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D-1-TAKOVOV, K.N.; METUM, A. Yu. Local climate of the Rybinsk Reser,7olr. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geog no-4t47-54 t6-4. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut geografji AN FOSSM. DIYAKONOV? K.N. Mridform otudles In rogiono aubjocted to the tnfluence of rerervoirc. T,-,v. All ~:Or. goot;. no,5:50~54 ('.1fu 18!10) 1. institut t~-eagraLpii AN S~'SR. ANDREYIN, V.G., gornyy inzh.1 D'YAKONOV, L.D., garnyy inzh. Testing eyetems of dry centralized dust collecting during boring with a'column hammr drill. Gor. zhur. no-4:64-67 AP '65. (MIRA 18SO 1.*Nauchno-issledovateltakiy i proyektnyy institut ItUpronikel'", Leningrad. S/03 61/027/002/017/026 B134YB206 AUTHORS: Dlyakonov, L. I. and Skakovv Yu. A. TITLE: Camera for taking aimed radiographs PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 2, 1961, 205-206 TEXT: Microfocusing X-ray tubes can be used for the X-ray analysis of single microstructure elements. An X-ray camera is described which permits to produce sufficiently sharp beams by means of a customary X-ray tube, and to focus them onto the place to be examined of an order. of magnitude of 100p. The pictures can be taken without combination of the device with the optical system described by A. Kh. Geysler (Ref. 1). A cone system is used which is installed on the camera and the optical microscope. The camera is specially suitable for determining the orientation of single crystal grains. The camern consists of two collapoiblo parto (Fig.). Tho diatanco betwean sample and filin in controlled by pulling out the left part A from part B. The latter is mounted directly on the YPC-55 (URS-55) instrument, or on the YPC-70 Card 1/3 Camera for taking aimed radiographs S/032/61/027/002/017/026 B134/B206 (URS-70) instrument, by means of a special holder. The sharpness of the beam is adjusted by means of two identical cones fixed on the camera (3) and on the stage, by shoving in the inner cone (5) with the sample holder (6). The sample (7) can be displaced vertically to the beam axis. When exactly focused, the axes of beam and the centering cone of the camera (3) coincide. After sharp focusing, the part of the micro- structure to be examined is brought into the cross hairs of the eyepiecq by means of the microscrews (8). (1) is the collimator, (2) the film, and (4) are acrews for displacing the centering cone. Owing to the small distance between sample and film (maximum 5mm), the exposure time can be reduced to a few hours. Single granules of a polished section of transformer steel with an average size of 100V were examined by means of the camera described. There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) Card 2/3 Camera for taking aimed radiographs B/032/61/027/002/017/026 B134/B206 Card 3/3 65 E"'-J?T(M)1-E1'qF0(t)/EWP( FcD( C L- 16.57 ~- b 373-14 ) -~/-l JP (c JD ACCESSION NR: AP5000300 S/0070/64/009/006/0938/0939 AUTHORS: Maslov, V. N.; Dvakonov, L. I.; Davv*dov, A. A.; qhafgr-0- 4~ stov,- M. P. TITLE: Epitaxial growinq of germanium on the surface of germanium dendrites 'b SOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 9, no. 6, 1964, 938-939, and insert facing p. 939 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, epitaxial growing, crystal growth, filament crystal ABSTRACT: The authors describe the growth of an epitaxial layer of germanium on the surface of germanium dendrites. No earlier experi- mentL1 clata were published on the subject, nor were quantitative data gLven in earlier reports on epitaxial qrowth concerning the dependence of the growth rate on the gap between the source and the Card 1/5 L 16' 374-65 AccESSION NR: AP5000300 substrate or on the profile of the epitaxial layer. The ribbons used were 2-3 mm wide and 0.20--0.30 mm thick. A diagram of the actup is shown in Fig. 1 of the enclosure. The film was deposited in a quartz ampoule 40 mm in diameter. The substrate and the source were at a specified distance between two graphite blocks intended for equalization