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/? /* P/11 W0111adioybysics Radio-'~:ave'.4ropagation. Ionosphere, 1-6 Abst-journal: Referat V= - Fizikaj. No 12, 1956, 35296 Author: Zhevakin2 S. A., Payn, V. M. Institution: move Title: On the Theory of Nonlinear Effects in the lonosphere Original Pericaical: Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 3, 518-527 Abstracti In the calculation of the nonlinear effects in the ionosphere., the authors use a velocity distribution function for the electrons. ob- Uined by one of the authors (Referat Zhur - Fizika, 1956, 131D for the ease of propagation of an amplitude-modulated high frequency field of arbitrary amplitude 30, in the presence of a permanent mag- netic field. This makes it possible to calculate the val" -of the croso-codulation and other nonlinear ionospheric effects without as- si-I g the magnetic field of the wave Alp be smalls as cmis done earlier by other authors. It is shown that even at transmitter powers greater than 250 kv and under usual conditions of radiation and propagation of Card 1/2 'USM/Pladiopb7sice - RecUo-vive Propagation. Ionosphere, 1-6 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - nzika.. No 12, 1956,, 35298 Abstract: radio waves,, a noticeable deviation occurs from the results of the approximate theory of cross-modulation (linear with respect to the square of the 400*tUde of the field RO of a strong station). Thus, in the example ubder consideration, at a transmitter power of 500 kv.. the factor characterizing the depth of the cross-modulation~ assuming collisions between the electrons and molecules, is calculated from the exact thpory to be 0.465, but the linear approximation (with r~iopect -to qO-) results in OB51 gsouming colliajon with ions, this factor becomes 0.455 and 0.056 respectively. A calculation is made of the nonlinear effect of phase self-modulation., occurring upon the passage through the Ionosphere of an amplitude-modulated radio-vave~. It is shown that this effect amounts to.several radians per second, i.e., it can be detected experimentally, and-used to study the ionosphere. Bibliography, 10 titles. Card 2/2 1.0,c-6-11/17 AUTHOR GINZBURG, V.L., FaYN, V.I!. TITLE On the Question of -QuantuT,., Effe,-~t.5 on the 0---aiion of Interaction of Electrons wiWi h.f. Fields in Resonators (K voprosu o Wantovykh affektakh pri vzaimodeystvii elektronov s vysokochastotnymi polyam! v rezonatorakh. Russian) PERIODICAL Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 1957, Vol. 2, Ur 6p pp 78o-:,189 (UsS.S.R.) ABSTRACT The problem of the quantum effects on the occasion of the passage of electrons through a hollow resonator is investleated. First the prob- lem is treated as purely classical. The investigation is then,carried out with regard to the quantum field, for which the formula of H. Nyquist (Phys. Rev.., 1928, Vol 32, pp 11o) is used. The authors show that this calculation is sufficient only for the determination of the energy gradient (A Krr)l . But in order to obtain the function of the energy distribution of the electron at the resonator outlet the clas- sical method of inveatigation is not sufficient. But as this method is very different. from that used in the quantum theory the authors here endeavor to solve the problem by means of the introduction of canonical variables (WILTON method). The authors show that the sim- ple classical calculation must be preferred. In an analogous way those cases can be investigated where the field along the way of the elec- tron is not homogeneous. In the end the wave characteristic of the Card 1112 electrons are taken into account, and the authors show that the Ple.-- 109-6-11/17 On the Question of Ziantum Effectg on the Occasion of Interaction of Electrons with . h.f. Fields in Resonators tron in the radio-range can to eyprj~ased classically and that the only quantum effect in the present work is connected with the in- fluence of the quantum of t~he field and in particular with the pre- sence of z,5ro oscilLations. Thia quantum effest is very small. As a summary the authors state that no quantima-m9chanic methods are neces- sary for the cal~.ulation of the respective problems 'out that they can be solved by means of the quantum formula of Nyquist. (With 4 Slavic references). ASSOCIATION 11P.N, LMEDEVI Institute for Physics of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. and the GORIKOVSKIf State University (Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva An SSSR 1 Gorlkovskiy gosu- darstvennyy universite-t.) PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 21.9-1956 AVAILABIL Library of Congress Card 2/*2 AUTHOR GINZBURG, V.L.., FAYN, V.M. PA - 2080 TITLE On the Quantum EN-ec-E-soccurring on Interactions of Electrons with High Frequency Fields in Resonant Cavities (0 kvantovykh effektakh pri vzaimodaystvii elektronov c vysokochastochnymi polyami v polykh rezonatorakh). P,RIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Tooret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, pp 162-164 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957 ABSTRACT The authors investigated the following problem in classical mannert At the . Ko a mv4/2 a non-relativistical elec- moment A - 0 with the kinetic energy 0 tron enters the resonator and leaves it at the moment t = 7 with the energy K* - mv4 2. For reasons of simplicity the electric field Z in the 7f I V resonator on the path of the electron is assumed to be homogeneous and parallel to the velocity of the electron (such a case is absolutely real). If E - El coscit + (EX + Eo) sinwt applies, T4dv/dt) - ~E and vr - v + (e/mw) [Eisintit + (E4 + E )(1 - coswr)j is obtained. Here El and 0 Eg denote chance quantities and Ke - o and Z? - Ll - 7?d4 are as- sumed to apply. d denotes the path to be covered by the electron (thick- ness of the resonator) and " denotes the mean square of the fluctuation- voltage, The averaging is carried out over the corresponding assemblies of the identical systems. The field in the resonator is assumed to influ- ence the movement of the electrons only to a small extent so that the terms of the order of magnitude en may be taken to be sufficient. Under Card these circumstances 11Krj eava E(sin(tj7-/2)/((JY/2)] a applies. For Ft* - 2060 On the Quantum Effects occurring on Interactions of Electrons with High Frequency Fields in Resonant Cavities. the dispersion of velocity then Trv--TV - Tar-ryam-av-a applies. if wr- E ). The radiation of the molsoules is here examined in dipole ;pproximationg smd CARD 1/3 PA - 2981 On the Problem of the Natural Width of a Line within the Radar Dcusim. the divest interaction of the moleaules is neglected. 