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- RLIMAN, V.A., Inzhener. Unit transformer substations. Tent.olaktroprom. 27 no.1:72-74 A 156. (MIRA 9:6) 1*Ministerstvo slectrepronyahlonnesti. (Ilectric substations) GOLIDEEM, I.M.; ELIMANt VA.. Automatic centerless grinding machine for precision machiAing of parts. Biul.tekh.-skon.inform.Gopenauch,.iasl.inst.nauch*i'takh. infor6. no.12t4g-51 163. 170) RLTKHZR, Ye.A.;ALIKO, YoX Application of albosycin in pneumonia in infants during their first zonthe of life. Sovet. mod, 16 no. 11: 18-21 Noy 1952. (CLUL 23:3) 1. Professor for Raykher. 2. Of the Clinic for Childreals Di- seases (Head - 1, A. Befther), Stavropol' Medical Institute (Director -- Docent P. V. Polosiu)e - 31LIVANOVICH, G.I. Influence of hydrogen sulfide batba on the acid-base equilibrium. Vop.kar.,fizioter.i lech.fir.kcLI't. 25 no.lt49-52 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz blokhimichookoy laboratorii (zav. A.1. Guniua, loonsulltant - Prof. I.A. Oyrin) Sochinakogo ballneologichookogo instituta. (KkTSISTA--HYMOGIN SULTIDB-PHTSIOLOGICAL IMOT) . (ACID-BASIC SqUILIBRIUM) YELIMANOVICH. L. P. Cand. Med. Sci. Dissertation: "Francis' Reaction in Cases of Lobar Pneumonia." Central Inst. for Advanced Training of PbVsicians. 27 Mw 47. So.- VecherrWNLa Moskva, May, 1947 (Project #17836) EWANOVICH L.P. "The skin reaction with polysaccharide in lobar pneumonia Clinical Medioine, Moscow.1949,.27/5 (65-68) A record of the results of cutaneous reactions to the capsular polysaccharides of varicus types cf pneumoccoci in 60 cases. The proportions of the differ- ent types were : type It 52%; type 11, 17%; type 111, 6%; type IV, 25%. The polsaccharides used were prepared from the cpasules of types I and III pneumococci. All infections due to other types gave negative results. These reactions are strictly specific and are therefore of diagnostic importance. Positive reaction to the specific polysaccharide reflects a good reactivity and is of good prognostic cmen; reactions appear from the 4th day of the dis6ase, reach their maximum on the 9th day, and persist up to the 42nd day. Negative results in cases of infection with the corresponding type are a bad sign. The method was introduced by Francis in 1933. The technique consists in the subcutaneous (intra- cutaneous?) injedtion of 0.1 ml. of a 1 in 10,000 solution of the specific polysaccharide into the flexor aspect of the forearm. The reaction appears within I hour (often In 20 minutes) and consists of a vesicle surrounded by an erythematous areola, which dies away in 1 to 2 hours. Neither this nor the serum-agglutination type are described in detail. The simplicity. and reliability of the test, and the speed with which a resfonse is 141 LM14( M." ttL &g USJ R -2- obtained, dake it a valuable addition to clinical laboratcry methods. Firman-Edwards-(World Medical Abstracts) (XX, 6,4) So; Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Section V, Vol. 3, No. 1-6 1.1 1, .-..- - '11, 1.1 :I "~ .0 BLIMANOVICH, L.P., kanaidat meditsinskikb nauk (Moskva) Bronchiectasts. Med.qestra, no.9:18-22 8 155 (KUIA 8:11) (BEDNCHIBOTABIS- clin.aspects) BLIKANOVICH, L.P., kandidat maditainakikh nauk (Xoskva) Diagnosis of ohronio thyrolditis, Proble andok, t gorm. 2 no,4., 46-49 ii-Ag 056. (nn 9: 11) 1, is 6-7 klinichemkoy bollnitey (glavayy vrach T.X.Mikhaylov) Mosgoredravotdola (THYROIDITIS, Uagnosis, (VMS)) BLIKANOVICHO L.F.0 kandidat meditsinskikh nauk (Koskya) Thyrolditis in the field of internal diseases. Klinsmed. 34 noell: 70-73 N 156. (HIJRA 10:2) 1. Is bollnitey Ministerstva zdrevookhronentya SSR (glaynyy vrach F.I.Norshchogin, nauchnyy rukovoditall - prof. G.K.Ievskiy) (TMOlDrTIS, ones reports) SHCHEGOLEVt Lev Illarionovich; EI!MUMYIO id ~Xahmvlftyw~- ,,, ~L STANKEVICH, Anna Llvovna; YEWLAYEVAp I.A., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z.V., tekhn. red. (Textbook of the English language as an aid for reading and translating medical literature] Ucbebnoe posobie po angllAskozu iazyku dlia chteniia i perevoda meditsinskoi literatury. Izd.2.., ispr. i dop. Leningradp Medgizp 1962. 382 p (KMA 15:7) (ENGLISH LANGTJAGE-TECHNICAL ENGLISH; (MEDICINE-TERMINOLOGY) PRADMAZURN IY, LA.; YAURIT, ILYe.; USIUMSKAYA, G.I.; SKIRNOTA, G.T.; _ILIVAMDVICH, M.K.; VATAXHLWYICE, A.I.; P]IRSIYAlffA, X. Synthesis of racemic stersoisomeric *(-alkylparaconic acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.7:2250-2256 ii '6o'. (MIRL 13:7) 1. Mookovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii. (Paraconic acid) JIIKUOTICHI._AprVy Bergeyevich; SITOKONI, P.Ys., red,; KOTALINKO, I -TeLe g t_9'khn',_r -a' a'*-' I - I I I [Scientific and atheistic training in physics lessons] Inuchao- steistichaskoe vospitaxis na urokakh fisiki. Moskva. Go*. uchabno-podagog.isd-vo N-va prov.RSM. 1959. 101 p. (KIU 13:7) (Athajam,--Study and teaching) (Physics-Study and teaching) A01-158.1,46"'" ~~M-164-'&Jvfti~'- ~~AWFCW/ 44 OE P a i ~) Y D 0 AM_ NKS AP50267 UR/0286/65/000/017/0069/0069 83 SOURCE CODE: INVENTOR: Levin, A. M.; EI'manovich, V. N.; Zhorova, L. P. ORG: none TITLE: Tantalum-lase alloy. Class 40, No. 174366 yq, SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 69 TOPIC TACS: tantalum alloy, niobium containing alloy, rheniu2-Intaining alloy ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a tantalum-base alloy with improved physicomechanical and technological properties containing 25-35% niobium and 1-10% rhenium. [AZ] SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE: 25Jan64/ ATD PRESS: ZZI 7 UDC! 669.294.5 L 08193-67 . E~T(r~)/ wVEWP(t)/grj IjP(c) JD/JG C NRi AP6030502 (-A SOURCE CODE's- "UR/0'149/66/060/ools/~li~/ofid- -M AUTHOR: Levin, A, 11,; zhot2~~L. Y. ORG: Moscow Institute for Stool and Alloyr., Dapartmont of the Motallurgy of Nonferrous, Rare, and Radioactive Motalq (Rokomendovana kafodroy motallovadeniya L3 tsvotnykh, rodkikh i radioaktivnykh metallov Mo3covskogo instituta stali i splavov) TITLE-i Effect of alloying olemonts on tho oloctric rosistanco of a tantalum-niobium alloy SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvotntya metallurgiya, no. 4, 1966, 117-120 TOPIC TAGS: olectri~ resistance, tantalum containing alloy, niobium containing alloy ABSTRACT: The choice'of a tantalum-niobium alloy was dictatod by the fact that those metals have a resistance at 20' about 2-5 times greater than that of tungsten and molybdenum, and that-thoy recrystallize without an increase in brittleness, since the solubility of gases in them is greater. In addition, tantalum aneniobium have bettor industrial properties than tungsten and molybdenum; the ductilityl'df a tantalum baso alloy remains high with the introduction of any dosired amount of niobium. A tantalum alloy with from 30 to 35% niobium has been found experimentally to have the highest specifi0resistanco of any binary alloylo"f tho Ta-11b system. Tho electric resistance of this alloy at 200 is 20 microohm-cm, and at 15000, 90 microohm-cm. Alloying Cord 1/2 ui)c: 669.018,54 L 08193-67 4dCR_R-_'__ AP6030~02 elements were Mo, Re, V, Zr, and Ti, that is, metals which form nolid solutions with tantalu;i. and niobium. 