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A ID P - 1027 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 112 Pub. 27 - 4/23 Authors : Kand. of Tech. Sci., Dotsent, Smorodinskiy, Ya. M. and Popov, I. N., Kands. of Tech. 3c1. Title ; Directional high-frequency relay protection of transmls3lon lines Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 11, 23-31, N 1954 Abstract The author discusses the application of directional versus phase-angle differential high frequency relay protection, both systems using power-line carrier as a pilot channel. The aim of such protective devices is to provide restrain- ing Impulse voltage to block tripping of circuit breakern in certain faults, and catiging back-feed tripping on a time-delay selective basis In specific Instances. The author reports directional protection preferable to the pha3e-angle differential scheme. He gives a detailed description of the directional scheme in various areas of application. Five diagrams, 6 Russian references (1935-1953), AID P - 4125 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 12/33 Author Fabrikant, V. L., Kand. Tech. Sci. Title Protection relay without nonlinear elements. Periodical Elektrichestvo, 12, 53-59) D 1955 Abstract The author investigates the problem of obtaining desired characteristics from multipole relays without nonlinear elements. He presents methods of making relay windings so as to obtain given characteristics which will correspond to an established problem. Multipole relays without nonlinear elements are compared with a relay associated with rectifiers and another associated with circuits with saturated steel. Two tables, 2 diagrams, 5 Soviet references (1944-1954). Elektrichestvo, 12, 53-59s D 1955 AID P - 4125 Card 2/2 Pub. 27 - 12/33 Institution : Trust for the Planning and Investigation of Thermal and Electric Power Plants, Networks, and Substations. Submitted : Ap 21, 1955 tit 319 6 ./4494,' OPTIMUM CIRCUIT FOR A DETECTOR-Ty-PE DI- VRECTIONALIMPEDANCE RELAY. V,L.Farjrlk3a. Elcktrtchedva, 1958, No. 7. -16-41. fir~9~LtSfin- Detoctor-type reiayshavin-, ',~, Sarre cr-a;a,(el St.-J 1-1, yie rent expremians for th, torrj,~? t~. tnc c,).-nplcx tm pedance pLine. Jtfft)r,,r,! r,. j,i~ n! ncii-linear eiemnt-- Jacv:,.- g"neral expressim f,r the a( Me rise if th., for-q~e M or trio aycragj vziuv tf ~nv, i tia r 7,- to r tatif I . 1~ FABRIKANTY V.L. Doc Tech Sci-(dius) 11 Proble,,rzs of the theory of,t-,ind- `4,% AC ings of 4~~~Ig relays. L.os, 10,58- 39 PP vvith drawings. 1 sheet of (Yin of Ifielier ~Aucation. I-I.os Urder of Lenin Povier Engineering Inst), 100 copies. List of' nuthor's works: PP 38-39 (10 titles) (KL,30-58, 126) FAFRIZANT, Ventsmin Livoylah; KOZI3,, T.L., red.; FRIDKIN, A.M., tokhnoredo .-- , - (Theor7 of alternating current relay winding) Teoriia obmotok role perememogo tokme Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 263 p. (Mectric relays) (MIRA 11:4) KiLSABOV, G.; :VAMIDXTq, V. Xffect of the magnitude of an electric current on the lifetime of metastable atoms in &.fluorescent lamp. Fiz.abor. no.4:51- 54 '58. (MIRA, 12:5) 1. Mookovokly ordena Lenina ener ticheekly institut. (Electric currents) rKulore8cent lamps) 30V/Io5-56-7-9/32 ;.LIT,1DR: Fabrikant, li`. J,.p ',nalldatc o." 1c- TIT_',_.: I'tili7%tion of `rnn-I-:tor _-OtOction (Iv~ollzovaniye poluprovodnikov v raleyro. te, L: .Icktrichestvo, 1)56, N,~- 7, (U.';STO .".11 TRACT The inlividlial protection .- lenv!nts _~re separiltely investigat- ed. Trio principles are ~-rli-i in the desien ot ' the collective protoction devicen: 1) of the absolute values of the vectors A and R of two el,,ctric quantities and 2) Their comparison according to th-,~Ir i,ha.-.c difference. The devices for obtaining.1% and B are :Arple nrid coneist of volt!,ge auto- trfiniiformersq are-cuppres.-ion coil., crid intermediate current transformers. The muin purt of the device is the comparison circuit which crin Ve executod, in the same w:--y for all or al- nost all collective protection devicec. A definitive solution of the problem whic-h ol t!!e rulayo -,iven is the mo2t vuitable ono, can be found only after a comparison of the best speci- mens of these relays. Uning, transistor triodes as d.c. ampli- Card 1/4 fiers, two fundamentally differcnt vays may be applied with Utilization of Tr.L,.nnistors in ;Xlay rotection SOV/105-58-7-9/32 respect to the lay-out of the coTP%ricon-circuit. The second proven to be the more Ldequato one. '.Ath this methol, the trannistor triode it., ur-,cd for the amplification of the dif- ference, i.e. as zero indicator. Tt is shown that a comparison of the vectorn A and B witl-. retipect to the angle, an well an with respect to the ubsolute value, makes it possible to ob- thin a resistance-relay riith a characteristic in a complex plane in form of a cycle or of straight line. - A compari- eon of the phase difference c3n be carried out by the de- terminution of the part of' the period, during which the signs of the quantities to be determined, agree. Circuits by means of which the absolute v~,lue3 r,nd -hases are compared make it possible to obtain uny che-racteristic whatsoever in form of a straight line or of' a circle in a complex plane,and mrke it pont;ible to obtain a univeroal comparison device. Up till now, however, thie device appears in a more simple manner in a circuit for the comparison of aboolute values than for a phase compari.,jon circuit. Not much evidence is available at Drucent and the investigations r-hould be continued in both directions. The possibility of obtaini* simple relays on the basis of the comDarison of outputs of the linear and non- Card 2/4 -linear element ~both of them supplied by a common source) Utilization of Transistors in Relay Protection SOV/ 105-58-7-9/32 has been examined with reaepat to the lay-out of the simple devices. Teats have shown that the consumption of such a device in greater than that of the corresponding electro- mechanical relays. Their use would only be justified in places where this protection would simplify * the total de- sign of the circuit. In the investigation of the logical part of the circuit, the view is taken that it is n9t expedient in the design of protective circuits, at any rate, to exclude all electrow mechanic relays and to replace them by transistors. Either intermediate relays or logical transistor circuita should be used (according to which of thim gives the better solution for the circuit'zl~i*ae a whole). There are 8 figures and 7 referencest 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Teploelektr6proyekt IUBMITTED: October 81 1957 Card 3/4 Utilization of Transistors in Relay Proteotion 1. Electric relays--Design 2. Transistors--Circuits SOV/105-58-7-9/32 Card 4/4 IK6~1 C. (2) AUTHOR: Osadchenko, 11.1,p En-ineer SOV/105-59-10-2-1/25 TITLEs Conference on the Results and Prospects of the Development of Soviet Relay Construction PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvot 1959t Nr 10, pp 06-07 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An All-Union Soientific-technical Conference was held at Cheboksary from JulY 7 to Ili 1959- It dealt with the results obtained in relay construction during the last nine years. Furthermore, the prospects of the further development of relay construction, and the protection and automation of electric installations were outlined. The Conference was attended by representatives of scientific renearch institutes, planning institutes and colleges, special laboratorieu, planning organizations, of the Soyuzglavenergo (All-Union Main Power Administration) and a number of power systems. The representatives of the Cheboksarskiy elektroapparatnyy zavod (Cheboksary Plant for Electric Apparatus) M. M. Kulyj;in and M. B. Tsf asman reported on the achievements of the Plant in the modernization and the development Card 1/3 of new highly sensitive and high-speed relays and protective circuits. V. L. Fabrikant, Candidate of Technical Sciences, spoke Conference on the Results and Prospects of the SOV/105-59-10-21/25 Development of Soviet Relay Construction "Developments in Foreign Relay Construction". Professor jy-AL-&r2myatnik-ovq Doctor of Technical Sciences, spoke about his impressions from a tour to the United Statee and delivered a report on "The Ways of Further Development of Soviet Power Engineering". Engineer V.M. Yermolenko spoke about "The Principles Underlying the Design o-r-C-o-m-pi-i-c-a-t-e-rAlternating Control Circuit Protective Dovicos"o M~I,,T ar v, Candidate of Technical Scionce8f spoke about the work o the VNIIE for the development of power- supply units. Y2. D._Qaqjr,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, delivered a speech "On the Usefulness of Developing Protective Devices With a Sensitive Electromechanical Element". Engineer YR.Aj-aaYAYazko: "Prospects of the Development of Relay Protection With Semiconductors". Engineer V.I. Grinshteyn reported on the development of the resistor- and power relays with semiconductors. Professor.A- D. 'nrn7.flny, Doctor of Technical Sciencess spoke about the prospects of further employment of saturated steels in relay construction. The manufacture of large oil- and air circuit breakers by the plants "Flektroapparat" and "Uralelektroapparat" was sharply criticized. The Conference Card 2/3 pointed out that automatic frequency- and power controllers, Conference on the Results and Prospects of the SOV/105-59-10-21/25 Development of Soviet Relay Construction grouped installations for excitation and power control, modern automatic oynchronizore, and automatic regulators for the batteries of static condensers which are indispensable in the full automation of electric installations have not yet been provided for in the Soviet manufacturing program. Card 3/3 I. j-ff EDU5UrL_V) ) V. I.) MII%VD3KIY) G. V., SAPIR) Ye. D. "Relay protection with semi-conductor devicesff report to be submitted for Intl. Conference on Large Electric Systerw (CIGRE), 18th Biennial Session, Paris, France, 15-25 Jun 60. 