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TUI 4e as
Somo-results of the study of the problem of the Tunguska meteroite.
Gebl.i geofis. no.1:111,-223 163. (MIRA 164)
1e Tomskiy maditainakiy institut, Nauchno-isaledovateltakiy.Aqtitut
Tomskogo politekhnicheakogo institute. i Institut geologii i geofisiki
Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SS6R.
(Podka nnaya Tunguska Valley-Metecrites)
ACCESSION NRs, AR4039246 S/0269/64/000/004/00'74/0074
SOURCE: RGf- zh- Astronomi7as Abe. 4,31,495
AUTHORz Past, V. G.; Kovalevskiyo Ae F,j p1sidhanoyt 00 pe
TITIZ: Certain comments on an artiou by oe me Idlis and Ze V. W7-aglz-ba
entitled "The C0MtarY Nabuv of the Tunguska meteorite"
CITED SOURCE& Tr. Thmakogo otd. Geogre o-va SSSR, Betatron, labor.
Tomskogo mad. in-ta, v. 5. 1963. 203-M
TOPIC TAGS% Tunguska meteorite, meteorite, astronoaW, comat, atmospheric
turbidity, geomagnetio effect, solar corpusoular stream, airglow, cometary tail
TRANSL&TION: In the article cited in the tit1e (reviewed in =Lkstr.,
1962, 7A580) there- are a number of unwarranted assumptions and unconvincing
computations. The conclusions drawn by the authors therefore cannot be
regarded as evidence of the cometary nature of the Tunguska meteorite. The
authors bAn-3 fail d to explain the enormous energy of the wcploaion because
Cord 1/2
they have not substantiated the great velocity and assumed great loss of mass.
Thelx computation of mass on the basis of atmospheric turblAity is based on a.
doubtful assumption that there was a uniform, distribution of fine particles
over the ear-this surface. The postulated mechanism of the geomagnet-lo effect
in the fom of an analogy with a corpuscular stream obviously is unreal and
'their assumption of its world-wide character is incorrect and leads to an
exaeggrated energy estl=te, In order to explain the airglow effect the authors
have had to make the forced assumption of entry of electrons from the comatary
tall into the atwsphere. They fail to give a satisfactory explanation based
on the laws of celestial mechanics for their hypothesis of the development of
the comatary taU in -the immedlate vloULttV of the earth, BlbUography of
31 titles* 1, Zotldn.
Card 2/2
FAST1,41KO, V., inzh.,
Mechanized laying of curbstones. Avt.dor. 23 no.11:27 N'60-
(MIRA 13:11)
Build faster and cheaper. no.ltl3-15 Ja 163.
(Kft 160)
1. Predoedatell soveta nauchno-tekhnichaskogo obahchestva stroitellno-
montashno 0 tresta Ho*17 Dnepropetrovska (for losipenko),
2, Uc askretarl soveta nauchno-tekhnichaskago obobobeetva
stroite;4noyc.-montazhnogo tresta No.17 Duepropeta-ovska (for Fastneko)o
(Dnepropetravok-Construction industry)
KOCHERGIN, P.G. (Kursk); TIRMOLATW, A.D., (Ullynnovok); FAST7JjSQVI.QH,_
-1.1ijAleningrad); MDZZHICLIN, A.I.; IAVROY, V.A.; ZIMINA, A.
Discussion of now geography programs. Geog.v shkole 23 no.l:
63-74 Ja-F l6o. (MIRA 13:5)
1. 176-ya shkola rabochey.molodeshi Mekvy (for Mozzhelin).
2. 7-ya shkola rabochey molodezhi Kalinina (for lavrov).
(Geography-Study and teaching)
nSTOV, D.Y., pomos',Lchnik epidemiologa (selo Kikvidze Balashovskoy oblasti)
Preventive inoculations against diphtheria in Kikvidze Districto
Felld. i skush. 22 no-8:50 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:12)
flTheory of RelRxation Phenomena in ZIAqtlc Bodies. " Thesis for degree of Cand. Physico-
Mathematical Sci. Sub 6 Jun 30, Moscow Mechanics Inst
SummarY 71, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in science end Engineering in
Moscow in 1910. From Vechern vl Jan-Dec 1950,
- ZUa Mosk
A 164T51
Creep may 50
"Velocity of Stationary Creep," N. S. Fastov, Inat
ofAetal Studies and Phys of Metals, Cen Sci Res
Inst of Ferrous Metals, Moscow
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XX, No 5, PP 543-545
Findo'velocity v of stationary creep as a function
of applied stress, sigma, and absolute temperature
T, in various forms. Submitted 23 Apr 49.
I &I . U.
USSR/Physics - Relaxation Phenomenon
nApr 50
NTheory of Relaxation Phen ena in Solidep" B. N. Finkel'-shteyn,, N. S. Fastov, Inst
Metal Sci and Phys of Metalsq Con Sci Res Inst, of Ferrous Metals
"Dok Ak Nauk SMON Vol LXXIj, No 5. pp, 875-V8
Fastov employs gen thermodynamloal expressionsp analogous to those proposed by
Yandel'shtax and M. A. Leontovich in the theory of relaxation phanow in solids.
Submitted 14 Feb 50 By Acad M. A. Leontovicb.
A 176TIO0
7 IMM%Uo B.N.,p prof.. doktor fiz.-mt. nauk: 7ASNY. H.S09 fis,,P.
mat. Imm"k-
Elastic relaxation theory, Probl. ustalloved. i fis. met. n0.2.-245-
255 1510' (NIU- nA)
(Elasticity) (Alloys)
-0 0 0 -0- 0 0 a- a- 0 -0-0-0 *-*-*--a 0
1 8 1 0 If V U a is Pt an a x a J4
1 -1 IL V a
P"Kill4i A** PIMP4614S U'%#4
A 53
539.374 * 536.7
MI. Contribution to the thermodynamics of plastic deformation. S. S.
00 Aj J"Wv- D*I. Aklkd. lbu*, 8M, " (110o 2) 251-4 (1951) In Rus*W.-------
rAchanovRo squotlon (AbsSr~ 8606 (194a)) developed for an larin'teir
deformation process Is transformed mathematically Into an expression a
for'the free aura of a body whose deformation go*& on at a finite volocitys
It Is claimed that equations obtained ultlaaflely for (1; the ralatloxaUp
betwoom the fluidity limit and the maximum elastic deformation on the ow
sidoxnand the velocity of deformation on the other side; and (8) the relatloi
ship between stresses, and the amount of deformation and the voloal of
plastic deformation, as well as the appearunce of the creep curve,
qualitatively agree with experimental date., Fe lacbm"
OU 191 100 A lei Vi a
NO 11 10001, ,0::i::
0 a 0 W A 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 a 0
IV a 06 *a 3 a
0 x x ad ig ft jP a 0 a a a a a 6
UsSk#hpics Thermodynamics APr 52
"Thermodynamic Theory of Elastic Aftereffect,"
1q. S. Fastov, Inst of Metallurgy and Phys of
Metals, Cen Res Inst of Ferrous Metallurgy
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz" Vol XXII, No 4, pp 487-
On the basis of thermodynamic conceptetbe author
presents the theory of elastic aftereffects in
solids.taking into account thermal 'variations.
Analyzes ]propagation of longitudinal elastic vave
~in a relaxing medium. Received 6 Jun 51.
uSSR/Plmmics - Plastic, Deformation 21 Apr 52
"Evolution of Heat During Plastic Deformation," N. S.
Fastov, Inst of Metal Sci and Phys of Metals, Cen
Sci Res Inst of Ferrous Metals
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIII, No 6, pp 851-854
Determines the amt of heat evolved during plastic
deformation and the energy of residual stresses.
Sets up the eqs of elasiicplastic behavior of a bo4y,
and considers the work of external forces during do-
formation. Submitted by Acad I. P. Bardin 29 Feb 52.
USSR/Metale Structural Analysis Juli 52
"Znfluenc* of the Concentration Stresses on the Dif-
fusion Processes in Solid Solutions," B. Ya. 4ubovp
R. S. Fastov, Inst of Metal Studies and Phye of
"Dck Ak Nauk GZSR" Vol =IV., No 5P PP 939-941
UsIng phenomenological method, develops eq of air-
i~:eion which takevinto consideration elactic
stresses caused by nonuniform distribution of cttr-
solved substancA in solid soln. These stressez, de-!
creasing with equalization of concn affect diffusion
process, sometimes to such an 'extent that
disregarding them may result in considerable
pancy between caled and exptl data. Submitted by
Acad I. P. Bardin 12 Apr 52.
I rm ev (R-1tdm4 hTw-1, f 1, "'j.
The effect of plastic deformation on diffusion. Dokl. Ak3d. Hauk SSSR 85,
No.2, 309-12 152. OUBA 5:8)
(rA 56 no.671:7970 153)
--k m f,
ki 01-
eme whm the cotwn. of M tv too sm'll f" M'b,jr IA.
M"r-. -ith CXDCI S~
ilation of he Energy of Mtortion of the
A3569 Calcu
Lattice of the TI i d T Depending on the Magnitude of
D fnEmMIM S. F,,tai-- vkladU Akademil
;q-.Twa, p- 1101-1170.
V. 92, no. 6. T-
Energy of residual stresses was found to be dependent on
magnitude of unifonn deformation in tension or compression.
graphs. 3 rcf. --
W4.f.. 106P.8 TS NI I C; P).
wdeform'ed wbdc~ N. S. Pastily. -POWy Mad. Mask.