7ho alloying olements were added to the base alloy in the following amounts: 1-10% Ro' 2-5% MO; 2-10% V; 5-20% Zr; and 5-20% Ti. It-was found that addition of 12.1 ~bdenymPrhonlumAnd vanadium ,'. apiounts aorre-sponding to the brittlenes-1 chosen upper limits leads to a marked increase in 'k s.11 Nlporiments were carried out on the electric resistance of alloys containing rhoniwn, molybdenum, vanadium, and titanium. It was found tinat the bighost specific rosistanco at 15000 was exhibited by an alloy containing 4% Re, and 3-5% V (105-110 microohrl~-cm). The overall conclusion is that those alloys show promiso for use as heating olomonts in electric vacuum equiSnant. Orig. art. has: 4 figuros and I table. suB coDE: ii/ suBm DATE: 25Fob65/ om REF.. ooi/ oni nri: ooi electrical resistance alloys 2 dda its A, M. S/081/61/000/005/014/024 B101/B220 Kh AUTHORS: Dadashovf B. E., Elmemmedov, G. R., Guliyeva, K. E. TITLE: Catalytic dehydrogenation of benzine fractions of characteristic Baku petroleum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zburnal. Khimiya, no. 5, 1961, 535, abstract 5M174 (5MI74) ("Azerb. khim. zh.11, 1960, no. 2, 61-68) TEXT: Benzine fractions of petroleum from Mishovdag, Surakhany (selected), Neftyanyye kamni, and kalinskaya. (upper formation) were dehydrogenated under various conditions, in the presence of a platinum catalyst on activated carbon,, When studying the influence of different factors, such as temperature, volume rate, etc. it was found that besides these factors the type of the initial raw material has an important influence on the yield in aromatic hydrocarbons. With benzine fractions of Mishovdag petroleum, at a test temperature of 3000C, the reduction of the volume rate strongly influenced the yield in aromatic hydrocarbons; this could not be observed with benzine fractions of Surakhany selected petroleum. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 ELIMENKIN, S.N.; BAKLYUKOV, V.I. Rated output more than doubled. Stroi. mat. 10 no.3t24-26 Mr 164. (MIRA 17,t6) 1. Direktor Krvazhokogo kirpichnogo zavoda (for Ellmenkin). 2. Nachallnik teekha keramzita Kryazhskogo kirpichnogo zavoda (for Baklykov). EL-MESOV, A.M. Viscosity of the snow cover# Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.4: 562-566 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. AN SSSR, Vysokogornyy geofizicheskiy institut. (Snow) (Viscosity) Z, i - t t -- , -, rA . i1 . --.- ,." ;,,_, A) Mechanical properties of snow ~irver. Trudy rr-.13:52- . . 1 - .. 6() 163- (.A~,;.h lp:p) ACC NRI A-r70011237 C, M) SOURCL CODE: Lqt/3o6i/6(;/ooo/o22/o,,94/c)2(ii AUTHOR: Ellmesov, A. M.; Khulamkhanov, V. Kh. (Deceased); Keshtov, M. Me --l- ---- . I ORG: None TITIE: Compressibility of snow and methods used for its investigation SOnICE: Tiflis. ZakavRazskiy nauchno-isslodavatellskiy gidromateorologichesk.J7 institut. Trudy, no. 22, 1966. Voprosy gidrometoorologii (Prohk-mj o: hydron'tooro- 194-201 TCPIC TIACIS: snow, meteorologic instrament, meteorolorlic ob.~;ervation, e:aztic deforma- tioii, compre5sive stress AnSTIZACT; An instrumcnit desir gned for investigatin( the compron~i bi lity of is describt-d and prolinisiary results obtained from its use aro cited. The undesilInaLed ent -A*.s portable and made almost entirely of duraliminu;n, buz 2.5-3 Irg trun .9 without wcightN. It can be used under field conditions. ~L-2thods used to the relative deformation of snow from external stress, and deror.-,ation as it function of initial density under identical loads, are described. The fact that arach of the criergy expended in compressing the snow goes to extracting air from pores vithin the snow, and for elastic deformation, is cited as one for consideration when analyzing problem-s relating to the compressibility of snow. Orig. art. has; 3 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CODE,: 01*/SUBv DATE: None/01ZIG RZF: 001 r ELI-41ILj.j.._.K.; VAKAR, A.B.; KRETOVICH, V.L. 0 A,_.. Effect of the growth conditions on the wheat gluten. Dokl. . AN SSSR 155 no, 3:702-704,~.&, 164, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kretovich). VAKAR, A.B.; ELI-MILIGI, A.K.; TOLCHINSKAYA, Ye.S.; ZARRODINA, T.M. - I No Physicochemical properties of gluten determining its quality. Biokhim. zer. i khlebopech. no.7:3-62 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut biokhimil imeni Bakha AN SSSR A Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskly Inatitut zerna. Pq-!iJPa-4 . ~ , , ;. , . . - I ~ 'a I . I- ~ .1 . ~; -~ " ;~ ; - - ^ '-, -~ - --- -- - . i 5 - - - - --- ---- "A i - - - M, . - - - - - - - r '~ -, .i . I , -: k 10766-63 EWT(1)/EW(k)/EWP(q)/W1(m)/ MS/M (b)-" --AFF1G/AM/FSD-3--Pz-4/Pq,.4 --AT/WIVLI F(C)/JD ACCESSION NR~: AP30030. q/ol8l/63/o05/o07/P_ol5/20l6 AUVOR: Danilov,, A. V.; Ell 140811 M. TIMM Effect of coppe and silver on the photoelectric properties of glassy .&S 22S3 Fitiks. tverdogo tela, V. 5o no. T, 1963, 2015-2016 TOPIC WS: As23e3, glass, doping, Cu, Ag, intrinsic photoeffect, conductivity, photoconductivity, solubility, inertia of photoeffect ABUITACT: Study of the spectrea Astribution of Via intrinsic photioeffect and the conductivity of As:,Sm5 j&SsOEoped-with Cu and Ag showed th%t increase of the impurity content displ ximum and the red end of photoconductivity tovexd the long-wave region of.the spectrum. Cu reduces V~4 forbidden energy gap to a higher degree than Ag. The solubility of Cu in A92N is three time that of Ag. The.abnormally hiah solubility of Cu. is apparently due to the cloceness of the effective radii of Cu, An, and Sa~ and to the higher capacity of Cu to form coordination-valence bonds, which hinder the crystallization of the glozs. Tite photoeffect in glAases containing Ag has a low ivertia; illumination Cord J./2 L io!68-63 AcassioN NR, AP3oo3qo6 of specimens with intermittent light shoved th%t the photocurrent rise and decay times do !