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L 103C8-67 ACC NC A.P602 9-893 phases of the transformer connected in containing the diode and resistor are direction with respoct to the ourrent diagram. SUB CODE~- 09/ WBM DATE: Card > 10, Fig. 1. 1 - three-phase transformer; 2 - transformer secondaries connected in comparison circuits of phase- shifting units; 3 - peak voltage forming units; 4 - controlling pulse shapers; 5 - unit resistors; 6 - unit diodes- ,, 7 - transformer - secondaries connected Inthalf-wave voltage forming units opposition. The whole circuit and the part shunted by diodes connected in the nonconducting in the comparison circuit, Orig, art. hast 1 11Dw64 ;~S!7m, I.L., Inxh, ---- Transporting silica brick in piles. Mskh. strOll, 17 no.1106 I 16o, (.RIU'13 - 11) (Bridr---TM8POrtatIOn) APSHMN, -1.H-. Now method of registering the speed of the flow of water in bodies of water with Inlets and outlets. Biul*KOIP. Otd.biol. 61 no.4: 109-110 Jl-Ag 156. (KIRA 10:8) (110MIRS) ----Reelstance thermometer for measuring water temperature. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 9:375-378 159. (MIU 12 -.9) 1.Uchinskaya laborateriya Kookovskoge vedoprovada. (Thermovisters) INHTRYN, I. Determining oxygen concentration In reservelre with the oxygen sounding , device. Trudy Oldroblol. ob-va 9:379-386 '59. (KiRk 12:9) loUchluskays laboraterlya Moskovskego iodeprevoda. (water-Oxygen content) (polarogra0y) - on ,U111ft-v -I-- IM -6 'it j ~Q 1 33574. Zhiznl I Tvorcheakiy Put' R. H, Fronahreyna. (Urolog. 1682-1949). Khirurgiya, 1949 No. 10, ce 76-78, S Portr. SOt LetopisInykh Statey, Vol. 45., Moskva, 1949 VM7M, I.M. , 'professor.. Present status of:the treatmnt of urogenital tubarculoolso Urologlia no.24.3-8 APJG '55. -. (KLU 8:10) 1. Is urologicheskay kliniki (sav.--prof. I.K.lpshteyn) pri kafedre fakulltetsko7 khlrurgil (%&v.-saxluzheuW dayatell nauki prof. N.N.Telanskly I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina meditainskogo Instituta. I (TUBZRCUWSIS, URDMWITAL, therapy) 3PSHTEN, I.H., professor (Moscow) M - OTuberculosts of the urogenital system.' A.I.Kalants. Revtowed by I.M.2pahtein. Urologlia no.2:92-93 AP-Je 155.(KLk& 8:10) (GUITOURIXUM ORGANS-TUBUOUDDSIS) (KaARES, A.I.) ~..~/V, I/V1, IIPSMVN, I.M., professor (Moscow) ncystoscopy atlas.* A.P.Prumidn. Reviewed by I.M.31pebtain. Urologtia no.3%95-96 JI-S 155. (HLRA 8:10) (BLAMIR--XXPLORATION) (M=IN, A.P.) ABIYZV& U.B.0 professor (Baku); VSHTIIYN. I-.K.-, professor (Moskva) First Republio Conferenoe of Urologists of Azerbaijan. Urologlia 21 no.2:77-81 Ap-Je 156. (MIRA 9:12) (QUITOURINART ORGANS--DISIASIS) SPSHTIYN, I.M., professor Some problems in clinical aspects of tuberculosis of the urogenital system. UrolbgiL& 21 noe4:12-17 O-D 156. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Is kafedry urologii (zav. - prof* I.M.Xpehteyn) i MookovskQgo ordena Isnina meditsinskogo institute imeni I.M.Bechenovae (TUB]IRCULOBIS, UNUNITAL oUn. aspects diag. & ther.) - "SHTM.-I&K.,gr9fessor (Moskva) lifty years of pyelography. UrologilA, 22 no.1:9-12 J&-V 157 (Km 10-.5) (PYRWGUMY, hist. ) TOPGRAN, A.B.. professor; IPSM seor; ROKANOVA, T., saslushon- nyy vrach R5181 Professor Awtolit Favlovich Frunkin; on bis 60th birthday. Urologita 22 no.3t93-94 Vq-J9 '57- (MIRA 10:8) L' Predesda tell Tessayusnogo obahchostya urologov (forTopeban). 2. lamestitel* predeadatelys Koskovskogo Obehchestva urolLgov (for JIpsht eyn). 3e ZavedurushchLy urologichookim otdoleniyea Sollniter Lmeni S.P.Botkins (for Romanova) (YROMMO ANATOLII PAVLOVICH, 1897- IIPSHTEYN, I. Me. prof. "Twors of the bladder induced by carcinogenic amino compounds' W I-S. Temkin. Sov.mede ? Ap 158 (MIRA 1117) . (BLADnM--TUMORS) -(CARGINOGM) (TOMINO Ies') 3pM", 1 .,,Rrof; (Nookys) -*a I ~ . I wHypospedia, and its treatment" Cin.German] by IGJ* Serflinge Reviewed by IoNs Mpebtsin; 'Urologiia 23 no;506-87 B-0 158 (MMA llill) MMTHP-A...-A?TMMITIr,S ARD DUMMIMS) MMLING, H.J.) i IMTBIN# I.Yo, prof; ialcations for surgery In renal and ureteral oalouli [with ffWMSrT in Inglish] Jbirurgila 34 no,7tl34-141 J1 158 (mm 11:9) 2' Ix kafedry urologii-(zav; - profs' O;dena Lenina maditsJuskogo justituta -prof. VJ lovanov)e r 111 VA 0 601culit surg., Indio. (Rus)) (MtXTIRB, 6alcull -(Run)) surg. India. IoN* Apshtsyn) I Noskovskogo iment logo BecheuOva (dirt EPSHTMN, Iosif lAoiseyevich;_ GGI DIN, G.I., red.; LTUIXOTSKATA, N.I,, Curologyj Urologit gookya, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 334 p. t. (MIRA 13:2) 1. ZavediVushchiy kBfedroy urologii I KookovBkogo ordene Lenina maditainakogo instituts imni I,X.Bachanava (for Epshteyn). (URMWT) ABRAHYAN, A.Ya., prof.; ATABEKOV., D.N... prof.; VOROBTSOV, V.I., kand. med. nauk; GASPARYAH, A.M.,, prof.; GREBUISHCHIKOV, G.S., prof.; DZHAVAD-ZADE, M,D., kando mod. nauk; DUNAYEVSKIY, L.I., dots.,, prof.j IDPATKIII, N.A.., dots.; POMERANTSEV, A.Aa., dots,,* PYTELIp.A.Ya., prof.; RDWER, G.A., prof.; RUSANOV, A.A., prof.; SMIRHOV, A.V., prof.; SYROVATKO,, F.A.,, prof.; TSULUKIDZE, A.P.t prof.; SHAPIRO, I.N., prof._; HPSHTEYN, I.M..' prof.; PETROVSKIY, B.V.,, prof.,, otv. red.; BAKULEV, A*N., akademik, red.; GULYAYEV, A.V.., prof.; YEGOROV, B.G.s prof.