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DZHUMALIYEV, T.; KOROLEV# V.G.; KRIVOLUTSKAYA, V.N.; RYABOKONI, S.A. Carboniferous abdimients in the upper Mal" Naryn Valley. Mat po geol. Tian'-Shaftia no.107-102 1,61, (MIRA 17t2) DZHWALIEVA, D. "Sugar Cane is a Valuable Plant for Forme, P. 19. ( KOOPMATrINO Za,106LIE, Vol. 10, No. 3~ Mar. 1955, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of 6ast Eurom an Accessions, (LKIL), LCI Vol. 4, Ma. 6, June 1955, Uncl. cou"17IRY i WIDARTA CATMORY Cultivated Plants. Forego Crops@ ABS. JOUR. RZhBidl. 11 No. 23 195.8 , Nfs e, 104713 AUTHOP Hadomirov, P., Yakimove, Ye., DzhumaliyeYa_,__p. Central Agricultural Scientifi-e-A-ed-90-c-h Insfi_ffate TITLE Studies on the Fertilization of Gress Mixtures of Perennial Grasses in 5ofia Rayon. 10RIG, PUB. Nauchni tr. Visah. 6eib&oatop. in-to I-G. Dimitrova. Zootekh.a. fak.,,1956, 6, 257-284 ABSTRACT On the experimental field near Bozhurishche (Bulgaria) and on the fielQs of the Central Agricultural Sci6ritific Research Institute near Gorna Sanye on charnazeira and near Gorna Lozen on waudbw soil, powdured and granular Pc Lind N., were applied in different amounts and in different ;erioas, during 19.50-1954. on cheraoxems, the higher in- creases in yield were secured with the application of PC. On meadow adils, the effect of N was niore pronounced than that of P. Application of P and N raise4 the protein con- tent in the green roughage and producea Ch8DgOS in its Card- 1/2 61 ,V-- COUNM y CATEGOn A-!,,^). JOUI Card: 212 Mtiffiol, t No. 195 4,No. 104713 botaoical composition. The gross stand berame thicker ut the expense of' an increaeed nuiuber of the steaw of cereal grasava. UDIer the influence of fortIlizere, an increase in the anx)unt of organic residuez in the tillage IDyer was notau. Drill aprlication of PC at tile time of soubw, is Bulgnrim m Ca+03c',rf :CUL.r1VA'f'-'D PLAWS. FODDO Abs. Je)=. :F%EF ZHUR-BIOL.,21.1,958,NO-96024 Puthrr : 'ravlov,Y.; Yaklmova,Ya.; Dahwn&1iyav-q,D.- t I tu, t . : BuIotlrtltzi AS, Plant OUtiA'~, Titio : .21)ariments with Long-Ariod Grkm) Mixtures for -Gzasoll and Fodddr Crop Rotation in the Area of Sofin. lirig. 1-0t. : Izv. 111--a restenl7av"drowo. 13111g. AN, 1957, kn. 4. 4~-63 :Uaht dii'.1forujit mlxtur~.- of perannial (4-6 yeRrs) le,, forbs and gzasaes werm studied at the Ox-p-,-ri-at-ntal field n,3ar the tomi of GornaL Jozey in Bulgaria. The yields wertt lowast In tha first yfi8r, highest in the geoond, r-n junt about equal 10 tb,,: 31-d hr-.d 4th. Thu top ground ms~i yi-~!!d w9s gatton frcm p,.rasc mixturts !-1o.7 with the fol- low1mg anurao8itions e3paroat ivit', O'llil'p, 15~4' eEiGbp 4 .;cil-" orttgre'tss .35%, intyadow fascue ?!*)%, smooth b=e 101%. "Iltb an Inortinso in tho %voil9it of the legu- -1/2 IAKIMOVA, IA.; DZHUMALIFVA, D. Changes in ~otianlc-al structure of grass mixtures from fertilization. Izv. Inst. "Nikola Pushkarov" 705-47 163. ;--L-2Q821-66 ACC NR- AR6004311 SOURCE CODE: UR/0270/66/000/010/0021/0021 AUTHOR: Dzhuman B. M. TITLE: Concerning the most advantageous time for measuring the zenith distances In geodetic leveling ,SOURCE, Ref Ob- Geodazlys, Abe, 10.52.184 ,REP SOURCE: Gcod. kartogr. t aerdotos"yemkii. Reop, mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. sb. , vyp. 1, 1964~ 22-24 TOPIC TAGS geodetic leveling, distance measuring equipment, refractive Index, geodetic survey ABSTRACT: In processing the experimental data given in "Trudy TaNUGAM11 No. 102, the author found that the average coefficients of refraction computed individually for each line of leveling in periods of calm representation during wind are more stable line to line than the average coefficients of refraction for the period from 9 to 17 hr. The overall value of the coefficient of refraction for large distances in periods of calm representation during wind was equal to +0. 130 (tk fl. 018), and for small distances, +0. 129 Card 1/2 UDC: 528. L,28821-66 ACC NR: AR6004311 (tk=.*0.029). During the period 9-17 hr the overall coefficient of refraction for large distanceswas equal to +0. 086 N = 0. 03 1), and for email distances, 40. 379 (tk - :LO. 3 60). It is concluded that In periods of calm representation during wind the coefficient of re- fraction Is independent of both the length and the altitude of the origin of the beam over the underlying surface. A table Is presented showing the average values of the coefficients of refraction for different directions. A. Troftmov. (Translation of abstracts] SUB CODE., 08 SUBM DATE: nond Card 2/2 TERSKIYU1, I.I.; DZIMMAYEVAp A.As Experimental and clinical Btudy of the therapeutic action of dibicmycin in trachoma. Antibiotiki 6 no.3-1.968-11,70 N 161. (141RA 15:3) 1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanavskogo AMN SSSR, kafedra mikrobiologii (zav, - chlen-korrespondent APPI SSSR prof. Z.V. Yermollyeva) TSentralinogo instituta usavershenst- vovaniya vrachey. (CONJUNCTIVITIS, MANULAR) (AUREOMYCIN) VAYSBLAT, A.S.; DZHUMAMBAYEVA A.A.- LIVANSXAYAp N.M. I Treatment of trachoma in Tajikiotan with the new preparation dibionycin. Antibiotiki 7 no.902"32 3 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Xafedra, mikrobiologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR Z.V.Yermollyeva) TSentrallnogo instituta usoversbenstvovanlya vrachey i Reepublikinakiy trakhomato3nyy dispaniger Ydnisteretva zdravookhranenlya Tadzhikskoy SSR. (TARKISTAN-CONJUNCTIVITISi GRANUL&R) (AUREOMYCIN) IMMLIEVAp Z.V.; TEMIKH, I.Iq MHUWLMW4, A.A.; LAZAREVA., Ye.K. Comparative study of the effect of the new preparation di- tetracycline and other antibiotics on the trachoma virus. Vop. virus. 8 no.3t343-346 My-Je'63. (MIRA 16:10) (CONJURCTIVITIS3, MMLAR -MICROBIOIDGY) (VIR'US RESEARCH) (ANTIBIOTICS) XOKWOVSKAYA, T.M.; POPOVA, G.O.; DZHUMAHBAYEVA A A. Dynamics of the concentration of antibiotics In chicken embryos. Antibiotiki.8 no.10034-9)9 0 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zay. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. Z.V. Yermollyeva) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvavaniya vrachey. KOKIIANOVSKAYA, T.M.; DZHUMANBAYEVA, A.A. Experimental study of antibiotics on the model of a chickrn embr 0. Trudy TSIU 68:155-161 164. (MIRA 15:5) TAIIPOV. Sh.T.; SULTANOT, A.S.; DZHUMANIWOV, U. Determination of the solubility of calcium phosphate in aqueous solutions of glucose by titration with trilon. Uzb.khim.zhur. no,5:51-55 '58s (KIM 1?:2) 1. Institut khImii. AN UzSSR i Bradneaziatakly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Leninae (Calcium phosphate) (Titration) AA. Astronomical Optics (4010) Izv. AN Turkmenskoy SSR, No 6, 1953, pp 93-95 Dzhuman yazov) V. Investigation of the Penetrating Ability of Eight Objectives The penetrating ability was evaluated according to the rwignitude of stars leaving a ;egible trace. PhotogrIphs were made at Ashkhabad and Firyuz and the objectives used were Sonnar, Xenon, Tessar) Victar, Industar) axYJ FM. Author concludes thzt short-focused objectives are nore efficient than long-focused ones. SO: Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Astronomiya i Geodeziya, No 6, 1954 (d-30976) 1) __ ~ 6 It 14 A A~ h, -/1 4/7 : USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers. 1-5 Abe Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 22514 Author Dzhumankulov, Rh. Inst Title The Effectiveness of Pre-Planting Treatment of Cotton Seeds by Trace Element Salts. Orig Pub: S. kh. Tadzhikistana, 1956, No 2, 23-25 Abstract: In 1955, the department of cotton cultivation, Tadzhik SSR Aca- demy of Sciences, initiated broad experiments to determine the effects of use of trace elements in treating cotton seeds before planting. These experiments were conducted in the Unin collec- tive farm in the Stalinabad rayon by the method of fallo-or land plate measuring 0.20 hectare. The total area for all experiments covered 6 hectares. During spring plowing 2-5 tons/hectare of manure was added to the plots annually (in 1954 no manure was used). In 1955, the sowing was done on April 17-18 on a layout Card 1/3 _ZT- USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers. 1-5 Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol-, No 6, 25 March, 1957, 22514 of 60 x 45 cm. During the vegetative period, the plot received 9 irrigations, 2 feedings amounting to 250 kg superphosphates and 150 kg ammonium nitrate per hectare, 5 cultivations and one hoeing; stamping was done from August 10-15. The mother liquor of each tra,ce element was previously prepared in 1 liter of reservoir water. The seeds, wetted by a formalin solution and remaining in it for 3 hours, were alloved to soak. The soaking was conducted in bags, in several stages, for 18-20 hours. The experimental variants: soaking seeds in reservoir water (control) and in solutions of copper sulfate 0.1 and 0.3 g, boric acid 0.3 and 0.6 g, ammonium molybdate 0.2 and o.6 g, manganese sulfate 1 g, zinc sulfate 0.1 g per liter. The largest crop increase of raw cotton was obtained from treating seeds with weak solutions of boric acid. The crop was also increased when seeds were treated with solutions of copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, and highly concentrated solutions of ammonium molybdate. The crop increase in all the variants is Card 2/3 -28- USPR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers - 1-5 Abs Jour; Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 29-514 credited to the basic mixture. In individual cases) these fertilizers produced no increases. In the author's opinion, the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic should furnish all agricultural. chemical laboratories of WS (Machine Tractor Ser- vice) with the needed amounts of trace fertilizers. These fer- tilizers should be tested in non-root feeding and addition to soils. Card 3/3 -29- DZHUMANKULOV, Kh. Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Intersecting administration of fertilizers in supplements to the cotton plant." Stalinsbad, 1961. 15 pp; (Academy of Sciences Tadzhikistan SSR, Division of Agr and Biol Sci); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 221) USWft= AnlMald.,Sheep,and Goats. Abu JoUr: Ref Zhur-Diol,-, No 1958, 78760. Author Delobrova$ N. P.; bzhti=iyazoVj, YU. inst Title "Sur" Sheep in the TurUml Payon of the K=- Wpak ASSR - Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo,. 1958, No 1, 31-34. Abstract: As a personal prcperty of the kolkhozes of the Turtkul Ptayon, of the Kara-Kalpak ASSR, sheep are met with "sur" antique-fur coat. "S&' sheep, in comparison. vith black sheep, are large, long, somewhat coarse and plurp. A white mark on the head is considered a valuable siga of these sheep. There are different shades of coloring of the antique "sur" lambskins. The most valuable color Card 1/2 DZHVMPt-rP,YF_V, F S, AUTHOR: Dzhllmataevo FeS. 136-4-15/23 TITLEs --Veutralisation oCthe deleterious effect of an excess of copper sulphate. (Neutralizatei-ya vredrFogo deystviya izbytka mednogo kulorosa.) MRIODICLLt "Tsvg=e MatIlly"(Non-ferrous Metals) 1957, No.4, P. 740 (U.S#SOR.) ABSTRA-CT: The known harmful effects of an excess of copper oxide in zinc flotation began to be apparent at the Belousivskaya Beneficiation Works in the spring of 1956. At that time ores with a larger pyrites content began arriving at the works, and at present this ore amounts to 5542% of the total I compared with 40-45fo before the spring of 1956. Using his own obser- vations and the work of AX, JAvshits (#'Tsvetnye Metally" 1955t No, Di the author has recently proposed the neutralisation of the harmful effect of excess copper sulphate by sodium sul- phide. 