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SOV/112-57-6-12921 Telemechanics in a Municipal Gas System explosion-proof type; a centralized power supply of pickups from the central dispatcher station it expedient, as well as transmission of telemetering signals via power-supply wires; (8) the telemetering system should permit an overall error of 2. 5% or less; (9) a dispatcher's telephone communication between the network regulating station and the central dispatcher station should use the same links as those used for telemetering and remote control, and the latter shauld be stopped during telephone conversations, A code-pulse binary tele- metering system is described in detail. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the binary code is formed directly by the primary measuring instrument whose pointer closes contacts in a binary bank. N.M.F. Card 3/3 1019, L.A. ?alee-code telemstering system In the gas Industry. (kz prom no. 7:16-20 J1 158. NIRA i117) keterivg) (Gas dMrhution) R IV, L R 0 CIV S 7 LL P. 0. Prof . "Courses in Soviot Neurosurgical Schools,," Vop. neyrokhirurg.,, No.5., 1947, All-Union Soc. of Neurosurgeons t;=141. 0.- - - ---- -- - Fmdin, P. 0. - ll'Lle treatnent of impaired nerve txwriks durirZ the Great Fatherland 'Jar. Results and coutingent problems," In srapositu.-.: VIII 3evslya Nleyrolkhlirurg. soveta i Leningr, in-ta niryrokilirugii, (Akad. rj.,d. nauk Mosco-,,r,, 1948, p. 227-34 so: u-36oo, lo ju3,y ;5-3, (Ietopis tZhurnal 'Tqkh Statey., No. 6., 191s9). MWINq doteent -----ftverience in givini aid to operating public bealth institutions, Zdrav. Roo, Feder. 4 no.9119-21 8 160. (mm 1329) 1."Iz kafedry organizataii sdravockhraneniya (sav. - dateent V,I, Win) Kazanskogo ixistituta usoverahenstvovaniya vraohey. (PUBLIC ~=~M) MCIN, V.I.p dotaentj GOROKHOVER# I.A.# otarahiy prepodavatell Advanced training for head physicians of hospitals and polyclinics. Zdrave Ross Federo 5 no, 209-41 F 161. (MIRA 3.4,.,2) (MEDICINE-4TUDT AND TEACHING) MMYNYUK,,Yu.V. [Mutyniuko JU.V.); EMINLO I.A. [Emdina, 1.0.3 Results of serological examination of various occupational groups of the population in western provinces of the Ukrain- ian S.S.R. and detection of sporadic cases of Q fever. Mila-o- biol. zhur. 25 no-4:13-18163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. LIvovskiy nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (WMINEj, WESTUA-Q YLVER) (SERUM DIAGNOSIS) SPIVAK, M.Ya.1 AROUDAr%VA# H,Aol NABIYEVq 9.0.1 CHISTOVICH, G.N.; RMINO M.I.; SEWW, M.ya,; KRUGLIKOV, V.M*; SHALINEVAt A.M.; TITROVA9 A,I,j RAY5199 B No; lalXAYZVA,, U.N.- BRUDNAYAJ, B.I.; GODINA,, I.F.; VOLIFSONO ;.I.; SOSOHKOO Ssmo; KOLESINSKAYA., L.A,; VYSOTSKIY, B.V.;,MALYKHo F.S.; MIROTVORTSEV, Yu.I.j SYCHEVSKrY, P,T.; GOPAGHENKOp I.M.S.KARPITSKAYA, VA; FETISOVAj I.A.; MARTYNYUK,, Yu.V.; IMINk, I.A. Annotations* Zhur, mikrotdol.9 epid. i iwmn. 40 no.3:128-131 Mr 163. (MM 17t2) 1. Iz lemerovskogo seditsinskogo inatituta i Kemarovskoy klinicheskoybollnitsy N6.3 (for Spivak, Argadayeva). 2. Ts Kazanskogo inBtituta wovershenatvavaniya vrachey imeni i4nina, (for Nabiyev)o 3. Is laningradakogo kozhnogo dispensers No. 1 (for Chistovich2 Rlylin). 4. Is Rostovsko3"r oblastnov sanitarno-opILdesiologi skoy stantaii for Semnov). 5. Is Stavropoll*ogo 1natituta vaktain i eyvorotok (for Krugliliov, Shallnevat Titrovap Raykiv). 6. In Kvybyshevskogo institute, '\'Gpidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny i TSentrallnogo insti- 'tuta usovershenstvavaniya vrachey (for MilMeva). 7. 1z Vsea,Q?uznogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo institute. zhelezno- dorashnoy gigiyerq 03Avnogo sanitarnogo upmvleniya Minis- ter&Vm putey soobahcheniya i Detakoy polikliniki st. LYublinO (Continued on next card) SPIVAK, M.Ya.---- (bontinned) Card 2. Mookovskoy shelesney dorogi (for 13rudna3ra, Godina). 8. Tz Vraohabno-saniUrnoy slushby SavernOy 2helesnoy dorogi (for Vollfson, Sooonkog-Kolooinskap), 9. Is Vladivootokskogo i~stituta opidemiologits mikrobiologii i gigiyeny i Primoriskoy krayevoy protivochuency stantaii (for Vysotekiy, Malykh, Hirotvortaev, Sycherskiy Gopachenko). 10. In raroslavskogo maditainskogo inatituta for Karpitakaya)o 11. Iz Aralmorskoy protivochumnoy stantaii lior Fetisova). 12. Ix Llvovskogo inBtituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny (for YirtynyA, EmcUna). Le,^, /) t , V, Q I t A , ( I ARUTYUNOVj V,Yam, prof,; BliRKOVICH. I#M., doktor medousuk; BUNINP K~Vso prof* YSLIKMBTSKIYO A.M., prof.-, GAMBURG. R.L., doktor med.nauk; GIASKO, U.K.; ZVYAGIY2SBVA, S.G., doktor med.nauk; IVlHSXhTA. A.M., neuk; XALUGIMA. A.M,; KAMIIUAYA-PAVLOYA, Z.A., prof. KYATER, Ye.I., prof.; NOLUNIX0, A.B., prof.; KOSSYURA. M.B., kand. mod.nauk; KHAVITS, N.M., doktor med.nauk; KRISTMAN, V.L. nauk; KRUZHKOV. V.A., dotsent; LIIMACHIV, A.G., prof.; LUKCMIY, I.G., prof.- MAMOVSKIY, M.D., prof.; ROZINTAL', A.S., prof.; SAMTSKIT, M.Ya.9[deceased], prof.; TURITSKIY, M.Ya.,; EMBINg., doteant;; SHABAUOV. A.M.. prof.; rods; NOW# Z#A&q red.; ZAKHAROVA, A.I., tekhooredo [Medical hamdbook for feldsheral Meditainskii sprevochulk dlia folidsherov. Izd. 6-os, perer. I dop. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo mad. 