$ red.; KUPRIYANOV, P,A., prof., red.; PANKRATIYEV, B.Ye., prof., red.; FILATOV, A.N.p prof.,, red.; CHAKLIN, V.D., prof., redo GORELIK~ S.L.9 red.; GABERLAND, N.I., tekhn. red. [Multivolume insm3al an surgery] Mnogotomnoe rukovadstvo po khirurgii. Moskva,. Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry. Vol.9. [Surgey of the urinary and genital organs and the retroperitoneal space) Khirurgiia mochevykh i polovykh organov i zabriushin- nogo prostranstva, 1959, 630 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Deystvitel'My chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Petrovskiy, Yegorov Kupriyanov). IRETROPERITONEAL SPACE-MCERY) (GENITOURINARY ORGANS-SURGERY) 3PSHTEN, IM., prof.1 OOL'DrN, G.I., doktor med.tauk In memory of Rikhard Mikhailovich Pronshtein; on the 10th anniversary of hie death. Urologila'24 no,3:3-5 RY-Je 159. (KIRA 12-12) (BIOGRAPHIES9 Prouebtein, Rikhard M. (Ram)) M. Tof. , L~ Teaching of urology In medical Institutes* Urologlia 24 no.5:56-59 B-0 159, (XIU 12:12) 1. 1z Imfedry urologit. (zav. - prof. I.M. Ipshteyn) I Hoskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo instituta imeni I.M. Seohenova. (UROLOGT a due. ) TOPCHANq A.B prof red, (Moskva) p Edsoeasaid]; PoRmwOSKIY, I.PHOP profo:rIede(moskyah P1 It AGY961 profsp reda(moakva); '-.1FSHTEYjfj iom*t prof,# red. (Moskva); IZVANT# P*Ye.p dotsenty red. !L)-;7-1MMCMj AbPej Profs 2aBlUzbe=W deyatell naukip zam, red. (Kookva)l GAMWD9 M.Lj takhn. red. [Transactions of the Third All-Union Conference of Urologists] Trudy Vaesoyu=oy konferentaii urclogov, 3d, TifliBq 1958. Mookwal Gos.izd-vo med.,lit-ry.Medgiz, 1960. 259 p. (MM 1435) 1. Voesoyuzna-ya konferentsiya urologov, 3d, Tiflis, 1958. 2. Predsedatell pravleniya Vseeoyuznogo obahchestva urologov (for, Topchan). (UROU)GY-CMRWSES) EPSHTEYNp I.M. A me-tEBX-fo-r--th"leotroohomica.1 registration of oxygen metabolion in mnJ-1 tissues. Biulo skep. biol 1, med. 50 no.12ilO4-107 D 160. (KEU 14t 1) 1. Is Gosudaratvennogo onkologicheskogo inotituts. imeni P,A, Gertsens. (dir. - Prof. A.H.Novikov, nauchw rukovocl$6eVl - chlon-korrespondent AMN &SSR prof. A.I.Savitskiy)p Hoek*. Pred- stavlena daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR VA'Cher4ijovskim. (METABOLISM) PETROV, B.D.,, red.; GOLIDIN, G.I., red.; MNAYEVSM, L.I., red.; PORUDOMINSKIYj I,M,,, red.; KMYAVTSVp M.A.,, red.1,NAVROTSKIrp O.G.j takhn. redo Rikhard Mikhailovich Fronehtein. Pod red.B.D.Fatrava. MoBkyaj Coa,,izd-vo med*lit-z7p 1962* 65 Pe (Mll"A 15:9) 1. Moscow. Pervyy moditsinakiy institut. 2. Zaveduyushchiy ka- fedroy istorii meditainy 1-go Hoskovakogo ordena Leninp. medi- tainakogo inatituta (for Petrov). (FROIISMSINt RIYJWW MIIUIAIIDVICHt 1882-1949) E---- --- EPSHTEYNj I.M., prof., ' Prevention of cystitis. Zdorovle 8 no.6:14-15 Je 162. (MRA 15:5) (MADDEP.--INFLAMIATION) EPSHTESP I. M., prof.1 LASKOV, B. I., kand* med. nauk (MoBkva) Current status of the problem of enureals. Urologiia no.216~-73 162o (MIRA 15--4) (URINE~INCONTINENCZ) VMTEPOVA, V.M.) dots.; VOLIPYA14, Ye.L., am.; ZAMIKHOVSKIY, I.Z.$ aso.; RAMENSKIY, S.B., prepod.; SOROUNA, F,.I., prepod.,,-, EPSHT.EYIII .1%, prof.., rod.; SHCHUKIN, P.I.j, red.; [Methodological instructions for practical work in urology) Metodicheskie ukazaniia k prakticheskim zaniatiiam po, uro- logii. Pod red. I.M.Epshteina. Moskvaj, 1963. 37 p. (M:ERA 16:12) 1. Moscow. Pervyy maditsinakiy institut. (umoaz"HANDBom, MAITUALS, ETC.) MUJMKIN, A. P, . zeal# deyatell nauki prof, red. (deceased]; PYTELI , A. Ya., prof., zam. red.; YOROBTSOV, V. I., kand med. nauk,, red.; GOLIDIN, G. L, doktor med, nauk,, red.; LEVANT, D. Ye.., dots., red.; PORUDOMINSKIY, I. M.p prof.,, red.; EPSHTEYN, I. M. prof,,, red,; LEVANT, D. Ye.., red.; BELICHIKOVA, -teldm, red. (Transactions of the Fourth All-Union Conference of Urologists, Moscowj June 24-30, 1961] Trudy Vooooiuznoi konfehntsii uro- logovo I+thj Moscowp 1961~ Moskva, Medgiz, 1963, 238 P, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Vaeooyuznaya konferentoiya urologov. 4tho Moscow, 1961. BARATS, S.S., kand. med. nauk; PYTELI, A.Ya., prof.; RATNER, M.Ya., doktor med.nauk; RATHER, N.A., prof.; REYZELIHA S.D.., prof. (deceased]; SURA,, V.V... at. nauchn. satr.; TUMANOVSKIY, M.N., prof.; CHERVYAKOVSKIY, N.Ya., prof.; SHCHERBA, M.L., prof. [deceased); LM , prof.; TAREYEV, Ye.M., prof., red. toma; OSTROVERKHOV, G.Ye., prof., glav. red.; SHULITSEV, G.P.,.doktor mad. nauk, red. (Pultivolume manual on internal diseases) Mnogotomnoe ru- kovodstvo po vnutrennim bolezniam. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.9. (Diseases ofthe kidneys] Bolezni pochek. 1963. 383 P. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Tareyev). . (KIDNEYS-DISEASES) I .Ipr~ofo (Nookva) - __7~7~J!H 0 I ooyno.cologiml uroloW by WoUngreder. Reviewod by I.M. Epahtein, Urologiia 28 no*2t8l-U Mr-Ap'63. (MIRA 16:6) (GYNECOrM) (UROLWr) (LANMMM? V.) 'Use a pair of gold and iron iplecti-odev in reglotration of the oxygen rogimp in t1i3muej In vivo. E,:ksp--,-. khir. i anest. 