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f, S.Y.; STMOV, M.N.; KOGA6YBV, V.P.; GIATSINTOV, Te.V.,-, YXDOROVA, TON., kand.tekhn.nauk, red*; SHEMOW, 3-lotWored.; GARNMINA, L~A*,tekhn, red, [Investigating the"distribution of endurance properties in structural aluminum alloys In connection with their produAion technology] Issledovanie ra.seeiantia kharaktariotik vynoslivosti konetruktaionnykh aliuminievykh eplavoy v eviazi a tekhnologlei ikh proizvodetva. Moskva, Go~.izd-vo- obor.promyshl. 1958. 122 (Moscow. Aviatsionnyi tokhnologicheakii inetitut. Trudy, no-3550 (MLRL 12:5) (Aluminm alloys-Testing) (Metals-Fatigue) Oil Madical observations of swimmers. LT-Luly] GIDUV no,35:79-921629 (MIU 1616) (SWIM-MG) (SPO"S MDICDIE) L ACC NRs AF600033T SOURCE CODEs UR/0286/65/000/02.1/0036/0036 AUTHORS: Tsessank&,P-A. V.; Fedorova, To X.1 Nikolayeva, V. M.; Arkhipova, ToP Mikhaylovaj, Yeo No ORG: none TITLE: Bacteriooidal admixture for lubricating-cooling liquids, Class 23t No, 176028 fannounc-3d by Moscow Automobile Plant im. I. A. Likhachev (Moskovskiy avtomobil'W za,rod -SOURCE.- Byulletonl-izobreten i- tovarnykh snakov,no 210 19650 36 TOPIC TAGS: bacteriocide, lubricant, cooling ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate proBenta the application of hexachlorophons to a at2r ical admixtt. 11fo- lubricating-coolW liquido.IT SUB COrEt l1/ SUBM DATEt -.02Wr64 Card 1A UDCs .665'.21.1:621.M.8 ~14 Ij 0 LOPATINO P,V.; KATS, A.Maj YARANTSEVAp Ye.P.; FRDOROVA, T.M.; GORSKAYA, L.V. lbrperimental study of the disinfection of prescriptions and paper by means of ultraviolet irradiation. Apt. delo 14 no.6:60-64 R-D 165, (KRA 3.8::L2) :1. Farmatsevtichenhy faku.11tet I Mbekovskogo ordena Ionia& izeditainskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova$ Nauchno- losledovatel'skaya aptechnaya stantalya Mookovskogo gorodskogo aptekoupravleniya i Sanitarno-opideriologichaskaya stantsiya Moskvy. 4461-66 EWT (m)JaP (w)/JEM (d)jMPjy)jXj9WP (t )&BP(k )IM (m)-6 UP(g) Ant ACC NR: AT6008664 jG/EM/GS- W SOURCE CODES UR/bOW/65/000/000/02i5,16220 AUTHORSs q4u1ZqTqv V. G. (Moscow, Nikolayev)i Khazanov, M. S. (Moscow, Nikolayev); PedoFqva,,T.-M. Moscow, Nikolayev) 7(~ _ORGt none TITLE: Investigation of thermal fatj&M_of_.a&a1,._nozzle vanes SOURCE: Voss ye 001veshchaniye po, voproaam statioheskoy i dinmicheskqy pro materialo,v--i kongtrukta'~i'onny~k'.h..el(mentoy pri vysokikh i niskikh tomperaturakhe 3d* -Termoprochnost' ,materialoy-i konstruktaiIonnykh elementov (Thermal atrength of materials and construction elements); materialy oaveshchaniya. Kiirr, Naukova dumka,- 215-w220 196% TOPICTAGS: thermal fati~usi_* -turbine- blade I -durability chromium base &Uoy,- nickel - base alloy, cobalt base alloy, metal grain structure ABSTRACT. Tlo Investigate thermal fatigue of cast nozzle vanes, blades made of .different alloys were subjected Wheat cycling (30 seconds to reach a gas temperature of 1475K, 30 secorids at 1475K, shut-down and cooling for one minute) in a combustion chamber. The blade temperature varied between 1315K and 775K during the cycle. The number of cyc3es to surface crank formation and to final failure and their long dura- -tion strength (100 hours at 1175C) were recorded for blades made of 9 different Card 1/2 ? ACC NRt AT600f 1664 (9 IS ty IAI 11 %ium-419 - t jcel-ba9ed alloo (AX6fi,--U -L c0 a t- 4nd-~Llq~o , t YZb3fi--4# K14N56L-yao MJ6L Zhsl~G fmd ZhSZDK)it The M&Qrgatw+"~. f some of the alloys was I _ studiedy and curvg of Q coefricien Pf linear expansionics a function of tMpera- ture (673-12731() are presented for all the alloys. It was found thati cobalt-baecd alloys had higder thermal strength than chrouium-ninkel alloys; resistance of nickel- based alloys was independent of alloying them with cobalt; the grain sizq in the macrostruoture has a strong effect on thermal strength; calorizedjaadmAf ZhS6K were much more heat resistant than blades of cobalt-baeod alloys (2000 versus 200 cycles). Orig. art. has, 5 figures, SUB CODE: 13, 20/ 'SUBM DATEt 19Au965 I d . ~.- m~, I - i jialmuxr.,-t~ G.A. Occurance of Omsk hemorrhngtc fevor In wm and muskratr, in the winter period. Zhur. mikroblol., epirl. i immim. 41 no.llil34-136 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. Omskly Institut prlrcdn,)ochat.,ejvykh infaktsly I Gmskiy mdi- tainskiy institut imani. Kalinina. T SOROKIN, Te*G., Inr-hener; PROSTTAXOT. I.M., Inzhaner; FZDOROTA T.9 0 S ~.Aw radaktor; LYUDKOTBrATA, N.I., tekbnicheskly rerAktor ECeorifugal casting of tower pipes of 50 mm. diameter] Mentro- bezhnala otlivka kanalizatsiow7kh trub lanetron 30 m. Kookyao Goo. isd-vo lit-ry po stroit. msterialam. 1956. 39 P. (KLRA 9:7) (Sower pipe) (CentrifuV1 casting) y ROIKOV, Ile"andr Favlovich; CHERTKOV, Vaailiy Vasillyevich; MAZUR . X.Y., inxhoner, redaktor; MOR redaktor; GLA:DKM, N.M.,te.khaicheekiy reiatroor", 2a"U. [Multilayer fluing of wooden construction elements; the practices of 'the lostopol Houning Com~lnel Knogooloinais sklaika dereviannykh stroitallafth detalei; Iz opyto Xoetopollikogo deomostroitellnogo Icoubtuats. Pod red. H.V. HBzura. Xo6kva, Goo. izd-vo'l:it-z7 po stroit. materialam. 1956. 109 p. OLRA 10.15) (W1ding, Wooden) (Gluing) - I I YEVNEVICH, Anton Vladislavovich; FEDOROVA, T.U., redaktor; GLADKM, U.N., t.ekhnichaskiy redaktor. - [Lifting and conveying machinery in building material plantel.Gruzo- podOemnya i transportiruiushahie mashiny na savodakh stroitallnykh materialov. Isd. 2-oe, parer. Moskva, Goo. tzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam. 1956~ 299 p. (KM 10A) (Conveying machinery) (Building materials) KAR IS, Ye.Ye., kandidat tekbuicheakikh aauk; FOLIXARPOV, Y.F., kandidat takhnicheskikh. nauk; SINATOY, 1.0., kandidat takhaicheskikh nauk; SHIFIM, I.A., kandidat tokhatchookikh nauk: NOYDEOVA, I.M., rodaktor:-ZXI)OROVA., T.N. radaktor; LYUDIOVSX&YA, N.L. tekhniche- skiy redii-tor ? (Squipment of a central heating and ventilating system] Oborudovanto dlia sistem teentrallnogo otopleniia i ventiliataii. Pod obahchat reds V.YoPolikarpovae Moskva, Goo, lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materia- lami 1956. 