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R 41 AUTHORs Efrussit M. 107-59-5-31/32 TITLEs Now Voltage Stabl'.lizers (Novyye stabilitrony) PERIODlCALt Radio, 1958P Mr 59 p 61 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Card 1/2 The glow discharge effect was used for all voltage stabilizers produced 'so fars IISG2SII, IISG3S", IISGO", IISGlPII and "MP". The corona discharge used in the new tubes permits to stabi- lize higher voltages. Their design is similar to that of the glow discharge tubes2 but they are filled with hydrogen, under a certain pressurep on which the operating voltaga depends. The positive corona is used, i.e. the anode is the corona- emitting electrode. The surfaces of the nickel P-1,actrodes must be highly finished and their shape and position must be geometri- cally accurate and symmetrical. The following three new tubes are listeds IISG7S", hydrogen pressure 16-16.5 mm mercury column, operating voltage 380-400 volts, voltage change in the opera- tional range 20 volts, operational current range 3 - 100 micro- amps; IISG8S", hydrogen pressure 80 - 82 mm, 880 - 920 volts operating voltage, voltage change in the operational range 40 volts, operational current range 3 - 100 microamps; PISG9310, hydrogen pressure 140 - 143 mm, 1,220 - 1,238 volts operating voltage, voltage change in the operational range 18 volte, Vew Voltage Jtabilizers operational current shows the design of Figure 2 shows the types. There is one table AVAILABLEs Library of Congress 107-50-5-31/32 range 10 - 100 microamps. Figure 1 a corona discharge-stabilizing tube. graphics of the three aforementioned and two figures. Card 2/2 BOV/46-5-2-11/34 AUTHORS: Naumkina, N.I., Tartakovskiy, B.D., and Efrussi, M.M. TITLE: Experimental Study of Certain Vibration-Absorbing Materials (Eksperimentallnoye issledovaniye nekotorykh vibropogloshchayu- shchikh materialov) PERIODICAL: AL-ustioheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, Br 2, pp 196-201 (USSR) See .110e 0-ce,'XiO ABSTRACT: Vibration noise can be reduced by covering appropriate members of machines and structures with layers of vibration- absorbing (v.a.) materials which are characterized by high internal mechanical losses. If a metal rod is covered by a thick layer of a v.a. material, then the mechanical losses and consequent noise reduction are determined primarily by the losses in the v.a. material itself. if the layer of the v.a. material is thin, the loss coefficient -q of the composite rod Is a function of the product T?ZE2 Card 1/6 where 12 and B2 are the loss coefficient and Young's SOV/46-5-2-11/34 -isxperimental Study of Certain Vibration-Absorbing Materials modulus of the v.a. material. The present paper reports measurements of.,12 and tE2weof V-a- materials at acoustic frequencies. suremen s re made either on rods or strips of v.a. materials, or, if these were not strong enou6h, a metal rod was covered by a layer of a v.a. material and the system was measured as one unit (Ref.2). In either case vibrations were produced by means of an electromagnet. Since v.a. materials are normally non-magnetic, a piece of Permalloy goil was wrapped round the free end of the tested v.a. rod or strip. The apparatus used to test strips or rods of v.a, materials by themselves is shown in Fig.l. Vibrations were recorded by means of a microphone placed at a certain distance from the sample. The voltage across the microphone output was proportional to the vibrational velocity of the rod or strip, and from the maximum of this velocity the resonance frequency and Young's modulus were deduced. The loss coefficient was deduced from a record of decay of the resonance vibralions of the sample: Card 2/6 '12 = (1/if ) Ln(An/An+l) SOV/46-5-2-11/,34 Experimental Study of Certain Vibration-Absorbing Materials where An and An+, are successive vibration amplitudes. When the internal losses of the material were small ('12 --- 0-01) the decaying vibrations were recorded by means of Neyman-type apparatus and the rate of decay L(a Isec) was determined. The rate of decay is related to the loss coefficient by L = 27.29 f~2 where f is the frequency The errors in measurements of 152 were of the order of ;%, and of -q2 of the order of 5%. When a v.a. material was tested in the form of a layer on a metal rod the composite system was suspended horizontally, as shown in Fig.2. To determine B9 and 712, the resonance frequency f and the mass per unit lengtA m were determined both for the metal rod and for the metal rod with the v.a. layer on it (the appropriate formulae are given by hqs.(8) and (3)). The error in measurement of Young's modulus R2 by the composite rod method was of the order of 10%, and Card 3/6 the loss coefficient -12 was measured with an accuracy of 12%. sOV/46-6-2-11/34 ,15xperimental Study of Certain Vibration-Absorbing Materials The values of E2 and _q2 given in the present paper are averages of values obtained at 10-200 c/a and vibration amplitudes ranging from 0.001 to 0.1 mm. Among veao materials tested was "izol" which consists of rubber powder treated with softeners of bitumen and coumarone reoin type until the stage of partial do-vulcanization was reached. This treatment was carried out at 160-17000 at atmospheric pressure. After cooling to 60-700C the material was rolled to produce an elastic rubber-like sheet. The authors tested pure "izol" and "izol" filled with asbestos, cellulose, cord fabric, slag (mineral) wool and with other materials. The results of these tests are shown in Fig.3. This figure shows that if the v.a layer can be made of any thickness, then the best material; are "izols" filled with asbestos or with textile fibres. If the thickness of the v.a. layer has to be kept within certain limits the noise-absorbing quality of the material is given by the product E2%;' in this case the beat material of those shown in Fig.3 is the cellulose-filled "izol". A second group of materials Card 4/6 tested consisted of felts impregnated with bitumen, or "iZol" SL)V/46-5-2-11/34 -Experimental Study of Certain Vibration-Absorbing