9 lio.3:19-19 My-Ja 164. (1111!~P, 18:3) 1. l1lotitut klulrurgi- chookoy apparatury I Instrumen'tov ('1jr. 1 ('1111,010- LjOicakly lnstiWt l!uml (lertsona (di.r. pi-oC. A.;N. flovikova), .,oskva. z' prof ects of rerml j- a j ~~I L tiznor-.i. rh~'.n-,rglla 40 r-c-4: . . a .. n sp A 1-35-119 AP '.64 R AUKSANDROVt SPRSIVTSEVA, V.G.1 XOROLEVA, O.F.; LIKHMTSKAYA-0 The 9th Congrese of Ploentgenologista of the German Democratic Republic held jointly with the Society of Blophysicista. Mad. red. 10 noo9t92-95 S 065. (M FU 18 s 10) Lemma D.1, (YM&vs)l SMOW . ) . . ,a, 1-0 11 , - a cc 4 gm or 4n autmatcD t4th a pu-tmw usim a oormlated ol=d stmteve Avtmo I Wom- 26 no*U&2060- 2061 X %50 (KM 2042) EPSHTEYN.-I.M,, prof. Treatment and clire of renal tuterculosis. Sov. med. 28 n0.1185-90 Ja 165. 49RA 18:5) 1. Kafedra urologii (zav. - prof. I.M.Epshteyn) I Moskovskogo ordena LenIna meditsinskogo InBtItuta Imeni Sechenova. jESATLXKO-J.M,6_prof.; SPESIVTSEVA, V.O.; OLEYZER, Yu.Ya.; AKSELIDORF, A.L. Iootops renography in urological pr4~tice. Mad. rad. 10 no.11: 45-54 N 165. 1 (MIRA 19:1) .1. Urologioheakaya klinika ~zav. - prof. I.M. Epshteyn) i kli- nika fakulftetakoy terapii ktay. - prof. Z.A. Bondarl) I Moskov- sko.go ordena Lenina maditsinakogo inatituta imeni I.H. Sechenova. Submitted November 11, 1964. VAYNBERG, Z.S., TONGUR, A.M., .k&nd.khim.nauk Experimental nephrolithiasis in the light of electron microscopy I studies. Urol. i nefr. no.2slO-14 165. (MIRA 1981) 1. -Urologichaskaya klinika (sav.- prof. I.M.4shteyn) I Mookov- skogo ordena Lenina raeditsinakogo Instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. ACC NRi AP6031639 (A) SOURCE CODE., UR/0240/66/000/009/0067/0071 AUTHORs ropov, T, A**t Epqhtoa~ _L It.; Berazin,, lo P6 ORGs Listituto of General and Flinicipal Ilygiono Im, As He Sysin't MV SSS.1 (Institut obahchoy I kommunallnoy g1glyany AMN SSSR); State Institute of Oncology im. 1. A. Gortson (Gosudarstvennyy onkologichaskiy institut); institute of Exporl- mental and Surgical Apparatus and Instrumontaq lbsco%-(Institut 6"rimentaltnoy and khirurgichookoy appAratury I instrumontov) TITIZ: Electroanalytic method of studying the speed of oxygen connumption-11n. tissues In vivo In a sanitary-toxicological experiment SOURCEs Giglyena I annitariyas no. 99 19669 67-71 TOPIC %WSj eleatroAnAlyele, oxygen coneumption* raev histology# tox1oology ABSTRAC,rs -The:'e'leictf6analytic 6thod of studying p02 in the tissues 0 Ja living organism has been proven to be a sensitive test affiltated with the determination of the WC (maximum per- missible concentration) of a series of tissues. Experiments were conducted with white rate: in one group, a water solution,' of! '-,2)4*diiiitrophenol (DNPH) with a'concentration of 1/2 LD50 (11.5 mg/kg) was injected in the course of 80 days; in the second group the same dosage of DNPH was injected once; the thirAllgroup was the control and received no injection. A specially constructed organic glass chamber which supplied 100% oxygen at a rate of 5 A/min, ihus allowing a full ex- I chang4i of the air with respired 00 , was esed. An electronic self-recording potentiometer (YeR49),studied.the oxygenic xc NR,"AA031639- co~~aition in th-tiesues. The*follow'ing 'coefficient a were :used to analyzeethe results: X, represented the relationship 'of the maximal force of the current to the original force and also the degree of disturbance of the tissue after oxygenic f stress., and X represented the relation of the current at%;,%'O, and 180 seconds after the first supply of a oxygen. Analysis of the data showed that a.single inoculation of DUPH produced a significant reduction in the saturation of ygen In muscles, and increases oxygen consumption. In ox -.-~Adition, a more severe experiment was conducted by applying arterial gaskets to the limbs and then inoculating DNPH. 'Analysis of this method also showed that a single inoculation Of DXPH produces a significant increase-(43%) in 02 consumptiono It was concluded that the electroanalytic method permits corre- lation of respiratory intensity in intact muscles of living organisms and expression of respiratory kinetics by a constant' of reaction speed. This method of registering 02 consumption In living tissues can also be used in tracing the effect of a small dose of MM over a long period of time, 121 0; SUB CODEs 06 / SUBM DAM OMM6 ORIG RZFs 010 OTH REFt 002 2 VSHTITN, I. Sh. IOcuplets classification of real conto sections In an extended Werbollo surface, lavoy"suohebosave; rat, no.1:234-243 160, (MIRA l3t6) .I* Taroslavskly pedagogioheekly institut. (Geometry, Non-Dualidean) FaKEYN, I'Sho ---------- Conformal circular trWformtions in a Lobachevskii plane. Uch. zap. IAr. goa. pod, inst. tio.34:325-338 160. (MIRA 15:9) (Gemetry, Descriptive) EPSHT.EYN. I.Sb. Qua&ic curves on an axtended Lobachevokii conic sections. DAL na nauch. konf. 1 (Curves) (Conic sections) plans represonted no.3-.136-3-40 162. (MIRA as 16ag) SKOPETS, Z.A.; EPSHTEYN, I.Sh. R?.presentation of the motions ofa Lobachevskii space on a Moblus plans. Dokl. na nauch. konf. 1 no.3sl2l-124 162. (MM 16:8) (ProJeotion) (Geometry, Non-Euclldean) _yr4, 1. BEMSLAVSKIT, A. V. XPSHTSLU, I. IA. 21 ussR (6oo) 4. Grinding and Polishing 7. Experience with the introduction of diawnles dresRing on tooth-grinditg and groove-grinding machines. Stan. i Inats. N 152. 