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T ee I , I 2w"tl ,rlOWN: P, 'FeA orov 31f. L YAKERSON, Ketvay Samenovich.- Tal ISKIY. Tladimir lbramovich. Prinivsli uchastlye: LABUDIN, I.Aq;~ 7JEMOT, Te,L,; EUM, 1,0.; CHIZMSKIT, A.L.; PCLINGY, A.M.; ITANOT, I.I.; GEYNT. N.Y.; F=ROT, Te.T.1 MPMYO~M.G.-- YNG-ROTA, I.I., red,; ONOSUO, XwOottakhngrodo [The.-Inamis Trudal.Factory; a brief account of the 42hamis Truda* Armature Factory in leningradl 2hamia truda; kratkii acherk isto- ril leningradskogo armaturnogo savoda *Zhamia truda,ff 1960, 207 p. (MM 1434) (Leningrad-Yactories) j~g VA YJIDOROVt,ye.M., inzhener; HILZYKOVSKIY, ZoZ-P inshener, Production computer on excavators. Mekh.stroi. 10 no.6:14-1.5 jo 1530 (MLRA 6;6) (Ixcavuting machinery) -7~ IJW " le ANDONlYiV, Y.L., bil, V.A.; BAUHGAIRTIN. H.K.; BHMIS, V.D.; BIRYUKOV. I.K.1 BTRYUKOV, S.M.; BLCKHIN, S.I.; BOROVOT, G.A.; BUL37, M.Z.; BUUXOT, N.A.; VMTSAYZIIR, B.A.; VOVK. G.M.; VORMAN, B.A.; VOSHCHININ, A.Ps; GA.TAKTIONOV, V.D., kand. tekbn. rmik; GMIN, Te.H.; GILIDOBUT, Ya.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GIN%BUIG, H.M.; GLXBOV, P.S.; GODSS, B.G.; GCOMACM, V.N.; GRZHIB, B.T.; GXK=V. L.7., kand. a.-kh. nauk; GRCOMBUYA, I*Ta.; D&WILOV, A.G.; DHITRITSV, I.G.; DHITRIYMMO, Tu.D.; I)OBR=OTOT, D.D,; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNDUKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A~-Po; ' .IM, D.K.; ZIM&M, To.V.,- ZIMASY:Ov. S.V.; ZUBRIX, X.M.1 rAR OV, 1.7.; UUM, S.N." KaLWAY]ff, N.Y,, ;QUWSKIYq V,T.; XOMONO. T.P'; WSTOT, D.V.; KOSTROV, ATLYARMIY, D.M.; ~EUTSIIY..M.N.-, KUZNlWOV. A.Th..- IAGAR'KOVj I.I.; LQ&LOV, V.G.1 L V.P.- IWUNOV' P.I.; M&TSMICH. K.F.; ME111TICHMO, I.; Liff ICH, I.R.; MIKHAYLOV, A.V., Imud. takhn. rauk; MUSIWA, R.N.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIICITIH, M.V.; OVICS. I.S.; OGULINIK. 6.R.*; OSIM, A.D.; OSHM, N.A.; PETROV, V.I.; PXUMMIN, G.A., prof.; PIYANKOVA, Ye.V.; RAPOPM, Ya.D.-, RllM3ZOT, N.P.; 111L =(w, M.P., kaud. biol. nauk; ROCIMGOT, A.G.; WJBINCHIK, A.M.; RIBMWSKIT, V.S.; SADCHIK()Vt A.V.; SEIM SOT, V.A.; SIMMO, P.M.; SINYAVSUYA, T.T.; SITAROVA, M.N ; BOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY' Ye.'A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [doceasedi-, SUDZILOVOCIY, A.O.; SYRT-SOTA, Ye.D., kand. takhn. nauk; FILIPPMY, V.P.; ODMURIN, A.D.; TSISHIIVSKIY, P.M.; CHWWASOV, M.T.; CEDUMSEW, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SHNSTOPAL, A.O.; SHELCHM, P.As; SHISHKO, G.A.; SHC M, I.N.; UGHLI, F.F.; YAKCBSON, A.G.; TAKMOV, P.A., ARKHANG]ILISKIY, (Coutimed on -aex+j oard) -XV p" , W~ - NVOR, -" A got A AIWONIYRTt V9LP ... (coutitraed) Care 2. Te,A., re'senzont, red.; AKHUTIN, A.H., riel senzent, red.; BATA 07, w Th.S., re;oenceut. red.; BARLBANOY, V*Ag, ratoenzan-'w, red.; BA.TUM, P,D,,, reteenzent, red,'; 13MODIN, P-V-, kand. taklm. nauk, retseasent. red.; VALUTSKIYj I.I., Imud. retseizent, red.; GRTDMIYHV*,V.M.. kand' tekhn. nauk, retuanzient, red.; GUBWO N.Y., retuencent: rod.:'Enkii. KIT, retuansout, red.: YMMOLOV. AI,, IMM, teldin. nauk, retsonsent, rod.; XAMULOV, B.P., retRemse, red'; XRITSKIY,*S.W., dol--tor tolldm. wifk, re"'Jeow-eu1j, red.; LrM. V.V., :.-UtBenzent, red.; RXIN, V.7., rotsouzeut, red.; WSKIN. Z.D., reteencent, red.; X&TUIROSOV, retsew-ant, rod.; KOWLIm. DIH., retsenzent, rod.; MUMLI, M.F., dok+,or tekhu. uauk,, rellzonzent, red.; CBRICKOV, S.S.' relicoustt -. d , SIMI, F.T., reteenzent, e .0 nTHA red*; POLYAXOV, L,M., retuo=ent, red.; RUMYANTSBV, A.M., ratasuzent, red,~, RYABOHIK07, Ye,I., reteonzent, reds; SU~07, N.G., retseu- ze nt, red.; TAXAITAYN, P.T., rallsonzeat, reC...; TARA OVSKIT, S.Y.J, prof*', dokluor tekhn. nazk, wetucj-o.-.eulu, re(j.; TIZIS 1, R.R., :,-stann- zent., red. nWRO7. & H reteenzent., rad.; SHITYAKOV. M.N., retsenzent, -red.; SMUXOT,-Rel., retsonazont, rod.; Z=, S-Th. [deceased], almdemik,'glavnyy rod.; IUM, G.A., kand. teldm. nai*, red.; VILIMONOV, N.A., red.; VOTICOV, L.I., red.; GRISHIN, M.N., rod.; ZHIMIN. V.D., prof., doIxtbor tekhn. nank, red., KOSTROV. I.N., red.; LUMCH37, V.P.,- red,; iiiijilff, V.M., kand. tekhu. uamk, red.; MMHAYW7, A.V., kand. teldit. nauk, red.; PITRM, G.D., red.: RAZIN, N.V., red.; SCIBOLHV. V.P., red.; TERINGSa. B.P., roe..-, TRZYGOMM. (Continued on next card) ANDONOYEV, V.L.... (continued) Gard 3. Yo.F., red.; TSYMKOV, V.D. [decoazed], rod.; KORABLIKOVs P,Not tekhn. red.; GWIN. U.N., toldin. red. -, Kt.CHZWSKIY, N.V., -1,ekhn. red, [Volga-Don; technical accoi~nt of the construction of the V.I. Ienin Volga-Don Navigation Canal, the TSimlyansk Wdroelectrie Cent-r, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; tokhnicheskii otchet o stroitell- stve Volgo-Dowokogo sudokhodnogo kawla imeni V.I. Ion-Ina, TSim- lianskogo gid,-6u%la I orositel'afth sooruchonli, 1949-1952; v piati tomakh. Moskva, Goo. onerg, izd-vo. Tol,l. [Goueral at-ructu:ral .L)Uots] Gbahchee opi'anie ooorwhenii. Glar. red. S.IA. Zhuk-. desark V 0 Red. toma M.M. Grishin. 1957. 319 P. Tol.2. [Organization of con- st)m-ztion. S~pecializod operations in hydraulic onginsering] Orge'- "3iscatsiia stroitellotir.. SpetsialliVe gidro'~9khuA*.-.beskio rabo'by. (Continued on next card) AMNIM, V.I,.... (contitmad) card 4. Glar. red, S.IA;. Zhuk. Red. tom I.N. Kostrov. 1958. 319 p. (mm n.