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ORZKHOV, Anatoliy Dmitriyovich; MUSINOV, Lev Nikolayevich; KAUYW,
Vladimir Alskmandrovich; BORISOV, U.S., inzh., retsansent;
TATSXNKO, V.A., insh., rateenzent;.YALIKO. 0.S., in2h., red.;
GCMZMA# L.Pos tokhaorede I--- -
flow agricultural mchinery; brief manual] Wovye sel'sko-
khosiaistvennys sashiny; kratkii spravochnik. Koskva, Go$.
nauchno-tokhn.isd-vo mehinostroit.lit-r7, 1960. 254 p.
(Agricultural sachinery) (MIRA 13:9)
YEREMEM, Iosif Dmitriyovich;PORTYANKO, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; TAMARO,
N.V.., inzh.p retsenzent;. FALIKO. .0-.S...9 inzh.., red.; CHMOVA, Z.1.,
tekhn. red,
(Theory of the construction of the working parts of beet harvesting
combines] Elementy teorii postroenila rabochikh organov sveklo-
uboroohrqkh kombainov. Moskvas Gas. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino-
stroit.lit-Ty, 1961. 130 p. (KUU 14: 1-1)
(Sugar be6te-Harveoting) (Combines (Agricultural machin'ery))
KORBUT, L.A.; STEPANOV2 M.A., inzh.., retsenzent;jAL!KQ,-O.S., .
inzh., red.; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhn. red:'
taiia sellskogo
1961. 185
(Great Britain-Farm mechanization)
of agriculture in Great Britainlflekhaniza-
khoziaistva Velikobritanii. Moskva, 14ashgiz,
(MIRA 15:10)
ZH1TNKVj N.F., inzh.t red.; KOIDTUSHKINA, A.P., kand. ekonom. nauk, red.;
GORYACHKIN, M.I.,, kand, ekon. naukq reteenzent; FALIKO, O.S.0
inzh., red.; TIKHANOV, A.ra.j, tekhn. red.
[Economic effectiveness of the agricultural machinery] Ekonomi-
cheskaia effektivnost' novykh sel'skokhoziaistvennykh mashin;
metadika i normativno-spravocbnyo materialy. Hoskvap Gos. nauchno-
tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-r . 1961. 314 P- (MIRA 15:1)
1 (Agricultural machAn~ry)
LOGOVp lapnid Maksimovich, kand. -tekhn. nauk; XULIKOV, ILK.,, doktor
q retsenzent; FALIKO, 0.5,1 inob-ol- red.; ELIKIND,
Aek1w. nauk
takhn. red.
[Hydraulic reversible multi cilinder engine) Gidravlicheskii ob-
rativyi mnogotailindrovyi dvigatell. Moskva, Masbqiz', 1962. 66 p.
(Hifu 15:4)
(Hydraulic engines)
VYSOTSKIY, Mikhail Stepanovich; DOBRYKH, Leonid Ivanovich; SIROTKIN,
Zalya L'vovich; TROFIMOV, V.I... inzh., retsenzent; FALIKO, O.S.,
imh., red.; ELIYJN, V.D., tekhn, red,
[Automobile and tractor trailers] Avtomobillrye i traktornye
pritsepy. Moskya., Mashgizp 1962. 161 p. (MIRA 15:5)
(Truck trailers)
FATEYEV, Yefim Mikhaylovichq doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; FAL'KO, O.S!JL
inzh., red.; CjMiOIOVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. -
(Windmills and their use in agricylturel Vetrodvigateli i ikh pri-
menenie v sel'skom khoziaistve. zd,3,, dop, i perer. Moskva
Maahgiz, 1962. 246 p. (MIRA 15:6~
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii sel'Bkokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni
V.I.Lenina (for Fateyev).
LOGOV, Igor' leonidovich; GILINSKIY, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; FALIKO, 0.59 inzh,, red,; SMIRNOVA, G.V.9
tekhn. red* I L.A.p tekhn. red.
(Pneumatic pumps]Pnevmatichaskie nasosy. Moskvaq Mashgiz.,
1962. 207 p. (Pumping machinery) (MIU 15:9)
KOMISARIK, S.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANOVSKIY, N.A., kand. tekhn.
nauk; PROKOFIYEV, VA, doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
FALIKO O.S.- inzh., red.; GORDEYEVA, L.P., tekhn. red.
(Hydrostatic transmissions] Gidraylicheakie ob"emnye tran-
smisaii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 152 p. (MIRA 16:5)
(Oil hydraulic machinery)
LlKHACHEV, V.S., kand. tekbn. naukj VEDWYAPIN, G.V., doktQr
tekhn. nauk, r9tseuzentj_f&'.K zh., red.#
_pj O.S.
ELIKINDs V.D.j 4kbn. red. ~-Ly
[Testing tractorij lopytaniia traktorov. Izd.2.,, perer.
Moskyap Masbgiz,, 1963. 278 p6 (MIRA 17:2)
VOLKOVP G.L[deceased]; KLETSKIN, inzh.,'retsensent;_?ALIIO,_-O.S.,
lnzk., rid.; BLIKINDp V.Dt
(Agricultural machinery in the U.S.A. j state and developmental
trends] Seltakokhosiaiotvennaia takhnika v SShA; sootoianis
i tendenteii r-asvitiia. Moakvap Maxhgiz, 1963. 313 p.
(MIRA 1410)
(United States-Agricultural machinery)
L 35565-65 Err W/Mr
ACCESSION 11Rt AP5008153
Ta 01-h
AUT11ORSi Mrochonakly, Ya. T.1 Ploshchonko K. Yo.1 KanowBkly.
S it. S..; Noylyanakiy, V. P.1 KaklMin, B. 6.1 Fl.,
Kocrynin, Gonin, L. 5Kralin, L. A
TITLEs Agr Class 17, ~. 168~74
SOURCEs Byullotont lzabrotenly i tovarrqkh snakov, no. 5, 1965, 31
TOPIC TACSs boat oxchantor, graphite
ABSTRAM Thle Author CoLicato presents a graphite boat exchanger made of
blocka with channels for hoat-exchanging media. It is equipped on the ends with
cap3 and fittiriga for introducing and removing the indicated media. To improve
the thermal efficiency and to reduce weight, the cap@ are equipped with adapter
plates and horizontal baffles for nultipass parallel octuntercurrents of the
go ar SOVI 000 OTMI 000
ACCESSION NR: AP4031156 S/0056/64/046/004/1344/1351
AUTHORS: Kaner, E. A.;,Fallko, V. L.
