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FJCWSNM A P Using tho spri*ng index of soil 2oaldag depth as a prognostic characteristic. Keteor,I giclrol. no.3;40-44 Mr 157. 10:3) (soil moisture) CULTIVATED PLANTS. GIRAING Abs. Jour. :REFZHUR.810L.,21,1956, Ni-95,)-44 katMr :Fedo 1 ova,G,G, _9borod sayeT &.,P-J~q Institut. : _]Tydro~meteorologicaj, Inst. Title :Agri,~ultural Climatic Conditions for Corn Culti- vation in the Northern Half of Kitzakhatan Card; 1/2 Orig. :Tr. Kazakhak. n.-i. gidromuteoro:L. in-to, 1957, vyp. B., 3-27 Abstract :There is a p resentn'tion o f the a,3ricultural oli~- matio caloulations for the indivLdual terrains oftazakhstan and a preliminary avalustion of the climatic resources l'ound in th- northern half of the republic in regar-d to corn raising. The favorable features of meteorological condii.-ions for corn growing have been determined according to indices of moisturd and according to the amouat of hdat during each year individually. Observa- tional material for 20-40 years has boon used. C -y CULTIVATED PLANT;3. GRAINS Abo. ~hur, REF ZHUR.810L.,21,1958, NO-95944 Orig. llub. Abstrr -t The observations have been oomimted and the d-Auctions are sum,irized in Pi nun.ber of t*blea and aharts havc be,,n drafted from this data, The author classifies among the aprotechnical m,.iasures inproving the heaott supply of the oorn: without a noldboqrd, vel-nalization deep plcwinp , and air-warming of the seuds.--Ye.l. Saks USSR/Cultivated Plants -,Fruits. Berriesi M Abs Jour : hef Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958P 53834 Author : 13orunj s6sej F'e'doseyev, AO. Inst : Kazehh Scie~tific Research, Hydrometeor-Aogical Institute Title : Climt1c Conditions during Spring and Measures for Protec- ting the Vineyards from Frosts in the Foothills of Trans-' Ili Ala-Tau Orig Pub : Tr. Kazakhak. n.-i. godrometeoroloG, ill-ta, 1957, vYp. 8, 57-63- Abstract This article describes the study of the meteorolo,-,ical conditions during the spring period at a number of points in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. The dates of beginning the openincof the veneyards can chan,-e, depending on the meather conditions, within the ranLe of 2-3 ten day periods. The day of a consistent Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53834 passing of the average daily temperature over 50 is taken as the conventional date for the start of the opening of the vineyards. This date is determined for each year on tthe basis of the data of many years and of-m long ranre forecast, and is made more accurate by sh.3rt range (week- ly, 10-days) forecasts. The probability of the frost reachine to -80 does not exceed 1 occurrence in 10 years, and to -3,50 (after the opening of the buds) the probabi- litY is 15-30%- In order to preserve the vineyards from injuries, it is reco=.ended to delay the beginninE; of the veg,etntion of the E;rape plant by deepeninG the rout sys- tem and by measures retardinG the varmin(,,-throuEh if the soil (deep sprinc watering, etc.). The ageTecAte sum of the active temperatures in delaying the vegetation is still sufficient for the ripening of the grape varieties under cultivation (2900-335001- -- 'V.V. Arkhangel'skayn Card 2/2 Country, USS R catagory, Moadow Cultivation, L Rof ~ Zhur-ftalo .giyn, No. 1, 1959t No. 1516 Wtbor;' 1111t itut. L r It lo Thc Avt-vage Voriod% of l3losaami ng of Pasture Grasses in m creretit vF Krtzakh-,4tan. Drifs Pub. 1 Geoirr. 1T57, 74-18 By the datis nr pheyinloF! Mmser-1 AbotracA 4 vati6j-ls made hy th(l Irnl!teornlo,rical stntlollR in Xavalchqtmi on ttic lnrp~t,-.ncale devoJopment of, the ba.5*+r- 1)a.-,txjre f(rasses Lhe following cort;tan-LA have been A-,,!~ertajned- the sauns of et'reclAve t~-mpcnitttve% thit-in- the period from the rnvt?w.~l of vcv~otntivn to -ipikin?r Ekn,i fram tiw renewal oL' v,~.-Qetnti-)tt to flowcy-~ng. A formenst. is proposed for fAiti the timc, thr i.ndividual stagos hogir by means (if a conven- Ca, rd - 2 GOLITSBERG, I.A., doktor geogr.nauk; ARKHIPOVA, Te.P., kand.geogr.nauk; GLERWVA, M.Ta.; ROMMOVA. Te.N.; SMIMVA, N.V.; VORONTSOT, P.L., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; 3ARASHKOVA. Te.P., mladshiy nauchWy sotrudnik; CMIZONOV. A.D.; GOLUBOVA, T.A.; MECHEM. Z.A. kand.sellskokhoz.nau-k; BIWBORODOVA, G.G., aladahty nauchuyy so- trudnik; PISAREVSKATA, V.D., red.; VOLKOV. N.V ., [14icroclimate of the northern part of the Kazakh hills) Mikroklimat severnoi chasti Kazakhokogo melkoeopochnika. Pod red. I.A. Golits- berg. Leningrad, Gidrom6teor. isd-vo. 19,58. 2o6 p. WRA 12t2) 1. Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheakaya observatoriya. 2. Sotrudnik Glavnoy geofiniche,skoy observatorii im. A.I. Voyeykova (for Golits- berg. Arkbipova, Glebova, Romanova, Smirnova, Torontsov, Barasbkova, Gedsonov, Golubova. MishebenkO. 3. Sotrudnik Kamakhokogo nauchno- lseledovatellskogo gidrometearoloptchankogo institute, (for Yedoueyev, Beloborodova). (Kazakhstan--Microclimatolog7) BIIIOBCRODOVA, G.G.; IIONYUKHOV, N.A.; SAMOKHTALOY. N.Y.; YEMIM. A.P. Brief acroolimatic charaoteristiom of the Fazakh S.S.R. by the republic's natural farming zones. Trudy KazNIGMI no.11:5-29 159. (HIRL 13:6) (Yatakgotan-Agriculture) -A.P. Climatic conditions for winter pasturing of sheep In Kazakhstan. 'Erudy "2NIGNI no-13:3-11 '59- (HIM 13.- 8) (lasakhstan-Sheap-4seding and feeds) .(Pastures and meadows) (Meteorology, Agricultural) (YJIWSEYEV, A.P. ---------------- Determining the moisture content of soil on large areas by the penetration depth of precipitation. Trudy KazNIGHI no-13: 45-65 '59. 0U" 13:8) (Balkhash xeglon--Boil moisture) JMSZrEV, A.P. Relation between @oil moisture and the relief of the terrain. Trudy XazKIGMI no.13:66-.88 139. (HLRA 13:8) Orazakhotan-Soll moisture) Y100SMY, A.P. Method of forecasting agrometeorological conditions influencing yields of meadow and pasture vegetation. MeteorA gidrol. no-8: 51-54 Ag 160. (MM 13:8) (Cropeand climate). (Pas"a and mead6ws) FEDOSEYEV.,-A.P.1- NEGHAYEVA, N.T. Some characteristics of the formation of the yield of pasture vegetation in the southeastern Kara Kum in relation to meters- ological conditions* Trudy Inst, boto AN Turk. SSR 7t21-39 162. (KUU 17:3) FLWSEYEV, A.P. Determining the representativeness of soil moisture databy the method of Burv eying the depth of wetting. Meteor. i gidrol. no.906-39 S 162. (MIRA 1518) 1. Kazakhakiy nauchno-inaledovatelliskiy gidrometeorologicheakiy Institut. (Balkhash Lake region-Soil moisture) FEDOSEYEV, A.P.j BELC-BORODOVA G-G. CAI Oulation of the rao6rven of avallab*.le w-lature in tne r4oil on the pastures of gazakhattno Trudy XtzNICMT. no.'24338-48 165- (MIRA 18210) I-S FEWDOSEYEV y A. S. DIE SCHOPFERISCHE ROLLE DES SOWJFTSTAATES U14D DES sowismens BEr DER ERMHMG~ DER SOZIALISTISCHEN UND DER KOWMUSTISCHEN GESELIMRA". =LIN, KULTUR Ma) FORT-~ SCHRITT, 1954. 