9J,-&"tWr--TM% assumed (fiat (h, pre-
dowftilortion of cntrgy mdvrd by the mcul In plutle
d 0 : z
dd t is Owd. at the block boundaries and At tN
11100;ize planes; It can be shown that the SPCC16C littlace
ellerlya is's - WI/3, whtit V Is fnersy of residual st rc&ws
per I., r'deo,4ty, And I block Otte. It amounts to a few'
hurkired ergs. During plastk deformladon. a portion of
atom passes friAn their itornud position fit the space lattice
currt"Ming to nit atis, imin. r4 potential rni:Tlly to ab-
enctity distortin tho sptcf. lattice, ()it ternperills they le-
'the otitl
tum to S Mil pfl6itk)tl overcultling potential twrier
dividing them slid generating a' matter of IM cal.1"le.
The "vity Of telopering anvMts, howVVCV-, to tens, of
0106.4ands cal. per Inale, It Cippe:113, thetlf6tt, 4113t t1W
relative vol. (31 distorttif space lattice inay, reach, with itich
dtformathms arkl at room ternp, a value of about 0.01 uud,
since the min. 6lock dimensions reath IM At. spacLs, the
thickneir; of the surface layer at the. block lx~utidariei
amounts to 1-2 intomt. spaces, The energy of deformed
spwe lattice In &s unit vol. wid as a lutiction (4 all citellial
ltmd Is W I(#' - oil 112E whem-w lastrem,a, yield pointj
to I - dV*P/(01'- -Pl1i
- (~ No exl)tl. if&(& are prtspnilY dVAII-.
able for this formula linifortilly xtressed Ct"MitIOUS.
P. Oat
USSR/Physics Metallurgy
Card 1/~ M. 22, 18A8
Authors I Fastov...N. S...
Title-, I Theorytof drop in coercive force at,low-temperature tempering of hardened
-low-carbon steel.----
Periodical S Dok, AYSSW9813)~ 3.91-393~ Sep 21j 1954
aThe change's-Incoercive, orce -occurring. in hardened stee1 during'-lowi-temper
ture tbmpering as-result--of.-redistribution of.the carbon.concentration were
ihireatigated. The effect of stresses on the diffusion in-solid solutions is
discu3sed.. Processes, which may Iresult in changes.of-the stresses, are list
ed.. The relation between the changes in stresses, due to redistribution of
carbon concentrations and the changes in the defonmtion occurring during,-
diffusion, is explained. Four U33H references (1938-1954).
Institution Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Meta-Uurgy, Institute of
Metal Research and Physics of Metals
Presc!nted by- Academician G.- V. Kurdyumv, June 9)'1954
I - ME,
i W",
USSHIPhysics -Residual strains
card 1/1 Pub, 22 23/56
Authom I Fastov, N. S.
-Title OrVtWkinh6tics of residial strain resulting from Itself-diffusion" of relaxa4
tion stresses.
,Periodical t Dok.. AN, SISSR -99/56,# -753-756j Dee -11, 1954
.Abstract I A theoretical pr~esented, and mati-ematical expressions are given
for residual strains in. solid bodies. subjected to external Xorce3 forming
shearsng stresses in the bodies which, in turn, create the residual strains,
until the shearing stresses are unifozTily distributed in the bodies (this. re-
action is called self -diffusion), or the external forces are completely dis-
pelled. The twisting-of a roun 'd rod, the bending of a prismatic rod, and the,
shrinkage of a spherical pore are three exemplary cases analyzed. Four USSR
references (1946-1953).
Institution The Institute of Metallurgy and Physics of Metals of Telal Ch. M. Central
Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metals
Presented by: Academician G. V. Kirdyumov, August 2,7~ 1954
and S. 5. OR LIK.
FIZICHESKrYE OSNOVY METALLOVEDENIYA (Principles of physical metallurgy).
Metallurgizdat, 1955. 724 p., diagra., tables, photos. 10,00.) copies printed.
This book on physical metallurgy is compiled by a group of prominent Soviet
scientists and is based on a very voluminous literature, monographic and -
periodical, mostly by Soviet writers. It is not a textbook but an outline of
present-day acheivement in the understanding of the physical principles of
inetallography and a survey of physical metallurgy problems as seen by Soviet
scientists, Two main problems of theoretical physical mc',~allurgy are emphasired,..
the theory of phase structure and the theory of phase formation. Presented in
addition are the present-day concepts concerning plastic deformation of metals,
recovery and recrystallization, and finally a study of the connection between
the structure and composition of alloys and their strength.
TrZu~ X0703
Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Phase transformation of solid bodies E-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 1227
Author Fastov, X.S.
Title On the Change in the Coorcive Force During Low-Temperature Tempering
Orig Pab Probl. metalloved', I fiz. metallov, sb. 4, 1955, 219-221
Abstract Untempered hardened pteel is subject to a gradient of '!microstresses"
strqsses bf the second kind, caused by unevenly stresse'd plates of mart,r-n-
site.' Tempering (at 100 -- 3000) redistributes the concentration of
darbon inside these plates, causing a change In the stresses inside the
latter. The redistribution in the stresses causes a change in the coercive
force, since the latter is proportional to the gradient of the stresses in
the micro region. An equa#on is derived for the connection between the
coercive force before and after temperlz$ and for the concentration of
carbon in the steel. The calculated results are in agreement with the ex-
perimental data.
Card 1/1
USSR/Solid State Physics - Phase Transformations in Solids,, E-5
Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34702
Author: Fastov, N. S., Finkellahteyn,, B. N.
Institution: None
Title; On the Limiting Solubility of Certain Alloying Additives in Steel
Original Periodical: Probl. metalloved. i fiz. metallov, collection 4, 1955, 296-301
Abstract: None
Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Mechanical Properties of Crystals and Poly- E-9
Orystalline Oompounds
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mika., No L, 1957
., Wo 1314
Author : Fastoy_. N.B.
Title -,Talf-gy-o-f-UMorted Crystal Lattice
Orig Pub : Probl. metalloved. i fiz. metallov,,sb. 4, 1955, 377-387
Abstract : The problem is raised of determining the changes in the energy of the metal
resulting from plastic deformation (strengthening energy) by determining
experimentallly the type of dependence of stresses on the strains (plastic
elongation diagram). An additional condition is introduced, namely that the
strengthening en6rgy-must be independent of the micouscopic step-like form
of the elongation diagram. For small stressis, it follbvs from the last re-
quirement that the strengthening energy after removal of the load is propor-
tional to the e4uare of the stress causing the plasttc deformation. The re-
sults of calculation are conpared with the experimental data for Cu, Al-, and
for an Ag-Au alloy. The average surface energy of the coherent-scattering
bl6cks and of the slippage planes, formed as a result of thw plastic deform-
ation, is examined. The surface energy is estimated to be severiLl hundreds
Card 1/2
Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Mechanical Properties of Grystals and Foly- E-9
Crystalline Compounds
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, no 1, 1957,No, 1314
ergs/cm2. It is shovn, that the ,volume occupied by the lattice distortions
of the third kind is 1 -- 2% volume of the metal. Equations
are derived for the size of the bdbcke and for the lattice distortions of the
second kind from-the external forces causing the plastic defoi=tion.
Card : 2/2
Category : USSR/6olid State Physics Morphology of Gerystals. Crystallization E-7
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - rizika, #0 1, 1957,No 1288
Author : Fastov, N.8
Title :-On the Thermodynamics of a Netallic Lattice with Vacancies
01rig Pab : Probl.'matalloved. i fiz.'metallov. ob. 4, 1955', 388-398
Abstract :A crystalline latticih vith vacant sites is considered as a weak solution of
"vacancies." The thertodybamicpotential of a lattice with vacan4i6s is de-
*ermined and the possibility of experimentally determining the coficentration
of the Vacamcies from the htter-effect resulting from preliminai-y thhmal
wepansion is* evaluate&.i .UsinglapproxLmations that are valid in the thermo-.
dynamics of weak,oolutions the Author calculates the variation of the equi-
librium concentration or:;4e vacancies vith the Stresses. It is shovn that
thelfiermodynapic potential of the b6dy diminishes when the vacancies4ecome
"dissolved" in it. By ass-uming-thi !concefitration of the vacancies in eqidliT
brium t9 be~constant if th 'a relative displacements of the vacancieb and the
atoms are in equilibrium, the author reaches the known conclusion th4t'the
self-diffusion equilibrium occurs only under uniform hydrostatic pressure. An
identity is derived for the the;modynamic potential of an elastically-deformed
Card 1/2
Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Morphology of 46stals. Crystallization E-7
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 11 1957,No 1280
body, which becom i
,ms also an identity for the th*rmodynamic potent al
of liquid for stresses produced by uniform-hydrostatic compression.
Card ?/2
,.Translation from: Rr~ferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p ZI 5. (USSR)
AUTHORS: Fastov. N. 5,,-Finkel'shteyn, B. N.
