i CHRMILM STUL CAo Tikhodoev and Lo 1. Fo4otov. 0(atal- ,0
lurg, i940, No* I ppj 3.1-37), (to Bik's-ftW)-*7--Tho welding exp*ri- .100
aents described by the authors i4ro carried out on as-rolled strip v~ .100,
25 &=# An cross-sootion ofhost-rosisting stool of the following
96,9 oompositiont Corbou 0-12$, mangavese 0027%, -siticon (X693%, chro-w A d*&
004 mium 2800%, nicks1003"%, phosphoru$00025%, and *Atiaf~~r.
00624%o The first welde more made using imported electrodes
0042 with a costb* Watawng CAF C~C~ ("TO."46VAGS &M wMer.
ghm- The WMAW OUVR%th 4 the via[da wu low (3D40 k P"
0-0- Sq. MRS.) MW they C" pM0U?WJy not be bent at &H wrilhout
fradWag. - 71o weld mW was imse VWmd. 0" wo1ding pvo oleo
even Poim rwW* a* ft e"ved ezoaw(ve Sndn powth in The pamt
1neW ad= the vold. Tbh Wred,was abina with me w4d& too
It was to obWq Vsh nfineuwA in the weld mW by
In"oebW Utudum &W Wondakm fto the ok~~ votwW.
After nunwwx tesU do faUowhw ompodtku was &Mvod at:
k1uMW 36%. Mathis ffi ', 2S%A!MUtWujn !E#/0, &Dd.40%.
a 4v so ni; a OA 0 of 9 1 S 11 0 a
:110 0 0 0 0 *0 900,0-0 0 06-41 0 00 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 06 e 0;
1 1 04 wi we o,# q ~. I - * a--
7U9 so * 0 av S. tA
An interesting Soviet paper on welding is: Joining Chrome and ),,;ickel Stainless with
Plain Carbon Steels by Welding, by L. FEDOTOV from AMM.10YE DELO, Vol 12, #5, 1941.
0 so*
0 010T;0100*1~*
00 A
clef 00490 .. -0-4
=** 1 .11' -1 LK ILX RX 0-0-0-0-0
In 4, U
-LA' L Jig. A-
Oil 0
"10 0
*S19. sat-a" 8 t~ z. vdatov. A
togeuxod DT%C Xdnillg=p~ 1947. P.1647.
Describes meUW usinc an
nwhaulealittm= V-.31.4n
j =tr."b.nF. ted.
.&A 'W
000 419,01irm -- -- --------- lies
105044 wit Oil flail ii-erw-1-41
b u n 10 Al , 4 'a 'I I V
00 00 0 0*000000
0 0 0
.900**Go*O 00000040.0
III-K. Tho tyar sof ?Wt Both. for
uddering of metalo. On JIUMAIIIIj J~
E. ESdg= dlqpsArl 6 1po.1" v. 22.
MaKINT.-O. 33-U.
Prittly described. (H7)
Svarks khromistykh zharoupornykh stalei. (Leningrad) leningradskoe gazetno+..-
zhurnallnoe i knizhnoe izd-vo, 1945. 67 p. illus.
At head of title: Leningradskii dom tekhniki mashinostroeniia NKW.
Bibliography: P. 40-(41)
Welding of heat-resistant-chromium steCs.
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congreas, 1953.
xUa 51
USSR)tngiveorimg WOMIM9
"Conference on Heat Treatment of Welded Products
in Leningrad," L. Ye. Fedotov, En*gr,
"Arilogen Dalo" No 8, pp 31)32
Conference was organized. by LONITOS and Giprom-
&shpribor with representatives of various plants
and institutes. One decision states that heat
treatment of welded products and structures made
of low-carbon steel, does not improve their ef-
ficiency and.lis not required for preventing warp-
4---- of vclded parts. Preliminarry beeat treatment
uSSR /Engineering - Welding Aug 51
is necessary onlT in individual cases where
long welded structures of small thicImess
are machined.
I-OD074', i-,vjtE._j,
AUTHORt PsdotoY#__L*E*1_ Engineer.
TITLEs Scientifio-Teohnical Conference on Welding of Non-Ferrous and
:Light Metals and Their Alloyse (Naucbno-tekhnicheskava kon-
ferentaiya po evarke tevei;nykh i legkikh metallov i ikh
PERIODICALt "Svarochnoys Proizvodetvo"9 1957, #A, pp 39-40 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The artiole oontaine a brief summary of a conference on welding
of non-ferrous metals and their alloyal hold in LENINGRAD from
22'to 24 April 57, The ~*onference was organized by the welding
sections of the shipbuilding and machinebuilding industries and
by the regional-IINTO'l-Board of the Machinebuilding Industry
The 26 reports at the conference dealt with the most important
xecent4ohievements of the industry in the field of welding
non-ferrous metals and their alloys, for example investigation
of welding proosesteg welding technologies and machinery es-
pecially developed for welding copperg aluminumq titanim and
Card 1/2 their alloys.,
AUTHORS: Engineer and YevBtaflyev, S. G., Technician
TITLE: Argon-Are Welding of Aluminum Bus Bars (Argono-dugovaya
svarka alyuminiyeivykh shinoprovodov)
PERIODICAL; Svaroo hnoye proinvodstvo, 1958, Nr 29 pp 45 - 46 JUSSR)
ABSTRACT: Information is presented on the technology and results of
tests on argon-are welding with tungsten electrodes of
aluminumUs-bara. The following conclusions are made:
the described method can be used for welding in bottom,
vertical and ove:rhead position and has marked advantages
over gas-welding, i.e. there is no need of flux, no sub-
sequent cleaning of the joint, better quality of the seams,
higher efficiency and reduced cost of work. There are
2 tables.
