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DIYAKOVA, K.G. population dynamics of murine rodents mountain oak'forests of the Khoper Preserve. Trpdy zap. no.3197-102 159. - (1hoper freserve-4fice) in the Khop.gos. (MIRA 161l) MAKAROV, V.V.: DOYAKOVA K*GO I 0 Catching deemano in the Khoper Preserve in 1956-1957. Trudy Khop.gos.zap. no.3s5-14 159., (?URA 16i1) (Khoper-Preserve-Desmans) DIYAKOVA, K.G. - -------- Preliminary results of artificial diistribution of desmahs' in Kursk and TomsIeTrovinces. Trudy Khop.gos.zap. no.52131-138 161 (MIn 16:2) iKursk Province-Desmans) (Tomsk Province_ smans) LOZOVOY. A. V., DIYAKOVA. M. D., STEEPAINTS7,Vl, T. 0. "On ~e'rtidn ~hys-ical 6onstants of Mixtures of'llydrcc:u-bonil -- IT," L"I'l1r. CbSIX11. Milm., 9, N.o. 6, 1939. Peceived JL~ jl_lly 1938. Report U-1517, 22 Clet 1951 USTINOVAy Ye.I.; DIYAKOVA. M.Li SHCHEDIUM) H.N. ---- -- I -.-- ". , Development of the embryo and endosperm in Mirabilis jalapa.L. under conditions of restricted pollination. flauch. dokl-. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no-3-*173-179 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Rekomendovesm k&fedroy genetiki. i selektsii Moskovskogo gosudar- stvennogo universiteta, im. M.V.Lomonosova. (FERTILIZATION OF PLANTS) -DAYAKOLA, Hj., Production of tetraploid buckwheat under natural conditions. Trudy MOIN Otd.biol 5:173-179 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra genetiki i selektsii biologo-pochvennogo fakullteta Moekovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (BUCKWHEAT EREODG) (POLYPLOIDY) S/126/6o/olo/oo6/016/022 E193/E483 AUTHORS: JILY~a~" - A ~.a nd Bogachev, I.N. TITLE: Decomposition of the Beta-Solid Solution in a Titanium-Manganese Alloy PERIODICAL: Fizika wetallov i m-atallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.6, pp.896-902 TEXT: The object of the present investigation was to study the kinetics of the solid state transformation taking place in a titanium-base alloy containing 6.5% Mn, 0.18% Fe, 0.07% Si, 0.05% C, o.o43% N and 0.00596 H; this particular alloy having been chosen as one in which the 0-phase can be retained by quenching. The experimental specimens were prepared by melting the alloy in a vacuum-arc furnace, remelting it in an argon-arc furnace, forging, rolling to the final size and then vacuum- annealing at 650OC- The kinetics of the decomposition of the P-Phase were studied by the dilatometric method, hardness and electrical resistance measurements and metallographic examination, Some of the dilatometric measurements were taken on specimens quenched from 9000C and then heated at the rate of 200'C/h, Other experiments consisted in heating the specimens to 900"C, Card 1/3 S/126/6o/oio/oo6/oi6/O22 E193/E483 Decomposition of the Beta-Solid Solution in a Titanium--Manganese Alloy transferring it to a salt bath and studying the changes of various properties as a function of the duration of the isothermal treatment. It was concluded from the results obtained that decomposition of the P-phase can take place in two temperature ranges, separated by a temperature interval within which the P-phase appears to be stable. One range extends from 420% up to the temperature of the polymorphic transformation, and decomposition of the P-phase at these temperatures leads to the formation of the a-phase. The second range extends from 150 to 4OO'C. the product of decomposition in this case being an intermediate .o-phase, In the 420 to 4700C temperature range, these two processes overlap and the decomposition of the P-phase results most likely in the formation of the a-phase, via the intermediate w-phase The formation of the w-phase is not reflected