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Blectron ideroscopy
1:ay 1.)
"Electron--:,,!icroscopa Irriectigation of the Structure of -?1cA-1in,,LT, FiLms on the Zurface
of Water Solutions of Metal Salts by the Action of Gas Reve-rieratorc," 13-a~ntw,
11. V. Deracnev, A. S. Shur, G. G. 'Fedorova, Inst of Che:7, and L'Ctal) InSt Of HII.M Of
Metals, Ural Affiliate) Acad Sci U55R, 11 pp
"Bok Alt Nauk 5-51,11 ~rol LXVI, No 2
Presents results of an investigation of platinum filvis produced on surfacer of aqueous
pota~siun, chloroplatinato solutions by action of hydrogen on the surface. Jzcd an TBA
transmission magnetic electron microscope, typ6 RII-2A. 'Look ord1nary stereoscopic
and diffraction photographs. In initial reduction sta,-.-es films consistinf-, of
separate elementary crystals.whose dimensions are les-, than 5C) are obtained.
When time of reduction is increased, thicker filmn are obtained, vcry porcus and con-
sisting of units of various sizes. Sug L-- that forces respow:ible for coagulation
along the surface of elementary, crystals are 'unevenly distrihited. 5uh--~-.itted by
-Acad A. 11. Fru:mkin, 11 Lay 49.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 8,
pp, 284-285 (USSR),
AUTHORS: Sheina, Z, G., Fedorova, G. G.
-TITLE: Control of Concentration of Various Wetting Agents
(Metod'kontrolya kontsentratsii razlichnykh smachi-
PERIODICAL: Sb. rabot po silikozu. AN SSSR, Nr 1, 1956, pp 50-56
ABSTRACT: Washing and the use of dust wetting additives during
drilling of blast holes are the preventive methods
used to combat silicosis. The methods for controlling
the concentration of wetting agents (measurement of
surfac-e tension, film flotation) used in laboratory
practice are unsuitable for wide use under operational
conditions. The authors propose a simpler method which
is a variation of the analogous method of the NIOPIK
Gard 113 (Scientific Research Institute of Organic Semifinished
Control of.Concentration of Various Wetting Agents (Cont.)
Products', a'nd%,Dies)iim6fiic"Vo'r'oshilo~r Institute'And-4s based on
determination of the rate of wetting of the coal dust Fifty ml of
a solution-of the wetting'agent is poured into a glas; tube 60 mm to
80 mm high, with a diameter of 30 mm to 40 mm. A weighed amount
(0.1 9) of coal dust-ethanol mixture is poured in a small heap on
the surface of the liquid. The time required for complete wetting
of the weighed amount, that is, the time required for the coal dust
to sink into the solution, is determined. The variation in temper-
ature has a great effect on the value of the surface tension of the
water and on the rate of wetting the coal. Thus, for example, the
time of wetting of a weighed amount of coal at a temperature of 100
C amounts to 58 sec for the DB wetting agent; with an increase in
tt,mperature to 400 C., it decreases to 27 sec. The DB wetting agent
is found to be most vffective, according to experimental data
obtained in testing this method. Positive results were also obtained
in wetting dust with alkaline sulfite cellulose (STsShch), which
successfully replaces the wetting agents in a 1 percent concentration.
Control of Concentration of Various Wetting Agents (Cont.)
The time for wetting a standard weighed amount of coal, using a
mixture of 0.05 percent DB and 0.25 percent STsShch, amounts to
30 sec. This rapid method for control of the concentration of a
wetting agent insures effective dust interception. It is possible
to establish the relationship between the kinetics of wetting and
the concentration of the wetting agent by measuring the rate of
wetting of standard coal dust. The proposed method also permits
analysis of new wetting agents. Coal with the weakest tendency to
oxidation should be used as the standard coal dust.
Card 3/3 1. D. Golldenberg
Wok method for conwative qualitative evaluation of clays as
fire-extinguinhing materials. Izv. voot. fil. AN SSOR no.12t87-96
1.37. (KIRA llrl)
1, TUrallskir filial AS 888,
(Coal mines aid mining-71res and fire prevention)
.,: .; ~ ;. li~ 1. ~ i : - ~ I-% --~ ;~ " ~ ~, -, -_: I- -: . - , "" ;& :z
;ri;~ the mechanism of structure formation during the coaguUtipn
of clayey- suspensions and its significance for the practice of fire
extinction. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.5:74-89 158. (MIRA 11:9)
1,Urallski.v filial AN SSSR. (Clay) (Coagulation) (Mine fires)
SIDOROV, I.N., kand, tekhn. nauk; FMROVA, G.G.: SHEINA. Z.G.
Arevontion of endogenous fires in Ural coal minse Trudy Gore-
geol. inst. UPAN SSSR
no.31:97-122 '58. (~IU 12:9)
(Ural Mountain region-Mine fires
FEDOROVA, G. 0. Cand Ghem Sol -- (diss) "Study of the job colloid-ohamic5al
properties of ola of clay SUR-
ma- stfU6 ure
p and the ooa&ul&tim;*L.E2jMatIo
,Pensions as siltj*g material*" Sver'dloyst, 19596 15 pp (Min of Higher and
Secondary Specialized Education RSF8R. 'Ural Polytechnic List im S. U. Kirov).
160 copies (KL, 45-59, 1")
Colloidal properties of Chelyabinsk clays and the evaluation of
their suitability for silting operations# Trudy Gor.-geoloinst.
U7JLN SSSR no.41:119-132 159. (MIHA 13;5)
.~Chelya'blmok Provin
Coal mines &ud mining-Pires and fire prevention)
KOCHNEVp K,V,o prof*# doktor tekhn.nauk; SHEINA, Z.G., kandkhtmicheskikh nauk;
-,~O Mt-L-G-- kAnd#khJmJcbiiokikh nauk
Preventing dust foxTAation and keeping down floating dust in the
Kork-Ino open-pit mine, Sbor. rab. p0 silik. n0-3:109-13-7 161.
(MIRA 15:10)
Is Gorno-geolo icheskiyinstitut Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR.
fc1belyabinak 13asin-Mine d#ota)
Effect of some physicoohemical futors on the breaking of coal in a
.laboratory experiment, Truly Inst. gor. dela UFAN SSSR no.3:45-47
162. (MIRA, l6t3)
KOCHNEV, K.V.., prof. doktor tekhnnauk; SHEINA, Z.G., kand.khim.nauki
FEDOROVA, GO60j, IP6d.khimrm&
Wetting agent and.ogine additives as means of controlling the
process of du:t previWStboo Bor'ba, a oil. 5s2l-27 162.
(MA 16;5)
1, Gorno-goologichookiy institui Urallskogo filiala AN SSS&
(Mine dusti-Prevention)
.:,0. 7 ~t r1 tA7
G. ci
~n Lh-3 develor- rit of
Rr"O 6e colicM Uspnrl:e cliq
an inr-,.;--h ol' silt. ana w-tter int.,i riperating inine wcrk-ir'go
f oll cvJ ag aill"Ing. Trudy FGD (Sverd.) 104.
Effect of fire preventives on the kinetics of coal o-., ~ da ti C, n.
Trudy IOD (Sverd.) no.8:223--131 164.
(MIRA 17:10)
I -C L.
musmarr-,-L.Y.; wwany, x.Ta.; Pummumu, L.P.; YJDMOTA, G.I#
Ix:perimental studys on a now antleptleptIc. Zh, vys. norre delat.
5Lno.61892-goo'l-D 'STO OM 913)
1. Laboratorl" patafintologil kafedr7 vreshey nerwncr deratelluostl
Noskovskogo unlyersitsta gosudaTstyannogo I Gosudarotrennyy Institut
pelkhlatrli RVSR*
mixture of barbiturates, ~bromidss, oaffeine, calolum
gluconate A papaverim, off. in animals.)
AMORSS Zhukov-Vorozhnikov. N.N.. Mayskiy. T.N..
Ya dovskiy, V.X~ Poldiov A P.. Gyurdzhian. A.A.