ASSOCIATIONi Leningradskiy filial Institute, "Orgenergostrof (The Lenin-.
grad Branch of the "Orgeniargostroy" Institute
Card 1/1 1. Aluminum,--,k~c welding 2. Are welding-Electrodes
AUTHOR: Fedotov, I.Ye., Engineer 110-4-17/25
TITLE: Argon-are WeMing of Lluminium Busbars (Argonodugovaya
svarka shinoprovodov J.z alyuminiya)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, No..4,
pp. 52 - 54 (USSR).'
ABSTRACT: It is not easy to make joints in aluminium busbars.
Special fluxes have to be used for acetylene welding of aluminium
and it is very difficult to employ electric are welding with
carbon or metal electrodes. One of the best methods is that
of welding under a protective layer of argon gas. Argon-are
welding uses no flux and can be done with tungsten electrodes
that do not melt or with electrodes of other metals that do.
Tests were made on aluminium channels, sizes 12 and 17, with
wall thicknesses of 6 and 8 mm, respectively, using tungsten
electrodes and depositing aluminium wire. An a.c. welding set
was used having the circuit shown in Fig.l. An a.c. welding
set is simpler than d.c. and has other advantages. An oscillator
in the a.c. circuit ensures stable burning. In preliminary
tests, it was difficult to achieve the necessary heatin.& because
of the high thermal conductivity of aluminium. The tests were
made on aluminium, channels in all positions, up, down and
horizontal. The external appearance of welded joints made in
Argon-are Welding of Aluminium Busbars
the various positions are shown in Fig.2. Specimen joints were-
made to standard rOCT-6996-54~ for testing in tension, in
bending and for hardness tests. The results are given in Table
1 and the appearance of the specimens after tensile tests is 0
shown in Fig.3. All the specimens for bending withstood 180
bonds, as shown in Hig.4. The Brinell hardness of the weld
and basic metal was about the same. Macro- and micro-examin-
ation of the joints revealed no defects in the metal. The
method of argon-are welding is recommended for aluminium. bus-
bars. Engineers I.n. Bondin, B.G. Yefstaflyev and B.A.
Rabotnikov participated in the work.
There are 2 tables, 5 gigures and 2 Russian references.
ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Branch of "Orgenergostroy"
("Orgenergostroy", Leningradskiy filial)
SUBMITTED: fioveimber, 18, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of (;ongress
Card 2/2
YZVSTA]Plrff, S.G.,insh.;j~V~9L-Tsu.,inzh.
Results of expertmenti In volding aluminum bus bars, Blek*Bta-
29 n0,11:31-33 N '58- (KIRL ntl2)
(Bus cooduatore (Blectrlcity)--Welding)
GUSAROV, N.N., insh. Prinimali uchastlye: ANNUMV, T.V., insh.;
RABOTNOV, B#A., lnzh.; FADOTMI-ije., inzh., nsuchnyy redo
BALI)INg V.A&q ret$anzanf-,_BWMIY. A.Ta., 1cand.tekhn.nsuk,
retsenzent; SAVALOV, I.G., kand.tokhn.nauk, reteenzent; LEVI,
S.B.. kand.takhn.nouk, rateensent; SMOLOV. V.S.. kand.tekbno
nauk, retsenzent; MUM, Yu.I.. reteensent; RAZUKOVA, A.D.,
inzh.. retsenzent: DOLOIKH, V.G., insh.. retsenzent-, XAXMOV.
K.G.. red.izd-ve; PMOKINA, Te.A.,
[Provisional instructions on using gamma rsjVB in controlling
welded joint* of reinforcements in reinforced-concrete con-
struction elemental VremenAeta instruktaiia po kontrollu
ffvarnykh soodinenil armatury sholemobetonnylrh konstraktaii
prosvechivaniem gama-luohami. Leningrad, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po
stroit., arkhit., i stroit.materialem, 1960. 46 p.
(KIRA 14:2)
1. Russia (1923. U.S.S.R.) Ministaratvo stroitallatva elektro-
stantely. Tekhnicheskoys upravlenlye. 2e TSentrallnyy nauchno-
i0sladovatel'okly institut stroitellnykh konstruktsiy (for Baldino
Brodakiy)- 3- Chlon-korrespondent Akedemli stroite'lletva i arkhi-
taktury SUR (for Baldin).4. VNIICKS (for Savalov, Levi). 5. TOent.
ralinaya nauchno-issledovatellakRys, laboratoriya Goagortakhnadsore
(for Sokolov). 6. lamestitell glavnogo saniternogo inspektora.,Boni-
tarnaya Inspektalysi SM (for Lsbodev)- 7. TsHIP Ministerstya stroi-
tel'stva alektrostantsiy (for Rasumova), 8. Treat Savsapenargo-
montszh (for Dolgikh).
(Gem= rays--Industrial applications) (Reinforcing bars-Weldiug)
YEDDTOV..L.ra.. insh,
Alectric conductity of welded copper joints, Byar. protzv.
no.2:35 7 160. (KIBA 13:6)
1e Orgenergostroy, lealngmdakiy f III&I.
(Copper-Welding) (Alectric conductors-Welding)
Welding bus bar compsmators, Aytom.evar, 13 no*7187-W
J1 160. (KM 3.3 2 7)
1. Trest 00idroolektromontaghl (for Veysman). 2o Leningradekly
filial lzwtituta "Orpnergostroys (for all except Taysmm)*
Oas oonftc tore (Ileotrio ity) --Welding)
AUTHORS: Fedotov, L.Ye.; Voroblyev, V.V.
TITLE: The effect of the shielding medium on the heat influx Into an arti-
cle during welding
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 26, abstract 4,E132
("Inform. byul. Vses. in-t po proyektir. organiz. energ. str-va",
1960, no. 4, 14 - 16)
TEXT: The use Of N2 as a shielding medium for welding Cu with a W elec-
trode is of great practical interest, since on the one hand N2 is very cheWp,
non-scarce and safe gas, and on ~he other hand welding In N2 permits greatl;F in-
creasing the heat influx into the article as compared with welding in argon for
the same amount of electric power sipplied.