'it-ry, 1957. 899 P. (MIRA 10:32) (KIDIGINH--HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.) INA, S. 11. USSR/Engi=*riz* WsldWj7ftuiVwnt AVr 52 "Automatic Regulation of a Welding Transformer," S.M. Emidina, Cand Tech Scil See of Elec Welding and Electrothermics, Acad Sci UBSR - "Avtogen Delo" No 4, PP 3-6 Describes universal regulator which provides for const are voltage or welding current in case of line voltage variation. Design is based on prin- Iciple of regulating inductance of feeding system by gap control of oboke coil. Accuracy of main- taining initial dimeisions of welded seam As 5% for # 12% range of variation in power line volt- age. 212T29 UWA(etallurgy - Welding, ZqmiVwut J~a 52 "A.6gulator of Welding Rate for Objects of Cbmplax Shai~e," S.M. Madina, Cand Tech Sci, V.N. Kon&rab- tanko, Engr, Section of Elec Welding and Electro- thermy, Acad Sci USSR "Avtogen Delo" No 7, PP 13, 14 Briefly describes regulator designed on follow- lug basis- actual linear speed of vorkpiece o=- face is compared with driver speed and corrected so that difference of 2 speeds would tend to zero. Deviation of welding speed from given one causes change In voltage of 2 aelsyns operating as traw- f0mers. Voltage after amplification is fed tato 23M8 V.Orkpiece driving motor. System may be used In automatic welding of circular joints of variable ivdlua in cylindrical objects. Gives schematic diagram of regulator. 233T38 YWM...Lm.-, K I.TONO Regulating the speed of welding ring-Ilk* seams of products with complicated shape@. Trudy Bakto, po nanch. rasr&b. probl. slaktromy. i elaktrotera.AN SSSR no.1:123 153. MU 6:9) (Alootrio welding) fmpu, S.M. Automatio regulation of the food systes of a welding are operating under chang- Ing line voltage. Trudy Sekto. po nauch. rasrab. probl. slektroov. i elektro- torm.AN SSSR no-l--127 153- (HLRA 6:9) (Bleatric welding) DINA AID P - 4878 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/~ Pub. 107-a - 12/14 Author Emdina, S. M. Title Certain special features of foreign-make welding transformers. Periodical : Svar. proizv., 4, 28-29s Ap 1956 Abstract : The author briefly outlines some characteristic features of several foreign-make transformers, such as those made by the ARC Manufacturing Company, England, the Glen Roberts Company, USA, the Osaka Transformer Company, Japan,, Elgasvets A. B.,, Sweden, Philips, Holland, and others..-.She states that domestic-make welding trans- formers are technically equal to foreign-made ones, noting also that in the majority of cases Russian trans- formers with the same power have smaller weight than the foreign makes. I Svar. proizv., 4, 28-2go Ap 1956 Card 2/2 Pub. 107-a - 12/14 Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 4878 ATMIALYAN, B.G.; KONSTANTINOV, V.I.; KOMAROV, V.I.; 1APSHIN, N.S.; SIMONOV, A.F.; TOVS',OLES~ POVOW01KOr V.K., prof., rod.1 KHRUSTALEVA, N.L. rod.; M(OYJIC-VA, S.S... tokhn. rod. [Methodology for solving general electrical engineering problemall-lotodika resheniia zadach po obahchei elektrotekh- nike. (By] E.G.Atamalian i dr. Pod red. V.K.Ponomarenko. Moskva) Vyeshaia shkola', 1962. 167 PO (KRA 15:12) (Electric engineering) mzt f. 'The Neebanization of our Sugsr,43eet ProduationO p;,12 IRA Now Agricultural Naabinew po 12 'AA Now Industrial Plant, the Pirstr=w p. 12 (0110k LAWAP Vol* 5p No. 21, Noverber# 1953, Budapest) East European Vol. 3. NO 1954 List of Accenniom of 2ongresep Y S03 Mo -!/ vLibraz7 ;: - Awab Uncla - 1. 2M2, T. HPossibilitiso of Innovations in Cotton Growing* p. 12 wUseful Innovations in Veterinary hacticem P. 13 *The ProsecutorIx Office In also supervising the lep3Aty of Handling Innovation VattersO P. 14 One Fight against Backwardness and IrresponsibilityN p. 14 NA Textb-mk for Officials in Charge of InnovationsO P. 15 NUoInnwations in the Divatasarnok' P. 15 'Th6 Third Natimal Innovators Imbibition in Szeged" p. 15 *The Panel of the Plan of Technical and Organizational Measures at Budapest Trucking Enterprise No. 50 p. 15 "An Imbibition of Medical Inotruments" p. 25 (UjjUk 12W&O Vol. 5t No. 22y November, 1953, Bmiapest) East European Vol. 3 # No. 3 1954 So., Kon~ List of Accessional.Library-of Congress., March Uncl- LWCZ, TI. "Let Us Grow Volatile Oil Plants", p. 14 "The Aid of Soviet Science to Our Agriculture", p. 14 nPoison Ivy Growing", p. 15 "Production of Consumer 0oodA in Metallurgy and the Machine IndustrT," p. 15 1114ass Electrical Products", D-- 15 "Hungarian X-ray Automo'biles",.p. 15 "Reduction of Building Costs". p. 15 (UJITOK LAPJA. V01. 5, no. 21, Dec. 1953, Budapest, Hungary). Scurce: Monthly List of East European Accession-R. LC, Vol. 3. no. 5, May 1954/Uncl. Prospective economic results of the new agricultural proceedings. p. 13. (Ujitok lapja, Budapest, Vol.6, no. 23, Dec. -1954.) SOt Monthly Ust of Fkat European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. An. 1955,Uncl. EMECZq T. Agricultural research starts in our country with Soviet isotopes. p. 8. UJIMK LAPJAI Vol. 7; No. 7. April 1955 (082agos Talalmanyl Hivatal) Budapest SOUR.