86642 s/io4/6o/oOO/007/002/002 91 ?Sel E194/E455 AUTHORS: Ivanov, V.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Mikutskiy, G.V., Candidate of Technical Sclencesi Sapir, Ye.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Fabrikant I V*L" Doctor of Technical Sciences and Fedoseyev, k.R-.,Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: Relay Protective Equipment Based on Transistor Instruments PERIODICAL: Elektricheskiye Stantsii, 1960, No-7, PP-59-64 TEXT: By the use of semiconductor diodes and triodes and also magnetic components, measuring devices and logical parts of protective circuits may be constructed without contacts. Devices responding to the ratio of two electrical magnitudes are often required. They can be made of semiconductor rectifiers or may be based on the principle of comparing the absolute or the phase values of electrical magnitudes. Absolute values may be compared by rectifying and smoothing them and then, using a relay of high sensitivity. to deteLt the difference between them. With transistors, it has been possible to develop circuit elements with d.c. rectifiers that react to differences between the magnitudes Card 1/6 W42 S/104/60/000/007/002/002 E194/E455 Relay Protective Equipment Based on Transistor Instruments compared, and operate other parts of the circuit. The Hall and magneto-restrictive effects may also be used to compare the phase of two electrical magnitudes. High-speed relays may, however, react to the alternating double-frequency component of the Hall emf, It is accordingly necessary to eliminate this component, by the use of filters or special compensating circuits. Two circuits were constructed around two identical Hall emitters, the alternating components of Hall emf being cancelled and the constant components summated. In the second method, the crystal rectifier of one pick-up passes current induced in an additional winding by the flux of the second pick-up. The flux is set up by one of the electrical magnitudes to be compared. Conversely, the current of the second pick--.up induces a flux in the first set up by the second electrical magnitude, An expression is given for the resultant emf. In this way.. the relay may be made to operate reliably under various circuit conditions. Relays may also make use of the dependence of the resistance of semiconductor elements on the intensity of the magnetic field in which they are located. This Card 2/6 86611 .2 S/104/60/000/007/002/002 E194/E455 Relay Protective Equipment Based on Transistor Instruments effect is particularly marked if the semiconductor elements are in the shape of discs. The principles underlying a relay of this type are briefly explained and a schematic circuit diagram of a voltage relay Is shown in Fig.4. Multi-phase resistance relays have been proposed for remote control. Such a relay reacts to all kinds of multl-phase short-circuits, or at any rate to most of with without opening or closing contacts. Contactless relay systemi have been built up in this way. The time-delay elements are usually of the capacitor charging type, Phase differential high-frequency protective relays are then described. Two methods of protection have been devised that differ in the method of making the phase comparison of currents at the ends of the protected line. One of these methods, due to Candidate of Technical Sciences O.V.Mamontov (see Elektrichaskiye Stantaii, 1958, NO-5),uses the impulse method of comparing the current phases and was installed in 1958 in experimental service on a 220 kV line. In the other system, the current phases at the ends of the protective lines are compared by means of an integrating circuit, shown as a block Card 3/6 b6642 S/104/60/000/007/002/002 E194/E455 Relay Protective Equipment Based on Transistor Instruments with a band-width of 1.900 c/s5 a high-frequency amplifier and detector and a Cc, amplifier, From the output of this amplifier the dc. impulse is applied to the phase comparator circuit. The overload protection of the triodes of the output cascades of the transmitter is described, In 1958, a prototype of the transmItter-receiver based on transistors was ut into service with a differential phase protection scheme type 2 (DFZ-2) on a 110 kV line of 60 km, The operating frequellLy -~f the protective channel was 210 ks/s and in 11 months service the performance was fully satisfactory. A method of differential protection with delay has been developed which differs from other systems in that the currents are rectified by a method that ensures selectivity and speed of operation. The reacting element of the protective system is a d.c. relay connected to the output of the romparator cirLuit, either directly or through a d.c. amplifier based on semizonductors. A common rea:,,ting elem6nt can be used for all three phases. Fig.10 gives a block z-1rcuit. diagram of a prc~tectlve circuit, the method of operation Is briefly described. There are 11 figures and 3 Soviet reference-s. carzi 6/6 s/104/60/000/007/002/002 E194/E455 Relay Protective Equipment Based on Transistor Instrumen,~s much less than 50 millisezonds. In this case the second part of the circuit is used, It contains a grid control element which also responds to instantaneous measurement of the sign of the power acting on the output relay of the prote,~tive circuit. In the event of asymmetrical damage to the protected lin.~~, the power.- directional elements on both ends of the line operate the output protective relay. A receiving.-transmitting high-frequency prote,:tive system Is then described, It is intended for operating with a phase differential protective system. A bleck circuit diagram is given in Fig~8. The emitter generator is based on a triode and has a quartz frequency-stabiliser. The aperating prinLiples are axplained. briefly, if there is no manipulation voltage applied to the control cascade it is open and the! transmitter operates,, If power-frequen-;y voltage appears on the output of the manipulation elements this becomes blocked and the transmitter is stopped. The power of the high-frequency signal beyond the line filter is 6.3 W in the frequency range of 30 to 250 kc/s. The receiver contains an input high.-frequency filter Card 5/6 866-4~ S/104/60/000/007/002/002 E194/E455 Relay Protective Equipment Based on Transistor Instruments diagram in Fig.6. The operation of this circitit is explained. A directional high-frequency protective -.ircuit is described with a blosk circuit diagram In Fig-7. It was developed by Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya.M.Smorodinakiy and Engineers O.D.Velichkin, Ye.V.Lysenko and V.P.Kletakly and uses semiconductor diodes and triodes. If the line is not provided with lightning arresters, so that use can be made of protective systems with an operating time of less than 25 milliseconds, then only the main high-speed part of the circuit is used. The operating principle of the circuit depends on rapid sensing of the direction of negative phase-sequence power at the ends of the protected line and comparison of these directions by means of a high-frequency channel. For this purpose, the protective system uses high-speed double- acting power-directional elements based on semiconductors. Because of the characteristics of lightning arresters, when they are used the line protection must be delayed by 50 milliseconds. Therefore, It cannot be entirely based on instantaneous response to the sign of the negative phase-sequence power as the asymmetry time may be Card 4/6 FABRIUNTo V.L.p prof.t doktor tekhn.nauk (Moskva) Analy3is of longitudinal differential protection of electric linen uoing a method involving diagrams in a complex plans. Slektrichestvo no. 12140-47 D 160, (MIRA 34a1) (Electric linen ) (Electric protection) FABRIKANT Voniamin LIvo I ;-CVCIIAPXIIKO) N.I.., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Filters with sy=etrical components]Filltry sinr-etrichnykh sostavliaiushchikh. 2. izd,,, perer. Moskvuy Gosenergoizdat: 1962. 423 P. (MIRA 15:10) (Electric filters) (Radio filters) FABRIIUAj,-XJ,-.[jabrikants,, V.] (Riga); FUTNTNISH,. V.Ya. [Putnins,, V.) (Riga) A new phase comparison method for building relays with two electrical quantities. Elektrichestvo no.10:75-79 0 162. (MM 15:12) (Electric relays) FABIRIKANTP Vol-? dolkto- niukv, pr:,fe 'rtig: , of tho design of jorjgjLu(jj.,jal d1frere-itial Isrill or tapped line.90 i.lon 'System f t. Nj 1 11-k :7 FABRIKANT, V.L., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. (Riga) .1 Use of the reliability theory in the evaluation of relay protection systems. giektrichostvo no,906-40 S 165. (MIRA 18t10) ATABEKOV, G.l.; BELOlUSOV, M.M.; BIJLGAKOV, K.V.; WSTLI~P,', D.v' YEGIZAROV, I.V.; 71KHAROV, S.N.; ZEYLIDZON, Ye.D.; KOSTEIIKT~, MANOYlX)V,l V.Ye.; "ARNEVISMY, B.I.; RYZHOV, P.I.; SYROMYATNIKOV, I.A.; CHERNIN, A.~ N.V.; FEDOSEYEVY A.M.; SHABADASH, B.I.; SHCRDRIN, FATEYEIV, A.V. Viktor Ivanovich lvanov, 1900-1964; an obituary. no.11:80 / N 164. ,---,-) ~.o -- VC7 / .."r5 6 / i 1 17, 4, ( -. ;'7 BASAOMSIKIY, V.A.; IABRIXAIW, Te.A.. - (Leningrad). Rvaluating the errors in passive differentiating and integrating electric circuits depending on the supposed character of the process to be investigated (vith ammary in Inglish3. Avtomp-tyka no.1452-66 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Ilectronic circuits) FABRIKAM, To.A., kand. tekhn. nauk. 1 General rules for selecting derived circuit contourn in writing down equations by the application of Kirchhoff Is second law. Trudy LVXI no.6t3O6-307 157. (KMA 110) (Blectric circuits) I j L 21276-66 LVP(k)/ZWT(d)/ZW,P(h)/Lw(v)/tw(i) ACC NR: AP6007868 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/002/0117/01-22 'AUTHOR: Ovaneelyants, G. A. (Leningrad); fabrikatit Ye A. (Leningrad); YamisbeystlKp 0. 