in any changes 1.n the microstructure of the alloy but is revealed by an increase in hardness (up to 48 RC), a decrease in volume and a decrease in the electrical resistivity (down to 1.4 ohm mm2/M)- The decomposition Card 2/3 s/i~_,6/6o/oio/oo6/oi6/O22 E193/E483 Decomposition of the Beta-Solid Solution in a Titanium-Manganese Alloy of the P-phase, leading to the formation of the a-phase via the intermediate w-phase, is accompanied by an increase in hardness, an increase in volume and a decrease in electrical resistivity (down to 1.0 ohm mm2/m). Finally, decomposition of the P-phase, leading directly to the formation of the a-phase, brings about a decrease in both hardness (down to 35 RC) and electrical resistivity (down to 1.0 ohm mm2/m). There are 5 figures and 5 referencesi 2 Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im, S.M.Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S,M,Kirov) SUBMITTED: July 30, 1960 Card 3/3 21362 .12~go' ILI IS_Sl~j 2805 S/126/61/011/004/009/023 E021/E435 AUTHORS: Bogachev, I.N., Mints, R.I., Petukhova, T.M. and ALy~koXa__,. TITLE: The Influence of Phase Composition and Structure on the Cavitation Stability of Titanium and its Alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeni-je, 1961, V01.11, No.49 pp-557-563 TEXT: Testing was carried out on an erosion stand with a circumferential speed of rotation of the samples of 78 m/aec, a constant pressure of water 0.28 atm, diameter of jet 8 mm and distance 1.8 cm. The cavitation stability was evaluated by the loss in weight every 5 hours-of testing. Alloys with-a-phase structure (commercial Ti type ST 1A (VTlD), Ti-3-5 Al, Ti-2.5 Al-5Sn, Ti-6ki-4V) showed slip'lines and twins in the initial stages. With increase in time, cracks developed along the twins, the slip lines and along the grain boundaries. Table 1 shows the influence of alloying on the stability of a alloys. Solid solutions of the P phase (Ti -3.25 Al -io.45 Cr- 7.95 Mo- 0.11 Fe and Ti -9.6 V -2.84 Al -3.8 Mn) showed some disintegration simultaneously in the grain boundaries and in the grains (Fig.2). Card 1/8 21362 S/126/61/011/004/009/023 The Influence of Phase ... E021/E435 Although the 0 solid solutions were more resistant to cavitation than the a, they were liable to sudden fracture and were unsuitable for use in such conditions. Alloys with a martensitic structure were also tested. The martensitic structure was produced by fast cooling from the 0 region. During testing the a'-phase was destroyed more uniformly than the a phase. Disintegration began at the grain boundaries and in the grains at the boundaries of the martensitic needles. Fig.1 shows the initial stages of cavitation of the a and a'-phases. The martensitIc structure has a high resistance to cavitation as shown by Fig.3, where the loss in weight (mg) is plotted against the time of testing (hours) for the a, a', a + a' and a + 0 phases of the same alloy. The presence of a fine acicular martensitic structure leads to increase in the cavitation stability. The resistance to cavitation of an alloy consisting of a + 0 was intermediate between the resistance of a and a'. Disintegration began at the boundaries of the two phases and developed in the phase which was less stable towards cavitation. A mixture of 0 and w phases was obtained by heat treatment of the Ti- 9.6 V- 2.84 Al- 3.8 Mn alloy. The formation of the w phase Card 2/8 21362 .5/126/61/oll/oo4/oo9/023 The Influence of Phase ... E021/E435 led to an increase in hardness from 360 to 495 kg/mm2. Cavitation caused a network of slip lines as in the case of the 0 phase. The resistance to cavitation of the 0 + w alloy was. higher than that of tl~e 0 alloy, but it was liable to sudden fracture as was the P alloy. Thus the cavitation stability of titanium alloys depends on the structUre and phase composition and not on the mechanical properties. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 2 references: I Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M.Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M.Kirov)' SUBMITTED: July 30, 1960 Card 3/8 Fig.? The Influence of Phase ... Card 4/8 21362 S/126/61/011/004/009/923 E021/E435 4 -Ir 21362 S/126/6i/oil/004/009/023 The Influence of,Phase ... E021/E435 0 'V % Oj~ Fig.2. Card 5/8 V1\ 21362 The Influence of Phase S/126/61/011/004/009/023 E021/E435 120 /10 /00 90 -4- I / - -80 1 70 60 50 3 r.1 -4 JO 20 /0 876 5 /00 46,DeMO UCnh1MaHU;r, VUC61 Fig-3. Card 6/8 ;eIJ62 S/126/6i/oli/oo4/009/023 The Influence of Phase ... E021/E435 Table 1. Legend: I alloy 2 quenched in watei 3 hardness kg1mm2 4 weight loss mg 5-after 5 hours test 6 after 10 hours test 7 a phase, MD (commercial TO 8 - a phase Ti- 3.5 Al 9 - a phase Ti- 2.5 Al- 5Sn, l 0 - a phase BT6 (VT6) (Ti - 6 Al - 4 V) Card 7/8 The Influence of Phase ... Table 1. f~ nio 21362 S/126/61/011/004/009/023 E021/E435 M1 IUTepli a nece, mr 30mixi Tne om , p 5 mcoti (41 (0 tacun Ii D DuAt! xrpmm 11CHUTalliffl l HCHUTH111M 3.11m,lit CH.,ma or BOO, 112 IC9 708 B, I I 2-030 CnA49a' oT 970* 245 -50 178 ' C11.19DR ' OT 970* 276 17 9e T1 + 2.5% Al + 5% Sn 3n en.,ama I OT 680' I 283 I 29 I 117 BTG . . I 31055 S/126/61/012/004/015/021 I ZB s-, El-93/E383 AUMORS; Bogachev, I.N. and TITLE-~ The kinetics of decomposition of P-solid solution in a heavily-alloyed titanium alloy PERIODICAL: Fizika metallori metallovedeniye, v. 12, no* 4, 1961, 607 - 612 TEXT-. It has been shown by other workers (e.g. Ref. I - E.L. Harmon, J. Kozol and A.R. Troiano, Trans. ASM, 1958, 50, 418) that, in the presence of elements stabilizing the P-Ti phase, decomposition of this phase in solid Ti-base solutions can be accompanied by the formation of a hexagonal w-phaae (a = 4.6 kX, c = 2.82 kX), orientated relative to the P-phase in 8uch a way that a. if [1101 , and c. 11 [1111 The object of the present investigation was to study the kinetics of decomposition of the P-phase in a Ti-base alloy, containing 9.6510' V, 3.845/o Mn and 2-57% Al, by hardness, electrical resistance and dilatometric measurements. In the first series of experiments, the specimens were bLeated in Card 1/~Y 31055 5/126/61/012/004/015/021 The kinetics of decomposition .... E193/E383 vacuum for one hour at 900 0C, quenched in a molten nitrate bath at various temperatures, held at a given temperature for various times and then cooled to room temperature, after which the relative change in length, &f/f , of the specimens was determined. The results are reproduced in Fig. 1, where Af/f x 10-4 is plotted against time Oirs) at the temperature (0C) indicated by each curve. It will be seen 0that isothermal treatment at temperatures between 160 and 380 C brought about contractlon of the alloy, which indicated the formation of the w-phase. The results of hardness measurements of similarly- treated specimens are reproduced in Fig. 4, where Vickers hardness is plotted against the isothermal-treatment temperature, the time at temperature being indicated by each curve. In Fig- 5, the electrical reslstlvity ~P, JX mm /m) o:C the alloy is plotted against the temperature ( C) of isothermal treatment of 30 min (crosses), 3 hours (triangles) and 6 hours (circles) duration. Dilatometr1c heating and cooling curves were also constructed and metallographic examination of some specimens was carri d out. Bitsed on tile results obtained, a diagram of Card 2/ ;r~ 