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..AZA~TT1IYTj1V,._jj.,Q!,j. SINEDCHIKOV, A.P. Formation of a C14 -labeled polym:er during the irradiation of an ethylene-amonia mixture in*a nuclear reactor. Radiokhimiia 7 no.3-. 368-370 165, Reaction of hot hydrogen atoms with ethylene at low temperatures. Ibid. 070- 371 (PIRA 1817) L 07893-67 ACC NR: AP602i635 ,kUTLEOR: Brazhnikov, Ye. M.; Dzantiyev,, B. G.; Popov, V. N.; i~uLriyan, Ye. X.; 157haicl- I t,,,,cycv, A. S. ORG: none MIS: Installation for synthesis un. k the investigation of processes of chemonuclear der laboratory conditions SOURCE: Atomnayp- energiya, v. 20, no. 3, 1966, 279-281 TOPIC TAGS: chemical. s~nthesin, chemical energy convercion, fisnion product, radia- tion chemintry/ XhYaU-4 chemical qnthe-,;:L., wiiL,i-')11VV nuelvar reactor AIESTPACT: The article deals with a possible direct use of atomic energy by trans- the energy o*f the fission fraCments directly into chcr.-ucal enermr, by-pascing intermediate energy forms such a smechanical, thernal, or ciectrical. In such a pro- cess, a Td--,ccure of simple gases passes through a chemonuclear unit, which is~ essen- tially a flow-through fuel element. The radiation produces radiation-chernical reac- tions that produce the end products. An example Is the production of N02 from air pecial devices for the pro- under the influence of radiation. The authors describe s- duction of chamonuclear synthesis constructed at the ins-titute -of Cheirdc-a! F-hysil-c-s Ali SSSR, in particular a circulating chemonuclear instaj:lLtl,:;~ (~!~tc~L-~)'~"intended U- p- to investigate synthesis in the gaseous phase under laboratox-y conditions. The a paratus constitutes a closed loop in which the gas mLxturc is circulated by a cor-r- uDc: 621.039: 541.15 L 07893-67 XCC NR: AP6021635 pressor. The products of the chemonuclear synthesin are produced continuously as the gas mixture flows through a thermosta:11-ically maintained irradiator located in the vertical experimental channel of a research reactor. The irradiator tubes are filled with finely dispersed nuclear fuel, such as glass wool containing U235, Blo, or Lill. Another version of the irradiator, in which the fuel is deposited on discs, is also used. The reactor products are extracted from the gas mixture in a block of traps. A filter block "decontaminates the gas mixture. The apparatus can also be used with other sources of ionizing radiation (electron accelerator, cyclotron, or cobal in-.tal- lation). 7ne apparatus described was tested with the electronic accelerator of the Institute of Chemical Pbysics AN SSSR, in the IRT-1000 reactor of the Institute of Atomic Energy im. 1. V. KUrchatcv, and in the IRT-2000 reactor of the Institute of Nuclear Power AN BSSR. The experiments have shown that the Khyau-4 apparatus permits InveL7~igZa-c~n-of~'-61iiionuclear synthesis processes in various gas systems. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 18/ SUM DATE: 14Aug65/ i~ 41 IIXP ~Rl D z 'E , LI Praktikwn po mikrosk:)piches',mi khi-di rasten--i ractical .,or',, i- mcrcsco-.~ic che-Mistr, o, plaits_,,/. Moskva, Sovetska ia nauka, 19,93. 176 p. SO: Monthiv Li st -of Rugglan Acc~,ssjoas, Vol. ~ No. 12 'March 194!'. NOVIKOV, V.S.. otv,red.; RYABUSRKIN. Tj~, red,; JYZAPARIDZJ3,--V.V,, red,; BAKLAMOV, G.I.. red.; KAXSIKOVA, Y.M.. red.; RMUETSOTA, T.M., red,'; USTIYANTS, V.A.. red. (Statistical methodology in the study of labor productivity In the national economy of the U.S.S.R.; stenographic report of a conference hold December 24-26. 1956 (reports, speeches In debate, and resolutions] Statiaticheekaia matodologiia izueheniia proizvoditallnosti truds v narodnom khocisistva SSSH; steno- gramma nauchnoi konferentaii 24-26 dakabria 1956 e. (doklady, ,7yatupleniia v preniiakh I resh4niia). Koskva, Goa.stat.ind-vo, 1958. 382 P. (MIRA 120) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoys atatiatichaskoye upravlenlye. (Labor productivity) (Statistics) DZARAGAZOV. P.; TITORZIMD, T. gYMU ry sections for caged layers. Sall.stroi. ll*no.10: 5 6 0 156. (WA 9t12) 1. Nachallnik Stavropoliskogo krayevogo upravlantya po atroitel'stvu v kolkhozakh (for Dzaragazov) Zo Starahiy inzhoner Stavropol'skogo upravlaniya po strottelletvu v kolkhozakh (for Titoranko). (Poultry houses and equipment) DZARAGAZOV, P. Mcpansion of the Stavropol Territory interfarm building organization. Sel. stroi. 