1+ be assumed to denote the number of molecules which are - present in states with the energy. k . in the state of thermal equilibrium with the at the temperature T n_,- n+ -j zE/2 k T; a - a- + n+; E - E+ - E_ - h 640 applies. After @one further computations the following ex- pression is found for the natural width of the line: T - - 2 i ro - ( t w /2 k T) a ao. Her* T 0 denotes the natural width of the line of a molesuls, and, besides, 11 a M _mZ/4kT applies. At Wo - 2.10 sea-' ( A. I on) -7 -1 0M 3,10 sea applies. This is the natural width of the line of a gas if the molecules radiate independently. If however, -1015 molesules on a stretah of "I ma (on, the levels E_ and E+), CAn 2/3 PA - 2981 On the Problem of the Natural Width of a Line within the Radar Domain. tb9z T - 300 09 105 Seel applies at T - 300 0 1. Thusq the naturaf ;idth of the line Is is general not negligibly small within the radar domaisi as was assumed. The absorption width has the same width. The phenomenon described here also has a classical analogy. In a system of oscillators which are present in a short stretch compared to the length of the radiated ways, an indireot interaction always exists owing to the common radiation field: (No illustrations) ASSOCIATION: State University GORIKIY PRESFJTED BYt - SUBMITTED: 24. 11. 1956. AVAILABLE: ~-MrarFyo Toagress, CAID 313 F-6 tvq) i-~ 19,7. AUTHbR-. -Fayn,-V.M., 5 05- 2- 16/47 TITLEt Note On the Radiation Emitted by Molecules in the Presence of a Strong High-Frequency -Field (Izlucheniye molekul T prisutstvii sillnogo vysokochastotnogo poly& ). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim.i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, vol. 33, Ur 2 8),Pp-416-424 USSR) ~ IBSTRPLCT: The author at first computes this effect with the help of the cor- respondence principle and then discusses quantum electrodynamical considerations, which confirm the existence of this effect. The in- vestigation on the basis of the correspondence principlat In this case the molecule is described by quantum mechanics and radiation by classical mechanics. At the outset various propositions are en- umerated. The wave function of the molecule is supposed to satisfy the Schroedinger- equation it-av/-at - (Ho + V sin,-)t)T. With an existing interaction the solution of this equation is set up on the + a, T2. On the basis of the correspondence prJn- form TM Ti al ciple the e iss n n he absorption of the molecule are determi- m d o a ned. This radiation is an es3entially non equilibrium process, it takes place only -under the influence of an external coercive for- ce. The Hamiltonian in the external field is of the form H.H,+y sincOt + W sin4t the equations resulting from this are also given. A weak external field with the frequency 9--20 does not modify the character of the motion of the molecule, and therefore thero is Card 1/2 no resonance absorption at the frequencyQo. Subsequently, the - - - '_ , ~~ -'~ " I R "; " - -i: "'~ '~ -.,- , - . ... NM`11K�1" ie., -0 RIC 3 IF A Q;-'. Note on the Radiation Emitted by Molecules in tht PreBence of a Strong High-Frequency -Field, 56-2-16/47 coherence of the irradiation of single gas mole--ules is investigat- ed. A two-atomic molecule is considered as an special example. With the matrix elements derITAted here the intensity of radiation can be determined. Consideration on the basis of quantum-electrodynamics The occurrence of an emission at the frequency_q, 0 result from sim- ple quantum-electrodynamical considerations. The matrix elements of the operator of the interaction with the electromagnetical field with the frequency~Q 0 (corresponding to the transition E1__)'E2) are proportional to )'tt .. 6'422 1. The quantumelectrodynamical investi- gation here Justiflels the application of the correspondence prin- ciple. There are $ Slavic references and no figure. ASSOCIATIONt GorgUy State Univerq1ty (Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet). SUBMITTED: October 5, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. oard 2/2 N~-'[ J':"'I~)' k~' 56-4-19/54 AU~HORs Payn, V.M. TITLE: On the Oscillation Equations of a Molecular Generator (Ob uravneniyakh kolebaniy molakulyarnogo generatora) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Ekaperim. i Teoret. Piziki, 1957, Vol* 33, Tir 4, pp. 545 - 947 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The question for the oscillation equations of a molecular ge- nerator for any working regime is theoretically treated and 2 equations are established as total set of equationsi + 4 + ( 00/0 (i + 0- ~) + 0, 2E - 0 N + N - (2/t W2) E(P + T-1P) - 9-'N0, where E signifies an electric field, P - the polarization of the medium in the resonance band, Q - the energy factor, oo - the natural oscillation of the system, N - the number of active molecules. There are 2 Slavic Card 112 references. I. 56-4-19/54 On the Oscillation Equations of a Molecular Generator ASSOCIATIONt Gorlkiy Radiophysical Institute (Gorlkovskiy radiofizicheskiy institut) SUBMITTEDs April 20, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHDR: Payn, V.1i. 56-5-36/46 TITLZ: On a Saturation Iffect in a Systm With Throe Energy Levels (0b effekto masyshchoniya, v sistme a trewa energetichaskimi urovnymi) PMODICAI4 Zhurnal Nkmperia. I Toorst.Pisiki, 1957, Vol- 33, Nr 5, pp. 1290-1294 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In radloopeotramoopy quantumschanioal amplifiers and generators gain more and more in importance. In one of these devices three energy levels of parsimognotio resonance are used. The behavior of such a systm with the energy levels Ej, 32, 33 is i"03tiZ`"*d theoretically, If it In under the influence of an altermating field, the frequencies of which are as followmi '031 a ('3-11011 6)21 - (12-X10i, &)32 - (33420L The equation which in derived for dielectric (Magnetic) suscepti- bility can be used quite generally in the theory of quenta-gemers.