of the temperature. The process is realized in an oven with the temperature drop between the blocks amounting to -25* in the interval from 700 to 1000C. The growth rate was shown to in- crease linearly with decreasing gap, reaching a maximum of 9 4/hr, which is much higher than obtained by others. The epitaxial layer on the dendrite duplicates clearly the characteristic shape of the dendrite teeth. The tests have also shown that the resolution of the epitaxial deposition increases rapidly with decreasing gap be- tween the source and the substrate. The dependence of the rate of deposition and of the resolution on the gap width are shown in Fig. 2 of the enclosure. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Card 2/5 SUBMITTED: 18Apr64 ENCL,- 02 SUB CODE: SS NR REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 003 Card 3/5 L 16574-65 Pj=SICN NR: IW5000300 LIUMURS: 01 Fig. 1. Diagram of installation for epitaxial gra4ing. 1 - Turc>-section oven, 2 - quartz aripoule, 3 - graTIAte blockst 4 - soux*ce, 5 - substrate, 6 - quartz tubes with therm)Couples, 7 - bubbler with water, imiersed in cooling rvdxture .Card 4/5 zi, if r, ig. 2. Der-aidence of the settling rate w 2 and of the resolutim a m the width H of th*_ gap betqem the source and the substrate. settling rate w; 2 resolution, cz. .z Card 5/5 DtYAKONCV, L.L; MASLOV, V.N.; SAKHAROV, B.A. Production of gallium phosphide single crXatal.3 b.- the-, method of opitaxial growth. DAL AN SSSR 163 no.l~,76-78 J1 165. (YURA 18:7) 1. Goaudarstvennyj nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti. (1)/,rVT(m) /00(i)/T/NP(t) /WP(b)/EWA(c) IJP(c) JD/GG AC;E96103 NRs AM180TT MV0020/65/163/001/oOT6/0078 66 AUTHOR- D0. Sakharov., B. A.,4, -A-- "14, Yakonov, L. -I*; MAW11-0--va TITLEt Evitaxlal grodw of p4mgle-castA~ !!~171,~o~lde~ .9 SOURCE: AN GSSR. DOMAWo ve 163t 110, 11 1965P 76-78 1TOPIC TAGSt epitaxial growing, gallium compoundp semiconducting material ABSTRACT; 7he purpose of the Investigation was to check on the applicability of the sandwich method (E. Sirtlp J. Phys. Chem. Solids v. 24p no. 3-1. 5 ) to! to invea- the production of large plate-like gallium phosphide ktr V &Le- xy-ot tigate the malin factors influencing the growth rate and the quality of the epitaxi-' al layers. The epitaxial growing was by means of the gas-transport, reaction with water vapor I 4aaP + M20 '* 2(;aaO + P4 + 2112 using needle-like single crystals obtained from the gas phase by interaction be%,- tween phosphorus vapor and gallium monoxide in an argon stream. The details of the growth procedure are described. Samples up to 700 p thick were grown In 70 hours at a rate wbich started at 30--40 IL/hr and slowed down to 7-15 p/hr. The presence of moisture hindered the epitaxial growth by causing oxidation of the substrate surfaces The morphology of the epitaxial layers depends on the orientation of the Card 1/2 L 3075-66 ACCESSION WR: AP503.8077 surface and on the perfection of the substrate crystal structure. The best results were obtained on substrates with (M) orientation. Although the Debye pattern of~ the epitaxially grown single crystals indicates the presence of only one phase in the samplej, the presence of several per cent of gal.11um arsenide impurity has been noticed. Although the content of this Impurity can be reduced by lowering the sub-i strate temperature, this leads to a deterioration of the pbotolumineseent and elec-~, troluminescent properties of the sample. The gallium phosphide obtained had n-type' conductivity, with carrier density 10-W.-1036 crO, carrier mobility 3-14 cm2/v-aec i at density 2 x 1017 crr3, and resistivity 0.2 ohm-cm, at room temperature, 'with a gallium arsenide content of 6 mol.