1,. tLeningrad) ORG: non ITITLE: Automatic System damping using inertia damper motors :SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemekhanika, no. 2, 1966, 117-122 :TOPIC TAGS: automatic control equipment, automatic control system, damping moment ABSTRACT: This article proposes a procedure for the selection of the parameters of an inertia magnet damper motor from the viewpoint of Its most efficient employment in auto- matic systems. The Inertia damper motor can assure efficient damping of an automatic 1 system with different values of Its transmission coefficient even when the moment of inertia mid the coefficient of the high-speed magnetic disk damping are constant. If, however, a motor of the same type Is used as an all-purpose damper at a very high drop in the system transmission coefficient, this may be achieved by adjusting the magnetic damping coefflel- ent within a small range. These recommendations are valid for cases wh-3n the moment of Inertia of the controlled plant is smaller or close to the moment of inertia of the motor Card 1/2 _____UDC: .62-501.136,,, L 21976-66 ACC NR: AP6007868 rotor. It to shown in the analysis that inertia damper motors are promising for high-effict- ency, low-power automatic systems, in which a-c amplifiers are used without the conver- sion of the modulating signal into alternating current. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 28 formulas. SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: 05May65 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF:. 003, in _iWd A/ 2- BESEKERSKI7, Viktor Antonovich; PALITGV, Ivan Petrovich; FAE~RIKANT, Yevgeniy Anatollyevich; FEDOROV, Stepan Mikhaylovich; C91MAYEV, Petr Ivanovich; SOBOIEV, O.K., red.; MURASHOVA, N.Ya,., tekbn. red. [Collection of problems on the theory of Sbornik zadach po teorii avtomaticheskogo V.A.Bosekerskii i dr. Moskva, Fizmatgiz, (Automatic control) automatic control regulirovaniia. IBYI 1963. 408 p. (MIRA 16:12) BLAZHKIN, A.T., doktor tekhn. nauk. prof.; BESEKERSKIY, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; prof.; AZIMOVA, K.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; LANSKOV, V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; p.&,$ tekhn. nauk~ dote.; GULID121, .. jand. " in:~ MEYERSON., I.G., dots.. kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent. kIOLOVI B.K..,.red. [General electrical engineering] Obshchaia elektrotekhnika. Moskva, Energiia., 1964. 655 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Prepodavatell Leningradskogo mekhanicheokogo instituta (for Blazhkin, Besekerokiy, Azimova, Lanskov, Fabrikant, Gultdin). AUTHORS: Smelyanskaya, B. Ya.. Engineer, Fabrikant, 105-58-4-24/7 -Ye. M, Engineer ------ TITLE: Conference for the Checking of the Proposed for Relay Protection (Soveshchaniye po rassmotreniyu proyekta rukovodyashchikh ukazaniy po releynoy zashchite) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 4, Pp. 83-84 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In December 1957 in Moscow a conference took place for the evaluation of the proposed directions for relay pro. tection of station and substation elements. The project had been worked out by the "Teploelektroproyekt" Institute. The conference was called by the Department for Relay Protection at the Commission for Long Distance Transmission of the ENIN imeni Krzhizhanovskiy of the AS USSR and by the MONTOEF (Moscow Brancii of the All-Union Scientific Technical Society of Power Engineerin- Industry). Repre. sentatives of the power engineerini, systems. oil scientific research and training institutes, of projectina or3aniza. tions and many others took part in it. Professor A. 'a.. Card 1/3 Fedoseyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, said in his in. Conference for the Checking of the Proposed Directives 105-58-4-24/37 for Relay Protection troductory words that in the course of the last ten years no directions had been published. Lectures were held by: the representatives of the "Teploelek-troproyektll Institute. A. B. Chernin, Candidate of Technical Scienoes. B. Ya. Smelyanskaya, Engineer, and S. Ya. Petrov, Eneineer. Supplementary lectures were held and discussions were? joined by: Ye. D. Zeylidzon (Technical Department at the Ministry for Electric Power Stations of the USSR)~ V~ 11. Blinova (ODU Ural), V. D. KuzIminykh (S%rerullo-ienergo), 0. L. Rivkin (Lenenergo), N. V. Vinogradov (711oserergo), V. I. Dorofeyev (Dneptroenergo), F. F. Dcryu~;in (Chelya= 0 -J benergo), B. B. Slobodnik (Permener6o), V, S. DonbassenerZ;o), L. N. Voronov (Gorenergo)q P A. Fomin engidep), I. M. Sirota (Institute for Electrical En"-i= R neering of the AS A A'I TJI~rainian SSR), I. N. Po~~ov USSR), V. A. Smirnov (1,Iks mosenergo), A , B. Bar,~a.,.,, (ODU Tsentra), V. M. Yeriaolenko (TEP), ~". I~ Tsurev (TsNIEL), V. A. Satarov (mosonor-oproyei-t), L. M. kvorbul 'h (Lenen,~.r- Card 2/3 goproyekt) I V. M. Shurin (Odessenergo) and ctloz rj . P I Corforence for the Chac%in~; of thc Prntu-(--d DIrectives for Relay Protection Ustinov discussed a number of problems in connection with the or-anization of the publication of these U directions and showed in the field of relay protection. I. A. Syronyatnikov evaluated the ;eneral state of relay protection in the USSR. AVAILA13LE: Library of Congress 1. Relay protection-Directives-Conference Card 3/3 ZHELTVAI,, V. V.., KATASONOV,, N. S. and FABRIXQU, _1u, V, (The Trans -Carpathian Oblast' Veterinary Bacteriological La"6o-ratory, Ukrainian SSR). (Abstracted by V. A. ALIKAYEV) "Improving the technique of determining carotene in blood sera.%. Veterinariya, Vol. 39p no. 2, February 1962 PP- 78 FABRIUMOVp G.A,; SHIRONINt L.I. Uss of go- globulin In preventing epidemic hapatitio. Med, zhur, Uzbe no, 2z22-23 F f61. (MIn 14:2) (HEPATITISt INFECTIOUS) (GAMM GIDBUMN) FABRIURIOV, -" Latent fo=s of Q fe7er. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no.3s25-28 Mr 161. (Q! FEVER) (MIRA 14: 5) SRIFRINP I.A.; FABRIKANTOV _pA. j, IAVIUNEUKO, S.F. Spreading of leptoopirosis infection (Pomona type) through reservoir water. Mad. zhur. Uzb. no.2t43-45 F 162. (MIRA 15:4) (LEPTOSPIROSIS) ()iATFJl-,FMLUTION) FAERIKANTOVP G.A. (Tashkent) Early detection of epidemic hepatitis (Botkinta disease).Zdrav. Turk. 6 no-4:21-24 Jl-Ag(162. (KMA 15t8) HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) FABRIKANTOV, G.N., inzh. 1- --- - ~behanization of the treatment of freshly laid concrete pavement. Avt.dor. 26 no.12:19-20 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) FABRIKP14TOV, G.N.; PLOTNIKOVA, I.A. Most Important characteristics of bitumen emulsions. Avt.dor. 28 no.10:26-28 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) FABRIKOV, A. I., inzh. Use of narrow trenches in drainage. Gidr. i mel. 12 no-8:27-30 Ag l6o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Tuzhnyy nauchno-looledovatellakly institut gidrotekhniki i meliorataii. (Bxcavating machinery) (Drainage) FABRIL(VII-A.-P.- Cand Tech Sci - (dies) "Mechanisms for excavation of narrow trenches and prospects for their use in hydro-reclamation." NovocherkaBsk, 1960. 15 Pp; 1 separate page of diagrams; (Ministry of "Agriculture RSFSR, Novocherkassk Land Reclamation Engineering Inst NIMI"); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 194) PODDUBNTY, I.; YANIKOV. I.;-XA_BRIKOV, G., zbivotnovod; TidiASTUK, A.; TUP.TjIN, V.; BAKLITSKLYA, Y_e.,zven'yevaya; GRIDINA, A., doyarka; KRAVTSOVI%, Z., telyatnitea; K014rAGIIIA, R., evinarka; SUBLIYU, I., ebaban-, SIADKO!,EDOVA, N., pticbnitea; RUD, 14.. mokbanizator; .GOGIN, S., mekbanizator. Our collective farm in seven years. ITauka i perod.op.v sol'khoz. 9 no-1:5-9 Ja 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kolkhoz "Ukraina," Kirovnkogo rayona Krymekoy ablaRti. 2. Predsedatell kolkboza "Ukraina" Kirovskogo rayons. Krymakoy oblanti (for Poddubnyy)- 3. Glavnyy agronom kolkhoza 'qJkraina" Kirovskogo rayona Krymskoy oblasti. (for Yanikov). 4. Glavnyy mekha- nik kolkhoza "Ukraina" Kirovskogo rayona Krymskoy oblasti (for TarFLay-uk). 5. Sokretarl partorganizatHil kolkhoza "Ukraina" KirovBkogo rayona Krymekov oblasti (for TSaplin). (Kirovskoye District--Agriculture) VABRIZOV, V. I. - r. ~~j- Asymmetric phase voltage overload protection in the performance of electric power engines. Taket.prom. 15 no.12s47-48 D 155. OULU 9:3) 1. Student IV kurea Ivanovskogo taketiltnogo instituta. (Blectric machinery) V 538.221 621.3 1 S. 13 1538.6 49.4 Peculiarities Of 1hp Faraday Effeel fit Paraffin. Ferrite Mixture. ._ (C. H Arad. Sri. U U.S.& If th AZ' Vol. 10. N16. 5, ill). 81174M. In R;vvilan.) The Fava N cl ect was Inveotigatett at frerim-n- t ths ld i fi r s reng c m cirs between 2-2anll it. cjs at inagnet 11 1 50t) oct,t(A, killing 1i-.&4 of punifin-fertite mimurt. I hl 10' 701 \i ffi Z V 3 - t ~ para ~ ti o, t 11 lylAval romixmi on 1 ite not 14% rultiv. Melt to ill, wale thu 11A 1 I 1 lltant. The rotation o; tile plant, A p"latizati.a. WIM 1 1 - 4 in a vicit%~t oppmite to that ojmervlLd in frrtite diskq. The rotation, wal; friund to depend an the dinirmions of the dlskt~, the firld %trength, the frectnency anti the concentration ed the leffites In the unbdure. 