- tore or amlifiers. There are 12 references, 4 of which are Slavic. ASSOCUTIOM Gorlkijr ScientifiL, Usearch Institute for'Rad1oPh*sics-(Gor1k6vsk1y nauchno-isoledovatellskiy r&Uofizicheskiy institut) SMMITM: June i0j, 1957. AVAILABLI: Library of Congress Card 1/i I -.: A- - JLIV - V- -M (HIRFIj G0r"1Y)------- "Quantum Phenomena in the Radio TWnge". The author explained the most essential results of his investigations for the theory of quantum systems in the radio range. TAGER, A. S. (Moscow) and FAYN, V.-M. "Spontaneous Radiation of a Particle System, Whose Dimensions Are Comparable to the Wave Length". report presented at the All-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physics, GorIkiy) 13-18 October 1958. (Izv. vyssh uchev zaved-Radiotekh., vol. 2, No. 1, pp 121-127) COMPLETE card under SIFOROV, V. I.) ITKINA, M.A.; FAYN, T.M. Time of relaxation caused by spontansoun radiation in the radio band. I7v*vys.uchs3b*zavo; radlofiz. I no-300-36 0 58- (MIRA 12i1) 1. Issledovatellany radinfizichaskiy inatitut pri GorOkovskom universitate, (Radiation) 06465 sovn4i-i-5-6-9/28 AVMORS: Malakhov, A.N. &nd'!AyU'-V.M TITLE: Tke, Spectral Line Width of a 3-lovol Quantum Oscillator PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Radlafizika, 1958, voi i, Nr 5-6, pp 66 - 74 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Quantum oscillators consist of systems with discret.9 anergy levels, such an molecular games, Paramagnotic compounds, etc., associated with a resonator. The behaviour of the latter-may be described by Zq (1) in terms of electric-t1old.strengft Z , polarisit~on P and the resonator qu*34*4r and taeg&mey Q and a- respectively. The radiations produced suffer from three disturbing influences: thermal noise in the reBonator.Apd fluctuations in the amplitude and frequency on the-pumptng field. The spectral line width due to the first of those in called the "natural" l1ne width and that due to the second and third in the *technical* line width. The effective line width in the sum of these two quantities. The resonator equation for complex field is Eq (2) and for complex permittivity is Eq (3). The latter may be Cardl/3 C6465 SOV/1 lr~f,6-9/28 The Spectral Line Width of a 3-level Quantum4ds-ci ator solved as an algebraic equation (4), which upon substitution of the changed variables immediately following it becomes Eq (5). The solutions are plotted in Figures 1-3, the permittivity being found from Eq (6). If all noise a)id fluctuations are absent, the amplitude and frequency of the radiation :are finite vector quantities. If all disturbances are present, then Eq (18) describes the character of the radiation. If the specttal densities of the disturbancos are known, Eqs (24) and (25) are expressions for the "natural" and "technical" line widths, respectively. If reasonable practical values for both gaseous and para- magnetic solid systems are substituted in these expressions it is seen that the technical line width is comparable with that of the pump source; this does not exclude the possibility th4t more careful examination of Eqs (22) and (23) would sug8est an operating regime to give a smaller line width. There are 3 figures and 6 references, of which 4 are Soviet and 2 English. Card2/3 (L465 sov/14l-1-5-6-9/28 The Spectral Line Width of a 3-level Quantum Oscillator xSSOCIATION: Issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gorikovskom universitete (Radiophysics Researcli Institute of Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED: June 4, 1958 Card 3/3 06466 AUTHOR: - Fayn, V.M. sov/141-1-5-6-10/28 TITLE: On the Theory of a "Cohetron" PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedoniy, Radiofizika, 1958, Val 1, Nr 5-6, Pp 75 - 82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The device described was proposed by the author In Ids earlier works (Refs 3,4). The principle of the device ix as follows. A system of quantum objects having two energy levels is excited by some means; the objects wIll, therefore, spontaneously radiate energy quanta hw = 92 - El , where E . and El are the energy levels of the objects. In particular, a cohetron can be ba*ed on a system of electrons, since an electron in a magnetic field has two energy states (depending on the direction of the magnetic moment of the electron). The alm of this paper is to analyze the operation of an electron-type cohetron. If the electrons are situated in a magnetic field, the overall magnetic moment V of the system obeys- Cardl/5 C6466 On the Theory of a "Cohetron" SOV/141-1-5-6-10/28 4 Y 104 + rp 14, 1P, --10(t)l dt 3c3 Ir where y in the gyro-magnetic ratio, g is the spqctroscopic~ k splitting coefficient, PB is the Bohr magnetron, po is the instantaneous equilibrium value of ~ , corresponding to the field H , "t: is the relaxation time and c in the velocity of light. The first term in zq (1) describes the action of the external field H , the second term takes into account the internal magnetic field of the system, while the third term describes the change of V due to the relaxation processes. It can be assumed that the components lix and py of Eq (1) are sinusoidal functions of time, their frequency being w = yH . The above assumption leAds to Zqs (5) and (6). If a new variable 9 is introduced, as defined by Eq (7) and if 'obeys Eq (8), Eqs (5) and Card2/5 Po On the Theory of a "Cohetron" (6) can be written a#: 