TITLE: The Thermodynamics of Carbides in Hard Steel (Termodinamika
karbidov v tverdoy stali)
PERIODICAL: V ab.: Fiz. -khim. osnovy proiz-va stali. Moscow, A~4 SSSR,
1957, pp 346-349, Diskus., pp 408-409
ABSTRACT: A theoretical investigation is made 0if the equilibrium state of
the ternary system Fe-G-V, where V ii ar- alloying additive. It
ia assumed that the steel is a "pure" teri.Rry Fe-C-V system,
and that the time of isothermic holding is large enough so that a
condition of thermodynamic equilibrium becomes established in
the system. The interval in which C Fe exists was investigated.
rFe. alloyed V and VC, in which a portion of the V atoms are
replaced by Fe, are regarded as weak solutions, making it pos-
sible to regard the thermodynamic potential (TP) of the system-
as equal to the sum of the TP of each phase. If we utilize the
condition of minimal TP in the state of equilibrium, and that the
sum of all the concentrations in each phase equals unity, it is
Card 1/2 possible to find an equation determining the relationship between
The Thermodynamics of Carbides in Hard Steel
the solubility of V in ~Fe and the C content of the steel. The equation de-
rived describes a family of hyperbolas, which is in good ag,:eement with the
experimental data. This same equation may be employed to determine the
solubility of other alloying substances, the carbide phase of which has a
composition of the type Mc, with M as the alloying additive.
V, R.
1. Steel--Ci&rbideis--Thermodynamias
Card Z/2
FO ~,70 N-
Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po fizike dielektrikov, Dnepropetrovsk, 1956.
Fizika dialektrikov; trudy koaferentaii... (The Physics of Dielectrics; Trans-
actions of the All-Uhion Conference on the Physics of Dielectrics) Moscow,
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 245 P. 3,000 copies printed.
Resp. Ed.: Skanavi, G.I., Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences; Ed.-.* FiLV-
pova, K.V., Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences'; Ed. of Pablisbing
House: StArokadomakaya, Ye-L.; Tech. Ed.; Astaflyeva, G.A.
Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Fizicheskiy institut, and Doepropet-
rovsk. Universitet.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific research vorkers, professors,
industrial engineers and laymen vho are interested in the study and use of
. I
dielectrics and dielectric mitterials.
COMMUM: This volume publishes reports presented at the All-Uhion Conference
on the Physics of Dielectrics, beld in Dnepropetrovsk in August 1956, sponsor-
ed by the "Physics of Dielectrics" Iaboratory of the Fizicheskiy institat
Carc l/ 17
The Physics of Dielectrics (cont.) SOV/1180
imeni -abedeva AN SSM (Physics Institute imeni Lebedev of the AS VSSR), and
the IFUectrophysics- bepartment of the Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy
uniwroitet (Dnepropetrovsk State Uhiversity). The present collection presents
reports and discussions under the following subject headings: a) the influence
of radiation on the properties of dielectrics; b) electro-and photoconducti-
vity of dielectrics# a) methods of measuring dielectric properties; and d)
practical uses of dielectrics. Abstracts of reports dealing with dielectric
polarization and losees, dielectric disruption, electrets and corresponding
mterials published in "Izvestiya AN SSSR, seriya fizicheskaya", Nrs 3 and 4,
1958 am included. The editors state that reports submitted for publication,
but for some reason not presented at the conference, were not included because
of lack of space. References are given at the end of each conference report.
From the Witorial Board 3
Card 2/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont. SOV/1180
jouRNAL "iZvESTIYA AN MR, BERM FIZICHESY.AYA", Nos 3 and 4, 1958
Ksendzov, YA.M. The Influence of Admixtures on the Electrical Properties of
Ratile 3
Finkellshteyn, B.N. and N.S. ftstov. (Moscow, Institut stali (Institute of
Steell The Relaxation Theoii R-MUR-trical Polarization 5
Skanavi, G.I., Ya.I.,Ksendzov, V.G. Prokhvetilov, V.A. and Trigubenko.
Mon-Seigmette-Blectric Dielectrics With High Dielectric ConstAMt 6
Swlenskiy, G.A., V.A. Igupov, A.I. Agranovsk"a and Ye.D. Maolokbova,
Leningrad, Institat kbimli silikatov AN SSR ( Institute for 1-1114.11cate Cbem-
istry, AS USSR] Polarization and Dielectric losses in Several Solid Solutions
of the First and Second Classes 7
Glaubermn, A-Ye. [L'vov, Gosudarstyennyy universitet (State Vniversity]
Theory of Systems with Non-Centralized Mcbsnism of Particle Interaction. 7
Card 3/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) oov/118o
Glauberman, A.Ye.. and I.M. Spitkovskiy (Llvov, GosudArstvenny universitet
(State University) ) On the Polarization of Ionic Displacement in Complex
Ionic Crystals
Lozovskiy, V.N. [Novocherkasek, Pedagogicheskiy Thstitut (Pedagogical
Institute)] , Tbermal Ionic Polarization and Slow'Processes in Solid
Borgardt, A.A. [Dnepropetrovsk, Gosudarstvennyy universitet (State Univer-
sity)) Orientational Polarization of Polar Gases, Solutions and Liquids
With Regard to the Internal Field
Lyast, I-Ts. tKaraganda, Fedagogicbeskiy institat (Pedagogical
IxiBt1tut6)1 k Mechanism of Dielectric Felaxation Losses in Crystalline
EDzlovskiy, V. Kh. [Leningrad, Institut khimii silikatov AN SSM
(Institute for Silicate Chemistry, AS USSR] Structuroa losses in Amor-
phous Dielectrics
Card 4/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/3-180
Vodoply=ov, K.A. and I.G. Vorozbtsovs. (Tomsk, Sibirskiy f:,ziko-tekhni-
cheskly insbitut (Siberian Institute of ftsical %chnology)j Dielectric
losses'in Mica Niscovite With Mneral E*eddingd of Limonite ,%nd
Biotite at High Frequency 12
Matsonaahvili, B.N. (Fizicheakiy institut lmni'P.S. Inbedeva, AN &W
(Physical Institute imeni P.N. Iebedev, AS USSRA - Dielectric Cofistwt
C6nductivity and Dielectric loosses of Alkaline-Haloid Monocrystals 12
Kosman, M.S. and N.A. Petrove, [leningrad, Pedagogicheskiy institut imeni
A.I. Gertsens, (Pedagogical Institute imeni A.I. Gertsen)] The Dielectric
Constant of Rock Salt at HIgh Ibmperatures 13
Kosma, M.S. and I.A. Gesse. [Leningrad, Pedagogicheskiy institut
imeni A.I. Gertsena (Pedagogical Institute imeni A.I. Gertsen)] The
Dielectric Constant of Zinc Oxide With an Admixture of Bismuth Oxide 14
Kashtanova .1 A.M. and Skanavi, G.I. tFizicheakiy institut imeni P.N.
lebedeva, AN SM (Physical Institute imeni P.N. lebedev, AS USSR)] The
Dielectric Constant of Several Metal2ic Bismuthates 15
Card 5/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/1180
Kovaleako, G.M. [Fizicbeskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR
(Physical institute imeni P.N. Lebedev, AS USSR)] The Influence of
Polishing an the Dielectric Properties of Pblycrystall' Barium
Titanate 15
Mikhaylov, G.P. and Lobanov, A-M-11natitut vysokomolskulyarnykh soyedine-
niy AN SWR (Institute of High-molecu-wr Compounds, AS USSR)] Dielectric
Losses and Polarization of Polymers 15
Ptitsyn., O.B., Birebteyn,, T.M. and Sbaronov, Yu-A- [Institut vysbj- -
ko-molekalyarnykh soyedineniyjAN SWR (Institute of High-molecular
Compounds AS USSR)] Theory ou'Dipole Moments of Polymeric Molecules 16
Kabin, S.P. and Mikhaylov, G.P. [leningmd,, Politekhnicheskiy institut
(Polytechnical Institute)] Dielectric Losses of Non-polar CryBtalli
Polymers 17
Chuyenkov, V.A. (Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva AN SM
(Physical Institute imeni. P.N. Lebedev, AS USSR)] The Deduction of
Criteria for the Disruption of the Electrical Stability of Ionic
Crystals From-a Kinetic Equation 18
card 6/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) soy/li8o
Gorktm YU.I. and K.B. Th1pygo. [Institut fiziki AN USOR'(Physics*lnitl-~
j? t
tute of AS UkrSSR)] Polaron Theory of the Breakdown of Ionic Dielectrics 18
Bragin, S.M. [Mookovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power Idglaiii
ing Institute)] Electrical Stability of Polyethylene at Eigh fteqwncles 19
Voroblyev, A.A. and G.A. Voroblyev, 'ETftsk, PoliteMnichak!1y. institat
(Polytechaical Institute)] On Several Processes in the Electrical Break-
down of So3id Dielectrics 20
Voroblyev, A.A. and G.A. Voroblyev. (Tomsk, PolitQQMichakiy institat
(Polytechnical, Institute)] Electrical Disruption of Rock Salt Contidning
Coloration Nuclei 20
Konorova, le.A. and Sorokina, L.A. [Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N.
lebedeva AN SM (Physical Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev, AS VSSR)] Toqpr-
ature Dependency of tbe.glectrical Stability of Alkaline-Ealoid Crystals
KBr and KC1 21
Card V 17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont-) SOV/1180
Mchin, V.D. [Tomsk,, Pblitekhnicbeskiy institut (Polytechnical Institute)]
2-amperature Dependency of the Electrical Stabil-ity of Ionic Crystals
With Respect to Electrical Breakdown 21
Kr*Amopev+,sev, V-V-, G.I. vi, and Ye.k. Konorova. [Fizieheskiy
instiint imeni P.N. Lebedeva AN SM (Physical Institute imeni P.N. Imbedev,
AS USSR)] Temperature Dependency of the Palm Electrical Stability of
Several Polycrystall' Dielectrics 22
Andreyev, G.A. [Tomsk, Politekhnicbeekiy institut (Po.-,ytechnical Institute)]
Oscillographic Investigation of the Thermal Breakdown of Rock Salt at
Constant Voltage 23
Astafurov, A.V. [Tomsk, Politekbnicheskiy institut (Polytechnical Institute))
Electrical Breakdown of Thick Ice Layers by Pulses 23
Sonchik, K.K. tTomsk, Politekhnicheskiy institut (Polytechnical Institats
On Discharge Time Delay in Ionic Crystals 23
Balygin, I-Ye. ElectrIcal Breakdown of Titanium-containing Ceramic
Materials With Dielectric Constant 80 24
Card 8/17
R, W 9 q 9 9 M ! P" ZION
The Physics of Dielec-trics (Cant.) soVil8o
Balygin, I-Ye. Some Processes in the Electrical Breakdown of Liqtlid
Dielectrics 24
Gubkin, A-N. and G.I. Skanavi. [Fizicheakiy institut imeni'P.N. Iebedeva.
