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F,90(~Dvj ODIW"ff, N.M.; PAVWVSKIT, Ye.T. Book of T.T.Kordovskil, I.T.Kravehecko, and SJoYedorov "Geological structure of the southern part of the Siberian Platform.0 Reviewed by M.X*Odinteov, IsT.Favlovskil. Ixv. AN SM. Ser.geol. 19 no-2: 161-163 Mr-Av 154. OURA 7-7) (Siberian P3Latfor*-Gaolo&. Structural) (Geologr. Structural- Siberian Platform) (Mordo"kli, VA.) (Kravchezko, I.T.) (Yedorov, S.F.) - i, I ^ " 1r) ~ I ;:~ItTATX Y, -9. T - SOKOLOV, T.A. How one should not write about the history of a science (HOutlinq history of petroleum geology.9 3.7-Yedorov. Reviewed by T.A.So- kolov). Neftakhos. 32 no~8:94-96 Ag 154. (KLIRA 7:8) (Petroleum geolo#7) (Yedorov. Sergei Filippovich, 1896- FIDMOV.S.Y. Results of operating the small model (GPI-51) hydraulic soil surface evaporimetere Trudy GGI no.45:121-141 154. (wLaA sai) (Atcometer) Experimental study of Infiltration In slightly podsolic soils. Trudy Gol no.46:48-72 154, (ORA 8:11) (Podsol) (Boil percolation) AYMIN, P.P.; TSVMMVA, H.A.;UNDRATITIVA, M.G.; F=ROT, S.Y., POLTAKOVA, T.V.. telchnicheskly redaktor, [Lithology and factes of Palsoxotc deposits in the Saratov and XmybyshtNv areas of the Volga Valley) Litologlia i fatell paloozoiskikh otlosbenii Saratovskogo i Kuibyshevskogo Povolahlia. Moskva, Isd-vo Akader3ii nauk SSSR, 1955- 137 p. 22 plates. (m,crofilml (MLRA 8:9) 1. Akaderdya nauk SSSR, Institut nefti. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSI- (for Yedorui). (Volga Valley-Petrology) AID P 2729 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 26/27 Author Fedorov) So Fe Title Letter to the editor Periodical : Neft. khoz. v. 33, #6, 95, Je 3955 Abstract : The author answers 1. 0. Broda and V. A. Sokolov who critically reviewedhis brochuxe "Essays on the history of petroleum geology" In whi .ch he claimed that Itassian scientists have creat,e.d a new branch of science, the geQ;ogyoftpstroleump In which the greAtest contribution was made by I. X. OublAn. Institution None Submitted No date . a. Lig Principles of oil pool formation. DoklJI SM 10) no,511029-b4m Age 11956f# (MUM9810) 1,, ftlen-korrespoMant Akademil muk SSSR. 2e Xwititut neftl Akadsall , np*trpuw WOUC) ;HIRKOVA-ZLIMBSIATA, Telena Fedsrovn 91 6 x I oVvetst*rsWy redaktor, KUN, N.R., redaktor isdatell: ;ZBI&MVA, Te.l., tokhnichaskly redaktor. [Division on the basis of fossil plants of the ierrigensous Devonian of the Ural and Tolga regions; data on fossil plants of the torrigeneous Devonim of the Ural and Tolga regions] Delenis terr Igennogo devoia Vralo-Povolshl I& ne. oanovan Li Iskopmalm .rastenti: wat*r1aly po iskopasmys rastentian torrigennogo devona Uralo-Povolshlia. Koskya. Isd-vo Akad.muk ONE, 1957. 139 P. (VISA 10110) (Ural Nountain region--Geology$ Stratl4mphio) (Ural Xonntain region-Palsobotatw) AUTHORt YOdbMTp S. Fp Corresponding Member of the All USSR 30-11-5/23 TITLEt The Development of the Theory Concerning the Formation et the Petroleum and Gas Deposits (4azvitiye teorii formiroyanlya salezhey nefti i gaza) PERIODICALi Vestnik AN SSSRI 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 11, pp. 83-88 (USSR) ABSTRACTi It is assumed that the hydrological factor extorts an eaventisl influence upon the position and the formation of the above- mentioned deposits in the Ural-Volga districts. The Canadian geologist V*K.Gassou determined the existence of ouch an influ- ence near Kirkuk (Iraq). V.P,Savohenko, occupied himself with the conditions and requirements for the formationof petroleum and natural gas in terraces and antiolinal flexures, and even in very precipitous structures, The papers by H.K.Habbert (Rhab- bert) and A.P& van Mile are also cited. 14.A.Kapelyushnikov oc- cupies himself with the elaboration of a promiasing andinte- resting theory. Based on the laboratory-investigations it was found thatpetroleum (and its heavy residues) dissolve in com- pressed gas at a temperature not exceedin,,, looOC and subjected to a pressure of 500 to looo atmospheres. At a reduced pressure it should be possible at first to catch the heavy fractions and Card 1/2 then the lighter ones in special "traps". Another relevant task The Development of the Theory Concerning the Formation of the 30-11-9/23 Petroleum and Gas Deposits. consists in working out the theory of differential trapping (differentsialtnaya trappirovka). It was found that the gases under certain conditions gather in the lower structures, but the petroleum in the higher ones. Finally the problem of the absolute age of the petroleum remains open. 3ut this problem considered important by the author can also be solved. The geologists already employ the methods of isotopes in other oases, but none of thehitherto- existing methods :is applicable to petroleum. Therfore a now method has to be found. Especially the chemistry of isotopes as nuclear physics in connection with gas- and hydrodynamica-may be of greatest use to the geology of petroleum. There are 13 references lo of which are Slavic. A830CIATION: AN SBSR (AS USSR) AVAnA'KX: Ubrary of Congress Card 2/2 ,-.- 7mmov. 8.7. -t , . Iftporation In forest@. Trudy 001 no,59174-133 157, (MM 110) (Forest Influence@) (Imporation) SARXISTAN, Sargey an lust ovich. jpq~OTI_ otv. red.; SWOVALOTA, G.A., red. tsd-va,; IISIMA, A.A., tekhn. red. CNssosoto and Tertiar7 deposits in the Bailcal region) Mecozoiskis i tratichnys otloshontis Pribaikallia, Zabaikallia i Dallnego Voatoka- X6skva, Izd-vo Amde neuk SSSR, 1958. 