V. Klyuchnikova
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Fedotov, L.Ye., Engineer, Voroblyev, V.V.
...... wz=~
TITLE: On the effective heat efficiency during arc welding of copper in
shielding gases
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1961, 11 - 12
TEXT: For the purpose of replacing argon by nitrogen in gas shielded weld-
Ing of copper, experiments were made to determine the effective efficiency of heat-
Ing 12 mm thick M2 copper plates, during welding with non-consumable tungsten eleo-
trodes of 5 mm in diameter, using 400 - 460 amps current, in argon and nitrogen gas
shield. The heating time valkied within 15 to 39,seconds. The effective efficien-
cy ofheating the work by the are heat was determined by comparing the heat equi-
valent-of-full electric power with heat content of the heated specimen measured in
a calorimeter
V~ ' 7.24 IwUatw where Iw is the welding current in amp .s;
Q Qo.+ Qcopper' Uarc
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Fedotov, L.Ye., Engineer, Vorob'yev, V.V.
TITLE: On the effective heat efficiency during are welding of copper in
shielding gases
PERIODICAL.- Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no, 9, 1961, 11 - 12
For the purpose of replacing argon by nitrogen in gas shielded weld-
ing of copper, experiments were made to determine the effective efficiency of heat-
Ing 12 mm thick M2 copper plates, during welding with non-consumable tungsten oleo-
trodes of 5 mm In diameter, using 400 - 460 amps current, in argon and nitrogen gas
shield. The heating time vatied within 15 to 39 seconds. The effective effic!.'en-
cy of.heating the work by the arc heat was determined by comparing the heat equi-
valent of-full electric power with heat content of the heated specimen measured In
a calorimeter
0.24 XWU't
a w
Qo + Qcopper' where Iw is the welding current in amps, Uarc
Card 1/2
On the.effective-heat efficiepoy ... AOO6/A10l
is the are voltage in v, tw Is the welding timd in sea;- Qe - (180 + Gw)(Tfin -Tin),
is the hoat:content of the calorimeter in cal [180 cal/degree is the calorimeter
constant Gw Is the water mass in-the calorimeter tAnk (12,500 g),-Tin afid T_
are the initial.and final water temperature in the calorime-L-~,- tank after-immer-
sion of the.specimen, in OC; Qcopper w 0copperCcopper (Tfin - Tin) is the has.%,
content of the specimen to be welded (Goopper is the plate weight, 1,370 9, Coopper
is,thO specific heat cap!teity of copper, 0.94 cal/ 0). The experiments
showed that the effective efficiency during the welding of copper in.nitrogen a:t-
mospfiere was by 20 - 30% higher than in argon. 'Therefore the use of nitrogen as a
shielding gas Is of practical interest for the described purpose, since nitrogen
makes it possible to considerably increase the heat supply to the work piece as
compared to argon, at the same values of the electric power supplied. There are
,3 tables and 5 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy filial instituta, "Orgenergostroy" (The Leningrad Branch
of the Orgenergostroy Institute)
Card 2/2
FEDOTOVP L.Ye., inzh.j KWOV;, V.S.i- tekhnik
seointomatio argon-are welding of alumimm tuabars by m"'
of'a"consumable electrode., Svar. proizv. no.12;90022 D
1. LeniWadokiy filial Vaeooyunogo institut po prd~ektirovOiya
orgahiikaiy energetichesko'oo stroitel'stva. A
(Bus'conductors (Bleotricity)-Welding)
VAYNERMAN, Abram Yefimovich; FEMOV, L.Ye., red.
[Technology of electric arc welding of copper and steel)
Tekhnologiia elektrodugovoi avarki medi so stalliu. Le-
ningrad, 1963. 19-p. (Leningradskii dom nauch-no-tekhniche-
skoi propagandy. Seriia: Svarka, rezka i paika metallov, no.?)
(MIRA 17:4)
FOOTOVp L.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; RALSTOV, A.A., inzh. Cdeceasedh TJMOFEMr,
B.T., inzh.
Welding concrete reinforcement metal in carbon die-xide. Svar.proisvo
no.llt26-28 N 164- (MIRA 1811)
1. Leningradskiy filial VsesovuznCRO instituta po provektirovaniyu
orizanizatsiy enorgatichookogo stroitelistva.
Concepts of distribution and redistribution of national Income.
Fin. SSSR 18 no.12:40-47 D '57. (MIRA 11:1)
Specialization of mmobinery ma=facturing in an economlo region,
voy. ekon. nos* 4.-.59-0 Ap 158. (KIU 11S$)
1, Urallekly filial AN SSSR (for Dmgaleva, Zhukova). 2. Chely0inskiy
movnarkhos (for 7edotov).
. (Chelyabinsk Provinoe-Xachinery industry)
Planning and establishing worldng capital norms for collective
fwrms. Fin. SSSR 20 no.5.31-38 MY 159. (NIIU 12:10)
(Collective farms-Pinance)
Kapralov, I..I., Fedotov, M. A. and Markov, Yu. G.
-"e ice
A high-frequency gas-discharge
PERIODICAL; Roferativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 3, 1962, abstract 3-3-79ye (Izv. Sibirsk. otd.