14 n0-11:15-16 N '59 (KIRA 13:3) 1. Predsedatell soveta Stavronollskogo kraymzhkolkhozstroya. (Stavropol Territory-Cotstruction industry) , DZARAGAZOV, P. Our work practices. Sell stroi. 15 no.9:12 S 160. (MM 13:9) 1. Predeedatell 9oveta Stavropollskogo kraymezhkolkhozstroya. (Stavropol Territory--Construction industry) SKOTWBOGATOV f Vasiliy Yefimovich; -P_4kl~ ORHO-VA,-Yekaterina Aleksandrovna W PROTSENKO, E., red.; MUKHIII, Yu,j tekhn. red. [A self-made man from Kokterekskiy District] Samorodok Koktereka. Moskvaq Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ryp 1961. 30 p. (MIRA 14:7) (Kokterekskiy District--Sheep breeding) DZARASOV, S. . - : -11--, .... I z.- The cost of collective farm production. Ag '56. (YT-,RA 9:9) I.Kolk+&oz imani Lenina, Irafskogo rayona, Severo-Osetinakoy ASSR. (Collective farme) (Agriculture-Rconomic aspects) SADTKARIO,, A.; IUDENOVSKI, B.; DZARLIEVA, It.; IIJUSTOVA, (,. Some special aspects of diabt-jte8 mellitu-3 In childhood. God. zborn. mad. fak. Skopje 11:165-179 '64. 1. Klinika za detski b3'Lesti pri medicinskiot fakultet, Skopje (upravitel: prof. d-r. H. Duma). /Vo V SZRMER, Wald7slaw; DURNOCK1, Wilhelm; WISKORT-BUCZKOWSKA. Halina. JAIIICKI,Andreej Studies on liver-protecting substances. 1. Observations on experi- mental poisoning with carbon tetrachloride. Pat.polsks, 6 no.l: 1-6 Jan-Mar '55. 1. Z Zakladu Patologli Ogolnej A.M. w Gdausku Xterovnik: prof. dr. W. Szrader i z Zaklada-Anatomil Patol. A.M. w Gdanaku. Klerownik prof. Dr. W. Czarnackl. Adres: (hlansk. Zaklad Patologii Ogolnoj I Doswiadczalnej. Debinki 7. (CARBON TRMCHWRIDE, poisoning, exper.) (POISOMIRG, experimental, carbon tetrachloride) FPEYDLIN, G.N.; CHUKURt A-P-1 DZAROKEOXHOVA, L.I. Vinyl monomers based on dioarboxylic acids. Part, ?! Vinyl alkyl eaters of aselaio and sebacic acidse Zhure org. khimo 1 noA1367-13t9 Ag 165- (MIRA 18ill) 7~7-, 0, CtL f DZASOKHOV, A. Kh. Ventilation in mines. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi, i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1951. 1. ITSTMI'. P. I.; =-IMGV. V. K., Eng.; IIMIAStylt~% V. P.; M-ASOKHOV, A. M 2. USSR (600) 4. Dane ventilation 7. "Mine ventilation." Reviewed by P. I. Mustell, V. K. Yermakov, V. P. Minaslyan. Eng. Gor. zhur. no. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. -nt. C v D3L ST L Lol I ~-Llr - DUSOKHOV, A.Kh., gornyy inzhener. --~ Z~-. Measuring mine ventilation depressicas with the D3S-U device. Bor'ba a ail. 1:186-191 153. (KUM 7:10) 1. Nigrizoloto. (PINS VENTHATICH) VMOKHOV, A.Kh.; DMOKHOVA, L.T.; VORONIVA. L.D., redaktor; PAUSZVSKIY, . 'redaktor; MIKUTLOYA, T.T., takhaicheskiy redaktor. [Mine ventilation and methods of regulation] Budnichnaia ventiliateila I, cetody ee kontrolia. Rbekva. Gos.nauahno-tekhn.Isd-vo, lit-ry po chernot i tevetnot metallurgil, 1954. 424 p. (KLFA 7:11) (Mine ventilation) DZASQK~V# ti. So Diagnostika protozoirtykh boleznei zhivotrWkh (Diagnosis of protozoan diseases in animals)- Mo., Sellkhozgiz, 1959, 416 pages with illustrationso PAce 8 re bound- 5,000 copies* MALAKHOVA, T.1.9 kand. veter. taiik; P~RFILOVA, vat6rirarnyy r--~h; VEELIYAMINOVj K.'S.~ vG-'6-*--r!-r&rziyj, v-,a,,;h- D"tl.SOKF')V, G.S., d6 vater. nauk, naucbny-j rukovoditt~ll r%b-,tv Use of demestic iwj~atln fr,-r treating VoterInariia 42 15c.5,156-58 Ag li-,5. Muchnr-..~kp."--olovadatmnn-av --. .a I u - - I-- boleznyami molodayalka Minist,,)rstva sellskogo khozyaystva rt"psg,. zhi.-,r;:,try"kh SOKOLOV, U.S. (Wgadanskap oblast'); POPOV, Y.K. (Ragadanskaya oblast'); DYMOV, K.M. (Magadanakaya oblast'); SHUVALOV, L.V. (Hagadanslaqa oblast'); HATSUIEV. L.P.; BOITDARMO I I.G. (Kagadanskaya oblast'~, MAYO-ZHAK, YeA. (Magadanskaya oblastl)-,)~ZASOKHOV, Kh.B. (Hagadanskaya oblast') Eliminate infficiency in the operation of dredges. Kolyma 21 no.l-.4-7 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1.Nachallnik gornogo upravleniya (for Sokolov). 2.Nachallnik dragi No.175 (for POPOV)- 3.11achallnik dragi 110. 173 (for Dymov). 