%. This report was presented by H. P. Sazhin. Orig. art. has% 2 figures and I formula. ASSOCIATION: GosudarstvemVy mauchno-losledovatelOskiy i proyektnyy institut red- kometallicheskoy pronWahlennosti (State Scientific-Research and DeaLgn Institute 0~ the Rare-Metal Industry) Y, Ir 1~ SUBMITTED: 23Deca ENCLt 00 SUB CODEt 88 NR MW SOVt 002 OTHERs 009 L Wbnb-66- EWT(M)/W(t)/NP~b) -!jP(C) Jb/jW ACC N& AP5028718 SOURCE CODE., AUTHOR-. D'Yakonov "L. I.; Kistovat yeo NO; Melov, V. N.; Sakharov, D. A. ORG: Giredmet Y Yt ~T 55 TITLE: Study of the transport of Gap during 2pitaxial growing in a moist !Z~enz atmosphere VY, 14 SOURCE: AN SSSR. IzvestLya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 11, 1965, 1892-1097 TOPIC TAGS: gallium compound, phosphide, epitaxial growing ABSTRACT: A theoretical and - *perimeiltfl study of the kinetic relationships govern- ing the transport of Salliumytpeyhosphide am epitaxial growing was made in a system where the substrate and source were located close to each other, L. e., the arrangement em- ployed in the sandwich method. The assumptions made by R. F. Laver (J. Chem. Phye. 37, 1174, 1962) were checked for the transport of Gap, which in moist hydrogen can be represented as 2GaP + 1~0_:.t Goloi +' H, + P, and found to be correct. A computational formula is derived which shows that the transport velocity is directly proportional to the temperature gradient and square root of the water vapor pressure, and depends almost exponentially oh the temperature. UDC: 546.6811181.1:548.55 card 1/2 URiO363/65/00:1/011/1892/1697 L-1086&66 02-31-4 6-24Tfl-) A- Vir fif )&Zgjj JA Ef Pi a~-- ja/Ln. AC-C NRI 'AP6001232 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/65/001/012/215h/21.57 AUTHOR: Wy4konov, L. I.; kighina Maslov, V. N.; flasbellskiy, A. Ya.; ,_At__Y Sakharov,"-B-.--A'.'- VY, ORG: Giredmet taxi _SK2yjp -of single crystals of gallium pyRgbide-galliuin arsenide TITLE: ]~Ri AgAL solid solutions SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 12, 1965, 215h-2157 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal, single crys~~o~wth epitaxial growing, chemical transport reaction, gallium arsenide, gallium phosphide, quasibinary solid solution, semiconductor single crystal ABSTRACT- Single crystal epitaxial layers of GaP-xAsj_x solid solutions have been deposited on GaAs single crystal wafers of a given crystallographic orientation by a chemical-transport reaction in a close-spaced system (sandwich method). The pur- pose of the work was to grow GaPAs j_-, layers thick enough to be used separately 4,'rom the substrate in various semiconductor devices of the most advanced type. References to Western sources suggested the use of CaPxAsl-x solid solutions in laser diodes, luminescent diodes with noncoherent emission characteristics, and in light modulating devices. Earlier, the sandwich method was successfully applied by Soviet scientists Card 1/2 UDC: 546.681'181.1+546.68i.igi " IVZ'0-tb ACC NRs AP6001232 0 to deposition of thick GaP epitaxial layers (N. P. Bazhin, V. 11. Maslov. DAN SSSR, 16o, 171 (1965)]. The close-spaced system used in the present study was similar to that described by F. H. Nicoll [J. Electrochem. Soc., 110, 1165 (1963)]. The source material was a ground mixture of GaAs and GaP crystals, which was pI%Iced in a cavity on the surface of the lower graphite block. Water vapor carried by a stream of hy- drogen was the transporting medium. The substrate was heated in a vertical resis- tance furnace to a maximum of 88OC; the temperature gradient between the source and the substrate blocks was 10-20C. The growth rate was 7-15 p/hr. Under the above conditions, the single crystal epitaxial GaPXAsj_ mirror-like layers, up to 700 P thick and to 3 CM2 in area, were prepared on (11711B GaAs substrate. Composition of the layers was dependent on the composition of the charge. Transport of components between the source and the substrate was accomplished in the 1:1 ratio, if the substrate was maintained at 872-875C. Therefore, a given ratio of the compo- nents could be obtained over the entire composition range of GaPxAsj_x solid solu- tions (x = 0-1). The problem was discussed of the application of this theoretically anomalous, transport of components to other semiconductor quasibinary systems. Orig. art. has: I figure. [JKI SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 