-A,': eAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST Vol- 5, No. 1 September, 1956 EMECZ I T. Current problems with pasture management. p. 12 (AIIP-4 Cazdavag. Vol. 8, no. 3, Mar 1957, Hungary) SOt Monthly List of FAst European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. 37983 S/137/62/000/005/116/150 Aoo6/Aioi HORS: Kerimzade, A. S.,Z:ET~. ~B.M TITLE;: On the limited durability of metals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metal lurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 97, abstract 51595 C'Dokl. AN-AzerbSSR", 1961, v. 17, no. 9, 779-783, Azerb.; Russian summary) A new method Is described of determining the limited durability of metals; this method is distinguished by the low amount of time consumed for te&ng 2-3 specimens in a speeded-up way. It is based on the testing of standard specimens to circumferential plain bending with continuous increasing amplitude of alternating stresses (at a constant rate of loading), It was established that the "power versus time of stress effect" dependence curves obtained by testing medium-carbon steels, may be replaced by a parabola with < 3% error in the value of plastic work. A formula is derived to determine the service-life index of the metal: [n (6 ax..- 6 )3/3 k 62.(. - 02] M w w Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/005/116/150 On the limited durability of metals A006/A101 where N is the number of'cycles, which the specimen wiihstands at stresses over 6~,; depending on S~, of the metal, cyclic strength limit 6. ,ax, coefficient of overload m, loading rate k, and the number of cycles per minute, n. Service-life curves are presented, plotted with the aid of the equation derived from data of testing 40 Y ()*U) and 2OXH (20KM) grade steel. It is shown that 20KM steel has a shorter service-life than 40U steel; this is confirmed by experience in operating depth-pump rods manufactured of this steel. There are It references. A. Romanov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 EMIDESH, F.S., insh. r~ 40~41 "Wowam~t! 0 Mechanization and modernization of cupola furnaces. )kshinoetroitell no.10:3-5 0 159. (NIRA 13:2) (Cupola furnaces) SOV/1 M-59- 10-18/24 AUTHORz Emelidesh, P.S., Engineer TITLE: Mechanization of Electric Melting Furnaces Type DCh-1110- and DemaIg PERIODICALs Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 10. p 44 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author states that the electric furnaces of type DCh-10 and Demago which are used at the Gor1kovskiy avtozavod (Gor'By Auto- mobile Factory) lack a mechanism in their original cons"ruction for turning the channel which takes the melted cast iron. Fig.1 shows a mechanism which eharges the steel briquettes into the fur- nace. Fig.2 shows a mechanism for lifting and lowering the door of.the loading window. There are 2 diagrams. Card 1/1 AMIMSH, NOS.$ Insho Automatia unit for the distribution of the molding mixture* Mashinostroitell no.4:19 Ap 160. (MM 13W (Toundries-3quipment and supplies) .EMIDASH, its- Mandatory technical training of workers. Blul.takh.-ekoninfom no.lo:69 16oe Offu 13: 10) (Gorkiy-Antomobile Wustry) IMBLIDYM, 3P.8., insh. 144chanizati6n of auxiliary operations at electric furnaces. Mekh'A avton.proliv, 14 no,lt27 Ja 160. (NIRk 13:~) (Ilectric furnisces-r-T"cbnological, inn6vations) Q%L ~DESH ~ F.S. Casting aluminm -blocks In proumatio - chill.-casting machineq.. Biul. UWkro*on, infoim. Goo. nau~-h.-is sI, ins t. nauch. i no,9:27-29 162, (MIIIA'15:9) '-(Diecasting) s/i93/62/ooo/oi2/002/004, Aoo4AIO1 AUTHOF,: Fmel'desh F. S TITLE: Producing magnesium cast iron by the "double modification" method PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-okonomicheakoy inforatsii, no. 12, 1962, 27 29 TEM The smelting of magnesium cast iroW by the rdouble modification" method at the foundry of the Gor'kovskiy avtomobil'nyy ;avod (Gor'kiy Automobile Plant) is carried out in the ACH-3.09N-3) arc furnace of 7-ton holding capaal- ty, the technical specifications of which are presented by the author. Magmesium: cast iron for crankshafts of the "Volga" car is produced by adding magnesium to the liquid metal in the pressurized autoclave. -The chemical composition of the.,:. cast iron prior to modification (in %) and after modification in brackets - is shown as followsi Carbon 3-3 - 3.6 (3-0-- 3.4), silicon 1-7 2.0 (2.0 - 2.25), manganese 1-15 - 1-3 (1-15 - 1-3), phosphorus up to 0.1 (up to 0.1), sulfur up I to 0.002 (up to 0.002), chromium 1.15 - 0.25 (Abstracter's note: most probably value 1.15 for chromium is a mistake and should read 0.151 (0-15 - 0.25), magne- sium - (oxi - m6). The author describes the pouring ladles, lining und Card 1/2 3/193/62/000/012/002/004 Producing m W esium cast iron by... Aoo4Aloi special graphitized buckets used-In this process, givesna description of the modification mAhod, in which 75%. ferroallioon and ctyolite are'used and points out that, since the "double modipication" method was introduced, the cast iron quality, as regards density, structural homogeneity, absence of cavities and cracks, has -&*mproved considerably,while rejects were out down, for some parts, by 50%. There is-A figure. ts Card 2/2 A.; OTLTCO, B.; DIACENKO, P. ~ Use of radioactive isotopes for determination of damage to machine parts. p. 3. TEHNICA NOUA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor ai Tehnicienilor) Ducuresti. Vol. 2, No. 25, Nov. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5. No. 9 September, 1956 FXELT: -A N. T. (Assistnat PrQfos., orj Moscow Veter -*nary Academy) "Concerning the diagnosis of A-hypo-vitaninosis in cows and calves. 11 Vcterinariyaj Vol. 3E. No. 121 December r61, P. hh. AUTHOR: Emellyanenko acher SOV-27-55-9-11/28 2~~~~ TITLE: Associated Related Practical 'Vork - Valuable Mat*-od of In- struction (Smezhnyye praktiki - tsennyy metod ob--icheniya) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1959, Nr 9, p 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author stresses the necessity of acquainting the stud- ents of technical schools with work methods of a3sociated professions. It has been found that specialization in a narrow field has drawbacks with regard to production ef- ficiency. Therefore, the Moskovskoye uchi- lishche Nr 51 (The Moscow Trade School Nr 51) is instruct- ing its lathe operators in the repair work of inlustrial equipment, and its fitters - mechanics in the oraration of various machine tools. ASSOCIATION: Lyublinskiy industrialynyy tekhnikum (Lublin Industrial Technical School) 1. Industrial training--USSR Card 1/1 ~f J- r~rrh)-Arvrrfm) wpW_ im(r.) :-;-- I-T-1-11AT 6--1o-1- _M10~31K09-5 ACC NRt AP6002048- SOURCE CODE: i AUTHOR: Emelyanenko, 0. V.; Nasledov, D. N.; Sidorov, V. G.; i ~kr~_Vkin, TalalakLn,__ G. N. Zr)' ORG: Physico-Tachnical Institute im, A. F. loffe, tcademy of Sciences SSSR, Leningrad TITLE: Effective mans of electrons in n-GaAa SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 12, no. 2,1965, K93-K95- TOPIC-TAGS: effective mass, Hall-coefficient, thermoelectric power gallium arsenide, semiconductor A5STRACT; In order to determine directly the effective mass m* of electron charge carriers, the authors made measurements of the Hall coefficient-R. and of the thermoelectric power L. of semicon,' *uctors in strong magnetic fields 11 -#- - without quantization effect. in all four n-GaAs samples up to the fields 31 kg (0 < ull/c < 3) were measured. The Hall coefficient was found to be field-Lndepetidene (*2), The thermoelectric power L'increased or decreased with 11 (tha magnotic field strength). The calculation was made with the aid of Coe formula 1;-_j 0) L-(H) + BH2. --Cord 4' ACC NR; AP6002048 A P 0 0 2 C NR' A 6 ~m~ The effective maos of electrons is 0.072 mo at the bottom of the TI iv e f ct bnnd (pure samples I and 2 at Xow tomperaturea). For a deviation bnn r e9anl~ d (1)u from the band from the parabolic shape, the effective mass of samplesi nd I f0 t11e la r a I and 2 (at all temperatures) mA - (0.070 1 0.002) mo at the bottom of t Iend 2 all the band, being equal to effective masses obtained by other methods h b nd b-i t a P (Paliko E. D,* Stevenson, J, R,, and Wallis, R. F., Phys. Rev. 124p 11 1k'.D ( P 1 1. 701, 1961). The slightly higher value of m* in more impure samples 3 and 4 may bedue to the effect of the impurity band. The E,uthor presents tabulated data on effective mass values attained at various temperatures# Orig, arts has: I figure# I formula# 1 table,, ELD) SUB COM 20/ SUBM DATEs 230ct6S/ ORIG REPt 003/ OTH RIEF: 001 Ewp(t)/ETI Tip(.,) in iP-6012013 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/014/002/K195/X199 AUTHOR: Fil!Rchenko, A. S.,; Molodian, Ps; Nasladov, D. Me; Sidorov,, V. GO; Emelyane!kog,O. V. 4- ORGs Joffe Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Scienc'es3,SSSRt LenlLn~ad TITLE: On the.second conduction band in indium antimonide SOURCE: Physic* status solidi, Y, 14, no,'2, 1965, xl95-)agg TOPIC TAGS: indium compound, antimonide, conduction band, Hall effect, rermi levelq'i' electron transition ABSTRACT: Data are presented to show the existence of a conduction band in InSb locap- ad about O.S ev above the bottom of the main conduction band (000). nA rise in the Hall coefficipt with temperature was measured in 14 indium antimcnide samples doped with seleniumkbr tellurium. The hypothesis that this rise is due to electron tranal- tions to a second conduction was tested and the value of the gap determined. Origo art. has: 1 table, 4 formulas, ORIG REF: 004/ OTH PEr: oos SUB CODEt 20/1 SUBM DATE: O9Kar66 rd vmb vim ,72"A up~l lul. a6tv AtM-X7-, Ala - 4-l- 0. .11 10 u of 15.3 g. ur in 6,1111. Cliclo was addecl iilowl~ with stirring to it Soln, of 0 g, 2- iforattilide In, 110 nil. Of", the mixt. Whilled 40 min., evapd. ips waruo. and the xv-4ble dissolved in 22 nil, Noll und filtered licit to give, idur owling, 4.1 g. p-;itvn.(x%nM4tC i (1) of acid, 111. 1437 -a'. althlytkat Limpit'. lict hc~((-d a lu-s. at 160-01* Ill a sealed futm, t, ifild. %.afk :,l) till. 11,J), ~xtd, untl 17(,() (jj~) tj,t~ljjt~ pf,.InCt wwi obtaint-A Imill MO thi., stj~ w4ti filt"t 0. exceA.1 NaOll mhlcd, tilt nsixt~ ticid. with Ut,O, till! M-0 r"All. dill;d, mkild., till! reddilv ilkl;o1vol in 11,6, filti'mi 11,4, 1141011 w4tl. widud, to yiJd P-11rC,II,NII, (11), 5-111-mo~ ;,'-furoyl Llkloliik (03 .) ill 15 till. C,114 %~,13 d il'i" - '~ to. 11 in jr) n11, ("IfiJ. the mixt, pelluxed .30 101ill., firn. at io,--m injilt., 15 ml. COld amt I-D :ill, 11,0 wa loi. Of- C.If, hy'-f Wi4'Ift'l willi '-N1 tt,?