AN SSISR, 1961, no. 7, 36-40)
TEXT: The device comprises a gas-discharge diode made of a glass
tube 5 am in diameter and a length of 54 mm, provided with 0.6 mm.
diameter molybdenum rode electrodes sealed into the ends of the
tube, the distance between the electrodes being 26 mm. A high-fre-
quency electrode, e.g. a ring made of foil, was placed or glued
onto the outside of the tube and connected to a 200 - 500 V, 167
or 520 kc/s supply. The end-electrodes were connected to the grids
of a double triode working In a bridge circuit. The electrodes were
connected to the "earth" of the system by small capacitors (04,10
pF). At a difference of C and AC a d.c. voltage U. was registered,
-at the output of the circuit depending on the values of C,,6C', the
Card 1/2 1
A high-frequency D256/D301
frequency and the position of the H.P. electrode. It was shown that
the occurrence of the d.c. voltage at the output of the diode re-
sulted from a nonuniform charge distribution in the volume of the_
diode. The sensitivity of the system was: up to 20 V/pF in capaci V
tance or 5 V/mm in mechanical movement, The error of the experimen-
ial instruments exceeded 5%., The possibility is considered of ap-
plying the diode as an electric transducer of nonelectric quanti-
ties. 1 reference. Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translation.-7
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Konradl, G. G. (Moscow); Fedotov, M. A. (Moscow)
TITLE: Develo d- of mechanical properties of
Ipment of methods an invest TgattWn
graphites and.carbides at.temperatures up to 32000C
SOURCE: Voprosy* vy*sokotemperaturnoy prochnosti v mashinostroyenii. Vtoroye
nauchnotekhnicheskoye soveshchaniye, 1962. Trudy*. Kiev, 1963, 50-57
TOPIC TAGS: graphite, carbide, graphite property, high temperature graphite,
high temperature, high temperature property, csirbide, nloblum carbide, carbide
mechanical property, carbide high temperature property, sintered carbide property,
sintered carbide, sintered carbide testing, niobium carbide property, zirconium
carbide property, zirconium carbide
ABSTRACT: Using testing devices for determining tensile or compressive strength
which were modified for high temperatures, the authors studied the mechanical
properties of various types of graphite and of niobium and zirconium carbides In,
the temperature-range from normal up to 3200C. The principal characteristics' of
the modified testing devices viere uniform heat distribution In the specimenil at
very high temperAtures and the ability to measure very small deformations over a
wide temperature range. The specimens were heated directly or Indirectly by
Card 1 4
electric current; when small spec imens were tested for compressive strength, they
were heated both directly and Indirectly with a graphite thermoisolated heater.
Stress was measured with a dynamometer, changes in load being recorded with.time,
while the deformation produced was recorded photographically. The data obtained
were then,plotted, yleldirg curves from which the tensile strength and modulus of
elasticity could be calculated. The relationship between elasticity and tempera-
ture for graphite, and the effect of the addition of pyrolytic carbon, arel shown
in ~ig. I of the Enclosure, while Fig. 2 shows the relationship between tempera-
ture and mechanical properties for niobium carbide. At normal temperatures,
some specimens of nlobium and'zirconium carbides had a compressive Strength of
more than 30,000 kg/cm2 and a modulus of elasticity in the range of 10 million
At 2500C. the compressive strength and elasticity of these materials were
equal to tfiat of graphite. However, the mechanical properties of nioblum carbide
at high temperatures depend on its structure: specimens with high
ed much lower compressive strength and elasticity at high temperatures thanspeci-
mens with,lower porosity. The general set-up for determining compression strength
Is shown in-Fig. 3 of the Enclosure. Orig. art. has: 3 illustrations and 2
BELOTSERKOVSKIY, Grigoriy Bentsionovich; BABKIN, N.I., inzh.,
retsenzentl ZHDANOV, VA., inzh., retoonzent; KALANTAROV,
M.N., inzh., retsenzent; TEELEZUKO, M.I., inzh., retsenzent;
'FAKTORDVICH, M.D., inzh., retsenzant; FEDOTOV, M.D., inzh.,
retaenzent; SAMOYLOV, G.V., inzh., red.;---IV-Xff07--TSYG=V,
A.I., kand, tekhn. nauk, red.1 BOGGMJLOVA, M.F.., red. izd-va;
FCZHINI V,P,, tekhn. red.
[Antennas]Antenny. Izd.2., perer. i dcp. Moskva, Obor-ongiz,
1962. 491 PO (MIRA 16:2).
Ante m\(El A
nna-, --e roni6s)Y,
STOLPM, Ye.B., rod.; RUSAXOVA, L.Ta., red.;
Lsupplying gas to enterprises from city gns systems] Gazosnabshenie
predpriiatti ot gorodskikh gszovykh setei. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-
tekhn.izd-vo neft.1 gorno-toplivuoi lit-ry, Leningr.otd-nis, 1957.
238 P. (XIRA 11:1)
(Gas distribution) .
TUL'CHINSK&A, V.P. (Tultcbynslka, V.P.I. prof.; F=TOV M.I.;
ISHM N.I.; TURCHIN, I.P. (TurcbiZ-Ki.
Methods of differentiating 1==odiagnoutic reactions in
animals vaccinated against and in animals suffering fron
brucellasis. Na dopom.aill.hosp.ta vyr. no.5:15-18 '58.
(MIR& 130)
1. Kafedra mikrobialogii Odesekogo gosuniversitsta. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent AN USSR (for Tullcbinskaya).
(Brucellosis in cattle) (Vaccination)
FLDOTOV, N.I. [Fedotov, M.I.]
Precipitation reaction in cattle vaccinated mCainst brucel-
losis. Mikrobiol. zhur. 20. no-4:45-49158. (MIRA :L6:8)
1, Odesokiy gooudarotvennuy univeraitst,
ZDOTOV, 1. P., En~g.
Electric Current Rectifiers
Some characLoristics of a rectifying scl.ema -with a valvo ono noL'- grounied, Elek.
Sta. 24, No. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Yay 1953. Unclassified.
PIDOTOT, M,P., Inshener.
Rationalizing preventive testing of tho electrical equipment of a
power station. Shergetik 2 no.3:10-20 My 134., (MLRA 7:6)
(Ilectric power stations)
I-,YjIDOTOY. "-*,-_inzh.
Beat transfer In the condensation of steam In horisontal drum.