2y (YR)5 $L 4F 3c3 1 06466 SOV/141-1-5-6-10/28 in Cp (9) + - (10) t These are the basic equations for the investigation of the system. If it in assumed that the relaxation time Is compratively long, that is, t 7 2 J 3 3 at J Here, S denotes the ex 2 Im Im 1 m Im, 1 spin operator in't units. When the chain is stretched, antiferromagnetism may Card 1/3 Possible Anomalies of the Magnetic Properties of 81020V60113110410191073 Macromolecules B013/BO07 occur already with weak anisotropy fields. Approximation of the spin waves with the magnetic mom Ut t," is convenient for the lowest excited levels of an antiferromagneti: body (as well as in the case of ferromagnetio bodies). The excitation energy of the antiferromagnetio body is equal to the tot:lity of such independent waves with the energies t t t. 1,2,..., vhere E-- w f t/LHI 2~ 'k 'k - 'k k k )2 J2 con Ek W f(j~A+2J -~4 a k holds. Here get/2mo denotes the magnetic moment of excitation, H - the outer magnetic field, a - the lattice constant, k a XIIN& the wave vector. The levels are lowered with increasing N, and if there is k no H-f ield they tend to zero with N --s w and R --+ 0. In the unidimensional A case a sufficiently long antiferromagnetic chain is unstable. The magnetic susceptibility 14 of an antiferronagnetio body is determined by the lowest levels, which fact holds also for a two-dimensional system. For the estimation of )( for a chain the lowest level will suffice. In converting the susceptibility of the chains to the paramagnetic case it in possible to assume the "depairing" of all outer electrons in the monomers. In the case of polycrystals absorption occurs Card 2/3 Possible*Anomalies of the Magnetic Properties of 5/020J60/131/04/019/073 Macromolecules ZO13/BO07 at a certain frequency r not only with a certain value of R but in a wide frequency range. The lateral links which "cement" the chains into the three- dimensional body, play a stabilizing part. Of special importance is the deter- mination of the temperature dependence of the magnetic moment of the samples. It is possible that the spin waves play an important part also in biological processes. The authors thank L. A. Blyumenfelld and V. A. Benderskiy for experimental data and a discussion. There are 1 figure and 16 referencest 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONe Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences of the TJBSR) Nauchno-inaledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni N. 1. Lobachevskogo (Radiophysical Scientific Research Institute of Gorlkiy State University imeni N. I. Lobach!vskiy) SUBMITTEDt January 3P 1960 Card 3/3 28766 8/056/61/041/003/019/020 9 i1- B113/BIO2 AUTHORS: Fayn, V. M., Khanin, Ya. I., Yashchin, E. G. TITLE: Nonlinear properties of three-level systems PERIODICAL! Zhurnal eksperimeniallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 41, no- 3(9) 0 1961 , 986-988 TEXT: A reaction (e.g. polarization P) of a three-level system to two monochromatic signals may serve as characteristics of the nonlinear properties of this system. El, E2, E 3 are assumed to be three levels of a quantum system. An external field F -E 13. 00852 31t +E 23 'coeQ 32t(1) in assumed to act upon this system; the frequencies are 2, - ft 31 -`(E3 Z1)/A a d 32 -_ (E3 - B2)/h .The equation for the density matrix -i-mn 'a used in order to determine the field-induced polarization of the system. If in the solution of this equation only the resonance terms with the frequencie Q 32 31 , 31 32 are used and if one goes over to a in:nd 9 system of :orres'pond algebraic equations, then the equation Card 1/3 28766 8/056/61/041/003/019/020 Nonlinear properties of three-level ... B113/B102 P - ~ - A e-i~131t - -isl 32t j ("? 31- 932)t + coal (4) 31 13 +~320230 is obtained whers------____-__-_____- p;j f- 21yjj,&-I (D'*' 14 (it- - DI'03'(2ir, + Ts) T,s) U ',+ ATO +rsTi231 p7n = 21TnA-1 (DN(") [4 (v2~' +,rllsv',) + vT,23) - DI(oz) (2v, +Ts) Ti's), Ptl=-!-ITsTiaT2s(pWTn+6dT,&)=-2T,sT,j,riA-I(Dilo'12(t2-"- I )-T, ljl+- 2 3 Pr leb TS + D110,1 12 (tg-1 + T2,,-rl) - virt'311; A=[4(tj y1g = pjvEjs1A = T31, Tn = Ps3Et3/h ~ Tn; holds if 9 (z 91 slid -E and D(o) and D(o) are 3 3 - 32 - ('3 2)/A 13 23 equilibrium differences of the level population, TI and T2 are the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times, respectively, and p ml is the matrix of the dipole moment@. (4) indicates that the reaction of the system to two monochromatic signals contains a term with the combined frequency 212 09. 13-9 23 which results from the nonlinearity of Card 2/3 26766 S10561611041100310191020 Nonlinear properties of three-level... B113/B102 the system. There are 8 references: 2 Soviet and 6 non-SoTiet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read an follows: W. Bloombergen, S. Shapiro. Phys. Rev., 116, 1453, 1959; P. P. Sorokin, M. J. Stevenson, Phys. Rev. Lett., ~T_50, 1960; A. Javan, W. R. Bennett, Jr., A. R. Herriott. Phys. Rev. Lett.,.kv 1o6, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Radiofizicheakiy institut Gorlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Radiophyeice Institute of Gorlkiy State University) SUBKITTED: June 26, 1961 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Fayn, V. M., Khanin, Ya. I. 26702 S/056/61/041/005/017/038 B102/B108 TITLE: Self-excitation conditions of a laaer PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V-41, no. 501), ig6i, 1496-1502 TEXT: The authors investigated theoretically the self-excitation conditions of a molecular generator with a cavity whose dimensions are considerably greater than the wave length of the generated waves. The cavity is assumed to be completely filled with weakly interacting molecules with two energy levels. The state of the system is characterized by the density of the energy spin s(r,t) whose components satisfy the conditions + + *1q, I.