-9) 1, Rasaia (1923- - U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo elekbrostauteii. Byuro takhnicheakogo otcheta a stroltel'stive Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent A3mdamii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Deystvitel'477* dhleu Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Grishin, Basin). (Volga Don Canal-Aydraulic engineering) SA89/62/000/058/002/002 A001/A101 AUTHORS: Pan,chenko, N. I., Fedorov, Ye. P. TITLE: On determining the coordinates of the pole for time service SOURCE: USSR. Komitet standartov, mer I izmerifel'nykh priborov. Trudy institutov Komiteta, no.58 (118), 1962,.Isaledovaniya v ob- lasti izmereniy vremeni, 39 - 64 TEXT: The first chapter contains the history of the problem of determining pole coordinates for the purposes of time service and the criticism of the activi- ties of the International Latitude Service, SIL, which did not Assure the furnish- ing of necessary data for time service. As this drawback was evident for the So- viet astronomers. the 10th All-Union Astronomipal i;onference, held at Pulkovo on December 8 - December, 11 , 1952, elaborated the plan and prirs*al lines for acti- vities of the Soviet Latitude Service, which are described in the second chapter. The latter started operations in May 1953 after the approval of the plan by the Astronomical Council at the AS USSR. The Soviet Latitude Service carried out cal- culations of preliminary pole coordinates by A. Ya. Orlov's method which is based card 1/4 -)89/62/()00/()58/0()2/002 On determining the coordinates of the... AOOI1AIOI on two main assumptions: 1) The annual component of the pole motion is assumed to proceed along an ellipse whose shape and orientation relative to the Earth do not change, and 2) the Chandler component is described, within short time in- tervals, by a circular and uniform motion; equations of both elliptic and oircu- lar motion are given, and a numerical example of calculation- by Orlov's method of pol6 coordinates from 1952.6 to 1953.7 isIresented. The Soviet Latitude Ser- vice uses the data furniAed by the following Institutions. 1) The Main Astronom- ical Observatory, AS USSR, at Pulkovo,.2) The Gravimetric Observatory, AS UkrSSR, at Poltava, 3) 'Bie Astronomical Observatory imeni. Engellgardt at Kazan', and 4) the Latitude Station imeni Ulug-Bek at Kitab. The authors discuss the nature and variations of the non-polar component of latitude variations, the so-called Kimura z-term, and point out that prior to 1958 the calculation of pole coordi- nates by Orlovis method was performed after excluding the z-term, but since 1958 this practice was changed and the z-term has not been excluded in calculations. The third chapter describes the organization of the Rapid Latitude Service, SIR, by the 9th Congress of the International Astronomical Union, which started speedy calculations of pole coordinates in January 19%. The authors criticize the basic operational principle laid by Director of the Central Bureau of SIL, Ceachini, Card 2/4 S/589/62/'300/058/002/002 On determining'the coord1nates of the... A0O1/A101 consisting in requirement that the polhody of the Internatio~al Latitude Service should serve as a tast for the correctness of the results obtained by SIR. The inadequacy of this assumption, in the authorst opinion, followsfrom the incorrect assumption, by Cecchini, of the permanence of mean values of latitudes of the stations. They describe al.-;o the methods used by Director of the International Time Bureau, N. M. Stoyko, for calculAting the mean c6ordinates of the pole 'based on observations with zenith-telescopes at BelgrAd, Carloforta, Kitab, Midzusava, Poltava, Pulkovo, with photographic zenith-teloseopes at W"aington, Greenwichi. Ottawa, Richmond, Tokio, and Danjon prismatic astrolabes at Algiers and Parts., The fourth chapter deals with reduction of pole coordin4tes to a common systbn. It consists of two problems: 1) reduction to the mean pole of the epoch of ob- servations, and 2) reduction to the mean pole of some initial. epoch. The first problem was completely solved by Orlov whose method is briefly outlined. Thje second problem is considered as being not yet solved, and the procedure used by Cecchini of r4ducing the observations to the "barycenter of the 1900-1905 polhody" ,is criticized as being not correct. The authors illustrate their statement by presenting the graph of pole motion according to calculations by the International Time Bureau, Soviet Latitude Service and International Latitude Service, which .Card 3/4 S/~W62/bW/0,-0/002/002 On determining the coordinates of the... AOOI/AlOl. shows the divergence of the polhody calculated by the laAer from the former". two. The fifth and sixth chapter deal with estimates of the accuracy of determi- naticn of pole coordinates and their extrapolation to the future. It is concluded that extrapolation is admissible only for short time periods, not exceedirW, 0.5 years, which is sufficient for practical purposes. In conclusion the authora ad- vance a proposal-of esiablishing a scientific center for the assembly and analysis of all latitude observations and performance of fundamental research. There aie 3 figures and 9 tables. Card 4/4 FEDMOV9 Ya.P. Experience, in the operation of ZhR-5 transaitter-receiver sets. Avtca.v telam,i evias' 6 no.1109-40 N 162. (KMA 15:11) 1. SUkahiy inzhoner Likhoborakey distantaii aignalizataii i svyasi Moskovskoy dorogi, (Railroads.-Slootronic equipment) (Railroads-Ccwmmication systems) FEDOROV, Yeope ------------ An antenna =wt for the ZhB-5 radlo tranamittere Avton, telem* i sviaz' 7 no,1:39 A 1630 NMA 16:2) 1, Starshiy iuzh, dietantaii signalizataii i avyasi Mookovsko-Ckrushnogo otdeleniya Moakovskoy dorogi. (Railrolado-Commmication systems) (Radio-4-Antennas) gi- ggrun, a NAR -P4.',l1!. -FEDOROV, Ye. F.[Fedorov, IE. P.] This is what the soientiots say. Znan. U prataia no.10:8 0 162, (MIRA 15:10) Chlan-k,orrespandent AN UkrSSR. (Lif* on other Planets) FEDOROV, Ye. P. . How'we have increased the operational reliability of loudspeaker announcing systems. Avtom. telem. A svIaz' 8 no. 3:36-37 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Starshiy inzh. Moskovsko-0kruzhnoy distantaii eignalizataii i svyazi Moskovskoy dorogi. FFMOROVI YO.P. - .... ... --'I--,-.--,-,.,--,- - Forum of the explirers of the universe; the 12th Congress of the International Astronomical Union. Priroda 54 no,3t8l-86 Mr 165. (MM ISW lo Chlon-korrespondent JkN UkiGSR.- 0*94lobtoo*96660 I I a Aj I A 01011VU101410 A~A_9-9 -A IL LA 004 If "VAt! 3A go A Vji **# 5'~~ 00 & .