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iY VL'. AUTMRs MULOSEMSHYS.I.Ye. 56-&35 /56 TITLE: -KlW~-n-mMYKiK-*ThsOrY of "Weak" Farromp"ism in Antiferm- ft&vnAh4k4e% Qis'nm+,&rko%mm- l'Fimv"w%A4n&vn4nh^mlmvm +#jnr4vs "slabncrt-p farr&- 56-3-45/59 AUTHORt Dzyalo TITLEs On the Problem of the Piezoma netism (K voprosu 0 plyezomagne tizmel (Letter to the Editor) PERIODICALi Zhurnal Eksperim. i Tooret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 3 (9), PP- 807 - 808 (USSR) ABSTRAM The present paper describes some substances really existing in nature which, according to the deliberations of the magnetic symmetry, must be piezomagnetic. Thus, for instance, the anti- ferromagnetic crystals 0(,-Fe 20 and FeCO have one and the same symmetry class which consihs of the hements 2C 3U22 I 2S 6:03 6X' This refers to those of the two antifer;olmagnetic pLses f -Fe 0 1 which exist at T < 2500K. Such a symmetry permit the exisie& of two linear combinations with respect to the components of the stress tensor 6 ik and the magnetic field in the expression for the thermodynamic potentials 0- xx - 6- Y) Hx - 2 C~YH) -A -0- H y Y 2(0~X'ZHY yz x Y From this there immediately result th expressions for the magnetic moment with a lacking exterior field s a m . -2 Card 1/2 mX A - I Y I?L ct- + A 1 (~7xx Y.Y) -'A'20-yz i XY 2 X 56-3-45/59 On the Problem of the Piezomagnetism Another example are the antiferromagnetica MnF , CoF 2 and FeF2 Their class of magnetical symmetry consi1s of 6 21 2C R, 2U 21 2U'R I 6~ 2S R, 2 V ) 20q'R. This group of symmatry, in 2 the efxprIesX9n fir J5 Yeaves the term ~) - - ~L ( 6- H + 0~ H ) invariant. Herefrom the expres- sions xz y YZ x mx W , my Ac-, are obtained for the magnetic Alyz xz moments. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Physical Problems,AN USSR Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTEDt June 20, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congrese Card 2/2 DZYALO-5ff IN51~1 Yl 1, Ye, 56-6-20/47 AUTHORt Dzyaloshinskiy, I. Ye. TITLE.- On the Magnetic Structure of the Fluorides of Transition Metals (0 magnitnom stroyenii ftoridov perekhodnykh metallov) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol- 33 Nr 6 , pp. 1454 - 1456 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of the theory of phase transitions of second order develop- ed by Landau the problem of the weak ferromagnetism of unti-ferro- magnetic materials can be explained, By this method the magnetic stwture of the crystals MnF 21 CoF2' PeF2 and N'F2 is now investi- gated. As it can be proved that phase transitions exist in which one group symmetry is at the same time a sub-group of the other symmetry group, it is clear that the fluorides mentioned are slightly ferro- magnetic. There are 2 figures, and 4 references, I of which is Slavic. Card 1/2 A . 56-6-20/47 On the Magnetic Structure of the Fluori.des of Transition Metals ASSOCIATIONi Institute for Physical Problems All USSR (Institut fizicheakikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: June 20, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 J4AUTIJOR DZYALOSHINSI.'.IY, Me-., LIFSHITS)Ye.M. 56-7-59166 TITLE r-Wa-se Transitio.- of Second -ind in Sodium Saltpt;:L_r. (Fazovyy perekhod vtorogo rodav natriyevoy selitre - Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimei Teoret.Fiziki,1937, Vol 33,Nr 7, pp 299-3ol (USSR) ABSTRACT Theipresent paper investigates this phase transition in connection with the measuremcnts carried out by M-O.Kornfeld and A.A.Chudinov, Zhurn.Eksp.i Teoret.Fiz.,1957,Vol 33, Ur 7,PP 33. These aathors in- vestigated the temperature dependence of the elastic constants of sodium saltpeter mear the point of transition.Below this point two molecules are located in the elementary cell of the NaX03 -crystal, the two 1103 groups having two different crystallographical orients- tions.Above the noint of transition all differences between the E03 groups vanish,because each of them may,with the same degree of pro- bability,assume one of the two possible orientations. The volume of the elementary cell is here reduced by one half. Thus, the trannition is connected with the order of the NO groups. The here discussed phase transition is described by a pa ameter , which, in the case of all transformations (to which belong also 7he translations) of the symmetry group (of the phase D3 corresponding to the high tempera- L ture) are transformed like the netion sin n(x+y+z). Herefrom it follows that in connection with the develonnent of the thermodynamic potential the term which is proportional t; 3 is lackingoo that this transition is actually realizable as a transition of the second Card 1/2 kind. For the determination of the modification of the elastic coef- A Phase Transition of Second Kind In Sodium Saltpeter. 