3-1-055) S/126/61/012/Oo4/015/021 The kinetics of decomposition .... E193/E383 the isothermal transformation (TTT curves) of the P-phase in the alloys studied was constructed. It is reproduced in Fig- 3, showing the constitution of the alloy as a function of temperature (vertical axis, 0C) and time (horizontal axis, see); the experimental pointsdenoted by circles are based on metallo- graphic examination; the dilatometric data we represented by x - x and x -- x lines indicating, respectively, the beginning and end of volume expansion, and by dots indicating the beginning and end of the volume contraction. The results of the present investigation indicate that there are two distinct modes of decomposition of the P-phase in the alloys studied. Decomposition at temperatures a8ove 500 OC entails the formation of the a-phase. In the 160 - 370 C range, the w-phase is formed which brings about a considerable increase in hardness and causes embrittlement of the alloy. Between 380 and 480 0C the formation of the a-phase is proceded by the formation of the w-phase, the latter also being accompanied by an Increase in hardness. It was also found that the P--.Vw transformation 0was reversible. Specimens, hardened,by quenching from 900 and isothermal treatment at Card 34/83// / I 31055 S/126/61/012/004/015/021 The kinetics of decomposition .... E193/E383 300 0C, can be fully restored to their soft condition by 30 see holding at 500 OC, followed by wator-quenchIng. Partial restoration only can be attained 0in the case of material iso- thermally treated at 350 or 370 C or when the duration of the treatment is excessii4y long. There are 5 f1gures, I table and 5 references~. 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc.. ASSOCIATION-. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. (Ural Polytechnical Institute im. S.M. Kirov) SUBMITTED- March 21, 1961 Card 'I HAUWWWW;-~W-w loot o 0 0 U 1, 10 8 1 1` 01 is 14 It it if . s . . U f 1 AA I$ &L V A 'to .4ellll I ...... , OP&UW*" hftdkL M- 4, SID-ax 1101).-COloils borstpurified with tallic No. the amaw'. 1 cl~wbkh can be dtvfcmwd by pretritating Cleffs with 6% Koji. Ccwvff%iO"1Oftt~ 1jI, (CAo and its humalm am dm Awitted) is scmnpjJ4wd at 4-IS-W& under the blitial -so opiftwoum of Ift of 100 atm. am final pmwugv of = atm. with Up conlpds, (Prrkraflly 'M id l f I d -00 o ox t e) axesta ylivs. O crexpu.c*aWUonsk-evte~oll,u-hanvd. Hydrogeng. tion in pre M-MV Of Ni CSOLl " ltil nX d d -00 - XV 2 Un y P er atm. and 180-2tAl [latent wid fitc-raturr refew arr ev" .0 . V. KA1-IlLIIII%-4XV 1 zoo 00 as 0 - . b ;16 V -- 0 -a* 0 . 0 ' Ala-ILA GIOCAL LITIMPATLIFIF CLASSIFKATICN MITALLUR 0 ---------- :-- 00 t, L 1 (4 U 41 00 t cg ocia n I All it tv sol It tt q U It tt it I to's Alto 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 * 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 e is 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 11 u 11 4 is is 11 to 10 A I )I a )2 jj 'J5 j$ J7 Is )v ,JC Ji 1:-1j R 9 A -VAL- 31 1--L" 04 -1-,Z-A-* 10 CC W U.~c I 4t 4 t' Petrov Uts Mllmm and A. 1) J CAwn S S k ) (U . . . . . . . . . , - jhti thcrmal stAbility of the futhming ON OMM -4* . Ilaiplithel W" lavitstitted by mcking tit ordinary i V difi N i -00 atnt ~ w & n a itio prv"uW t I catalyou ed app. q~-Cainnlus and Brown (C, A. 15. &VN): it"thoic .00 Urcitlin, Wyclolirtyl. mitilricycluittzatic and nap thearmi boiling within the -Atue imsi e &a th Itidividual it two but ii iiat hth d f 04 ii e e e rumt ap g I Omi%minpatuffin oil asul ftema tho pniducts of cracklia Lis t olt It usut r Am d( Ike t ti t kid k1 - -06 00 i e , s ti pic- o n# qu y lifliducts and ps and to their comts.. the natilsthenn of Ihe Onan oil art mm i l r l tt d t th l Il d ~00 00 c on e i ieniu e n e r y y "t4billt t Ch nt wic Ii hi hth with k 0 00 it o e er," a mi % e c asp yc I-hal I t th l k il h W d l h f -0 0 st n o e i reo- it ro" o yr e nap t e typo - 11(t attif blerci,111rivI. ch~ Hittite 00 00 0 ~19 00 moo 4 .09 -.00 00 00 1 - kill a r u is D 10) if it to 1 t v 10 1 W N '1 41 4 4 0 1 1. 