~ If,(). -hiid, -0 Thioamides. I. Thiofuroic acid amides. V. Hahn, 2. Stoianac, 0. Scedrov., N. Fravdic-Sladovic,, S. Tomasic, andjLJE:mer (Univ. Zagreb, Yugoslavia). Croat. Chem. Acta 29, 319-27 (1-9-571 ' (in Gem,* A series of substituted amides of O:C (CSIIRF): CH.CH:CH was prepd. in general by portionwise addn. of 04-1 mole P;'05 with shaking to a soin. of 1 mole of' an appropriate ChH30CONRP in 2-3 cols. C5H!~4, reflu~drg the mixt. 40-120 min., cooling, pouring Into 5-10 fold vol. H20 Rt 50-600, keeping overnight in cold and working up as in ruthods (A) or (B): (A) the product was AII-tered off, washed, dried and crystd. cL- - rectly, or dissolved in b-1%',NaOH, the soln. filterdd, the product repptd. with 8-10% HCI, and C~-"ystd.; (B) if not crystallizable, the product was extd, with Et2O# the exts. washed with dil. HU and H29, driedl evapd.j, distd., and the distillute crystd. or redistd. ZHARIKOV, Ya*P.p nauchnyy sotrudnik; NOVOSELOV, V.S., nauchnyy sotx-udnik; RUSIASHVILIP I.L., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; GOGUADZE, M.N.; EMMIK PEDOROVA, L.I.; TITOV, K.G., kand. sellskokhoz. Brief information. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.2: 56-57 164- (MIRA 17:6) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut 11na (for Novoselov). 2o Telavskaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Rusiashvili, Goguad2e). 3. Moskovskoye otdeleniye Vaesoyuz- nogo nauohno-isoledovateliskogo instituta rasteniyevodstva (for Fherikhs Fedorova)o 4. Severo-Zapadnyy nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva, Leningradskaya obl. (for Titov). E19ROVO B.D. e. . History of whaling in the Russian North, lat, Sev. 3%188-200 (WPA 150) 1, Vaeaoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khoxyaystva i okeanografii. (Arctic Ocean-Whaling) BULGARIA / Physical ~ Chemistry. Crystals. B-5 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 2, 1959, 3699. Author Enoraloben, 0. -2- , M Inst ulgarvin 'T -Mtmy of:Soionoose Title Linear Relationships Botwoon Widolung Constants. Orig Pub: Izvost Mat Inst Bulgar Akad Nauk, 2, Non2, 87-120 (1957) (in Gorman with Bulgarian and Russian silmmaries). ,ibstract: Using the Epstein Z-funotions, the author has derived linear rolationships botwoon the Mcdolung constants for four types of lattices: NaGl, GsCl, ZnS, and CaF., All of the above constants dapond only-on tho ttvo fundamental Born potentials k (1/2; 1/29 1/2) and ,? (0,0, 1/2). ii, calculation of the potential // (0,01 1/2) is givon together Card 1/2 BULGi-.RL,, / Physical Chomistry. Crystals. 3-5 Abs Tour; Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No.2, 1959, 3599, Abstract: with values for the Madolung constant for tho lattices of NaOl, CsCl, ZnS, and CaF., correct I, to thirtoon decimal places. -- V. Trubitsyn. Card 2/2 11 28828 S/j6q/6j/OoO/Oo4/w3/o26 0 A0O5/A13O AUTHORS: Em ert, A.; Erbe, Kh. TITLE: Balloon measurement of time variations of primary cosmic rays PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 4, 1961, 15, abstract 4 G 88.' (Tr. Mezhdunars konferentaii po koemich. lucham, 1959, v. 4, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1960, 78 - 84) TEXT: Variations in cosmic ray intensity near the earth's surface aro com- pared with measurement data obtained by balloons. Analysis of these data y1elded valu6s for the intensity of primary particles and for radiation flux at different atmospheric depths as a function of the intensity of the neutron component at the earth's surface. On the basis of these results and the latitude effects of the different components, the authors derived a correlation connecting the variations of primary (P), neutron (N), and hard (M) components: (P - Po) Po eau (N - NO)No_equ!m (M Mo)Mo equ P2 N 2 M2 (t). 0 0 0 Card 1/2 s/169/6i/ooo/oo4/oo3/b26 Balloon measurement of time variations of.... A005/A130 Here, Po, Mo, No are fixed quantities, and the index "squ." relates to data for the equator. Analysis of the above expression leads to the conclusion that cos- mic ray variations are a consequence of a variation In energy of primary parti- ales in the electric field. N.K. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.) Card 2/2 EM BEN 0 _--M=BEN .; GABRAKOVI S. , __= ___L_ The 1963 Nobel prize for physica. Fiz mat spioanie BAN 6 no. 4: 299-300 163. M -- BERZ INS, E. ; b'*j IN '.hN I A!", V. ; BR I LYM7111 I ~3~ 0. ; OWL55, j., SPRIVULISO Z.0 red. [Regulp.~'Acn and maintenance of agricultural machine-~r) .1 Lauksairmlecibas mashinu regulesana un kopoana. Rizm, a Latvijas Va--ksts izd-ba, 1964. 429 p. (In .atvian] (vilii4 18,:1) WOJTOWICZ, 69; mmus I Case of.Sturge-Weber disease. Ilin. oczna 28 n0-3:357-363 M8. 1. Z Kliniki Ohorob Oazu A. M. w Warssawie Kierownik: prof. dr. med. W. ff. Helanowski 2 Kliniki Neurologicznej A. M. w Warsuawie Kiercwnik: prof. dr mod. A. Opalski. Adres nutora: Warszawa 22, ul. Opaosewska 4 m. 39. (ANGIOM ATOBIS. case reports Sturge-Weber dis. (Pol)) BMTK9'Barbars; SONOVICZ, Usmn& . --*011.