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L 1ZQ2" P? NP(q)/ (a)/~MS Fa -4/Pr- MOVE S/020/6~/14 9/W6/018/027 -ker, K. S redo AUTHCR: --Uns Sam - 0 .- a-eva, H. A., and Corresponding ban to the--Adff,4&-zqoI Sciences USM_ _Q URMI . v. Ut9j, nf*6 Dokladq., po 13511 1963 -,dQlzm ri 7-atinn 11 of 914y),eraLon -.% chlorimte.4- mLxture -f~f_ titanium- and "at low prossizre in-the presence of a chlorinated 13y jpol~mzrizing ethylene of tit-.xi~ira and alw-uinum the authorz cc~btaincd E,. hida yield of solid poly- e'thylamo wi44a a noix Point of 120- ' To T 3 _12,.- =-alizAnim mixturea-us,,ed-for_~- - -titan! LC_, ""cro rrcTar~~d froja ck-Ticj- + ~ A. -TiC13 (Al -f- 1-:Cl)p 8zd 1 3 _11reat-d vit c, _-I or Ine-bz;'ore beitg_useXLM_ In -the 1ply-m-17i zation. - - Oae--Autb,!)rs- - Conclude Ln ti-le bro.!aze of the tre_nt.Y:_,,.;nt of tlica . =e of mel;alz Al I- Ti. with ' In br-,",aaa therz for= r. ncw type of an active ethylene- C__j,,j;fZjt 7,0SO S4* 4- clo. - aes t - fonp tructure m, 11 iely al,,Doac: he a3- C,-,'4,-. IA& this conaection the for=tion of IS occasioned noi by o~zw_%. ).a oZ "he axyl-metal Me-Ph by wygan but by the oxid-stion of benzene in tr_e arA titanium chlori"-,. of A1C13 J=e 25, 196P Card 1/1 ILL,1111V A YrEv , G.A. j MINSKER I K.S. L;,!!.,Y(7.vl 1 G.4 Cat&lyltic -.%yate,,n!3 fur tho polparimtion of f4h.vistie. Nqftechimia 4 no,4t57-1- 575 JT-Ag 16-',- M L PA 17.- 10) ACC U 'X-030857 ~,N't4~ SonCS CODSt M110I.91166100010091905610059 AM0.11 'Xinsker X S Zavarovaj, T, B,;.Bu~~v~ 1~. D.; Foeoseyova, 0. T.; Burla;~Ova f-" __ -1--.1-- .. I , G. I. ; Pakhomova'-f.-K. 0R0: none TITLIS: Evaluation of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride SGURCE: Plastichoskiyo massy, no. 9t 1966s 56-59 TOPIC TAGSt polyvinyl chloride, polymer stability, antioxidae. additive,chemical stabilizer ABSTIMM A study of the therma stability of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) containing 1 variouz antioxidant stabilizors HC1 acceptors) showod that the rato of decomposition of ?','V- -Pnd the time 9 roquirod for a first-order Cohydrochlorination reaction to be 1 !Ostablinhed can be used for characterizing PVC, and that 0 can zorve as a criterion Ifor the affectivenoss of stabilizor action* A corroct and unavbiguoun estimato of th6l stabllizor additives introduced into PVC requiras that the initial polymor be charac- ~orizod by a value of 0 clozo to zoro. It was notad that an increase in the contont i of antllo.,.Adant stabilizors caused a chanso in the rate constant of the dohydrochlorin- atior. roa(.tion. Tho offoctivonoss of tho stabilizor action can in this case be do- ar.Anad fron tho change in the rate constant of I'M ovolution. Anothar critorion of stabilizor action is T, the duration of the induction poriod up to the start of UDC: 673. -2--_0_1_t5)�!Y23___ L ACC Nil! .112 030857 liberation of .11CIO also called thermal stability; r is described by the Arrhenius-e- quattion 1/-r = A exp(E/RT). It van found that A and E characterize the cher-tical nature, of PVC. -lao uro of this equation for estimating PVC compositions should aid in ob- tainim,, a 6ifinito picture of tho action of stabillzors introduced into PVC. Another cquztion w:i4-cla also an-Aicis to tho PVC - vti6ilizor systons stiidied oxpressoa the do- ponr, of the thormal :rLability on the concontra*,ion of st%abilivzom introduced, Ir 31CI/n, , w`lurt) C it; tho concontration of the stabil'-zar and B and n are constitnts for a gi-;on sazrioo of experiments. Orig. art, has; 6 firuras and 2 tables. j SUB toDs: Ii/ Sum D='El nonel ORIG REFs 011/ OTH REF: 006 rd 2/2 ACC NR1 AP6019541 SOURCE COM UR/0190/66/008/006/1028/103 AWHOR: Minsker, K.-S.*. Zavarova, T. B.; Bubis. h. D.; Fedoseveva. G. T.; Burlak G. I.; Pa omova, 1. K. ORG: All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of ChlorooEganic Products and Ac~ylates (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy tut khlororganicheskikh productov i akri- latov) TITLE: Assessment of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chlor de and the efficiency of thermostabilizers SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soye'dineniya, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1028-1034 TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl chloride, solid mechanical property, chemical stabilizer ABSTRACT: A critical evaluation of the methods of assessment of the thermal- and therm al-oxidative stability of PVC is givon and the efficiency of the thermostabilizing ad- ditives to PVC are discussed. The thermal stability of polyvinyl chlorides containing such stabilizers as 3PbO'PbSO4, dibutyl lead maleinate, disbutyl lead laureate, cal- cium stearate, diphenylolpropane, bis-(2-methyl-4-oxy-5-teriary-butylphenyl)-s'ulfide, bis-3-(methyl-4-oxy-5-teriary-butylphenyl)methane, dibutyl-4,5-epoxyhexahydrophtha- late, lead stearinate, and 2-oxy-4-methoxy benzophenone was examined by means of mea- suring HC1 liberation during the heating of various stabilized PVC samples at 1700C UDC: 678.01:54+678.743 1/2 ! ACC NR: AP6019541 i for 0-300 minutes. It was found that for the evaluation of the thermal stability of 1the stabilized PVC, the commonly used indices such as "integral rate of HU libera- tion for 180 min heating at standard conditions" and "thermostability" are inapplic- able. The following indices are recommended as a basis for evaluating the thermal- and thermal-oxidative stability of the PVC stabilizers: (1) the time from the begin- ning of the decomposition reaction to the point at which the reaction rate becomes. constant; (2) the rate constant of the dehydrochlorination reaction; and (3) the tem- perature dependence of the time of initiation of the PVC thermal decomposition at 1700C. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 3lMay65/ ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF; 007 awn 2/2 M~ ACCESSION'NR% AP4038004 S/0170/64/000/005/0096/0099 AUTUORt Salamandra, G. D.; Fedozeyeva, 1. K.; By*kova, H. M. TITLEi Measuring gas velocity behind a shock wave SOURCEt lashenerno-fizichookiy zhurnal, no. 5, 1964, 96-99 TOPIC TAGSt gas flow velocity, shock wave, subsonic gas flow, shock wave propagation, flow velocity measurement, gas flow ABSTRACT: A method has been developed for measuring subsonic gas velocities behind a shock wave in a shock tube. The gas velocity wasImeasured by two independent methods: by measuring the velocity, of thermal inhomogeneLtics formed by spark discharge in the gas moving behind a shock wave, and by determining the velocity of sound waves generated by spark discharge in the gas flow behind the wave. The high-pressure chamber of the shock tube was filled with a stoiehiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture at a pressure of 61318 n/M2, and the low-pressure chamber, with nitrogen at 78647 a/m2. Ca;d 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4038004 The distance between the contacts for spark discharge was selected in such a way that the "traces" would appear in the medium already brought in motion by the shock wave. By processing of time-resolved photographs, the motion of the nas and sound waves propagating' co- or countercurrently to the-flbw can be determined, and the gas velocity calculated. The experiments have shown that gas velocities determinedby the two methods differ by 2-3%. Gas velocities in the range from 173 to 286 m/sec were measured by the methods behind a shock wave propagating at H - 1.72. Orig. art, has: 3 figures and I table. ..M, grzhirhanovskogo, ASSOCIATION: Eaergeticheakiy institut-ims, Mosc6w (Power Engineering Institute) SUBMITTEDi 16Feb63 DATE ACQ: 09Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ME NO REF SOV: 005 OTHERt 006 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041871 S/0170/64/000/00710047/0052 AUTHOR: Salamandra, G. D.;_Fe~oqseyeva, TITLE: The measurement of gas velocity in a combustible medium SOURCE: Inxhanerno-fixichaskiy zhurnal, no. 7, 1964$ 47-52 ;:TOPIC TAGS: gas velocity, gas velocity measurement, combustible medium, optical nonuniformLty, shock wave, Toepler photography, hydrogen, oxygen ABSTRACT: A now method is described for measuring gas velocities in "combustible media. It is based'on the initiation of optical non- .uniformities ("marks") in a stationary gas by heating small sections ,of the gas with thin Cr-Ni wire through which a small capacitor is .discharged. The gas was set in motion by a shock wave and registered, by Toepler photography, using both motion-picture and high-speed .single-frame techniques. The experitnonts were carried out in a tube 36 x 36 mm-consisting of several sections, one'of which'had lenses. p_ The tube is connected to a shock tube and to the photographic equL ~'ment. The '*xplo*ion,(Ln a high-pressure chambir connected to the card 1/2 tACCBSSION NR:' AP4041871 "f orm the "markso" and, ,shock tube), the discharge of the capacitors to :the picture taking are synchronized. The metho"4 was use.d to measure .the gas velocity in a stoichiometric hydrogen-,lixiygen mixture in front f :and behind the shock waves The gas velocity in front of the flame, iexceeded the speed of sound. The speed of motion of the marks was 'blower than the speed of the flame., The method is applicable,,only to :capacitors with discharge energies below 10 joules;'at higher dLe'- ,charge energies, the marks become indistLn.cto OrLgo art* hasl 2 formulas and 4 figures* ;ASSOCIATIONt HnergetLch.skLy institut Lm, Go Ho~Krzhixhanovskogoll ;Moscow (Power Engine'er~ng Institute), SUBMITTED% l6Peb6'3 .ATD PRESSt "30.73 00 C) I 0A 003' ;SUB CODEt M91 PR NO REY SOV: Of A I J; Ori,,. -;-irt :-I SALAKODRA, G.D.1 FEDOUYEVAs I.K.; BYKGVAp N.M.- Measuring gas velocity behind a shook wave. lnzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no.5: 96-99 My 164. (MIU 17%6) 1, Energetich.askiv institut Imeni G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo,, Moskva. SA"MODIV., G.D.; FEM-121-rVA, l.K. - .- 1 ~ - -, ~ 11- - -1 1-1 ~,: Ga3 VeIC)CItY m0asurelment. in a f"-rjnTaab!-? motiium. Tnzh.- fiz. zh-a-,. ro.?% 47-52 JI 164. ~%.MTIO. 17:10) 1. Energetichoskly institut im. G.M. F-~.lhlzlhanovskogo, ' m :~ A a A v x x 0 a a a LL AUUL Al X I O 0 00"6 , , , , V. t 4 "L. a rm_'4j._4.'.L--1:0 0 Solos do" 44 f"sWe d s Z *0 SOA avocca d of Owd wft V I" UNIT.). J. d r . cy 140 W011WO(JOW) Rustlea): C*Ml a a M *#m C.A. 4 , &Wt.-AM13 was r tion du cb; wi 00 009 c o c fm o p bo-vaduct of Lebokv nut u"If o tl : fac o "Wd '=c.qjwky*b"wb' Tbo " rogioditims was ftwimated to AM a i1 b 00 e0 9 08 a t fromm mom t b. WT 40% amsylem. wA a fractim. b. U-0 4 00 Tbl forl"Mr (350 1 _ -40 of 0 1416cc. & in CIICII 3 VCHMAGU22. g.) k 2 To at US , mid agpwgd to sta" omalglit. whem the pped, 00 0 7----~No$ wo~ ""W on *ad the w"bed .0 9 0 1 w4mma Was dk4d. ins 2w 9 1 - Milo 61-3. =We dowly odow IN 4 u "1 0 5 541o 04 * ) I~ 34-5 tri A eywcho 0 l *74"OH M ) 4' Elio" 3 9 r 000 00 - . oind IN the tam, 0d. shakes - M. S 4' h rA 0 .3 e MA &meow to "MW his. NOAH T r .0 O*w Red a odt-Am Ph o0w koction, d-1--! 0.W3*e-9Wq W" 1.400- T MST too -*oil M in CQ, pv* dilrowdo. b4 13"' O 1 M12 (br -0 AM 14M) we* 00 - I o 1.413S.1.4m OW " do b & sso-Aw so c tuo the P pro =0 abor (Ma - LW-M4* b . . em 1 Lim CC the ebm With beat* to ww-4 t" m pewact i&rlvjaj Soo IL b. 27 (twomins , 1-0 . dr AW4 S- OV I " ad f'vuA gave darommes. b, ISO-W'. *0 chpirgictivind edw b l , A VIVA SIM43im , z , V14 III ON owl al I u a H a all 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 a 4 0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O l/ MIN 1 ' VINOGRADOV, V.I,j FEDCBEMA, K.I. Uoing t.he univeroal, decimal claosIfication. NTI no.ltlS-23 163. (NIM 16:8) S/057/61/031/003/015/019 ill ).-0 (/60 311drl I 1 '10110'") B125/B209 AUTHORS: Fedoseyeva, L. A., Granovskiy, V. L. TITLE: Cooling of an electron gas in a decaying mercury plasma PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no- 3, 1961, 357-366 TEXT: The present paper deals with the decrease of the electron tempera- ture T. in the initial stages of cooling (in a period 0 - 400,P see after disconnection of the electric discharge field). In addition, a second problem has been solved: The authors determined the decrease in ooncen- tration n of the free electrons and compared it with the decrease in concentration of the positive ions. Thus, both methods of studying the de-ionization of a gas were intercompared. The investigations were carried out in the plasma of a low-pressure ar 3 In m;fcurj vapor under the following conditions: Vapor pressure 10- - 5. 