2(Yl P. (GESELLSCHAFT FUR DEUTSCH-SOWJETISCHE FREUNDSCHAFT: 38. BEIKEFT ZM *SOWJET- WISSENSCHAFT) TIWMIATION MM THE RUSSIAN9, WTVORCHESKAYA ROL' SOVETSKOGO GOSUDARSTVA I PRAU V POSVOYENII SOTS IALSTICHESKOGO I MMUNISTCHESKOGO OBSHCHESTVA*l MWCOWj 1951. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL FOOTHOTES. N15 103 J21 VERSHINSKIY,S.V., kandidat, takhnichoskikh nauk; PRAYDIN,Zh.L., kandidat teklmicheskikh nauk; MOBBTEV,A.V., inzhener Results of tests of large-capacity twik cars. Tekh.zhel.dor. 7 no.1:30-31 Ja 148. (MLRA 8:11) (Tank cars) VXRSHINSXIT, B.T., ksmdidat takhnichasklich nau ; YXDDSEM, A.T., izzhozer. Yorces and acceleration &rising from the impact of all-metal passenger cars. Trudy TSNII M as.105-.93-99 155. (MM 9:2) (Railroads--Cars) (Impact) BORODAY, S.M., kand.takhn.nauki Jugmsvp A.V.0 inzh. Ways of iqproving tho design o~ six-axle gondola cars. Vest.TSNIIWB 21 no.7:41-" 1629 (MIM J,4112) (Railroods-Preight care) "The Mine and Anti-Submarine Devices," Naval Fleet, State Military Publishing House, 1935. FEDCSEYEV, B., brigadir Efficient work in a friendly atmoophore. Grazhd.av. 12 no.8:6-7 Ag 1550 (KIRA 15:8) 1. Byk-.-,rokiye lineyWo ekspluatatsionno-remontnyp masterskiye. tAirports--Management) L 4 -\ , L VA- ILI KIRKHENSATEY11, A., akademik, Geroy Soto ialisticheskogo Truda; XALININISH, A. ValniVA Aj eked mik; STUDINISH. P. rStradinf. P.I. akademik; SUMABKAIS, Ian [Seudrabkalugo~J-Rnis], nurodW,po~t.Latvi7sko7 SSR MAURD150 Ka, khudoshnik; LAPINISH, A. ClapiqA, A.], narodny7 khudozhnik Latvirekor SSR; YUROVSXIT, Yu., narodny7 artist SSSR; AVOTS, A., fotolyubitell; VARDAUNIS, E., khudozhnik, zaeluzhennyy dayatell iskusetv Latviyakoy SSR; GAYLIS, V., kinooperator; RIMENI=, V., fotograf; XALIMIPSH, E. [Kalnins, Z.1; LOGAMN, R. Clohanson, R It starephiy maeter khudozhestvenno3r fotografii; RIEKSTS, Th. [Riekets, Jj, fotograf; LIM, 'otograf; REYMMN. E , zasluzhenny7 deyatell kulltury Ietviyskoy SSR; GROWN. Ya. (Grobman: J.1, fotograf; OZOLS, Ya. (Ozols, J.], fotograf; TIMM, B., fotograf; FAMM, Ye., fotograf; RA , I., fotograf; HMTIS, A,,.fotograf; RARE, K., fotograf; UPIT, V., fotograf; SHADKRO, M.# fotol7ubitell; RITERS, G., fotolrubitell. Organize a society.of Soviet photographers! Sov.foto 18 no,,4:77 Ap'158e- (MIRA 11:6) l.Rizhaka7a kinostudiya (for Gaylis. Yedose7ev).3.AN LP-tviy9ko7 SSR (for Ridienieks). 4.Chlon-korreopondent Akademii ktudothestr SSSR (for Kallnynah,.B). 5.Zhurnal "Rigas foto" (for Rieksts, Gorman* Ozols). 6.Latvirsko7e teatrallno7e obahcheetvo (for lerkh). 7.Direktor Dom narodnogo tvorchestva imeni. 1. Malngaylise. (for Reyllchman). 8.]Predeedatell Tvorcheukogo soveta.(for Grobman). 9.Ctlen Tvorcheekogo soveta (for Ozols). 10.Gazeta *TSInyal (for Tikuns). 3.1.Yotokhroniks, Istviyakogo tolegrafnogo agentetva (for Fade7ev). 12.Iratitut Iatgiproprom (for Rake, 1.). 1 in, SEMENOY, P.K.; PERMYAKOVv R.S.j GRINBERGI I.N.; AARMOV, Yu.G.; FEDOSEY�j,,,~j KOLESNIKOVA, Y.H., inzb., spots. red.; dUMM, V.A,.,~rsd.; SYCftYA, V.A., takhn. red. [Improving boring and blasting operations at the Olenegorsk Mine) Sovershenstyovanie burovzryvqkh rabotna Olenegorskom rudnike. Wrmansk,, Murmanskoo knishnbe izd-vo, 1962. 77 p. (MIRA 16110) (Olenegorsk region-Mining engineering) BIMLIN, A.A.; STMWI, L.Y.; JIDOSEM, B.I.; YANOVSKIY, D-H- Graft copolymerizarion. Part 6: Fractionation of the producte fromthe graft polymerization of Vinyl choloride with the blatyl mathacrylate-mothaoryllo aoid copolymer* Vyeokom. soed. 2 no.8:1227-1233 Ag 160- (HIRA 13:9) (3thylene) (Methacrylic aoid) S/19Y63~000/001/009/017 B101 BI8 AUTHORS: Fedoggygm.,. Popova, Z. V., Yanovskiy') D. M& TITLE: Dqpendence of the color of transparent products from vinyl chloride copolymers on some.conditions of copolymerization I'V1110DICAL: Plasticheckiye massy, no. 1, 1963, 35-37 TEXT: The diEcoloration of the vinyl chloride - methyl acrylate copolymer( under different conditions of copolymerization and the effect of acetylene impurities and oxygen~on the'transpa'rency have been studied. Copolymerization was performed at 530C, the monomer : water weight ratio being I : 2, the content of methyl acrylat6 20C14, and ammonium persulfate f (0-4'/'4 of the monomer weight) being used as Initiator. When all t~e vinyl chloride and methyl acrylate were filled into the autoclave at the same time an inhomogeneous product (I) resulted because the components had different copolymerization constants. A homogeneous copolymer (II) was formed by adding the methyl acrjlate to the vinyl chloride gradually. The amount of HC1 liberated at 1750C in an air current during 3 hre was ,Card 1/2 s/191/6-/coe,)/oo1/oo9/017 Dependence of the color of ... 4 B101/B186 measured and the difference Al: of the extinction coefficients was deterrained on films of 0-5 min thickness in the range of 432-726 m;1. Results:- Copolymer 11 was-much 'more stable than I# only'4-7 mj; HCI being separated per Vg copolymer whereas I yielded 7-4 9 HCI- U was 0.1.4 f-or 11, and 0-55 for'I. Besides this, II showed opalescence, its transparency decreased with increasing rolling time-and temperature: 61, was 0.652 after 2 hrs rolling at 115 OC, and 0.683 after 4 hre; at 1250C, the~values were 0.915 and 0-941- A content of 0-3- / acetVIene in tHe vinyl chloride reduced the transparency owing to side reactionfl caused by the acetylene, such as formation of double bonds. The presence of oxygen in the aqueous of phase during copolymerization reduced the transparenoy by formation oxygen-containing groups which favored the th(irmal,dehydrochlorination. Therefore bopolymerization should be performid.after removing the evacuation or bubbling with N 20, There are 3 table6. Card 2/2 L 135L6-~3_ EPR/W.P(j) /EPF(c) /94V m) /BDS /&)(s) -2 AFF'TC'AS-,'S.SD Ps--h/ MRt AP500690 010190163100510051065910662 AVMM-. Fedoseyev, B. 1. 