N,fedlyeva, N.P. 'N.N. , Podoplelov, 1.1.#
Rybalcov, N.I., Klemparskaya, N.M.. Klimov. V.Yu.,
Novikove S.N.,'Novikova, I,S,, Petrov, R,V.,
Sushko, N.G.,,Ugryumov, Ya.P. Fedorova. G I
Zal(harov. A.F.-, Vinogradova,
and Buyko. Yo.A. 4
TITLEs The results of the first microbiological and
cytological experiments in Space in Earth satellites
SOURCEg kkademiya nauk USSR. ImRuastvannyye sputniki Zemll.
no 11. Moscow, 1961. Rezulltaty nauchnykh
is;ledovaniy, provedennykh vo vremya poletov vtorogo
I trotlyego kosmicheskikh korabley-sputnikov. 44 - 67
TEM The authoirs report,tho results of their Investigations
of biological objncts which had been exposed to space conditions
in satellite vehicles. The first part of the work was devoted
to a study of the survival of cells of differing levels of
arpan0ation under the influence of radiation and other
The results of tho ---
unfavourable factors. in comparison with control materials which
remained in the laboratory over the same period. rn experiments
with bacteria 2m1. samples of suspensions of Escherichia coli,
Aerobact~r Aarogenes,. Staphylococcus eurous and Clostridium
butyricum containing 500 million organisms or spores per ml. were
x-aled in ampoules. and exposed to a space flight of unstated
durationj the number of viable individuals after tho exposure
'did not differ aIgnificantly from the values for the control
samples. A similar experiment was carried out ;,rith the T2
phage of E. coli and the 1321 phage of A. aerogenes. which were
F-ent in the second satellite; again. no sigificant reduction in
the t1tre of the phage preparations could be detected after
return from space. Similar results were obtained with
preparations of phare sent into space in the fourth and fifth
satellites. Two bottles and six tubes of H*La cells, some-of
which,mra saturated with oxygen, were exposed to space flight
Card 2/5
The recults of the
conditions, after it had first been shown that vibration and
acceleration did not detach the cells from the glass. The
cultures without oxygen appeared normal on return. whereas in
those oxposed to oxygen most of the cells had dagencrated.
Subculture ah6wed that 501; of the cells, whotler detached from or
rea-mining on the glass, were dead; however, two tubes Cave good
growth. and the calls which grow up showed no abnormalities of
morphology. No antigenic differences could be detected in the
cells in anaphylaxis and dedonsitization experiments in guinea-
pigs. In subsequent space flights fibroblast and human amnion cell
cultux-on uere Audied. with similar results. Pieces of human and
rabbit skin were also used. On August 12th 1960 two pieces of
skin 2.5 X 3.3 cm, in size and 0.5 mm. thick were taken from a
human donor, placed isi Hanks solution and sent into space In the
econd satellite. On recovery they wore regrafted on the original
e in the donor and became firmly attached after seven days.
Card 3/5
The results of,the --- zoa7/E633
Similar results word obtahod with two other donors. An Apparatus
wait devised for maling a subculture in space. In order to study
the ability of bacteria to multiply under space conditions. In
exporicionts with Glostridium butylicum:no d6viations from the
controls were observed. The second part of the work vats devoted
to a study of possible gonstic effects: brought about by exposure
to space conditions, mainly by loohing for the production of
auxotrophic mutants and l7sogony ir bacteria. The formor were
c~etectad by inoculation on a layer of minimal medium which was then
covered'with an overlay of the same medium in order to fix the
Colonies. When the latter had grown up their position was noted
Pnd an overlay of complete medium was then put on, and the
coloni,is which then &rev up as A result of the diffusion of
8815: ntialnutri entawere oelecte4 assaxotraphic mutants. No such
.ut nts could be found in suspensions of Eacherichia coli
recovered from the second satellite. The experiments on the
induction of lysogenic bacteria wore carried out on a strain of
E. coll lysiogenized by a X phage which had been exposed to cosmic
Card 4/ 5
T -q~
The results of'the --- SOZVE633
radiation in the fifth satellite. Free phaSe particles wer'
removed by adding phage antiscrum-, after the end of the latent
period the action of the antiserum was cut Ahort by diluting
1: 100,streptomycin was added to inhibit the ]-test organisms. and
the mixture was plated*out on the indicator strain in order to
count the phago partkles produced. The results obtained.
considered in comparison with control experiments. provided no
evidence of indubtion by cosmic radiation durinS u space flight
of ninoty minutes. No difference was observed in the plaque
morphology. No changes could be detected in the chemical and
physical properties of-calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid recovered
after & space flight. The results as a whole indicate that no
damage was suffored by isolated cells during a brief exposure to
apace conditions. There are 6 figures and 10 tables.
SUBMITTED: may 25, 1961
Card 5/5
Some regularities in the L-form rejersion of pathogenic species
of bacteria. Zhur. mikrobiol.; epid. i imimm. 41 no.6:67-70
Je (MIRA 18:1.)
1. Institut spidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR
i I! Moskovskly meditainakiy inatitut imeni Pirogova.
Significance of the atate of the cellular wall for the formation
of L-forms. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 41 no.12:78-83 D 164.
(MIPA 16:3)
1. II,I.Ioskovskiy meditsinskiy institut imoni Pirogova i~lnstitut
epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalel Al-91 SSSR.
Forming of colonies from protoplaots of Bacillu5 megaterium.
,Zhur. mikrobiol., apid.. i :Uxnun. 42 no.8:36-39 Ag(,165.
"JIM 18:9)
1.~ II I-loskovskiy meditairiskiy institut Amoni Pirogova iInstitut
opidordologii i mikrobiologii imerd Gamlei AMI SSSR.
Comlxtratiye study of the formation of Icolonies by lynozym
ard glyoine spheroblasts of Salmonella typhimwium,,Antibio-
tikt-,10 no. 10t916-9119 0 165. (MIRA 3.8:12)
1, IX,Mookovskiy zeditoinskiy institut imed N.I.Pirogova i
otdol obabobey zeditainskoy mikrobiologli (savo - prof,
V.D. Timko-T) Inatituta apidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni
N.F. Gamalei AKN SSSR. Submitted Nov. 14, 1964.
ACC NRi AP6014015
AUTHOR: Fedorova Go I.
ORG: Second Mosamr Medical Institute im.
institut); j4stitum of Epidejnigl2gy and
epidemiologii,i miltrobiologii AHN SSSR)
SWRCF. CODE: U1V0016/65/00()/0D3/f-VJ6/'W39
6_L_kLX=y (II Moskovskiy meditsinskiy
cro):dnlogy iyn, ("Amalpyn- AMN SMR (Institul
TITLE: Formation of colonies from B. megatheritin protoplasts
SOURCE: Zhurnal m1krobiol o-gii, - epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 8, 1965, 36-39
TOPIC TAGS: 'penicillin, enzymep bacteria, bacteriology
ABSTRACT: Addition of 3jdozyis"to Micro lysiode'leticus or B. 'i4egatherium
cultures uhder conditions of raised osmotic pressure leads to depolymeriza---.'
-,tion and complete disappearance of the cell wall. The lysozyme protoplasts'
'that form retain the essential proparties of bacterial cells, but are in-
capable of formingcolonies under ordinary conditions of aceding. On
seeding B - megatheirium strain No 654 lysozyme protoplasts on hypertonic
media usually applied for the culturing cf L-forms of bacteria, protoplast
cultures containing all- elements charactoxistic for L-forms (globules)
vacuoles, granulsj- light-refracting bodiets) were obt These colonies
,formed only on mecLia that did not contain -oeniSil11nV.-en* penicillin was
present$ the colonies did not develop. Im distinguished from L-fonns., the
protoplast. colonies could not be reseeded; they must therefore be regarded
as M-forms t1i'at wainoi* be pre.served for lon periods. Orig. art. has: -3 figure
0 - -976.8.p24.-3:615.779.935
L Card UDG.
KIRSANOV, A.V. [Kireanov, 0,7.1; YZDOItOVA, G.K. (Yedorova, H.K.]
Complexes of phosphorus pentachloride with aryl- and styrrl-
phoophome tetrachlorides. Dop*AN URSR no.6MI-803 160.
(KU 13:7)
1. Ine#tut organicheskoy Ichimii AN USSR. 2. Chlen-korretpondent
AN USSR Uor Xtreanov ).
(Phosphorus chloriden)
-A-.V-.--c-KiIsanov~-O--v 1; T)ROVA, G*K* [Yedorovat H*K*1
Complex compoands of phosphorim pentachloride with' o~A-dichloralkyl-
phosphorus tdtrachlorides. Ik)p.AN URBR no.8:1086-1089 ,6o.
(MIRA 13:9)
1. Institut organicheekoy khtinii AN USSR. 2. Chlen-korrespoudent
AN USSR (for Kir-sanov).
(Phosphorus cholorides)
AUTHORS: Fedorova, G. K. and Kirsanov, A. V.