AN SSSR (Physical Institute imeni P.N. Iebedev AS USSR)] Preparation and
Properties of New Blectrete From Inorganic Dielectrics 24
Filippova, K-V- (Moscow, Fedagogichaskiy institut imeni Potemkina
(PL-dagogical Institute imeni Potemkin)] Investigation of the Electrical
and Optical Properties of ltlectretized" Polymers 25
Zheludev, I.S. and V-M. Fridkin. (Iastitut kristAUografii AN SM (Insti-
tute of CrystallographyAS USM)J, On the "Photoelectret" [after G. Nadzha-
kov] and "The mophoto-e lectret States of MnocrystallJme Sulftr 26
YaLuson, YU-1h. [Kazan', Gosudarst-vennyy uaiversitet (State University)]
On Milticomponent, Organic Electrets 26
Agashkin, O-V- and Vergunas, F.I. [Tmok, Sibirskiy Aziko-tekbuicbeskiy
Insti-Mit (Siberian Institute of Physical TL-cbnology)] On wasons for the
Card 9A7
nn Physics of Dielectrics (Coat.) SOV/1180
Photodielectric Effect of 7Anc Sulfide Phosphors 28
Kolomoyrtsev, F.I. and Kofthespirov, F.F. t Duepropetrovskiy gosudarst-
vennyy universitet, Dnepropetrovsk State University]. 7be origin of Zlectro-
motive Forces in Dielectrics Uader the Influence of X-rays 36
Kolomoytsev, F.I. and Yakpnin, A.Ya. tDaepropetrovskiy gosudarstvermyy
universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State Uaiversity)] The Influence of X-rays on
the Electroconductivity of Dielectrics 43
Arlyev, A.M. and A.P. Ashraflyan. llqovocherkasokiy politekhnicheskiy
inotitut (Novocherkaosk Polytechnical Institute)) The Influence of Beta
Particles on the Blectioconductivity of Sy~ntbetic Geresin 50
Discussion (by K.B. Tolpygo, F.I. KolDum3rtz-v and Y&.N. Fershits) 52
Mashkovich, M.D. [Moscow, Gosudarstvennyry isaledovatellskiy electrokeram-
icbeskiy institut (State Research Institute of Klectroceramics)] 7he #wture
of Electroconductivity of Several Types of Ceramic Msterials 54
Card 10/ 17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/1180
MimlItsev, AN. [Vologodskiy pedagogicheakiy institut (Vologft'Faftlogiftl
Thstitixte)] The Influence of ftrong Electric Fields on tbe Electro-
conductivity of Pare MLwcovite and NkwcovJte With Mineral Embeddings in
the Cleavage Faces 63
Kopylov, Yu A. and Bobyll, V.G. [Dnepropetrovskiy Inz- nemo-stroitel'-
nyy institiit (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Engineering)] Ionic Conductivity
of Liquids and Crystals 70
Pershits, U.N. (Pskovskiy pedagogichoskiy institut (Pskov Pedagogical
Institute)] Phenomena in the Conductivity of Dielectrics Pbrming Near the
Cathode 76
Discussion (by G.A. Smolenskly, K.A. Vodoplyawv and G.P. Yedooeyev) 83
Sikorskiy, Yu.A. [Kiyev, Mirainskays sel'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya
(Ukrabitan. Agricultural Acedemy)] The Influence of Coloration Nuclei on
the Dielectric Constant of Pnck 3&1t Crystals 85
Card 11A7
7he Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/1180
KDsman, M.S. and Pisarenko, V.F. [Leningrad, Pedagogicheskiy institut
imeni A.I. Gertsena (Pedagogical Institute imeni A.I. Gertsen)] Phenomns
Occurring in Alkaline-Raloid, Salts Near the Electrodes at High Tbmper-
aturet 89
Babley, R-Ye. tKharlkwmkiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kbar1kov Aviation
Institute)] Electrolytic Production of V-nuclei and their interaction With
F-Nuclei in Alkaline -HELloid Crystals 94
Bobyll, V.G. and'Yu.A. Kapylov. (Daepropetrovskiy inzhenermo-stroitel'W
institut (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Civil Engineering)) The Photoconducti-
vity of Several Organic Solutions 96
Discussion (by K-A- Vodoplyanov and K.B. Tolpygo)
Rspshtynskaya, Ye.A. and O.K. fficarre. tDoepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy
universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State-Miversity)] Dielectric Constants *and
Orientation Interaction Energies in Binary Liquid Mixtures. 101
Ivankim, M.S. ITomsk:Ly pol-itekhaicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytecbnical
Institute)] Measuring the Host of *rmtion in XCl-KBr and KCl-NhC1 Solid
Solutions 107
Card 12/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/1180
Savintsev P.A. [Tomskiy pol-iteklinicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechnical
Institutell On the Physical Properties of Ionic Crystals 3-13
Burak., I.N. and I.V. Zhilenkov. (Institut fizicheskoy khimli AN SM,
Voronezhskiy sellokokhozyaystvenayy institut, Voronezhskiy universitet
(Institute of Physical Chemistry of AS USSR and Voronezh Agricultural-
Institute, Voronezh University)] On the Co4lex Dielectric Constant of
Heterogeneous Syatems in Connection With Several Pr-3blems of Physical
Chemistry 328
Lipmye,4a, G.A. and G.I. Skanavi (Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Iebedeva
AN SSSR (Physical Institute imeni P. N - lebedev, AS USSR) ] On the Problem
of Measuring High Dielectric Constants of Solid Dielectrics with Centimeter
Waves. 1 124
7blurl Iko, A.D. (Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. lebedeva AN WSR (Physical
Institute imeni P.N. IebedevAS USSR) A Method of Measuring Temperature
Fumctions, And of.Solid Dielectrics in the Decimeter Band of R&dio
Waves 129
Vodoplyemov, L.K. [Fisicheckiy institut imeni P.N. Iebedeva AN SSSR
(Physical Institute imeni P.N,. lebedev, AS USSR) I Methods of Measuring the
C&rcl 13/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/1180
Temperative Dependency of the Dielectric Constant and Losses by Using a
Ceramic Fasonator 137
Arkhangellskly, G.Ye- [Flzicheakiy institut imni P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR
(Pbysical, Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev of AS TJ=)j On the Problem of Meas-
uring the Dielectric Constant and Lose Angle in Solid Dielectrics at a
Freqaency of 300 Megacycles 145
Lobanov, A.M. [ laningrad, lastitut iryookomolskUlyarnykh soyedinenly soyed-
inenl,y AN SM (rhotitute of High-mlecular Compounds of AS tISSR, lenin-
gradD On Measuring the Lose Tmngent and Dielectric Constant of Polywra at
Wave Lengths of 3 and 10 cm Vith Respect to Tempexature 146
Fradkina, E. M. ~ Mos.kovskiy aviatsionnyy institut imni S. Ordzboni ki d ze
(Moscow Aviation Institut.e imeni S. Ordzhon:Llddze D Yethod of Measuring
the Dielectric Constant of Conducting Liquids in Microwave Fields 153
Medvedev, V.X. [Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR A/
Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lownosova Physic5 Insti-
tute imeni P.N. Lebedev AS URWand/ Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lom
Card 14/17
Card 15/17
The Physics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/1160
Odelevskiy, Y.I. ilaningradF4uchno-iseledovatellskiy institut radio-
detaley (Scientific Research Imstitute for FbAio Components, Ienin=6d)]
Pbysicochemical Principles of Processing Steatite by Fusion With Calcium 194
Sinyakov, P-V. and Cherr", B.A. r Daeproletrovsk, Gosudaretvennyy universi-
tet (State Udiversity, Dnepropetrovskn Electrical Properties of Multi-
component Beignette-Ceramics 203
Discussion (by contributing authors G.A. Omolepskiy, G.P.,Fedoreyev,
and M.D. Hashkovich) 210
Volosevich, G.N. The Relationship of the Physicomechenical and Dielectric
Properties of Corundum Ceramics With 7heir'Composition and Body Structurve 211
Ieyzerzon, M.S. Synthetic Mica and Bev Electrical Insulating Materials
Made Frra It 219
Xbrolev, V.N. and BLzhsnqvek, T.Yu. tLeningmd, Zavod "Elektrosila"
imeni S.M. Kirova (Plant Elektrosila" imeni S.M. Kirov)] 7he Electric
card 16117
The Pbysics of Dielectrics (Cont.) SOV/480
Strength of Continwus Compounded Insulation'and Its Decrease Under
the Influence of High-voltage Industrial Frequency 228
Pachkovskiy, V.V. tChelyabinskiy institat mekhanizataii i elektrif-
ikateii sellskogo khozyaystva (Chelyabinsk Institute for the Mechaniz-
ation and Electrification of Agriculture)] Self-drying Moist Dislectrice in
an Electric Field of industrial Frequency 235
Discussion (by Yu.V. Kbritskiy., I.M. Golldm&n., G.P. Fedoseyev., I.Ye.
