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DROBNI. Sandor. dr.,;. SGIIDY. Blemer, dr. Heart tampomde caused by thoraco-abdominal stab vound. Ory. hetil. 96 no.47:1307-1310 20 Nov 55- 1. A Budayesti Orvostudomamri Baotou I. (igasgato: Hodri Indre dr. offet. tamr) taxponade, troun.) (WMM MID IWMIIS, thoraco-abdom., causing heart (THMX, WOAS and injuries, causing heart tamponads) oz. Seveereti Illinikajanak kosles. taziponade) BGXDT, Blemar, dr.; SZANTO. Tibor. dr. Late reelilte of splenectomy in Werlhof's disease. Orv. hatil. 97 no.?9:"98-800 15 JuIr 56. 1. A Budapesti. Orvostud. Baetem I. oz. Sevesseti, Klinikaj. (tgaz.t Hedri, Indre dr. egyet. tanar) koil. (PUPURA, THFDMPMC, surg. oplenectowT, follow-up. (Run)) (SPL3M, surge excis., In thrombopenic purpura, follow-up. (Hun)) ZSVOK, Zoltan, I)r. _36M1 Dr. Role and significance of the results of test meals administered without the use of a sound in the evaluation of the x-ray manifestations of chronic gastritis. Orv. hetil. 100 no.?:65-69 11 Jan 59. 1. A 3udapesti. OrvoatudomWi FCyetem I. oz. Sebeszeti, KlinikEkjanak (igazgato: Hedri, Radre dr. 3aet. tanar) kozlemenye. (GASTRIC JUICE acidity determ. by tubeless method using gastrotest tablets (Hun)) (GASTRITIS, diag. chronic evaluation of x-ray findings by determ. of gastric acidity by tubeless method using gastrotest tablets (Hun)) I:- EGEDY --N Role of adrenal cortex hormones in surgical practice. Magy. sebesz, 15 no.4:260-263 Jl 162. (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES ther) (SURGERY OPEUTIVE) ZGEDY, E.; STEKKER, K.; FUREDI, Erssebet; FONYODI, Sarolta Renal insufficiency after surgery in severe liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases. Acts. chir. acad. sci. hung. 3 no-49343-354 162. 1. 1, Chirurgische Mini (Direktort Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. E.-Hedri) und II. Pathologischen Institut (Direktor: Prof. Dr. L. Harangby) der Medizinischen Universitat Budapest. (LIVER DISEASES) (PANCREAS) (BILIARY TRACT) (JAUNDICE) (ACUTE RENAL FAILURE) (AITURIA) RATNAL. I.; GRAY, F.; MATSCH, J.; CUM, K.; IDIDT, S. Role of the bypopbysso-borpothalamic system in the pathogenesis of erythrents. and symptomatic polycythents. Orv.hatil. 91 no-34:1025 -1034 20 Aug 50. (CLML 20:5) 1, Of the Second 011nic for Internal Diseases (Director--Profes- sor Dr.Imre Haynal), Budapest University. IAWI, Inez1o; JUHASZ, Pal; EGIWY, Sandor Evaluation of the ea3:17 'phase o'f h4pe'rte'nsion. Magi,. belorv. arch. 10 no.4:109-114 Aug 57. 1. A Maaar Nephadsereg ZgenzaegWi Szolgalatanak koslemenys. (HYPERTINSION symptomatol. of early phase (Hun)) FISCHER, A.) _~GEI~Lj ~.;. SKOLNIKI J. Contribution to the pathomochanisms of hypoothenuria. Acta mod. Hung. 18 no.2sl97-212 162. 1. IL Medizininche Klinik (Vorstand: Prof. Dr. P. Gomori) der ModJziniachen Universitat, Budapest. (URIN"") GOMORI, Pal, dr.; EGEDY, Sandoro dr.; KEREKES, Gizella, dr. Results of the angiotensin ektn test in normal and hypertensive subjects. Orv. hetil. 104 no.":2067-2069 3 N 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, II Belklinika. (HYPERTENSION) (HYPERTENSION, RENAL) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (ANGIOTENSIN) (SKIN TESTS) (VASOPRESSIN) EGE1 . R "The production n1an is our working proi.ram.11 P. 3 (Drumul 9elsugului) No. 1, Jan. 1957 Bucuresti., Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions LC. Vol. 7, no. h., April 1958 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5474 Terpigorev, A.M., Academician I deceased 1, Chairman of the Editorial Board, R. P. Kaplunov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board, Ye. F. Mookallkov, Mining Engineer, V. V. Nedin, Professor, Doctor oi Technical Sciences, Yu. V. Seledkov, Mining Engineer, 0. 0. Sosedov, Mining Engineer, and L. Ya. Tarasov, Mining Engineer. - Spravochnik po gornorudnornu delu. t. 2: Podzemnyye raboty (Ore-Mining Industry Handbook. v. 2. Underground Operations) Moscow. Gosgor- tekhizdat, 1061. 