336 p. (HIRA 11:10) 1. Chlen-korregporAent AN SSSR (for Pedorov). (Geology, Stratigrapbic) AUTHORs Pedorov S_.. P.., Corresponding Member, Academy 2o-119-6-45/56 of So=encsafSSR TITLEe The Conditions for tho Formation of htro]Aum '_ and Cas Fields in Various Patrolsum-Be&rW' Areas of the USBIL (Usloviya obrazovaniya neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozh- deniy v ryade neftenounykh oblastey USSR) PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii Aauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 119, Nr 6, pp. 1212-1215 (USSR) ABSTRACT& Every mineral oil- and gas-bearing area is different from others with respect to structural particulars. These geo- logical particulars are also connected with those of the field formation of mineral oil and -gas. However, besides 'the differences also a number of common rules governing :can be determined. The following regions are discussedt 1) Ukhto-Peohorskaya, 2) PovolzhIye of Kuybyshev, Povolzhtye of Saratov and 4) the mineral oil-bearing area of Kuban'. The author determines the following ru- Card 1/3 lesgoverning the formation of mineral oil- and -gas The Conditions for the Formation of Mineral Oil and Gas 2o-119-6-45/56 Fields in Various %troleum-B&Sring Areas of the USSR fieldet Mineral oil and gas were produced in depression zones. In an upward motion according to the regional rise of the layers, the layers first found during migration are saturated with gaol the following ones with gas and mineral oil (if the gas was not consumed for the purpose of saturating the structures found first) and the follo- wing ones with mineral oil only. In other words, the mi- neral oil and gas fields in the discussed regions were formed according to the law of differential "trapping* (Refs. 2, 4). This rule governing can only be modified in some measure, or complicated by the unequal history of development of this or that regionp howevert never essentially be modified. It can be employed as guide on the occasion of searching for now mineral oil- and-gas fields . Naturally, besides the total geological rules governing each region also local complications, so-called miorozones, possibly can exist, which contradict to the total rules governing. Consequently, the causes of this phenomenon are to be found in the geological history of Card 2/3 the region referred to. The Conditions for the Formation of Mineral Oil and Gas 2o-119-6-45/56 Fields in Various Mineral Oil-Bearing.Areas of the USSR There are 4 figures and 12 references, 11 of which are Soviets ASSOCILTIONs Inatitut nefti Akademii nauk SSBR (Petrolium ThAitzU AS U&M) SUBMITTEDs December 30P 1957 Card 3/3 MORDY, S.Y. Comparative evaluation of oil and gas potentials of Siberia and the rar Xa9t, Trudy Inst.neftl 91.5-35 158. (MM 12:4) (Siberia-4stroleum geology) (Sibarla-Gas. Natural-Goology) TURKEVICH, losif Andreyevichi, Prinimali uchastiye: MMQZ &F - VINOGHMVj V.1., nauchayy ootrudaik; KOZYBEVA, N.A., na-uchi~jy motrianik; PARS-, 11 M M A. R.I., nauchuyy sotrudnik; FZY W INT, V.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik. MIRONOV, S.I., akademik,; SHOBOLOT. S.P.. red. isd-va; GUSIVA. A.P., takhn. red. [Yacies and geochemical characteristics of Keso-Cenozoic deposits of the eastern part of Western Siberia] Tatsiallno-gsokhimichesksia kharaktariatika mao-kainozoiskikh otloshanii Voatochnogo Zaurallia. Koskva, lzd-vo Aked.nauk BSSR, 1959. 114 p. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Flak~voditsll Tostochnoy komplekonoy nefte-gazovoy ekspeditaii AN SSSR,(for Ye~orov), 2. Chlon-korrespondint AN SSSR (for Fedorov). 3. Uboratoriya genesisa nefti (for Mironov, Vinogradov, Xosyreva, Perev6dentseva, Fayrabent). (Siberia, Western--&ology, Stratigraphic) BUBLIKOV, Tsvgeniy Yladimirovich, inzh.; VINARSKIY, Tarim Naumovich, Inzh.; DANCHICH. Valarly Valerianovich, Insh.; DOOKIN, Oleg Semenovich, Insh.; LIMV, Aleksandi~, Viktorovich, inzh.; TILUM, Dmitrly Takoylevich, insh.; Ser VA "I Jqh, inth.; FIDOROV, USE" .1 Oeorgly Dmitriyovichs inshi-TAK----,. ikolay Petrovich$ kandotakhn. nauk, Inshol ZHADATBT, T.G.,; WRNOV, L.Y., red.iod-va; UBITOV, A,$ (Selection of equipment for vertical shaft sinking) Vygor oborudoys- n1in dlis prokhodki vartikallnykh styolov shakht. Moskva,lUgletakh- Izdat, 1939. 251 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Botradniki Ukrdinakogo Nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute organi- satell. i makhanizatsii shakhtnogo stroitallstva (UkrNIIOKShS) (for all except Zhadayev, Smirnov, Sabitov). (Shaft sinking) (Mining machinery) Ulln woodocas as l1wriTem mo,,g oqt fti29%n&Ao* JO MIT"Wil P- opme -visin zoo eomo;at zvowmamoso jo *%vppuvoj ujm;,,,tw 111111111 "2 ul U01111101i JOACD-AO" On :0 O"M_LVJ"lUjUwj cap "emolair ivoTqdvjsooo j0 OZIPIPUVO] TIL'OL wACCqwwatj*i4 um an u1 4"00 mmHg alit JO Avd*431960 (A00som SeQuelog IS, wdoill &a jo zoloca -.toomajoial Iul .- -.- a - am 9ateA:Woxpft an jo uoT%aoeqro ,oT%sjodv&X *q2 jo 1 1-0:8 On JO U012080(ing UOT'4%J*ftAS *43 jo aftU120MM!"JIM."MIN a I VOOBW ..:V. UP a..fW .j..j ;jjXP 9GT SJO-49JOP&A DIJTI so oulax ~ A A - OW - 7-M, ", U %.TTUTSAO jo USAWTV V U01-41140dWAX Out UO ftVMS I 3_jjl _U (MWUO*l jazon P. %U-Aojdul 1709 jtj lid urvowmaTeg - GoDuegos; p3jutpaj jo o,4vplrm2) -r-x--Wrwvtm Ott qvb*Ao 4uolj 14 pe'A"Jjv an,46A jo oal"q moij sor-TJOVA2 IV-2uTu" 11D0 10*=MT*g TOOTWO414 JO 639PIPM2] -r'j-A*8-3OU2rM T" soomp"a 26640d jagua Ualsaaafth! (ftPlVA 101M 'SOMOTOB TVaTUqD6L JO OIWPTVMOI JDA03 OCT212490A 10 JO 08%jnW an UQAd U0131.90ftAl Pao j0 0%alsou; too-gog Toolmooz so oavvipu*21 t;;4K_;"X.Wpr4j *Glott" QVWS- p - a&* feamisjoss *uqT%***4Wm *at Vul amm an =D.Ki *24odw ow"ame Waomm wn Von 080898*04d UOT-494049AS JO AVY49 Mn JOJ "1112*68que mm 0043 02j"- WUTW%-* '484W am lemT,40" L, 02 VMATV 0% omtea PTIQ lXTX9A8X-q3 -2*6 PW '"-%OQPU2 *I*T .Astsueft -v*o va lao3rutime"A x'V 'Aodod *A 'I '"TAO *.1,11 .%*Rum *A*m 'UTCUM 'J"7 *UIIOVM *I,q .9.2 'UTWITWX *A*ID *STROaTUBUGG *.[*T 'ACOAAWa *2-1 'AGIRMIT&A 'T'll '31011JON *9*0 Mal I'M WOL *uVtDTW *1'0 '(WIMMAIM) -_ ft-' -T-A 2096TVIST 9014" Ovn JO 02"WO UT PJwOq TVW*%W* S%L It 4041MOSS '91 arm IPTWI JO AM'610JVIN JO 6% .0414111 0150J."A 00 wommarea at Vve"T"A 4S""*jw2 Sam -ISST 4o40200 IV-2mr-7 ul ommasJUD3 ToralliolespAll VOTUA-1,Tv DXM *tm %I p"Gavelp PUS values -am Gaon qvrp ago sjoftd sutv%uoa 3toeq OTIQ IWVVZ= ."S.S.Zoad vol%vxod*Ao Vow **I vum so" jo oa%s *GeV% VOW .1129vileloot!" Jej popuslul at vlx~ am twoomu 8%STN *TUTUCDM Rmz fAod*ft%"d VA 1.72 fA*OALAA lw*A I-VI -does awtawns ~%*&og Tid AqqwRTS "PmtAv-zft 41;0~110 91=0" lul"MuOft -patulad Gaidoo OWIC 'd CLI 16M *rv_2,.nuwr a UO t. 