9. MQntbl!r IjW 91 kesi Accesslogs, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. JIPSHTSYN, I.Ya Inzh. Autonatic control of the electric driving on scoop chains and dragline shunting winches. lzv,v7B,ucheb.zav.; gorahur. no.6197-103 ' 58. (WRA 12tl) 1. Lenine.Tadekiy orM7 institut. ~Hinlng macbiner7--Zlectric drive) (Automatic control) EPSHTEYN, CANo TECH Solt fat OF THE 1. YA.9 PROBLEM Of AUTOMATING THE-RA61C MECHANISMS OF A MULTI- BUCKET DREDOle" LENINGRADt 1959s tMIN OF HIGHER ED USSRt LENINGRAD ORDER or Le"IN AND ORDER or LABOR RED BANNER MIN INST Im G* Vo PLEXHANCV)o (KLI 2-61, 214). '3CA V. -205- Yl I . Yr, ,inzh. "DoterminIng the resiatanct3 to -irrrement of a in Ora,,~.!coly; gor.delo no.2:11&152 159. 0-112,', 12:7) 1. Preeletwrlena 1--fadroy -t--orny*-:h -ashin Loniwradsko?7o rryrn.-Y:n inciti- tuta im, GeV# Plekbanove. (RxcqvntlnG manhinery) 'XPSHTZ!N, I*Y&., insh. Regulating the Insensitive zone In control system of multibucket excavating machines* Sauch, dokl. vyV. shkoly; gor. del* no.1:135-137 159. (MiU 12 -.5 i l.Prodstavlona Wedrey gorney slaktratekhnik.1 loningradakago g.Ornogs, instituts, Im, G.V. Plakhanava. (3xcavating machinery) (Automatic control) E.PSOTeYN, 1-ye- YEPSHTErymp T. YE. 2. ussR WO) 4. Plastics 7. New nozzles for making plastic tubes. Stek. i her. 9 no. 9, 1952. 9. MonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. 3-58-7-18/36 AUTHORSt Litsial H#A. and Epshtsyn, I.Ye., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dotsent ---------- TITLE: - Engineering Knowledge to Teachers of Basic Sciences of In- dustrial Production (Uchitelyam osnov proizvodstva - inzhe- nernyye znaniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 7, PP 5s-6o (usn) ABSTRACT: A scientific methodical conference called by the Rizhaki pedagogicheskiy institut (The Riga Pedagogical Institute) jointly with the Ministry of Education of the Latvian SSR de- bated measures to improve the polytechnical education of future teachers. The conference proposed replacing the state examina- tion of teachers in special industrial disciplines, by the 'presentation of a diploma project on a given subject. The numt, ber of hours for teaching industrial drawing must therefore be increased. ASS00=0NI XWSUrAVO YMNYesh Idhenlya Iatviyokoy SSR (ministry of Ifteafton't 10tvien SSR) Card 2/1 EPSHTEYW., - L". - I.. a prodUcticM 0~ gr8de- scouriq ani pe'sling Alichina is t~ 19 t62, . Using the ZShN _ 1 28 no.8sl8- Ag ( five pearled barley, MUK.-Olev. promo MRA 1712) rovs1cogo kombinat4L kh1abOproduktove 1. GlavnyY inzho Dnepropet VOTWI, L., insh. mxwMwIwMw*O'4'- Continuous scouring and pealing machine. Muk.-slev prom, 23 no.9:28 3 157. iMIRA 10:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskir kruposavod No-17 (Grain-ailling machinery) ZPSRnYN. L., inshener. Hulling bran is being loaded Into rnilroad care by mschiae. Muk.-slev.prom. 21 no.7:24,Jl 157. (Milk 10:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy krupomod No-17. (Loading ond unloading) (Grain mt1Un--By-prcd=ts) L 29332-66 PLP LQZ! ACC NP, AP5023012 SOURCE CODEI UR/0029/65 ib_ 6 AUTHOR: Epshfeyns L. (Professor, Doctor of technical sciences) ORG: none TIT11., Is cavitation always harmful? SOURCEt Tekhnika - molodezhl,, no. 8, 1965, 5-6 TOPIC TAGS: cavitation, marine engineering, propeller blade ABSTRACT; The principles of cavitation are discussed and Its adverse effects cited. The development of cavitation during operation at high rates of speed Is unavoidable and all measures to prevent It have been unsuccessful. Cavitation led to the discovery of super- c-avit"at-ion-whi-(~h,_ in turn, inspired the Russian scient1st_V.L.Poz,',r- unin to design s~p-e-re-a-v-it&tiorr-propellez-a-. The shape oil th-e.;" ~propell- er Flades cauoos rapid development of a cavity that-closes-behind-_ the propellerj-"While the simultaneous decrease in resistance and lifting force make It possible to develop a sufficiently high effi- ciency. Supercavitation conditions set in at speeds of 10 to 100 m/sec or highe,.~,, Noise, vibration, and erosion at lower speeds can be eliminated by pumping air in the cavities. Thus, despite,its . I A) %, L 29332-66 ---f-ACC NR, AP5023012-` harmful effects, cavitation might eventually find ueeful application, as have other harmful physical processes In the past. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20,131 SUBM DAM None If Kolebanlia kruglogo tailindra v viazkoi zhidkosti. (K voprosu o kachke). 21 p., diagrs. (TSAGI. Trvdi, no. 233). S - in Ger- Moskva, .1935. umx1ai-( ma n . Title tr.: Oscillations of a round cylinder in a viscotis fluid. (On the question of pitching. "911X65 no. 233 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Cong,ress, 1955 EPSHTEY14, Leonid Abramovich "Some New ExperlmntRl Opinions on the Phenomenon of Sliding." Dokl. Ali' SSSRI 26, No.8. 