855 p. Errata slip inserted. 17, 000 copies printed. Scientific Eds. (Title page): A.M. Terpigorev, Academician, and R. P. Kaplunov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Reap. Ed. ; L. Ya. Tarasov; Edo. of Publishing House: M. M. Smirenakiy,and V. W. Partsev. skiy, Tech. Ed.: V. L. Prozorovskays, and M. A. Kondratlyeva. Card*kie- Ore-Mining Industry (Cont.) SOV/5474 PURPOSE: This handbook is Intended for mining engineers and akilled personnel of the mining Industry. COVERAGE: Volume II of the handbook reviews various methods of under- ground mining and analyzes the basic principles underlying different types of ore mining operations. Parts 1, V1, IX M, and XV of this volume were written by L. Ya. Tar~oov, Mining Engineer, L. Ye. Egelf, Geological Engineer also participated In writing Part 1. P-ar-t-V --was written by A. M. Byboc)lk?n. Candidate of Geological and Mining Sciences; Part III by D. N. Ogloblin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. and M. 0. Papazov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Parts IV, V, and X were written by R. P. Kaplunov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Part VU by V. V. Nedin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciencea, and by Sh. 1. 'j Ibrayev, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Part VIII by N. N. Polyakov, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences (deceased) and by M. 33~ Udalkin, Mining Engineerl Part IX by A.M. Alyamokiy, Docent#Candidato Card408- 13 Ore-MWng Industry (Cont.) SOV/5474 of Technical Sciences (deceased); Part X11 by 0. M. Malakhov. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences: and Part IaV by V. N. Voronin, Doctor of' Technical Sciences (deceased), and L. D. Vorodna. Candidate of Technical Sciences. No personalities are mentioned. Each part of the handbook to accompanied by references, all Soviet TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged Forewo rd 4 PART 1. INFORMAT10N ON MINING GEOLOGY Ch. 1. Basic Information on Geology and Wneralogy 5 -Ch. H. Crude Ores and Minerals Ch. III. Classification of Mineral Resources and of Mining Operations 40 Ore-Mining Industry (Cont.) SOV/5474 Ch. IV. Characteristics of Rocks 43 Bibliography 52 PART H. SAMPLING Ch. 1. Purpose and Types of Sampling Operations 54 Ch. 1:1. Sampling Methods 55 Ch. III. Sampling in Mine Workings and Boreholes 59 Ch. IV. Sampling of Broken Ores and Rocks 61 Ch. V. Preparation of Samples for Chemical Analysis 64 Card 4118 EGELI, Lev Yeypnlyj~~o4j BUTKEUCHy G.V., otv. red.; PARTSEVSKIY) V-,N., ri-d-.isd-va; FROZOROVSKAYAj VoL.# tokhn, red, (Ferrousp nonferroust and rare metal ores and their industrial importanoel Rudy cherrWkhp tsvetrqkh i rodkikh metallov i ikh pronyahlonnou zrachenie, Moskva, Goagortakhizdat, 1962. 199 p. (MIRA 15s5) (ores) EGEL I, LJ-P, ~ ~- - Selenium minerals of exogenous deposits. Gool,mostared.elem. no.11:27-51 162. (MRA 15:5) (Selenium) __. Exogenoun deposits of seleni= and their clasoification. no.11:60-88 162. (14IRA 15:5) (Selenium) EGELI, L.Ye.j BURIYANOVAO Ye.Z. Prospecting methods, studying, and appraising of exogenous deposits. GeoLmestoredoelemo no,llt88-101 162, (MIRA 15:5) (Selenium) EGFjL'j L~Ye.; BURIYANOVA, Ye.Z. Laboratory research methods. Geol.mesteredeelem. no.11:101-115 t62o WIRA 15:5) (Selenium.-Analysis) . 7 Appraisal and calculation of selenivin reserves in exogenous deposits., no,llill5-116 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Selenium) ;GILIp L.Ye, Technology of obtaining selenium from sedimentary selenium.