Izv. vyse uchOe save, energ- 3 no.11:69-78 N 160. (MIRA 13:12)
1. Ivanovskly energatichaskiy, institut im. V.I.Leninas Predetavlenn
kafedroy teplofikateito
(Heat-Tre~2mission) -(Drying apparatus)
I At till jjjj~
FEDOTOV, M.P., inzh.
--CieQng of the insulator chains of operating electric power
transmiadon lines by meanB of a broken jet of water. Elek.
Ste. 33 no.6:66-69 Je .162. (MIRA 15:7)
(Electric lines--Overhead)
TROSHINy F*V., kand,tekhn,nauk, doteent; 4jP-"QY*...HJ., inzh.; SOKOLOV,
Yu.F., insh.; BORISOV, B.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; i~WXOV, Yu.41~, inzh.-,
SOROKV, A.F., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. (deceased]; ZUYEV,, A.I.,
kand.tekhn.nauk- KOFTELOV,, Yue-K., kand.tekhn.z2lpk; YFMHOV, Yu.G-11W
inzkoj BROVXIN, L.A., kand.tokhn.nauk, dotsent; PUTOSKUYEV,, M.P.
kod.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; PYATACHKOV,, B.I*,.kand.tekhn.nauk,
VA" ROMANGVA, T.M.pkand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent
Abstracts of completed res h works contracted for the national
economy. Sbor. nauch.trud.trieno.10 -WW l 62.
"(MIRA 16:9)
is so 41#111141 of a 411*414141* *441
i-Ii sam-2 it as yx *--a d; Q-IS-
-Alf sot,ipm j,vqIPj f. "Plot
t-0 P160121i I woo I
sptkoxiii. 0. A. "Idixot and -~.Ijcda&ov- ZITWS-* Mack- ls~f-
sit A .
. ...
do"W. AKUM.-FAIrm. low. 16JO, 4W
procedure is carArd out" Itamm: The ingwdients ate I mui. I'hNllt. I awls. glyetrol
'RI* and
to l
ou brou
ht u
71be tuixt
d 10
so, -
-34 g. crywid. M
4 an
the 11#0 and PILNI)s wbkh twpn to = m passed through a ft9ux cmdenict and
d t
4 e rr-
as ttUurw
led into a seps. funnel to arp. H&O P
)o. t
actionthisk. The temp. gradually Increases to JW4' with the evapa. of the IIA) and
The mist. In kept*% that tmp. vor 4-bbrv. The cold reaction product i0dild. with 11.0
twith kv) and Ditrito is intratfuced through a tube Placed ck*e to the bottom until a
0 starch paper ( above the tbquid kvri) turna blue tmn the Ni asOm lAwfated.
PhNLI& am P=11, . them ousm-distd.. the residue in the ilask was smade alk. and the
quinoline atcaus-distcl. from the must Auk. The quinoline is %-pd. from Iflo, the
of Latter returned to the itactim Wit. together with ke before dim"jokso and the 6W
product Is drkd o"t KvM and ItacUonaud. giving a final yitW of 83%, based on
WW,70 I i .
to S
hNII# &M 42 3
- 7--- , -. -- . -.- -
10469 Mo#4 *10 an$ dot
U A* 146 Is I P
.00 1" fit .6 no 'I 1
An A S 1 04 a a a I If Is 0 0 4 3 1 v
4 0 see 46 0
am/CheRlAtrY - Organic Mercury Mar 52
"Reactions of Diphanyl Mercury With xava Chior-
Idea, in Which No Stable Ketalloorganic Compounds
Are Formed," G. A. Razuvayev, M. C. Pedotov, Chair
of Org Chem, Gorlkiy State U
hZhur Obshch Khim" Vol XXII, No 3, pp 484-489
Dipbenyl mercury in ethyl cellosolve or diozaae
eoln,,Vhen heated with cobalt chloride or iron
chloride, yield.- phenyll =ercurichloride and benzene
as a result. of the reaction between the phenyl
radical and the solvent. With the sane solvents,
hez~stry - Organic Mercury Nar 52
CU%XMU (Coutd)
~on beating with cupric chloride, it forms phenyl-
~~;-~icbloride, chlorobenzene, and cuprous chloride.
~ht beating in morpholine soln with FeC'31 CUC121
COC'2t,,C6H6 Is formed and metallic Ng separates.
~;~ reac on proceeds on account of reducing pro-
plex me-
cesses which take place upon beating of coq
ic chloride salts with morpholine.
Itiatuant NO ry With d0atiles of mttals
w P
Lku-ddl OEM C.- .0
j j.- f `~ 0 " f
C,A 477, 27!~I~. -11-ting
I1!!,Ifg lvit!: acy CoCI!, Fecl, i~l ill P't(icif,
cff-Mfl', or Nich ill (Cll~.011,. Cjf,
With CaU, In pyr~liu~ it vivid; P1,11fC1 .,,: I I'IiCl.
c I I c I,, wi MCI, (Z-r. d"LU 'j I kLL Pt!~] 14 it r,-Ik Nn I( c
pro:,,r F,-~Aj an, Fj:jjfl~ !.I ,of, ':11~t i c)) I
gi,jv C.11, 1111:1 wtho, t',;Cl; vio"," H,~-
-,d jalt,
V7 p
6 It- 114Pb illif
. N) Jr. Biocimirolf 5 brs.
r4va 62.17o CXs and 67.25% PhAlliCit. Siqpilaty 5 g.
Pli4f`b vid 3.18 it. FeMofter I hr. gtvc 6GA05; C411, and
73,45% )"h,PbCh; in 71im these vrc%ePAYR% and 60.75%.
rrsip. Pl:,Pb (5 g.) (4101 2.6 g. NIC, Silo"larly ill 3.5 1JrS_
Wf. scid 1.8 g. ptwj.. In 12 h". Ph^ ar
2 IZ
4UCh Anlifvxty pave 6
- ph-pba,
a C6116 OXA 5il~f
White - Pj'.mx3& cuc~ 9%
him, g%vt 83. yo phel Wd
! PNPK14 and Ilech 1" 2 hirt. Similarly t-Ave
C4 91% plich. Ph4sq (2.23 C.) and 2.7 c. CoCl.