~i go go a 000 00 Ji 00.,i 00 A . r r 064 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 11 X V 1111 its kV U11041#14,141 If 11 11 A T " a. . & . 'S_A...A-AJ P4119 left OPERATIONAL TF.ST OF M TAIL RACE OF M4D4!RCTRrc sTAnoN3 IN oma VATIM 3, Tn. Vartasarov mW ~. ~P~M. Giarotokh. Strolt. (No 3) 24.8 (19 In Russian. 50 It Is Important that the tailrace be dimensioned for the total water volms in all hydraulic conditions which Can AriNO in the derivation, and unatabl and Ilmnalent conditions must especially be considered, an -ccount'of the great length of these tailraces. (A series of different types, tnken from axiiting stationst is individually discussed.) Particular attention MUSt Also be devotod to the joinis to the facing or rendering- ,of the race, An froqunntly infiltrations were round to ondanger the sub- ntructures. The nottinR up of longitudinal, birilding-up Waves can only o"'cur whore the gradient exceeds 0 moro than 300-1,00 m lenrth and With I -ILA Alta 6 A CLASSaaacal" Oak.. 0- vis$ U 1% At 10 14 10 to 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 be .0000 ejo 0 00 0 0 &'e: o.t 0 0 f 0 *rib 015-0 02f on A rnit-ht qoctions of A SMOM Be F. Krauo .1-0.4- Spiali aii 00V Ali All A 9 41 ad 0 0 a I V I a af 0 6 :1* 0 o 00 0 0 * 0 so 40 o wo 0 fj 0 9 9 41~0 See 0 # 9 0 000000 0 0.0 *4620 -9 0 -00 WOO goo goo at* get a** goo goo Igo 0 use Ale* WOO Jf - Aiii 1PI K-'-' P I-! F I fn'~--44, to4,L -Fsdotov~' t k n), q, 0154. -'r, '~-L- jmdTo4-n4 bethilmiequato to pt'het the SiLti and Of iftf� produred jump. : S, Kalups I- USA- MEE Slim., MOROV, Ye.P., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. On the article "Study of the action of running waves on hydraulic structures." Gidr.stroi. 26 no.6:54-55 Je 157'1 OffAA 10:7) *(Waves) (Hydraulic engineering) "I. re.P., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Causes of wave formation I* chute spillways W. measures to prevent It, Gidreptrei,25 ixes6:46-51 ;1 9569 9: 9) (spillways) SOY/98-59-8-13/33 3(5), 30(l) AUTHORs Fedorov, Ye-P-t Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEt Wave-Formation in Fast-Plowing Rivers PERIODICAM Gidrotekhnicheakaye stroitel'stvo, 1959~ Nr 89 pp 48-49 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This is an answer to a critique by M.R. Razumovskaya (Ref.1) of an article on wave-formation in faat-flowing rivers (Refs.2 and 4) and reproaches her for rejecting without proof, many of the conclu- sions drawn In articles by the author of the article. These In- eluded the Importance.of the area covered f-T the current,_for which Razumovskaya replaces th Ie Index of area R.HoIby Ho/6. However this is.criticized on the ground that it does not take the shape of the c-ross-section of.the river-bed into consideratiou, as we' the. breadth and d-epth..The suggested causes of wave-formation are.1found to be incorrect, or rather, incompletely researched, factors such as energy pro duced, the speed and the length of the stream flow be- ing ignored. Razumovskaya also incorrectly criticized fig.2 in the original article, but her proposed project for the wave stream, given in fig.1 of her critique, is rejected as being unrealistic, Card 1/3 since it shows no turbulence on the river-bed. She is also criti- Wave-Formation in Fast-Flowing Rivers SOV/98--59-8-13/33 cized for failing to pay enough attention to the Yariationin depth, the "tail" of speed and volume of the current between the crest and waves, and for notfully understanding statements by Vf-dernikov and Kornish on wave-formation and the relation between energy and ero- sion, which she quoted. The author states that the reasons for wave- form%tion given in ref.2 are based on work by Vedernikov, Dressler, Kornish and TNISGEI (Tiflis Scientific Research ,Insti-tute of Construction and Hydraulic Power). The next point of criticism is that the critique by Razumoyskaym contained certain false data concerning wave-structure, the effect of aeration, etc, Particularly the contention that the power of wave-formation de- pends on the purely arbitrary value Q -r The author cites the examples of the TsnoriBersbLI3etskMy%,Baksan, and Ezminshaya rlvers, where the stream flow is,less than 25% of Qraach , and the Starays, and Novaya Acbalukakaya'and Tetrikhevskayay where it amounts to more than 40%. The statement that wave-formation decreases as the inclination of the river-bed increases is also refuted, the reverse being actual-, Card 2/3 1y the case, in addition to the contention that there is no connec- SOV/98-59-8-13/33 Wave-Formation in Fast-Flowing Rivers tion between the speed of the current and wave-formation. The an- thoV60ncludes with some ge.neral remarks on the criticized article's lack of specific evidence in the form of graphs, indications of research methods used, etc., pointing out that the reason that some of the data provided is so difficult to understand is due to erroneous measuring carried out at the GruzNIIGiM. A short sum- mary of the initial arguments is given at the end. There are 4 So- viet references. Card 3/3 71WROV, Te. P. -1_ Prinoiples of the modern theory of polar movements. Trudy Polt.grav. obser. 20-20 148. (Wak 8: 1) - (Ikrth--Rotation) DROZMV, "~-- ', LatitudL variations at Pbltava for the p-., iod 1945.5 - 1946-5. Trmdy Polt.grav.obser. 207-61 048. (mm 8:1) (Poltava--Zatitude variation) 7MROV, TO.P. Determining the value of a screw turn on the micrometer from observations of scalar pairs compiled on the basis of Washington zenith stars. Trudy Polt.grav,obosr. 2:79-83 148. (YJML 8:1) (micrometer) Terrestrial Motion nce of Fluctuations in tbe. Ocean's Level; by the Mation of the Eartble Poles, Upon Motion," Te. P. Fedorov, 4 pp ok Ak Nauk SSM" Vol ULY11, No 4 uctuations of instantaneous axis of rotation of earVh &ft ac;ccarpanied by changea it centrifvg*1 rce potential, this cavaing certain, changes In afor a tka ocean Is surface. Shif to in water rwee'vhich occur also have a reciprocal influe=e /Gecpkqsi--s Ocean (Ccntd), i Aug, the m6yament of the instantaneous axis Of od U, camsing a slight increave in Its peri W mutation. ~ Cotsiders: Jointly the influence ~,6f nations of the ocean's level and elaiiie of'tbe solid Of the'ecirth's part considering actn--l distribution at um vater. on the earth I asurface. Stbmitted by L~ S., Leybenzon 9 -am 49. 