-sulfide ores. no,22:3-17-120 762. (MIRA 15:5) (Selenium sulfides) RGELI, LY9 Geol.mest.redoe2em. no.31:120-224 162, (','qRA 25:5) (Selenium) F,CEL-'y L.Ye. Objectives"of further studione no.11:121+-125 362, (MIRA 15:5) (selenium) S/169/63/000/001/036/062, D263/ 307 A3THORS: Egell L.Ye and Bur'yanova, Ye'Z. TITLE: Methods of pros ecting, study, and estimation of exogenic deposits of selenium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 1 1963 7 t abstract 1D42 (In collection: Geol. mestoroz~ds redk. elementov. no. 11, M., Goageoltelthizdat, 88-101) TSXT: It is convenient to organize special prospecting of exogenic deposits in conjunction with geological surveying on a scale of 1:50,000 or greater, and also during the search for other -a useful mineral deposits, particularly those of ura ium. In sedi- mentary deposits selenium occurs predominantly in sand-schistose layers, less frequently in limestones and phosphorites. The rocks o are studied by investigating sections transverse to the strike f the strata. During this operation all lithological and stratigraph. ical varieties of rocks are carefully inspected, taking samples by.,.. Card 1/3 sA6 63/000/001/036/062 Methods of prospecting, D263YD307 grooving, and in extreme cases, by picking up lumps of ore. The shallow-water deposits of seas, lagoons, lakes an4 ancient rivers are more promising. Bituminized limestones and carboniferous sandy achist should be particularly carefully examined. The most promis- ing appear to be the sandy schists accumulating near active volcanid I regions. Since selenium is characteristically associated with uran~- ium, vanadium, and molybdenum, the appearance of such minerals indi. cates in most cases the presence of selenium in the given rocks Pyritic deposits contain as a rule sharply concentrated quantities of selenium. It is particularly important to test iron caps for Se. In its usual sense metallometric sampling is not suitable for selen-L-." ium, since the latter is not detectable by spectroscopic methods. The prospecting is carried out with the aid of a special method selenometry, which comprises a series of operations including spec-1 ial sampling and estimation of selenium by dry microchemical tests,~ Selenometry may be either qualitative or semi-quantitative. in 1" I qualitative selenometry the element is detected by the usual method:. of sublimation in-a closed tube. The presence of 0.001% of S e may be confirmed in this way. If selenium in the ore is not accompanied L_Qard_._2/3__ S11691631000100110361062 Methods of prospecting, D263/D307 by sulphide sulphur, or by arsenic, then the above method may give a qualitative estimate of the Se content. Selenium-containing to plea are then subjected to chemical and mineralogical analysis establish the mineral composition and the selenium content. One of~~,, the promising methods of prospecting for selenium and uranium dep J Sits is the geobotanical method. The success of prospecting depends' on the depth of stratification and on the form in which the selenium occurs. Although a large group of selenium-absorbing plants is knoim, their values as indicators is not uniform. Milk vetch is generally accepted as an indicator. According to D.G. Kennon, pros pecting by plant-indicators is particularly effective if the concen. tration of selenium in the ground is about 0.0176, (U not below 0.01%) and if the depth of the ore deposit does not exceed 12 m. Of the geophysical methods, It -surveying and radiometry may be used in prospecting for seleniferous deposits. The hydrochemical method does not always yield positive results since the possibility of confirming the presence of Se deposits in this way depends on the Eh and pH of 'these weak rock solutions, Z"Abstracterle note:.Complete translation,7 GINZBURG, A.I., prof.1 EGELI, L.Ye. "Economic studies of rare earths" by B.I. Kagan. Reviewed by A.I. Ginzburgp L,K, Egell. Vest. AN SSSR 32 no.9:152-153 s 162. (HIRA 15:9) (Raro,earths).- (Kogin, B.I.) EGELI.--Iey-Xevenlyeviah:.YERSHOV, A.D., glavnyy red.; ZUBREV, I.N., zam. glavnoga red.; GUDAL.IN, G.G., red.; KRASNIKOV, V.I., red. [de- ceasedj;KORESHKOV, B.Ya., red.; MOMDZHI, G.S., red.; POZHARITSKIY, K.L., red.; SHIRNOV, V.I., red.; POLOVOV, A.P., red.; TROYANOV, A. T., red.; FILIPPaVSKAYA, T.B., red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; CHER- NOSVIMV, Yu.L., red.