TITLE: Reaction of Phosphorus Pentaohloride With Unsaturated Hydro-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 12, PP-4044-4048
TEXTs No compound of the RCH ClCH2PC1 4' PCl5and RCHClCH2PCl 4 types had
hitherto been obtained in the pure state. It is hardly believable that-in
the hydrolysis of such compounds or under the action of SO 2 upon them,
under milderconditions, a quantitative separation of HCl should take place
only under the formation'of.unsaturated phosphinic acids or their acid
dichlorides, and not under the formation of the correspondingp -chloro
phosphinic acids or their acid dichlorides. It may be assumed that the
reaction of PCI5 suggested by E. Bergmann and A. Bondi (Ref-4) with un-
saturated hydrocarbons may proceed in a different way, i.e.,,without
formation of A-ohloro phosphinic acid derivatives by the soheme
Card 1/3
Reaction of Phosphorus Pentachloride With
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
BOO B064
RCH-CH Pol -->,[(RCHCH PC1 )']-).HC1 + [RCH-CHPCl+
2 2 4 31
)-RCH- CHP013 PC1 6 -It was the aim of this study to obtain the
immediate reaction products of PCl 5 with unsaturated hydrocarbons and to
identify them. PC15 which reacts reaftly with styrene, was the initial
+ - 0
product. A crystalline complex C 6 H5 C11-CHPCl3. PC16formed at 0 C in the
course of six hours under the formation of 1 mole HC1. Thus, it may be
concluded that in this case the intermediate product of the
ArCHClCH2PC1 4' PCI5(Ref-7) does eithor not form at all or is so unstable
that it decomposes at 0 0C already. The C H CH- CHPCl +. PCl- yield amounted
6 5 3 6
to 80%. When the complex is reacted with SO 21 styryl phosphinic acid di-
chloride forms in a high yield (Ref.7). Styryl phosphorus tetrachloride is
obtained under the action of styrene.. When reduced with red phosphorus
(Ref.8), the complex is converted into styryl phosphine dichloride. All
these chemical conversions together with 'the analytical data confirm the
Card 2/3
Reaction of Phosphorus Pentachloride With S/079/60/030/012/016/027
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons BOO1/DO64
structure of the complex. When heated, the complex decomposes to HCI,
PCIV and ha logenated hydrocarbons. rhe unstable styryl phosphorus tetra-
chloride could not be obtained in the pure state; its structure was, how-
ever, confirmed by its conversion into 8tyryl phosphinic acid dichloride
under the action of 30 2 and by reduction with red phosphorus to styryl
dichloro phosphine. Similar complexe:9 of the ArPCI.+.PCI- type were
3 6
synthesized by reacting PC1 5 with aiL,.71 phosphinic acid dichlorides:
ArPOCl2 + 2P015 i-FOCI3 + ArFCl3.PCI 6' There are 9 references: 4 Soviet,
6 US, 1 British, and 3 German.
ASSOCIATION:.Institut organieheakoy 1-himii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences
-Ukrainskaya SSR)
SUBMITTEDs January 28, 1960
Card 3/3
BI I S/B208
G. K* and Kirsanov, A. V.
Reaction of diohlorides of 41kyl phosphinic a,aide with
phosphorus pentachloride
Zhurnal ababohey khimii 9 v - 31 $ no. 2, 1961 , 594-598
TEXT: On reaction of the diohlorides of aryl phosphinio acids with P01 59
crystalline complexes ArPC1, 'PC16 are formed, as has been shown by the
authors in Ref. 1. The purpose of the present study was to clarify whether
this reaotion-is specific only for the dichlorides of aromatic phosphinia
acids, or holds for the dichlorides of aryl a n d alkyl phosphinic acids.
The authors studied the reaction Of P(115 with dichlorides of ethyl-g propyll
and butyl phosphinic acids, and found that under mild conditions (in ben-
zene, at 800C) not only the dichloro phosphinyl group is converted to the
group PC2'*FC1- complete chlorination of the a-carbon atom occurs
3 61 but also
giving complex compounds of P015 with a, a-dichloro-alkyl phosphorus tetra-
Card 1A
Reaction of dichlorides B118[B208
RCH POC1 + OM 2HC1 + 2PC1 + POC1 + RCC1 PC1 PC1 The positkn
2 2 5 3 3 2 3 6'
of the chlorine atoms in the alkyl groups is confirmed by the fact that the
complex C2H 3C12Pol3.FC1 6 gives with $02 the dichloride of dichloro-ethyl
phosphinic acid which corresponds to that obtained by A. M. Kinnear (Ref. 2)
from a, a-acid. The complexes RCC1 PCl+ blel) are insoluble in common
2 3'X16 (Ta
solvents, and react vigorously with water and alcohols, they are hydrolyzed
at different rates depending on the character of the radical. The complex
CH CM PC II+' Pdl- is hydrolyzed: with water at 200C, splitting off about nine
3 2 3' 6
chlorine atoms, and about ton chlorine atoms when boiling with water for
two houral the last chlorine atom cannot be split off even by prolonged
boiling. The complexes C H Ccl Pei+.I,cl- and n-C H cel PCl+ PCI - are
2 5 2 3 6 3 7 2 3. 6
hydrolyzed by boiling with water for one hour, splitting off all chlorine
atoms. Reaction of sulfur dioxide with the complexes
RCC1 Pei+.Pcl-(R-CH H n- gives the dichlorides of a, a-dichloro-
2 3 6 31 C2 5 03H7
Card 2/4
S/079j6j /031/002/013/019
Reaction of dichlorides B110/B208
alkyl ph~sphinic.acido:
Reel Pei P01- + 2SOrr~ ~Ocl + 2SOU'l + Reel POCI The complex
2 3* 6 3 2 2 2*
CH3C.C12POC12 (1) first synthesized by.A. M. Kinnear (Ref. 2) has not been detail. It is crystalline, distillable in vacuo, causes
weeping, and is well soluble in organic solvents. When treating complex W
with alcohols in the presence of pyridine monoalkyl eaters of the monoacid
chloride of a, a-diohloro-ethyl phosphinic'acid (n), CH 3CC12PO(OR)Cl are
formed.- They have a fruitlike odor and possess insecticidal properties.
Complete hydrolysis of the dichloride of a, a-dichlorobutyl phoophinic acid,
or of the complex n-C H CC1 ~pCl+ gave a-ketobutyl phosphinic acid
.3 7 2 61
(n-C3H7COP(OH)2) which is stable in aqueous acid solutions (Ref. 4).
M. I. Kabaohnik and P. A. Rossiyskaya are mentioned. There are 2 tables
and 5references:- 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences
Ukrainskaya SSR)
Card ~314
Reaction of dichlorides
u TED: March 14, 1960
Card 4/4
-BI 18/B208
Cand Chem Sci - (diss) "Phosphorilization of unsaturated com-
pounds'by.pliosphorus pentachloride." Kiev, 1961. 9 pp; (Min-
istry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian
SSR, Kiev Order of Lenin Polytechnic Inst); 120 copies; price
not given;.(KL, 5-61 sup, 1??)
styryidialkyl pbospines and thoir =Idea. Zhur.ob.khim.
33 no.31lOll-1013 Mr 163. (KM 16:3)
1. Inotitut organicheskgy khimii AN UkrSSR.
(Phoonhire oxide)
Phenyldialkyl- and otyryldialWphosphazo acyls. Zhur.cb.khim.
33 no.,3:2017-:LO19 Mr '63- (miRA 16:3),.:
1. Institut organichookoy:khimii AN UkrSSR.
(Phosphortis organic compounds)
Phanyldialkylpho6phazosulfonylphanyls. 2hur.ob.khim. 34 no.2:511-513
F 164* (MIRA 17:3)
1. lnatit~t orgaAicheskoy khImii.AN Ulx,SSR.
Effect of C14 on the embryonir, and early pcsWmbryonic development
of Coregonus poled (Omql.). Nuuch.* dokl. vys. iihkoly; biol. nauki
no.2184,87 165, (WRA 180)
1. Rek=endovana laboratori3rey radlobiologIA Blologicheskogo nauchno-
lesledov~tellskogb institutit Lanir4,rradskogo gosudarstviennogo uni-,er-
siteta im. A.A.Zhdanova.
29288-66 -&MMIECT (M) RM
ACC NRj AM19325 SMiFC9,CODEt M/OO?9/65/O35/008A4a3WV
AUTHORs Fedorovat-GeNil ftmanovp A& Vi
ORG: Institute of' Orstanig Cho .--AN, R (Institut organicheakay khimli
TITIEs Dft-ivativde -of bis-bo~t~~jrlphanbinla acids
SOMM t Mmrml obotch" kbindi I v; 350- Aoa 80 1.965, 1483-1487
TOPIC TAGS: -phosphorylations Ph6sphorus obloride. phosphinio acid, other
ABSTRACT: On phosphorylat16n of &Lkylvinyl other's with PC15 ap-
'plied Iii the molar ratio IA. ble-'beta-alkoxvvirvlphoaphorits tri-
'ohlorides (1) formeds. 4a=.%. + P C15 (H0CH=CH)2PC13 (i) +
I.2HOCHMMe. X(R' = Et)g obtained in this manner with a yield of
.10%, had a m. p. of ?0-750, 1 (R t. Bu) was an oily substanoe
1(yield 63%) wh1oh 0ould not be isolated in a pure state. Upon
hydrolysis of I (H a Stj 134) with the calculated amount of water,,-
!the ohlorldes of phosphinio acids (11) formods (ROCH-CH)2PC1 +
iH 0 2KC1 + (ROCH=CH)^POC1 (II)o 'They w,%re colorless, high2oiling,;
!oily liquids whjoh dissolved in orl5anto solvents. By'treating
aeA4 chlorides 11 with alcohols R109 esters (IIOCH=CH)2?00R, (IXI)
The following estexe III were obtaineds
A. Card JL2 MCa
ACC MRs AM,1932!;
1111 (R Ets V Me); III OR Hf:- Bij RI Pr');'
~Iii In Et, R, xg Bu); in (H - st R, CHZ-CHCH III (R = Ett
~:Rl - Ph); III (R Sts R' C?H III (H = But Me); III
I'M = But HI Vt)e- 111 (11 =--But, Pr); III (H RI = BU).
iSstera III.wero oplorless liquids with a faint odor which dissolved'
and were soluble with diffieulty in water.