399 P. (MM 9:8) (Ventilation) (Heating from central stations) RATIKOVSXIT, Leonid Petrovich; WBOM, P.Y., hauchnyy redaktor; FAMMVA, T.NtL redaktor; PTATAKOVA, N.D., takhalchoskiy rediktor* '"u'"O"Oftww SON- (Stone industry in the German Democratic Repub~icl Prev7shleanest' ententyennogo kamnia Germanskoi Demokraticheakot Raspubliki. Us- skva, Goe.ixd-vo lit-ry pa storit. materialam, 19P. 82 P. MU 10%6) (German),. last--Stoma industry) V YABLQNSKIY, Georgiy Safonovich, ORLOY, A.M., nauchnyy redi,Irtor: FIDGROVA T 14 redaktor; GILHIT'aOlf, P.G., takhnicheekiy redektor %4iiii" [Sawing limestone] Razrabotka pillnykh isvestniakov, Moskva, Goe. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materislam. 1957. 95 P. (KLRA 10:10) (Limestone) USTINOV, Mikhail Alsksayevich; MIFLONOV, P.P., nauchnyy rodaktor; _f=ROVA, T.N.,,,,,"daktor; FTATAKOVA, N.D., takhnichostly rodaktor '"wo"O"OUGL, [Manufacturing equipment used in sanitary engineering) Prolsvodstvo manitarno-tekhnichookikh isdalii. Xoekva, Pronstroizdat, 1957. 137 P. (Sanitary enginvering-Squipment and supplies) (KLRA 10:9) V'. rARNMKO, Rataliya Taygenlyevna. SYNTLOV, BorlL Takoylevich; APIN. A.Ta., nsuohnyy redaktorr'MMOVAL-T.N., redaktor; aILZISON, P.G.0 t:khnj~ obeekly redaktor. (Theory and technology of industrial explosives] Teoriis. i takhnologiia promyshlennykh vsryychatykh veshchestv. Mook-ra, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1957. 239 P. (MIRA 10:11) (Uplosives) XLYUKOVSKIY, Georgiy Ippolitovich: KANUYIDT, Lev Alakeandrovich: BMINKIN, O.K., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., red.; Y=ROVA, T.N., red.; GURNSON, P.G., [Physical chemistry and the chemistry of silioal Piziaheebtia )&imiia i khtmita kremnila. Isd.2-os, perer.i dop. Pod red. O.K.Botvinkina. Xoskva. GoeAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialm, 1957. 263 P. (XIRA 11:1) (Since) (Silicates) ZMNISHEK, Rikolrq Nikolayevich, rRMOVA, T.H., red.; GARNMIXA* L.A., takhnoreds .1 '- - - - [Rotarv dust collectors] Rotatsionnve pyleotdeliteli. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. nrkhite i stroit. materialam, 1958 6.5 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Dust collectros) FEDOROVA&_,*T-1,~ _1,.__(Mcskva) Fertilization in wheat-:r7e amphidiplolds. Bet. zhur. 49 no.12i 1781-1785 D 164 (MIRA 18s2) LAVROV, Vitaliy Alekaeyevich., doktor arkhitektury,- FEDOROVA., TA., red. (City and its public center] Gorod i ego obshchostvenr7i tsentr. Moskvaq Stroiizdat., 1964. 188 p. (MIRA 17:12) Yv A I C 0 V 6 4 X L 0 m 0 ft 4 s I Ww .0 *Oa Gal at so 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 a :::00646909806091 go** a 11 0i3 )1,sa vx p 4 41 41a49 461 , b , I L if mjkv Ts *'v'0 7'0 wl it ngo mill"Jutlav slutillulpid 4.01if -11jullitialall 0;1 alviii.1 vk,o aly 111114d lunluoWtuv lunl"Usvul 3 l l uo ixul )a u0juni ilplqjnl tuntulzutu *4.L "IVI" gum lk'41-)tu OAuqv aqf jo (Ililqlwv#j &q.L 'd 'A 't$J301SUM0 ju.)IJAIVU tip IYUJISUC) * - ! 4 7 l 011 IPWNVZ VA .L, .1 ,1 oui ql-,H 2 a furtmil III) V"I-u app"Pwas 00 00. '6"W 441 all-" Ul -ve"m 10 "mimp"wa 00 00. so ISO., 00 ap 00 Ir 00 00 Oo 0 v 0 0 IRS 90 0 6 0 00 0 0 0 - 00 06 06 06 a so 0 * 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 Ot Os 00 0a 0 0 0 0 -- ---- ---- --- --- - -- - --- - - FEDOROV.k,_2.L, Insh. Methods of lowering the content of regulus in ndneral wool, Stroi.mat. 9 no,3sl2-l5 Mr 163, (MIRA 164) (Mineral wool) FEDOROVA, T.P., in2h. .-MOMMONOWAMPOW Study of the centrifugal blast method of producirg mineral wool. Sbor. trud. ROSNIIM no.27:53.-59 163. (MIRA 17tl) BREGERp A.Kh.; Prinimall uchaotiye:-KARPOV, V.L., kand.khim.nauk; .EELYZISKIY, V.A.; OSIPOV, V.B.p PRMDIN, S.D.; TYURIKOV, G.S.p kand.khim.naukj GOLIDIN, V.A,; RYABMIN,, Yu.S.; KOROIZV, G.N.; AFONIN, V.P.; POKROVSKIYp V.S.; KULAXOV, S.I.; LEXAREV, P.V.1 -n-WROU.-T.P.; KOROTKOVAp M.A.; KHARLAMOVI M.T.; NIKOLENKO., G.D.; LOPUKUH., A.F.j YEVDOKUNINj, T.F.; KASATKIN, V.M.1 RATOV, A.V. Nuclear radiation sources for radiational-chemical studies. Probl.fiz.khim. no.1:61-72 158. (KMA 15:11) :L.,'Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. Karpova. (Radiochemiatty) (Radioisotopes) KIRPIKOV9 Vladimir Arkadlyevich; GUKHMAN, A.A., doktor fis.-matem. naukp 'prof a , red. j,,jZWWV.A, T. P. , red.,- CHIZHEVSKIY, E.M., tekhn. red.' , mom. _ [Introduation to the thermodynamics of chemical and phase transitions] Vvedenie v temodinamiku khimicheskikh i fa- zovykh pr*-rashchenii. Moskva, Ronvuzizdat, 1963 50 (MI;I .16:95* (Chemical equilibrium) Aa VELICHXO~ Anna Yevtikhiyevna; BIRUN, A.M., doktor khim, nauk, prof., red.; ~EWROVA T.P IZHFVSKIY, E.M., takhn. red. red.; CH [Laboratory work in quantitative analysis] Praktikum po ko- lichestvannomu analizu. (n.p.] Roavuzizdat, 1963. 110 p. (MIRA 160) (Chemistry, Analytical-Laboratory manuals) ZHDAJIOV, Yu',A. , doktor kbim. nauk; DOROFFMM G.N.; KORDLIOi&O,G.A.i NGDANOVA, G.V,: red.4 4HVETSQVp S.V, (Laboratory vork in carbohydrate chemistry] Praktiklpo khimii uglevodov. Pod obehohei red. IU.A. Zhdanova, -P-1 Rosvusisdat, 1963. 119 p. RA l6t6) (Carbohydrates) MAKOLKIN, Ivan Afanaalyevieb; SHMMV, BorlB Aleksandrovich; ,IZMAYLDV, A.V., doktor khim. nauk, retaonzent; KARAPETITANTS, M.rj,., doktor kh1m. nauk, retaenzentj MISHCHENKOO K.P., doktor khim. nauk, reteenzent; FgPQBDYA, T ~e--- --,P., red.; BARANOV, Yu.V., tekhn. red. [Collection of ~xmplss and problems in physical and col- loid chemistry] Sbornik primerov i zadach po fizicheakoi i kolloidnoi khimii. Moskva, Roavuzizdat, 1963. 181 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Chemietryp Phyaical-Problems, exercises, etc.) VESELOVSKAYA, T.K., MACHINSKAYA, I.V.; BUTYUGIN, S.M,, retsenzent; VASILIYEV S'V*p retsenzent; BELOV, VA, pwf., red. (deceasedi; IEDO WA T.P , red.; SHVETSOV, S.V., tekhn. red. ;;~4 (Problems and exercises in organic chemistry] Zadachi up- razhneniia po organicheskoi kh1mii. Pod red. V.N.Belova. Petrozavodsk, Rosvuzizdat, 1963. 154 P. (MIRA 16.11) (Chemistry, Organic----:Problems, exercises, etc.) 4 KOAFFWYAF'75~ MJI-Ilail. Khrif]tCfOVj%!J 17 CIIIZIIEVSr,IY, E.M., tokbn. red'-- (Exemples sAd problems in chemical thermodynamics] Fri- inery i zadtahi. po khimichoskai termodinamike. Izd.3. (n.p.] Roovuzizdatj 1963. 