1940 Central Inst. Aero-Hydrodynamics Im. Zhukovskiy, Moscow (---, .4'. il EpshiTEIII, L. A. Novye eksperim,entallnys materialy po elissiroventiu ploskikh plas- tinoke Moskvap 1940, (TSAGI. Trudy no. 508) Title tr.: New experimental data on planing of flat plates. NCF SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955- WWW-WWWW---- I ? 4f. I If ILI 12 0 w 0lp a a It f) IS 36 v _PW A IL I ILI AlAft" -A 4 1 - k ~ k it 1 -4 A 0 0 A.*- -00 00A 09. .0 00 c i -04 ISM Lum. zfwv. too, IL ova i-4113, kum Wm *"* and t4aber Ne tak-ste tw an olkyA ood temed for wo In ewttk hest"s (Mwflnl: NO 000 types rm liatwo"IM7. 009 0 800 200 goo Coo 400 400 1000 use iw~ dot off u III- 1 N 91 1 V jR a OT to 0 a it 0ofa 0 0 0 010 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "I ~,; else 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 :0 'e~,5,x EPSIVIEN, L. A. Masshtabnyi affekt voln i bryzU.., obrazuemykh glisairuiushchimi sudam. Mloskva., 1940. 32 p. , illus. (TSAOI. Trudy, no. 469) Title tr.: Scale effect of wa-Ves and spray generated by planing hulls. NCF SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation inthe Soviet Union, Librar-y of Congress', 1955. EPSWEIN, L. A. Ustoichvost' glisairovaniia gidrodamolatov i glisserov. Moskva, '19)110 (TSAGI. Trudy, no* 500) Title tr.: Stability of planing of hydroplanes and flying boats. NCF SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955- EPSHTEMI, L. A. "On the Possibilities of a Theoretical Study of Cavitation as a Motion of a Special Kind of Compressible Fluid.$" Dokl. AN SSSRs 49, No.6. 1945 Central Inst. Aero-Hydrodynamiceim. H. Ye. Zhukovskiy., Moscow EPSHVIIIJ. L. A. 1, .fe. Z,qukuv;;kiy Central Aerohidrodjumic Inst. (-1946-) N IrThe Formation and Development of Undimensional Cavitation Strcams." Iz. Ak. Nauk, Utdel Tekh. Nauk, No* 5) 1946 EPSHTEYN, L. A. "On the Negative Pressures and.Cavitation in Fast-Flowing Water,n Zhur. Tekh, Fiz.j 16, No.6. 1946 Hydmetynamics Lab.., Central Inst. Aerohydrodynamics 1-0- . 4~~ EPSM111, L. A. 0 kriteriiakh ustoichivosti pri starte gidrosanoletov. (Tekhnika vozdusbnogo flota, 1940, no. 6,, p. 26-32, diagrs,) Title tr.: Criteria of stability of seaplanes during take-off. TL50h.T4 1940 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955o EPSHTEM6, L. A. "on the Vork of the Ideal Supercavitating Screw Propeller," Inzhen. Sbor.., Vol. q.. pp 19-26., 1951 Gives critical review of followirc: "on the Theor". the Ideal Cavitating Propeller.," A..M. Basin, Dok AN SSSR, Vol 49,, p 57o, 19K50,fand "Theory of the - Ideal Cavitating Propeller.," V. 14. Lavrentlyev, Dok ANT SSSR, Vol 50, p 89, 1945. Discusses certain questims on theory of ideal supereavitating screw propeller. Submitted 17 June 1950, 257T51 IFSETAT11, L*A*, doktor tekhn.nauk. Propeller Interaction on matiple shaft ships, Sudostroenle 24 no.lt6-9 A 158. (MIR& 11:2) (Propellers) . EPSHTEYN, L.A. (Mookva) -, . .1 Motion of an inclined plate beloW a free surfacto Prikle mat. i mekho 27 no.4t735-738 il-Ag '63. (MIRA 16:9) , (Ilydrodyr",aice) UdTg'~),_ 1. A. (Moscow) "Formation and Develolment of Cavitation." report presentia at the First All.-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. EFA (b) IW~1~ A"I-10041 M S lrn,'. 1- I -POM Cy*n, L, A. (Mascow) TITU t Motiin of a tilted diao undei, a free surface Ylrl~2.qdnaya inntenntika i wkhardka, v. 77, no. 4, 1963, 735-71F Tr'F Itilted dice, incompressible f3uld, jet method, conforrnl r1,-TTdrr The nuthor considers the plane problem of determining the rnotioyi of' a ir und(-r the mmfece of an ideal, weightless, I.neom-pressible fluf(I of Infl- t 11-~ ntnterent of the rToblem closely corrOSTOnds to the cpse (if notion cf cl~s-c for loreei Frud numbers. For the solution he applies the nethods of let theor771ord the usunl co".lex variable conformal mops. Orig. art. hast 24 forrmlas and 8 f1gvres. P-SS 001 ATI C V -. none :SUPITITIEDs 10Mnv63 DATE AGQt 15tug63 RIM 00:; SUB COM IrT, PH Card IA NO M SOVI 003 OT E-9 R iMO, HTEYN. L 0 inshil POLYAWVAO Lt. inzh, NGP-2K WM-centrifugal. machine on activibration mountings, From. stroi. i Inzho soor. 5 noo5t27-28 S-0 163. (KM l6r12) TACC N'Rt (1,1) AUTHOR: Epshteyn, L. A. (Moscow) ORG: None I SOURCE CODE: uR/042l/66/aoo/005/0078/CQ8l TITLE: On the minimum cavitation number and width of the cavity in plare and axisym- metric channels SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 5, 1966, 78-81 TOPIC TAGS: cavitation, fluid flow, cavity flow ABSTRACT., 7he author studies the width of the cavity behind a bcdy in plane and axisymmetric channels. Formulas are given for calculating the =inimu- cavitation number and also for finding thevidth of the cavity as a function of the cavitation number.and the ratio of the transverse dimensions of the body in the channel. The results are given in the form of graphs and compared with data in the 11terature. Satisfactory agreez~ent is observed in the region of maximum cross sectional areas of the cavity. The,diecrepancy increases with a reduction in the