751k nwROV. TO. P. Causes for changes In thO Inclination of the axis and azimuth of morldian Instruments. Trudy Polt.grav.obser. 3:126-148 150. (Astronomical Inetrumints) (HIMA 8:1) S..G. 9 of Poltava according to observations frox ftly 5, 1949 ratituds, vwIstion (Iff-RA 6: 6 to September 1. 1950. Astron.teir. no.105:4-5 S 150- 1. yoltaygkaya Obeervatoriya. (poltava,-Tatitude variation) (latitude variatiOn-POltave) MOROV, Ye. P. Consideration of the effect of ocean tides in studying the lunar-solar variations in the force of gravity. Trudy Polt.grav.obser. 4:88-102 151. 09,U 6:6) (Gravity) (Tides) FMAOV, TO.P. wevm"& Now program for the latitude service and its testing in Poltava. Trudy Polt.grav.obser. 4:294-327 151. Wak 6:6) (Stare-Observutions) (Latitude varlati6s) FEWROV, TO.P. Studying the ocular micrometer of the Wansobaff vertical circle, Trudy Pblt.grav.obser. 4:347-360 051. (XLRA 6-.S) (Tertical circle) (Xicrometer) MOROV, Y1. P. _'W8#/Aiii~r=W- Mutation 51 ItSepmte Determination of the Coefficients of the Main Term of Nutation in Declination and LoW-.. tude." Ye. P. kedorov,, Toltava, O~s of Acad Scl. Ukrainian SSR "Dok. Ak Nauk SSSR! vol Lw., wo 4j, pp 569-m Investigates the error in nutation for various errors in the other variables measured. Compares, results with actual observations. Submitted 5 Jul Fesenkov. 51 ',y.Acad V. C 2=A 1. MOROfj TO. P. 2. UM (60D) 4. ft1tava Latitude Variation 7. latitude variations for Poltava in 1950. Astronetair, No. 3.109 1951. 9. Monthlj List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FebrunT 1953. Unclassified. 77-175R"~'! 1 M~' USSR/Academy of Sciences Sep 52 "Third Conference bn latitudes," Ye. P. Fedorov, Cand Phys-Math Sci Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 9, p 117 The following two reports were read at the Third M-Union Conference on Latitudus in Poltave: K.A. Kulikovo Dr Phys-Fath Scis "Latitude Service - International and Soviet"; Ye. P. Fedorov of the Poltava Gravir.etric Observatory, "Study of the Inner Structure of the E&rth by Methods of Astronomy and Gravimetry." A new method for determining the coordinates of poles was proposed by A. Ya. Orlev, Corr Hem, Acad Sci USM 251T82 USSR/As tr~ - NOW's C)scdlla+.Ims Aug 52 "Lunar Half -Monthly Oscillations in Latitude According to Observations at the Stations, of Narloforte and Yukays. From 1899 to 193Y' Ye. P Fedorov, Ye. I. Yevttishenko, Gravimetric 6s of Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR, Poltava "Dok Ak Nauk SSSH" Vol 65, No 4.., PP 731s 732 lGives the results of operating on all the pub- lished observations, at the 2, subject stations namely 66,220 observations at Karloforte, wid 5,736 observations ai. Ilikaya). States that in the axm3,vsis of the half-monthly oscillations 227T37 ~of latitude they detd 2 waves: tidal and nuta- ~tionxa. Submitted_:~y Acad V.G. Fesenkav ~un 52,, 2M37 1, MMROl. YE, P.-and.WiTUSHOYNEIZO, YE. I. 2, USS4 (6po) 4. latitude Variation-San Pietro, Italy 7. Semimonthly lunar variations in latitude bases on observations made at stations in Carloforte &ad Ukiah from 1899-1934. Astron.tsir. not 126, 1952o 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, .1953. Unclassified. r it rMMMI, T66, Pr. 2e UM (600) Is, Poltava - Latitude Variation 7. Latitude variations at'Poltava from simultaneous observations on two zanith telescopes during tho period 1950,9-a952,2. Astrontair. No. 1-26# 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, F2bEgwX 1953. Unclassified. --M)0R0'U,-Yw-P.- U004tronogW 0cographical 1 Aug 53 Latitudes "Sldw Non!.-Polar Variations ofLatitudes,"'Ye. P. Fedcx`ov'-'Po1tava Obs Acad Sci USSR DAN SESSR, Vol 91j, No 4j, PP 759-762 Outlines results of observational analyAs of the Cen- tral Bureau of international Latitude Service which confirm correctness of principles introduced by the Poltava program and corrtctness of suggestions for changets in the program of MSSh introduced by Soviet astronomers. Presented by Acad V. G. Fesenkov, 5-4ui 53. 272T33 MOROV. R.P. Variations in the latitude of PbltaLva In 1952 from simultanso-ag observations on two xenith telescope@. Astron.tair. n0-13534 7 153. (M,,U 6:6) 1. PoltavekWa observatorlya. (POURra-Latituds variation) AXUNT'YWA,- ZON, YIDOROV Ta Ps- A.IA.Orlov; obituary. Astron.tair. no.146:1 7 154. (MI-RA 7:601 1. Poltava, Observatorlya. (Orlov, Alekeandr Iakoylevich, 1880-1934) 4 MOROV, Ye, P. ]Daily.lunar wave In latitude variatione. Astron.toir. no. 10:12 Ap 054. (PT2A 7:8) 1. Observatoriya (Poltava) . (latitude Yariation) FZDOROV, To. P. Results of observations made on two s3nith telescopes at Pbltava from 1949.8 to 1954.2. Astron.tair. no-1427-8 W 154. (KM 7:7) 1. Pb1tava, Observatoriya. (Pbltav&-Latitude variation) (Latitude variation--Pbltava) VXMOT. To. P. PANCHWO. N. I. Motion of the pole In 1952 from data of the International and Soviet Latitude Service. Astron.tair. no. 14:8-10 Ng 154.