326 p. (MIRA 17:3) 6.1 DRAKDI, Sergey Ivanovichl KUDRYAVTSEV, Aleksandr Andreyevicb; SELIVANOVA, Nadezhda Mikhaylovua,- MMER, Antonina Ivanovna; SAMPLAVSKAYA, Kira Karlovna; SOLOKRINp Uktor Alekseyevich; STAKHANOVA, Mariya Sergeyevna; ALAVERDOV, Ya.G., red.; red.; KARAPETIYANTS, M.Xh.,red. (Laboratory work in genoral and inorganic cliemlstr7l Fraktikum po obahchei i neorganicheskai khimii. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 268 p. (MIRA .18:4) MITROPMOV, Pavel Petrovich; KASiTOCHKIN, V.I., 1,rof., FEDOROYA.,T.F.p red. (Physical chemistry] Fizicheskala klilmiiii. Mosknifij Vyvshaia shkola, 1965. 302 p. (IfTm 18:3.) UGAY, Yakov Aleksandrovich; ABRIKOSOVI N.Kh., doktor khim. nauk, prof., retsenzentj GORYMIOVAI M.I., doktor khir... nalik., prof.p reteenzent;.MD049-YAo,,,!--~~-~.,.F?d. (Introduct-lon to the chemistry of semiconductors) Vvedenie v khimliu poluprovodnikov. Vloskva, Vysshaia shkola. 1965. 333 P. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kafedra poluprovodnikovykh materAialov Leningradskogo politakhnicheskogo instituta im. M.I.Kalinina (for F ED T In Ap., kand. tokfin. nauk; KIII,,!TTSi" 00i I V.I.p inzh. .Improvem.nt In the quality of semt7igl(i mineral wool slabs. Stroi. mat. 11 no,7:31-32 Jl 165. (,4!U 18:8) GRIGORIYEV, A.P.j FiIRSRAKI V.V.t red.; MORCM, T.P., red. [Lab-,ratory work An the tatAno-loa of polymeric plastic materials] Praktikum po tekhnrlogti poliu~erizatsionnykh plasticheal'(11h mass. I,Ioskvay Vysshala shkola,, 1964. 284 p. (MAA 18:1) 1. Chlen-korrenpondent All SSSR (for Korshak). p 6 1 7ro(b 1 s 3S~,-Z / Goa J --.'ctbodo1ar-y. ilistory. Scicatific A-1 Imntituti= V.: Conferuiecs. Rachinf. Problens of Biblior.rnpb,,, ~-id Sicicntific Docuricntatim. Abs Jour '~Lf(xct 7,hv..r - 'To 6, 25 J.Prch 1957, IPChB Imthor Fcdorova, T.S., Tcniaova, C.V. Inot ---------- Tit1c ?irst Bio-Chcriot in 31bcria OriF. Pub Sb. Wauch. rabor can. fa!c. Tonskiy t1cd. Inst. Tor.-,I!-, 1956, 209-211. .[-.botract Short bioprrplAcal data and informction rcfcrrinE!, to soric scictitific worku of 5.1. ZnIc3vki,.- (borr. in ft ling, b, 1PPP-1897, , oftscor of gcncral cnd riedic:il Vr chmist-r- in the mlvcTsity of Twsl:. Card 1A SALINYK, B.Yu; SMUMRINNIKOVAt I.A.; FMMGVAj T.S. Effect of ultrasonic waves on the activity of some enzyme systems of erythrocytes in healthy people and In cancer patients. Trudi Tom NIIVS 121292-296 1160 (MMA 16M) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Tamskogo maditainskogo inetituta, i Tomskoy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inotitut vaktsin i syvo- rotok. TARASOVA,, Z.N.; MINGONq I.I.; SEUTORSKAYA., L.G.j FEDOROVA, T.V.; DOGADKINS B.A. Use of phenothiazine (thiodiphenylamine~-As an antifatigue agent for vulcanizates from A.. SKIp and SKS-30AM. Kauch. i rez. 20 no.9sl5-18 8 161. (KMA 15:2) 1. NauchnoriveledoTatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlonnostis (Vulcanitiatiop (Phenothiazine,~ 093A S/204/62/002/0011007/0(V7 A /12 (f 0 1032/M2 AUTHORS: Topchiyev, A. V., Fedoro ta, T. V., Ballod, A. P., Shtern, V. Ya. TITLE: The mechanism of interaction of alkanes with nitrogen dioxide in the vapor phase. 1. Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of CH, with NO, PERIODICAL: Neftekhlmiya, v. 2, no. 1, 1962,71-90 TEXT: The reaction between CH4 and N02 in the vapor phase was studied under initial pressure ranging between 10 and 600 mm Hg in the temperature range between 400* and 600*C on mixtures of compositions 2CH, + NO, and 4CH, + NO,. The kinetics of the reaction were determined by the initial conditions of pressure and temperature. Accordingly, three types of reaction were observed: 1) Aslow reaction. 2) A "cold flame" reaction. 3) An explosive reaction. The composition of the end products varied according to the course of the reaction. The slow reaction of CH, with NO, was established to be a first order reaction with an activation energy of 33.5 � 1.3 K cal/mole. The effects of the addition of nitrogen to the reaction mixture, of the variation of the surface to volume ratio of the reaction vessel, of the nature of the reaction vessel surface on the reaction velocity were studied. The addition of nitrogen oxide to the reaction mixture slowed down the initial velocity of NO, consumption, while the addition of oxygen in no way affected either the reaction kinetics or the composition or the end products. The cffcct of addition or CH30NO and Card 1/2 The mechanism of interaction... S/204/62/M2/001/007/007 1034W2 of HCHO on the kinetics and the mechanism of the reaction was also studied. Them are 13 figures and 7 tables. The main English language references am: Hass, Hodge, Vanderbilt, Ind. Engng. Chem. 28, 341, 1936; Hass, Patterson, ibid., 30, 67, 1938; Seigle, Hass, ibid, 31, 687, 1939, Hass, Alexander, ibid., 41, 2266, 1949; Ham, Dorsky, Hodge, ibid., 33, 1138, 1941; Bachman et aL, J. Org. Chem., 17, 906. 1952, Bachman et M., ibid., 17, 914, 1952; Bachman et al., ibid., 17, 929, 935, 1952; Wayne, lost, J. Chem. Phys., 19,41, 1951; Rosser, Wise, ibid., 24,493,1956; Steacie, Atomic and free radical reactions, Reinhold Publishing Corp., N. Y. 1954, p. 239. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefterkhimicheskogo sinteza, AN SSSR (Imtitute of Petrochemical Synthcsi% AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January9,1962 Card 2/2 B/204/62/062/002/066/007 1060/1242 AUTHORS: Topchiyev, A.Vag Balled, A.P.# Feaorova, T.V.., and Shtern,.V.Ya.' ;,TITLE so klechanism of, vipor-phase 1nteraction -of alkanes with. nitrogen dioxide. 2..-Radical-~hain~reaoti on mechanism of CH4 with N02 -228 !PERIODICAL: ITeftekhimiya, vS2, no.2, 1962# 211 TEXTt This a continuation pf a paper published by 'the eanic authorn in.the x Neftokhimiya, v,2, no.1, 1962., 71o A low probab41ty exists for the reaction between mi6ithane and X02 by a mole,-~ cular mechanism* A radical-chain process is described for the reacti~n- of methane with X02 It is a branched chain reaction with relatively weak.chaina and a high termination rate6 Thus#~'Aen.the termination Card 112 S/204/62/002/002/006/007 1060/1242 Mechaniom of vapor-phase 'interaction... ..-.'.probability is highor thaj, the probability of bra rl c h in p>J the stationary regiiie of reaction takes place at a measurable rate .:.