4.11achallnik priiska im. Gastello (for Shuval.ov). 5.zamestitell direktora Vseooruzno- go nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute, zolota i redkikh metallov, Magadan (for Matsuyev). 6.Nachalinik otdela truda i zarabotno7 plat7 gornogo upravleni7a (for Bondarenko). 7-Zamestitell nachallnika proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheakogo otdola sovnarkhoza (for Mayo-Znak). B.Hachal'nik priiska im. Chkalova (for Dzasokhov). (Dredging machinery) (E~ydraulic mining) z"'z-fi5ek-~jC11 VI.A., WASOXHOV, VA., Engineer I'The Escape of Air from the Surfaces of Hermetically Sealed Ventilation Systems and Methods of Calculating It." Cand Tech Sci, All-Union Sci-Res Coal Inst, 3 Nov 54. (VM, 21 Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55 -D 7- 7q 1 7 ~111. ; DZTAS O'KVHOIVA. L. V. ;- VORIOVINA, L.D., redaktor; PARTSZVSKIY, V.N., redakT-5lr-!-WT=TWYW-`V.V., takhalcheekly redaktor. [Mine ventilailon and cathode of re&ulation] Radnichnaia 'rentiliatsita i matody ee kontrolla. Koakva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.lad-vo'lit-ry po chernot I tsvetnol metallurgii, 1954. 424 p. (KLRA 7:11) (Mine ventilation) WMBISHVILI. V.I.; DZASOKHOVA, E.N.; GIOiGADZE, A.G.; PEKELIYA, N.Z. Surgical treatment of outward deviation of the f1rat tc,,~) of the foot. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 38 no. 3:703-707 Je 165. (MIRA MiU) ESTEROV, Takov Khaymovich; -DZAECKHOYA. Lidiya Tasillyama; FISHOMMOT. M.A., kond.tokhn.nauko red.; URINA, G.P.p .tekhn.rad. [Bl8sting operations In railroad construction] Vzryvnye raboty na zheiasnodoroshnom stroitelletva. Mosk7a, Gos.transp.zhel-dor. izd-va, 1960. 359 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Railroads--Construction) (Blasting) DZAS67"i'C'W~, it. A. Dzasokhova, R. A. "On par2noid ;i-nd h2llucinatory-par2noid conditims in brain syphilis," Trudy Scv.-Oset. gos. -.led. in-tal Issue 2, 1049, P. 51-57. SO: U-3736, 21 'May 53, (Latopis 'Zhurnal 'nykh Stutay, !To. 17', 1949). n~.!-Inon in Vol. 13, '10. Eant'hly Ln-la-"C of 'Euro-rean '~cceqo ions T' Lf", V(,I. 7, ',,,o. 12, Dec. DZATWO, M. 2nd National Bioclimatological Conference. P. 378 BIOLOGIA (Slovenska akademia vied) Bratislava Czechoslovakia Vol. 14, no. 5j 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. VOL. 9, no. I Jenuary 1960 Uncl. BEMIA, Zoltan; DZATIKO, 1,11obal Contribution to tile atudy of relief influence on the properties of the brovr. soil certral part of the Tmava Hills. Gcog-- cas SAV 15 no.3:161-173 163. TOPROV, A.G.. red.; TREIMACH. K.V. i red.-.' . red.; IYZUGAYEVA, L.Y.. red.; DATRIYGVA. TeX.. [Here in the Joy of our work: about the stuaents' brigBde of the Kadgaron Sscondary School] Tot ona - radost' truda; ob uchenicheskoi,brigsde Kedgaronskoi arednei shkoly. Ordzhonikidze, Savero-Osetinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1960. 42 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Kadgsron--Agricnlture--Stud7 and toaching) LAVICKA, J.; BLAHOS, J.; BRABENCOVA, If.; SITAJ, S.; VIRT, S.; MIKUSp F.; KRESA!IEK,. E.; Spolupracovali: MESTAN, J.,, 14UDr., SFN - transfuzni stanice, Praha 10; KULICH, V1., WDr., TS - Plzen; DZAVIKj Vl., MUDr., TS Gelnica; ZOLMAYOVA, Trencin lAbora orni prace: MUSOVA, If.; NOVAKOVA, A.; LUSKOVA, K. Normal levels of blood uric acid in various regions of Czecho- slovakia. Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no.34:937-941 23 Ag 163. 1. Klinika chorob vnitrnich lekarske falkulty hT v Plzni, pred- nosta prof. dr. K. Bobek Vyzkumny ustav endokrinologicky v Praze, reditel doe. dr. K. Silink Vyzkumny ustav chorob rev- matic~ych v Piestanech, reditel doe. dr. S. Sitaj Interne oddelenie OUNZ., Golnica, veduci MUDR. F. Mikus. (URIC ACID) (BLOOD ClIE14ICAL ANALYSIS) DZBA . K~Yu., inzheAer. SGUXOMM"Aw"ge. Reinforced concrete doors for dry kilym. Der.prom-5 no.9:22-23 S 156. (%HlaA 01:10) I.Pastovskiy lasapillno-derevoobrabatyvavushchiy kombinat tresta Sevzaples. -I.. - (Pestovo-Lumbar--Drying)(Reinforced concrete construction)(Doors) PARNAS, Yokov Oskarovich, akademik [deceased]; LUB TUA~A * Y~ee orla (translator]; ROZMQAHD, V.I. [translat 'ZO N.Y. (translator]; MWAMMO, B.N..; BRALTYSUMN. A.Ye., red.; KOTMISIXOTA, A.T., red.; SUERIN, S.Ye., red.; F-11GELIGARD2, V.A., red.; KOLPAKOVA, Ye.A.. red.izd-va; FCLXNOVA, T.P., (Collected works) lzbrannye trudy. Kosk7a, Izd-vo Akad.nauk 0 SSSR, 1960. 