11 , 00 t It 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Ole 6 0 0 40 0 0 4 4 6 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 - - - - W w - - 1 01 18 41 fl 1# S 0 0 A y 11 a j A - j., ~ 1, ~ II -A i 6 1 I of, Amp ;!mv- 0110*41 all tokal compositloo. pwpeMes and methods ol t f t o ma tar hom the lignites of TcUllabicalt. P ComPl. YMJ. acad, ui. V. R. S. S. 3. (I'M A(Irr F-P it ' 4 .- rack -hydrogenatinat expts. tat 11) . 00 370* it tat showed that 4-Stfil)'tk' 1*11iftigAtiUn I IF b d 70-S)" t m d ti t h a e &m cwwr rogma e p. y y I" w 230' A the tar to mot r u f l b l ith l d 04 o c o ess e w un '4) i d X 04 inct tane an 0 )-3%_cu1xMs. The residue, coutg. l 1"0t 6 " d i h i t i f 0 C converte nto a fact m ' wil ng lwlow 2w . . And I= oU, ustd in sutnequent b~rgiuixati~. Nfo.~. n lwkk hagmenis is a cracking -by-drogrui tion c&tWytl PaltiC11111fly 1111t0d 11) this IUatCXiAl tTQ41:W it is StAbIt, e~.%ily regrncratedaud vety active. D%-tAJ,ofhydFujjcna- tutu age glv=. W. F. Bru'C J; Ki'l sic. it j~JQV'j w4f 0"T oaf &AI t Sanol'o'.4 I r-r 1111110,C] a -V--V -aa- I T 14 p T-T-V"U-~-A to two as-11161 0 a a 3 0 V '0 or it ar W A U : 11 10 1310 0 : to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T01499 :-0 00 : :10* 00 : 0 : 0 0 o0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1o 0 .00 '09 coo coo 1,00 '00 ere 0 :E 0 W%AL $of W ago -T- 1-00 SOA * -00 MMOMNATICM OF CURWIM BROU OOALo Me.-It- Ob 0 0 got DJ&kojm Lnd A. V, ~10",ftj (Compt. rend. Anad. Sol. -06 009 U.CB.S&N 1935# 2v 254~-258),-Xz presence of UoS3 the 00 coal is couvarted by lor-tempe serial hydrogenation, -00 008 up to 70--76% of Its erg. mass, into liquid fueld, mainly -00 001 having b.p. 200-410*p whilst In absence of catalyst it .00 0*9 givive (up to 66%) a tarry product# b.po 200-350s In i 000 00 #3 presence of catalyst only 3e6% of unliqueried or&. Into *00 1 coal residue remainsp where" In its absence about 20%, t0'3 is left the further liquefaction of which is difficult. oe%o In nozi-ostalytio hydrogenation the initial UZ pressure x0o 00 r is about 100 atm. and working pressure, 100-200 atm., goo *0 whereas In presence good results are obtainod or MM goo with initial proasure O atm. A slow rise in temp. 1300 accompanies hydrogenation. A liqusfyin& =odium goo is useful in the Initial stages. The predominant part NOID d or the benzine and the greater part of the kerosene 500 consist of aromatic and naphthenic bydrocarbonap thus !200 appearing to coft. the cyclic nature of the funda- MIALLWA-L LMRATWM CL-UWICAT" 1L 41.411.0 -1 - 3100 14301MV VIA131 M 4xv 411 Uis 1-1 .0 is Am L I I tw 0 0000*0 go 000OLO Oo*OO#OOZO6 Ole 00 *0 0 Q 90 OOOOooOOe o o ffi-O 0- 0 0 0'* 0 0 00 0 -0 000000GOO0000#4 30 00 so so 00 00 00 so 00 4645 00 so of 0 0 00 00 0 *0 is 00 mental structural ele=nts of the coals so $0, 00 00 00 00 so so 09 so 00 90 00 oo~ 0 a 0 0 0 0 *go:*** 6% PUP OTM to it a jo is It CIO AT 6 C 0 it 4 N A L 0 PQ R t UL -L-L--A j ool 0e W01PNOSS113 WIVNIM 113011311rily Ill* IV 00 MWIS ptre j; U10j) awl s;I 11 -sua4m uWWW %OC-W P- vau"atid- Sog-VI - 'Npdam A Ill JI: 'pl-us %Lt-9 "wpd- 31imon %V-" mlv;tm,,Nnt �A ~ 1421114,14 PU '439W 10 %" 01 dn MMORI Bit 3 Pus 1"AA&QxU q apno av Iff %Lv 01 am tuwjl -00 %VYV 11,11A IUNUJW Put kv")" a) pop Goa RIJA -3a iqdm os Al4m ol qAqmk -spwmw -pom p -jum NI Saff"301' qU 'SM 9 X4 .00t P98 *123111001 W goo go JO vDjq 10 Ana" mp CR wpwasmspiq Aq PsAa" "11 11"'IFISMIN Ptm RU *=vm prim M Aq -sAWp S U1011 P"Jj eq "am -vp-W %i.