(slow reaction). Because of considerable termination, the remainLig -chain is very short and tile slow reaction occurs practically in the Isame way, as if it werc,-a free-radical reactione With an increase of temperature or pressure the conditions change into p the regime of reaction beco,-,ies rion-stationary and chain inflammation takes place*, In mixtures very poor in 1102 such a chain inflammation is of a cold !nature and is not transformed into thermal iriflammation. Thera Are 11 figurp and.2 tables. j,',gard 2/2 KALIKI), M.A.; PELEVINA, R.S.; FIEFIVUSHINA, I -~2~ - , y. Obtaining higher 06-olefino of normal atructure by tha catalytic conversion of paraffino. Neftekbimiia 5 no.l: 24-32 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18.5) L 7 ItC 'Nq~ I A G12DIFI UR/CC~31/,,Z-,/C~lo/C-C,3/3094/SC)91 va., L. ,G.; Fedoro aj.. Eytirgo 1. 1. I AWL 110111 iarfLa Y Z, Ka n ~2.(,.Adkiaj B.,. A. TITLE, I Ff`nct of thr) stmiettir-i of valcani i rv;' Ae~,l ra~~'- r co-,positions On t io offectivano--,3 of antifattruo nvents SOURM Fv)f. eh, Kbinlya, Part 11, Abs. 8S673 i Ri!,F 50URCEt Sb, Sintez I iss1nd* effnktivn. vtabiltza-torov d1ya pollrmrn. materialov., Voronezh, 19&~, 138-1L9; TOPIC TAGS1 chemical Stabilizer, thomm-mochanical proporty, synthr)tic mbbor AF6,'2A,W1 thiotvdno,-,, Mphenols, thiophanols, pl.-wiphltes and thicp~io~;phliop werf, shdled as Arh1bit.or.5k,(1111) or npr-nr~rmch:,~,tcai orie'41 -,,.hjr'ria1-ox1da- ralation,,,,,;~Tha purity of tim Ims a Gtrong Influonce on 6.e stabilizin i effoct of LN. Additional introduction of' III into cur,~d rubbor5 from raw rubbora troatcr! -..'rith stabili~~ors causes a mark,-d incroaso In rtqbfl11t-,r or-1v wh,:tr tbov form a natually rainforcing systnm with tho stnbilizer3 of the rall rkalhbor,, Ilie oo-mosition and rixture of tho mlonnizing *network zsuh3tnntially affnct the stabillt~r of, the curad i rlublwrs and the manifestation of the Action of 111. Accordin', to chc.-Acal relaxation data, the relative -effectiveness of the action of 1:4 incr-riasas with rising content of the accelerators in the rdxturos. T-noreasing the stability of sulfur-froo cured rub- Cord' 1/2 ACC NR, AI!6026775 bors by ustng IN in difficultp and can 'no accomplished or-1,y ky lisinS certain c3tego- rios of stgbilizers. The introduction of carbon blacks into polAsonrone mixtures cAuses the thermomechanical and thermal-oxidative stability to decre'ase, and In the case of p2],ybut ado lionn'~",Axtures does not decrease the stability of the nAcanizaton, M. Otopkavq.. rans ation of abatract) SUB CODM 1i q-, P.A.; TITI'~SOVA, Z.N.; BAYOIA, N.A.; FZDOJXVA T.V. Suitur-7ontaining polyphosphAtes and their ase as stabilizers of Vitudienc-styrene rubberq. Vy,-3okom. voed. 7 no.8:1368-137-2 Ag 1656 (MIRA 18:9) - ltamnskiy kIdmiko-tekhnolog-,cheskiy institut imeni S.M. Ki-rova,, :L,11duchno-Usledove tel Iskly institut --hinroy promyshlennosti. TARASOVA, Z.N.; -"E1v1V1'C11SKAYA, L.G.; FEDGROVA T.V EFFID',011) I.I.; RMPICA111YOV, P.A.; Yd,.VU4'1, S.P. ; DW ~ N, B. A. Effect of the structure of the vulcanizing network cn the aging and fatigue of rubber and development of methods for its stabiliza- tion. Kauch. 1 rez. 24 no.7:5-10 T1 165. (MIRA 18:8) BLYUMIN p LBh, I FEMVAj_y4._ lbble's operation in adhesive obstruction of the mull intestine, Xhirurgiia no.,12:66-U 161. OM 15M) 1, Is TSentrallno7 'hollnitay imeni 1.1 Pirogova (glayry7 khirurg - I.Sh. Myumin) g. luebyshava. 03TESTINS&-OBSTRUCTION) AVERBAKE, Mikhail Mikhaylovichp kand, made naukj FEDOROVAj T.V.g red.; BUL'DYA7ZVt'N.A,p tekbn. red, (To the patient with pulmonary tuberculosis] Bollnomu tuborkulezom legkikh. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo med. Madgisp 1960o 37 Pi 04IRA 14;7 (TUBERCULOSIS) TASIMA, Turiy Stapanovich;QFXDOROVA, T.T., red.; LTUDKOVSKATA-#--xi-., [Dysentery) Disenteriia. Koakvs. GosAzd-vo med,lit-ry Modgil, 1960. 1.9 (DYMWMY) (KrRA 14:3) 5(2,3) AUTHORS: Ballod, A. P.9 SOV/2o-123-5-25/50 --lo-pohiyevt A..V*q Academician, Shtern, V. Ya. TITLE: On the Question of the Kinetic Mechanism of Interaction Between Methane and Nitrogen Dioxide (K voprosu o kitetiches- kom mekhanizme vzaimodeystviya metana a dvuokistyu azota) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950P 701 123, Nr 5, pp 86o - 863 (USSR) AB6TRACT: it appears highly probable that the nitrification of alkanes by NO in the vapor phase occurs with the participation 2 of free radicals and not on the basis of a molecular mechanism. So far, however,.it could not be clarified whether this is - a free radical prooeps or a chain process. The present paper is concerned with the solution of this problem. In earlier paper (Ref lo), the authors differentiated among three types of methane nitrification: a) slow nitrification, b) nitri- fication with a maximum, and c) nitrification with inflamma- tion. In the present paper the experimental results for the Card 1/3 reaction a) (Fig 1) at low conversion degrees are describe 4-1-_:~ _V_.Z On the question of the Kinetic Mechanism of Interaction BOY/2o-123-5-25/50 Between Methane and Nitrogen Dioxide The order of the reaction, both with regard to CH 4 (Fig 2) and with regard to NO, (Fig 3), is practically equal to one. The determination results of the energy of activation 3 Nitr are presented in figure 4. The tangent of the inclina- tion angle of the straight line corresponds to the value 3 jitr - 30-5 Kcal/mol. In the present case of a process consiati 9 of two parallel reactions a) nitrification of a hydrocarbon, and b) dissociation of NO2 the %itr value could be deter- mined in another independent wayg viz. from the comparison of the velocities of these two reactiona. The steric factor of the methane.nitrification by means of NO 2 was found to be f!itr-0-5- In the course of further experiments, it could be clari fied that the reaction is homogeneous. The energies of activa- tion, calculated by the authors for the reaction RH+NO k+HNO (1), were found to be very close to those 2 2 determined experimentally. Therefore, it can be concluded that Card 2/3 the kinetic rules found by the authors depend on the reaction (1) On the 1~ueation of the Kinetic Mechanism of Interaction SOV/2o-123-5-25/50 Between Methane and Nitrogen Dioxide This reaction also constitutes the decisive stage of the process as a whole. 