491 p. 04IRA 13:7) (UnROWN-AITALYSIS) (ILAPETHOqUIN01M) (BIOCHEMISTRY) Kkiw, CIWM.i It di-An'. and io 4w. Its% cadcocd by tbt In If. in. fIlKh at~40hlch wu k 1; t ath Kill- t(S paft VMS b. 01,,;* cd to J;obor,"J "etAte' A ~dtt lfr tgo*.,wlLkb W- U'O I M 11NOV CILV* ik, With S"C'" dWO, tu the th se C. 'ided by %team CH, urea( Is g. Met 12" (25 6.) in (try teambath. (dier cubt,"* = 4*N1j,O-7h"--t$ PACW, to. bjj, beating Swith ,dA w0 0,5 9. J,"r to fM an 01 hkh I= Lad& tt!M=S =ing the 3.44- :;00j, w L., b, 100 C11. %&N Its faited to fee= of 16C. -1fWtbOX=. -, 131,- Me stmctuft Tctatmta I to C. 8.44, ted fm 210 m" &ntl with 7:6 (35 9)- t!~M:4 by 30 9. 9 Mbumallf: 1126 w at "M nith , 5 S. N* 6j with "xAd';,jM1&hc tMa &;;A I wjv=t bath I eAv. an wLttau lug i; - ~_.. - = br-Mtk 96V ( Itb quandiatt-W beated OB &ad t Thesis br degree of Cand. Ohemical Sci. Sub 4 Apr 50p All-Union 6ci Res Tfist of Synther"ic and Naturall Essential.Oils, Hinstry of Food Industry, USSR. U S S R =Ll,~a azz apP DZBANOVSKATA, I.M., kandidat khtmichookikh nauk- "Unified methods of analysing drugs". G.A. Vaisman, A.M. Kogan. Reviewed by I.E. Dzbanovakaia. Apt. delo 4 vLo.6:50 155. (MIRA 9:1) (DRUGS-ADUIRERATICH AND ANALYSIS) (VAISMAN, G.A.) (KOGAN, A.M.) DZ ___5BA1N1Oy1KAYA,-Z,Z, Changes in vascular reactioUG in first-stage hypertension follow- ing treatment. Vat.p4o obm.nauc.inform. n0-2-31-37 '58. (14IR& 13:6) 1. Iz otdola funktsionallnoy terapli (zav. - starshiy uauchnyy sotrudnik Ye.H. Liezina) Ukrainskogo nanchno-iseledovatel'skogo instit-ata klinicheako7 meditsiny, Kiyev. (HYPERTENSION) (REMMS) UWATAO A,P,; DZMUTffATA Z.T [Dabanovellm, E.T.] I Methods for measuring the size of vasqular reflexes. Fiziol. zhur. Cukrj 6 no.2:267-270 Kr-AP 160, (MIRA 13:7) 1, Ukratuakly nauchno-issladovateltakiy tuatitut klinichaskoy neditsitV im. akad. H.De Strazhesko. (PUMTSVOGUM) DZBANOVSKAYAO Z,V. (Kiyev) Effect of ox3rgen therapy on the functional state of the cardiac muscle in patients with hypertension; a ballisto- cardiographic study. Vrach. delo no.12:57-61 D 1,63. (IMU 17- 2) 1. Otdal klinicheskoy farmakologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. A.L. Mlkhnev) Ukrainskogo nauchno- isaledovateliskogo instituta klinicheskoy meditsiny im. akad. N.D. Strazhesko. ZHERBIN, X.., kand.tekhn.nauk; DZ,-WOVSXIY.. B. [Dzbanovsgkyi, B.] The assistance of the OUkrndiproekt" Research and Flnnnin Institute to the village. Bud.matA konstr. no.5:26-33 S-0 162. WMA 15:11) 1. Direktor Ukrgosproyekta (for Zherbin). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera, Ukrgospro~ekta (for Dzbanovskiy). (Fam buildings) ,.'-DZBAliOVSKTY, B.V.; SIIPATAKOVSKIT, V.S. .~x _- Administrative and mineral -service buildinggo in Lvov-Volyn Basin. Ugoll Mr. 3 no.6:17-49 Jo 159. 01111A 12:11) 1. Mcrgiproahakht. (Lvov-Volv.n Basin-41ino huildlN,,u) all 00 kk JIWOOS 4MM #ffO*(l(VCf dMCA ~ 03 C6* (3 r 00 go a 00 a 00 .00 00 If 00 coo C 0 coo . ge 0, 440 too to W L4flF . . . ......... .. t4sm" It ~v 44a tUAR14MC allW 4W OKI III A' 'S 0', 14. It C It 4 1 " I" & I a Kj* It I 'A 4~~ 0090 GSA got Goll' O*dj 60 a %i ses vial 100 13 00-W I I L A AGTAUW!~C~L Lf!ICAU" CL AlWIC,"WI pa ~dq si I slit" kit oxv 04 WIL&V li &V 10 4 Wa Q-.4p A _0 0 a a d it it It ct m (cK *.a 0.0-10-44-0 64 0 0! GUM ow .2%* 111 is 6 1 r is 9 4a 11 1 1 v 000000 Q 0 0 Is 0 0 9 4 a 0-0 0 Is 0, 0 o o 0 0 0 0.6 as Cos 5*0 goo goo goo C06 all; with Moll, soln. In 21% MaOH, and pptn. with HC1 kc,'"t 83%fce a4id (1), m. 145* (from HrUi- trt-tetl. -ith Mr,50, in 10% Naoff 3t 2&-100* jave 60~, I- ". ro. IW N-10H 14- 4-o -,.-e 'd KOH R in I Tcr-:it ev A. N -2--11Ydf1-Y-,-APhthA1elId 58 in 2tU) K K C 'I* in 35 m.!. 11,0 h-,,,d in L &]i-3110 P ve at, cooliuc a brcwn p71 ut K ,o yidd; wa3h- .W fil LitoH. life resulting ~in. Qdded over I hr to 50 ~ t, I 'Ii 60 rill HO at FW, hmted 2 h,, nd ~;c.d,d 'ji-, i,-1 I, I, LOH IV, IV . ~ ;, -1 hiu :,1', ') 4-f I i""'. lormAlill."'ad 20 gal. Hit) ao LirealIO w:tlk heMed A lim 4t At)-M*. -0 ;,ldlfr,.: I W ni bf iiIIIw aikl& ;i i m i0 ail. HAIJ11. 