10- mm Hg, amplitude of the discharge current 1.3 a, tube diameter 65 mm. Do-ioniza- tion was.studied by osoillographic observation of the current through a probe inserted into the plasma. When the instant ti is properly chosenj Card 1/8 V, R Cooling electron gas in S/057/61/031/003/015/019 B1125/B209 the values of the probe current at t t1 may be determined from all oscillograms taken at different U probe* The same characteristics were plotted also for other t values. IF'rom theae characteristics ' the-authors determined T e and n0 at various times tp and thus T 0(t) and n0(t). The simplified circuit diagram of the arrangement is shown in Pig. 1. Pig. 2 shows four probe osoillogramo taken at the same p 0 and the same current in the tube, but at.different U probe (probe potential): a) For U probe 25 v (with respect to the other probe) an ion current which is constant until the current in the tube breaks, flows to the probe, after which it decreases on account of do-ionization. b) For U - - 8.2 v the same holds, but the current flowing to the probe probe is weaker than in case a). c) For U probe 5-9 V, the current flowing to the probe is predominant in the arc stage. After breaking of the are, the ion current flowing to the probe vanishes graduallyl and a decreasing ion current is left. d) For U-1.3 v, an ion current Card 2/8 N Cooling of an.eleatron gas in S/057/61/031/003/015/019 B125/B209 is continuously flowing to the probe. At the vapor pressures p0 U 1.10-3 (2000), -5. 10-3 (4000), 17. 10-3 (600C), - 58- 10,3 (80oC), 15 to 18 osoillograms-eaoh were taken at least, and from these the probe characteristics with a spacing of 20 ^ sea were drawn (Fig. 4). Te de- creases quickly and then slowly, and from the curvature of the probe characteristics onp may ascertain the absolute electron concentration ne at different times t. Tables I and 2 show the initial constants of time t of the conoentra tion determined by both methods. The agreement of these results proves the measurements during de-ionization to be correct. An investigation of the time, dependence of T and n during de-ionizati on of the discharge plasma in the pressure range of from 1 to 58-10- mm Eg at a discharge current of 1.3 a in a 65 mm thick tube showed the following: 1)_ The simple method of determining T from an- . 0 oscillogram of the iorf current impinging upon the probe at constant probe potential is reliable. 2) In the initial stage of ionization, T 9 decr*aees the faster, the higher the pressure. 3) The difference T - T in the e 9 Card 3/ 8 Cooling of an electron jas in,.* S/057/61/031/003/015/019 B125/B2O9 process of do-ionitation decreases gradually, but even after 400 itcaec of thermal equilibrium a mercury discharge does not occur in the,plasmas The final temperature of the electrons attained during this time is the lower, the higher the pressure. In *the initial stage of the procesal in- elastic collisions of first kind play the principal part in gas cooling at all pressures examined and at 1 - 5~10-? mm Eg during the whole time (0 -400,#~ see). Elastic collisions are pre dominant at p > 10.10-3 mm Hg in all later stages of the process. 5) The metastabld atoms as the only energy reservoir of the electrons in the decaying plasma play an important part in the initial and final,stages of the process. There are 5 figures, 4 tables, and 12 referencest 6 Soviet-bloo Lnd 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The two most recent references to English-language publications read as follows:., P. Mohler, Journ. Res. Bur. Stand. 19,,447, 19371 J. H. Simons, R. P. Seward, Journ. Chem. Phye., 6, 790t 1938- ASSOCIATION: Veenoyuznyy elektiotekhniohookiy institut im. V. I. Lenina Moskva (All-Union Institute of Electrical Engineering imeni V. I. Lenin# Moscow) .SDBMITTED: June 6, 1960 Card 4/8 LISS-R/Biology Bruchophagus infestations FD-682 Card 1/1 Pub. 129 - 17/25 Author Fedoseyeva, L. I. Title Bruchophagi living in bean seeds Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat) i yest, nauk, Vol.-9, No. 3, 113-118, May 1954 Abstract Describes works conducted in the Tinguta steppe forest (leskhoz) and in certain valleys of the Stalingrad Oblast, in-which more- than 20 species of wild leguminous plants were investigated from the viewpoint of.infesting them with bruchophagi. Institution Chair of Entomology Submitted August 28,1953 MMM-- __FE~p -- USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. insects. P Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 6640. Author' :-Fedwayeva, L. IQ Inst :A9__USS!R-Q_ Title :New Species of Bruchophagus Ashm. (Hymenoptera, Chaloidoidea), Developing on Leguminous Plants. Orig Pub: Doklady AN SSSR, 1956, 111, No 2, 491-493. Abstract: Bruohophagus kolobovae obtained from the seeds of Lotus cornioulatus JPodmoskovIye, Poltava, Pyatigorsk)- B. coluteae, from the seeds of Col- utea media JUzbekistan); B. hedysari, from the seeds of Hedysarum sibiroum (Western Siberia); B. maoronycis, from the seeds of Astragalus mac- ronyx (Alma-Ata) and A. sieversianus (Uzbekistan), are described. -- A. P. Adrianov. Card 1/1 A survey of herbivorous species of Bruchophagus Ashm. (Rroonoptera, Chalaidoid*IL) in the U.S.S.R. .[with summrw in Inglishl. Zool. shur. 37 no,9:1345-i35l 8 .058. (xPa 11: 10) le,Ufedm,entomologii Mookovsk6ge sudarstvonnogs univeraltata. (Chalaid f Ilear YJCDOSMVA, L. 1. Materials on the ecology Of Some speCtee of the genu Bruchopha- gus Ashm. (E~ymenoptera, Jurytomidae), seed posts of leguminon plants* Nauch. dokl. vyoo shkoly; biol. nauki no-3tl4-18 160. 1.R.eicomendovana kaf edroy entomologii. Muskovskogo gosudaretven- nogo universitsta Im. N.V. Lomonosova. (Stalingrad ProviAce-Chalcid flies) (Logtiminonae-Diseaeas and posts) -I?EDOSEMA-t L-OIO-- Genus Meromyza Mg. (Dipteea$ Chloropidae) in the U.,S.S.R. Mauch.d*l. vyaoshkoly; biolo nauki no.4:46-51 160. (MIM 13: 11) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy entomalogii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im, MoVoLmonosovao (FRIT FLIES) PMSRYL?VA, L. I. species of the genu's Xeromyss Hvig, (Aptera, Chloropidas) In the Moscow area* Jht. obos. 39 no.2:1#50-"1.160. WRL 13:9) 1. Kafedra entomologil. Hookovskago, Cooydar*ennogo universitsta, koskva. (Moscow Province- Trit flies) IBDQSBYEY4,1&1,,'kand.biolog.nauk Neu data on grain flies of*the gems Maromyza., Zauhch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.5z" My 1161o (mm 15: 6) li M-skovskjy goaudarstvemW uILLvemitot. (Moscow Prorince-Meromyza) I FEDOSEYEVA, L.I. Now palearctic species of fritTlias of the gems Ylemoryza Y49. (Diptera.. Chloropidae)e Eutsoboz. 