'A uO3 TT;-.JOTcl-!Pt 1-4 VZO-1.0 AVIS UjlUAcv**A k I li-Mll WOC MOROT, S. 7. Yormation of oil and gas pools* Sovegeole 2 no,4:3-20 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Institut neftl AN SSSR. (Petroleun geology) (Gas, Itatural-Geologr) NUSIMOVICH, Georgiy Yakovlevichl NIMIN g Mikhail Dmitriyevichl -FMQ&LY#- Sarg"dormdALSLITSWA, I.M.9 insh.v red,j SHILLINGg V.A.# red* izd-va; BELOGUROVA9 I.A.9 tekbn. red. [CentrifugaI casting of supercharger wheels) TSentrobezhnas litte koles uspetatelei. Leningradp 1961, 17 p. (loaningradelcii Dm mobno-tekbnicbeekoi propefaaV, Obmen peredovyx opytom, Seriiai Imiteinoe proisvodstvop no 1) (KIRA 140) (Centrii~gal casting) SARKISTAII, Sergey GaluBtovicb; 14IXWWVA., NeUi Aleksandrovna, Prini- mali ucha8tiye: NIKITINA; R.G., nauchrqy sotr.; TROFIFU, I.A., naucbnyy sotr.- FEDOROV S.F.,-otv. red.; STOLYAROV, A.G.# red. izd VO +;ekbn. red. -va j .[Paleogeograpby of tin pe-riod of the formation of the ter- rigenous Devonian stratum in Bashkiria and Tatar A.S.S.R.) Paleogeograflia vremeni obrazovaniia terrigannoi tolsInchi de- Yona Bashkirii i Tatarii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. neuk SSSR, 1961. 231 p. (MIRA 150.) 1. Chlen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Fedorov). (Bashlc4r5a-PaLwgeograpbV) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Paleogeograpby) -ymwmxo,, Nikolay Androyeviobi MOROV 3 F retoenzent; MEKHTIYKV, Sh*F.,, Wcadf, retsenzent; ;G-OUB ~-' '-E--*.~'O-or geol.-mineralo nauk) *of.p retsenzenti JWD, 1.0.,, doktoripolo-minerale nauk, profop redej IONELI; A.G., ved. red,j VORONOVAx V.V.p tekhn. red.. [Petroleum and gas geology) Geologiia nefti i gaza. Pod red. I#O.Bro- da. Moskva,, Goo, mmobno-tekbn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit~-ry, 1961o 372 p. (MMA 3.4 is Oblen-korrespondent AN SM (for Pedorov). 2. AN Azerbsydzhanskoy SM (for Mekhtlyev). (Petroleum geology) (Gas,. Natural-Geology) FAYNSHTEYN, David L'vov1ohj lad.1.0,P4. m- (Use of geometric loci in solving problems in descriptive geometi7l Primenenle geometricheakikh meat v reshaniiakh za- dach nachertatelinci. geometrii; uchabnoe posobie po kursu "Nachartateltnals. goometriia." Leningrad, Leningr. politekhn. in-t M.I.Kalinina, 1962. 37 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Geometry, Descriptive) BELYPI,IK3]fp D.S.., akademik; HMUM114., A.G.,, akEtdemik; BORISYAKJ, A.A.P akademik; GRIGORIYEVO A.A., akademik; NALIVK3N, D.V.p akadenik; SHATSUY, N.S.9 aka6mik; VLASOVI K.V.; 2JOICHUZFNIKOV, YU.A.; ORLOV, Yu.A:; M2~~ KUZNETSOV, I.V.., red.; MIXULIIISKIY S.14, red.,-. KUZNETSOVA4M,'OIDVA, Ye.B., red.; MUCI]KOVA, V.11.,, tekhn. red. [RuBsian Boientists; sketches about outstanding workers in natural Bciences and technology; geology and geograpIT] Liudi rueskoi naulti; ocherki o vydaiushchikhoia deiateliakh este- stvoznaniia i tekhniki. Geologiial geograflia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo fizlko-matem.- lit-ry,., 1962. 579 p~ (VIRA 15:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk S&IR (for Vlasov, Zhem- chuzbnikov, Orlov$ Fedorov). (Geology) (Geograpby) TUSHOV,, Te.M.; SUCHKOVO V.I.1 SHUMN, V.P.; FEDOROV,, S.F. Apparatus for amplitude and phase measuremento iu the inductive method. Goofiserasyede noo4t48-64 161. (KML 34:7) (Mactromagnetic prospecting) FEDOROV, S. F. Principles governing.-dm formation of petroletm and gas deposits. kck~. AN SSSR 341 no..-I:-185-188 N 161. (MIRA 14:11). G~len-koMflmndent AN SSSR. (Petrolem 'giology) (Gas, Naturaf-Geology) FEDOROV S.F. Effect of forests on the water balance of small drainage basins according to the data of the Vuldai Hydrological Research Laboratory. Trudy GGI no.9505-100 162. (MIRA 15t6) (Forest.influences) (Vaidall Hills-Hydrolog~r) BORDY 1.0.; BURLIN, Y'4,X.; KOROTKOV, S.T.,- PUSTILINIKOV, XHAKIMDV, IA.Yuoj SHAFWAMV, A.N. Azov-Kdban oil- and gan-bearing basi.a.. Zakonomo razm* polean. iskop. 5036-548 $62., (MIRA 15:12) Is ~bskovokiy gooudaretvemyy universitet., Krasnodarskiy sovet narodnogo khosyssystva (treety "Krannodarneftl* i NKrasnodameftegoofi- zika"), Instilut geologii i rasrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR i Kompleksneyn neftegazovaya geologicheskaya, ekspeditsiya AN SSSR. (Azov.Kuban region-Petroleum geology) (Azov-Kuban region-Gas., Natrual-Geology) nWROV, S. F. Stepwime migration of oil and p8. Soya geol. 5 no.7t8-25 ji 162, (MRA 15:7) 1. Inatitut'goologii i-razrabotki garyuchikh iskopayezfth AN SSSR. (Ntroleum geology). (Gas# Natural-Geology) 177a FLI)CRUVI S.F., Dli_~`NTO LYa.p KILMILIONOV 111Y, R.A. 'Goological charactoristica, and oil and gas potentials of tho 'Ural Mountain portion of Perm Province. Geol. ncfti i gaza -6 no.6:5-32 Je 262. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Inut-ILtut guolcigi~. i raz:mboVid. goryuchill iskopayemykh AN !ZSR. -(Perm FTovinco-Putroluchi E;eology) (Form Provinco-Gav,, Vatural-Pioology) FEDOROV, S.P.; OVANESOV, G.P.; VINNITSKIY,, Yu.S.; DIIENT, K.Ye. Geology and prospects for finding oil and gas in Bashkiria. Sa.v. geol. 7 no.10:88-97 0 164. (14IRA 17:11) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh. LE?9~7,-!;.F.; DIWNT, K.Ye. Arch uplift In the Ural mountain region of Perra Province. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no. 2041-344 Jl 164. (MJRA 17-7) 1. Chien-korrespondent AN (for Fedorov). ~~;!'J ~-'s2l"il!. FEDORM, S.F. Heat balance of forest and field. Trudy GGI no.109t 85-139 164. (KMA 17r9) !A FEWROV SF. aspirant ..,,,N~i~,~~21 - . FE-YGIV, Malvey Vladimirovich,_.L~~Olaj S.F... otv. red. (Annastaaiyovskc~-Troitskaye.gas and oil deposit of western Ciscaucasia] Anastasievsko-Trol-skoe gazoneftianoe mesto- rozhdenie Zapadnogo Predkavkazl;a. Yoskva, Nauka., 1965. 