~- ~- I Paroxysmal blindness of epileptic origin, ffeu~. &a. polska 9 n0-3--341-348 je-ji '59. L 2 KlinW Ifeurologiasuej A-K- w Waresavis p.o. KierownikL Kliniki: prof. dr I. Hauxsanowa-Petrugewics. I(RPUXM COMPl) (BLIRMSS atiol) AMYX, Barbara; B33AZASSU, Wisslaw ------mOr"=PGut1e value of nev antl-m7asthenja drugs according to clinical and slootronVographio Aspects, Neur. &co Polska 9 no.4:4?1-483 JI-Ag '59. L, Z Kliniki Ohorob Nerwowych A.M. w Warasawie p.o. Kierownika: prof. dr L Haumvianowa-Petrusewtex i z Iliniki Ortapedycznej A.K. w Waresawto KierownW. prof* dr A. Gruca. (PAUSYMMTHOHIHBTICS ther) (MUSOTA MUAZLM ther) (XYA 11100 IA MAVIS %her) ZMYX, Barbara; KIRKOWSKA, Irena . A case of hereditar7 cerebellar ataxia. leur.&c.polsks 10 no-5-* 717-720 l6o. 1. Z Klinild Yourologiezuej A.M. v Waresavie, Iterownik. prof. dr mod, ItHauemnova-Petrusevics. (ATAXIA case retorts) . (CEMILLUM die) , EMIM. Barbara; SOBKOWICZ, Hanna On tbB problem of difficulties in the classification of herado- familial diseases. Neuiol, polska 11 no-3:321-326 161. -Neurole ate*) polska 3-1 no-31321-326 161. I Z Kliniki Neruologiamej I: Rausmanowa-Petrusewicz. (NEUROLOGI AM w Warzawie Kierownik: prof. dr taod. genatice) ,~~YK ~B. UMNIECKA, Z.1 PUCILOWSKIL, K. Anti-edemalprocedures in brain strokes. Neurologia ate. polska 3.1 no-5s621-624 16.1. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Nerwowych AM w Warazawie Kiermik Kliniki: prof. dr I.Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz. . (CMMBROSVASCUIAR DISORDERS ther) EMERYKI Barbara; STROINSKA, Barbara On the co-existence of oome congenital anomalies. 11surologia etc. Polska 21 no.5:661-668 161. - 1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM w Warazavie Nibrownik: prof. dr mod. I.Hausmanawa-Petrusewica. (ABNORMALITIES statist) (SPINA BIFIDA compl) ME=,* Barbara Disorders Of water ZW-tabolism in cerebral stroke. Changes in the rhodanate space and circulating blood volme. Neurologin-etc. polska 3-1 no.61741-748 161. 1. Z Klin4ki Neurologiozaej AM v Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr med, I-Hausmanowa-Petruseviox.. . (CEMRMASCUIAR DISDRDFM metab) (UM ELECTROLM BAWCF,) 11AUVANOWA-PETWSEWICZ, Irena;. ENE=, Barbua; SOBKOWICZ, Ha=a; WASOWICZ , Barbaraj TUB, Jadviga Electromyographic studies in lead poisoning. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.36: 114-05-1408 3 8 162. 1. Z KLiniki Neurologicznej AM v Warszawie; kierownik# prof. dr. med. Irena Haunaaawm-Petrusewicz i I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych, Oddzial Chorob Zawodowych AM v Warazawie; Iderownik., prof. dr mad. Andrzej Biernacki. (im Poisomio) (ELEGTWffOGRAPHY) HAUSMANOWA-PETRUSEWICZ, Iran&,-, LYK, Barbara; LAO, Mieczyslaw Bio-olectrical aotivity of skoletal muscles in renal insufficioncy with hyperpotaosemia. Pol. arch. mad. vownet. 32 no.6:555-564 162. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob lierwowych AM v Warssavie Kierownik: prof. dr mod. I. Hausmanowit-Petrusevioz i x I Kliniki Chorob Wawhatrznych Ali v Warssawie Kierownat prof. #r. mod. A. Biernacki. (ELECTROMYOGRAPHY) 1 (ACUTF. RENAL FAILURE physiol) .(POTASSIUM blood). LEWENFISZ-WOJNAROWSKAO Teofila; HAUSMANOWA-PETRUSEWICZ; Irena; KUBICKA# Krystyna; GAWLIK# Zbigniewj KAPU.")CINSKA-CZFMKA, Wand Barbara Skeletal muscle changes In rheumatic disease in children according to bloptic and electroryographic data. Reumatologia (War$Z*) 2 no.101-46 164. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Modycznej-w Warazavie (Kierowniki prof. dr med. T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarovska) z Kliniki Neurologicznej Akademii Medycznej v Warazawie (Kierownik; prof. dr med. I. Hausmanowa-Petrusewics) i Akademii Medycznej v Warszewie (m. kierownikat doe. dr med. R. Walentynowicz- Stanczykowa). ~11 '?-Barbara; PROT, Janina; WIMBICKA, Irena --, Subarachnoid hemorrhage (analysis of 193 cases). Pol. tyg. lek. i9 no-15:557-559 6 Ap :64. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Verwowych Akademli Modycznej w Warszawie (kierow- nik: prof. dr. med. 1. Hatismanowa-Petrusewicz). KRUSZINSKI, Jerzy; EMERYKo BeLrbaral KOPECt Aniels, A case of paramyoclanuis multiplex. Neurol., neurochir., psychiat. Fol. 14 no.3t523-524 It-Ja t64 L, Z Oddisialu Neurologinnego Sapitala Miejskiego - Radomiu (Ordynator Oddzialut dr. J. Borysieviez) i z Kliniki Neuro- logiaznej Alcademii Madyc=ej v Warazawle (Kierowhika prof. dr. med. J. Hausmanowa-Patrusewicz)o DIMYKsE.) WASOWICZOB. ~ 11 , ... , 1 -.1 ~- 111. ~~- Evaluation of "Ubretid" (BG 51) in the treatment of myasthenia gravis, Feurolo neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.5%611-617 163. 1. Z Kliniki Veurologicznej AM v Warazawie. Kierowniks prof. I.Hausmanova-Petrusewiez. t% GLADYSHEVSKIY, YO.I.; EMES-MISKNKO Crystal structures of jilicon-rich silicides of scandium and yttrium. Zhur.atruktokhim. 4 no.6:861-864 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ltvovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitat imeni Franko. 