cross se.,tional area reaching koproximately 12% when S=O, i. e. when the walls of the channel are removed to infinity. This contradiction is due to the differences in the computational schemes used. Curves are given shoving the effect*of the channel walls on the width of the cavity, with the ratio of the width in the channel to that in an unbounded 1/2 ACC NRs fluid being laid off along the y-axis while the cav-Ltation number is plotted along the x-axis. It is found that the width of the cavity increases as that of the channel is reducedfor plane and circular channels with bodies of identical size and identical cavitation numbers. No matter how distant the walls, the area of the center section of the.cavity behind a body in a channel is twice as great at the same minimum cavi- tation number as that of the'center of the cavity behind a body in an unbounded fluid. This effect is briefly discussed and a physical explanation is given. Orig. art. has: 6 figuress 13 formulas. .SUB CODE: 20/ BUBM DATE: 27Jan66/ ORIG REF: 002/, OTH REF: 001 Ca*rd 2/2 I--,---- ---, ---- &SHT,71'9, Lev Abramovich- - PLASTICS - --- ~!~rm IL . , - - -- 19 ------- - - * - 011963 MECTRIG INSULATMS ZPSHTEYNI T,.A. Juvenil.6 mathematics school at the Karelian Pedagogical rnatituts. Uch, sap. Kar, pod. inst. 1403-78 163. (Knu 17:3) a ~2 A 3 r 4 is r! 1 4 r F- PS 14 I It. 1 -4 1 r E: YN A: 60-- , 19*ct W AV on polik sect"Isses, A. M. OrAl 1. 0. its. UM Ovistf. W%rmifw~ ta.141. M, 1110- 41 go 43,VV - --,; . 1witom"ll tot 3 6 - ~1 , 00 a vVilit irst 4vd the mme kito A4 th u ih 0 s. e p pp the or of.1 mon maJ cipsamily W l(MR1 (RIA, loraj, nwal) 1110411MV41 a I i htl y vks, g arralff y1fififily of 161104. ?111tv (V" 61g. of 1%% i a strairt I's-retfitmor fit "61 fesithir, Sivalf-f at'Wilt am (11grillive P.Wrl #4 Ow jvlke~ III lite vou"Swo I'mis 11V 1104 the OW 4 J11 III- pi" thl' lk1k%J 4-1 %MVIIIIII 4 With tki of tile AM hr t th i . e r tts a rMIL. wirtion mm" advatteirti; alM the hwrngw irs Ignotit- *rmlicm twomp Is tot the thild hitin i 6 m AstvUll vilt t lc gladimi, Ow 111-m %vtf fit its tile vitletj ptlfw4m S. Voww"t -0 g if Is "Tta"Of CIISIWK,11~ U IF to ~ o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o go 0 0 * o 0 0 0 V 0 g, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 000 0 g is - - 0 000 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 004 0 0 fnEREIN, L.G, Nutrition and regimen ip b,*potropby. Topr. pediat. 20 no.4:32-33 July-Aug 1952. (OLKL 23:2) 1, Oandidate Medical Sciences. 2, Of the Children's ClWot Gorlkly State Medical Institute tuent S. N. lir~oy (Director -- Docent P. V. Kravohenko; Head of Olinto -- Prof. 7, D. Agafonov) attached to the Physiological Division of Gor1kiy Oblast Scientifio-Hosearch Pediatric Institute (~ireotor - A. A. Prokoflyeva; Soientific Supervisor Prof. 7. D..Agafonov). 4 STULIYX L.A 8MCNOVAo O.N.j BUTSIKAj LoKep kando med* nauk; KRIVUBOXOT, (Kryvobokov); VOIMWOV, B.M. [Voloohynov, B.M.3, dotsent BICHKOVSKIYO V N [Byahkovalkyi, V.11.1 ciazaent; POKOTILDVA, V.Yu. [Pokotylova, V: lul; KOLESNIKOV, G,F. [Kolesnykov H.F.); ""TATKIS, L.S;J SAVOSTIYANOVA, S.I.; ME, D.D. LBrynp D.D.J; MATVET.,21KO, Yo. . (14atviianko, IE.A.1; ERCNZ,, L.M.; YEPSHTEYN, L.G. [Axjhtein, 1.1ij, kand. mod. nauk;.SHUMOVICH, L.A. (Shakhnovych, L.A.]"".. Annotations and authors' abstracts* Pediat. aku3h. ginek. no.3: 31-34 163 (MIRA 17 CO 11 Kharlkovskiy naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany mate- trinstva. i detstva (for Stuliy). 2. Kafedra detskikh bolezne .7 Odesokogo meditsinskogo instituta (fnr Safronova). 3. Ukra~n- skiy institut okhrany materinstva i detstva (for Butstka). 4. Detskiy sanatoriy dlya rekonvalestsentov ot tlibeikulezn0go moningitap Kiyerp Puahcha-Voditaa (for Krivoboko*). 5. DetAacaya klinika Ivano-Frankovskogo meditainakogo instituta (for Volo- shinov). 6. Kafedra detakikh infektsionnykh bolezney Kryms I.-ogo meditainskogo instituta (for Bichkovskiyp Pokotilova). 7. -h- stitut infektsionnykh bolezney Kiyev ( for Koleanikov), 8.',Iarl- kovskiy oblastnoy detskiy dom Noel (for Zlatkis, Savostlyanova# Brin, Matveyenkj). 9. Kafedra pediatrii Kiyevskogo med4' lAnUtoft (for Bronz) 16iKafedra fakulltetakoy pediatrii Gorikovskol-,,o med, instituta (for Yepshteyn). 11. 2-ya do tska bollnitsa She-mlien- .kovskogo rayons. g. Kiyeva (for Shakhnovichr. VSM!XYN. L._#._ Zooplankton of Onega Bar and Its importance in the nutrition of herring and fish fry, Hat, po kompl.izuoh.Bal.mor. no.1015-34 '5?. (KmA lots) l.Belomorskaya bialogicheskmya stantsiya Instituta biologii .1arellsko filWa AN SSSR, ronegm lay--Zoopls~nkton) (Onega Bay-Herring) (Fishas-Food) - VSHMS. L.K. - - MOMMI Zoopla&ton In the mouth of the White Sea at the wepitern co"t of the Kanin Peninsulai Hot* po komploisuch.Bel.mor. no.1:350-354 '57. (KLU 1018) l.BelomorskAya biologichaskaya stantsiya Instituta biologii Karellskogo filiala AN OSSR. (Kanin Peninsula--Zooplankton) GREYSUKH, M.V.; YERMILOV., A.A.; ZALESSKIYp YU.Ye.; KAZYNOV, A.A.; KATSEVICH, L.S.; KIRPA~ I.I.; KIREYEVO M.I.; KRYAZEVSKIY, B.A.; KOFMAN., K.D.1 