85 P- (MIRA 18:9) 1, Chlen-korrespondent All SSM "for Tedorov). EMOROVS -1101Y. --, , Evaporat-lun from ferest und fi,~Ii in years JifftrenL In hirnidificationt Trady 001 ncO23t22-35 165* (HIPA ISjZO) FEDOROV, S.F., nauchn, sotr., otv. red. [Tectonic development and t:ie rocent structure of oil- and gas-bearing regions in -the East European (Russian) Platform] Tektonicheskoe razvitie i sovremennaia, struk- tura neftegazonoanykh oblastei Vostochnoevropeiskol (Russkoi) platformy.-,-Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 192 p. (MIRA 19sl) 1. Moscow. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh. Z- - ---- - Anew !AhSM *(A&A of lions V. PI, U. I Minty, 41 !aj Wi WAR, -1. a ".a. K. , or 11M 1. translation 11!45 LUC Itsued by.'Nall. Sri. PoNuddii-o 1b. NSF-(r-IQ.: 5 ply. (ItMe. 1053)).-Allo)-s In lite iv~solld soln. region of lite Cii-Ply sq,s(cm conit. 2. 5. 8, and 12% Ply wef c rviclud and then amtralcil at M-7110* for 3W hrs. Cylindrival-tamples' were ptcp1l. and anticald in rents at 7(X)' for 0 lirs. to re- move work hardening. The hardness was dctd. by !in. preWng for 5min. its tacues -1-sided diamond pyranild with a I-kil. Wad. USCIS sample was testLA for hardliess at 020'. ' . All hardutst indtula- 200. 350, 600, 000. 700, anti OW n% wei heated to 8OU' then cooled and measur d at li o e room ' -625 temp. Below 425 depending on the contint.. the log' l 4 A near w neu 0 l temp. At higher temp. the log: of har " s shar i1 d The d viati n f Ii f h it ~ ar nes e o rom near o y. y f, wltjn w col cides c " cs n inicrostruc(urr In the vicinit I c l V 11 C/I id u y o g the fwdn 44* Indents. liclow 42t~-526` slip hands were observed while at a hither teinp Instead of slip bsn&4 the . re were surrounded b man small cells consider tra 4 .. y y the ori inal cot r than t e mi Tw iti t 1l r ii = b Y i s er V una e ps. o m a ng g y q -h l I h ) th ll t h l em are no mai ce s n t eses arez (a e on ria ypot gralas soll they come Into existence In the proct" 0 f d, ..;formation: (b) the cells exist In the original limbily and at reye" during defamathin. The authors fisvor the litter ptlph. slid the as cvldenca. d" aplituaMt of % vbyp Mal I 1.6 at, % Cc alloy annealed at 126QO yt for D T. Crairter 19n YOMOV, S. G. Auxiliary tables for selsoting sizes of wires and cables for low voltage electric power wiring taking their reactive resistance into accounte Promoenerge 15 no-5:33-35 * 16o. (MM 1337) (Blectric viring-Tables. ealculations, ate.) RDOROVp 3,,G,. inzh, Determination of voltage losses in 6 to 10 kv. alumirnim cables. Energetik 9 nool.-32-33 Ja 161, (MM 16t7) (Electric lines) I U, "III.4VI.Af*I`.hIFH,r IMAIN IN AhNFAI-ND AIFTAL. 1. A. (14t,.", M, G. .1.0 .7*~ I;,-1 D-N Al ml, N-mi, I. A r - U; M-1 a RC~o J%t's-I Samples of U.13 steel and Or brans@ war led In vacua by serving as conductors of in R-c current of In. d..WaI frequency. The following conclusions were drawn from a photographic examination of the mamples. When the' grain boundaries are displaced, they preserve their Cl- - curvilinear shape. The Inequality of the contact anglem at threvadjolalng grains also causes displacement. Thedls-' placement of the grain boundaries Is not continuous but discrete. In U-12 steel the grain boundary "lumps' about 5 to. 0 in So bronze, about 3.0 to 4.5 p. (J.B.H.) -I. ff 5/062/60/000/007/OiO/017/XX '22-00J, 1?- B004/BO64 AUTHORS: Kuskov, V. Fedorov. S, G., and Vollfkovich, S. I. TITLE: The Synthesis of Organic Phosghorus Com2ounds by Means of Interaction of Phosphoric Anhydride-kith Aluminum Phenolates 1~ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR., Otdoloniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No- 7, PP- '1200 - 1205 TEXT: The authors aimed at synthesizing high-molecular organic phosphorus compounds which are stable to high temperatures. They proceeded from phosphoric anhydride, aluminum phenolates, and m-cresolates. An exothermic reaction occurred at 500C when heating approximately equimol9cular quantities of P.0 5 (7-1 g) and aluminum phenolate (18.3 9) on a sand bath in the presence of 11 g NaOH. After 10 minutes, the mixture attained a temperature of 255'3C. After another 15 minutes, heating was Interrupted. The reaction product Card 1/4 The Synthesis of Organic Phosphorus S/062/60/000/007/010/017/x)- Compounds by Means of Interaction of B004/BO64 Phosphoric Anhydride With Aluminum Pheno- lates was extracted with 5% NaOH under shaking. When acidifying with 2 N HC1, a white crystalline powder precipitated. This substance was soluble in alkalies and could be precipitated again by acids. It was insoluble in water and organic solvents and only after long heating dissolved in ethanol amino or pyridine. On cooling the alkaline solution to -20C, crystals of sodium salt precipitated as long colorless prisms. The phosphoris content of the substance was approximately 12%. Above 3500C, the subs tance malted and decomposed, It can be readily acetylized. The molecular weight determined from the hydroxyl number was 254 - 258. Picric acid was obtained on nitrating. Decomposition occurred with concentrated sulfuric acid. and a mixture of sulfonic acids and resins formed. Bromination yielded a substance with approximately 47% bromine content which, as far as the outer appearance is concerned, did not differ from the initial substance. The same results were obtained with aluminum-m- cresolate; NaOH as catalyst was not necessary., Tho authors suggest Card 2/4 85667 The Syathesis of Organic Phosp~ur-,is S/062/60/000/007/010/017/XX Compounds by Means of Interaction of B004/BO64 Phosphoric Anhydride With Aluminum Phenolates three structures: 0 0 OH 0 11 it -P-0-C H -C H (OH)-P- P- 6 4- 6 3 C6H4OH OC 6H5 C 6H4OH (I) (II) (III) Structure III is regarded as the most probable one since it is similar to the structure of the products of the phenol formaldehyde condensation. The joint polycondensation of phenol, paraform, Al-phenolate, and P205 could be e asily carried out. On the other hand, it was not possible to obtain a grafted product from Al-phenolate, P205 and novolak resin. There are 1 tablp and 13 references: 1 Soviet, 6 US, 6 German, and 1 Swiss, Card 3/4 85667 The Synthesis of Organic Phosphorus S/062/60/000/007/010/017/XX Compounds by Means of Interaction of B004/BO64 Phosphoric Anhydride With Aluminum Phenolates ASSOCIATION: Xoskovskiy gosudarstyannyy universitet Im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow 8tate:University imani M. V, Lomonosov) 37JBMITTED: January 28, 1959 Card 4/4 I- ' - ~ . - ~ I, -, -11~ FLLUZ) jJflWJ[j.LQ EIC! (a 3 , A no V - -~a C ~ MO -L e C u - ~i f We !