(nU 7--7) 1. Poltava. Observatoriya. ~North Pole) . FwOT, N.A. I YXDCROT I T Problem of methods for observing deflection of a light ray in the solar field of g~ravityo Astronotairo no.151:21-22 Jl 154. (MM 8:3) 1. Observatoriya, Poltava. (Bolipoes, Solar-1954) (TAght) I. I FMRDT, Ye.; YEVTUSHEM, To. m Daily latitude variations according to observations miade on tvo zenith telescopes at Poltava# Astron,tair. no.152tl7-18:S 154, (MM 833) 1e Poltava observatoriya. (Poltaveo-Latitude variation) PANCHM0,1A.; YEDCROV,Ye.P. Movement of the earth's pole according to data from the Interns- tional and the Soviet Iatitude Services. (KIRA 8:10) 1. Observatoriya, Poltava (Latitude variation) Determining the constant of nutation from o'beervations of the International Latitude Service. Astron.tair. no.164:io-12 0 '55. (MLELA 9:5) 1. Observatoriya, Poltava. (mutation) FMROV, YO.P. Xxtrapolation of polar coordinates. Astron.tair. no-164:13-1,41- 0 133. (KLVA 9:5) 1. Observatoriya. Poltava. (GoordinateB, Polar) " I Me Computation of the Pole Co-ordinates" (Section 111) -9 paper submitted at l1th Genaval Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geqphysice, 3-14 SeP 5T) Toronto, Canada* C-3,800446 FEMOT, To. Pe Doo Phys-Math Soi -- (digia). "Nutation and foreed-movement of the earth's poles aocording to data of latituJinal observations." Pulkovo, 1957. 14 pp (Aaaa Sai USSR. Main Astronamic Observatory), 100 oopies (KL, 44-57, 98) -2- -~Ov -Ye a -R., "Computing the Coordinates oi'~ the Pole)" The International Association of Geodesy; Abstracts of the Reports of the XI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957. 63 P- The syst tic errors in the corrdinates of the Pole published by the Central Bureau of the International Latitude Service (IIS) are caused by an insufficient number (3-6) of observations. The regular latitude observations are now eondu-cted at 13 stations and will be increased probably to more than 20 during the IGY. With a sufficiently large number of stations participating in this program, the inherently weak loop method of calculations is still the most acceptable as some difference in the systems of declinations at various stations will not significAntly affect the results. Mean latitudes are determined by A Orlov's method. P, AUTHOR: ;/aclorovp Ye&P, TITLE: On the Forces of Interaction Between the Earth's Core and Crust Occurring in Consequence of the Nutation (0 silakh vzaimodeystviya, yadra i obolochki zemli, voznikayushchikh voledstviye nutatsii) PERIODICAL; Doklady All SSSRO 1957, Vol* 115P Nr 6t ppo 1084-1087 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When investigating the rotational motion of the eqrth's crust it in necessary to consider the effect of the exterior disturbing forces of attraction of the moon and the sun abd also the forces of interaction between crust and core. At first formulae for the temporary modification of the kinetic moment of the earth's crust and of the kinetic moment of the whole earth aregiven. It is not possible to determine the coefficients of all mutation terms from the observations and therefore the author confin'led himself to the detfirml-4ation of the fundamental terms and of the half-month terms. The result obtained can be described as follows: The mo- bility of the earth's core with regard to the earth's cruet has thefollowing effects: 1) An extension of the modulus of the Card 1/3 vector 0",217ag e+iat (Here g denotes the modulus of the a a On the Forces of Interaction Between the Earth's Core and .-m-.6-9/48! Crust Occurring in bonsequence of the Nutation. v:otor,G,t that isp the kinetic moment of the earth's crust; m reov r it is validok a at, where t denotes the time). The moment occurring in consequence of the fundamental nutational motion can be described as a sum of V + 2. Here it in valid -iat U2 N _O",032agae . 2) The inversion of the direction of the' motor V . (Nero the moment occurring in consequence of the h f-monlhly nutation can be put down in the form of -the sum .11%1 1, e_iPt. VI + , with - OH,oo23 pg,e+"*9-f2 - -0",ooolpg, 3) The derivation of V and V that side which is contrary to the direction of rotation of h!oe vectors with regard to the earth. An exact conformity of the theoretical conclusions with the observations cannot be expected because of the rough model tbat has been applied here. For further precision of -these re- sults it is necessary to analyse new data of observations. There are 9 references, 5 of which are Slvic. Mird 2/3 -.20-0-9/48 On the Forces of Interaction Between the Earth's Core and Crust Occurring in Conadquence of the Nutation. ASSOCIATION: 961t*va 0rkv1mtitr1o obsermtoi7t , AN of the Ukminian SSR (Poltavokays gravimetricheekaya, observatoriya AN USSR) PRESENTED: By Academician V.G.Fesenkov, April 2, 1957 SUBMITTED; April 19 1957. AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 3/3 ijq, R, R M PRASR.j BOOK ECEWITATION U89 Fediirov,, Yevgeniy Paylovich Rutatsiya i vymuzhdannoye dvizheniye p6lymov zmIj po, da=ym shirotayka AablYudeniY '(Nutstim and Forced Motion or the Earth t a .1oles Based on Data from Latitude Observations.) Kiyev,'. Izd-Yo, AN Ukrainskoy SMI, TLO. 142 P. 1POOO,copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: AkRdmiya nauk.Ukrainsk'oy'SSR-1 PoitaysbW& gmv~metrichesbLya-observmtorlym. ~esp. Id.., ~wentleva, Z*N., CorrespLaUng Member AN Ukr-,SSR PURPOSE: The book is intended for z.civxtists and giadqate,studebts worIng in the field tir "t2;OnMy ihd-&'e-0*y2IQs, COVERAM: The author develops- +~I.Ooy of rotation for an autitally deromop FArth and compares his conclusions with tAe Amits or'latituainal abserwations. Such observations are -utllizedto"detendno independently the coeMelents of Ue main aembe* of~.nwtatim " a'& Iselized .w and, I agitude. The sutAar din- cusses the *me rethrdstion or nmtWoft MA formgmWas ettatimm 'for thi ifbrftd- mOvbkOnt bt-Lth*-X&tthis"'.Voloni,-.Ifti&-AtIW~I&AU Card 1/4 Nutation and Forcecl Motion (Cont,) 1189 ing our understanding of the interaction between the Barthts core and mmotle* The'vork includes 1T figures and 30 tables., Scientists mantioned:-N.1, Idellsoup N,A, Popor. There axe 59 x~eferences, of which 20 an Soviet,, 24 lagllish,, 10 German, 4 French., and'l Czeefis TMLR Cr CONTEIM: Introduction Ch. 1, Theory of the Rotational Nov*nnt of.a Peifect3jy M*tic Earth 8 1. Derivation of movement equations of the *earth'& Idnetic moment 8 2. Tenao'r variations of -the Barth's inertia with Earth deformations 10 3- P.recession and nutation equations 14 4. Differential equations of the Barth's kinetic moment movements