1. V. Patsevich confirmed these results by employing a different method. Thus the nitrification mechanism of methane can be Interpreted as follows; A compli- cated introductory production of the alkyl radicals according to reaction (1) is followed by an interaction of these radicals with NO 2' It apparently occurs with a low energy of activa- tion according to the reactions (a) and (b), as NO is a mole- cule similar to a radical. It can therefore be stafed that the energy of activation 30 T4al/11ol is the energy of activation of the introductory reaction. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 17 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences (Tf t-~* USSR) SUBMITTED: JulY 18, 1958 Card 3/3 5(4) AUTHORS: Ballodp A. F.p Ifol '1chAnova', B. I&P SOV/20 -123-3 'W54 Topchiyevj At'lot Academician, Fedorova, Shtern, V. Ya. TITLE: Three Types of Xinetio.Curves of the Interaction of Methane and Propane With Nitrogen DioxiAs (Tri vide, kineticheakikh krivykh viaimodeyetviya.metana i,pr.opana a dvuokistyu azota),. PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk,SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 3, pp 464-467-(USSR) - A13STRACT: The kinetics of methane and propane nitration by means of nitrogen dioxide was carried out by the authors in.a. vacuum device,with'a-self-recording colorimetric photometerl thung the consumption of nitrogen dioxido was recorded. A diaphragm Sauge recorded the pressure. According to the composition of the reaction mixturei the.initial pressure and temperature 3-types of the reaction course were determined: a) slow reaction (Figs la, 2a). A continuous increase in the total pressure up to saturation and a corresponding continuous NO 2- consumption up to 30-50 % (Fig 2a) is a Card 1A typical feature'61 thisi process. In propane the curve of Three Types of Kinetic Curves of the Interaction of SOV/20-123-3-23/54 Methane and Propane With Nitrogen Dioxide increase at 250-3000 is S-shaped if there is no high initial pressure and the mixture consists of C3H8 : 902 a I : 11 2 *. 1 and 4 : I (Fig 2a). The total pressure sometimes remains practically constant up to 30-40 seconds, although NO2 is rapidly consumed. In methane nothing of that kind was observed. b) Reaction with a maximum (Figs 1b, 1vp 2v). With'an increase in the initial pressure or in temperature the reaction of type a (at constant composition of the mixture) passes 'to a reaction with a maximum. After a period of 1-5-7 seconds (according to Initial conditions) during which an autocatalytic reaction is seen, the pressure increases abruptly, while NO 2 is con3umed to a considerable extent or practically completely. The abrupt increase in pressure has no relation with a visible flash. Afterwards, a rapid pressure decrease occurs, sometimes (in the case of propane) down to the initial pressure. It is followed by a slow increase in prespure up Card 2/4 to saturation. Figure 2 b shows limiting cases between Three Types of Kinetic Curves of the Interaction of SOV/20-123-3-23/54 Methane and Propane With Nitrogen Dioxide reactions of type a and type b. c) Reaction with flash (Figs 19t 2g). At a further increase in the initial temperature and initial pressure the reaction passes to an actual explosion process. The entire reaction practically ends in a flame, wherein NO2 is completely consumed. The intensity of the shining increases at constant temperature with the initial pressure, wherein the pink-reddish-lightblue coloration is turning white-yellcw. No luminiscenco (Ref 1) was found. The ratio of the pressure increasm at the moment of the completed NO consumption to the 10 initial pressure in the mixture 2 2 A PI/Pinitial NO2 for the reaction between CH4and NO 2depends within the limits of the corresponding'mixture - neither on the type of the reaction kinetics nor on the initial pressure, nor on temperature. This ratio varies insignificantly with the composition of'the mixture. On the other hand,AP 1/PinitialN02 for the reaction between C3Ha and NO2 is influenced by the Card 3/4 Three Types of Kinetic Curves of the Interaction of SOT/20-123-3-23/54 Methane and Propane With Nitrogen Dioxide reaction kinetics and composition of the mixture. This ratio is the lowest for the reaction of type b and the highest for type o. There are 4 figures, I table, and I reference. SUBMITTED: July 18, 1958 'Card 4/4 j XT Ji, a INVA 1" Y POPOVA-* Galinap F9dorovml-y_=ROVA, T.V.0 red.; zAjai&qOVA tOkhn. red. , A.i.p ktol~r7mgilasanhoofe0ir gPrrusdgrl=iut. and nursing women] Gigi-na e.. 0i i Moak-va, Modgiz, 1960. 39 be, (PRECWANCr) (WCMEN-JWJ.LTH AND HYGIM) (6 15:1) FEDOROVA, T. V. Woman of the Moscow Subway Construction Administration. Tranops strol., 13 no.3:3-4 Mr 163. (KIRA 16:4) 1.1amestitell nachallnika Upravleniya otroitellstva Mookovskogo metropolitena Ministeratva transportnogo at.-oitelletva SSSR. Women in construction) Moscov-Subways) ~ L 128504 EpR/Wp ( j) /EpF (0) /v.WT (m)/BDS AFFM/A,9D ?a-4A/Pr-4/Pc-h A CCEE43SI" ' 'T UR: AP3001163 S/0190/63/005/006/0892/0899 AUTHORs ZL-asm. Z. N.-, E5ftLng~n Senatorskaya, L. G.-. Fedaroya. T--V,; Snisarenko, A. .-, Andronova, a. 1.10 Do adkin B A. Do adlan B TITLE: Effoct of o-deriylting thil -o as and phenols in the process of tharm- L a and mechanical 1,,reai=ent and fatigue of vulcaniz. tes vj~~ cani: tan SOURCE: Vy4'sokomolekulyarTq*yo Boyedinenlya, T. 5, no. 6, 1963, 892-899 TOPIC TAGS: vulcanizates, fatigue of vulcanizates, thermomechanical tre2tMant, thio-derivailves of amines, thio-derivatives of phenols, rate of o.Vgen uptake, hydroperoxides, synergistic effect ABSTRACT: Earlier publications by the authors demonstrated that thermomechanical stresses muse a breakdown and regrouping of the vulcarization network in vulcani- zates, the ultimate sheer modulus depending on the course of the regrouping pro- cesses. Since similar phenomena are taking place also in thermo-oxidaa processes, 4here a key role belongs to the free radicals, it was logical to assme that the properties of vulcanizates would be influenced by substances apable of controlling the oxidations and the free radicals as well. To this end, thio- derivatives of amines and phenols were chosen, and their effect on the decomposition Card J./4 6 01~ NRs AP3001163 of cumenehydroperoxide and on the kinetics of oxygen uptake by rubber studied, using the electron para-magnatio resonance technique. It wag found that in the presence of 0.02 Mol of thiodiphanylamine per 1 Hol of peroxide It takes 90 minutes for its complete decomposition, as against 30 minutes with diphenylamine and 20 minutes without an inhibitor, The addition of 0.5 Hillizol of the same amines to 100 gm rubber at 130C showed within one hour a barely noticeable oxygen uptake in the presence of thiodiphianylamine. as against 400 ml/gm for cLiphenylamine. while the contrul reached the latter figure within 30 minutes. The thio-derivatives of amines and phenols also showed a much more pronounced effect on the rate of chemi- cal rela7ation and a higher fatigue resistance of the -rulcanizates as compared with the corresponding amines. An additional advantage of the thio.