& W (0. + 4%) W. Card 1/6 267r-12 S/056/61/041/005/017/038 Self-excitation conditions of a laser B102/B108 W0 is the molecular transition frequency, &jX the natural frequency of the cavity, QX the quality factors corresponding to these frequencies, Ti and T2 the Bloch relaxation times, e 1 and e2 molecular constanis, which are 1 ALT -P functionaof the matrix elements of the dipole moment: c ' e r + e 2r2; dt 1 1 IL is the operat(,r of the molecular dipole moment, r1 andr 2are the spin matrices. + ie' - (21wo/c)*" 1 , 'e', - i-e" - (-21toolc IL When the 2 )2 2 ) *12' vector potential of the electromagnetic field is expanded into eigen- I functions of a cavity with ideally conducting walls: r(r-, t) 2 2 A dV - 4ne and with e OLX f X cLlX' -r,\72 a2X' '2X "1X in Card 2/' 'WWA-re'3~i 71i I-WTI W 'gt Or "M E, igw Env E-- -t-MM W MOVEMORM, -NRM_K';-R, 26702 S/05 61/041/005/017/038 Self-excitation conditions of a laser B102YJ3108 81 + is 2 P19 81 - 182 P2' the system (1) can be represented by PI + (77' iwo) PI + lakqhsa - 0, (7a) X P, + (T2 ' + ia),,) P2 + a*,qs. - 0. (70 S.3 (sP3 s3) + Yj (Plal + Plot,) q,, Os 77 2 X (70 tx_ ' LA q,. + w,',q,. (P a, P,a) W. + QX The P are expanded according to 1,2 P, (r, ax W Pa. (0, R. (r. c,,' W Psh W - X The self-excitation conditions can be determined from an analysis of the system (7). At the initial moment, P and q, are assumed to be W F2X Card 3/6 26702 S/056/61/041/005/017/038 Self-excitation conditions of a laser B102/B108 near zero, and a = S 0 . It is assumed that the small perturbations i& t ~ t 3 if t P0 e X I P0 e q 0e X exist, with + i6x. Eqs. (7) with (8) ix 2X X fX X lead to a system of homogeneous algebraic equations which have non-trivial solutions when the determinant (o),,/Q;,'+ 21TI) t2 ((-)2% + 0; + T2-2 + 2(ox/QxT,) + L % _2)1QX1 2 + Tj-') + fialmoso = 0. (11) + [2wx/T2 + ((4 + T2 + AA (w0 3 vanishes. In the case 16 and neglecting the terms with b2, 63 and 64 X X X two real equations can be set up for and 6.. Here oril- the solutions of (7) which are increasing with time are of interest (s 0;> U For 3 3cr 6 0 holds 2 T-1 2 2 X (OW'2 2 (12) Xcr XT2 + 2QX Card 4/6 26702 S/056/61/041/005/017/038 Self-excitation conditions of a laser B102/BIOB 2 _Q2 -2 2 -~)2 1 0 OX 1(W0 , Xor + T2 ) + 4T 2 . Xcr* (13), 3cr 2Q T_ Iv ta 2 X 2 o from which the boundaries of the region of self-excitation can be 0 ) 2/, 2 2 2, 2 . t,,2 -2 estimated: (s P,-42,j .a Q T (T_ < W T 3cr minl 'o, X 2' 2 0 X X 0 X 0 2 " 12Q N 2(s0 V4nl IL T These conditions agree with those min 3cr min ' 12 X 2' found by N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov (ZhETF, ~20, 56o, 1956). If the resonator walls are ideally conducting, the relations &A, dV A,A, dV + A,A,- dV, (17) Vn+VcK , AxA, W. A,A, dV A, V > V~ CK v~ AAL dV < Yj (max A,,)2 dV = n (max AL)2 V,., IL ILv Card 5/6 C 6 oj~ t/056/61/041/005/017/038 Self-excitation conditions of a laser B102/B108 AA dV > n ftnax AX)2 V,,C. (19) V, hold true; V is the cavity volume and V,,, the volume of the skin layer, n is the total number of natural frequencies of the cavity. The approxima- tion derived is applicable when Q:~n. This inequality is fulfilled up to optical frequencies (lasers). There are 6 references: 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as follows: H. Lyons. Astronautics, 5-, 39, 1960; R. J. Collins, D. P. Nelson, A. L. Schawlow, '3. Bond, C. G. B. Garrett, V1. Kaicer.Phys. Rev. Let., 303, 1960; A. L. Schawlow, C. It. Townes, Phys. Rev., 112, 1940, 1958; A. G. Fox, T. Li. PIRE, _48, 1904, 196o. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy radiofizichebkiy institut (Gorlkiy Institute of Radiophysics) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1961 Card 6/6 26704 S/056/61/041/005/019/038 B102/B108 AUTHORS: Genkin, V. N., Fayn, V. M. TITLE: The width of antiferromagnetic resonance lines PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, Y. 41, XS no- 501), 1961, 1522-1526 TEXT: The authors developed a methol to estimate the antiferromagnetic resonance line widths or the corresponding relaxation times due-to the interaction between the homogeneous magnetization precession and the spin waven. A. I. Akhiyezer et al. (ZhETF, 36, 216, 1959; UFN, 12, 3, 1960) have studied this interaction in ferromagnetics, for which the line width was found to be very small since exchange interaction does not affect the homogeneous precession. In the case of antiferromagnetics this interaction is most effective and the lines bocome wider. The Hamiltonian of the spin system is At = 2J SIS. + gpHA 31 (IM> Card 1/k 2670h S/056/61/041/005/019/038 The width of antiferromagnetic ... BIC2/B108 with and S being the spin operators of the first and the second ii lu sublattice, 111m> itidicates summation over the nearest neiShbors, the exchan-,re integral J>O and H A is the effective field of anisotropy. Introducing the operators of spin deviation and neglectinp, terms of an order higher than the thirdp S+ = (2S)'/, (I a;a, /4S) a,, S- (2S)"' a; (I - iz;a,14S), 1 1 (2) S' S - a;aj, S" . (2S)'IIb,,, (I - b'b,,,14S), I M M S- (2S)"'1 (I b,*,,b.14S) b., Sz. S -P b,*,b,,, S& = St. � iSr. M Is found. With these operators, the Hamiltonian (1) may be separated in- to sums of second-order and fourth-order terms of a and b. The second-, order terms are diagonalized andrepresent the unperturbed spin-wave Hamiltonian. The fourth-order terms represent the spin-wave interaction energy 2J (a;alab. + albm'bmb. + bm'aja,izj + bm4b a,) + a;alb.'b. 4 The Card 210 26704 3/056/61/041/005/019/038 The width of antife.