TITLE: Magnetoacoustic dimensional effect in a metal plate
SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teoro fiz.g v. 46, no. 4, 1964, 1144-1351
TOPIC TAGS; ultrasound, magnetoacoustic effect, dimensional effect,
ultrasound propagation, Fermi surface
ABSTRACT: Continuing earlier investigations of high-frequency di-
mensional effects in a magnetic fi*eld (E. A. Kaner, DAN SSSR v. 119,
471, 1958) (V. F. Gantmakher and E. A. Kaner, ZhETF, v. 45, 1430,
1963), the authors study the dimensional effects that arise in the
propagation of ultrasound through a metal plate in a magnetic field
if the field is parallel to the sample surface, the oscillations
associated with the geometric resonance should exhibit cutpff when
the diameter of the electron orbit becomes larger than the sample
Card 1/3
If the magnetic field makes an angle with the plate sur-
face, the dimensional effect becomes oscillatory and a periodic
function of the applied field. An in estigation of the angular de-
pend nce-of the period and amplitude if the oscillations makes it
possible to determine the local values of the Gaussian curvature and
the electron mean free path at the Fermi surface. The limiting case
of relatively low acoustic frequencies and strong magnetic fields is
considered. Inclination of the magnetic field relative to the plate
gives rise to oscillations of the dimeasional effect which are
periodic in the applied field, by virtue of the electron drift from
one surface to another. In the case of an infinite metal, the ab-
sorption and d2spersi6n of the acoustic velocity exhibit resonance
oscillations that are pe~riodic in the reciprocal field.- Smearing
,:and reduction in the height of the resonance peaks is observed in
thin plates of thickness small compared with the mean free path or
along-the normal to the surface. in the case of a thin plate the
amplitude and width of the sound absorption resonance peaks are not
Card 2/3
determiried by the volume scattering but by the time of flight of the
resonance electrons from one side of the plate to the other. All
these conclusions are chocked by calculation. Orig. art. has: 22
'SUBMITTED: .20Sep63 DATE ACQs 07Xay64 ENCL: 'Go
card 3/3
L 4298,6-65 EWT(I)/EEC(t) Pg_4/Pj_4/pj_~4 W/jjjB
ACCESSION NR: APS006527 S/0056/65/048/002/0742/0747
AUTHOR: Blank, A. Y .; raltko, V. L.,
TITLE: Propagation of electromagnetic waves in metals with regard to Fermi fluid
S06-RCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 48, no. 2, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave propagation, electromagnetic wave excitation,
Fermi fluid interaction, Fermi fluid4lectron
t ABSTRACT: The spectrum and damping of electromagnetic excitations in a metal
placed in a strong m~gnetlc field are considered with regard to Fermi fluid inter-
action. In some cases the correlation function for the Fermi fluid electrons in
the metal can be found by studying weakly damped waves. For example, the spectrum.
of an electromagnetic wave polailzed in-the direction of the magnetic field, for
the case of at rong spatial dispersion in ao anisotropic metal, may be written:
Card 1/2
' Mg,
4W, q
L 42986_65________.
(rl0f2M)j sin 2q? 1.
Investigation of a wave with this spectrum y elds correlatLon functiort 0, eiice'the
den-alty--of -statek-dn/dii--do,-ba~~-calculated---indirectlv. e. g. from measurements of
__"The- authors-. thank.-; t.~_ A-.Kmer -un-der wbois-e-gWance -the-work--was-
specific heat.
acconplisbed.11 Orlg.~-Ut. has:-.-- VC.-formlaoi:
i ASSOCIATION: 'Listitut radiofizikf tlelektroniki-Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy-SSR
0 6 UB- CODE
rVVV AIA%.a '80'& U 0056/65/049/06/0�5/1901
iA'UTHORS: :Kaner, E. Aj Faliko, V. L.
iORG: Institute of RadiophXsics and Electronics, Academy of Scie
iUkrainign 33H (Institut radioriziki I-elektroniki Akademii nauk
Ukrainskoy SSR)
TITLE: Concerning.tbe question of anomalous penetration of an
lelectromagnetic field in a metal
.1SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticbeskoy fiziki, v. 49,
Inc. 6, 1965, l895-1903.
ITOPIC TAGS: skin effect, electron distribution, electron Interaction.P'
electromagnetic effect, alternating electromagnetic field
iABSTRACT! The autbora.propose:a new''Maebani tor_xplain the.anoma-
lous penetration of a higb-f requency e1eOtr-.-9'4fi-e'-tic' field Into a
imetal In the presence or-a strong (constant and uniform) magnetic
!field, which has recently been observed by several Investigators, and.
!especially the appearance of higb-frequency field and current, peaks
L 18774-66
iACC NR* AP6002733
!in the interior of the.metal at large distances from the surface.,
According to this mechanism some of the electrons interact effective-i
ly with. the electromagnetic field near the surface of the metal while
others give rise to skin layers in the interior of the metal. Unlike
in earlier Investigations, this mechanism is highly effective at
ireiatively large angles .of inclination of the magnetic field with
;respect to the surface. It is shown that such separation of the
leleetrons.into different groups leads to the appearance of*a periodic
I system. r).f narrow and slowly decaying peaks. The effect should occur
In .,.Ain~le crystals f0f-.metals in a iriagnetic field wbicb,is in-
clined to- the simplw-A-U,~face. A detailed theory is developed for
this effect on the basis of a solution of the Maxwell equation 'for
the field in the interior of the metal. Possible detection of this
i effect by, observing the bi~h-frequency size effect in a 'sample is
Idiscussed. Orfj, art.*bas. 3 figures and 37 formulas.
165/ ORT GREP: 008/.
f. W I I
ACC N" AP6031449 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/002/0506/0600
AUTHORLL-Ean , E. A. Fal'ko...V,J,._._ 27
ORG: Institute of.Rgdio2llygigg aqd EISctron cq.,_. f Sciences Uk
SSR (fnstitut raciii3fiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy'9S
TITLE: Shape of the curve of radio-frequency dimensional effect In metal 4-
SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 586-600
TOPIC TAGS: radio frequency effect, electromagnetic wave, wave attenuation,
skin layer
ABSTRACT: A theory is developed for the shape of the curve of the radio-frequency
dimensional effect due to the cut-off of extreme electron trajectories in a metal
plate. It is shown that the shape of the curve is directly connected to the nature of
the attenuation of the electromagnetic waves in the skin layer. The inverse problem
is solved for determining the field in a metal froin experimental data. The shape of
the curve is calculated for the exponential law of radio-wave attenuation. Tile author
thank M. Ya. Azbell for valuable comments. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 64
formulas.e ased on authors' abstract)
Card I h CODE: 20/SUIBM DATE: 05Mar-66/ORIC REF: 014/
ARMffO, Nina Ivenovna, )mnd.biol.nauk; KANCIRIX, A.T., kand.sellskokhoz.
nauk. glavnyy red.; TALIKO, Tu.G._[k1'ko, W.H.I. red.
[Kineral fertilizers and their effective utilization] Kinerallul.
dobrywa to Ikh efektywns sastosuvowds. Kylv. 1960. 39 P. (To-
varystvo dlia poshyronnia politychnykh i naukovykh snan' Ukrainolkoi
RER, Ser.6. no.24). (KIRA 14:1)
(Fertilizers and menures)
CEIAPLITSKIY, Vladimir Konstantinovich (Chaplytolkyi. V-11.1; SMIS,
. Imanuil, Isaskovich; TOUSIVSKIY. A.A. (Tolchynalkyi. A.A.].
g1avW red.; ZA&IkO, Tu.G. [Fallko, W.H.J. red.
[Lowering building aDets on collective farms] ShliskhY
"nyshennia vartostl budlynytotys v kolhospokh,, Kylv, 1960.
30 p. (Tovarystvo dlie poshyrannia politychnykh i naukovykh
snan' Ulcrainalkol M. Ser.6,no.23). (KMA 14:2)
(Farm buildings-Costs)
?IKUS, Grigoriy Pimnovich [Pikus, H.P.1; MUTKO, Tu.G. [Mmtko,
W.H.I. kand.seliskokhos.neuk. glavnyy red.;.TALIKOp Yu.G.
[Yallkoo IU9RG1, red.
(Practices of the d-olleative farm In establishing a stable food
supply] We-vid kolhiospu po stvorenniu mitenoi kormovol bazy.
Kyiv, 1960. '30 ~, (Tovaryistvo dlis poe-hyronnia politychnykh I
naukovykh suoul bb"inslkol RM. Ger.6, no.16).
(MIRA 14:2)
SAVITSICIY, Konstantin Amosovich [Savytislkyi, K.A.1, kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk;
BUNTUSH. T.F.. kand.sellskokhos.nauk, glavnyy red.;_YALINO. T%L.G.-
[Fallko, ZU.H.J. red.