Materials mastic filled with asbestos or cellulose. The results are given in Fig.4. This figure shows that the felt materials have a low Young's modulus and zan reduce noise effectively only when used in the form of thick layers. Nevertheless the best of these materials (a felt impregnated with bitumen and covered by asbestos-based "izol" mastic) can be regarded as a useful v.a. material because its B212 product is of the order of .2 x 109. The best properties were exhibited by laminar materials In which the "izol" mastic was combined with elastic layers su3h as cable paper and aluminium foil (Fig.5). Acknowledonent is made to D.D. Surmeli and Ch.D. Marr for preparation and supply of the majority of materials described in the present paper. There are 5 figures and 3 references, of which I is Soviet, Card 5/6 1 German and I translation of English into nussian. I BOV/46-5-2-11/34 . Experimental btudy of Certain Vibration-Absorbing Materials ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva (Acoustics Institute, Ac. So. USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 20., 1958 Card 6/6 KAUMKINA, R.I.; TARTAKOVSKIY, B.D.; EMS Lll-~--M!, .Two-layer vibration-absorbing structure. Akust.zhur. 5 no.4: 498-501 159. (MM 14:6) 1. Akusticheakiy institut AN SSSR Moskva. (Dazpiw lmecl-nics)) DCLINIK, A.; AMSSI, M.; VASILIM, A.A., red.; XMINA. U.S., takhnered. [High-quality acoustical systamal Vysokokachestvannye akusti- chaskie sistemy. Koskva, Imd-vo DOSAAF, 1960. 75 P. (KIRA 14:4) (Loudspeakers) Vibration dampers. Wa. tekh. 5 no. 12:8-9 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Damping (Mechanics)) EFRUSSI, M. Determination of the stabilization factor. Radio no.2:54 k '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Voltage regulators) EFRUJSL_LIZ. _ Survey of modern audiometors and hearing aids* Akuato zhure 7 no.4:403-4U 161. (MIRA 14 t 10) I*- Akuntichcekiy institut All SSSRj Hoadme (Audiometer) EYRUSSI, H., inzh. Now developments in noise control. Tekh.mol. 29 no.8:19 161. 1. Sotrudnik Akusticheskogo instituta AN SSSR. (MIRA 14:11) (Noise) (Damping (Mechanics)) M~S.4,_Mtkb~!il Mik4ayl9Vic,h;KUZ'MINOV, A.I.,. red.; YEMZHIN, V.V., tekhn. red, (Acouotical desip of loudspeakero]Pkusticheakoe oformlenie gromkogovoritelai. Moskvap Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 46 p (Massavaia radiobiblioteka, no.443.) (MIRA 16-.1i (Loudspeakers) EFRUSSIj _1L Loudspeaker using the magnetic system of a telephone receiver. Radio no,-,1-33-34 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) (Loudspeakers) WRUSSI, M., inzh, Design of loudspeaker cabinets, Radio no,6:48-50 Je 163o (MM 16:7) (Loudepeakero) DOLIVIKj A.G.; El_"_USE~_~.M.Mq VASILIYLN, A.A., red. (How to build a radio system with good acoustical charac- teristics; principles of amateur sound reproduction systems) Kak sdelat' radioustanovku s khoroshim zvuchaniem; osnovy liubitellskogo zvukovosproisvedeniia. Moskva., Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1965. 166 P. (MIRA 18:4) U,"MUSST, Ya. I. Mochilat Ion AmplItude "Frequency an& Amplitude Mcdulation," Ya. I. 5 vp "Radio" No 2 FA 20TS9 a. I., Engr. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Plezoelectric Band Filter." Moscow Order of Mnin Power Engineering Inst imeni V. M. Molotov, 11 APr 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskya, Apr, 1947 (Project #17836) III It tj to Ij 1, 1? 0 a #o A A p x A 11 U III a UD a #I at 0 kx Q 0e A Ift Pdom d offoombAludoL :Emamk Y. 1. .00 so 0 FAIM101111PIUM", at 41-36 in Alawm.- Tlw aftbmk fifid oppoloommal vw*mtim o(o nva4inor 40 00 Tlw aftly* Is bood olk tm pt~w is* 00 ft * d" ow" as a dftk on okwA%rmu* go s Will Phu& PM" &M*U& = Z=i, rot(jitwoml W 00 - waiii-d" 6p of *A tawmi f0 f ww6m at do V" L. Joe 011111191,41 CLAWSIFIC&IOC- IIJI- , v- 1 It W As 0 0 tv n 00 000 0 0 0 900 9 0 0 41 00 00 0 a a 0 00000 e On Ampblowls GWOONTRY. ~ Y.. I I If .11,1140111W.' 1-1#1, Nlt__7~ -I`P-11-3~ lot ltu-wn) C,iriaju wooltioOf-ar ..-I A, 41111461"'1t, 141111trov 'W 1h.1 1"IK".I I,- It.. wl'"I .011ANC 1111111 IIWP I&II4FI ro,k-l. & 11-SIAM 014.110114116 %alur . at-% r I Ito% VAN. 1110 'fifill-141 .4 11. '1 '11. oil m.ov... llsw4sl% Ott. IIw 101V.111 41~tg 't ,,, 1. ,0 ., lo-141 . .."hl 1~ &&%,I I", Amp 11% mR A ....h Ott, 0 W, kgo'.01ki 4.1 A %Wmpes t 011(16AI 14 1164 -161, jout, tt~ ...L -C r, 44vvIOl -n floe Of-, -4 fl~ ~twjjtcej .11tosAl. the Atill...1 'All, III.- Amplit".1. filtf , .".I 0r$- A 1.111able m.W. .1. ps'.1-4 ."..I not I I~ f. -t -df .-I .%&. ..I, mi, ~11 410.1 Itt.-AW.- af.h. .1-1 112-57-8-17763 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 272 (USSR) AUTHOR: Efrussi, Ya. I. TITLE: Higher Selectivity of TV Sets (0 pavyshenii izbi ratel Inosti televizorov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Televiz. fil.-labor. H-vo radiotekhn. proci;ti SSSR (Transactions of the Television Branch Laboratory. Ministry of the Radio-Engineering Industry, USSR), 1956, Nr 1, pp 5-18 ABSTRACT: Large TV service areas require higher selectivity of TV sets. The fundamental cause of inadequate selectivity of commercial TV sets is stray I-F amplification peaks due to rejector circuits. On the basis of a mathematical analysis of the I-F amplifier stages having anode load with one inductance and two or more capacitances, high-selectivity resonance curves are obtained without using the rejector circuits, Experimental studies of frequency response by means of deter- mination of transfer characteristics have revealed high "blips" on a steep slope of the characteristic where the carrier frequency is situated. For that reason, the I-F amplifier selectivity should be raised to a definite limit by a compromise Card 1/2 112-57-8-17763 Higher Selectivity of TV Sets between the value of selectivity and the blip on the transfer characteristic. V. F. A. Card 2/2 A zD r aubject USSR/Elodtronies Card 1/2 Pub. 90 - 619 Author Efrussi, Ya. I.