*Zg P- -"Iwm (#U*tt I,spd- allmmass %Ol, 1* C, supsPow tm~mj ..Wpmat. [WIN" OU an 311wWwr P, 140,61 q" Pulp br"d p sprom %rat 8m 0--- ~ I s 00 -12vi A--Pd SRI so %WLC =plow low a&" pw a #r 00 , 9!13%3 IQ (.O(Z a) dn'q) t")mq ..68POOL. 8111-16ft Ir"IT03 U9 Wwoaw-ftc 'g g .v *41 'a t 00 -,,:.dmoj -4-0 -1 -H p- J-1 Y-14M&P-ts,". 00 jpv" j0 am Asn%A p pewpas; p proom p" P*"v mp p "030"m my --- ------- Go D (21 'A TV I A T IF Of IF a I t1hdibilad I I "it - - a-A-0-A-9- a * a 11 u It M Is 16 11 IS A a J It l -A-A-F Q t I -1, -- 11-1 A a 0 L-- I jj 0 A ife --v .I, (41,10S 41. vitp,ips. 0 "at'lilts W pill-ptal,li .~N, Investigating the Chan" Composition, properties and 00 j methods of treating fdmsq tan from Chelyablalk brown '-so 00 Weis. 1. Destructive hydrogenation of the primary ur '-00 ham CkrAyabbuk brown coals. A. V. Umavul &mI M ~ kffiakovit- J. A pphdd Chm. (U. S. S. R.) S. 'o at In French 5w)(10M). l4re C, A. 29. liCs'. 11. The choodW wspositim at the light fraction from !,a the primary CRr km Chelyabinsk brown co&ls and the 00 atmbillcatim of the hydrocuboa part of the "benzine." -00 At. K. D.yak~*, A. V. Lasavol and S. 1. Cherik.,va. J. A pphird ClOm. (U. S. S. R.) 8, 60,',705(iti Frrmh 71 -00 (1935) Swe C. A.". 70451. A. A. Merhilinxit not of ago 00 a 0 a .3 ago go* 00 cgs so aa 0 ag '4 wee OW ft 0 a -OF10 ij; Aid-ILA SITALLUNWAL LITINATV111 ctalSWICATMY tsoo 014".. 11114 9 1 till, la.01 ;K 1141 spilli ON .3.- 11, ;W tw 0 a 3 1 v is dric. 0 a 09,9600 000 a* 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0.0 0 o a a a 0 0 0 0 009000 ,;*T,41 00000is 00000000 a 0000000*0100 ad 0 1 oli 00 13 00 brkoft9beft by MOSP At#-IL MIALLUHKAL L"INATUM CLAUIPItAIM Ow SIVIII)i VA - 2F Z rNew cod. TBCMW- d B.. methodli. by i"D MOLA0,6 lift U 9 Al 10 111; ore a -NasiNN's a 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 : , a flaw somiAr IIJAW 4d Gv sit I a thd 0 At a I v so DO 9 31, do a a 0 0 0 st 0 1* 0 *0 0 lee 100 -00 *a zoo see "a me* goo we too wo - - - - - -------------------------- r----------------------------------- r- -1 It 14 U W 11 to JJIS U15 kv Upla; 6, U.1 tire 09 A ~ A -L-Al- A. I t -1,00 4 Ap !hp-CR-0141 00 -00 09 09 ir: R, HiN 11, i-,tut 2'~ 1 Ill- immino wlf,t, -00 CAUQU of blinatins a mill ,I - mid 1-m~ IV It -liflet"I in it, -00 lop. V b% lh-, etal. ('. .4. Is, 117-, 4140 a r-.2,~,talytti; M. X. D'yokuyla, Ltutivot na 'r. I;. Ntalmr,,I 00 a -S AT -411411111 Stepmaisovs. r.- CAwm- tV. S. S. R.) 7, 7=-8 from vafiou% Iii-trillemn priulticti. in adilit in IV. U1.411 ItKi7i. If.. portitanitillvibenroje :111% Of 4 II-cf-bollifix frarlimi 111$' 21111 wa, Gwitwd, (41111t.11c) I111). MIT the nature of sirbich i~ Im-mg im-tig-ve.f if .3. liv.1m. -00 es &fill t-. M. &till P-SvIcne. whell Itylifilittellatril III file Intl. Crinkled III( IIIv 1-1 Iltit, It 9,1%- 1.*-'.:t,4,.% II,vitatmohlil. ;*0 trice I,( NIO .-AIAIv,I at '.'141 411' arml 1.11112.341 If atill. for IV? ~11 1110 MID11.1 I-.j - It'll "A. 00 j I 141-t, J: .0# Its Uht ln.~ I.. - -1 ~- S le IIWIII% 4# 11CAVIIAC 0( MC f(pril Kf.Hllkq 1, It jum; Il"It" il"I t,~ IN; NJ" ;A 0 III I"1111rd fmill Willi 1. vC ind AiCli- 1. m: .4.1M, it: X211. V .1111.1 ff"m 4 1- if. 1, -ir oo it 1.".)Ivuln pen VS119t .00 *0 wj- -n-phiviv Itw1rogettated m(leir .41 li ninclaving. All-dit's 141e~ (TV) an-1 the pillilmi A.ijm,.t I,v !,tv.wti,-j ~ I.. q 0 h. W 1., 2111-114': ' Itiquidf. 4, KI, 4-~Ll *g w m Ii -A 141, StI.-I W1. 170, 1111.4111 116tir 111,44, Own 16,; ~00 o4 O.AlAt. 1.5'. Nt.