An organic solvents
iThey added readily four atoms of lir at the unnaturated bonds - e. S.
,III (H = Et,, R11 a r1e) was oonvertcd by the addition of four atoms
lof Br in a CC14 solution 'Into a dark.oll which fumeld In the air,
~oould not be-distilled without-depomposition, and was soluble In-"
Orige art. has t an-d' 1 tj~j~
SUB COM 07 t''SUIR DATEs o8jul64. am-, RF.F, oo4
Card 2/2
SOME cclet tm/"/65/Oj5 bli/ Mid
01(G: Institute of"Wg7a7~io. Chentistryt AN UkrrSWSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii
AN Wassill
TITLE: ~-_ Derivatives of etn8-2.;;ch1oroat_ rylp 4W,bls nylacety1erq1_---.-_
Y -PhIs
phosphiniC doids
SPURCEi Zhurnal cb,shcheylth, joij t, To. 35i~ no. U.. 1965t 1984-1988
.TOPIG TAGSs -phoo;horylation esterp phenolp aWneo chlorinated organic
compound# organic phosphorus canpoundp hydrolysiu,, nonmetallic organic derivative
ABSTRACT: Pbenyl:dleetylin~ i fpbodVaokylated by'-utyryltitraeblurwyhoc-ph-o-=---8,0
forming styryl t I
-2-chlorost triWorophtephorue. Otyryl-2-eblorostyryl- 2
trieblorophoophorme to hydrolyzed to the comfolwading acid,, and rescIts with
isulfur dioxide to g1ve the-eblarlde or slyryl-2-chlorostyrylphosphinle acid*
Treatment of styr3,1-2-ablarostyrylphosphinto eind bis-2-chlorostyrylphosphInto
ecide with alcoholle.potassius bydroxide resulto in the formation of
1i tyrylpbenylacetyl,ecylphosphiMe. and bla-pbeMlocetylenylphosphInic acids.
Under-the action-cif-phenole--and aromatle-a-1 !9--tha-ahlorldes or a
tyryl.2, -
abloroatMlphospbAnle and bin-phetWlseetyl eyllbospbWe acids are converted
Ito the esters and entUdea e
a T101dap malting pointfp M7SW
typep, and analytic, date sre aften tar aU the rmatiou productso Orig. art*
'jS - - - ------------------------
L Wa'2 t jb-1 j
BUD WDE a SUBM DATEi, _I,3OHov(4' C-HIG IMF: 001/.
~cw 1A' C,6-/ '546.195047.34i
L 'Mr,1-67 j 1-1 (71
I I - C- -*~ i'~: ~27003111 SOURCE CODE: U-4/OC)7,)/66/036/007/1,262/1267.
AUTHOR: Fedorova ' G. K.- Shatursldl Ya. P.
MIG: In--7-.Ifu'ta 'UkrSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii
TiTis: Phosphlorylat-Jon of phen
SOU-i'CE: Zh=nal ob3hchey khimii, V. 36, no, 7, 1%06, 1262-1267
TO?1C TAGS: phosDho::-vlation, butadiene, phosDhorus chloride
V eac
Phosv-~hoznus' trichloride rts i-zith excess phonylbutadione (1:3
zatio) to -orm *ois;inonylbutadienyltrichlorc)pliosi:~.iorw.,I 7'henyltetrachloro-
Phosphorus and ~�rxi~-~iioij'Y-hoi--y'lato pheny1butadiena
(in a 1:1 ratio) to yiold phonylbutadianylphonyl- and phenylbutadionylstml-
'k- cl-lorop*-osphorus. The phosphorylation products undar go hydroIrs-s with
V. i A. 1. & A
ur ~
-'ator, yioldinlgl the corresponding phosphlin~c acids, while sulf dioxido converts
tlhar~-, to"VIL-Ao chloeWco of tho corresponding, phosphinic acids. The chlorides of
y1butadianyl-, phonylbutadibnyl-, phanyllbutadiany1pbonyl-, and ~hanylbuta
dienylstr.-ylphosphinic acids are hydrolyzed by water to the acids, while reaction
~hanol and anilin yiolds the co--asponding phonyl esters and anilides.
Bro-mi-ation of plionylbutadienylphonylp7roc;pl,,:L-i-~c acid y4.o,'-'ds a nixftxura of two
a-co-atal;iing ,,oid3:
I phonyltribror,~.ob!.itanylphonylphoophinic and phenyl-
14,o4v-rab.-o,-.,obu'6ylphanylphosphinic acids, Dc'~WdrobromLnation of tho two acids with
c1ccholic -a-Ical;- razultu in tho eoriation .)E ph-3nyIbUI,,ad4Q-
'd, 44 v 6,
c" T'-o la"or c~.n be f ormad only if t1h.) phoophoms-cm~airAn-. oup --s
4- -'-c
4-poz;-'tion of 'ha diei~,e chain. Orig. art. has: I figure and table.
Sj3 CODE: 07 SUBIM DATE: Wi-m65 ORIG REF: 001 OTIH REF: 002
Co. d--I/I UD: 50-538-3
r-ACC NRI. XP7006123' SOURCE C.ODE: --- UR, /005.6/67-/05 2100 11/0021/0028
AUTHOR: Pavlov, S. I.; Rakbovskiy) V. I.; Fedorova) G. M.
I ORG: All-Union Electrotecbnical Institute im. V. 1. L1eninTVsesoyuznyy elcktrotekh-
nicbeskiy institut.)
TITIE: Measurement of the cross sections for the ionization of submances with low
vapor tension by electron.impact-
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki) v- 52) no. 1, 1967) 21-28:
TOPIC TAGS: ionization cross section, i%pact ionization) vapor pressure, lead, I
copper,, silver
ABSTRACT: Since all earlier studies of ionization by electron impact were made for
elements with hien vapor tension, mostly metals) and at relative2,y low temperatures)
And most elements have remained uninvestigated) for lack of a sufficiently simple
and reliable measurement technique) the authors describe a procedure and apparatus
for this purpose. The procedure is a modification of the atomic-beam method, first
proposed by H. Funk (Ann. der Phys. v. 4, 149, 1930). In the apparatus developed by
i the authors, the substance Is introduced in the ionization space in the form of an
atomic beam made to cross a beam of monoenargetic electrons. The total number
of ions produced in this manner is determined by measuring the ion current, and the
I concentration of -the neutral atoms is determined from the intensity of the atomic
beam. To separate the ion-current due to the investigated substance from the ion
ard 1/2
C UDC: none
ACC NR3 AP7006123
current due to the residual gas, the atomic beam is modulated and the ac component of
the Ion current is recorded. Measurements were made of the apparent ionization cross
,J sections of lead, copper, and silver at energibs. from the ionization threshold to
i 150 ev. The maximum ionization cross sections and the corresponding electron energies
were 8 x 10-18 CM2 at E - 55'ev for lead, 3-1 x 10-16 cm2 at 29 ev for copper, and
2.9 x ID-16 cm2 at 29 ev for silver. 7he results agree well with published theo-
Tetical estimates. The ionization functions of the three metals showed a linear
dependence of the ionization on' the energy, with an added structure superimpo.sed on
the curve for lead, which can be ascribed to autolonization. The authors thank M. A.
Mazing and V. A. Fabrikant for a discussion of the work,, B. N. Xlyarfel'd for valu-
able remarks, and V. L. Granovskiy for suggesting the topic and directing the main
results. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 formula. [02]
SUB CODE: 20f bWM DATE:7 -.27jun66/ OTUG M,~F: 002/ OZi PXF: 0261,
ATD PRZ,;SS: 5117
'v S' -
Jn.. prof.,- OURVICH, To.l., prof. pri uchostii vrache7:-B*H.