33alggin and G.H. Voloseyev)
AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress
Card 17/17 wftai
''W-V 4%
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 253 (USSR)
TITLE: On the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes in Elastic-
ally Deformed Bodies (K termodinamike neobratimykh pro-
tsessov v uprogo deformirovannykh telakh)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. In-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov Tsentr. n,-i. in-ta
I chernoy metallurgii, 1958, Vol 5, pp 550-576
ABSTRACT: The elastic deformation of a solid body is examined; thermo-
dynamic instabilit ies of shear stresses are taken into consider-
ation. On the basis of free-energy relations in irreversible
processes a number of equations are derived in a general form
describing the behavior of the free energy as well as the be-
havior of stress and relaxation tensors in elastically and iso-
thermally deformed bodies. The equations obtained are equa-
tions of relaxation kinetics. By means of a general example of
an isotropic solid body, it is shown that the stress tensor is a
function of the following factors: Temperature and deformation
at a given instant of time; the deformation during preceding
Card 1/2 periods of time, and the time of the shear relaxation and
On the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes (cont.)
volumetric relaxation. Various cases of approximating the range of relaxa-
tion-time spectra in a solid body are analyzed together with conditions
permitting employment of equations of relaxation kinetics. In conclusion,
the author examines the application of the theory of relaxation processes
to the viscous flow of solid bodies and to the propagation of elastic trans-
verse waves in an unlimited layer. Bibliography: 25 references.
L. 1.
1. Metals--Thermodynamic properties 2. Metals--Deformation 3. Stress anal'ysis
4. Elasticity--Theory
Card 2/2
SOV/ 137-58-9-19869
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 253 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fastov, N.S.
TITLE: Thermodynamic Relationships in Irreversible Processes
(Termodinamicheskiye sootnosheniya dlya neobratimykh pro-
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. In-t metalloved. i liz. metallov Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta
chernoy metallurgii, 1958, Vol 5. pp 577-582
ABSTRACT: The author establishes the limits within which the basic
thermodynamic identities for reversible processes a~,e applic-
able to irreversible processes. A functional relationship
expressing the free energy as a function of temperature and of
the tensors of deformation and relaxation was derived, and the
rate at which entropy changes was computed for an elastically
deformed body. It is shown that if the period of relaxation is
significantly shorter than the change-of-state period the form
of the thermodynamic equations for the internal and the free
energy of irreversible processes coincides with the form of
analogous equations for reversible processes. In that instance
Card 112 the unbalanced internal energy is a function of volume and of
:rhermodynamic Relationships in Irreversible Processes
the unbalanced entropy, and is independent of the relaxation tensors. It is
shown that the usual methods for the determination of the change in entropy
in irreversible precesses are correct only in the event when the change-of-
state period of the body being examined is considerably greater than the
time of relaxation. Bibliography: 7 references, Ref RZhMet, 1958, Nr 9,
abstract 19868.
1. Metals--Properties 2. Thermodynamics 3. Stresses 4. Mathematics--Applications
Card 2/2
Tran5lation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 121 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fastov, N. S.
TITLE- -W-C ~Rri `uVion to the Theory of the Elastic After-effect (K teoril
uprugogo posledeystviya)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. In-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov Tsentr. n. -i. in-ta
chernoy metallurgii, 1958, Vol 5, pp 583-594
ABSTRACT: Integral equations of the "successive" type with a kernel in the
form of an aggregate of exponential kernels are employed to examine
the problem of the torsional vibrations of a homogeneous and iso-
tropic round beam, the top end of which is rigidly fixed, while the
bottom, at the moment of time tf~0, is suddenly subjected to a
twisting couple of forces of constant moment. The equation (of
motion) of the following appearance
2 tl-t
a T d
P~ = ~t 4 + E BcL,f e a2 dt'
az CL=1 0 dz
Card I/Z
A Contribution to the Theory of the Elastic After-effect
where p , fi,B,,, and T CL are parameters, and + is the angle of deflection
of a cross section of the beam, is solved by the operational method. It is observed
that in the problem examined, the elastic after-effect is manifested in an asymp-
totic approximation of the deflection angle of the beam (after extinction of the
el.istic -.ibrations) to its position of equilibrium. Bibliography: 10 references.
M. 1. Rozovskiy
Card 2/2
SOV/ 137-58-9-19881
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p Z55 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fastov, N.S.
TITLE: On the Theory of Elastic After-effect (K teorii uprugogo
PERIODICAL- Sb. tr. In-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta
chernoy metallurgii, 1958, Vol 5, pp 585-594
ABSTRACT: The behavior of an elastic body is examined on a specific
example of torsional vibrations induced in a homogeneous, iso-
tropic, round rod subjected to constant external forces after
the latter have been rapidly,altered. It is shown that an elastic
after-effect (EAE) is observed if the relaxation time is consid-
erably greater than the time required for the damping of the
elastic oscillations. Taking into account the fact that a number
of relaxation processes take place in a solid body, the magni-
tude of the EAE may be expressed, with a certain degree of
approximation, by the following formula-
4~ = Az/~tZEB eXp(-t /T,,). where JA is the shear modulus and
a CL
Card 1/2 Bct the constant of a given relaxation process, and z the length
SOV/ 137-58-9-19881
On the Theory of Elastic After-effect
of the rod being investigated. A= 2M/ Tr R4 (M is the moment produced by the
torsion couple and R the radius of the rod). It is pointed out that the appear-
ance of an EAE depends on a number of factors (the temperature, existence
of blocks with a mosaic structure, geometric dimensions). Bibliography:
10 references.
L. I.
1. Elasticity--Theory 2. Rods--Stresses 3. Mathematics--Applications
Card 2/2
T.,-anslation from: Referativryy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 254 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fastoy
TITLE: The Theory of the Behavior of Macroscopic Pores in a Solid
Body (K teorii povedeniya makroskopicheskikh por v tverdom
PERIODICAL: S6~,ti:'An..~ta;-niitallbved.
chernoy-'rnetallurgii, 1958, Vol 5,., pp,,595-599.,;,;.
ABSTRACT: Conditions necessary to bring about healing of pores in an
isotropic body are analyzed theoretically from the point of view
of a relaxation process involving changes occurring in thermo-
dynamically unstable shear stresses. Equations are derived
for the rate of change in the radius of a pore located near the
surface of a body or at a distance from it. It is shown that the
radius of a spherical pore located at some distance from the
surface of the body increases or decreases depending on the
sign of the expression 2 cL/R+p, where a is the coefficient of
surface tension, R the radius of the pore, and p the external
pressure. When there is no external pressure (p= 0) the radius
Card 1/2 is reduced. if the spherical pore is near the surface of the
SOV/ 137-58-9-19877
The Theory of the Behavior of Macroscopic Pores in a Solid Body
body, its radius becomes smaller. A study of the behavior of two spherical
pores with equal radii indicates that in the absence of external forces the
pores tend to approach each other and their radii become smaller in the
L. I.
1. Metals--Porosity 2. Porous metals--Theory 3. Mathematics--Applications
Card 2/2
Translation from: Reverativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, pZ18(USSR)
AUTHOR: Fastov, N. S.
TITLE: The Effect of Surface Energy or, the Field of Elastic Stresses
in the Vicinity of Macrodefects in the Structure of Solid Bodies
(Vliyaniye poverkhnostnoy energii na pole uprugikh napryazheniy
vblizi makrodefektov struktury tverdykh tel)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. In-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov Tsentr. n. -i. in-ta
chernoy metallurgii, 1958, Vol 5, pp 600-603
ABSTRACT: Studies were undertaken in order to e,,,aluate the effect of the
surface energy on the field of elastic stresses (S) present in the
vicinity of structural macrodefects on solid bodies. An analysis
of the elastic and surface energy of the body indicates that under
marginal conditions of elastic equilibrium it is necessary to
take into consideration the additional normal force determined
by the curvature oi the surface and an additional tangential force
determined by the change in the coefficient of surface tension
along a given surface. In order to illustrate the role of these
additional forces present on the surface of the defects and affec-
Card 1/2 ting the S concentration, the author examines a spheroidal pore,
SOV/1 17 58-8-17720
The Effect of Surface Energy on the Field of Elastic Stresses (LOnt. I
with radius R, which is situated in an urdimited isotropic medium and which
(at infinity) iq subjected to a un4orm tensile btrcs~i . ST0
If no forces are present on the surface of the pore, the miximal tensile stress
Scr- max which is approximately twice as great as the mean tensile S,
xx max 0
occurs in a plane perpendicular to the axis of elorgation- T=0.5(r (9-5-j)/(Lr-5v)
xx xx
where v is the'Poisson ratio. However, the idditional force which is
determined by the surface curvature of the spherical pore and which produces
a tangential compressive S, reduces the magnitude of the maximal tensile
S's by an amount equivalent to a/R, where a is the tree energy of a
unit surface. It is pointed out that in actual cases the compressi~we stresses
a/R may coasiderably exceed the magnitude of practically peTmissible
stresses, S a- xx
L. G.
1. Sobds -Analysis 2. Solids-Stresses
3. Solids-Elastioity 4. Surfaces-Fletallurgical
Card Z/Z effects 5. Surfaces-Energy
AUTHOR: Piguzov, Yu.V.p Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow In-
stitute of Steel imeni I.V. Stalin
TITLEa Relaxation Phenomena in Pure Metals and Alloys (Relakeatsion-
nyye yavleniya v chistykh metallakh i splavakh)
PERIODICAL: Ve8tnik vysshey shkolyp 1958, Nr 9, PP 72-73 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs From 2-4 April 1958, an Intervuz Conference on the'Relaxation
Phenomena of Pure Metals and Alloys" took place at the
Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Institute of Steel). The
conference was attended by 196 representatives of 24 higher
educational institutions and 31 scientific-research institu-
tes (including 8 institutes of the USSR IS~,from 13 cities
of the Soviet Union. Doctor K. Mishek o~ the Prague In-
stitute of Technical Physics and Den Ge San of the Pyongyang
State University were also present. 3.I. Filippov, Deputy
Director of the Institute of Steel,,opened the conference.