KRZHAVANIK, L.V.; XUZNETSOV, P.V.; MOFDZOV, K.S.j RkKOVICHp I.I.; RYABDVv M.S.; SVENCHAMKIYp A.D.; SOKOLOV,, M.M.; SYCHEVj, L.I.; TVERDIN, L.M.; KHEYFITS9 M.E.; SHULDVVp Ye.V.; APSHMU111,1M~SHCHEGOLIKOVp Ye.I.; TSAPENKO, Ye.F.1 FEDOROVp A.A., glav. red.; SERBINOVSKIY, G.V.9 .red.; BOLISHAM y Ya.M., red,; BRANDENBURGSKAYA, E.Ya.,, red.; TVERDIN, L.M., red.; FRIDKIN, L.M., tekhn. red. [Handbook for power engineers of industrial enterprises in four volumes] Spravochnik energetika, promyshlennykh pred- prilatil, v chetyrekb tomakh. Moskva, Gosenergoisdat. Vol.2. (Electric-power supply (conclusion), use of electric power and electrical equiplent in some branches of industry) Elektrosnabzhenie (okonchanie), priemniki elektroenergii i alaktrooborudovanie nekotorykh otramlel promysblennosti. Pod obahchei red. A.A.Fedorova (glav. red.), G.V.Serbinomakogo i IA.M.Bollshama. 1963. 880 p. (MRA 16:7) (Power engineering-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) ~ (Electric power distribution) YAROSLAVSKII, N.G. Lw%-wave infrared'spectra (400-20 Wl) of diphemyl iodonium salta. Dokl. AN SSM 149 =44065-868 Ap 163. (KMA 1613) 14 Hookovskiy gosudaretyennyy wiiversitet im. Lamonosova. Predstayleno akademikom. A.K.Nesmeyabovym, compounds-Absorption spectra) NESMEYANOVV A N ; PS111'EYN, L. M.; ISAYLVA, L. S.j TDISTAYA, T. P.; KAZITSiNAO, L. . Infrared spectra of dlphenylhalo onl= and trlphenyl oxonium salts in the region 400-750 cm-'. Izv AN SSSR Ser Khim no. 4: 613-618. Ap. 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvenny7 universitat im. H. V. Lomonosova. EPSIrIETT, L. S. gBshteyn I L* S' and Zwloinqev, V. M. - "The effect of tho aneltirip procens In an induction Drnace (colllnnn) on the phyalc~-l properllas of Tradlur-carbon stec-1," Trucly Tsentr. llauch.-isnlod. In-ta (1-1-vo smlo~-troit. prom-sttll SSOM), No. 6, 1948, p. 35-30. SO: U-3850, 16 June. 53, (Letopis 1.Zhurnal. 'Nrkh Statev, No. 5t 1949). UsEnymo,.ig an -- &~JL lugrad)~ Determining variation coefficients for maximum intensities in the calculation of storm sewers* Vod. lian. tekh. no.5:15 My 160. (XIRA 13:10) (sever design) 1 Up L*To; GLADILIN# P*M& z - - Placiag asphalt concrete dor, 10 to-7313-14 il-Ag on a stabilized ground bass. Strol. 147. W= 6:12) (Road construction) T-7 A" ILIZATIOn Of "I Mal Shl ram, 11.!.' ~ . "(-0l , Jan. 19%, 2-24). Coal, fu lpbw am aha2a In m1ne re so mv COUSO.Sportaneour. c(ritu'Um CM 11SWOMUnO OYd I P, O= I IPS, ' Swe of Mc., r-", tcrial r" Inirg is partla2l$ blinkered and haM, in Donbass, tho heat cums M 3 anthrnita CAM coal minam. It 1:1 used ull unjer; ly rbel'm foundation of flotor mvj'~ Insteal of Nanil ut, crw'mi atcr 3. Fuel Abstruotis June 19A PI YANKOV, A.A.; IPSHTAYN, L.Y., Moscow region sanatoriums.. Vopokur., fixtoter. i lach.fis.kullt. 22 no.2:69-70 Mr-Ap '57. (MIRA 1121) 1. Zemestitell nachallnilm Hoskovskogo territoriallnogo upravle- nlya (for Plyankov). 2. Glavnyy vrach sanatorlya "Peredalkino" (for lpshtsyn) (MOSCOW PROVINCI -4mAiTH Rasaus, WATERING PLACES, ETC.) .PSMIZ-fil, L. YA'. Epshteyn,, L. Ya. - "Orthorvdic treatment of ixreparable paralysis of the radial nerve ard of.ischomic'contractures., 11 Tn sylipositn: VIII Seessiya Neyrokhirurg. soveta i Lanlhgr. in4ta noyrolichirurg-il,, (Akad. med. nauk SSS:Z), Iloscorr, 19481 p. 28547 SO: U-3600, 10 July 53, (Lotopis'Zhurrial Irqkh Stateyj No. 6, 1942). AUTHOR i TITLEz PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Epshteyn, L. Ye. SOV-12-90-4-6/22 About the Article by F.Ya. Kirin on Topics of Economic ago- .graphy (Po povodu stat'i F.Ya.Kirina o predmete ekonomichaskoy geografii)- Izveatiya, Vse soyuznogo geo raficheskogo obshchestva, 1958, Vol 90, Nr 4, pp 351-355 MSR) The above mentioned article was published in "Uohenyye zapiskill of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Geographic Society of the USSR, Nr ~ (1957), by F.Ya. Kirin. 'lie author does not agree with his definition of the economic. geography. There are 10 Soviet references. 1. Geography--USSR Card 1/1 69034 S/097/6o/ooo/ M/010/M7 /Y. 00 AUTHORt .A%sh &Xg. ~Yz Engineer TITLE: Relationship Between Strength of Steel blark 30KhG2S and .the Temperature of Heating PERIODICA Ls Baton i zholezobston, 1960, Nr 11 P 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 21 ctro thermic method of pretensioning of reinforced coneret;Tconstructions is widely used, In Tula Mechanical Institute tests were carried out to establish properties of strength of steel mark 30KhG2S subjected to hiating and subsequent cooling. For this purpose 250 mm long samples were *elected from reinforcing steel of standard profile mark 30KhG2S of 14 mm diameter. These were hented to 200, 300, 4oo,.5oo, 6oo and 700*C and kept in the kiln . for 30 minutes and then cooled down to the temperature of the air. The time of keeping the reinforcement under the in- creased temperature in the kiln secured constant properties of steel. Cooled-down samples were tested on tearing machine UIM-50. Illustrated graph shows that the obtained curve has maximum corresponding to temperature of 2000, wh1ch can be explained by the