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.vypuska; PROKOFIYEV, A. P., red.vypuska; SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ye.Ya., red.lzd-va; BYKOVA, V.V.,, (Rare-earth metals.] Redkezemellnye metally. Moskva, Gostoptekhiz- dat, 1963. 332 p. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no.21). (MIRA 17:2) BGBLISHTM, S,Ya., inzh. Nomogram and tables for deteradning the number of sootions In N-136 azUL.N-l50'o&m't iron double-channel heating radiators. (Buggested by MA, 31gellshtein]. Opyt rab. proakt. or no,2: 15-22 157. %RA 11:6) (Radiators) SYROMYAnIIKOV, I.A#; MAMIXONWITS, L.G.; HAMEWV,, A.M.; KULI-ZADE, K.N.; ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; DZMVAUIj Ch.M.j HUSTA&ZADE.. P.B.; GUSEBOV,, P.G.; GAZARIUN, S.I.; EGENDI-UM,_A.A.; ALI-ZAEE, A.S. B.P. Allbitakii; obituary, Klektrichootvo nool2t88 D 162, (MIRA 15tl2) (Allbitskii,, Boris Petrovichp 1887-1962) MWIA/Fam Aninala. cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-~ No 17~ 1958, 78743. Author Lunca, N.; Ionescu, C.; Slavescu, E-j Eger, E Inst Title tained in Several Stations for Artificial Insemination in Cluj Region. Orig Pub: Probl. zootechn.) 1957,, No 6, 55-57. Abstract: Artificial insemination of cows was conducted for the first time in the rayons of Dzhilauj Zhibou and Zalets. Dulls 2 to 3-9 years old served as sires. The percentage of fertiliza- tion for three years eopprised on the average 74.5, 66-73 and 69-77%. Fertility of cows under artifi- cial insemination equaled 78-73%) the litter was Card 1/2 28 . EGEJM , Frigyes, okleveles banyageologuB-mernok RadeepenTft-of deep borings and their deflection in tectonically disturbed area by means of geophysical measurements. Bany lap 96 no.9s610-614 S 163. 1. Magyar Allami Eotvos Lorand Geofizikai Intazat Karottazs Csoportja, Miskolc. - - : e. T r I '~: 7 -1,A CZECHUSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics, ",-. B Thermochemistry, Equilibriums, Phys, Chem* Analysisp Phase Transitions. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 16, 1958, 52949- R, T_ CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physioal Chemistry. Thermodynamics. B Thetmoohemiatry. Equilibriums. Phy- sico-ohemical Analysis. Phase Trans- itionJ34 Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1956, 70053. Author :_2aAz_J- Inst : Not g0`65n. Title : The Determination of Lithium Carbonate Solu- bility in Water and Potassium Sulfate Solutions. Orig Pub: Chem. prumyel, 1956, 8, No 3, 136 - 138. Abstract: The solubility S (mole/1) of LiCO3 M in water and aqueous KvS04 solutions (II) was measured at 25-1000C. -The experimental data are express- ed by an equation S = Al / A2 M2 ~ A:~ m2 2 ..9 A, = 8 (M2 = 0) = So and m2 is the molar con- Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics. B Thermoohemistry. Equilibriums. Phy- sioo-chemical Analysis. Phase Trans- itions. Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 70053. Abstract; centration of II. The stants Az and A3 are raspectively at 250C - 0.160, 0.23, -0.128, 0.184, 0 08156 0.168, 0.068; a; 100 0.050. values of So and con- equal to: 0.146; at 500 C - at 750 C, - 0.102, C - 0.0788l 0.142, Il increases the solubility of I from 40-80%. The heat of solution Q for I was calculated. The obtained data satisfy the equation: Q :: -3570 1 MOOT, where T is the temperature i n oK. Card 2/2 10 RIPAN, Raluca, acad.; 1GLER, I.; MIREL, C. Cor'ributions to the muly of the properties of so- salts of 0,0-diethyl aster c dithiophosphoric acid. Pts.1-2. Studii cere chimle Cluj 14 no.1:49-60 163. 1. Institute of Chemistry, Rumanian Academy,, Cluj Branch. OTAN,11- I . B aniulfl urid r the doterinlrliti()" r0.-0:829-833 D 164. OT, t Rcun nying elsMents- Pranchp Mimilintry 0 59_(,t) RIPAN, Raluca; ECZR, I.; BOJAN, N. Contribution.3 to the doterminat'ion of uranium and AcLanpnnying 918Ment3. R.I. Studii core Odm 13 no.12.873-877 D 1641. 