-~ot exceed 10-3 see, Photocurrent rise and decay times in introduced. "In glasses containing Cu depends on the amount of imlnwity conclusion, the authors express their deep gmtitude to junior scientific worker B. V. Novinov for his continuous assistance during the course of this study." Orig. art. has: 2 figures. As-aMIATIoll: Leningradskiy goeudarstvenny*y univereitet (Leningrad State University-) SMaTTED: umar63 DATE ACQt 15AU963 ENCL3 00 Stm core: 00 No imp sovi oo6 OTHER: 002 0a,Yd2j"'2 ArrRr. -56-0-03618 SOURCE CODE: UR/0054/65/000/003/0147/0160 AUTHOR: Ell Monliq Me; Borisovaq Z. U. J-/ Y7 0 ORG: Leningrad State University (Leningradskiy gosudarstvannyy uni- versitat) TITLE: Stabilization of the conductivity of vitreous selenium SOURCE: Leningrad. Univernitat. Vestnik. Seriya fisLki I khinii, no. 3, 1965, 147-150 TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivityo*selenium compound, arsenic comzound hardness ABSTRACT: Tht effect of annealing on th o and * electrical conduct microhardnessX'H was studied on vitreoustAsSe20 alloys (selenium contain Ing 5 at % arsenic). The samples were kept for 4 hr at the maximum temperature of synthesis (7000C), rapidly cooled In air, then annealedl in the vitreous form at various temperatures in a vacuum of 10-3 mm Hg. No substantial changes in a or H were observed In the 60-3000C range. Data obtained for annealing at $O9Cj the temperature most favorable to crystallization, showed the lack of regularity in the change of a and H with increasing annealing time. Changes in log a and c a (energy of con Ca,d 1 / 2 UDC: 537.311-33 L 1h211-M ACC ~R, AP6003618 ductivity) during annealing at 60-3000C were extremely small as compar- ed to changes in these quantities during crystallization of selenium; furthermore, all the annealed ASS620 alloys were a orphous to x rays. Hence, the changes in a and H are due to the stru Tral features of the vitreous selenium, not to its crystallization.1 Annealing in air at 80 and 1000C (0.5 to 1000 hr) also showed ins gnificant changes in a and H. It is concluded that the addition of 5 at % arsenic to vitre- ous selenium considerably stabilizes its electrical conductivity by almost completely eliminating crystallization. OrLg. art. has: 4 tables. SUB CODE: 11,20/ SUBM DAM O4Nar65/ ORIG REr: 007/ OTH REF:. 002 a4~t A~jd TOWYESIj, Gy. Investigations on the resorption and separation of copper sulfate in cue of sheep. Acta voter Hung 12 no.28177-183 162. 1. lahratuhl und Klinik fur Innore Yiedizin (Direktor: Prof. Dr. J,Mocoy) der Voterinarmedizinlobbon Hoohochule, Budapest. r 'j k'a A ' rector: KADAR, 11 NkXS)AI',, Aly, Aly; St t, lilitj tuti-- off VetFrInary Fyi:iene (d-L jj:iHY-Mate,-eszse;-uE:yi Intezet), Budapest. "'y: .3 , ping of Druc-illa with Funt~arian Phage Rrains." Bmiarje,qt, Acta Yicrr)~Aolo;-ica AqMemiae 7,cientiarum Hun~,aricae, Vol XIII, No 2, 1966-0 pai~e3 171-17159 Abstract: !'-'nKish article, author's English summary modifiel] With 6 pha.-Ps isolatpd Alron natural sources and 4 phailtis obtained from Brucella. clil~ures, 117 R. abortus, 44 B. sui.5 and 26 B. melitensis strains were typed. The abortus strains were lysqd in 94.8, the suis strains in 11.4 and the melitcnsIs strains in 19.3 per cent by phage suspensions at RTD and at 10,000 x :ZTD. Only 10,000 x RTD was capable of lysinC 2.6 per cent of the abortus strains and 61.4 per cent of the suis strains. Abortus strains were resistant in 2.6, t;uis strains in 27.2 and melitensis strains in 80.7 per cent to 10,COC x 51-10. The phages isolated in Hungary were similar to phages received from other countries in their lytic activity. When the souree of the examined strain is known, the information furnished by this ,study permits the differentiation between the 3 Brucella species. The con- ventional typing method should be employed for the identification of strains with irregular phage sensitivity. 6 Eastern European, 13 Western references. rYanuscript received 21 Feb 66.1 L 36 - P.; BEDEVI, 0. Ye.; ELI-NADI, L. M.; DARVISH, D.A. Ye.; SOROKIN, P. V. _;nergy Levels of the Nucleus Si 28.I, report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. KhFTI (UkrainianPhysico Technical Inst, KharIkov) AETUPYEV, Yu.P.: EEDEIVI, 0. . [nadavy., o.E.1; zv-4apr L.H.- DARVISH, D,A. 700 [Darwish, D.A.E.); Energy levels of the S128 nucleus. Izv. SN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 28 no.70.1156-1159 J1 164 (WRA 1-7:8) 1. Otdeleniye yadernoy fiziki Atomnoy komisaii Wyedinennoy Arabskoy Respubliki, Yegipetp Kair.. i Fiziko-tekbnicheakiy institut All Ukx6SR. TSIKLIS, D.S.; SHENDEREY, L.I.; ELINATANOV, A.I. Phase and volume ratios in the system toluene - nitrogen Khim. prom. no.5:348-353 My 163. (MIRA 16:8; . ELINER, A.M.; KANDEL', L.I. Study of the cnrbobydratc ri---tnbolinm in F.~,lrkln3onim (d.2pendence of dloorders In carlwhydrute met,~tyjhsm on the :-I Inical aspects or the kllseqse). Zhur. nc,.r. I palkh. 65 no., 46-50 165. kM;LRA l8j2) 1. Nauchno-isslc,~,-;vatuellckiy oniena Trudo-togo Krasncgo Znwrni inst.1tiA neyrokhInirgil. in. %rjenko AMN S,,S-'A, t~ L' , A,A. , asr trart Indicatinns ",.r tooth e/tractifm In ortbodontIc trcat-mrnt-, a smrvey of foreign literature, Trudy TSFJ 641265-2'71 163. 'KRA 17:5) ML, Ferenc Irsurp-rices ccncemirg froight transportaticn. (To le cmtd.) Kozleked kozl 18 no.12:lrj3-1c,6 I-,r '(2. Radiotherapy of bronchial asthm with large doses. Ozy. hetil. 98 no.47:1301-1303 24 Noy 57. 1. As Ussoki utoal Korhas Routgen Oestalyanak (foorvos: Xoppenstsin Nrno dr., as oryostudomanyok kandidatuna) koslemezWe. (ASTHMA, there radlother. with large doses (Hum)) (RADIOTHEROY, in various die.. asthm, ther. with large doses (Ran)) SUM. Imre-dr. -, ROSMARK, Bela, dr. Non-specifio (false) cavity in an adult after pneumonia. Ory.betil. io2 no.9:418-421 26 P 161. 1. A MaVar NephAdaereg Igesseeguai Szolgalata. (PNMJXONIA radiog) EIA)D Iwo, dr.1 ROSSMANN, Bela, dr.; SZUROMI, Istvan, technikus P --~ - Vertically moving screen consisting of 2 mobile parts for radiation protection. Magy. radiol. 15 no.2sll9-120 Ap 163. (RADIATION PROTECTION) (EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) T-^ZAT, Gyorgy, U C,'- - -.E,10DI, Pal; Hungarian Academy of :Sciences, Biochemical Research Institute (Margyar Tucomanyus Akademia, Biokemiai Kutato Intezete), Budapest. "3tu#es on the Sulfhydryl Groups of LDH From Skeletal Muscle." Zadapest, Acta Physiolwica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol XXIV, No 1, 1~63, pages 29-34. Abstract: [English article, authors' English summary] The lactate dehydro- g7e. Apse -LDi), prepared by the authors' method from pig skeletal muscle. con- tains 19-20 sulfhydryl groups, as determined by p-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) titration. In the native state, in neutral medium, the SH groups of skeletal LDH do not react with MIB. They can be demonstrated only in al- kaline media or after denaturation of.the protein (treatment with urea, do- ter~ent). As indicated by viscosity data, the alkaline medium changes the tertiar 6 y structure of the protein. In the lactate-DPIN reaction, at pH 10.0, the blocking of 20 SH groups inhibits the enzyme activity to about 50 per cent. Thus, the role of SH groups in the enzymatic activity of LDH in pig skeletal muccle is questionable, whereas in the case of LDH isolated from the heart mv.,:cle of the pig, the SH groups are essential for enzymatic ac- tivitY. 