5 hr'.. flll~ ~!;H 11CMUCt trC.11CII "JIh HA N ~iv NcImM otd. vith M.O. Thc (!%t. !3 C I I fCO rr ~ ;--hi- It wi% dHc I, The :01:~ "'Boll vid rulut:c'l f llri- 'UH, IICI dirqd- s'ebjed ~xt-f 'ith t~. 1r; f'lcvmqjn ), nt. 0.5' (fmn 'if,C -,)tFt 15-' t athled !o 7 c~ N4 1--f -ilh M I Ni- and 13 Mer S'), 541 r-.!. LItOll. reAtucd E.5 hrs., filtered. coned. in r-:41 tmattA with 10.3 mi. Ifo. rtflurcd 0 6 hr. aridifled ,-ith HCI finuch COt evol--es) and extd. wft~ Biro t. -4; cv-afu. 23'7; 7A 5-4 A' pms~urr unsUted 31th h ci'~tn in vwuo Is 'jz'~Iv-d). at. 51-2* (frovi P,:tr. cX11:1. grnlall arnount ;J -vii:iewified m.,-,rr~al. m. 2211'. is A=. N5. Ko-.OLIL~Qi-l =bile USSR/Eiology Plan Growth Stimulators Card 1/1 Pub 129-20/24 FD-783 Author Terent'yev, A. P. and Dzbanovskiy, N. A. Title On the introduction of plant growth stimulators into agriculture Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikorat. i yest. nauk, 9,2,153-155, Mar 54 Abstract The development, present uses, and possible future agricultural ap- plications of growth stimulators such as heteroauxin, NRK, and DU in the USSR are discussed in the light of the resolutions of the 19th Congress of the September Plenum of the CC, CPSU concerning necessary increases in agricultural production. The names of persons and organizations engaged in work on growth stimulators are given. No references are cited. Institution Submitted DZ13ANOVSKIY N.A.; T-SODIHOV, V.V.; BORMI L.D.; KHL-,,BO.RODOVA, R.T. Y Preparation of t~Arabtztyl ammcniLun hydrcx1de by the electro- chemical mellhod using ion-exchange membranes. Trudy IREA no.25: 427-433 ! 63. (AURA IS: 6) Doo 3cl t '3 DZBAIIGVSKIY, V..Pl. [DzbnnovalWi, V.Pel. dotoo. kandtmed.nauk Varicose veins, Hauka i zhyttia 9 n0-3:31-32 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:4) (VARIX) Accor.,-1--in- to 7-rotocoi 11 J-,iie 1--~6C, Vl~o Car-Lifica'Jon Co',-niss:ion confirris in aca -nic dc-r(~e Doctor of d "D MANOIVSKY, TJYAC1r7-SLAV P'"TROICH awarded the degree of doctor of medicai sclences on the basis of the defense, on 17 June, 1959, in the So-,-iet of the -Kiev ~.Order 6" L!*oi-Red Banner Mpdical Institute trihni Academician i3on ol't , of 1 Ir. S the dissertation:"Abscesses of the Brain Due to Gunshot Wo=ds with Complications in Time anj Their Treatment". y --III "LlInisterst.v-p Vv--she~-o i Srr;C,,nr, -o ~7ot--iel I nor-o Oorazo SO: yulle t'~ - -'-:; -JPRS-C,-27, -7,,' 1(')U' ~T) (- I I, ~C' U S t "I ZWIERZ, Czeslaw; DZBENSKI, Tadeusz; RZEPECKA, Halina Trichuriasis on the basis of observations at the District Outpatient Dispensary for Intestinal and Parasitic Diseases in Gdynia. Bull. inst. mar. med. Gdansk 16 no.l.*43-47 165. 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku, i z Wojewod-kiej Przychodni Schorzen Jelitowych i Pasozytniazych w Gdyni . YUSUPOV, S.Yu.; DZ .FBOYEV, A.I. Dressing of loucocratic granites. Stek. L ker. 22 no.4:8-9 Ap 165. (MIRA 18.5) 1. Direktor Lyangarskogo rudoupravloniya (for Yusupov). 2. NIchqllnik obogatitellnoy fabriki. Lyangarskogo rudoupravlerAya UzSSR (for Dzeboyev). DZBOYSVA, T.A. [Dzhoieva, T-0.1 U)ianpu h gas exchango offected bf thyroxIne Ewith --96 Ja-F 158. st=ary in English]. Fiziol.zhur Ukr.] 4 no.1:90 "; (',IIR-- 11:3) 1. Inatitut fiziologii im. O.O.Bogomolltsyn Akadenii nauk MISR. Ioborittoriya kompensetornykh i zakhisnikh funktsiy. (RESPMAT 1011) (THYROXWN) BRATUSI, Vasiliy Dmitriyevich, dcAtcr red. nauk;,~ZL.W:OVSFTZ, red. [surgical treatment of thermal burns) Birurgicheskoe lechenie termicheskikh ozhogov. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1963. 380 p. (1111RA 17:9) MAKAROV, N.I.; SKLYAROV, V.Ya.; ALIKPFROVA, Sh.M.; HADZHAROV, A.F.; ,,,..DZEBISASHVILI, Yu.I.,- WIATBAKANYAN, A.G.; ODINOCTIENKO, O.N.; M6VA:,-M-,'KH-.-;"ZYUZIIf, A.S. Morbidity from anthrax in animals and humans in Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia in 1960-1961t authors' abstract. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 40 no.5:112-113 My 163. (KRA 17:6) ". Iz Nauchno-issledovatellskogo protivochumnogo instituta Kavkaza i Zakavkazya, Azerbaydzhanskoy, Arwjanskoy, Gruzinskoy, Severo-Osetinskoy, Checheno-Inguahskoy reBpublikanskikh sanitarno- epidemiologicheskikh stantsiy i Azerbaydzhanskoy protivochumnoy stantsii. ZHURAKOVS)KIYI, Yc-.A.