1 Por Z. V. Yenov*!SjYL D. M=Z: -_ lirtrInsic-stabillty olyntre and of comumers ~SOURCEt "Okomaakulyarny*ye sordinenlya, T 5.o no. 5 11963o 639-662 TOPIC TAGSt I 'ntrinsto stabIlItyp vItWlchlorld6 polymers'. thermal degrodatl on,, stabilizers ~ABSTRACT: A atudy was conducted on the o"aot art compounds vith moV~Le hydrogen at-~ ;the carbon atcm, such as Isopropylbantene, on tho thermal stabilityVbf polyvinyl- chloride and the vinyl chlorIde--Mthyj_p&_thaq Lateycc~olymer. Their stability vai estimated by measuring the temperature of decomposition, the induction period lead- ing to the evolution of 01 at lT5Cj, and the yielA rate of Hal at IT5C during a 3-hour period. The addition of toopropylbenzene o.i* similar compounds at the start of the polymerization reaction, yielded products vith an lncreaaad therm-)stability, vhile their incorporation into the finished produmt did not affect the degradation temperature, It cowed only a aignificaut drop In ths yield of EM. It is aug- _17ested that these Wnts perform In monomers by zeducing In the rewlUng'-polymer--- -the concentmtion-.of,labUt-tid4i3-,--vhile _1~_poi)mars as ouch they seem to exert an inhibiting affect on thermal degradation.. OrIg. art. has I formula,, and 3 _~_Card Of KROHMAN, A.G.; FEDOSEYEV, B.I.; YANOVSXlY, D.M. - , -, -- ~ - , , 7 Effect of formula and engineering factors in the nroduction of vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate copol3naer on th sound quality of ,phonorecords. Plast. Massy no.12258-61 164. (MIRA 18:3) A.G.; T-TIOSEYLV, B.I., YANOVS-MY, D.M. U5e, of mixturr-jof protective C01101143 for regulating the granulometric composition of vinyl chloride copolymers. Plust. massy no.5t68-70 165. (MIRA 18:60) 26458 1 kl:az)anisev, 1. V. vtoraya ochistka k samoklicdnoru korbayru S-4 Scilkhozmashira, 19 1949, I:o. 8, s. 10-13 SO: LLTOPISI VO. 35, 1949 "Study of the Operation of Cylindrical Threehers In Grain Combines." Sub 2 Mar 31, Moscow Inst for the Mechenizatlon and Electrification of Agriculture imeni V. M. Molotov Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Svz4- No. 480, 9 May 55, i- B i--V. Agricultural Machinery New clover-hulling attachments for threshing machines. Kom. baza 2 no. 8, 151 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. Unclassified. ItCleanine Sheep Sorrel from Tim./UV, Seed," Korr,. bana, 3, 110.3, 19-52 A-.--I. f FEWSMEV, B. V. Seed Industry Mechanized harvest of grass seela. Korm.basa 3j, No. 6, 1952 Monthly List of Russain Accessions, Library of Congresap September 1952. UNCLASSIFIM. FE50SE-Y-Ell ~3 V and 1*lLIPVJ--I,, 'rt. 2 -*_, * "Har-vest-4ng Seedd of Peremial Grasscs," Kolkh. pmizv. 12, 1110-7., 1952 Harvesting grass need plants vith combines Moskva, Ministerstvo sel'skogo khoziaistva SSSR, 1955 B*V BASOT, V.I., inshonero -fit mechanized harvesting of peas and Yetch. Zesiodelle 4 no.7:85-95 J1 156. (Km 9: 9) (vetch) (Field pea) (go-wasting machinerY) FJMOBBM,-B.T.L ndidat tekhnioheakikh nmk. ffal;oting uneven2y ripent orope, Zonledelle 4 no.7;108-109 il 60 ()aaA 9:9) 7XDOSXM. B.T., kandidat tekhnichaskikh naukI IWARSAY, I.V., inshenar. CloTer hulling and cleaning attachment for the C04 self-propelling combine. Sellkhosmashina no.6:10-12 is '56. (MMA 9:8) (Combines (Agricultural Nachinery)) (Clover) kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; SHIBAYIV, F-4N.. kandidat sell- skokhozyaystvsnn7kb nauk, Harvesting in separate stages in districts of the non-Chernosen sons. Zemledelle 5 no*7:40-46 Jl 157, (MM 100) (Grain-Harvesting) SMXTX7, PA.; SHAINO SOSO; OoX.; YXDCSXM# B.To; MIN, N,Sot redo; GOMOVA, Z.D.. tekhn. red. (Orowing red aloverl Muliturs kmxnogo kleyera. Moskyas Goa. lxd- vo 88III&ONO lit-ry, 1958, 541 Y, (KLRA lItIO)' (010yer) YO, IMna, ZOMMn, naUX; ZAMV, V.A,, InZh, Machinery for the over-all mechanization of field vork in the central districts outside the Chernozen belt. Zemledelle 6 no.5t 7-18 W '58. (Agricultural machinnry) (MM llt6) (AINCHU, I.M., inzh.; FOOSWEV, R.Y., kanW tekba. nauk.; YILlPFOV,-A.I.- M . - --- -Mmiffift koLnd. tekhn. Investigating clover hulling mcbIsery. Kekbel slekosote.sellkhoso 16 no.5t26-30 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Veen-07ugrly Uauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut kormov Imeni V.R. V1117amea (for Grinchuk), 2. Zotaallqy nauchno-isoledovatellekly institut temledeltya nechernosemnoy polosy (for Pedoseyev). 3- Vse- sayusM7 nauchno-Iseledovatel'skly Institut makhanizateii sel'skogo khos M stva (for Tilippov). (Agricultural machinery) (clover) FEDOSEYEV, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZHURKIN, V.K., inzh.; N-IF.C.LkYET, G.S.,, insh. Investigating. the air-cleaning of legume seeds in a vertical channel. Trakt. i sellkhosmash. 33 no.11:35-37 N 163. (WRA 17:9) 1. Nauchno-inaledovateltakiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva tsentralInykh rayonov nechernotemoy zony. HDOSEYEV, D.V.j KOVALEV, Z.T* StudyIng th(. work of puller-type FeA, irAchlnes. Trakt. J. selikhozmash. no,n127-29 N 164. (MIRA 3.8:1) 1. Nauchnr-issledavatellskiy inutitut sellskogo khozyaystva -LsontralInykii myonov nechernozemnoy zony. Y OSMIA Iv ~ Imndidat takhnichookikh nauk; ALOPYAN, A ID inz nor, r7esHeNfikMat; BULOVSKIT, P.I., kandidat takhnicbe- skikh nauk, doteent, redaktor: UMINA. T.L.. rodalctor izdatell- stva; SPIRANSKAYA, O.Y., takhaichaskiy redaktor .