1he rvlult~ are dismcied un the baMs of theories of the permeability tenwr of frytornagnetics. MP FABRIKOV, V. A 1,UCMYLOVSKIY, L. K., KOLLEY) Y. N., and POLIVAROV, K. M., (NSDBCCFW) :A-~ "Magnetodielectrics in Waveguides," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May 156. session on Paramagnetic and Ferromagnetic Resonance LUTHORs Fabrikov, V.A. TITLE: Some Problems in the Theory of Gyrotropic Media (Nekotoryye voproay teorii girotrophykh sred) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Vol. XX, J11, PP 1318-1328 1956, USSR., Seriya fizidieskaya ABSTRACTs A general case of gyrotropic linear electrodynamic medium is phenomenologically considered and gener- alized Maxwell equationsfor a gyrotropic medium are composed and solved in the article. The Faraday effect was investigated in paraffin -ferrite mixtures at a wavelength of 10 to 14 cm. It showed that internal anistropic fields have considerable effects on gyromagnetic properties of magnetized ferrites, and the intensity of these fields depends on the mechanical state of the materials. Samples made of mixtures of paraffin with powdered Ni-Zn ferrite, natural ferrite (magnetite) and Card 1/2 metal ferromagnetic "Alsifer", show the anomalous TITLE- Some Problems in the Theory of Gyrotropic Media (Nekotoryye voprosy teorii girotrophykh ared) rotation of a polarization plane in the opposite sense to that of,massive ferrite rin6s. This change of the Faraday rotation sign can ap- parently be explained in the following way: the intensity of the effective anisotropic field of a magnetic material increases with the decrease of dimensions of individual particles and their con- nection between each other. The bibliography contains 14 references, of which 5 are Slavic (Russian). Two appendices are added at the end of the article. INSTITUTION: Power Engineering Institute imeni V.M. Molotov in Moskva PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Fabrikovq V.A. and Koli, '~'a ii TITLEs Approximate Computation Methods of Gyromagnetic Media (Priblizhennyye metody rascheta giroma- gnitnykh sred) PERIODCIAL: Izvestiya Akndr-,ji Nflijk, V17. XX, #11, PP 1329-1335 1956t USSIII,, Seriya. fizicheskava ABSTRACTt The possibility of engineering computations in some cases of gyromagnetic media application is shown. The problem is considered about a gyromagnetic ring of finite thickness, which fills the cross section of a round wave guide with an arbitrary load at the end. Solution of the problem is possible in one of the two approximations: the approximation of plane waves and the app3roximation in which the medium is assumed to be weakly gyro=agnet-1c. Formulae are derived for the coefficient of reflection and the coefficient of polarization, and these coef- Card 1/2 ficients are connected with electromagnetic para- TITLE: Approximate Computation Methods of Gyromagnetic Media (Priblizhennyye metody rascheta giroma- gnitnykh ered) meters of the substance. Computation formulao obtained for the weakly gyro- magnetic media in a round wave guide were used, and confirmed in an investigation of the Faraday effect in paraffin-forrite mixtures. The biblio- graphy lists 11 references, of which 6 are Slavic (Russian). The article is supplemented with 2 appendixes. INSTITUTION: Power Engineering Institute imeni V.M. Molotov in Moskva PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED; No date AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 109-10-12/19 AUTHORS: Fabrikov, V.A., Kudryavtsev, V.D.) and Gushchina, Z.M. TITIE: Nickel-Copper Ferrites having a Narrow Absorption Line at Ultra-high Frequencies (Nikell-Mednye ferrity s uzkoy rezonnnsnoy krivoy p4oshcheniya na sverkhvysokikh chastotakh) PBRIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957, Vol.III No 101 PP. 1299 - 1300 NSSR) ABSTRACT: Some nickel-copper ferrites were prodq8ed which, when operated at frequencies of the order of 101 c.p.s., gave an attenuation ratio of 125 for the two opposite directions of the magnetising field. Thus, it was found that over a band- width of + 3%, the direct losses in a rectangular waveguide were 0.5 db, while the reverse losses were more than 20 db. The authors thank Corresponding Member of the Ac.Sc.USSR A.A. PistolIkors for his constant attention. There are 1 photograph and 2 references. SUBMITTBD: July 16, 1957. AVAILABIE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 109-3-2-5/26 The Possibility of Amplifyinf,, the Pover of a Si.all UodulatinC S-L;-j--l by L!eans of & Gyromagnetic MediLun f the alternating (axis z). If the transverse components o. X. - .L.Leld in Eq.(l) are as expressed by Eq.(2), and mz = 1j, - 1"10 can be split into Eqs (?a) and(?t), -*&-n which various are defined by Eo~-(3), (5), (6) and ~8) and WO = ~LojyjHo Eqs.(7) are transformed into: d3mz + A d2mz + B + Craz = F (10) dt3 dt dt where the parameters A, B C and F are defined by Eqs~(11). E~Ls-(7) and (10) describe the oscillations of the -Yro-masnetic r- - medium which are produced by a modulatinC field h2 in the presence of a transverse field having a circular polarisation. if it is assumed that the variable quantities hz and m z - m0 are comparatively small, it is possible to neglect their products in Eq.(10). Consequently, the equation can be expressed by Eq.(12), in which the nece5sary parameters are defined by Eq.(13). The solution of Eq.(12) is Given by Eq.(14), where Card2/4 109-3-2-5/26 The Pos.,Ability of Amplifyint,; the Power of a S!:,all Lodul-atin-L Sir__r.;J by Means of a Gyromagnetic Medlukn h20 is the amplitude of the modulating field, ~Q is the modulating frequency and X is expressed by 1,eq.(15). UndsrtLe resonant conditions 9 = a The imaCinary part of X is expressed by Eq.(193, which is positive when it fulfils the conditi on Si j,( This plienomenon indicates the '~q-j a J% possibility a 0 aLin- sit nals by the --~-yro-mar-netic medium; the hiChest amplificntion is obtained v, h e n ~11 cx the maximum value of the imarinary cor-ponent of X is expressed by Eq. (20), which is obtained when jQ = a and %,,rhen the conditions given by Eq.(21) are fulfilled. If Eq.(14) is substituted into Eq.~?a), an expression for the complex ampli- tude of the transverse oscillations is obtained. this is in the form of: ' ~ 'Xlhl 11 12'0200 i9t)hi (22), where the parameters Zll and 62 are defined by Eq.(23). The author thanks Professor A.L. Llikaelyan for his cons-tant attention and valuable advice. G,I.rd3/4 109-3-2-5/26 The Possibility of Am-olifyin4L the Power of a SmaIl L'.odulatin;.;- Signal by Means of L Gyromagnetic Medium There are 1 figure, and 8 references, 5 of which are English, 2 Russian and 1 French. There is also an ap:)endix in zhich it is shown that the results obtained by the author are similar 4- Uo those obtained by the method devised by Pierre Vari (Ref-5). SUBLIITTDD: February 12), 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Uard 4/4 1. Ultra high frequency amplifiers-Mathematical analysis SOV/109-- -4-3-28/38 AUTHORS: -Fabrikov_,_V._A., Gushchina, Z.M., and Vasillyev, V,N. ,.rrTLE: Magnesium Ferrite-Chromites for the Application at the Lower Region of the Ultiahigh-Frequency Band (Magniyevyya Ferrito-khromity dlya primeneniya -7 E_.:_zhn9m diapazone sverkhv-ysokikh chastot) PERIODICAL: Radlotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 4, Nr 3, 1959., pp 536-537 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ferz,ite-chromites of the type MgC-r-O .64Fel 360L. baked a~. a temperature of 13500C or 13000C az le of tonslaera.'.-I~i: interest for microwave applications. These ferilts- c!hiomites are characterised by magnati- saturation of 600G and a Curie tempergtura of 1 OOC, while theii, resisl;ivity at dc, is 10 The parameter-c r.f t h second type of the material (baked at 13000C) ais illu:i- trated in Figs 11 2 and 3. Fig 1 shows the depeneien,.;3 of the non-reciprocal phase shift and the losses cn the magnitude of the magnetising field at a wavelength c_` 10 cm; the material was employed as a valve devi(.9 an4 Card 1/2 a waveguide. The dependence of the tensorial palameter, of the material on the magnetising field at a wa J-'(..1qnR SOV/109- --4-3-28/38 Magnesium Ferrite-Chromites for the Applicati-a at the Lower Region of the Ultrahigh-Frequency Band of 14 cm are illustrated in Fig 3. The authors make acknowledgement to Yu.N. Afanaslyev and A.A. 11aray1c)va for collaboration in carrying out the measurements. There are 3 figures and 4 references, one of whiuh is English and 3 Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 4, 1958 Card 2/2 kUTHOR: Fabrikov, V.A. SOV/109-4-7-18/25 TITLE: A Ferrite Amplifier for the High-frequency Electromagnetic Signals PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7, pp 1203 - 1204 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier work (Ref 1), the author investigated the possibility of amplifyinS small modulatod signals by means of a gyromagnetic medium. It was shown that the complex susceptibility X, of the medium with respect to the modulating field is given by: 2 2A W) W 1 - - 'M Ct Z- 1 M Ct ) (2) W - [(a2 w 2 )T +- 21 0 (,C, + 1 CL ill T) 2 2 where w - w w = yh a w2 4~ I/T Cardl/3 0 1 3.9 1 SOV/109-4-7-i8/25 A Ferrite Amplifier for the High-frequency Electromagnetic Signals Wm = TMO , T is the absolute magnitude of the gyro- magnetic ratio (equal to 1o8 x 10 7 see/Oe), T is the relaxation time determined by the width z1NH of the resonance line (1/T = yAH/2) and M is the saturation 0 magnetisation of the material. When the conditions defined by Eqs (3) are Xulfilled, the imaginary part of X is positive, which means that the medium is characterised by negative losses with regard to the modulating signalo Eq (2) can be written as Eq (4), provided the conditions defined by Eq (5) are fulfilled. If the modulating field hz = h2 cos-nt is produced by a circuit having a qualitative factor Q whose coil is wound on a ferrite sample subjected to the interaction of a constant field H0 and a transverse high-frequency field h 1 (see the figure on p 1203), the amplification of the signal applied Card2/3 sov/iog-4-7-18/25 A-Ferrite Amplifier for the High-frequency Electromagnetic Signals to the input of the circuit is proportional to N, which is given by Eq (7)-, where it is defined by Eq (6). On the basis of the above formula, it was found that by means of a monocrystalline ferrite sample it was possible to obtain amplification of about 10 db when the-_power of the high-frequency supply signal was of the order of 20 W. When using special yttrium ferrites, whose relaxation time was of the order of lolO-7 sec, the same 'Amplifiektion could be obtained with a smaller supply power. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: January 23, 1959 Card 3/3 240) AUTHORS: Fabrikov, V. A., Kudryavtsev, V. D., SOV/48-23-3-17/34 TuM-c H fn-a -, - ZY. TITLE: Ferrites With Intense Saturation Magnetization and a Narrow Resonance Absorption Curve at Superhigh Frequencies (Ferrity s bol'ahoy namagnichennostlyu nasyshcheniya i uzkoy rezonans- noy krivoy pogloshcheniya na sverkhvysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL: Izveatiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Ur 3, pp 372-376 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors invectigated Ni-Cu-ferritee with admixtures of cobalt and small quantities of manganoz;,~,, which had been added in order to attain a higher electric resistance of the material in direct current (Ref 12). Saturation magnetization, density, electric resistance in direct current, width of the resonance absorption cl-,:-v-e the frequency of 9,350 megacycles, charac"-~ricticu of ferrites in a valve device of the resonance tjypu In same range of frequency, as well as the ralcrootructure of the material were measured. The results obtained in connection with the investigation of the ferromagnetic resonance of Card 1/2 spherical samples in the rectangular resonator Ferrites With Intense Saturation Magnetization and a SOV/48-23-3-'7/34 Narrow Resonance Absorption Curve at Superhigh Frequencies are given in figure 1. The width of the resonance cur-ia depends to a considerable extent on the copper content. Figure 2 shows by means of an experimentally found curve tl~e effect of Cc admixtures exercised upon the width of the resonance curve of Ni-Cu-ferrites. The dependence on the temperature of sintering is given in figure 3- ComPositllo,'~s with an especially narrow line of resonance are charactorized in a waveguide valve by relations of the wave extinction device (in decibels which correspond to two opposite directions cf propagation 4ef 7). All Ni-Cu-ferriten can be divided into two groups with respect to microstructure. In the naze of a substitution of less than 14 % nickel by copper the ferr-too usually have fine-grained structure with an avera6e EJsQ of grains amounting to 10 p. If the substitution amounts -*.-o more than 14 %, the average size of grains varies between 45 and 55 p. Figures 4 and 5 show photographs of typical struc- tures of both types as well as experimentally found aurves. The authors thank A. A. Pistollkora for the interest he dis- played. There are 5 figures and 16 references, 2 of which are Card 12/2 Soviet. 240) AUTHORS: Fabrikov, V. A., Ritter, Ye. G. SOV/48-23-3-19/34 TITLE: Non-linear Gyromagnetic Properties of Ferrites on Low Levels of Superhigh Frequency Capacity (Nelineynyye giromagnitnyye svoystva ferritov na nizkikh urovnyakh sverkhvysokochastotnoy moshchnosti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheAkaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 3P PP 380-387 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the problem of the shift of oscillations with different frequency in the gyromagnetic medium and gives some experimental data of the n-_:r_-lincar properties of ferrites on low levels of superhigh capacity. The equation of motion of the gyroma6pietic mamt~_nt in the constant magnetic field H )~ and in the rtlternatlri. ~ -."ield _ Pn- iW t iQ9t of spontaneous polarization h10 e 1 + 'E20 e - waa 001'red in this case in second approximation according to small variablen (see enclosure). The possibility of isolating iwc adjacent frequencies by the envelope of combined siL-nal was experimentally investigated by means of a device, the ac--m- Card 113 atic drawing of which shows figure 1. Measurements were Tade Non-linear Gyromagnetic Properties of Ferrites on Low SOV/48-23-3-19/34 Levels of Superhigh Frequency Capacity Card 2/3 at a wave length of 3 cm on polycryatalline Ni-Zn-ferrite with 1 a saturation magnetization of Mo . 256,000 A m- . The half- width of the resonance curve of the material amounted to 24,000 A m- 1, which corresponds to a duration of relaxation of T - 1.9.10- 10 nee. In the magnetization of the ferrite nucleus during the detuning of the frequencies of two klystrons for 30 megacyclea an envelope of modulated oscil- lations appeared on the screen of the oscilloscope. The optimum values of the magnetizing field, which were similar to the resonance values (Ho - 24,000 A m-1), were experimen- tally chosen. The signal was visible on the screen of t1h,) oscilloscope at various functions of the capacities P 1 and P 2 possible under experimental conditions. They corresponded to the inequality (plp2)exp 1 5.10-OW2 , the amount of the signal being proportional to the capacity of two sources P 1 and P 2 Non-linear Gyromagnetic Properties of Ferritea on Low 307146-23-3-19134 Levels of Superhigh Frequency Capacity (Fig 2). The authors thank A. L. Mikaelyan for his assistance. There are 2 figures and 10 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 "31 PHASE I BOOK 1XP-0!TAT1W-' SOV/4Z93 Tsenoruznoyo loveshchanlye po flzike. flzlk0-'Kh'.=lchQ%kl2 ZvoySt;2; ferritov I fLzicheakim canavaat ikh primenentya. 1,d, Kir-sx, 1 5 Perrity; tlzichosklye I fiz Iko-khimichesic lye xvcy3tva. Dciclady (Parrites; Physical and Physicochetical Pro;*rtlea. Reports Ir _ 1960. 655 p. Errata allp Insarte-1. Kin a 1c,.d vo AN BSSR. 4,000 copies printed. rN 300n*orlng ASencits: Nauchnyy savet p0 magnet-zou AN SSSR. --t4#1 flztkl tvardogo tela I poluprovodnlkov AN =R. p. Ed.z R- N- 31rota Ac iclan of tn~& Re gdlt*rl l Board: :d n , a Ac&4 my or Be no 3 ESSR; . 1. Belmv. 60. or; Ye. 1. Lcrdor- ,., : : _ altly, Professor; K. N. ftllvangv; ft-of*33or; R. V. Telearln. Pro fassor: 0. A. 3molanakly. Proreg3or; X. X. Snol Its, CandIdate of "Leal and Ptathematical Sciences; 1. K. Smolyarenico; ard 1~ A. Bashkirov; Md. of Publishing House: 3. Xholyavslcly; Tech. Zd.x 1. Voloknamovich. Intended-fer physicists. phygi-jif-glijijis ts, radio electronics engineers, and technical pervo 1 *n9aded In '" the production am US* Or fOrrO=gnttlc materials I tmay &Iso be used by students In advanced courses in radio electronics . physics. aw Physical chemistry. COVIRAdSt The bOOk contains reports presented at the Third All- Union Conference On FOrrItOd held In Xinsic. Belorussian 33.11. Tb& reports deal with magnetic tr%nArOrzatlOn*. electrical and galv&nOmagnOtic Properties Of farrites. studios of the Of ferrite single crystals. problems In the eftolcal and _-tysi- cochealcal analysis or ferrite&, studio$ Of rerrltes having rectangular bYst~r*~Is 10003 and multicomponent ferrite systems &Khibltlng spontaneous rtetangul&rLty, problems In magnatic &ttrsctl*no highly coercive ferrite&. nagnetic $Pectroxco;y. fOrrainagnetle resonance, magnsto-optics, Physical prlnci;,Iqs of Using ferrite components In electrical Circuits, anlaotmpy or electrical " magnetic properties, ate. The Cc;=Ittee on raga D*tlsx, AS MR (S. V. Vonmovokly, Chajr~n) Organized the cca- ference. References &company Individual articles. Perrites (Cont. Sov/4893 TelesnIn ft. V. and A. 1q-_Qvch1rn%kova. _Tw.peratur,& Ma&nttlc VIscoafty-of Ferrite rAm*tfi of Yttrjum and (ladolinium 325 j20amko_-L--L--0n the Temperature Dependence of JOACnetic viscosity or Perrizes 130 PcLLvqn2X._JL_A.AnjLlysl0 or Variations In Average --V1agn*tlzatlon and . Their Watt on Its DyramlcO 332 of Processes or Pulsed Reversal ,--or In Perriton !46 ?I A I - The Effect of Temperature on the Process or -2'VM~~tlzat o~~.Eerval In Ferrite Cores 31S2 tkqj--&-a--AZd V I "'L""'t' n or ."act i '- r. I tl:n of rrnts Dur nj the I Ksgoo lz trl Fiiidy Cu Ferrite Cores With Rectangular Hymter*mlm I.Oop 359 Card 11/18 Card 4/18 Toosoyuzno7a moveshchanlye po fl-.114e, rjzlko-knl-'.Che3dlM &VCYItV&M I forrltov I flzichooklm oanova. Ikh primenenly*. 3:1, MI-r-sk, 1959 Yorrity; fixicnoskiye I riziwo-khlmicneskiyo svoy-jt~i. D---41&dy (ForrItes; Physical and fty3tcochemical Fror,*rtIC3. AePCrt3) Minsk. Zzd-vo AN WSR. 1960. 655 p. Errata slip Inserted. 