-derivatives is their synergistic effect. It is concluded that the thio-derivatives of amings are more effective, as compared to the amines, in the preservation of the original vulcani- zation network in the processes of thermo-oxidative and thermomechan-leal :influences. It is mentioned in footnotes that measurements by the electron par-amagnetic reso- nance technique were obtained by Kashlinskaya, A. I. on an installation OKU of the Goakhdmkomitet, and that the spectrum was taken by Kavun, S. M. 0 a$L._~ll radio- ~F'__Ctrom ',o the Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry. Orig. art. .has; 1 formula, 7 charts; and 3 tables. :C ard .2/4 I Q 7 (11 .1 . 7~ r-,. -; '~i~ ~; -t~ ~.-. ,,~ .3 .- - J~-J. CrTrTl-!~ 00 Lh BOCFUMVA, Z.; VISMAK, N., Y=FDVA, T. Growth of wood-destroying fungi at various temperatures. lbol.tokh. 35 no-5:41-43 S-0 158. (MIRA 11M) 1, YeenoyuxM7 naucbno-looledovatellakly Institut kholodillnor prov7shlennosti (for Docharova). 2. Treat Boyusantiseptik (for Tiehnyak, redorovs). Orungi) FED)FOVA, V. The birthplace of astronautics. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 11 no.10:28-29 0 161. (KIRA 15-1) 1. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Zhilishchno-kommunal'noye khozyaystvoll, g. Kaluga. (Kaluga-Laandscape gardening) rAMOVA, I,!;.-,,j,,,yvntgsnotekhnik (Wakva) Preparation of the patient for an x-ray maination. Felld. I akush. no.1109-41 N 154* (MM 7:12) (GASTROUMSTINAL STSTIM, radiograpby preparation of patient) (RCMTMOGRAPHT preparation of patient) 7XDOROTA, V.A, Prolonged presence of foreign body In the nasal cavity and basilar InUA, Vast oto-rin. 16 no,3s75-76 My-J'e #54. (KWA 717) W* : bolesney ukha, gorls, I nosa. (dir(, prof, AeGeldkha- * Is klIn hey) I Noskovokogo ordena Lenin& meditainskogo inatituta. (7MIGN BODINS, *b"I]Ar sinus & nasal cavity. prolonged presence of .bomb fragment) (XASAL CAVITY, foreign bodies, *bomb fragment prolonged presence in nasal cavity & basilar sinus$ (DaRA am, foreign bodies, *bomb fragment prolonged presence In nasal cavity & basllar elnus$ F=HDVA, Y.A.9(KoSkva) DIscovery 0. of X-rars and their use In nedicine. Fel'd.I akush. no-7:43-47 Jl 155. (KM 8:10) (X-'RkYS, history) - 0 VA U SHGHECHKIN~ Y.H.. starohly nauchnyy sotrudnik; YNDOROYA, Y.A., nauchnyy sotrudaik. Penicillin content.of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract depending on various ways of administration Lvith summary in EngllshJ. Yest.oto-rin. '19 no.6:44-48 B-D 157 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Is otdola ostrykh infektaly (zav.-prof. P.P.Sakharov) Gosudnrstvannogo usuchno-insladovetallskogo institutn ukha, gorla i noon (dir.-zaslushannyy deyatel' nauki prof. V-K-Trutnev) (RHIMITIS. exper. Penicillin content in mucosa of upper reap. trnct following various ways of admin. in rabbits) (PENICILLIN, admin. content In mucosa of uDpor reap. tract in @roar. rhinitis following various ways of admin.) (KUGCYUS KWOMANES. physiol. penicillin.accumulation in upper reap. tract in exper. rhinitis following various ways of admin. in rabbits) MAIONUZH, F.F.; KOSACIEVA.. A.P.; LUIEVA, A.S.; AMMOV, R.Z.; BMMA, V.B.; MARKOVA, V.I.; Pathogeneois of acute and chronic atitis in children. Trudy goo. nauoh.-ioal. inst. ukha, gorla i nosa no.11:199-206 .1 59. WIRA 15:6) 1. 1z klinicheskogo otdoleniya dotskogo vozrast4t Gosudarstvannogo, nauchno-iselodovateltakogo instituta ukha, gorla i nosa. (EAR-DISEASES) P, ec--8 Vol-12fl-l- Neurology ---Nov--- 59 5707. SOME DETAILS OF THE CLINICAL PICTURE OF TICK ENCEPHALITIS 'Russian text) - Fedorova V.A. - ZILNEVROPAT. I PSIKHIAT. 1959, 59/3 (321-323) A description is given of the disease. with predominant atypical and meningeal forms. The clinical picture included alterations in the deep sensitivity and painful Erb's points. In one halt of the cases the disease recurred and mepacrine therapy could not prevent the re-intection. The pleocytosis of the CSF was 400-650/ Lymphocytoole was frequently observed. (L.8) e-1 U0 ell, BOROZDINA, V.A., zavluzhe=yy vrach RSFSR; GOLIDBERG, G.A., dotaent; PSWROVA, V.A., Treatment of the GuMain-Barre syndrome with prednisone. Pediatriia no.10:77-79 161. (KIRA 140) 1, lz 8-7 infektaio=oy bollnitsy (glavn-yy vrach V.A. Borosdira), .kafedry terapii Na*2 (i.o. var. G.A. Golldberg), katedry nervnykh bole=ey (zav. - prof. I#1# Karteovnik) Stalinskogo inatituta uso-- vershenatvavaniya vrachey (dir. - doteent G.L. Starkov). (NEURITIS, MULTIPLE) (PREGNADIMMMONS) 11J.; V.A. Cozi)n ra tl ve, evaluation of the arcrosol of chromiun. oxide condensation and its mixture with chromium anhydride. Tok5. nov. prom. khim. veshch. no.7tl62-180 165. (141~` 18:9) 1. Iz gigiyenlcheskogo otdala (viv, prof. L.K. Khotsyanova) J patologoariatomicheskoy laboratorli (zRv, pr(~f. P.P. Dvizhkov) Instituta giglyony truda i profe5slonnl-'nyYh zabolevaniy AMN SS"R (direktor - prof. A.A. Lntavet). FEWROVA , V, A, - '' - -.- -. Fedorova. V. A. - The Age Determination of Ukrainian Granitoids. The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geogranhical Sciences (OGON) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in kaY 1957. 1xv. Ak Nauk SM, Ser. Cool., No, 1, 29580 p. U5-117 author Pokars", T. B. FEDOROVAs V. A. L ~e of the Caucasus. Fedorovao V. A. - Data on the k The Sixth Session of the uonrdittee.for Determining the Absolute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic--Geographical Sciences (OGGN) of the USSR ACademy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in MaY 1957 I vr, A k Uuk SMIR , swr . oeol - , No, 1 , 195P , p - 115- 1 !'1 wit',.or T. B. VINOGRABOV, A.P.; TUGARINOV, A.I.; ~=ROVA. V.A.; ZYKOV. 