(Planning technological processes of assembling apparatus] Proekti- rovinie takhnologichaskikh protsessov sborld priborov. Xoskva. Gos. nauchno-takhuoizd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 245 P- (XIM 10:9) 'Nachinery industry) 8(3)6(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2749 Fedoseyev, Dmitriy Nikolayevich Tekhnologlya izgotovleniya silovykh transformatorov I drossoleYo primenyayemykh v radiotekhnike (Technology of the Manufacture of Power Transformers and Reactors Used in Radio Engineering) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 155 P- 9000 copies printed. Ed.: V. A. Zhukov; Tech. Ed.: Ye. M. Soboleva. PURPOSE: The book is intended for technical personnel In engineering industry and for teachers and students of radio engineering and instrument-making vuzes. A simplified present- ation of theoretical problems makes It possible to use the book for training skilled personnel In related trades. COVERAGE: The book described present-day assembling operations in the manufacture of low-fraquency power transformers and reactors with magnetic circuits made from electrical sheet steel. Special attention is devoted to methods (- ~ ~,;. ': It control of transformer and reactor manufacture. Source material used in the book sum- marizes current manufacturing practices and includes primarily Card 115 -7F77~~~ -ja-4;2 t_j a2! ew Technology of the Manufacture (Cont.) SOV/2749 the standardized group of transformers and reactors presented by the Standards' Department of the Ministry of the Radio Engine- ering Industry, Some typical technological processes in the production of components and parts of transformers and reactors are not Included in this book as they are adequately covered In existing technical literature. The book was written in cooper- ation with a group of coworkers at the Leningradskiy institut aviatsionnogo priborostroyantya (Leningrad Institute of Aircraft Instrument Making). Ch.If II and III were written by D. N. Fedoseyev, A. S. Kruglov, A. N. Lukichev and A. K. Monakov, Ch, JV wad written by F. 1. Plavinskiy.' The a;xthor thdnks the re- viewers N. E. Angelevioh, and G. Kh. Girshman and also the editor, V. A. Zhukov, for their valuable suggestions made during the preparation of the book. There are 23 Soviet references (including 1 translation). TABLE OF CONTENTS% Introduction 7 Card 215 Technology of the Manufacture (Cont.) SOV/2749 1 Fundamental concepts of transformers and reactors with cores made from magnetic materials 7 2~ Considerations which determine the specifications of power transformersand reactors 17 3 Structural and technological characteristics of power trans- formers and reactors 20 4 Special materials used in the production of transformers and reactors . t 25 Ch I Technological Processes in the Manufactureof Power.;.Trans- former and Reactor Coils 36 1. Various types of windings used in power transformers and reactors 36 2. Various types of frames for coils and their manufacture 40 3. "' Operations in a standard technological process of'i4Ynding transformer and reactor coils 43 4. Equipment used for winding transformer and reactor coils 48 Card 3/5 Technology of the Manufacture (Cont.) SOV/2749 Ch. II. Technological Processes in the Protection of Transformers and Reactors From External Effects 57 1. Its purpose and some technological processes of protection 57 2. Impregnation of components made of pertinax, textolite and paper 60 3. Impregnation of windings 65 4. Coating and impregnating the magnetic circuit 73 5- Potting, sealing and tainting transformers and reactors 77 Ch. I II. Assembling Power Transformers and Reactors 85 1. Various types of transformer and reactor cores 85 2. Preparing core packs before their assembly 88 3. Assembling cores and their control 88 4. Fitting the assembled core packs 103 Ch. IV. Quality Control of Transformer and Reactor Manufacture 112 1. Required specifications of checking and controlling equipment, and the sequence of operations performed with them. 112 2. Control tests of transformer and reactor windings. 113 Card 4/ 5 Technology of the Manufacture (Cont.) SOV/2749 3. Control tests of transformers after their assembly 120 4. Examples of automation of oheokihg-ope~atldne of trans- f ormerB..' 140 Bibliography 155 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK6565.T7F4) JP/ec Card 515 11-10-59 RIMLER, Tanis a Osherovich; RABIKOVICH. Turly lzrailovich; ANORWICH. N.I.,Inth., rateensentl GIRMI, G,Ih,j inzh,, retsentent; LOKOHOSOV, Sayse, inzh., reteengent; RUBINCHIK, N.M., insh., reteensent; IMSHM, D N. red,; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., [Assembling of radio equipment] Sborks redioapperatury. Moskva, Goo.onerg.ixd-yo, 1960. 347 P- (MIRA 13:12) (Radio-Squipment and supplies) Nikola vich kand. takhn. nauki Prinlynali uchaetiyet Ax0vt A. t ; LUXICHEV, A.N., lnsh.;.BULOVSKIY, P.I.# d6ktor takhn. naukp rateensent; DENINA, I.P., red.Azd-va,- SfERCTININA, L.V. , taklhn. red. [DeaWng teahnological processes for the assembly of instruments] Proektirova'nie tekhnologiohookikh protsessoT abor- ki priborov. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Maahgisp 1963. 286 p. (MIRA 160) (Instrument industry) (Asnambly-line methods) Ukrayin 'kyyfizf&~1Yi_zhurn&I, v. 8, no. 4, AprA963,A98--50- S/185163/008/004/0151015 A c4 cntific conference devoted to problems of evaporation, combustion, and ga~ dynamics of dispersed systems was held at Odessa State University Lmeni ..I. . Mechinikov from Ito 6 October .1962.1 stxty-rive papern-were presented, 24 of which dealt of productiun and stability of aerosols and the w effec; on these vrocesses of various ahvalcochamical farinrit! thjs^*h-AL-- wor;dng processes in combustion chambers of various power plants. Some o17 the titles were "Investigating oxidation processes of high hydrogenous fuels by oxygen from compressed air, S. Kramarenko, "Burning Or metal sus. pension In hydrocarbon fuel$, 11 D. 1. Polfohftk, L. P. (Atonina, and V. L. Yankevich; and "Experimental investigation of two-phase flow In axially-sym- rical nozzles. "'G. A. XQmov, Included also were discussions of the meth- ~ods of solving equations of dissociating gas now In ducts and gas dynamic calculations for jet engipes, 0. A. Varshay&y, E. Ya. Guber, and A P Kisellov; the formation o: plane shook waves in shock tubes and passage of shock waves through a flame front, D. V. Fed9neyev, 0. D. Sadamandr;uand 1. K. Sevastlyanova; experimental results on thenow Wcombustion pro4 cts d a rmthane -oxygen mixture around cambered surfaces with diffraction of det- 1.~ onation. waves. L. 0. Gvozdlova,- the.stability of wsteady-ratate- flame front S. K. Aslanov; the relationship between the flame and the 11-mater V a bum- 1~4 Ing drop, V.