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8/137/62/000/003/12Z/191; Ao6o/Aloi AUTHORs Pedorov, V. B. TITLE: Residual stresses and fatigue strength under centrifugal-pellet cold hardening PEPJODICAL: Referat1vnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 3, 1962, 26-27, abstract U157 ( IfTr. Ural'skogo politekhn. In-ta", 1961, coll. 112, 23-33) TFXT: An investigation In carrJed out Into the effect of residual compressive stresses and hardening of the surface layer upon the increase of cyclic strength of steel 4OX (4OKh) under centrifugal-pellet cold hardening of the surface. The hardening of the specimens was carried out at a circumferen- tial velocity of the toughener,of 18 m/sec with pellets 10 mm diameter in a special device of the rocking-center type. It was established that the increase of dw attains 30% mainly on accouAt of the effect of residual compressive stresses. 7his increase depends upon the depth of the hardened layer, the magnitude and nature of the resid ual stresses, the degree of hardening. There A.xi3ts an optimum hardening depth depending upon the character of the distribu- tion and the. magnitude of the stresses. The best effect in raising Card 1/2 FILDOMp VOD* TbO unforgettable mares signals, RAdiotechimAm 11 n0..11:2 of cover N 161, 1, ~ ~ -1 -1 ~ - -.1. -, , - - - - . - - - I , . . I - .- ., -, -~ ~f~ . i~ , ~ : - I , 'r .1 i_ , - I.i ! I - . ; , I I - . .. i - S/044j62/000/004/058/099 0111/C333 AU 72 OR I Fedorov V.D,. TITLZi On the analogue of the topological principle of T. Waz"e.wski for integro-differential equations ?ZRIODAICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Materat. ika, no- 4, 1962, 59-6o, abstract 4B273. ("Issled. po integro-differents. uravneniyam v Kirgizii". No. I. Frunze, AN XirgSSMI, 1961, 111-132) ze .&EM The topological principle of Wa" wski (Ann. Soc. ?o1on rathe, 1947, LO, 279-313) is used in order to invostigate the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the system of integro-differential equations dx ,t dt f(t,%) + 9 :'t,s,x de "he author follows Wazewski and introduces the following definitions s 1. The point P E q is a) orainary, b) singular of first kind, c) sing-ular of second kinds if through P there passes(,a) a single integral curve of (1)# b) more than one integral curve of c) no integral Card 1/4 On the analogue of the topological ... S/04 62/000/004/058/099 C1 11YC333 curve of 00 , 019 02 denote the sets of ordinary points and of singular points of first and of sec6nd kind. 2* Each open subdomain of I'- is called tube. If T is a tube, then fr(T. P,) denotes the boundary of T with respect to P- 3. The semiintegral L*(Po) ib called asymptotic with respect to the t V +(P )C:T ube T, if L 4. The point Po(tof x.*)qfr(T,Z) is called outlet point with respect to and to the system (1), if to every integral L(t,? ) there is a 0 number 0such that L( E to - to),P,) r- T - S4 denotes the set 0-P the outlet points. The point P 0(t0, Xo)Sfr (T,S--) is called rigorous outlet point with respe-it to T,:L and to the system (1), if to every integral L(t'P ) there is a number 7;~-O, such that 0 t 0 )It )PP )CT I L((t I t +;1 C- extT The set of the 0 0 0 0 0 rigorous outlet pcints is denoted by S. ~&Ile set A~-'B is called quasiretract of the set B, if there is a mapping Card 2/4 On the analogue of the 'topological S/044/62/000/004/058/099 CIII/C333 and a set C ,A such that I .) K(P) = A , if P,~~ B ;2.) K(P) - P , if ?-'A ; 3-) the mapping K is continuous on the set C.. 7or the systan. (1) the author constructs analogues of the basic theorems W z rT.'a ewski, e*go C Theorem a If S' - S and if the set Z is so that 1.) ZC-T- (Oot+001)+ S; 2.) Z-s is a quasiretract of 3 j 3.) Z-3 is not quasiretrac f Z, then there exists at least ono point P. --~-Z-S such that one of the semiintegrals L+ (PO) is asymptbtic with respect to the tube T. The author gives sufficient conditions that to every number c0c., there is a ono-parameter family of solutions x(t) of the scalar integra-differential equation 7 t I d LX dx i dx f t,X h t's,x 1x da dt 9 t x (t)lx(s)ldt' is, dt + which satisfy the condition lim. x(t) a ; the number de- t-A,00 Card 3/4 On the analogue of the topol6gical S/04 62/000/004/058/099 C1 1 IYC333 termined by the functions f,g,h. lAbstraoter's note i Complete translation.! Card 4/4 L/ 5/830/62/000/001/010/012 Elll/E192 AUTHORSs Tikhomirov, V.B., Galkin, N.P.t and-Fedorpv lnvestigation of mass exchange in a plate extraction TITLEt column with air mixing SOURCEi Ekstraktsiya; teoriya, primeneniye, apparatura. Ed. by A.P. Zefirov and M.M. Serlyavin. Moscow, Gbsatomizdat, 1962, 21j-216 TEXTz The object of the investigation was to study the separating capacity Qf a plate column with air mixing, on a a yx t erd t water - nitric acid r4. uranyl nitrate - 20% solution of tri-butyl pho.sphate in paraffin. Columns 50-200 mm'in diameter with working sections 1000-3900 mm high were used. The sieve plates were 'without overflow tubes (at 100-mm spacings, free cross sectional area 0-25 m2/m2, hole diameter 4-5 nun). The toi;al liquid flow was 20-24 m3/m2 hourl with a 2 s 1 organic s aqueous liquid ratio$ A maximum efficiency (minimum height equivalent of theoreticiLl, stage, HETS) was found for each set of operating conditions 76elow, the flooding value. With the total liquid flow of 24 m3/m2 fi.our an air flow of about 65 m3/m2 hour gave maximum efficiency - Card 1/2 S/83o/62/000/001/012/012 Investigation of mass exchange in .. Elll/E192 corresponding to an HETS of 900 mm. At lower liquid flows HETS values of about 6oo-700 mm wore obtainable. Air mixing increased, the efficiency 4-5 times to values characteristic of pulsating. columns,. Sampling at various 2evels in the columns indicated that air mixing gives a more uniform extraction efficiency over the whole column height, There are 3 figures* it2 Card 2/2 210) 5(2) SOY/89-7-2-9/24 1UTHORSt Galkin, N. P., Tikhomirov, V. B., Goryaynov, N. Ye., Fedorov, V. D. TITLE: The Mechanism by Which a Liquid Is DiBpersed in a Plate Extractor and Ways of Improving the Dispersion (Mekhanizm dispergirovaniya zhidkostey v tarellehatom ekstraktore I sposob yego,intensifi- katsii) PERIODICILs Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 2, PP 159.