A reviewing report was delivered by B.N.ri&eltshteyn (plivagbta
04oomw InUt of ftee3). V-T. Shmatov (Institute of Physics of
the USSR AS in Sverdlovsk) and N.S. Fastov (gsentralonyy
nauchno-isoledovatellskiy instlTut oharnFy- metallurgii (TsNIIChM)
~961VT7* Central Scientific-Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy)
reported on"Application of the Thermodynamics of Non4aalanced Conditions.
AUTHORSs Fastovp N. S.v Finkelletheyn, B. It. 48-22-3-4/30
TITLEs Relaxation Theory of Electric Polarization
(Relaksatsionnaya teoriya elektricheskoy polyarizateii)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Houk SSSRSeriya Fizicheskaya,
19589 Vol. 22, lir 3, pp. 249-251 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The application of thermodynamics in polarization is
based on the assumption that quasi-steady field quarti.
ties are concerned. Only under ouch an assumption may it
be assumed that the body is in state of thermodynamic equia
librium during the process of polarization. If, however,
the field changes with a finite velocity (e. g. with pe-
riodic changes of the field), deviations from the thermo.
dynamic equilibrium take place in the polarized body. The
occurrence of one or more processes of relaxation which
are determined by corresponding relaxation times, is due
to this fact. New independent parameters which characte.
rize the degree of deviation from the thermodynamic equi.
librium must be introduced in this case for the thermody.
Card 1/4 namic description of the behaviour of the body, and ki.
Relarztion Theory of Electric Polarization 48-22-3-4/30
netic equations must be established. It is known that the
fundamental equations of thermodynamics remain effective
in the case of smaller deviations from the state equili-
brium (Reference 1). The author uses the expressiont
E 47c 6F
E iand D i are components of the voltage vectors of the
field and of induction. F - free body-energy with respect
to the 'unit volume. The authors investigated the isothermic
polarization-process of the isotropic homogeneous dielec-
tric and developed a corresponding theory. If D +0-, the
free energy isothermic processes will not &epend only
on D:L, but also on a :-,:---v variable amount of relaxation for
which the authors selected the vector ~,. The free energy
of such a dielectric which was referrei to the unit volume;
can be represented in first approximation in form of a
Card 2/4 square invariant formed of the vectors D i and
Relaxation Theory of Electric Polarization 40-22-3-4/30
F F +-La D 2 + a 1- a t- ?
o 2 1 i 2DA~+ 2 3 ~ i
(Summation with equal indices), where F denotes the
free energy of the dielectric in the absence of the
field, a,y a 29 EL3 - material constants, j - 1,2,3-
a,9 a 29 a3 are essentially positive. It is further shown
that the tension of the electric field and of electric
induction show a phase shifting. It follows thati
D M 1 + iWr j (t). 2
a + ia 1Wj
+ a3
Thus E W) - 7--ff vLz a (W V)z al
is obtained for complex
Card 3/4
Relaxation.Theory of Electric Polarization 48-22-3-4/30
The dielectric looses Ettain their maximum at the fre.
quency ofW i
too r V
, VM
(tg6) (00) - (0)
max Oq - 2fE (0
is obtained for the maximum absorption.
The theory developed can be extended without difficulty
to the anisotropio medium and also in the case 'that seve.
ral processes od relaxation take place in the dielectric
with polarization.
Therc are 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCILTIONs Institut metallovedehiya i fiziki metallov ToMIChermet
Unstitutetcf4WU%1LagraPbY. and-. ?bysical Notallitigy TeNII Chernet)
Moskovskiy institut stali im. I. V. Stalina
(Moscow Institute of Steel, lmni*
I. V. Stalin)
AVAILLBLEs Library of Congress
Card 4/4
.r 1. Dielectrics--Polarization 2. Dielectrics--Properties
7 00 67710
AUTHOR: Fastov, Ne'se BOV/126-?-3-6/44 le
TITIZ: 'S_ome_1WS__u1_ts-in the Thermodynaraicsl'o%f Solid Solutions
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 79 Nr 3s
pp 354-359 (USSR)
ABSTIUCT: 'Bie usual thermodynamic (more correctly thermostatic)
relations are correct for reversible processes and
equilibrium states. The state of an elastically
defonaed solid in -the presence of shear stresses
aik - Ogg 6ij.,_/3 (0 ik is the stress tensor and 6ik a unit
tensor) is,thermodynamically,a nonequilibrium state.
It follo%,vs that in the Sener-al case the usual thermo-
dynamic relations do not apply to an elastically deformed
body. However, at temperatures well below the melting
pcint,the shear stress relaxation tires are so large
that the elastically stressed state of the body may be
looked upon as a quasi-equilibrium state. In this case
the thermodynamic relations may be used for an
elastically defomed solid but it is necessary to bear
in mind that the stressed state of a solid body must be
Card 1/4 described by six variables, namely, a=, a yy I aZZ, OX72
Some Results in the Thermodynamics of Solid Solutions
aXZ1 ayz which are the components of the stress tensor
(in the case of a fluid only one parameter', namely the
pressure, is sufficient). In View of the fact that the
elastic equilibrium relaxation ti-mes are much smaller
than the time for setting up the concentrational
equilibrium, the stress tensor components shou3LI satisfy
the condition aoik/axk = 0' It is assumed that the
time for setting up the concentrational equilibrium is
much smaller than the shear stress relaxation time
and that the stress does not exceed the elastic limit.
Expressions are obtained for the chemical potentials
of the solvent (~Ll) and the solute (~Ld- For solid
solutions, ~tl and ~L2 are functions of temperature,
concentration and the stress tensor a ik' It is further
assumed that the concentration is small. If in addition
the stresses are also small, then p, and ~L2 can be
Oard 2/4 expressed as linear functions of op
in the f orm given
Some Results in the Thermodynamics of Solid Solutions
by Eqs (1) and (11)9 where po (T,c) and ~Lo (TIC)
1 2
are the chemical potentials in the absence of stresses
and a and b are functions of temperature and
concentration only. The corresponding chemical
potentials for fluid solutions are given by Eqs (2)
and (21). If in these equations p is replaced by
OW3, then one obtains Eqs (3) and (Y), where the
symbols are defined in 1bf 1 (landau and Lifshits
"Statistical Physics"). These expressions for the
chemical potentials are used to estimate:
1) The change in the equilibrium ancentration of
vacancies on the sites of a crystal lattice (Eq 8);
2) the change in the saturation vapour pressure due
to stresses (Eq 11);
3) the change in the (xincentration of a saturated
solid solution WA 13),
Card 3/4 There ar e 5 Soviet refemnees.
67 7 110
Some Results in the Tiiermodynamics of Solid Solutions
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TsNIIChM
(Institute of Metalloxraplxv and PhTsics of Metp~la
SUBMITTED: August 9, 1957
Card 4/4
24584 5/137/61/000/005/938/060
AUTHOR: Fastov, N. S.
TITLE: On the theory of the elastic aftereffect in homogeneous bodies
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1961, 30-31, abstract
5Zh236 (V sb. "Relakayats. yavlenlya v metallakh I splavakh",
Moscow Metallurgizdat, 1960, 169-177)
TECT: The author presents & theoretical analysis of the elastic aftereffect
at a given change of applied extemal forces for the oase of twisting oscillations
of a homogeneous lsotropio round rod (the load conditions of the rod correspond
to the work conditions of a torsion pendulum during the investigation of the
internal friction In metal). The problem Is reduced to the solution of an equa-
tion for the motion of a compact medium. The author uses as stress tensor a
general expression considering the totality of relaxation processes (with differ-
ent relaxation time) caused b3 elastio deformation. Equations are derived which
connect the magnitude of direot and raver3e elastic aftereffect with the magni-
tude and time of action of the load applied and with the time of relaxation and
observation. It is shown that an elastic aftereffect will be observed only in
Card 1/2
A04 S/137/61/000/005/038/060
On the theory of the elastic ... A0061AI06
the case if relaxation processes take place In the body, whose relaxation time
may be compared with the observation time, and whiah simultaneously exceed conskkv-
ably the attenuation time of elastic oscillations. The equations obtained show
that a maximum direct elastic aftereffect must always exceed the maximum reverse
elastia aftereffect which should decrease at a shorter time of action of the load.
There are 10 referenaes.