1. Institute or Chemistry of the Rumanian Aoademy, Cluj Branch 59-65 Donath Street. MSIL, J.; EGER, J. "Comparative index numbers of the chen~',,,al industry in the United 11" States of America, West Germany, Grerit. Britain, France and Japan" -0 by L. Hass~ Ilse Naujaocks. Haviewod by J. 1,hisil anJ J. Eger. Chem listY 58 no.12t1464~1466 D 164. s/27o/6a/000/001/010/024 A001/A101 AUTHOR: Eger, R. TITLE: An investigation of the refraction effect in precision leveling by instruments with compensators PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geodeziya, no. 1, 1963, 31, abstract 1.52.205 ("Vermessungetechnik", 1962, v. 10,no. 6, 159 - 161, German) TM: The aims of investigations were as follows; 1) to establish. whether there is a difference in leveling with instruments with a compensator without using the field umbrella and instruments with a level and using the um- brella; 2) to establish a dependence of refraction effect on the vertical tem- perature gradient and distance to the rod; 3) to determine the agreement be- tween the refraction value calculated by the rigorous formula and by the Kukka- myaki approximate formula on the one hand and its actual value on the other one. Investigations were performed experimentally by-the well-known method of level- ing by the long ray (20, 30 and 40 m) and short ray (13 m) and measuring vertical temperature gradient with thermocouples within the range 0.5 - 2.5 m over the Card 1/3 S/270/63/000/001/010/024 An investigation of the refraction effect... A001/A101 ground surface. An open area with grass cover and 1-83 m elevation was selected for investigations, and the angle between directions to both rods was aoute. Measurements were carried out almost daily from August 25 to September 16, 1961, with three level instruments: Salmoiragi model 5190, Koni 007 and Ni 004. Measurements by the long ray were conducted, as far as possible, from sunrise to sunset, and by the short ray - during the periods of alternation of the tempera- ture gradient sign. The following conclusions have been drawn as a result of investigations: 1) Temperature distribution in the near-the-ground air layer systematically distorts the results of precision leveling; magnitudes of tem- perature gradient depend mainly on solar illumination. 2) The daily course of leveling refraction corresponds to the course of the vertical temperature gra- dient. This correspondence is sufficiently exact for observations by means of level instruments'vrith a compensator; for the level instrument Ni 004 consider- able discordances are sometimes noted which cannot be explained solely by tem- perature effects on the instrument. Minor discrepancies between the results obtained with different Instruments are explained by not simultaneous observa- tions with these level instruments. 3) Leveling refraction is proportional to vertical temperature gradient and square of distance to the rod, and also depends Card 2/3 3/270/63/000/001/010/024 An investigation of the refraction effect... AOOI/AIOI on the height of directional ray over the ground surface. 4) Under conditions of conducting experiments at a height of 0.5 m, temperature gradient of 10 per 2 m, refraction is 0.15 mm. 5) Corrections for refraction calculated by the Kukkanwaki formula at the height of directional ray over 0.75 m above the ground surface eliminate distortions of elevations in almost 75% cases. There are 7 references. I. Entin [Abstracter's notat Complete translation] Card 3/3 ZURJ. WO , dr. Now results in the research on nicli and nidal processes. Term tud kozl 5 no.6s246-248 Je 161. F GIM FS! 5 Y 9 FormAVon of the 'lub of Ynang --ritallectuals e1, Tataba7qe. ':Arm tiid kozl 8 no.12#575 1) Ib/.. 1. Senratary, KorArom County Soatlanp S%iety for Propagation of Sclantlfia KnowIndge, i*nMMOVA, R.. Dr.; IFISAROVA, M., Dr. -r ftiiiiiiiiiiftliip"MN4?~- - Subarachnoid hemorrhage.,Cesk. neur. 20 no*6:373-379 Nov 57. 