5.I. Age of pro-Cambrian rocks of the Ukraine [vith summary In Znglish] Report no-3 Gookhimiia no-7059-565 15.7. (MIRA 11:1) 1.1natitut-geAhimii i analiticheokoy khimii im, V,I, Vernadokogo AN SSSR, Moskva, (Ukraine--Geology, Stratigraphio) (Nuclear geophysics) YURZHENKO, T.I.; FEDOROVA#'V*A. Synthesia of neroaters of aliphatic dibaBic acida. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.0688-691. AP 165. (MIRA l8ill) 1. L'vovskiy politekhniohookly institut. 'DM3VAj T*G*O kand,khimicbmakikh nauk; 4UARI 0, YAJ.; NOBOY, Tu.A.9 imad.telfun.nauk; I~MQMAj_V,.G,, kand.khimichaskikh nauk; UNIMINUIT, 4.8., doktor,khimichesFdih nauk Aging of rubber seals In oils. Trudy NIIRP no. 6:69-83 160. (MIRA, 13;12) (Rubber -goods.-Testing) 8/08X61/000/013/022/028 5A~ B11 7 B203 AUTHORSi Dogtevap To G.# Nosovq Yue Ast Lazarenkoj Ya. F., Pedorova, Vo Go# KuzOminskiyj A. So TITLEt iging of rubber paokings in oil PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, ~o. 13, 1961, 653, abstract 10331 (Tr. N.-i. in-ta rezinj prom-sti, eb. 6, 196o, 69-83) TFM s The authors developed a quick method of estimating the service life 0 of Ckk-18 (SKN-1,8) packing rings in oil at -20 0. Tests were made in special imitators simulating the paokings of machines. Rubber rings originally compressed to 10-30 aged between 60 and 8000. Deformation and radial compression were periodically measured. A contact pressure of 2 0 2-5 kg/cm is sufficient to make the packing completely tight at 20 C. In this connection,-.,100% of the permanent elongation (E) is accumulated, and the atress nearly vanishes, ifter fin4ing the kinetic curves for the aooumulation ofE the authors determined the apparent activation energy Card 1/2 2Y82 081/61/000/013/022/028 Aging of rubber packings in oil B117/B203 Of Aging and the service life of packings in joints at 250C, the latter being about-10 years (considering the correction factor). The service life was"practically calculated for E80%# For paokings operating at -600C, the critical value of the contact pressure required for a perfect seal rose 2 from 7.5 up to 13 k9/om Leakiness is related with the loss in elastic pro-perties of the rubber. rAbstraoter's notet Complete translation. ACCESSION NR: AP4043972 0/0138/64/000/008/0028/0032 i AUTHOR: Ke~ddprov~a, ~V~. _G., Smy*slova, R. A. TITIX: Sealing agents based on liquid Thiokol -32 W RCE: Kauchulc I rezina, no. 8, 1964, 28 TOPIC TAGS: sealing agent, Thiokol, rubber mechanical property, vulcanization, filler, epoxide resin, lithopone, polysulfide rubber, hermetic scaler, diphenylguanidinc' ABSTRACT: The properties (viscosity, color, density, tensile strength, elongation, brittleness, temperature stability, adhesion and dielectric properties) of a large number of hermetic sealers based an liquid Thiokol (U-30, U-30 m, U-30s, UT-31, UT-32, UT-34, UT-35, etc.) were investigated, tabulated and compared. Experiments showed that the rate of vulcanization of liquid Thiokol Is Influenced by the molecular weight of the starting polymer, temperature, humidity, and the type, activity and amount of vulcanizing: agent and accelerator. By adding fIllers such as carbon black, epoxide resin or lithopone I and the to the mixture, the tensile strength can be Increased from 8-10 to 20-45 kg/cm7 The compositions of a peeling resistance (from meW) from 0. 4-1. 0 to 1. 6-4. 5 kg/cm2 variety of sealers based on liquid Thiokol sna containing. diphonylguanidine as a catalyst Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043972 are given. In a temperature range of 15-30C, complete vulcanization ends in 7-10 days and gives very good physico-mechanical characteristics, which remain unchanged during further vulcanization, as well as good stability In agressive media. Ile conversion of pastes to a re ous material is complete In about-1-2 days, when the aling strength Be in is 8-15 kg/cm . For accelerated vulcanization, heating for 24-35 hours at 50C, 16-24 lirs. at 70C and 12-16 hro. at 80C Is needed. A decrease In temperature decreases the rate of vulcanization. At -40C, vulcanization stops completely. Solvents and colorirg agents (10 parts by weight) do not affect the physico-mochanical properties. The variation in the physico-mechanical properties of sealers during catalytic thermal aging is shown b tabulated data. Thiokolbased sealing agents resist sea and fresh water, y solvents, acids and alkalies at low concentrations, light and heat aging, and can be used successfully in many applications for insulation against air and humidity. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellsldy inatitat rezinavoy promy*shlennosti (Scientific i Research Institute for the Rubber Industry) SUBMITTED: .00 ENCLt -_QO* SUB CODE: MT No REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 2/2 Card V USSR / Zooparasitology Parasitic Worms G-3 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh. Biol., No. 1, 1958, 857 Author Kravets, N.L., Fedorova, V.I. Title Intensive Invasion by Hog Tapeworm Orig Pub: Sov. meditsina, 1957, No. 3, 130-131 Abstract: A case of.removal by ~!ermifuge of 104 heads of hog tapeworm and strobila, with a total length of 128 m (450 9). C a rd 1/1 .4L.J (Moscow); DVIZHKOV, P.Pe , professorl zaveduyughchly; Unw, .,.M,PAJXj!~.V A.A., direktor, deyatvitallnyy chlen Aicademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR. Using micro-incineration to silicon dioxide in the lymph n0# a in Gilico- sis. Arkh.pat. 19 no.1:41-45 Ja-F '53. (KLRA 60) 19 Patologoanatomicheakoye otdolenVe Institnta gig*eny truda i prof zabo- levaniy Akademii maditainskikh nauk (for Dvithkov). 2. Institut gigiyeny truda, i profzabolevaniy Akademii meditainakikh nauk (for Letavet). 3. Akao- demlya maditain8kikh natilc SSSR (for Ietavet).