A. B.
(Abstracter's notet Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Lyubov, B.Ya. and Fastov, N_S_
TITLE: On the Problem of Diffusion in ~ plastically Deforming
Medium I
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, N0.2,
TEXT: The work of S.A.Dovnar (Ref.1) and Yu.P.Romashkin (Ref.2)
contain errors. The authors neglect the variation of the
diffusion coefficient D with time in considering the effect of
plastic deformation on diffusion. Simmons and Dorn (Ref.3) do not
make this error but their method of solution is complicated and
difficult to understand. A clearer derivation Is presented in this
paper, If j is the flow density of the diffusing substance,
v the velociTy of displacement of the medium and c the
concentration, then in a homogeneous medium, in the one-dimensional
case, the equation of contin.uity, the condition of incompressibility
and the equation defining j
j D(t)T;c + ve
Card 1/3
On the Problem of Diffusion In a Plastically Deforming Medium
lead ~* the -equation
c 2c C
= D(t) -x- XL
t ox
0 W is the thickness of the medium and x the distance of
a given point of the material from the surface of the medium). Thai
boundary conditions are that there is no flow across the ends of the A-0
medium. With the aid of the transformation (4), the problem is
transformed from one with a variable diffusion coefficient and a
moving boundary to one with a constant diffusion coefficient and
fixed boundaries The solution is quoted for the case where the
initial length io is infinite, Eq.W. From this, the solution
when the initial concentration is Ab(x) is Eq.(7), (6(x) is the
Delta function), The case of a concentration with a jump
discontinuity at x = 0 also follows immediately, Eq.(8). The
only point which remains is that of the normalization constant,
which is chosen by considering the integral of the concentration
Card 2/3
fN 1 83
On the Problem of Diffusion in a Plastically Deforming Medium
over the volume of a rectangular parallelopiped, the volume of
which does not alter on deformation.. The expressions for the
concentration given by S.A.Dovnar (Ref.1) and Yu.P.Romashkin
(Ref.2) are in error because they do not satisfy the
normalization equation (9), given here. There are 4 references:
3 Soviet and 1 English,,
ASSOCIATION3 Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TsNIIChM
(Institute of Metallurgy and Physics of Metals
SUBMITTED3 March 28, 1960
Card 3/3
4" / P. 679"-
AUTHORt Fastoyp No So SOV120-130-1-17169
---------------- 11- t
TITLE: Stress Relaxation and CreeR as Processes of Viscous Flow ~
PERIODICkLs Doklady Akademif, nauk SSSR,, 1960t Vol 1309 Nr 1, pp 64-67 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% The equations of viscous flow in the presence of a spectrum of
relaxation times read as followet
or ik-1/3 6. of -2 2 X 1( Eik-1/3 E (00
11 ik K ot 11 '~ik)- Yik
Eik-1/3 E
11 01, - y (00
ik ik
ik To( - 3 .
Here (CK ) denotes
Tik the relaxation tensor, X the compression
modulusp XO( a positive constant which satisfies the condition
The author.applies the above equations to stress
Card 1/4
E. 794 44
Stress Relaxation and Creep as Processes of SOY/20-130-1-17/69
Vircous Flow
relaxation and to the creep of a uniaxially extended homogeneous
rod. The load applied to the rod at the Initial instant of time
is assumed to cause the instantaneous deformation EO-
Deformation was kept constant during the following periods.
After some operaticne G-t
) is
xx 3K+ xx Oc
obtained. Sines in all case: A~4~0, stress decreases in a
monotonic manner like the sum of the exponents. After
sufficiently long intervals the terms of the above equation
become negligibly small compared to that term which contains the
maximum relaxation time'U
Thus, d(0) - d - 6(0) e-t /t* ) is obtained.
xx xx xx 01~
After a sufficiently long duration of observation stress
relaxation is consequently described by a single exponent (second
stage of relaxation). The decrease in the stress Adxx-6(0)- &
xx xx
Card 2/4 during the same interval of time is proportional to the initial
6 79 44
Stress Relaxation and Creep as Processes of SOV/20-130-1-17/69
Viscous Flow
stress After some further operations
'xx JK t 3K 2 N-1 Po~'t
xx a 9K T7 + e
Ot C't /3
is obtained, where pa, denotes the roots of the function f(p)
and RM constanta. The rate of creep 6xx is proportional to
the applied stress ~rx , and with progressing time approaches
0 xx
asymptotically its steady value 9xx) at If the
system is characterized only by one relaxation time, the
corresponding region with variable rate of creep disappears.
In this case kx-Adm for m >1. The computed and the
xx '
experimental data on the dependence of the rate of creep on the
stresses are therefore not in agreement, since in the (loaded)
real metal stresses are inhomogeneous due to the defects in the
Card 3/4 crystal structure. The s1ove-described scheme of the creep in a
Stress Relaxation and Creep as Processes of
Viscor.0 Flow
f 4- t
crystal (or polycrystal) holds only if the sample has the
corresponding structural defeats. In the relaxation of stresses
the stress distribution in the sample is also inhomoggneous. The
results obtained may be interpreted as follows: In a metal
subjected to shear stress viscous-flow processes take place
(self-diffucion relaxation) which, under oonstant deformation#
lead to a vanishing of these stresses (i.e., to stress
relaxation) and in-the case of,constant stress, to creep. In the
case of viscous flow the atome (or atom groups) are shifted into
other positions by overcoming the potential barriers. There are
I table and 8 references,-" of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallor Tsentrallnogo nauchno-
iBeledovatelletQf,'Q',Inst~*,~uts~che~-noy metallurgii (Jn_ktJ-tute of
Metallography and Metal Puyeics, of thb Pentral Scientific
Research-Institufe-of Ferroun metallurgy)
PRESENTEDs August 17,, 1959, by G.V. Kurdyumov,, Academiciar
SUBMITTED% August 7P 1959
Card 4/4
24(8) S/020/60/130/03/016/065
AUTHORs -Fastov, N. S. B014/BO14
TITLE: ThermoUnamiosTof Irreversible Processes of fl-a8tic
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,'1966, Vol 130, Nr 3,
pp 541 - 544 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author studies slight elastopla3t,i,c deformations and
confines himself to pure shoaring in investigating the
general properties of plastic deformation. Equation W
leads to the free energy per unit volume for slight
deviations fr" equilibrium. (3) leads to the stress tensor
and (4) to'tka internal energy for a given deformation rate.
The stress t6nuor for rolief is given by equation MO and
the internal energy of the plastically deformed body after
relief, which is called strengthening energy, is described
by equatlon (8). It follows that in the case of deformations
the strengthening energy is accumulated only if deformation
is accompanied by relaxation processes such as the cleavage
ard 1/3 of crystals, Equation (10) describes the ratio betwef~n
strengthening energy and consumed energy. For purely elasti
Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes 3/020/60/130/03/016/065
of Plastic Deformation B014/BO14
deformation it is show n that the strengthening energy afid
deformation energy are approximately equal. Equation (12)
indicates that the strengthening energy decreasea in an
exponential manner. Furthermorep the author studies the
influence exercised by evenly inreasing heating of the body
upon this event. It is noted that the results obtained are
in agreement with those obtained from experiments on cadmium.
In conolusiong the author derives equations (V) and (15) for
free energy and 'for the deviation of the relaxation tensor in
the general case of heating and deformation of a body. Stress
tensor and entropy are described by equations (16) and (17)s
respectively. Herefrom it may be aeon that strain and entropy
in the body depend on the relative change in volume, the
temperature change, and also on thepreceding deformation and
heating. Furthermore, it may be seen from equation (19) that
the internal energy is a function of the volume, entropy,
Card 2/3 temperature. There are 6 refereincest 4 of which are Soviet rL/7/
of Irreversible Processes 3/020/60/130/03/016/065
of Plastic Deformation B014/BO14
ASSOCIATIONt Institut metallovedeniya, i fiziki metallov TeentralinoZo
nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo instituta chernoy metallurgii
(Institute of MetallograDhy and Metal Physics of the
Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallu
PRESENTED: June 9, 1959, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 0, 1959
Card 3/3
Thermodynamics of intersticial solidsolutions with body-centered)
cubic, crystal structures. Fiz. metimetalloved 11 no.6:856-863
Ja .161. ~KMA 14:6)
1, Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TSentrallnogo
nauchno-ioalidovatellokogo instituta cbernoy metallurgii imeni
I.P. Bardina.
. (Crystal lattices)
(Solutions,, Solid-Thermal properties)
~AUTHOR: ;s'.1
TITLE: On -we, khiimoonamics wof irreversible processes
during eidiotic deformat16~
.PERIODICAL,. Fisdilm: Metallov i104ptil' Vedeniyq!- 1961-, Vol. 12,
No ~'3 pip i ~4 3 i :'-- 436
TEXT: T.6e-. aditior, discusses -itlieGrsibl e. prod 6fix eJ in tho
ca -so of finite'~iit'ims.,-of','derormat~lo~h-,ttn'd "if1or1A--1i~at1flgP The
nonequilibrium litatci of a th erq#ll~ Aint f 6x-rd"Mid laniAkmly-
'stressed b9aj-i~.-desc'r'ib` tHe't6mperature the strain
tensor- c Arid the.set of''relaxation tons.ors
(a 1- 2, a 1, Zi e N). -In addi tion to the
,k -.3
second-rank-tonsors! the.internal state parameters
.'include, also.-the scalar quantities However,
the la-tterl-,-,s~ve most con-wenlei2tl~r looked 'upon as the secona-xank
tensors 6- 6 is the, unit tensor, When T and
ik' ik ik,
hr-d 1/13
on the thermodynamics,.,;'~.~-' E05r-~~9314
Cik' are. .constafitf -the "at ate of the bl9dy'approaches the
equilibrium.staCe and the'param.eters kV ik tond to. their
e,quil-ibrium.'Values 7 Fa T~ which are,functions of T and
~ik eik
if during: the deformation and heating the parameters cee
(F ik and the ~temperaturo chainge T'- TO' are small.