1. Neurologicka klinilm lekarske fakulty KU v Plzui, preftosta prof. Dr V. Pitba, R. N. X., Plzen-Doubravka, Mohylova 70. (SUBARACKOID H3WT.MGN, case reports diag. & progn. (Gs)) EGERH&Mp V. - Vol. 4, no. 3, Mar. 1954. ZA SOCIALISTICKOU VEDU A TECHNIKU The great contribution of 1, V. Stalin to socialiBt technology. p. 97. Certain problem of the best treatuout of notale. p. 130. SOs Monthly list of East European Accessioneq (FXAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9,, Sept. 1955 Uncl. EG~MITAI-,Rt V. Bright-drawn steel. p.299. ENMETIKA. (Mi-isterstvo nlaiv a energetiky. Hlavni spr,.va elektrarer) Praha. Vol. 5, no. 5, MAY 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EFAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 195(3 EGEU-!A I M,, V. The developrient, of our secordary metallurgic production since P. 347 (Hutnik, Vol. 7, no. 10, Oct. 19,177, Pralia, Czechoslovaia) Monthly lndex of East Eurcpezm Acces3ions (El-Al) U. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 EG;E-WAIER, V. Secondary metallurgic production in the USSR and in our country. P. 1062. (4UTNICKE LISTY.) (Praha, Czechoslavakia) Vol. 12, Yo. 11, Nov. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of Fast Eurrpean Accession (Eb~kl) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1958 q~XRWJROVA R. Dr.; SKORPIL, V., Dr. Postpartum thrombosis of Intracranial sinuses and veins. Cas. lek. cook. 95 no-20:543-545 18 May 56. 1. Neurologicks kliniks v Plini. Predn. prof. Dr. Pitha. (PUIRPIRIUM, compl. thrombosis of intracrantal sinuses and cerebral veins (0s)) (SINUS THROMBOSIS, pu rperal, with cerebral thrombosis (Cz)) (G=B;Z THROMBOSIS AND WBOLISM, puerperal, with sinus thrombosis (Cz)) NEKIfF,NDV.I, Ye.Yu., kand. tekhn. nauk; ll,~,, .... Measurement of theml sLresse3 Jn a w3ld,jd dAv~tt;jffi.ed snaft using high-temperature tanslcmet.-~-s. Fnert! *:Pp.!-,b lr.(,~ tr O.P, nit: 10 no.5z]9-24 My 164. (M, ,R,1 37.S) AUTHORt Egermayyerg F., Profesnorp Doctor SOV/2-58-10-7/15 TITLEt On Contemporary Conceptions of Statistics in Socialist and Capita'list Countries. (0 sovremennykh vzglyadakh na statlatiku v sotaialisticheskikh i kapitalisticheskikh stranakh) IERIODICIL: Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 10, pp 42 - 51 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the USSRp and in the majority of satellite countries, a reorganization of statistics is taking place to meet the requirements arising from the new administration of national economy. The concept of Soviet statisticians, claiming statistics to represent an independent subject of social science, is shared by statisticians of the satellite countries. However, this view is in contrast to present-day concepts prevailing in capitalist count- ries. The author publishes the concepts of Soviet, Ameri- can, British, Polish, BtLLgarian, Czechoslovakian and Ger- man (SZG) statisticians on this matter, and makes 7 ntion of the fact that the Soviet concepts have stronglyinflia- VArel 1/2 enced the statistical methods of the world. The author ZGERSULOKI, Istvan Experience and lessons of the railroad workers' academieo in the 1961-/62 season. Term tud kosl 6 no.10478 0 162. 1. Munkasakademiai eloado. I x id I -AP.PtActica).ex-ccution of tvlfur P. te Vro"Cct I currents creme liuch art ek-tcir jle-'il itli thu rmfh cru%t Ahii;h t)tlicr vitctflimit tit elvdi-it! re. tt:l I,'!:, it I I C I] I fltiltt,- ptoll tit r :It it I i6a fly, I'll, it m~,mr, It A it v "i "Iv 13 y Is Coll"t.111t over brige mro!'. bit It 4"iI;I11,11itev;title and their dim-tion vre var4i0e, jhle "I a., Identical cumni mt.