3 ff,=garian, 10 Western references. 1/1 1110-trilibgsix Ot arloalmotoj7kats 1"m cwaufao by CA, hitsot of ./ollsh water c--0 mmit. I--* Scur6ly-1. V Z10dil a-R. IkuwScIl (,IdJ PAJISW. Aell f. Scl. 751) - puij,hate iA nrMucwt la watery extructs o( vvis I 'b- flirroaOis in 94aittm , 11) citniffine + (2) '%raiain-i 4 A1'I'FWg4r-Cj)hr3pIlatO -I- 'kVI1 cra cont-inca all the SuMances In tuese F'~"Caltq. 114im and, b"H'ais muscia do not zutalm citmflw. The W4% %taq,t tak-s 'L p U* only In thoi pm-mas of Ntft ss)d Is Inhibii,,i by imlao ac,49. it Ito 11rupI-iwd ta nlimm the eruymo which catslytca mution (1) citmiline- 11nLum. , The Iptter is rhown w be jLqm,,c!atctJ with yfldo%ail- phniphAta.Aui to bA attivo it' rH 0 1 for tile I lmactirylL At neufrrl and aflghtly add pH the Actiilty is mor"d. . . . I . c .;,. J- Tb~s 14iontIty of lproiola F-6.7 with the tnzyme D.&lk7W-. aidehTdo-3-phoophato dohydrogoumoo. 1. T. Fmikys twO P. PWi (Init. 111Wmis., At-Ld. Sci. Ifulig. PeopIct, ke 4 IMI-Th.11. Mow lj.-Vkhim. Zhur. 26, 337,-W,(l9,,Vt~ ItumLan)-A cryst. produ ftactiun dic~.igmltcd a, "Y 1',', jxevillLzily iv,Ntt!4I (min rabbit mu~de (cf. 6111 I 91M. It was l'Itntill'.11 as t'-giYceraldellydi 'Amilar fractionq -ere 1.4ated from uw~:v J ll~ljs all'i C-atflq~, Tll,! activity 0 Ole fraction tvadi'd It!' 11131. 111 011! 3tit 4th p1IrjfiC;Iri ... 1. 114).7 pli-, Vl1oZ1vL:(l-NI hOP klOlytif-IF"ll 1 1 irc I it Il,v I Ii, ,,,-t ~,, v I of Cori, el ni. ( C.A - 4Z, M41al ,iily III the m,tk .1 A Ili Cry!,In. ulltl the ibalvc cty;vill All bt,lch, III I,,, iii I 6eq 1111141.7, kII,,,%II 1vhI,dr,i g-in.1 te, -111d 1,11, if 0ift wext., Wntic,fl. The uIctliod lj,~, ii f,)j the 1, Am,t, i,f 11 -A, 7 h CU"I"I t.. 1~ 11, S. Ll 8699- CHMft*4Maus. a now er"tafte DYMOX&I prottia. FE. Slds"yi, P. E10-di 13. SzOrt~i arid A. PusLtai AcI4 phpiol. WUW~,N, 7. 1 ' I. Arad. Sci, _ 165-The electrophoretically homogeneous crrt. en2ymo wxs obtained by fractionation with (Nl(,)ISO, from lre%h-water cral) njuscla. jkTI, 1.4 F,,ot nocessary for the synthesis of arginine phodphate from citrulline and NII. but pyridoxal phosphatc is. (Hunp ,arian) A, B. L JILxv.Ax. 'TTDDI. Pal Certain problems related to protein crystallization. Postepy biochem. 3 no.3-4: H.P.1957. (PROT3DM# orystallization, review (Ger)) Cp / 2 P BOZSOKY. (DXHYMGICNASICS phosphoglyceraldshyde dehydrogenase from various mammalian musc.. failure to produce active anaphylactic reactions In rabbits (Gar)) (ALLERGY, "r. failure of phospboglyceraldshyde debydrogenase from various mammalian musc. to produce active anaphylactic reactions in rabbits (Gar)) S.; IWDI# P* Insunoblological studio* on crystalline phosphoglyceraldebyde debydrogenass obtained from mammalian muscles. Acts, microb. hung. 4 n0-2:175-182 1957. E.',.CERPTA YEDICA See 2 161 1215 Physloloey P4y 59 1537. COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON O-GLYCf:I(ALVEHYDP,-3-i'llOSIlifATF. Dh- HYDROGENASES. 11. PHYSICOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS. IV. sTUD;ES ON THE DENATURATION OF vif: KNZYME BY PROTEOLYTIC DIGES- TION. V1. A sTUDY OF S04NIE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - Eladt ll.and Szabolcst G. Biochem. Inst.. llunp. Acad. otScia, Budal_,~si ~_Ix ~ PIIYSIOL.ACAD.SCI.11UNG. 1958, 13,3(11)9-206, 213-218and233-237) Graphs 10 Tables 7 It. Elect rophoretic ally the mammalian enzymes were homogeneous and showco nu differences in mobilit). in phosphate buffers the electrophoretic mouility is in- fluenced not only by the pll but also by the niol;%rity. In diffusion and tied I mentat ion experiments in glycine buffer the mammalian vnzynies showed a m01. wt of 143,000 while in the presence or cyanide half this value was obtained. On the basis of this and previous studies it is concluded that the enzyme may exist in either a dimeric form (with oxidized Sil groups and enzymically inactive) or a monomeric (with re- duced Sir groups and enzymically active). IV. The rate or digestion of D-glyceraldphyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (PGAD) by trypsin was studied. Preincubation with WIN protected PGAD from digestion. while preincubation with up to 10 equivalents of it-chloromercuribenzoate (or 14 equivalents, in the presence of 10-3 M KCN and at VC.). increased the digestibility of JIGAD. Urea denaturation or 11GAD alai) increased its digestibility. A probable mechanism of denaturation of proteins In stages suggested by these studies in dis- cussed. VI. The tyrosine and tryptophan contents or 5 kinds of mammalian muscle PGAD. estimated by a spectruphotometric method, showed no appreciable differences. Marnmallan muscle PGADs contained significantly less aromatic amino-acids than the I1(;ADs isolated from 2 species of crawfish. The solubility test showed no dir- !erences between the single mammalian MAIM, but TIGAD isolated from Cr2W- fish differs from mammalian PGAD in this respect. Alivisatoo - Chicago, 111. T SZABOICSI, G.; EWDI, P, Comparative studies on D-g1,yosra:41e 2yde-3-phosphata dehydrogenases. III. The inhibitory effect of -ckormercuribenzoate in the presence of different substrates. Acta p1welol. hung. 13 no.3t207-211 1958. dehydrogenases, inhib. by p-chloro- p-ahloromerouribenzoate inhib. of glyceraldshyde-3-phosphate doh.vdrogenanes) glyceraldshyde-3-phospiate mercuribenzoate) (MZOATO, off eats 1, Biochemical Institute of the gal garian Academy of Sciewes, Budapest. EWPj4-,v., ------ Comparative studies on D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydroganages. V. Immune-b io logical and serological studies. Acta T)hy5iol. hung. 13 no.3:219-211 1958. 1. Biochemical Institute of the ftne.,,arian Ac,,nAapW of Schemes, BudApast. (MRIMOOMIASS I glyceraldabyda-3-phosphata dehydrogenasae, immane-biol. & serol. studies) 310DI, P. 4--K, Ro-~ w#K4-- ~ - - I " Comparative studies on D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenasso. VI. A study of some ahemical propertiese Acta physiol. hung. 13 no,3: 231-237 1958. 1. Biochemical Institute of the Hungarian Acadeirq of Scineces, Budapest. (DMr=OGWASMS 0 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dabydrogenases, chem. properties) SIMON, Miklos, Dr.; KWHY, Ia9zlo, Ibr.; HLODI. Pja a biologlai tudomanyok kandidatuon dr. , SOOG, Sandor, Dr..77027ATI, Bertalan, Dr. Diagnostic significance of serum aldolase In liver diseases. Orv. hatil. 