40 no*3:704-709 161. (MM 150) :1. Kafedra entomologii Moskovski3go gasudarstvennogo universiteta, Moskva. (Frit flies) ,FEDOSEYEVA) ------------- scoiogy of grit flies of the gynusl4sromy$4 (Dipterat - Chloropidae) in Moscow Province, -Zo-oL rb, -40 no.8:1205-1213 Ag 161. (PWUI 14: e) 1. Department of Entomology.. State Vniversity of Moscow, (Moscow Province-Frit flies) FEDOSEMA.. L.I., kand.biolog.nauk Two forms of frit flies of the genus HerovWza infesting grain*. Uohoh, rapto ot,vred, I bo'le 7'no*'U:47 Ag tbZ* (KM .151l2) (Arit flies) ",non j- LJo Boology.and taxonomy qfrit flies of the genus Heromysa NS,, Yop. Ool. 7tW1492 162. (XMA 1615) L Moskovskiy Cosudarstvennyy univernitet, (Frit flies) F.7,DOSEYF,VA L I Studying European irit fliao of the genus Mermym Mg. 'Diptera.. Chloro;iidae). Ent. obos. 1+1 no.2:470-474 1620 (MIRA 15:3.1) 1. Kafedra entomologii Moskovskogo gosudaretvennogo universitetas (Frit flieo) SUKHAREV~ Mikhail Ivanovichp kand. teklin. nauki FEDOSEMA, Larisa, Somenovnal inzh.; EYKASOVAI G.I.,, red.; n=".-D:P:I-* r6d ROVA izd-va; BELOGUI --I.A.j, tekhn. red. [Use of nonwoven fabrics (fibrous paper type) in the manufacture of men's jackets] IspolIzovanie netkamykh materialov (tipe voloknistoi bumagi) pri izgotovlenil muzhekogo pidzhaka. Leningrad,, 1961. 18 p. (Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tokhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmer rredovyr. opytom. Seriia: Shveinaia pro- UVshlennostIp no,5 (MIRA 15:3) (Nonwoven fabrics) (Tailoring) WJ A 4,372 -AP6023402 SOURCE CODE: UR/0323/66/000/002/0061/66iiS/ A L7HORt , fthirev. M. 1. (Candidate of technical satencen, Docent); Fedosalya L. S. (Engineer) ORG: Leninzrad Institute of the Textile and Light Industry Im. B. M. Kirov (Leningradakly Institut tekstilluoy I legkoy promyeblemosti) TITLE: General conditions for testink u nonwoven materials SOURCE: IVUZ, Tekhnologlya legkoy promyshlennosti, no. 2, 1966, 61-64 TOPIC TAGS: adhesive, textile, sorption ABSTRACT.-, In recent years the Soviet Industry has mastered the production of now textile articles, In4luding glued nonwoven materials. They consist of textile fibers glued together by various litexes. The sorption properties of the latter are somewhat different from those of textile fibers, F-arthermore, it Is known that all gMed nonwoven materials lose up to 50--60% of their strength with an increase of their water content and when they become wet. Therefore the pu ripose of this study was to investigate the sorption properties of glued non- woven materials and to elicit the time required to reach an equilibrium water content of these materials during absorption and loss of water. Glued nonwoven materials differing in fiber Card 1/3 L-4372 -66 ACC NRt AP6023402 3 composition and glued by differe4t latexes were used In the Investigation. The specimens used In the test contained 100tgottonV6r a m1#ure of cotton, dacron nitroO~d verel bonded with butasUene-acylonitrile synthetic rubber.P~The water loss of the glued nonwoven materials was Investigated by placing the specimens In a desiccator with 100% relative humidity for 24 hr and then into an air-conditioned chamber with a relative humidity of 65% and temperature of 20C. To determine the water loss the specimens were weighed every 4, 6, 16, 24, 30 and 34 *t- untIA an equilibrium state was reached. The absorption of water by the materials was de- tormined by drying the specimens to a constant weight at 105-110C and then placing them in an air-conditioned chamber with a relative humidity of 66% and temperature of 20C. The water content of the materials was determined every 4, 6, 16, 24, and 30 hr before an equi- l1brium water content. The results obtained were analyzed statistically. It was found that the water content of glued nonwoven materials depends upon the nature of the fiber and the type of latex. The sorption properties of presently used latexes are lower U= for textile fibers, which leads to comparatively low sorption properties of glued nonwoven materials. Sorption equilibrium of the glued nonwoven materials under conditions of 65% relative humidi- ty and at 20C occurs with the absorption of moisture after 24 hr and with the loas of moisture after 30 hr. When testing glued nonwoven materials to determine strength, elongation, we t per square meter, wear resistance, and other mechanical and physical properties, these materials should be kept spread out at a relative humidity of 65 t 5% and temperature of 20 t GC for at least 30 hr. When determining the water content, bygroBeoploity, and water loss 2/3 L 43729-66 V. '-ACC NRI AP6023402 of glued nonwoven materialst flye sW~e (150 x 200 mm) should be out out for each type Of test. Orig. art. ham 3 tables. SUB CODEt 11/ SUBM DAM 04NoT65/ ORIG REF: 003 lit USS' I/Virolomr - Viruses of Man and Animals. Measles Virus. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biolt) No 6, 1959) 236V Author FgdQoeXev"aj L"OV. Inst Odessa Scientific Research Institute of EpidemioloG7 a;yl Microbioloey Title : An Experiment of Obtainina Dry Anti-Measles Serum. OrIC; Pub : Tr. Odeesk. n.-i. in-ta epidemiol. i mikrobiol., 1957, 3) 141-145 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 23 I M-M-P FEDOSEYEVAt. .KA,, (Dnepropetrovsk 590 prospekt Kircvajdlo6,kv.2~) Abstracts. Ortop.,q tmvm, i protez, 25 nool-1:65-66 N 164, (MIM 18:11) 1,, Is Kazanskogo institute, traymatologii i ortopedii (dir. starshiy nauchMy sotrudnik U.Ta, Bogdanovich), Submitted December 2,, 1963. L U8SR/Farm PLi...zn1r, Gc;icral Problc--~u. Q-1 Abs Jour ~iv.~- - Biol. , Ho lj' Author V.N,) Layrorn., O.D., I,%-,r:hkova, !I.T.-I Fct'o- Inst ',ascaw Technological o-,L' Meat and Dairy Dv~iv,- Title The Carotene Content -in Fok~dn o:' tho BarYbino 6rig Pub : 31". stad. rabot. Mosk. xn-t my-asn. ). moloc*--n.. prom-sti) 1958) -vyp. 5) Abstract : Ro a,)U-*U,.-.,act. Card 1/1 PCIPOVAp 7&.Nj DAYTHR, A.B.1 PBP%MM&s _M.P- ISFUmpirolds infection in Pskov Provincee MM4 Len.inst.epid. i mikrobiol. 234243-250 161. (HIU 1633) I.,Iz-laboratorii osobo opasnykh infektaiy Leningradskogo inati- tat& spideniologii i mikrabiologii, imani, pastera i otdola osobo, -opasnykh infekti3iy Pskovskoy oblastnoy eanitarno-epideniologi- cheskoy stantoii. (PSKOV PROVINGE-UWTOSPIROSIS) USSR/Cultivated Plants General Problems. M. Abs Jour : Ref zhur Biol.,, No 4$ 19581 15467 Authvr: : V.Yd. Kompaneyets Inst Leningrad Agricultural Institute. Title The Effect of Subjecting Crop Seeds to Electrical Discharge Before Sowing. (Vliyaniye predposevnykh vozdeystviy elektricheskim rezryadom na semena sellskokhozynystvennykb kulltur). Orig Pub Zap. Leningr. s.