35-50 g/ton are added after the pulp has come into contact with the copper sulphate, the addition of flotation agents being carried out in the following chamber. The rec- Card 1/2 ommended scheme has been tested over a period of 12 shifts '_ie with excellent results: the quality of the zinc eoncentra improved and the extraction of the zinc into the zinc concen- trate increased by 1.5 - 2-5%. Neutralisation of the deleterious effect of an excess of copper sulphate. (Cont.) 136-4-15/23 Then is 1 Slavio zeference. ASSOCIATION: The Belousovskaya Beneficiation Woxks (Belousovska7a Obogatital W a Fabrika) AVAILABLE: Caft 2/2 136-3-1/25 AUTHORS: Dzhumatayev, F., Perkaleva, V and Polyakov, M. ,'TITLE: tie- -Development of a Scheme for the Flotation of On Polymettalic Ores. (K voprosu razrabotki skhemy flotatsii polimetallicheakikh rud). PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1957, N0.3, pp.1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an article in "Thvetnyye Metally", 1956, No.11 by I. N. Plaskin, A. M. Okolovich, V. V. Shikhovaya- Neginskaya and G. M. Dmitriyeva some problems in the develop- ment of a scheme for the flotation of polymetallic ore wore formulated and proposed for discussion. The present article contains discussions of these and additional problems, based mainly on experience at the Belousovsk beneficiation works. The quality of the ore (Pb 4 1%) there has recently been changing and a two-stage ore gTinding process has been adopted; while research is proceeding on the corresponding two-stage flotation of the lead sulphide, which is especially important at this works because of the extensive adoption of direct successive flotation there. A qualitative flow-sheet for two-stage flotation is shown and discussed, different variants being 1/2 compared. Agreeing with the contention of Plaskin et al. that it is very difficult to obtain with two-stage flotation 136-3-1/25 3 .On the Development of a Scheme for the Flotation of Polymetallic Ores. a good concentrate with sufficient lead extraction in the second stage, the authors consider the theoretical and practical aspects. For the former, the draw largely on the work of M, A. Fishman (no referenced reproducing his curves of extraction against lead-concentration in the concentrate under various conditions. These curves are confirmed by curves obtained at the Belousovsk works under conditions proposed by M. A. Eygeles and K. T. Vartanyan. The adoption of the Eygelea-Vartanyan scheme for the second stage of lead flotation is considered to be impracticable at many works and not entirely effective. A scheme for flotation with counter-current flow of foam, as used in the U,S.A., is described (with diagram) and its trial in the 2/2 USSR is advocated. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Gintsvetmet AVAILABLE: Librai* 6r Congress DZWMATAYN, I.S.; SIOBODKIN. B.M.; AG]ffBVA, T.I. Lead removal from the copper pyrite product of the Belousovim Plant- Tsvet-met. 33 n0-5:15-17 Mr 160. (KIRL 13:7) (Beloasovks,-4re dressing) Olonferrous metals) SAFAROV, K.H.j prof. SAFAROV, Yu.B... dots4nt; DZHUMAYAN,, vaterJA&rMy vrach Freparatiou.No..,74 for the treatment of calves infected with ringworm, Tetarbarlia. 39 no.11:36-3-, N 162. (KMA 16:10) 1. AzerbaydzhdAS,-' sell okokhoalruntwenw inatitut (for Safarov P K *M~'V rov, Yu,B,)* 2* Kolkhoz imeni Myaanikovap Kirovabad, AvOr fshanakoy SSR (for Dzhmapn), DZHUMAIEV) F.T. Measurement of energy spent by cattle breeders in the east Pamirs. Zdrav. Tadzh. 9 no.1:47 Ja-F 162. (M1RA 15:4) 1. Iz instituta krayevoy moditsiny AN Tadzhikskoy SSR i kafedry fiziologii (zav. - doteent O.G. Lorents) Dushanbinskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Abulai ibni Sino. (PAMIRS-AGRICULTURAL LABORERS) (METABOLISM) DZHUMYEV, -- F.T.- Characteriatigs of the reactions of the inhabitants of moitntainous localities to 4igh environmental temperature. Zdrav.Tadsh. 9 no.4t23-25 J1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15SU) 1. Iz kafedry normaltnoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent O.G.Lorents) Tadzbikokogo meditsinakoEo instituts. im. Abuali ibai Sino. (HEAT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EMCT) (DUSHANBE-ACCLIMATIZATION) DZHWAYEV., F.T. (Dushanbe) "energy expenditures of the animal husbandry workers of the Bovkhoz Bulunkul, (4200 meters) during the performance of the basic types of agricultural work during the summer and autumn periods"* Report presented at the Scientific Conference devoted to the problems of physiology and pathology in High Altitudes., Ministry of Health Tadzhik SSR and Medical Institute im. Abdult Ibn-Sino, held in Dushanbe, October 1962e (Zdravookhraneniye Tadzhikstana, Dushanbe., No. 3., 1963,, P. 37-39) DZHUMAYEV, F.T.; ZHUKOV) V.P. Preliminary data on the physical development of' children in the eastern Pamirs. Zdrav. Tadzh. 10 no.3:6-8 163. (MIRA 17: 4) 1. Immm, 1. 14" nm~wot ~'. T. I 2. UJIM (600) 4* Kara K=-Vine Crops 7* Raising vine crops on drift sands of the Kara Kum. Izv. Turk. fil. AN SSSR no. 3, 1951 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. GUBARt., M.A.; KOFSH, L.Ye. KLBANOV2 N.M.; VOROBIXEVAV R.V.; GASTT-TNL., M.M.,, IVANTSOV, K.F.,- OVEZOV.. A.0. Prinimall ucbastiyes BYLIWJM, A.A.; YELLKHOVSKAYA, N.P.;LISICHKINA.. T.1. Hygienic characteristics of economical drinking water sources in districts of the Margab Casis. Zdrav. Turk. 7 no.5:28-32 (41) May 163, (OASIS REGION-DRIMING, WATER) MiA 16:8) DZ,RUMA13V, M. MEMKOM Studying the biology of cotton on the basis of varied density of stand. lzv.Otd.ast.nauk AN Tadzh.SSR no.121.111-117 '55. (MLRA 9M) 1. Otdel khlopkovodstva, AN Tadshikskey SSR. (Cotton growing) DZHUMAYEV, M., Cand. Agr Sol -- (diss) "fitudy of biological peculiarities of cotton atzr"=-~- densities of standing 4 andptv~r On embem-m of plants undor conditions of Gissar Valley of TadzhikW&%W SSRJ. Stalinabad, 1957. 24 PP (Acad 41 Sol Tadzhik SSR)p 100 copies (KL, 52-57, 109) - 91 Country U661i ~i-7 CATEGORY A33. JOUR. RZBiD!., Jo. 1959, NO- 87137 AUTHOR Dyl-omaycvt !,'. D. INST. TITLE, Biclogleal Ft-culiarities of Dcve-!,opL,c-.nt and Frcdv:ct-lTl.-l,tv of Cottcn or. of ,~rowlng. ORIG. PUB. : 6. kh. Tadzhiklstana~ 1c,,57, -4-o 51 7-12 A33TRACT : In lc~53-1155.5 1.1,e T-qdzhik -'-~ciEntltic nest,---rch lr-,s' il'ute of' Agriculture C', 11 ~ I -nducted st,,zdies c." neculiaritk! of cotton T.1.1ant devc-loprent dcl)E:nciinp, u-cin spacirF, Of -~-W= an(i syi!tem, of distrib,,ition --f plarits. Durir,g hatial of rj'evelaTm(-,:nt (-prior to bud formation) -.1c pai-t-icul,.-.- char.;~es in the pliants col-ild be determ`nca n-va-dic-ss of t' eir ril-Itributicn. Wlltl. rcws s-piced 45 cm -,p,~.rt tLe of r,'c--ielcurent occ,ir 1-5 ilays eu.-lier than with a ~0 cr, :;pacirig. Cfeckevboard-~.ill-" in ceveloy.mient of ; -Lints , sirl.,.1tanecus r!.