- 160 (USSR) LBSTRACTt The difference between the normal and the better modified version of the extractor consists in the fact that in the modi- fied extraoto, an air inlet pipe is Installed beneath the inlet for the light phase. This opening of %he pipe is in the center of the column and is directed upwards. There are no overflow pipes in the extractor. The whole stream has to pass thru the openings in the plate. A stable operation of the column is en- sured when the airflow moves at 0.03 m/s over the whole cross section of the column. When the airconsumption increases, bubbles form between the liquid drops and these bubbles reduce the contact surface. The now column with the air agitation system Card 112 incorporated, was tested with the following systems: water - The Mechanism by Which a Liquid Is Dispersed in a Plate SOV/89-7-2-9/24 Extractor and Ways of Improving the Dispersion nitric acid - pranyl nitrate - tributyl phosphate in petroleum. The separation properties are approximately threetimes higher than those of a normal column. The total liquid load can be v 3o m3/m2 in case of an optimum air agitation. The dependency of the extraction capacity upm. the intensity of the air agita- tion was determined by experiment. The result is shown in a diagram. The extraction loss ca4sed by the air stream is negligibly small. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTEDs March 31, 1959 Card 2/2 A-J-~0--. (Kookysi) Uporimental ventriavlar fibril2ation and Its elimInation, likopereWir...3 no,4159 il.-Ag 158 (KMA 11 (MM-DIMUM) .1 GRIUM!, A.A. MOROV, V.D. (Moskva). \ '.., , . 'N..IN Hemodynamics and respiration during erperimental ~.vpothermla; Ekspere kbire 3 no,5:56 S-0 158 (HIRA 11:11) (HYPOTHERKA) (RESPIRATION) (CANDIOVASGULAR SYSTZX) MOROV, V.D. Problem of pulmonary hypertensions in mitral otenooia. Grud. kbir. 3 nos2119-23 161a (HIPA 1414) (MITRLL VALVF~DISUSES) (HYPFJd=ION) (PUMCNARY ARTEM-DISMES) F ED0 ROVP V. D. (Moskva) Measuring the pressure in the heart cavities and great vessels during mitral comminsurotony (General evaluation of the method .of eocamination and results, Kline med. ro.11:65-70 161. (MIRA 14112) 1. Iz kliniki golitallnoy khirurgii Ischabnogo fakulfteta. (dir. - Prof. V. S. Mayat II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imani N. I. Pirogova., (HITRAL VALVE--SURWY) (BLOOD PRESSURE) ORIDVY L.L.; AKIMOV, Yu.j.; SOWVoM, V.V., FEDOROVt V.D. B&IllstOcardiograM of patients suffering from rhem&tic heart disease. Vop.kard. 2-go WMl no.21155-176 162. (KMA 16d) 03ALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) DRaV,-M.; NESTERENKO, N.A.; BULYCHEVj'V.V.; SOLOVIYEV, V.V. YE Mea sur ement of pressure In the cavities of the heart and large vessels in acquired heart defects. Vop.kard. 2-go ?GMI no.2: 357-374 162. (MIRA 16i1) 1. 1z kafedry gospitallnoy Iddrurgii (zaveduyushchiy prof. V.S. Mayat) i kafedry goopitallnoy terapii (zaveduyushchty chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. P.Ye.Lukomskiy). (BLOOD MMSM) (HWT.DISEASES) AKIMOV, Yu.I.(MD9kva, G-165, Nutuzovokiy prosp., d. 39/30 kv.337); EEDOROV. -IJL 1-5r Comparison of the-electrokywgrapbic changes with the anatomical and with the pressure in the left auricle and pulnonar7 arter7 in mitral atenosis, Grud.khir. no.401-58 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz gospitalIncy terapevticneskoy kliniki (dir. - chles-korr, AMN SSSR prof. P.Ye,Lukomaskiy) i goopitallnoy kh:lrurgicheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. V.S.Phyat) II Hookovskogo m3ditsinskogo institute, imeni N.I.PiroRova. (ELECTROkbWMPHY) (BLOOD FMSURE) (PULMDNARY ARTERT) (MITRAL VALVE-DISMES) rmRov,. V., Some changen in cardiac activity in punctures of,its cavities and large vessels during surgery. Xhirurgiia mo.41913-103 162. (KM 15W I* Is gospitallnoy khirurglobookoy kliniki (saT. - prof. V. S. Maynt) Isobabnogo fakulltsta, 31 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta, imeni N. I. Pirogova. CMOMM VESMMS-,4URG3RY) PUNCTUPXS(MZDIC3]M)) I FMROVP V.D.j SNEGIREV, B.V. Use of franWcin (-eonycin) in surgical practice. Ant"biotiki 8 no.12; 1116-1120 D 16,-;. ~MIRA 17.-10) 1. Gosr'tnllnaya khirurgicheskaya klinika lechebnogo fakullteta II MoskovEkag:) meditsinskogo instituts, imeni. Firogova (',',ave-Frofe VeSt Mayat) i Gorodskaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa No.59 (glavnyy vrach N.P. Korzhenkov). SHAPOSOIKOV, V.N., XMDRATITEVA, Te.1.0 YEDMW, T.D. Studies on green sulfur bacteria of the generus Chloroblum. [with summaz7 in Zngliahl. Xlkrobiologiia 27 no*53529~-535 B-0 158 (MIRA 11SI2) 1. Mookovskly gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni K.V* Lononosova; (MLOROBMK, miture thicoulfatophikam,, Isolation & properties (Ras)) 2-0 4--k2--Z fJ7(2) SOV/20-123-2-43/50 AUTHORS: Kondratlyeva, Ye. N -D-.,-Greshnykh, K. P. TITLE: On the Investigation of -the Morphology of the Chlorobium Thio- sulfatophilum (K izuoheniyu morfologii Chlorobium thio- oulfatophilum) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, PP 365-365 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 4 samples of green sulphur bacteria were extracted from inland waters (2,from fresh-water deposits, 2 fron salt lakes). As they all were oxidizing hydrogen sulfide as well as thiosulfate they were identified as the species mentioned in the title. The 2 zamples from salt water utilized also molecular hydrogen at 'the CO 2- photoreduction procesB. The nutrient media (according to raference 3 as well as for example with pH 6 and 0.2% Na2S.9H 20) did not cause a change in shape of the bacteria. They were ellipsoidal or short rod-shaped, 0.7-0.8 to 1-1-51A long and inelastic. They often formed chains differing in length. Exceptionally long chains are formed in liquid media with a low Card 112 pH and in the mass of agar. But it was always possible to de- SOY/'20-123-2-43/50 On the Investigation of the Morphology of the Chlorobium Thiosulfatophilum termine by staining that these long forms consisted of indi- vidual small cello of sometimes nearly round shape. Some other forms (Refs 1,3,4,6) were not observed. Thujj the results of the authors agree with those of Bie%nell (Biknel) (Ref 2), who has found only ellipsoidal forms in his culturen. Figure 1 (Table on page 256) shows the typical cell-form of the bacteria men- tioned (photographed by T. P. Filippova, and L. V. Lazareva). There'gre 1 figure and 6 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy univereitat im. It. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni V. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: July 3, 1958, by V. N. Shaposhnikov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 4, 1958 Card 2/2 17(2) AUTHORt Fedorov, V. D. SCV/20-126-2-50/64 TITLEs Polyphosphates of.Photosynthesizing Bacteria (Polifoofaty fotosintezixuyushchikh bakteriy) PERIODICAL: Moklady Akademii nauk SSSRp 1959, Vol 126# Nr 2, PP 406-409 (USSR) ABSTRACTo Until Mw polyphoophates have been determined in several lower organisms (bacteria, fungi, algae).They play an important role in the intracellular phosphorus transformations and energetic cell processes (Ref's 1 - 3 et al). Therefore it is of special interest to clarify the participation of polyphosphates in the process of bacterial photosynthesis. Not only certain data are miuaing on the this subject but also their very existence so mentioned in -the title was never proven (Refs 4 - 6). For this reason the author experimented with direct chemical methods. Pure cultures of Chlorobium thiosulphatophilum (Chlorobacteriaceae), chromatium, breed K (Thiorhodaceae) and Rhc!opseudomonas palustris (Athiorho'daceae) were used for this purpose. All of them were cultivated under dna-arobic conditions at constant Card 1/3 illumination for 24 hours (media according to ReJb 7 and 8)_ Polyphosphates of Photosynthesizing Bacteria SOV/20-126-2-50/64 Card 2/3 Table 1 gives the results obtained in the determinations of polyphosphates in the acid-soluble and acid-insoluble fraction. Table 2 gives data on the change of the polyphosphate content conditioned by age in these two fractions of Chl. thioaulphatophilum culture. The results obtained prove that the maximum accumulation of the labile phosphorus takes place during the stationary growth phase in which the processes of the cell synthesis are slowed down. During the phase of logarithmic growth a remarkable accumulation of polyphosphates ii; prevented by intensive synthetic processes. The results obta4ned in the present paper refer to the presence of polyp..osphates in the cells of the 3 reprecentativos investigated of three different familiea of photo9jaithe-,Izing bacteria. There are reasons for the assumption that polyphosphates of the acid- -soluble fraction are on the whole low-polymeric. The investigation of changes in the polyphosphate content of various fractions caused by age confirms the regularities earlier determined in other organisms. Prof. A. N. Belozerskiy and A. S. Spirin assisted in the work and L S. Kulsyev participqted as an advisor. There are 2 tattles and 12 Polyphosphates of Photosynthesizing Bacteria SDV/20-126-2-501,64 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im,. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED3 February 18g 1959, by V. N. Shaposhnikovs Academician SUBMITTEDs February 17t 1959 Card 3/3 SHAPOSIHNIKOVI V"N'j (-FP "V# Study of phosphorus metabolimIn the green photosynthatizing sulfur bacteria and its :relation to carbon dioxide fixation,, Biokhimila 25 no. 3t487495 14%-~ 160. 14:4) 1. Biological Facultyp State Universitys Moscow* (BACT14Ut SULFUR) (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) (PHOTOSYNTHESIS) '--~SDOROVI V*D* Characteristics of the utili*ltion of various substimces in the energy metabolism of micro-organimms. Biul. MOIP. W. biol. 65 no. 4t147-148 Jl-Ag 160, (MIU l3ilO) (HIClW-0PWANNMS) (METABOLISM) FEDOROV, V. Nip CAND 810-3039 PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM Of GREEN $.ULfUR161ACTCRIA IN RELATION TO THE PpOTOAS&kMILAT%ON I t! I I i --V f1CL--- Of CAneoN oloxlDzo Moscowt 1961. (INST M OROB~CV!,A Sol USSR)e (KLI, 2-61# 205). -100- TELITCHENKO, M.M.; DAVYDOVA, N.V.; FEDOROV, V.D. Interrelationship of algae and micro-organisms. Report No. 2: Effect of developing cultures of the protococcal algae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus on the survival of the mouse typhoid bacillus Salmonella typhimurium. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.4:157-163 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy gidrobiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstven- nogo universiteta, im. Lomonosova. (SALMNELLA TYPHIMURIUM) (ALGAE) FEDOIIDV, V.D.; KUSHNERO S.G.; TELITCHENKOp M,F'. Interrelatione between algae and micrc-organis~ns. Part 1. Effect of deileloping culturea of the Imotococcal algae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus on the am-vival of Sid*khia co3i. Rauch. dokl. vya. ahkoly; biol.. nauki no.2sI60-165 162. (MIRA 15*-5) 1. Rekomandovana kafedroy gidrobiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, im. M.Lomonosova. (ESCIMCHIA COLI) (A=) GUSEVI M.V.;. FEDOROVp V4,, TriphwWl-tetrasolium chlride study of the condition 9f morpho- logically differentiated cells in developing culturee of blub- green algae#" Mikrobiologiia 31 no.334778-481 MY-Je ,62. (K[RA 15:12) 1. kologo-podhvennyy fakulltat Hoskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitete. imeni Lamonosova. (ALGAF--CULTURES AND CULTURE MEDTJ,)(TETRAZOLIUM COMPOUNDS) FEDOROV V D Characteristics of the dying off of cello in =Itiplying cultures of the blue-green algae Anabaena variabiles and Amorj&cnostoo punctiforme. Dokl. AN SSSR. 244 no.6: 1390-1383 A 162. (KM 15t6) -1, Hookovokiy goisudarstvezroT univerbitet, imo II*V.Iomonoaovu Predotavlano akad. V.N.Shaposhbikovymo (Algae-4ultures and culture iradia) 7ELITCHISNICO, M.M.; FEMOV, V.D. Problerm of Interrelations between &leas and bacteria in bodies of water. Biul.MDIP.Otd.bioi. 67 'nc),3jl4&-149 V-js 162. (KM 15: U) Wgae) (W4~-Microtdology) FEWROV, V.D. Characte ristion of the dying of cons in reproducing cultures of blue-green algae. Blul.MOMOtd.biol. 67 no.3sl49-150 Yq-Je 162. (KcRA 15M) ~4gae7-~ulturee and culturo'media.) vF. GUSEV, M.V.; FEDCROV V D Studying the state of morphologically differentiated cells in the deieloping matures of blue-green algas by the use, of triphanyl- tatrazols chloride. Biul.MOIP*Otd.'biol. 67 no.3sl51-152. It-JO 162, (XDIA 15: 11) (Tetrazolium compounds) (Algae-Cultures and culture md:Ca)' z__ dor--aw." JEDOROV V.D.; GUSEV, M.V.; SOKOLOV, L.I.; SOLIVO-DOBROVOLISKIY, L.B.; 1(61~1110VSKIYI K.M.; MUNOVt-G.S.; CHAYKIN, I. Ya.; RAZNOSHCHIK, V.V.; SPANOVSKiYA, V.D.; GRIGOTIASH, Ir.A.; MARKOVA, K.P.; MAKSIMOV, V.N.; TELITCIMNKO, M.M.; LEVSHINA, N.A. Supplement. V.D.Fedorov and others. Blul. MDIP.,-01,,d. biol. 69 no. 3:158-166 MY-Je 164. (HIRA 17:7) FEDORGV V D red.; TELITCMMKO, M.M., red.; E24DELIM., G.11.1, ved. red. (Biology of the blue-green algae] Biologiia sinozelerqkh vodoroslei. Moskvao Izd-vo Mosk. univ.,, 1964. 