5&7-59/66 ficiento at the point of transition and expression for thij thermody- namical potential which applies in the vicinity o."' thig -,oint is written down. Phase transition talKes place at the 2oint where the cooffioient near "1 2 vanishes, i.e. at the temperature T' - T- (a/A)(d +a ) - bcr /A. c c Xx Yy zz Here dik denotes the tensor of the elastic tensions, Tc- the transi- tion temperature in the case of lackin3r tensions. The authors then explicitly give the expression for the phase that corresponds to the low temperature. Herefrom the jump of the electrical coefficient at the point of transition and the jump of the coefficient of thermal ex- pansion can immediately be obtained. ( No illu-3trationa ). ASSOOTNTTON Institute for Physical Problems of the Jkcademy of Sciences of the USSR (Institut fizicheakikh problem Akademii nauk SSM) z)6j.~JTTBD 16.4-11057 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 212 Thermodynamic Theory of 'Weak' Ferromgnetism of Antiferromagnetics, of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol 4, No. 4, 1958. Jeurnal P40), 240) AUTHORS i Abrikoeov, A. A., Dzyaloohinakly, 1. Y(,,. TITLL- jpin Waves in a Ferromagnetic Metal (Spinovyye voiny v ferromagnitnom metalle) PERIODICAL.- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 771-Y75 (US~3R) ABSTRACT: The first investigations of spin waves were carried out by Bloch (Blokh) (Ref 2) on the basis of Heisenberg's (Geyzenberg) model for ferromagnetics. The phenomenological theory was developed oy Landau and Lifshits (Refs 3,4). 1n these theories the ferromagnetic 8ubstance is treated as a spin system which is firmly connected with the crystal lattice. However, this in no case applies to a metal in Thich the elec- trons are able to move freely. It is therefure of interest to find out in what form the motion of electrons can be represent- ed in accordance with phenomenological theory. It is this problem that forms the object of the present paper; according to Landau (Ref 1) it is based upon the theory of the Fermi liquid. Th~ electron spectrum of metals is descrined by means Card 1/3 of quasiparticles which satisfy Fermi statistics. The energy Sj~in Waves in a Ferromagnetic Metal SO/ 5b-55-5-52J!61 of these quasiparticles depends on spinor orientation, and for the energy operator L(P"',o) it holds that 6E - I Spo ~C(4p,0)6n(~,O)dT' di = 2dp dp dp /12n't)3, where pt 2 X y z N denotes the quasimomentum, the spin operator, the energy of the unit of volume, n - the distribution function. For slight variations of n the following holds for the elec- tron energy: be- SPO, -",)o P, a f(p",J;p a - I,(, where p '51151,71) and f (p, J"V 4 -jvl f( -4-91-:0 -0 -, p,a p (0+(y + *ik(p'p9O i0~. In ferromagnetic metals, in which only exchange-interaction oc- curs between the electrons, the energy operator depends only or, the _irection of spin with respect to the total magnetic momenti .,v 0 M~t m E(P,-J) - a (-P") - ISM .", (-" = unit-pseudovector in the direc- tion of the magnetic moment of the crystal). For the equilib- rium distribution function it holds that no I (n ++n-) + )-0 -P+ 2 + L (n+-n- m6; n- = n (a (n - Fermi function). Further 2 F F Card 2/5 deliberations are based upon these equations. Expressions are Spin 77ave3 in a Ferromagnetic Metal :;OV/56-55-3-32J/61 obtained for 6&, 6n 0, and P(p). Also non-ferromagrietic mptals are discussed, in the case of which the terms with m do not occur and a law of dispersion of the form C-/k applies (for ferromagnetic substances the law of dispersion &-k 2 applies). Further, the connection between w and k is investigated. Finally, the authors thank L. D. Landau, Icademician, for his valuable advice ana discussions of the results obtained. There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. IIIIIONt Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk S5SR (Institute for Physical Problems.,AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt April 22, 1958 Card 5/3 AcTV0111 1111,11 PUIODIOLLS LISM01 card 1/2 Abrlkoeov, A. A., Gor'bov, L. P. On the Application of the Method@ of the queot-0 1`1014 Tb-__71 1 Yrobl I of 0A "son St4tistles at janIts ?0spersturos 101 pri"RialI.0t:do. 111"%ovey % r I polls It B.440h.0 h."I" my stallotlki pri kom..hykA t..;:r!t_kh) Zh*TA.