1hublarove, Z.Folvantsovqjr (Podollsk), A.Y.Stepanova, P.N.GorYllchevll,
M-1-Yeliseyevqy (Vqtishchi), S.F.Stepanavor (Bolshevo), Y.A.Leono-
voy (Babushidu), M.P.Gonebarova (Kaliningrad). G.Ya.Ashk-luezer
(Kostino), V.M*Pototskogo, G.I.Ponomarevoy, A.A.Pleve. A.V.Bookoda-
rova (Soppukhov), I.I.Kutakwra (Tegorlyevsk)g G.SoIndenbaum (zolms),
L.I.Andreyeva, T.G.ronovoy (Pushkino), e.K- va (zagorsk),
I.S,Belenlkogo (Tushino)
late results in the treatment of syphilis. Vest.derm. i ven. 32
no'02:57-60 Hr-Ap 15,9. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Iz kozhno-venerologicbeekoy kliniki (dir. - prof. Ma.Arutyunov)
Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledova tell skogo klinicheskogo
institute imeni M.F.VladLmirskogo (dir. - P.M.Loonanko)
.(SMILIS, ther.
late results Oh'w))
KARASEV, K.I., kand. kh"-n&uk4 MAK(YrINSKIY.* M.P., kand. arkh.;
TROSHICHEVp V.M.,- Prinimall uchastiye: LUTSIK, L.D.,,
insh.1 FZDOM~g~,&, tekimik; LIVSHITS) A.M., insh.;
ANDF=17~0 Mt reti-enzentop HIRENSKIYj B.Rp insh.j
re.teenzent; GURVICH,~Z.A., red.izd-va; TDMINA, Ye.L.p
tekbn. red.: . . - 1:11,
[Catalog of finish"g materials and producti,1 Katalog ot-
delochnykh materialov.-i-iWelii. Moskva, Goostroiizdat.
Pt.2. EFainte and lacquorel Kraaki i laki. 1961. 76 p.
(MIRA 16:7)
1. Vsesoyusnyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut novykh
stroitellnykh materialov. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii
stroitel'stvali arkhitektw-V SSSR (for Andreyev).
(Paint materials-Catalogs)
Effect of temperatures Ixilow freezing point on the low-
frequency electric resistance of winter wheat and rye.
Fiziol.rast. 12 no.4sM-692 Ji-Ag 165. (MIRA .18:12)
1e Moskovokiy oblastnoy pedagogichaskiy institut imeni N.K.
Krupakoy, Submitted July 27, 1964.
r b-pe 4 6) 1/'~*j 6, N'- 137-58-5-11181
Translation from: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 326 (USSR)
AUTHORS- Serdyuk, L.S., Fedorova. G.N.
TITLE: An Investigntion of the Reaction of Magnesium with Aluminone
and its Application in Colorimetric Analysis (Issledovaniye
reaktsii magniya s alyuminonom i primeneniye yeye v kolori-
metricheskom analize)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii. Ukr. resp.
pravl., '1956, Vol 4, pp 154-159
ABSTRACT: Optimal conditions for the formation of Mg complexes with
aluminone (1) were studied. It is established that the determina-
tion of Mg with I in electrolytic Ni-baths should be conducted at
a pH of I I with a 0.2% aqueous ammonia solution of I. After the
separation of Ni, the process of Mg determination requires 20-
25 minutes. 10 cc of the electrolyte solution are placed into a
100 -cc flask, where they are diluted to a certain mark. After
adding 65 cc of water to 10 cc of the solution, the latter is
heated to 800C; Fe is oxidized with HN03, 20 cc of a 1% alco-
hol solution of dimethylllyoxime are added together with a quan-
Card 1/2 tity of NH40H sufficient to produce odor. After 30 minutes, the
An Investigation of the (cont.
Ni is filtered out, and the solution is heated until all the NH40H is removed.
After cooling, the solution is placed into a 200-cc flask, from which 5 cc are
subsequently withdrawn into a 5 -cc flask; a small amount of an ammonium
acetate buffer solution (pH 11) is added to the 50-cc flask together with 5 cc
of freshly prepared 1. After adding a quantity of buffer sufficient to raise its
level to a predetermined mark, the solution is subjected to photometric
analysis under a green light filter.
1. Magnesium--Chemical reactions 2. Alumincine--Applications 3. Colorimetry
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Fedorova, G.N., Engineer 28-3-19/33
TI.TLE: A New Grade of Coal-Benzene (Novaya marks, kamennougollnogo
PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiyat 1957P # 39 MaY-Jufte, p 65 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present standard rOCT 8448-57 supersedes standard OCT
10463-39. Up to now, benzone (C6H6) was produced in two grades
- "Pure benzene for nitration" and "Pure benzene". The new
standard adds the grade "Pure benzene for synthesis" in two
brands. The conditions fo:r the first brand corresponds to
conditions set by the inte:rnational st*andard project. 95
of this benzene 8 to be processed within temperature limits
of not oveE 0 6 ~ C (for other benzene grades the limits are
0.8 and 1 C;. The temperature ofo crystallization for the
firstobrand is to be not below 5 .3 C, for the second brand
5.1 C. Carbon sulfide content is established as not over
0-005 % for the first brand and 0.02 % for the second brand.
Thiophene content in the first brand Is not to be over 0.005
Hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans nre completely e~xcluded in
benzene of all grades. Benzene has to meet the copper plate
test. It Is stated that the now standard abruptly raises the
Card 112 quality and purity of benzene to meet contemporary requirements.
A*New Grade of Coal-Benzene
AVAILABLEi Library of Congresa
Card 2/2
geogr. nauk,, otv. red.; GRAVE, N.A., doktor geoh-r. nauk,
otv. red.; WILING, N.V., red.
(Suntar-Khayata] Suntar-Khaiatit. Moskva, 1963. 2 v.
(MIRA 18:5)
1. Akadamiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut
WRVA, G. P.'- "The troatmnt of infixed wounds with aspergillin aW its effect
on experimental peritonitis". Hoso,)wq 1955, Firat Yoscow Order of Lenin
Medical Inst. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical
301 WzbDW Leto2is' No. 46, 12 November 1955o Moscow
- - -- - - - - - ~ 0 - - - 040000000000*
I I !Ton a it 42 A) At
I r 0'W
0 t
'04 f
"I f
-UT Art* I -"PM
t? o
10 ,
pvA 6- Oklocolsul, Aldo "W111111 trCt A
4111100 JD*kgsmLi" dallf"" by tho moodied oxf '
so -*e
~rkvr. AOW. Khiw. 3 1:1192-93 (IM),- M-Avv 4) 3 Iton dolo-
mhe In a lubtatto of 15 1920 nd. of llCl (JAP) and 0.5 to I #"L of -so
cmwmtmttd HNOv- 11vompDrittr to dryar-i, oliviolvo lit 110.
soll 14. Alt". AM prorewlate with Mll. Fulm hod the 611141r,
0*4 and ookl parbuolly (I olorult,rwor.) a wrahly allsomilliaril 111'.
(XII.I.MulN *WpAllon. Dail fur 16- to zb miu, somit aas. filth,
*ilk vW-116111 thmalk a No. 3 W ML 4.
vboAt fillet. wA%h the W-
elp cipildle a to 8 thlocol with but Will". And dilolor the 11111141v w I
so -Z wwh watm to 2N) nit. isith owAirt TuS t,% Ill loll o( the .4totmNs
(41tPrildirtgon Mg cants"OnMA loll
0, 4411111 kill Ilkl Ow
the vollculot"I orquivalvill 14 N4,111
41 Q optical dmAly -
the milullott, ko,whig lmevku*ly Act the itil
00,3 Thm,whilecuri.tantlor
lotirtitil, Imlol 0.1,1111, pur-tims of the lilralcil wohlik"t mW ruvot'l
the eachl' win, CaltuLlIelloolleAli
twalkworuryors. Tbr equivalent point I* trachni v% twit ou %imoon
optical dettally is obtAined. The liter of solitt"s wa, WOO
rootablishord by valutnoortj* owthod lout by the methmi o( photo gee
turbiolioneltic titralloro Ifilh Ms "llutiori of
t Arlemliml by the loyvapboolphiolt nwll"vl. Th~ -i"Ay-i-
"jukort M to 711 Mo. Armoucy 1- 412 to OW; A-Jol~ 1,* Ill W
It z K. woo
IF %opo
"fall a 11G.- 11'ami"I"
14,141ro "it opow NIAW ow a.. Os
A R ow a a I I v of D a a 3 v
u to "'
n a' ; Il x" I'# X; Il own a 'm I
0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo goo 000000 0 0 0 000
0 .000 I
1. 49
0 4111 0 0 o -
Reznik, B. Ye, and Fodorova. G P. - IThe determination of calrituri in dolomite
Tir,,n )wthod, N Nauch. zapiski (Dnerpropetr. ro.-,.
,)y the photo-nophelornetric titr-.,
un-t), Vol.,XXMI. 190, p. 163-72, - BlblJ.og: p. 172
SO-- U-5240, 1.7, Dea- 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal. Inyl-.h Statey, No. 25, 1949).