relative to the Earth itself IT 5- Integration of Equations of the relative of the kinetic moment 19 6. Movemut of the poles in an el"tic 4tormable Earth 21 Ch. 1I# ~ Main Nutation Members Caxd 2,4 Nutstion and Forced Motion (Cont.) 1189 7. Method of Investigation. Wtial values 25 8,j Reductio.a. of Initial values to a jpneral system of declinations and propor movements 31 9. Aberration corrections for Jupitor,and Saturn 36 10. Corrections for wal I nutstift modbers 38 1l# Ccuputing zenithal distances'of Voir contort 40 12. o mean vitluo turn of an ocular Determining corrections forth . zdarcostor., screw 42 13-, Non-periqUe voAation's In latitude 49 14o DetermiAng,corrections for declinations asd VroVer soyments (first approzLmation ' 51 15. Deterndzing'VW4 ..c Went of type at c0 B (q - Cj )4- d,) +a.2.cosQ*C0 + br. 1~(d 7 + Q 53 16* 'The POSsible 6ause Of the aypearande of thp "Ralf-YW wave _ in the values of tlie nutation constant. 57 1 9 Period analysis of voxiations ix:- latitvide Determining' A N, Zing .(second approximation) 64 19. Ccwparison with results c6tained by other scientists 67 III. Forced movement of the Earth's Poles Ti Card -3/4 NutAtion and Notion (Cm.. lag 20. Introductory rwmrks 71 21. inmusi bOpr we. As latitude variations according to the Internatlimal Latitude Berrim Initial 4ta, and CoMputing Scheme 22, Comection for nutation amber vith argument (7. , 23 - - Results 81 24. ~Results ok 'bY Other scientists 82 25. Correction far tiftl deflections of the Piteii- lim 85 260 Final wTresilon of the diurnal Imar veve in latitudinal Variations 86 Ch. IV. S=e Conclusions on the TAteraetionSetveen the Earth's Core and Mantle 09 27. -,33rief historical data 89 28. Detandaing the mameats of forces acting om the muAle fron the core 91 29. Cofte#son wit4L, the Siude ' kiy-polm"d 95 Supplement 98 'BibUographic Reference AvgWtz: Library of Congress Card 4/4 i-26-59 'AUTHOR: Fedorov, Ye.P. SOV/10-59-1-5/32 TITLE: Some ProM-6~~-Pfi~sics of the Earth at the Tenth Congress of the International Astronomical Union (Nekotoryye problemy fiziki zemli na. X sllyez- de mezhdunarodnogo astronomicheakogo soyttza) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya geografiche- skaya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 48-51 ~USSR) ABSTRACT: This article gives a brief account of the activity of the above-named congress, which took place in MoEcow from 12 to 20 August 1958. Among other things, it dealt with irregularities in the rotation of the earth and studies in the movements of the earth's poles. The congrees was attended by a num- ber of astronomers, that included L. Essen, and G. Dzheffris from England, A. Danzhon and N.Y. Stoyko Card 112 SOV/10-59-1-5/32 Some Problems of the Physics of the Earth at the Tenth Congress of the International Astronomical Union from France, V. Markovits and D. Brower from the USA. ASSOCIATION: Poltavskaya gravimetricheskaya observatoriya AN UkrSSR (Gravimetric Observatory of the AS 'UkrSSR, in Poltava) Card 212 rJUM I roor EXTWITMICIr SC7/5742 Akad,-Z~dya nmik SSSR. J!izhduvcdcr--1.vcnnrj k6mitet po pmvc&n1yu '1'-,1zLt=arodnoGo C~--ofizicbnokogo Coda. VIII razdalprogrrj::.V Z~M: Shircty I do3zoty. rezulltaty isal-edovanij kolebaniy chircit I avitherki7a polyusay zemli; abornik atete7 (Praliminary Data of Latitude Variations and HiGrations o' the Earth's Poles; Collected Articles. No. 1) 11!c.,ccrj, Izd-vo A41 Mal, 97 P. Errata 011p inserted, 1#OW copies printod. MU-033. Ma collection of articles In intended for astrono:-ars, Geophysicists, and otber ccitatisto concerned with the problem of latitude variations and tLe migration of the Earth's poles. CTMAG"': Part I of the Collection contains preliminary rcanlto of latitude oboarvationa from 1957.5 through 1959.0 nade at M1 -tations in tbc = n:-twork, including new stations In Siberia. Part 11 cowista of articles darcribinZ now Instruments, obcarratiorzLI proGr= and retlLoda, and pro- cedurce, of processing the latitude observutional data. With the larGer nud)er of stations and the use of new iustru=nta It is anticipated that the final results will yrovida a more cox;rcbensive atudy of anomalies and Inatn=ntal C .4-3,zq- nata or LatitTAa vajdationa (cont.) L-57/5742 arrora In latitude V-4i b-a:s b~!nn pocaible provic--31y. VC, r-r- conitlitica ara runtionad. 'Enallah 61;otracts and references follow each Lrticla. mu S. V., L. D. rub.-tina, un-4 71, 11. Ardreyen%a. TAtitude at t1w Vain Aztro=dcal Obaermtory of tha Academy .;l GcierA:e3 UM (Fr6yborg-tondratlyov ZcnIth--Tclcrco;v) 7 Ye. 1., 1. P aad 0. V. Mrurrnarwa. C"nr~ratlcnu of Talcott Pairs at tta Poltava Grar-fr--trical of tha Ukrainian AcaL'V-mj of Sciences (Zcloa -,!,L,1Ath-Talascc,pa) 9 110;ov, 5. A. Obaorwations of rxl:-;ht Zenith dtars at the Poltwm tric ml,Obser7atory of the U*zrainian Aca&=7 of Sciences (Zalu,q Zenith-Telescop) card 2/5 ?:21L"An-N,.7 Date of Latituda.variationa (Cont.) e7l/5742 if. I., ye. r Zoarwa. Obnervat-11 azil A. P. th-- roltura Gruyl-r--tric.1 CHncrvatc,-.7 of tl-') of Oclencen (Da"-' ara UnItli-yZelacco;a) 17 C-,L,.-.,--,-,t,-,ra, -,c." 1. Cb.-ervutions of Drl5ht 7,A-nith Stara at tho PoltrvA Obrervatc;rr of the Mrdimlan-~Walvzy or'Sclenceb (r=-barg I; j7t~th --To 10 cc O;n) 20 V. P., P. 11. nabinnkiy,, and It. A. 'Chadowlch~ava. Latitude -nrntionn at th* Antrono--tcal Gbr=74torj Lmni Ennlleardt (Z'11-180 Zenith-Takocopa) 25 D. 1. Latitude ObcarvationD at the Kitab Xnternatiowl Lat-lt--de station izmvi Mus-bok (Bamberg UnIth-Tclabco-po) 28 S. Latitude Observations at tho liWtok State ActronomLeal Oboorratary i=ni A. A. ZhdAmr (zTL-leO ZCuith-TaUccope) 31 Card 5/5 7T-, - NMI H P MOM Tz 1-L-Inary Data of Latitude Variations (Cont.) SVI/5742 VXX -.10 V. I., and X. F. I(brIyat. The D3terrlnr-tion of DuLkovo Vw4ationa Pron Par&Ml Obzorrations With Tim zanit:u -Telescopaa 3k A.. 1%. Prolininary namalts of Mearratio= With T~m ZcaLtL Telciscopis of tha Ritab Latitudon Station During the Fcriol 1957-5- 43 i-ILko,,ra, T. 1., 0. It. Zhul=a, V. V. riestarov, and Tu. 1. Prodzn. --,U--fnnz7 newilts.of Proceasing Obsermtions With the M=c&j Zenith DwirZ 1958 4T ..',Ucr, Mi.. r., and V. A. lr=-zv. Th.,ory and Hathod, of Proccanins 1'.