-L- rl,~- V,3v 1 r---actud quantitatively at 150- L70C with a thre-e-f, n. d excess Of I I . , - , , - - '- .- -,- I e E, t e r 0 f m e t h,-,, I ;~ "I. - ~, - n - -. , - ~ - , I ,.. .- ~- I I . 1, . ~ -~~ - 1, ~'- b 5 I ., - ". '~R: AP4044081 i~ , I . . i. ') - t ~~e llc?vo,l~:ic 47 - li -- , r, ", ~,. I ~ A . - FECOROV, S.G.1 KIISKGVp [doeaeavedl; OATI-r-YFVA, L.' Azo coupling ur novolal. resins. Veat. Mask. Z i;hlm. 19 no.6-34-36 N-D 164. 1. Mfedra Mirdeheakoy tekhnologil Maskcvskupo K C Hitratio and nitroastion of no"lak resins 11-iverf-ti-tat. Vegtnik. Seriya 2. Khilmniyu,' nn, 2, 196S, 69-71 77.77 vi~ otL pr vont - Vrit4- No- HN, Ltilitilliidiid. 10 Aid"- - '~r X~4 its ained;by-various av lariiiqat'_ obt AL -Cl fum r --if 7. q., ACC NR: AP6030901, SOURCE -CODE. IiiOO80/66-/039/008/18181.W1884 AUTHOR: Fcdorov,~S. G.; Nifant'yev, E. Ye. ORG:- Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Phosphiteb and phosphonites of novolak resins SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 8, 1966, 1881-1884 TOPIC TAGS: novolak resin, 1 lit! RrZIAI oz;pl^/ olell" 770A). ABSTRACT: Previous studies of this series showed that new novolak resin-based polymers with desired properties, including thermostable biologically active polymers, may be prepared by replacing the hydroxyl groups of 'the no~olak resin (1) with various functional groupp. Eight %eviously unreported modified novolak resins were ob6ained by phosp ory ation of the resin with esters and amides of phosphonous and phosphinous acids:, methyl methylphosphonite (II), dime~hyl phosphite (III), di(chloroethyl) phosphite (IV), and triphenyl phosphi *te (V). Phos- phorylation of I with 11, 111, IV, and V io.carried out in a distil- lation apparatus by heating the reaction mixture for 2 hr, at 1700C in the presence of Na in an inert gas. The re.Lction. of I with 11 proceeds as follows: Caro -1/5 UDC: 541.6+546.18- ACC NR, AP60309o4 CH3. OH O-P C CH'- 0H Cgs- -P + CBS CHI (C11j'NP 0-CHS -CHX- At low akde con~dentration, cross-linked polymers are formed. All phosphorylation products are solidified by usual methods, e.g., by -heating kith urotropine, to form thermostable plastics. They are highly reactive and may be used as startingmaterials in the-prepara- tion of jol ho patei, polyesters, and other products. Physical Card 4/5 ACC NR: . . . . 12.83 . it.75 ~VJI) 31t 135 1.5 0.036 11.37 10 21 11-,0 11.45 10:51 (VIII) Li 11 135-145 3 100-110 0.04-7 13.27 - 13.8 13.42 l Solution bdiicintrMon O.'l-'g/-lo ml s solvenf ard5/5 (VI) a.-I 100-110 0 60 M84. 75 0 032 12 78 U 7 4 AP6030904 consfant*~' an~d-reaOtion condit`ion6 un d~i'wf~fch-lthe phoi~fior;latea- novolak resins are formed are given in the table. [WA-50; CBE No. Ill Phos Pblar re ft t . Re on - affl m,p~ of Specific Composition P.and ,,,Y, gcn . con ons N In % EL 1~ Pnosp= 'Temper-I Tine ?iAdubt-1 sc COW Found Alrwlsted-- C g ature Ok - (-C) I (hrs) P N P N (11) 3A 160-170 3 30~50 01051 18.55 18.45 - is.69 (111) 3:1 t70-175 2 05-HO 0.083 15.63 0.85 - 15.89 Ill 00 05 3 13.32 0.85 - 1/2:1 - De=V=4 . 13.58 above 360 - 1 10.82 12.01 - 11.26 (IV) 3ti 140-145 4 95-06 0.00 13.22 13.33 - 0.49 (Y) 3ti 00 8 f26-150 0.075 0.2S 0.03 - 9.45 12.5C 0.0c , Table 1. Phosphorylation of novolak resin SUB CODE: OT/ SUBM DATE; 20Ju164/ ORIG REF: 010/ ()TH REF: 003/ 7JDOROV#_.#!~F y~,Ivanovich; VINOGRAD. V.1., red.; IVANOV, 7.1., nauchnyy red. . ; I- : I (Marlino country estate] Usadlba Karlino. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialams 1960. 83 p. (Narlino (Kursk ]Province)--Description) (MIRA 13:6) VOSKMENSKIY, D.I.1 GWOVSJUA~ R.A.0- DERYUGIN, L.N.1 FEDOROV, S.I. Investigation of a delay system with noncontacting plates, Trudy MAI nc)012143-66 160, (MIRA 14M I(Wave gui4es) (De3iLy networks) (Tmveling...-Wave tubes) S/1OY56O r0000,05/17/028 B 9t4310 B007 BOO6 AUTHOR: Fedorov, S.I., Engineer (Moscow) TITLE: Computation of the Cooling Systems for Semiconductor Triodes PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1960, No- 5, Pp. 73-76 TEXT: Formula (1) for the maximum dissipated power of a semiconductor triode is written down. The equivalent circuit diagram for the thermal processes in the system semiconductor triode - surrounding medium is shown in Fig. 1. The entire thermal resistance is composed of 4 thermal resistances: the internal one of the triodel that of the'radiator, that of the passage from the triode housing to the radiator and that between the triode housing and the surrounding medium. A reduction of the total thermal resistance (Formula (2)) -.19 only possible at the expense of a reduction of Rth.pases. (thermal resistance of the passage from triode housing to radiator) and of Rth.r. (thermal resistance between triode housing and surrounding medium), the remaining terms in formula (2) being para- meters of the respective triode type. It is shown here that when observing the Card 1/3 8M56 Computation of the Cooling systems for Semiconductor 5/105J60/000/05/17/028 Triodes B007/BO08 necessary conditionsp R th.lDaBS is.only a fraction of R th.r. in most cases, and can therefore be neglected. The computation of the radiator consists therefore in the determination of its surface according to its thermal resistance R th.r.