- Title Improving the selectivity of television receivers. Periodical Radiotekhnika, 3, 41-50, Mr 1956 Abstrict The author investigates systems of intermediate- frequency amplifier cascades which permit improving the selectivity of television receivers while a simultaneous reduction in the number of oscillatory circuits Is obtained. The author presents and discusses the characteristics of the "Avangard" which he calls one of the :best Soviet television receivers. He finds that in order to maintain the high quality of the Image selectivity should not excede a certain magnitude. He presents formulas and methods of computation of such selectivity. Sixteen oscillograms and diagrams. 5 references (1939-1954) (1 Soviet). 'AUTHOR: Roginskiy, V. 107-5-34/54 TITLE: A Conference on Television (Konfezentsiya po tolevideniyu) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956, Nr5,pp. 42-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The second scientific and engineering Conference on television took place in Leningrad recently. Over 350 people took part in the Conference, among them "scientists and specialists" from Moscow, Leningrad, Klyev, Gorkiy, Kha:0kov, Odessa, Riga, Tallin, L'yov, Omsk and other cities. &change of experience in operation of tv broadcast, stations was the main topic. Reports on the prospe its of tv broadcasts, the quality of reproduction, the transmitting tv tubes"8perating experience of tv stations, the exchange of tv programs and long-distance ty, andAapplications of tv in national economy were delivered. the In the engineer M.I. Krivosheyevs report 'The Prospects of TV Broadcasting in the USSR" the directives of the 20th Party Congress were cited. In the' 6th Five-Year Plan the number of tv broadcast stations in to be brought to 75 as compared to the existing 12. The tr stations are being built in Stalino, ViAus, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Stalinabad and other cities. Particularly large tv centers are planned for Mosogw and Leniurad with eO/40 kw in antenna, Gard the tawet height up to 300 m,and the number of studios 11. 107-5-34/54 A Conference on Television Engineer Ya. L Eftussi delivered a report on Me Ways to Improve the quality r HIRM&I M-ite Television". He noted the distortions Inserted by the vestigial sideband system of tv transmission; also by various defects in the scanning systems. 15 to 20% of nonlinearity in gcanning is usually tolerated;but this is inadmissible from the standpoint of quality of the picture. Decisions taken on this report call for working out of standards an, linear and nonlinear tv distortions from various causes. Engineer A.I. Shchipkov delivered the report "BriLliance Fidelity in the Black-and-White Television". He noted that in case of artistic tv broadcasts a correct relation between the brilliances of the spot-light objects and the background must be preserved rather than absolute values of the brillian- ces.For a correct reproduction of brilliance contrasts all nonlinearities of the individual elements of a tv system shouldbe adequately compensated. Engineers A.B.Alekseyeva andYe.M. Ponomareva delivered reports on tv trans- mission tubesJ1M-7 and J10-17 giving their basic data, operative peculiari- ties and methods of improvements. These types are mostly used in Soviet ty transmitting equipment. Their service life characteristics are too diversi- fied, they often have black .,spots on the screen and other defects. The conference decided to ask M~* to develop better tubes operating at 300-lux Card 2/4 Illumination. 107-5-34/54 A Conference on Television Engineer L.T. Perevezentsev in his report wColor-Splitting System Design in a Scanning-Beam Transmitterw gave design formulas for a simplest color division 'system having the least losses of the luminous flux. An experimen- tal compatible color tv system was demonstrated at the Conference. Overall frequency band 6 me, with brightness component occupying 6 me, and color information 2 no for red and 0.6 me for blue shades. Candidate of Technical Sciences A.D. Artym delivered the report 'Methods of Effecting IM by Means of the Phase Modulation". Candidate of Technical Sciences E.I. Golovanevskiy delivered the report wReanatron -vs. Flystron as a Power Amplifier in TV Tranamitteraw in which he showed Viet- reenatron amplifiers may develop 30,to 50 kw with 40 to 50% efficiency. Candidate of Technical Sciences M.O. Gliklikh and engineer D.A. Taraneta reported on the modern techniques of tv program recording, giving the advantages of a now electronic co#enBation of the motion of a movie film as developed by Taranets. Candidate of Technical Sciences I.A. Moroz in hip report "Methods of TV Card 3/4 Signal Transmission over the Long-Distanc6 Linesm and the Candidate of Technical Sciences A.K. Oksman in his report "Antinoise Methods for Long- A Conference on Television 107-5-34/54 Distance TV Channelaw have shoym that the multichannel telephone long-distance cables can be used for station exchange of tv programs. Engineer A. Yu. Ratmanskiy reported on the tv broadcast relaying networks. He cited the experience of the Kiyev tT center. Engineer A. G. Konstantinovskiy and Cand. of Techn. So. P.M. Trifonov reported on the problem of long-distance tv transmissions. Eng. V.S. Polonik delivered the report "New Developments of the Scientific Researah TV Institute in the Industrial Applications of TV". Cand. Tachn. So. A. G. Kondratyev reported on *Some Experience with the Practical Utilization of 'IV in Industry*. Eng. N.L. ArtemYsv report,3d on *The Modern State of Vidicon Techniques". AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Gard 4/4 Y4 C1 AID P - 4940 Subject USSR/Electronics Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 7/18 Author : Efrussi, Ya. Title : Video i-f amplifier Periodical : Radio, 8, 30-32, Ag 1956 Abstract : The author explains the principles of operation of the i-f amplifiers and presents connection diagrams of image circuits in which those amplifiers operate. Fifteen connection diagrams and charts. Institution : None Submitted : No date PIME I BOOK EXPLOITATION 524 Efrus is Usiliteli promzhutochnoy chaatoty d1ya teleV12orov (Intermediate-Ftequenoy Amplifiers for Television Receivers) Moscov., Gosenergoizdatp 1957. 