F-'?DO.RGVA., G.P. --
"Investigating Same Reactions of Precipitation and Complex P, ormation
Using the Photometric Method," Cand Chem Scij Dnepropetrovsk State U.
Dnepropetrovskj, 19.5-3. (RZhXhim.,.No.19,,O,---4 54)-
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR
Higher Educational Institutions (10)
SO: Sun No. 481.9.5 may 55
AUTHORS: Serdyukq L*S,,t and. edorova..-JoP.v Candidates of ChemicaV
TITM. The rare earth metals in metallurgy and methods of their
SOURCEi Soveshchaniye po khimicheskomu kontrolyu proizvodetva v
metallurgicheskoy i metalloobrabatyvayushchey promyshlen-
noetio Dnepropetrovekt 1956. Khimicheskiy kontroll proiz-1;
Vostva. v metallurgiches):oy i metalloobrabatyvayushchey
promyshlennosti;1doklady so*eschaniyaJ [Dnepropetrovsk
1960t 91 - 99
TBXT; An account is first given of the applicationwof the rare
earth metals in ferrous and non-forrous metallurgyj stressing espe- Vl-/
cially the beneficial influence of these elements on the mechanical,_,, .
and chemical properties of the parent alloy, when added in'small 23
proportions, Examples of the abovo'are'quoteda Some present methods'
of lanthanon analysis are then briefly described, including: 1) Be-!-
paration of Ce from the other rare earths by oxidation to Ce4+;
Card 1/3
The rare earth metals in 3)226/D302
2) Determination of total lanthanons in steels by the gravimetric
fluoride method and 3) Various colorimetric methods. The latter are1 -46
thought to be particularly promising, The authors investigated the
reactions of Lap Ce and Y with aluminon and alizarin S, to deve p
methods of individual determination of these elements in mixtures.
It was found*that lakes with aluminon may be used for colorimetry,
without sulphosalioylio acidt if the aluminon is used in aqueoust
slightly ammoniacal solutions and the reaction is carried out in
amImonium acetate buffered solutions at pH 6. Good results (tabula-
ted) were obtained by this method for La# and Co. Owing to a cer-
tain lack of stability of the aluminon reagentp the use of alizarin
51 preferably in the presence of boric acid, was found more conven_-~'
ient, over a wide range of pH. Formation of Lap Ce and Y alizarina- 50
tes at various pH is shown-graphically. It was found that the indi--;,
vidual Ce and Is, curves differed appreciably from that of Y, but I
-uhe La and Y were close together when the last 2 elements were mix_--~~
ed. Better Ya-Y separations were obtained replacing the boric acidl
with ethylene diamineo Under'these conditionst sensitivity for Y
was higher than for la, Determination of these two elements iU Stazi-
Gard 2/3
The rare earth-metals in
dard mixtures is described in full and the results are tabulated*
The agreement is considered satisfactory. There are 2 figurest 2
tables and 58 references; 44 Soviet-bloc and 14 non-Soviet-bloo.
The 4 most recent references to the English-langugLge publications
read as follows: M.C. Steele and L.J. England, Analyt, 82p 977, 593~
-597, 1957; T.W. Newton and G '. Arcand, J.Am.Chem*Soo. 75, no#-109
2449-2453, 1953; Rao Ramachandrat A. Sitaramachandramurtg and Rao 15
Raghawa, J.Sci.Ind.Ree. 14B,.Uo. 41909 1955; T. Moeller, and X.
Tecotzky, J.Am.Chem.Soo., 77, no. 9# 1649v 1955-
ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosuniversitet (Dnepropetrovsk State
Card 3/3
4~r_ -M
Study of the beryllium and aluminum reaction. Ukr. khim. zhur. 24
no.3-.384-387 158. (MIRA 11'19)
(Beryllium) (Aluminum)
5(2) SOV/78-4-1-19/48
AUTHORS: Serdyuk, L. S., Fedorova, G. P.
TITLE: Investigation of Colored Complexes of Several Rare Earths
(Issled.ovaniye okrashennykh kompleksov nekotorykh redkozemell-
~nykh elementov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskcy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 88-96
Jj3STRACT: The reaction of,yttrium, lanthanum, and cerium with alizarin S
.anL'. aluminate was investigated. The influence of pH on the
formation of alizarates of yttrium, lanthanum, and ceriiun was
investigated. The 'abscrption spectra of the complexes formed
were recorded. The reaction of rare earths to alizarin 3 with
pH higher than 4-6~is more delicate than had been stated in
.ublications. The alizarates of yttrium, lanthanum, and cerium
show a ratio of element : alizarin - 1 : 1. The molar ab-
sorption coefficients of alizarates were determined. The molar
absorption coefficient of lanthanum and ceriujn is 10,300 and
.9,800 respectively, and of yttrium 7,900. The investigation of
the influence of several cations on the formation reaction of
Card 1/3 alizarates of lanthanum and cerium sbowed that with certain
Investigation of Colored Complexes cf weveral Rare Earths
yH values calcium causes an inorease of the optical density of
13.1iZarate solutions. The effact is used for raising the delicacy
of the colorimetrio determination of these elements. The effect
of calcium on the formation of alizarates can be explained by
-the formation of double salts of rare earths with calcium and
11lizarin S. It was found 'that some masking complex formers, e.g.
oomplexon, fluoric acid, citric acid, pyrophosphoric acid,
oxalic acid, etc, suppress alizarate formation. Ascorbic acid
and tartaric acid in certain concentration do not influence the
optical density of the alizarate solutions of rare earths. In-
atructions for the colorimetric determinatioh of lanthanum and
cerium are given. Even with sulphosalicylic acid not being
present, the rare earths form soluble complexes withalumimte if
the hydrous solution of the reagent contains a small R!-` of
ammonia. The complex formation of rare earths wit' aluminate de-
pending on the pH value of the solution was investigated. 11.
was found that on usinv buffer solutions with pH 6, complexes
of rare earths wit' a2.,.~~te '.n the approximate ratio of 1:1
are formed. This reaction becomes morr -R-ked 7n heating. The
determination of the optical densitY of complex solutione of
Card 2/3 rare earths with alizarin S anO alumimte was iarried out with
Investigation of Colored Complexes of Several Rare Earths
the photometer FM, with the filter number 5 (at A - 533 mA).
There are 12 figures, 1 table, and 14 references, 6 of which
are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: October 21, 1957
Card 3/3
B005 B066
AUTHORSi Serdyukq L. S. and Fedorova, G. P.
TITLEs Photometrio Determination of Yttrium With the Stilbazo
PERIODICALs Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 3,
:pp. 287 - 290
TEM The stilbazo reagent was suggested by V. I. Kuznetsov for the
photometric determination of aluminum (Ref.1) and is also suited for
the determination of tungsten, indium, gallium, and fluorine (Refe.8-10).
The authors of the present paper investigated the reaction of yttrium .
with stilbazo and in addition developed a selective photometric method of-
determining yttrium. For this study a 10-3 M solution of stilbazo and a
10- M solution of yttrium, chloride were used whose titer was determined
gravimetrically by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline. The absorption curves of
the pure reagent and of the yttrium complex were taken on a YM-2 (UM-2)
universal monochromator (Fig.1). The absorption maximum of the complex
Card 1/3
Photometric Determination of Yttrium With the 5/075/60/015/003/012/'033/XX
Stilbazo Reagent B005/BO66
lies at 549 mIA,. To measure the optical density of solutions of the com-
plex, a green light filter with a maximum transmission at 540 mochas to
be applied which may be produced from potassium bichromate and copper
sulfate solutions. The optimum PH for the reaction of yttrium with
stilbazo is PH 7, as lanthanum, a frequent attendant of yttrium, does not
react in neutral solution with stilbazo. The reaction of yttrium with the
reagent proceeds rapidly; the optical density of the solutions of the
complex reaches its constant maximum value already 10 - 15 minutes after
combining the reagents. By heating the solution the complex is destroyed.
The solutions of the complex obey Beer's law (Fig-4). It was found by the
method of the isomolar series (Ref-19) that yttrium reacts with stilbazo
in the molar ratio of 10. The molat extinction coefficient of the complex
was determined by the saturation method (Ref.20); it has a value of
-60000 when using the green filter mentioned abovel accordingly; the
sensitivity of the reaction Is very high. Potassium and sodium ions do
not influence the optical density of the solutions, nor do calcium ions
in a 50-fold and magnesium ions in excess with respect to yttrium.