18(5) POL/39-26-3-:/13 AUTHOR: Emicke, O.,,Frofessor, Doctor of Engineering TITLE: Pressure on Rolle and Roller Bearing Durability in Hot and Cold Rolling Mills PERIODICAL,, Hutnik, 1959, Vol 26, Nr 3, pp 94-97 (Poland) ABSTF-kCT-. A nomogram is described as a means by which it is possible to determine the lifetime and other tech- nical data of roller bearings of the working condi- tions are given. The calculation, equations and fac- tors of exchagne are based on the works of A. :?almgren "Grundlagen der Walzlagertechnik" (Basis of the Tech- nique of Roller Bearings), Stuttgart 1950, and on the DIN-Normhett--*r..4 (German Standard Industrial 3peci- fications Edition Nr 4). The new feature of the out- lined nomogram is the advantage of a universal ap- plication to all types of roller bearings. Bauing on the investigations by A. Palm-ren ZR'_ef 2-7 (.-Figure 1) on the lifetime of bearings under the same condi- tions, the theoretical data for the nomogram are Card 1/3 given in equation (1) Llef i7, presuming a conutant POL/39-26-3-1/13 Pressure on Rolls and Roller Bearing Durability in Hot and Cold Rolling Mills Card 2/3 axle pressure. L lifetime as measure for rotations', C = variable carrying capacity coefficient, P = trans- verse load of pin. Factors of.exchanging L. (lifetime) into L (hours) are given in formula (2) as well as the cogfficient thereto in formulae (4) and (5). In table (I) results of tests on various bearings are summarized. These values are also entered into the nomogram. (Beside the scale for "C" on the right side of the nomogram). As may be seen, the different parameters are entered into the nomogram, old and new formula for f and f marked with "All and "B". Further- more, the vaAes for P11 are given in kG and tons. At- tention has to be paid 'to the values for 11C11 with re-,1, gard to the number of roll pins (one or two). The num~t ber is entered into the nomogram with Arab figures. The universality of this nomogram is given by the fac that the value of "C" does not depend on the -type of the roller bearing, (Continuous and hatched line), The possibilities of application for calculation with POL/139-26 -3-1/13 Pressure on Rolls and Roller Bearing Durability in Hot and Cold Rolling Mills various given values can be taken from figure 3. Left side - conditions given; right side - results to be obtained (hatched field). There are 2 graphs, 1 drawing and 4 German references. (Translator.- En- 6ineer Jo Spira). ASSOCIATION4 0zlonek Zwyczajny Niemieckiej Akademii Nauk, Freiberg ~NRD) (Member of German Academy of Sciences, Freiberg Eastern Germany)) SUBMITTED, October 16, 1958 Card 3/3 18(5) POL/39-26-3-5/13 AUTHOR: Emicke, 0., Professor, Doctor of Engineering TITLE: Discussion on Moments and Power During Rolling Pro- cese PERIODICAL: Hutnik, 1959,.Vol 26, Nr 3, pp 110-113 (Poland) ABSTRACT: The results obtained from hot rolling tests made ac- cording to the method of 0. Emicke'are different from those obtained from tests made according to the me- thod of Siebel. Figure 8 chows the obtained ratio that the moment "all bears to the deformation h /D (values in per cent). The author confirms thal.the theoretical results by Geleji Lire identical with those obtained in practice. Z. li'lusatowski in,7estiga- tes the ratio of the horizontal moment (It, ) and the vertical moment (M ) to the angular adjustment by which the deformatYon takes place and determines the total moment according to formula 5. St. Koncewicz asserts that the determination according to Geleji is not correct as it was assumed that the plastic re- Card 1/2 sistance on the arc is constant, which in his opinion POL/39-26-3-5/13 Discussion on Moments and Power Durin~ Rc1ling Process is wrong. Figure 9 shows the results of investiga- tions made on the lastic resistance with a deforma- tion of, 10 (K ~0 Gele3i tries to refute the statements.of f8h;ewicz by ineans of equation 48. There are 2 graphs, ASSOCIATION: Cz1onok ZNvyczajny Wegierskiej Akademii Nauk Budapeszt (Member of the Academy of Sciences, Budapest) SUBMITTED:. October 16, 1958 Card 2/2 zKIIH,,,:;Aj&,,j;2ndidat biologichaskikh nau . Yormation of the inflorescence of foxtall millet in the light of the doctrine of phasic development of plants. Uch.sapsBashgos.ped. inst. no.4:173-179 155. Om 9:9) (Millet) (Inflorescence) (Photoperiodism) ZKIIM, T~Ae, kan-Allat biologicheakikh nauk. ~ , , Manic development of Sudan grams.*4i 180-185 155, (Xin 919) (Oddan grass) (Infloreacence) (Photoperiodism) zti!~IIH ~ .1, - I V-W-,;~ On the problem of phasic development in foxtall millet (Setarla Italtea M P. var.mogharicus Alf.) Bot.shur.42 no-1:78-83 Ja 157. 0MU 10: 2) I# Bashkirskly sudar tvenWy pedegogicheskiy Institut, Ufa. rMilleta) (Growth (Plants)) EMI Fli, T. A. Effect of a ahort day on the nucloir acfil dynamics Jn the polri't-q of growth of the straw and in rudimentary inflorezeences of corn. Nauch. iokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:16,1-1.66 166, (MIRA 15-:1) 1. F-1-1,omendavana ?:-,fndroy fJ.-iologii rwitenly Pitelikirskogc gosudarstvonzicgo, universiteta Irl. 40-lotiri 01,-Ltyabr7a, 'i2l- mitted June 10, 1964* BRIM, V. LL.~~ - Mechanized mining of a two-track drift. Mast. uglo 7 no.3:7-8 Mr 1580, (MIRL 11:3) l.Brigadir prokhodcheskey brigady, instruktor peredovykh metedev truds Normativao-issledovatellskor stantaii No. 14a (Coal mining machinery) (Mine railroads) -(No iosibiresk) Interaction of bore-holev in layered atrata. FHTF no.6t1906-1(~3 M,D 161. 