-romagnetic ... B102/B108 opera-tors a and b are given in Fourier representation and with a a ch 9 , b -a)" a h ch th 2 4311 Ok k k Qk + Ak Qk' k k k k Qk ' Yk/D; D 1 + E~HA/zJS, where 2z is the number of the nearest spins. The interaction Hamiltonian can be represented as Z YJ (4) (DI234(li(12Ct3P4'7-TI234~IPIP3a4) A (k, - k2 - k3+ k4). from which the terms of the type u 1U213384are eliminated. The Hamiltonian (4) describes the spin-wave interaction processes. The operators OL . and CXXareused to investigate the relaxation of the uniform precession of the 0 magnetization. It is assumed that the spin waves are in thermodynamical equilibrium at the temperature T. The probability of processes in which the number of spin Yaves is changed is determined. For lor temperatures (kT- and a - 1, (T,H-O)-(g this case-X, A 2NIj only at, M In the following the relations between the properties of simple spin chains and the behavior of real molecular chains are discussed and some approximate results for large N (infinite chains) are given. For a4tl, X (0) X(T>Jlk), ^10T. for (0) 10 (1 M/4j, X (T >.Ilk) IONIOT. It is shown thai-f~~---a----c-~a-f~ijpe paramagnetic fluid with in-t-iferrodagnetic interaction X / 0 at T - Oi with ferromagnetic interaction and a - 1, J/c 0;-X(0) -va. G. A. Semenov is thanked for help. There are 5 figures Card 3/4 S/056/62/042/001/030/048 Magnetic propertieu of paramagnetic ... B102/B108 and 13 references; 6 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four moot recent references to English-language publications read as follows: T. W. Ruijgrok. S. Rodriguez. Phys. Rev. L12, 596, 1960; C. Domb. Adv. Phys. 2-1 149, 1960; D. Paul Phys. Rev. 118, 92, 196o; 120, 463, 1960; L. F. blattheiss. Phys. Rev. 123_, 1209, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. 11. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of thi Academy of Sciences USSR). Hadiofizicheskiy institut Gor1kovskogo gonudarntvennogo universiteta (Institute of Radiophysics of Gor'kiy State University) SUBM'ITTED: July 4, 1961 Card 4/4 3MW 3/056162/042/004/025/037 00 B308/B102 AUTHOR: quantum theory of relaxation processes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki, V- 42p no- 4, 1962, 1075 - 1003 TEM Relaxation of a system consisting of a dynamic subsystem with a finite number of degrees of freedom and a discrete spectrum, and of a dissipativ'e subsystem with an infinite number of degrees of freedom and a continuous spectrum is considered. The master equation, i. e. the quantum kinetic equation for the density matrix (nondiagonal m a -t n0L with respect to the discrete indices m, n; diagonal with respect to the continuous indices a() of the entire system is derived. The energy i(t) of interaction with external forces is assumed to be sufficiently small, Card Quantum theory of ... S/056/62/042/004/025/037 BI 08/B102 The master equation for the density matrix is then Opme: Ad .. . . . . -_ '-- - .- - - . - + P^IM2-' na W lo, 16 (1r. + E. - Ek- E.,) + (Vmm; ka'Vic'; maeto,. k. 1, a' + a (El + E., - En - Ed)I8.M1r1-1n-. 0 Vmcq kctVka'; topic; naa (Em +,Ed Ek E, a-) beemi: o- Vka-. Id'vis'; nopm'j; kda (El + E., En E.) 81akn% 0). (17~ is the interaction energy be'tween th~_ay'niamic and the dissipative sub- systems. With the aid of this general equation the equations established previously by L. Van Hove (Physica 441, 1957), R. K. Wangsness and F. Bloch (Phys. Rev-P 229 728, 1;522f are derived as particular cases. -The applicability of various quantum kinetic equations to quantum radiophysics is briefly discussed. There are 17 referencesi 4 Soviet and 13 non-Soviet., The four most recent English-language references read as follows: A. Sher, Card 2/3 Quantum theory of ... S/056/62/042/004/025/037 BIOB/B102 If. Primakoff. Phya. Rov., 1199 178, 19601 M. Kao. Probability and Rolatod Topics in Physical Sciences, Interscienoe Publishers, London, 19591 F- Bloch phys. Rev., 102, 104, 1955; j-01, 12o6, 1957. ASSOCIATIONs Radiofizicheskiy institut Gortkovskago gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Institute of Radiophysics of Gor'kiy State University) SUBYITTED: October 23, 1961 Card 3/3 D-3-IJP(G) L 10009-63 BW/W (I)--4MG/AWASD/tS ACCESSION NR: AP3000*7 .8/0141/63/006/002/ON7/0241 AUTHOR: P%kyn, ve Me-, TME- Induced and spontaneous radiations (a reviev) SOURCE: Izvestiya, vyssh1kh uchebrWkh zaveden4 radiofizika, v. 6, no, 2, 1963, TOPIC TAGS: quantum radioplWaices induced radiation, spontaneous radiation ABSXRACT: Induced and spontaneous radiations that plEW an important role in radio-pkVsics are reviewed on the basis of 23 Russian, German, and American publications most of them recent, Special attention is paid to the connection between the classical and quantum relations, to pbase relations, directional diagram,. zero fluctuationsi-etc. The- -first section deal s 7- 'th.the concept of both tyims of radiation and 4ith the Einstein 'a The second-dection presents the results of classical treatment of the ionsoo Me third:section presents the quantum theory, as applied to these radiations; at variance with ordinw7 transition-probabilitv approach, the quantum equations of motion are used. The fourth section contaIns detailed comparisons with the classical Card ------------ L 10009-63 ACCESSION: MR: AP3000147 relations, phase relations, etc. In the fifth section the problem of induced and spontaneous radiations in asystem vhose levels form a continuous spectrum is considered. Section six briefly outlines the theory of bath radiations in the free spaceo The last, seventh, sec+Aon covers (1) fundamental equations,, (2) free motion (no external field), (3) induced a real resonator, (4) spontaneous radiation In a resonator, and (5) induced and spontaneous radiations. in masers., Orig. art. has: 97 equations, ASSOCLNTION: Naucbno-issledovatel'skiy radiofizicbeskiy institut pri Gor1kovskcm universitete (Scientific-Research Radiophysics Institute, Gor'kiy University SUBMITTED: a7wov62 . Dm AcQ.