- 0, Fedoseyer, and theoretical and experimental investigation of 1i burning of spherical metal particles. by:1.4 A. MV"WW. (AS) Card -2/2. L 2^875-66 Dri kd)/tiNP(v)/E'WP(k)/EWP(h)/MP(l) -:E-313 _rj UP ~6C NR, AP6009914 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/04lYT697dU0-766W7M2/0112 AUTHOR: Drozdovskiy, G. P. ; Kolozinov V. P.; Orlov, S. F. Magirovskin N. P.! a7 redosevev, 0. V, D91 none lling and hauUipy., treesr ithout the use of a choker. Class TITLE: A machine for fe s w .45, No. 179112 Lannounced by Leningrad "Order of Lenin" Forel=-Enizineering Academy Imeni S. M. Kirov (Locningradskaya Ordena Lenina lesoiekhn1cheskaya akademiya); Onega Tractor Flint (Onezhokly traktornyy zav'od)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyy obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 4, 1966, 112 TOPIC TAGS: forestry, transportation equipment, woodworkinf; machinery ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces:, 1. A machine for felling and hauling trees without the use of a choker. The unit includes a self-propelled base with a 'frame which rotates in the vertical longitudinal plane oZ the machine and carries an extensible roller arm. Also mounted on the base are a raceiving and loading device with collapsible packing am, a cutting mechanism, a winch, a drive, and a device for fastening the logs to the receiving beam. This latter device contains a constantly closed loop of cable fastened at the ends to the winch drum with a mechanism for keep- ing the loop separated, In order to increase productivity, simplify control of the Z 634.0.36:629.114.2 I Card 113 ACC -NIL-- AP60099 machine and cut logs by various methods, the cutting mechanism Is fastened to the packing am of the receiving and loading device by a telescoping bar which may be re- 1--cutting mechanism; 2--packing arm; 3--tele- 7 scoping bar; 4--langths of cable; 5--roller arm; 6--rotating frame; 7--pullays; 8--drive for the roller arin extension mechaniamt 9~-drive for the !:t cable loop separation mechanism; 10--cable guys; rings; -12--cable -loop-, 13--receiving beam. tated around its longitudinal axis. The mechanism 19ths for extension of the roller am Is made with let of cable fastened to the roller arm with the other ends passed through pulleys mounted on -~he upper cross beam of the rotating frame. These cables are driven by a unit which Is connected with the drive for the mechanism,which separates the cable loop. This mechanism Is made with cable guys which are also fastened at or end to the drive while the other ends are passed through guide rings mounted an the t per cross beam of the rotating frame and freely connected to the cable loop of the device for fastening the logs to the receiving beam. 2. A modification of this machj in which the operation of the machaniam for extension of the roller am in synchronts 2/3 L ZJBM-60 ACC NRs AP6009914 0 ed wLth that of the mechanism for separation of the cable loop by making their c6mon driv a in the form of two drums. One of these drums, is rigidly fastened to the drive shaf t while -the other in ownected to this shaft by- a slip -clutch. SUB 100M 02,13/ SUBM DATEs 29M=,65/ ORIG REF... 000/ OTH REF: 000 WT DS F.IPR/EPIL(b)/E]T(c)/'EFF(n)-2,/r-, (1)/~_ A_EX,/AnTC/AFYrC_/kSD/ ~5 Pd-4/Fr-4/Pu-4-/Fx-4 WW ACC =1011' NR: AP3004738 V0170/63/006/008/0042/0044 AMI)Rs Fedos2yev, D. V.; Shte S. V. TlT, 'It Flow with friction and_heat,transfer in a conical nozzle SOUJ'St Inzhenerno-fivicheakiy shurnalp ve 6. no. el 1963p 41-" TOP": TALS3 conical nozzle# heat tijansfers supersonic flow,, stagnation tempirature, stagnatio'n pressure jWS7 MCT i An analysis of supersorA6 flow In a conical nozzle in made which takes into account both friction and heat 11,ransfer. The flow is a4sumed to be one- dimetsional; i.e., the Value of the tangent of the angle of inclination of the nozz a contour is amall, and the stagnation-temperature recovery factor in the ~)oun(ary layer Is assumed to be unity. Equations of motion, continuity, and heat trani!'er are used as the basis for establishing formulas for calculating the flow para:(3ters at any cross section# i.e., velocity, pressure, donAty, temperature, impulEe, and stagnation-pressure reaviery factor. Orig. art. has 1 3.1 formulas A=UTI0111: Card VARSHAVSKIYI G.A,; GERMYER, Ys.M.; FEDOSEYEV, D.V. Some two dimensional problems of heat conductivity under mixed boundary conditions, Inzh.-fiz. shur. 8'no.6054-760 Je 165. (WRA 18t7): BCTViNKIN, O.K. , doktor teRhn. r4quk; Kill-TKO-VA) YO.ti.' Iri;,h.; V.A., kand. I,akhno - nauk; kand, tekhn. nauk Using the statistical *Ileory to estimate the streng,'~.h of w'Andow glass. Stek. i ker. 22 no.9314-17 S 165a (MIRA 18:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inititut atuakla (for Botvinkin, Kulikova). 2. Inst*-'%u.- fizicheskoy kh,.l--4i AN SSSR (for Ryabov, Pedoseyev). )1~n ra~ L-L ina-2~ !its -M7149-66 W( -WC-CNR, AP6018057 (A) SOURCE'CODE: UR/0020/66/169) AUTHOR: WOO, L As; Yedolleyev, D. V. OR(;: InI&Itute of P*81cal Chemist -- of Sclences&SSSR Institui ryL_Acaqqvr -A khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) TIM: Statistical theory of the-strendh of glass SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladys v. 10p no- 3., 1966,, 567-568 TOPIC TAGS: glue propertyp statistic analysis 3 0VR19-0A-';rY ABSTRACT: The authors report the results of tests of approximately UpOO0 samples of composition Si02 -72%.. NA20 -15%.. MgO -3%p CaO -8%, and A1203 -1.5%. Some samples were hardened by removing the defect layer from the surface with foamed hydrofluoric acid. The samples were in the form of squares 60 mm on each aide of varying thick- nesses. The test procedure in briefly described. The results show that the hardened glass has two maxima., one at approximately the same value as the unhardened glass (30 2 Wnc?), and the other at approximately 300 kg/mm . The author's'state that an earlier explanation (J. CorneliBeen et al., Technical Papers Sixth Intern. Congr. on Glass, Washington, July, 1962) attributing the two maxima to the presence of two types of Surface defects, disagrees with published results and with their own results, since the surface treatment with acidp which removes the surface defects, actually strength- ens the glass. It is concluded that by producing glass without surface defects and by keeping the interior of the glass in the liquid state it would be possible to in- fizichcokoy UDc: 539.4.o1: 666.o1 L 37149-66 ACC NRs APW18ow crease greatly the strength or glass. The authors thank AN SSSR Corresponding Member Ba V, Deryagin for important remarks. This report was presented by Academician So A. Kbristianovich 24 July 2,965- Orig, art. has: 1 figure and 3 rorall 8- SUB CODEW, 2D/, SMH DATE -- 13 5/ ORIG MP: 003/ OM REF: 003 I Card 2/2.. af -L 06233-67.