~ DF,.CAITOViK1Y, V.P. Fine structure of X-ray absorpti~.,~vj K-spectra of scandium in metals and solid high-malting compounds. D .olkl. AN SSSR 150 no.6-.1260- 1262 Jo 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Instit~O, me tall o1reramiki i ,p,--ti!:iIInykh splavov AN UkrSSR. PrE,d3tavlcno a1l-ademikcm (-, :+,~Ctroscopy) BRATUSI, Vasiliy Dmitriyevich; DZBANOVSKIY, V.P., red.; CHUCHIJPAK, V.D., tekhn. red. (Surgical treatment of thermal burns] Khirurgicheskoe lechenie termicheskikh ozhogov. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1963. 380 p. (MIRA 16:12) (BURNS AND SCA1,DS) (SURGERY, PLASTIC) MODENSKI, Tad6uaz Del'Pctif~n or balaritid-i.asis. Ball. Thot. Mei. Gdex.E;"c - t C.1. , 1 -1Z.1 15 no-3~ 37 1 1. !" lnstytu-cui Medyoyny Morskie,! w DZEDZICHIM, V.P.; DXHIDOV, A.V. '~O' Apparatus for a quantitative determination of carbon monoxide. carbon dioxide, and gaseous components of liquid fuel (hydrocarbons) in the air. Lab.delo 3 no.4:46-51 Jl-Ag 157. (HLRA 10:8) (AIR-ANALYSIS) - I-:, x'. .,f ... ': ;, . -- a ; : '~ - 4 , I Z~~ t 'S --.- I MOKHOV. L.A.; DZFMICHFK, V.P. Rapid method for determining, ozone in air. Zav.lab. no-11:1304-1305 159. (MIRA 13:4) (ozone) ,-. -,- Automatic device for maintainine stable concentrations of vapors of liquid substancesin the poison chember, Gig. i san. 25 no. 5:64-66 My 160. MPUI 13: 10) (TOXICOLOGY-EQUIPMENT AIM SUPPLIES) 5t Au"10131 1) ITwov, 1.1., 2) Kanst&ntizcv, T.A., 3) U.P.. 4) 51 XUAQ",4- Qj3.[jE0Nc1U T.P.. TI-LEi Nove is brief PIRIODICkLi Uvolskajo. labaratarlys, 1360, Wal. 26, So. 4. pp. 504-506 Txxri 1) The author reports to U* Aevela;som of I-ray ap;.ratus for measuring a, oI M Ir" toM T' X-ray I." (to . Cooing). st.4 far the loiter. a chantsr d a so* far vibratiog an& rotating th: l:6hwl Lob.der .04 P.T. I p* v so 11 &%oratod In destining the chamber I brief doloriptlo" - 2 a and 3 at t" xpp&FG%us IS "T" ) Th# Author rscooments the use of on attaohn-st (119.)Jor %&kio4 pbot 0 rl,h: *I.:**, .. crystalline specimens by the I-VR03 C--qrThs specimen I fi ,by a 1;014.r, 16 hiftQ4 by means of a ." -Uah to. the @hope :t..pp.:It. Ir. him Irals. Cox rotation Shift$ the spectses by I as, hers a . 9041t Card 1/2 OR -Toy. 5) Th. &uthato t..orlbo 4. antL'"I'l want ... tidal 1. the Incident X -140--Itoa- Th* -Opp.r I 01 -&&-- I%h- (Irle.) for X-ray structural analysis, Th. 109 &:,us has three opening. for the X-rays aR4 One far an 4: bba:,:fttt~Al mirror, the GONGS"OtIeN Of which Is 4oG4r1%04- 4) no a-th r 17 4.2" on (fiq, photograph) for lowerleg the chamber of the The .there describe a simple 47Y--t-4 far sampling gas and., -fto.d pro."". Th. apparatus (fig., LIZ coa:1a sb;c,tors,.& rheemster. zad a coca" ;-p. A abort asplana It an f a Agram . ti Von 6) Th* a &sbar Uocust** the application :f somovbAl 4:41flea ray or 60414426TO for lavesillating rectification ;rOcesses II f t.mary 67 some in th'. distillates of high do.IxID4 asou... The Rod. of it" of.thesoadmor Asoaribet by mews at a diagram (Fig.). There :'V:146 tiger* " Iof '. 28 6) Lczigr.4wtr go-dar.1,toctly wd-rattt (L.Madfrad $$at. card S/123/61/nOO/024/014/016 AOo4/Alol AUTHOR- Dzedzichek, V. P, TITLE- On the problem of comparative toxicity of some new aviation fuels PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 24, 1961, 30-31. abstract 241177 ("Gigiyena truda i prof. zabolevanly", 1961, no. 5, 20-23, English summary) TEXT: The author presents the results of investigating-the toxicity of the TC-1 (TS-1) and T -2 (T-2) aviation fuels. The first is a kerosene frac- tion of sulfurous petroleum lightened at the end of boiling, the second is a broad fraction of gasoline, ligroin and kerosene distillates of low-sulfur and sulfurous ~etroleums. It was found that TS-1 is the most toxic at a concentra- tion of more than 50 mg/liter', causing the death of test animals (white rats). In weaker concentrations no difference in the effect of the fuels could be ob- served. - A sy6tematic effect of the vapors of the TS-1 and T-2 aviation fuels with a concentration of some 