-, ~-nin,; Of aryi lncreE~zc,6 yields rc--~t larvesting -,i' :,iivi b c- 11 s I I - of rre-f c,,'tc-n. and rect----inF,,,-%-l~-r di ~,tr4 hl.;tion o' ',.ills Jive tiest wiLl. minit-Lar. labor CARD: /// it. -'mirrov USS R 14' Cr?.-Ceg,-.rY CULTIVATED PLANMi-1,0MMERCIAL. Ololfvrous. Sugar- B ari rTF 7~l-ai.'6irL.,21,1958,NO.9604.I 21ti'! '),l MT/ YFriuties in -Ilarious 13 n L,, ;ma of Plantinfl, Arrangumont und t-he '~conomia .llfectiven033 Of 146thods of Cultivatin vat td. yeetastv. nauk All Tid-hSITR, 1957o VYP- 0 At A4 23, 53-64 Rind-Lneq- o,-F, Jr.7c-..iijrfiti.or-~,co-iductecI in 1953-1955 show tb~tt up tc budding tiv, developnrmtal proces- n,!.-; In cotton procijud newrly uni:"orimly 4inddpondent- ly or thu arran(wrient, domolity of the stand Rnd Wlrit~- ti z~3 IV-"Uph th8 buddinf! stage and continuing rlqht up, to muturity, rugulaz changes are ob--;jrvad which dunenf! on tlieso factors. "then Irinting, --mith narrow 'spneen batlyeen the rows of 0, ond 45 cm, oxcessivi. density of the stand (up 9 Cotton. C a rd 1/3 catnG~.%ry :CIJLTI'.,'A-rED PLANTS. COMMERCI AL FLF ZHUR-BIOL.,21,1958,t4G-96041 Ab.stract :to 1PO thousind per sim-sle hectare) Just like its s-murp docrease dOwn to 64-70 thousand mar 1 ba. the Min Phascs of cottor, dovtilopraont tire delayed. "ith a noro ma(!,--ato de,'151ty Of '10-130 thouaand pl,hnta Ulege Bmwas are son-awhrit nucelarated. in each indlviduaj Plant wIth ldfls stand dinsit-ly there is a greater degreo of devel()prielit, althoupji there i-i a grwtta-z dro*o in fruit organa. "'ith iiicroas.!d stand d~.,Ysity and tightening of the spaof betwuen rows the productivity of ench bush is 2/3 87 :CULTIVATED PLANTS. O.JMMLRCIA!~ iAhs. Jjur. rF.F ZHUR-610L..21.1953,NO-96041 A;a th -v Titln Orig. pub. Ab 4., 1, ct, dimirAshad thmiali a reductin,,li in th(; intensity of fralt orvan forr-aLlon, thizi reduction is comiensatod by Irw-,Ianed '*tand den-sity. In &-uare- and roctunpular Paccl,et Tilantirp. Off FAcoorO~ng to the. li--vOll'S Of lt5 X 45 x 2-3 and 60 X- 4 5 x 3 'tho rt., In vin, %" " I QLuleratod rl enine, in the bo113 and aii inar~uasc in t~e Overp-11, rpw cotton yield and In tho unount obtr-,4.ned ut. v0 the onnot of th,; 1/3 h8 8011 ~~sia of PotassiumNitrate in Nitrate-Beariag 0011s of the Plains of Tarimmisten, " 0. M. T, A. K. Nesov, Bot-Plautirg last, n Aff iliate, Acar.1 Sci U=;, pp" No 6 ~Itmr salt bottoms of subject plains are the **Mlt of d-taintegmtim of old towaa, castles &Ad cometwIss. Salt bottoms not related to ilgab disintegration contain w*z7 small amounts ~6t~sitsr. in all cases nitrates result frm (Cmtd) Jun action b7 ndcroflora. Nitrer salt bottcm A** blo-geochmical occurrences. DZHUXATMV, O.M. LLocal fertilizers of Turkmenistan] Mostays udobrentis Turkmenistaw. Ashkhabad, Akedemlia nauk Turkmeaskoy SSR. 1951. 79 p. (MLRA 10:8) (Turkment eta n--forti 1i zero and manures) pz-m*t"r,V. 0. ma DOL-MO, G. 1. Vine Crops - Ewa Kum Raising vine crops on drift sands of the Kara Kum. Izv. Turk. fil AN SSSR No. 3 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Librarv nf Cnnnrpsq- June IQC;*A Ifni-InveM&A DZHUMAILT Oraz,~uradoviol4J=IKOV, Kh., kand.biolog.nauk, red.; TA A.--- 'kA~PARITAM, L.T., tekhred. A 'W, G. re ; (Brief Russian-Turkmen dictionary of agricultural terms] Kratkii ruesko-turkmenakii slovarl sellskokhoziaistvannykh terminov. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Turkmanskoi SSR, 1958. 290 p. (HIRA 13:2) (Agriculture-Dictionaries) (Russian language--Dictionarieo--Turkman) (Turkmen language--Dictionariea--Russian) DZHUMATZV, O.M. Irrigation as a factor in soil formation. Izv. AN Turk. SSR no.2:39-46 158. (MIRA. 11:4) l.Turkmenskiy gosudaretvamW universitet im. A.M. Gorlkogo. (Irrigation) (Soils) ])ZHUMAYBY, O.M. Origin of natural Solonchak soils In Turkmenistan. Izv. AN TUrk SSR. no.5:88-91 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Turkmenekiy eludarstvanW universitet im. A.M. Gorlkege. fTurkmaniotan--Selonchak soils) DZHUMkYEV, 0. M. Information on the work of the Tfirkmen Branch of the All-Union Society of Boll Scientints. Pochvovedenis no.12:94 D 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Turkmonistan--Soil research) DZM9UYZV, O.M. (Kelif, - Samsonovo) Takyrs on the right bank of the Amu Darla (lalif-Samsonova). IST. Ali Turk.SSR no.6:61-68 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Turkmenskiy nauehno-ionledovatellskiy institut zemledeliya. (Ann Darya Valley--Takyr) ork of the Turkmen Scientific Ir-tit 'i of ti. lation (,,) the resolutions cf th Decenl)tr Fle-aun of the G-;,tral Co=f.tte~ cf Lhe Comi-mist, Party of tho I)nvlel Unica. !-,V. Ali Tuz-k. WR. Ser. blol. naulc no.301-9,1 (MIRA -~irkmenskiy nau~.,bno-lsaledov- tel Isl- I y Ino - tut :I~mi ya. S/075/61/0!6/001/006/oig BO13/BO55 AUTHORS: Sinyakova, S. I., Rudnev, N. A., Shen' Yuy-chi, and .Dzhumayev, R. TITLE: Polarographic Determina%ion of Indium in Metallic Gallium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheekoy khimii, 1961, Vol, 16, No~ 1., pp. 32-35. TEXT: In the present paper, the authors worked out experimental condi- tions for the polarographio determination of 10-5 - 10- 6% indium and pro- cedures for its separation and enrichment in the analysis of metallic gallium. 0.2 M HC1 was used as background for the polarographic analysis. In this solution the diffusion current is directly proportional to the 6 - r. indium concentration in the range 2.10- _ 4-10 ~, M (Fig. 1). The lowest determinable concentration of indium is 2~10- 6 M. The possibility of determining indium in the osoillographic polarograph of the GEOKhI (model 2) was checked. Oscillograms of indium in 0.2 M HC1 and the depen- dence of the height of the peak on the concentration cf indium in the solu- Card 1/3 Polarographic Determination of S/075/61/0!6/001/006/019 Indium in Metallic Gallium BO'3/BO55 tion are represented in Fig. 2. It was found that in 2-g samples, 1.10-5% In can be determined polarographically, provided the final volume of -the solution does not exceed 1 ml, The oscillographic method permits determination down to 2.5-10- 6% In. The indium contained in gallium re- quires concentration before it can be determined. For this, the authors suggest the