162 p. (MIRA :18:5) 1, Moskovskoye obshchestvo ispyUteley prirody. Sektsiya gidrobiologii i Mtiologii. FEDOROV V.D.; MAKSIMOV, V.N. Metabolism of sulfur compounds In cultures of photoaynthetizing green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium t-hiosulphato.-philum. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.5:1185-1186 F 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. -Submitted June 8, 1964. -2 JK I3~1'2~66 - A( WA'(b) ly AC04SION XR: A~~009230 S/0Pp/65/16l/0O1/O22V0227 A.UTHOR:._Fq4oroj,.Vi ;.3~onioheval G, A, TITLE: Phospholipidd -of -photo synthe s# ing tul'9341tatum green sulfur bacteria SOURCE; AN -227 SSSH*,Dok1adyj.v. 1619 no. Is 196c:0 224 TOPIC TAGS: Qa9rim th oaulfatm-n,, bacteria L s phospholipidp b%t1t;u)?e mbft4DdA\cKurne1 fluctuations ligpht brightness A13STRACT: Phospholipid compo -sition-of green sulfur bacteria and 1,11pid changes-under conditions of light and darkness were investiga- ted. Pure cultures of Qhlotoblpm IlMll'i to green sulfur 0 were ine 130IMe I 'P ibeicteria ubated bri d Cl- ju under anaerobic 'conditions vith alternating periods ot li&.t and darkness. After 2-3 jdays -all the oulturos were mixed -together in a sterile flasky- one I'third of the inixture was'taken for analys1s; (I light sample)s and the remaining two.thtrds were poured into, jars and exposed to darkW13s Ifor 48 hre, Men half the mixture waa taken for analysis (darkness, !sample) and the remaining half was exposed to light for 46 hrs and janaly;ed (11 light sample)6 Following precipibation and-filtering-of 1 Caid 1/2 L 3212 -66 JACCTSSION NR: AP5009230'' lbacteria.9 ~biomasa .-volume _w-as measuredif -Lipids were extracted from- icells destroye4 by-dodeoyl,tch proved to be the most :effective agent, Chemical methodsp paper chromatography, and spoctro- *photometry were used to determine phospholipid composition and ~changes. Inos:ttolphosphatido,.spbingomyelin, serinphosphatide, irleucethinj and phosphatide acid were found In the phospholipid ~fractions of tile, green sulfur badteri.Ex.- Ito mat-ked differences were ,:found in samplos exposed to different IiSht couditions, This shows ,that phospholipids cannot be consider-Dift as mobile reserves of organic 'substexices exponded during dark reactions of endogenaas substrate 'decomposition. The authors suggest taat the Vhospholipids are not A readily evnilable reservo dependent on diurnELI fluctuationsp but are obilized 0 with prolonged Incubation of phDtOsynthesizing, organis= darIcness or under other unf avorabie conditions, Orige 0t_._Fa__s.& 2 tables and 1 figures 1A SSOCIATIONt None* DBMITTZD:).Vjun6k ENOL: 00 SUB CODE: LS 'F_ MW SOVI'-.001, 008 Card L 13076-66 -SOURCE-ODDE: - UR/0020/65/165/003/0696/0689 ACC NR AP.50128916 -AUTHOR: Kor0y V G (Corresponding member AN SS1811); Makelmov, N. N.; Xedorov, V. D. -ORG: Moscow State.-Univerigity-.Im.-M.-V.--Imionooov-(Mqokovalidy gosudarstvennyy_._,_,_._ universitet) TITLE: -Selection of an optimum compoi3itton of the medium for the photosynthesis of mat ematical green serous bacteria Chloroblum thlosulphati.7philum using methods of h A_. planning of experiments SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, no. 3, 196 5, 686-689 TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, bacteriol -00, photosynthesi9,c-,W1'W6#J'- e'0071Vz, rOA) V ABSTRACT; _The~attainment of a large y1el&of_& givett Babterial culture can be achle ed by the proper selection of the optimum meditim for the ty1v of organisms' un erstu4y. Generally, three problems should be solved: 1) select from the totality of n factors 0 nly -those the concentration of which significantly affects the- 31,nld of the culture; 2) establish the optimum qualitative relationships among the selected significant and possibly--* Ca,,j 1/3 UDC: 670.851.222 L~ 13076." ACC NR: AP50289161 -interacting. factors; and -3) eliminate aurplunes In the concentration of nonessential factors with optimum combination of essential components. The optimum composition of the J madium for the Chlorobiwn thiosulphatophilum bacteria was selected by the method of - - ! - random balance (T. $. Budno, Tedmometriiw, 1, No. 2, 139, 1959). A modified Larsen medium (H. lArsen, J. - Bacteriol, 64, 187 1952) wasused as the base. The optimum combinaUc:j of the selected factors was perfarmed folloving the method of steepest ascent. After reducing the excess concentrations, the jiutht)rs obtained an optimum -medium,-. shown in Table - ii -yiekUng 3 times as many bacterki as the - Larsen medium.- - --- Table 1. --~-Mmy stuwo Wrenit meda (in EW 1) - ;YKA. P wvdg~-"~, Red "~CK% NSA Um.- Optimian mWI , * ~:' - 100 too,.- X1 Larsen medium 1000, 2M~ sm.,'C. tow MO -1000'..or so am is FEWOV, V. F. Fedgrov, V.F. 'The BalaVsk deposit of kaolin in Western Siberia.w in eMoslum: Syrlyevyye resursy tonkokeram. prometi SSSR A putt ikh ispoll2ovanlya, Moscow-LeninVad, 1948, p. 215-23 SO: U-2888, Letopis ZhurnalInykh Statey, No. 1,1949 vl~ I U-1-11-1 AUTHORSt Fedorov, V.F.#, Troitskiy, A.V. TITLE: A More Comtlete and Effective Use of Mineral Deposits in the USSR (Polneye-i ratsionallneye ispol~zovitl rudnv-.,e ~,oga-.,s"VA SSSR) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp ABSTRACT: The output of diff,~:rent ores will be increased in the next 15 yearsv in ac-cordan::e with orders Issued by the Party and the government. New large processing plants and mines will be put ,into operation, and processing methods of Complex utilization of ores will be improved and -codernized. Very often rare nnd precious minerals are lost during dressirg operations of ferrous and non-ferrous ores, In the 'pre-sen'. level of tech- nology, many of the comDonents are! extracted but in general the level of complex utilizPtion of Fill components of the ores is still very,low. During prospecting operations, these rare additional components are not tekEin into considerr-tion and the Gosudarstvennsya komissiyp ro zapfisam - GF'~' (The State Com- mission on Reserves - GKZ) cannot evalui-,P comrletely ~he re- serves because of a lack of inforciation on the ndditional -o!~!