07Jun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 017/ ATD PRESS: 174163 USSR /Diseases in ~%nimals. Diseases Caused by Protozoa R. Abs Jour, Ref Zhur-13iologiya, No 167 19587 74230 Author Dlyakonov, L. Pi Inst all-Union rnhvj~~bf Experimental Veterinary Medicine Title On the .5bntaneous Infection of Morino Sheep in the Nogayska`ya Steppe with Hemosporidiosis Orig Pub: Tr.. Vses. in-ta eksperim. veterina-rii, 1957, 213 171--176 bstr,- Act: No ubstract Card 1/1 *.tD'T-AKONOV, L.1',.. aspirant Geol,--sphical distribution of anaplasmoois of sheep in the U.S.O.R. Veterinariia 35 no.11:17-19 N 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. ltboratoriya protozoologii Vaesoyuznogo institute skeparimentallnoy vetF 3,inarii0 (Anaplasmosis) (Sheep--Diseases and pests) DOYAKONOV, L.P. Acute theileriasis in sheep. K-Raghvachary, M. Reddy. Reviewed by L.P.Vlakonov. Veterinarila 36 no.1:88 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) (Theileriasis) (Raghvachary, K.) (Reddy, M.) DIYAKONOV, L.P.. aspirant Role of the tick Rhipicephalus Turanicus B Pom., 1940 in the epizootiology of hemoeporidlosis in sheep rvith summary, In English]. Veterinariia 36 no-3:30-32 Mr '59- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Voesovuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy veterinarii. (Ticks as carriers of disease) (Hemosporidia) (Sheep--Diseases and pests) DIYAKONOV, L. P. , Cand W:t SC I (d to s) - - "Tnv, st lo,a It, Ion of Inabtasias15, anap I as - mos Is, arid th!~! 1, rinsin of mF-r I no anti coars- -woolc-d ahr~f,p". Mon cow -1luz Imink I, 11~C;O .20 pp (All.-Unton Inst of 'Exprrimr-rital Vt,t ',.1,,d of th.F- All-l"nion Ord-r of b-nin Avad A._-,rIc Sel Im V. I L,min), 180 copi-a (m, 7.1o ih, lc~`0,135) AKULOVA, N.S., kand.veterin.nauk;.DIYAKONOV, L.Fe, kand.vett~rin.nau-'~%-; 'K!jTX;'F,-WA, f 0 lr,- A.N., mladshiy nauchnyy f3otrudnik; K'ZAKOV, N.A., :-Iadf~hiy- n~;. I 1 .1 Z' 1;-1r trudnik Use of chlortetracycline against anaplasmosis in shejF. Vcterinariia .10 no.9:29-31 S 63. (mliu 1,!.. -,, ) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy veterinaril. D'YAKONOV, L.P., kand. voter-in. nauk Detecting the blood parasite Eperythrozoon ovis in sheep. Veterinarila 41 no.2:62-63 F 164, (MIRA 17,.12) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy institut eksperimentallnoy veterinarii. -'~A," AQ14Q-LLull DIAKONOVO MIKHAIL ALEKS.; NICH -...Puteshestvila v poliamye strany. Tretle, dorolnennoe izdanie pod red. V.IU. fiese. Leningrad, lzdatellstvo Vsr.,uoiuznogo arl-fUchemkogo instituta, 1933. 207 1). Bibliographys p. 189-207. NN DLC-. 6580.D5 1933 SO: LC, Soviet Geograph:-; Part 1, 1951, Uncl. DIYAKONOV M.,.D.; LASTOVENKO, V. A., nauchnyy sotrudaik How we mechanize vegetable gardening. Mekh. sill. hos5, 14 no.2:27-29 F '63, (MIRA 16:4 1. Glavnyy inzh. sovkhoza "Komunarm Kharlkovskoy oblasti (for Dlyakonov). 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insti- tut ovoshchevodstva i kartofelya (for Lastovenko). (Vegetable gardening) (Agricultural machinery) BR:V, H.T.; RIYAKONOV, $.I. Prevention of pyoderma at the construction of the V. 1. Lenin FoU,*.. Don i1migable camd.Vast. vener,p Moskva no,lt23-25 Jan-7eb 1933* (OLKL 2412) 1e Professor for Brill; Oandidate Medical SdUwes for Dlyakon)v. 2. Of the Dermato-Venersological Glinio (Direct-or -.---prof,k--* Brill), Stalingrad Medical Institute (Director -- Docent V.,O. Throv). BRILI, M.T., professor; DITAKONOV, M.F., dotsent. Results of treating pregnant syphilitics according to the 1949 systems. Vesteven.i dorm. no.2;43-46 Kr-Ap '54. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Iz kozhno-venerologicheskoy kliniki (direktor - professor M.T.Brill) Stalingradskogo meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - professor V.S.Yurov). (S;rphilis) (Pregnancy, Complications of) RIYAKONOV, M.P., doteent Immediate and late results of penicillin-pyrogenic therapy of rabbits infected with syphilis. Vest.derm.i ven. 33 no-5:83-M S-0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venerichookikh bolezney (saveduyushchiy - Prof. M.T. Brill) Stalingradekogo meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - prof. V.S. YuraO. (STMILIS exper,) (PENICILLIN pharmacol.) (FRVYAR TBMUPY) D-YAKONOV, M. F. Doc Med Sci - (diss) "Experimental and clinical observations on penicillin-pyrogenic and mixed therapies for various forms of syphilis." Orenburg, 1961. 