following procedure: First indium Is co-precipitated with cobalt sulfide. Fig. 3 shows the curve characterizing the co-precipitation of 1 y indium with varying amounts of cobalt. Precipitation of 0~1 y indium by 10 - 15 mg cobalt yields in the average 911%, Then indium is sep- arated from still present gallium and the sulfate ions by extraction in the form of dithizone with CC1 in the presence of oulfasalicylic acid or ,4 as bromide or chloride by extraction with diisopropyl ether (Tab. 1). Of various masking agents, sulfosalicylic acid proved to be the most suitable for masking gallium during dithizone extraction of indium at pH 4'8 - 5.2 (Ref. 9). The latter pH was found to be optimal for the quantitative ex- traction of indium in the presence of sulfosalicylic acid (Fig. 4). Final- ly the indium content is determined polarographically by using a calibra- Card 2/3 Polarographic Determina-~ion of Indium in Metallic Gallium S/075/6!/016/001/006/019 B013/B055 tion curve (Fig. 1). The results obtained for indium determinations in very pure gallium appear in Tab. 2. The relative error in determination . C~ -6 of 0.2 - 1.0 y indium, which corresponds to '0 , - 10 %, did nct exceed 15%. The authors thank I. P. Alimarin for valuable advice. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 11 referencest 8 Soviet and 3 Czechoslovakian. ASSOCIATION: Inst-itut geokhi.mii i analiticheskoy khimi! im. V, I~ Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskly of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: February 23, 1960 Card 3/3 jACCESSICH NR: AP4033641 iAUfHOR: Radnev., No Aq Dzhvmayey, R. He ITITLE: Coprecipitation-of indium'With tin (IV) 5/64/oig/004/0443/0450 8/067 sulfide SOUMCE: iburnal anal I tichookoy khimU$ V. l9j no. 4.. 1964,, 443-45o TOPIC TAGS: indium sulfidej tin sulfide# coprecipitation,, concentrationp a solution ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation van to study the significance of the formation of solid solutions in precipitation of indium with a number of sulfides. The investigated system may be represented as follows: Sa (IV),, In (In)o U.,16//SF-- . where the concentration of Sa (IV) was maintained constant and the tion of In 431) was varied within a broad range. In the course of this work On (TV) sulfide was used for the concentration of indium. Tin halides am V volatile and after concentration of indium they maq be removed by volatilization., Thus., ouch a collector for indium, would be highly advanlipouso The amount of Andium In the precipitate. vas determined by means of In, tracer* In this study a diagrea vas obtained vbich Is characteristic of the formation of solid solutimas wamion HH: AM33641 Lidium is found In the solid phase as molecular and as "colloidal" solid solution of In 8 in BnS,o During coprecipitation of indium. with MIS2 the distribution coeffj clent, is 14.1 in the case of P-11 amounts of In and 0-055 in the case of large amounts of In. It was verified that SnS2 is a valuable collector for indium and that it is applicable to solutions vith 1:109 dilution. After extrac- tion of JnAjum., tin may be removed as SnBr4. "The authors express their gratitude to I. P. Alimarin foryaluable suggestions In the course of the vorko" Orig, arte has: 6 tables and 4 figures. ASSOCUTION: Institut geokbimli i analiticheakoy WWI Ime Ve I* Berwdekogo AN & R W . 14ookya (Instituta of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry., Acadezqr of SSSR) Sciences DZ[M,WfF,Vj V. K. DZHU11AYEV, V. K. -- "On the Problem of the Rational Use of Penicillin,, Gramicidin C, and Sulfamides in the Complex Pro.pkylayi3 and Treat- ment of Sur-ical Purulent InfectionO Publishing House of the Acad Q Sci Uzbek SSH. Tashlkent State Medical Inst imeni V. 14. Molotov. Tashkent, 1955- (Di3sertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences). So.; Knizhnaya Iatopist, No. 20 1956. 4AYZV, V.r., Classification of surgical diseases in the general section of the "Canon of Medical Sciencem of Abu Ali rbu Sina. Yed.xbur. Uzb. no.8-9t"-105 Ac-S 158. (Mm 13t6) (SMGUT) (AvIagm, 890?-1057) DzHmylF7A-Y.K.O, ------ Brief news. Red,zhur,Uzb. no.8-9:125-127 Ag-S 158. (MIRA 13.-6) (AVIMM 980?-1057) ABU ALI ON SINA (AVICMA) [deceased]; SALIYH, M.A., kand.filol.nouke starshiy nBuchnyy i.otrudnik [translator]; TZRNOVSKIT, V.N., prof., skedemik,; PHMOV, B.D.,, red.; ASKAROV, A.A., red.; X M MOV, U.I., kand.filol.nauk. red.; AZIRDZHANOVA, S.A., kand.istor.nauk, red.; AUNDS, A.K,, kand. filol.nauk. red.; DZMMAYHV, V.K.,; RASUM, A., starshiy.naruchnyy "tradnix; RUPHAN, Z.A., red.; GORIKOVATA, Z*P., . (Canon of medical science] Kanon vrachebnoi nauki. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.neuk Usbekskoi SM. Book 4. 1960. 767 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut vostokovedeniya AN UzSSR (for Sallye). 2. Akademiya meditsinskikh nank SSSR (for Ternovskiy). 3. Zaveduyushchiy Imfedroy istorii meditsiny Koskovskogo meditainskogo institute (for Petrov). 4. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey Inatituta'krayevoy meditsiny, chlen- korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Askarov). (MBDICINE, ARA IC) ABU ALI ON SINA (ATIGMU) (deceased]; KARIXOT, U.I., kand.filolog. nBuk (translator); TXRNOVSKIY, T.M., prof., skedemik,; AREHM, A.K., kend.filolog.nauk,; PBTROV,.B.D., lmnd.wd. nauk, red,,*, AZIKDZEEAROVA, S.A., kand.istor.nauk, red.; ASMOV, A.A.. red.; D7MRIATICZ- V&01, red.; KARASIK, V.M., red.; RASULKW-,A., starshiy nauabnyy sotrudaik, red.; MILIMAH, Z.A., red.; BABAKMOVA, A.G., (Canon of medical science] Kanon vracbebnoi nauki. TashIcent, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SSR. Book 5. 1960. 3Z9 P. (KM 13:12) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdalom nauchnogo opinaniya i katalogizataii rakopisey Institute vostokovedeniyu Akademii nauk UzSSR (for Karimov). 2. Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Ternovskiy). J. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom izuehaniya i publikstaii rakopianykh pamyatnikov Institute vostokovedeniya AN UzSSR (for Arends). 4. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy istorii maditsiny Moskovskogo medit"insko- go instituta (for Petrov). 