-kh. in-ta., 1956, 12, 222-225 Abstract Research in the nature of a preliminary survey of the effect of electrical discharge on wheat and corn seed quality after harvesting was performed at the LeninLvad Agricultural Institute in 1954-1955. Holding the seeds in an electrical field with 50 kw voltage for 40 seconds to 1J minutes increased aermination by 15-20% and the Card 1/1 wheat C;rain yield by 10.". A &AT ZAYXV, Petr Petrovich, kandoeel'skokhosyeretvanufth nauk; ZHBZHXLI, Hikolay Grigorleyvich. doktor eel I alcokhozyaystvannykh nauk- Y9IjCSmVAV-- Marianna F8tLgz",. kand.sell skokhozyaystvannykh nauk; PETROV, M.P., re ~-. ~TBVA, Z.V.-, [General agrioultur4i] Obahches zemledelia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo 9.ellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957- 343 P. H2A 11:3) ,(Agriculture) ZAIEV,.Petr Petrovich, kond,sallskokhox.nauk; ZHEZHELI, Nikolay Gri- -corlyevich, doktor sel1skQkhos.naukt--MOSZ=A, Marianna Petrovnap.,kand,.sellskokhos.nauk: ITASEKM, L.I., red.; CMUTIVAp Z#T*O tokbn,red, [General agriculture] Obahchaq zemledalie. Ixd.2., parer. i dop. Xoskva, Goe.isd-vo ael'khoz.lit-x-.r, 1960. 367 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Agrictaturs) MALITSEV, Alekaandr I akademik; ZAYEV, P.P., prof.; DOS ~dotoo; KUSOVNIKOV, YsA, red.j UWOVA, L.G.1 tekhn. red. (Weeds of the U.S.S.R. and their control] Sornais. rastitall- nost' SM i mery bor'by a nei. lzd.4., parer. i dop. P.P. Zaevym i k.P.Fadoseevoi. lAningrad, Sellkhozisdat, 1962. 268 p. (MIRA l6s6) eed control) 7.14 EFROS, A.M.;. FELOSEYEVI" M.P. Effect of beasimidazole derivatives on Ihe growth and development of cereal crops. DAL AN SSSR 146 no.1:236-237 S 162* (MIRA 15:9) 1. Leningradskiy sellskokhozyayetvennyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom A.L. Kursanovym. (Benzimidazole) (Grain) (Growth promoting 'substances) ZAYEV, Petr Petrovich# prof.,*- ZHEZHELT, Alekmtndr Aleksandrovicb, prof.; KOROTKOV, Aleksandr Aleksandr-ovichp dots.; FEDOg~EV ,,.Hsriama Petrovna,, dots.; - BELOVA, Zoya &I ~Ryievna., prepodavatell; GOKHNER, L.M... red.; 4 BARkNOVA.. L.Vit, tekhn. red. (General agriculture and Obshchee zemledelie S,pochvovedeniem. CDYI'~PiP.Zaev i dr. Moskva, Sellkhoziz- dat, 1963. 620 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Anapskiy sel'skokhozyayst-vennyy tokhnikum (for Belova). FEDOSEYF,VA, N,N., red.; IGNATIYEV, P.I., tekhn. red. (Materials of the 15th Conference on Electric Current Sources] Materialy Konferentsii po Istochnikam toka. Moskvap TSentro in-t nauchno-tekhAb informatsii priboro- stroeniia, elaktrotekhn;~romyshl. isredstv avtomatizatsii Pt.3. [Storage batterie Akkumuliatory. 1962 76 P; (MI 4 171.4 1. Konferentsiya po istochnikam toka, 15th. ~. k i:. 4.; I.:~ ABAZA, S.A.; FEDOSEYEVA, N.N.,_red. (Design of.automatic welding machines; abstracts] Kon- struirovanis avtomatichaskikh evarochnykh mashin; re- ferativnaia informataiia. Moskva, 1.963. 19 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1, TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-takhnichoskoy informa- taii i pribDrostroyeniya, elektrotekhnicheakoy promyshlen- nosti i sredstv avtomatizatsii. (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) ABAZA, S.A.; FEDOSEYEVAp N,N&p red. (Modern stamping methods and die sinking) Sovremennye metody shtampovki i izgotovlenie shtampov. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn* informataii priborostrooniiap elektrotekhn. promyshl. i sredstv avtomatizatsii, 1963. 19 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Russia 1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstveimyi komitet po avtoma- tizataii i mashinostroeniiu. BEREZINAp L.S.; BOLD111P R.V.; PP9=mj,-N.N.P red. (survey of new patents on electric storage batteries] Obzor.novykh patentov na elektricheskis akkumliatorY. Moskvap TSentr. in-t nauchno-takhn. informatsii pribo- rostroeniia, elektrotekhn. promyshl. i aredstv avtoma- timtsil, 1963. 43 p. (MIRA 17:7) I* Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstve=yy komitet po avtomatizataii i maohinostroyeniyu, L ~MMPIS; MAtAneval No Ael ftdo"yefraq No Ps 411 TaUt Rffsat of tempariLtun on ths diffusion at Id via* SOURMA AN SM* DOkUeq To 151, L109 As 1264v 38t--W7 TOPIO TAGS m~ra=, afte AMMU4 4"M*L=t-, ABSPLIWT: Direct m3thodo were, d to determine the dorenden6* on t6sparature !Lop*f wroury In m1nuo The funavionAl relatIon of tbo coefficient of jMV between the temporal: and UA coefficient of exchmago (am-face) diffusion in given by tho figure in -the enclosures. The papcr 4as prevented by Acaidemician- P. A. Rabimler on 30 Harch 1963. Orig. art. hits: 2 figures and 2 tables. P-SWCUTIONs Institut, fitichaskoy khImII Akad(mil n!tt& SSM (Inatitute of phyalcall Chemistry. Academy of Sciences SSSR) ImBmiTTED, 2&.ar63 vATE ACQt 3WuJ63 W4, 01 iSUB CODEt PH,, CH. NO REF SOVI 005 OTHERt 001 I bard SILAEVi A.B. [Silayev,.A.B.); IVA N.Y. (Fedosoymp N.V. )j'KATRUKRA, G.St L*V. ANDREEVA, L.I. [Androyevai Pteparation and properties ofIsome L-4;Y-diaminotutyric acid -peptides. Coll Gz Chem 27 no.9:2240 Sr,Q. 10 Moscqv StateUnivoroity.. U.S.S.R. (for Silaev and Fedoseeva). MOSEUVA N. -IAYKVO AdB.; ANDREYEVAI L.I. Chemio of polybpcin M. Part 6: Synthesis of peptides of L-6tv diaminobutyric aoid, Zbur.obakhim. 33 no.~:1019-1023 mr 163 (MIU 16:3) (Polymyxins) (Peptides) (Butyric wid) - --, ...... --.1 n :;_ ~, I : I -- , ; . ~! , i : h -1,,", y.- ~j,~ , . - - - -, - . - , s ~- ', ,, ,"I ~ %,e::, ~ . . .. - . ~ ~- ~? 7 T ~,, ~ --.; .~: ~t, , -FEDOL9EYEVAP-N.--V.---SILAYEV-A-~--B------------------ "Synthesis and properties of OD'r-diaminobutyric acid peptides." report submitted for 7th European Peptide Byzp) Budapest 3-8 Sep 64. FEDOSEYLVA SILA"'EV, A.B. separation Of DL-thrmonine '-n7tOO OPtizal antipodes. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Khlm., 20 no.1:60, Ja-F f65. (MIRA 18 3) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimij MoskovBkogo universiteta. FEDOSEYEVA, O.P., Cand Chem Sci - (diss) II.Study of the kinetics of ion exchange in tars and membranes." mos) 19593 11 pp (State Committe'of the Council of ULnisters for Chemistry. Order of Labor Red Banner Sci Res Inst im L.Ya.Karpov) 110 .,,o~)ies (KL,, 34-59, 112) - 22 - 5(2).