* I I ,1:1. .1:* 41 I%Nli, ao 0 wt. I;ftt, M. R.v 14; 24 ,ah.l. 46. Ist It 1, I'I'lilij litill 00 e1 :;o o The pritiluct littIN1. by ALjww,-r, Ann, 4Z0, Itts! I he 00 following naphifirtie, '"tilt I Ili ii,-.ttlv thelwelival vield zoo 41JIMP t-I. 4 . %1, 34111141111 1 42ificl. 1:- 11 TSI 4, I'll', If. I-nit 41 9- I,A-Iwm . j Ill. M).5 "I.' I C-N. 1:. 11 IIhNIj, 1. ""' woo 49..S*. 1,4-th-tiv Propylcyclohlr%anv, b,I 1!4 "17 1-4:111A). d.- A"~', 'I, I ;=to PhSlf, Ix,int Cha, 11141). o tie 0 00 8, 10 too 04 C goo U U LIF p to IV a if K 4 ft 91 K it It ul 4 1 YA Old g 00 O~ 0 0 60 e o 0 oi 00 0 00 1 00 of 00 some physka canstAnts of by4r"Arboa ngst-s- A. ;1q'antwVz. J. M. K. 1)~v-Akma sr.) T, G. S 00 (TT-. 1575-' R Y7. 11 Ill 321 11KI-11,- -041 11144C 4 Ow .,o. 4, Ity . kilo Aml aniline sk"- lie J,4j.,WjjjM ~ygrjjj% :-00 L-Y, t,2 dull'thN 00 $00 ZOO 00 0 v4-61twul1w. J; via-# firfil.. f INOW) " -d.,Jg Ir U a AV to x w 0 0 1 a oe 090 o 00 so 0 0 0 * 0 0 so 00 000 0 00 000 0 o too 0 0 0 .00 0 0 -0 z:00 0 moo 0 0 30 0 * -.00 0,0 t:00 40 400 too 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 :,o 0 0 0 9 & 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 : : 0 f 36 13 31 b Is 3) XIt 0 61 Q 43 4$ %l cm n C v D t? 1. K A t . I .. t I - 1,- W, 0 0;~ :4- s0 Is, 00 00 t~ 00 07 00 0 W:. 1 00 o 0, -1v otl--w aulu aql JIMo Isanvaud 2D q il ow--oal I* v1ppot 'mmud In JD JU.PUQd.pU) a) QW1141 jo uopiwaftTiq jo 00 0 0- i Qt(j .011--'- IV (a--QL 11 4190jaA :PUW 60 I' I-Nut, OaAlvlv WR'O-d vuv y I v * 00 0 ' ' I 4 11 ~' l ~ * ; ~ c v x w"' j I or fmmp Alticl 9M1 jqjj i a n 09- d puv -w .o 'anqj jo uopwuawpiq )a mmpum 00- 'L Val "MMH =m V90 T) *0 VA'k'AVr(j ')I ')I PtM l(%A01'rL'A I 'I WSMM -Gj ( 0 01towl 0 OD N 00 p' 11 PI q 1 00 09 0o of 0 e, M 'D N W-T-r--"-l 4' 4 5 J N V '1 1-1- IF 3 1 1 A-11 09 -00 to ji Chemical composition of gasoline front primary upro- 00 polite Ur. M. X,,P,'yakc)ya ond T. U.. Stepantsers. so Kkimv. I'tordeto -A prtmwy -09 P libtalned hv tile %A1117011ditt: FILM,% th, K.riamno U,-, asta it, jra,t_jj 1, .00 0 111 IwIuw2IRJ*wVre'InRIv1tA. Thi, frartion. alit I It WAI f(CIII -00 0 (I-nil Scidic tand ha4c a hKilt-irrihm MOO when Ire%hIv di,id.i n"Itial nI j)..4"I;)' "Ill'it Ila, =0 the followusig i-1,11mularv C %I.:L4' if 1 .14. S I Uwl alld 0 IA%"~. I 11-il %"' f'a'jj"W~d All'I go %"h fractimi It; hiirtitaii *.III' cuj,%~ wA, alj&IvIjI fin, Ill. 00 atd.. arolliativ, naphilitille, 1wraffill and nmiral 4) =0 0 4-onIX.romitIxI%. 09 mainly loy the prewtur of n vultal 4.),, s- all,] N-mill. 0 CP voulpth..' Which coruld IN- renlinvol 11% Irrillifirill .1th 00 -aid. I VC1, subt. in HCI ~jln. Fichtt,,n rtht,iiv- lit 1111, 00 ::go roo 1300 j No 0 U00 to 0 M&I,111 CLASSIFICAMN ASO,SLA CTALLk)RGKAL .. Lit9 -ago --v-7r L I n I, or In n I KA 'o 0 0 U 10 L% It IT to OF 0 0 00 0 0 o 0 0000 4 0 : 0 00 0 0 001 I is it U is 4 is it 1? 10 we 0 a is a a 17 s 9 L .--x __P j" - JL a - IL WAX M It A- -1 4 Ive-vtoil! 00 Solution of mats. M. K 1), k ,A -] go 00 SirlistrIlArvil AIIII-RI, Fir"j, s(i. U. X. S. S. 20, Owl -it III-N) ~ in 1-'nxli,h *4 COWS ground to JIM? n?rmh wrrr heat(NI I ta I hr' 00 S In Ia at 27f. 410, Witt. -'zsunxa'-t"%iNv'r* -0 0 The snit. It-A,vt vim, "Jc,l. .40 00 MOW the InCtVAIC in wLh nxitent %4 the ivjj~hje. S-An. ~69 0 0 la`%linr below :ILP.5*: t-itimmilation i~i-titi almiNv 410 ),Much kind #,I rm) ba4 iir~ uwn n,ti,yjsjn. vitti. .49 00 tied L~W tli~v)lvm 1n;wr rewfily than the .00 09 are suitable raw ni2teri.AN lot l1w AID 0 of t'-d And Swrtvillasr of %A'dI 411-Aittil, Fvp.: 1*..14t N1- 06 burnic-ulinpvtitc, (V. Aitflir4erfle -I (if). J. "W'1; CO ;1, tQ1.0 (tin.ler III Aliti. initial It, COO hulille brown CIL141, 11, 5. 