-,-.. WH ACC NRt AP6030007 SOURCCC066 EIR/0020/66/169/005/1034/1036 'AUTHOR: Galin, L. A. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Ryabov, V. A.; Fedoseyev, D. V.-, herepanov, G. P. IORG: Institute of Problems of Mechanics, AcadeRy of Sciences SSSR (Institut problem 6ekhaniki Akademii nauk SSSR); Institute of Physical Chemistry, Acad~!W of ASSR (Institut fizicheskoy kbimii Akadem)ii nauk SSSR) ITLE: railure in high stren V SSSA. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, 1034-1036 TOPIC TAGS: gle3s property, Young modulus, hydrofluoric acid PSTRACT: The failure of glass due to internal defects was investigated using test Isamples of window glass with dimensions 60 x 60 mm and a thickness of 1.7-3.2 mm . The glass had approximately the following chemical composition: SiOZ--72%, Na20--15%, '11g0-3%, CaO-8%, A1203-1-5-2%. Surface defects to a depth of 100 microns were re- oved by treating the glazu in foaming hydrofluoric acid. The samples were tested for etric flexural strenr,,Lh using.a maximum load of 10,000 kg-wt. The test samples ere supported in a square frame covered with soft insulation. Typical parameters of the glass samples were as follows: Young's modulus of 6,107 kg-wt/cm2, thickness of 0.2 cm, a breaking fbrce of approximately 500 kg-wt, and a characteristic transverse Card 1/2 UDC: 639;8 ---L 0623-t-67------ ---- ACC NR, AP6030007 nsion of approximately 5.10-3 cm for the needle fragments. The experiments showed the development of cracks leading to the failure of high strength glass samples nonstationary and corresponded to the initial stage of the nonstationary develop- of cracks from the original defects. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATM 22Apr66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 002 S L~Srd 2/2 ACC NRt AP7005416 SOLKGE CdE; 5/ 211q16O01O'1 1~ AUTHORS; D. V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Hyabov, V. A. (Candidate of techn cal so. one a ffreyev, P. S. (Engineer) ORG i CFedoseyev, Ryaboy7 Institute of Physical Chemietryp AN SSSR (Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR)i IRireyev7 state Scientific Research Institute for Glass (Gosudaretvennyy nauchno-iseledovatel'Bkiy institui atekla) TITLE: Dependence of the diameter of glass fibers on the manufacturingmethod SOMM. Steklo i keramika, no. lip 1966, 17-18 TOPIC TAGS: glass, fiber glasep mathematio analysi's.J1 PRODOCIrt0J GA a SS F/45&:~Z ABSTRACT: An equation, expressing the dependence of the diameter of glass fibqrs on the properties of the glass and on the manufacturing method was derived as d FZ + 1) 9 FD#. . 4 r2 -V 1JU Here L is the level of the glass reservoir,- I '-'lonjth of die, g - acceleration of gravity, () - density of glass, D - dinmeter of die, 11 - viscosity of glass, and A - rate of drawing. The derivation is based on the work of Ya. A. Shkollnikov (Steklo i keramika, 1964, No. 7). The equation was tested on the experimental results of M. G. Chernyak et al. (Steklo i keramikap 1966, No. 1) and of IV. A. Ryabov et al. (Steklo Card 1/2, UDC: 661.189t2li.21?_ 'ACC NR,_'AP70054_1~ (byulleten' GIS) 1961, No. 3), as well as on exper;mental data obtained the present authors. The results of the tests are shown graphically (see Fig. 1). 30 Fig. 1. Dependence of the ratio of glaed 1 -014 fiber diameter to the die.diameter on the 10 Lp gD', dimonsionless criterion 7- L -11e solid circles - data of Chernyak et al; open circles - data of Pqabov et al; crosees - data of present authors. W -71 v I I I. It MW fovAd that the experimental data were in good agreement with the proposed theoretical relationship. Orig, art, Mat i gnpho 1 Ublet and 4 equations- SUB CODE: Ii/ SM 'DATEs none/ ORIG REPs 006' -Card 2 2 now-SM. r. ___ __MwwrdMMM"MI~ Success of members of Chelyabinsk section of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army. Air 7orce, and Navy. Za rul. no.9:9-10 157, (MLRA 10.9) (Vologda--Motorcycle racing) jrg*,DOSi1.YV$ G. A 157T92 UM/ftato 0 PAdio fteeivers Doc 49 "The One-Tube 1-V-1," G. Fedoseyev, 11 p "Radio" No 12 Points out that set for receiving two or three powerful local stations should be simple, cheap., and economical. Fixed tuning to desirable to obviate need for two tuning circuits (with vari- able condensers). These requirements are satis- fied by the 1-V-1, which uses 6B8 duplex-diode pentode. Will receive three Moscow-stations at distance of 500-600 ka. Includes three diagrams. 310! 157T92 T=IYIIVI G. Portable receiver. Radio no.11:36-39 1 153. (XWA 6:11Y (Radio-Reasivers and reception) - -- - --- -- ------- --- - - - I- -- - - - ---:7 - rmsmvp G., rukovoditall radiokmxhka (Kaliningrad) Young radio amateurs in Kaliningrad. Radio no.4:17 - Ap 136. Mainingrad-Radio clubs) (MLRA 9:7) FIDOOTAV, G.,riikovoditall, master-radlokonatruktor "Attention, here speaks the House of Pioneers in Yaliningrad.0 IUn.tekh., 3 nov3:7041 Mr '59,, (MIRK 12:4) 1. Radiokruzhok laliningradekogo doma plonerov. (Uliningrad-Floneere (Commmist youth)) 107-9-9/53 AUTHORt 0. Fedoseyev, Supervisor of the Radio Circle and of the Radio- --Stiffo-n-of-Vto Kaliningrad Pioneer House TITLE: Now Exhibits (Novyye eksponaty) PERIODICALt Radio, 1957, # 99 p 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The "DOSAAF" radio circle of the Kaliningrad Pioneer House is preparing exhibits for the 14th Exhibition of Works of Radio- Amateur Designers. One of them is the 200 w first category shortwave transmitter, operating under the call signal UA2KAA. Another design is a 7-tube VHF transmitter with anode-soreen modulation, operating in the frequency band of 38-40 megacyclest which may be used for telephone and telegraph communications. I This article contains 1 photo. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 YXDOSNM, G., meter radioploneroy Our obligationB. Radio no.lt4 Ja 060, (MIRL 13:5) 1. Rukovoditall radiokruzhlm Kaliningradekogo Down pionerovo (Radio clubs) I PAVLOTSKAYAq F.I.; ~~POSEYEVL_R. NA 9 L. 11. ; TYURYUKANOVAI E.B. ~.; BABICIIEVA, Ye.V.; ZATSEPII Methods of determin:hIg strontium-90,, stable strontium, and calcium in soils and plant residues. Pochvovedenie no.2:105-3-12 F 1640 (MIM 1713) I* Institut geokhiTnii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V.I.Vernadskogo. 