011M 3.4:22) (Boring) EMIKHI V. H. N sibirsk) Percolation from a strip in the presence of retained salt water. FM no.22145-149 Mr-Ap 162. (MM 16:1) (Soil percolation) EMIKHt V.N. (Novosibirsk) . Horizontal .drains in stratified soils. PMrF no.0133,-133 JLAg 1620 (MIRA 16sl) (Drainage) EKE., V.N. (Novosibirsk) Wells in an arbitraz7 ntniber-of interconnected artealea aquJtero, FM7 nojs140-143 3-0 162. (MIRA 161l) 1. - Institut, gidrodinamiki SibdLrakogo otdeleniya. AN 3MR. (Aftesian weUs) ACC NR' AP6013207 SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/002/0115/0119, AUTHOR: Emikbs V. N. (Novosibirsk) aio ORG-6 TITLE: The form of.the fresh water Iona In filtration from a canal 966' SOURCE. AN SSSR, Izvestiya' Makhanika zhidkosti i gaza noo 29 1 115-119 TOPIC TAGS: filtration,.atmospberic evaporation ABSTRACT: Transport of water by means of irrigation canals is accompanied by a partial lose of the water through the bottom and the': banks of the canal. Ag. a result of~thls filtration salt-bearing groundL, water is forced out of the zone of the canal, forming the so-called "lens." The rate factor which compensates the passage of water from tbe canal is most often evaporation from the free surface of the lens,'.. There thus arises the question of the size of the lens. The most difficult part of the problem is the choice of an evaporation low wbiofi,*._'~1 T.:, will make's, solution possible and which will have a sufficient from a physical point of view. The remainder of the article is an attempt at*a mathematical treatment of this problem. Orig, art, has. 6 formulas' 5 fi res and 1 table, 05u/ SUBM DAM 2ljul65/. ORIG REP. 005 a Cpp).) 92 b COW --roU302i-44~,";;t~7-,"C" 60-Dr,$" UIR/0394/661004/007/0018/0019 AUTHOR!- Emtkh, T. A. mn Z. T. Yerkeyeva, S. Khayretdtnova, D. K. ---------- .ORG: Bashkir Statj University (Bash)1itskty*%osudarstvenn" univereftet) TITLE: influence of pre-treatment of '3e'L***ith N-substitut6d chloracetamides on the growth and development of Lutescenji-. - *0,,wb,eat 7~' ' SOURCE: Hbimiya v sel'skom khozyaystve, v. 4' M'-.7, 1066, Is-to TOPIC TAGS: wheat, N-substituted chlo .racetamide/Lutiscence-62 wheat chemical compound ABSTRACT: Results. are given of. experiments made to study the effect of preliminary soaking beforp sowing of Lutestseus-62 wheat_seeds In water solution of N-substituted chloratntde compound which are obtained from ketones and monochloreacette acid. Small doses of these solutions have been found to stimu- ate plant growth. Obeervations made over a period of two years -showed that the ')mpounds had a favorable effect on the germination. growth and developm-1 e wheat, both Ifi, the laboratory and in the field. All phases of , I A*04* ~51?7 z I/~. /I "YV" TOXIC-XAROVIC, Krunoslava; XMILI, Hinko Some biological observations on Shigallae vith reference to their 41stribution In Oroatia, HigiJena, Beogr. 6 no.1:82-89 1954. L Centralni hig1jenski sarod, Medidn'skog fakultsta, Zagrebe (SHIOALLL isolation of strains Zagreb, Kikrobioloski Institut in Tugool. lHILIp Hinko, dre - I lpidemiology of polloiWelitla. Lijec. TJON. 76 no.5-6:227-233 19540 Iv Is Centralnog htgijauskog saToda u Zagrebu (PMICMMITISt apidemlol. Tugoel.) XMILI, Hinko. dro IMMOOMMUMM~ Dysentery In Croatia and Slavonia In past and present. Lijec. vies. 76 no.7-8t366-373 July-Aug 54. L Is Centralnog hig1jeaskog zavoda u Zagrebu. I . (D7M # BACILIART, spidemlol. yugool.) EMILI, H. . :fnN-, - Ldphthorla In the world in -),v eourtry. Higijtav-. -,3eo;,r. ~ 1937. 1. (;3utral Instituta of zagra'U. (I)PUTEXUA, epidaai,,!. statist. (Ser)) IMILI, H., doe. dr. Zagreb; BOGDARIC.I.,Beograd Dysentery In, our country, Mod, glAsn. 13 n0.3;286-289 MY 139P (DYSZNTJRY BACILLARY spidexiol.) BOGDANIC, Ivo; _PqM IN ~4j"dr. Tet&Mw In Yugoslavia. gad. glaen. 13 no. 10:618-619 0 139. 1 (TITAM statist.) 0 N Z~ A 0 -a'n u m LL a 3 .4 1- v v ib I I It MULIp Reg dr (Rlje~*a); WIG,, F.0 dr (Zagreb) I Is there polioWelitis pathomorphosis in old age in the People*s Republic of Croatia? Ked.glaan. 14 no.5atZ96-)Ol My 160, (POLIOMTELITIS in old age) BOGDANICI, Ivol EK[Ug Minko, doe. dr Poliomyelitis in Tugoalayia, Medoglaan. 14 no*5a:319-320 Pq 160, (POLIOKnMTIS statist) I I _71,9LIANI, I. E"M.-TAV, 1. The "forcotten" Inrnvatiors. p. 2. Vn1- 8) no. 357, Nov. 1956 (MISTIFiXTORUL TECI-11YOLOGY Rumania So: F2st Eiu,oy)eQn Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, Y:2y 1957 ZIJIJAIN', T. E"TIT,101,11, 1. . How ,i?! shall work durinC. the winter. P. 2. Vol. R, ro. 360, Dn- 1956 (,', I I T ~ST 7,1 1 (7 - i .. CjPjfL So: East European kccession., Vol. 61 'No- 5, 1957 BY43 iAm 11 1 In full transformation p.2 (CONSTRUCTORUL. Vol. 9p no. 401., Sept. 19.57 Burcurestis Poland) Sot Monthly List of East Rmpean Accessions (EUL) LC. Vol, 6., No, 12,9 Deco 19579 Uncl. EMILIAV, I., In the quietneoa of laboratories* Constr Buo 16 no.736t2 15 F164, EMILIAN, I. The brigade of small mechanization. Constr Buc 16 no.745.2 IS Ap 164. EMILIAN, I. Work and life were different in the stone pit. Uonstr Bac 16 no.761s2 8 Ag 164. E'MI - . -1 pP N , I a I vlauto mataritil ., now utill aticn. blw! 1-16 ro.767:'-, 19 Sept-amber BINIECKI, Sej EMLIAN S Synthesis of L-adrenalin. Acta pol. pharm. 20 no.3:245-246 163,, - (Epaspmum) (cwasmr, mmczuTicAL)