- i2jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CCKZ: PH VR REP SDV: 017 oTHER: oo6 Card -L. 1364o-63- ACCESSION NR: AP30931a S100561 1 9 6310"1006119251 91 AUMOR: Faynp V. M. TITLE: correlations of quan Jj Time titles )dnatic evations SMRCE; Zhurnal ekspwo'l teor. firAld, v. no. 60 1963, 1915-1919 TOPIC TAGS: kinetic equation' time correlationp statistical mean, non-equillb-, riun processe, nons-stationery processe ABSTRACT: 'A series of general relations is established vith vhich to find the time correlations of statistical quantities by means of kinetic equations. Th e 1-method employed does not use the Callen-Welton theorem and is suitable in parti- ; , -finding the correlation functions in nonequillbrium and in non- cular for 1 stationary processes* The method Is essentially a generalization of the method used by Leontovich (J, of,Physics, v. 4, 499,, 1941) for the calculation of at-a- tionary correlations of quantities vhose mean values obey linear equations. In, some cases it is sufficient to Imm the equations vhich the mean values of acme quWtities.cbey in order to find the correlations. The results are applied to a discussion of the case of a hsrm~nic oscillator vith friction. It is concluded that the role:.of the time correlation of a dissipative system is played by the '*Card FAYN, V.M. Principle of the Increaes of entropy and the quantum theory of relaxation. Usp. fiz. nauk 79 no.4-.641-690 Ap 163. (MIRA 1613) (Entropy) (Quantum theory) J52 1324. i/OieiT64 AP4034908 ,ACCESSION HRI JAUTjj0Rsj Genkint V. N.; FaYnt strong variable field Ix r of spin systems in 06 T IT I Behavio v. 60 no* 5# 19649 1320-1324 rizika tyerdogo Vol TA#A%X Sou, -at int spin relWM%jonj Auoiexv ITOFIC TAGS% OP orud 091%UW%X~ stem ~Svkn of a OPIA V ;'U57.UCTj TbLe behaYlor ~~et. 11 11.0t1tos'41 . 11 and 0, variable flelox .' -1. . ,Magaetic field 2 0 a of ,Glitioo relaxation are token Into The PrOO0000 problem was considered W the gyromamietio ratios interaotion is neglected. Thib I . Rev. Mod. ~1 in spin t06, 1957) ',R, nubbora I account but the a]? p -Bloch. PhYss Rev., 105Y 19, 541, 1958) but t'heir Bloch and oth"rG k * pr% ~-_ Irolm 1961; K. Tomita- progr. Theorel 249, vjy~V,146 V141 The equations for tho '!r%=tS'!PP0ar to be incorrect. j" in ' system rotating with frQquQ'1oY vhoro a coordinate ound I 1> are f to be I d We ACCESSION fiRs AP4034900 im,-+-A_jo A-11 CA -I where an d !tk,-A Al Here A;7vi A~~A are of the form Bxjr A d6d). -2 Al* Bu, (qlq," qlql) ta-rd- ?/ - ---------- -q - ACCESSION NR: AP4034908 2 2 and 0i This result differs P6 where 0 12 + AIWI, jrom. that obtained by Bloch by the f actor However for weak fields this Ifactor tends to unitywhich ooinoides with the equation given by Bloch. The ,latationary solutions are given by a complicated expression which oan'sloo be given 0, 0 in the form -'I =$in where sin 0 Cos 9 Origo art. 'I tj 1. has3 51 equations. .ASSOCIATION's Nauohno-insledovatellskiy radiofizichooki.Y inatitut Gorlkiy (scientific Research Iustitute or Raaiophysics) SUBMITTED: 280ot63 DATE ACQj 20MaY64 ENCLt 00,1 SO CODEt SS, OP NO REP SOV, 004 OTHER: 004 3 13 01 E. -wr IN 6 1 -1--i IBM ACCESSION MRs AP4019239 8/0056/64/046/002/0695/0709 AUTHORSt Fa n,. V.. ..z-Yaohchin, E. 0. TITLZs Contribution to the theory of stimulated Raman emission BOURCEs Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 695-709 TOPIC TAGS: Raman emission, stimlated'esinsion,.stimulated Raman scattering, Raman laser self excitation, laser self excitation, flu tuation dissipation theorem, parametric generator, anti Stokes com- ponent, laser*frequency doubling ABSTRACTs In view of the recent feasibility of observation of dif- ferent many-quantum light radiation and absorption processes owlngi the development of lasers, tht.authors construct a theory of two-quantum processes without limitatiom on the spec- trum of the atom (or'solecules) or the fieldst this theory deals with the general behavior of an arbitrary quantum system capable -Card 1/3 ACCESSION NRs AP4019230 of resonance absorption in the presence of external forces. An ana- log is derived of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, relating the noise in the presence of the external force to, the susceptibility of the system in the presence of the same force -, This in followed J by an analysis of the interaction between electromagnetic waves with i inclusion of stimulated Raman mission and a derivation of the self- excitation condition for a Raman laser. The connection between,Raman, lasers and parametric systems is also discussed. It is' shown spe- i cifically that if the system under consideration has a natural fro- quency a) and if it in acted upon by-a signal.with frequency 'Ml 0 then negative'absorption Is'produced at a frequency w2 M 0) 1 - '0 < a)l' so that the systm can become unstable against a signal at a frequen- cy w .* Such an'instability can occur in particular in a plasma 2 acted upon by an silectromagnetio field# -It in also noted that by using stimulated Rmm mission at a frequency cD 21n (anti-Stokes 2. icwd 3 ACCESSION NRs AP4019239 ling within the component) it is possible to produce frequency doub laser itselfgaince the molecular system in the laser in in an in- verted.states Origo*art. bass 52 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt vauchno-issledovatel'skLy radiofinichookiy institut pri Gorlkovskom universitate (Scientific Research Radiophysics In- stitute at Gor'kiy UniVersity) SUBMITTSD s' l6jul63 DATZ ACQ:, 27Mar64 RUMI 00' :Bus COD21 -Ps, 009 ..%vo Rar sovs ooe OTHERs 'V' 1CWd' 4 IN MIN M-3 GENKINY V.N., FAYN V.14. Theory of the behavior of spin systems in the presence of a high variable field. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.5:1320-1324 11-11y 164. (ITIM 17:9) 1. Nauchno-issledo7atellskly radiofizicheskiy institut, GorIkij. FAB, V.114.; KIIA11,111, Ya-l-; YASHCHITI, E-G- I Let 9r to the editor* Jzv. vys. ucheb. zav. radiofiz. '7 no.2*. 386 , 164 (,'.'i!RA 18:1) AM501320.2 BOOK EXPLOITATION 621.378.001 ZOO, ILI, Fayn) Veniamin Moiseyevich; Khanin, Yakov lzrailevich Quantum radio physics (Kvantovaya radiofizika) Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskco-e radiolf, 1965. 6o8 p. illus,, biblio.,.indices. Errata slip inserted. 11,500 copies printed, TOPIC TAGS. laser, quantum theory, perturbation theory, field theory, :3pontaneous radiation, induced radiation, resonator theory, nonlinear optical effect, maser,. paramagnetic amplifier, TW amplifier, laser theory, gas laser PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for scientists and engir-t;es working in the field of quantum radio physics and for students in advoa.