(3) Ps"R z BOOK ErrWrTATION 307/2554 Aka4salya nauk 33R. Otdolonlye kIllalchookikh nook- ZOW124170, pa bbromatografli 1901*40VAn*170 V obleAtl lOU"bw*nn0Y. r8bPrOdelitel-noy I onsdochnoy kromatograftl (studies In the Plaid or Ion Rxebange, Dlatribu- tion and PreolpItattan, Cbromatography) Moscow. Ixd-vo AN 333S. lm. 150 P. Xrrota ellp Inserted. 3.500 copies Printed. Md. or ft'allahLng Houseg W.G. Y&Zorov; Tech. Nd.1 I.%. 0~.a' Ultortal Board% K.T. Cbmutpv, CarreagandIng Member. UM Academy of sciences (Romp. Zd.)j V.X. 34*oyaldo, Protesaors KA. 01-shAnov a ftofvsaorj X.R. Wdadto, Docent, and N.V. Twdtakly, Professor. PURMSEt This book Is l4tbo&ad for chemists and chemical englnq*rs. s studies in Ica-exchang# dletrl uss butlon OOVXZA= fts book dis e s c . ' . .mod procipitation chromatograptW. Various problems of the thaory of chromatography and Its appllsatlm or* also considered. This is the 4th collection of articles published by the Co=&&tte* 04 Ckromatography. The first aoliection was published In 1952 under the tttL*t Olosloduv nl blastj ba rlio ( t e y& V o ro" ogra Studies In the Plaid or chroustogr^phy)j the second was publlso#4 1955 under tb*-tLtlo *Teorlya 1 praktIM PrImenonlys 1wo, saterislow, (Theory Md Practice or the use at terials)l a" the third was published In 19V vn,,Wr the tl%lo *Is_ ft 6104ovanlya v oblastj lanoobasnucy kbrom&togr&fll (Studio, In the FlOld of Zon-exchangs Cbromatograpb* X0 p~rs*gLalltles are U0100d. Rararem,we are given after east or the articles. A.T.- andAX. LlsovIna. study -or the-3or"ptloin Value-and -- the zaola~ gnersy -OrriTEN-0-4 woratice With Rotation to Tom- Perot.=-* 21 V V ib*c%7 or the stations= P. t or m7namia sorp- --saaft-e. K.K., and T[;~ street or the Loulto ,,w ants P r me Ion 39 Ir M and Of cation anchan" - 0.71L6 Cationit.0 Irs"ri " ftTL-S.A., and &K-ShaegakLo. rurtfleatlon of Bolts With the -Ud of an %M-Q=hww Counternow Installation 5 5 7, , 0 a T ff.!FL_=u%Lts1dy-ao4 TX--Z--CbA=kCVg. Study or ' !99:i%;!6oij;X*te Cation Kuhmage an 34atoosted Robins 63 Q )(C~~., A. D. Fsahkov, S.R. barabanov, and N.M. Twilt. skLy. Change in thV'sFrEarmty of-NEF6u&oidic Rocorumoztonai Catlonltes In Relation to the Cmeentratiza or 3"re aroups end TA,.rQft&1n bonds In Cgtl*Mlt*g To 0 V Ayw-r--ChKXTA", fiftd'V.X. Tonitsirly. Study of iom-ofXons Through & 76 Shomy4ldn. P.M. Organic Reagents viwd in Adsorption and Dist , , button chromatoPloPhY, Their Claostricatian. and Tr*n" or xn " ;t1., satlon 80 KIVOJ=X-Z~%~-And ZJI~Onw&klu~ Some Now Phenomena Va c, oo. IM C ACCONVany the Process or ziectrowitration of ftsanic substances 90 Polzjn&idx--x.4t. study or ihomai vesuirmation of 341ra- Wenolformaldwhyde Rooln XU-1 Awz!ga, V.D.. and JLF~t~Ta. Precipitation Chrowato. trophy WWKJ"),~qhsnova. 396whdar7 ft*w"na In PirsolpItatlon Chromatography--- -QUAbanw, JL and AWL-Soreseva. Determination or Calcium 44 , Ma by the ft-** tat an Chroinatograp4Y Ukod W1tft the Indicator Ru"Alde and 1. lookows. Ion-excAaage Paper Qualltat we Yale 95 105 I IS Chromatographic Xatbod of Qaalltatlve Analysis for T.W by*sturfs 134 Sajdadza--LJL Minors, A&1gjogL-TOL~Abw sorption or ar ir 3:14 it,087- to on cation 10 -ffQrbacb&3~*_y.&- w4-&jtw_paldadzo. Absorption of Complex Zinc Anlons on Valonites Vith Diffirwat Basicity 143 SOV/76-33-4-28/32 AUTHORS; Fedoseyeval 0.. P., Cherneva, Ye. P., Tunitakiy, N. N. TITLE: Investigation of the Kinetics of Ion Exchange Sorption (Isoledovaniya kinetiki ionoobnonnoy norbtsii).II.. Kinetics of Exchange With Participation of Hydrogen Ions (II. Kinetika obmena a uohastiyem vodorodnykh ionov) - PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 19591 Vol 33t Ur ill PP 936-942 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation under review deals with the process of the complete caticnexohango and limiting of the exchange - the self-diffusion and diffusion of ions of microcomponents in the resin - of various cation forms. In the case of a com- plete exchange the investigation concar.-,ud the initial as well as the end stage at which one of tha exchanging cations was present in a small quantity. '-he effective diffuaien co- efficients (DC), that were computed for this casey were com- pared with the (DC) for the ions of the microcomponents. To simplify calculations the authors investigaied along with the full exchange in the resin, the e.--hange of the cations Card 10 in cation exchanger membranes (from pulphurized polystyrene SOV/76-33-4-28/32 Investigation of the Kinetics of Ion Exchange Sorption. II. Kinetics of Exchange With Participation of Hydrogen Ions resin). In fact, when exchanging cations of different mobili- ties through the membrane, an electric field is generated (as in the case of the complete exchange in rosin), which can be measured. The kinetics of the cation exchange was in- vestigated on* polystyrene resins with various contents (high, normal, low) of div;nyl benzene. The kinetic experiments took place at 19-20 . Under investigation were monovalent cations in 0.165 n and bilralent cations in 0.25 n and 1 n solutions. An adsorption or desorption method was applied, with use of the isotopes Ne.24, Rb 86 t Sr 89 and Ca45. The above mentioned membranes contained 70% of resi-n KU-2 and 30% divinylbenzene. It waa obsorved (Fig 1) that the quickest exchange is that of H +_ ions from the resin with Na +. ions of the solutiong and the sloweat is the diffusion of the ions of the microcomponents of sodium in the resin (in the H-form). Values are given of the effective (DO) for the Card 2/4 exchange between the Na + and H + in the resin (with -lower SOV/76-33-4-28/32 Investigation of the Kinetics of Ion Exchange Sorption. II. Xinetice of Exchange With Participation of Hydrogen Ions divinylbenzone content) (Table 1), an well as the (DO) of Na+ being found in microamounts in the resin (Table 2), and It proceeds therefrom that the complete exchange between Na+ and H+ takes place with a higher effective (DO) than are the '(DC) of the ions of the ml.crocomponents of sodium, which diffuse in resin (in the H-form). The same also holds for rubidium.-The effective (DC) increase with a decrease in the relative content of K-iontl in the resin which is explain- ed-by an anomalously greater nobility of the 11-ions in the + 2+ 3+ resin. The ions Na p Ca and Ce were investigated on the cation exchan er membrane. It was observed that (Fig 4) the effective (DOI increase with the decrease of the relative content of H-ions in the solution. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 7 refere'neGe, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova Moskva Card 3/4 (Physioo-chomioal Institute imeni Le Ya. Karpov:Mosoow) 5(4) SOV/76-33-5-28/33 AUTHORSs Fedoseyeva, 0. P., Tunitskiy, X. F. (Moscow) TITLEt Investigation of the Kinetics of Ion Exchange Sorption Issle- kinetiki ionoobatenno.,r sorbtaii). 3. Complete Ex- change, Between Univalent and Bivalent Ions in Resins (3.Polnyy obmen mezhdu odnovalentnymi i dvakhvalentnymi ionami v smolakh) PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimli, 1959, Vol 33, Nr*5, PP 1140 1146 (USSR) ABSTRAM The process mentioned in the tittle was investigated on the cation exchanger KU-2. The litaiting cases of self-diffuBion and the diffusion of the ion tzierocomponents with various cation occupation of the exihanger were measured together with.the total exchange. Yigure 1 showa the dependence of the diffusion coefficient for s-rontium on the composition of the resin containing Sr and 11 ions (upper curve) and Sr and Na ions (lower ca'rve). The diffusion coefficients of the ST ions show a linear dependence on the composition of the solution. The diffusion proceeds faster in resin containing H and Na ione:than in resin containing Sr ions only. Table 1 shows the Card 1/3 results of the experimental suries carried out in order to Investigation of the Kinetics of Ton Exohange Sorption. BOV/76-33-5-28/33 3- Complete Exchange Between Univalent and Bivalent Ions in Resins determine the diffusion coefficients of the ion microcompo- nents and the coefficients of self-diffusion. Hence it appears that univalent and bivalent ions diffuse faster in a resin oontaining univalent ions than in a resin containing bivalent ions. This dependence can be explained to some degree by the different swelling capability of the resin containing univalent and bivalent ions (Table 2). The swelling capa- bility depends more on the cation occupation of the resin than on the concentration of the swelling solution. Figures 2-4 show the resulte of the investigation of the exchange between univalent ions (Na+ and H+) and bivalent ions 2+ 2+ (Ca and'Sr, ) as well as the curves of the total exchange, the aelf-diffusion and the diffuaion of the ion microcompo- nents. In all cases, the self-diffuoion of the sodium ions was the fastest, that of the strontium ions the slowest process. Figures 5 and 6 compare the kinetios of the ex- change of Sr ions from the rosin for H ions from the solution with~the exchange for Na ions from the solution. There are Card 2/3 6 figurest 2 tables, and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Investigation of the Kinetics of Ion Exchatge Sorption. 507/76-33-5-28/33 .3. Complete Exchange Between Univalent and Bivalent 'Lone in Resins ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko.-khimicheakiy Institut im. L. Ya, Karpova Moskva (Physicio-chemical InEAitute Imeni L. Ys. Karpov, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs November 16, 1957 Card 3/3 38027 Ir 3/181/60/002/ClO/037/'051 B104/B205 AUTHORS: Glibe:rman, A. Ya., and Fedoseyeva, 0. P. TITLE% StuAy.of the effect of the crystallographic orientation of silicop apon the properties of photo-converters PERIODICALs Fi.zika ~,.tvetdogo tela, v. 2, no. 10, 1960,:2585 - 2586 TEXT: The use of p6~ycrystalline silicon as a starting material for the production of ordinary photo-converters and of monocrystallIne photo-con-.' verters with large areas calls for a study of the effect of crystal ori- entation upon the.4u&lity of photo-converters. Silicon crystals were out in plates parallel to the th3~ee principal crystallographic axes (111), (110), and (100). Nickel coatings applied to the contact faces made the contact resistance of 0.1 ohm indepencent of the crystal orientation. Photocells made of silicon plates of different orientation were all made* as follows; ~Phosphorus was allowed to diffuse from*the gaseous phase in p-type silicon and, at the same time, boron.from the solid phase into n-type silicon plates.- The,depth of the position of the p-n junction in places of different 6rientation was determined through coloration of a Cai~d .1 A S/181/60/002/010/()37/051 Study of the effect... B104/B205 diagonal out, and wab found to be equal for all silicon plates, irrespec- tive of their orientation (error in measurement, t 10 %). All grains of polycrystalline plates showed equal depth for~all p-n junctions. The volt-ampere characteristics of photocurrent and dark current were deter- mined for the photocells. The volt-ampere chdracteristics obtained for both n-type and p-type silicon p~iotooells were found to be in good agree- ment for all three directions Ullf (116 06"). The data presented further indicate that maximum power, 8"eries resistance, short-circuit. current, and open-cirouit voltage are nearly equal for photocells of dif- ferent orientation. This is evidence,to the fact that the quality of photo-converters does not depend on the orysts-R-6graphic orientation. The curves shown in Fig.13 resulted from measurements of a large number of photocells. In this figure, the relative-numbers of photocells are re- presented as a function of the specific power for photocells with the (111) plane (curve 1) and for photocells of any orientations (curve 2). The good agreement between the curves, obtained for different numbers of photo- cells, provethat the quality of photo-converters'is independent of the crystallographic orientation. T. M. Golovne=:Js thanked for making the X-ray diffraction measurements. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 ref.- erences: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The twc references to Car.d 2/4 :j S/181/60/002/010/03VO51 Study of the effectio. B104/B2051 English-language pu~licationa read as followst C. W. Mueller, N. H. Ditrik, RCA-.,+., no. 1, 1957; M- V. S'illivan, J. H. Eigl er, J. Electrochem. Soo.,'.104, no. 4, 226, 1957- SUBMITTED: Pebru+ 8, 196o Card 3/4 S/181/60/002/010/037/051 St'dd~'bf the bffect ... B104/B205. Fig- 3: Distribution curves of maximum specific power. legend: Relative number of photocells as a function f 0 A maximum specific power. 