Although lanthanum does not react with stilbazo at PH 7., its presence
effects an increase of the optical density of the solution. This
Card 2/3
Photometric Determinationof Yttrium With the S/075/60/015/003/012/033/XX
Stilbazo Reagent B005/BO66
disturbir3 influence may be elimimited by adding small amounts of
acetone. Cerium does not react with stilbazo at PH 7, whereas gadolinium,
and erbium disturb the determination. Masking agents (complexon III,
sodium potassium tartrate, pyrophoophates, oxalates, fluorides, ascorbic
acid, succinic acid, azelsio acid, adipic acid) destroy already in small
quantities the color of the yttrium complex. The authors devised a method
for the photometric determination of yttrium. in the absence and in the
presence of lanthanuml this method is described in detail. The required
-acetate buffer
neutral PH is brought about by means of an ammonium.
solution. A table shows some results obtained by this method. Accuracy
arid reproducibility of the results are satisfactory. The optical
densities were measured in a OK-M (FEK-M) colorimetric photometer. There
are 4 figures, 1 table, and 21 referencest 14 Soviet, 2 German, 1 Indian,
and 4 US.
ASSOCIATIONi'Dnepropetrovokiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Dnepropetrovsk State University)
SUBMITTEDt April 25, 1959
Card 3/3
Determination of magresium in soils with aluminum. Izv.vys.ucheb.-
zav.,-khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no.4:686-687 '61. (M.IRA 1~:1)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra analiti-
cheakoy khim.U.
(Magnesium-Analysis) (Aluminum) (Soils-Andlysis)
8/07 61/027/002/004/004
B1 01 Y13208
AUTHORS: Serdyuk, L. S., Fedorova, G. P.
TITLE: Study of.the reaction of rare-earth elements with alizarin 8
in the presence of ammonia and amines
PERIODICAL: Ukrainski.y khimicheakiy,zhurnal, v. 27, no. 2, 1961, 252-256
TEXT: In Ref- 4 (00veshchaniyo p-4himich,ekomu kontrolyu proizvodetva v
metallurgicheskoy4 metalloobrabativa'yushchey promyshlennosti (conference on
Chemical Control of Production in the Metallurgical and Metalworking Indus-
tries), June 5-10, 1958, Tezisy dokladov, Dnepropetrovsk, 1958, P- 16) the
authors found that alizarin S forms colored complexes with yttrium, and
lanthanum in the presence.of ethylene diamine. on the basis-of the differ-
ence of their absorption maxima, a method could be devised for the separate
determination of Y and La. A study has now been made of the reaction of
alizarin S with Y, La, and Ce in the presence of other nitrogen-containing
subitances 'Camunonia, diethylamine, pyramidon, antipyrine, and pyridine).
10- M solutions of YCl 31 LaCl,1 CeCl 3' and alizarin S were used. The red
color of alizarin S was removed by adding H BO If the amino was added Int
Card 1/6 3 3*
Study of ... B101-/B208
to the solutiort, maximum optical density was obtained. Pig. I shows spec-
trophotometric curves of Y, Lag and Ce complexes with alizarin S in the
presence of NR3 at pH - 9 6-9:8. 25 ml of the solution studied contained
10 ml of 4% H3 11031 3 ml oi jo 3 M alizarin S, 0-5 mole of jo-3 m salt of the
rare-earth elemient (REE), and I mole of NH3. The resultant curves differed
only little from the curves obtained in the presence of ethylene diamine.
In the presence of diethyl amine, the curves shown in Fig- 3 were obtained
at the same pH. The cerium complex was not stable. The curvos in Pig- 4
resulted in the absence of amines, but in a solution that had been brought
to the same pH by means of alkali. It may be seen from this that only the
complexes in the presence of amines and NH3 can be used for REE determina-
tion,-owing to their spectral difference. The complexes of Ce and Y in the
presence of NH~ and ethylene diamine.are extractable by butanol, isobutanol,
and tributyl p osphate, while those of La cannot be extracted by these
alcohols. The complexes studied were decomposed by fluorides. The decrease
of-optical density is highest in the La complex; the Ce complex in the
presence of NH3, and the Y complex in the presence of ethylene diamine are
most stable . Specti-al absorption curves of the REE complexes in the
presence of pyramidon (pH 7;0), pyridine (pH - 7-5), and antipyrine
Card 2/6
Study of ... B101/B208
4.2) were recorded~by an 130(FEK-M) colorimetric photometer. Fig. 5
shows the result for.Y,,Fig. 6 for La, and Fig. 7 for Ce. Ammonium acetate
was used as buffer solution. Isoamyl alcohol extracts the complex of yttrium
alizarinate with pyramidon, but not the pyridine complex. While tho
alizarinates of La and Ce are hardly fixtracted by isobutanol, this solvent
extracts the complexes of these metals with pyridine and pyramidone. Also
the lanthanum-complexes with pyridine and pyramidon are better extractable by
amyl alcohol than alizarinates in the absence of nitrogen-containing
compounds. The La complex with antipyrine is easily extracted by amyl, iso-
amyl, butyl and isobutyl alcohols. Sodium oxalate destroys the alizarinates
of REE and their complexes formed with pyridine and pyramidon.,. The above-
mentioned nitrogen-oontaining compounds thus form complexes in the reaction
iof REE with alizarin S, which differ in their spectral properties. There are
7 figures and 8 references: .4 Soviet-'bloc and 4 non-Boviet-bloo. The 2 most
recent references to English language publications read as follows: A. Y.
Ponov, W. W. Wedaudt, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 77 (4), 657, (1955); T. Moller,
Record of Chem' Progress, 14 (2), 69, (1953)-
ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarntvennyy univeraitet (Dnepropetrovsk
Card 3/6 State University)
Unuclootide-nuolootide lydrolase in the tubers of different
potato varieties. Dokl, AN SSSR 153 no.lt220-222 N 163,
(MIRA 17:1)
.1. Leningradakiy nauchno-if;B2.edovatellskiy institut fizi-
claskoy kulltury, Predstayleno akademikom A.I. OparirAym.
ACCESSION M: AP14014M 3/03W/64/036/001/0119/0323
AuTHOR: 'Fyodorovag G. P. (14dorov&O 0. P.)
TITLE: ~ Effect of muscular activity of vu7ing duration on the amount of
nicotinamide-adoidno dinucleatide and ils reduced form in musaless liver And
SOURCE: Ukrayinalky0y biokhimicbnM stAuyml, v. 36V no. '10 AS 219-125
TOPIC TAGSt phygdology, muscular activity, rdootinamids-aderdne dinualootide,
NAD. NAD-H, glyocaycis. hypoxemia. lactodahydrogenass system
ABSTRACT: The offect, of muscular activity of various &r'ation on the Of
iftels dinualsotide (KO) " its recuoed form (NAD-9) in. the
=scles, blood, and liver was studied in experiments on rats. Short strenuous
work (swUming fcr 13 min.)-had almost no.effoot on the total NAD content
(NAD + NAD-H),'but produced a marked decrease In the NAD level accompanied by an
increase in the concentration of XAD-H; ii. a., the NO/MW-H ratio decreased
sharply. Prolonged vork.of moderate intensity. for whioh'a staUe state of
metabolic processes Is charaoteristio (swimming for 1 or hre), vas not
.Card 1/2
ACCESSION NRt 1,.P4014379
accompaniedby reliably established changes in the NAD content or the ratio of
its-fractions* Muscular activity of long duration 1sading to severe fatigue
(svirming for 10 hn) resulted in a decrease in the MWNZ-H ratio and in the
total NAD content because of.-a decrease in the amount of the oddized form of
NAD. There was a direct correlation between the decrease in the NAD/KAD-F.
ratio and the intensity of glycolysis in musclass iee., the extent of
physiological hypoxemia, involving ooddation of NAD-H vith participation of the
:Lactodehydrogenase systeme Changes in the MD content of blood followed closely
those established for the musel". The.NAD content and ratio of its fractions in
the liver were not affected by muscular activity* Orige art, bass 2 figures
1-~ablep and 1 formulae
ASSOCIATION: S*ktor.bick1drA4 naudwo-4saledavatellskago institute fisLdhm;1cq.*
kulltury*, Leninp-ad. (8*&Ar of BiacheuLatMo 'Scientific R""rch Institute of
Physical Culturej
SUD[ITTEM 06S#y63 -DATE ACQs IVeb64 INCLe 00
SUB-CODS& AM UP aM 000 o2=& W4
'Effect of ricotinarplem on the ntcotina-mJle adenine dinucleatide
contant in.ruL tissues during rest, and muscular activity. Ukr.
biokhIm. zhur. 37 no.l-.91-96 165. 6aRA 18:5)
1. Liningrad Research Irstitute of Physicai Culture.
Enzymtic aynthesio of nicotinamide dinuclootide In isolated
nuclei of skeletal muscle. 'lop. rmd. khim. 10 no.5:546-547
8-0 164. (MIRA 18111)
1. Miuchno-issledovatellakiy Institut fizicbeekoy kulltury i
Inatitut taitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad.
MWNSKILY, V.K., dokto.- med. nauk;
ST~-7-,ANOVA, N.P.