99 no.35.*1201-1207 31.Aug 58. 1. A Magyar Nephadeereg lgenzeegugyi Szolgalatanak, a Budapesti Kbz- ege9z9egWi-JarvarqW i Allomas (igazgato: Ya ,pos Vilmos dr.) Hepatitis Korhazanak Uo orvoeL Kwthy Iaezlo dr. ) es aLWk Biokemiai IntesetenekD (Igazgato: Szorenvi, 1mre dr. akademikas) kozleman'Ve. (IWHOIA.535, ixx blood zymohazaae in liver dia., diag. significance (Efun)) (LIM DISUSES, blood in zymohexase, ding. significance (Han)) CSABA, G.;TORO, I.;KISS, I.I.;JN=T, G.;SWDI, P. On the exact mechanism of the agar-binding reaction In a quanti- tative method. Neoplasma, Bratial. 6 no.4:366-382 1959. Histologisch-Imbryologisches Institut der Medizinischen University, Oiochemischas Inetitut der Uagarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, & Budapest, Ungaru;) (MMPIABKL, diag. ) SLODI, Pal The problem of protein evolution. Bio3.kozl 7 no.1/2:23,38 159. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Biokemiai Intezete, Budapest. BLODI.Pal; SZ7MCZYK,T- Pyrophosphatase In the hawk moth Celerio euphorbiae. Bul Ac Pol 'bfol 7 no.9037-340 159. (]MAX 9: 6) 1. Institute of Biochemistry and ftsics, Polish Acadev7 of Sciences. Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of XedAcInq,Varsav* 2. Magyar Tudomanyon Akademia Btokemiat Intesete, Budapest (for Alodi). Presented by J.Heller. (Pyrophosphatales) (Celerio suphorblas) (Hawk moths) DIBORINIG.A.; IVANOVA.V.P.; OPARINjA.I.,;-~nmi ~P. Zffect of ergosterol on the susymatic activity of phosphoglyceraldobyde dehydrogenase, Acta pbysiol.bung 17 no*2:133-140 160. 1* Institut biokhImII A~X* SSM# In Ukha, Mosima, I Cinstitut biokhimil AtIs' YeAgrii, Pudapesht* S ustab.) !). (VITAMIF D ~harmacol) ELODI.. P. The effect of solvents on the activity of some enzymes. Acta pbyalol. acad. sci. hung. 20 no-4:311-323 161. 1. Institute of Biocbemistry, Hungarian Acadevq of Sciences, Budapest. (SOLVENTS pharmacol) (FMDW chem) STRAUB, F.Brunoj akademikuB, egy.tanar (Buda eat); ELODI# Pall az orvoBtudomanycic kandidatuas (Budapest3 11 ...I................................, The Biochemical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. magy tud 68 no.4s237-240 Ap 161. (EEAI IW) 1. Intezeti igazgato, Magyar TudomanyoB Akademia Biokemiai at, ej-IWcKq, Intezets, Budapest (for Straub), 2. Tudomanyos fomunkatarep' Magyar Tudomanyos Akadexia Biokemiai Intezete, Budapest (for Elodi) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) (Hungaz7--Biochexistr7) HUNGAIrl ELODI Pal JECSAI, Cyorgy, and TWH, Piroska, of the Institute for -iFo-ett-iri'try at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1alagyar Tudcoanyos Akademia Biakemiai Intezete) In Budapest. "Studies on D-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Debydrogenase. Part 19: The Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate an the Dazyme Activity and Structural Properties of Debydrogenaces" Budapest, Acta Phy gica Acade=iaa Scientiartm HanoEicas Vol 23, t1o 2, 1963, pp. 67-99. Abstract: (English article; authors' English su==--y] A study of the effect of Na-dodecyl sulfate (EDS) on the enzymatic and structural proporties of phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (PM-) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) has yielded the following evidence: SDS inhibits th-.i activity of both enzymes. FM is inhibited ocnewhat more inten- Goly than LDR. The extent of inhibitioa in Influenced by the protein: EMS ratio as voll as by the actual protein concentration of the so- lations. A slight increase is only caused by SM in the lovorotation L~/2 A FH-MIGARY -1 Budapeat, Acta Physiologica Academiae Sciontiarum HunFAricae, Vol 23, No 2, 1963p PP-- 67-99- of the two proteins. In the presence of SDS neitber urea nor high tem- m.rature exert th3ir denaturing effect, as tested by the changes in optical rotatory power. The difrerence apectra batvaen 220 and 245 milli-lercms of the native and the detergent-treated enzymes reveal tlio diDoreanization of the protein structure. The viscosity incro- mant detern-Inations indicate a considerable increace in the volume and hydratation of tbo proteins examined. The affect is more marked in the case of FM. In the light of the above observations, the role of hydrofobic factors in the maintenance of the native atructure and biological activity of the enzymes vw discussed. Twenty-aix refe- rence3, including 4 Hungarian, 2 Russian., 1 Polish, and 19 Western. 2/2 L DEVENYI., Tibor; E OD~j Pa;j KELETI, Tamns; SZABOLCSI., Laszlone Some questions of the relationship between the chemical structure and biological function of proteins. Biol koal 8 no.1:3-18 160. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Biokemiai Intezete, Budapest. HUNGARY ,ELODI,-2al, SAJGO, Mihaly; Biochemical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA -- Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia -- Biokemial Intezet), Budapest, "The Structure of Proteins." Budapest, A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia BiologiaiTudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei,, Vol VI, No 1-2, 1963, pages 153-155. Abstract: Paper chromatography, the Sanger method of end-group determina,6 tion, ion-exchange chromatography and fingerprint analysis of the enzymatic hydrolysis products of proteins are mentioned briefly by the authors, as tools for the determination of the amino acid sequence. The interaction of the side.bhains of the polypeptides such as disulfides, the hydrogen bridge for the stabilization of the helical structure, and apolar bondsare discussed among those features responsible for the structural and functional character of a protein. X-ray structure analysis is mentioned as the main tool for the investigation of structure. After certain refinements, this method can also be suitable for the determination of the amino acid sequence. The article was presented at the meeting of molecular biologists in Tihany, Hungary. No references. 1/1 ELDDI P .4; JECSAI, Gy.; TOTH, F. Studies on D-*yceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. XIX. The effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate on the erWyme activitrsnd structure peoperties'of dehydrogenases. Acts. physiol. acad. sci. hung. 23 no.2:87-99 163. 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Hungarian'Academy of Sc~pnces, Budapont. (DEHYDROGENMES) (LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE) (DETERGENTS) 41W JECSAIj Gy.; ELODI, P. Studies on the sulfhydryl groups of LDH from skeletal muscle. Acts. physiol. acad. soi. Hung. 24 no.l129-34 163. 