5. Chlen-korrespondent All UzSSR (for AOcarov). 6. Deystyitellnyy chlen Alwdemii meditzinskikh nauk SSSR (for Karasik), 7, Institut vostokovedeniya AN UzSSR (for Rasulev). (KIDICINI. ARABIC) _9ZHUMAYEV' vali Kuliyevich; AVAKINOVAO L.A., red.; TSAY, A.A.p takhn. red. I [Antibacterial preparations in surgical purulent diseases] Antibakteriallnye preparaty pri khirargicheakikh gnoinykh zabolevaniiakh. Tashkent, Medgis UzSSR, 1962. 125 P. (MIRA 16:3) (CHEMOTHERAPY) (SUPPURATION) r1kov) DZHUMAYJA rftW#Vj4pAtA.14 7M4~~ Prevention of comolications following intrnvenous insection of indigo carmine. Urologiia, 21 no.1:56-57 Js-Y 156. (MMA 11:1) (DYES, inj. eff. Indigo carmine in chromocystosco-oy, prev. of compl.) (GYSTOSCOPY chromocystoneopy with indigo carmine, prev. of com7)1.) MIDI= V. I 259T47 USSR/Geophysics - Carboniferous 1 Mar 53 Formations "Colloidal-Dispersed Minerals of Clay Deposits of the Wbctpiferous in the Don Basin," 1. D. Sedlet- skiy andl~-#. I. Dzhumaylo~.--Rostov State U DAN SSSH, Vol 89, No lp pp 155-158 State that carboniferous formations reflect mainly a compn of microdetrital and accessory minerals, but there are isolated indications of mineral compus vith only thinly dispersed agrillites and sillstone. Presented by Acad D. S. Belyankin. 259T47 DZHUMAYID,, Vj.- C3a7 rocks containing illites in the Carboniferous transgressive facies of the Don,ets Basin. Uch. zap. RGU 44:67-74 159. (MM 3.4: 1) (DDnets Basin-Clay) (Donets Basin-Illite) ORMOV, S,Xao; DZHftYID, Vole; MEWOTSKIY, F.P.; GRISHINA, Te.A. Mineralogical features of Qpaternary sediments in the lower lama and Vyalka Valleys* Uch. say. RGU 44,75-84 159. (MM 141l) (Kama Valley-Sediments (Geology) (Vyatka Valley-SeUments (Oeoloff~) DZHMZHAI[OV, O.D. - -1 Plinrilacodynamics of preparations of Yer-ala caspica M.B. roots. Izv. All Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. i fiziol. no.1:111-122 157 (MIRA 12:7) (FEIWIA, effects, caBpice, pharmaeodynamic eff. of root prep. (Rue)) O.n iTDTKOV, K., nauchriyy notrudnik; BATYRCHAW, I.; LOPIN,&-SHINDRIK, N.D.; KAUATEV, A.; IMANAKUNOV, B.; SULAYMANKMOV, K.. kand.khim.nauk; DUTSHCNALITEVA, N.; AKBATEV, A*'; KAZIM, X.; GOLOVIN, T.I.; BAIIASOVA, Z.; KOVALZNOK, Z.P.; MMUKHINA, N.P.; BUGUBAYEV, A.B., starshiy prepodavatell-, BATRULATOV, E.B., mladshiy nauchnyy satrudnik; FILIPPOV, V.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KAMBETA- MOV, T., aspirant; IMMMOT, A., aspirant; TURHAMBZTOV, S., mladshly nsuchnyy sotrudnik; MMAMEDZIYEV, N.H., asuchnyy sotrudnik; XONUMATEV, Me; M, L.V.; ZMAKOV, O.L.; TMTOSUNOV. JL,- KULAKOVA. R.1.; ASHIRAMOWOV, Sh., aspirant; ALTUMAYEV, B.; SMANALIYF-V, A.; AKHMOV, K.; POLONOVA, A.P.; RIKITINSKIY, Tu.I.; SHAMBETOV, S.Sh.; DZHMAUV, B.O., nanchnyy sotrudnik; DMJZHININ, I.G., red.; ANOKHIfA,--m-.-G.-,-t-olEruf.-red. (Papers by junior scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the lirghi2 S.S.R.] Trudy molodykh nauchnykh rabotnikov 'AN Kirgizekoi SSR. Frunze, 1958. 411 p. (MIRA 12:j) (Continued on next card) JUDINOT, M, -(continued) Card 2. 1. Akademiya nauk Kirglzskoy SSR, Frunze, 2s Institut khimii AN lirg.bSR (for Xydynov). 3. Kirgizakiy gosudaretvannyy universitet (for Bugu~ayev). 4. Institut geologii AN Kirg.SSR (for Baybulatov). 5, Institut vadnogo khozyaystva I energetiki AN Kirg.SSR (for irilippev). 6. Otdel fiziki i matematiki AN Kirg.SSR (for Mambetak-dnov, Imankulov). 7. Inatitut zoologii i parazitologli AN Kirg.SSR (for Tarmambetov). 8. Kirgi2skiy meditsinskiy institut (for Mukharwd2lyeV). 9. Otdel pachvovedeniya AN Kirg.SSR (Ashirakhmnov). 1.0. Institut botaniki AN Kirg.SSR (for Alyshbayev. Sultanaliyev, Akhmetov, Polonova, Nikitinskiy). 11. Institut istorii AN Kirg.SSR (for bzh=bayev). (Science--Collections) DZM~Mqjj". (ftesR, go Andithan, ule CktyabrIvkay&;`d,236, kr,6) Cl Cal JuOtification for rwxnal of the &iM left thoracio Oym mam-tiotguglion in madartedtia, XlWekblr, no.12t67 v 16 1682) I# Mde&a-fakulltatakoy khirurgli (save - doktor medonank Maio Petrushinakiy) Andisbanskogo meditainskogo inotituta J kafedra topografiohookoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (save - prof* BoVe Opev) Mantrallnogo imetitata usovershmet- voyaniya vraobeye (ARTMMM-DISEASES) (315KVDUS SYSTN" Sme GOROSEMIMY, B.I. [fforoshVIcor#-,, ~ol. ~IIZHUN~I~ Problem of the microhardness of ilmenite and products in which it is used, DoP.AN URSR noo91l267-3270 6o*, (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut minerallpykh resurnov AN MSR* Predstavleno almdemikom AN USSR VoG.Bondarchukotu (Ilmenite) (Hardness) GOROSHNIKOV., B.I. (Horoshnykov., V.Lb DZHUNI, V.S. Epidote from migmatites in the western part of the Sea of Azov region. Mat.z min.Ukr. no.2:106-111 161. OMIRA 15:8) (Azov Sea region--Dpidote) (Azov Sea region-Migmatites) DZHUNI, V.S.; YURIYEV) L.D [IUrtiev, L.D.] Tourmaline from pegmatites of the western part of the Sea of Azov region. Mat.z min.Ukr. no.2:116-121 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Azov Sea region-Tourmaline) (Azov Sea region--Pegmatites) GOROSMUKOV, KUKOUEV, G.V.; '-'AI,6CHEIJ:O, Ye.Ya.; -- "I' I ) SKONAROWITAYA, L.A.- f.IIASIIFJ.P A.I.; SIICHIJKIJII,'w'A, L.A.; MRK, Yu.' u --doMW'Vol.-miner. nauk) prof.; L.D.; SERDY~K, O.P., red, (Granitoid rocks in the Azov Sea region and pronpects for using them in the ceramic and glass industries] Granitoid- pye porody PriazovIia i peroyekti-rj ikh ispul'zovaniia v kerar.icheskom i stekollnom proizvodstvakh. ?od red. Iu.Iu. Iurka. Kiev, Naukova dumkn, 1964. 142 p. (VIRA 17:9) 1. Akademiya nauk URM. Kiev. Instytut irdnerallnykh resur- siv. IVANOVP V.I., akademik; METURIKOV, U.Mo. 1116.0. Mutarotation kinetics of aqueous solutions of' monooaccharldev. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.lil,'12-114 Ja 165. (MIRA 1812) 1. AN Kirg5811 (for Ivnnov). SKI)LACHEV, V.P~; DZHUNED Kh.; BRAYNES, A.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: SIVKOVA~"I~.~,qtftt-,T.; YEVTODIYLNKO, Yu.; 14JKHIN, V.; GOLIDMAN, A. f ~;f Oxidation and phosphorylation In mitochondria fo the embryonic muscle. Blokhimiila 29 no.4-653-661 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Kafedra btokhimii zhlvotnykh Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Imeni Lomonosova. 