127 p, 12,000 copies printed. M : Akaluninp S. A.; Tech, Ed.: Larionov., G. Ye. PLUMSE: This monograph Is addressed to engiDeers engaged in the design., production and maii2tenance of television receivers,, to students working on diploma and course projects.. and also to qualified radio technicians and radio amateurs. COMME: The brochure discusses the specifications of television receiver video channel intermediate frequency amplifiers (gainj, exact video signal reproduction.. selvetivity,, and tuning simplicity). A method of designing resonance amplifiers and amplifiers with mutually detuned circuits is briefly described. Main atten- tion is given to new I-F amplifier circuits used in Soviet television receivers now in production. The results of theoretical and experimental research done in such circuits is given, A number of intermediate frequency amplifiers a" de- scribed# some of vhich are in mass production. The monograph is accompanied by circuit diagrams of the equipment discussed.. formulas, graphs,, photos of oscillo- gram patterns., ate, Card 1/4 Intermediate-Frequency Amplifiers (Cont) 524 .The author claims that in the Soviet Union a design of intermedipte fr,-%quency amplifiers (and also h-f amplifiers in television receivers with direct gain receivers) vhich wil.1 ensure broad bands by using high Q-factor oscillating circuits .is being developed and is finding ever wider application in the Soviet Union. Simplicity is the basic merit of amplifiers of this design. Its advantage and practicability has been demonstrated by the mass production of television sets with such amplifiers. Some effort is made in the brochure to demonstrate the practical application of the circuits discussed. Television channel characteristics, and channel assignment in the Soviet Union are also discussed. The "Avangard" "Rubin"P "Yantar".and *Moskv-d" Soviet-produced television receivers and the type PNT-2 television receiver tuning equipment are mentionede There are 1.1 Soviet inferences 9 English., 5 Germanp 2 French,, and 1 Italian. Card 2/4 Intermediate-Frequency kVlifiers (dont) 524 TABrZ OF CONTEM: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Characteristice-Of Television Systems 5 Ch. 2. Television Channel Assignment in the Soviet Uhion and Television Receiver Selectivity 32 Ch. 3. Television Receiver.Intermedlate-Frequency Amplifier Circuits in General Use 40 Ch. 4. The DesUp of Resomt, Brmd-Band Amplifiers 43 Ch. 5. Upper Frequency Band Amplifier 63 Ch. 6. Lower Frequency Band Amplifier 78 Ch* 7. Des4p of Amplifier, With Plat Characteristics 86 Card 3/4 Intermedlate-Prequency Amplifiers (Cont.) Ch. 8. The T-cascade Ch. 9# Examples of Amplifier Design Ch. 10. Some Methods of Fhase Correction BJblIagm*W AVAILABIX: Library of Congress 524 93 109 122 127 JP/eag 9/9/58 Card 4A 107-57-1-34/60 AUTHORs Efrussi, Yat TITLE: LriateTasks of Soviet TV Receiving Techniques (Blizhayshiye zadachi sevetakoy televizionnoy priyemnoy tekbniki) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, pp 2%-30 .(USSR) ABSTRACT: A review is presented of problems and tasks that have arisen in conneotion with the development of new TV sets in the USM. Seven new TV channels in the 174-230 w band have been endorsed for operation in the USSR. The 1957 TV sets should operate on any of the "old" 48-lOG no channels and also on all now channels, maldn a total of 12 channels. The channel-selector mdtch has 12 positions. There is no extra position in the switch for FM radio-program tuning. High TV-set sensitivity (20-70 &Y) allows using small-size indoor TV antennas and tends to increase amplifier-tube service life. TV sets new on the market in 1956 are: "Rekord," "Soyuzg" and "Start" with a 35T= screen and ffRubin,""ZnwWa" with a 43-cm screen (measured diagonally); "Nova" and "fantarl '11 with a 53--om screen; a console-type "Mir"; and a projecticam-type TV set "Moakva" with a 0.9 x 1.2-m screen. The new TV sets have a much higher selectivity than the old ones. However, -*a higher selectivity is associated with an additigpal image distortion. Eliminating"this adaitional distortion is one of the most important tasks of TV development. Another task is straightening out definition ever the whole screen. This task imposes certain requirements on both the camera tube and the kine- CW 1/2 107-57-1-34/60 imoiediate Tasks of Soviet TV Receiving Teebniques scope. A pulse-height sync selector circuit and the inertia horizontal-sync circuit are used as antinoise measures in Soviet TV sets. Both methods can be improved, apd in addition, the picture, as well as the sync circuits, should be protected against noise. The acoust~e properties of TV cabinets and loudspeakers should be further imiioved. Use of new tubes OP13S, 6Ts1OP, lTsl1S) and new materials (oxifer) has improved .sweep linearity and decreased power consumption- Further improvements are urgent. It is also necessary to construct kinescopes with a.Aeflection angle of 90 degrees instead of the present 70 degrees. The HT-2 (Leningrad)" TV set boLd a.power consumption of 250 w; the .1956 TV sets consume from 120 to 170 w.' Substitution of transistors for vacuum tubes could c~t the consumption by 4(~-50%. The AGGC incorporated in the latest Soviet TV-set models needs much improvement. Some TV subassemblies, ouch as the channel-selector switch, horizontal-sweep transformer, Y tical-sweep trans- former, blocking transformers, deflecting system,- etc.p have been standardized. YAV other elements will be standardized in the near future. The article also discusses a possible improvement of TV cabinets. There is 1 figure in the article. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Efrussi, Ya.J_ 107-5T-4-34/54 TITLE: Alignment of a Video I-F Amplifier (Regulirovka usilitelya PCh videotrakta) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 4, p 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A recommended alignment of the video i-f amplifier described in "Radio" journal, 1956, Nr 8, is set forth. First, a preliminary alignment with a signal generator and a vacuum-tube voltmeter is recommended; then, an accurate alignment with the sweep-frequency generator. Practical advice is offered as to the shape of the video frequency characteristic. In conclusion. a few errors in the article referred to above are corrected. Card 1/1 F&U STATIONS & COWWNICATION SYSTEMS "Approximate Calculation of the Relative Power of Parasitic Radiation of V3F Transmitters", by Ya.I. EfrMqpi, Elektrosvyazl No 8, August A 1957, PP 13-19- E:mmination of one of the possible methods of approximate conputation of the relative power of parasitic radiation of transmitters with multi- ple frequency multiplication and vith a single master generator. w 48 - Card 1/1 ona In transmitters having two mmeter oscillators. no.11:59-64 N 157. (KIRA 10:12) (Telecommunication) XWs,91, ya.~t.. red.; CM=07, V.S., tekhn. red,; LAMONOV, GeTee, tokhue I red. [Problems of elootroluminescencee Artjolog translated from the IkgIi9h3 Voprosy eiektroliumiueotseutoii. Moskya. Goo, onerge izd-yo, 1958. 30 pe (Luminescence) (KM 1119) ,-YJMSI,, Ta.I., red*-, SAMNOV. V.G., red.; RUAXMHOVA, A.G., (Phase correction in television transmitters; collection of translated articles] Fazovaia korrektaiia talevizionnykh pere- datchikov; abornik perevodov. Pod red. IA.I.Ifrussi. Koskya, Isd-vo inostr.lit-ryg 19399 113 p. (min '13:8) (Television-4ranamitters and transmission) 05411 9( SOV/107-59-8-31/49 AUTHOR: Efrussi, Ya. TITLE. Phase Correction of TV Sets PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 8$ PP 39 and 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An undistorted image on the screen of a TV set may be obtained only in case of a precise reproduction of amplitudes and phases of all frequencies at the outlet of the video unit which are transmitted in the video channel. According to the GOST, TV trans- mitters radiate two sideband frequencies of 0-6 Me higher and 0-0.75 MG lower than the carrier frequency. For maintaining an even frequency characteristic of the video channel, the amplitude- frequency charac- teristic of the receiver must have a shape as sho~,m in Figure 2b. The catrier frequency must be located on the left slope of this characteristic. If the Card 1/3 slope of the characteristic is rectilinear, then the 05411 SOV/107-59-8-31/49 Phase Correction of TV Sets total amplitude of two sideband frequencies will be always equal to the amplitude of one sideband fre- quency having more than 0.75 Me which is required for an even frequency characteristic of the channel. Practically, it is impossible to satisfy the re- quirement of slope rectilinearity, but distortions of the frequency characteristic remain insignificant. Distortions of the frequency-phase characteristics of the receiver, caused by the asymmetry of its amplitude-frequency characteristic are considerable. The steeper the left slope of the characteristic, the higher the selectivity, the greater these distor- tions will be. Phase distortions of the transmitter are added, whose amplitude-frequency characteristic is also a symmetrical. A great number of different circuits are available for correcting phase distor- Card 2/3 tions. One of the most simple circuits is shown in 05a1 SOV/107-59-8-31/49 Phase Correction of TV Sets Figure 3, which consists of an additional shunting resistor in the cathode circuit performing a phase shift depending upon the frequency. Recommendations for bhe selection of the proper resistor values are given. There are 3 circuit diagrams and 3 graphs. Card 3/3 BOGATOV, Geralld Borisovich; WHUSSI, Ta.I., red.; MOM, K.P.. Ellectrolunineseenoo and its possible applications] Blektro- liuminestsentsiis i vosmoshaosti se primenaniia. Koskva. Goa. energ.12d-vo, 1960. 47 P. (Massovoia radiobibliotaks. no-364). WRA 13:6) (Luminescence) (Radio) ~,~USSI, TA, 1. . Basic trends for a further improvement of moo-producedielevision sets. Tekh.kino i telev. 4 no.IOM-48 o'60. (MIRA 13:10) (Television--Receivers and7sception) Y09 ERFUSSI) la.L. rgkd.j TVERSKAYA, redq DZBCIMA,, F,Xb,O Sh.D.Etranalatorl; DANILOV,, V.A., tekin, red. [Pu2se methods for television meamwements] Impullaye me- lody televiziomWkh imereniij abornik statei. Moskwaj Izd--yo inostr. lit-ry, 1961. 114 p. Translated'articles. (MIRA 15:4) (Television.-Measuremer4t) 1,UZ,IVETS, Leonid Molseyevich; rZiUSSI., Ya.l.,, red. ------- -1-- [Television receivers) Televizory. Moskvap Energiia, 1964. 38 P. Nassovaia radlobiblioteka. Spravochnala soriia, no.517) (MIRA 17:9) SPILIADISP A.; METCANU, D.; SCHIP, Rose-Thea; MOLAU, Georgeta; EFTIMESCU~ C ,j,.,PAMFIL, Emilia -, - -, - t:!::~ Contributions to the study of fine dispersion conditions of azoic dispersion dyestuffs. Pt. 2. Rev chimie Min petr 14 no.6:336-340 Je 163. SPILIADIS, A.; BRETCANU, D.; SCHIP, Rose-Thea; EFTINE C ,.C.;.I-IOLAU, Georgetta 40 1. Contributions to the study of the drying conditions of some dis- persion azodyeatuffs in atomizers. Rev.chimie Min Detr 15 no.6; 345-349 Je 164,, r EFTINIFZ(Af. L-6 fl. lrj-nsJlomt~~ans on a case of rheumat.1c encephalopathy In a child. Nkninologla (Ebour) 10 no.lZ17-19 Ja-F'65. 1. bicr.~)re e2rFirt-imts In Policlinica into-rdepartamentala, nr. I dir Wcurestl. 4 - IiN...-T L ACC NR.-TP6003955 SOURCE CODE: ffu7ci63-Y/6-5/669-/O()1/0013/0026 AUTHOR: Berbechel, O.-Berbecell Oktav-ian (Director); Rogozhan, Yu.-Ro ojan, Julia (Graduato meteorolo fit); Fg=ts~upjia~ - 91 (Graduate meteoroloeistl; 4a Mikhap I.--&hap Josefina (Graduate meteorofo"giAl ORG; (Berbechell Agrometeorological Service of the Rumanian People's Republic; Dogozhan, Eftimeku, Mikhal Hydrometeorological Service of the Rumanian People's Republic TITLE: Study and appUcation of the bloclimatological characteristics of agricultural crops Paper presented al9th Agrometeorological Conference held in Keeskem8to 11ungar3 f ~ to 19 September 41 SOURCE: Idoja ras, v. 699 no. 1, 1965s 13-26 TOPIC TAGS: agriculture crop,, agriculture science, climatology ABSTRACT: Detailed .'investigations were carried out .in. Rumania on the following crops: Indian 'corn, sunflower, wheat, potatoes, and grapes. This paper represents an ac- count of the results of a study conducted on various types of sunflower and ith the effects of current ,Indian corn, seeded at different times, and deals w weather conditions on the lengths of phenological phases, date of leaf ap- pearancep atem length and thickness# and length of vegetation period. 