41milarly gnvc fit 7 hr-, a t-pce of CgH.; with FtC', in 10
inin, it filmled 91.77" CJ1. Bud SnC4; MCI, srave the
.arue Mull, 641t CUCI. X2VQ PJjCj, Unit MnCls Wled
ta react. G. M Kr 1013po"I...
- - - - - - - - - - -
I T7
,j~ 1 4
,~`,jx Pot
I I t:c
if] R:7 7-:.
f 7:1
,-I: Ne"unf,
fawy- 2,:- Eyi~
o o sov/81-59-.5-15319
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 5, P 188 (USSR)
AUTHOR. Fedotov, M.S.
TITLE: On the Catalytic Formation of Simple Benzyl Ethersi
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Gortkovsk. un-ta, 1958, Nr 32, pp 185 - 166
ABSTRACT: 11rhe catalytic formation is pointed out of Q g5 C%n(~, CHOOC~,H.
(I) upon heating C6H5CH2Cl (II) in HOCH2CH2 2~ (II ) In Thi
presence of metal chlorides (MC). During react ons of metal-
organic compounds (MOC) with iuftdrous MC in a III medium,
amongst other products, I Is formed; in a medium of dioxane
(IV) the reaction product is II; the formation of I in a III
medium depends on the catalytic action of MC. The possibility
Is shown of this catalytic reaction extending to the formation
of other mixed benzyl ethers. 117 mmole of 11, 10 g of III ANI
13 mole of anhydrous CuCl are boiled for 1 hour, the fil4-ate
is distilled with steam, & distillate is extracted with ether,,
9.1 g of,I is separated, b.p. 230 - 2450C. In the same manner
Card 1/2 the reaction is carried out between III and (C05CV2 with Hg
On the Catalytic Formation of Simple Benzyl. Ethers
(V) of C ~%HgCl (VI). The initial III or IV are cited, its quantity in g,
the initl V or VI, its quantity in mmole, MC, its quantity in mmole, the
boiling time in hours, the substance obtained and its yield in %: 111, 20,
V, 9.2, CoC12, 37, 2, 1, 451 111, 20, V, 13, FeCl 261 4, 1, 52.5; 111, 20,
v 7.8, cuc12, 31, 0.25, 1. 85; 111, 15, V.T, 15, ;e1cl 3' 15, 0.33, 1, 40.7;
Iii, 20, VI, 15, CuC12, 30, 1, 1, 78.1; IV, 25, V, 13, FeC131 26, 2, 11, 51;
IV, 20, V, 13, CuC12, 52, 1, 11, 71.4.
V. SkoriAumov
Card 2/2
Role of the extractives tu the ogidation of coal. Izv.AX SSSR.Otdi
tekh.nauk.KetA topl. -no.4sI75r,178 Jl-AS 160. (MIR& 13:9)
(Coal tar prod4cts)
MOTOT, N,; KAkRMDV$ G., irA2.
r----W~,a`Z90"brIck-faced blocks* Stroitell no.4.-19 Ap 158.
(KM. 145)
l.Nachallnik kombinata TAragandenhakhtostro)r (for Fedotov),
(Concrete blocks)
Tha romko of the society are gro-Ann; .4n numbers and strength, NTO
noJt2lo-25 Mr 161. 4:3)
1. Zameatitell predsedatelya Wentrallw)go pravleniya Nauchno-
t,ekhnicheskogo abibehestva misbinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti.
(Technical societies)
1. TEDOTOV, N. A., Eng.
2. U93R (600)
4. Shaft Sinking
7. Sinking vertical shafIve according to continuous work schedule, Mekh. trud. rab. ,
6, No. 10, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified.
2. USU (600)
Shaft Si Wei n
7. Continuous work schedule for sinking vertical shafts. Ugoll. 27, No. 10, 1932.
-j953. Unclassifled.
9. tonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jpvia
MANTUKOV, G., Insh.; SAGIMTAH, V., Lnzh.; MOT07, N., inzh.
Making brick-,concrete wall bloci~ and panals. Stroitell
no. 12tl9-23 D 160. (MIRA l3sl2)
(Kazakhstan--Building blocks)
V 1NO rl -
Dideradolatim of the capacity of a mercury catliode by
of Potential tassastairements after switching -an the
um P; A 6 1 - (KAfl--. InIV-. Chesil
got.. MIPA4iW). Aar, As, KklM, 25, 3 14111:11)- rhe
refinkfise u%rd fly Ifickling wit -Wt (CA. 3i. M1111; 37,
3-W) Is migalitk4l and Improved. The 1wit-lilLil ill a Ifif b
cuthisolt k listramarnI Imincolialriv villirr the "M-ill i% "it
fill 1"' X Ill illy turolso Of an 07 "hich mill. Ill-isill-
lite 1111CM11111114 And WtiiWb Ill. elf,3101
lorlAct and 11011114--jX114,111141 r"'Alkl. it fill& ailljObf0l, Alld
An irwillussir,,por with phollearbilobir ortm-Mix 'list luiw
pilot 100400161 -W 4k* 141 this, safe it- oil fly I,- sold
ins, Flip.. I, ll~kr, a 0. WWI the 411%thalliv 44 A laill-0416.1
"Poldeniser. flu" direcripikon (A circulto its givru. IN If
CiVer"01114se 9 Oil 119 6 UMUMed in A AV 118.401 MJ!11. At a
c.d. betweett 6 X 10-1 and 0 X 10-1 asup./sif all, 'rhr c
TAM of V are 0 1918 0'047 0.98). 1A12, 1,044, Lij-.9,
1,111, 1.151% 1 1.11 v to; - ins e - 4.:V), 1.10. 3 73.