- (Chemistry, Medical and pharmaceutical) (Lunge-Dist diseases) FAVLOVA, I.Y.; FXDOROTA, V.I. Activity of byalurouldsve of lung tiosue, in experimental silicosis. Bor'ba a oil. 2t292-296 155. OURA 915) 1, Institut gigiyony truda i profzabolevaniy Akedemii meditsinskikh rLaut SSSR. (LUNGS-DUST DISMUS) (RULUIONIDASES) FIDOROVA V-1*,~,,-kandmsd,nsuk Ogmw;;*~~ Symposium on the problem of pneumoconiosis. Moscow, 1957. Test. AMN SSSR 13 no.1:82-87 '57- (KMA 11:2) (U=--DUST DISUSAS) SAMVICH, M.A.,; YOOROVA, VA., Clinical peculiarities of the course of chronic benzene poisoning. Terap.arkh. 29 no.2:46-51 '57. (MMA 11:1) 1. Iz gerapevticheskogo otdelaniya kliniki (zav. klinicheskim otdelom - prof. A.L.Morosov) i patologoanatomicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - prof. P.P.Dvtzhkov) Institute gigtyeny truds i profzabo- levaniy AMN SSSR. ONNUUM, poisoning clin. course (Rue)) 0 YWOROVA, V, 1, - - MINWIP I I ---- -7TY~Voli-t~um on connective tissue. Veat.AMN BSSR 13 no.6:72-77 158 (MIRA 11:7) (COMOTM TISSUE) - MCCROVA. V.1 . kand;mede-nauk fourth All-IMen CongreNg of Anaitomists, Histologists 0- br (,, and Ub lokiste, Vest;AMN SSSR 13 no.1018M9 158 IRA 11t,05 (A,NATOXr-CONGYMSIS) WAMq A*A~# prof., otv. red.; DYIYMOV., F*Pv, prof,, 'red.; J4Cff4KANOT X.P.. prof., red.; IVANOY, Y.I., prof., red.; HOROZOY, A.L., pro;.. red.; PATLOVA. I.Y.,knnd. mod. nauk, red.; KRUKMRA, To-Y., dolctor mod. nauk, red.; FRDOROVA, Y.I., red.; BALICHIKOVA, YU.S., takhn. red. [Trannactions of the Sympoolum on the Problem of Phounoconionis: etioloMr and pathogenesis] Trudy simpo2iuma po probleme pnevmo- koniozov, 1957; etiologiia I patogenez. Red. kollegiia; A.A. Letavet i dr. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo mod. lit-ry, 1959. 275 P. (KIRA 14:5) 1. Simpozium po problems pnovmokoniozov, 1937. 2. Daystvitallnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Letavet). 3. Institut giglyony truda i prof- zabolevaniy ANN SSSR, Moskva (for Letavot, Dvizhkov, Ivanov. Pavlovs. Fedorove) .(LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) L 18452-63 EPF(c)/EPk/EWP(J)/EW(m)/BDS Pr-4/Ps-4/Pc-4 MOUYIWWIJW ACCESSION NR: AT3004529 S/2948/611000/003/0112/0117 AUTHORS: Zayeva, 0. N.; Fedorova, V. 1. TITLE: Toxicity of 4-nitrobenzoyleyanacatic other SOURCE: AMN SSSR. Toksikologiya novy*kh-promy,*sh ny*kh khimicheskikh veshchestv, no. 3, 1961, 112-117 TOPIC TAGS: toxicity, 4-nitrobenzoylcyanacetic ether ABSTRACT: The toxicity of 4-nitrobenzoylcyanacetic ether (NBCAE) was investi gated via inhalation, peroral administration, and external application. Repeated daily 90-minute exposures of mice to NBCAE vapors of near saturation at 17-18C.. for a 3-week period caused no ill :effects. The peroral administration to mice' of 5000 and 500 mg/kg NBCAE was fatal, while 50 mg/kg proved tolerable. The clinical picture of the fatal cases resembled HCN poisoning with symptoms of suffocation-and disruption in the coordination of movements. On autopsy the striking feature was the bright red color of the organs and blood. HicroscopicaLl examination revealed a sharply defined edematous condition of the brain and a .Card 1/2 L 18452-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3004529 pronounced dystrophy of the fibers of the heart muscle. External application of' NBCAR on the skin of rabbits produced no ill effects. It is concluded that the toxicity of NBCAE is due to the presence of CN groups and that the clinical and histological pictures indicate an interference in the oxidative processes of the cells, resulting in oxygen starvation. Orig. art.,has: 3 pictures and 1 for- -J' mula. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00; DATE ACQ: 2lAug63 ENCL: 06 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 12/2 MVA, V. I. (Moskva) Action of graphite dust with a low content of silicon dioxide under experimental conditions* Arkh, pat, no,8:62-67 161, (MIRA 1524) 1, Iz patologoanatomichaskoy'labomtorii (zav. - prof. P. P. Dvizhkov) Instituta, gigiyerq truda i profzabolovaniy AMN SSSR (dir. - doyetvitel'M chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. A. Letavet) LUNGS-DUST DrSEASES) GRAPHITF~PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFEGT~ i AVRUNINA, G.A.; KAM4ZINA, N.M.; Fx;D9,9ff4-VrIr;-,YANOVSKAYA, B.I. Biologic action of high energy irradiation. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.802-56 Ag 161. (MIRA 1511) 1. Iz Instituta gigiyany truda. i profzabolevaniy AMN SSSR i gruppy pri deystvitelinom chlene A141 SSSR B.A.Lavrove, Moskva. Predstavlena deptvitelinym chlenom A14N SSSR A.A. Letavetom. .(WIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) 7AnVAj G.N.; XEPPROVA,,,--VI,--.: Functional and pathomorphological changes within the organism during the inhalation action of p-nitroanisole and and p-aminoanisole. Toke.nov.prom.khim.vashch. no.4t9l'.108 162. (MIRA 16s1) 1, Botradnik patologoanatomicheakoy laboratorii Instituta gigiyeny truda i professiomllafth zabolevaniy ANN SSSR (zav. prof. P.P.Dvishkov) (for Fedorova). (ANBOIY-TOXICOIDGY) KORBI,KOVA, A.I.I_MDLVAt_~V #Adaptation" of ahimale,to tetranitromethane. Toks nov.prom, khim,veshch, no.4:134-143 162. RRA 16s1) (W4THANE-TOXIGOIDGY) UTIVA, G.N.; FEDOROVAq V.I. .Experimental study of aminazine an an industrial poison. Tob. nov.prom.khim.vashoh. no.4tl44-166 162. (MIRA l6tl) (CHMRPROMINE-TOXICOLOGY) 34758 S/020/62/142/003/026/027 B140101 AUTHORS: Kurlyandakaya, E. B., Avrunina, 0. A., Ponomareva, V. L., Yanovskaya, B. I., and Yarmonenko, S. P. TITLE: Relative biological efficiency (RBE) of 660 Mev protons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 3, 1962, 702-705 TEXT: The biological efficiency of 660 Mev protons produced in the 6 m synchroc2rolotron of the Ob"yedinenny institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research~ in Dubna was investigated and compared with the effect of x-rays. White mice and rats were whole-body irradiated with doses of 260 - 44,800 rad and 300 - 1600 rad, respectively. The interdependence of perishing time and radiation dose and the influence on the hematopoietic system were similar to those of x-rays, but the relevant RBE was much lower. Irradiations with proton doses of 565 rad and x-ray doses of 400 rad which are about equal as to their lethal effect produced., however, significantly different aftereffects. The gonads proved to be the most sensitive organs (RBE-1). The cancerogenic effect of 660 Mev protons was equal or somewhat stronger than that of x-rays. Card 1/3