17 pp; (First Leningrad Medical Inst imeni Academician I. P. Pavlov); 300 copies; price not given; M, 5-61 sup, 199) DIYAKONOV, M. F.. dotsent Results of treating syphilitic patients with penicillin-ppvgen therapy in association with arsenic preparations and heavy metal salts. Vest. derm. i ven. 34 no.1.147-54 Ja 160. (MIM 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M. T. Brill), Stalingradakogo meditainskogo instituta Wir. - prof. V. S. Yurov). (SYPHILIS) (PENICILLIN) (FEVER THERAPY) I ., inzhener-kapitan 1 rangR; LADYGIN, V.I., inzhener- 5agg."80" ! kapitan 2'rsnga~, redaktoro, MMNMVA, TesBo. takhnicheskly redaktor. [Posigns of internal combustion marine engineB; album of dravings.] Konstruktaii korabellnykh dvigatelei vnutrannego goreniia; allbom riounkovo Moskva, Voennoe izd-vo Minister- stva, vooruzhannykh oil SM, 1946. 95 P. (MIaL 8:3) (Marine engines) E"WA FC4/pt~~h a-4 14827-65 VA(kWVdT(1V IJF(c)7AM-,I/ASD(a)-5/SSD/AFMWe~D(98)IESD(t) ~Z/JJIIB ACCESSION NR: AP4047915 S/0056/64/047/004/1483/1495 AUTHORS: D'Yakonov, M. I.; Perel', V. 1. 13 TITLE: Cohergnce relaxatipn uring diffusion of resonance radiation SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 4, 1964, 1483-1495 TOPIC TAGS: relaxation kinetics, relaxation time, resonance radia- tion, radiation diffusion,4ensityxtatrix, polarization ABSTRACT: Equations are derived for the time variation of the off- diagonal elements(in terms of the magnetic quantum numbers) of the density matrix of excited gas atoms in the absence of radiation dif- fusion. In the case when the density matrix is diagonal, these equations coincide with the known radiation diffusion equation. It is shown that in the case of complete capture of the radiation there are two relaxation times for linear and circular polarization, re- Card 1/2 L 14827-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047915 spectively, and expressions for these times are given. Approximate expressions are obtained for these relaxation times and also for the decay time of the excited state when the capture is incomplete. The calculated pressure dependence agrees with the experimental data. The case of radiation diffusion in a limited volume, for Which the expressions become very complicated, is taken into account in a manner similar to that used by J. P. Barrat (J. Phys. Rad. v. 20, 657, and 633, 1959). Orig. art. has: 36 formulas and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences SSSR SUMITTED: 17Apr64 SUB CODE: KPi~.OP NR- REP SOV-. 007 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 008 Card 2/2 At 77 Ai~& Add ioN -AP506 OOWA&V-072if~-' AUTHOR: -D-'.y4qn0yj Ho X* TITLZ; Theory of resonant scatteri of li h', bry a gas in the preseAce of a magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal eRsperimental'noy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 6, 15640 2213-2221 TOPIC TAGS: light scattering, reaonant scattering, double resonance, parametric resonance, polarization AMTRACT: Formulas for the intensity of the light scattered by a gas in a magnetic! field are derived for arbitrary total angular momenta of the normal and excited states. Earlier theoretical studies of these effects were confined to the case, in which the total angular momentum of the excited level wa-M unity and that of the lower level zero.. Certain resonance effects (dwilile resonaace, cx- citation eith modulated lightp parametric resonance) for arbitrary angular momenta, are also considered# and the Gorts of experiments in which the relaxation times Ccrd 1/2 ASSOCIAT1014- Fiziko-tekhniaheskiy inatitut im. A. F. loffe Akadwli nauk SSGR (Any-sicotechaical Institute, Aced or Sciences 66SR). SUM=F,D: 17JU,64 ENG: 00 SUB CODE: OP NR Rlw GOV: 064 OTHM: 007 Cord 2/2 *Lpr s /oo56/65 f048/001/034c; /0392 y P'konov Pere 1', V I -7 --oa--r~~nce relaxztion of excited atoms in coUisions - nta sX 4 1, 1965, huru&I skaperime -I'noy I teoretj:hc oy flrl~ -A'j atomic col-linlon, relaxati-in time, Polarization, excited aton '-a an extension of eiLrIler rejearrh by tho authora (zhm, T. 47, --rith relaxAtion of coher~i-r-? fr-m ~h;! of er ihaws that there !.3 -ina~ 5. v ap -.a% io-n due to coUisions. 