_ ponent. The authors cite many canes where the i3tilization of Card 112 various additional components was made impossible in adequPme SW-127- 1/2C A More Completo And Effective Use of Mine .rol Deposits in the Analyzing Apparatuses. In other regions -where ore concentra- tion plants were to be built, their construction w9s ielayed far too long. The authors appeal to different geolog,_csl workers and to all institutions concerned with sjeh ta3ks to incregse their efforts and to find new methods and proce,17es for com- plex utilization of all composite ores. There are 2 Soviet references, 1. Mining industry-USSR 2. Ores-Production 3. Ores,-Prcr_~,F,;~- Card 212 FEDOROVS V.F. Precast blook-construetion of an underground reinforced concrete vater tank. Vod. i Opm6 takh. no.8:18-Q1 Ag 161. (MM 14-9) (Tanks) (Precast concrete construction) URUS.OV# I*D?# doktor.tokhn.tauk; FEDULOV,.L.N.,, inzh,j MOROV, V.F., in2h. Artificial damping irL large symhrmmt -chin# a. Blektrichostvo no.,7.*13-28 J11-161. (tan 14:9) (Blectric machineryj, 313yuchronouis) FEDOROV, VFt inzhe Conoerning the term "Shielded electrical motor." glektro- tekhnika 34 w.2-102 N 163.* (MIRA 17:2) TSUK~~,IA'I, b.S.; PIHIGILVA, A." FED 0 F OV , y L Q. 1-11obile mill for the manafacture and instialation of pipes. Gaz. delo. no.12s52-55 163. (I,,fIHA 17:30) 1. MentralljVy nauchno-issledovatellsAy institut takhn:Lko-ekonomi- chesk-Ulch issladovaniy po noftyanoy, neftokhimicheskoy i [-;azovoy prorV- shlennosti, FEDDROV V.F.; SHUROVSKIY, V. Increasing the power of two gas-turbine units. Gaz. delo no. 3:43-46 164. (MIRA 1?tO ZEMOTSKrr, A.A., insh,; ITANDT, XA,O inshe; JSWROT, Tel. g inshe Instrument for the deterplAstlon of tbe nonuafforsdty of ma,ohine performe6noso Isv*vys*uchab*%lav9; gor,zhur. no-72 117-120 160q, KRA 1387) 1. Chelyabluskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskly Inatitut gornogo del&* 'Rekomendovaia lafeclroy obehohey alaktrotekbulki ByardlOVSkDgO gornogo institatas (machiner7, Xinematics of) 4v GALATET, K.Z., dots.;IXON-C-ROY, Y.F., nekhanik DS-2.dynamometer-tranamitters for modeling rock pressure by the equivalent materials method. Gor.shar. i2o.9:75 3 '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Leningradekiy gorn)7 institut. (Rock pressure) (Geological modeling) FEDOROV inzb. Automatic.control. of the "ration of large jaw crushers in ore-dressIng and crushing-sorting plants. Izv. vys. ucheb. zavj gore zhur. no.5:173-176 161. (MM 16:7) 1. Gbelyabinskiy institut gornogo dolim, Rakowndovana Imfedrvy avtmat12at8ii proizvodstvennykh protsessov. Sverdlovskogo gornogo instituta. machinerT) C=Jgc control JA ---FEDOROV, V.F., inzh. Static touching moment of jaw crushers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. 2,huro 5 no.3:138-142 162. (MIRA 15;7) 1. Chelyabinakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Jnstitut gornogo dela, Rokmandovana kafedroy gornoy cilektrotekhniki Sverdlovskogo gornogo institutao (Crushing machinery) 00- 111-M FEDOROV; V.F.~ insh. lmlxmving the operating indices of lixge jaw crushers. Izv.vya. uchisbozave; goresbur, .-5 noe9:154-156 162, (MIR& 15311) 1. Ch slyabinakiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut gornogo dela. Rekomendavana kafedroy avtomatizatoil proinvodotvennykh protseaBov ~verdlovskogo gornogo inatituta. (Crushing machinery) IIEDORM, V.F., inzh. ~Automation of large jaw crushers. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.10:11-13 0 162. (MIRA 15: 11) . .(Crushing machinery) I . (Automation) FEDOROVO V.F.p inzh. Drive of large jmi crushers. Makh.stroi. 19 no.12tl3.14 D 162. (KIRA l5sl2) (Crushing mobiner7) ,FMROV Fo insh, .~~~.V..F Concerning the artio2v "Torninolog)r in the field of airtight ohemloal-technologioal xaohinM and apparatus." Khim. i neft. mahinostr. no.3t44 S 164. (KMA 17 112) FEDOROV jj.,O kando teklin, nau~; ZIIUKOIPjKIY, A.A., inzh. Apparatus for detarmining the efficiency of the motor of an electrin dr;Lve. Izv.vys.-uchebszav*;9or#zhur* 7 no.6:88-92 164. (HIRA l7tl2) 1. Sverdlovskiv gornyy inatitut imeni V,V.Vakhrusheva (for Podorov). 2.. NIIOGR (for Mnkavakly). Rakomendovana Kafedroy avtamtAzatsii proizvodatvenn,vkh,protsessov Sverdlevskogo gornogo instituta Imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva. CMLNOUSOV, N.P.; K-UTIN, A.N.; FXWIIOV V F.; KOZUL1N, III.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prod-. I-e- .. re s W2;ent [Air-ti ht chemical and technological machinery and ap- paratual GermetichesiAe khimiko-tokhnologicheskie ma- shirW i apparaty. Mciskva.. Mashincistroenle, 1965. 351 P. -(PIRA 18t7) _L ~171=66 EWT(1)/ZPA(v ACC MR: AP5024577. SOURCE COJC8:, UR/0292/65/000/009/00181009 4.1 AUTHOR: Berizer. A. Ya. iProf.'); V63yako, I. M. Engr.); F0dorov,.1...F._(Engr.); Fomenko Yu., A, (Engr Oranskii M. I. ~Candidate of technical sciences ORO: none TITLE: Induction motors with protective enclosvxes .SOURCEi Elektrotekhnika, no. .9j, 1965, 18-19 :1.'OPIC TAGS.- induction motor ~t Lk 'k -ABSTRACT: - The- i~duetion_ motors wh6m stator_ winding- and sometimes also-the. are ]ftotected agai nst corrosive 1, medium by a~~nonmagnetic-waterial enclosure are considered. Simple formulas based on an equivalent circuit are offered which allow *for tho variation of-motor charactoristics due to the presence of -c-he enclosure, .Three induction mo-tors-(A51-4, A5Z an"d'A-0-2) equipped with IKhl&k.19T stairOess-7.. 49 steel enclosures of different thiclaiesses ard 1Lengths were tested at 50 cps; also --- of - thei motors -was--tasted -with osu're-. -These - conclus ions -are- reportedt The-loss'es-:in--the special-endlosure movorT`, are higher-and their specific__-_- -moto] _Pawer is-lower-than those of -conv6fitional !S;--(2) Protective-enclosures having-,,--,,- 1- Card 1/2 UDCi 621-313-333.2 q0t I f.~5 FEECROV I 'V.F., dotsent; PROKOFIYITp Ye.V.,, Inzh, Fxperimental results of the adjuatment of a two-angine oleotric drive of a superheavy conveyer. lzv. vys. ticheb. zav.;,gor, zhur. 8 no.7:167-169 t65. (MIRA 180) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy Institut 'Imeni Vakhrushrva. Rekcmendovan4.. kafedray avtomatizatsil prnizvodotvarnykh protsessov. FADORDV, Vj., Inshe3mrs Una of ultrasonic vaves for detecting dofects. Rachtrazop. 