% I flitki. 1959. Vol J6, Ir 900-700 (USSR) Ih* press%% paper Intends %o formula%* a arlall.ft of it.. Ihormodys" to por*urb stion theory which permits the full ap- plication of 41A antus-flold theoretical methods to quantus statistics at finite temperature*. This method to In ps* based oil an txteasloe of the method developed by Xot21o;! (Not 4). In the Gross's functlons tv.settles to -1-glaarl t-# -SA, we, from operators of &.c..t (Shredlager) representation traositloo to made to operators In 'Interaction re;romentstion. Y(# 1), y4 (1.1)1 these now Growls functions are expanded saaerdlog to the laaginary time variable in Fourter ort*o. TMs proa*durv diff via from the usual wo %I %h9 fact IkAt lat ter& ti on vith respect to freq .. at.. 1. by ."- :ailon over discrete values of the Imaginary Ofrequwcy- Islol Varv, this &*the& to fully equival was to %he usual am tAlqu* In "' Im" "", 61 T - 0. In the following, be ".1j.Mloy"ronrties of the Fourter (rr-y.) waponootb of %he Gross. a twellafto 4" la-stle.lod "a It Is shown that, due to the possibility of analytical continuation, 11 "ttle:U81mor the treatment of varloms kinetic and aw- steady pr me 10 knov %he corresponding squillorlus %"*a-* ftnotlons. The authors finally thank Academician L. D. Landal wd 1. P, pitayevokly for Also"maing the results obtained by %ILI* paper. Thar* or* 4 fit"*% and 1) roftronsoo. 5 of hioh are Soviet. ASSOCIATION& Im.tIVal riltabeekikh problem Lkatoall. nook am (Xftottt%t. for 11kraloal Problems of the Aoadwy of Soleness. USS11) 81MMal D--Ur 4. 1958 a." 2/2 24(3) AUTHORS: Dzyaloohinakiy, 1. Ye., Pitayevskiy, L. P. BOV/56-36-6-25/66 TITLE: Van der Waals Forces in an Inhomogeneous Dielectric (Van-der- Vaallsovy aiiy v neodnorodnom dielektrike) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikit 1959, Vol 36, Hr 6, pp 1797-1805 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the forces are calculated which result from the interaction of particles in an inhomogeneous dielectric with the fluctuations of a long-wave eleotromagnetlc field (in which the dielectric in located). These forces may be described as Van der Waal forces, because they are of a similar nature. The contribution made by long-wave fluctuations to the free energy Is small compared to the total free energy of the body, but it represento a new effect, namely that of the non-additivity of the free energy of the body. The calcula- tion of the (non-additive) correction to the free energy of an inhomogeneous dielectric carried out by the authors cannot be performed in the usual manner by determination of the field energy in the medium because of the dissipation occurring in the absorbing medium e.g. in the case of variable fields. Card 1/2 The authors used the diagram technique developed by Van der Waals Forces in an InhomogeneOU8 Dielectric SOV156-36-6-25166 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 Matsubara (Ref 09. which was used also in the papers by Abrikosov, Gortkov, Dzyaloshinskiy, and Fradkin (Ref 5). The authors first investigate the properties of the Green. functions of an electromagnetic field in an inhomogeneous absorbing medium. In the second part of this paper the correction to the free energy of the system is derived by summation of the Matsubara. graphs (Fig 2), and the corresponding part of the stress tensor ~streea tensor of Van der Waal forces) is calculated. In an appendix the authors derive formulas for the Green functions in a homogeneous absorbing medium with complex.-dielectric constant. In conclusion, they thank Academician L. D. Landau and Ye. M. Lifshits for their inter- est and discussions. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) December 17, 1958 '10 (4) AUTHORS: __2&Xgjaa]kknski I. ~q,? , Lifshits, Ye. M., SOV/56-37-1-36/64 __Mtayev9kiy. TITLE: Van der Waals' Forces in Liquid Films (Van-der-Vaallsovy sily v zhidkikh plenkakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19591 Vol 371 Nr 10), pp 229 - 241 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors find general formulas for the determination of the thermodynamic quantities (chemical potential) of a liquid film, and they find the limiting laws for the dependence of the chemi- cal potential on the thickness of the film. The difficulties in the generalization of the formulas derived for the vacuum in the case in which the interepace between the bodies is filled with any medium, are now eliminated because of the general for- mulas (Ref 2) already derived for that part of the thermodynamic quantities of any absorbing medium which is conditioned by the electromagnetic fluctuation field with the wave lengths IS;% (a denoting the interatomic distances). This field corresponds to those forces which have the same nature as the van der Waals' forces between the single molecules at large distances. At Card 1/3 first, the stress tensor in a stratified absorbent medium is Van der Waals' Forces in Liquid Films SOV/56-37-1-36/64 calculatedt and in the next part the forces of molecular inter- action between solids are determined. In the case of a metallic "intermediate layer" between the bodies, the force of molecular attraction passes from the law 1-3 at "small" distances to the law 1-5 at "large" distances. The authors then investigate a liquid film on the surface of a solid body. This film is as- sumed to be applied to a wall vertically arranged in the field of gravity. F(1) + ygz - const is the condition for the con- stancy of the chemical potential along the system, for F(l) is the part of its chemical potential R depending on the film thickness. Thus, g - go + F(l), go denoting the chemical po- tential of the "massive liquid". Further , 1, (1) + fgz - Op the function g(1) determining all thermodynamic properties of the film. The authors then investigate some typical cases which may be present according to the character of the function g(l): (a) If g(l) is a monotonely falling, everywhere positive func- tion, the liquid does not moisten the solid surface, and no field is formed. (b) If g(1) is a monotonely increasing, every- Card 2/3 where negative function, this usually corresponds to a liquid Van der Waale' Forces in Liquid Films BOV/56-37-1-36/64 which completely moistens a solid surface. On a vertical wallt a film with a thickness tending to zero at z --*oois particu- larly formed. This decrease in thickness takes place at first according to the law' 1 -2-1/41 then according to s-1/3. Subse- quently, the contribution to the chemical potential caused by forces of noneleotromagnetio origin is estimated. Finally# some films of liquid helium are specially investigated. The authors thank the Academician L. D. Landau for the discussion of the problems investigated here, and Professor B. V. Deryagin for the supply of his papers. There are 3 figures and 21 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1959 (initially), and March 27, 1959 (after revi- sion) Card 3/3 24 (3) AUTHOR: Dzyaloshinskiy# I. Ye. SOV/56-37-3-56/62 TITLE: On the Problem of the Magneto-electric Effect in Antiferro- magnetic Substances PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 30), pp 881 - 882 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Landau and Lifshits (Ref 1) have shown that in certain anti- ferromagnetic crystals, if a magnetic (electric) field is ap- plied, an electric (magnetic) moment, which is proportional to this field, occurs. This so-called magneto-electric effect is closely connected with the magnetic symmetry of the substance. Actually, the thermodynamic potential of such a body ought to contain a term ~ , for which f -EH holds. For paramagnetic crystals this is, however, unnecessary because their thermo-, dynamic potential is invariant with respect to space transforma- tion and a reversal of the time axis. In bodies having amag- netic structure, the transformation properties, however, depend on magnetic symmetry. In the present "Letter to the Editor" the crystal Cr 20,9 the magnetic structure of which is exactly Card 1/3 known, is investigated in this respect. The class of the mag- On the Problem of the Magneto-electric Effect in SOV/56-37-3-56/62 Antiferromagnetio Substances netio symmetry of Cr 20 3consists of the following elements; 2C31 3U 2' IR, 236R, 3daR, where C 3is the vertical axis of the symmetry of third order, U 2 - the horizontal axis of the sym- metry of