~optc;-zallile Zenith Tube JFZT] Observations 56 N. 11., and Kh. I. Potter.' List of Mrs on the Pulkovo P.'Lott--raphia Zenith Tube (FLT) Program 68 1~-jazhnvakly, A. A., and Te. P FedorOT. On the Question of Evalustino, the Accuracy of T5 Carl 4/j F= I Boo:%. ILPLO116=11c:61 -091/5721 Vst!aoyuzn&3,a astrwatricheakaya hoaforentaiYa. Tridy .14-y Autrcrotri2hoo,wy konforontaii "=I, Kiycvr' 2T-N -~,- 1930 g. (Tranomticon of the 34th Artrc7-,Aric-%1 0," tho UZZ3, ~Ucld in ray"T 27-30 May 1958) Moccov, lzcl~vo 'M 1960. 4P0 p. Errata o112 inzorted. 1000 ecTics -printod. Sizzoring Apneys BwAcmlya nauk GO.S% Glamaya wArmcilcheaknya 0, aervatoriya Rc3p. Ed.-. M. S. Zvorcv, Correz:;:;nding Mc-,:ber, J%cidr-::y of Sciencco U33111 Ed. of Publishing Houaos If. K. Zaychi%; TLch. Ed.. -41. A. Z:;:z.-C.Ycva. FMV Mae book Is Intended for vmtroi~=rj and =tro:;hyzicisto, rarticularly thoue Interested In 6atmotrical recoarch. C(TIMWE: This publication yr--ccn' U the Transactiona -of the 14th Astr-trical Conference of the USS-11, hold in Kiyev 27-30 M~y 1958. It Inclia,!1co L'7"=:)Orts wid 55 scientific pm7oro yrescztca at'the plonary mcatir~3 of the Ccaference - -- --------- --- Tranac4t.i-=a of the 14th Aztraactr1c-U (Cent.) 50-1/5721 the opceial nactional nectlnZ3. ecntaing the rezoluticns adcZted by the Coaference.. the cc:,~rozltion cY the, cu--mittcca.- tha a-,--a!a, and the lint or I)artic1lo-ita u'. the Cc-i.:ercv%ta. A briof ctr-=y In rngliuh la given at the end of etch exticle. Rda~,-mcaa follCl indivlik-'Ll artiClea. The Trasidi= of the Astrcuetrical Cm-nittao (Chalr,--nz 14. S. Zvarov), vhich st*~:xvizcd the rrej~=tion of t1ala 1~ubllcaticn, t:--prazoca thenk ' C. the mcmbora of the accratcriatj V. H. Vazilfycy, 1. G. Kollchinskiy, A. B. Oae- gina, and Kh. 1. rotter. 'MIZ OF GO== Foreword 'Address by A. A. Mikhaylov, Chalrm= of the Astronomical Council the Acad=y of Sciences USSR RZFMM OF Tim ASTTC =-1 CAL MZa AND SOCCANaW: =- mmmmmai W ASMa-r--=CAL 11CLIX rl-'-'=!~. BY VAILIMS mmu-nais card 21kis - - - - - - - - - - - - ;zn~f. VIM`illl~~; ~ii ~f -71 cvmv, mv, Tmasaatluno of the 14t~ Astrometriall (cont.) SC0721 - st'smatia Errors of Star Declinations Obtained dI S A 1 K . (!fe . ,ra, ye y Frm M. A. Grachev a Observatims 121 ko'Aurma, K. So DeelInation' By-stem Obtalned Frcm Latitude Cbg-srva- ti= 131 ElAr'-w Te. ?., TU. 1. Frod~n, and Do ws romonftrev* The Liot of - ~ti~5-777A-;,itude Progrms for Obsermtims on Meridian Cir-31*s 139 Bugc-31avskaya, we, Y., 'The Problem of Binary Start in th* AGK3 cats1cipe 143 ".ror-v. M. So, a. M. Timashkove. Nev Programp fee Meridian ' Obsermtions 147 T-il=ammi 0. K. Plexure-Free Vertical Circle 155 Dmfs, V. K." and No A. Cbernsga.' Phatogr&Vhing the Divialmi of a 2 16 Circle . C&rl &ft& 6 6;,, R lifiEs MAN M It Te*P., doktor Yorty-five hundred and forty kilograms are In orbit. Znan. ta, prat- sJa no-7:3 J1 16o. (HIBA 13t8) le Direktor Glavnoy astronomichookoy observatoii An USM (Artificial satellites) ORWV, Aleksandr YakovIeviohl zaal. dayatell nauki USSR (2880-19541; M.-- SENTOYEVA) Z.N.t otv. red,j LAVRENTIYLTA, Te.V., starshiy na=bM7 sotr.) red.j POPOV, N.Ao p starshiy nauohW -notr... red.j starobiy nauchW sotr.9'red ORWV, B.A*, starshly nauchrqy sotr.p red.j LABINOVAjN.M.p red,i;~-va; RAKRLBAI N.P.,, tekbn. re4. [Selected works in tbres volumes] Isbranrqe trudy v trekh tomakh. Kie'TJP Izd--vo Akad* nauk USSR. Vol.l. 1961. 353 P. (MM 14:10) 1. DeystvitellsM7 chleh AN USbR ieblen-korrespondent AN SM (for Orlov). 2. Cblon.-korrespondent AN USSR (for Aksentlyeva). .3.'Poltavokaya graVimetricheskaya observatoriya (for Lavrent yalras Popovp'Fedorov). 4. Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya v I'ta- kove (for Orloryj B,A*), (Astronorq) (Earth) (Latitude) (OrZovy Aleksandr IAkovlevioh,, 1880-1954) ORLOV,, Ileksandr Yakovlevich j zaale deyatelf nauk USSRj AKSENTIYEVA., otv. red.j IAVRMIYEVA, Ye.Y.,, starshiy nauchWy sotr.,, red.j~ POPOV, N.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotr., red.; FEDOROV Ye P staxishiy nauchW sotr.., red.; ORLOV, B.A., 7tTx,shiy ~Ecvmy sotr.., red.; IABINOVA.. N.M.# red. izd-va; HAKHLINA, NeP., teklme red. (Selected works in three volumes] lzbram3ye trudy v trekh tomakh, Kievo Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol-3. 1961. 242 p. (KIRA 1-141) I N tvitelInyy chlen AN USSR, Chlen--korrespondent AN SSSR (for 0;.I"DVI'9* 2o Chlen-korreepondent AN USSR (for Aksentlyev). 3. Pol- tavsl:aya gravimetricbeskaya observatoriya (for Lavrentlyeva, Popov, Fedorav), 4, Glavna7a astronomicheakaya observatori-ya v Pulkove (for Orlov). (Geopbysice) FEDOROV, le.P. [Fedorov, IN.P.]; GLAGOLEVA, I.I. [Hlabolieva, I.I.] Flattening of latitude observaticne. Dop. AN URSR no.4tM-477 162. (MR& 150) 1. Glavnaya, astronemicheskaya, observatoriya AN USSR. 2. ChIen- korrespondent.AN USSR (forFedorov). (Astronomical geography) (Electronic digital computers) PAIICHENKO, N.L; FEDOROV, Ye -0 P. Determination of polar coordinates for use of the time service. Trudy inst.-Kom'.