(Fractioes of winter wheat cultivation in the Ukraine] Doevid
vyroshobuvannis ozymoi pshanytai ne Ukraini. Kyiv, 1960. 39 P.
(Tovarystvo dlis poshyrennia politychnykh i naukovykh snan'
Ukrainelkoi RM. 59r.6, no.20)
(Kin 14:2)
USHAKOV, Alakeandr Fedorovich EUshakov, 0.1.], kand.seliskokhox.nauk;
KAXPINKO. 3.O., inzh.. glavnyy red.; YALIKO, Yu.G. [Fallko, IML).
(Nechanized cultivation and harvesting of sugar beets) Nekhanl-
zatmils vyroshchuyeanis i sbyrannis teukrovykh buriskiv. Kyive
1960. 38 p. (Tovarystvo d1le poshyronnia politychnykh L naukovykh
2nan' Ukrainalkoi RM. Ssr.6. no-17).
(KIRA 14:1)
(22pr beets) (Agricultural machinery)
DEMIDENKOp I.G. [Den7donko, LH 1; MIMICHP S.M. [Minevych, S.M.], otv.
red.j-FAI-'KIt-Yu G (Fal;ko, Yu.H.1, red.j MATVIICHUX, O.A.,
takhn. red.
[Recent developments in the production and usq of fertilizers]
Noye u vyhotovlenii i zastoswami dobryv. Ww' 1961. (Tovarystvo
dlia posbyremnia politychzqkh i naukovykh znan' Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser-5,
no.6) (MHU 14:9)
(Fertilizero and ma nur so)
KUZNETSOV,, Aleksandr Ivanovich [Kuznetsov, 0.1.]-,. FALIKO, Yu-G. [Fallko,
N.H.), red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A., tekhn. red.
(Mechanized operation in drainage and irrigation] Mekhanizataiia
bidromelioratimWkh robit. Kyiv,, 1961. 42 p. (Tovarystvo dlia,
Poo ennia polltychrWkb i naukovykh znan' Ukrainsikoi RSR. Ser.,5,
no.9T (KaU 34:9)
(Drainage) (Irrigation)
SVECHIN., Kiri-13. Borisovich [Svieobins K.B.lp prof.; BMEZOVOY, Anatolly
Se"novich (BorezoTyip A,Si]p sootekhniki.FALIZO, Tu~.q. [Fallko,
Yu.B.I. red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A.v tekhn. red.
[How to brood janimals for meat) Vyrashebuva=ia tvaryn na allaso.
Kyiv, 1961, 41 p, (Tovaryistvo dlia posbyro=ia politychrqkh i
naukovykh zwml Ukrainalkoi RSR. Ser.5, no.32) (MIRA 34:10)
(Stock and stockbreeding)
FAVOROV, Aleksey Mikhaylovich [Favorov, O.M.); KOIOTUKM, Mikhail
Sidorovich., agronom MARTWUK., D.M.LMartygyukp D.M.].. otv.
red.; FAL'KO._Yu.G.IFal'koq IU.H.I, red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A.0
tekhn. red.
(Practices of growing potatoes in the Ukraine] Dosvid vyroshchu-
vannia, kartopli na Ukraini. Kyiv., 1961. 42 p, (Tovarystvo dlia
posbyrennia politychnykh i naukovykh znan' Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser.5.,
no.23) (MIRA 15:2)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR (for Koloblkha).
NAZAROV, Ivan Andreyevich; GNATUSH,A.I.I.Diratush A Y I otv red.; Rk-710 Yu G.
(Falfko,1U-H-3,red.; ZEIMIKOVA,E.F.[Zelea;~-P-,iE.F:I, tel&k ~N
[Organization of fish ponds in collective fa=Bj Organizatelia
stavkovoho hospodarstva v kolhospakb. Kyiv.. 1961. 1+6 p. (To-
varystvo dlia posbyrennia politychrqkh i naukovykh znan' Ukrainslkoi
RSR. Ser.5, no.18) (Fish ponds) (MIRA 14,32)
ORLOVSK.TYp NikolV Ivanovich; FALIKO, Yu.G.,, red.; CHKWVATSKIY, S.A..,
tekhn. red. -
[Fund=entals of the biology of supr beets; with the elements
of-cultIvation practices and breeding] Oanavy biologii oakharnoi
svekly (a elementami agrotekbniki i selektsii). Kiev, Goa. izd-
vo sellkhoz. lit-ry USSR, 1961. 323 p. (MIRA 15:4)
(Sugar beets)
i3ovis Aieksandrovleh, krjr-.. nauk;
Leonid Aichoeyevich, iuz';.i Vladimir
inzh. Prinimal uchastly#. F'.L'Rkl,'.!, V.E., Inzh.; T.V.,
(Increasing the e-xmomic eft'lcleu,y of ete-tric trn(~tion
system- with reellifie.-tyl-- -Ir~-miot1vtol Povyshen' effektiv-
no.-M 'ustroistv elektricheskoi tlagi , vypria.-AttilInymi. elsk--
trovovwi.l. Moijkvu., TransvrA., !A~. 175 p. 16~1)
1. Institut komp:LPksnykh tran-,;j;,~vtnyRh problem G-c---plaivi S'SI
(for all except Aybasheva) .
Building the f#st line of rolling a mill of the 02500" series.
From. stroi. 39 no-On-16 161. WU 34:6)
1. Treat Magnitostroy (for Valkon).
(Magnitogorsk--Rolling mills)
FALIKON, L. MI., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into the process of
shatterinF~ mining rock with the teeth of cutting., chisels." koscow,
1960. 24 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education
RSFSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Petrochemical and Gas
Industry im I. M. Gubkin); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 22-60, 140)
Use of high speed motion-picture -liotography for the study of
rook lbreaRW. Zhur. nauch. i prikl, fot.i kin, 6 no.1:50-52
J&-F 161..' (MIRA 140)
1. Voesoyusnyy nauehno-inaledovatellokiy inatitut burovoy takhniki
i Mookovokiy gosudaretvannyy univeraitetl kafedra uchebnoy i
nauchnoy fotografil i klnematog W ii.
CHOtion-~~Vict~r'e'photograpby--Seientific applications)
KONSTANTIUOV, L.P., inzh.; FALIKON, -S.M., Inzh.; EYGELES, R.M., kand.tekhn,nauk
-- --- ----
Study of bit torsional moments. Trudy VNIIBT n0.3:114-17 161.
(MIRA 15:1)
FALIKOV4 A,T.j ipsht
Affeat of boron On solidification end character of ShXhl5 steel
oryv%*111WAVIon $n awA!l pastinpsq Isv, vys. uoheb, zav.1 ohern.
m4t, no~3;124-13Q gr 156, (MIR& 110)
leTavokSp, politekhdohisekly justitut,
Boron steel--KetallogrAphy)
Nteql C480w)
C-nd `c-ch '-7ci+I::!)
Iq loorml "Ito
of 'ojj',Ih1.~-)(T'h) P.-
of' Labor ~'odl n1ler PuIY'J(,"
2S08 S/137/60/000/007/005/013
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Me%allurgiya, 1960, No. 7, pp.248-249
# 158%
AUTHOR: Fallkov, A. I.
TITLE: On the Hardenability and Its Mechanism in Steels With Boron
PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1959, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 45-49
TEXT: Literature data are compared and it is assumed that the enhanced
stability of austenite in steels with addition of B may be explained by the fact
that B reduces the bonding forces of the crystalline lattice and the energy of
the potential barrier of atoms in the transition zone of austenite grains. As
a result, the amount of liberating (at the rearrangement of atoms) free volume
energy, required for the formation of interfaces of ferrite nuclei, is reduced.