7'~'e naudiagonal deLBity matrilx of .--s n 9L g~Lpr T-ne relaxatlorl ter-M ,a t--tw--en the excited atoms P-nd noi-mr.-I P-* a. t~, ihagi ag to a new repre a e at at i or. .-,b,! riev .11agorial elemmr-nts !Iwre I - the p~!L:rltatlon p4yst~-r.,-l meaning of Lnverge relaya"or, t Th~e calcu-Lqtlon o-' the throu7h T- 19 -6 C; ACCIMS10111 RR U50044~ conciusion for the case in which the total arguj= m=entum of the excited !t7 aD4 that of the ground state is zero, This c~cc~uxs wtaen light to -7ppor -of a-mn iscstorpi-s ot cad'mi= or net-ary, "'We tlmn- I, Y' Band -ion i;i the numrl~al for-ulas. '!7!-vo-tnkhn.' -he6)riy lnst~~ut Im. A, :,,"f:! inetitute , -Acadeavf of S~-ianceti 5ZS~-I. Ifi ~_OT, 00 0 i E M '5 L - 88Z6_66- M EWA ACC NRs AP50266io SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/oo4/ii69/i17 q Y 5- 5-- A AUTHOR:., D'yakonov, M. 1. 7 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute Im. A. F. Toffe, Acade!M of Sci (Fizlko- tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Theory of agas laser in a weak longitudinal magnetic field Z6 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 4, :L965, n69-1179 TOPIC TAGS- 0444u.-,A;fiJ,_ laser, coherent li4ht, Zeeman effect, monochromatic radiation, V_kAx I UA4-k =t2 VIA44- ikz a I (Qq i T') Ekf n from a gas las~6.r in a longitudinal magnetic field is analyzed under the assumption that the Zeeman splitting is much smaller than the Doppler line width. The frequency of the resonator is assumed to be the same as the atomic fre- quency in the absence of a magnetic field. The polarizability of the gas in a mag- netic field'ip evaluated with an accuracy to terms quadratic in the electric field strength. The threshold regime is investigated under the assumption that the Q fac- tors for oscillations polarized along the x axis and along the y axis are different. It is shown that as long as the magnetic field strength is smaller than some critical value Ho the radiation is linearly polarized and the frequency Is constant. The po.- larization direction rotates in the magnetic field from 0 to 45'. At magnetic field strengths exceeding the critical value, right-hand and left-hand elliptically polari- Card L 81376-bb zed oscillations vith different frequencies arise. The dependence of the critical field, rotation of direction of polarization, and frequency shifts on pumping exceed- ing the threshold value are qualitatively investigated. At sufficiently intense pump ing the heating frequency for H > H 0 depends on the magnetic field strengtA in a non- monotonous fashion, and a second region of linear polarization appears. The results of the theory agree with the experiments. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas and I figure. (CS] SUB CODE: RO/ SUBM DATE.- 17Apr65/ ORIG REF- 001/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PMS; /L, L 16089-66 Dn(l) IJP(c) W1036 ACC NR: AM27658 SOUIACE VIODE: UR/0051/65/019/005/0662/ 67 AUTHOR: ZJA OA71: none TITLE: Hyperfine structure mea:surement by resonance sca%tering of moiulatei liOt SOME: Optika I spektroskopiyap v, 19, no, 5 1965s 662-667 TorIC T.M: optics, litit scatteringj, li&ht morlulatibn UO\P-ox *?~hj'rA0&1ACAe& \~C,~Ar AII 4`4 Aj3&rhACT; The resonance scattering of moAulated litt was Investi,,ratel unfler the con4ition when the witit of the line of the sourFe was greater than the byperfine fission. The formula obtainei for thi intensity of the scattered light under arbitrary electronic moments of the principal and excit-a~d states and arbitrary nuclear spin was;