# stand*, mer i izmj prib. no.58:39-64 162. MIU 15:11) (Time-Systems and standards) ,(Coordinates,, Polar) 7- Plenwia of the Cmdesion for studying the Earth's Rotation. Vast. AN SSSR 32 no.8:120-122 Ag 162. (KM 15-8) 11 Chlea-korreppondent, AN USSR FLEYKi, A.G., ntv. red.; PAVLOV, N.N.) red.; POCHENKO, N.I., red.; FODOBED, V.V., red. (Rotation of tile earth; materials of t)iq, e,~cpanded plenum of the Committee for the Study of the Ea4 is Rotation of the Astronomical Coun2il. of the Acade-,V or Scienm of the U.S.S.R. on April 10-1,3,, 1962,, in Kievj Vrashchenle Zer1l; materialy rasshirennogo plenuma Komissli po izuchenliu vrashchaniia Zendi Astronomi-cheskogo soveta All SSSH, Kiev, 10-13 aprelia ~962 g. Kiev, lzd-vo P11 USSR 1963. )09 P. 411RA 17;0/) lo Akademiya nauk URSH, Kiev. Holovna astronomiclma obser- vatoriya. FEDOROV, Ye.P. (Fedorov, IE.P.] NOW-womm"m Pw In the depths of the planet. Nauka I zhyttia 13 no.10t 244.5 N 163. (MM 16:12) 1. Direktor Glavnoy astronomicheekoy observatorii AN UkrSSR, chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSSR. FED2EQY#_j&j,#_otv. red.; LUKATSKMA, F.I.j, red.; GORMA, A.A., red.; KOLCHIIISKIY, I.G.., red.; BEREZINETS., L.P.., red. (Studies in the pbysics of stars and diffusion matterl Is- sledovaniia po fizike zvezd i diffuznoi materii. Kiev, Naukova dumkaj 1964, 74 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1., Akademiya nauk URSRp Kieve Holovna astronomichna oboe- vatoriya. otv. red.; GORYNYA, A.A.. red.; KOLCHINSKIY, I.G., red.; LUKATSKAYA, F.I... red.; BEREZIMS, L.P., red. (Froblema in autrometry) Voprooy astrometrii. Kiev, "Naukova dumkap" 1964- 94 P. (MIRA 17:6) I Akademiya nauk URSH, Kiev. Holovna astronomichna ob- S;rvatoriya. KOVALI, I.K.j otv. red - FEWROV Ye P * red.; GORYNYA, A.A., red.; KOU' HINSKIY , i i. - ~H; '~YA, F. I. , red. - BERICZAMS, L.P., red. f [Physics of the moon and planets) Fizika LurW i planed. Kiev, Naukova dumkap 1964. 137 p, (MIRA 17:10) 1 1. Akademiyanauk URSR, Kiev. Holovna aatronomichna ob- servatoriya. FEDO!"Olvp Y-31F, i Allocation of o rating frequenclei for ZU,-5 trunmitter-nre~v- Pe - '64. QMA r7:3) ,~r mdtq. Av-t-om. telem. i sviazl 8 no.1:36 Ja 1. 6tarshfty Jnzh. Moskovskc-Okruzhnoy distantsii nigna-lizat'SH i s-,rya?i 1-~,skavskoy dorogi. r) (+ r u r c A f3 C terregtri a I ref er e qce ell i --of A a 4 rt h mar. S retn tit r i r r. 11 v ns, S! M e L r 7 U n d a ta c a t a 1 a L a L w U U_ i'mi W- ARqIRACT. Lunar observations are used for dete7mintn,-, tic ar'.ent- :L-M e -arrestrie.1 re~erencc s 4 cen- r, q t a I i9 a "I i r Ie 0.2 Le r mine d inEead ol Q improves the observattort data and maices ic possibie ro correct luuar Card 1/2 M-M -M 2 M M 9 M - '61 i ANN, ul RU34M.R. V I - M. 4,44"ANIN i uN AP4046588 F F S L C f the accura c (I e, v a r i a i L a L ----n In vlp~ I of the Enclo-,---re. Tlhp !~r-r~lnaticn vi T~ 8 1 9 c r i o e -I ~i -i i 0 t ;tandard latitude valves, i.e., me-ta "-Lervalg. and 2) the smoothing of chese values. to a~L;.uapllsh h o r g p d t 'i e te r h C) t L 8718-65 -ES z~- s-,---trun, wlitla the si-noothinR tranisfr, r n f; 7.4 *L 1 1-1 -f 7~ 7 r MIF9 lu X- --ovan ACCE::Mom NRI AP4040850 r t f r a ri s T e r i I., f ~~N'Re Sat m KORSUNI, A.A.; YWSHEVA, N.B.; YATSUOIT, U.S.; FEDOROV) Y- F., otv. red. (Results of observations with zenith telescopes in 1960-- 1963: Pulkovo, Gorkiy, Kitab, Poltava, Kazan, Irkutsk, Blagoveshchensk] Rezulltaty nabliudenii na zenit-teleskopakh v 1960-1963 gg.: (Pulkovo Gortkii, Kitab, Poltava, Kazan', Irkutsk, R)ngoveshchensk.1 Moskva, 1964. 50 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Akademiia nauk URSR, Kiev, Holovna astronomichna observa- toriia. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Fedorov). FEECROV Ye.P.J. -'L'J. red.; G--lAYNY,'.., A..A.,,, rel.- KOLCHINbR-Y, I.G., ---- -"~jO*M.'T-LUKATSK-!.YA,, F.T.9 K-REZII;iTS# LaFo; rr-l. [Spec trophotometric of active formatims cn 'tha sun] spektrofotmetricheskle Iss-ladovanila aktivuykh cb- razovanii na SoIntse. Kiev, Nauk4wa dumkn, 19(4. 104 p* (MIRA 1702) astronomich:,A obser- 1. Akademlya nauk MISI, 'Kia:rs Hol.,,vna vataftyas YAKOVKINI A.A., otv. red.-, FEDDROV Ye.P., red.; AKSFLNTIYE;VA, Z.N. , red., bARA V, F~'M'e BOCORODSKIY, A.F. red.; GOVINA, A.A., red.; KOVALI, I.K.,,red.; KCLGIVNSKIY~ I.Q., red.;.TSESEVICH, V.P.., red.; K6VAlZNKO,, La Do red . (Figure and motion of the moon] Figura i dvi-heale IAwy. Kiev., Naukcva dumka; 1965. 135 p. (Ml;~ 18:7) 1. Aklademiya nauk MISR, Kiev. C nu, x'E. F., Enj;. .2. us~a (60u) 4. RoL~d Hach:nery 7. ileuv,~ trailLr grader D-20D, Mlokh, stroi. 9p No. 10, 19152 9. Monthly List of Russian Access-Lonst Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. 1. RC3TCTSi'-Aj V. K.; FZXRCV, YE. P-2 ENO- :2. ussa (6oo) 4. Road ki-lachinery 7. Self-propelled medium type grader D-265. Mekh. stroi. 9, No. 10, 1952 90 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. IZARABOV, V,.A., inshener; P.9 inshener, reteenzent; HEMIROVSKIT. I.1., Inshener, rawo-wrt-I-IMPI, B.I., takhnicheekly redaktor [Automotive asphalt-conorsts placer] SamokhodiWi ukladchik aefal'to- betonas Moskva, Goes nauchno-takhn. isd-vo mashinostroit. I suilo- stroit. lit-ry, 1953, 122 P, [Microfilm] (HLU 7:10) (Road machinery) VEMKOMIY,.Z.L., inshouer; TXDOROV. Ye.P., inzhener. The D-255 motor grader* Vestemash. 33 no.9:27-30 5 133- (XLRA 6:10) (Road mahinery) FIDOROV, Ys,P*, insho Nev,D-426 automotive grader. Stroi. i dor. mashinostr. no.4:14-16 Ap 158. (MIRA lllj~) (Graders (larthmoving machinery)) "TIPCIVP L.A.2 inzho; LFZHEFEKCFV, B.S.,, inzh.; STAVTSEV, B.N... inzh.; FlOOROV) Ye.P., inzh. Improving the design of motor graders at the Orlov Factory. Sti-oi*i dor.,maoh* 7 no.2:7-9 P 162. (NIRA 1515) 1. (Graders (Eartbmoving machinery)) FTZOR,I~ . Y .-P!; SHALIMMP YU.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Evaporation combustion chamber of a gas-turblne engine and characteristics of its operation. Avt. prom. 30 no.5s42- 45 Y7 164. (MIRA l7j9j' 00 FEWROV, Ye.P.; YATSKIV, Ya.s. Causes of the spurious Obifureationm of the period of the earth's free nutationa Aatran. zhur. 41 no.4t764-768 Jl-Ag '64 (MIM 17 z8) 1. Glavna-ya aatronomichookayn oboervatorlya MI UkrSSR. Oman L 247 Y/Vr ACCESMON Idt: "5001136 5/0113/64/000/005/0042/004.5 AUTHORt Fsdorov, Ye. P., 18haltman, Yv. 1. (Croddidate uftea.,= SOURCE- Av.bmobU'naya promyshlennost', m. 5, 1964, 42-45 sue sub( prea f ~.,Wa Ott cha4~er -in -the fift tabi &6 stun-air-mbd4ce L:Hrjyl 61, v_!~,_A L 24770-6 5 ACC:9MOXI MI: APSM1136 iat M=talc- --A.ATj Ur-Larga~s ~Zre~ lets, J%&,V-apGrL-dw COTAh"m- WIER *fvna in? Natil. S&Sp 1, for .,I,