second order, I - the inversion, 8 6 - the mirror sym- metry axis of 6th order, and ad - plane symmetry. Two terms which are linear in E and H, are invariant with respect to transformation of this class: E H and E H +E H . The thermo- z z X y y y dynamic potential of Cr 20 3is thus [E. F1 + E, ( I + E2]) 1 2 + H2 [,. H2 + , (H BU z E; y 8n z x Y a E H I a,. (E H + E H EI, F-.L are the longitudinal n I Z Z 4R x x y T and transversal dielectric constants, the magnetic Card 2/3 permeabilities$ a,, at - the constants describing the magneto- On the Problem of the Magneto-olectric Effect in SOY/56-37-3-56/62 Antiferromagnetio Substances electric effect. The relations existing between the inductions and the field strengths are: D 60% + a#Hzp Dx - 6.LEx + aj.Hx, D, - S.LE + al.Hy' z y y Bz V1HZ + alEZ9 3X - Pt% + alExt By - tL.LHy+ alEy There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii ~auk SSSR (Instituteof Physical Problems.of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: June 17, 1959 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: TITLE: 30937 S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/O07/Ol2 E032/Ell4 Gor1kov, L.P. Dzyaloshinskiy, I.Ye., and Pitayevskiy, L. Calculations of fluctuations in quantities described by transport equations SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln. Trudy, no.17(27). Moscow, 196o. Rasprostraneniye radiovoln i ionosfera. 203-207 TEXT: The authors discuss fluctuations in quantities which can be described by transport equations, e.g. the equations of Boltzmann, Fokker-Planck and Landau, in the case of a Coulomb interaction between the particles. The knowledge of these fluctuations is essential to the theory of scattering of electro- magnetic waves in rarefied gases and electron plasma. The method employed is analogous to that used by L.D. Landau and Ye.M. Lifshits (Ref.2: Electrodynamics of uniform media, M., Gostekhizdat, 1957, Ref.3: ZhETF, v.32, 618, 1957). It consists in the introduction into the transport equation of additional random Card 1/4 30?,37 Calculations of fluctuations in S/570/bO/000/017/007/012 E032/E114 terms whose correlations are then determined on the basis of the general theory of fluctuations. For example, the Boltzmann equation is modified to read av + (v j + y at where the collision integral J is given by j I n (pi) V (PI) + no(pl,) --)(Pl) S w(plipi; P2PI) f 0 1 n0 (p')-4(p) - no(P)N)(P,)] d3pld3p'ld3ps (2) and y is the "random" collision integral. The problem consists in the evaluation of the average of y(p,rjt)y(p11,r',t'). It is shown that this average is in fact given by: Card 2/4 30937 Calculations of fluctuations in S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/007/0l2 E032/Ell4 y(p,r,t)y(pllr*lt#) = 26(r - r')b(t - 0) x 3 3 X no(p') ~E w(p',P,_, Pi%P') n (p1.) d Pld p 1 0 - n (p) W(p"pj; PJIPI) no (p~) d3pld3 pt + 0 3 3 " d3p" + + 5(p - p )n (PJISSS w(pll,p"; p, pl)n.(p.,) d P', d P IL 0 1 + n0(p)n 0(p') SS W(PJL,Pli; P1 PS) d3 pld3pl' (9) which is equivalent to the results obtained by B.B. K"domtsev (Ref-5: ZhETF, v.32, 943, 1957). It can be shown that the introduction of the "ran,dom" collision integral into Eq.(l) does not upset the conservation of the,number of particles, energy and momentum. Another transport equation considered is the following: 8-) + (v div (10) Card 3/4 TT- 30937 Calculations of fluctuations in S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/007/0l2 E032/EI14 where is the current density in the momentum spaceo Here it is convenient to introduce a "random" current y so that + (v div (j + y) t - Expressions analogous to Eq.(9) are then derived. An account of the general theory of fluctuations on which these calculations are based is given in "Statistical Physical' by L.D. Landau and Ye.M. Lifshits (Ref.4: izd. 3 M., Gostekhizdatt 1951). The method can be used for fluctuations in the equations for fermi and bose gaseBo A.A. Abrikosov and I.M. Khalatnikov,(Ref-71 ZhETF, v.34, 198, 1958) have used it to study light scattering in liquid He3, Aoknowledgments are expressed to L.D. Landau and Ye.M. Lifshits for discussions. S.M. Rytov and B.B. Kadomtsev are mentioned in connection with their contributions to the theory of fluctuations. There are 7 Soviet-bloc references. Card 4/4 AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICALt 21228 S/053/61/073/003/001/004 