1 for photocells with (111) plane; 2 for photocells of any orientations., fo Card 4/4 3)946 5/665/61/()00/003/010/018 9194/E420 AUTHORS:. A.K., TITLE: An invest 3.gation of the possibility of using silicon photo-energy convertors with double aided working surfaces SOURCEi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energetichaskiy institut. Teploenergetika. no.3, 1961. Poluprovodnikovyye preobrazovalteli.solnechnoy energii. 87-90 TEXT,. The silicon used'in photo-energy convertors is expensive so It is desirable to obtain the maximum power per unit weight of silicon, Within thelimits this may be achieved by reducing the thickness but another approach is to use both side-3 of the material, one illuminated by direct sunlight and the other by reflection. There Is no special difficulty in making double aided photo-elemental they differ from the normal. ones only in that after the silicon-has been coated',one side it; ground leaving a narrow strip on one edge, on which the rear contact is deposited'. The remaining unground part of the plate is thus a working surface which forma a unit with the working surface of the opposite side. C a r d'(f/- 3_'~) 33946 An investigation of the possibility S/665/61/000/003/010/018 E194/E420 For the present work, photo-elements were made of silicon with -a.rious value-9 of specific resistance ranging from 0.1 to 1 ohm/tm, The photo elements were illuminated on one side by a lamp and on the other side by light reflecte.d from the lamp by a plane mirror-, Data obtained on illuminating double sided elements from both sides were compared with the controlled results for single sided elements. As the specific resistance of the initial silicon was increased the efficiency of the double sided" elements fell from 5.2 to 2% whereas the efficiencv -f :,~izigle sided cells was about 6 to 8%, irrespective of the resistivity of the silicon. The reduction in efficiency of the double sided element results from reduction in the short- circuit current density and in the no-load voltage because of a considerable increase in the series resistance of the double sided' element, This is about I ohm in the case of a single sided -A-lement whereas with the double sided elements it ranges from 4 ohmg with the silicon of lowest resistance to 15-22 ohms f high resistance silicon. This series resistance is high in double sided tells because of the length of the path of :,urr(-.,. Card 2/3 33946 s/665/61/000/003/010/018 An investigation of the possibility ... 9194/E420 carriers in the lower layer of the silicon bass to the rear contact and because-of the reduction in the cross-section available to turrent carriers. When the double sided elements vrere illuminated from one side they were not so good as the single sided elements. However, when they were illuminated from both sides the power per unit area:of silicon plate was greater than that of the single sided'elements-by a factor of 1.2 to 1.3, provided that the specific resistance of the silicon -was not greater than 0.1 to 0.2 ohms cm. Double sided elements of silicon with resistance of 0.5 to 1 ohm cm are always worse than the corresponding single'sided'elements. Consequently, double sided elements should only be made of low resistance silicon anct of small dimensions. The increase in output is appreciable in large installations and it may be desirable to use double sided' elements in particular casesi further study of the subject of rear reflectors is indicated. There are I figure, I table and 2 references:'l Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to an English language publication reads as followsi Ref,l: Prince M. J. Appl. Phys. No.26 (5), 1955, 534. Card 3/3 4:L095 S/058/6Z/000/008/128/134 A1601A101 AUTHORS: Zaytseva, A. K., Fedos eyeva 0. P. TITLE: An investigation of the possibility of using silicon photoconver- ters with a,double-sided effective area. PERIODICAL: R6ferativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8,-1962, 43, abstract 8-3-86b ,(In collection: "Tepldenergetika", no. 3, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961, 87 - 90) TEXT- In silicon photoconverters,:which are now being produced, only one effective side of the plate with a coated-layer of p or n-type base silicon'is used. The non-effective side of this plate has a solid meial slip-ring rear- wall contact.- To obtain a greater power per weight unit of.Si, an investigation was carried out of the possibility of using silicon photaconverters with a double-sided effective surface. In this case, after difftising the impurity in -the base Si, one of the sides of the plate isground-off, i.e. not completely, but in the form of a narrow strip to which a rear-wall contact is applied. The remaining unground part of the plate is also an effective-area of the photo- Card 1/2 An investigation of the... S/058/62/dw/008/126/134 A160/A101 converters. A description is given of the designs, the diagrams of connecting the loads and of the commutation of one-aided and double-aided photoconverters. During the testing of one-sided and double-aided photoconverters, it was deter-. mined that the efficiency of the two-sided photoconverters decreases with inczem- ing specific resistance P of the initial Si from 5.2% to 2%. The, efficiency of one-sided photoconvertere did not depend.on p and amounted to - 6 - 8%. A de- crease in the efficiency of the double-aided bhotoconverters is caused by a sharp-increase of their resistance in series effected by an increase of its rear-wall component. The power taken per area unit of double-sided photocon- verters from Si with p 4, 0.1 - 0.2 ohmscm during the illumination of both sides was 1.2 - 1.3 times higher than in one-sided photatonverters. There are 2 ref- erences. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 V. Shch. 33947 S/665/61/000/003/011/018 6. B039/E420 AUTHORSs Gliberman, A,Ya,,. 'Osey2ya TITLE3 An investigation of the factors influencing the serlea resistance and other paramosters of iLlicon photo- converters SOURCEE Akademiya SSSR. Energisticheakiy institut. 'Teploenergetika. no.3, 1961. Poluprovadnikov-yye preobrazovatell solne,chnoy energii. 91-99 TEXT.-, The maximum power yield from silcLon photoconverters is largely defined by the value of its series resistance Rn which is the sum of the base resistance RT and the alloy layer resistance R,P Rn = RT + RP The value of the layer resistance for a rectangular photo-converter with a current carrying contact on one edge of the working surface is given by R (2) p 2tt, car