15 ".2:28-29 7 156. (Km 916) (Ultrasonic wavea-Initustrial. applications) (Ketala--Defects) POPOV, Aleksandr A;6a toll yeriah; KRUTIN. kI.I., rateen2ent; YXD R"Y11*21i: -0 or . r 8 rotoenzent; LIOUPITAVSKIY, T9.3., red.; JBIRLIN. TSVHTKOVA, B.T., tsklin,red, [Internal combustion marine engines] Sudovye dvigateli vnutrennego egoreniiao Moskva. Isd-vo 'Rechaoi transport," 1957 426 p. (Herine, engines) NDU 11:2) YBDOROTO Vas &#,-XOIOOORTSW, P.Ta.. red.; SINUIETUff, . 0, imb., reteenzart; POLTAVTSW, A.Ye., inzb., retsenzent; VITASfMNA. S.A., red. izd-va; YERKODTA, T.T.,, [3team bollere and engInes for river vessels] RechzWe parovye ketly I mebimy. Moskva. Izd-vo ORecbsoi transport,* Pt.2. 1958. 312 P. ()GRA 12:1) (Boilers, Marins) Okrine engines) n FEDO 2Y.-Yujjl_y Fedorovichl SIZYKH :V,.A- -Metponsent; KOXONOV, M.F., - P :wk , retsenzentj ARIM,'Yu.K.,, red.; SKOBILING, L.P., red. izd- val RIDNAYA, red. [organization and toobnology of ship repairs] OrganizatBiia i tekhnologiia.sudoretsonta. Moalcva, Izd-vo "Reohnoi transport," 1963. 263 p. (MIRA 160) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) BENUA, F.F.; DUKOR, Z.G.; UYUSHRIKOV, I.S.; KONSTAPTINOV, V.P.; KOTLYAR, D.I.; MMGV~ N.K.; FRAYSMAN, A.D.; SERGEYEV, V.I.; TRUFANOVj V.G*;,,,rF U~M,11, S.R.; qAqy~. V..F.; FR 4 CHMTKOV, Kh.A.; SHIBANOV., B#Vo; CHWOVj M.I., red.; VITASHMA, S.A.j, redAzd-va; BODROVA) V,A.) tekhn. red. (Handbook an ship repairs in two volumes) Spravochnik po remontu sudov v dvukh tomakh. Pod obshchei red. M.I. Chernova. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport." Vol.l. 1963. 550 P- (Ships-Maintenance and repair) (MRA 16:12) (Marine engineering-Handbooks., manuals, etc.) BENUA, F.F.; DUKOR, Z.G.; KLYUSHFNKOV, I.S.; KONSTANTINOV, V.P.; KATLER, A.I.; MAYKOV, N.K.; PFATSMAN, A.D.j SERGEYEV, V.I.; TRUFANOV, V.G.; Wil A A c FRUMIN, S.R.; CHERTKOV, Kh.A.; SHIBANOV, B.V.) ~i A., red.izd-va; CHERNOV,M.I., red.; BODROVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Handbook on s4lp repairs in two volumes] SpravocWk po remontu sudov v dvukh tomakh. Pod obahchel red. M.I.Chernova. Moskva, Izd-yo ffRechnoi transport." Vol.2. 1963. 600 p. (Shipa-Maintenance and repair) (MIRA 16:9) AC" NRt AP7012399 --- Ult/029Z/ 6710001001-10022 fGO2 30~- SOURCL-CovZ: AUTHORt Fedorov, V*-F.'(Candidate of technical Sciences); Bannikov# E. Ve 'i "l. '(Eng1neerY__'_'_ ORG: none TITLE*. Application of nonlinear resistance the excitation circuit of a synchronous machine SOURCEt 'Elaktrotekhn1ka,.no. 1, 19670 22-25 1 TOPIC TAGS% electric resistance, electronic itrcult, electric machine SUB CODE: 13,09 ABSTMCT: 'Test with seleniung resistances, consisting of 150 parallel discs of 50, 70, and 130 mm diameter and thicknesses ranging from 5 - 12 mm, -show that ci selenium resistance permanently cut in the excitation circuit of synchronous,machines providei an effective protection against overload and at the came time permits asynchronaus.starting q~ synchronous machines. For an efficient and economical operatdon,the nonlinear resistance should 'have a nonlinearity coefficient between 5.5 and 6.6. At these values the-nonlinear resistance decreqses.morA ~Iyw PO times for a voltage increase 621.313.322, c6m 1/2 0on ap =4 Acc Npu AV/=99 of 2.25'to 2.5 times., The test data vas oanfirmed by calculations on a. di It 1, cwputeri~'_Orig.! artolhisu', 7- f.1gure#9:4'formulas AndI table* PSI - j!F 2 7" 51 S'I N- x;; lit. FEDOROV, V~F. Ufact of' arLiflels'll damping on synchrcnizing and a9yn,?hr4nvus mownts of a ayachr:)tcus sacnIne, rab. po vop. alektrc-- wkb, na.INIM-174 163. ~O Wlk DO) IVEDOROVP- VqF0 Concerning the possibility of using lin4ized equations in ths an. ElektriAestvo no.lOsl8- theory of synchronous siachin 20 0 164. (MIRA 17j12) FEDOMY.-BAdimic-Georgl,vayi.cb[FadorDv, V.H.],- KARPOVA, L.I., inzh., rateenzentj UAINVK, 0.0., insh., red. izd-val STARODUB, T.O., tekhn. red. (Rayon spinnint]Frladinnia vlakoshoho ohovku. Ky-iv, Dersh- tekhvyday URSR., 1962. 76 pe (MIRA 160) :kRayon spinrLing) RZOIFLV, V.G. adaptation of some nollL jIm to the 1:.p of wcter resarvoirs. Zcol. z1ax. 40 no. 1:133 Ja 161. OT-JI 14:2) 1. Agricultural Institute, Omsk. (Omsk Province-41ollusks) (Adaptation (Diolog;y Y EM OLAYEVA, L.M.; FEDOROV, V.G. Effect of gibber~e on the development of algae. Nauch. dokl. vys. chkoly; biol. nauki no.1:133-135 164. (MIRA'17:4) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy obahchey biologii OmBkogo meditsinskogo inBtituta. FUDOROV y V. 0. "Data ozi the Fauna-and Phenology of Mosquitoea (Dipters., Culicidae) in the Area of Chkalov.." Ent. ob.., 31,, No-3., 1951 FOCROT, V,G, Iffect of certain external factors on the devolopment of eggs of the [vith linglish sumary In insert]. ta~oioim Diphy-Ilabothrium latum L* zool.%hur.35 .5 -.65z-656 my 156. (mm Q:g) 1,Kafedra absbphey bi6loiti Omsksgo maditsinakego instituta imeni M, Lwilkina. (TAPWCBNB) C7~-Aoccy, YACROV, V.G. Carrying of helminth egl; by flies in Omsk. Hed.paras. i parsa.bol. suPpliament to no-1:73 7. (HIU 11:1) 1- 111 kafO&17 obahchey biologii Ojeskogo maditeinelcogo institute (OK-p[-Wmw, nff%STINAL AND PARASITIC) (YL*M$ od~ UnUM OF DISHAS ALIFANOVp V.I.j LAMINA# T,,W.; NBTSKIYp 0.1,;.~MROV V.0. J- Experimental data on the role of the Gama idae in the traim-, misoion cd! tick-borme mopbalitio and Ocak hemcrrhagic favor viruses. Hed.parasaiparaos-bol, 30 no*ls2446 ja 161. (KM 143) 1. Is Nambno-4asladovatellakogo izwtituta prjzVdnOOObmwov7kb infektaii Hinisteretya siravookhranonlya. RSM V 6;~io Idir. instituta GbVe KormUolm), (KPIDSHIC HMOMIMIC m (ENMVMTIB) (MITM. AS CARRIM Ur DISMS) ALIFANOV) V.I.; NETSPTp Me) ROMIMaj, O-V,; F=W-Ys,,Y-~-Gq Data on the,epidemiological prognosis of Omsk hemorrhagic I. fever. Meds'parazo i.paras. bol. 32 no.5-2621 S-Ot63 (KCRA 16:12) 11. Iz nauclilio isele'dovateltakogo instituta prirodnoochagoTykh I !infektsiy (diro G.V. Kornilova) Ministerstva, zdravooichrananiya.9 :RSFSR,, OmBk,. YMMOLAYEVA, T,.X..UjJ".,CROV V,O. I~Pief survey of ressaroh on the algal population of the ponds of Western Siberias Trud.,r TSSBS no..8t19-20 t64o (MIRA 18o) RM-MMM #I--- t" of 6 R e V)G I AUTHORS: Tychinskiy, V.P. , and.redorov, V.G. 109-10-16/19 TITLE; Frequency Changing in a Travelling=Wave Tube Fitted with a Drift Tube (Preobrazovaniye chastoty v LBV s trubkoy dreyfa) PERIODICAL: Radioteh:hnika i Blektronika, 195?,, DO 10 pp. 06 - 1307 iUiAR). ABSTRACT: It was shown earlier by one of tte authors (Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1956, V01-I, No-12, P-1525) that if the poten- tial of the drift t4e in a travelling-wave tube is varied in accordance with the hyperbolic law as given by Eq.