77he findings were utilized to characterize the agromtgorological conditions. involved. Orig. art. - has- 10-figures-and -9-table a. -LTpRs_7 SUB CODE: 02, 04 SUEM DATE: none Cc NISTOP, 11h., ing.; ~FTI.M,E. A... ling. Contr)butions to solving normal P.-pvil.lons t)y w3ing, Ole Cracovian calculus. Rev goodazin .11 164. I. Folytochntc Institute, lasil. znmEy__AjO ing.j MILiTARU,, Al., geofizician; STAIIESCU, E., ing,, ....... - -..- oandidat in-stiInte tobnice Uae of radioactive isotopes in the control of pacIdng in earth weirs, Hidrot*baca 7 n0#3:82-85 Mr 162. BOGATU, Dmitru; M31AIE, Elena Studies on the diseases of the fishes of Lake Bratese Studii biol agr Iasi 13 no.1:237-247 162. DOBRESCU, Constantin; EFTIME vlena -"~n~- -- " ~* ~ I - Teratological cases OcW apecies of the Anthophyta. Studit biol agr Iasi 14 no.2:251-261 163. DOHRESCU, Constantin; EFTIRIE, Elena; STAROSTIN, Glaftra Teratological cases in Angiospermae. Anal St Jassy 11 10: 137-146 164. EFTDIIES Gh., ing. Innovators and innovations. Constr Duc 14 no.651:3 30 je 162. ,EFTR,II.E,, Gheorghe.. ing. 9 For a rapid rate and a large front of activity. Constr Bi-c 16 no.74213 28 March 1964. 1. Seful serviciului tehnic din B.U.T. a Trustului rx-5, Brasov. I o, EFT.IMTF? Gh., ing. Plant of mechanized manufacture of concrete tubes. Constr Due 16 no.741il 21 W64. 1. Seful aerviclului tehnic d!n Baza de utilaj-transport a Truntulul nr. 5-Brasov. FFIT-11E, Ghoorghe, ing. Technics.t advice. Gonstr buc 16 n-,,74-,,,' 18 -"E, 164. 1. .1jefal serviciului tehnlc de .-,,a b'sut do utllsj-~ransport a Trustu!uJ de constructil nr. 5. br-A~ec,v. Fummu/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles C-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1959, No 293 Author Eftimiu C. Inst Title Elastic Forward Scattering of Photons by Bound Electrons Orig Pub Comun. Acad. UR, 1958, 8, No 2, 153-158 . Abstract The effective cross section for forward scattering of pho- tons by bound electrons is calculated with the aid of the following dispersion relation 400 (W, ZVI Re, A- tu -Ir W,(,U,- Card 1/1 Author's resume focrl ./v/ a, C MMMA/7heoretical Physics - General Problems B-1 Abe Jour : Flef Zhur - Flzika$ No 2j, 1958,t No 2627 Author : BMW% C., Klar;feld S. Inst : -NoWdiveh' Title : Relativistic Linear Oscillator /0 Orig Pub : An. Univ. "C.I. Parhon". Ser. stiint. natur., 1957t No 131 53-57 Abstract : A solution is obtained for the relativistic-mechanics equations of motion of a linear harmonic oscillator. The solution is given in terms of elliptic integrals. A simple relations is derived for the frequency of the oscillations,, showing that for a given value of the amplitude a of the oscillation, the frequency cannot exceed the value c.,,Mx c/2&. Card : 1/1 MINN, C.; VREJOIU, C. Aximatic quantum electrodynamics. Pts. 1-2. Comunicarile AR 13 noa7095-~ Jl 663, lo Commicare prozentata do V. Novacup membru coreepondent al Academisi R.P.R. "I I EF711YRTj C. Radiative correctiorn, to the Q,q)ton effect. P. L57 (Aciderd-, 'epubllcil Populare Romine. Institutul de Fizivri. Studii Si Cercetari De Fizica. Vol. 7., it - 3, July/Sept. P,56. Bucurosti, hum.,nin) l'onthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) I-C. Vol. 7, no. 2. February 1958 F T Pa F. .0. MIA- oil 13 JiM I lei I j let Is a ale A\i ' l 10 a d b . 2 00 c Ik fit; 3m A 'A 1: 0: A u -A 83751 S/056/60/038/004/044/048 ,*31c Boo6/BO56 AUTHORS: Eftimiu, K., Vrezhoju-,,~ TITLE: Elastic Scatteringl1of Photons by a Nuclear Coulomb Field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 4, PP- 1348 - 1350 TEXT: For the purpose of estimating the elastic scattering cross section of photons by a nuclear Coulomb field, it is generally assumed that scattering takes place at very small angles (several degrees) and high energies (-100 Mev)j actually, the respective experiments are carried out at angles of more than 15-200 and at energies of the order of Mev. In the present "Letter to the Editor", the authors briefly describe two approximation methods for cross section estimation, which are better suited to the experimental conditions. One of the methodsis based upon introducing the expansion (A - i~+I)-' - (A - 41+1)-1 p P + 11 1+1 )-j "*(,A A L/~ p _ k A p - ikt+l)-'+ ... into an expression of the form Card 1/3 83751 Elastic Scattering of Photons by a Nuclear B/056/60/038/004/044/048 Coulomb Field Boo6/BO56 T . (1/n 21) d4p A f p q p (k-=(Z,W) and ktm(~',Gj) are the initial and final four-momenta of the 4 photons, e and ef their polarization; q-= (q,0) is the "recoil" momentuml C Me a 1). For T, an expansion is thus obtained with respect to The second method is based upon the fact that in x y 4 S(pjk,k1,qjxqy,z) T 6 dx dy dz d P after integration with re 21 (p2+L)4 0 0 0 2 spect to p, the functions 1/1., 1/L , and In L occurring herein are ex- panded in a power series of Q 2A,2, after which it is easy to integrate with respect to x,y,z, and q. This is admissible if rj 2+ 2L?