* If Rth.r. is known, the surface of.the radiator can be determined from the diagram given in Fig. 4. The formulas from which the curves of this diagram were computed are also written down* The investigations carried out showed that it is easier to compute the radiators according to the optimum equivalent radius: formula (12). In this case the radiator hasmorsover the smallest thermal resistance, with a given expenditure of metal weight. The o)rrelations between the optimum equivalent radius and the thickness.of the radiator material, as well as the correlations between the'thermal resistance of the radiator and the optimum equivalent radius are shown in Fig. -6. Radiators with an optimum equi- valent radius cannot always be used in practice. More complicated forms (then plates) are therefore also used. One of these radiators is shown in Fig. 7. The possibility of using the graphic method for the computation of the radiator was also tested on it. Some recommendations and hints for the construction of such radiatora are given in this connection. The right selection of the maximum temperature for the collector junction is of great importance. The contact places Card 2/3 80156 computation of the cooling systems-for sexiconduotor B/105/60/000/05/17/028 Triodes B007/BO08 between radiator and triode as wellIas those between the individual radiator parts between each other must be clean and have a smooth surface. There are 7 figures and 2 reforenoest.1 of which is Soviet. 1-r SUBMITTED: October 12p 1959 Card 3/3 ONSTANTINOV9 I.R.; nDMOVp S.L. Using gradient =#to to determine evaporation and heat e=haws in forests. Trudy GGI no*81:91-324 160. (MIRA 14z 11 (Va2dal, Hi4l&--Moteorology--Observations) 04orest influences) USSR/Electricity Heqting Concrete Jun 49 "Use of a System of Maxwell's Equations for Computing the Resistance Between Electrodes in the Initial Electrical Heating of Concrete," Docent A. V. Netushils Cud Tech Soil X. B. Isayev, S- K, Fedorovs Students, Moscow Power Eng Inst imeni'Molotov, 4 pp nElaktricheIstvo"19~6 Passing an electric current directly throughfreshly laid concrete reduces hardening time. Seasonality in concrete construction work and bricklaying has practically been eliminated die to tse of electric heating, No calculations had been made for setting of electrodes,, and thi a often led to nonuniform heating. Makes necessary calculations for several types of electrodes using Maxwell Ia equations* Pk 14141T31 FEDOROV, S. K. , and GERASI14OV,, I.. P. "World's natural resources belonging to the whole of mankind" report to be submi tted for the Wited. FAtims Ci=ference on the AppUzatioa of Setmce W Tecbnoloff for the Benefit o. - the Less Develalped Are" - Oeimevs, MtzerlW., 4-20 Feb 63- 1. FEDORGV, - S.--' ;4.r 2. USSR (600) 7. "Pests and Diseases of Tree Plantings in the Zheleznovodak Health Resort Park", Materialy po Izucheniyu Stavropol'skogo Kraya,, No 2-3., 1950, pp 85-101. 9. Mikrobiolojziya, Vol XXI, Issue 19 Moscow, Jan-?eb 1952p pp 121-132. Unclassified. Biological foundations of -phynoxera, control. Int.obat. 38 no.1:82-97 159. (MIA 12:4) ~~yiioxera) ------FXDOROV. So M.[deceased] Biology of the gmashoppers Bradyporus multituborouUtus Yo-W. and Onconotus la-mml Pall. (Orthopteri, Tettigonoidea) in the ateppes of Giscaucania. Ent. ob6z..4 no.4s751-762 162. (MIR& 16:1) (Caueasu-s,, Nortbern-Locusts) VINTATKIN~.te.'Z.~; Gfbiid.P.L.; FMOROT'S.N. Determining sublimation temperatures bF means of the maso- spectrog.raph. Zav.lab.21 no-7:835-837 '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1, TSentrallrqy umuchno-iseledovatellekly institut chernoy metallurgil. (Sublimation (Chemistry)) (Mass spectrometry) Isayev, X. and Fedorov, S. - 117he calculation of resistances in semi-conductor mediums aided by Maxwell's formulas," Trud~ Studench. nauch.-tekhn. o-va (Moak. energet. in-t im Molotova), Issue 3, 1949, p. 12-19 1 SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (letople 'Zhurnal lnykh Statey, No. 15, l9k9) T, 'T AID P - 3390 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 5/30 Author Fedorov, S. M., Eng. Title : Adjusting the operation of pneumatic stokers for anthracite Periodical : Energetik, 1.0. 10-11, 0 1955 Abstract : The author describes the'adjusting work done in the boiler rooms of the Movocherkaosk Electrode Plant and of the plant ."Pobedit". The boilers adjusted were of the DKV 6.5/13 and Shuchov-Berlin A-5 types with pneumatic stokers of the PMZ and PMRv types, operating on anthracite coal cf the ARSh mark.- The author describes the details of the adjustments and the results obtained. Institution None Submitted No date I IMMOV, S.M. (Leningrad) using the method of loprithmic frequence charactoristias for the synthesis of par&llel corrective circuits of servolystale [with IngliBh sunary in insert]. Avtoma telem. 17 no.9:847-852 5 156. (au 9: 11) Oervoisechaniams) YAMOVg SeNes dota,g kmd, takhn,, nauk, NXI no;6t,",34-241 IR, Dynamlon of hydrau3lo drivase',Trady ..-, kftcbiue tools-Hydrau34a drivii3g) (Mn& 31-t5) 1 411k, i 0, , ;, ,-, ;, - * ~-, , ,, 8(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1290 Besekerskiy, Viktor Antonovich, V.P. Orlov, L.V. Polonskaya,, and S.M. Fedorov. Proyektirovaniye sledyAshchikh sistem maloy moshch- noel-l_(Design of Low-power Servo Systems) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1958. 5o8 p. 9,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page); Besekerskiy, Vlktor Antonovich; Scientific Ed.; Khrushohev, V.V.; Ed. (inside book): Shaurak, Ye. N.; Tech. Ed.: Levochkina,, L.I. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers engaged in the design and development of servo systems. It may also be useful to rtu- dents of vuzes specializing in automatic control. COVERAGE: The authors describe the principles of designing low- power servo systems (100-200 watts). The first part of the book deals with general problems of synthesizing servo systems. It also discusses the requirements for stability, accuracy, and smooth operation of servo systems at low speeds. The second part describes problems of synthesizing some special types of servo Card 1A1 Design of Lower-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 systems, such as gyrostabilizers, amplifiers with large feedback,and servos using stabilizing and integrating systems. The third part discusses problems of designing individual system components. The material of the first and second parts is based on~a dissertation written by V.A. Besekerskiy. The book does not discuss the theory of automatic control. The authors assume that the reader has a sufficient background In the field of automatic control and telemechanics. They thank Professor D.V. Vasillyev and Docent V.V. Khrushchev for reviewing the manuscript. There are 119 references of which 104 are Soviet (including 7 translations), and 15 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Card 2/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 PART I. GEVML PROBLEMS IN THE SYNTHESIS OF SERVO SYSTE14S Ch. I. Introduction 5 1. Synthesis of low-power servo systems 5 2. Determining the performance of servo systems 7 3. Stabilizing (compensating) circuits 12 4. Types of low-power servo systems 16 5. Tolerances and limitations 20 Ch. II. Stability Requirements Imposed on Frequency Characteribtics of Servo S stems 24 6. Various types of approximate fa"symptotic) attenu- ation-frequency characteristics of servo systems 24 7. Relationship between the parameters of approximate attenuation-frequency characteristics and the magnitude of ratio of controlled variable to reference Input 29 Card 3/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 8. Effect of additional time constants on the parameters of basic-approximate attenuation- frequency characteristics of the C and F types 41 9. General principles of constructing approximate attenuation-frequency characteristics of any type 46 10. Parameters of normalized approximate attenuation- frequency characteristics 49 11. Relationship between the magnitude of ratio of controlled variable to reference input and the transient process for normalized approximate at- tenuation-frequency characteristics. Normalized curves of transient processes 52 12. Approximate attenuation-frequency.-characteris- . tics of simple position-control servo systems 55 Card 4/21 Design of Lew-power Servo Syntems SOV/1290 Ch. III. Accuracy Requirements Imposed on the Low-frequency Region of the Approximate Attenuation-Frequency Characteristics of Servo Systems 58 14. Systems with sinusoidal inputs and no disturbance load torque 61 15. Systems with ainueoidal inputs, a disturbance load torque, and no stabilization 65 16. Systems with sinusoidal inputs, disturbance load torque, and stabilization 69 17. Example of constructing approximate.attenuation- frequency characteristics of a servo system with a sinusoidal input., with or without a disturbance load torque 73 18. Performance of a system with sinusoidal inputs and a disturbance load torque when the control motor exhibits a dead space 1175 19. Effect of the moment of inertia of the eontrol-motor shaft on the error during a change in the velocity sign 77 Card 5/21 ...... ..... -maw GMMNM Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 20. Example of determining the permissible variation of the first largest time constant 79 21. Type 2 servomechanism with a sinusoidal input 83 22. Performance of a servomechanism with a random steady-state input signal and no disturbance load torque 84 23. Example of determining the root-mean-square error of a servomechanism with a random steady-state input signal. Example of constructing approximate attenuation-frequency characteristics go 24. Performance of a servomechanism with a random steady-state input signal and a disturbance load torque 94 25. Systems with irregular harmonic inputs 100 Card 641 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 26. Position-control servomechanisms employing synchros Ch. IV. Smooth-operation Requirements Imposed on Approximate Attentuation-Frequency Character- istios of Position-oontrol Servo Systems 115 27. General information 115 28. Determiningthe critical speed of a servo system 119 29. Example of determining oritical speed 128 30. Conditions precluding disturbances during the motion of a system at any low speed 132 31. Methods of increasing the time constant of a control motor 140 Card 7/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 PART 11. PROBLEMS IN THE SYNTHESIS OF SOME SPECIAL TYPES OF SERVO SYSTEMS Ch. V. Gyrostabllizers 145 32. General information 145 33. Transfer function of an open-loop gyrostabilizer 148 34. Approximate attenuation-frequency characteristics of a gyrostabilizer 152 35. Relationship between the error due to sinusoidal disturbance input and the parameters of approximate attentuation-frequency characteristics of a gyro- stabilizer 157 36. Approximate attentuation-frequency characteristics of gyrostabilizers using small gyroscopes. First step in constructing the desired approximate atten-9 uation-frequency characteristics. Determination of feedback parameters 163 Card 8/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 37. Second step In constructing the desired approximate attenuation-frequenoy characteristics of a gyrostabilizer using small gyroscopes. Deter- mination of signal level by the first derivative of the precession angle 168 38. Relationship between the stabilization error and parameters'of approximate attenuation-frequency characteristics of gyrostabilizers using small gyroscopes 173 Ch. VI. Integrating and