4,000 copies Printed. Sponsoring Agencies. Nauchnyy movet Po magnstl=su M =R. Otd*l riella tvardago tola I poiuprovodnlkov AN B3ZR. ml!lan of the Editorial Board: Reap. 24.: Y. M. 31roth. Acad : Uad"y or Sciences RUB. K. 1, . Solos. h-cfes or, Ye. 1. Londor- skly, Professor, X. X. Vollvamqvi Professor- R. V. T*Iewnin. Pro- rossor: 0. A. Swol&naicly. Professor: M. W. Shol-ts. unditate or Physical and mathosatical Sci:nca:; S..x Smalyerankol and L. A. ftshkirov, Ed. or Publi hin Hou o; 3. MalyavsKly, Tech. Ed.: 1. TolokhanovIch. PURMSIt Th-s book is Intended for physicists. Physical thcaists. radio sloctronles engineers, and technical personnel ergagod in the Production and use of forromagne tic =a torLsIg. It may also be used bY students In advanced courses In radio electronics. physics. and Physical ch.,alstry. COMMAM M30 book contains reports Presented at th*- Third All- Union Conference an porritto hold In Minsk, bolo-usslan SSA. The reports 4*41 with magnetic tranarormat ions, sloctrica. And 91Iv%n0-&6n#%Ic Properties or rerrites. studies of the grzmt:1 of ferrite single crystals. Prabl*= In the ch"Ical and pnyvl- c6th4slog' analysis of rorriton, studies or rerritas na,ing vgctwCAI&r hYst4r0GiX loops and 1rultitooponont rerrite ayat*ms QzhibitIftg *Pmt&ft*Ous rIctAngultrit7. problems In magnetic attraction. highly coercive firrites, magnetic spectroscopy, Nrro"g%*Zlc resonance, m49nstO-OPt1c3. Physical prinelples of using ferrite component* In a lectrIcIl circuits. anisotropy of ICAI and salmotic propertL02. QtC. Th. COMMItte. On PA&- tetler . C33A V Vcnx*vskl Ch ) , - Alremn Org4ftlzod the con- Y, foronce. Reference& &CCOMPAny Individual articles. ferrite* (cont. 30V/%893 ftrekalLns. T. N., and A. A. AakathenakLy. Invetttgatton, or the FOMOWAV~tlC ROsOrAnet Or a, Cobalt r*rrtt* In &n Internal Plaid or Anisotropy 501 Zjrrys ov, P. 3 T a ZXY~Qva. and 0. V. Skrotakly. The n Effee 0, . ;;o ic ~. . Z1 c -I L-retlc Resonance on the Optlesl Properties or F*rrOa4gnotlc and Paramagnetic Dielectrics 505 Ityumov. Yu. A.. and 0. V. 3kratakly, PAgn#tlc Spin R084nAAC& In Conduction Electrons In Alkali and Forra- magnetic metals 513 KOtY'jWOv. Tu. W., and A. W. Th* trr*ct of AnIsot"plz Elastic Stress*@ an Porrowagnatic memon.ancc Ab6c-ptlon In AlCkol Y*rrito 549 oushchInA, Z. X.. and 1. D. Xudryawt3ov, 41CW 64 1 Temperature Charac v; F rrat. C-p-ant. an 397 Dailtso 522 Cam 15,Je Card 4AS ....... ... 9vt PJV3 GVqt PJWD Put -7TI&u9sse.UO !013j:dc,!: *jjzaoT*OjAD UTA2643 'A W Pu M;t1.,u1jj .3.apvx ". two AMC IV ' " :A Paw &Pow IV ' -a -a C , S Z l1 r "I' ADUTAIJO 095 J "IT"ba UT SSATR 012oulpt.~1D.1 ' '"tled *J IF U T P AO)vwrvq 'A 3 7 "cillwAotcrti)RIN CIE 9 &AjnD **u;WOo*W W%TA w&-4jjj&j j? M *142 JO U012% T226AU - 9 I . Z Jgj q -oz r Put D ., 1jO;AoanO 61026tr YUTLJTZZSV ut " TW MT FT RI J, u wr Ol""dO oQ% O J GX4,jb,j3_1ajjz cr. U0 Ocs j E69ft/ADC Autdooz*w sciuaisjoy :uOD DtM Ps2;uv2Jc (UVMJ-,TUD VMO ST 1221309 I- UO oqz ozz.2.0ad . To Pat TWIT422818 ,a UT IgUOU0400a a,41-263 Sulwa ja soldtoulad TV31SAWd 1221 %do-0,3 stave 1S*uvuOl&j *,gz Swac~ubj "cdcascizoads 712SUSUM -9021jjoj SATWo0a Il%plq luot,40U."36 01-4stalm ul =bTQOJd A%T.:vjn2ujMzVj voouw2uodm 2tn3lqTq" on"GAS &21.U*j -4U*aedOO1,1%1n= Paw GdOOT VTfsj&%LAq Jvjn2unO&2 SUTAWM go-Al"s; j0 ~.1Pft3f .0611ijej j0 lJoIlwav lWaTmomaca -zeltid put Twoiesto &qz at t--#tqojd letvIa"* otguis *2ijjoj jo mzAoj2 otn ;c vsjPnzv -so,4Tjjoj jo teT-4jodoad Zj%&u2v&OuV&t1v2 PUT ItzlizDals Z128us" tMIR Ivep Insodbi vqj .kigg ullsonjolaq 131cuTm at pTVq W*2zjjod UO "Umisjuco U0704 -Ity pj;ql &UZ IT p4nualead w2jodai uujw3m* 3qooq vqL tZVVj=2 ZVOTGAmd pug *20TO&W Tuo.z4o to cipsa ul wasanc* peauvapio at inuspnIs Zq p*wn eq a., IT-- 21* * lwljwzvz *T2at:Pvmjjoj jo aim pav uoi2anpoid Vq% g YIXTSPUS TOUU09jad lv,);ut1D4m PUT sj*" 12u0 salumi-40010 OjPW Tv&tp jvzjgJqd 1czmi*jgXttd aoj..p&pu&juj_jL3jooq_wjkqj 22mimm qz!Acuw"c1OA 0 PS :Own.. PUT14211qu j PUT 1.031usivAlosts !O6Ou&j*C Put lV21SKIN -eggs -Si3joustons *V 'D jo *'AVP%'U" 'W"OUS.1 jojal -GAJ luluvoial *A 'm : aggeJoij !A6uv&.g W m 'I J09203. 'IVA _jOpUOj *1 *21 !JORSSJO44 'AGl*O.*J.-j *U=." uo;Dg jo Inapt*; 4%12 jo uvl2taapvzv w2aalc x x P2 dl:V 2PjvOQ 19IJ0,41PI Ky AO)..jUPOAojdnjod I TI&I OSOPJOOL% I)IIZTJ ISPIO r1azi Zaugvm ad .4"oe JAuu*nvX :981*U&21 SuTJbgu*dg -p&juj.%d %aide* ODO-t ,povacul dill T,2vtjl d SSQ 056-C vm xy OA-Pz1 3qwUTW 602T.Uod) (sliodog Put Twals"a IPWI)..OC -NA-ACA0.0 6AT)ISSM3121i CSOI ')IVUIW 'PZ ClAougo vj3jgSMDjZZJ I A021-SJ ZOAZRAOA* '*?IIZIJ Od o,(juvqDmc&Acq OADU"0982A X2 YOM I 2ma Fuss I BOCK SOV/4893 Ysesoyuxnoyt saveshchanly* PO r1tike. fLZI~C0-khIM1Ch*3k1M svoystva. rerritow I rittehoskim osnov" Iwh prixe~..enlya. !,3, 141nak. 1959 FerrIty; fItIchaskiye I r1zIko-kk.Lsache9;c1ye STOYStvs. Doklady arts) Re s ti e . p (Parrit-s. Physical and nyalcochemic, I Proper Kinsle. lzd-vO AN W3R. 1960. 655 P. Zrrsta slip Inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: ftuchnyy 90"t PC Magrettrou AN 333R. otdal Miki tv*rdogo tali I poLuprowodnikov AN BSZR. Zd1torlal Board: Reap. Zd.: M. N. Strota. Academician Of the Academy or Sciences MM; IL P. Belov, Professor; Ye. 1. Kond Sitly. Professor. 9. M. ftlIVADQV; P-Oft3sor-. R. V. Teleanin. Pro- re *or; 0. A. Smolevelely. Professor; M. 1. Snollts. Candidate of d ft;:Ieal and Matheastical Sciences; 1. X. 3molyarenkot an L. A. BL$hklrav; Ed. of Publishing RO"&- 3. rholyavsicly; Tech. zd.1 1. Tolok"novich. Tas--E5ik-Ts-int.nd.d-fd, physicists. phTsj.afjtjs~mjt.. rQ4IO 010ttronl4a engineers. and t&cjwtcAj personnel *ngar ,ed In tb* Production and use Of fgrr=xgn*tlC material,. It may also b"' used by stL'dsnt& in advanced cOurs*& In radio electronics, Pb"Ics. and Physical choulatr7. COVERA031 The bOOIC contains reports presented at the Third All- Union Conference On Ferr1t4s hold in XinsK. Belorussian SSR. Tha reports deal with magnetic tr~.zfarmaticns, electrical and 901vZOOMegnetic Properties or rarrjt#3, studies of the growth of ferrite single crystals. Prcbl-" In the Ch~Ntcal and physi- Ch*slcal analysis of r.rrit4&, studies of f&"jtQ$ having "ct&nguL&r hysteresis loop$ and MUItIc=pOrent ferrite systems OzhlbltlAg spontaneous rOCtangularlty, Problems in sag~etj &ttraction, highly coarel" fqr--jtqs, m,& netle spectroscop; r*rrQmaV34tIc resonance. magnato-optica. PnyslCal principle; or using ferrite CODPOnOnts In 01*ctrIC&I circuits. anisotropy or electrical and B&gn~tIc properties. te. The CO-Ittes, on FA,- netlas. A3 U33A (S. V. Tonmoskly. Chairman) Organized the C,h_ r0rwnM References accompany Individual articles. Farrites (Cont. SOVAM Ptlkftaylovskly. L. 1. Cross P~dulstlon In a Ferrite 5&7 Dutossars'"ya. V. Ya.. A. A. Raruylo". aid 3. t. Stanishav- Okays. Investigation of Ragntsium-CrLrolum F*rrltes in the DecUwtrlc Wave Range 591 A- The Theory of Ferrite Dlelectric Delay Zak=1121,wiL - T1-ne-f'VrT%-51"- Muted Constants 596 Shvarts. A. A. Magn*t0stric-l" Como From Ferric Oxides 607 Shamayev, Yu. 34. CtIculation of Transient rrocosses In Pulsed Cir-Axts Containing XMuctors and Transformers With Ferrite Ceres WhI-h Have Rectangular 9yettreals Loops 617 B*lY*v2kl7, V. F. . and Yu. K. Sharsyvv. Calculation of Con- Ntant C004ttlons In Pulsed Circuits Containing Forrtt*s With Rectanvalar Hysteresis Loops 623 Card 17/18 Card 4,6$ 30138 S/194/61/000/007/067/079 9, 2,577/ (#V D201/D305 AUTHORS: Gushchina, and Kudryavtsev, V.D. TITLE: Temperature characteristics of ferrite elements in SHF devices PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7. 19611 49,, abstract 7 1298 (V sb. Ferrity. Fiz. i fiz. khim. svoystva, Minsk, M SSSR, 1960, 522-529) TEXT: A study has been made of the temperature characteristics of ferrite elements in switching devices with the rotation of the polarization plane. It was shown that by choosing the optimum op- era.ting conditions, it is possible to obtain a good temperature stability (TS) of the rotation angle of the polarization plane of the wave: 45 � 2.50 in the temperature range -60 to +1000C. The admixture of Cu to the Hg-l-fti ferritea improves the TS of the ferrite Card 1/2 Temperature characteriatics... elements, operating in inedium important method in obtaining of compensating circuits. The teinperature characteristics of Z76stracter's note: Complete 1 30 38 V, 61/000/007/067/079 6201 305 and strong magnetizing fields. An the TS of ferrite elentents is the uGe procedure is given of measuring the ferrite elements. 2 references. translation,7 Card 2/2 S/194 1 000/007/066/079 D201 D305 AUTHOR: Fabrikov, V.A. TITLE: Theory of ferrite-dielectric delay lines with dis- tributed constants PERIODICAL: Refcrativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioclektronika, no. 7, 1961, 49, abstract 7 1297 (V sb. Ferrity. Fiz i fiz. khim. svoystva, Minsk, Ali BSSR, 1960, 596-606) TEXT: The problem is considered of propagation of electromagnetic waves in a coaxial helical line with a combined ferrite-dielectric filling . The fundamental design formulae are derived relating the line characteristics urith its geometrical dimensions, the parameters of the filling material and frequency. It is thought that the appl- ication of existing ferrite and dielectric materials in conposite lines may produce pulse delays of 0.5 - 1.0 micro sec. without con- aiderable distortion of shapes, the line having a length I - 5 cm Card 1/2 30137 S/194/61/000/007/066/079 Theory of ferrite-dielectric ... D201/D305 and an input resistance 4 1000 ohms. 5 references. f-Abstrac- x ter's note: Complete translation2 Card 2/2 77197 SOV1.309-5-1-10120 AUTHOR: ,,,,Fabrikov, V. A. TITLE: On Conditions for Appearance of Natural 03cillations of Magnetization of a Gyramagnetic Medium PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, 196o, Vol 5, Nr 1, pp 117-125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tne paper considers longitudinal oscillations of the magnetization of_a gyroma.-netic mediLLm In a constant 0 = I These oscillations appear- magnetic field if If 0 ing under joint action of a transverse SHF field of circular polarization h and of a modulating field I h2 1 z h2, are described by the differential equation: An, dm, + Cjn, . S, 1h, +Ad'mz+B + Sills + S2,71 Card 1/6 where m z designates the change in the longitudinal On Conditiohs for Appearance of Natural 77197 Oscillations of Magnetization of a SOV/109-5-1-10/20 Gyromagnetic Medium component of the magnetization M_ = M 0 + mz It Is shown that the coefficients In Eq. (1) may be con- sidered as constant and be defined as A B + -L. C =!!!, So S, = 7' S, = -S, (2) T1 71 caeT where T is the magnetic relaxation time; w is the frequency of the SFH field h,; and I/T = Y,6 H, where ZSH is the half-width of th*e resonance line of the material and Y is the absolute magnitude of the gyromagnetic ratio of the electron spin and equals 1.78 x 107 oersted-' sec-'. When the modulating field h is the reaction field and Is expressed by the linear Mationship h, = vnl, + W 01) dt Card 2/8 On Conditions for Appearance of Natural 771W Oscillations of Magnetization of a SOV/109-5-1-10/20 c' Gyromagnetic Medium then Eq. (1) may be transformed Into a homogeneous differential eqUation of the third order: Pin d2ni dits L! -I-- a LL! + b i dO d0 -a' ~- - j- C (111, -0 with constant coefficients given by Eq. (6): 2 -S' a=.,I+wS, b=B+ (W'T+j?)S' C~-c i-"p 1110 t ';~i 1)/0. 