1. Biochemical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,, Budapest. (LACTATE DEHrDROGENASE) (SUIYMRYL COMPOUNDS) (MUSCIZS) (MUSCLE PROTEINS) (HISTOCHEMtSTRY) 'HUNGARY ELODI, Pal;, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biochemistry (KTA -- magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Biokemiai Intezet), Budapest. "Cooperative Interaction Between the Structure-Maintaining Forces in Globular Proteins." Budapest, A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Biologlai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol VIII, No 2, 1965, pages 173-177. Abstract: Among forces which stabilize the three-dimensional structure of globular proteins, the following relationships can be considered today; disulfide bridges, electrovalent bonds, H bonds, hydrophobic forces and spe- cific effects. The hydrophobic forces are discussed in some detail. Original oboervations mentioned in the article include the following. 1) The polarity of the medium largely determines the behavior of the protein. Decreased polarity is often accompanied by an increase in enzyme activity (glycer- aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, aldolase, RNA-ase), 2) Not all increases in the volume of the molecule are favorable. Deibrgents and urea, with a seemingly Identical influence on the structural properties of proteins, are greatly different with respect to their site of attack and mechanism of ac- tion. 3) Concerning the extent of hydrophobic areas It was found with d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and lactic acid dehydrogenases that the proteins behave toward the reagents used as If they had a layered structure. The re- sults of studies using the so-called solvent perturbation method are discussed 112 IIUN'GARY Budapest, A Mairlar Tudomanyos Akademia Biolovia-I Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol VIII, No 2, 1965, pages 173-177. in some detail. The effects which cause a breakdown in the structure of d-C.lyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase are summarized as a) removal of the bound coenzyme at room temperature, b) blocking of all of the SH groups, c) extreme pH (5 >pff >9) d) temperature over 370, e) urea in higher than 3 H concentration, fl organic solvents in higher than 10 per cent concentration, g) ionic detergents. No references. 2/2 H-17 AE3. JOUR. 21 IV5), .;0. 75809 ii Aliber, -L Szaaz, G., Eloe, G. , and Takacs, M. 111M OR Not given T Z i .'4f J; 0Y. the Stacility of the Color of Standard Solu- tions Prepared According to the Fifth Edition of the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia OR 111 .PUB. Acta Pharmac Hung, 28, 140 J, 105-119 (1958) A R STIW. 0 T The withors have investigated the stability of standard Solutions Used in calorimetric analysis and containing CoCl,-06H20 (60 mK/ml), FeC4 - 6B2 0 (45 mg1ml), and CuSO4 5111z 0 (60 mg1ml). It has been found that: (1) Changes in the conce& tration. of chloride ion affect the color of the solution and the use Of FeC13 which does not con- tain free HC1 ic therefore recommended; the con- centration of the IM uned in dilution sholild be 1%. (2) The standard solutlons muit be btored C it T R Lr ABS. JOUR. AUITMR III-ST. T 1-4 Hungary RZKhim., No. 21 1959, NO 0.': " 1 C- U B H-17 75809 A 3". IT i Vi f' 3T :in nealed ampules. (3) The color of the solutions in the ampules did not change noticeably during storage under daylight illuzination; however, storage in the dark is recommended. (4) So chemi- cal changeE were observed to have taken place in solutions stored for a period of I yr. (5) Tem- perature variations affect only FeC15 solutions; the change in the latter is reversible and the thermostating of the solutions at 204 (�~O) is recommended in comparison tests. S. Rozenfelld 7) C A.-ZD: 212 230 77 COUNTRY HUNGART CAMMEY tChemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their ApTAications. Synthetic Polymers. Plastics. ABS. JOUR. :F6WMtm-JQ No 17, 1959.. No. 62748 AUMOR abo, A. ; Soo, A, ; Jn,--~ aki i ezan, INMTTUTE % TITM New Commercial Application of Uroaformaldebyde Resins. oraG. pa. Kolozsvnri '-~ozl. Termes7eftiid, sor., 1.157, 29 No 1-2p 119-1216 ABSMCT The vreaformaldehyde resin was of%trined by con- densatinn. of urea (in water soDition with ftunrox. 12o!; concentretion) Rnd formalde"yde in a molal ratio of 1:3. TI-e candensatien reaction was con- ducted at the boiling point in the course of 10 hours (nH of 6.2 - 6.5), then -the resin was con- centrated by evanorp.tion at the residual nressure of 1.1 mm and 600 temDerature. It is -nroposed to emnloy the obtained resin In nlAce of the nitro- -Plue in the shoe industry. Stability of the Ifti n 9 a _1 Y FLOM )J'r 'cjm-v,)0R1Y Ch(imical Technolc-Cy. Leither. F11:'. T.TIdII3tT'iI_' 1"'OtC ifl.3 AES. JOUR. :RZKhim., 140. 20 1959, 110-73(22 AUTHOR :ISIzabol A.; Soo7 A.; h1opatakil L.; Ftifezan, I NiT. T 1T L _13 :Proparation of Activate'i `ha:-Ccal' fror, Collagen-Containim, induv.,t"rial. ly-laste I ORIG. PUB, :Yolozsvari egyet. kozI. Tormeszettud. sur. 1957, 2r No 1-21 127-134 A8-STRACT :Description of experiments which show the "A G.,'z i b il it yof' iitilizing sole-I-eathlEr -,iastc for v,av'_'ng ._ictlvated 0-tarcoil or ::t~mdard quality. & fint.-r grindim. of the .-aw material increases the activity c' f pro,.,iict. To obtain charcoal of higher activ-1ty it I,; -Iccers:~ry tcj LubJect tl~ raw rr,,aterlal to a tvic.-fold ci-ev0- activation (with 30*~,; solution of Z!,,Cl2! a second L :ictivation with hot air. PrelimInary defatting, of the wmtc- riot improve the quality of the c1h,arcoal. '-,I.-+,iiria1L !:emrcraturci and duration of carbonizLitintil 7500 and f hour! t.enrerature of second trcatvient with air, abolt, 35011. In determining the activity the iodometric method can not be, CARD,. 1/2 COUNTRY Eungary CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. Avolim. , ,~O. AUTHOR INK I I TITLE OR I CT, .PUB. 1939P .10. 73(22 H-35 ABSTRACT i used. It is possible to utilize the method based on adsorption of acetic acid. -- S. Aozenfelld. ICARD: 2/2 SIRBU, Rodica,2 ing.; FEKETL, Raisa, ing.; ELOPATAKI, LadiDlau, dr; Contributions to the knowledge of indigenous synthetic tannins, Industria usoara 10 no.6:225-227 My 163,, jwv, P. Clinical picture of bacterial dysentery in Plovdiv. Suvr1m. sad.. Soft& 7 no-89-32-37 1956. If Iit I,Wm4eka obedinens boluttva-Plovdiv. (G1. lakar: N. Ifet*40 -,'t (DTBmrfw, BACILLAW, statist. Bulgaria) ELOVICI S I. [deceased]; TONKONOGI L.G. Problem of the mechanism of sorption by the exchange of ions of the ion complex. Analete chimie 18 no.ltII5-ng Ja-Mr 163. I,( "~r ICLIOVICH. I.1. now. Studying the aging of diesel oils. Azarb.neft.khos. 35 nn.4: 27-28 AP '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Diesel fuels) SULAYMNOVA, F. G..; USHATZV. V.Te. 