Stabilizing Systems of Servomechanisms 176 39. Integrating system 176 40.' Error of an integrating system under static conditions 181 Card 9/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 41. Error of an integrating system during its motion at constant speed. Operating ranges of an in- tegrating system 183 42. Error during integration of the harmonic input signal. Dynamic displacement of zero position 185 43. Determination of dynamic characteristics of integrating systems 188 44. Stabilization of integrating systems 193 45. Stabilizing systems 195 46. Type 1 servomechanisms employing electromechanical stabilization 200 47. Type 2 servomechanisms employing electromechanical stabilization 202 Card loAl Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV11290 48. Type 1 servomechanisms employing electromechanical stabilization with increased gain 205 49. Stabilizing a system with random steady-state disturbances 210 50. Stabilizing a system with irregular harmonic disturbances 214 51. Errors of stabilizing systems In reproducing I a useful signal 217 Ch. VII. Systems for Reproducing Modulated Quantities (Amplifiers With a Large Feedback) 222 52. General'information 222 53. Analytical expressions for typical approxtmate attenuation-frequency characteristics 225 Card llAl Design of LOW-power pervo systems SOV/1290 54. Compensating circuits 231 55. Relationship between the errors and parameters of approximate attenuation-frequency charac- teristics 233 56. Example of designing an amplifier with a large feedback 236 PART III, PROBLE14S OF CALCULATING AND DESIGNING CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS Ch.VIII. Primary Control Sensitive Elements 243 57. General Information 243 58 Potentiometers 244 59. Selsyns 249 Card 12/ 21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 60. Rotating transformers 251 61. Precession-angle*transmitters 264 62. Control transformers 264 63. Tachometers 266 64. Photoelectric sensitive devices 269 Ch. IX. Amplifiers 273 65. General information 273 66. Requirements imposed on amplifier linearity by Oisturbancto at the input 276 67. Stability requirements imposed on amplifier phase characteristic 280 Card 13/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 68. Displacement of zero in a control system acted upon by higher harmonics at the input 69. Vacuum-tube amplifiers 70. Triode transistor.amplifiers. Common-base connection. 71. Common-emitter connection 72. Common-collector connection 73. Capacitance-coupled transistor amplifiers 74. Transformer-coUpled transistor amplifiers 75. Symbols used in transistor circuits 76. Magnetic amplifiers Card 1441 28.-. 283 292 29,9 297 299 306 309 -109 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 77. Connecting magnetic-amplifier stages to the control signal source 320 78. Relay amplifiers 324 79. Relay amplifiers with external excitation 324 80. Relay am lifiers with self-exoitation (with feedbacki 331 81. Application of relay-amplifiera in control systems 332 82. Separately-excited rotating amplifiers 334 83. Amplidynes 337 84 Transfer functions of amplidynes 343 Card 15/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/129() Ch. X. Conversion Elements 351 85. General information 351 86. Half-wave diode demodulator with a resistive load 352 87. Full-wave ring demodulator 357 88. Full-wave bridge rectifier 362 89. Requirements Imposed on filters of phase-sensitive detectors 36.3 90. L-type RC-filters 366 91. Low-frequency RLC-filter 370 92. Bridged T-circuit 377 Card 16/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV1129Q 93. Symmetrical bridged T-circuit 38p- 94. Triode demodulators 383 Ch. XI. Control:Motors 390 95. General information 390 96. Mechanical charaoterisities of two-phase induction motors 39.3 97. Transfer function of a two-phase induction motor 396 98. Connection diagrams of two-phase induction motors 402 99. Transfer function of a separately excited d-c motor 405 Card 17/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV11290 100. Transfer function of a d-c motor controlled by the field circuit 4o8 101. Selecting the proper control motor 41o 102. Selecting the proper control motor for a servomechanism with a random steady-state input signal 416 103. Selecting the reducer 418 104. Basic specifications of low-09wer motors 426 Ch. XII. Stabilizing Networks and Their Design 4309"' 105. General information 43e' 106. General information on designing series compensating networka 438 Card 18/121 Design of Low-powet Servo Systems SOV/1290 107. Series compensating networks for d-o signals 439 108. Examples of determining the parameters of series compensating networks 45.5 109. Series compensating networks for a-c signals 460 110. General information on designing direct feedbaak compensation 466 111. Inserting an erroir-integrating Internal loop into a control system 467 112. Inserting an error-differentiating internal loop into a control system 470 113. Inserting a compensating network into a contro4 system 472 Card 19/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 114. Inserting a reference-angle differentiating network into a control system (combined control systems) 473 115. General information on designing feedback 47t 116. Inertialesa elements in a feedback circuit (degenerative feedback) 481 117. Conversion elements in a feedback circuit not enclosing a motor (voltage feedback) 483 118. Differentiating element in a feedback circuit enclosing a motor (velocity feedback) 486 119. Differentiating element and a high-frequency 44 filter in a feedback circuit (acceleration feed. back) 491- Card 20/21 Design of Low-power Servo Systems SOV/1290 120. Differentiating clement and a complex filter in a feedback circuit enclosing i motor 492 121. Comparison of various stabilizing circuits 496 Bibliography POO AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JF/atr 3-23-59 Card 21/21