There are 14 references. T. F.
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian
Card 1/1
Uit N-
AUTHORt Falikov, A.I., Engineer
TITLE: The Effect of Modification With Boron on Some Properties of
"ShKhl5ll Grade Cast Steel (Vliyaniye modifitsirovaniya borom
na nekotoryye avoystva litoy stali ShKhl5)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Chernaya metallurgiyat
1959,7.Nr 1, pp 113-120 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Investigations were carried out for the purpose of determin-
ing the effect of modification by boron on the temperature
range in hardening and on the mechanical properties of "ShKhl5"-
grade steel. Hardness tests were performed on specimens of
cast steel and standard forged "ShKhl5" steel, and proved that
modification with boron changed the quantitative correlation
of phases, caused the favorable re-distribution of alloying
elements and lowered the temperature range of hardening. The
lowered temperature range prevents formation of cracks in .
hardening and reduces residual stresses, particularly in com-
plicated structures and large size work. The evaluation of
the mechanical properties of steel in hardened condition was
Card 1/3, based on tests which were carried out according to a method
.41 'M -NN R
The Effect of Modification With Boron on Some Properties of "ShKhl5" Grade
Cast Steel
developed by B.D. Grozin. The method consisted in a non-
uniform pressing of the specimen and permitted to observe the
strength and plasticity of the steel and the character of the
course of deformation in all pressing stages up to the collapse
of the specimen. The tests proved that hardened and tempered
steel, modified with boron, had better mechanical properties
than unmodified steel, the same plasticity and strength as
standard forged steel, and was more resistant to softening by
deformation in the hardened state. Best results were obtained
with steel subjected to heat treatment (homogenization and
tempering to granular perlite) prior to the hardening proceas.
There arei 1 table, 4 grapho.(Grapho 2a and 2b missing) an;~.
Card 2/jam 9 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politikhnicbeekly inatitut (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute)
Submitted: September 29, 1958.
ACC NR, _AH6035422'____ --s-OURCE'"CODE 1_&i/013T/66/OOO/O0q/ZO43/,EO43
AUTHOR: Krivov, V. V.; Fallkov, As 1. - Manakov, A, Is
TITLE: Contact roller welding of thin sheets of the alloy ANG-6N using commercial
type NSW.1-25H machines
SOURCE: Refs zhe Metallurglya, Abe. 9~296
RE-F. SOURCEs Tr. Kurganskogo mashinostroit. in-ta, vyp4 2, 1966, 74-80
TOPIC TAGS: pressure welding. automatic welding, sheet metal, ignitron/Pl4G-6N alloy
ABSTRACT: The possibility of roller velding thin-sheet structures of the AAMG-611
alloy is disclosed, and some of its features are discussed, Sheets of this alloy, of
0.3 mm thickness, were successfully velded vith an ordinary lov-power roller machine
(25 kva) using an igaitron timer; some individual unite of the machine had to be
slightly modified. Certain structures -A of thin-sheet AMG-6N alloy by roller veld-
ing can operate at differential pressures up to 1*0 1.5 atm. M. Frolova*
SUB CODEt 13t 11
Card 1/1' UDC: 621.791-763-3s669.
I J;
The =765Celaotric
N-D 156.
stroboscopic tachometer.
(MIRA 10:1)
(Tachometer) (Stroboscopy)
Fallkov Ij..1. A. and Denderskaya, R. 1. tov-~r plates of pla3tor of Paris and wood
fibers," Sbornik rabot po mest. stroit. materialam (Upr. prom-sti stroymaterialov
i stroydetaley lelosgorispolkoma, Nauch.-issled. i eksperim. stantsiyat, Issue 1,
1948, P. 40-42
SOt U-3264, 10 Apri:1 53 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Orqkh Statey, No. 4, 1949).
-".,L.txov, 1. A.
27782. FALIKOV, I. A. v BUTT, YU. M. i IVAKHNOp N. V. - VyazhuBhchiy
material iz ochazhnykh ostatkav kolltsevykh pechey. Meat. Stroit. Moterisly, 1948
Vyp. 9, S. 21-26.
SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 379 1949.
AIt -,."M
I M-Sq., a NION R, Zj M.
USSR/Ch.emical Technology. Cherucal Products and Their 1-9
Application Silicates. G12ss. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur KhImiya, No 4, 195Y, 12649
Author : Fallkov I., Zil'berfarb P.
Title :'_ReaT-Trea_Tment of Blocks Made from Raw Materials Commi-
nuted in a. Vibratory Mill
Orig Pab Stroit. meterialy) izdeliya i konstruktsii, 1956, 7,
Abstract Lime-sand, lime-clay-sand und lime-slag blocks (B), ma-
nufactured with the use of quicklime ground (oame as
clay) to a specific surface of 5000 - 6000 cn2/g, are
molded imediately after preparation of the mix. Heat
treatment of the B in rzolds consists in steaming, for
24-36 hours, at 80..900 and carried out after a prelimi-
nary aging for 2 doys at 5-200 in a moist modium.
After completion of steaming the B are dried for 4
hours. Activity of the mix must not exceed 6-8%.
Card 1/2 100
USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-9
Application - Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, i1o 4, 195'f, 12649
Clay content of lir.,ri.-cluy-sand- mix is preferably
adjusted to 40% of the weieht of the mix,
Card 2/2 - 101 -
UNANSKIT, Naum Llvoyleh; IPALIKOV. In; lf,.Agiraelevich '(deceased]; SOJ1QLOV,'Yn.B..
naucb"y i~edikWbr, ~'ujO?-"ATAJ1OVA,1.D., tokhat-
cheskiy red&Wir.
[Manufacture and use of tiles mAde of cement and sand] Proisvodstvb
i primenenie teempntno-peschanoi cherepitay. Moskva, Gos.izd-To
lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1957. 103 P. (MIRA 10:11)
(Tiles, Roofing)
USPMKITO VOT. [author]; 7ALINDY. LL, Imndidat tekhnicheskM nauk [reviewer].
%merlng the cost of prefabricate& concrete.' T.T.Uspenskil. Reviewed by
I.I.ftllkov. Geri.khos.Nosk. 27 n0-10:33 0 153. (MMA 6:11)
(Precast concisto'constmot ton) (Uspenskil. T.T.)
1"'Ll "I'ov 1
lwtoViy, V. V. Slinkin, Yo. L. Rubin, A._ Ya. ; Narinokiy,
it.; Shrtkhovninap Go V. chalov, V. S.; I(abinov, A. I.; I~Ly~oy
MG. none
TIT12: Movable apparatus.. Claus 49, No. 184584
:S010-RCS: Izobret prom.obraz tov zn# no. 159 19660 131-132
TOPIC TAGS: metalworking, gas welding, metal weldingg welding equipment, welding
ItcchnoloMr, milling machine
i A3STIRACT: This Author Certificate presents a movable apparatus for machining the
L. --6-66- --in----- I - -.-- e
Ied-Oz prior to welding two large objects. The apparatt fitai a a milling 9 ad
vounted on self-propelled.carriagoo. The head is fed axially along the outline of a
detail by a pantographic copying mechanism. To increase the efficiency and the
aectwacy in milling the edgen located on any plane upon an immovable structure the
self-propelled carriages are placed on the surfaces being machined (see Fig. 1~. The
apparatus itoelf is provided with an auxiliary milling head for machining the opposite
ied--a facin- the first one. The edges are separated by gas cutting torches placed in
front of the moving apparatus.
UDCt 621.914-37-182.3:621-791.
ACC NR: A?6029953
carriages; 2 - milling heads;
3 - gas cutting torches; 4
running rollers; 5 couPling
Grl-. art. haol 1 figure.