(1) the change of frequency in the tube is exi?ressed by Eq.(2~ where e- is length of the drift tube, v. is the electron velocity and a is the rate of change of the Some experiments were carried out on and it was found that the change in occur and that; Eqs.(l) and (2) were SUBMITTED: March 12, 195?- drift tube potential. a tube having e- 15-7 cm frequency did, in fact, accurate to within 6%. AVAILABLE'. Library of Congress. Card 1/1 GERASHCHEMp Oleg Arkadlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; E&WMI,-UAdIAir Gavrilovich, inzho;*MDRDVINOVA, N.P., insh., ved. red.; 10WHIM&I-1,-TO.M., in*h.,, red.; SORDKIM, T.M., takhn. red. (Heat flow tranisducerejDatchik teplovogo potoka. Moskyap Filial Vase, in-ta nauahn. i tekha. informataii,, 1958. 10 p. (Peredovoi nauabno-tekhniolisakii I pr9izwdvtve=yi opyt. Tema 34. No.P-58- 80/8) (MIIRA 16:3) (Transducers) (Heat-Transmission) (Heat exchangers) BOV/109-59-4-2-12/27 AUTHORS: Tychinakiy, V.P., and.Pedorov., V.G. ,TITLE: A Travelling-Wave Tube Oscillator with an Electronic Phase Shifter (G)nerator na lampe begushchey volny s elektronnym f azo,rrashchatelem) PERIODICAL:Radiotekhaika i 191ektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2,, pp 2241-245 (USSR.) ABSTRACT: In 1950 one of the authors proposed a method of the electronic tuning of U.H.F. oscillators by employing an electronic phitse shifter, which is in the form of a drift tube having a variable potential; such a drift tube is inserted betwoen two sections of a slow-wave system. The resulting oscillator is shown in Fig 1. The wavelength generated by the oscillator can be expressed by: = ~X(l + W-1/2) (4) 1 .0 no where k (1 + Card 1/3 SOV/109-59-4-2-12/27 A Travelling-Wave Tube Oscillator with an Electronic Phase Shifter In Eq (4) and (5), the parameter L?,-- L + LMl + L2a2 0 where LO is the length of the feedback path, L and L2 is the length of the helix andt is the length of tL phase shifter (S'oe Fig I)-, ml and m2 are the delay coefficients of the two helices; no is the number of the mode of the oscillation' w is the effective plasma f reque cy the potentlal of the drift tube and 11 = (7/m51 01SThe coefficient k of Ejq (5) is proportional to the length of the drift tube and determines the slope !of the electronic tuning curve. The possibility of the electronic tuning was investigated on an experimental tube which had Ll 11 cm; L2 = 4.8 cm-, E = 4.4 cm.1 Ml = M2 *-= 16 cm and L 505 cm. The typical oscillograms of the oscilll;:~on modes are shown in I-lig 2 and 3. The results of a la:oge number of this type of measurements are plotted in Fig 4. From the experiments it is condluded that the principal factor limiting the tuning reaage is the separation of the neighbouring oscillation modes. Reduction of the index of an oscillation mode was possible r, but this led to the Card 2/3 increase of the starting current. The slope of the SOV/109-59-4-2-12/27 A Travelling-wave Tube Oscillator vdth an Electvonic Phase Shifier electronic tuning curveB indicated the excitation of a slow wave in the drift -,,-ube. The largest electronic tuning range obtainable was of the order of 4%. There are 4 figures and 4 references of which 2 are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMI'PhUM: 8th JulY 1957 Card 3/3 47. s/.io9/6o/oo5/o4-'O2O/O28 9140/E435 AUTHORS: TychinskiX, V. Fedorov, V.G. and Savilovq P.I. TITLEt Regenerative Ampl*MF-:CbWV6rtdr Using Diodes with Nonlinear Capacitance PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol 5, Nr pp 677-679 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A regenerative amplIfier-converter using the nonlinear capacitance of a semiconductor diode, based on the Manley-Rowe theorem (Ref 1), has been built and studied, The gain and noise factor at frequencies between 200~and 1000 Mcs were measured. At 750 Mes the gain is of fhe order of 20 to 35 d practically constant for input power levels of 10-9 to 10-5 W. The noise factor was 1.25 to 2,0 dB. The conversion gain did not exceed 3 to 5 dB. Acknowledgementz are expressed to Yu.T.Derkach for his assistance in evaluating the results. There are 2 iguros and 4 English references. SUBMITTEDi August 17, 1959 Card 1/1 S/108/62/017/606/007/007 i, D407/D301 IV AUTHORSt Paderno, I.P. and Pedoro Yembere of the Society (see Ass-O-ONKTN_ny_l~ TITLEs Counting or objects FERIODICALs Hadiotekhnika, v. 17, no. 6, 19629' 60 - 67 TLM The scanning device and memory cells used in auto- matic counting of objects, are described, as well as the operating principle involved. It is shown that the problems of counting of ob-~ jects and of pattern recognition are relateds both problems involve t~a ain,gling out of one "essential" property, common to all the ob- 4eCtS under corsideration, and the neglect of all the other second- 'i ary propertiese The counting of the objects in based on the trans- formation of physical characteristics into an electric-pulse sequence which affects the corresponding memory cells (the cell mosaic). The transformation is effected by means of a two-dimensional scanning system A pick-up, sensitive to the K-charaoter (i.e. the essential properiy) of the object, determines the presence of this character. Card 1J~ Counting of objects 8/108/62/017/006/007/00T D407/D301 in the scanned zone. Thereupon a pulse is transmitted to the cor- responding memory-cell# which stores the received information un- til it is read. The scanning device should have adequate resolv- ing powert the length of the scanning element shoul6 be not more than half the distance between two neighboring objfcts. The cell mosaic forms a two-dimensional matrix. On completing the, scanning cycle, the electrical images of the object-shapes appear on the matrix. In order to ensure that (on reading the informat- ion) the count should be accurate, the excited memory-cells which are close to each other, form an electrically-coupled "K-grouple, characterized by the fact that all the cells of such a group are in the same state. The counting of the objects begins after the formation of the X-groups, by transmitting interrogation pulses to the cell mosaic by means of a second scanning-systam. The du- .ration of the two scanning cycles Is determined by the operating conditions of the device and by the fastness required. The speci- fic design of the scanning system is selected in accordance with reliability- and convenience requirements. The memory cells of the Card ?