process of strengthening of the steel during its "ageing". After the increase of tam- Card 1/3 p ,erature above 2000 the strength begins to fall. Temper- 69P34 S/097/60/000/01/010/017 Relationship Between Strength of Steel Mark 30KhG2S and the Temperature of Heating ature of 300 - 4000C does not cause decrease in the strength of relationship to initial condition, the curve indicates rapid decrease in strength commencin at a temperqtura above 4000. At a temperatFs up to 500 the limit of strength is equal to 72 kg/mm , up to 6000 78 kg/mm , and up to 7000 - 68 kg/mm . It follows that. at a temperature of 6000C the point of yield of the steel is reached at a stress of 60 kg/mm , that is the value of standard resistance for reinforcement from steel mark 30KhG2S. The point of yield of 2reinforcing steel when heated up to 7000C is 53 kg/mm , which is lower -than the standard resistance. Elastic properties of reinforcement became larger with increased temperature. In original condition the relative-elo In�ation was 60%, at 300* - 16%, at 5000 - 18% And 6oo 700 - 20%. Properties of steel samples after h 'eating in the kiln were also rechecked by heating using electrical current. Two 600 mm.long samples were heated up to 500 - 600*C. 2 After reaching 5000C the Card 2/3 limit of2strength was 80 kg/cm , and after reaching 6ooO 80 kg/mm V which corresponds with the illustrated graph. 69034 S/097/60/000/01/iDID/01 7 Relationship Between Strength of Steel Mark 30KhG2S and the Temperature of Heating The obtained results show that reinforcement from steel mark 30KhG2S, with regard to its strength ould be heated up to the temperature of not more than 5;OcC, but the result is excessively high plasticity and it is therefore recommended not to use higher temperature ofheating than 300 - 3500C. There is I figure. Card 3/3 2,51 '06: Sokolovskiy, P. 1. Golovin, S.A. TEI s 1i t eyTx, IY 0. Arono, R.G. nud Ynlwvleva, V. 3. ,1, 1T L E On the proble-m.of i ncreased strength of hard(ined Steel during 'tempering by passage of in clectron cirrent PE:1IODICAL: Fizika :netallov i metallovedeniyo, v.. 15, no. 3, 467 470 T EXT - It --Ixas---b'ec-,n---ostabl:Lshed- that steel tonipered t_y the of electrical cur _macb ricrior rent- has ianical ?ronertles svl to 11-11050 of steel tempered in a furnace. ?he cause of th-s gation carried out on steals 5 and 35rC (35GS). The expei-ini nts (teiisilr; t"ts, electrical.-resistance m easu rein ent s, deterrinntion of the temperature-dependence of internal friction) were conducted on wire speciniew; 14-run in.diameter, 450 mri long, quenchec~ from 0 , t furnac o 860 C lion tempered at various temperatures either in a pr_ by. passage __ of -_ an --- electric -current.-Tho r,,esults- are _reT:ro&iced graphicall In i~i-* 1, the UTS (o1 k-5/nim") yield point. ,/nim and 1 (o'- , e ongation steel 5 are plotted against T Card l/ /126/63/015/003/020/025 Oil 't 11 C. problem of .... rl93/.E383 t I I ct ellm cring - t. em-leratiare.- of specinens tampered im a fuxn----e k0 and 6 denote clon-ations i-.ieasured on a taure length of 5 10 5 and 10 m, respectively).- -Similar curves reproduced in ;7ig- 2 hiive been constructed for steel 5 :~pocivicns. tompered by t to of electric eugrent. In Fis. 5, the decrease in e-ectrical resistivity -Clmm C~ A0 of steel 5 is plotted angainst t te toi-.1perature, curves 1 and 2 relating to t o:.i,) c r (-, c! respectively, in,the furnace and by elect;lic Cul, 'Or-t. ia.iialiy, the temperaturc-dependonce of internal friction o ' St eel -7~5GS, tompored at 250 OC in the fux-naco (curve, .1) by p issaZo of oloctric current(curve 2) is elei-,-tonstrated ill 7. Conclusions - Im!)rOveme'nt in the inneolianical pro-pertics Of -,t eel tc-1:1perod by pas s a -rre of electric current call bo (-,;-plaitled i;-. tile f,)Ilov,ring i:ianner: electrical. tompering bring.,j about a gre,iter dec-roase in the electrical resistivity of the steel,_ wrhich. indi- cates that c.-,-rl)oii is moro c ompletely precij;itated from the martoi-j- site, w-hic.r. means that a lar.trer quantity of carbides is formed. in the saizio vay, tile increased vridth and height of the int ~rnal- f"iction peaks in electrically tempered stool indicates a Iiif-her Caret '2/4 n~ the problew-of concentration of Jisloca-tio-na, and.-- consequently, a--I-trge rnumber- of sources o relaxation.processes. There are 7 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Tullskiy mekhanicheskiy institut ( Tula Mechanical Institute S/126/63/0i5/63-1/020/025 SUWUTTED; May 2510 1962 ( initially ) E193/E383 September 25.,,1962-( after revision p. &h L14 A Card 3/4 - 7 On the problem F ig, - 5 SO CZ IF 41 FiS. 2: m (n Fig. 7: ~_4 D \~.l CN c0 ~.,l VI 4. r 7~ 4.1 :L jzo Card 4/4 il I-'- I - - 7. ! ~ 2 : , -- , -, *.-t. -4 1 ~ I ~~ ~. -~~ ~ 1 '1! ~ I ~ , " - , . , , ,". -I.-,- I I_,- .- -,. ~': ~ I . I V .- ~, , I z - . 11 1 , - .- I .. ~. - I ~ . '; . . I -. - . . . I .~ .. :.' ; * . . 2-- -, . - . ~ -I - . - -- AA--Sl!- FILE! Z-11 - Vt - - - ~, llt~rlli- I ., 1IJ L? , - I f ~ilal i e 1" 11 1 rl-T-- i L~ I.- ~; - -. : ~ -, - - i a VJII T ~a-,