I iA Cd-
L 61420-65 )/WG~ V,)/Fqpkc ,TV
ACCESSION NRt -AP5019067 UR/0286/65/OW/012/009.1/0094
AUTHORS i B I.; Vasillyev., AL. Pal Fq-;k!kov 0 N ArtyuMin,
V. 1,
--tjr 17- -Y -Y 6-,F-
91~ // ly
TITLE: Apparatus for inspecting the bladed of turbines and gornMess9tej with
2 1,44
surface ultrasound waves. Olass-42, No! 172102
SOURM Byunaten, isobreteniy I tovarnykh zaakovj no. 12 1965 94
TOPIC TtGS: turbine b3Ade,, compressor. blade, inspection m,:thod'i ultrasound wave
ABS'MICT.- This Author Certificate presents an apparatus for inspecting the blades
of turbines and compressors with surface ultrasound waves, as described in Author
Certificate No, 158439. To'inspeot the blades In the hard-to-reach places, the
apparatus is provided with a hollow shaped handle (see Fig. I on the Enclosure).
This handle serves sAl a reservoir and contains an outflow duct and a pressure
valve. The latter allows the flow of the contacting liquid to the surface of the
head. Orig. art. hast I figure.
Card 1/2
EXCIDS092 01
1- shaped handle; 2- reservoir with an outflow duct;
3~- presstwe valve) 14.- head
Tj M-5 ffll~
i~77. MR
Mixed infection and interference of pOliMyelitiS and
Coxnackie viruses. Trudy Mosk. nauch.-isel. inst. virus.
prep. 2:153-157 161. (MM 17:1)
Study of enteroviru"s isolated from children. Vop.virus 7 no.4:64-
71 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Kafedra virusologii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya
vrachey, Zaporozbekaya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicbeskaya
stantmiya, Moskovokiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut viruanykh
Epidemiological characteristics of neuroviral diseases of the
Coxsackie and ECHO types. Vrach. delo no. 3:104-107 Mr 161.
(MIRA 14: /Q
Salmonellal diseases In Zaporozhlye. Ztrir.mikrobiol.epid. I
imin. )o no.5:135 My '59. (MIRL 12:9)
1. Is Zaporoshokoy oblastnoy sanitarno-opideniologicheakoy
(SALMOMM" INMTIONS, opideniol.
in Russia (Rue))
- 2- - -
Virological study of an outbreak of aseptic meningitis in
Zaporozhlye. Vop.virus.7 no.51539-544 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Moskovskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut virusnykh
preparatov, Zaporozhskaya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya
stantsiya i kafedra virusologii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershen-
stvovaniya vrachey.
Neutral12atiOn Of vegetable oils. Patent U.S.S.R. 77,359. Dec-31, 1949.
(CA 47 no.19:10254 '53)
OL e 0 Ch e 9 0 04 Lb 0 9 9 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a Its
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140 010.1
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6 ift 840,1 is% "w".. 'd 1-11 1 1'. It. 11.
A amit. d do soak was thir ~diuple and the
creflewle wet Anwo 6m=. wm fixed a, file -mv,v -4 the
rictiffislince d I&A On-tirwin. The fint* HA A
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146 0 hlx Is a hear aiiiismill. IT %" had burst O'ki.l. I Iss; WW
W" 11810114 dkdp~C am milkient 1141" 4,1-1.1 to make
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111 4. to
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bruilmish"k imus so. used " the 24"
14-16A owh (4 lbr Offismuld SIMI list 'AIIII-14 %411. Viet.
kAmsnwbrdl an The sticassit place. The %pniss'dimilt. .4.
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406. 11w t a I IM hy th~
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d Me didm. by Thk nwtbW i,6 apprinx. 11 #V,~; The
ecalk"y of the Owthed can Ist fiwfea~ed to det. 11.1 1.-
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lbr aftely~ The fircristrecry M) :r' *I, I Th,-
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thkiletti. invirptri.1, by
&M"t AM wkb 0 %4b IT CTOWrill (014,rm. I I "I -ith Attisr" I
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Y 1-111-a-V28- A I a this a a a 1 9 Im I a 4 1 1 v
00 0001-0 00006900 000 00 go* go go 00 so
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so 0 - - - - - - 0 0 0 , 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 &
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IOMM =*we 40 agomis by as ".W" M9614 am
to deowwAmom 40
ed. UAS.S. 44. 179-1110943). -
A aMbW isdommiAd Ow IbrAWYNkal werY via" rm"*-
(tbummadchm of 1%) cd 1; im semi. Irdings, taim frotra
W"qw Per" ad tow wkh a very fim dir, mv sdtc-t f
a vwy &;~" (0.3 mm. diam. of baks).
ormic-Nat it pi"T'i in
harle 4b imenAW" '. Amax.mclout"ing
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vial out Ifem A - 3M.7 A. bw d 0 to Is mannol stair td coo
Antimm. 71w cow. opwrom bwkiwound was Imw-
tkAy daM. A - pm-1 - of *min oM&inW from
004 lit mmud ow powd. marples dows thim thr 9 lines, of thr
opwimm wm 10 to 15 tinves brighter than tbow
p0= both coo". Hipm
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7j,.rml Tekh-k)W-L,,d b.
of T V-" NNY 1940. P.
N-Ki.), ,. 19.
thnw dri'llits f(Ir in'Proving d-
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S At 00 AS
.u led, ;91 ;,a 011 AI I ad a 9 0 1 IF a9 a 0 2 1 T
It at
0000000000000*00*:4040 00000000,0000000000006
USSR,41etals - Steel
Nitrogen, Determination
Apr 50
"Determination of Nitrogen In Steel by the Spectrum Method 11 S. L0Yandellshtam,
0. B. Fallkova, Moscow Inst of Steel imeni I. V. Stalin, 4 pp
IIZavod Lab" Vol XVIP No 4 -f .40-3t
Attempts to develop procedure of spectrum determination of nitrogen in steel by
method of simultaneous extraction of gases and excitation of their glow with
powerful electric discharge. Describes methods of preparing standards and plotting
calibrating line, and discusses results of analyzing 30 specinens of various steels.
low-voltage excitation method proved most convenient. Accuracy based on repro-
ducibility is about 15% of content under determination.
PA 160T71
~ - '. , . - - r.-- _ -_ 1.
Spectral technique for the determination of oxygen in steel. Izv.
AN SSSR.Ser.fis. 19 no.2:149-150 Mr-Ap 155. (NIAA 9:1)
l.Nookovokly Inatitut @tali imeni I.T.Stalina.
. (Tartu--b'pectrum analysis--Congress*~)
am"@. I " , -Pj=
Investigation of the uniformity of characteristics of various
surface &rose of photographic files. Zav.lab. 21 no-3:336-341
155. (MM 0-6)
(Photographic emulsions)
Spettfogiaphic det minitt" ct.11men in
(I. V. 'St7-fir sxe~t jutt_ Mus--L-v . Z4~C-J~.'QN
Li. ~-, I ST-M=Y, cf. 17.3 ~ so. ill steel Can
be dt%d. %peztfostapikally in kn ain , ,f It of 40 cm~ 11C ~ i,a
atra. of lie lowered the 6cn%;tjvlty,)f tf~.e 0 It 4041.9-.,k. linc)
with a high-voltage tritim[tt"a Spark aml ill in itm ,f 11
at 10 crj' 11C with & i5W-y4j&AgO L"tCTFUi("nt 51LIA A.
auxiMuy C electrode 18.5 mra, diars.) CrLIUMI t') A k1l I-
cated come with a sarfii,-e of 3 mm. diarn. wtw u~e. Auidi-
electrodes cf Fe anti W gave scattered results.