< 4, The following relation is hereby obtained: Card 2/3 83751 Elastic Scattering of Photons by a Nuclear S/056/60/038/004/044/048 Coulomb Field B006/BO56 2 dc 4r CJ4 W 2 2 . (aZ) 0 - !o 0 sin 2 + c sin -a (1 + Cos 9) T-2 32 M4 1 1 2 2 3 2) + C sin 2sin2 9cos4.Rj v where cit -c are numerical coef- IC4 m 5 T 2 5 fi6ients. The coeificiento of terms that' are independent of or linearly dependent on (j vanish in consequence of-gauge invariance. The formula shows that the cross section decreases with growing 9, and that this occurs all the more quickly, the higher the energies. This is in agree- ment with experimental observations. The authors thank Professor V. Novak for his interest and advice. There are 5 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Universitet im. Parkhona, Bukharest (University imeni Parkhon, Bukarest) SUBMITTED: February 1, 1960 Card 3/3 "I' GN 00. vie `10 owl 0";, i., Pl. 55. a tj ia F e, WTISOTp Doris,, prof o Some problaw of biology and ganatios. Nauch zhivot 6 no.l: 4-6 Kr-Ap 163 1. Chlen na Redaktaionnata kolegiia., ONauchan zhivot". .ve EnIMGV B KONSTANTINOVp Gol ALEXMVj D. (Aleksiev,, D.]; AMCV., B. ti-w4i *Mw- Q&itaa in heredIty and in somr- ph7alological and biochemical indidde under the effect of radioactiWiMinee, Poklady RAW 16 no.lz89-92 163, % 1, Submitted by Corresponding Nombor X* Bratanove YuGosuvufthemicai Technology. Chdzical Products and Their Applifttioul Art 2. - Ceramics. Glass. Binders& cdhe,340h. 1 Glass. Abe Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Xhimiyaj, No 21, 1958, 71547. Author Dimitar Eftimovski. Inst Title Glass Fiber - *AU veal Heat and Sound Insulating Materiel. Principles of Production.. Properties and Utilization. Orig Pub: Kemija u inftstriji, 1957, 61 No 11) 337-346. Abstract: The principles of production and the fundamental pro- pertieo of glass fiber (low beat conductivity) high mechanical strengthp incombustibilityp chemical eta- bility, etc.) are presented. Examlea of the follow- ing utilization of glass fiber are given: for beat Card 1/2 117!! ACCESSION NR: AR4023353 8/0299/64/000/004/GD06/Wft BOURCEs RZh, Biologiyap Abe* 4G35 AUMIOR: Egambardy*yevv A. R.; AlLyev, K. A,; Nasy*rov, Yu. S. TITLEt Migration of radioactive photosynthesis products from the leaves to the bolls in cotton CITED SOURCE: Temat. ob. Otd. fizLol. L biofiz. rest. AN TadzhSSR, no. 4, 1963, 36-41 TOPIC TACS: cotton plants photosynthesis, photosynthesis product assimilations,.-, photosynthetic assLmLlant migration, IntraplAht assimLlant migration TRANSIATION: The dynamics of the migration of organic substance from the leaves to the bolls were studied'in cotton plants of the*108-F variety, grown on test plots in the Tadzhik SSR. The study employed supplemental nutrition with C1402, and the cotton was planted at intervals of five days between April Ist and May 25tho Exposures lasted 3 simteso The principal smount of assimilated matter reaching a boll cows fron the leaf at the bass of which it to locatede Voris- tions In the dyamice of accumlation of almle =tter In the bolls the drainage: Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4023J53 of assimilants from the leaf and the intensity of photosynthesis are interrelated Two peaks were noted, - during the initial and terminal iods of ripening of the, boll (i.e. 5th and 45th days). The largest amount of cr4raccumulating in a pod settles in the needs and fibers# The maximal accumulation in the fibers precadeal maximal accumulation in.tha seeds. L, Polishchuk DATE ACQ: 16Kar64 SUB C=t. AM. ENCL: 2/2 EGI M RDIYEV, A.R. -- -011 "NOWN-W Rhotosynthesia and frulting Of tha Cotten plant as related to fertilizers, 11-udy Utd. fiziol. i biofiz. raBt. AN Tadzh. SSSR no.3148-52 163. (KMA 16:9) RTZHKOV. 0.A.; DAVLYATOV, Sh.D.; XGLOMWTUV, N. A~VIIW.1-4 Tectonic structure of anticlinal elevations of the Kyzyl-Kum. Dok3L.AV Ux.SSM no.5;123-26 '39. (mm 12:8) 1. Institnt geologii AN Uz3SR- Predstavleno chlenom-korrespon- dentom AN U%SSR G.A.Havlyanovyn. Mml-lum-Geology. Structural) IGAMHnDTTIV. M. gicrofoliation and traces of submarine slides in middle Devonian dolomites in the eastern Auminzatau foothills (Kml-Kum). Izv. AN Us. SSR. Ser. o1 no.2t4347 157. (MMA 11:9) f]"I~L;1-11um-Dolomite) !:CAI.MFRDYYF,V, M.: 1-laster Ceolog-Mineralog, Sci (dis.-) -- "rhe lithology of the Upper-Cretaceous sedimentary formations of the Auminza-Tau Mountains (Kyzyl- Kum)". Tashkent, 1959. 23 pp (Acad Sci Mak SSR, Inst oC C.,2olo~- ), 175 copies ZY (IM, No 13, 1959, 102) NGAMBUYUN, If. . Eithostrattgraphic characteristics of upper Cretaceous forms- tione in the Auninze, Tau and adjacent areas. Uzb. 01.2hur. no.2:68-78 159. FMIM 12-.8) 1. Inatitut geologli AM UzBSR- (Usbekistan-Geology, Stratigraphic) -,' llQAKBUDMVf K! - . Identification of Alba deposite In tbe Auninzatan. Dokl.AN U%.SSR no.3:25-27 '59. (KIRA 12 -.7) 1. Institut geologli AN UzSSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN U&SSR G.A. gavlyanovym. (Kyzyj-Xum--Gqojogy, Strattgrapb7) DAVLYATOV, Sh. D. -, XGkMURDTY3V,-Z,~- Jurassic sediments in the southeastern part of the Auminzatau. Uzb. gaol. shur. no.4:70-72 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1.1natitut geologii AN USSSR. (Auminzatau-Goology, Stratigraphic) SGARBERMIV, H.-I.; ZAKIROV. H.Z. Lithology, and rpetrographic and mineralogical composition of upper Cretaceoua and Paleogene clays in Auminzatau (Kyzyl Kum). Uzb. geol. zhur. no.3:55-67 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovykh mostorosb- deniV i Institut geologii AN UzSSR. (Aminza-tau-Clay-Analysis) VALIYEV~ A.A. EGAMBERDYYEL B., kand. geol.-min. nauk., otv. rod.; 99MUM11Z TERNOVS 11, R.M., red.; UUMEVA, Kh.U., [Lithology and paleomagnetism of Cenozoic molasses in northern FerganalLitologi!a i paloomagnetizm kainozoiskikh molass Sever- noi Fergany. Tashkent,, Izd-vo UzSSSR, 1962. 122 P. (KMA 15: .11) (Fergana--Rockas Sedimentary-Magnetic properties) BWWROYEVY M.; AIIIRKWqV, Sh.Kh. Phoephorus potential of Cretaceous sediments In the scruthuestern spurs of the Gissar Range, Uzb.geolozhur. 6 no.1:67-71 162. (KM 15 t1+) le AN UzSSR. (Giow Hange-Pheophorus) AMIRKWOV, Sh,Kh.1 NGAMBERMEV M Distribution of now obemdeal elements In Cretaceous sediments in Oe southwestern spurs of the Giosar Range and their corre- lative value. Vop. geol. Uzb. no.3t83-96 t62. (MMA 16:6) (Gissar fkngs region-Rocks, Sedizentary-Analysin) EGAMEERDYYEV..-M-l RYZHKOV, O.A., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof., o red.; TERNOVSKAYA, R.M., red.; KARABAYEVA Kh.U., tekhn. red. (Lithology, facies, and paleogeography of sedimentary forms- ~ions of the Upper Cretaceoua-of the Upper Cretaceous In the Auminza-Tau (Kuzyl Kumfl Litologlia, fataii I paleogeografiia verkhnemelovykh oeadochnykh formatsli gor Auminzatau. (Kyzylkumy). Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1963. 169 p. (KIRA 16:7) (Auminza-Tau--Rocks, Sedimentary) (Auminza-Tau--Paleogeography) EGAMBERDYYEV, M. ~--4-_- Some.charxicteriatics of the structure of Crptaepous limestones in the southwpstei~n spurs of th~ Gissar Pang,-. Uzb. geol. zhur. 8 no.4t6i-69 164. (MIRA 18w 1. Inatitut geologii i rqzr,*botki neftyanykh I gazovykh mestorozhdeniy Gosudersivennogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. EGAIMBERDYIEV M E * IMM YA11,11,LOV, Kh.Kb.; YEENNAMIUNOV, T.I-"h. 11~ New data on Cretaccoua lnocer'iLmids In tho sfuthwosterr. spurs of the Gionar finnige. Uzb. geol. zhur. ~ no.3:83-, 165. (1411RA 18:8) 1. Insti'Lut goologil i razvedki noftyanykh t gitzovykh mostoroAdeniy Gosudarstminogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. ATAICIODWAYEVp A.K.; TUKVATULLIII, F.Kh.; HOMDESTUNMIY, :4.1.; '-;GA?X'-JLGV, A., YAK IUKHAI-2TOV, G. D. j Rotary mobility and rigidity of certain molecules with two benzene rings. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.5:552-555 My 16"+. (!MA 17:9) 1. Samarkhandskiy Cosudarstyeanyy univorsitot. IGAMOV,Amir Under field conditions. Voon.znan.)l no.6;6 Je'53. (KLRA 8:11) 1. Predsedatell komitsta pervichnoy organizatsii Dobrovollnogo ob- shchestva. sodaystviya armil, aviataii i flotu SSSR, Shakhrinauskiy rayon, Tadshikokoy SSR (Tajikistan--Military education) .1 TUPENEVICHY S.M,,, dr. sellakokhoz. nauk, EWIN, 1. Manure-sail composts as a means of controlling cotton wilt. Agroblologlia no.2:254 259 Mr-Ap t64. (HIRA 17s6) 1. Vaesoyjznyy nauchno-Iseledovate-l'skly Inatitut zashchity rastenly, Leningrad. iE*XCF,R'P'TA ',,7,DICA See 9 *.'01 13/7 Sijr,ery Ju1Y 59 4128, LONG-TERM RESULTS OF SOLOVOV'S URETHROPLASTY (Russian text) - F- anov E. P. - UROL. 1967, 5 (59-64) Out of -57-9cames tolloweT up good results were observed in 46 and satisfactory In 2, while in 4 cases the stricture re-formed. In all cases working capacity was restored. The results were considered good if free micturition was re-established without any need for syst6matic bouginage, and satisfactory if the difficulties of spontaneous micturition were slight and only occasional passing of bougies was necessary. Solovov's operation consists in invagination of the bulbar urethra into a tunnel cleared through the fibrosed segment. In this way the proximal end of the bulbar part of urethm can be approximated closely to the distal end of the prostatte urethra and a continuous urethral tube consisting of all elements of the male urin- ary excretory path In recreated. The invaginated distal part of the urethra joins with the proximal Intact part ofthe urethraend to end. (S) A EGANYAN) As G.) "The Conductivity of Concentrated Solutions of Sodium and Potassium.Hydroxiden, Their Carbonates., and Mixtures of NaCH and KOII at 25' by Kermoyan, Manvelyan, A. G. Eganyan, and A. M. Kocharyan, Izvestiya, Armenian Academy of Sciences, VIII, 4, 73-78) 1955- "Effect of Temperature of Electric Conductivity of Concentrated Solutions of NaOH, KOH, Na2CO . and K2CO3!' by Kermoyan, Manveylan, Eganyan and Kocharyan,, IzvestIYEL Armen& Academy bf Sciences, IX, 2, 3-12, 1956. =1 "Study of the Electric Conductivity of Solutions of Sodium Silicate" by Kermoyan, Manvelyan, and Eganyan, Izvestiya, Armenian Academy of Sciences, X, 4, 225-R36) 1557- GINCHEEMANIM %1.__AaA T,,-F..-M,-(Moakva) R A mixed form of bnmrcorticiem (Iteenko-Cushing syndrome) in aBBocia- tion with Conn's syndrome. Pi-obl. andok. i gorm. no.6:88-93 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kliniki VBesoyuznogo instituta ekaperimentallnoy andokrinologii (dir. - prof. Ye. A. Vaayukova) '*(CUSHING SYNDROME) (ADRENAL GLANDS-DISEASES) KILTIISKIYp Ye*L,; ~~Tj, ~Jl.. 1 (Mbakvu) Study of coronary blood circulation in diabetes mellitus (ECG dynamics over a -2-Ij.-hour period). Terap, afkh. 35 no-5: 46-50 My'63 (MIM 16t12) 1, Iz otdeleniya funktsionalinoy diagnortiki (zav. - kand. med. nauk A.K.Dobrzfianskaya) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isoledovatellskago institute, eksperimentallnoy ondokrinologii (dir, - prof* Ye*Ao Vasyukova). VASILIYEVA, A.G.; EGART, 2~!!4. Encocrine disorders in sprue and sprue-like syndromes. Frobl. endok. i gorm, 10 no,1;46-50 Ja-F 164. (MIRA .17:10) 1. K-linika Vaesoyuznogo instituta akeperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. - prof. Ye..A. Vasyukova), Moskva. 111- 1- ww ww_ww_m_wwlwo a ME M.-A Wal I I 1 4 1 4 H 11 =881", w A A M.. JA_ a sof 00 so, oot 00 08 0 . cm" a 4m dbbam wft a murbohymut It" NMW. wAr altedr-OrydW Jhjjkp 77. 1 lik), I I ( 6 AWNWAIrr"161% God tqn).-A " OLInswing of II'd 104 =m* A7.7w_;- vlMhii ". 61 -5. fal 000 VA. 61m 13.3% mm an elmllet'l 064 oull wat for dkh" as cNeW com. sbawd. Anil, ety of pmdwu as be m&& from this Omit and Ow prr - so ii; the faml of MR. pouto. rw. tw., tu Pl. vw fit Im kit"it raluwd by ftrtwhydnat-I'me nmrMnictit. The Witual illosdin t&ww was wt lndt*wvd Ivy Tmfadn. 4.214. de FhOv d a m1m .00 0 .00 *00 -00 go* see 400 see 1100 "'Oo 111010 Igoe CLASISKATOM lose I low $Blow .4v 0.. Got **.SAW we's U 9 A7 10 As .811111 4m9 M r -4 ; 4 ; " -7- 11 0 A I a N 00 0 *If 0 0 6 a r 10 0 of 4 & 0 00 goes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ve 0 00 0 t 6 0 of JILLIMM, He; AGIDT, 3. Prevention of portal death by means of kWpothermia; experimental study. Acta morph. hung. 4 no.3.-259-269 1954. 1. 2nd Department of Surgery (Directort prof. Z.Hedri) and 2nd Department of Pathological Anatomy (Director: prof. L.Har&ngkq) of the Nedical University, Budapest. (BODT TIMPMUTURN bypothermial, exper.1 prove of portal death in animals) (MRS, PCRTAL SYPT31M, pbysiol. ligation causing death, prove by hypothermis, In animals) c ratyan; AGM, Blamer; JILLINEK, Harry On the ligation of portal vain In tqpethermia. Kiserlates orwostud. 6 no.4:361-366 July 54. 1. Budapest OrrostudonWi Igyeten U. as. Sebessati Klinikaja as U. as* Irorbonctani Intesete, (BOX TIMPIRATMM bypothersta, exper., effo of portal vein ligation In dogs. (VIINS, PORTAL SYSTSM, p~qsiol. off* of ligation In exper. hypothermia In dogs)