Visceral neurofibrmatools. Sov. nod. 27 no.11t125-130
N 163 (1-111RA 1-8:1)
1 . Iz kafedry obshchey khA rurg-li (zav. - chlem-kor, eUcIldent
API SSSR prof. V.1. Struchkov) Moskovskogo ordena Lemina
meditsinskogo instituta inzeni I.M. Sechenova na baze klluill-
cheskoy boltnit-.y 11o.23 inen'. '1k1edqw,,truWt (glairnry vra,.',l
A.11. Lobanova).
Physiotherspeutical methods in vestibular disorders. Vc)pikur.fizioters
i lachefiz.kullts 22 no.601-55 11-D 157. MIRA 11:2)
1, Is itafedry lechabnoy fivichaskoy kalltury TSentrallnogo Instituta
unovertibenstvovanlya vrachey (zav. kefedrcV - prof. V.N.Xoahkov)
i Naualmo-insledovateVskogo institute zabolevaniy ukha, gorla I
noso Hinisterstva zdravookhromenlya RSFSR (dlr. zaslushewy7
doyatell neuki prof. V,K.TrtAtnev)
FEDOROVA, G. S. - Cand Med Sci (di3s) "ImmwiL4w therapy as a
therapy "Win "Ovowp Tosi Ibular disorders.", Moo, 1958. 16 pp
(Min of Health USSR. Central "t for the Advanced Training of Physicians),
200 copies (I[L. 36-68, 117)
Inventigation of tho structure of the olemntary reaction of
the raiaing of a leg In somo neurological diseases and its
importance in the formation of an efficient method for
exercise therapy. Vop. kur., fizioter. I lech. fiz. kul't.
29 no.1:13-19 064. (MIRA, 17:9)
1. Kafedra. lechebnoy fizichoskoy kulltury I vrachebnogo
kontrolys, (zav.- prof. V.N. Moshkov) TSentrallnogo instituta
usovershenstvovandya vrachey, Moskva.
Iffect of various fats on broad qwaitye Izv.vys.ucheb*zavepish0h*
takh. no.4174-77 '58. (MMA ll*.Il)
1. Moskovsk1y takhnologicheekly institut pighchevoy prouviblennoett,
lafedra tftnologii Webopekarnogo proisvodetva, Spot slaboratorlya
tftnologii khlobopechenlya.
(Bread) (Oils aAd fats, BMW
OSTROVSKIY, A.I., prof.; DONETSKAYA, T.F., nauchnyy sotrudnik-, TULISKIY, M.S.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; FEDOROVA G.S., starshiy nauchnvy sotrudnik
The most effiolent way to uso cor-n flour in bread making. Trudy
MrIPP no.19315-21 162. (KIRA 17%4)
ABANINA, Anna Vasillyevna, dot.;.; FYDOROVA G r e eyna,,
G' r 6 0
dote.; SHCHEDRIN, Nikolay"MRIM-14c.- d~ots.-. ~FM
,, dots.; FO VA)
S.N., red.
(Problems and exercises in the organization of machine
accountingj Sbornik zadach i uprazhuenii po organizatsii
makhanizirovannogo ucheta. Moskvap Statistikap 1965.
154p. (MIRA 18:7)
Case of recurrent pulmonary-bemorrhage complicating a combined
mitral heart defeat. Yrach.delo no.9:148-150 S 162. (KMA 15:8)
1. Kafedra fakulltetakoy terapii (zav. - deya tvitelln" chlen AMN
SSSR, akademik AN USSR, prof. V.N.Ivanov [deceased] Kiyevskogo
moditainakogo ine tituta.
-V. -- A-.
Don River - Sturgeons
Critical periods in the development of eggs mid larvae of the Don sturgeon (Acipenser,
Guldenstadti- colchicus M.) and their morphophyaiological characteristics. Uch, Up, Lan, un
no. Ws 1951.
9. 112Ethly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November
-195j, Uncl.
Academician I.M.Baer as an ichthyologist. Trudy Inst.let.set.1 takh.
16:76-96 '57. (MIRA 10:10)
(Baer, Karl Irnst von, 1792-1876) (Irishes)
9 d e 0 0 e 0 9 6 0 6 e 0 0 9 0 9 a
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Cuorldes AV
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1OPMaration or, chemigall pare blutts T. A. Iftener'O T. A. aw"t"ISS 0. 1. redor~dk
Rydro LaboratM of ttte VTlq I
alsves"ye, VTP so a (A6)
NoCL Is produced from mangan"o ore tW us" the feUming chemical forwdal W* 4
4=re SaM2 4 H29 4 IU2. ftss~ms Uw expulmento and various waWn of o=du"lft thes
Materials on the developwnt and periods of high sensitivity of
smelt eggs in Lake Beloye. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 179:203-
210 158, (KIRA 16:5)
(Beloys,, Iab (Leningrad Province)-Smelts)
Absorption and liberation of radiooarbon (014) by fishes.
Nautti, dokle vyse sbkoly; Idol. nauki no.4t8/+49 163
(KMA l6tll)
1. Itekommdovana laboratoriyey radiobiologii Biologichaskogo
knauchno-issledovatallgkogo instituta Leningraddcogo goemdar-
stwinnogo Universiteta im, Aok,. Zhdanova.
Experimantal study of penetration into developing eggs and of ^.resh water fishes, Radlobiologiia 3 no.5t677-681 163.
(MIRA 174)
1. Gc)ffudarstvennyy universitet imeni. A.A, Zhdanova, Leningrad.
A tv-
Effect of strontium-9.0 on the eggs and larvae of Coregoims lava-
r9tas ludoga Pol. Vest.L(V 18 no.348-53 163, (Knu 16s2)
tffeet of water temperature, age and sex of fishes on their absorption
and -elimination of C34. DoIcl. AN SSSR 150. no.1:168-169 )tr 163.
1. Leningradakiy gosudarstvonnyy univarsitat im. A.A.Zhdanovao
Predstavleno ikademikom V.N.Chernigovskim.
(Carbon isotq)es) (Fishes-Physiology)
Aboorption and excretion of radioactive carbon in embryonic
and early postsmbryonio stages of the dmlopmt of the
vhitkifish Corescaux pelede Vast, LOU 19 non21139~50 164
ACC NR, AP60015.2,3 (AjN) SOURCE CODE1 UR/0337/65/000/009/0017/0019
AUTHOR: Fedorova 0 V
to ~"Aity)
ORG : 1A12ingradzkly goeudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad Sta
TITLE: Contamination of fish by radioactive carbon
ybnoye khozyaystvo, no,q, 1965p IT-19
TOPIC TAGS: radioactive contamination, biology, water pollution,
radloisotopep radiation hazard
ABSTRACT: Experiments with carp In water containing CH 3C OONa
concentrations of 20-24 pc/l at 18-20 C'show that after spending one
day in the water the fish become radioactive and that the highest
contamination (16.8-52.3pe/kg raw fish flesh) occurs In the gills,
scales, and fins. During the next days the contAmination Is accom-
panied by an increase of radioactivity in the internal organs as shown
by the following data tabulated for a period.or 50 daye!
_-L 29
ACC Nit, AP6001523
per kg
-Organs and tissues ofrraw fish flesh
Scales 166 + 9.9
Fins 218.8 T 12.7
Gills 150.0 T 16.0
Skin 44.24 T 0.57
Head 105.7 � 1.19
Eyes 121.5 :L 3.3
Brains 290 + 2.5
Gastro-intestinal tract 6 T 11.3--
Liver 213.6 � 4-.1,
Muscles 50-916 + 2,1
Bones 129.18 :L 2.5
The radioactivity of contaminated flsh~~placed for 30 days in clean
fresh water, decreases about 80% in tho'brains and liver and 60-70%
in some of the other organs and tissues. Experiments with guppies
show that their contamination at temperatures of 19 to 21 C is 2,5
to 3 times greater than at 10 to 21 0 that the accumulation nf radio-
activity -Jor 30 days is'lk,4'j0/kg for, females and only 72.5 jAcAg
L 29-900-455
ACC NRI Ap6ool523
for males, and that the accumulation coefficient for young guppies io
1 .5-3 times higher than that forgrown guppies. The absorption of 014
by roe and larvae from water is very high. In about one week, the
radioactivity of embryos becomes 2 to 3 times greater than that of the
contaminated viater, This Increase is especially great In larvae fed
with chlorella, Wch also Intensively accumulates C14, The high
coefficient of C1 accumulation in larvae makes larvae suitable trac-
ers for the determination of water contamination. :The Ci't enters the
fish organisms directly from the water and indirectly from ~he feed.,
such as phytoplankton, The conclusion is drawn that the C1 radio-
isotope accumulates In fish organisms in quantities hazardous to life
and living processes, Orig, art,:has2 3 tables..
suB com o6/ SUBM DATE: none
Card 3/8 W