'MIGIL IF,- Use of universal truck and tractor oils. Aserb.neft.khoz. 35 no.7: 34-35 J1 156. (Joubrication and lubricants) (MLEL 9:12) Vaasa naya konrarentalys go trenlyu I IZnOsu v mashinakn. 34. 29W QIdrodInamICh*2k&Y2 teortys $U&ZkI. OPOrl 5k0l'zhGnI7&- 3m&xkm tio b n. rica I.vaazocbny7e waterialy (Hydrodynamic Theory of Lu Lubrication and Lubricant Materials) Moscow. s arin Sli B . e g p ltd-vo AN 339R. 422 P. Irrata slip Inserted. 3,600 c OPI-am printed. (Series; Its: Trudy, v. 3) Po moring Agency: aloademiya nauk SSSR. Institut washInwwodenlya. ' amic Theory Of Lubr%ca tion d ; Hydro yn O;p. Zds. for the Section d Slip Bearings"s Ye. M. Out*yar, fteressar. Doctor or Tech- k. X. D*Yachkov. Professor, Doctor of Tech- alcal Sciences. and for the Section. 'Lubrication and Zd s Re ie l S l -1 . . nee c ea ; o Lubricant Motorisiv 0. V. VInogradow, Professor. Doctor of Chowleal Sciences; Rd. of ftblishing Bousel IL YA. Kleb&nov; Tech. 2d.: 0. M. Uualkova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles to intended for practicing engineers and research act*ntiats. COVIRACIts The collection. published by the Institut mashino- a AX 33SR (Institute of Science of Machine*. Academy l d en ve y or Sciences USSR) contains pavers presented at the III koaftrentalys Vo trerdyu I iznowu v mashinek2i 126=21MO.Ion Conference an Friction AM We" in Machlael which Wag held April 9~15. 195a. P"bl"s discussed were In a d & n on wumle Theory of Lubricat VYdr.dV"I. Theory (Cont.) Use or Lubricant Materials 92124'rikov. A- I- Special Pastures of the Rebaw, lor of Pleat" WbFfc'ntf in Holler Bearings 291 on & Rational 1691me for Lubricating 1 am M--gh 9r-~-- 299 Laboday. V. a.. j P- -1t*P4nOv. And Selection or Lu bricant Mac.'Jk2k for Reduction aggra 0P*r0tIftg Under Low.-Taxperstur, Conditions 306 10.bodqv~ 3, A. (deceased). land M. A. *rigor-yaV. Wear Of COW~*Wta 'With various xat6-c;di~-mf Cleaning the oil I. the Lubrlc4t'on System Of an Automobile gOgins 313 16"Jild2f Y&~O- m`nd-V- 1- ;harapov. oil* produced by & X*w Nsth*d and Th i e - r Erroct on the Wear or Znglrwo 321 T--KktOv0nkO.. I_ A.. the or W"". Or the C*wP*nwnts of Automobile Zngln&s Gperst_ IDE With Various pils 328 z Theoretical PoundatIon or the n*q%jlr,- ' _ i sin'04&u&11%108 Or 0112 Dead In sotp*lor*ntltn*n !N in t*zm&l-cOmb u , Ch"eles' Composition and Operational Lubrication Materials Denru'31hin 1n4' A- V- R*4udtlQn or Wear In KnZines operating UlfUr*u* D'*Sel Oil b 9 A ~4 of y lkaline Additives 344 1141 '*"kill Y-- S., G. -1. 3hor, and R, -- Shn*yfrova. h .C inlam Of trOtOctIn j PrIctlon 3urCaj&s From Corrosion woo r With cO0 Aid Of AddItiess to the 0119 3 Xf9" 3 1 and P P Y*v4okl 0t - - - . mov. . ~ Chemical Composition Groups is -r 356 EL,q0_V,,,,I,CH, I.I,,Cand Tech Sci -- (dies) "Study of the operational properties of oils with additives for motor-tractor engines." Mos-Baku,1958. 16 pp (Min of Higher Education USSR. Mos Motor Vehicle and Road Inst) 100 copies. (KL, 12-58, 99) _56- BASHATICY, T.Te.; BLIOVICH, I.I. A Standards for automobile lubricating oils. Sbor.trud.AzNII NP no.2-:173-178 Ag 1158. . OURA 12 -.6) (Lubrication and lubricants) KULIM., A.M.- KULIYEV, R.Sh.; DBEYZINA., M.M.; KERVORKOVA$ I.S.; -ALZW,, M.1,; SULE&NOVA, F.G.- ELIOVICH I.I.; MTEMIJKO* M.Ye. Vathods for inproving the quality of oil for carburetor engines. Sbor.trudokz NII IW no,,4:89-113 159. (NIU 15:5) (carburetors) (Lubrication and lubricants) - ICL I OTI CH,;,Xl. I..., - - ~: -T Aging of crankcase oils, Azerb. neft. khoz. 38 no.9;38-39 8 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Gas and oil engines-Lubrication) SULEYWIOVA,, F.G.; BASHAMI Me.; ELIOVICH, I.I. Comq=iaon of the remats of laboratory withods with the real evaluation of orankoaae-,oils for motors and tractors. Sbor.trud. Az NII NP no-4:3.46-16;! 159. (K[RA 15:5) (Lubrication and 2ubricante-Testing) S/081/61/000/014/024/030 B117/B203 AUTHOR: Ellovich, I. I. TITLE: Theoretical foundation of demands made on the operating characteristias of oils for combustion engines PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1961, 541, abstract 14M236. (Tr- 3-Y Vass. konferentaii po treniyu i iznosu v mashinakh, v- 3. M., AN SSSR, 196o, 338 - 343) TEXTs Formulas are given, which characterize the following: (1) fu-m'i consumption of an operating combustion engine according to its working LI-11 parameters; (2) intensity of wear of a combustion engine according to the- mean effective pressure in the cylinder, the mean piston speed, and the antiwear characteristics of the lubricantl (3) aging of the oil in the combustion engine according to the thermal stress of the engine. ThE author thinks the formulas given will permit a theoretical foundation of the choice of oil for a combustion engine. [Abstracter's notet Complete translation .3 Card 1/1 SULUMANOVA, FatIma. Gamaevus. ELIOVICH III a Is vioh- BASHAYEV, ""v"" 1). ~R. 7're .. red.izd-va; V.Ye.j, kand- aa r ;hM POGOSOVI V.0 tekbn, red, [Working properties of fuels and lubricating oils for modern internal combustion engines] Ekepluatatsionnye Bvoiotva topliv i smazoohrqkh masel. dlia, sovromem3ykh dvigatelei vnutrennego sgo- raniia. Bakup Izd-vo Akad. nauk Azerbmidzhanskoi SSR, 1961. 150 p. (Petroleum as fuel) (MIM 15:4) (Gas and oil engines-Lubrication) ELIOVICH2 I.I.; RYUMIN, G.H. Methods for determining the economy of using additives in lub- ricants, KhImai tokhotoploi masel 6 no,9;54-58 S 16le (MIU 14:10) le Institut neftekhimicheskikh proteesoov AN AzerSSR. (lubrication and lubricants-AdditiWes) KULIYKV, A.M.; SULnWTOVA; F.G.; '47MOV., K.I.; ZMALOVA, G.A.; KLIOVICH, I.I.; KHIGER, V.P.1 BASRAYSV, V. Ye.; MUSHAILOV, A. Ye. , Improving the quality of motor oils from Baku petroleum. Xhim. i tekh, topl. i masel 9 no.6&3.5-39 Je)64 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Institut neftakh1mi,,-heskJkh protsessov AN AzerSSR. 1, KULIYEV, A.M.; ZULIFUGAROVA, A.G.; ELIQVICif, I.I. Synthesin and 3tudy of antlwear additivo-zi twised on the pr-c-Auct's of condensation of alkylbenzenes wAth chlorti. Dckl. AIN Azerb. SSR 21 no.5320-24 165. (VIFA 18.-9) 1. InstItut neftekhimicheskikh protBeHsov AN Azai-SSR. 8 L 1-92-66 EWT(m)/P/P(w)APF?c)/T/L,4p(t)/EWP(b) JD/WB1DJ1PJ1 6ESSION XR: AM2448o UR/0316/65/000/003/0026/0032! ._;r/ z ALYMOR.# Kuliyev A M - Zullfugarova A. t1.-- El'ovich, 1. 