A' .f4
c a
-LaN I
a C-1. C 1~60
3 - Z-..j -j- -1.
I'" 50fl
-j tIj 11 J.'s. '30
0 5"I'a"go,
vzvol ve.
A. 96 0 a
I -.
.:Jj!P, .9
06411 a c
T3 "a
to i
c a
.41 Is
if 6
M :.
42 9 .]
ma .
29 a
e 0 A
is Z
~SSR/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2
Ab8t Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya,, No 11 1957t 1264
Author.- Sventitakiy, N. S., Suklumko, K. A., Gal,=ov, P. P., all!-,o-v7a, 0. B.,
Alpatov, M. S., and Taganov, K. .1.
Institution; None
Title: Spectral Determination of Nitr,,,geii, Hydr-ugen, and Oxygen in Titanium
and Its Alloys
Periodicali Zavod. laboratoriyaj, 1956, Vol 22, No 6, 668..673
Abstract: The determination of IN: Oil and H in Ti allo-.js and of E in Ti po-order
is described. The determinati(me were made with a type IBP-51 spec-
trograph (with a camera of f = 270 mm for N and 0 and a type UF 85
camera of f 2 1.,300 mm for H); -type III spectroscopic plates were
used for N and 0 and type 250 Gove ent Standartl panchormatic film
was used for H. Several methoda of excitation were tested., including
low-voltage condenser sparks and single-pulse high- and low-voltage
condenser discharges. The first meth-d gave the best results with N,
Card 1/2
VSSR/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2
Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 12&
Abstract: while the last method was found mt*.)st effect:~lre fo= 0 and ff. N and 0
were determined .1"n an atmosphere of hellom (700 and 500 MM Hg: r. e -
Bpectively), while H was determined in a:Lr. F,-,r stari-dards ca~.,t Oaam-
plea of Ti were used the N content of wh~,:.h had bean deternf?.n-a-
chemically, and the 0 and H content -- by hot The fol-
lowing alit widths were uaedt 0.015 mm for N, 0.02 mm for 0, and
0.07 mm, for H. An exposure of one second was used fw N with the
following pairs: NII 3994, 995 A and RI 3889., 954 A and TiI 3998,
640 A. In analysis for 0 the relative intensity of the lines 011
4705, 32 and on 4596,, 13 A and of the backgrr-und was determined.
In the case of H the darkening of the lin,!~ H 6563 A vaH measured.
The error in the determination of N is t2 '~%j of 0, �26.40% (as the
energy of the discharge is increased., the irtensity of the 0-1,;e9
at first increases and then begins to drop off); and for H, t:8.8%
for heat treated samples and �15.5% for samples which have riot been
heat treated. For the determination of H in powdered Ti briquetted
electrodes are used. Standard briquettes are pi-epared from titanium
hydride and Cu powder. The error is �10-13%.
Card 2/2
SOV/1 37-57--11--22758D
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 11, p 304 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fal? kova, 0. B.
TITLE: Determination of Nitrogen and Oxygen in Steel by the Spectroscopic
Method (Opredeleniye azota i kisloroda v stali spektrallnym
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the Author's dissertation for the degree
of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. in-t
stali (Moscow Steel Institute), Moscow, 1957
ASSOCIATION: Mosk. in-t stali (Moscow Steel Institute). Moscow
Card 1/1
laWN080vap IJJS SIMnOTU and ftlfkoV4,t 011gs. borlsovu
SpektrallzW mmaliz (spectral Analysis) Moscow,, Metallurgizdatp 1W. 420 p.
7.,000 Copies printed.
Zd.: StrIgsaor., A.R.# Doctor of Physical end Nathemstleal ScIsaoss; Nd. of Pdb-
lishing House: Berliap U.N.; Teak. ZL: Karasev., A.I.
PURPOSX: This book Is Intended as a textbook for mrtellezgloal Iastitutea,, and
may also be used to adventagot by technicians varking in spectroscopy labora-
COVZWW: fie author explains the theoretical aspects of spectral analysis. Be
deserlbel the spiectroscopic eqaIpmazt used in this fleldp the tochniqws of
using such equipment, and also brings out the Important role played by spectral
analysis-in industry,, especially In ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. In
14apter VI the author lists several errors of measurement, readma and sys-
tematic, of quatitative analysis. Recognition is given by the author to
A,R, Strigancy, V,09 Koritakon, S.Ke Royakomy I.N. Matemovichp A.R. Starlap
Card 1/9
Spectral Analysis 1044
L. I. Filimaeov, and V.S. KaloWkav for their help in compiling this book.
Tbere am 84 references, all Soviet.
Forevord 6
Introftetiou 9
1. mject or spectral awaysis 9
2. 2he principle of spectral analysis 10
3. Characteristics of the spectral method of analysis., its Advantage
and fields of application 14
4. Short history of spectral analysis 16
Ch. I. Atomic Spectra 19
5. Mature Of light 19
6. structure of tjw atois and the radiation of lUbt 24
7. Atomic excitation 30
Card 2/9
Spectral AnalysIs 1044
8. Mendele"Y's periodic table of the elements and atomic spectra 33
9,, Intensity of spectral lima 40
Ch. n. Spectroscopic Instroments 49
A. Brief data obtained from optics 49
10. Conformity vith laws and pbmamena 49
U. Disperaloa prim 56
12. Ionses and mirrors 57
13. thasuremout of lIght enermY 64
B. Prismatic spectroscopic lastrimmul's 69
14, Schemtie diagram of a speatmaole and the purpose of its
individual parts 69
15. Linear d1sperslam of a spectroscope 79
16. ftlwgemzt of Us spectrograyb, Lim curvature In a speat 82
17. Resolving pover of a spectragraph 84
18. Depewbace, of the results obtained by using dUftrest recording
methods in estimatIng ejeatrm intensity an the parameters of the
spectroscope 89
19. LIght Wits of a spectrogmph 97
Card 3/9
Spectral Analysis 1044
2D. Types of ~pvatzvgr&*m 104
21. Arraeglog the Ilght ~as mad 12.1mmInation leases an the axis of
the spectrograph sad focusing the spectrqgraph n6
22. Certain rules to follow. In vorking with spectrogmIlde Instru:ments 121
C. Diffraction spectroscopic equipment 124
23. Diffraction grating 124
24. Spectrographs vith a diffraction grating lw
Ch. 33:Io Light Sources 130
Ao Nonelectric light scums 130
25a Plains 130
B. Electric light sources 136
26* Electric current In a gas 137
2T. Electric circuit for producing a slmqple high volUp condensed
spark sikd the principle an vb1ch It vorks 140
28. Efftry of electrode mterial Into the analytical gap and spark
emissions 146
29. Variations of kfth-voltqp spark pa r-supp4 circuits 153
30. fte M-2 hIgh-voltage condensed spark generator 156
Card 4/ 9
Spectral Analysis 1044
31. Lov-voltage spark. Working principle of a low-voltage spark generator
and discharge characteristics 160
32. Certain characteristics of an arc discharge 166
33. Power supply circuit for a direct current arc 169
34. Power supp4 circuit for an alternating lTl
35. General characteristics of the entry of material into the are gap 174
36. Characteristics of the are discharge spectrm lT6
37. PS-39 alternating-curreat arc generator lT9
38. DG-1 generator 184
39. Selecting a lIght source im
Cho IV. Procedure for Introducing SaWle Material Into the DIsaharge
Stresm and Processes 06awrIng an to Mmftofts md In Wo Ksm
charge Strew 189
A. Procedure for introducing sample material Into the d1scharge
strew 189
40. Procedure for smalyzing monolithic metaMe samples 190
41. Procedure for analyzing povdar (1) 192
42. Procedure of analysis by seem of preparIft brIqwts 198
Card 5/9
Spectral Analysis 1044
43. Procedare of ax&37sI# by conydrting sample jes"ria Into & globule Poo
44. Methods of sollutioa analysis 2DO
B. The commection betivem the intensity of the spectral linas ead the
processes resulting from the entry of the 583998 material Into the
discharge stream 205
45- Processes occurrift upois the entry into the dig&sMstimin of
metallic ample materials serving as e3,eatrodes 205
46. Processes connected vith the entry of sample *msterial into an am
dischame from an an6im eiectrods 213
47. Processes for the admissice of povdared sawskle material in the as"
of a change of method in moving the 016CtrOU @Ad Asa passing the
povder through the flaw of an arc 217
48. Processes t&ki place Am briquets are used as sample material 218
49. Process of using globule ample material Z8
50. Reducing the effect. on the comparative intensity Of tkA spectral
lines caused by the composition of the ample by diluting the ample 219
51. Effect of the composition of the sample an the tagerature of the
are discharge 220
52. Effect of the composition of the sample on the intensity of the
Card 6/9
Spectral Analysis 1044
speetral lines in analysis of the solution 221
53. Practical conclusions 222
C. Selecting a method for introducing sample material Into the d:Ls-
charge stream and a stand for the electrodes 223
54. Analysis of monolithic metal-lie samples 223
55. Analysis of povdered and non-cauducting samples 224
56. Stands for electrodso 226
Ch. V,, Qnslitative Analysis 232
57, Selection of lines for qualitative ana4sis M
58,, Tlecbmique of dbtaining a spectrogram, for qualitative analysis 233
59. ftbles and atImes 6f spectral lines Al
60. Equipment for exazin1mg
the spectrogran 244
61. .