1 (6) The stability of the system described by FAI. (5) Is analyzed using the Vishnegradskiy stability criterion, According to this criterion the Sy3tem is stable if all three coefficients a,b,c and their co.,ribination (ab - c) are positive or equal zero. Wien any of these conditions Is not fulfilled the system becomes Card 3/8 unstable. The minimum value of the magnitude wi at On Conditions for Appearance of Natucal 7 7 197 Oscillations of Magnetization of a SOV1109-5-1-10120 Gyromagnetic Medium whLch this may occur, i.e., when W W 2 depends cr' not only on the parameter3 of inate.rial T and Mo but also on magnitudes of v and w. It is determined for two cases. In the first case, a transversely mag- netized thin ferrite plate is considered. Tne reaction field of this ferrite ownple is a demagnetizing field h2 =-m .. Applying the above criterion for stability it is shown that the smallest value S cr of coefficient S at which the system is still stable equals CL 2A and corresponds to the condition c = 0. From S cr = CL 2/2 an expression for the critical frequency w2 is obtained; It has a minimum cr Card 4/8 On Conditions for Appearance of NatUM1 77197 Oscillations of Majgnetization of a SOV/10)-5-1-10/4')o Gyromagnetic Medium UP - 1,54 at U) C In the second case, a ferrite sphere Is considered. Here the reaction field Is prodticed by the induction coil of a resonance circuit tUlIC'd to the oscillation frequency of the magnetization m of the sample. Thereby the sample Inside the coil. As in the first case, the smallest value S'r is determined from the c stability condition, and an expression is found for bi2 which has a minimum cr Card 5/ 8 On Conditions Oscillations Gyromagnetic Card 6A for Appearance of Natural of Magnetization of a Medium (,)2 2,73 lip 77197 SOV/109-5-1-10/20 (13) 0.775, M2 1.ffi T (14) Equations (8) and (13) define critical values of the magnitude h 2 = W 2 2 , which when exceeded causes 1 1 /Y natural osci .1 lation of the magnt!tization to appear in the ferrite sample. These oscillations are of the relaxation type in the case of a ferrite plate. Tney are sinusoldal in the case of a ferrite sphere. It is stated that measuring the frequency of the above oscillations constitutes a simple method for determining the relaxation time T of the material. The author draws the conclusion that in mixers using nonlinear gyromagnetic properties of ferrite a high magnitude of the transformation coefficient may be obtained through regeneration. This is obtained when the heterodyne power is near the critical power value On ConditIon3 for Appearance of Nutiji-al Y 7 1 V1 03cillations I of Magnetization of a 00V/1 0 1 - 10/2 0, ci Gyromagnetic Medium the latter correopondin1g. to the critical value Pcr, 2 of hl* The paper has two appendices. in the f-1--st appendix an expression i:; derived ,'or tllit_- rea~_,tlon field h of the rcoonance CIrCL1 It; In tiie L~eeo-ld, expreus~ono are derived for the jteady-state longitudinal oscillations of ma-iletIzatIon or a u ,,:r,yromagrietic medium under- the effect of a tranjverje SHP field of circular polarization. Taere are 9 references, 3 Soviet, 6 U.S. Tne 5 most recent U.S. references are: P. W. Anleriori, The Reaction Field and Its Use in Some Solid-State Amplifiers, J. Appl. Phyu. 1957, 28, 9, 10119; M. T. Weiss, Microwave and Low-Frequency Oscillation Due to Resonance Instabili- ties in Ferrite3, Phy3. Rev., Letters, 1958, 1, 7, 239; A. D. Berk, L. Kleinnian, C. E. Nelson, Modified Semistatic Ferrite-Amplifler, IRE Wescon., Los Angeles, 1958; W. L. Whirry, F. B. Wang, Experimental Card 7/8 Study of Modified Semistatic Ferrite Amplifier, J. On Conditiona for Appearance of Natural Oscillationo of Magnetization of a Gyromagnetic, Medium Appl. Phys., 1959, suPP1. to 30, Circuit Conditions for Parametric Electronics and control, 1953, 5, SUBMITTED: September 1, 1959 77197 SOV/109-5-1-10/20 ~; L. B. Valdes, Amplification, J. 2, 129. card 8/8 24976 S/10 61/006/007//016/020 9,4 3o o (I *g11' 114 0) D262YD306 AIJTIIO,'iS: Nikhaylovskiv, L.K., Makarishchev, V.P., Pollak, B.P.F and Fabrikov, V.A. TITi,E-. Norl-linear gyromagnetic effects of a nuiational character in, ferrites 1'.',RIOI)ICAL: Rudictekhrii)ca i uIektrorilka, v, u. ivj~ 1178 - 1183 TEXT: This paper p.-:zentud all a meeting of Ail-Union SC.Ientifir. I id T,--iinical SocieLv of RadJo EngineerinS and' Elvclr.L~a' Communi- ~:ut_,,Dns ;.m. A.S. POPOV 0-1 MUY 16, 1960 deale with the non-linear 6yrc,ma6ntjtio piopertius of furi-itcs whi-ch arc, ruap%)nS_tbIe foi- the ujuplific.-ttion of IP and pel-rlit the increase oC the ITILX'in~ effi- c.c-ncy --if ferr-Lte mixers, result fi-uiii the nutzitif)na.1 o3ciiiations of iuaL.notization, The nututlonutl Osc)IIL,';ion-j :,etivloned ,bove havc, bee rl predictud from theoreti-~,~-Ll consideration-r- by V.A. Fabi-ikov (Ref. 5: RadloLekhnika i elektronilka, 1~,60, 5, 1, 117) and ("ef. 6: CLrd 1/5 214876 S/109/61/0106/007/016/020 Ron-linear gyromagrietic D262/!)3,00- Tr- 3-y Vsyesoyuznoy konferentsi-i po fe.-ritam , Vinsk, 19~9)- The presen-t article giveo the re i311' 4;.l of viork by the au- At, 11 A I ,y thors, performed with thu a-lra of a) detcr.~~.ining the -c'!1-1.1nearity of the dependence of interziedi;.,t,~ freq-,iency piwer 1' IF ori 1,he, power of local. osciilater 11 If ![I a -,3j1j,` mix,.~r- b) dr-terminizq, ~,hc presence in the ferrite samp1e. placed in the resonant of the IF of sinusoidal Of magac-ulzation under thc- in.`.Luence of the SHF powerof th; 1,oca~! otis4-ilalor. Tbe SO!IrCe j1' SH F VJ;~L3 a con- tinuous or puisc wvd,-tiated klystron gen(~rator Myi3l.ron -.y:.)e 4j--1j (43-1)). The ferrite sample with the coil was Dlac,-a ir. a secilon of a standard waveguide at a distance of 6 rim ?ror. th, narrow wall of the wavegulde. Frequency range vlas 3 em., IF vias 3 cm, IF was 50 tic/s. The effective Q of the resonant cct -.-,,as 20 a-,. JO T-:c1s. The constant magnetic field was applied parallel to the narrow wall of the waveguide. Its i.%agnitude wao corresponding to that of the fer- romagrietic resonance. The ferr.ite, saiiiiple was a Mono crys-tal of yttrium ferrite having the ferromagnetic- resonance ',~.ana 5-10 oer- ated. The shape of the sample was nearly spherical with unlapped Card 2/5 24876 S/109/61/006/007/016/020 Non-linear gyro.,%agrietic D262/D506 oktrfa,~e. Th--, overall IF ;,iLs abo,,,,t. 105, the ro-ise 1e- vel of -~he ampLif:er, w,, reduced to that of tne pre arn-p-lifier 4-n- .At w~Ls abc),,ij 'luit (measured G - I At, Ei t wi th -a (S t~ a o i i r in 1' S'3 - -, r. n, oi . n i-7 dI Ia J 1 f ov(.rcurae vien~- pl~d chungels of 01 he d1- )n of d.~-~ ic]'L'j the -nd tnai.- r t f ni~, od 1--e s o f t 1) ua; o 11 a-, o r 6c-:5 i lie !oz an-,.., a X A ZJa e 1 -!-"761.'i If=-v. Tr't' lit if IE-'-rrllt? oaz J~.,e ~o vir rd*.os,~.~,"-~~,fL fran, *,I.(; 611F ',;,c sLciplp. DL- amp if-,- ei chain, The nQ,crl inL w-i.~ jvol Je,:j by I],- s C- V 'j f T,11 o t r ~L ns ii, r i d 1, - -6 j a P 1, 1 1) 11~itL-3 to the Y1 n L) :3 - cll!,~l -r to,it the D- 11, V?i 0 1-i 0 e x u - :-'Uted by the m~ignetron IL-10L (11:2,JUM of '11c --'rPer:- ment-al instai-,'-al LUr, 13 ~)hovm. rn- C-retiza- Card J " 5 24870 S 09/6-"" 61020 li'on-linear gyr-c-ma'anotic D DjO' tion -An the magnetized fcrr-i-.e lae,ed .- the r--sona-or of the IF vit_-re oU_::tei-:vd ~,uider the of a 31174 -ranSveni,~- field when il-he power c)f 1.1lic, fiel,"I -_urtuln :ritil-al oil the or- ;:Ier of 1-'i vl-utt. 1' .3 th_.- ~h._, ciczervcd Lions are sinusoidal _nd c-n--, t rl L,- 0 r e .L,,~ 01 Alar~,:7T(~r Flo _)bso_-rv T. tt',~ I.. :~ , ti,!~_tt i,',u 31 1. I d by 1, . , i, c~ n a hit-,h 1~ ca-,-ity re-- ,z;onator (Ref. k): Ml,,irowwvre i-aid 'Lcw Ifi0quency --,ue to re- sonariCe lnstabilltie5 ir, Aferri-ei J)',jYZE:1, Le~,ters, 1L)"',E', 1, 7, Tie exist-~m~le wus als,,-, of a non--linear rf--gon on tAic Character.15rics of IP signa'A. pr,w-.: power P H in i,,ilxing ,.irranL;enents -1;,, vtmicrj P It was near the .p o vi e r P, Theae rusults an- :n -N-1-th the -,heury of non- ~2' linear gyromagnet-.,-.. eifects relutect to the nutation of ferrite mag- rietiz,4tion (Re fe. 5, and 6 -. op. C1 L. ) . The fInal identif ication of these experi men tally obscrved effo-,to will be possible after their careful quantitative ariulysls,, TMe -Above resul'W may be of practi- cal :nterest In probll-ms of _,ncret_-:,ng tlli~_ efficiency of S11F fer- rite mixers. The experiment v!as :~ar,,,ied oi~tt a-~ the 1'~skwrskiy ener- Card 4/5, 24876 S/'(j'- '-- C- 'G07/()-6/o~0 L u6/ Noli-Ill"Cur gyrul;llagnetl~- D2(-,21."D, ~'1'6 ~,uti.clieskiy in6titut, K.,--fedra tleoi~eticliesl:lkh radlotekhniki (Foscow Power Etiginecring Instltute, Department of Theoretical Prln3iples of iiadio-Enc-lneer:ing). The result:3 vier: ,verij. Tfit~,,re are f.L6,ures -ji-: n ~ t, No furl~her 1%-,a 8-.),;.Iet-bloc and rll::~ Tie fit- Z.;!, nor,-6ovlet-b. 1,am-u.a -e pubi read L-S fcil, Tt" f ~ --I y of ,i f~rr,'- ve i,itxer -;.