-tiity they ire (:vc,A from thl, poor conduckir 14-firock vit-, till, e&mvii- "I )' 1, '..03; Ow Aimultmwou~ r.,lontial dr,ep limul:ht ilL it tile C%vnly fAmIts or. %fit is a fulictinn of tilt) thIckneoL, of tile xediffil-311jr), Sinru tile drternmimiun uf thr, ab4oloto potcmial tln:$)4 is I tmher IrtylAved pt"Cedute, tile extrilit Uf tilt I at ut- ILin-i m lookscatial, which are propoytiviial it) tilt Avx)- ,"it! art: 111'7;'~Illcd in'jea'i ~11'1 ir'loparvd %V11h fllllill~ tile -;;line at iltlillt Tll~! %,krillnott'i call [-,C' ilvICI limed tlic V 1~,ntkl iliffirv,nee me rtcmd,,it tit) vlecti(Aci at- ralLRMI In It CCrT,Ijjj Fystenl. anti, fCIr tj- hAr. Ili coniprivmi. rova!urvrn-nI% are exectit- e d r at Ih( l';rv 1111.1 at flu rcfading ht'llivrill. It Ific Correlition. locluteo Ow. valw-~ ftn' tilt! 1A.111111,01) v-111.11ions lit (wo pollill is fly it f.,1111.111. til, Ctliffirien-S of tile Litiet provi: to IT thara"'t-ristic (111.1 lit tile thich -s% o' tl~e "Alklirriti fr'l lit It'v oult k. if the inflit. eor.~ M tilt: on Ili(! el"tric 1W3 Ilw -Autit of -op g3Enj,lifcalli: tb,~ idvmIfjgv_jLf file dure ii thot it filry-i5fle"i on Ow ;;gcIlc IV of Ilm 11011111r, 110d dirett IS I;iN'Cn Cir t1g.- joi4?IIIrf?CI1tA C17111JIUyed for Ili,isilellig r.-j Wk! I U4 J! I;,(, ill'-flilid-, of pol, j,c,Ivlq rx, cill, q w0f Iheir "0 Tile ItaYo whil 1;,;, ,III 117,11l. 11 1," ik,d V uwd 'lilt oil 111.7 plodil"I P1,114 sotyom awl r- loolid 1,, 1" fit 1~-,j EGERSZEGI., P.;KISSs K. Investigation of the ruptured structure of the coal basin in Oroszlw by geophysical methods. p. 681. BANYASZATI UPOK. (Nagy*r Banaszati es Kohassati, Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 14, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LOp Vol. '26,p no. 1~2, 1959. Uncl. owl. ftile046 (dedAd6) lekils4isa ard6sliceadsawyel. [NL-/C3jt" shelter Wit (1,16t 14ires)l IdAiAtill, 55(718):21OL-21S, DLC-The prnhlent of oplinitim angle of Aotter W. is In rAltion 10 the Pt*VAII!ftg wind disor.6on i4 d144-jjA4.4L A wil cwutv,,iti&n PwChtm~ ;9 JW4"od h;Ch combines the u" of shelter Mis -with prijlwr ferfilizhic and cultiv;ktkm meth(Kis aimed at Incrusing the wind resiitivity (4 the u~il, .5nhjlra lletedingi., 1. Wind erosion 2. Sbeller 1. Soll co"effation.-G. &IT'SZEGIS S. "Making Sand Productive@" P. 714 (TEP.-MUET tS TARSADAW-1. Vol. 113, , No. 12p Dec. 19541 Budapest, 11ungary.) Sot Monthly List of East European Accossiowp (MAL), LCj Vol. 4, No* 4s April 19515) Uncl.. 7('I*:7ZSZEGII S, Improvement of sand occiirring in layers. p. 3. Vol. 8, No. 1 Jai. 1956. DA"apest', Hitnearyo AGRARTUMANY. SOURCE: East European Listj, (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1956o EGERS ZEGI, S . Current problems of manuring; improvinr the productive capacity of sand. D. 5. (Macyar Rezocazdasag, Vol. 111, no. 3, Feb. 1956 Budapest) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accession (EFIAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JulY 1957. Uncl. USSR/Soil Science - OLItivation, Improvement, Eronion. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., I-To 22, 1958, looll4 Author : Egercegi, Sh. Inst Title Thorough Improvement of Friable Sand Soils. Orig Pub MezhdiLuiar. s.-kh. z1I., 1957, No 1, 56-80 Abstract A review of the operations of experimental institutions in Hungary on the impxmvement of sands and sand soils in different regions of the country. It is underscored that the operations in the appropriation of sands in Hungary have been conducted for a long time and, as a consequence, valuable experiences have been gained; there bras developed a complex of agricultural engineer- ing and ameliorattng measures, adaptable to various soil- climatic conditions of the cowitry. Individual applica- tions are described and data on the yielding capacity of grain crops in the appropriated sections are presented. Card 1/1 -- F.H. Sofiyevn LGL-;0ZEG-I, S. im.provinE th(- -water econoiV of sandy soils and its agrophysiological bearing.p. 171. Vol. 11, no. 1A, 1957, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Yonthly List of Last European Accessions (MAI) W. 1o1. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. EGERSZEGI, S. Economical and lasting utilization of organic fertilizers in sand soils. Acta agronon Hung 9 no-3/4:319-340 160. (EW 9:7) 1. Institute of Soil Research and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Scienceaq Budapest. (Hungary-Fertilizers and manures) EGERSZEGI Sandor 1- Stimulative influence of sail ti Uage on thn utilization of feeding compounds by plants. Zesz probl post roln no.50at 85-91 164. 1. Department of Sandy Soil Research,, Institute of Scil Science and Agrochemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. FG:-3RSZFGI , S. Plant physiological principles of efficient sand aw lioration. Agrokem talajtan 13 Suppl.:20cx-218 1,~y 164. 1. Research Institute of Soil ),nicinee anti Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. t 36995-66 ACC NRs AP6027072 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: __~ erazeA jAn4or-4geraegi, Sh. (Candidate of agricultural sciences) ORG: Research Institute of Geology and Agrochemistry, KTA (MTA, Talajtani ea Agrokemiai Kutato Intezet) TITIE: International conference on sandy soils SOURCE: Magyar tudomanys ve 73,, not 2g 19660 128-129 TOPIC TAGS: soil property, fertilizer, scientific conference, soil chemistry,, agronomy ABSTRACT: The congress was organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and was held in Budapest, 9-14 Aug 1965, with participation of the socialist countries. The topic was the increase of the fertility of sandy soils. A total of 27 foreign and 36 Hungarian experts attended and gave 17 and 20 lectures, respectively. General problems and the steps taken in Hungary were discussed. The modes of chemical and organic fertilization and the use of isotope methods and irrigation were discussed among others. A visit to an experimental station and to the large-industrial irrigation-cultivated orchards and vineyards to a state farm concluded the meeting. CJPR53 36#5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none Card ~ EGERT,, V.E.; SAUSINISHO A.S. [Sausins, A.] "V-ZZ I - Determi tion of sulfuric acid and of e-tolueneoulfonic acid in aqueous solution present simultaneously. Zav.lab. 27 no.9: 1086-1087 161'. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut organicheskogo sinteza. AN Latviyokoy SSR. (Sulfuric acid) (Toluenesulfouic acid) EGERT2 V.E.; YUMA, A.A. Calorlme trio determination oV frne alkalies and acld- in ti,a preparations barbamyl and sodium othaininal. :ipt. de- o 11 no.5: 43--4,7 S-0 162, :IPJ, 17-5) .1. InsfAhif. organicherkoro fliriloza AN Latviyikoy S"'P. . . :: ~ -~. '.: ;~I- 1 . ~, - ;.' -,,. , - . I . 'i -iAl- I ~z , .- ~ I . I . - - li~~ Ill-'. - -~- : 1, - -. - ~ . . I ~i . ~ ; - - " ~ m -:. ; Q 61 r-, - , , /I I - - ~-y - - .,C-- ~- - _-i: _- - - - - , - - - - -- I- ~ I -- J,. v I V - 1 111 !'~t ,!~~i NMR , ;z.". ZGERVARY, E. Matbomatical'Reviews Vol. 13 NO. 3 March 1954 Algebra Y o7the projector matrices and R., On a propedy 0 its sopffe0on to the canonical ftF"GntRdOn Of I f,,,tj,n, Act, Sri. Math- Szeged 15, 1-6 (19SST- Theorem: if P is an nXn matrix of rank F. such that PI=P, then P can be written in the form BC", where A C' are nXr, and COB -1, (identity). [If P is hermitian, then P can even be written BBO, with B*B-1,.3 In a different terminology, the author lets A be a linear transformation in a vector-space over an algebraically closed field, and lets the minimum polynomial m (A) ofA satisfy WX), M'W) - L The components Ej of the canonical decomposition of the identity &-itisfy E~-Ej. Set Ej-BICII; then Cj*Bi-O (i Oj); Cj*Bj - L Thus the columns [rows] of the Bj [Cj] form a complete syitern of right. (left.] bi-orthogonal nor- rnal cigenvectors; of A. This existence proof is constrictive, andat the mme time simpler titan other discumions known to either the author or the reviewer. . J. L. Bren!er, - 'K r 1% 1 W I w- r I- Er, er-e At Y F Or, i :emir-A w ll,!re 17. 1 :S 7 > ti t < i and diaV ~q: A - - ( I +- N 4- - N- ,(,) I - ,, !- . t!, c1cments of A` are all positive. That A-' has positive eltments is also proved by a different method when ail