0--.. SKULACHEV, V.P.; Prinimali uchastiyetBRAYIIESp A.S.;--,DZHUm-VA0. A.; SIVKOVAp B.G. ATP and ADP as possible hydrogen carriers in the respiratory chain. Vop. med. khIm. 9 no.109-102 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Kafedra biokhimii zhivotnykh Moskovakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova, Moskva. it DZMJNINSKI, Boyan, Cand Tech Sci (diss) -- "An irrigation system under condi- tions of irregular moisture, and its effect on the results of runoff regula- tion". Moscow, 1959. 19 pp (Min Agric USSR, Moscow Inst of 'Water Transport Engineers im V. R. Villyams), 150 copies (KL, No 9, 1060, 124) I DZHUNINSKI9 B. The similarity which exists between the process of regulating the water flow, the process of forming the necessary system of irrigation, and the progess of forming the underground water flow. Khidro i meteorolog no,1:21-26 161 (KRA 10:7) (Irrigation) (Water) (Hydraulics) DZHUNINBKI . Boian, k. t. n. insh. CorTelation between the pmp zones in Irrigation and the stages In water power development, Khidrotekh I melior 6 no.10:310-311 161, - I.: I DAMUNINSKI# Boian Regulating the outflow by mathematical statistics, taking into consideration the yearly variations in the discharge and water supply, Ibidro i mateorclog noo3s:L2-27 162~ DZHUNINSKI, Beian, inzhe., kandna takhaichaskite nauki ~. I... 1,11 1 . - I. Multiyear irrigation* Selskostop nauka 1 no.7/8:719-726 '62. 1. Inzhenerno-straitelan institut v Soflia, DZHUNINSKI, Boian, k.t..n.insh, Work output and oelsetion of pumps for the vater intake from , reser"irs. Khidrotekh i melior 7 no.li6-8 162. DZIIUNINSK.T. Boianp k.t.n. inzh. Determination of the most economical solution in designinp Xhidrotekh i melior 7 no#3:78-80 162a DZHUNINSKI, Boian, k.t.n. in2h. The most economical siphon diameters. Xhidrotekh i meliorr 7 no-5tW- 2,43 162. 8/166/62/000/002/002/008 B112/B104 AUTHORS: Butovskaya, Ye. Me Ulomov, V. 1. Atabayev, Kh. A., Flenov, Yu. Peg Yakovlev, V. Re TITLEs Specific hodographe of powerful blasts recorded in parts of Uzbekistan PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk, no. 2, 1962, 34-41 TEXT: Data on powerful blasts recorded in the central Asiatic districts of Pritashkent and Fergansk are.evaluated. Durations of the seismic waves are related in the usual way to uniform standard conditions and their phases identified by the following proceduret (1) Determining the angle of departure of seismic radiation. (2) Correlating the respective seismograph records. (3) Plotting the amplitude curves. The.phase identification is followed by composing a universal hodograph for all types of longitudinal and transverse waves and this is decomposed into its basic branches.' In addition, the specific hodographe presented here are derived for the districts under consideration, There are 5 figures Card 1/2 ALL NXI AT6026541 SOURCE CODE.' UR/2703/66/000/329/0252/0260 AUTHOR: Smelov, A. A.,~. ~hungag T~.__ ORG: none A/ TITLE! The problem of the nature of natural remanent magnetization of rocks SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Uchenyye zapiski, no. 329, 1966. Seriya fizicheskikh i geologicheskikh nauk, no. 16. Voprosy geofiziki (Problems in geophysics), 253-260 TOPIC TAGS: anomalous magnetization, geomagnetic field, ferromagnatic mineral, magnetite, remanent magnetization, porphyrite, hematite, granite ABSTRACT: Many rocks have anomalous remanent magnetization, which does not coincide in direction with the present ot the ancient geomagnetic field. 'this anomalous magnetization may be caused by inversion of magnetization associated with physical and chemical changes in the ferromagnetic. minerals of the rocks. In the present paper the authors investigated anomalous remanent magnetization in granites and porphyrites from central Kaz.akhatan. The direction of magnetization was southwest with a positive inclination. Analysis of ferromagnetic minerals showed that the principal mineral was magnetite with isometric grains 0.05-0.5 mm in size. Thin filaments of hematite were observed along the octahedral cleavage of the magnetite. A comparison of the results of measurements with the fracturing of the mineral samples revealed that horizontal fractures coincide with the faces of the octahedron. This Card 112 ACC NR: AT6026541 r__-) indicates that the direction of the remanent magnetization is in the plane of cleavage of hematite which is parallel to the present geomagnetic field. The material responsible for the secondary magnetization could be the hematite filaments oriented to the southwest. Granites and porphyrites have different magnetic suscep- tibility, but their natural remanent magnetization is about the same. The authors conclude that the formation of anomalous natural remanent magnetization is associated with magnetic reversal in these rocks in the direction of hematite filaments whose orientation coincides with that of the present geomagnetic field. The position and magnitude of the total magnetization vector depends upon the correlation between the primary and secondary magnetizations. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. [EGI SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004 r-,,4 2/2 MJB USSR/Ferm Ani=als - Dorostio Fowls Q-6 Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, No 26233 Author vkr a ~Aj -J)z~ ~Kzhunkovskiy I.Yo, Inst Not Given Title t A Now Brood Group of Chickens (Novaya poradnaye gruppe kur) Orig Pub : Biel. neuchno-tokhn6 inforn& Kirg. n.