57.6. Y"UIIK 6111011 li-I 4111, If, 2, 75.4; 1.111, ptinlarY tAr fruit, I (IV). 1, WO-8; ~Pt- Imlite IV). 11, 2. V1,1: V, 9%ak*-Otl diStI11410 IVD. v)-!,; V, IV. 1, 79.7: oil shAle, V11. 4. N 1. 1. C., It. Y. I-A Separation process in the Rhoolavour lcoal washerl. R. Scinlxil. Glikkaml 73, WI 701W). The vatjou% stages of wpa. are examd. The Applicaliall) (if I lie data obtaincti to coni. practice is diwusied. moo if. C. 11. A. woo Als-SLA__!gT&L~URCKAL_LlltlAtt&f CLOSOICATIOM Isom 41w,OT110 --- - .7-- Ia.. - -- -- wee gal $llama 40 -v.. Got IM), I- i"_), iw .2.. 1, -V -ff--j - U AV to it PA mi--w7i -54 TY-F-MT1 n it If Ila A 1,14 dAq 0 0 * 4 0 Oto 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6 61 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 e 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0, Aa r 41 1 r.11 I A A. dig oo A r 11, ..F Velocity of h;4 mimm. U. =,a~miid "=,sOW re"Um and xbmctu" "fty of bydrembom. M. K. DJAKOVA mW A. N'. 0 lattivat(j. Gen. 4 Al volocIt of h)qfqp1%fttIOn 0( C 11 bimlologlit's Ni-Z~ -,Wyat (15-230'xt-m- sun.) Ili 01firemod by v - P,M. whom n is the rvkvity fiw (1, f'. For Sylefles, v falls III On Onler 1). -. 0. On.xYlem. Tho mam" Val. d 0 to illitalitiml file I,hml" Ilh9t, "W Ithile, but v for llhllr Is ftw I'lil"O, It. 11. FRO tl,~! zoo "00 A1141 It ASt FALk 1,PUK 41_ kill MAT&Mt UMIPILAIKIN ,AV-10 6;9 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1a off ole so 00 V 0 0 0 of$ of *so* 0 0 0 0 41 0 of 0006 0 0 -mr-WWWWWWWW9 A A IL so Themej Scilutioa of coal and hydimccamban at coal Solutions. 1. Bartass sapiromotit. WYALOVS, A. V. Liwivul and V. 11. Kjr4txw%-ich. 00 M." A3611 Firtsch. ".Mlk IMM: cf. C. .1, ) II ~ V S S. R 00 a . . . -1 fit .,1y. 'j III aIIIIII'k-110 .,It, 33 , primary tar and 11141e 'At '-- t1tv"t kKdI I'll 0 nw uptizitai contimon% Irv dmsAvini; art-: lAtio ist t"d to tolvent,'A) 70, irnits. 414v piv~mjf-- lius 111311irf still.; 04 "q of -11 (IM the wit 00 111, U4145. "eve timirf 0 m 1.40, 1" twf`~ l' 90 NI"S of 'kild Ity'It"IZVII.It"I III file 1"evi it,-,- ~'( fil 1 Ifill jot to III, 1 t so 11t. 61 . 11fr-11C 1 :11111 -14W ItIRICS' IIIIItAI I 1114-2v vkclv obtAISICII %)it thl't), Wales I.5".1g. Ir'i'llar Ift.'I -so sit C.) W. .1. It'14 4.14 mid LI kh't"Ie 4 '10'i!. lite Itas'-,111tatowd Olt IS, It, K" 2 An'l C.Iii. -so it 111"'Itt W`;-I is too 411ALLIAGKAL to-fRAT4,01 CjAjpfK&yjOI as S: vI U X) ; ir '4 1 -3 w 11 1 so it 0 Is Is a Is 0 IT 4 1 4 A's * 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U1,11114 fill " Zen '"JAn J627b)IIIADif V13 1611; Mir Illo-Aw .1 4.10 fooll!I1111 A 111 ALAI -11 A - I - I- tv ~11 V 1 IA so (x pp It I.. i, _1, A wz, 09 f"It ..0 a Caltoll I It It. WILIt rfol"Ittgo till leattiolle 0 0 111,1114404 1 11 N os,4 *10 A % I I It- -I S s R ! 0, -',, .1;,'i I II, 111;. -1. 4 A it, 00 1.46'"itis 41i'VII-Imu. Is,% ~,'O a I. I".1.1 .4.0; 1-% 11'. m.111-1 h..,1 Ill.. 00 a "I'l.ndalLol hiolld- by A,.]. Ito a III fill, A- I-, I'l .1 Ito kth- J-' 4--' 1~, "' 't.. ` -11. a 'N'. I. \It. -00 90 ii!V1111411 A'M %11~ .1.1. f...... I'Li, 11 -.1 1. -1 I it. WI At Ital &-I "'I It 1--uh d. 0 \1 R Ito'. Ill fill, ct"t-IN'll'I'llot fia jj.%k- .'I'i. "".4--'. h.. I lIr 1. -tilimpt Is"I'llth, it, . Imerl" hold 11-4,1 Ally 1111411""'1 '41111 10004 11"Ak. -Sold. %If,# "~Wmw 4"i. 0 .1th N41111 111.1 )I'll m.1 Omelet. vIvIv fer,fill.l. m,r VA I-ml F -o 0 1,11141t 'llmll PlItAIA1 aold 11111r). to,.- IN mt', -I.' j O.S613. a$' J,-111,17. rotor hat yfewl.40twup. 6- . 17-, zoo d:, W7,tillfl. NJ,' 1.4111", Ill' N111 phillit W.7, I'llAm tt'.411 Pticl 1'(111,11, AIM Lill, 00 0,"'S, J7 JAM, eeo%v t,Awill flit 1".. a*O 00 I-Nsol-l, *1,' 1 I-im -- +,,tu Philt and d:- tu