--f-d in schools of higher education and aspirants specializing in physics. '.1. z-4 ~].Ho be useful'to physicists and engineers engaged in related fields. A ~,~ries problems on the theory of the interaction between radiation and a stitistance Is reviewed., Elements of the theory of quantum amplifiers and generato:.-n are dis- ~cussed and the results of experiments are reviewed. The reader is ajiE;umed to have a knowledge of quantum mechanics equivalent to that of a univer3ity student. The material compiled in the book Is presented In such a way that the reader has Card FD N.VBVfff..~' ."T~O-Mae kM5013202 no need to refer to supplementary literature. The authors attempt to shed light upon the major results of.existing acheivements in this- 'field. Special attention 'J." was paid to those investigations in which the authors themselves pari;icipated. The experimental material was only reviewed, and for this reason~little space is given to the descriptions ofUchnical details. Sections 1-20, 22-40, and 71 were written by V. M. Fa3m; Sections 41_~490 51-59 by Ya. 1. Khanin; Section 21 by V. N. Genkin2-18ection 50 by E. 9. Yashcbinl., Section 59, 60 by ~L. Talanoy qy The authors thank and Sections 61-70 by Ye. L. Rosenbergff/ A. V. Gavingy-,, Pro- fessor V. L. Gin zbur&L.,Pro fes sor.A. P..Ale sandroVJO. N. Genkin, G. M. Genkin77 N. G. Golubeva IG, L. Gurevich.17q. K. Tvanova.'.'M. I. Khevfets, Yu. Q.'.Khronopuloi-, Ye. I. Yakubovich, andl. G. -Yashchin for'their cooperation. MBLE OF CONTFMS: Poreword --:3 Entroduction 4 % Crd 2/6 -L. 3527-66.,- 1013202 PART I. THEORETICAL BASES Ch. r. Quantum theory,of radiation-substance Interaction 13 l.. Basic concept of quantum theory 13 2.. Change of quantum state in time 24. 36 quantum theory of -fields in ideal resonators, waveguides, and free space 30 4. Interaction of a*substance with a field __ 45 5. Nonstationary perturbation theory. Probability of transition in a time unit - 53 Ch. II. Quantum theory of relaxation processes 59 6. Irreversible processes .(general properties) -- 61 .7 Quantum kinetic equation-in r- space 68 Kinetic Ie nation in - P- space. -- 82 N Principle of an increase in entropy 88 10..-Description of fluctuation by means of a kinetic equation 92 III. Quantum effects orginating from the interaction of free-electrons vith hf fields in a resonator- - 97 .1li quantum theory,of the fields in real resonators 97 card 3/8 1_3527-66 kN5013202., 12.. quantum effects originating from the interaction of electrons vith a field in a.,resonator - 102 one 13. Effects connected with the quantum character of electron motion. conclusi and evaluations -- 110 M2. IV. Behavior of quantum systems in'given fields 120. 14. introduction of receptivity -- 1.20 15. Symmetry relationships deduced for receptivity 125 16. Dispersion relationships.-- 127 17. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem - 127 18. Description of multilevel systems. Form of the absorption line 130 19. Description of tvo-level systems - 133 '144 20.- Method of momentso Spin-spin relaxation 21. Cross-relaxation 148 Ch: V. Behavior of quantum systems in spedified fields (strong*f-4elds) 156- 22., Nonlinear properties'of a medium -.156 Two-level'systeni3 in a-strong field 169, 24... Three~-level syit ms 175" 25. Distributed' eyi~t:ms cal~Lation 0, fthe motion ofamolecule 185 4/8 _L 3.527--,6 6 01320 VI.' Spontaneous and induced radiation 192 : 26.. Concept of spontaneous and in duced radiation 192 27. Classical consideration - 194 28. Quantum-the"oky'of spontaneous and induced -radiation (two-le'vel moldcular: systems 202 29. Conformity principle - 207 30.. General expreshion for the intensities of spontaneous and induced radiations -- 211 31.. Coherence during spontaneous radiation 217 :32., Balance equations and motion equations 224. Natural vidth and shift of a radiation line -- 230 34: Radiation 6f a system whose dimensions are considerably greater thnn a 'Wave length -- 236 VIII. Radiation in a kehonator'--'240 35. -Initial equations - 24o.. 36. Free'motion (vithout- an external field) 244 37. Induced and spbntaneo~z-radiationo In a reeoriator" 251 cc~o_ 8 -L.-352:7-66.", 013202,. Ch. IX. Nonlinear optical effect 259 38.:: Biquantum processese-Combination' induce d, and apont aneous radiiio- a." 39. -Propagation of parametrically - related electromagnetic waves; 40, Wave.propagationtaking-into consideration combination induced radiation 288 PF PART,II. QUANTUM AkPLIFILS AND GMRATORS, 7__ 01. X. Quantum paramagnetic amplifiers 297 41. - - Motion equation for A paramagnetic element. place(l'in a hf field', 299 42.. Receptivity. The form of a paramagnetic resonaacq line - 302'.' 43. ,Inversion method in two-level paramagnetic substances 309. 44. -Theory of a two-level.resonaior-type amplifier 317 45. Theory of a three~w-leivel resonator-type' quantum amplifier 324'.',_~--.. Four-level masers --,336 47- Practical information on resonator paramagnetic ampli fiers 3411 48. Multir,4;eonator and traveling vave aMlifiere - 350 49. Nonlinear and transient phenomena in amplifiers -- 359 50. Noise in quantum amplifl".'-_-~ Card 6/8. Ch. XI. Vhf quantum geneiators 383 51. Three-level paramagnetic generator 384 52. Molecular generator -- 392 53. Tvo-level solid-state quantum generators 41o Ch. XII Lasers 424 54. Methods of ottaining negative temperatures 425 55. Elements of laser theory 438 56. Solid-state lasers -- 452 57. Kinetics of generation processes in solid-state lasers 472 58. Gas lasers -- 486 Appendix I. Resonators of optical quantum generators -- 508 59. Some questions on general theory -_ 508 6o., Calculation of the resonators with spherical and plane mirrors 517 Appendix H. Spectra of paramagnetic crystals -- 541 61*. Hamiltonian'of a paramagnetic Ion in a crystal 5~2 62.. States of a free multielectron atom 544 63. Crystalline field theory -- 546. 64. Crystalline field potential 550 LIPkrd- TL8 10,4,w- 7 R t., kT g. wo IV IN V ler, 9e, --a IN f,