.1 40*3 M 2 Tilii. 2M: 2.00, The oicilluristits -110*
that & "tLi decirmies thwasly with little for i. (v 4
at time t - 0) < 4.10-4 amp./sq. cm. Thu%: C.1-t -
id (1) where C k the clectrude capacity. For 4 ;o 4 ~ Ill 1.
C mum be cakd. by putting Tafelo rrUl isms v - P Wit t,
into (1) and Ht ating: 9, - as - Is fill; I I ~ (4.2 1! C3,1.
(2) Valuft of T.'Icd. with (2) .4 Is - it .I I ,sire, iv-1, . d
19.0t 19.3o 19.5o 18.11, 19.4, 18.1, 111.3 mirflolariuls.'%q. rin
I'a 6 - Is 10-1 1 10-1 4 10-6 8.10-6. L01.1o's, a,vt 8,
6.10-8 d lossicniLd rr6tivt Ito the If
clectrode in the Same low.) - 1618. 1,617. 1,712 1714,
1.779.1,911.1,10i)v. The value of C axrm with the 44f,;
of the other workers (Pruakurnia mod FintilLin, C.I. Z9,
32139; Wrloova and ProAmalm C 4 30, 741611, and
liblywo that the wit-MichArIfe of The hir-al*hrisir niori~4,Kxsil,
to funk di,citatlir Ill the double layer and limt n-, r ill I
Active sidio-d" If almn% ate preilew ut ill-- asiNir.
Slicht-I lismidAlt
AUTHDRs Fedotovt N.A. 32-24-4-57/67,
TITLEs Resistant Glass Electrodes for pH Measurements at Temperatures
of up to 1000,(Proobnyy xteklyannyy elektroa d1ya izmerenva, PH
pri teMeraturakh do 1000)
FMODICAU Zavodskaya Imboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 4. pp. 498-)+99 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The glass electrodes described axe manufactured from lithium-
containing glass with an addition of Lanthantm 9M cesium in
aooordsuce with a description previously given (Ref 1). The tech-
nique of manufacture is described and -two varieties of the shape
of the electrodes are mentioned. Chlorination of the silver
electrode is carried out by anode polari ation in O.In hydrochlor-
io acid, whereas vaporization of the electrode liquid is prevented
by the malting-on of uplatinite" as a hermetically tight seal. The
characteristic of the glass eleotrade is shown by a diagram for
temperatures of 25, 60 am 950 0; an analogy between the glass
electrode and the hydrogen electrode for the range of from pH 0.5
to 12-5 is observed. The eleotroaez aro resistant against a longer
heating in acid or alkaline solutions without changing their
Card 1/2 property. "Zero" of the electrodes is given as being pH 1.85:tO.05
Resistant Glass Electrodes for pH Measurements &A 32-24,4-57/67
Temperatures of up to 1000
and at a temperature of 250, Whilst resWarice in relatively low.
By industrial tests carried out at 90-95 and pressures of up to
8 atm it was found Ithat glass ele6troars may be used for the con-
trol of tecl=logical processes at iuoreased temperature &M
'preastire; besides, the resistivity of the electrodes in the case
of heating of longer duration at 120 - J300 C was proved by labor-
atory tests. Tbadimensions of the electrodes as well as contact-
guides can, under certain conditions, 'be changed. There are 2
figaresp and I reference, 0 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATICK; Nauchno-is sled ovatel' s1dy fiziko-kh1micheskiy institut im.
L.Ya. Karpors. (Scientific Reaearch Institute for Physical
Chemistry Imeni L.Ta.Karpov)
2. Glass electrod
1. Glass elO~dt bd-es"Production es--Properties
3. Glass electrodes--Temperature factors 4. Hydrogen ion
concentration--Corrosive effects
Card V2
AUTHOR: Fedotovo 11. A. SOV/76-32-9-3/46
roperties, of Lithium Glas
TITLE: The ec r6aii-P- s (Elektrodnyya
svoystva litiyevogo stekla)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1956, Vol 32, Nr 9,
pp 1951 - 1957 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Sodium glass electrodes, such as ED-1 and :ES-2, have too
low an incidence of applicability. The author: investigated
lithium glass Nr.. 490,491, and 494 (composition in table 1)
at temperatures between 170 and 950 and in the pH range I to.
12,5. The glasses were produced by the collaborators of the -
Glass Institute G.S.Bogdanova and Ye.Orlova. The experimental
arrangement is shown in figure 1; the electronic potentiometer
2P DV--53 was used in measurements. The solutions used
were H2so 41 HC" citraterphosphate buffer solution, alkali-
borate, and alkali solutions. The pH level was controlled~
using a'hydrogen electrode. Table 2 summarizes the experimental
results. The potential assymmetry tLnd the resistance of the
electrodes were also measured (Figs 3,4,5, and 6). These
Card 1/2 properties do not change if the lanthanum-cesium ratio
The Electrode Properties of Lithium Glass SOY/76-32-9-3/46
in the glass is raised from 1 to 1,67. The increase in
the curve characteristic of the electrodes becomes 16sa at
higher temperatures and at pH values above 9. This results
from a change in the true pH value of the solutions. There
are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 2 references, 'I of which is
ASSOCIATIOIT:Fizliko-khimicheskiy institut im.L.Ya.Xarpova, 11.11oskva (Moscow
PhysicalvChemical Institute imeni L.Ya.Karpov)
SUBMITTED: February 2, 1957
Card 2/2
. ~i
AUTHOR: Fedotov,_N,-A.&.- SOV/32-25-10-50/63
TITLE: A: Glass Electrode With a Copper Auxiliary Electrode
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya lab.oratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 10,pp 1267-1268
ABSTRACT: The possibilities for the application of copper for the
production of internal electrodes are investigated. The
principal demand made on an internal electrode is that tho
potential jump at the boundary glase(metal)-solution must
remain constant. This is the case if the metal is not dis-
solved at all or very slowly, i.e. the concentration of the
ions which determine the potential, remains constant. There-
fore, the glass electrode was filled with a 0.5n copper
sulphate solution2 which was acidulated with sulphurio acid
to a 0.2n concentration, because, in the absence of an oxida-
tion medium, copper dissolves very slowly in sulphuric acid.