1. TITLE- Synthesis and study of the anti-wear properties of additives from conden- sation products of alkylphenols with.chloral\ It 'L SOURCE: Azerbaydzhanekly khImi heskly zhurnal, no. 3, 1965, 26-32 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant additive, antivear additive, anticorrosion additive ABSTRACT: Seven anti-corrosion and anti-wear additiveAave been prepared by the condensation of various alkylphenols with chloral ana, in some cases, subsequent treatment with phosphorus pentasulfide. The phenols used were toopropyl-, p_tert-~ butyl-, and p-tert-pentylphenols,and a technical alkylphenol. Condensation with chloral wan carried out with otoichlometric amounts of the reactants In Isooctane solution at 80-85C In the presence ofedoned. H2S04. The condensation products verb treated with P255 in d6aromatized ligroin at 95-100C: Card 1/2 L 1792-66 ACCESSION NR: AP502448o For both reactions yields ranged from 66 to %6%; product melting points from 42 to 162C. The products were tested an anti-MearlUnd anti-corrosion additives (3%) in AK-5 oil.kt Wear tests employed a four-ball apparatus, and anti-corrosion tests in-I vol-ve-a-TV(Soviet] NAMI th d and a Swiss method (Peference given). All the prod aAA IL IL Mon and anti-veargroperties. The condensatio ucto shoved good _CoM n prod- ucts increased the anti-wear factor from 23 56.2 max and the dithiophosphates increased It from 23 to 102.5 max. Corros io~jl~ strips (NAMI method) was fully prevented. Or1g. art. has: 2 formulaa-MirtAbles.. (SM] ASSOCIATIONt IMP AN Azerb 6SR SUB19TTED'. 2lJan65 ENCLi 60 SUB CODE: FPO OP S. NO REF SOV: 003 Mift: 001 ATD MES Cmd 2/2 L 1897!!Ok ACCESSION NR: AP5021584 WOW/ 5 AUTHOR: Kuliyey, A. M. o.; Suleymanova, F. G.; Ellovich,, 1. 1. ZeMg~M ~O. MushailovVA. Ye. TITLE: Preparati~e method for motor oils. Class 23, ft 1 172hh6 SOURCE: -Byulleten' izobreteniy I tova rny kh znakov, no. 13, 1965, 55~ TOPIC TAGS: lubricating oil,, lubricant additive, antivear additive ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued foN a preparative method for motor oils, involving addition of the folloving additivesl'to an oil base: an alkylphenol- formldebyde condensation product [unspecitredT, and sulfonate, antivear, and de- fowant additives. To improve thi service properties of the oil, the antivear additive used is thiochlorostyrehe (etc]. 1 ASSOCIATION: Institut neftekbini OHM protsessov im. Tu. 0. Mamedaliyqva- AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (Institute of Petrochemical Processesp.,AN Axerb"Ashan EM) SUBMITTED: o3mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: FP 10 REF SOV: 01M 000 ATD PFM: #off L 1631-66 3a(m)/EPF(c)/34P(J)/T W/W/Dj/hM ACCESSION NRt AP5022063 UIR/0249/65/021/005/0020/0024 AUTHORSs KAI&ev, A. Z%iliftgarova, A., e.;-Kl'ovich' I. I. I I TITLEs Synthesis and investigation df antivear additives from the pr~duots 0 ap,vlbenzenes-ohloral condencation SOURCE: AN %AerbSSR.\'Dokl&dvp v. 21, no. % 1965t 20-24 TOPIC TAGSs alkyl benzene, antiweax additive, condensation reaction ABSTRACTs Ten new compounds, synthesized by acid condensation of chloral with various alkylbenzenest we e tested for their antiwear and anticorropive RLorerj~ea- as lubricant additives Te work was undertaken in view of the observations of P. 1. SanIn and Ye SFAepeleva, (Prisadki k maslam i toplivam. Gostoptekhizdato 1961$ p. 61) that ;he antiwearing properties of many other organic compowide can be related to their content of CC13 group. The reaction was performed at 50-600 for 5-6 hours in the presence of concentrated H2S04 (40% by weight of alk7lbenzene~' The white crystalline products were recrystallized from heptane. Physical propertiess yields, and elementary analyses of the following compounds are presenteds IflI-Triohloro-2121-bis:diPhwVlethaneI lgltl-Triohloro Card 1/2 -.2t2f-bin (1-methylphenyl)ethanot L 1631-66 l,lyl-Trichloro-2121-bie-(192-dimetbylphenyl ethane; lplgl-Trichloro-2921-bis:111:3:m dim:tthylphenyl ethane; lplpl-Trichloro-2,21-bis 4 hylphenyl ethane; I,ltl-Trichloro-2,21-bia- l-et lphenyl)ethane; 11191-Triohloro-2t2f-bis- 1-isopropylphenyl)ethane; ItIll-Trichloro-2,21-bis- 1-tert,butylphenyl)ethane; l#lpl-Triohloro-2t2I-bis il-sec.arqlphenyl)ethane; Condensation product of polyalkylbenzene with chloral, JAI The anti-wear properties of the compounds dianot differ fromge~ih other to W. extent but an addition of,3% of either of them to the lubrican UK-22 increased its general wear index 3 to 3-5 timese A Swiss test o e anticorrosive proper-,q ties indicated that an addition of 3% of either compound to the lubricant AX-15 contains corrosion of steel plstes within normal limits*. Orige art* bass 4 tables and I equation* ABBOCIATIONs IMP SUMTTEDg -3OJun64 ENCLs 00 SUB COD& 00--, NO IUW SOT, 004 OTHERs. 001 Card 2/2 (-\~\ RV-1 KULIYEV, A.M.; MLIFUGAROVA, A.G.; ELIOVICII, 1.I. Synthesis and study of antiwear additines based on condensation products or alkylphenols with chloral. Azorb. khim. zhur. no.3: 26-32 165. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Institut neftekhlmicbeskikh protsessov All AzerSSR. L 44315-66 '1 'T (m)IT Di U-6-67-601-61-4 4ff NR. AP6020641 (A) SOURCE CODES UR/641-3 W5 INVENTORS Kulivev. A. Me; Ali-Zade, Z. A.; Ellovich. 1. 1* ORGi none TI'TLE'': *Preparative method for an antWear additivi"to-14b,ricitins oils. Class 23, No. 83865 (announced by Institut Petrochemicit T-MASAMM- AN AzerbSSR_(,In!t.itu.t..neftek.hi.michaskikh protseigov AN AzerbSSR)J SOURCES Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no, 14# 1966, 56 TOPIC TAGS: antiwear additive, lubricant additive, ABSTRACT% An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for an antiwear additive for lubrLcating*oile. The method involves treatment of naphthenic acids (unspecified] with epichlorhydr and phosphorus pentasulfide, followed by "nitrolizstion" [sic) of the reaction'product, JSH) SUB CODES 1l/ SUBH DAM l3Mav65/ Card 1 /1 1 ,:- UDCs 621,892.84 L 103110-67 EWT (in) DJ SOMCS CUM UH/04.13166100010151006910069 ACC NR: AP6029~'),j (A.) INVENTORS: Kulixev, A. It. 0.; Levehina, A. M.; Mamedov, F. N. 0.; Ellovich, I. I.;, Mushailov, A. Ye.; Farzaliyev, Ve Ms Os ORG: none I TITLE; A method for obtaining a lubricating compounh Claeo'23t Not 184385 ZRnnounced by Ir-iiitute of Petrocliemical ProceeseFL 'AN Azerbaidzhan SSR (Institut neftekhimicheokJkh protseseov AN Azerbaydzhanekoy SBRI/ SOURCE: Izobref prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 69 TOPIC TAGS: pol-nier, lubricant, lubricant additive, tranamianion gear) nonstructural m4neral product ABSTRACT: Thin Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining a lubricating compound by thickoning a mineral base with polymers and by adding a stabilizer. To-,_ make this lubricating compound usable in gear transmiBoional~a mixture of highi viscosity and low viscosity components with a quaternary ammonium salt used as a otabilizor is orployed as the mineral banee SUB CODEs 11/ SUBM DAM 12Feb65 :.Card 1/1 rA~ UDCs 621.692.8