1-o- FEW S-rYEV-i-,G-. F' 2. UM (600) 4. Geography & Geology 7. We are going along Voatochomu Stian (&at Saianj. Novosibirsk, obl.gos. izd-vo.1951 9. &nth List gL Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februm7,1953.Unclassified. 62.1.122 12 My Idem Po VoBtochnolnu Ssy&nu (j,,e Go Through.tho L stern Sayan 1-,4unta:Lns) Leningrad, Molodaya Ovardiya, 1952- V. Inus., Maps Publisher VariOB Lib. Masi 1952 1956 OR A -geodezist; NAMAYEVA,O., redaktor; ~ROS~ oriy Anisimovich, kazhener ~OIVAO G.9 takhaicbeskijr redaktor (In the olutches of the Dzhugdvr] V tiskakh Dzhugdyra. (Moskva] Izd-vo TeX UUM *Kologaia gverdtia," 1956, 358 P, (HLRA 9:12) (Lower Amur Proviuce-Description and travel) J;i orl Anisimo i h SHAIR INA, To.$., redaktor; KAZUROVA, A.F., V W1 to nic & b redixtar ti- ;[Traveling through the Eastern Sayans] 91 idem pa Tostochnomm saiann. .[Novosibirsk] Revosibirskoe knishnoo izd-vo, 1956. 1956. 391 P. (MIRA 10:4) (Sayan Mountains-Description and travel) I 7 = SSYRT, Grigoriy Aalsimovich (In the olutches of t)w Dxhugdyrj T tiskakh Dshugdyra. Roakva, Molodaia gvardiia.~ Tol.l. 1959. (KIRA 13:2) (Siberias lantern-Dosoriptioa and travel) (Taigas) FEDOGHTAT, Gri&oriy Anisimovio-hi IMNIXOTO D*I#p redo; LECLOWWo Y*Io* [In the remote, myster, ',cue taigal notes of an explorer) Glukhoig nevedomoi taigoiu; sapiiki puteshostvonnikao Krasnodar, Xrasno- darskoe knishnoe isd-voo 1960, 329 P, (MIRA 1423) (Siberia-Desoriptiou and travel) FEDOSEYEV, P.A. Stats~of the Pacific. wtam population and its distribution. Zool,'-shui. 41 no.7t,10834M, J1 462. (KERA 1513-1) L Magadan Branch of the Pacific FishwT'and Oceanography Research institute. (Padfio Ocean-Walruses) FEDOSEYEV, Grigoriy Anisimovich.- WAYEVA, 0., red.; MIK&YLOVSKAYA, R. (Death will wait forial Smert' menia podozhdat. Moskva,, lzd-vo TaK VLKSM "Molodaia gvardiia," 1963. 524 p. ' (MIRA 1618) (Okhotsk Sea region-Description and travel) FEDOSEYEVI G.A. Embryonio and postembryonic growth and sexual maturation in the ringed seal Phoca hispida ochotensis Pall. Zool. zhur. 43 no.8t .1228-1235 164. (MIRA 17tll) 1. Magadanskoye otdelen;Lye Tikhoodeanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts, rybnogo khozynystva i okeanografil. G.A.; YABLOKOV, A.V. Morphological characterJstics of the Okhotsk seal Puna hispida (Pinipedia, 14ammalia) in the Saa of Okhotak. Vool. zhur. 44 no-5: 759-765 (MIRA 18-.6) 1. 14agadanskoye otdeleni:re Tlkhookeanskogc) nauchno-issladovatell- skogo instituta morskogo rybnogo khozynystva i okeanografii i Institut morfologii zhivt)tnykh A14 SSSRp Moskva. FEDWFYVI i'.43termining the ame and tax structure of tbe populaUon ir.4 the stock of Nhatsk amls, Zoel, zhmr. 44 no.63925-933 165. (MIRA 18slO) 1. Magadan3kope otdoleniye Tikhookeanakogo mnlif!.hnc,--'~osle,,iovat-allskogo tnatltutA morBkogo rybnogo khotyaystva i olmanigrafli. BARANOVI, V.I.; PAVLOTSKAYA, F.I.j FEDOSEYEY v; TYURYUKANOVAP E.B.; RODIONOVA.. L.M.; BABIC I e,V.; ZATSEPINA, L.N.; VOSTOKOVA., T.A.; Prinimali uchatitiye: YEMELITANOV, V.V.; BELYAYEVA, L.I.; LEVKM, N.I.; MOLCHANOVA, I.V. Distribution of Sr9O on the surface horizon of soils of the Soviet Union during 1959-1960.'Atom. energ. 18 no.3-.246-250 Mr 165. (MMA 18:3) o of Szrl isotope s o4 so ta a-re o-i 't S_ non r s 0 a 06Feb64 00 71 77; . )ODE: hp, m tri R~F 59V 006 OTHER: Olk NA 0 -card 1/1 6 IDT IT, 2527- KRYIDV, Vik-tor Ivanovich; FEDOSEYEV,-Qg=4dtx-Alamwdzp-vlcb,* SHUSTOV, Artur 7el-r57rcT;-POfEKMA, N.S., red. (Pinnipedia of the Far East] Lastonogie Dallnego Vostoka. Floskvap Pishclaevaia promyohlennostlp 1964. 57 p. (MMA 17:12) ACC "" AR6022385 (1Y) SOURCE CODE: UR/0397/65/000/024/0052/0052 AUTHOR: Bulatov, P. KO; Madnikov. D. MI.; Fedogeyev. G. B.: Khan-Fimina, V, A ; Sareleve. A. N. TITLE11., Treatment of ifatients witb various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs witb garlic pb-ytoncidos SOURCE: Ref. zb. Farmakologiya. Toksikologiya, Abs. 24-54-401 REF SOURCE: Sb. Morfol., fiziol. I patol. organov, dykbaniya. L. !965, 25-28 TOPIC TAGSt respiratory system disease, microorganism contamination, pbarmscognosy, tberepeutics, pbytoncide ABSTRACT: The effect of volatile fractions and tissue juice of garlic on microorgpnisms (white, golden and lemon-yellow stapbylococcus, hemolytic streptocoocus$Wecondary type of pnovmoooccuu, enteric bacteria, proteus, blue pus rods, and yeastlike fungi of the Candida type) frequently found in the sputum in lung diseases' was investigated in vitro. An emulsion 0.1 ml.of a 24 br oulture (500 mfllion microbial bodies in 1 ml of pbysiological solution) was placed on the surface of a solid nutritive medium In 3 OuPs- 1 g of ground garlic was introduced Card 1/2 UDC: 615-~2 0_4 L V233 ~7 ACC N" AR6022385 into the firstIcup and 0.1 ml of garlic tissue juice was Introduced into the second cup; the third cup served as a. control. The bactericidal action of tbegarlic preparations In relation to all microorganisms was established by the presence of a sterile zone. Bactericidal action was not reduced with the addition of euspiran (3 drops/l ml) to garlic tissue juice.: 122 patients with acute-pneumonia, aggravated chronic pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis were treated witb inbalations of garlic tissue juice diluted in a physiological solution or a 0.25% novocaine solution (1:3)., The course of treatments was 8 to 40 inhalations. A good or favorable effect was found in 106 patients (86.7%). The addition of antibiotics~or sulphamides to the garlic tissue juice did not'influence the thbrapeutio effect, Garlic inhalations by 34 chronic pneumonia patients with Candida infection of the lung complications produced a positive clinical effect in 2.6 patients (76-5.%); deoi,ease or disappearance of Candida funE51s cells in the sputum was noted in 16 patients (47%). A. Gladkikb. Lyranslation of abstracj7.. SUB CODE:, 06 2,12 BULATOV, PA.; ZLYDNIKOV, D.M.; FEDOSEYEV,_q~B.; KHAN-FIMINA, V.A. Use of garllc phytoncides for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs. 28 no.12%86-90 D 165# (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. P.K.Bulatov) i kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. V.N.Kosmodmianskly) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova. - - "WSZM, G.L. I ~ ws"-4 Practice of the Kazatskil combine in the use of bank loans. Sakh. 