3 mg/liter on animals (rabbits) did not result in any noticeable pathological alterations., During the polyclinical examination of persons korking in an atmosphere which contained TS-1 and T-2 fuel vapors Card 1/2 S/123/61/000/024/014/016 On the problem of comparative toxicity ... A004/AI01 of 0.12 - 0.63 mg/liter concentration no noticeable changes of the cardiac- vascular system, respiration, body temperature and blood composition could be detected. The author recommends to extend the admissible concentration limit established for gasolines (0.3 mg/liter in reduction to carbon) also for the TS-1 and T-2 fuels. B. Ovsyannikov [Abstracterts note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 P v , yl; . V. BO UVINIO V. f, R.P.) rat Study of LhQ T(;[-' 84 o ata. 35 no.L2:2-5 D 16A. KIIORFYAKOV., Orfey Trofiviovich; PADEMO Yuriy Borisovich; DZEGAIIOVSKIY. Badim Petrovich fDz9hanovsII-yi, V.P.]; B-AMS014OV, Gi,-(Samsonovp 'H-V*1j red.; YEFIVGVA, M.I. [lEfimova, M.I.], tekhn. red. [standard X-ray patterns of hard Etalonni rentgenogramy tverdykh i red, H.V.Samsonava. ryiv2 Vyd-vo and high-nelting alloys] tuhoplavkykh spoluk. Pod Akad.nauk URSR, 1961. 62- P. (NIIRA 15:2) (for Samsonov). 1, Chler.-korrespondent Akaderrdi nauk USSR (Alloys-4[etallography) (Intermetallic cor,.pqunds) (Ceramic -matala-Metallography) DZEDZIGUR-E, P. D. Dissertation: "The Motor Activity of the Gastrointestinal Tract in the Functional Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity." Cand Mled Sci, Inst of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow, Oct-Dee 53. (Vestnik Akademii Nauk, Mjoscow, Jun 54) SO: SUM 318, 2.1 Dee. 1954 VNUKQVP A.K.v kand,tekhn.nauk; DZEDZIK, R.P2,,__inzh* Use.of the chromatographic analysis of gases in the-study of furnace s.yatems. Kek. sta,32 no. 5:12-15 MY 161. 04IRA 14:5) (Furnace,g) (Chromatographic analysis) AUTHORS: _-nsonor, *r. V., Dzeganovskiy, V. P., 20-119-3-30/65 6amashko, 1. A. TITLE: Europlum Hexabokide (Geksaborid yevropiya) PERIODICAL: '~o'aady A-kademii Nauk SSSR, 1953, Vol- 129, Nr 3, PP- 50" 907 (USSR) ABSTRACT: -Ae 'iexaborides of the rare earth MeB6 are at present rather well investigated (ref 1). They are used in electronics because of their high thermo-emissi-on cha- racteristics. The boride mentioned in the title was, how- ever, *either synthetized nor investigated. Pure europium oxide was produced by a hexaboride reduction: U 203 + 3Y _- 2EUB6 + 3CO' Tine reaction took 2 hours in vacuum at 1650*C. The product a dark-grey powder, corresponded exactly to the formula at a C-content below 0,02 ~. A radiographic structure investigation showed a cubic lattice with a lattice parameter of Card 1/3 a = 4,167 � 0.,002 Europium. Hexaboride 20-119-3-30/65 Figure 1 gives a line diagram of the radiograph in quostion, wherees table 1 comprises the corresponding numerical data. The radio density ccimputed frcm the lattice period amounts to 4,99.� o,ol g/Cm3. The obtained value of the lattice period confirms the assumption (ref 2) concerning the agreement between the variation curves of the atcm radius of the rare earths and the lattice periods of the borides oi~ these metals, as well as the final conclusions on the positive effective three valence of all elements of the rare earths in cmpounds., except europium and ytterbium which have a bi-valent character (figure 2). Por the construction of the curve of lattice Darameters b6side EuB6 also the period values of DyB6, RC86 and LuB6 (ref 3) were.exploited. Here the value of the lattice parameters for erbium (ref 6) was assumed somewhat too low. The certain rules indicated here PAmits doubts concerning the correctness Card 2/3 a; the value in question for ytterbium, hexaboride (ref 7), Europium Hexaboride 20-119-3-3o/65 since it is necessary to define it exactly. The some value is in the case Of M6 in strict agreement with the mentioned rules. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 8 references, 4 of vhich are Soviet ASSOCIATION; Institute metallokeramiki i spetsialloykh splavov Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Metallic Ceramics and Special Alloys AS Ukrainian SSR) PRESENTED: November 28, 1957, by I. I. Chernyayev, Member, Academy of Sciences USSR SU19.1ITTED: November 20Y 1957 Card 3/3 SOVV~P_L~_1-21.126 I AUTHORS: Samoonov, G.V., Dzeganovskiy, and Umashko, I,A, TITLE: Europium Hexaboride (Geksaborid evropiya) YERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 119 - 120 (USSR) ABSTRACT: EuB 6 has hitherto been unexamined. It was synthesised by the reaction Eu 205 + 3B,~C = 2EuB6 + 3CO in vacuo 0 at 1 650 C over the course of two hours. X-ray powder photographs were taken of the product which contained less than 0.02% C and was dark grey. The unit cell is cubic with a = 4.163 +. 0.001 kX and space group 0 ~1 characteristic of all the hexaborides 3of the rare earths. The X-ray density is 4.99 + 0.01 g/cm . The atomic radii of Eu and Yb are greiter than those of the other rare earths and their unit celOls are correspondingly greater (mostly about 4.14). The work function of EuB6 (for an emission constant of A = 1 000 - 5 000 A/cm 2 ) was found to be 4.90 eV which is higher than that of any other rare.--earth hexaboride. It indicates the maximum multiplicity and consequently the greatest binding of the Cardl/2 electrons of Eu which has in the normal state ? electrons Europium Hexaboride SOV/70-4-1-21/26 in the 4f-shell, without the presence of electrons in the 5d-shell; such a 1-d-electron in Gd causes a sharp fall in the work function of its hexaboride by comparison with EuB 6(4,GdB *- 2*06 eV). There are 2 figures cand 11 references, of which are Soviet, 1 international, 1. English,, 1 German and 1 Scandinaviano ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN USSR (Institute of Metallo-ceramics and Special Alloys of the Ac.S--., Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: August 22, 1958 Card 2/2 L 120'25-63 8bS/9WP(q)/EWT(m) AFFTC,"'.."SD UH/JD/JG ACCFZSIC-.'f NR: &03003220 S/0O20/'_3/1'z0/006/126o/i262 AUTHOR: Zhurakovskiy., Ye. A,; Dzeganovskiy, V. P. TI =,: The fine structure of the x-ray absorption K-spea".-a of sce-ndium in metal e_rd in solid refractory compounds no, 6o-i262 SOMCB: 91 SSSR. Doklady,, Y* 150,t ,6; 1963, 12 TOPIC TAGS: x-ray absorption, K-spectra, scandiumm, titanium, vanadiu:m, hydrogen, b-oron, cez-bon, aitrogen, scandium nitride, scandium carbide, x-ray ABS11-RACT: in previous works by Zhurakovskiy at al., the fine structure of the K-snectra of titaniiLra and vanadium, combined with hydrogen, boron, carbon, and nit-rogen, was related to the nature of chemicall interactions in these phases and. to the properties of tle compounds. The present work deals in a si=-'lar manne-r wit'- scandium and its conTMX~ds. The wori was motUveted by theoretical, ez well as 'of practical reasons, ina=uch as scandiumm nitride e-nd carbide have a high m-eallting poLit (approximately 3000* ) and a high electrical,-f-~o-rdlictiv--",;.,r. The absorption ,6T-s -easi=ed in pu--e metal, ScB sub 2 5cC--?S-N -,96id_ Se sub 2 0 sub 3- T-~'e_ Y I __j absorption sDectra are given in a figure,-and -their characteristic di_'Ierences are Dointed cut. In uarticular, the long wavelength niauximzi does not rezain same L 1. 26 2 5 -.6 ACCEZSION 0: AP3003220 inthe copTounds as in pure- metal-: but ls~ shifted toz4ard the shcrter -wavelength indicating a different-kind of interatomic Interaction In the crystallographic In the case of -Vitanium' Mad phase than I 'I vanadiwn.21 "The authors express their gratitude to 1. Frantsevich, Academician, AN UI=SSR, for his constant attention and Lnterest in t~_ei=rk. -The paper waz presented by Academician G. V. Kard,~umov on T C_ ~ Orig. axt. has- I figure. V Q ASSOCIATION: lnstitu~,, metallokeramiki I spetsiallny*kh splavov Akademii nauk USSR _(Tnstitute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys, Acadeqr of Sciencea UkrSSR) suEza-um: 14jan61, DAmE Aco: 24jui63 ENML: 00 SUB CODE: PH, EL Yo REF sov. oo6 OTIHM: 002 Card 2/2 -11 e4, v A a ~i s I I mpt! on th a t karillim nitrHe wq-.. --ii iaf-f to de- m&y QunLsuk of two parEs wnic-n c- A N ACC NR3 AP6032850 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/170/003/0548/0551 AUTHOR: Zhurakovskiy, Ye. A.; Vladimirova, A. A.; Dzeganovskiy, V. P. ORG: Institute of Problems of the Science of'Haterials, Academy of Sciences UJ