B125/B201 Dzyaloshinskiy, I. Ye., Lifshital Ye. M., and Pitayevsk General theory of the Van der Weals forces Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 73, no. 3, 1961, 381-422 TEXT: A brief report is first given of the methods of the quantum field theory, and the general theory.of the Van der Weals forces is then ex- plained on this basis. Such a theory hits been-developed for'the first time by Ye. M. Lifshits. The application of the methods of the quantum field theory to the problems of statistical physics at finite temperature is based on a paper by Matsubara. According to it, the free energy can be: calculated by the rules of Peynman's graph technique. Matsubara's technique can be appreciably improved by taking account of some general properties of the Green functions (A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. GorIkov, I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiyj ZhETF Us 799 (1959), ye- S. Fradkin, ZhETF 369 1286 (1959). The following series presented schematically must be summed Card 21228 3/053/61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the... B125/B201 to calculate Grqen,funotion of the photont + + In zne case oi a spatially inhomogeneous system it has the form Vq (rI. r,,, E.) + 9).y (ri, rj: II.a (rs, r4', X X,Z%p(r,, r,; E,,)dr3dr4+ (2,8) X 19pv (ral r.; E.) Tto (r., r~; J.) drs dr., drj drs + -. Ti,, (rl,r I signifies the so-called polarization operator of the systems 21' n (2.8) or, in another form, Catd 2/141 21228 S/053J61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the... B125/B201 r,; Ej (r,, r,,; Q +dirt drt %).'.v (r,, rs; Hv6 (r8, r.;X x IZU (r,, r,; E.) + ~ dr. dr, %S, (rd, r.; tj 11., (r., r,; tj Tp (r., rs; ij+ dr, dr. dr, dr, 9D6&, (r,, r.; E.) 11., (r,, r.; E.) (r,, ir,; E.) x x TIM (r,, r,; E.) VQp (rl, r,,, E.) + is an integral equation with respect to 4 having the form Tp (rjL, rj; E.) Z:p (r,, r,-. E.) + + ~ V. (r,, rj; t.)j'1V6 (r3. rd; t.) TIp (r., rj; t.) dr3 dr4. (2.9) v In the general case there is no expression in a closed form for the polarization operator. In the present case of longwave photons, the Card 3/1~ General theory of the-... 23.228 61/073/003/001/004 B125YB201 polarization operator can be expressed by the dielectric constant of the body. To calculate the additional term to the energy of a condensed body, due to the longwave fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, a part describing the energy of interaction of the particle with the electromagnetic fields H - R0 + Hint ' Ho A,,(r)l,,(r)d r, is separated from the total Hamiltonian of the system. The series of the perturbation theory is represented by diagrams of the type of Fig. 7 or Fig. 8 for the free energy or the Green function of the longwave photons, respectively. In'the koa 100 (4,43) eo'+2cg OWBI I/ T(-O) hold for the interaction force of easuision particles at "small" and "large" distances, respectively. The theory described in the present paDer is also suited for calculating the thermodynamic quantities of a thin liquid film on the surface of a solid. Simply, L 2 - 1 is to be put in the earlier found formulas (eeg., general formula (4-13)) for determining p. The function p(T,l) determines all thermodynamic quanti- ties of the film. A report is finally given of the negligibly small contribution of forces of non-electromagnetic origin (V. L.-Ginzburg is mentioned), and liquid helium films are.discussed. P -1-3 is to be Card 13/1 2122B S/053/61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the... B125/B201 expected for the actual thicknesses of,the helium film, and I - z for the film profile.- There are 13 figures and 30 references: 15 Soviet- bloc ancl 15 non-Soviet-bloo. The two most recent references to English- languaCe publications read as followes 'L. G. Grimes, L. G. Jackson, Philos. Mag. A, 1346 (1959)- 1. A. Xitchener, A. P. Prosseir, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 242, 403 (1959)- Card 14/1 AMISKOV; Aleksey Alekseyevichl GOROKOV Lev Petrovich- DZYAIDSHIIISKIY., Igor' Yekhiyellyevichj GUROV, K.P., red.; PIAKS -, rgF~.~ ["Quantum field theory methods in statistical physics] Metody kvantovoi teorii polls. v statisticheskol fizike. MoskvaJq Fizmat- gizp 1962. 