/~ ; Counting of objects S/108/62/017/006/007/007 D407/D301 matrix can be made of contact, as well as contactless elements. Basic diagrams of the 'counting device, consisting of contact (ree- pec%ively contactless) elements, are shown. The principal ele- ments of the counting device &rot distributors, mobile electro- zagnets, scanning commutators, relays and capacitore. The system also incorporates a selector and a recording device. The number of discharge pulses of the capacitor is determined by the number of F-groups, which corresponds to tho numbor of objects to be counted. If it in required to ascertain the number of objects as a function of time, as in the case of studies of bactericide pro- per-ties, the recording device can be supplemented by a discrete- to-continuous converter of variables and by a device which records the counting results on tape. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATIONi 14auchno-tokhnicheekoye obshchostvo radiotekhniki i elaktroavyazi im. A.S. Popova (scientific and Technical Society of Radio Ergineering and Card 3/ L 5,159-466- Wr(l)AvA(h~-----,. ACC Iat A?5023655 SOURCE CODE-. UR/0119/65/000/008/0016/0019'.,---.;,--------. AMM: Kaplan, M. 1. (Engr,); Lyubovskiy,J. A. (Ener.);,Ledorov, V. 0.-(Engr.) OAIG: nono 70 TITI-V Elec tronic M!1so r corders SOURCE: Priborostroyenlye, no. 8, 1965, f6-18 TOPIC TAGSt recorder, pulse recorder w AB-.-)1RAG-1 t Pulse recorders are corwel,dered which are based on the electrorLic pulse li;y; in t1he latter, an additional winding of an electromaj~wtic relay forms a part of a positive eeedback circuit, while the main relay wWing is connected to---- the collector circuflt of a P-25 transistor. Such it device p(irmits recording even a very short eleatr'-o pulses (1 *Isao) with slaw (10 msec) olectromcchanical relays", ar4 without ajW !:.iturmediate signal transducer. Application of the above electornior'__ rolay principle to it pulse counter and a light-pulse recordor is briefly described., Orrig. art. h~- 1: 4 f4wes, 1 foraula and 1 table. SUB CCDE: EC/ SM DATIC 1 00/ ORIG RW; 004/ OTH REF: WO Cord III SOV/96-58-6-19/24 AUMORt Gerashchonko, O.A., Cand.Tech.Scl. and Fedorey, V.G., &ginsq~. TITM An Instrument for mos.suriug local thermal fluxes. (iribor dlya. isnorociya, lokallnykh teplovykb potokov) MIODIC&M Toploonergetam, 1958. NO.S. pp. 89-90. (USSR) ABSTRACTs WorkLuS in the Institute of lbormal Powtr Bigineering of the Acad.Sci.- Ukrainian 888, the authors have developed &i instrument which is used to determine local values of best flux over a widerange of temperatures and thermal loadings. It Is based on the use of a three-layer probe of thorn*-electrode materials, the central one being the native element, &na the two ontors serving to carry current. Fig.l. gives a sketch of the probe. When beat passes through the device the temperature difference set up across the centre layer to proportional to the rate of heat-flow; this temperature difference produces an electro-motive force, which is measured. The outer layers are made of different material from the middle ones, so that a sort of differential thermocouple ist not up. Normal thermo- vouplo materials are used in the construction. The leads to the instr out must moot special requirements, and in particular, they must be very homogeneous - platinum, copper and silver proved satisfactory. 7b* contrer layer was made of such material as C6nstantan or Copol. The temperature difference between the current- Card 1/2 carrying plates to about 2.10;"50C per = thickneso for a heat flow of An Instristant for measuring local thermal fluxes. SOV/96-58-6-19/24 I kcal/0-hr. In order to respond to thsm&l fluxes not less than 100 kcsl/Ahr. with a thickness of I , the I itrument-must be sensitive to power of the order of 10-TOR to 101-11 W. Accordingly ~ double-oaseado tifforantial magnetic amplifier was used, fed by ~ xtpbLIlzed frequoncy~-gonorator connected to a constant-voltage device of the static type embodying a rosonont reactor. A simple block circuit diagram Is given in fig.2. Various prosedures that were used to make up the probe are described. For example, high- temperature probes were made by forging the sheets in a high- frequency field in an inert atmosphere. A radiation method of calibration was used, the Intensity being measured by a tbermo-olmctri-~ compousation radiometer. The circuit is given in fig.3. and-the prinniplas are described, with an explanation of difficulties that arisok during calibration. The calibration curve (beat flux against motor readlug) is a straight linol the scatter of the experimental points does not exceed 3%, and is due to zero drift of the a W etic amplifier. By improvements to the latter, the error could be reduced to 1%. 12;oro remains the diffl2ulty of calibrating the device at host fluxes greater than 2~000 kc4/nV,.hr. , and linear extrapolation of the calibration curve is rocommended I or this purpost. As a method of measuring local values of hosit f lux with a probe 10 an diameter and I = thick, the Instrument is quicker and more acourate Card 2/2 than the usual methods# despite the defects mentioned. There are 4 figures. 1. Thermocouple.;-Development 2. T(~:.,i:;ei,,,tt,,ii,e--Meastirement . . [Yedorov, T.H.1; GXWHCHMO, O.A.[Herashchenko, O.A.3 A J Investigattou of beat szebangs between a wall and a granular material. Zbtr.pratel Znst.tepl. AS URSR no.16:68-72 159. (HIM 13:11) (Bmat-Transatesiou) [TedcroypI.H.) Burning out of the flaw of anthracite fines and characteristics of the flying sab, Zbir&prats',Iwt.tepl.AH URSR no.23:57-U 161, (MIRA 15:2) . (Combustion) (coal , Ptdviriw) KWHDZ7HKO* A.N.j MCROVt Y.G. Syst" for the autmatio control of combustibles it) the EL7 ash of large boiler systems. Inerg. i elektrotekh. prom. noels6-8 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Inatitut, teplosher stiki AN USSR. (Boileral (ruel) I . (Automatic control) 4OWTINOVO S.I. LBOZ.P!TkoV., S.I.); GERASHCHMOO O.Ao [Herajhchenko, D.A,1j FXDORWj T.G.J.odoroy, V.Ho] . . I PoeM-tion furnace. Zbir. pratal Imto topl, AN URSR no.24:12*6-132 162. (MIPA 16s3) (Electric furnaces) . I