-t C'. -u -C, t4 a X a t I I arlO f e - -:5on ;3 1'.. T. Wt~ i - s . UU13 1 1;,.: 2. i - t les in f ri-i Pli z-, t 6UMITTED: Ju -1i 19 (~ 0 C - ird 29318 S/109/61/006/010/016/027 D201/D302 AUTHOR: -Fabrikov V.A. TITLE: A new principle of amplifying SHF oscillations using ferrites PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 10, 1961, 170 - 1717 TEXT: It has been pointed out by the author (Ref. 3: Ob effe4tiv- nosti raboty ferritovykh elementov v kachestve amesiteley CVCh v skhemakh detektirovaniya, Trudy 3-y Veesoyuznoy konferentsii po ferritam, Min:~kq Iyun' 1959Y 'Ferrity'q Sb. stateyp IN BSSR, Minsk, 1960, p. 534) that it is possible to obtain the effect of power am- pflif~jcation of one of the SHF signals being mixed at the cost of the other more powerful signalp by u#lizing the nutation gyromag- netic effect in ferrites. This effect, which may be taken as a new principle of SHF amplification on ferrites, is analyzed by the au- thor in the present article. The analysis is carried out by solving Card 1/1 /1 29318 S/109/61/006/010/016/027 A new principle of amplifying ... D201/D302 the equations of motion of j,~romagnetic moments of magnetized fer- rite under the influence of two transversely polarized SHP signals and of a longitudina% alternating reaction field. The solution of the problem is sought in a system of coordinates revolving in syn- chronism with the constant in the magnitude revolving miignettc mo- ment of the ferrite sample. If the ferrIe Baqp16 is magne-Lized t~,, saturation by a constant magnetic field o 12Ho and with the ac*- ing small alternating field hg so that + 9 the magnetic mo- ment M has its equation of motion as yor 91 - !t. (1) In it the term with representing losses, has componenta R. = L x/ /T2 1 Ry = My/T 2 Rz 01 z -M0)/Tl# where = lo76 x 107 l/loers- see, Tj and T2 times of longitudinal and transVerse rela;-.ataion.- Mo - equivalent magnlaude of moment within the constant field Hof Using the notation of Fig. 1 and restricting the analysis to the fields of circular polarization the system of two linear diff--iren- Car& 2/1(., ?9318 5/109/61/006/010/016/027 A new principle of amplifying ... D201/11302 tial equations is obtained with respect to the inlepenVnt variab- les T and e (0 being the angle between KI and Tz z (yH0 + yh 2 + yh 1 ctg 0 Cos Yh sin cp - t9 0 1 T (5) 2 Introducing Hres - Ho x = (W TH )T 0 2 ______=H (7) where H res w/y and 6 H 1/yT2 the half width of the ferromag- netic resona%3e line, Eq, (5) is easily solved if hz = 0 and conse- quent'.1y + = 4 = 0. TheaDlution becooes then -tg To i9 x tg 8 = 1 hi dH" (8) Card A I-' V1 + a2 L--r 29318 S/109/61/006/010/016/027 A new principle of amplifying D201/D302 when hZ / 0, the exact solution of Eq. (5) is complicated, but its approximate solution is comparat%ively easy if hZ is considered to be a small variation of the system and h T 2+1 + cf, z x + x2 6H 0 =H hi T + e h (9) 2 1 V, -+2 & H 1 x are then obtainedp whose solution permits the reaction of the gyro.- magnetic medium to a small modulating signal to be evaluated. If two transverse magnetic fields with circular polarization hX + ihy = hi eiWt + h2ei(w+-Q)t act upon the ferritep then the expression for the field 11 in the revolving system of cofrdinates has the general shape of Card 4/#/ 29318 S/,109/61/006/010/016/027 A new principle of amplifying ... D201/D302 41 (h 8 in Cf - h s in (a t cp)) + hl c o s T + h c 0 8 M t - 2 2 (12) + 4 (H + h ) . ii 0 ALL Considering only cases when h -:C--hl, Eqs. (8) remain unchanged and Eqs. (9) must be replaced by h z + L2 ~ 1 ~+X2 Cos (.at T - x )T1 + X2 jaH 0 TO), 2il + Tl = THE h1 h 1 h h T 4 + a 1 2 13 in(fIt (13) 2 1 1 T-H Z-H from which the parameters of the alternating components of magnetic moment m p my and m7 may be determined. For further IMlysis only x the modulation of field H z is considered which is due to the action Card 54 2 18 S71"09 61/006/010/016/027 A new principle of amplifying ... D201YDD302 of external signal, whose magnetic field is axis direction. The author acknowledges the kores In the appendix the solution is given tion between electromagnetic signals with a medium for large amplitudes of the modulating figures and 10 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: December 69 1960 polarized in the Z- help of A.A. Pistoll- of problem of interac- modulated gyrotropic field. There ar- 4 Card 6/1 66? 3/048/6~ 102VO 1 /01/03 5 7 1 B! 04/B11 02 4. ?goo (105-5" '/YV, 114 -A) AUTHORS: Fabrjkux. _VA , Kozlov V 1 , Kade-ye,', V T and Kudryavtsev, V, D, TITLE; Experimental study of effects on yttr,,,.im ferriTe single crystals, which are related to nutational os~jllaLioDs of magnetization of the material on ferromagr-et;.c resonanze ?ERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fizicheskaya. v, 25, no. 11, 196!, 1367 - 1,57', - TEXTt Nonlinear gyromagnetic effects in ferrites may. in firsD apprcxima- tion, be divided into two groups The first group consists of those gyro- magnetic effects which are related to the frequer:y modulation the other gyromagnetic effects related to the angle modula-.-ion of Lhe or,---~essional motion. The effects examined on yttrium garnet single crystals belong to zhe second group The authors studied the interaction of two electr,~-,,rw- tic signals in the speciment a h-f aignal (10.000 M.:) polarized at right angles to the d,.rection of magnotization dnd a 1-f signal (0 polarized in the direction of magnetization Thc- magnetic field Card 141~, If C C-L" I S/04a/6!/o25/o1i/oi?/o~1 Experimental study of effects B704/B'02' directions in the experiments ire shown i.ii Fie, ' rhe theoretical aope;!t of the problem under consideration h1d been previcu-.i'y stud-L'-d by V, A~I 1 19 F-~ - i-- (Radiotekhnika i eiektroraka, ) no 2 0 )e no. 7. 12C,3 ('959); �, no 10, 170-7 (~196-- It Fig 3 tases on trif---e papers to show the complex susceptibility X of % magnetized fOTr.Lte aL, a function of the constant magnetizing fielld This function was ~ali;ula~ed w-L-h the following formulq derived in the pre-,icus pape;s~ Mh 2 :12 21y X X 12) --f T-2 x- 04x -y ) , 4y- Here, the magnetic moment NI constj h. iq the amplit,-de of the c-rcularly polar:Lzed h-f fieldl AH /~T2 is tr--9 half width of ~he ferrc-).magnetio . _y-omagrjet-(,, i,-ati resonance line; - 2 8 ljslc~? is shp g o zhe eiestrc~r% spin; x - (H 11 )/Aff and y - Q'T,s arid req c 1. was conducted with an yttrium ferrite airgle crystal wLer~ the wi-d-,h of the ferromagnetic resunarv:e line wae ~ 2 oerst-ds The -zpheri~--!- s;ecamins (0 5 - Imm i-n diameter) vv-re pitaced in the oertor -.1 :vit v,-h seureral turns- The coi-I -vas cunn-t~-d o ~L ~O Ms To Card 2//3 41~~ 3ICC671 S/040/61/095/011/072/031 ,,.xi,)(,Hiti(,nt,nI study of offf,cf., ... fil 04//B1 0? F ,-;ith the specimen it was placod in F,, ~,-quire wavelpAde connected to a '~;trnn f~--ripr,,ttor. The parameters of the circuit with the specimen were -_!rilly nhnnred by n h-f signal (.*~ cin). :-iodj TLe curve du:;cribing the ferrite lo~?f-tos under the action of the h-f :jignitl w;is obnorvable on an 0-',(-.i I - -,or-on. Pe, -- i m(-n t~- Idk ta ;j r ti C G!' T4 I 1~ (!;I in F it'. 7 1 ~ 11 a t , , - ~) ro f. i -. t I r: u r,., ~, .lho modukiti 1'i o14, th(- ic ru!~on~Lnce lira- to h(, hrc-di_,n~A. The e f fi_,c i. inv(?:~ti~-itt-:I t: u::-(! ",ir studyintr, rP!:on;t nct e f f ec ts i n f err i tes w! t hnarrow reo,;n,~nce A. LI. Polivnnov i.-~ thirA-~ for hir interest. There are 5 fif-,urc3 and 7 "oviet reforences. Fl!-,. 2. Fhrtrte rolntionr; between chFtnf,-e.-, or tho mrig-netizinv, field Iizand the antle '-' of mnFnetic momentF in the m.-terial. Pi!-. i. Corpl#,x 7,onceptibility of a mailnetized ferrite relative to a 1-f ci,iiti it riincti-:ln of' the con.,:tnnt field. Pit-. 5. ar! a function cr amplitude h and of' frequency f of the I-f 0 N"Ifl. Le/-end (1)~" (h ); (2)7,11.(17). The cj.-cl,. 0 9 are experimental values; the curvr,-.,, were cnIculated. rd 511~3 1197) 30084 S/04 61/025/011/030/01~1 Bl 17YBI 02 AUTHORS Fabrikov, V. A., Gushchina, Z. M., and Kudryavtsev, V. D. TITLE: Ferrites with high saturation magnetization and narrow slif resonance absorption line PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, vo 25, no, ill 1961t 1429-1430 TEXT: The authors developed a series of ferrite types with high satura- tion magnetization and narrow shf resonance absorption line. Some of these ferrites may be of practical importance when used in shf valve devi ces , f or example , f errites of the types n -28 (F-28) , M - 55 (M.-55) , and M-256 41-1256). P-28,is an improved modification of tie formerly developed t;-1.4'n-Zn ferrite n-i (P-1 ) (Reff. 1 :Authors, Radlotekhnika i elpktr'onika', 4. no, 11, 1940 (1959)). Its compositior in ~'; by weight is: 53-55,"j, 01" Fe2 031 6-N12 of M90, 30-35c//* of M.."CO3, 9.34',-'2 of ZnG. it has the following characteristics: saturation magnetization ',:, = 3200-34100 causs; for a wavelength of 3 cm, the width of the resonance line Card 113 S/04 3068 ~025/011/030/01 Ferrites with high saturation ... B117/BlC2 AH = 50-70 oersteds (in some carefully polished samples , AH may be below 10 0( rst~ 170-160OC; -- --)d s Curie temperature Tc . the d-c resistiv-4%; 1"I ')hm-cm. The ferrite was produced by sinterinC in air at 1170 ')C ~V I for 5 hr and subsequent vacuum cooling, in the furnace. The v,-re annealed for 6 hr at 9000C. 1.1-55 is an improved modification of the formerly developed ferrite type M-50. Its composition in ~,'; by ,ve,.,-It is as follows: 63.7%1 of Fe2o 31 20.95% of NiO, 4-8%~O of M-nr"O,, 10-37~'; of ZnC. The chara-,teristics of M-55 are as follows; Ms . 4300-4500 E--ausa; i AH = 230-2cO oersteds; Tc - 330-3500c; V - 107 ohm-cm. Annealin:~ took place in air for 4 hr at 13000C. Preliminary annealine of briquettes was ccr.ducted for 2 hr at 11000C. M-258 was developed on the basis -~ the U. S. 4-compovient (ffi-Zn-1dg-1An) ferrite "Ferramic C" (Ref. 2: se" by introduction of 20 molev/'3 of CuO. It has the followi= ciaracteristics: 4600-1:800 6auaa; 6H - 120-140 oersteds; T, = 3COOC; V It was produced bY sint,er~nC tl,e I llr~C-C `c~r ..() hr: 66-301S C-)f 7'r'-) -~f ~"io' card 2/3