443 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Quantum field theory) T', S/056j62/042/004/034/037 B125/B102 AUTHOR: ~Ye- TITLE: Graph technique for calculating kinetic coefficients in statistical physics at finite temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, vt 42P no- 4, 1962, 1126-1134 TEXT: The graph technique described is a generalization of J. M. Luttingerle technique (Phya. Rev., 121, 942, 1961). It operates directly with the quantities dependent on the real frequency (j, and delivers the direct analytic continuation of the graphs of T. Matsubara's technique Progr. Theor. Phys., 14v 351, 1955) from the imaginary axis to the upper or lower) half-plane of the complex variable 6). The present technique ~ a much simpler and easier than that of 0. V. Konstantinov and V. I. Perell (ZhETF,.~2, 197, 1960). The Lehmann representation 00 4 1 Q(p,l)/(,% - cj)d,% (1 ) of the retarded or advanced Green functions -co Card 1/5 S/056/62/042/004/034/03T Graph technique for calculating B125[B102 R(~,Cj) or GA(4,W) respectively, and the relations G P > 0) - G R(i(j < 0) G"(i(j (3) 'for the temperature Green n n n function give CO (t - n (q)) CIT p (p. q) dq, T>O cc ~ n (TI) i"' p (p. 1q) dTI, T0. S (6) 00 S n (q) e~"' p (p. TI) dq. 1 Mcr it acts as a damping factor. [DWI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22Dec65/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH REF: 003 v1r ACC NR. AP7003453 SOVRCE CODE: AUTHOR- Dzygad,11q_.._4._ (Warsaw) ORG: none PO/0097/66/007/004/0287/0309 TITLE: Parametric self-excited vibration of a plate of finite length in plane supersonic flow SOURCE: Proceedings of vibration problems, v. 7, no. 4, 1966, 287-309 TOPIC TAGS: flow analysis, supersonic flow, vibration effect, digital computer, linearized potential flow theory, plane supersonic flow, surface structure, Mach number, undisturbed flow, instability boundary region, self excited vibration, plate vibration/Ural 2 digital computer ABSTRACT: This paper continues the author's previous studies of fundamental phenomena connected-with the action of loads which depend explicitely on time on finite surface struect~res in supersonic flow.. It contains an analysis of parametric self-excited vibratioqo of a plate of finite length in plane supersonic flow. Complete and simplified theorie's of linearized potential flow are used, assuming that condi- C.,d 1 / 2 ~kCC-RC-A-1~766374 tions of either hinged support or rigid or elastic clamping are satisfied at the plate's edges. Frequency equations derived from the analysis make it possible to obtain boundaries of instability regions of the system as a function of the Mach number of undisturbed flow. The convergence of the solution is investigated. The computations were performed using the Ural 2 digital computer. The results are used to establish the existence of a number of new effects related to the effects of parametric excitation on finite plates in supersonic flow. Orig.' art. has: 10 figures, 4 tables. and 56 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] [DR', SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 02Ju166/ORIG RtF: 002/SOV REF: 003/ OTH REF: 004/ Card 2 / 2 DZYGALOI A91sp inzh$ Transitory Interfereme during the shaping of a modulated pilse train using a shock-excitation stage. Sbor. trud. LllZ-4T no.221+: 108-0-13 164. (mm 1819) L 10446-66 - Mff WA SOMWB CM1 ISMCSS Ref. she Radiotelftmika.l. elektroavyasf, Abs. U04 /OO0/OW/A057/JLO57 AUMt ftfialos TM i Crow Int-erf 'An- -8-14 --nodaUted ~'fe"ew* br a shook-e=itatift CMM SOURCEs Sb. tr. LwAW, In-t Insh. sh.-d. trM., vyp. 224, 1964, 108413 TOPIC TAGSs pulse modulation, signal interference MUSIATIONs I group pulse-w4ulation (PM) wdt contains a circuit excited by a voltage step and Is intended for shming truwated pulses for converting tine FF. into phase PK. Only the first (negidv-sl half-wave is used; the second half-ways is suppressed by mans of a semicondbutator diode, The resistance of the suppressor circuit containing = open diode Is fWtal henoep an aperiodic positive peak Will always be present and Its Otail" mW persist longer than the intra-pulse spacinj this wtail" may displace the time position of the next pulse, or in other words a spurious modulation of one chamel by another =7 occur. It :.z proven that the interference level depends on the relatim between the spaoing and the shaped-pulse duration and In indepsaident of the modhdation tim Interval. So COMS 09- C'.4 t/q VWs 621.374.2 DZYGALO, V.I. Magnetoelastic stress pickup. Izm. takh. no.1:33-34 Ja(165. kRA l8so USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S-2 y&fjVEV1q' S. 6 Pathological) . Nervous System. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1958, 45486 Author Dzygaeva, S. B. In3t Not given Title The Anterior Suture of the Brain. Orig Pub: Zh. nevropatol. I psichiatrii, 1957, 57, No 6, 724-730 Abstract: A miscoscopic disclosure of the anterior suture (AS) of the brain is accomplished by means of a refined anatomical preparation after a special treatment of the brain. The human brain was in- vestigated In the fetus, children and adults, as well as the brains of a rabbit, a cat and a dog. The author found that AS in man consists of an underdeveloped anterior phylogenetically-early Card 1/2 15 USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S-2 Pathologidal). Nervous Systeta. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.) No i0j 1958, 45486 Abstract: stage and a strongly developed posterior phylo- genetically-late stage. In AS, fibers are devel- oped, which lead to the wedge and to the tongue convolutions of the occipital section. -- A. B. Kuzlmina-Prigradova Card 2/2 " DZYGALO, A.I., Inzh. ~replacing railroad wire communication systems with multichannel radio-relay systems and choice of multiplexing apparatus. Sbor. L11ZBT no.169-123-129 160. (KIRA 13:11) (Railroads-Communt cat Ion systems) (Radio relay systems) I .. (_~ZYGALOI A.I., inzh, (gasningrad) com-Inication systems for electrio railroads operated on co=ercial frequenoy, Zhol.dorstranspe 43 no,3148-49 W 161, (ICRA 14t3) (Elsotria railroads-Commmication system) 11 I "(I 01/0 Analysis.of pulso-noise source in tine-division multiplex radio- relayin,-, communications systems PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchabnykh zavedeniy, Radiotelchnilca, V. 5, no- 3,'.1962, 4o2 - 40 TEXT: When the signal of in a time-division 11,ultiple.,, system is demodulated after passinf; through a pulse %'a selector, tile signal contains n'ot only the'raquAred component Un. but small pulse components ULL, , produced by the pulses of the neighbouring channel. This is primarily due to the non-ideal characteristics of the"selootbr and its selectivity can be defined as- -b = UM/UU.J 4005,52 S/142/62/005/003/oo8/oog E192/E382 AUTHOR: Dzygalo, A.I. the operation of a pulse-selector as a TITLE: The selector can be represented in the form shovm in Fig. 2, whore tile Icey n simulates the change of the transfer function Card 1/3 S/142/62/005/003/008/009 Analysis of the operation so.* E192/E382 by a certain time function G(t) = f(t - t N) , where f(t) is a function describing the operation of the selector and t N~ is the instant of selector operation for the N-th pulse. If the' input signal of the selector is in the form of a train of pulses F(t). K P -7 K = 0 f1 (t. - t the selector has a maximum transfer function G 1 for the pulse for which t Ic = tN # The transfer function for all the remaining pulses is given by: z G2 = - 0 z1 + Z2 Card 2/ 3 S/142/62/005/003/008/009 Analysi~s of the operation E192/E382 The selectivity for the case of time-modulated signals with modulation-conversion is shown to be given by: b = 3: G1 * (3) - S ~__d _G 2 It is seen that the selectivity ;depends on.the duration of the pulmos and the frequency of the modulating wavoform. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra Laningradskogo insiituta inzhencrov zhol. der. transporta im, alcad. V.N. Obraztsova (Department of the Leningrad Institute of Railway-transport Engineers imeni Academician V.N. Obraztsov) SUBMW ED: February 20, 1960 (initially) Gill November 14, 1961 (After revision) Z, Z, Card 3/3 Fig. 2: BERUIN, Yu.L.. inzh.; DZYGAID V.I., im - -- . I Automatic measurement pulp. Mekh. i avtom. f N 1--eq r A 11-C-M I t I I vmn DZYGADLO, 7bigniew (Warsaw) Self-excited vibrations of a pointed conical shall in super- sonic flow. Proceed vibr probI 4 no. 3:265-~FO 163. .DZYGADID, Z.; SOKOIDWSKI, M.; ZAHORSKI, S. (Warszawa); ZYCZKOWSKI, 14. (Krakow) A acientific conference held in KMica on the mechanics of continuous medim a review of papers. Machan teor stoaow 1 no. 1:99-107 10, Qf ~- V. [Dzuhaley, V.I. kand.arkhitektury Plastic doors and vindow blocks. Proak. i bud. I no-1:57-59 0 '59- (MIRA 13s12) (Doors) (VirAows) (Plastics) f; ",. , -, ~ ., I ..