'Prom, 33 no.12:49-50 D 159. (MIU 13:4) leXazatekly patochW kombinat (Buor industry) PF-DOSEYEVx G.L. Operating vith a nev type of rav material for the production of caramel sirItVA. Sakh.prom. 34 no.5149-52 My 160. ~, (MM 3.4*'5) 1. Kazatakiy patoobnyy zavod. (Lipetsk Prwrince-Caramel) IUTHORSs Mikhaylov, G. -22- A 48 3-17/30 Skanavi, G. I., Chmutin, Me S., Keendzovy Ya. Met Matsonashvili, Be N., Kolomoytsev, F. I., Vodoplyanov, K. A. TITLEs Discussions ol. ftorts Subedtted byiK. A. Vodoplyanov and I. G. Vorozhteovai K. A. Vodoplyanov and G. I. Galibina; Be N. Matsonashvili (Preniya po dokladam: Ke A. Vodoptyanova i I. G, Vorozhtsovoyl K. A. Vodoplyanova i G. I. Galibinoy; Be N. Matoonaahvili) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 229 Nr 3, PP. 309-310 (USSR) ABSTRACT: G. Po Mikhaylov comments the report; submitted ' by K. A. Vodoplyanov and I. G. Vorozhivskaya as follows: The frequency band is too narrow in the lecture delivered as to draw any conclusions on the relaxation processes in mica. - G. P. Fedoseyev says-with respect to the same lecture: The lectured conclusions are apparently scarcely convincing. The explanation of the change-mechanism of the dielectric constant and of the anglo-tangent in mica, however, is of value. Complementary works must be carried out, however, in order to give a more Card 1/4 convincing effect to the judgement on the relaxation character Discussions on F&porb9 Submitted .j;r: K. A. Vodoplyanov and 48-22-3-17/30 1. G. Vorozhtsoval K. A. Yodoplyanov and G. I. Galibina; B. N. Metaonashvili in mica. - G. I. Skanavit Two essential contradictions exist between the works by K. A. Vodoplyanov and G. I. Galibina and the work by B. N. Matsonashvili. 1) Matsonashvili dis- covered relaxation maxims on the tg X-curves of the alkaline- -halogen crystals, which were not observed by Vodoplyanov and Galibina. 2) Vodoplyanov and Galibina maintain that with an increase in lattice-energy of the alkaline-halogen crystals, the tg d decreases at room-temperature and high-frequency. Matsonashvili did not find ouch a correlation. The first contradiction is based on the fact that Vodoplyanov and Galibina determined the temperature dependence of tg df on the basis of measurements at different temperatures with large temperature intervals and not in vacuum. The second contra- diction may be explained by the fact that the real losses of the alkali-halogen crystals are very small at room-temperature. The losses increase rapidly, however, due to the hygroscopicity of many crystals,.if no precautions were taken. M. S. Chmutins An approximating extra-polation of the tgd-value to high temperatures, leads - according to data by Vodoplyanov and Card 2/4 Galibina - to a conformity with our experiments. Though Discussions on Reports Submitted by: K. A. Vodoplyanov and 48-22--3-17/30 I. G. Vorozhtsova; K. A. Vodoplyanov and G. I. Galibina; B. N. Matsonashvili ,Matsonashvili carries out his tests in vacuum, his results by extrapolation to high temperatures, are higher than ours. - Ya. M. Keendzov: Data with smaller values of tg ~', viz. the data obtained by B. N. Matsonashvili, inspire more trust.- B. N. Matsonashvili: The work-results obtained by Vodoplyanov and Galibina suffer from the fact that they were determined under atmospheric conditions. The hygroscopicity of the samples was markedly expressed in this case. Chmutin criticized the high tg dr-vallies I obtained. I showed in my work that the dielectric properties depend on the previous history of the sample. Therefore, only results obtained by the measurement of one and the same sample may be compared. It would be absolutely necessary to carry out a "complex" investigation of the different properties of the alkaline-halogen mono- crystals with the same samples and on the same conditions, F. I. Kolomoyteev: It may be assumed that no fundamental contradictions exist between the experimentally obtained results which were detormined in the laboratories by G. I. Card 3/4 Skanavi and K. A. Vodoplyanov since the previous history of Discussions on Reports Submitted by; K. A. Yodoplyanor and 48-22-3-17/30 f. G. Vorozhtsova; K. A. Vodoplyanov and G. 1. Galibina; B. N. Ya't'sonashvili the samples may cause different results with the measuring of the tg(P* - Kv As Vodoplyanov: The methods applied are the decisive factor in carrying out similar works as that by Matsonashvili and ours. The results obtained by Skanavi with his method cannot deny the presence of a connection between tg (Pand lattice-ener&7. It must be replied to G. P. Fedoseyev that it was not provided within the scope of this work to explain the practical usefulneas of the thermal treatment of mica. AVAILABLE;: Library of Congress 1. Mica--Dielectric properties 2. Single crystals--Dielectric properties 3. Single crystals--Conductivity 4. Alkaline -halogen arystals--Dielectric-properti(~s Card 4/4 ) ~e , I . AUTHORSs Pisarenko, V. F.., Balygin, 1. Ye.), 48-22-4-12/24 r'ja~ ~G Tonkonogov, Mo P., Fridberg, I. D., 0l 3vzo. K lpygo, K. Konorova, Ye. A., Skanavi, G. I. TITLEs Discussions on Lectures byt S. M. Brag-in, 0. A. Voroblyer and A. A. Voroblyevi L. A. Sorokina. and Ye. A. Konoroval V. D. Xuahinj Ye. A. Konorova, V. V. Krasnopevtoev and G. I.- Skanavi (Preniya, po dokladamt S. M. Bragina; G. A. Voroblyeva i A. A. Voroblyeval L. A. Sorokinoy i Ye. A. Konorovoy; V. D. Kuchinal Ye. A. Konorovoy, V. V. Krasnopevtseva i G. I. Skanavi) PERIODICALs Izvestiya~Akademii Nauk,SSSR Seriya Fizicheakaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 4, PP.-413-414 (USSR) ABSTRAM V. B. Pisarenko critioises the paper by G~ A. Voroblyev and A* A. Voroblyev. He maintains, that in the investigation of the breakdown of colored rock salt the influence of space charge was not taken into consideration. I. Ye. Balygin maintains, that the experimentg by Bragin are of great importance, as little research has hitherto been conducted in this field. In the lecture by Voroblyev and Voroblyev the Card 1/3 divisionof breakdown into two stages was not sufficiently