Oxygen was carefully removed from the glass electrode and the
latter was hermetically closed. The copper electrodes were
made by post-treatment from an insulated copper wire (dia-
meter 0-5 ma), such as is used for transformer windings. The
Card 1/2 glass electrodes produced (Fig) are tested for some time by
A Glaeo Electrode With a Copper Auxiliary Electrode SOV/32-25-10-50/63
means of a potentiometer of the type LP-5 and after having
been kept in O.In hydrochloric acid. After storage at room
temperature for 9 months, no variation of zero (Table) was
found to have occurred. Slight variations occur in the case
of heating, but this is characteristic of the lithium glass
from which the glass electrodes were made (Table). There are
I figure and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im.
L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Research Institute of Physical
Chemistry imeni L. Ta. Karpov)
Card, 2/2
28W -05762
AUTHOR: Pedoto SOV/32-25-10-51/63
TITLE: Laboratory Unit for Measuring the pH of Solutions
With a Glass Electrode
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriyat 1959P Vol 25, Nr 10, p-1269 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The laboratory pH-meters of the type LP-5 with glass electrode
produced by the home industry use up much of the solution to
be Investigated, because the electrode must be washed out
several times with the solution. A pH-meter (Pig) with a glass
electrode was constructed, for the application of which a
sample quantity of 0-05-0-10 ml suffices. The glass electrode
is made from lithium glass (Ref 1). pH-measurement may be
carried out by means of a potentiometer of the type LP-5; it
't is, however, necessary to pay attention to reading off the
values, because there is a difference between the"zercFof the
given electrodes and of thos6 which are used in the pH-meter
Mookip. From the description of the pH-meter it follows that
the glass electrode and the calomel standard electrode are
fastened to a lamella of organicglass, and that a narroj
capillary (1.5-2.0 mm diameter) extends from the lower ,;n4
Card 112 of the calomel electrode to a point 2 mm below the neck of
,, for Measuring the pH of SOV/32-25-10-51/63
Solutions With a Glass Electrode
the glass electrodes the capillary tube being closed by mesine
of a filter paper tampoon. The capillary ia filled with a
saturated solution and arystals of potebsima-tdoride. For the
pH-measurement of small volumes of liquids a glass cup, made
from a glass tube having a diameter that is 0.1-0.2 mm grea3er
than.that of the glass electrode sphere, is used. If the
pff-meter is not in use, the electrodes are stored in a metal
cup which is filled with a saturated-potassium chloride
solution, and whichg in its interior, is lined with organic
glass; the metal cup is fixed onto the pH-meter. There are
1 figiAve and 1,Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiaiko-khimicheqkiy institut im.
L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Redearch Institute of Physical
Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
Card 2/2
5,5400,21.4200,24.682o 78.~,' 52
AUTHOR Fedotov, N. A.
TITLE,: Influence of Y-Radiation on Electrode Proper-ties of
Lithium Glass. Letter to,the Editor
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energlya, 1900, Vol 8, Nv 5, pp '262-2611 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author investigated the Influence of 7-rays on -
electrode properties, of' glass used for glass electrode
production. A Nt- 25 glass tube 12 rmn In dIam held a
glass spheve made of lithium electroJe glass of
following constitution (in molar percent): LI 20--.27;
Cs20 La20 3, Sio 2 - 6,(. The author pt,oceeded
to test three most sensitive characteristics of the
electrodes, the sensitivity gradient, the potential of
a symmetry ---,nd the resistance. The Inslde of the elec-
trodes weve filled with a 0.1 N solution of hydrochl:oric
acid. The measurements of the glaos electrodes In
standavd buffer solutions were done with respect to
Cavd 1/11 saturated calomel electrode held at the same temperature.
Influence of Y -Radiation on Electrode 783,-,. 12
Properties of Lithium Glass. Letter to SOV/89-8-3-17/1,2
the Editor
The diagram of the apparatus is shown on Fig. A.
Fig. A. Diagram of
the apparatus for
measurements of po-
tential of glass elec-
The potential of 'a3ymmetry was measured In the Inter-
val from 1 to 10 pH with a + 2 mv accuracy. Wall re-
sistance wau measured by megns of the current between
two silver electrodes inside the solutton on both
CaM 2/4 sides of the glass elec!;rode sphere. Outside emf
Influence of -Radiation on Electrode
Properties of Lithium Glass. Letter to sov/89-8-3-17/32
the Editor
us ed was 90 v. Resistance measurements were of + 1%
accuracy. All cylindrical parts of the electrodes
were covered by vaseline to make them nonwetting. The
electrodes were exposed to -radiations from a
Co 6o source equivalent to 20.000 gm, equiv. Ra. Electrode
spheres were located 7 cm from the center of the source,
and the exposure.lasted 48 hr. The integral Irradiation
dose was 25 Mr. After exposure the electrodes became
dark brown. The sensitivity gradient was measured to
be 58.o + 0.3 mv/pH at 21 0 and remained unchanged
during t'ffe -exposure, after correcting experimental
values for a slight temperature variation. The resis-
tance of lithium glass remained also constant within the
experimental error before and after exposure. The
change of the.potential of asymmetry of the electrodes
was on the average 3 mv. The author concludes that
this shows that the lithium glass electrodes can be
used for pH measuremenus of solutions containing a
Card 3/4 high percentage of -active isotopes. There are I