-i. in-t zhivotnovodetve i vot.9 1956, No 1-2, 34-36 Abstrect s Tho raisinE, of a now brood group of chickens was started et the Frunze Exporivontal Fam of the Kirgiz Scientific Ro- sonrch Institute of Anical Husbvndry in 1945. Crossinp of the local white hens with Now Hanpshiro cocks was resorted to; then, hybrids of the first gonorntion were crossed with brrrod Plynouth Rock cocks, rnd the hybrids of tho second generation - with local cocks. The progeny thus obteined wr.s intorbrad within the now breed. Also, selection was redo from mong tho boat hybrids end thoBo were provided with good conditions of nointononco end fooding. Live weight of adult hens was 2.6-3 kg. and of cocks 3.8-4.5 kg.; egg leying Card 1/2 USSR/Fr.rn AniLrls - Domestic Fowls Abe Jour s Rof Zhur - Biol., No 69 1958, No 26233 Q-6 CnPcEitY wes 170-200 09FB, and weight of the oZZ of rdult li-yore wrs 59-62 g. The chickens of the now broad hrvo high vitclity rnd rood bort qunlities. Card : 2/2 S, RL nzmpmv5xAYA, T,14,_ DZHMOYSKIY, Nikolay Nikolayovich, 1893- 1 DURTAK. U.K., Insbener; DZUMVEUYA,+.N. inshener; BAMUN, V.A., laureat Stalinskoy preaft, c WdWat 2 6Vnkikh nauk, nauchW redaktor; SHARMMY, S.Z., re-,r; KRINOCHKINA, K.r., tokhnicheekly redaktor. (Opera'tor of building saahinery] Motorist stroitolnykh mashin. 2., perer. i dop. izd. Koskva, TrudrezervIsdat, 1953. 312 P. (MLIA 7:7) (Building machinery) IYLHUNKOVSKIT, likolay Vikolayavich;~Z" ATA. Tatlyana Nikolay"; ,- qVW VASILITXV, L.V.,red.; PODCBW"~ t.'r. '-te-]&i~red. (Manual for young operators of building maohinery] Spravochnik molodogo motorists stroitellnykh mashin. Moskva, Yees.uchebno- pedagog.izd-vo, Trudreservizdat, 1959. 399 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Building machinery-Kaintenance and repair) 6~1~ S/107/60/000/05/017/047 9 2 D047/DO06 AUTHORt DzhurAovskiy, G. (UAIAB) (Leningrad) TITLE: The KPK-le?Converter PERIODICAL: Radio, 1960, Nr 5, PP 15-16 and p 28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This converter is designed for use with any short wave re- ceivertbetween 2 and 3 Me and facilitates Vie reception of stations between 28.21 and 14 Me- Figure 1 shows the layout of the converter. The cascade of the r-f amplifier comprises a 6N15P double trioae. Also used in the con- verter are "Universal"' windinga 611P tube, a 6ZhlP pen- tode, a GSS-6 and VKS-7. There is 1 circuit diagram, 1 diagram and 1 table. Card 1/1 COUNTRY USSR CATEGORY Fa= Animal S. ftall Horned Oattle, ABS. JOUR, I RZhBiol4e, NO# 6$ 1959P NOP25874 AUTHOR Dzhunk-ovskiy I INST, ~~Ua Of Animal Husbandry and* TITLE An Experiment Of Winter and Early-Spring Parturition. ORIG. PUB. S, kh, Kirgizii, 1958, No 3s 38-45 ABSTRACT At the ftanze experimontal farm of thn Kir- ghiz Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veteri. nary Scionee early sheep arturition was carried out In two terms: geginning on I pe- bruary and 1 March. Lambs of early births de- veloped well and at weaning had a weight which wan 2-4 kg,higher than in lambs of late births,, The death rate of lambs did not exceed 6-7 per- cent* Wool yield inamsedt as wall asthe for- tility of ewes (to 140-150 percent). After lambs of early births are weaned, sufficient D7MMVSXIYJ 4, IMILMNO ACME= c/1963 DMOKHOVSKAYAF L.F., kand. tekhn. nauk;-DZHUNKO-VSK1Y,-,O.N., inzh.; LYSKOV, Yu.I.; NEBRAT, L.Ye.; SPUV, G.S.; SHUR, Yu.B.; YAKUB, Yu.A. Development and use of spark gap connections and forcing of reactors In long-dia-ance pover transmission systems. Elektri- chestvo no.4:14-19 Ap 165. (RIBLA 113:5) ~6 ACC NR: AP6009074 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/65/000/004/0014/OM9 1 AUTHOR: Dmokhovskayn, Lo F (Candidate of technical sciences) Dthunkovski 0 N (Engineer); Lyskov. (Engineer); Nebrat, L. E. (Engineer-7, ---U. 0. (Engineer); Shur, Yu. B. (Engineer); Yak-_ab Yu. A.. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Development and introduction of spark connection and forcing of reactor3 in long d1stance electrical transmission q SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 4, 1965, 14-10 TOPIC TAGS: electric pcw~r transmission, electric distribution equipmnt, high voltage line ''hiLh. power electric power trans- ABSTRACT: The introduction of hirh voltaZe, mission war, greatly aided by the switch Zrom limiting power to suit the capa- 'city of insulation and transmission structures under all possible c"onditions to the limitation of loads to suit the capacities under nomall conditions and j the installation of reactors and circuit breakers to prevent sudden. overloads. I i One -remaininZ problem was the slow actlon of mechanical witching devices. T il This has been defeated by the installation of spark gaps. '&e reactors are 1 constantly connected to the line through spark gaps, across -Wbich a spark arcs almost instantaneous~ in case of overload. A 500 kv transmission line was 11-Card 1/2 uDc: 621-311.1 .7 L 16459-66 AGO NH: AP6009074 !get up between the Bratsk power station and Irkutsk and tests and imalysis of Ahe operation of the equipment described were run. It was discovered that overloads occurred mostly in. the second or third half-cycle of operation. It was also discovered that it is profitable to install spark-operated reactors 4t substations, even at terainal stations in many cases. Diagrams and photo- graphs of the equipment, as well as a table showing the results' of investigations ea- 6~d-a-"model'6f in'ter"nal Ve-r-loads'-i-n-& the influence on them of various m n _~~f -;connection of the 500 kV reactors, are presented. Analysis showed that the ',devices worked reliably and safely, and that the internal resistance of the spark-in the-gap could be .- Tgh6r_e_d_*-_ Orig. art. has: 4figures and-1.ta`bl~*' CJMS~~ SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none ORIG. REF: 007 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 DZHUNUSEENOV, A. Use of porolon plombage in partial resection of the lung. Zdrav.lazakh. 22 no,5-.16-18 162. 41M 15-6) 1. Iz khirurgicheskoy kliniki Instituta tuberkulaza Akademii maditainskikh nauk SSSR (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SUR prof. L.K. Bogush). (LUNGS-SURCERY) (PLASTICS IN MEDICINE) DZIIUIMSHBAYEV, A. DZIIMIIJSHBAYEV, A.t "The soils of Suawnyr valley and their exploitation". Frunze1 1955* Min Higher Educatio- USSR. Kirgiz Agricultural Inst imeni K. I. Skryabin. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Science.) SO: Knizh-naya Letopial No. 50 10 December 1955. Moscow. MUMSHEAM, A.; ROTOMMO9 G, 1. , -- I. 'lley plains. tm~ Otd. pochr. AN Mr. SSR no.7t Soils of SasaWr Th 105-123 158. (XnA Ilt6) (Sasamyr Valley-Soils) DZIIUNWP9,kYTrV# A$ Soils in the agricultural zone of the Dzhumgol Valley. Izv. AN Rr. SSR, Sere b1olenauk 2 no.ls93-109 160. (KM 13:11) (Duumom u=--sons)