Procedure for decipherisk spectra 250
62. Selection of decipbering methods in qualitative aaa3ysls 261
Ch. VI. Methods of fpmtitstive Analysis 264
63. aeneral data 2(A
A, Visual methods of seal-quantitative and quantitative analysis 967
Card 7/9
Spectral Analysis 1044
64. visual photometry 267
65. Sami-quastitative analysis vith the aid of a stoeloscope 268
66, Qawtitative saalysis vith the use of a steelameter 283
B, Photographic methods of quantitative analysis 298
67. Photographic plate and Its properties 298
68. Measuring the density of blackening, Microlkotametry 323
69. General principles of the photagmpide wthOd Of quantitative
azalysis 336
70. Errors of wasureamt in quantitative spectral analysise 351
Brief data on the of the theory of nwamurewmt
Ti. ICrrors of measurement ia queatitative, Spectral analysis. 2
Sources of random errors
72. Errors of measurewnt in quantitative spectral aaalyals,
Sources of systematic errors
73. Concrete methods of constructing calIbraUd graphs 376
B. Photoelectric methods of Tuantitative ama4slf 30T
74. Principle of operation of photoelectric units 38T
75. Photoelectric units for spectral ana4sis, 391
Card 8/9
Spectral Analysim 10"
Ch. VII. Selection of Samples. Standards
76. Selection of samples
77. Standards
Ch. VM. Special Wthodm of Spectral Analysis 403
78. Using the transfer of electroda material In the dischuge stream
for selecting samples 403
79. Seleetion of samples by the evaporation, method 40
80. Localized analysis W
81. Betexuination of games in steel 40
AVAILABLZ: LIbrary of Congress
Card 9/9 MVufd
0 SOV/81-59-19-67722
Translation from: Referativny7 zhurnal. Xhimiya, 1959, Nr 19, pp 124 - 125 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Sventitskiy, N.S., Sukhenko, K.A., Fallkova, O.B., Galonov, P.P.,
Taganov, K.I., Alpatov, M.S.
TITLE: The Spectral Analysis of Titanium, Molybdenum and Their Alloys for
Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Oxygen
PERIODICAL: Fiz. sb. Ltvovsk. un-t, 1958, Nr l(g), pp 225 - 231
ABSTRACT: The determination of 0.01 - 3% N in titanium is carried out at
excitation of the spectrum by a low-voltage spark at a capacitance
of 280,~~ farad with an inductance equal to zero and with the application
of a W-electrode of 6 = in diameter sharpened to a rounded cone; spark
gap2 0.3 mm. The vacuum chamber of the light source is evacuated to
10 mm Hg and filled up with helium to a pressure of 700 mm Hg. The
spectra are photographed on an ISP-51 spectrograph with a camera of F
270 mm, a slit of 0.015 mm and an exposure of 1 see on spectral plates
of type II and III. The determination is carried out by the line N
3994.99 A being compared to T1 3889.95 or Ti 3998.64 A. The mean
Card 1/3 arithmetic error of an individual determination is 25%. The possibility
The Spectral Analysis of Titanium, Molybdenum and Their Alloys for Nitrogen, Hydrogen
and Oxygen
of N determination at the excitation of the spectrum by a low-voltage pulse discharge
from a capacitance of 4,000,At, farad has been shown. The determination of 0.1 - 1% 0
in Ti is carried out also in a pulse discharge but at a capacitance of 400,p. farad
without introduction of inductance; the discharge vessel is filled up with helium to
a pressure of 500 mm Rg. The distance between the sample and the carbon rod of 6 mm
in diameter sharpened to a truncated cone is 1 mm; the slit width of the spectrograph
is 0.02 mm. The lines 0 4705.32 and 0 7771.9 A are compared with the background of the
spectrum. For photographing one spectrum 80 pulses are necessary. It has been shown
that the intensity of the 0 lines depends in different ways on the energy of the dis-
charge for different metals, e.g. for Ti the optimum intensity is reached at 400&
farad, for molybdenum at 4,500~t farad. Concentrations of 0.005 - 0.15% H In Ti are
found at the excitation of spectra by a single low-voltage pulse discharge at a capa-
citance of 2,000 /t, farad, a tension of 270 v and a self-induction of 10 iv henry
between the sample cathode and the Cu-electrode of 3 - 5 m in diameter sharpened to
a point; the discharge takes place in the interelectrode gap of 0.3 mm in the air
medium. The spectra are photographed on an ISP-51 spectrograph with a UF-85 camera
Card 2/3 e
The Spectral Analysis of Titanium, Molybdenum and Their Alloys for Nitrogen, Hydrogen
and Oxygen
with F = 1,300 mm at a slit of 0.07 mm on a panchromatic film with a sensitivity of
250 State Standard (GOST) units. A spectrograph with a camera of P - 270 mm can also
be used. The blackening of the line H 6563.8 A shows a satisfactory dependence-on the
concentration without application of an inner standard. Every sample and standard is
photographed on an ISP-51 spectrograph with a UP-85 camera with a cleaned surface. The
preparation of samples and standards is carried out under the conditions of maximum
cleanliness to avoid H-containing pollutions. The mean arithmetic error of an in-
dividual determination is t 8.8%. In a similar way H Is determined in Ti powder from
which a briquet of 8 mm in diameter is prepared under a pressure of 160 atm. Samples
of cast Ti serve as standards, to which equivalent H concentrations are ascribed based
on powders of known composition. The error of analysis is t 12%. The determination of
N, H and 0 concentrations in molybdenum and its alloys is carried out under the same
conditions as in Ti but the spectra are photographed from 2-4 pulses, in which case the
sample serves as anode. In a low-voltage spark N is determined with a W-electrode; the
line N 3995 is compared with the line W 3972 A; in the spectra of pulse discharge the
same line is compared with the line Mo 3963-52 A. The mean arithmetic error for 0 and
N is + 25%.