00 then the free energy p;r unit volume
ik ik
of an isotropid,-body-ie',of the form.(the present author.-
Problems,i.n r..-atbk1,science-.nncI +.hp- physics of metals No. 5,
Metallurgiidat i- 1958,
a(P-TO) + T 4. 4112 +
V sit +
+ BO Tit) Tit, aft
Card 2/13
-On the thermodynamics.*..* E032/r,.314
where F 1(T) in the free energy in the absence of deformation
and in the equilibrium state, K is the bulk modulus,
w Is the thermal-expansion coefficient, A (X , B. are positive
constants and T is the initial temperature at which, in the
absence of external forces and in the equilibrium state, the
body may be looked upon an undeformed. It was shown in Ref- 3
.that the stress tensor "ik and the none quilibrium entropy
per unit of'. volume 5~* can be represented by the following
integral expressionss
Kaltalk- En K(r-rja,,,+ A. exp 21,01) +
r (1')] 41h dt'+ 2-B. exp (r) 41ki dt';
Card 3/13
On the thermodynamics E032/E314
S* S, (7) +I(II'l A. 1. exp (r) + I. (")I dt (3)
where SI(T) is the equilibrium entropy in the absence.of-
deformation, (a) and -C (a) are the relaxation times and
1 2
YCX are constants defined by
(a) + y(x (T - TO) (4)
The heat-transfer equation on the linear approximation is taken
in the form
or, bearing in mind Eq. (3),
Card 4/13
On the thermodynamics 1-:032/E314
T, A. OK_ A.I. -Off+
A' exp (1')] dt' (5)
where x is the thermal conductivity and C v is the
equilibrium (static) specific heat (C V.= TbdSl /dT) . Using
Eq. (3) it may be shown that for a thermally-insulated
system (S* const.
+P -C(4) .
T-To. - 2 - A
C, 1.) all
A. __L2
Card 5/13
On the thermodynamics E-032/E-311,
In order that T - T should1tend to a finite limit for
ett =-const., It is necessary for the roots of the numerator
in Eq. (7) to be negative and.this is satisfied if the
following inequality holds
C9 2'
v Cv To AQy(x > 0
wher*,: v is the specific heat for an infinitely rapid
temperature variation (T ->;oo ) . From this it follows that
the dynamic specific heat is smaller than the static'specific
heat since Aa> O..-.In many cases, the relaxation time
(a) may be divided into two parts
(al (a2)
It (9)
Card 6/13
-On the thermodynamics r,-032/I';3i4
where .~?. is the period of the external force (Ref. 3).
Moreover, as far as volume and temperature changes are
concerned, the process is quasi-stationary, i.e.
2 (10)
It is then shown, usii.S Eqs. (2) that the irreversible
rate of Increa'se in #~,'Je.entropy is given 'by
+ A. b3 2 2
2 +-L%(;1k (17)
r T 3
12 82
T 3 it
Cnrd 7/13
On the thermodynamics ease E03VE3111
nd >
where 11- B a B
q5 = ~
The term containing 115 is particularly important at high
temperatures. In many cases, each volume element of a solid
or liquId is practically adiabatic (e.g. sound propagation) so
that when the conditions given by Eqs. (9) and (10) are
satisfied,,it may be.a.ssumed that
wKT0 T n4 To
T T + -2 '
I c,,, +- T
0 C n3 C C
v V v
U,k oil alk oil 81k + 2(614- sit aik
3 +
+ 2 ;U.BIk 2 Vs sit (C) 81h di',
3 (18)
Card 8/13
On the thermodynamics .... E032/E314
aA a.1,
where K is the adiabatic bulk modulus and Tj 2 is given
712 A,,:(2.) (I T.CA 11,1.
in tthe case of the quasi-stationary states of a liquid
P aik + 2 7j, 1k + q. 61t alk + III
dU t-pd a,, + TdS.* 'is Td,Snn 114 dT. (21)
where the.pres,sure is defined by
p KctC + wK(T TO) (22
On 'the thermodynamics E03 2/ ro 14
and,- n2 A" For.'adiabatic processes, Eqs. (20) and
(ft)-assume the form
alk P 81k +q 9 '91, 3ft + 2 ;1k ~a aik
-pd Inn+ UP-
from which it'follows.that the thermodynamic identity for the
nonequilibriu;.. int.ernal -enerLy (24) is-identical with the
thermodynamic identity for the equilibrium onl,, of quast-stationary adiabatic processes. The paper
is concluded with tie special case of FeNi alloys. According to
K.P. Belov (Ref. 12 - Dokl. Ak. nauk S9SR, 1958, 91, 807) and
B.G. Livahits'(Ref. 13 -,Physical properties of metals and
alloys, Mashstiz,. 1,956), in the latter case
Card 10/13
On the thermodynamics ....
Moreover, KaA - X '7=
1-5- 10 -5
There are 14 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONS: Institut metallovedeniya i fizika metallov
(Institute of Metal Science and Phy51CS Of
TsNIIChM im. I.P. Bardina (TsNIIChM im.
I.P. Bardin)
SUBMITTED: April 22, 1960 (initially)
March 20, 1961 (after revision)
Card 13/13
S/02Y61/13 7/002/009/020
IOU10 3104 B212
AUTHOR: Fastov, N. S.
TITLE: Deformation of:a body caused in the stage of steady creep
and the transition from microcreep to macrocreep investigat-
ed from the point of view of the thermodynamics of
irreversible processes
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI v. 137, no. 20 1961, 323-326
TEXT: As is well knownt a body which is thermodynamically not in
equilibrium t;nd is exposed to a load, can be described at constant
temperature with the deformation tensor and the relaxation tensor. At
sufficiently high temperatures the stress tensor can be written as
f ollows:
Kelikk + 2 X. [(s& I/set,6&)
-where K is the compression modulus, X a is a positive constant which
Card 1/4
S102 611137100210091020
Deformation of a body caused in B104YZ212
satisfies the condition ZA a pt pi's the shear modulus, 8ik is the
,unit tenso nd 'lie following expression is valid for the relaxation
tensor: 0. Now, (1) can be brought into the ioltzmann-Volterra
K8118jk + 2
This is a generalization of the equation for a viscous flow. Further-
more, the creep is described as a viscous flow which takes part in small
macroscopic particles of the body in question and the various particles
are assumed to slide along each other. During creep elasticly deformed
bodies will be deformed plastically which may heal lattice defects.
Subsequently this part will again be deformed elastically. During
steady creep the volume of the plastically deformed part will remain
Card 2/4
Deformation of a body caused in ... B104/B212
constant and also the change of its distribution of dimension. If the
mean rate of creep of the elastically deformed parts is not equal to the
rate of creep of the whole sample, then the parts will start sliding
along each other and this will lead to a change in dimensions and new
lattice defects. Due'to the interaction of elastically and plastically
deformed parts the thermodynamic state of one body is determined by the
thermod-namic state of a single one of its parts, e.g. an elastically
deformed part. A short thermodynamic consideration shows that the
deformation of a body during steady creep is not a function of the
applied load if the deformation is not small. This result has been
obtained from purely mathematical considerations and, therefore, is found
to be valid for all bodies. The results of investigations done by
S. N. Zhurkov (Ref- 4: S. N. Zhurkov, T. P. Sapfirova, Zh.TP, 18,
1719 (1958)) agree well with the theoretical ones. Further, it is shown
that the deformation in a body caused by micro-creep is not a function
of the load. This has already been established by Chalmers (Ref- 5:
B. Chalmers, Proo. Roy. Scoop Ap 1561 (1936)) on a tin monocrystal.
There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo.
Card 3/4
Deformation of a body caused in ... B104/B212
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov Tsentrallnogo
riauchno-iBaledovatellskogo instituta chernoy metallurgii
im. I. P. Bardina (Institute of Metal Science and Physics
of Metals of the Central Scientific Research Institute
of Iron Metallurgy imeni I. P. Bardin)
PRESENTED: October 27, 19600 by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician
SUBMITTED: October 24, 1960
Card 4/4
17 30. B104/B207
.AUTHOR: Fastov,.N. S.
TITLE: The characteristics of the thermodynamics of solid solutions
of intrusions with cubic volume-centered lattice
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 136, no. 29 1961, 344-347
TEXT: In the solutionsetudied, the atoms of the dissolved bubstande are in
the middle of the elementary cube edges or in the middle of the surfaces
(Fig. 1). In adeformed lattice, the energies of the atoms of the
dissolved substance vary according to the different positions, and the
probabilities of the atom positions are different. At a lattice deforma-
tion, the energy of the various atom positions changes In a different way
which7leads to a redistribiition of the atoms of the dissolved substance in
their positions. This transition of the atoms from one energy position
into another occurs in the elementary cubes and ie accompanied by a
considerable, change of the modulus of elasticity and other non-linear
effects. The solid solution is then in equilibrium, when it is long enough
in a state of constant deformation and temperature. If c , c and c are
x y z
Card 1/8