Card 3/3 N. Sventitskiy Ir,
Spertrum analysis of titanium, molybdow7m, mA their alloype
for nitrogen, hydrogen, and ozygen. Fiz.sbor. no.4:225-231
158. (MIR& 12:5)
1. VeesoyuzWy prdena Lenim nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inetitut
aviatsiomWkh materls~lov.
(Games in metals) (Speotrun analysis)
Using the qwctral. method In clizatologr for the determination
of chlorine. Ifiz.abor. no.4:549-551 '58. (MIRA 12:5)
le Norskoy g1drofisicheskly Institut AN MR.
(Precipitation (Neteorolog7)-Analysis) (chlorine-Spectra)
r! iF
A 1,
r r,
1 04
Chamber equipped with electric holders for the determination of
gages 1U metal#. Trudy kom.anal.khtm. 10:278-280 16o.
(KIRA 13-8)
(Gases in metals) (Chemical apparatus)
uchastiye: MZ=NA# L.D.; )IDIS]ffWA, K.A.: TISHIN. I.G.
Determination of the o3ygen and nitrogen content in solid specimens
of molybdenum and chromium by the spectrum analysis method. Trudy
lom.'awl. khis, .12:288-297 160. (MM 13:8)
(Niolybdenwo-Analysis) (Chromium-Analysis)
(Spectrum analysis)
Planning of an experiment and presentation of its results in the
estimation of the precision and accuracy of spectral methods of
analysis of geological specimens. Zav.lab. 27 no.10:1254-1260
161o (MMA .14-16)
1. TSentralInyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnY7
institut i Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy
institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti.
(Niobium oxide--Spectra)
Evaluating the accuracy and colrectnesa of the methods for-the
determination of germanium and. beryllium. Zav. lab. 29 no.10t
1217-1219 163. -(MW 16t12)
0 0
00 '3
40R i
AV_W~ _0
go 0 96090
a it v is
v 0 a is is
M-1.11, "AtIl"lalow.' 1.94
A. T-i)l
it f~ftuz of the genus Mortilla causing lituing tol notice
Mi. T. 1) Falkims and V. N Ah-hillils. J/1, -W,4,'cy -00
(11. .4. 97RETV.-Will. 1. M '#~ (iii Fitalkh. .7-4 -4 Poll "---I-
vs4wuol purple mirmkooms "Itival"mal'. pf'oolit...4 . ".00
1"t Itim"I. With 11W 1441wi 4.11 %Vllh 11 thr 11"wal'.1ti 1144 1+1 -00
'Itylooll. Thr fittlam i's 11.0 rl h"S' tow
th'. lmlwf air 41"Imov"I bw W4111.9 f.d It, it ... t m 1,41 .00
advalw'm flAt4live. Ily I tit, at 1141 .00
a SILA altAttionsICAL kiflabloose CLollootiole,olow
'I 'ej 'ti -i 4----
F -0 &Isis d"
*I : :11 let ;
41000:00004110941110009 6~000 ol: 00 0 0
Dynamics of photosynthesis in different corn varieties.
Fisiol. rast. 7 no. 5:507-515 160. (MBA 13:10)
1. Matural Sciences Institute of A.K. Gorky Perm University.
(Chelyabinsk Province-Oorn. (Maize))
Central regulation of the functions of the
and of the blood system. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21
1. Is kafedry nerynykh bolesney (zav. - dotaent
Kazakhokogo meditainskogo-irtatituta.
vegetative nervous system
no.2z2l-25 161.
(MM 140)
State of vascular reactivity in patients with the oequelae from light
closed wounds of the cranium. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.907-41 161.
(NIRA 14:10)
1-, Iz kafedry nervnykh bolezney
skogo meditainskogo instituta.
(zav. - dotseat M.Kh.Farizov) Kazakh-
I.; Volrfin L.N. and Fal",ovich G:oscow)
-;YI-Lthcsis of discrete data--)roccsoiu- devices with
a variable program
xtomatilra i telemel~hanil , v. 23, no. 6, 1962,
In th~~ analysis o--E the data-processiner 6evic,~s the
.Lolloi.din- requireme-ats -ire aimed at: (i) complete elimination of the
dyrnarr.iic error in the shortest time, Ui) relative dispersion minimun
oj" the random error and, (iii) a steady imnrovc-,.-,ent in the accuracy
of data --.irocessing with prograri complexity. The operational program
of a discrete comnuter satisfyincr these requirements is a polynomial
in z, wliosc order i-acrciiscs -Zrom the moment i - 0 of switching on
and rises to unity withi-a each stap Hi(z), where Ii-(z) . variable
program. In algorithm o t the variable program synbicsis is formula-
tcd yielding complete elimination of the dynamic error. The condi-
Card 1/2
Synthesis of discrete ... D230/D303
tion o-"~ minimum dispersion of random error is found to be fulf"illed.
,is an example, a program is pre?,ared for a discrete,~omputer designed
to e;:trapolata a iwo-bit random dirrital succession ~-iith the neaa
value 1-!(z) - Sq (201 - z)J' it is shown that the dynamic error
disappears at the first step.- Itandom error decreases with complexity
of ti-te operation program. -its soon as the apparatus re'aches a given
y the program is locked. In conclusion it is stated that the
polynomial equations can be used successfully for the synthesis of a
certain type of systcn i-rith variable parameters. The solution of
L.he polynomial equations to which the program synthesis is r duced,
is a simple mathematical operation. The proposed data-processing
device can be realized using ordinary digital computers.
SU31-.'ITT:,;D: October 14*, 1961
%J ard 2/2
1"U ' '-, : ; I, A .:' ;f .
I , L C, k, j .
" J'~ 1, 1 C)'1! rcl!) A. :. -- "Lepro!~,,~ Pararlent i t is . 1, -;1-!) 12 Jln 53, jqk,~-t r
,Toscow Crder of Lrnin Yedlicnl Inst. for tiic, Dej, C-0
of Doetornte in Medical Sciences).
SO: Vcchernaya Nosk Janvary-Docr-mber
--- -- ---- - - Kv~
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S
Pathologleal). Nervous System. Peripheral
Nervous System.
Abs Jour 2Ref Zhur - Bi6logiya, No 4, 1959, No. 16940
Author Fal'kovicht A. M.
Inst Wst,akhan-We-dIcaI Institute
Title Pathohistological Changes of the Suborbital
Nerve In Patients with Leprosy, Suffering
from Periodontosis
Orie Pub :Tr. Astrakhansk, med. in-ta, 1956, 12, No 2,
Abstract :On cadaver material (6 cases) the changes of
nerve fibers in the form of varicose and
spindle-shaped swellings, swellings of the
myelin sheath and its fragmentationo are
described* In the perineurium. along the path
Card 1/2
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and 8
Pathological). Nervous System. Peripheral
Nervous System,
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blologlya, No 4p 1959, No. 16940
of the nerve leprous infiltrates are noted,
which consist of lymphoid and plasmatic cells,
fibroblasts and light foamy leprous cells
with vacuolized protoplasm, In the leprous
cells of the infiltrate, bacilli of loprosy
of granular character are discovered. The
conclusion is made that in periodontosis,
not only the nervous system of tho period-
ontium is affected, but also of its con-
duotors the suborbital nerve, -- V. S. Ivanov
Card 2/2
Formy Kamyer 1 vsasyva3nishchikh trub turbinnykh Ustanovok Dlu 'lielonapornykh
Syellskokhoeyaystvyennykh GF.G. Gidrotyekhnika 1 myelio rats i ya, 1942, ?:o.-,,
S-56-66 e. E:Lyektrotyekhnika. ElyektrJ.gikatsiya
SO: Letopis' No-40